LIBRARY MOSS LANDING MARINE LABORATORIES P 0. Box 450 Moss Landing, California 95039

A Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Biology

San Jose State University

ln Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts


David Anthony Ambrose

December, 1976 TABLE OF CONTENTS





INTRODUCTION • • • • • • • • • 1 ' HATERIALS AND HETHODS. • • • • 5 f Field and Laboratory Procedure. • • 5

Statistical Analysis Procedure. . • • • • • 13

RESULTS. . • • . • • . . . • . • • 16

Distribution and Abundance, • • • • • 17

Horphological Relationships • • 20

Cumulative Prey Analysis. . • • • 22

Variation of Diet with Size and Season. • • • • • 22

Feeding Frequency • • • • • • • • • • • • • 23

Feeding Habits·and Hajor Prey Groupings • 24

Dietary Variations Be tHe en Localities • • • 26

Trophic Diversity • • • • • • • • . 33

Dietary OverlaP • • • • • • • 35

Electivity, • • • • • • 36

DISCUSS ION . . . • • • • 41 Distribution and Abundance. 41

Horphometric RelationshiPs. • • • • 43

Cumulative Prey Analysis. • • • • 46 Dietary Variation '"i th Size and Season. 47

Feeding Frequency .• . . ' . • 48 Feeding within a Location 4g

iii Feeding Strategies ••...... 49 " Flatfish Feeding Habits with Resoect to

Prey Natural History ...... • . • . . 50 Troohic Diversity: Generalists vs. Specialists. 55

Dietary Overlap • • • • • 58

Electivity. • • • • 59" APPENDIX. • • • 109

LITERATURE CITED. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 115


Table Page 1. Seasonal percent abundance and mean

number per otter trawl .tow of the

major flatfish species by locality. • • • • 61 2, Fish collection locations, methods,

and times ...... • • • • 62 3. Mean ratios, X, and standard deviation

values, SD, for the standard length

to the length of the maxillary on

the ocular side • • , •• . . . . • • • 63 4. Mean ratios, X, and standard deviation

values, SD, of the standard length and

stomach lengths to the length of the

entire gastrointestinal tract • • • • • . . 64 5. Kendall tau rank correlation coefficients

of Index of Relative Importance values

of prey categories betHeen different

size classes within a flatfish species

by station and season . . . . • • • • • 65 6. Mean Kendall rank correlation of Index

of Relative Importance values of prey

categories among seasons by soecies • • 66 7. Percent similarity indices for the combined

prey of all individuals of each flatfish

category between adjacent stations. • • • 67

v 8. Percentage of unique prey categories

between adjacent localities by

flatfish grouping , •• . . • • • • • • • 68

9, Trophic diversity summary, • • • • • • • 69 10. Index of ·overlap, __ CA• between flatfish

categories within a locality •••••• , • 70


Figure Page

1. Map of study area • • , • • • • • • • • • • 71 2. Length frequency histograms for

Platichthys stellatus by season

and locality. , , , • • • • • • • • • • • 73 3, Length frequency histograms for

Parophrys vetulus by season

and locality...... • . . , • • • • • • • 75

4. Length frequency histograms· for

Citharichthys stigmaeus

by season and locality. • •• • • • • • • 77

s. Length frequency histor~ams for Psettichthys melanostictus

by season and locality. • • • • • • • • • 79 6. Linear regression of the maxillary length to the standard length

by species • ••••• o • o •• • • • • • 81 7. Linear regression of the gastrointestinal

tract length to the standard length

by species. . . • . . . • . • • • • • • • 83

8. Linear regression of the gastrointestinal

tract length to the stomach length

by species. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 85 9, The cumulative number of prey categories

from the pooled number of fish for each

vii flatfish category at the Kirby Park

and Dairy stations, • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • 87 10. The cumulative number of prey categories

from the pooled number of fish for

each flatfish category at the Bridge

and Ocean stations. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 89 11. The numerical percent composition of the

major prey groupings for Platichthys

stellatus, Parophrys vetulus, and

Citharichthys stigmaeus by station. • • • • • 91 12. Percent composition in.number (% N),

volume (% V), -and frequency of

occurrence (% F.o.) of prey categories

with Index of Relative Importance values

~50 for Platichthys stellatus,

Parophrys vetulus, and Citharichthys

stigmaeus by station. • • • • • • • • • • • • 93

13. Percent composition in number (% N);

volume:(% V), and frequency of

occurrence (% F,O,) of prey categories

with Index of Relative Importance

values ;;:.. 50 for Psettichthys

melanostictus at the Ocean station. • 0 • • • 95 14. Frequency histograms of individual trophic diversity for Platichthys

stellatus, Parophrys vetulus, and

Citharichthvs stigmaeus by statron. • • • • •

viii 15, Frequency histogram of individual

trophic diversity for Psettichthys melanostictus at the Ocean station...... 99

16, The relationships betl~een the mean

evenness component (J) and the

mean richness component (H) of

individual trophic diversity

for each flatfish category at

the Kirby Park and Dairy stations, • , • , , , 101

17. The relationships between the mean

. evenness component (J) and the .. mean

richness component (H) of individual

trophic diversity for each flatfish

category at the Bridge and Ocean stations, • • 103 18, .Diagram of the relative abundance

of the 10 most numerous items in the

environment as measured by benthic cores

(% P), the relative abundance of the 10 most numerous prey items in the diets

of each flatfish category (% R), Electivity (E), and the Percent Similarity Index value (% SI) between the relative composition of all items in the benthic cores and in the

diets of each flatfish category for Platichthys

stellatus, Paroohrys vetulus, and

Citharichthys stigmaeus at each station. , ..• 105

ix 19. Diagram of the relative abundance

of the 10 most numerous items in the

environment as measured by benthic cores

-(% P), the relative abundance of the 10

most numerous. prey items in the diets of

each flatfish category(% R), Electivity

(E), and the Percent Similarity Index

value (% Sl) between the relative composition

of all the· items in .the benthic cores and

in the diets of each flatfish category

for Psettichthys melanostictus at the Ocean station. • ...... 101


I wish to express my sincere thanks to those who

generously contributed assistance and advice during

the course of this study.

Dr, Gregor Cailliet provided valuable guidance,

constructive criticism and encouragement during all

stages of the research and writing. .All the members of

my master's committee have contributed valuable sugges­

tions. The field work could not have been accomplished

- -without·-many hours of capable-assistance ·by- Brooke Antrim

and many other.students at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories,

I am greatly indebted to Chris Jong, Peter Slattery, and

John Oliver for their expert identifications of many

invertebrate prey items and also for providing the benthic

invertebrate availability data, This investigation Has

funded by a grant from the Pacific Gas and Electric



Estuaries and coastal embayments are extremely pro­

ductive and have a major nursery function in that young

marine fish often aggregate in these bodies of water

(Orcutt, 1950; Ketchen, 1956: Gunter, 1957; Haertel and

Osterberg, 1967); therefore, they should be studied more

intently. Man's activities·are increasing the stress on

these delicate environments, making it imperative that

more be learned about the ecological. processes involved

. in-order-to better evaluate .the_effects that man's. in­

fringements are having on these unique·areas.

The fish fauna inhabiting Elkhorn Slough and the

Monterey Bay area have been well documented (Browning

~ al, 19721 Ku_kowski, 1972) and the majority of the

teleost fish inhabiting the slough are in the families

Engraulidae, Atherinidae, Embiotocidae, Gobiidae,

Cottidae, , and . The flatfish

(Bothidae and Pleuronectidae) were selected for this study

since they are abundant, easily captured (Allen, 1960) 1 and appear to form an important ecological assemblage

associated with the bottom. The species investigated

starry , Platichthys stellatus ~allas 181ij; English

sole, Parophrys vetulus Girard 1854; sand sole, Psettich­

thys melanostictus Girard 1854; and speckled sanddab,

Citharichthys stigmaeus Jordan and Gilbert 1882 -- have been the subject of many previous papers ·and much is known

. 1 2 about the life history of these species. Starry

are among the most abundant pleuronectid from

Santa Barbara, California to Arctic Alaska and the Sea of

Japan in waters less than 275 m (Miller and Lea, 1972).

Males and females generally-become mature during their

secorid and third years respectively and spawn in shallow

water in Monterey Bay from November through February with

the peak season in December and January (Orcutt; 1950).

They are euryhaline and the young are known to occur in

rivers in salinities as low as .02 parts per thousand.

· - (Hubbs 1 -~ 1947 1 Haerte 1 ·and 0s terbet-g;c 1966), ":: The--feeding habits -of: this species in Monterey Bay were qualitatively

described by Orcutt (1950). Starry flounders appear to

feed primarily during the day (Miller, 1967),

English sole are also very abundant pleuronectid

flatfish from San Cristobal Bay in Baja California, to

Unimak Island in western Alaska, between the surface and

-about 550 m of water (Forrester, 1969), Male and female

English sole mature in their second and third or fourth

years respectively (Ketchen, 1956) and the spawning period

in-Monterey Bay is similar to the January to March spaiYning

season in British Columbia (Taylor, 1946). Spawning

grounds are usually in relatively sheltered water at a

depth of approximately 60 to 80 m where the bottom is soft

mud (Ketchen, 1956).

Sand sole are common pleuronectids in water less than

183 m over sandy bottoms from southern California to the 3 Bering Sea.(Hart, 1973). The spawning period for these

fish is variable, since they have been reported to spawn

as early as January in Puget Sound (Smith, 1936) and as

late as July in Sydney Inlet (Manzer, 1947). The feeding

.habits of adult sand sole in Puget Sound were investigated

by-Miller (1967).and he found that. this species is a

diurnal feeder •

.Speckled sanddabs are.·small bothids that are abundant

from.Magdalena Bay in Baja California to southern Alaska

(Miller and Lea, 1972). Their.normal bathymetric range

··extends ·from a: depth of·-less .than ·.1-'-about. 90 m. ·.·This

-species .. is- probably the most abundant--demersal· fish inhab­

iting the shallow, sandy bottoms along the California coast.

Speckled sanddabs become ripe in their second year of life

and spawn in the· spring and summer months along the California

coast (Ford, 1965). Ford also found that these fish also feed

mainly during daylight hours.

The feeding behavior of'flatfish has long been a subject

of investigation (Bateson, 1890: Stevens, 1930; Bregnballe,

1961; Pearcy, 1962; de Groot, 1969; Olla, Wicklund and Wilk,

-1969; Frame, 1974; Levings, 1974); however, until this time,

no attempt has been made to deal with the trophic interactions

of young members of these four species in a quantitative,

ecological study. Huch of the literature dealing with trophic

ecology has not concerned fish as subjects, but most of the

concepts discussed, such as trophic diversity or resource

breadth (Hurtubia, 1973) and food overlap (Horn, 1966), are

• equally applicable to fish studies. 4 The objectives of this study Here to provide information

on the distribution, abundance, and feeding habits of the

four.major species of flatfish inhabiting Elkhorn Slough and

the shallow sandy shelf of Monterey Bay near the mouth of the slough. The relationships betHeen morphology, trophic diversity, the degree of specialization, niche overlap, and interspecific competition among these fish were investigated.

The feeding habits were also rela·ted to the availability of prey organisms in the environment in an effort to obtain information on the selectivity of feeding by each species. l'fATERIALS AND METHODS

Field and Laboratory Procedures Elkhorn Slough lies approximately halfway between

Monterey and Santa Cruz, California (Figure 1), and extends

inland approximately 4 kilometers (km), with an axial

len~th of about 10 km. The main channel-is approximately

10 meters (m) wide and has a depth of from 3 to 5 m

(Smith, 1973), The drainage basin for Elkhorn Slough is

only 585 km2 (W~ng, 1970). Sampling was conducted at three stations witqin the slough• Kirby Park, Dairy, and Bridge (Figure 1), and one

(the "Ocean") just outside the slough in Monterey Bay,

The Ocean sampling station was on the clean sandy s~elf

on both sides of the entrance to the Hoss Landing Harbor

aporoximately 200 m offshore between depths of 5 to 10 m.

The Bridge station extended from the bridge at High~.ray 1

approximately 1 km into the slough and was up to 5 m.deep. The Dairy station was located 2 to 3 km into the slough

with a water depth of about 4 m, The most inland station,

Kirby Park, extended from 5.5 to 6,5 km into the slough

~ere the water was approximately 3 m deep.

The main sampling technique emoloyed in this study was a small experimental otter_trawl (4.8 m head rope and 5,8 m

foot rope,-with 38.1 mm stretch mesh in the body and 31.7 mm stretch mesh with a 12.7 mm stretch mesh liner in the codend),

The trawl was pulled approximately 37 m behind a Boston Whaler 6 equipoed with a 40 horseoower Johnson outboard motor. Tows

were made into the flow of the current at an estimated net

speed of 1 kilometer per hour.

Tows of five minute duration were made from August

through mid-December 1974. The decrease in fish abundance

during the winter months necessitated lengthening the dur-

ation of the tows to 10 minutes so that a sufficient number

of fish could be obtained for gastrointestinal tract content

analysis. The 10 minute towing period was maintained for

the remainder of the study (through October, 1975), A large

. beach, seine. (approximately 80 m.. long. with 25,4-mrn_stretch

-mesh in the body and 12.7 mm stretch mesh in the purse) was

occasionally employed at each of the stations,

The number of fish taken during five minute tows was

doubled in order to standardize the results to a ten minute towing period, The percent abundance (% A) was calculated

as the percentage that a species composed of the total flat-

fish catch during a particular season at a particular station.

The mean number of flatfish per 10 minute tow (N/T) was cal-

culated for each soecies at each season and station (Table 1).

Each station was sampled at least monthly (Table 2).

Stations with lower abundance often had to be sampled more often in order to obtain an adequate number of fish for gut content analysis. Water temperature was taken before each tow with a bucket thermometer accurate to + 0,50 C.

Salinity was measured by means of a Goldberg temperature compensated refractometer accurate to z 0.5 parts per thousand. The majority of the sampling was done between 7 0800 and 1600 hours and occurred at all tidal periods;

however, several tows with the otte~ trawl were made at various times of the year (Table 2),

The fish that were captured were measured to the

nearest mnL(standard length) and weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram (gm), Live flatfish captured in excess of the

number required for gut content analysis were tagged with

Floy internal anchor spaghetti tags and released. All the

·remaining fish were preserved in 1~~ formalin. No regurgi­

tation.was observed. The body cavities of these fish were

··injected· with· 10% ·formalin by. means 'of a· pressurized syringe

(Congdon ~ _ll• .1:975) 1 . in order-. to ·ensure preservation of the gut contents. In the case of large specimens, the entire

gastrointestinal tract and the gonads were removed and pre­

served in formalin. After fixation, the·smaller fish and the

separated gastrointestinal tracts were soaked in water and

transferred to 5~~ isopropyl alcohol before the gut contents

were analyzed.

The gut was surgically extracted by cutting at the eso­

phagus the rectum. The connective tissue was removed

and the stomach length and total gastrointestinal tract

length was measured to the nearest millimeter, The gastro­

intestinal tracts were cut longitudinally and with the con­

tents intact, the fullness of the stomach was subjectively scored ass 0= empty; 1= 25%; 2= 5~~; 3= 75%; and 4= 1007. full (c.f. Tyler, 1970; DeWitt and Cailliet, 1972). State of digestion was scored as1 1= very finely digested, nothing 8 ·recognizable·; 2= medium· digestion, some recognizable parts;

3= some digestion, some undigested material; and 4= undi-

·gested, whole (c.f, Tyler, 1970). Prey organisms

were located, identified to the lowest possible taxon, measured to :t 0,1 1\lffi and counted using a Nikon dissecting microscope equipped with an ocular micrometer.·· The contents

on each gut were considered, as unity, and the percent

volume contribution of each prey category was estimated by

eye (c.f.-McHugh, 1940; Bray and.Ebeling, 1975).

It was necessary to analyze the food material found

along the entire gastrointestinal- tract due to the varying amounts of decomposition among the different·prey items.

In many cases, prey items of all cate~ories (polychaeta, mollusca, and crustacea) could be identified even in the

posterior regions of the intestine. The undigestible material ingested by these bottom feeding fish could be better esti­ mated by examtning the entire gut length. Sand sole and speckled sanddabs appeared to digest the majority of their food in their stomachs whereas in English. sole and starry flounders most of the digestion occurred in the intestine.

Thus it was decided that the most equitable estimates of number and prey types eaten by all flatfish species would be achieved by analysis of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Fish were found with empty stomachs but their intestines were relatively-full of prey in recognizable condition, These fish were definitely not starving and it would have been misleading to classify them as having empty stomachs. 9

The large number of prey categories in varying states

of decomposition and the large amounts of inorganic. debris­

consumed by some of the flatfish while feeding made any

gravimetric or displacement estimates of prey category

volume impractical. Since only one person assigned.all the

estimates of prey volume, the subjective bias inherent in

this method was at least consistent. The problems '~ith this

procedure were further minimized by having a large number of

estimates over a long time period. ·· The prey .were often fragmented, so counts had to be

standardized. Each bivalve siphon was counted as an indi­

vidual (c.f. Bregnballe, 1961) and bivalve shells were counted

by attached hinges. Polychaetes and crustaceans were counted

by the heads. This standardization probably resulted in a

rather conservative estimate of the actual number of prey.

Voucher specimens of the prey items from each fish '~ere

placed in a vial or jar and labeled inside and out with the

code for the station, collection number, and number.for the

individual fish, to be used for future reference if needed.

Food items about which initial identification was uncertain

were placed in separ~tely labeled containers for identifi­

cation by experienced invertebrate t_axonomists,

A_random sample of the fish from each station and season

was retained for further morphometric analysis_of the size,

position, and shape of teeth; the number, size and shape of

the gill rakers; and the size of the maxillary in relation to

-the standard length of the fish. 10 Since different size classes of many species of fish have been shown to feed on different types of prey (Allen,

1942; Orcutt, 1950; Frame, 1974; Levings, 1974), the starry

flounders (Platichthvs stellatus) were separated into three

size classes for analysis of feeding habits: small (fish less

than or -equal to.'99 mm sta.ndal'd length), medium (100 :. ·199

mm), and large ( 200 - 299 rnm), A fe'~ individuals larger than

300 mm were included in the 200- 299 mm category at the Ocean

station due to the low abundance of this species and the

l!;eneral··absence of· smaller starry flounders at that station.

These size classes were selected-on the basis of the roughly

quantitative study. by Orcutt (1950)·,-· which suggested that

these groupings ·might have d:lfferent·•feeding habits. ·The

speckled sanddab (Githarichthvs stigmaeus) were divided up

into two size classes: small (fish less than or equal to 79

mm in standard length) and large (those-80 mm or greater).

These size categories were chosen because Ford (1965)

suggested that adults might eat some,vhat different foods

than did juveniles, The English sole (Paroohrys vetulus) were similarly divided at 80 mm. Th:ls division was selected in order to better compare the feedi~g habits between the same size groupings of English sole and speckled sanddabs.

The sand sole (Psettichthys melanostictus) were separated into·~ 150 mm and > 150 mm s:lze ~>;roupings for-dietary analysis.

For the purposes of statistical analysis the data from the trawl collections and the gut content examina~ions were 11 grouped seasonally (November-January, February-April, May­

July, and August-October). These groupings were chosen

because they corresponded \~ell with the changes in abundance

and distribution patterns of the fish species, and·since

these groupings roughly approximated the normal·climatic

seasonality of the study area. The August-October 1974 and

August-October 1975 seasons demonstrated similar patterns

in the distribution and feeding habits of the fish;· therefore,

fish from this season in both years were combined.

In.order tO'determine if the number of gastrointestinal • ·-tracts-~examinedo·was sufficient--to--represent the---majority· of

prey categories that \vere available to the fish in the

. environment, the gut contents from each fish category at

each station were randomly pooled and plotted against the

cumulative number of prey categories.

To compare the feeding habits of the flatfish in a

general manner, the prey were divided up into 16 major

groupingsz echiuroidea, polychaeta, miscellaneous annelida,

copepoda, gammaridea, caprellidea, mysidacea, miscellaneous crustacea, bivalve siphons > 10 mm, bivalve siphons£:. 10 mm, ·bivalvia, decapoda, ostracoda, gastropoda,.fish, and mis-

cellaneous. The numerical percent composition of each major

prey grouping was calculated for all flatfish in each size

category at each station,

The prey availability data for the slough were taken

from benthic cores that were taken at all stations along

30 m transects at approximately the -0.5 tide level (Nybakken, 12 1976). _-_The mean number of organisms per core at the Bridge

station was based upon 52 stanpard size cores (height= 17 em;

area= ,018 m2) taken at approximately bimonthly intervals

from July 1974 through August 1975. The mean number of

individuals per core at the Dairy station was derived from

12 standard.size cores taken in August 1975 and November

1975, The Kirby Park station had large amounts of organic

debris which necessitated the use of smaller sized cores

(height= 17 c~, area= ,OOS m2), The mean number of prey

items .per--core- from this station was based on data. from 49

-_7e·small--size-.-cores _-,taken· at-approxima tely~b-imonthly- -int:e~vals

from July~l974--ehrough August 1975.

The prey availability data for the Ocean station-were

derived from the mean number·of individuals per core for the-

25- most--numerous species based up(m 278 standard sized cores

made at depths from 9-18 m from June 1971 through June 1975

(Oliver~ al, 1976). l3 Statistical Analysis Procedure

'The· Index of Relative Importance (IRI) of each prey

·category was calculated for food-containing fish as a·

combination of its numerical and volumetric importance

and frequency of occurrence (c,f. Pinkas ~ al, 1971),

The numerical importance ·(%N) of a particular item was

the percentage ratio of its abundance to the total abun-

dance of all'items in the contents, The volumetric im-

portance (%V)-was its average percent estimated volume,

The percent frequency of occurrence was the percentage of ' ·. f-ish-ocontaining at -least- one- individual .. of a. par.ticular

-·prey category. The IRI was calculated-by summing the

numerical and volumetric percentage values and multiplying

by the percentage frequency of occurrence: IRI = (%N + %V) %FO The Kendall coefficient of rank correlation, tau,

(Kendall, 1962) was employed to compare the .ranks of IRI

values for prey of different size classes of fish within a

species, The means of tau values of prey category rankings

.for the various flatfish groupings between seasons within

a locality were also calculated,

The Brillouin equation for diversity (H) was used to

measure the trophic diversity found in individual fish of

the various flatfish categories:

where N is the total number of prey individuals and N1 is the number of individuals in the 1th prey category

(Brillouin, 1960), The contents of each gut were treated 14 as a finite collection because the patchiness of available prey and the feeding selectivity of the fish made it im- . possible to obtain random samples of the available prey

population (Hurtubia, 1973). The evenness component of diversity (J), .which measures

total numbers of prey individuals (N) distributed among the

prey categories (S), was calculated• J = H/Hmax where and r = N-S *

(Pielou, 1966), The Percent Similarity Index, %SI (Silver, 1975), was

calculated· in an effort to.measure:the similarity-of,prey

types for a species of fish between adjacent stations and

to describe the re~ationships between the proportion by number that all prey categories composed, both in the diet of the fish and in the environment. This index was simply the sum ~f the smaller value of the pair of proportions in a comparison of two arrays of prey categories. A value of zero indicates no similarity and a value of 100 indicates perfect agreement. The percentage of unique prey categories between adjacent localities was also calculated and consid- ered to be high if L. 35% and low if < 35%. The trophic overlap measure of Horisita (1959) as modified by Horn (1966) was employed to show the overlap in exploitation of alternative food sources from within the same locality 15 where Pix was the proportion that the ith prey category

composed of the sum of the IRI values for fish grouping x

and Piy was the proportion that the ith prey category

composed of the sum of the IRI values for fish grouping y.

The overlap coefficient, C), , varies from 0 when the samples

are completely distinct.(containing no food categories in

common) to 1 when the samples are identical with respect to

proportional importance of food.category composition. The

index of dietary overlap values were divided up into three categories for the purpose of analysisz high, Cx >.70; ·-.intermediate; _C_>.=:::_.10; and lm-r,_C.>.< .10. The relationships between c.the -availability of the prey

in the environment and the proportions of the types of prey

in the fish's diet were expressed using the Electivity

Index, E (Ivlev, 1961).

E = (Ri-Pi)/(Ri+Pi) where Ri or 1-R was the relative content of any ingredient

in the ration of the fish expressed .as a percent by number

of the individuals in that particular prey category to the

total number of individual prey items. Pi or %P was the

relative value of the same ingredient in the food complex

of the environment as measured by the proport.ion of the

total mean number of organisms per core, Electivity values

range from +1 to -1, with positive values indicating pre­

ference and negative values indicating "avoidance"·. A value

of zero means that the item t-ras consumed in exact proportion

to its relative abundance in the prey community, RESULTS

During the course of this study, 146 otter tra,•l and

7 beach seine samples, made from August 1974 through

October 1975 resulted in the capture of 369 Platichthys

stellatus (starry flounder), 655 Paroohrys vetulus (English

sole), 692 Citharichthys stigmaeus (speckled sanddab), and

75 Psettichthys melanostictus (sand sole).

A detailed description of the study area was provided

from a SCUBA diving survey of the slough from May to June, 1975 (Nybakken et-- al, 1976) and sediment size frequency analysis at each station in February, 1976 (J• Oakden,

unpubl. .data). The bottom at the Bridge station. was- com-

posed of muddy sand (mean grain size 2,35 microns), shells,

rocks and broken pilings. At the Dairy station the bottom

was softer silty clay (mean particle size 1.81 microns)

with many shell fragments in the sediment. The bottom at

the Kirby Park station was deeP, soft mud (mean-partic.le

size 0,36 microns) with hard debris such as rocks and

cement blocks scattered about. Water turbidity was always high at Kirby Park; visibility usually being much less

than 1,0 m (secchi disc). Visibility varied considerably with the season and the stage of the tide at the other two slough stations; but the secchi"disc measurement usually ranged between 1,5 and 4.5 m (Nybakken ~ al, 1976). The water throughout the year was generally clearer at the

Ocean station than it was in the slough.

16 17 Distribution and Abundance

Definite seasonal patterns were apparent in the distri­

bution of the several species of flatfish (Table 1). In

general, the abundance of Platichthys stellatus (starry

flounder) did not change very much throughout the year

within a locality, Starry flounders were abundant at the

most inland station, Kirby Park, throughout the year and

they numerically dominated the catch at this station in

every season except May;_July. The starry flounders '"ere

less abundant jat the Dairy station: however, they were still

.the mos~ abundant flatfish taken at the Dairy in the November-

January and February-April seasons. The number of starry

flounders taken per tow at the Bridge station was higher

than at any other station throughout the year, but the other

species of flatfish were also more abundant there and the starry flounders were never the most abundant flatfish at this station at any season during this study. Fewer-.e starry flounders were caught per tow at the Ocean than at any other locality in all seasons and this species never was the most abundant flatfish taken at this station in any season.

Parophrys vetulus (English sole) demonstrated the most dramatic seasonality in distribution of all the flatfish studied (Table 1). _ English sole were not taken from a:ny locality during the November-January season, Their numbers increased steadily at all stations during the February-April season and by the Hay-July season they were the most abundant flatfish caught at every station except the Bridge, In Hay- 18 July,--the English sole were particularly numerous at Kirby

Park. The tendency -for English sole --to be concentrated in

the inland portions of the slough during the May-July season

was dramatically reversed in the August-October -season when

the majority of these fish were collected at the more sea­

ward locations in the_ slough. There were no English sole

taken in any of the 12 otter trawls made during the August­

October season at Kirby Park in two --consecutive years, and

fewer•-' English sole were taken per tow at the Ocean station

than from any other slough-locality for eachseason.

--The--most striking--feature of--'-the -distribution,_of

Ci:tharichthys _stigmaeus (speckled __ sandda:b) was their virtual

absence in all seasons from the most inland station, Kirby

Park (Table 1), They w-ere also not very numerous at the

Dairy station with the exception of the August-October

season. The center of abundance for this species was at the

Bridge station where it numerically-dominated the flatfish

catch in all seasons. The number of sanddabs caught per tow

decreased at the Ocean station from what it was at the Bridge

station; however, this species was still one of the most

--abundant - flatfish caught at the Ocean station throughout

the year.

Psettichthys melanostictus (sand sole) were caught

exclusively at the Ocean station, never having been taken

in any of the 99 otter trawls or 5 beach seine sets made

in the slough. The largest number of sand sole per tot>

were taken during the August-October season and the fetvest 19 during November-January (Table 1). In. the February-April

and May-July seasons, the catch tvas stable at about 1. 2

sandsole per ten-~inute tow, rhis species made up the

largest percentage of the flatfish catch only during the

August-October season.

--The distribution of the starry flounders varied .with

the size of the fish (Figure 2). Starry flounders less than

80 rom were taken-infrequently and only from Kirby Park and

starry flounders less than 200 rom in standa~d length were

also concentrated-at this locality. The mean standard

lengths ..:of "this species were· significantlycsma:tler -(t-test,

p= <.001) -at ·Kirby Park than at any of the other stations

throughout the year. The majority of the starry flounders caught at the other slough stations were about 235 rom and still immature, probably in their first and second years

(Orcutt, 1950), Mature flounders , greater than 300 rom

(Orcutt, 1950)i were most often captured at the Bridge station, The average sizes of the starry flounders taken at the Ocean and Bridge stations ''ere similar; however, the

Ocean station had fewer starry flounders shorter than 200 rom standard length.

English sole utilized the slough from February through

October, during the first year of their lives (Smith and

Nitsos, 1969) •.. They. appeared to concentrate in the most inland portions of the slough during the Hay-July season when their average size was about 76 mm (Figure 3). Very few Englis-h sole larger than 100 mm were ever taken at Kirby 20 Park. In the August-October season,·the average size of

this species was about 102 mm and they were concentrated

in· the most seaward regions of the slough, ·while none were

taken at Kirby Park. No English sole larger than 140 mm were

ever caught in the slough. English s.ole larger than 250 rom

were takenat the Ocean station during the February-April

and August-October seasons.

The size frequency distribution of the speckled sanddabs

did not change very.much during the year at any station

(Figure 4). Immature fish,.less than about 78 mm in standard

~-1-Emgth--(-Ford ,---1965), ·composed t:he--majority-of- -the catch- at

the.Dairy.and Bridge stations. _Larger, more mature fish.were

more frequently caught at the Ocean station,

Sand sole were taken at the Ocean station throughout the

year (Figure 5). Recently metamorphosed individuals '~ere

caught early in the August-October season. The majority of

the sand sole caught were less than 250 mm and immature

(Manzer, 1947) ,

Morphological Relationships

A comparison of the morphological relationships among

the flatfish revealed that each species was variously adapted

·to exploit different food resources. The ratio of standard

length to length of ocular side maxillary was significantly

unique (t-test, p =<.001) among all species of flatfish

(Table 3), The 26 sand sole measured had proportionately 21 the- largest-mouths, with the 32 speckled sanddabs being

second largest, The measurements of the 26 English sole

-and 25-starry flounders indicated their mouths were smaller

proportionately than. those of the starry flounders, The

sizes of the mouths of the starry flounders and English sole

were closer to each other than to either of the other t\-10

flatfish species,

Gastrointestinal tract length also varied significantly

(t-test, p=_.<.OOl) -between each-pair of the flatfish studied

(Table- 4), -The starry flounders had by far the longest

gastrointestinal tract, __ equalling about 13cr/. of the standard

length. -The English sole and speckled sanddabs had. inter­

mediate gastrointestinal tract lengths, respectively 94% and

86% of their standard lengths, The sand sole had the shortest

gut, equal to only 75% of the standard length,

Stomach length as a proportion of total gastrointestinal

tract length was also significantly different (t-test, p= .001)

for each of the flatfish species (Table 4). The length of

the stomach in all of the flatfish was inversely correlated with the length of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, those

fish that had the longest gastrointestinal tract had propor­

tionately the smallest stomach and vice versa,

_ The least squares linear regression and correlation coefficients for the relationships between the maxillary length and standard length (Figure 6), the gastrointestinal tract length and standard length (Figure 7), and the gastro­ intestinal tract length to stomach length (Figure 8) demon- 22 strated that in all species the morphological relationships were strongly linearly correlated.

Cumulative Prey Analysis

The-leveling off of the number of cumulative prey

categories for all the species and size groupings of flat­

fish taken from the slough stations, with the exception of

the .starry flounders.599 nun at Kirby Park (Figures· 9 and 10)

indicated that the majority of the utilizable prey categories

'"ere adequately sampled by the number of fish guts examined.

The Ocean station's potentially.utilizable prey were probably

not sufficiently well represented for the English sole, the large starry flounder, and the sand sole > 150 nun. A suf­

ficiently large number of these fish was sampled 1 hmvever 1 to demonstrate the feeding relationships among the flatfish

caught at-this station. In general, the number of potential

prey categories utilized by the fish increased from Kirby

Park to the ocean and the number of fish guts that were re­

quired to give a good estimate of all the types of prey eaten also increased in the same manner.

Variation of Diet with Size and Season

The Kendall rank correlation comparison of prey Index of Relative Importance values demonstrated that dietary changes with size were more pronounced in some of the flatfish

than in others (Table 5) 1 and that there was no significant 23 change in the relative importance of the prey categories

for any of the fish groupings at any location throughout

the year (Table 6). The starry flounder size classes 100-

199 mm and 200-299 mm and the sand sole ~ 150 mm and > 150 mm were the only flatfish species to have prey rankings which

were. clearly different at the .05 probability level, The

~ 99 mm size class and the 100-199 mm size class starry

flounders were only marginally similar at the ,OS level;

therefore, they were also separted for feeding habit analysis.

The diets of the English sole and the speckled sanddabs did

not change significantly. as ·-the -fi-sh grew, so. all- size classes

of these two-species were ·lumped together in_the feeding

habit study.

Feeding Frequency

There were few empty gastrointestinal tracts for any of

the species throughout the year. Six percent of the 272

starry flounders' guts were empty and 5 percent of the 357

speckled sanddabs' gastrointestinal tracts were empty. Only

1% of the 259 English sole and ~k of the sand sole's guts examined were empty, The only large difference in the per­ centages of empty guts bet,veen localities was that for the speckled sanddabsz 1%-of the 245 fish taken from the slough stations had empty gastrointestinal tracts, while 14% of the

113 fish from the Ocean station had empty gastrointestinal tracts,

There were, however, differences in the fullness and 24

amount of digestion of the food among the flatfish cate­

gories. The small and medium-sized starry flounders,

English sole and speckled sanddabs taken during the day

aooear to feed continually on small prey since 8~h of the

743 guts of these species examined were half full and had

a state of digestion of 3 or higher indicating recently

eaten prey, The large starry flounders and the sand sole

seem to feed more sporadically since only 21% of the 163

guts examined were more than half full and contained re­

cently eaten prey.

Feeding Habits and Major Prey .Groupings

Distinct trends were recognizable in the feeding habits

of the various flatfish categories when the numerical per­

cent composition of the major prey categories were analyzed

(Figure ·11), Small starry flounders ( <99 mm) were captured

in limited numbers and only from the Kirby Park station.

Polychaetes composed over half of the diet by number (53.~h).

Small bivalve siphons less than 10 mm in length and 3 mm in

diameter were numerically next important (23,6%), Gammarid

amphipods composed about 10.4% of the prey,

The medium sized starry flounders (100-199 mm) also were

.more common at the inland portions of the slough where. polv­

chaetes were of less importance for this size class than for

the smaller sized starry flounders (Figure 11). Whole bi­

valves and the small bivalve siphons increased in numerical

importance. Gammarid amphipods, particularly at Kirby Park, 25

composed a larger portion of the diet of the 100-199 mm

P. stellatus (23.5%) than they did for the ~99 mm size class.

Large starry flounders (200-299 mm) had the center of

their distribution at the seaward stations of the slough and

offshore. Polychaetes were less important in the diet of

the large starry flounders than they were in the diet of the

medium-sized starry flounders (Figure 11). Large bivalve

s i?hons longer than 10 tnm and wider. than about 3 mm became

important in the diet and the smaller siphons were numer­

ically insignificant for the large starry flounders. Whole

bivalves continued to increase in numerical importance as

the starry flounders grew. Echiuroids were a numerically

important food source, particularly at the Bridge station.

Crabs increased in importance for the large starry flounders

particularly at the Ocean station. Gammarid amphipods were not numerically significant in the diets of large starry


Parophrys vetulus (English sole) were seasonal inhabitants of various areas of the slough and at times utilized the entire slough. Similar to the medium-sized starry flounders,

English sole preyed upon annelids, whole bivalves and small bivalve siphons to a large degree (Figure 11), Crustaceans other than decapods were generally more numerically important to the English sole than they were to the starry flounders.

Decapods were not an important food source for the English sole. Ostracods were somewhat numerically important at the

Ocean station. 26 Citharichthys stigmaeus (speckled sanddabs) utilized

onlY the seaward stations of the slough and the most impor­

tant prey grouoing for the speckled sanddabs normally were

t:he crustaceans, particularly - amphipods and mysids (Figure

11). Polychaetes were numerically most important to the

sanddabs only at the Bridge station. When this species fed in the slough, the small bivalve siphons were also consumed.

Whole bivalves were n~numerically important in the diet of speckled sanddabs, ·oecapods and to a lesser extent fish were also eaten. Like the English sole, the speckled sand­ dabs also fed to some extent on ostracods at·-,the Ocean ·station.

The numerical importance of the major prey groupings for

Psettichthys melanostictus (sand sole) was not graphically presented due to the extreme trophic specialization demon­ strated by this species. Fish composed numerically 62% of the diet of the large sand sole ( > 150 mm in standard length). The only other numerically important major prey grouping was the decapod crustaceans (19.8%). Mysidacea was the only imoortant major prey grouping for the small sand sole

(~150 mm), comprising numerically 86,4% of the diet.

Dietary Variation Between Localities

The relationshio between the percent number, percent volume, and percent frequency of occurrence of the prey categories with Index of Relative Importance (IRI) values greater than or equal to SO for each flatfish category at each station helped to demonstrate the differencesand 27 similarities of the feeding habits of the flatfish among

the different localities (Fi~1res 12 and 13), The number

oi fish guts examined which contained food, the numerical

values for the percent number, percent volume, percent frequency of occurrence, and the ranking of the IRI values

for all prey categories by flatfish species are included for

each station in Appendix Tables B-E,

The flatfish taken at Kirby Park fed primarily on small

polychaetes, one species of amphtpod, and small bivalve

siphons (Figure 12). The polychaete Streblospio benedicti

was the most important -identifiable prey category in the

diets of both the small starry flounders and the English

sole. Another polychaete·, Capitella capitata, was an

important prey category for all the flatfish taken at Kirby

Park. Gammarid amphipods of the genus Corophium were eaten

frequently and were dietarily important for all the flatfish

caught at this station, especially for both size classes of

~he starry flounders, The cumacean Cyclasois sp. was fre­

quently important only in the diet of the English sole. Small

bivalve siphons (probably Macoma spp.) had, excluding digested

material, the highest IRI rank for the medium-sized starry

flounders and the second highest ranks in the diets of both

the small starry flounders and the English sole. Medium­

sized starry flounders were the only flatfish at Kirby Park

that fed importantly on whole bivalves. Gemma gemma was the pelecypod most frequently eaten by the flounders at this station. 28

Starry flounders caught at the Dairy station revealed

changes in prey category importance when compared with the

flounders taken at Kirby Park (Figure 12), A polychaete,

Armandia brevis, which was not important to the medium-sized

starry flounders at Kirby Park, was,· excluding digested

material, the second most important. prey category eaten by

these flatfish at the Dairy station. Streblospio was eaten

.less frequently by these fish at the Dairy station than they

were at Kirby Park •. Another species of amphipod, Aoroides

columbiae, replaced Corophium spp. in the dietary importance

for the medium-sized starry flounders taken at the Dairy

station, The small Macoma-Iike bivalve siphons·.were about

equally important to the medium-sized starry flounders at the

Dairy and Kirby Park stations. Macoma spp. replaced Gemma

gemma as the most important whole bivalve fed upon by this

fish at the Dairy station,

Changes in the diet of the English sole taken at the

Dairy station and Kirby Park were similar in many respects

'to the changes noted for the medium-sized starry flounders

(Figure 12). Streblospio was less important and_Armandia

was eaten more frequently by the English sole at the Dairy

station, compared to Kirby Park. The dietary increase in

importance of Armandia from Kirby Park to the Dairy station

was not as great for the English sole as it was for the

medium-sized starry flounders. Aoroides replaced Coroohium

as the most important amphipod at the Dairy station, Macoma

spp. were consumed in low numbers but over 10 times more 29 frequently by the English sole taken from the Dairy station

than from Kirby Park.

The diets of the speckled sanddabs from the Dairy station

contained fewer prey categories with IRI values greater than

50 than did any other flatfish category taken at that station.

Aoroides was overwhelmingly the most important prey category

fed upon by the speckled sanddabs at this station (Figure 12)J

and was consumed in higher numbers, more frequently, and made

up a larger volumetric portion of the diet in the speckled

sanddabs than in the diets of any of the.other flatfish,

Juvenile mysids were eaten on only a··few occasions by the

sanddabs 1·but in sufficientlyclarge·numbers to be considered dietarily important at the Dairy station, Speckled sanddabs

consumed the small.Macoma-like bivalve siphons more frequently

than any other prey category, but the numerical and volu­ metric importance was far less than for the amphipods,

There was not a large change in the ordering of the most

important prey items for.the medium-sized starry flounders between the Dairy' and Bridge stations (Figure 12), Armandia was even more important in the diets of these the

Bridge station than it was at the Dairy station, Capitella was dietarily important for the medium-sized starry flounders at the Bridge station but not at the Dairy station, whereas the opposite was true with Streblospio. Aoroides was very much less important to these fish at the Bridge station than it was at the Dairy station. The Macoma-like siphons were also still very important for the medium-sized starry flounders- at the Bridge locality, -The major change in the diet of the large starry floun­

ders between the Dairy and the Bridge stations was the com­

plete dominance of the diet by Urechis caupo at the Bridge

relative to the insignificant role itplayed in their diet

at the Dairy station (Figure 12). ··Armandia was ·eaten infre­

quently but in large numbers at both stations. The mud

crab, Hemigrapsis oregonensis, was also relatively important

in the diets of the large starry flounders at both the

Bridge and Dairy stations, Tresus nuttallii siphons were.

··-much--mere important-to--the -large starry .f-lounders--at. the

Bridge station than at the Dairy~station. :_-Saxidomus

nuttallii siphons were numerically abundant for these

fish caught at Dairy station but not for the ones taken

at the Bridge station.

There were a few changes in the categories of prey

im~ortant to the English sole between the Bridge and Dairy

stations. Armandia was much more important and Streblospio

was less important for these fish at the Bridge than the

Dairy station. Another polychaete, Notomastus tenuis, was

imoortant in the diet of the English sole at the Bridge

station but not at the Dairy station, Aoroides was eaten

at about the same frequency at both stations, but this

amphipod was consumed in lower numbers at the Bridge station.

The small Macoma-like bivalve siphons were still the most

dominant prey category for the English sole at the Bridge

station, although the siphons' numerical abundance was 31 somewhat decreased at this station with respect to the Dairy· station,

_The change in the importance of prey categories for

the speckled sanddabs between the Bridge and Dairy stations

was very noticeable, but the sanddabs at the Bridge station

continued to have a fewer number of prey categories with

IRI values greater than 50 than did any other flatfish

category taken at this locality (Figure 12). Armandia

was more important in number, volume, and frequency of

occurrence in the sanddabs taken at the Bridge than at

the. Dairy.. station •..The ..opposite trend was noticed for

Streblospio 1 since it was very important in the-diets of speckled sanddabs at the Dairy but not at the Bridge

station, Aoroides was also very much less important for

these fish at the Bridge station, Caprellid amphipods

were dietarily important only to the sanddabs at the

Bridge ·station.

The majority of the prey categories eaten by all the

flatfish at the Ocean station (Figures 12 and 13) were different from the prey categories eaten by the flatfish caught within the slough. The large starry flounder and the speckled sanddabs taken at the Ocean station had no major prey categories in common with the same two species· of fish captured at any other station in the slough. The starry flounders at the Ocean station ate mostly large polychaetes (Nothria elegans), crabs (Pinnixa franciscana and Cancer magister), whole bivalves (Siligua spp.), and 32

sand dollars. The speckled sanddabs concentrated their

feeding on mysids (Acanthomysis davisii), amphipods

(Atylus tridens} and the pea crab (Scleroplax granulata).

The English sole taken at the Ocean station had consumed

only 3 major prey categories that were also. eaten by_these

fish at any station in the slough (Armandia, Capitella,

and small bivalve siphons). The order of importance of

these 3 prey items was very different between the Ocean

and slough stations, English sole at the Ocean consumed mostly the polychaetes (Prionospio pygmaeus, ~rmandia, and

Capitella),: the -amphipods (Synchelidum spp. and Monocu- ·

loides .spp.) , __ and c.the ostracod_ (Euphilomedes carcharodonta).

The sand sole were··caught only at the Ocean station and there was no overlap in the major prey categories between the sand sole and any of the flatfish caught in the slough.

Small sand sole consumed primarily the mysids (Acanthomysis davisii, Metamysidopsis elongata and Neomysis kadiakensis) 1 and the shrimp (Crangon spp.) (Figure 13), Large sand sole, greater than 150 mm, ate more fish (Engraulis mordax and

Psettichthys melanostictus).

The Percent Similarity Index (%Sl) for the combined prey of all individuals of each flatfish category between adjacent stations (Table 7) indicated the following rela­ tionships• prey at the-Dairy and Bridge stations were most similar, the Kirby Park and Dairy stations were nex-t, and prey categories eaten by the flatfish at the Ocean and

Bridge stations were most dissimilar. All the flatfish 33 had a high percentage of prey unique to Kirby Park ( > 35%) and a low percentap,e of prey unique to the Dairy station ( < 35%) when these two stations were compared. Prey unique- ness was high for the large starry flounders, the English

sole, and the speckled sanddabs at the Bridge station.and

low at the Dairy station. The medium-sized starry flounders

were the exception to this trend, having a high percentage

of their prey unique Dairy station and a low number of their

orey unique to the Bridge station. All the flatfish taken at

the Bridge and Ocean stations had high percent unique prey

c<'ltegories at the Ocean station and a comparatively low

percent prey uniqueness at the Bridge station.

Trophic Diversity

·The distribution of the trophic diversity in individual

guts was somewhat skewed for several of the flatfish (Figures

14 and 15), but values of trophic diversity were similar to

the median values in almost all'cases (Table 9). The majority of the results of this analysis will be considered

from the mean individual trophic diversity standpoint.

The mean individual trophic diversity value (H) was more variable among· the species than the mean evenness comoonent of individual dietary diversity (}) (Figures 16 and 17). H contributed more to the trophic diversitv differences among the species than did J.

English sole had the highest H value of all flatfish at all localities, ranging around .86 at the slough stations 34 and increasing to 1.00 at the Ocean station (Table 9).

J for this species was about .75 at Kirby Park and the

Dairy stations, but decreased to about ,64 at the Bridge

and Ocean stations. Speckled sanddabs had the second highest trophic

diversity in individual guts at all localities where they

occurred. The H value (,51) for the sanddabs at the Ocean

station should be higher than the value for the large ,: .

starry flounders since the skewed distribution of the

trophic diversity values in the flounders made the H value

---misleadingly-high at -.53 -(Figure 14). --:The median value of

,38 was probably a better estimate of-the trophic diversity

for individual starry flounders at the Ocean station, • Sanddabs had their highest H value at the Bridge station ' (,75), and their values at the Dairy and Ocean stations

were similar to each other at- .53 and ,51 respectively.

The evenness component of diversity for the diet of the

speckled sanddab increased progressively toward the Ocean

station (Table 9),

The medium-sized starry flounders (100-199 mm) had

one of the lowest overall individual trophic diversities

at all of the slough stations (Table 9). H values for

this species decreased progressively away from Kirby Park.

The mean evenness component of diversity fluctuated between

,55 and .65 within the slough,

The large starry flounders also had H values which

were less than those of the English sole or speckled sand- 35 dabs at all locations, The individual trophic diversity

values for this species were essentially the same at all localities: Dairy, H= ,37; Bridge, H= ,36; and Ocean, median H= ,38, The evenness in individual diets of large

starry flounders was higher at the slough stations than

it was at the Ocean station (Table 9), Both size classes

of sand sole ( <150 mm and >150 mm) had H values which

were lower than any other flatfish from any locality and

J values which were among the highest of any of the flat­

fish (Table 9),

Dietary Overlap

The small starry flounders at Kirby Park had a high C~ value ( >. 70) with the English sole and intermediate dietary overlap value c;:::...1o) with the medium-sized starry flounders at this locality (Table 10). The overlap between the diets of the medium-sized starry flounders and the English sole was high at all slough stations and increased progressively from Kirby Park to the Bridge statio~. Speckled sanddabs had only intermediate values of overlap with all other flatfish categories at the Dairy station, but at the Bridge locality the overlap of the sanddabs with the English sole and medium-sized starry flounders almost doubled resulting in high CA values. The diets of the large starry flounders showed very little overlap (CA =S.10) with any other flat­ fish at every locality where they were taken, The only significant overlap between any of the flatfish at the Ocean 36 station was between the speckled sanddabs and the small

sand sole. This high overlap was due almost exclusi'Tely

to the_lar~e extent both of these fish fed upon one species

of mysid, Acanthomysis davisii.


The results of Ivlev's Index of Electivity (E) and the

Percent Similarity Index (% SI) help to indicate whether differences in the types of prey items eaten by the flatfish at the various locations were due to preference or avail­ abili~y. Prey items such as bivalve siphons, large biYalves, harnacticoid copepods, Urechis cauno, various species of mysids, active amphipods, and large polychaetes were impor­ tant in the diets of the flatfish but were not well repre­ sented in the benthic cores. Organisms such as oligochaetes, nhoronids, and nemertean worms that were very numerous in the cores taken in the slough, and several species of amphi- nods and polychaetes that were numerically very imoortant in the cores from the Ocean station were not found abundantly in any of the flatfish (Figures 18 and 19), The small starry flounders, medium-sized starry flounders, and English sole sampled the available prey in a more similar way to the benthic cores than did the large starry flounders, speckled sanddabs, or sand soles,

The benthic cores taken at Kirby Park caught Streblosoio benedicti, Oligochaetes, Corophium spp., Cyclasnis sp., and

Gemma gemma in large numbers (Figure 18). The small starry I

37 flounders at this locality selected positively for

Streblosoio, Caoitella caoitata, and the small bivalve

siphons, while they fed upon the Oligochaetes, Corophium,

Cyclaspis, and Gemma in lesser prooortions than were taken

with the cores, The medium-sized starry flounders showed a

preference for Capitella, small bivalve siphons and '~hole

bivalves, but consumed Streblosoio, Oligochaetes, Coroohiurn,

Cyclaspis and Gemma in fewer numbers than weresampled with

the cores. The English sole had positive electivity values

for Armandia brevis, Caoitella, harpacticoid copepods, and

:·small-bivalve--siphons. -English so-le -showed-no preference

for Streblosoio or.Exogone lourei, by feeding on them in the

same proportions as they were taken by the cores. These fish

had negative electivity values for Oligochaetes, Coroohium, Cyclaspis and Gemma, indicating avoidance.

The cores at the Dairy station were numerically dominated by Oligochaetes and Streblospio, and Capitella and Coroohium were present in lesser numbers (Figure 18). The medium-sized starry flounders had positive E values for Armandia, unident­ ifiable polychaetes, Aoroides columbiae, bivalve siphons and whole bivalves, Notomastus tenuis and Macoma nasuta had E values close to zero, indicating feeding by this fish on these prey in proportion to the prey's abundance in the cores.

The medium-sized starry flounders avoided Streblosoio,

Caoitella, Oligochaetes, and Coroohium at this station. The large starry flounders selected positively for Armandia,

Urechis caupo, Hemigraosis oregonensis, and numerous types 38

of large bivalve siphons and 'mole bivalves, The majority

of the ~prey. items .taken by the cores at this station '"ere

avoided by these fish. The English sole had positive E

values for Aoroides, Cvclasois, haroacticoid copepods,

small bivalve siphons and Macoma. These fish had nearly

neutral' E values for Capitella, Armandia,. and Coroohium;

and Oligochaetes and Streblospio were avoided, The speckled

sanddabs overwhelmingly selected for Aoroides, but other

amphipods, mysids and crabs were also positively selected.

Sanddabs fed upon Capitella, Armandia, and Corophium in

about the same proportions as they were taken by the cores

at this station. Streblospio, Oli!';ochaetes, and Macoma were

avoided by these-fish at the Dairy station.

Armandia, Caoitella, Notomastus, Phoronids, Oligochaetes,

and Cyclaspis were numerically very abundant in the cores

made at the Bridge station (Figure 18). The medium-sized

starry flounders at this station had positive E values for

G·lycera, unidentifiable polychaetes, Aoroides, crabs, small

_bivalve siphons and whole bivalves, These fish consumed

Armandia and Macoma in nearly neutral proportions. Medium­

sized starry flounders avoided Capitella, Notomastus,

Phoronids, Oligochaetes, and Cyclaspis. The large starry

flounders at _the Brid!>;e station fed preferentially on

Urechis cauPo, Glycera, large bivalve siphons and whole bivalves. These fish fed neutrally on Notomastus, ·mactrids, and Hacoma. The large starry flounders had a negative E • value for Armandia and this fish avoided the same type of ~9 ?rey as did the medium-sized starry flounders at this station,

En~lish sole had ?Ositive E values for Aoroides, harpacticoid

copepods, and small bivalve siphons. These fish ate Stre­

blospio and Macoma in essentially the same ?roportions as

these prey .were taken in the cores at this. s.tation. Armandia,

Capitella, Phoronids, Oligochaetes,·and Gyclaspis were

avoided by the English sole. The S?eckled sanddabs had

positive selection for the same types of prey at the Bridge

station as .. they did at _the Dairy station, .i.e,, Aoroides,

other amphipods, .and small bivalve siphons, These fish had

negtrtive· E value· .for Armandia ,·:.Notomastus, Capitella, Phoro­

nids, Ol-igochaetes, _and·cvclaspis.

In spite of the large number of benthic cores made at

the Ocean station (278), the food in the guts of the flat­

fish was not well represented by the cores at this locality

(Figures 18 and 19). The large starry flounders consumed primarily crabs and large bivalves at this station, whereas the cores sampled primarily sma_ll crustaceans and polychaetes.

The English sole at this station had positive E values for

Polydora sp., Armandia, Streblospio, bivalves, and crabs.

These fish had neutral electivity values for Prionosoio pvgmaeus and Euphilomedes carcharodonta, and avoided the majority of the items taken in the cores. The speckled sanddabs selected for mysids, crabs, and other crustaceans and avoided nearly all the organisms collected by the cores.

Large sand sole fed preferentially on fish and the small sand sole on mysids, There was no overlap at all between 40 the types of organisms taken by the cores and the major prey categories eaten by both size groupings of sand sole. DISCUSSION

Distribution and Abundance

Distributions and mi~rations of flatfish may be

influenced by many factors, including the search for

adequate food, changing physiological requirements

during life history, purposeful movements made without

regard to the environment, the avoidance of predators,

the type of substrate, and changes in the physical para­ meters of the environment such as temperature, salinity,

turbidity, oxygen content, nutrient levels and changes

in photoperiod (Fleming and Laevastu, 1956), The distri­ bution of the flatfish throughout the study area varied with respect to the season, the size classes, and the species; however, why these patterns exist is very difficult to explain.

The concentration of the small starry flounders at the more inland portions of the slough and the larger flounders closer to the ocean throughout the year is similar to the distribution pattern of this species in the Columbia River estuary (Haertel and Osterberg, 1967), The availability of food might be one of the major factors which is responsible for this distribution of starry flounders in Elkhorn Slou!';h.

The large bivalves and llrechis cauoo which are very important food sources for the lar~e starrY flounders are not found abundantly at the most inland station, Kirby Park. Coronhium son., small polychaetes, and small bivalves that are the

41 42

staoles iri the diets of the smaller size starry flounders

are quite abundant at the lower portions of the slough.

Elkhorn Slough appears to function as a nursery and

feeding ground for young English sole, since no individuals

larger than 150 mm were ever taken inside the slough. The

absence of the English sole from the study area during the

winter did not appear to be induced by a decrease in the

availability of food or by marked changes in temperature,

salinity, or nutrient content of the water (Smith, 1974). A decrease in the photoperiod might have some influence on

this distribution pattern; however, this does not explain whv the English sole are not found in the most inland regions of the slough but are abundant near the Bridge station from August through October. Similar patterns of the young English sole moving into deeper waters during the winter have been observed in British Columbia (Ketchen,

1956), Oregon (Westrheim, 1955), and Humboldt Bay, Cali­ fornia (Misitano, 1976).

Speckled sanddabs are limited in their distribution to the outer regions of the slough and offshore areas. During much of the year, the water temperature, salinity, oxygen content, and the other hydrographic parameters do not appear to differ enough between the inland stations and the more seaward stations to form barriers to the use of the entire slough by these fish (Smith, 1974). The types of food at

Kirby Park also do not seem to be a limiting factor in their distribution. The primary limiting factors are more likely 43

the substrate type and the turbidity of the water. The

bottom sediment becomes softer and the transoarency of the

water ~>;enerally decreases progressi,lely inland from the

ocean. The speckled sanddabs rely on sight for feeding and

they pick their food from the bottom without consumin~ much

extraneous material (Ford, 1965). The poor visibility in

the wa.ter at Kirby Park and the silty sediment might make

it difficult for these fish to feed effectively.

Of all the flatfish studied, the sand sole were the most

limited in their distribution, being restricted to the Ocean

station ·throughout the year. The muddy substrate -of the

s laugh might not be suitable _for the sand sole. These fish

also appear to feed by sight (Miller, 1967) and probably

require fairly clear water in order to capture their active

prey. There must also be sufficient food (fish and mysids)

available, to· them in the offshore waters.

Morphometric Relationships

The results of the morphological measurements and the

feeding habits of the flatfish species in this study agree

with many of the findings in previous studies on the rela­

tionships between morphology and trophic ecology. Alexander

(1970) stated that fish with larger mouths can better feed on active prey and grasp prey from the side, whereas fish with smaller mouths can better suck in their prey. The sand sole, which feed on active mysids and fish, and the soeckled sanddabs, which primarily eat active crustaceans, 44 have the largest relative mouth sizes. Starry flounders

and English sole have smaller mouths and concentrate

their feeding on the less active polychaetes and bivalves.

Hatanaka et al (1954) found that the teeth of annelid­

eating flatfish are more numerous and better developed

on the blind side than on the eyed side of the flatfish, and s_uch was the case with the English sole and starry

flounders. They also contended that the pharyngeal teeth are usually not well-developed for annelid-feeders hut often form grinding plates for flatfish that eat molluscs,

The annelid-eating English sole and small starry flounders had very weak 1Jharyngeal teeth, but the large starry floun­ ders, which frequently eat whole bivalves, have pharyngeal teeth that form strong grinding plates, The speckled sand­ dabs and sand sole have canine teeth on both dorsal and ventral jaws for piercing and holding their active prev.

Hatanaka et al (1954) also found this to be the case with other species of flatfish that feed on mysids and fish.

The structure of ~he gill rakers also gives an. indi­ cation of the type of food consumed, since the·space between gill rakers controls the minimum size of the prey that can be eaten, especially for active prey. De Groot

0971) found that polychaete-mollusc feeders usually lack large gill rakers and crustacean-feeders have long, more developed gill rakers. This is also true for the starry flounder, which have stubby gill rakers, and for the speckled sanddab and sand sole, whose gill rakers are long and well 45

developed, However, the English sole have relatively large

gill rakers, contrary to what should be expected according

to de Groot. This observation helps to confirm Yasuda's

(1960) finding that stronger correlations exist bet,veen

mouth sizeo and food types than between gill raker length

and food types, especially for flatfish.

The relative proportions of parts of the alimentary

canal are also useful in the study of feeding habits.

Flatfish that feed on annelids and molluscs have long

intestines, whereas the intestines of flatfish that eat

fish and crustaceans are quite short (Hatanaka et al, 1954).

This is definitely true for the starry flounders with very

long guts, and the sand sole and speckled sanddabs with relatively short guts. The English sole again have somewhat of an intermediate gut length, longer than those of the sand sole and sanddabs, but much shorter than the starry flounders' guts. De Groot (1971) correlated flatfish that ate small prey continuously with relatively long guts, and correlated others that eat large prey sporadically with ~hart guts, Starry flounders and English sole have relatively long guts, but small stomachs where very little digestion occurs. Large starry flounders, contrary to de Groot's findings, often feed sporadically on large.prey such as_Urechis or large bivalves, but the medium and small-sized starry flounders and the English sole appear to feed continually during the day on small prey, Sand sole and speckled sanddabs have relatively short guts but large stomachs in Which most of 46 the digestion takes place. Sanddabs also appear to feed

contrary to the finding of de Groot, since they feed on relatively small prey continuously during the day. Sand

sole, however, do seem to feed on large prey more sporad­


This comparison of feeding frequency among the flatfish

is possible because the various species of flatfish appear

to have similar gastric emptying rates. Different prey

categories are digested at different rates under different conditions (Windell, 1967); but, in general, complete

digestion and gastrointestinal tract evacuation for small

fish takes less than 14 hours (Ford, 1965; Tyler,_1970).

Immature European flounders (Pleuronectis flesus), which resemble the starry flounders in morphology and general

biology, clear the entire alimentary tract of food in 19

hours (Arndt and Nehls, 1964).

Cumulative Prey Analysis

It has long been believed that in estuarine systems the number of invertebrate prey species available to the

fish should decrease from the ocean to the more inland portions of the environment (Hedgpeth, 1937; Frolander, 1964).

The cumulative number of prey categories from the pooled number of fish (Figures 9 and 10) shows this to be true in

Elkhorn Slough, but also that the number of fish that have to be sampled in order to obtain an adequate estimate of avail- 47

able ~rey also decreased from the ocean to the more inland portions of the environment.

Dietary Variation with Size and Season

The diet of some fish has been shown sometimes to vary

with the size of the fish and/or the season (Orcutt, 1950:

Bregnballe, 1961: Haertel and Osterberg, 1966; Miller, 1967:

Levings, 1974). The changes in the diet of the starry

flounders and the sand sole seem to agree with the findinp;s

of other researchers who found that fish normally eat the largest prey that they can unless small prey are abundant

and densely concentrated, or if large prey are unavailable

(Hall~ al, 1970). As starry flounder and sand sole grow,

they feed on different types of larger prey categories,

even thoup;h the prey types that. they ate when they Here

smaller still remain abundant. These changes in diet t

size could not be observed in the English sole and speckled

sanddabs since all the individuals examined were small and had fewer prey types that were potentially available to them.

The lack of seasonal variation of the feeding habits of

the flatfish in this study is not surprising since the major

prey items of the fish were abundant throughout the year (Nybakken --et •1. 1976). Hatanaka --et al (1954) also found no seasonal variation in the diets of the flatfish in

Japanese waters. 48 FeedinF, Frequency

Miller (lq67) indicated that adult female starry floun­

ders stop feeding during the winter in Puget Sound, but that

the sand sole feed throughout the year. Very few of the guts

of any of the flatfish taken during this study were empty.

This might be because the majority of the fish examined were

immature, since according to Schaeperclause (1933), younger

fish have higher energy requirements t~an do older fish and

have to eat more frequently; therefore, the probability of

finding young fish with empty stomachs is less than for

finding older fish with empty stomachs.

Feeding Within a Location

The type and abundance of prey species eaten by flatfish mav vary from one locality to another (Hertling, 1928;

Blegvad, 1930), but in order for these patterns to become distinct, the fish must feed within a locality for a rela­ tively long period of time, to prevent overlap of prey< The

Percent Similarity Index values for the prey of each flat­ fish category between adjacent stations (Table 7) and percen­ tage unique prey categories between adjacent stations (Table

8) indicate that those fish examined must have been feeding within each locality lonF, enough for distinct patterns to occur. The time required would probably be somewhat less than the 12-19 hours required for complete alimentary tract evacuation by these small flatfish. 49 Tagging and recapture experiments with the starry

flounders within the study areas also indicated that this

species has a relatively small home range at least during

part of its life (Nybakken ~ al, 1976). Manzer (1952)

also found that starry flounders in British Columbia usu­

ally had small home ranges.

Feeding Strategies

Speckled sanddabs and sand sole appear to employ dif­

ferent feeding strategies than starry flounders and English

sole. Sanddabs and sand sole localize their prey by sight

(Ford, 1965; Miller, 1967). Starry flounders and English

sole, particularly in very turbid waters of the inland

regions of the slough, probably rely more on olfaction

than on visual cues, (Pleuronectes ulatessa), which

closely resemble English sole in feeding habits, morphology,

and general biology, and European flounders also have a

highly develoued olfactory sense (de Groot, 1971). De Groot

also found that plaice and European flounders are able to

detect a small jet of water more easily than dab (Limanda

limanda), which are quite similar to the speckled sanddabs.

Perhaps English sole and starry flounders in the natural

environment are attracted by the small waterflow of these

siphons as well as by visual stimuli; whereas, speckled

sanddabs have to rely almost entirely on visual input. This might partially explain why English sole and starry flounders so consume more bivalve siphons than do sanddabs.

The large amounts of extraneous debris in the guts of

English sole and starry flounders indicate that these fish

are capable of feeding by plowing through the substrate.

The large size of some of the starry flounders within the

study area permits them .to forage deeper into the sediment

than the English sole can reach. Speckled sanddabs and

English sole are readily attracted by sediment disturbances

or by the vibration created by.digging small holes in the

substrate (L. Hulberg, pers. ·comm.). The disturbances of

the bottom--by -larger fish-, .starry flounders or Mylio­

batus californicus (MacGinitie, .1935), are probably of bene­

fit to speckled sanddabs and English sole by dislodging pre­

viously unavailable food organisms from the sediment,

Flatfish Feeding Habits tvith Respect to Prey Natural History

The natural history of prey can often provide clues as to hotv and where the fish are feeding. Streblospio benedicti, and Capitella capitata are small, surface, tube-dwelling polychaetes that would primarily be available to fish that

feed by foraging through the sediment like English sole and starry flounders. These polychaetes would normally be available to speckled sanddabs only after the sediment was disturbed by one of the grubbing-type feeders. The abundance of Streblospio in the benthic core decreased seaward from

Kirby Park (Nybakkert, 1976). At the Ocean station it was replaced completely by Priospio sp. CaPitella was most 51 abundant at the upper regions of the slough and it could

also be found at the head of the Monterey Submarine Canyon

offshore. Armandia brevis is more active than the previous

species and it is known to swim up into the water column

(Hermans, 1966). This polychaete is eaten whole by all the

flatfish, but its small size causes it primarily to be con-

sumed by the smaller fish. Armandia was quite numerous at

the Bridge station, Its abundance decreased progressively

inland from this station and offshore. Magelona sacculata

is a small polychaete eaten only by the fish taken offshore.

Large, deep dwelling polychaetes, such_as Glycera sp. were

available only to the large starry flounders. English sole

and speckled sanddabs are most likely to nip the tentacles

of the tube dwelling terebellid polychaetes but not fatally

damaging this potentially renewable food resource. Oli~o-

chaetes were quite numerous throughout the slough, but they

were not found commonly in the guts of the flatfish, Either

the fish could effectively avoid eating them, or, these quite

delicate annelids were consumed but rendered unidentifiable

extremely quickly in the fish's digestive process. The flat­

fish often did not feed upon the whole polychaete and the

uneaten portion might, in many instances, be able to regen-

erate itseif (Dales, 1970).

The large starry flounders Here the only flatfish that

consistently ate the deep, tube-dwelling Urechis cauno.

Urechis have been observed to come partially out of their

burro,~, but the large starry flounders were probably capable 52 of burrowing deep into the sediment in order to feed upon

these worms. This was evidenced by one individual having

eaten a Urechis, a commensal pea crab (Scleroplax granu-

lata), the commensal polychaete (Hesperone adventor), a ~ commensal fish (Clevelandia ios) and a considerable amount

of detritus, all at the same time. Urechis was most abun-

dant at the upper portions of the slough but it was not

found offshore at all. This worm is also heavily preyed

upon by the leopard sharks, Triakis semifasciata in the

slough (Talent, 1973).

The major crustaceans in the slough were• the amphi-

pods (Corophium spp., Aoroides columbiae, and Caprella

spp.), a cumacean (Cyclasois sp.), and the mud crab (Hemi-

graosus oregonensis). Coroohium and Aoroides are small, slow-moving, surface, tube-dwelling amphipods that all the

flatfish are capable of eating whole. Speckled sanddabs feed most on Aoroides at the Dairy station •..Coroohium was quite abundant in cores from Kirby Park, and Aoroides

,.,.as numerous only in cores from the Dairy and Bridge stations. Caorella was eaten only by speckled sanddabs at the Bridge station. This amphipod is known to be associated with hydroids and. swims up into the water column (Rickets and Calvin, 1968). Cyclaspis is a small epibenthic cumacean found throughout the slough. This cumacean was significantly fed uoon by only the English sole and small starry flounders. Large starr~flounders probably consume Cyclasnis as well as the harpacticoid 53 copepods only incidentally with the debris consumed while foraging for larger Prey items.

Offshore, the fish fed upon different species of crus­ taceans. The fast swimming amphipod Atylus tridens· and

the slower swimming epibenthic amphipods Monoculoides spp.

and Synchelidium spp, were fed upon primarily only by the

speckled sanddabs, As previously mentioned, the fast

swimming mysids are also extremely important in the diets

of speckled sanddabs and small sand sole. Lamprops sp.

and several other epibenthic cumaceans are more important

in the diet of the English sole than in any other flatfish.

An active swimming ostracod, Euphilomedes sp,, was quite

abundant at the Ocean station and was eaten frequently by on~y the English sole and speckled sanddabs, Small

sand nestling juvenile Cancer magister and a crab that is commensal in crab burrows (Pinnixa franciscana)~e eaten more numerously by the starry flounders than by any other flatfish, Although the sand sole is physically capable of eating crabs, it was the only flatfish taken offshore which never contained this abundant prey item, The large starry flounders often had fragments of Dendraster ex .. - centricus in its guts, along with crab exoskeletons, These fish might possi91Y have eaten sand dollars secondarily while trying to feed on the crabs that hide in the Den­ draster beds for safety. Several bivalves were consumed in large numbers by the flatfish in the slough• Gemma gemma, Macoma spp., Saxidomus 54

n1ltta lli and Tresus nlltta llii. Gemma is an introduced,

small, soft-shelled clam that was found primarily at Kirby

Park where it was fed upon by English sole and starry

flounders. Macoma nasuta was by far the most numerous

small bivalve throughout the remainder of the slough.

This soft-shelled bivalve usually remains in soft mud

about 200 mm below the surface and extends its incurrent

siphon to the surface. MacGinitie and MacGinitie (1949)

observed that Macoma may project the tip of its siphon

as far as 20 mm above the mud and wave it back and forth while feeding. This motion quit~ probably attracts the attention of the flatfish.

The flatfish are quite prudent predators (Slobodkin,

1968) in feeding heavily upon these siphons since the clams are able to regenrate the siphon tips and live to feed a flatfish in the future. Whole Macoma were occa­ sionally eaten by the starry flounders and English sole, but not nearly as frequently as the siphon tips were cropped. The large size of the Saxidornus and Tresus siphons·usually prevented all the flatfish, except the large starry flounders, from feeding on them.

Offshore, the hard-shelled Clinocardium nuttallii, that lives in coarse, moving sand, was swallowed whole by large starry flounders. Siligua sp. was also consumed occasionally by these fish, probably when these fast burrowing bivalves were momentarily dislodged from their burrows by a large wave or strong.current. 55

Fish are the staples of the large sand sole's diet.

Sand sole feed uoon many active fast·swimming fish, such

as Engraulis mordax. In order to capture these prey, the

sand sole probably has to lie camouflaged on the bottom

and ambush the faster fish as they pass, These fish are

also cannibalistic. When feeding on its young it could

actively search for the food and swim after and overtake

the slower fish, In spite of the high abundance of

speckled sanddabs offshore, sand sole fed very little on

these fish; perhaps the reason for this was the sanddabs

are quite alert fish and are able to successfully avoid

the larger sand sole.

Trophic Diversity: Generalists Vs. Specialists

Springer (1960) and Keast (1970) found that the trophic diversity may be greater for larger fish, This conclusion might appear to be valid since large fish are potentially capable of consuming a greater range of prey sizes than are smaller flatfish, In this study, however, several of the smaller flatfish had mean individual-•trophic diversity values that were higher than those of larger flatfish

(Table 9), This apparent contradiction is due to the higher number of small orey categories in the environment than larger prey categories.

McNaughton and Wolf (1970) state that the most numer­ icallY abundant or dominant species usually have the highest 56 niche breadth and the trend in this study follows, with

the English sole and speckled sanddabs being numerically

the dominant flatfish at the majority of the stations and

also having the hi~hest mean individual trophic diversity

values, The starry flounders were only numerically.dominant

at the Kirby Park station, but at this locality these fish

had their highest individual trophic diversity values.

The sand sole were among the least abundant of all the

flatfish studied and they had the lowest mean individual

trophic diversity values.

Animals may be classified as trophic generalists or

specialists based upon the breadth of food types consumed

and by the size of the repertoire of feeding behavior

(Schoener, 1971), English sole are the most generalized

feeders of all the flatfish studied, since they not only

had the highest mean individual trophic diversity (Table

9), but are able to feed throughout the study area.

English sole are also generalized morphologically in that

their morphological characteristics are intermediate

between the crustacean-fish feeders such as the sand sole

and speckled sanddabs, and the polychaete-mollusc feeders

such as the starry flounders. The speckled sanddabs are also trophic generalists since they have high individual

trophic diversity values, but are more dependent in feeding on crustaceans and appear to require better water visi­ bility when feeding than do English sole, The starry flounders should probably be considered as generalists 57 in spite of their comparatively low mean individual trophic

diversity values because they eat a wide range of prey

types and are able to feed under a '~ide variety of environ­

mental conditions. Sand sole are specialists since they

have a very low individual trophic diversity and appear to

be restricted to sandy areas with relatively good water


In areas like the slough where food is abundant and

fluctuations of its abundance occur in either time or soace,

trophic generalists are,favored. The majority of the fish

in the slough appear to be generalized enough in their

feeding repertoire to enable them to "switch" somewhat

their mode of feeding in order to utilize the various prey

items at different localities. At the Ocean station, where

the food resources are less abundant, greater specialization

on particular kinds of food appears to be important.

Flatfish feed more heavily within a major prey grouping,

such as polychaetea, mollusca or crustacea at the Ocean

station (Figure 11), in spite of the overall increase in

the number of prey categories eaten at this locality.

Crustaceans dominate the diet of the speckled sanddabs at

the Ocean station much more than any other single major

prey taxon did at the slough stations. Similarly, the

English sole's diet is much more specialized for poly­ chaetes at the Ocean station than in the slough. 58 Dietary Overlap

One theory is that fish have overlapping food niches

only when food resources are superabundant and discrete

niches when abundance of orey is reduced (Keast, 1965:

Nilsson, 1967: Zaret and Rand, 1971). This is consistent

with my findings, since the niche overlap values are gen­

erally much higher between fish in the slough than from

the Ocean station (Table 10). The apportionment of food

resources among the flatfish species appears to be much

more distinct at the Ocean station than at the slough

stations. The only exception to this trend is the high

overlap in the diets of the speckled sanddabs and the small

sand sole, indicating ontogenetic competition. The high

overlap is exclusively due to feeding on one species of mysid, Acanthomysis davisii. This mysid is known to swim

in schools close to the bottom and this aggregation could

possible explain why it is consumed in such large numbers by these two flatfish.

The trophic overlap value was high at the Bridge station for English sole and speckled sanddabs than at any other locality. The clarity of the water and the sandy texture of the substrate at the bridge are more conducive to the visual, picking-type of feeding by the sanddabs than are the con­ ditions further into the slough, thus allowing it to compete more strongly with the English sole for the quite abundant polychaete and bivalve resources at this station, The 59 medium-sized starry flounders also had .their highest value

of trophic overlap at the Bridge station, but it was less

abundant numerically at this station than at any other in

the slough. The high competition and low abundance of the

medium-sized starry flounders could possibly suggest that

these fish are being competitively excluded from the use

of the resources in the seaward regions of the slough.


The traditional attitude about northern demersal fish

is that they are generalists (Ogilvie, 1927). More recent

studies show that these fish are not indiscriminate feeders

(Jones, 1952; Richards, 1963; and Rae, 1969). Problems

with patchiness of prey, avoidance of the sampling device

by the prey, and the distribution of large prey outside

the depth range of the coring device all prevented the making of complete estimates of the availability of all

types of prey to the flatfish. These inadequacies are reflected in the lot.; percent similarity index value:; for

the food eaten by the fish and the organisms taken with the benthic cores. Nevertheless, the availability esti­ mates were sufficient to demonstrate that the different fish selectively feed uoon different prey categories and that the electivity is not as finely develooed in the starry flounders. English sole, or speckled sanddabs as it is in the sand sole. 60 MacArthur (1958) stated that different species eat differ~ent food for only three reasons1 1) they feed in different places or different times of day; 2) they feed in such a manner as to find different food; and 3) they select different kinds of food from among those to which they are exposed, A combination of these reasons is sufficient to explain why the flatfish, despite their propensity for opportunistic feeding, are able to appor­ tion the resources of the study area in a manner that minimizes competition, except in areas where the resources are superabundant. 61 Table L Seasonal percent abundance (%A) and mean number per 10 minute otter tra,.;l to,., (N/T) of the major flatfish soecies by locality

Nov,' 74 Feb. '75 May '75 +Aug-Oct' 74 -Jan. '75 -Apr. '75 -July'75 Aug-Oct'75


P. stellatus 100 3,4 63 3.4 8 5.4 98 5.9 P. vetulus 0 0 37 2.4 91 58.4 0 0 c. stigmaeus 0 0 0 0 1 0.2 2 0.1 Number of fish 32 33 309 59


P. s.tellatus 68 1.6 72 2.0 24 3.3 10 1.4 P. vetulus 0 0 17 1.0 65 7.6 20 3,0 c. stigmaeus 32 1.3 11 0.6 11 1.3 70 6.3 Number of fish 28 47 82 129


P. stellatus 14 3. 8 30 14. 7 22 5.5 7 7 .o P. vetulus 0 0 9 2.8 34 8.5 38 31.0 C. stigmaeus 85 30.2 61 11.8 44 11.0 55 57.0 Number of fish 118 153 100 384


P. Stellatus 11 0.4 17 1.7 8 0.7 8 O,R P. vetulus 0 0 8 0.7 63 0.2 17 1.5 c. stigmaeus 78 2.0 61 5,9 17 1.4 35 2.8 P, melanostictus 11 0.3 14 1.4 12 1.0 40 3.2 Number of fish 18 89 84 129 62

Table 2, Fish collection locations, methods,and times

Kirby Park Dairv Bridge Ocean

Month O.T, B.S. O.T. B.S. o.T. B.S. O.T. B.S. 1974 August 1* 2* 1* September 2* 1* 1* October 2* 1* 1* 4* November 1* 2 2*+(1 )* (1 )* 3*+(1 )* December 4*+2 3*+2 1*+1 3*

1975 January 4+(2) 4 2+(1) 4 2 February· 2 2 1 3 4

March 1 2 2 2 4

Aoril 2 4 4 2

May 1 2 1 3

June 2 2. (1) 2 4 July 3 3 1 3

August 2 2. 1 4 September 2+(1) 1+(1) 1 4

October 2 1+~1 ~ l 4 36 -2- 38 -1- 25 2 47 2

Totals O.T. (Otter Trawl) = 146 Seine) B.S. (Beach = m7

* = 5 minute tows. All other tows 10 minute duration, ( ) = Night tows 63

Table 3. ~ean ratios, X, and standard deviation values, SD, for the standard len~th to the length of the maxillary on the ocular side. * ~ the ratio for that species is si~nif­ icantly different from the ratio of any other species at p = .001; t-test.

Species Number Size Standard length(mm~ Examined Range(mm) Maxillary on ocular side(mm) X SD

Platichthvs stellatus 25 R0-325 14.41 (.9R)*

Paroohrys vetulus 26 40-142 16.3R (.7fl)*

Citharichthys stigmaeus 32 37-125 11.43 (.73)*

Psettichthys melanostictus 26 3R-252 10.1R (.39)* 64

Table 4. Mean ratios, X, and standard deviation values, SD, for the standard len~th and stomach lengths to the length of the entire gastrointestinal tract. * = signif­ icance levels same as in Table 3;

Soecies Number Standard length Storoach length Examined Gl_tract length Gl tract length X SD X SD

Platichthys stellatus 126 .77 (,09)* .15 (.02)*

Paroohrys vetulus 112 1.06 ( .17)* .23 (.04)*

Citharichthys stigmaeus 126 1.16 ( .17)* .33 (.03)*

Psettichthys melanostictus 40 1. 34 (.15)* .35 (.04)* 65 Table 5, Kendall tau rank correlation coefficients of Index of Relative Importance values of prey categories, IRI, between different size classes within a flatfish species by station and season. N = the number of fish examined. NS = the IRI rankings were not significantly similar at ,05 probability level.

Species (N) Station Season Tau Significance at Probability levels

A(l5 )xB ( 11) Kirby Park May-July '75 .35 .05

B(7)xC(8) Dairy May-July '75 .28 NS

B(9)xG(l5) Bridge Feb. -Apr. 4 75 .21 NS

D(25)xE(l4) Kirby Park May-July '75 .54 .001

F(l9)xG(15) Ocean Aug. -Oct. '75 .45 • 01

H(31)xi(6) Ocean Aug.-Oct. '75 .14 NS

A = Platichthys stellatus ~99 rnm B = Platichthys stellatus 100-199 mm" c = Platichthys stellatus 200-299 mm D = ParoJ2hrys vetulus sao mm E = Paro12hrys vetulus >80 mm F = Citharichthys stigmaeus <80 mm G = Citharichthys stigmaeus )80 mm H = Psettichthys melanostictus ~150 mm I = Psettichthys melanostictus >150 mm 66

Table 6_, Mean Kendall rank correlation (Kendall, 1962) of Index of Relative Importance values of prey categories among seasons for each flatfish grouping at each locality. X =No fish, Probability levels: * = ,05; ** = ,01; and *** = ,001.

Species Kirby Park Dairy Bridge Ocean

Platichthys . stellatus (1 00-199 mm) .41*** .34** .43* X

i Platichthys -s-t-ellatus (200-299 mm) X .• 33* .31* .• 34**

Paro2hrys vetulus .48*** .56*** .SO*** ,53***

Citharichthys stigmaeus X .52*** .42** ,49*** 67 Table 7. Percent similarity indices for the combined prey of all individuals of each flatfish category between adjacent stations. X =No fish.

Species Kirby Park-Dairy Dairy-Bridge Bridr,e-Ocean

Platichthys stellatus (100-199 nun) 41.7 50.3 X

Platichthys stellatus (200-299 nnn) X 52.9 12.9

ParoQhrys vetulus 45.8 52,3 32•0

Citharichthys stigrnaeus X 35.8 26.4 68

Table~ 8. Percentage of unique prey categories bet1veen adjacent localities by flatfish grouping. X = No fish. KP =Kirby Park, D = Dairy, B =Bridge, and 0 =Ocean.

Species KPxD DxKP DxB BxD BxO OxB

Platichthys stellatus (1 00-199 mm) 38"/. 24% 51% 15% X X

Platichthys stellatus (200-299 mm) X X 21% 35% 31% 45%

Paro2hrys~ vetulus 42'7'. 23% 11"/. 43% 29% 41%

Citharichthys stigmaeus X X 15% 46% 28% 42%

All values in these paired comparisons refer to the first location listed, For example, in P. stellatus (100- 199 mm) 38% of the prey categories eaten at Kirby Park were unique when compared with the Dairy station. while 24% of the prey categories at the Dairy did not occur-. in this flatfish taken at Kirby Park. Table 9. Troohic diversity summary. N = the total number of individual prey items. S = the total number .Qf prey categories. F = the number of guts ana­ lY7.ed which contained food, H (SD) = the mean Brillouin trophic diversity in individual ~uts and (one standard deviation), M.H. =the median trophic diversity it1 individual guts, J (SD) = the mean evenness component of. trophic diversity i1:1 individual guts and (one standard deviation)

Station Species N s F H(SD) MH J(SD) Natural bels

KIRBY PARK P.stellatus ( ~99mm) 355 11 15 .59(.355) .64 .63(.233) P. stellatus (1 00-1 99mm) 3751 39 R3 ,56(,356) .57 .65(.274) P.vetulus 105R 31 50 ,87(.396) .95 .76(.189) DAIRY P.stellatus (1 00-1 99rrun) 2933 31 32 .49(,371) .44 .55(.269) P.stellatus (200-299mm) 396 25 27 .37(.357) .49 .71(.294) P.vetulus 1392 43 52 ,89(,466) .86 .75(.189) c.stigmaeus 1931 37 65 .53(.347) .53 .58(.231) BRIDGE P.stellatus (1 00-199mm) 228 17 17 .43(.387) .35 .60(.340) P.stellatus (200-299mm) 2598 31 53 .36(.376) .32 .79(.284) P.vetulus 5455 67 112 • 85 (. 431) .89 .66(.230) c.stigmaeus 4281 60 177 .75(.434) .84 • 72(. 233)

OCEAN P.stellatus (200+mm) 434 39 28 .53(.435) .38 .65(.204) P.vetulus 3863 81 43 1.00( .455) 1.10 .61(.229) C.stigmaeus 1188 74 97 .51(.408) .56 .80(.194) P.melanostictus (5.150mm) 502 16 39 ,30(.310) .34 .79(.198) P.melanostictus ( > 150mm) 70 13 16 .12(.196) .10 .86(.317) en "' 70

Table-10. Index of overlap, c,~ , between flatfish categories within a locality. P.stel.= Platichthys stellatus, Paroohrvs vetulus, C. stip.;.= Citharichthys stigrnaeus, P.mel.= Psettichthys melanostictus. X= No fish

P.stel. P.stel. P.stel., C.stig. < 99mm 100-199 200-299 P. stel. $. 99mm .54 X .88 X K ~ I P, s tel. X X .72 X R 100-199 B - ~ ly P.stel. X • 09 X X 200-299 p ~- - ·-·- A X R ' X ,84 • 03 - -~ K C.stig. X .48 .06 .47 ~- DAIRY

P.stel;_ P.stel. C.stig. P .mel. -p .mel. 200+ mm 100-199 <-150 > 150 . P.stel .11 .11 .04 X X 200+ mm i~ P,stel. X .93 • 95 X X 100-199 - ~ B .11 X • 85 X X R ~ I D C.stig. ,03 X .07 X X G - ~ E P.mel. :::;- 150 0 X 0 .91 ~ X P.mel > 150 0 X 0 0 0 --- ~ 71

Figure 1. Map of study area. Regular sampling areas are hatched. 72

- ·.. . - -~ .·- .... - . - .- -.-

·.·: ...... - .


Figure 2, Length frequency histograms for Platichthys stellatus by season and locality. N = the number of starry flounder caught. SL = the mean standard length

+ one standard deviation. NOV. '74- JAN.'75 FEB.- APR.'75 MAY- JUL.'75 AUG.- OCT.'74 AUG.- OCT. '75 %N eo N•32 N• 2.1 N •27 N •58 · KIRBY 60 S.L.=\39± 2 9.3 5Lal69±14.8 S.L.-\09 ± 42.8 S.La\25± 21.8 PARK 40 - 20

0 %N eo N•l9 N•34 N•20 N•l3 SL.• 217±62.5 D,l'\\RY 60 SI..=214±56.o S.L.•236±55.7 SL.=22\ ±5\.5 40


0 ,.. %N eo N•l7 N•45 N•22. N•26 SI..=213±83.7 BRlDGE 60 SI..=237± 55.4 S.L.=2.69±52..9 S.L.=2.72± 56.5 40


0 %N eo . N=2 N=l5 N=7 N•ll 60 . S.L.=282±38.0 SI.=231±44.3 S.L.=2.70±34.7 • SL.• 2.36 ±33.95 OCEAN .--.-- 40 • r- 20 1- 0 . cdl,, h + + + + + + + + + '+ + + + + + + + + .frn tnOtnOtnO!!> U)Ol!>OiilOI!'l t.n 0 - LfJ to C\1 tO 0> N V'OJ---C\lC\JC\lf() IllVCO---••• o - Ill ro ~.. IllC'IJC\1{0 a> '" 75

Figure 3, Length frequency histograms for Parophrys vetulus by-season-and-locality. N =the number of English sole caught. SL-= the mean standard length+ one standard deviation. FEa-APR. '75 MAY-JUL.'75 AUG.-OCT. '74 AUG.-OCT. '75 %N BO 60 KIRBY N=l2 N=2BI N=O PARK 40 S.L.=41±9.3 S.L.=72±13.4



%N so 87 60 - DAIRY N•B N•53 r-~26 40 S.L.=57±B.O S.L.=B3±14.3 S.L.•IOI±I1.2

20 0 n %N BO 60 BRIDGE N=l4 N=34 N=l45 40 S.L.=30±5.7 . S.L•73±16.1 S.L.=I03±13.9


0 / %N BO 60 OCEAN N=7 •5:3 N•22 40 SI..•I07±140.1 SI..=I02±17. 5 S.L.=134± 67.2


0 +++++++++ JbD +++++++++ ~++++++++ oll)ol/loltlel(l;? oll)ol/loll)omo o 100 1!)0 toOl!) o C\Jr"lt{)

Figure 4, Length frequency histograms for-Citharichthys stigmaeus by season and locality. N = the number of speckled sanddab caught. SL = the mean standard length

+ one standard deviation. . - NOV. '74-JAN.'75 FEB.-A?R.'75 MAY- JUL.'75 AUG.- OCT'74 AUG.-OCT. '75. (':J N so l.>o 60 N=9 N=5 N•9 N•90 DA!RY S.L.=66±19.6 S.L.=53± 18.5 S.L.•66±9.2 S.L.=72±5.6 40

20 r-1 lr-lrl[h nf 0 I 0

~N 8o - 60 - N•IOI N2 94 N= 44 • N•213 BRIDGE S.L.=70±12.5 · S. L.= 48± 10.9 S.L.=60± 14.1 ,s.L.•70± 6.8 40 - - 20

0 r h

"''NJ,l 8o 60 N=l4 . N•55 N=14 N•44 OCEAN Sl.•64±11.1 SI..•77±21.3 S1..=49±22.9 lf.l..•76±22.7 40 ril if. + + + .n~~~ _n 2: JJ]++ !r+++++++++ ++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + l~ ~ oo oo . 00 oooooooooC\l oooooooooC\l oooooooooC\l oooooooo8~ C\lt0<:tU'"JlDt--COOl-;- C\l t0 <:t U') tO t-- co Ol - - C\lt0<:ttOlDt--COOl-- C\lt()<:j-tl'.llOt--OJOl-- STAI'\DARD LENGTH (m.m.) 79

Figure 5. Length frequency histograms for Psettichthys

~-mel:anostictus--by -season ~and locality. N = the. number of

sand sole caught. SL = the~mean standard length~~ one standard deviation, 80 OCEAN

NOV. '7~·~ JAN.'75 - - N=2 S. L.= 94±31.1 40


FEB.= APR.'=f5 N=l2 4 S.L.=221 ± 90.7 %N 20 - 0 MAY-JUL.'75 N=IO S.L= 18 + 9.4 40 6 6 %N 20

0 AUG.~ OCT. '75 N=51 40 S.L.=99±62.0 %N 20

0 0 I o-=:L- VJ + + + + + + +. + <;;J· ".1· ro - - - C\.1 C\.1 C\.1


Figure 6. Linear regression of the maxillary length to the--standard ·length-by -s·pec·ies. c·r =-correlation coefficient. 82 20.0 I 0 I 0.0

• -E 16.0 0 • E 14.0 / - 0

I 2.0

b. e3 ~:j I 0.0 0 0 6 8.0 0

~C <~ 6.0 Ol c (9 ' r= .99 _j P. melanosticfus c. 4.0 C. stiqmaeus = 0 r= .98 P. stellatus = 0 r= .97 P. vetu/us = 0 r= .95 2.0

0 200 24·0 0 40 80 120 160 (m.m.) Standard Lenath;;J 83

Figure 7. Linear regression of the gastrointestinal tract length to the standard length by species. r = correlation coefficient. 84 400 0

360 0


~ 0 E; 280 ...... ,.E .I::. -c- 240 l:J) 0 c (!) _J -c-200 (.) c ""'" Fl60 -(!)


80 = 0 r= .97

0 r= .95 40 = r= .93 Pmelanoslictus = eo r= .96

0 . 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 Standard Length -~(rn.m.) 85

Figure 8, Linear regression of the gastrointestinal

tract -length to -the stomach -length. by- species, r = correlation coefficient. '"


400 I 0 l 360 ~

~320 ~ E -280

F"" 0 ~--<-- C)) ; 6 240 0 _J

0 I --u 200 0 ~ - 160 <.::> 0

120 D./

80 = 0 r= .94

P.vetu/us = 0 r =.94

40 C. stigmaeus = 0 r= .95

P. me/anostictus = 6 r= .98

0 20 40 60 80 Stomach Length (m.nt) 87

Figure 9. The cumulative number of prey categories from the. ,pooled number_ of. fish. for each flatfish category at the -Ki-rby Park and ·nairy statiotis. 88 l

30 -

20 P. ve tu Ius = L; P.stel/otus (100-199 m.m.)= o 10 P.sfe//otus Cs99m.m.)= o

0 DAIRY ,..r-~- 40 ~~l:!i _,....,.--o-o- J 0 30 ~~/o~ 0 20 ~ P. vetu/us = "' C.stigmoeus = o 10 r 0

4·0 ru > ·- 30 ' 20 P. stellatus (I 00-199 m.m.)=o P.stel/otus (200-299m.m.)= o 10


0 I 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5o 6 0 70 8 0 9 0 Pooled Number of Fish

' I ' '

'~ .....


Figure 10. The cumulative number of prey categories from the pooled number of fish for each flatfish category at

.the BrLdge_and Ocean- stations, 90


-~ 80 6_,-r-6- 60 6~ or--o-o- ~ -o_.....-o...... -' 40 6r o_,....-- _6~ P. vetulus ·- 6 ~ C. stigmaeus o 20 0 = P. stellatus (200-2~9 m.mJ= o 0


80 t::r / o/o--- 60 6 0 / P.vefulus = 6 __..,-/ C. stigmoeus = o 40 0 c/ P.stellatus (200+m.mJ = o, -~ P. melanoslicfus (>I 50 m.m) = o 20 P.melanosfictus (sl5 0 m.m.) = c. 0

. 0 20 . 40 GO .80 100. 120 lt;·O . 130 100

Poo~~cl Nurnber of Fish 91

Figure 111• The numerical percent composition of the major prey groupings for Platichthys stellatus, .. Parophrys vetmlus, and Citharichthys stigrnaeus by station. 92

60 KIRBY PARK so DAIRY so 40 P. s/e/Jcius (I00-1~9m.m.) N•32 40 30 0 P. .J.'r:!l!aTJ:r (200-2S"9IT'-'f0 30 20 N• 2.7 P.. :SiiJIJa!us (:5 99 mm.) :.~ 0 20 N :JS 10 ~ ·.c"' 10 ·a ~~ E 40 :;J 0 z 30 30 P.sN/Jolus (100-199mml I! ~IUu/us r. N •S3 N • 52 -c 20 20 "'0 10 ~ r Q_"' 0

P. velulus N•-50

OCEAN 50 BRIDGE 40 P.llcllalus 40 P. slt;/lulu~ U00-199m.mJ 30 N •17 (2.00+mmJ 30 0 20 P.s/~1/cfus (2.00-2.9Sm..m} N•2B N •53 20 G 10 - 0 ~ 10 I\ I"····· ll 50 .c"' a I< D E4o 40 :;J P.Yelutus Z3o 30 f! YfifU/1,/S H=112 20 N•43 "E 2.0 Q) 0 10 10 ~ Q_"' 0 0 40 40 C. sligmaeus 30 30 C. slijmaaus N ~177 N .. 97 20 20

Major Prey Groupings Major Prey Groupings 93

Figure 12. Percent composition in number (%N), volume (%V) •~-and_ frequency of occurrence (%F .o. Y of- prey-categories- -with- _~Index- of~ Relative Importance values-> 50 for Platichthys stellatus, Parophrys vetulus, and Citharichthys stigmaeus, by station,

See Appendix Table A for list of prey category codes. 94

KIRBY PARK DAIRY Pr')' C!:lli!~iary Cc~~ Prey Cate~ory Code ~ I-bn. kd Sl;on N, Mcc i:li. Tn{Sl A'J Sn(S ~ "• %N ""'I %N 1 '" ..--""l.C.-1 I I I I fl~'t.ffi '%F.O. f . "0 I i 10 P. s/~1/o/us (IOO-I99m.m.l %V '" %V

~ ~. %N 'oo 0 0 L • I 10 :~ - R stella/us (200-2.99m.m.} I %V • %N "%0 I 10 lT - %F.O. 0 ------1--~· 00 :'''"'k~~ %V P. 3/e//atus ( :S 99 m.m.J :: "kF.O. <0 ·~~- __ju __ -[ ;( 00 10 P. t't!lulus %V •o IL,_,Cc___.J "'',_.,-.-_,_,_,__,.;..,_._-;--+-+-;--+-+-+--+-+-+--+-+--<-<

30- Dig %N ~: %N of---I 10

f! t'elu/us c.s/igmaeus %V ::\------' %V

t--1 .. 2 0 '"I• F.Q.


Pfro 5!&


%N "'

%V P. .st~llatus ( 100-199 m.m.l %V {200+.m.m.l "

%H ·:::::1-".:___.,i. \'\'\ 'liP~~ __ %F.O. %N %V l:r - r ~ P. stel/alt..•s (2C0-2S9m.rn.)


%.14 "10

' ------;t.F.O.


"/.V -

1 95 ! ~


Il l Figure 13, Percent composition,in number (%N), volume

(%V), and ·frequency of occurrence (%F ,Q,) of--prey

categories with Index of Relative Importance values I >50 for Psettichthys melanostictus at the Ocean station. See Appendix Table A for list of prey category codes. I 96

OCEAN Prey Category Code

70 . Adav Melo ·-Nkad Dig Gran 60-t------__:_I ____ ..., 50 %N 40- 30- 20 10 Q. -- %F.O. 10 20 30 P.melonostictus ( :5150 m.m.) ·%v 4 50 60r------~

l l I I I

Pisc Em or Pmel Dig

201.__!_J-~~ I I I %N 10 ' 0 -% F.O. %V 10 }---L_~.J----L-1 20 P. melanostictus ( > 150 r:u.l.)

1---:--+-7--r'-!-~:-:-11---1--:~:--:--} ; I .

1--1 =20%F.O. 97

Figure 14. Frequency histogr~ms of individual trophic diversity for Platichthys stellatus, Parophrys vetulus, and_Citharichthys stigmaeus_bystation. 98


P. s/~1/alu:s {IOO-t99m.rn..l N•32 D H"'.49·±.37t

P. stellatus {2:00-2S9m.. :n) N•27 II] ±.357

P. veJulus N= 52. H= .as± .466

r-- -~~ C.sligmoeu s 1--: N= 65· ii·.53' ± .347 - ·11-, ~ ~ + + + + + + + + 0 .2.0 .40 .SO .80 LOO 1.20 l40 1.60 I.BO

40 40 OCEAN P. slella/us (200 +m.mJ · 30 BRIDGE 30 P.llellolutt ( N= 28 H•l7 D H:.s 3 ± .435 20 H•.43 ±.3s7 20 rn P. stella/us {200-299rn.mJ -:::s-, 0 (.!) N•53 D .... H.• .36±.376 0 0 ~ 30 20~·· P..efulus ' .c"' N=43 E ::l 20 z N::lf2 1:~455 H.:~.BS±-431 <= - 10 0 "'~ 30 C. stigmoeus Q_ 0 "' N,97 20 C. stigmat!us ± .4oa 20 N= 177 tO H"'.75±A34 10 oL-L-L-L-l-l-~i------­ + + + + + + + + + + oL-L-L-l-l-~~~J=~--- 0 .20 :40 _60 .80 LOO l20 l40 L60 lBO ++++++++++ 0 .20 .40 .60 .BO 1.00 L20 1.40 L60 LBO Trophic Diversity in a Single Gut (H) Trophic Diversity in a Single GL~ (H) 99

Figure 15. Frequency histograms of individual trophic

diversity for Psettichthys melanostictus at the-Ocean

station. N = the number of fish examined which-contained food. H = the mean Brillouin trophic diversity in 1 individual guts ~ one standard deviatio~. 100

OCEAN- 70,_

P me!anostictus ( :5150 m.m.) (/') 6 -¢=- 0 ::J N=39 D (!) - H= .30 ± .310 "-."- 0 0 5

!.- i @ P.1me!anostictus (>150 m.m.> _Q 4 0- - E - - N::iJ6 :::J -H= .12 ± .196 z 3 0- """""r;;. Q) :~~tJ (.) i:::;:;::~ b. 2 0- (9 Q_


0 + + + + + + 0 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 Trophic DiversHy in a SinQie Gu7 (H) 101

Figure 16. The relationships bet,~een the mean evenness

·component· (J) and· the-·mean richness component (H) of

trophic diversity for each flatfish category at the

Kirby Park and Dairy stations. The bars indicate one

standard deviation. ·.;·.,,

1.00 102 I KIRBY PAR~{ .80 IT J ll .60 r~

.40 P. stellatus ( =:: 9 9 m.m.) = o

.20 P. stellatus (I00-199 m.m.) = 6 P. velulus = o

0 ~--~----~----~----~----~----~--~ 1.00 - I DAIRY .80 .• TT -, .• I J • .6 • --{>I • • l ' 1 61 . . .40 P. stellatus (I00-199 m.m.) = 6 P. stellatus (200-299rn.m.) = o

.20 P.vetulus = 0 C stigmaeus = e:.

0 ~---.-----.----~------~----~----· .20 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.20 1.40 H 103

Figure 17. The relationships between the mean evenness component (J) and the mean .richness component (H) of individual trophic diversity_for each flatfish category at the Bridge and Ocean stations. The bars indicate one standard deviation. 104 1.00- BRIDGE

.80- I • f-- - t;.- I J 0 • .60- 6 1 l I 1 .40- P. stellatus (I00-199m.m.) = e; P stellatus ( 200-299m.m.) = o .20- P.vetulus = 0

C. stigmaeus = c.

0 I I I I I I 1.00 I OCEAN If] j, .80 II 1 • J I I if~ .60 1 1 "I '1 .4 P stellatus (200+ m.m.) = €9 Pvetulus = 0 .20 C. stigmoeus = A P. melanostictus ( ~ 150 m.m.) = 0

L-----.-----.-~P._.~m~e~m~n~o~st~i~ctru~s __(~>-+!5~0~m~.m~.~) ___=__ o _ 0 11 0 .20 .40 .60 .80 1.0 0 I. 20 1.40 H 105

Figure 18, Diagram of the relative abundance of the 10 most numerous items ·i:n the environment as measured by

benthic cores (% P), the relative abundance of the 10 most numerous prey items in the diets of each flatfish category(% R), Electivity (E), and the Percent Similarity

Index value (% SI) bet,veen the relative composition of all the items in the benthic cores and in the diets of each flatfish category for Platichthys stellatus, Parouhrys vetulus and Citharichthys stigmaeus at each station.

See Apuendix A for list of prey category codes. DAIRY C. 1!l~ma,;1 P. rstulus KIRBY PARK P.sflll/otus {I00-199m.m.) P. stllllolus (200-2.99) %51•12. P, VIIIU/US %81•17 P stsllolus (IOO~I99mml "loSI•IS •,.!.51•3 %P '"loR P. $/II/lOIIlS ( :S m.m.l 0/r..P 0/r..R 99 "/a5[•33 •t,p %R 0 %51•39 '/. p 60 20 %51•2.7 %P %A .,,--"-'" ""' •;.p %R ,, '"0 llllp -'i •;..P %R 0 --"If"- Sn\51-'-ft-L- I eolp B1lp "" Hcop " I 1'•00 "'~ ~" Poly

!l•l~" " !hip Ho" Toll ~· Ma~ ' I ,.. SnlSl j!,biC Abit ... Ada. Tn(!;) ' I Abfl '""' Copr Myld '"" "' c~ap ,.., "' Han Ill•.' \ ""' "'"t./ftOI ) Eta~ Acal '"ccap '" ,,. A~ol Tn~t ' J ) Sbln Sbo~ "" ... / Crcl "''Tc~a~ Abfl Abrl 1/ ~~fl ,.. Pool '"' "'",~, COlO I ( I '"' Coro Cara Nttn'"' c~ap Pool ' I I Co

·~·Goma ·~·0\1; ~~0~~(/ ""

'"" ~.: ""j!,ono I Pilo i Noml ( Goma\ J>.ono.~· -,.-W--,.--;: ,,. 0 U>O 01!~'~'-r-~--r~ •J.OO EM~ E >00 •1.00 0 -1.00 0 "0 E OIIQ ct_,-~,-~ E 0 1.00 ·1.00 0 t.OO E ·1.00 E E E

OCEAN C.sNgmtMIJ$ P. vetullls BRIDGE P.ilsllofus (200+m.m.l %51• 9 C.stlgmaous P.v111ulus •JaSI• 2.5 R Sllllla/US (200-299m.m.) %51•16 %51• 8 'kP "'o)\_o P,.!f/11/(J/US (1QQ-[99m.m) "/.51• 29 "'oP "faA 0 "!o51•2.4 •kP %R '?_ "!oS\•41 ... p %R %P %R 0 0 "' %R zo 0 w Adn %P EO ~0ZO Pt.>lyd I •,<,p '/. R )lCop ro 40 z• BllP'-It-1-/P- 0 Euph I" ,,,o 4 ''"Cmm; ~ ~"'-~ ··~Tnui Ur• Ceo! Mopl 5olp 4 1"4 EgQI Cryp I 5~10 E991 SlhO I EDn? '""'Sn(Sl "'~ ... "''Glyt Cirri ""'! PiM IIi• \1 ,,. Pl!o ) Alrl ... Qom """ !hie Glyl I Abll ,~, Sbln Sill I !loip '"'Cap\ PpfQ Plro Di• ""At a\ Pho I ~COl Poly Cron Sblft J sl\! Hill SQIO Aco\ ldaot ~·· ·:_) Noll Pno ),I nOI Mact ,. Sb•n N1l1 """ I• ,...,• I Tmod ( .. ).lOCI Eabl r A~o~~~...... l Abrt ( Cr.cp / '"'I'IPI ~I "'"'Nlon Cytl ~.. ( Me<~l( Mocl \ '"""Abll ~ .. ( Nt•n Tmod J ··~ Sbon 1 ••• Cytl """ '"' I .. ,... I .... ""Sbtn "'", ... 141rTII Ceo~ Phto" ·~·Pl(ll l I t.~ooc , 0 Hlml 1 j "" ,.. . L 0'\ ~or/ t.~oct Ecol Ctd \ CJCI .... ~ >.00 d i I -1.00 0 9 I'Owb ' 100 '"" ! ' """ ,;,, .....+ ' ""'.. ~ ,), ,__..!: E 0 . . 0 ''"I •IDO f't,"' ' r' . ,ooO"•C!O 0 "'•CI 1.00 Pdob I ' rl'1 0' •.bo Qll 9 ~f&l0 ' 0 "' "·ibo ' ., E ·L E '" E E E E 107

Figure 19, Diagram of the relative abundance of the 10

most numerous i terns in the environment -as --measured by

benthic .. cores (% P), the relative abundance of the 10 most

numerous prey items in the diets of each flatfish category

(% R), Electivity (E), and the Percent Similarity Index

value (%S.I,) between the relative composition of all the

items in the benthic cores and in the diets of each

flatfish category for Psettichthys melanostictus at the

Ocean station. See Appendix A for list of prey category


j 108

P.melanostictus (> 150m.m.) P.melonosticlus (~ 150 m.m.) %SI=O %SI=O %P %R %P %R 20 0 20 20 0 20 60 Pisc Adav I Em or Melo '----r---'o-lj ' i Pmel Nkad i Gran Aeon· i Pvet Gran i Aeon Cnut i Begg Cane i Cnig Poly i Bath Atri i Ophi Aseu Nele • .------Nele •....----- ~----· 1 . I Eear j Eear j Ppyg j Ppyg j Meal j Meal j Pepi j Pepi i Esen j Esen j T~odj Tmodj Msae j Msae j Eobl j Eobl j Pdub • Pdub • ,-----'L--.,---'---r-~ .--'---1---'---r--. -1.00 0 1.00 -1.00 0 1.00 E E


109 l 110 Table A. List of prey category codes used in Figures 12-13 l and 18-19.

Prey Cat~cories Hioher Ta:xon Aang Allorchestes angusta c Mact Mactridae M Ab.:c At:"or. .on Ta becc~r i i Pr Mel a Metamysidapsis elongata C Abre Ar~ndl9 brevis p "Mnas Macoma nasuta M Acan Acanthomysis sp. c Mono Monoculaides sp. C Acol Aoroides columbiae c Msac Megelona saccu lata P Adav Acanthcmysls davisii c Mspi Manoculoides spinipes C AI g Algae Myid Myidae M Ascu AcanthO""ysis sculpta c Mysi Mysidae C Atri Atylus tridens c Nele Nothri a e I egan s P Bath Bath~edon sp. c Neme Nemertlne.':l Begg Brachiuran eggs c Nlo>d Neorr.ysis kadiakensis C Biv Bivalvia M Nten Not~astus tenuis P Brae B;.achiopoda c Nvir Neanthes virens P Bsip Bivalve siphons H Ollg Ollgochae~a Cane Cancer sp. c On up Onuphidae P Capi Capitellidae p Ophi · Ophiuroidca Ed Gapr Capretta sp. c Pbic Platynereis biCa.ndliculata P Ccal CapreJia callfornica c Pdab ParaphoJ<:us dabOius C Ccap Capite! ra capitata p Pegg Pisces eggs Pi Cirr Cirripedia cirri c Pepi Paraphoxus epist~us C Dnag Cancer mag ish:r. c Pfra Pinnixa franciscana C Cnig Crangon nigro~aculata c Phor Phoronidea Cnut -CI inocardium nuttall i i H Pisc Pisces Pi Core Corophium Si). c Pinn Pinnixa sp. C Cran Crangon :sp. c PI ig PolyC:ora I igni P Cryp Cryptor:~ya ca f i fern ica H Pmt!l Psettichthys melanostic-fus PI Cycl Cyclaspis sp. c Pobt Paraphox~s obtusidense C Cypr Cirripedia cypris larvae c Poly Polychaeta P Oexc Dendraster excentricus Ed Polyd Palydora sp. P Dig Digested material Polyn Polynoidee P Eana . Emerita ana toga C Ppau Pol ydora paucibrachiata P Ecar Euphi fomcdes carchcrodonta C Ppyg Priospio pygr.~a.;!:.JS P Eggs Crustacean eggs C Po;t Podocopid ostr=cad C Elou Exasond fourei P Pvet Parophrys vetulus Pi Emor Engraul is mordax Pi Sben Streblospio benedicti P Eobl Euphi lc::r.edes oblonga C Sgra Scleroplax granulata C Epug Epine!!al ia pugetTC!nsis C. Si I i Siliqua sp. M Esen Eohaus+orius senci !Ius C Sn(S) Saxidcrnus nuttall i siphons M Ete E7eone SiJ. p Spio Spianidee P Euoh Euphi lcr..~..!as sp. C Ssho Synch.::l idium shaer.~keri C G~ Ger.T."aric!~= C Ssic Solen sicarius M C~d Ge=n.2: g~.! M Syn Synchel idiur.~ sp. C Glyc Glyc:era sp. P Terc .., Tercbellidae P Grab Glyc~:-a robusta p Tell ina mode:;ta M Hcop Harpadicoid cope;:od C Tnut Tresus nutted iii M Hare Her.~igra;JSUS or:;vnensis C Tn

Platlc:htn!(! stellatllS t101J-I~1

PI"'IO"""' FDf'-tnll•ra h.,l,...t,l ,_, 0.91 t.lll o.o«s 4.00 9.U ...... , •• boccarll 11,00 O.)l \l,l)- 111.11 6 ,_,. 0.011 '-"' " ],98 0.69 u.oo 6.5] "' (IFtlldh..., go.nlarl '·"' " l.ll 0.]2 2.00 ].311 " -rt-"--rt... fo.ntdent.l ,_, ,_, . o.oo o.y; e.oo ,_, Ec:llllli"'I.-. • "-"' '·"' " " Un~chll """'"' 0.01 ,_., 1.20 0.07 AnMIIda Qllgodle•ho ,_., n Pol yd'>oet• Polyc:hM-111 lo.nldent.) 16.1!6 l'6..ll 10.91 Pltytln6o<:ldae (,...t.l '·"o.n ,_,. 0.16 " " Etecn• ~- 9.61 11.18 "'-' 11.110 [f..,... 1""0" ,..l[fomtc:.o. 0.13'-"' ,_,. .[..,.Ida J.P• " ,_, " '·" " 1.6l •.oo E .... tu bil<>llah ].60 4.00 'il.•l " b.og,.....,.,.,,..., O,l5 O.ll 6.66 4.~ II 0.15 0.14 2.~ ].,1 n ].46 16.00 112.110 "7 Splcntd- (...,[dent. I 1.01 0.62 1.20 1.95 ;~ Poly sp. '·"0." 0.111 1.20 "·' f Pseud<>p<>ly~ pauc::lbranclllat. 0.60 0.5] 6.66 6.26 10 0. Ill 0.07 2 • .0 '·" " st .... btospl<> r.-<11<:1"1 l'J.IIl 22.20 eo.oo 2 9.48 5.60 211.91 ~n.96'·" 12.19 1.23 62.00 flepftlyil t:omuh f.-....::[$Cana "• ,_, 0.91 2.00 '"''-"5.12 ' ' Clrntull.,.._ (~nld-oont.l 2.]2 2.10 2.((1 II.Qil; 2.12 2.11 26.00 111.54 "• A.--nd!a b,..,.[a 0.19 o." 2.•o " ,_, 5.[1.1 12.00 1011.]6 Cal)lt•llldaa IU1ldant.l o.n 0.]1 1.20 '·",_ .. ' -Qrp In !Ia ao;ttft"te v.n · 5.01 - 2:2.!19 ,_, ""' )"..21 1.1!0 lfi.OO "90.1& N<>"h:>ooastus t ...... !s o.zz . 1.%0 0.211 ' '· I• 1.21 2.00 11.1!2 " '""..,..,...... -.. '·"' " " Ostnu:oda Podpld ost~ (..,[.s.nt.l 0.49 0.20 20.00 15.96 • I.U 1.20 1.5l o.M o.r.~ ta.oo " llll.,.cflc:olda (..,lde<1a Atlof"d>oostu ang111ta 3.61 6.211 ,.,..,Ides o:~t...ot .. ,_,.'-"" -4.111 6.~9 "' 1.411 0.'-2 10.00 10.00 ~tr.l~sp~. 10,]1 5.26 _5l~ll n1.S9 ' 21.49 50.60. ·~D.A~ ", 6 .•..!!0_ . ..J.l.Q._~ •19.!_6 "• Oaarpoclli Can<::ar sp. 0.45 2.40 1.71] 1.0 '-"1.26 1..20 5.22 .....,, 9 ....,pS<~S ~nata " In :act. " 1.14 o.:s:z 2.00 2.!ll ,._, Tar.... atrhl lnS*Cfs lunlddnt.l T•r,...strt .. In~ Ia...... o.u ~[IU$C8 '-"' '·" '·" " at ... l,.la 10.16 1.~ 6'1.00 11-'9-20 , Bt ..... l- alptcu 11.1111 10.06 61.« 1TI6.6l O.ll O.Z'il ~.00 2.4a lobdlntus S!l· ...... 1.75 111.07 111.]5 t.Ol 0.11 •.oo 6.96 " _ ·-~,_, 7.14 .M.I!Z " 14ooctrl~ t..,tdent.J ,_,. • r .... s.,s nu""tlll :.t.ll '-"'],61 111.)0 r.-. .... s nuTtallll slphc:ns ,_,. 1.15 ].61 111.95 2.16 1.55 4.111 11.11<' " lolo.c:c-e SliP• " ].'ill ,_, 49.!19 14yldoe ..... tc~ont.l " " ,_,'-"" 0.1• ,_ Cllnoo::ardt ... nun.! lit '-"' .. " Goat~ o.21 " 0.611 0.12 2.00 2.00 Hooogast~ ,...,t.s.nt.l •-« o.u ,_,. 0.21 C..pNotasplda (.-.ldent.J '·" '-" '·"' " " Yal""f"obn~1lo " Fish eggs (unlclont.l • ...... ,. 2.91 0.32 2.00 6.511 Tar,...strl•l s.aads 0.111 o.09 3.61 o.n 5. n 49.l9 21).1..911 o.oo 16.08 •• 00 64.32 " "• 0.00 25.!19 1!2.00 2122.911 " o.oo 51.20 100.00 5120.00 '-"" 29. II llO. 36 26,UJ!1 "-OI~rt·d .aterlal "-"' ' ' l5!i . '"' Tot,. I Nurober ol Prey Cet•gorl•s " .. " N....O.r <>I Fish u.-ln•d h

Table C. Index of ~elative Imoortance (IRI) summary for the Dairy station. %N = percent num~rical composition, %V =percent volumetric composition, %F.O. = percent frequency of occurrence

,,,._.., .. _ "·"" a,f:l l.M tal .....u...-..•••-~ ,_ ... •--•- 1.~ ~ ...... ,..,,_ ;.lllo I.N l.U 0 ... U -·-..._._ ...... ~ .. 0 ... 1.~ c . .- .. _, -·-~'""' ...... t.IO Q,l< 3.1'0 0... l7 o.•• "--"' s... .w -~~-go•-· l.lll l.lll J... U... Z:Z b.,. 1.~ t.U J.:tO 1:1 ""'f<"-"' ..... ,..,_ .. ,_;_,_, L:l< I.U ,1,11 111.!11 I J.I'O •••• u.u "'-10 u J ..U 1,0) ot.U to.... 1:1 J'•ll' 1... 1<... H.ll u- ... 1.1! L:ZU I.:D l... l7 [-·~~-- c.- .... .,...... ;:: ::~ !:: !::; : ;,, II•• 1.11 '·" ,.., ( ...... u ...... D,H l.lO ),~I' 1.'11 Zl l,tc o.n J... tl.U U ~.oo "·-'"' t,U ~.U ll.'l ca..,...,..,.u..,._ ·--· o.:ro a... J.Ja o.JZ 21 c._..._,,_ 1.01 LX J.Ja J.aJ JJ a.Jl G.ZII I.A 1.20 o.J ...... _ 1.... 1..10 ),lJ Ol -...... -·~-··· h ... G.OJ 1.211 1.11 O,M :1"1 ,...... ~.,.... ,,.,., .... 0.31 1.1.2 •••• tl _,..,.. _...wfo f...... :loc­ D., 1.01 1.'11 J...N l!l .. _,.. 1.10 ,_.. • ... ~1-lo .... 11.11 '·" u.n u.n 11 J..JJ ''·" n.n • i.l:l 1.,. 1.11 '·" .u "''-'-l""'-···..... _. ... a,,. Lt:l :S.It 1.&:1" B 0.011 J,n I.S:Z 1.0<1 M ....u .... ,_,.,..,._...,_, __ ,.,.., D,.., I.SO O,t:lli 1l 11..&1 11.%1 11..3<1 ~·..n I.U J.OJ SQ.N o '.11 o.OQ IJ ... l:t,oa a;._..,.,,_,_,_,_l 2.}1 1.-"' J... II.CI lO ,.CM J,M 1.,11 I,U 1t c ...... ,, ...... t,l!l l.J& 1... 14,)0 II -....~. 1.n 1.;111 c.s U,J!I 1,)1 :W.ll llt,lC .. _, 1.11 J.JII ... u J.:rl o,.- .Q.H 1)Q',Cl 0 t.M 1.1:1 l!l.l'l U.tooo•_ .. ._.... 1.11 ot.:u 0.14 0.11 '·"' Zll ~-·..-•"- ..._.._..C.III--""" ,..,, __...... , '-'• 0,00 o;n t.SI l.lll ....s 1.... 1.01 1D.N J:!.ll II 2..11 o.n 1.11 t.a " - 1.10 J.1V 1.01 ll ~-. or-•• ... _,,_..s.•-·- ,,., ..... &.ts 111.!o0 10 o.n '·-'"' "·" no.n

-·---·· I,U 1.11 11,)) J,I,H II 11,1$ G.JO l.ll 1.!11 )0 ol-hlo t.•ol-.1 '·" ~~ :m.ll Ill... o.n o.u u.u ··-···· U.ll l.ts ,,JT IIIJ.CS u.n 1.11 '"·" ..... n B.Jl l4.'11 )l)J,ZJ I 1.~ O.J.I U.Cl ICCIO.ll l >.'II t.,ZJ 3a 1-.... - ..... a,.., 1.u '·" n.3Q 1o.a-. 1 t.n 2~ t.SJ 1,12 11 ··-·-··-·'-'-...,..,.,._. _..,,, .. ,_. o.:ro ).ft I.U "·" n tt.n "·" "·" 110.~ J ...... _ G.ll LD 1.1.2 l.fl B a.Jt a.fl 1.10 o.n :zu -~ o.rt o.n s... •-:t J.t ,...... ,._...... 1.0<1 J.c::~ u.,., ur.n '·" 1.!11 1.00 11,11 10 ~·-·-·-·-·_ 2.... 1,11 OI.JII UI.:U ... 1 0.!.0 1.01 2.... "' '·" J...lf. n •.., 11o..!.D '·" '·" n.1.1 zn.JO o •·" I,IJ l... V.u U ~.:H I.U 1.31 1.11 J1 1.lll .... l,ll ·-~ 21 J.n J.U 1.... ~-<.,. 11 Sc>l-=:::....ol.,.rl­ I.IJ '·" J,oa 011.n n c.y,.-... __ ...,.,_,_c.l ...... Cio a.1o a.J& 1.10 1.10 zo (11...... ,_1_ -"•Uti 1..11 l.n ),II 11... II 1... •.u J.lO D.JI IS

~...._ ,,_,_.._, o.u o.n o.n '·"' lll L"' G.Gl J.U 0.011 )1.} ~!!"'""'"""·-- G."' LV 1.12 11.1 J,Jo 2., 0,61 .l<.... II a.... J.l'l I,H l,ll 11... II ...... f;l.-1-·•-"--~~ ... ·-·-~-· .. 1,... 0,00 1,01 U,U II ••I'S 0,1-0 I.JJ •.Oll I" _ 11.10 0.~1 l.l'Q 1.u n t..-.-...... - _ '·" a., t.n .,_.., '' O.lrl J.U U:.ll J . O,lrl 1.,00 1.01 1.2:1 :1"1 o.1r1 ,_., :o.= 11.n 10 0.011 a,TJ 1.00 s.a; 11 u.q "'----··· Llrl ll!.)l 1<0.1ll161.1U I a,I'Q \6.0 II ... UI'C,U I 0.0<1 l'l.ll SJ,JQ ll•J...., l 0.1'1 IJ.l-0 M.A IJ' I un tn• ..,...,-.. .. ,,.....,u,opr, .. . " "y •" - ...... ,_._. t.l ... .;..._,..,, • n • .! - I , • - ,f1; f- !.!111~ i · I ""'"""0 ,.... OJ m,~ H-!., 30JO" f!! 1 11 1 1 "0,.... ~ ' l" '· 1! Ifi I ~!!I lj!Ifffl.!l!ilii fi{fji11! I ~!!!i ff!ff!l!!If11 fffli!·~lflifi!i!l . 0 -'•CO Il '~ 1 VlO : I I dl l ,l,.. ' 1.. . ,,.~II ' I i"• ,• ,.I " ..•' I• ljill ·- ,!t,.•• ,.1-ll"lli'··-H!·.r. .•.•... 1·!' • 'I1 ,. l ~- 0 !. !. -lo::S ~ l I ~ ~~ ;. ,-;.. ·i!· i !: c· , •r if ~~ --=!lll'l... ,nH! ~ ~ :_;: g • _n ! - ,...... ' . . -1 l . - '. II " - " B· - I i ' - 'II • I ~. r 1 ' , ~E lj ~- • >c 1- -, 1 • '1- 1- -,l ! 'j- - ' -.. ' ~- l r ~ Pt • 1· c J · 1- - • ! 1-l . · - 5 Icc 0 • r i = -~i ~! ~ .-fja:: ~ ..::> "":z .....::1 d 1- Cl. 1 I . ..,~ 11 ro>< ! f PP • "0 '" 'p " oroo..,.., i ~ ~ ('} 11 ro ;o ::> ro "0 rt ~ "' ' ro OJ ii ~ "l:lrt " ' , n c: -..lo ' ro 3 < ' ,...... ,::> ro ro ~ !"!"'!" :"Pl"'P ,. ~ ,...... a:.: ;;u~ k ' ' """3"lOJ'O P t' t':"' I"PP' :" p pp p p p Pt':' PP!"P . r ~ ::! = :::;: ;::~= 1$ w:::~ :'!¥:8~ :: ~g ro o ' ' e ' .n .., t':" ;"!" '!';";" ;" !" 1":"1" c ('} ..... ::~• a; 1111 1 ~~~ ~~~~ ~ 'k ~ ::11:1 i E k roow ::> 3 ::> ' , I l:l Fl"!l :" t t' n-on ~~!: • i~ G~ ~H ~ s ' . ' , i ' P:- . p PPPP p p p ..... rt ;;: 'II e t~::e = ~~~ : o l:f e :r < ro .'"~ :~ : ; ~~~: ;: ~~~ ~ p ' 0 " " ' ' ~co .3 c € ~~ ~p p F ...... 1' p !" C"l i: 3 ~ • !~ ~ ~:~~ :u at c. k ~~! ~ a i: ; b • • • roo. •• ' .' t:\0 =~ 't tc ~ K rtlO.., ro ~- ('} 114

Table Index of Relative Importance (IRI) summary for the Ocean station. %N = percent numerical composition, %V = percent volumetric composition, %F.O. = percent frequency of occurrence

.__ ,...,._, __ , ou. .,_., :r.n '·"" .._. ... _~...... __ ...... -...... _...... ~ '·"' ...... ,.::-·--·-·-··_ ._, __ , _... . ·~ . _.... ,.._... ,_, __ , ...... _,, ._ __ .... _,... ,_._, ...... ,_.__.... ·-·-·-·-···...... __ _ .. ~ ·--· '" ~- . .. ·- ·--··-··--·­ ...... :::::-.._._.._.,,=-=··-·-·· ...... '" . ___ _ '·" .... s.n ,..,. n · ::::::::=.:....--- J,...... = ...... ,... _,,.., __ , ...... __...... __ ...... _ ...... J .. _,_,__,..,, ,. :::::.::-..!::!7'·' ...... ~­ ::: '!:~ ·~~ ..: ..... &.M ._.. Lll =:::~:::.::---· >:LJS •·• Ln ••• • ...... :::: ...... -·-._,,_._,_... ·-·-··...... l..D • --·--· ::;; ...... ''·" ...... o.u ...... :n ..._'E-- -·-·-·"· ...... Lu o.a ..._.. ZL<> a ~"":.-·-'-·--· ...... ··- ..._, _,.,.,_.._, ~~:::t;~: ..... - __... --~-·- .... o.n o.n o.a ._., ., ~--...,, __ ,_ ..LZo ...... ::: .::!! •.t:: .. ":'' ...... -·" ·--._._.. ...a....tL uo. ""'-AS. a cr ..•-•• ..:::::::-·· .... .__, ,,... J..n ..., ...... • •• &I ...... ~·. ,...... ~!"..:::.~-· ...... ,. ...:> ..... c.-._,__ , ...... c,.,_,.._----·-··..... ,._,._ .. =-::-"-­ ...... __,_ ...... __ , ~~~ ...... -·- o.or oo.n o.• a ...... '::!: g.• ...... -·-:.:....";.:::..:;:;:." ...... La L • .._., ..!:!: '; ...... ~t:.!:~ !::;:-" ...... ~~- .,..., ._., Ln n ...... ~- . ,... _._ ... ,__ , ...... ~ tE ::: ..'" o.;a o.a ._ .. 10 :.:_~:::_- .. .. o.• ur z.or .._, ...... .... • ... -·-- ...... , ...... '·" ._.,__:~-=_.. __ ...... '" :.::; ::: ...... ILM..... :10...... '" ~~~-_ ::~ t-J n ...... ·­ ~= __ .. __ ...... 1.3< ...... ---·-··=:: ::::!!-,_,.,...... ___ ._.. ._ .. Ltz LIO U :::::;-:::~ ...... --" . '·" ·~.- ...... _ ...... _._ 1..>o ...... -.,,., ., ~..=:!-::-··--__ __ ~ ::: ::: ·.:::_ : ._...... __ , :::: ::: ~ :::..... !:·'...... ::~ ::: ::: ::: ~ ...... --·=:--~·..-:::·- ._,. '·'" on.n .. .._... ..-.,_ ...... -·-·-·­ __ ..... gg~~fi~ ~~:~-~:...... ~-" ...... -·---"'"-_ ...... 1.10 ...... --··· :::: ~.: :::: .... ~ ...... o.ll ..,~ --­·---"""­...... • ...... :::: :~ :::: .::: :!·" g ...... E::~3~ ._ __ .. .. '!:': !; ...... ·~ "·' o.n Ln •-"' ""'...... •...... , -..-·-·-..... !:!: .·~ ~;: E -:::::-:: ..... -...... •n...... • ,,,_,, __ ...... ·-· L.l:O .... ::~ '·" ...... :.-:: ~-· ...... -·~: :: ·-·-·· ... ,...... :f. ::: t~ ::~ .... - 0.:1<1 .... . --=:::.-· .. - "·' ...... :::~.::::;-·' ...... _., ...... tt.n ..o.u I !:C"..:.:.:. -;;:::_, ~::... ::: ":::: ~-:::.:.:·- ...... ,_ .. , --·:::: ::..-.. ~- ...... _...... _-.. , '-".... .,_,_., ...... "·" n ...... _._ .. ,__ ,_,_ ...... -- ...... ~- LITERATURE CITED

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