Ocm39986872-1894-HB-0864.Pdf (1.053Mb)
HOUSE No. 804. Commomocaltl) oi iilassacljusctts. House of Representatives, May 81, 1894. I he committee on Finance, to whom was referred the Bill to incorporate the Boston Elevated Railroad Company, rej )rt that it ought to pass in a new draft herewith sub- mitt ed. For the Committee HENRY Y. SIMPSON. 9 BOSTON ELEVATED RAILWAY CO. [May Commomumitl) in iUaesacljusctts, In the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-four. AN ACT To incorporate the Boston Elevated Railway Com- pany. / House of Hi (I ( m y 'horitv of th same, as J 1 Section 1. Joe AC Meigs, Thomas AV. Hyde, 2 AYillard Howland, Theodore AV. Alyers, Joseph 11. 3 O’jSTeil,Fred C. Patch, Charles A. AVhittier, Abram 4 S. Hewitt, Samuel AI. Roosevelt, William S. Butler, 5 George 11. Towle, AVilliara Spalding and Herman 6 Haupt, their associates and successors, are hereby 7 made a corporation by the name of “ Boston Ele- -8 vated Railway Company,” with all the privileges 9 and subject to all the duties set forth in all general 10 laws which now are or may hereafter be in force 11 relating to railroad corporations, so far as applica- -12 ble, except as hereinafter provided, but said corpo- -13 ration shall not be obliged to transport freight or 14 baggage. 1894 HOUSE —No. 864. 1 Sect. 2. The capital stock of said Boston 2 Elevated Railway Company shall be not less than 3 ten million dollars, divided into shares of one 4 hundred dollars each. The capital may be in- 5 creased from time to ti ne by vote of the directors 6 of said corporation to an amount not exceeding 7 twenty million dollars in all.
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