illLY 1990 - ISSUE 14 e ALL THE LATEST NEWS FOR THE PC ENGINE MEGA DRIVE, AND OTHER CONSOLES. e HARDWARE NEWS OFFICIAL MEGADRIVE LAUNCHED IN EUROPE MORE ON THE COMM. UNIT /.-., -_-r ....-!_.:,/- _ ' ., . ,:, ' THE ULTIMATE l.. ,,,,.. f ,; ·11 _-; SHOOT'EM UP : i SUPER STAR SOLDIER? _-;E THUNDERFORCE Ill? : ~ ..., / .~,,-: ·.··.: ....-;:, NEC'S CD-ROM - WHAT'S AVAILABLE AND WHAT DO THE \ , PRODUCERS THINK -. ~,.,. ..r - OF THE DEVICE! ,,,- , ;\ , ,, _....__ \ ' , '~ . - ~ - . ,.,. _,__ ~\ MORE RELIABLE TIPS ~ -~ \ THANEMLYM HUGHES! :),;.}1{~ ' ')~ T) - 1 /~{ . ~ .... AND BEST OF ALL NO / FOOTBALL, WORLD CUP FOOTBALL,FOOTBALL, 'LOOK BEHIND YOU SHILTON! FOOTBALL, THAT'S A DIVE REF! l FOOTBALL, AND FOOTBALL.!!!! • CONSOLB MA 'ZINE : Editorial/ Hardware news [[)ITODIAL HARDWAHBNBWS , Latest news on the official Sega Megadrlve Is, they won't be that much of a difference from the grey Imported ones. Hija doodsl 1 H Is expected, they wlll be Ike the differences between the Japanese Megadrlve and American Genesis, so It would Uke Damocles, It's laie coming, but here's the July be possibleto use officlal cartridges on your Megadrlve by Issue of C.M. It's also baking hot outside and I'm cooped slight alterations to the machine Itself or carts. The up In my room typing this out - even with the windows machine has been offlclally launched In Europe, but wlll wide open, I feel like a Bemard Matthews' Turkey RoasL not be released in the UK until September at CES show at Anyway, I've at last got my •20-Card• for my Amiga - Earl's Court. According to 'ACE', the machine will retail for Yeepll Does the arnlga fly or what? WeU, more like 'What' £189,99 and come with Altered Beast, and games will as the thing hardly works with games, but atlease it range between £29.99 and £39.99, with the power base speeds Pagestrearn up.
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