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E ALL the LATEST NEWS for the PC ENGINE MEGA­ DRIVE, and OTHER CONSOLES illLY 1990 - ISSUE 14 e ALL THE LATEST NEWS FOR THE PC ENGINE MEGA­ DRIVE, AND OTHER CONSOLES. e HARDWARE NEWS OFFICIAL MEGADRIVE LAUNCHED IN EUROPE MORE ON THE COMM. UNIT /.-., -_-r ....-!_.:,/- _ ' ., . ,:, ' THE ULTIMATE l.. ,,,,.. f ,; ·11 _-; SHOOT'EM UP : i SUPER STAR SOLDIER? _-;E THUNDERFORCE Ill? : ~ ..., / .~,,-: ·.··.: ....-;:, NEC'S CD-ROM - WHAT'S AVAILABLE AND WHAT DO THE \ , PRODUCERS THINK -. ~,.,. ..r - OF THE DEVICE! ,,,- , ;\ , ,, _....__ \ ' , '~ . - ~ - . ,.,. _,__ ~\ MORE RELIABLE TIPS ~ -~ \ THANEMLYM HUGHES! :),;.}1{~ ' ')~ T) - 1 /~{ . ~ .... AND BEST OF ALL NO / FOOTBALL, WORLD CUP FOOTBALL,FOOTBALL, 'LOOK BEHIND YOU SHILTON! FOOTBALL, THAT'S A DIVE REF! l FOOTBALL, AND FOOTBALL.!!!! • CONSOLB MA 'ZINE : Editorial/ Hardware news [[)ITODIAL HARDWAHBNBWS , Latest news on the official Sega Megadrlve Is, they won't be that much of a difference from the grey Imported ones. Hija doodsl 1 H Is expected, they wlll be Ike the differences between the Japanese Megadrlve and American Genesis, so It would Uke Damocles, It's laie coming, but here's the July be possibleto use officlal cartridges on your Megadrlve by Issue of C.M. It's also baking hot outside and I'm cooped slight alterations to the machine Itself or carts. The up In my room typing this out - even with the windows machine has been offlclally launched In Europe, but wlll wide open, I feel like a Bemard Matthews' Turkey RoasL not be released in the UK until September at CES show at Anyway, I've at last got my •20-Card• for my Amiga - Earl's Court. According to 'ACE', the machine will retail for Yeepll Does the arnlga fly or what? WeU, more like 'What' £189,99 and come with Altered Beast, and games will as the thing hardly works with games, but atlease it range between £29.99 and £39.99, with the power base speeds Pagestrearn up. If any techle buffs out there who adaptor (8-bit converter) for £39.99. It's expected that, a knows a way to switch between the 68000 chip and the minimum of two games a month will be released. So, all In 68020 board, please give me a belll Can't wait to get the all; In my and everyone else's opinion, It's seem a better MacIntosh Emulator, even If the screen a bit Iffy, It should deal to buy a GREY Imported megadrtve than the official be worthIt. Anyway, I must Introduce a few new guys who onesl For example, If you look at PC Engine Suppliers' ad­ wlll be helping me put the 'zine together. First, there's vert, you can pick up a PAL Megadrive with lWO games Marc Foord from Mlddx. whose an avid Megadrive fan, for £185 Inc. P+P Ill Unfortunately, the launch of the official and will be reviewing future MD games. Another MD PC Engine seems unlikely, due to 'poor' sales of the onwer, Is Jeremy Young from Bristol, whose also fairly TG-16 In the US. 8000011 to NECII Commodore will also mean with a joystick. And Ricki Kenny who's an engine be releasing their console the 'CUB' In September, a C64 freak, and a wiz on the Apple Mac. as you can see from cartridge machine, and word Is, another mystery machine his review of Download In this Issue - he's also putting will be launched too -very possibly one from Amstrad? together the eds. So, welcomell Oh yeah, any extra donations wDI be accepted ... but none of those new Sp'sll ENGINECOMMUNICATION MODEM More lnfonnatlon on the Communication modem add-on ... Onn. for the Engine (see last Issue), Is that, it will be possible to contact a software library and play a game you want, CREDITS through the device H you want to try a game out, can't af­ BditOI' /Art Editor - ford to buy It, or whatever. Extremely handy, If you live OonLce some distance away from a console supplier. This sure Staff W ritcnJRcmr:,n:n- would solve problems ff It was avallable here Ill Talking of Justin SauBdcn, Tai Ono, Marc Foord.Ricki Keony. Jeremy Y. which, the first games that have been programmed on the Games A: News Sapplii:n - unit is a version of 'snake', 2 player Tron light cydes game Taoyoahi Yamaahiki(Japan), PC Engine Suppliea. Andy of AJ Compaten. Svpcrviaioo mectronica, •••phla various maguioea .... (C) and Battle Shipsll All look extremely basic, but what can Moothly PC Bngioe. (C) Beep! Mepdrive. (C) Muubtm PC Engine. you expect. These are probably the stuff the Japanese can (C) PC Bngioe Pan, Mepdrive Pan. (C) New Ccmpuk:r&pea ..... expected when NEC put up a free bulletin board for the PC Photocapyio.g- Engine in the autumn. enm-u. Stationary(N-xtinghall\) ANDYOUIII GAMEGE.AR SOFTWARE? A couple of months a go, we mentioned and showed pic­ To subscribe to C.M - each issue will cost £1 - this will tures of Saga's portable machine, the Game Gear, but cover cost of the Fanzine, envelope and first class stamp. what games can you expect for the machine. First up, as As soonas the latest Issue is finished, it will be sent to you most wot•ld have seen Is Super Monaco GP ... yep I I faster than a Ferrari after someone his plugged his Lynx in doesn't look anything like It, more like PQ.le P~sition. but to the cfgarette lighter socket. You can send any amount that's what It's called. I suppose Sega havel'T't produced of money - £2.00 for the next two issues, or £5.00 for the many racing games that would flt the game . The game next five ... and so on. have 16 different circuits, and have options to practice and If you want to get each Issue as they become avail­ actually race In a grand prlx.For cute games, one of the able, you can stiOsend a large S.A.E. plus 70p for the fan­ first, Is PENGO, and It will be one title that will appear for zine. NOTE:If sending cash, namely coins, please wrap the game-gear. If you never seen this game before, then them up and tape to a piece of card. I can not be held you are too ruddy young for your own good, and Involves responsible for coins going missing In the post by them you controlling a fat penguin who must crush all the crea ­ ripping the envelope. A number of people are doing this, tures by sliding Ice blocks around. Sega's puzzle game and when I get letter, find the envelope rtpped, and no Columns wHIalso be converted for the machine and should money Inside! be a real hit, as there's nothing better than a puzzle game Please make ancheques/P.O.'s payable to 'Onn Lee'. on a hand-held machine .•.. the gameboy have Tetris plus numerous others, Lynx has Klax, and when the Turbo Ex"' To contact C.M. send letters, etc. to : pt'ess hits town, it'll have also quite a few too Including Klax, Sokoban, Beball, etc.. Versions of Space Harrier II, Orm Lee (C.M.) Super Shinobl are expected to be converted too, and very 125 ArnoldRoad possibly saga's best race game, Outrun. Segaalso plan to Bestwood Estate convert G-LOC for the machine, but judging Super Monaco Nottingham GP, It could tum out to be totally dlfferentll Apart from NG55HR Sega, third party producers, namely NCS wlll also be writ­ Tel: 0602-606442 (not before12 noon as I'll be in bedll) Ing games for the machine, and their first wlll be a boring old war game - surely It'll be rather dlfflcult to see all that Japanese text? Tlda -- ia IO big. dull I had to leave • amber of dlillp Olll, IO uved for lhe aeu iuN ..• -ly rniewa of MD Hmrlcaa. B-SWAT. Engine Raacaa n. ---So. get 1be next iaue .... II 2- CONSOLE MA 'ZINE : Sort ware News - --·· ~ ~ four way clagonal. Clnemaware's TV Sports Football. JLWf!:~c:::u,i;;;,cicQl,L->,~~~-- Fans of Capcom's Strider wlll be More from NCS will be an arcade glad to hear, the game will be con­ action game featuring a girl with a Just when you think that the Megadrlve verted to the Megadrlve by Sega, and sword for the MD In a similar style of wll die becauseof the lack of software wlll be on &neg Cart - meaning more game to Telenet's Valls II on the En­ - for It, along comes a string of titles doshll Do you think Sega are copying gine. Look's brilliant - no release dates planned for the machine. They must NEC Avenue? However, the game Is again. What about 30 polygon games have readmy last IssueII not expected to appear until October, like all those available for the 16-blt Augustwill be the month for Ras­ although It's looking extremely good. computers? Well, from NCS, will be Jan II - Talto's coin-op slash and hack So you have time to save up for It. Star Cruiser - a game which has al­ game. Screen shots of the game look Talking of Avenue, their best game to ready appeared on the Sharp X68000 superbalthough colours are a bit bland date Is Super Darius for the Engine, machine. The game looks to be a cross - I'm sure those Japs only have and MD owners will be able to go fish­ between Start Glider II and Elite, as Megadrivesconnected through their TV Ing too soon as Talto are to convert - you are put In the pilot seat of your aerial sockets and not RGB.
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