Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal PlayStation 2

Release Date: November 2, 2004 More Info Also Known As: Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Ratchet and Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal, Ratchet and Clank III Exclusively on: PlayStation 2 Genre: Action Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment Developer: Insomniac Games T for Teen: Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence


Oh snap, the world is in trouble again.

Strap on your Suck Cannon and let loose the Agents of Doom—it's time to take it hard to your enemies, and ram your bullets straight up their arsenals. With a whole new control scheme and all-new challenges, Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal has more to master than a Roman empire. Luckily, we here at IGN have done all the taming for you.

If Nefarious has you beat, or you're just looking to score 100% of all secrets and everything in Up Your Arsenal, read our guide, complete with:

 Basics: Tips and strategies to get you on your feet and blasting like a pro wombat.  Walkthrough: Complete walkthrough of every level, every battle mission, every challenge, and the location of every titanium bolt.  Weapons: Details on Ratchet's crazy arsenal, including info on which weapons you should bother maxing out.  Multiplayer: Strategies to beat your friends in this deep multiplayer experience.  Secrets: Uncovered, locations and info on all hidden trophies, and level-specific skill points. Basics

 Whether you're new to Ratchet and Clank or a returning veteran, there's plenty of stuff to master in Up Your Arsenal. With a whole new control scheme, new enemies, and new weapons, there's plenty of nuance to grasp before you should step foot on the battlefield.  Fancy Footwork Up Your Arsenal introduces the new lock-strafe control scheme, and with good reason—the moment you switch on the game, you should configure your controls to the lock-strafe set-up to get the most out of Ratchet's maneuverability. With the lock-strafe controls, you'll be capable of a number of tactics that are otherwise impossible.

 The best tactic that lock-strafe allows is the ability to fire while retreating. This lets you more easily dodge enemy attacks without having to stop your own assault of gunfire. Get comfortable with aiming your weapons while simultaneously dodging un-friendly fire and you'll be well on your way to conquering the many levels of the game.  Weapon Mastery Up Your Arsenal features a robust weapon level-up system that allows you to power up the guns that you use the most. As weapons level up, they get increasingly powerful and, when they reach level five, gain added abilities and effects.

 To level up your weapons you need two things: plenty of enemies to kill, and boatloads of ammo to do the slaying. Unfortunately, in most instances enemies and ammo are in limited supply. However, there are a few places where they are infinite.  The best place to go to level up your weapons is to one of the many battle mission challenges scattered throughout the galaxy. The many challenges in Annihilation Nation are especially awesome for leveling up your weapons, as there are some powerful enemies (the Terrible Two and Scorpio) you can endlessly destroy.

 To gain the maximum amount of experience every time you take down one of these powerful enemies, use the weapon you want to level up to deal the most damage possible. Even if that weapon alone can't finish the job, you can deal damage with other weapons to whittle away the enemy's health. The only thing you must not forget is to deal the final killing attack with the weapon you want to level up—the weapon that kills the opponent will get the bulk of the experience points.


KYZIL PLATEAU, Veldin mission

As you start the level, you'll see a couple of galactic rangers battling a few enemies ahead of you. The enemies will eventually be destroyed, letting you head right to continue the mission. Jump up onto the next platform and approach the group of galactic rangers. One will toss you his weapon (a Shock Blaster), giving you the firepower to take down the large walker that attacks you immediately as the ends. Continue along the path until you reach a bunker entrance, with a couple of rangers pinned down by fire from within the bunker. Use the Nitro Launcher given to you by the ranger, and take down the vehicle inside. When the room's clear, step inside and head down through the hole in the center of the room.

The tunnel opens up to a large room with a walker in the center. Shoot it down, and turn right, heading northeast through a wide hall. Blast through the walkers, continuing to move northeast towards the "?" that appears on your map.

After blasting through another series of walkers, step onto the ship that's waiting for you. The ship will carry you over the northwest portion of the map, where you'll be dropped to free-fall to the ground. Dodge the missiles flying towards you as you fall (they're very easy to avoid...this time), and get ready for a firefight as you land. Walkers and tyhrranoids attack from all sides, so stay mobile and clear the enemies that come from the drop ships. When the area's cleared, the doors to the east open up, letting you head to the next area. Watch for the enemy ship that's straffing just in front of you, and use the broken parts of the bridge as cover and shoot over the top to avoid taking damage. When the enemy ship's been downed, continue towards the friendly ship behind it to end the level, and take off for Florana.

NABLA FOREST, Florana mission

The moment you set foot in Florana, you'll have access to the vendor where you can purchase new weapons and ammunition for the weapons you've already got (the N60 Storm comes highly recommended if you can afford it—if not, save up).

Hop across the small platforms knocking down the few dragonflies, and continue up the next path. As the path branches, turn left up the path. There's a jackpot crate, along with a bunch more crates. Grab the jackpot before collecting the bolts in the other crates to earn the most bolts possible (you can get around 5,000), and then turn around and head back down the path. Run down the second path at the fork, and watch out for the armored enemies ahead. As you hop onto the curved platform between the two green platforms a giant creature comes up from the water. Jump back to the next platform to take it out safely, and continue into the building that's covered in green orbs.

There are more enemies inside the building. Once they're down, jump up the ledge to the north. Turn around and jump across the gap, heading south to take on a number of the same armored enemies. When they've been cleared out, find the yellow ladder behind them and climb it to continue.

At the top of the ladder are a number of armored enemies huddled around some crates. You can take them all out with one Nitro Launcher shot to clear the platform, letting you climb (or jump) down to the floating platforms below. As you walk towards the green circle platform, another sea creature will emerge from in front of you, so watch out! As you step into the next building, a number of armored creatures will come at you from the south, and the first onslaught is followed by a second batch of enemies as the bridge ahead drops. With the room cleared, cross the bridge and jump between the two narrow walls to ascend higher. As you grab onto the bit of yellow ladder, jump backwards to the platform behind you to grab some extra bolts and health.

Hop across the gap to reach the western platform that's got a couple enemies waiting on it. When you've cleared the area, jump up to grab the zip line that's hanging over the platform. As you slide down, get ready for some fancy footwork—the moment you land, you'll be assaulted by a number of dragonflies and two sea creatures. Stay mobile and watch out for the projectiles the sea creatures launch while shooting 'em down, and continue to the next platforms.

Climb up the ladder ahead, and clear the platform of dragonflies. Hop on the zip line, and take it down to meet a mysterious being who forces you to walk...the PATH OF DEATH. PATH OF DEATH Once inside the cave that forms the PATH OF DEATH, turning left will return you to your ship. To continue down the path, turn right (northwest), and jump along the platforms quickly—they'll fall out from under you as you touch them. Take out the two armored enemies as you reach the opposite end of the hall, and watch out for the falling boulders to your right.

Getting past the boulders isn't too difficult. They all fall in one of three positions—right, middle, left—which makes it it easy to get through them, though you should still move slowly and find a clear path to the other end (don't try making it in one straight run).

A couple more enemies wait for you at the top of the next platform. Shoot 'em down, and jump east across the first falling platform. Stop before making the next jump, and wait for the flames to die down before quickly hopping across the flame plate, and the next couple of falling platforms.

A number of enemies are hanging out in the next room, including a couple armored guys that get destroyed by the booby trap ahead. To get past the first bit, wait for the flame plate to die out, hop on top of it, and jump through the smashers as soon as they retract. The second bit isn't as clear-cut as the first, though you can start by shooting down the dragonflies on the other side before trying to dare the trap. To get across, time it so that you can reach the second flame plate (with no flames on it) at the same time that the smashers retract. The next room has a couple more armored enemies inside, along with some health and a new booby trap. The first fire plate won't ignite in flames until you touch it, giving you a free stepping stone to start your mad dash across. Step onto that first fire plate the moment that the two plates directly ahead of that ignight. As those flames die down, run straight across the plates (corner to corner) and you'll be able to make it without touching the flames.

You're not out of trouble yet, though. You'll have to dodge through another set of falling rocks. This time, however, you'll have to watch out for the fire plates on the ground, limiting how you can dodge the rocks. Again, be patient and you'll be able to make it through unscathed.

Captain Qwark As you reach the top of the next platform, you'll be confronted by the strange being that forced you onto this cursed path, who turns out to be Captain Qwark! You'll have to fight him briefly, which isn't too difficult if you've developed your skills in shooting and moving (at the same time). At long range, Qwark will toss his boomerang at you, which is pretty fast and damaging. To force him into an attack pattern that's easier to dodge, get closer to Qwark—instead of throwing the boomerang, he'll slash with it, which is super easy to dodge. Keep blasting him with whichever weapon you want (the N60 Storm works very well) until he summons his minions.

A number of armored enemies and dragonflies will come up around the platform while Qwark hangs from the ceiling. Quickly shoot down the enemies (the Nitro Launcher works wonders) and continue nailing Qwark. Again, move in close to him to force him into using his slow melee attacks, and keep away from the boomerang! When you defeat him, you'll have completed the level and will fly up to the Starship Phoenix.

bolts & trophies

This titanium bolt can be found on a level of the building below where you emerge from a tall ladder. The center level can be reached via the ladder on the west side. x

The Ratchet Trophy can be found here, in the high corner of this tall building. To reach it, enter the building from below, wall jump up the narrow vertical passage, and head into the eastern room once you reach the top x (there should be a health refill to mark the correct room). The windows of the room are busted out, letting you walk outside of the building. Hop north along the outside of the building to reach the trophy.

The second titanium bolt is found in the PATH OF DEATH. After dodging the first set of boulders, you'll jump over one falling platform before reaching a fire plat. From the platform in front of the fire plate, turn south to see x the titanium bolt nestled inside a small hut.

STARSHIP PHOENIX, Outer Space mission

Welcome to the Starship Phoenix. This ship will serve as a level hub from now on, and your main base of operations. For now you've got a menial task to accomplish—take Qwark to his cage—which won't take more than twenty seconds. Just head to the center of the ship and turn left, following the hall to reach the "?" on the map. After bringing Qwark to his cage, head back to the main hall of the ship and go through the north doorway. Ride the tram to the bridge and you'll be treated to a story sequence, after which you'll have the flight coordinates of the planet Marcadia.

Once you've got the coordinates to Marcadia, you're left to roam the ship. You can purchase some armor at the Armor Vendor (recommended if you have the bolts), or try out some bonus battle challenges in the VR Deck. When you're ready to continue the main story missions, return to your personal ship (at the south end of the Starship Phoenix) and fly to Marcadia.


Warm Up

This first challenge is pretty easy and straight forward, though you can employ an interesting tactic to make it even easier. As the large cylinders come down x to release the gadgetron test dummies, lob a Nitro Launcher shot between the two cylinders. The blast will explode, and take out the test dummies before the cynlinders even pick up to release them.

Don't Look Down

This challenge is much like the previous, except that while you shoot down the test dummies you'll have to watch out for the floor panels opening up underneath you. You won't fall through x the floor, but you will suffer damage if you touch the electrocuted wiring. Again, use Nitro Launcher shots to destroy the dummies before they even

come out from their cylinders, and clean up the rest with the N60 Storm.

The Shocker

You only have the Shock Blaster as an available weapon (you can't even use your wrench), and you only have thirty- five shots with it. Since you won't be able to restock on ammo during this mission, you'll have to conserve your shots. You can usually get a bunch of x simultaneously kills if you approach the drop cylinders and fire the moment the

cylinders rise to release the test dummies. When fighting them normally, make sure you can get at least two test dummies with one blast of your Shock Blaster. If your ammo supply drains entirely, you'll automatically fail.

Speed Round

There's not much to this challenge— simply defeat two rounds of test dummies in under a minute to win the challenge. You can apply any tactics x you've used 'til now to take 'em out, and won't have a problem beating the time limit.

Wrench Beatdown

You'll have to fight off some test dummies with nothing but your wrench—easy, right? Maybe not quite so. It's safe to strike most of the test dummies with a straight-up wrench wake to the face. But when confronted x by the test dummies with the blue flame throwers, you'll want to use a long-range attack. Hold the duck button and tap the

wrench attack button to send your wrench flying, letting you safely take out the flame thrower test dummies from a distance.

Hot Stepper

This round's just an extended version of earlier challenges. You'll go through eight rounds of test dummies, while the floor panels move in and out between x rounds. Again, use your Nitro Launcher to nail the test dummies before they're even released from their cylinder cages, and stay mobile to any damage from behind.

90 Second Slayer

With only ninety seconds to blast through three rounds of test dummies, you'll have to be quick about exterminating them. Use the Nitro Launcher trick to destroy most of the x test dummies before they emerge from their cylinder coffins, and use the Shock Blaster to take out the rest. The Shock Blaster will kill a test dummy with one

shot, letting you clear the area most quickly.

Nerves of Titanium

This twelve round challenge will test both your maneuverability skills as well as your conservation skills. Use your ammo as effectively as possible, because it'll have to last you a long time. To get the most ammo, always break the x ammo crates when they appear. If you don't break them, new ones won't be able to replace them at the beginning of

each round, and you'll have wasted ammo supplies. Upon winning the challenge, you'll be rewarded with a titanium bolt!

VR Gadget Training

You can earn the Hypershot gadget with this training exercise. Simply follow the green nodes, hitting them with shots from the Hypershot to either swing x across or open up new platforms. When it comes to the hacking portions, be quick to shoot the red lights before they reach the top of the hacking cylinder— you have to fill up the green bar on the

right to unlock the door.

bolts & trophies

You can earn this titanium bolt by completing the final challenge, "Nerves of Titanium."


You can find five titanium bolts in the five issues of Qwark's vid-comics. They are awarded during normal completion of the levels, and are not hidden— hurray! Just collect all 100 tokens in the level to earn the reward. x

You'll earn one titanium bolt by completing Helga's VR Gadget Training challenge (for the Hypershot).


CAPITAL CITY, Marcadia mission

At the mission start, just follow the galactic rangers into combat. You'll fight a couple of small tyhrranoids before the rangers disappear, leaving you to your own devices. Follow the southern path into an open corridor and clear the area (the small guys can be taken care of easily with your wrench). To continue, you'll run up some stairs to the east and round a corner with a bunch of powerful enemies. However, you can make it a bit easier by jumping up the ledge to the north. The narrow path leads to a landing with a ton of crates, and a great sniping view of the enemies on the path ahead. Clear 'em out from there, then jump back down to the main corridor, and continue up the stairs to the east.

As you run up the stairs, a number of enemies flood the narrow opening into the next corridor. Stay on the west side of the corridor and use the narrow space to force your enemies to come at you one at a time. Clear 'em out, and round the corner to fight even more enemies, including some walkers dropped by a dropship.

As you make your way towards the broken bridge, watch out for even more enemies (duh). Double jump over the bridge, and round the next corner to hit a brief cutscene with a galactic ranger. Follow him, blasting away the enemies, and jump into the back of the ship. You'll then have the option of completing various battle missions—it is suggested that you complete them all. Repair the Laser Defense Shield After completing the battle missions, you'll be whisked away to another portion of Marcadia. Step forward to grab the Refractor gun, which will let you complete the various puzzles of this building. As soon as you grab the weapon watch for the oncoming 'noids and clear 'em out.

In the next room you'll run into the first chance to use your new Refractor gun. Equip the tool and walk into the pink beam. Go into a first person view and use your aim to direct the beam into the spinning purple receptor that's just left of the exit door. You'll open up the door, and let in a few tyhrranoids.

The room beyond the doorway has a bolt in the center of it—spin the bolt around to move the receptor that's on rails forward a bit. When you've moved the receptor, walk into the pink beam to the north (with the Refractor equipped) and direct the beam to hit the newly-moved receptor, which will open up the next doorway. More Refractor puzzles await in the next room. Use the tool to refract the light towards the first receptor, and then twist the bolt in the center of the room to move another receptor into place. Once that's done, refract the pink beam into the receptor just right of the exit doorway to open up the door.

You can guess what to do in the next room. Refract the light into the first receptor, and then twist the bolt in the center of the room to move that receptor, shooting the pink beam upwards into the connecting hall. Jump up the next ledge, and refract the beam into the receptor directly ahead of you—a bridge will form, letting you cross the hall.

As you cross the hall, a walker will appear right in front of you the moment you step off the bridge. Destroy it, and then step on top of the pedestal with the pink beam shooting vertically. You can use the beam to direct the mechanical spider in the room, leading it up the right wall and onto the spider symbol. Once the spider's on that symbol, nail the spider with the beam to open up the next doorway.

Run down the hall to enter a room with a couple of lasers in mid-air. Spin the bolt in the center of the room to move a hanging receptor, and jump onto the pedestal to direct the pink beam into the receptor you just moved. The doors will open, leading you to another room. Spin the bolt in this room, and direct two beams into two separate receptors (on either side of the door) to open up the room's exit. Follow the next hall to reach the level's end, where you'll acquire the Qwark vid-comic. Return with the comic to the Starship Phoenix by backtracking through the level and returning to your ship. Go to the west wing of the Starship with the vid comic to complete it and continue with the main story missions.


Secure the Area

This is a pretty typical run-and-gun event. Stay mobile, and take out the enemies that come in from drop ships. Don't worry about destroying the actual x drop ships, unless you're looking for bonus experience to level up your weapon. Shoot down the flying enemies first, then the walkers, and finally the tyhrranoids in this brief battle to win.

Air Assault

The goal here is to protect the four galactic rangers in the center of the field, which means little more than killing everything in sight. This time, however, make certain that you're quick x to take down any enemies that are near the rangers. Also, don't let the dropships distract you and bring you too far away from the center of the field. It's easy to

lose track of the rangers, and let them get wasted by the enemies.

Turret Command

There's a large plasma turret right outside of the ship you're in. Hop in it, and target the enemies swarming in from the skies. Focus first and foremost on the large drop ships that swoop in. You have the firepower to destroy them x before they even let out their load—and you want to. Destroy the ships before the enemies inside drop out for the best

chance at survival. Of course, if there are no drop ships in the area, help the rangers below clear out the forces. Just don't get too distracted from your main focus.

Under the Gun

You'll have to protect the repair crew that's working on the turret in the center of the map. The goal is to hold off the enemies for two minutes—to do so, stay x around the center of the map and shoot down any enemies that drop in. The challenge is pretty easy and straight- forward, though you'll have to make sure you don't get distracted from your

main duty.

Hit n' Run

The goal of this mission is to turn the bolts for all of the turrets in the area in order to activate them. You'll only be able to activate the turrets with electrical arcs breaking towards them, so follow the blue electricity to each successive turret to fire it up. Before you start turning the bolt, however, you'll want to x clear the area of enemies. Just spend a

little time quickly blowing nearby enemies out of the way, and the rangers will take care of any other enemies in other portions of the map. When you've cleared the area near a turret, latch onto the bolt and turn it until Ratchet automatically stops, then quickly move to the next. When all turrets are activated, you'll complete the mission.

bolts & trophies

There's a hidden alcove to the southwest with walls you can jump off of, letting you reach a secret hall with the first hidden titanium bolt.


Within the Laser Defense Facility, cross the energy bridge and head go through two more rooms. In the third room is a wall you can walk up (with the Gravity Boots) that leads to a refractable laser. Direct it into the hole nearby, and x go backwards two rooms. Run up the wall in this room to direct the beam to another receptor which opens a door (in the same room) with the bolt.

Use the Gravity Boots to run up the wall at the very end of the Laser Defense Facility. The Titanium Bolt is on the ceiling.



Issue 1: Pirate Booty! As the first of five vid-comic levels, this one is easily the most straight-forward. All of the 100 tokens can be found easily (they're all very obvious), as well as the health upgrade and the titanium bolt. If you have trouble finding everything in this level...well, maybe you're Qwark.

In the elevator sequence, if you happen to miss a token, you can let the elevator pass you up and then drop below it to retrieve any skipped tokens. The elevator will return to you after a while, letting you continue the level.

Issue 2: Arriba Amoeba! There are a number of hidden tokens in this vid-comic. Luckily, we've found them for you. The first set of hidden tokens can be found about midway through the level. You can jump on the wall above you with the pink-light sign attached. Jump backwards off the wall (left) to reach a platform with the tokens (pictured below-left). Just a bit later, you'll see a couple of tokens that seem to fall downward in front of a moving platform. Drop straight down onto the tokens to collect some more hiding below (pictured below-right). You can find the health upgrade at the top of a series of floating platforms. When you reach the top-most platform, jump left to cling onto a tiny ledge. The gray wall at the top of the ledge can be bashed open, revealing the item (pictured below-left). Near the end of the level, you'll reach this area. Hang onto the moving platform and drop down onto the tokens below. To your left is a smashable wall that reveals even more tokens (pictured below-right).

Issue 3: Shadow of the Robot Most of the tokens in this third issues of Qwark's comic are in plain view and easily found. However, there are a few that aren't obvious to the naked eye. Also, the health upgrade isn't quite obvious to find—you'll have to cling to the edge of this platform (pictured bottom-left) and drop down to collect it. The first hidden token can be found at the area where you first see a bunch of rolling barrels smashing into a ledge. Jump backwards (left) to hit the hidden platform and grab the tokens (pictured below-right). The final hidden token is found just after the brief helicopter battle. After you get let out of the room, exit and immediately jump back (pictured bottom-left). The hidden platform has the tokens you need to make sure you find all 100, giving you the level's platinum bolt.

Issue 4: Deja Q All Over Again Almost all of the tokens are easily found in this level, though a few are hidden. While crusing atop the bus-like ship, watch for a token above you (pictured below-left). Just a bit later, jump left from the top of this ladder (pictured below- right) to cling to a ledge and get another token.

A little ahead, another ladder leads up to a giant portal window. Head left for just a bit to get another token (pictured below-left), and continue right up the platforms. From the third highest platform, take a blind jump left to grab onto a platform just above you (pictured below-right). You can then hop up to get the health upgrade before continuing to the level's end. The end of the level is celebrated with a boss battle against Nefarious. Fire at him with your gun to knock him back, and focus on avoiding his attacks. To avoid the large ball of red smoke, wait for the cloud to get near you and perform a wall jump off the nearest wall, letting you jump over the top of the dangerous attack. When Nefarious launches his dark rainbow attack, jump onto a wall and cling onto it as long as possible—the dark rainbow should pass right under you, letting you continue your assault.

Issue 5: The Shaming of the Q When you reach this point (pictured below-left), hop right onto the platform and then jump backwards (left) onto the ledge behind you. From there you can reach a platform to the right with a hidden token. As you enter this vertical hall (pictured below-right), hop up the platforms to avoid the rising acid. At the top of the hall, jump to this hidden path to the left to find a health bonus. To get all of the tokens, you'll have to backtrack (that means dying) and go up the right side path. Near the end of the level, you'll be forced to break a bunch of ice blocks. As the narrow hall opens up into this larger room (pictured below-left), jump up to the platform in the upper-left corner of the room (pictured below-right). The rest of the tokens in the level are in plain view, letting you easily earn the titanium bolt.


To make your way across the first flame plates, wait for them to ignite and jump towards them, performing a double jump and then holding the jump button so that you glide down to the plate. By the time you land on the flame plate, the fire should be out, letting you safely across. The path leads to a dome room with a switch in the center. Step on the switch to open a door to the left, and exit out to the next hall. As you cross the bridge, laser turrets rise up and fire at you—you can destroy with with a shot or two, though you have to wait until they've popped up before they'll take any damage.

The next hazard (after the duo of laser-shooting robots) is a long platform of fire plates. The timing to cross them both is easy, though you'll have to watch for to enemy robot on the far end of the platforms. The hall ends in a small circular room, filled to the brim with crates and health bonuses. Step on the switch in the center to open up the next door and continue through it.

Run down the next outter hall, and into another dome room with a floor switch. In the next hall you'll have to content with a bunch of blocks that are pushing outwards. To get across them, jump on top of the blocks as they eject towards you. You can hop along the tops of the blocks to make your way across, and enter a room with another Qwark vid-comic. As you grab it, you'll be left to complete a challenge...in the deathcourse! The challenge is straight-forward and easy. With full ammo stocks, you'll have no problem wiping out the hordes of enemies that surround you in ten rounds of combat. Just stay mobile and keep firing!

When you've completed the challenge, you'll be given the option to complete more (and we suggest you do). When you're done here at Annihilation Station, return to the Starship Phoenix and play your new Qwark vid-comic.


The Terrible Two

You'll face off against two gladiators of the Deathcourse, though you'll only take on one at a time (thankfully). To battle the first one, keep your distance and continually fire your N60 Storm at him. He'll eventually jump away, leaving room for the second gladiator. As the second gladiator stomps, jump up to x avoid the shockwaves that come

towards you...while continuing to shoot at the enemy. When either of the gladiators launches a volley of rockets, back away to keep your distance, and watch the floor—red circles will mark where a rocket is about to land, and you don't want to be standing there when it does!

Crispy Critter

This challenge is just another route through the Gauntlet which will require all the same abilities as before. You'll move from room to room, stepping on x switches to open up new doors and new challenges. Though thankfully, none of them are terribly challenging.

Pyro Playground

This is another simple run through the Gauntlet. The only part you'll have to look out for is the part with the thrusting blocks. You have to jump across the x moving blocks to make it over the lava below, but timing the jumps can be challenging. As soon as the first block shoots out, jump onto it and patiently

move forward. Before the blocks behind you disappear, one late block will emerge in front of you—jump to it, and from there jump across to the other side of the corridor.

Robot Rampage

For this challenge, you'll have to endure twelve rounds of enemies...while dodging the hazardous floor panels. Every round, the floor panels change around to pose new dangers for Ratchet—stay sharp and notice the changes each round to avoid taking x unnecessary damage. Near the end of the challenge, a turret will pop up in the

center of the ring. You can lead it one way, and then jump the opposite direction over it's stream of bullets to fake it out, though you'll have to continue your assault against the bots while you work your feet.

Suicide Run

This is one of the simpler runs through the Gauntlet, with no really difficult challenges. Just blast your way through the area, and don't worry about ammo— x any ammo you use in the Gauntlet will be replenished for the next challenge.

Whip It Good

You've got six rounds of opponents, but only one weapon (and no ammo refills). If you run out of ammo for your whip, you'll automatically lose the challenge, forcing you to make smart use of what little power you have. The best way to defeat the enemies is to let them defeat x themselves. Run away from them until they bunch up together, and then turn

around and perform a long jump over the top of them. They'll end up attacking each other, letting you use your whip to take out just the last opponent of each round. Using this tactic, you'll be able to save your whip attacks for the last round.

Two Minute Warning

You've already fought this battle, but now you've got to do it in under two minutes! Okay, so it's not as hard as it seems. Just keep constant pressure on x the duo of bosses with your N60 Storm gun and they'll be flattened even more quickly than necessary.

90 Seconds of Carnage

You've got ninety seconds to fight off six rounds of robots—not too tough, eh? Your N60 Storm will work wonders in clearing the area (just stay on the trigger x constantly), and you can use your Nitro Launcher to take out groups of robots the moment they step out at the beginning of a new round.

Hydra'n Seek

Using only one Spitting Hydra, you'll have to fight off four rounds of opponents. And though your ammo supply is pretty limited, the gun is more effective than the last weapon-limited challenge. Again, you can let the robots deal damage to themselves, though once x you get down to three enemies there's no reason to skip on the shots—you can kill

three enemies with one shot of the Spitting Hydra (or more if you've powered up the weapon), which is good for finishing each round. When it comes to the end, just make sure you don't run completely out and you'll be fine to win the challenge.


There are two minutes to wipe through nine rounds of robots—to make it to the end, you'll have to be firing almost constantly. Use your N60 Storm for x general combat, but start each round with a couple of Nitro Launcher shots to take out large groups at once.

Championship Bout

You've got two challenges to combat here. Not only do you have a huge number of rounds to complete, but you'll have to worry about fighting two gladiators at the end! You'll want to conserve your N60 Storm ammo as much as possible, relying instead on x other weapons such as the Shock Blaster, Nitro Launcher, and Suck

Cannon (if you have it). Another challenge is that some of the rounds are timed! During these timed rounds, you'll have to clear all the enemies remaining before the time runs out, or all your effort will be for nothing.

Meet Courtney - Gauntlet

This challenge starts out as any normal Gauntlet run, but there's an interesting surprise at the end. You'll be left face to face with a new Gauntlet boss, a giant scorpion-esque robot. As the gladiator x slams its tail on the ground, watch out for the spinning blades that ride along the ground towards you. If you time your jumps right, you can hop over the

blades, along with the spits of fire the bot spews during another attack pattern.

Ninja Challenge

There's nothing special about this challenge, just a bunch of baddies to shoot down. This challenge introduces the ninjas, which are quick and x deadly—take them out first, and then focus on the slower enemies to ensure you don't get surrounded.

Counting Ducks

Again, another straight-forward challenge round. Just blast through a few rounds of enemies before Ratchet gets knocked out by the gas in the room. x As long as you're not sitting on your thumbs the entire time, you'll have no problem doing so.

Cycling Weapons

This challenge is a blast. You're given a random weapon with a limited amount of ammo, and when that ammo is spent you'll be automatically equipped with a new gun. If you get a weapon you don't x want, just blow the ammo to get another weapon automatically. Stay mobile while fighting, and watch for the level's hazards—the floor panels will become

dangerous, and in the fifteenth round a turret will emerge in the center of the room.

One Hit Wonder

To make it to the end of this challenge, you can't take a single hit. Doing so will result in the end of your attempt, so stay mobile to make sure you avoid taking damage. If you have any weapons like the Miniturret Glove or Agents of x Doom, deploy those and switch weapons to something with rapid fire. The Miniturrets and Agents will do a

good job of protecting your rear side while you focus on the enemies ahead of you. You'll also have to watch for moving floor panels after a round or two of the challenge!

Time to Suck

Your only weapon here is your Suck Cannon, which isn't necessarily bad. Use the Suck Cannon to eat up the small hover bots, and turn around and use them to destroy the bigger bots first. If x you destroy all of the hover bots first, you run the danger of running out of ammo for your suck cannon with which to destroy the bigger bots—as long as

you take them out first, though, you'll always be able to progress.


You've got to defeat Scorpio, the giant scorpion gladiator, before Ratchet succumbs to the sleeping gas in the arena. If you've got the Miniturret x Glove, toss out all of your ammo and switch to another high-powered weapon. With the power of your Miniturrets and your normal gun, Scorpio will fall very quickly.

More Cycling Weapons

Another round of cycling weapons— same deal, right? Wrong. This time you'll have to take on Scorpio with your random weapon select, and that's easier said than done. Just keep constantly firing on the enemy. If you happen to get the Plasma Whip, put a lot of x distance between you and Scorpio and whip the air to use up the ammo in the

weapon. If you try getting close to Scorpio in order to deal damage, you'll end up eating more damage than you can deal. Keep your distance always, and you'll be able to take out Scorpio...eventually.

Dodge the Twins

You've fought this battle plenty of times before, but this time you've got to do it without getting hit. Use your most powerful weapon and focus all your x shots. You can deal enough damage to chase each gladiator off stage after just one of their attacks, making the battle pretty easy to endure.

Maze of Blaze

Another day, another run through the Gauntlet. There's nothing particularly challenging about this challenge, though if you don't watch yourself you can x quickly lose your health. Stay focused, and the simple platforming should be a breeze.

Cremation Station

Another day, another run through the Gauntlet. There's nothing particularly challenging about this challenge, though if you don't watch yourself you can x quickly lose your health. Stay focused, and the simple platforming should be a breeze. Oh wait, did I just repeat myself?

The Annihilator

Alright, finally another Gauntlet run that's actually challenging. For the most part, it's another simple blast through the caves and tunnels, though you'll have to watch for falling platforms. Just about every platform in this run will fall out when you touch it, so don't get too x comfy until you're on solid ground. The main challenge to find is the very last

stretch. The platforms surrounding the thrusting blocks will drop out, making the blocks your only safe ground. Quickly hop your way across (jump as soon as the first block thrusts out) to end the challenge.

Chop Chop

You'll have to conserve your ammo stocks, though since you've got just four rounds to blast through you don't have to be overly skimpy. Lure enemies into attacking each other to thin the numbers, x and finish off the forces with a few blasts from the Disc Blade Gun. The gun is capable of taking out a few enemies with one shot if they're tightly

bunched—use this to your advantage to make it through.

Sleep Inducer

Unlike most single-weapon challenges, you've got more than enough ammo in your one gun to take out all rounds of enemies. Just lob one round from the x Rift Inducer at a time and stand behind it. As the enemies come towards you they'll file right into their own demise.

The Other White Meat

Since the Qwack-O-Ray has an infinite supply of duck-turning-into juice, the only challenge of this round is of your ability to avoid enemies. You have just x six rounds of enemies to duckify— transform them all to win the challenge.

Championship Bout II

This challenge incorporates many of the previous challenges. As you blast through the rounds, you'll run into bouts of random weapons and sleeping gas. Use everything you've learned to reach x this arena, while conserving your most powerful ammo for the last boss, especially your Miniturret Glove ammo if you have any. (Of course, during the

random weapon changes, you can use as much ammo as you want—it won't deplete from your overall stock.)

Qwarktastic Battle

Uhhh, can you say "endurance"? This 100 round challenge will push you to your absolute limits, both in terms of health and in ammo stocks. You have to use the same weapons throughout the 100 rounds, meaning that you have to ration your rounds. Use the Suck x Cannon whenever possible to conserve your ammo stocks, and be sure to bust

open any ammo crates as soon as they appear (to make room for more). At round 50, you'll take on the twin gladiators, so make sure you have adequate ammo for the encounter. And finally, at round 100 you'll be matched against Scorpio for a final battle.

bolts & trophies

Enter the challenge "Pyro Playground" and you'll find this bolt atop a platform behind the turret lasers that pop up when you get close to them.


Enter the "Maze of Blaze" challenge at get near the end. Normally there are no platforms here, but this challenge has platforms with laser bots riding on them—clear the paltform to let you jump over to the bolt. x

You'll earn the Annihilation Nation Champion trophy by completing all challenges in the Deathcourse.


DEEP SEA HIDEOUT, Aquatos mission

Start the level by heading east and stepping onto the elevator platform. You'll go deeper into Aquatos, and meet up with an old friend. When the conversation is over, follow your bud while clearing out the swarms of enemies that come from the green sludge around you. Step on the switch in front of the door to open up the next room, and you'll have to clear out more enemies (including the floating bots that seem to be fighting on your side).

Open up the next doorway to enter a tubular room with a couple enemies in it (cowabunga). When there are no more enemies, Shadow Dude will activate a bridge to span the gap, letting you cross to the other side. Through one more door, you'll enter a larger room with a pool of water. Dive into the water and swim northeast to reach another room in which you can surface. Climb up into the large pipe above, and get ready for a surprise as you approach the green wall—the wall will explode, revealing a giant green sludge enemy! Shoot it down to enter the next room, in which you'll find a floor switch that will open the door behind you, letting Shadow Dude into the area.

Follow Shadow Dude into another room with a draw bridge, and clear out the enemies to let your friend do his job. When the bridge is up, cross over and open up the next door. The next room is filled with enemies, but nothing else consequential—just cross through to the next room.

You'll reach another pool of water to pose an obstacle for you. Dive into the water and swim north up the narrow cave, avoiding the mines floating around. As you emerge, jump into the pipe above and clear out the enemies (including another huge sludge guy) and open up the door for Shadow Dude. The next room has yet another bridge, and you know what to do: shoot down the baddies, let Shadow Dude draw the bridge, and cross over to the next room.

You'll start a brief cutscene that ends with Shadow Dude skipping out on you. Head north into the small submarine ship, and take it to another portion of the secret hideout. Clank You've got to get to the door on the other side of these hazards, but you must first step on the floor switch in the center of the room.

When you get to the next room, Clank will find the banana launcher gun. Use it to fire a banana onto the switch on the other side of the gap to lure the monkey onto the floor switch, drawing out a bridge that'll let you cross. When you get to the other side, fire another banana somewhere beyond the light sentry ahead. As the monkey passes under the guard, the light will start to follow the monkey, letting you safely enter the next room. Once you do, control will be passed to Ratchet...disguised as a tyhrranoid.

Ratchet To get through this portion as Ratchet, you'll have to pretend to be a tyhrranoid. Approach the first door and initiate a conversation with the tyhrranoids on the other side. You'll engage in a game of Simon Says—just time your button presses to match the commands. When the door is open, jump across to the next.

Again, initiate a conversation with the tyhrranoids on the other side. This bit of Simon Says is a little different—for the commands with elongated boxes, you'll have to hold the button press for the duration indicated by the length of the box. Step through the door when it's open, and talk to the one tyhrranoid standing next to the bridge portion to the left. He'll raise the bridge, letting Clank (above) cross the chasm.

Clank Cross the bridge to reach a circular room with lasers spinning. Clank is fast enough to step into the merry-go-round and move counter-clockwise with the lasers, avoiding any damage. When you cross, fire a banana onto the floor switch and run to the door. The monkey will open the door for you, letting you cross over. (To get the monkey back, step on the floor switch on the north side of the door.)

As the path forks, take the right branch to find a room of gadgebots. Activate the bots and instruct them to follow you out to the spinning fan obstacle. Target the fan and order the gadgebots to attack it, clearing the path for you to continue. There are more light sentries in the next room—distract the first with the monkey, and cross the room into the next. Step onto the elevator platform ahead, and gather your gadgebots near you. Fire a banana onto the floor switch to lure the monkey, letting you reach the gadgebot container above. Order the gadgebots to enter the little container, opening the next door, and returning control to Ratchet.

Ratchet Hop over the first set of lasers and activate the floor switch in the center of the hall. As soon as you hit the switch, quickly rush forward through the next obstacle to get through the door before it closes again.

You'll have to converse with another tyhrranoid to get through the next door, and yet another to draw the bridge in the following room. With the bridge raised, you can cross into the next room to rendezvous with Clank. Hop into the sewer pipe to the north to continue your infiltration mission. The Sewers You immediately land in a stream of sewer sludge that sweeps you downstream to meet up with an old acquaintance. You can hop into the submarine to the west to return to your ship, but it's a good idea to scour the sewers in search of all the sewer crystals. You can sell the crystals to the waterworker for a ton of bolts—so get crackin'!

You'll find the sewer crystals either in smashable objects on the floor of the sewer tubes, or held by large sludge creatures that bust out of their wall-forming cacoon (the large, green, brainy looking things). Slug your way through the sewers, and take every opportunity to smash stuff and kill green dudes—to help you find the crystals, we've marked them on the map above.

When you've collected you fill of sewer gems, take your ship back to the Starship Phoenix. While there, you'll learn the coordinates of a new planet, Tyhrranosis. Fly there to continue the mission.

KORGON BASE, Tyhrranosis mission

The level begins with a freefall to the surface of Tyhrranosis. Most of the missiles flying towards you are easily dodged, though you want to pay special attention to the missiles with the red tails. The red-tailed missiles are tracking you specifically—you can dodge them by pulling hard either left or right as they approach. Once you land, follow the galactic rangers around to clear the area of enemies. They'll go through a number of halls with more enemies, and lead you to the room with the "?" on the map. When you reach that room, smash open the red bubble in the center of the room to drop the shields that separate the halves of the room. Go to the other side of the room and break the second bubble to drop the shields in front of the exit.

As you step outside, a vehicle will be dropped off nearby. Hop in the vehicle and speed towards the first "?" on the map— the one in the southeast corner of Tyhrranosis. The area is heavily guarded, though you can easily gain access to the shield bubble you need to destroy by simply driving straight towards it. Your vehicle will plow through enemies, giving you instant access to the target. Destroy it, and return to the center of the map, aiming for the next "?" in the southwest corner.

Hop out of your vehicle to jump up to the platforms in the southwest. As you reach the second platform, a drop ship will let loose a trio of walkers. Clear 'em out, and make your way up the path to destroy the next shield bubble. When you're done, hop into your vehicle, and take for the cave entrance to the west. You won't be able to drive the vehicle to this next shield bubble. Hop off your vehicle and jump up to the cave entrance. Ride the platform to the cave floor below, and fight off the enemies as you make your way north. As the cave opens up to the outdoors again, walk up to the tower side and wall-jump to the top of the tower. You'll find the next shield bubble— destroy it, and jump off the top of the tower to float back towards your vehicle to the south.

Ride your vehicle now to the northeast corner of the map to arrive at a wide path entrance at the base of another tower. Make your way towards the top of the tower, and you'll have to wall-jump your way to fight even more enemies. Once you destroy the last gun tower (by nailing the bubble shield), you'll be warped in front of a door that gets blasted away. Enter the doorway, and take the elevator up...to your doom! (Or something like that.) Tyhrranoid Mother As you step into the next cave, you'll be meet by the Tyhrranoid Mother! To finish this mission, you'll have to take on this bad mother 'noid.

The first portion of the fight is pretty easy. The mother 'noid slowly pushes towards you, letting you unload a bunch of shots into her as you backpedal away. When you've dealt the beast enough damage, you'll enter the next stage of the boss encounter—the 'noid mother will cling to the ceiling and chase after you with a volley of rockets.

The Tyhrranoid Mother will chase you along the bridge that just dropped, which is covered with mini tyhrranoids. If you stop to fight them, you'll get blasted by the mother, so just keep hopping along. As you dodge the rockets of the 'noid mother, the rockets will hit and kill the mini guys instead. You can even lure the rockets to break open crates with health and ammo, letting you stay completely mobile until you reach the next cave.

The third round is much like the first, though the 'noid mother is a bit more aggressive and faster on the ground. Again, attack her with all you've got, and keep firing even when she clings to the ceiling. When the Tyhrranoid Mother fires her laser attack, hop over the lasers (a double jump and hover will let you dodge both steams of fire) and continue your attack. Eventually, she'll fall, leaving you to hop on the ship. You can partake in some battle missions if you choose, or go back to your ship. Complete the battle missions and return to the Starship Phoenix, where you'll learn the coordinates of yet another planet.


Assault on the Kavu Island

You'll again have to freefall to the ground—pull left and right to dodge the red-tailed rockets for a safe landing, and shoot down the enemies on the ground. There's a bolt just left of the bridge which x will extend it, letting you cross to the second platform. As you approach the missile launchers, shoot them from afar. If

you get too close, they'll nail you massively. When all missile launchers are destroyed, you'll have completed the mission.

Dog Fight Over Kavu Island

You begin the mission in the cockpit of an air fighter. The goal is to destroy the incoming drop ships to save the rangers below. As long as you stay constantly mobile, you won't have a problem x avoiding enemy fire. Watch your radar for red blips and attack them as quickly as possible, and remember that your first

priority is taking out the dropships. The other ships will be taken care of by the rangers, though it doesn't hurt to help them out.

Opertaion Thunderbolt

You'll be placed back in the air fighter for this mission, though you'll have to watch out for a new enemy. The ground is now covered in rocket launchers, which are quick to target your flying ship. Move x towards the enemy base slowly, keeping a special eye out for the rocket launchers on the ground. You can destroy the launchers before they can shoot you, though if they do fire a rocket at you it can easily be

avoided by simply flying backwards and shooting it down.

The Final Battle

This final battle will have you cover the entire length of the map in an assault on the tyhrranoid base. The only thing different about this trial, however, is that x in order to take over the base you'll have to destroy the two turrets on either side of it. To avoid the turret fire, strafe one direction while firing. The stream of fire will eventually catch up with you, forcing you to jump the opposite direction that

you were . Continue strafing in the opposite direction until the stream of fire meets up with you again, and repeat until the turrets are toasted. When both turrets are destroyed, you'll have completed the battle mission.

bolts & trophies

Drive out to the penninsula in the southeast corner of the map. Behind the building at the end is your lovely Titanium Bolt.


Get into the cave to the west and start making your way north through it. After blasting away two larger tyhrranoids, look for a Hypershot node to the left. Swing across it to reach the bolt. x

The Al trophy can be found atop a small pedestal with a tyhrranoid on it. Wall jump up to the upper platform to the north and turn around to jump and glide over to this trophy. x


At the start of the mission, turn left (west) and climb up the platforms, fighting off a number of dragon flies and floating bots. The path leads around the back of the small island, through a small boat, and out to a bridge that's highly guarded. After crossing the bridge, climb up the ledges to the left to enter a small tower with the Charge Boots. Collect the boots, and you can drop back down to your ship below to continue the mission.

When you land back at your ship, use the Hypershot to swing across the green nodes to reach the larger island to the northwest. From here you can take two different paths—for now, hop onto the elevator platform to the left to reach the upper level of Daxx.

Run down the deck shooting down the various bots that come to attack. When you reach a dead end, you'll find the path continue on the right. Hop up to the next level and make your way west while clearing out the enemies. Some of the bots will hide behind brown blocks, and while they'll provide cover for a while these boxes will explode under enough fire.

About midway down the long west-leading hall you'll reach a locked door that can be opened by a floor switch just in front of it. Open it up to continue down the hall, and you'll turn left to begin your southward trek. After using the Hypershot to swing over a gap in the platform, use your hacking skills to open up the southern door. As you enter the compound you'll have to shoot down more bots before continuing westward to the next room. The large rectangular room has a sniper on the far end—shoot him down and jump onto the sniper platform to find a floor switch that opens the door to the next area. Hack the door and step through.

The room is crowded with normal bots, along with two snipers on the far end of the room. Clear out the normal bots first before approaching the snipers, and try to take out the snipers from your first person view. When the room's clear, you've got one final door to hack. Once you get into the next room, a cutscene will trigger leaving you with the coordinates of a new planet. Take the teleporter back to your ship, but don't leave the planet Daxx just yet—you've still got another portion to explore.

Once back at your ship, use your Hypershot to again swing northwest across the water. Instead of taking the floating platform up, however, turn right and head north, using your hypershot to reach the higher platforms and open up other platforms to get you across. As you land on the set of hexagonal panels on the water, a large ship will emerge from the east and begin firing a volley of missiles at you. There's no point in trying to shoot down the ship—just run to the more solid platform to the west, and use wall jumping to climb to the top platform.

Use the Hypershot to open up more platforms and to swing across to the floating hexagonal walkway. Another flying battleship will emerge to firing missiles at you. Be quick about moving across the platform, and as you reach the solid platform to the north the battleship will disappear.

Get ready for another series of quick steps and fast fingers. You've got an even longer stretch of platforming to execute while being shot at by various ships. When you finally reach the next safe zone, stock up on ammo—there's a nasty battle about to occur.

As you hop onto the final platform before reaching the "?" on the map, another flying battleship will emerge to challenge you, and this time you'll have to challenge it back. Stay on the permanent portions of the platform and avoid the smaller hexagonal bits (they'll fall under the explosion of the enemy's missiles). Hop around and fire your most powerful weapons at the ship.

The ship will go through various attack patterns, disappearing and reappearing between them. When the battleship fires its lava gun your way, just hop over the stream and try to hold your aim on the ship's hull. With enough ammo dumped into the behemoth, the flying battleship will explode, letting you continue your path to the "?". Hop to the "?" on the map using your Hypershot to initiate a cutscene. When that's over, just walk through the room and hop onto the yellow transport platform to return to your ship. You can fly back to Annihilation Nation again if you want to complete a new challenge.

bolts & trophies

You can find the plumber trophy up on the tower with the Charge Boots. Instead of dropping down to your ship, jump out of the tower doorway and quickly pull right. You'll land on a ledge of the tower with the trophy. x

Ride the hover pad near your ship to the Harbor Station. From there, look south to see a series of Hypershot- activated platforms and nodes. Whip over them all to reach the island just ahead with the Titanium Bolt. x

After crossing over the gap and hacking a door, you'll enter the western part of the level. Head into the second room where you'll find a floor switch at the far end. Step on it, and quickly run back south to the previous x room. Across the room is a door that's open—be quick to get through it before it closes, and grab the bolt at the end of the walkway.

Obani Gemini mission

Equip your Refractor tool again—it's time to reflect some beams. The first one should be obvious; just direct the beam into the receptor near the gate ahead to drop it and let you pass. Exit the gate, and jump on the bounce pad to reach a platform just above. Direct the pink beam towards the satellite that's not connected to the network of beams, and then drop back down to continue. Move towards the next bounce pad (under the satellite you just beamed) and hop up to another dead-end beam. Direct it again to the next satellite, and then step onto the bounce pad connected to that upper platform. Jump in the same direction the bounce pad is facing to reach the next satellite platform. You'll have to jump up two levels of platforms to reach the beam, but once you do direct it to the satellite directly overhead.

Again, find where the beam of pink light ends and move towards it. This time you'll have to bounce off of a number of bounce pads to reach the end of the beam. Once you get there, you know what to do. Reaching the beam to nail the last satellite can be tricky if you're not looking in the right place (or really simple if you are). The last pad is right next to a platform surrounded in a green aura, though the bounce pad you want to use is not next to the platform with the green aura. It's on the other side of the chasm, and will give you direct access to the beam.

Once you've nailed the last satellite, the green aura will disappear, revealing a teleporter pad that will bring you to Obani Gemini, Pollux.

Obani Gemini, Pollux The path starts out pretty linear—march forward, clearing out the enemies, crossing a bridge, and eventually reaching the first bounce pad. Leap up to the platforms above, and make your way over the narrow bridges (through enemies) to another bounce pad. As you land on the top-most bounce pad, a large floating bot will ascend before you—take it out, and slide down the curling wire.

As you land below you'll be faced with a few more lesser bots. Clear 'em out and step through the tall yellow gate ahead. There's another bounce pad across the way, that leads to a rock platform with another bounce pad. From the upper rocks, cross the bridge to another platform with a giant floating bot. Clear him out, and step onto the triangular icon on the ground (jump while on top of it). As you land on the next platform, a cutscene will trigger, effectively ending the mission. Warp back to your ship and fly off to Blackwater City.

bolts & trophies

Of all the floating platforms on the first moon, only one of them has panels that form a wall around it. In the ditch near this platform is a green node that can be activated with the Hypershot—when you hit it, you'll have to quickly reach the small cave entrance with the Titanium Bolt before the force field closes up again. To x get there, walk through the cave that's right next to the green node. When you appear on the other side, turn right and hug the wall to your left. As you go around the

wall, you'll see the cave entrance with the

Bolt. If you're quick enough, you'll grab it before the field closes.

Go to the second moon (Obani Gemini, Pollux) to get the next Bolt. As soon as you're on the moon, walk forward and across the first bridge (at ground level). As you reach the very first bounce pad, jump on it—instead of going to the x highest platform that you can reach, direct Ratchet just a little to the right to land on a plateau below with the Titanium Bolt.

LOT 43, Holostar Studios mission

Playing as Clank, your only real weapon is your punch attack. Clear out the enemies and hop over the desk to destroy the laser control panel, dropping the beams and letting you enter the next room. Hop over the floating platforms and cross over the first laser trap to reach another laser control panel. Destroy it, and step into the next room.

The monkey is being chased by a bunch of small enemy bots—punch 'em around to rescue the monkey, and use the monkey to help you along. Shoot a banana onto the floor switch while standing on the elevator platform to go up, and then let the elevator drop back down to get the monkey (there's another floor switch on the upper ledge to get the monkey back to you. Summon the four gadgebots to follow you, and fire a banana onto the floor switch on the other side of the gap to bring up a bridge. Cross the bridge (dodging the shifting laser), and order the gadgebots to enter the small container to open up the next door. Step through it and continue through the next dark door to appear in another portion of the studios.

The second part of the level has you fighting has a Godzilla-esque robot, versus a Godzilla-esque...Godzilla of sorts. The giant enemy is your main target, though smaller enemies will spawn around you to take your focus away. The best way to get through this is to run straight for the giant monster—when it hovers above the air, jump up and bump into it to knock it back down to the ground, and continue to pummel it with your fists. Eventually, it'll fall, leaving you in control of Ratchet in the Holostar Studios.

Ratchet The first part of the level is linear and straight-forward. Just blast through the enemies, following the rooms east, and then south. When you reach the very center of the map, you'll have to hack open an elevator platform that brings you to the next portion of the level.

From the upper level, watch out for the powerful enemies across the room and clear 'em out. When the room's devoid of enemies, cross to the other side and hack open the next door. Use the Hypershot to cross the gap, but watch out for the enemy on the other side (and the subsequent enemies around the corner). Use your Hypershot to cross the second gap, and watch for the battleship that pops up in front of you before flinging across the next two Hypershot nodes. Get ready for a lot of gunfire as you land, as a number of powerful enemies stand to confront you. As you approach the doorway to the west, three giant enemies drop down to challenge you (there's an inferno behind some blocks, just east of the doorway, that can help).

Just through the doorway are yet more enemies, and a linear path to the level's end.

bolts & trophies

When you've got the Gravity Boots, return to the studio as Ratchet. To the west is a ramp that runs up the wall and leads to a few warehouses with enemies. Get through them with the Gravity Boots until you reach the room with the two spiraling walkways. You need to get x onto the upper spiral to reach the Bolt in the next room. To get there, walk along the ledge just to the right of the sewage puddle below. Walk forward along the ledge until you can jump onto the upper

spiral—it eventually spirals down.

When you've got the Gravity Boots, return to the studio as Ratchet. To the west is a ramp that runs up the wall and leads to a few warehouses with enemies. Get through them with the Gravity Boots, and then run straight up the large x spire in the center of this room to find the Titanium Bolt sitting on top.

After riding the elevator platform into a filming room, look behind the theater seating on the right side for this bolt.


After riding the elevator platform up, turn left to see the Clank trophy sitting on top of this little ledge.


BLACKWATER CITY, Rilgar challenges

The Battle of Blackwater City

The first battle is pretty simple and straight-forward. A series of enemies x will come from the north, dropping in front of the bridge as you fend 'em off. Nothing fancy here—just shoot 'em up, and clear 'em out.

The Bridge

Again, it doesn't take anything fancy to complete this mission. Just fend off the enemies as they cross the bridge and invade your territory. You can use x weapons of mass destruction at the bridge entrance to take out multiple enemies simultaneously (the Rift Inducer works well, along with the Nitro

Launcher and others). Mid-way through the event, watch out for the drop ship that flies behind you and dumps off enemies.


This challenge has you marching towards the opponent's base. Go over the crest of the bridge to take out the walkers on the other side, and continue your march towards the base. Before you get too close, though, equip your most powerful weapon and watch out x for the huge orb-turrets on either side of the base. As the turrets open fire on you,

counterattack with your shots to destroy the base. The galactic rangers will follow behind you, initiating another battle with enemies all around. Stay mobile, and watch for enemies on the fringe of the plateau.

OBANI DRACO, The Zygan System mission

Jump across the platforms to the east and make your way into the magnetic tunnel ahead. The next room has a rising tide of pink fluid. To get across, wait for the pink to subside, and quickly run over the magnetic platforms that span the gap.

In the following tunnel, avoid the oncoming fire while stepping around the electrified panels around the tube. Follow the spiraling pathway until the tube opens up to a large orb. Walk down into the connecting tube to carry on your descent. You'll have to avoid more oncoming fire streaks in the next tube, along with a number of small bots (the Suck Cannon works great against them). The tube opens up to another room with a vertical platform that crosses through rising pink fluid. Be patient (but quick) in crossing the room, and watch for the connecting tube that has even more electrified panels. As you reach the other end of the tube, a cutscene will take over that leaves you face-to-face with Courtney Gears.

Courtney Gears Miss Gears is an exceptionally straight-forward boss. At first, she summons a few ballerina bots to attack you, though they die very easily. When you've cleared the small platform of distractions, focus your attention on Courtney who is hiding out in the small cages surrounding the ring.

Courtney Gears attacks first with a quick boomerang attack that's easily dodged, and later starts an attack pattern that resembles that of one of Annihilation Nation's twins, sending out a shockwave that must be jumped over. Just focus your powerful attacks on her and she'll go down pretty quickly.

JORAAL NEBULA, Zeldrin Starport mission

To Nefarious As the level begins, clear out the enemies to the south and turn southeast towards the closest "?" on your map to meet up with Qwark and his monkey. Hop into the ship to fly to the southeast corner of the map to continue the mission. Clear out the small hangar to the north and continue across the room, jumping up the ladder on the north end. Continue marching north up the starport, clearing out the enemies to make your way to the top. At the end of the long stretch of halls, you'll witness a story scene that ends with you trying to escape the starport.

A countdown starts, giving you just sixty seconds to return to the south end of the starport. There are enemies along the way, but there's little forcing you to fight them. Quickly make your way south, and skip by as many enemies as you can. Don't bother shooting them down unless you absolutely must, letting you reach the south end before the sixty seconds is up.

Return to the Starship Phoenix to play the newest Qwark comic in order to continue your missions.

Bolt Grabber V2 You can return to the Zeldrin Starport for an alternate mission. Instead of turning east at the first branch, head west towards the northwest corner of the map and turn south at the bend. You'll have to use your Hypershot to grapple onto the green nodes, crossing the gap. The path that leads south, and then east, is linear and has no obstacles other than enemies. Clear 'em out (the Suck Cannon is great with all the crates around), and continue your march towards the "?" on the map. When you reach it, you'll earn the Bolt Grabber V2.

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Before using the Hypershot to swing off this platform, destroy the wall in the little alcove to the right. Behind it is the first Titanium Bolt.


On the left side of the hall is a stack of crates that'll let you get onto the platform above. From there, jump to the other side of the hall to get the Titanium Bolt from this small alcove. x

METROPOLIS, Kerwan mission

Head north along the linear path, clearing out the enemies as you go. As you step out of the box-shaped room at the beginning, watch for the flying battleship that emerges in front of you. As you step out of the room with the second gadget shop, a cutscene triggers that ends with you facing a number of robotic tyhrranoids and a tank!

When you reach the northeast corner of the area (after slogging through a ton of powerful enemies), you'll have to use your gravity boots to run up the wall to the west in order to make your way around the buildings. Be patient and watch for the enemies that attack while you're sideways on the wall—use your powerful weapons to clear 'em out so you don't have to deal with them long. When you touch down back on the ground, clear out the stack of red crates to reveal a bolt sticking out of the ground. Spin the bolt around and use your refractor to direct the pink beam into the receptor you just moved. Refract the new beam into the next receptor to create a draw bridge, spanning the gap to the "?" on the map.

Before stepping onto the floating platform train ahead, stock up on ammo at the nearby vendor. You're about to encounter a powerful foe...who's riding on your back.

Evil Clank Fighting Evil Clank is a pretty simple affair, and should be easy if you've got ammo in your most powerful weapons. When he shoots out the glowing red shocks, back up and follow the shots until they touch the ground. As they touch the ground, the shocks explode in a ring of damaging electricity—you need to be ready to hop over it. Another attack of Evil Clank's is a steady stream of slow-moving missiles. They're easy to dodge if you don't panic, as all you need to do is to stand on the far left or right side of the platform. While dodging both of these attacks patterns, hold your long-range fire on the bot. Without much of a fight, Evil Clank will explode, letting you return to your ship to continue the mission (or engage in battle missions).



The goal here is to destroy the six timed explosives spread around the city before the two minutes runs up. Use your radar to track down groupings of red dots (enemies) and focus on taking out the x explosives (they look almost like giant spiders). You don't have to worry about destroying the other enemies, though you can to make it easier to get to the

explosives. When all six explosives are

demolished, you'll complete the mission.

Urban Combat

You'll be fighting along a few galactic rangers, guarding a small platform from an invasion of tyhrranoids. Use mass- destruction weapons to clear out enemies as they pass through the blue x shields (such as the Rift Inducer), and watch out for the dropships that release enemies behind you. Just stay mobile and use your powerful weapons

generously (you'll get your ammo back when you complete the challenge).

Tower Attack

Another flight mission, and this one's easier than the first. You're not rushed by time, letting you patiently clear out the four towers. Watch out for the anti- x air rocket launchers that are holed up in a couple of the four towers—destroy them first, and then focus on the other enemies. When all enemies are wiped out, you'll complete the battle mission.

Air Superiority

You're put back in the cockpit of an aircraft and instantly pit against a widespread fleet of dropships. Follow the red dots on your radar to reach the x enemy dropships and shoot 'em down. Try to get as close to them as possible to make your shots more accurate.

Turret Command

This simple challenge can actually be pretty difficult. A bunch of enemy ships will appear in front of you (don't worry about guarding your backside) and launch a volley of shots. If your turret dies before all of the enemies do, you'll fail the mission, so destroy 'em as quickly as possible. Most of the enemies x appear from a blue rift ahead of you.

Before they even finish manifesting, launch a few shots at each blue rift to nail the enemies as they emerge. Dropships will fly around from either side, though they won't attack until they're directly ahead of you, letting you shoot them down before you're in any danger.

bolts & trophies

In the first room you enter is a breakable window to the left. Shatter it and jump through—head down the hall and use the Hypershot to swing to the first bolt. x

To get the next Bolt, reach the eastern-most part of the level first and then turn south. You'll see a ledge along the wall of the building you can walk on that leads around behind the building. You'll see the Titanium bolt x there.

The third Titanium Bolt can only be found during the battle missions of Metropolis. Enter any battle mission with a Hovership and fly to the southeast tower. Along the southern wall you'll find the bolt—you can pick it up without x leaving the Hovership.

The Scrunch trophy can be found in this window sill. Just break through the glass to get to it.


CRASH SITE, Zeldrin mission

Hop down from the landing platform and start heading north up the path. A number of powerful commandos guard the trail, and at a couple points large gattling gun bots will float up before you. Take 'em down as quickly as possible, and use the Rift Inducer to take out hordes of strong enemies. After jumping up a few platforms and laying to rest a ton of enemies, you'll reach this point with a seeming dead-end. Hop onto the suspended platform to the southwest, which will carry you up to the next area.

From inside the actual crashed star cruiser, continue making your way southwest. As you can expect, a bunch of powerful enemies pop up around you. When they're cleared out, use your Hypershot to pull yourself over the gap to reach a platform outside with an escape pod abandoned by an old friend.

After the cutscene ends, your mission is to return back to the Starship Phoenix. Use your Hypershot to open up the small platforms to the southwest to continue over to a leaning tower. Use your gravity boots to run up the side of the tower, and make your way up it while shooting down the enemies that spawn ahead of you.

When you reach the top of the tower, hop onto the zip line and ride it down to the platform with your ship. Jump in your ship and take it back to the Starship Phoenix to continue the mission. You'll get another Qwark vid-comic—play through it and then fly to Aridia to partake in some battle mission challenges.


The Tunnels of Outpost X12

The goal of this mission is to just clear out the eastern tunnels that open up to the main valley. In these narrow halls, x just about any weapon will do though the Rift Inducer is especially awesome. The mission is straight-forward and short—just reach the canyon entrance to finish and move to the next.

Ambush in Red Rock Valley

There are four galactic rangers in the center of the map, and enemies spawning from all over. At first the tyhrranoids just come from the x northwest, but they eventually spawn to the southwest and then from all sides. Watch your radar and target the enemies that are closest to the center of the map

first. After a few waves of dropships and saucers, the attack will end and you'll complete the challenge.


Hop in the vehicle nearby and speed over the bridge ahead. The cluster of enemies in the southeast corner is protecting one of the commanders— jump out of the vehicle, slay the commander, and take off for the next. There's one commander at each of the three other bases that are in the four x corners of the map. When those are

downed, look out for the two last tyhrranoid commanders at the center of the map. One is hanging out with a posse over the main bridge, and another is near the turret at the center of the map. When all the commanders are dead you'll complete the mission, even if there are other enemies still around.

Reclaim the Valley

To enable the auto-turrets you have to effectively capture the bases by turning the bolts until they turn blue. Watch out for the rocket turrets that are planted near some of the bolts, and clear out the enemies around you before trying to x spin a bolt. Visit the capture point that's just southeast of the center island to get a vehicle that'll let you more easily

reach the other points. There are four capture points total, two on either end of the valley. Grab 'em all to win the challenge.

X12 Endgame

The final battle mission is a charge towards the enemy's main base. While in the tunnels, use massively exploding weapons and the Rift Inducer to clear x out the enemies. When the caves open up to the enemy base, watch out for the huge turrets on either side of the base. To capture their base, destroy these two turrets (use your biggest weapons) and

complete the battle mission challenge.

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The Friend of the Rangers trophy can be won by completing all challenges in Aridia.


Select the battle mission "Reclaim the Valley" and run towards the bridge to the south. The Titanium Bolt is under the bridge—to get it, just use the Gravity Boots to walk on the underside of it. x

Select the battle mission "X12 Endgame" and fight your way through the tunnels. When you reach the enemy base, don't bother with the turrets—just turn north (right) and run up the wall with your Gravity Boots. x Continue around the platforms until you get behind the base to find this Bolt.

QWARK'S HIDEOUT, Thran Asteroid Belt mission

Head north, clearing out the few enemies until you reach a wall with a warp point. Lay a Warp Pad on the warp point, and back up to step on the floor switch, raising the elevator with the warp point on it. While still stanind on the floor switch, warp to your Warp Pad and quickly hop off the elevator before it falls back down to the ground below.

Once on the upper level, continue your northern trek, blasting through a bunch of enemies that look like Qwark. You'll eventually reach a force field wall with another warp point right in front of it. Lay a Warp Pad in front of the wall, and back up to step on another floor switch. The switch drops the force field, but to get past it fast enough you'll have to warp to the Warp Pad you put down.

From the other side of the force field, jump up and grap onto the zip line that'll carry you to the next area. The moment you land, you'll be under attack by more Qwark-qlones, and the floor you're standing on is icy. Since the icy floor hinders your movement, the best way to change the direction of your movement is to jump. When the area's clear, hop up the ladder to the upper platform .

You need to use the Hypershot to swing across the chasm, though watch out for the laser turret on the other side (it can be sniped before you even jump over there). As you land, a bunch of Qwark-qlones spawn ahead of you, so be ready with your big guns—when they're cleared away, hop over the next gap using the small ice platforms to avoid the cold water, and then jump down to the large icy platform below.

Again, as you land a bunch of qlones will come around you. Use your weapons of mass destruction to clear 'em out, and continue south down the narrow path. You'll eventually fall through the flooring and be left in front of a crack in the wall. Send Clank into the underground cavern to continue the mission.

Clank Hop across the ice platforms to enter an igloo-like cavern. There are two gadgebots in the room (one is behind a force field— just step on the floor switch to open the door). Have both bots follow you, and order them to attack the spinning fan to destroy it. Once on the other side of the fan, tell them to enter the small hut to open up the next force field. Skip past the lasers and head into the next room. Hop over the ice blocks to the first platform to the north, causing a bunch of giant icicles to fall, forming more platforms. Hop over to the other side to find the banana gun, and take the monkey with you as you continue north.

In the following hall, shoot a banana past the sentry to lure the monkey into its sights. Skip past the distracted sentry and shoot a banana across the gap to lure the monkey over the bar and to the other side. Jump and glide after the monkey, and use him again as a decoy.

Fire a banana across the next gap and onto the floor switch on the other side. The monkey will activate the switch, summoning a draw bridge that lets you cross into the next room. Watch out for the small enemies in the room, and destroy the cannon that continues to spawn them. There are three gadgebots in the three tunnels that lead from the room. Avoid the obstacles in each, get the gadgebots to follow you, and use them to open up the doorway that leads to the "?" on your map. When you've opened the door, make your way through the hall, dodging the lasers and smashing the control panel to open the final doorway. Enter the room and step on the switch to open the door for Ratchet. Just step forward to trigger a cutscene, and then return to your ship to continue the mission.

Save the Starship Phoenix With the Phoenix under attack, it's your job to clear away the pests. Head north up the ship destroying the enemies that come. As you reach the center of the ship, a large gap separates you from the north end. Head east, using your Hypershot to to fling yourself over the electrocuting floor. At the end of the next hall, hop up a ladder and use the Refractor to shoot the pink beam into the receptor that's just left of the doorway to the west (initially it's hidden behind some crates). Head back into the main hull of the starship, and watch for the huge enemy to your right. Let loose with everything you've got to take it down, and continue north to the end of the ship.

After regrouping with your pals, you'll learn the coordinates of the planet Koros. Fly there to continue the mission.

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As soon as you arrive at the planet, turn east and run up the stairway that leads into a cave. Use the Gravity Boots to run down into the tube in the center and follow the tube over the first five laser traps. After jumping over the fifth, x turn left to find a part of the platform that isn't magnetic. Stand on it and look below—you can double jump and float down to the Titanium Bolt that's near the water.

The Qwark trophy can be found in this dead-end hall, behind a glass wall. Watch out for the enemy that's guarding it, though!


NEFARIOUS BFG, Koros mission

Start running northwest, clearing out the many small enemies along the way. As the path turns south, watch out for the huge bot that floats in. Waste no time in shooting it down, and keep making your way westward.

Swarms of smaller enemy bots will come at you before you reach the doorway at the bridge. Just approach the door to open it up, revealing two larger bot enemies. While you're fighting them, watch out for the missile volley being lauched by the giant bot further north (just beyond the broken bridge). When the giant enemy is downed, hop over the gap in the broken bridge and continue north.

Just after crossing the bridge, you'll reach a dead-end in the street. To the right is a stack of diamond-marked boxes that'll let you hop up to the level below, and continue a northeast trek. The path immediately opens into a huge courtyard with more enemies, including another monster bot. Avoid the long-range missile volleys the bot fires your way and take it down. Continue north towards what seems like a huge door—it doesn't open up, but there is a narrow path you can take if you turn left.

Exiting the narrow hall, a huge dropship flies by and lets loose a group of bots. Destroy 'em, and continue northeast until you reach a dead end. The path continues to the east, and you'll have to hop up to another platform to keep up your progress. As you continue, you can see on your map that the goal (the "?") is just north. However, you can't reach it yet—you'll have to make your way all the way to the northeast corner of the map, and then swing around the southern path to get to the goal. At the northeast corner (in the round room), watch for the monster bot just beyond the doorway.

When the path finally turns north again, watch out for the sleeping giant in the small room. The moment you disturb the bot, it'll wake up and attack you. Clear the room, and turn north, making sure you don't drop off the narrow walkway. As you step out, another dropship appears and strafes in front of you. Shoot it down, and run up the path to complete the level.

bolts & trophies

To reach the Bolt that's behind the gate here, jump onto the crate stack to the northeast and then jump onto the balcony just to the left. You can then jump over the gate to reach the Bolt. x

Run behind the building in this villa and jump up the ladder rungs at the back. Once you reach the top you'll find this Bolt.


The Courtney Gears trophy can be found inside the top of the same building you use as a stepping stone to reach the first Titanium Bolt.


COMMAND CENTER, Mylon mission

Snipe down the two commander tyhrranoids below and use the Hypershot to swing over to the platform below. As the door before you opens up, watch out for the commander behind it—shoot it down without wasting time (it's mighty powerful), and enter the next hall.

After clearing out the next few enemy 'noids, jump over the gap and use your gravity boots to run up the wall ahead of you. On your way up, a couple of larger tyhrranoids will greet you with gunfire—shoot them down, and make your way to the top. Open up the door by stepping on the switch, and equip the Tyhrraguise to convince the robotic 'noid to activate the elevator platform. Walk forward from the top, and jump up the ladder to the west (disable the disguise). Before approaching the door up top, equip the Tyhrraguise again and initiate a conversation with the 'noid.

Once past the second door, head down the hall and quickly disable your disguise. There are enemies just around the corner, including a trio of 'noids (one commander) on the other side of the gap. Snipe 'em down, and use your Hypershot to unfold the platform letting you jump to the other side. Watch out for the two 'noids that come out from behind a door the moment you land—shoot 'em down, and continue down the hall. The next room is heavily guarded, with two commander 'noids holding positions atop some boxes. Snipe them to get rid of them before they see you, and head into the room to finish the clearing. When you can safely, head to the opposite end of the room and start hacking away to open up the door.

Clear the next room and equip your Refractor. In the west corner of the room is a bolt you need to spin around, positioning one of the receptors correctly. Step into the pink beam, and direct it into the receptor that's atop the large pedestal in the center of the room, splitting the beam in two. Run up the wall to the south using your gravity boots, and shoot the pink beam into the receptor ahead. The third receptor is just left of the doorway you need to exit, and to hit the beam you'll have to use the refractor while standing sideways on the wall.

With both receptors lit up with the pink beam, go to the opened door, watching out for the tyhrranoids on the other side. Snipe down the commander 'noids, clearing the hall and letting you reach the room to the east. Grab the nearby health if you need it—after stepping through the next door, you'll be left face-to-face with Dr. Nefarious...after a brief cutscene and obligatory sky dive, of course.


As you land, you'll take on Nefarious, one-on-one. You want to take him out, but don't waste all your goods right now. You can easily dodge his clone attack just by strafing, and his red and black array attack can be avoided just by backing away from Nefarious. When Nefarious starts lobbing purple grenades, watch out—when the shot lands, it'll erupt in a circular blast on the ground that you have to dodge by jumping (jump early). Once you bring the Doctor down about a quarter health, he'll take off, heading east around the ring. Chase after him, shooting down the various enemies that come in your path. When you see Nefarious in his purple orb floating over the ground, keep your distance while you shoot down the lesser enemies. If you get too close, he'll send out a laser ray that's difficult to dodge.

When you've cleared out the enemies, hold your breath—you've got to rush towards Nefarious in his bubble while avoiding his laser. Get close enough to him, and he'll escape further down the path. March your way up the bridge, and about half way through a group of galactic rangers will appear to help you out. They'll clear the path ahead for you, but stop and let you continue. When the rangers are stopped, you'll see Nefarious just up ahead. Rush towards him, dodging the missile volley he launches—when you get close to him, he'll come out of his bubble and fight you again. This time, don't worry about saving your ammo—just let loose with all you've got.

Nefarious will execute a number of similar attacks, along with some new ones. Every once in a while, he'll take to the skies, sending either volleys of missiles at you or his bubble's laser beam. You can attack Nefarious while he's executing these attacks, though your first priority should be dodging.

The best weapons to use versus Nefarious include the Miniturret Glove, the Bouncer, the Disc Blade Gun, and the Plasma Coil. The Agents of Doom are also very effective when Nefarious is on the ground, as they let you dodge around easily without having to worry about your aim. Eventually, Nefarious will fall...but that's not the end yet!

Laurence will summon a gigantic bot. After having wasted your weapons on Nefarious, you'll be glad to know that there's a flying battleship you can board to take down the enemy. And you've got an infinite amount of ammo.

The bot will pose in a cross formation and launch a huge volley of missiles. To dodge this, move either up or down and left or right as the missiles come towards you. After they pass you, move in the exact opposite direction to dodge the swarm as the missiles turn around and come back at you from behind. The rest of the huge enemy's attacks are easily dodged. Just keep your missiles firing at his torso, and he'll soon explode in a fiery array of light. Congratulations—you've completed Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal.

bolts & trophies

The Titanium Bolt here is hidden behind a force field wall. To get around it, take the elevator platform up and just drop behind the wall. Grab the Bolt and step on the floor switch to get out. x

The Lawrence trophy is found atop a tall platform here. Climb up the ladder nearby and move from the top of that platform to the next to reach the trophy. x


Shock Blaster

The Shock Blaster is a decent weapon to start with, though you'll quickly earn weapons that are better for any situation. Even at its max level, the gun is not x powerful. With that said, the gun is

admittedly effective versus groups of enemies. Once it's leveled up, use the charge feature to take out large groupings of smaller enemies.

Nitro Launcher

The Nitro Launcher is very effective at taking out groupings of enemies, and is (early on) your first source of big damage. Since the weapon has such a low ammo x stock, use it sparingly—just one shot at a

time is usually enough to do the trick. The Nitro Launcher is very good when powered up, though the ammo stock never gets very big, limiting the weapon's usefulness.

N60 Storm

As one of the most versatile weapons in the game, the N60 Storm should be one of the first guns you purchase. With a healthy ammo stock and decent power per punch, the gun gets even better as you power it up x

and should be your main fallback weapon for general level progression. The N60 Storm is only barely useful versus most bosses, however, and while it's easy to use while evading attacks it shouldn't be the focus of most boss encounters.

Plasma Whip

As pretty as it is, the Plasma Whip isn't terrifically effective. You have to get relatively close to your opponents to hit them with it, putting you at risk of getting hit yourself. However, the Whip is good

for clearing out numbers of small enemies. x Whipping it around forms a sort of "zone of terror" around Ratchet that hits anyone within it, though the Plasma Whip has another function. If you attack while ducking, Ratchet will toss the Whip out. It's a bit safer to attack this way, and is actually more powerful.


At low levels, the Infector is pretty useless. It's "infecting" effect is pretty short, and usually doesn't do much damage. On top x of that, the low ammo capacity makes it unlikely to be used. As tempting as its

description may sound, don't bother purchasing it until you've exhausted all other options.

Suck Cannon

The moment the Suck Cannon is available from the vendor, buy it. The Suck Cannnon not only saves you on ammo (it essentially has infinite ammo), but it is x also one of the most powerful weapons in

the game. The weapon will save you in long levels, especially the longer challenge rounds that tax your ammo stocks. At max level, the Suck Cannon lets you suck up even more enemies, and further increases the power of the weapon—level it up, and enjoy its awesomeness.

Spitting Hydra

With some pluses and a lot of minuses, the Spitting Hydra is, generally, not very good. The weapon can become pretty powerful, and with each level up it can target more enemies simultaneously. x

Unfortunately, the time it takes to acquire lock-ons is usually longer than the time it takes to defeat an enemy normally. And with a low ammo stock, you just don't have much reason to use the Spitting Hydra unless you simply want another powerful weapon to fall back on.

Agents of Doom

These little critters are pretty useful, though not terrifically versatile. The Agents of Doom are good for any battlefield that's covered with enemies, as x they'll watch your back and destroy

anyone trying to sneak up behind you. The Agents are also very powerful (and at max level are extremely powerful), and are a great way to attack while retreating from your foes.

Flux Rifle

Even at its base level, the Flux Rifle packs some decent damage and is a great tool for taking out enemies before you even get within range for them to counter-attack. However, since most enemies won't appear x

until you're close to them, the Rifle's usefullness is a little stifled. Luckily, the weapon can reach a very powerful state when maxed out, and despite not having an aiming reticle without zooming the weapon can be effective in normal melees.


Though the Annihilator's low ammo capacity makes it generally not practical, it's a very effective weapon to have when x push comes to shove and you've got to kill something quick. The weapon gets pretty

powerful at max level, and actually becomes a bit more practical as it gains the abilities of mass destruction.

Holo Shield Glove

At the base level, this weapon is relatively effective but not terribly useful. At max level, however, the Holo Shield Glove becomes a great weapon to combat the x many battle challenges of the game. The

shields generated will reflect any energy- based projectile attack (but none other), and when leveled up even gains some offensive abilities.

Disc Blade Gun

The Disc Blade Gun is great for a number of reasons, though unfortunately none of them is its ammo capacity (it's pretty poor). At max level, the Disc Blade Gun fires a very powerful shot (one of the most x

powerful shots in the game) that also has the ability to clear out multiple enemies with a single shot. Use the powered-up gun especially in very tight quarters, where it's ricocheting shot will wreak havoc long after you've pulled the trigger.

Rift Inducer

Nothing deals with swarms of enemies quite like the Rift Inducer. With the ability to suck up a dozen or more enemies with one shot, the weapon's low ammo capacity x isn't a huge detriment. Place your shots

strategically, especially in battle mission challenges—you can effectively "plug up" narrow walkways with a single Rift Inducer round, or surround yourself with them to keep enemies at bay.


This bad boy is useful way beyond what you might think. Not only does it have infinite ammo—you can hold the beam out forever—but it also gains new properties as you level it up. Get the Qwack-O-Ray x

to max level and every enemy you transform will drop explosive, homing eggs...and you'll even have one flying fire duck following you, attacking anything that gets in your. Definitely level this weapon up.


This mysterious weapon can only be purchased (from any vendor) during your x second play through the game.

Miniturret Glove

Even though the Miniturret Glove has limited ammo capacity, that doesn't mean it can't cause a crapload of damage. These little turrets can create massive havoc, and are especially effective against bosses. x

However, since the Miniturrets aren't mobile, they're really only effective versus bosses and in battle mission challenges. But their effectiveness in these situations is unrivaled, letting you toss them out and forget about them while they carry out your dirty work.

Lava Gun

What the Lava Gun lacks in accurracy it more than makes up for in power and usability. With a lot of ammo in the tank, you can get away with sweeping bursts of Lava spews to take out large (and dense)

groups of enemies. It's a little difficult to x aim the weapon, and the range on it isn't very long—the best way to use it is to aim slightly upwards and sweep across the battlefield, close up with your opponents. When leveled up, the Lava Gun can dish some serious damage, though its short range keeps it from being a totally versatile weapon.

Shield Charger

The Shield Charger is an excellent weapon to have around in the later levels of the game, and is especially useful during frantic boss fights. Flip it on to protect x yourself from any hits that come at you,

whether physical or projectile. Be careful not to rely on it, though! It's easy to get caught up in what you're shooting and forget that your Shield Charger has dropped.


One of the nastiest weapons in the game is the Bouncer—after shooting out its initial shot, a Bouncer round releases a bunch of mini-bomblets that each deal the same x damage of the original bomb. As the

Bouncer levels up, the bombs gain power and the ability to track opponents. When leveled up, it's great against bosses as well as large swarms of ground-based enemies.

Plasma Coil

A simple, powerful shot quickly shoots out the Plasma Coil's barrel to deal its damage to your opponents. It's extremely powerful for its size, and can become insanely x strong when leveled up. The only

downside is the Plasma Coil's small ammo stock, but when combined with other powerful weapons this gun can be a great asset.


Master of the single player? Well put your pride aside—when you take to the multiplayer mode, there's no guaranty that your previously learned skills will help you. Before taking your game online, sit through Up Your Arsenal's multiplayer tutorial. When you're done with that, read up on these tips below. They'll save your arsenal and you arse.

Got Hops? As goofy as it might sound, jumping around is the absolute best way to take on opponents in multiplayer matches. Using the Lock-Strafe control scheme, learn to target your opponents while performing sideways jumps (to do a sideways jump, hold either left or right on the control stick and press jump). Your flip will save you from taking most shots to the face, letting you prolong your life as you march across the field.

Destroying the Enemy's Turrets The hardest part of any Siege multiplayer match is defeating the huge turrets that protect the enemy base. They'll take a lot of shots before exploding, and just a few shots from the turrets have the power to kill you.

The best way to take on the turrets is to employ a similar tactic as described above—jump! Target the turret and strafe in one direction while firing on it. As the stream of bullets from the turret gets near you, quickly press the opposite direction and jump at the same time to hop over the bullets. You can then continue to strafe in the other direction until the stream of bullets catches up with you again. Repeat this process until the turret is destroyed!

Keep Friends Close, Enemies Even Closer When assaulting an enemy base you're almost always sure to die before completely draining the turrets' power (on your first run). And on certain maps, making the trek from your base back to the enemy's can take forever—not to mention all the obstacles and enemies you'll have to avoid on your way. An excellent tactic is to capture one of the neutral spawn points that's near your enemy's base. If you die while trying to destroy the base's turrets, you can then choose to respawn very close to the base, making your second trip to assault the enemy much shorter and quicker. Of course, you'll have to watch for your enemy trying to use the same tactic against you!


SKILL POINTS Location Hint How to earn Florana "Stay squeaky clean" Complete the PATH OF DEATH without taking damage. Starship Phoenix "Strive for arcade perfection" Get 100% in all Qwark vid-comics. Starship Phoenix "Beat Helga's best time" Get through Helga's VR training in under 0:50. Starship Phoenix "Turn up the heat" Purchase the Infernox Armor, avaialbe late in the game. Starship Phoenix "Monkeying Around" Hit Scrunch the monkey with Ratchet's wrench. Marcadia "Reflect on how to score" Kill 25 enemies with the Refractor. Annihilation Nation "Bash the bug" Beat Scorpio using only the wrench. Annihilation Nation "Be an eight time champ" Beat all the Gauntlet challenges. Annihilation Nation "Flee Flawlessly" Complete the Gauntlet without taking a hit. Annihilation Nation "Lights, camera, action!" Destroy 5 floating cameras in the Gauntlet. Aquatos "Search for sunken treasure" Blow up 40 underwater crates. Aquatos "Hit the motherload" Collect all 101 sewer crystals. Tyhrranosis "Be a sharpshooter" Snipe 10 tyhrranoids in towers. Daxx "Bugs to Birds" Turn 15 flies into ducks with the Qwack-o- Ray. Obani Gemini "Get to the belt" Get onto the floating asteroid ring. Blackwater City "Bash the party" Kill 20 enemies using only the wrench. Holostar Studios "Feeling Lucky?" Win the jackpot on the slot machines. Metropolis "2002 was a good year in the Destroy the blimp. city" Crash Site "Suck it up!" Kill 40 enemies using only the Suck Cannon. Crash Site "Aim High" Kill 10 Skreeducks (big birds). Aridia "Zap back at ya'" Kill 10 enemies with the Refractor. Aridia "Go for hang time" Get two seconds of air with the Turbo Slider vehicle. Qwark's Hideout "Break the Dan" Break the Dan (the snowman). Koros "You break it, you win it" Smash up the robot base. Command Center "Spread your germs" Infect 30 enemies. Pirate Booty! "Set a new record for Beat the level in under 2:40. Qwark" Arriba Amoeba! "Set a new record for Quark" Beat the level in under 2:10. Shadow of the "Set a new record for Quark" Beat the level in under 1:50. Robot Deja Q All Over "Set a new record for Quark" Beat the level in under 4:45. Again The Shaming of the "Set a new record for Quark" Beat the level in under 2:00. Q

TROPHIES Trophy Location

Ratchet Florana

The Plumber Daxx

Annihilation Nation Champion Annihilation Nation

Friend of the Rangers Aridia Titanium Collector Collect all Titanium Bolts.

Al Tyhrranosis

Clank Holostar Studios

Scrunch Metropolis

Dr. Nefarious Crash Site

Qwark Qwark's Hideout

Courtney Gears Koros

Lawrence Command Center Skill Master Earn all skill points. Omega Arsenal Upgrade all weapons to Omega level. Nano Finder Max Ratchet's nanotech to 200.

CHEATS Effect Code Laser Sword During gameplay, press START to pause and enter CIRCLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, SQUARE, UP, DOWN, LEFT, LEFT.