Type Spemimens of Heteroptera Described by LR. Meyer-Diir

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Type Spemimens of Heteroptera Described by LR. Meyer-Diir 0 Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 1996 Type spemimens of Heteroptera described by LR. Meyer-Diir LM. Kerzhner Kerzhner, I.M. 1996. Type specimens of Heteroptera described by LR. Meyer-Dtir. ZoosystemalicaRossica, 4(2), 1995:267-269. A list of L.R. Meyer-DiUr's extant type specimens of European Miridae and Argentinian Nabidaein the American Museum of Natural History is given. Lectotypes are designated for 15 nominal species. Previous lectotype designations for Psalms argyroirichus Fieber and Psallus dilutus Fieber are considered invalid. A new synonymy is established: Psallus Iaematodes (Gmelin, 1790) -Plagiognathus decolor Lindberg, 1934. t' I.M. Kerzhner, ZoologicalInstitute, RussianAcademy ofSciences, Unversitetskaya nab. 1, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia. Introduction in the end of 60's to beginningof 70's. Apparently such cards and triangles were used in that period. L.R. Meyer-Dur (1812-1885), eminent Swiss ento- (4) Cards with a transverse red or black line. Such mologist, published 4 papers (1841, 1843, 1870a, cards apparently were used for material collected out- 1870b) containing descriptions of new species of Het- side Switzerland, because most species do not occur in eroptera. His collection was long kept in the Harvard Switzerland and some specimens are labelled "Carcas- University, USA, and some years ago was gifted to the sone, Gavoy". American Museum of Natural History, New York, Specimens on cards and triangles of the first type are where it was included in the general collection of Het- considered as the only which may belong to the type eroptera. All specimens of Meyer-DEicollection have a series of the species described in 1841 and 1843. Of the small printed label "Meyer-DUr Collection", which is 23newspecies described by Meyer-Durin these works, not mentioned in the later text. Types of four species six were described from specimens collected by other described in 1870 are adequately labelled and easily persons. For none of them types are found, apparently recognizable. Recognition of types for species de- they were returned to the owners. For remaining spe- scribed in 1841 and 1843 is much more difficult. Cer- cies, except Capsuspabulinusvar, alpestris and Capsus tainly, in some species the original material was lost parallelus, Meyer-Dtirhad materialcollected by himat and thelater collected materialadded. With few excep- Burgdorf. Lectotype designations in respective cases tions, specimens from Meyer-Diir collection have no are considered also as restrictions of the type locality collecting labels; identification labels (all in Meyer- to Burgdorf. All designated lectotypes agree with the Dir's handwriting) are placed under thefirst specimen current interpretation of respective species. and judging from the used synonymy are written after All species described by Meyer-Dur are listed in al- 1860. phabetic order of their original names; the species Most specimens are glued on cards and triangles of whoe type specimens are found are marked with an four main types. asterisk. All labels are in Meyer-Dur's handwriting (if (1) Cards and triangles of dull thin cardboard. They not stated otherwise). are apparently the oldest judging from their appear- ance and especially from the case of Capsus (now Pachytomella) parallela Meyer-Dur, in which speci- Family MIRIDAE mens differing in preparation certainly do not belong to the type series. Capsus atomarius Meyer-Dtir, 1843: 73. Described of from one specimen collected by Meyer-Dfir at (2) Triangles dull thick cardboard. Some speci- Ramisberg and onecollected by Imhoffat Basel. Types mens on such triangles have hand-written labels on apparently lost. The only specimen in Meyer-Dtir col- green or yellow paper indicating day and month of lection is a female labelled "Hadrodema atomaria, collecting and locality ("Schafmt.", `Suitisbch.") and Vosges" (Puton's handwriting). Currently PinaUtus some are labelled "Jura". Apparently these specimens atomarius (Meyer-Dilr, 1843). belong to later collected material. * Capsus avelranae Meyer-DUr, 1841: 83. Described (3) Cards and triangles of shining thin cardboard. from Burgdod. Lecotype. 9, glued on triangle, labelled Some specimens onsuchcardsand triangles havelabels "coryli L. pallipes Hihn.." There are also 3 d and 1 9 indicating theircapture at Burgdorfand otherlocalities glued on shiningcards. JuniorsynonymofPhyluscoryli in Switzerland in 1869 and 1870. Specimens on such (Linnaeus, 1758). cards and triangles are common in material exchanged Capsus brevicollis Meyer-Duir, 1843: 47. Described by Meyer-DUr to colleagues (Fieber, Puton, Jakovlev) fromone specimen collected by Buess in Geneva. In the collection under label "chenopodii P1." there are 3 ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 4 * 1.M. Kerzhner: Heteroptera described byMeyer-Diir 268 specimens (1 d, 1 9, 1 without abdomen). It. is im- totypes: 2 9- glued on triangles and 1 d pinned, all possible to conclude whether one of them is the holo- without labels. Currently Lygocoris lucorum (Meyer- type, it is assumed that all of them belong to later Dur, 1843). collected material. Junior synonym of Adelphocoris 0 Capsus mall Meyer-Dtr, 1843: 63. Described from lineolatus (Goeze, 1778). several specimens from Burgdorf. Leetolype: , glued * Capsus brunnipennis Meyer-Dur, 1843: 66. De- on triangle, without labels. In the collection there are scribed from Burgdorf. Lectotype: 9, glued on card, also 3 females glued on shining cards. Currently Atrac- labelled "arbustorum F. et var. hortensis MD., brun- totomus mal (Meyer-Diir, 1843). nipennis MD". (label transferred by me from the pin of Capsus modestus Meyer-Dur, 1843: 69. Described a specimen labelled "6.V7II. Siltisbch"); fitting well from two specimens collected in environs of Burgdorf. original description except orange colour of cuneus in- Absent from the collection. Currently Phoenicocoris distinct. Paralectotype: 9, glued on card, no labels, mnodestus (Meyer-Dfur, 1843). teneral specimen with dorsal surface brownish yellow Capsus nitidus Meyer-Duir, 1843: 113. Described and hind margin of head paler. Junior synonym of from one specimen collected by Heer from Alp Ur- Plkgiognathus arbustlorum (Fabricius, 1794). schein in Unterengadin. In thecollection thereare only Capsus coccineus Meyer-Dilr, 1843: 75. Described 2 9 at one card labelled "Orthocephalus nitidus, Htes from one specimen (female, judging from figure) col- Alpes". Currently Euryopicoris nitidus (Meyer-Diir, lected by Ougspurger near Berm. In the collection there 1843). are 1 9 and I specimen without abdomen on shining * Capsus pabulinus var. alpestris Meyer-Dur, 1843: triangles labelled "coccineus Westh.". Neither of the 50. Described from specimens collected by Meyer-Dur specimens seems to be theholotype. Currently Pseudo- near Solothurn and by Imhoff in two other places. loxops coccmneus:(Meyer-Dur, 1843). Lectotype: 9, pinned, with damaged abdomen, labelled * Capsus curvipes Meyer-Dur, 1843: 98. Described "alpestris Meyer". Paralectotypes: I 6, 2 9, same pre- from several localities in Switzerland. Lectotype: d, paration, without labels. Currently Calocoris alpestris pinned, labelled "thoracica Fil., 6 curvipes Meyer". (Meyer-Dos, 1843). There are also in the collection 1 c on shining card *.Capsus parallelus Meyer-Dfir, 1843:57. Described without labels and specimens labelled "Hyeres" and from males collected in several localities in Switzer- "Lille, Puton".Junior synonym ofHarpocera tioracica land. Lectotype: 6, glued on card, labelled "minor (Faildtn, 1807). Costa, d paraUelus Meyer" (label transferred by me Capsus decoratus Meyer-Diir, 1843: 88. Described from a badly damaged male and intact female on one from three localities in Switzerland from specimens pin labelled "Puton" (Puton's handwriting)). Paralec- collected by other persons. There are 1 d and 29 glued tolypes: 265, glued on one card, without labels. Other on thick triangles, all of them teneral and reddish speamens in thecollectionarelabelled "Hyeres" (1d), brown (not black as indicated in the original descrip- "Carcassone, Gavoy" (I 6) and "Puton" (1d, 19, see tion). Apparently these specimens are not syntypes. above) and obviously do not belong to types. Currently Junior synonym of Globiceps sphaeguformzs (Rossi, Pahytomellaparallela (Meyer-Dur, 1843). 1790). Capsus pyri Meyer-Dtir, 1841: 87. A nomen oblitum. Capsus elgntulus Meyer-Dur, 1843: 86. Described The species was later renamed by Meyer-Dtir C. mali from one specimen found at Burgdorf. The only speci- and the latter specific name was consistently and men in thecollection is a male labelled "Sumpf 25 Sept. widely used. 69". It is surely not the holotype. Junior synonym of Capsus solitarius Meyer-D-ir, 1843: 83. Described Cylorhinus carites (Fallden, 1807). from 29collected near Burgdorf. In thecollection there * Capsus fasciatus Meyer-Duir, 1841: 86. Described are 29 on shining triangles, one of them labelled "soli- from specimens collected at Burgdorf. Lectotype: 9, tarius M. (seladonicus K.)", and I 6 on thick triangle glued on card, labelled "montanus Schill. fasciatus without labels. As all specimens probably belong to Meyer". Paralectotype: 9, same preparation, without latercollected material, I abstained from type designa- labels. There are in the collection also 1 d and I 9 on tion. Currently Macrotylus solitarius (Meyer-Dfir, shining triangles and 2 9 on thick triangles on one pin 1843). labelled "3.VIII Sedrun" (Meyer-Duirsaid hecollected * Capsus spinolae Meyer-Dur, 1841: 86. Described the species from May to July!). Junior synonym
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