Cocaine Busts on the Rise

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Cocaine Busts on the Rise Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893 Volume 120, Issue 1 Thursday, February 23, 2012 COCAINE BUSTS ON THE RISE Between 2010 and 2011, Carrboro saw a 29 percent jump 17 arrests in 2009 in cocaine-related arrests. 24 arrests in 2010 31 arrests in 2011 DTH PHOTO ILLUSTRATION/MARY KOENIG, MEG WRATHER, ARIANA Rodriguez-GITLER The photo illustration represents the number of cocaine-related arrests in Carrboro since 2009. So far in 2012, there have been16 cocaine-related arrests in both Carrboro and Chapel Hill. By Chelsey Dulaney 2011, according to police reports. er of crisis services for the Freedom “We don’t immediately get charges and go arrest Assistant City Editor Chapel Hill and Carrboro have House Recovery center in Chapel seen a combined 16 cocaine- Hill. “There are less opportunities someone. We see things wrap up in a time period.” Chapel Hill police Lt. Jabe related arrests in 2012, eight of for people to get well.” Hunter says drug busts come in those for selling. Crowder said she thinks this Lt. Jabe Hunter, waves — and in the past three As local agencies struggle to decrease in funding for addic- Chapel Hill police weeks, Chapel Hill and Carrboro absorb millions in cuts to mental tion treatment services has police have seen a surge of six health care, officials worry that allowed the demand for cocaine cocaine. Carrboro increases cocaine-related arrests. people with addictions can’t access to persist, and local dealers have “These (investigations) always The arrests have come as part services they need — a possible responded. flow that way,” Hunter said. Carrboro police officer Brad of a growing trend of cocaine- factor in rising drug incidents. Recent investigations of up to “Most of that type are going Ward estimated that cocaine related incidents in recent years. “People are expected to pay a year culminated in the arrests to last months long. They never incidents account for 80 to 90 Arrests for cocaine in Carrboro more out of pocket now,” said of two men this month who really end when the arrest hap- increased 29 percent from 2010 to Carolyn Crowder, program manag- police have charged with dealing pens, we’re just starting then.” SEE COCAINE, PAGE 4 Progress on hold at ‘The Rat’ 2010, then in August 2011 and pletely broken.” time, said Scott Bullock, general Broken ceiling beams, then in early 2012 — but each Fountain said after she found manager for the Rat. asbestos and other time, she said, she hit road- the broken beams she had town “That floor was near to col- blocks. inspectors look at them, and lapsing,” Bullock said. “If we had issues delay an opening. Now, construction for the they recommended that the con- not been working there they Rathskeller, also known as “The struction crew vacate the prem- might have never found it.” By Michelle Zayed Rat,” is stalled after a demolition ises until the beams were fixed. Mary Stockwell, general man- Senior Writer crew found two splitting and “We were discouraged, ager of Munch Family Properties sagging ceiling beams. but we’re not giving up,” she LLC and part owner of the 157 Diane Fountain is seeing her “That entire part of the ceil- said. “We’re reopening the E. Franklin St. building, said the DTH/JOSH CLINARD plans to open the Ramshead ing, you can pick at it with your Rathskeller.” company will fix the damage. Student Body President-elect Will Leimenstoll sits in the quad and talks with Rathskeller delayed once again. fingers and it comes off like rice Temporary contention beams friends on Wednesday. He beat Calvin Lewis Jr. to win Tuesday’s election. Fountain hoped to open in paper,” Fountain said. “It is com- secure the building in the mean- SEE THE RAT, PAGE 4 Leimenstoll ‘Milford Project’ comes to LAB! making its second run with UNC’s The play combines LAB! Theatre, which is present- elements of comedy, ing the play for the first time on ready to get the East Coast. science and love. Back in character, Richie and Penny talk — and sing — about By Deborah Strange science, relationships and love. Staff Writer Director Scott Ripley, who saw to work the play at the festival, imme- On a Saturday rehearsal of diately wanted to bring it to greeted by each group of students “The Milford Project,” Richie LAB!, seeing an opportunity to He plans to shadow he passes. Students who he has and Penny skipped across a be more experimental than with Mary Cooper until his never met introduce themselves. classroom-turned-meadow stage, PlayMakers Repertory Company But even during the honey- speaking in oddly-pitched, curi- without the pressure of stiff April 3 inauguration. moon leading up to his April 3 ous tones. expectations. inauguration, Leimenstoll has The director paused the scene “We don’t have a bottom line. By Liz Crampton work on his mind. for a moment, and UNC students PlayMakers does,” he said. “We and Jamie Gnazzo The junior said his preparation Bryan Burton and Margaret don’t have to sell tickets. For this, Staff Writers in the coming weeks will con- Burrus discussed — in their regu- we need an audience.” sist of shadowing Student Body lar voices — about how to interact He met with the play’s writers, For Student Body President- President Mary Cooper. with a falling prop bird. Nick Martin and Kevin Oeser, elect Will Leimenstoll, a walk But he is quick to point out The actors play eighth-graders to pitch the prospect a “comme- through Polk Place is a social that his administration will be in love, the protagonists of the dia dell’arte” version of the play, marathon. different than his predecessor’s. musical that premiered last June which promotes exaggeration and DTH/JESSICA GAYLORD Leimenstoll, who was elected at the Hollywood Fringe Festival. UNC students Margaret Burrus and Bryan Burton star as Penny and student body president Tuesday, is SEE LEIMENSTOll, PAGE 4 Eight months later, the play is SEE MILFORD, PAGE 4 Richie, two eighth-graders in love, in LAB!’s show “The Milford Project.” DIVERSIONS REDISTRICTING This day in history Today’s weather Check out this After the Republican Inside FEB. 23, 1893 Perfect for turning week’s Diversions majority redrew the state’s 119. section to see which districts, many Democrats To promote the University’s H 75, L 59 SITTING DOWN football team, students started WITH STACE movies we think are who have long been sup- Friday’s weather worthy of winning porters of the University a one-page tabloid called The Celebrate the DTH’s One more week Academy Awards on have announced their Tar Heel. The paper is now birthday by learning more until #SB2012! Sunday. Page 5. retirement. Page 9. called The Daily Tar Heel. about it. Page 3. H 67, L 38 I don’t do drugs. I am drugs. SALVADOR DALI 2 Thursday, February 23, 2012 News The Daily Tar Heel The Daily Tar Heel DAILY SCIENCE ‘N’ SETS DOSE Established 1893 119 years of editorial freedom The many uses of duct tape STEVEN NORton From staff and wire reports EDITOR-In-CHIEf e here at the Dose are firmly in support of people who want to TARINI PARTI broaden their horizons, in or out of the bedroom. We do advise ManagIng editor however, that you try to keep that extra freaky stuff firmly in KELLY MCHUGH the bed, and not in the grocery store parking lot. vIsual ManagIng editor WA Portland, Ore., couple ran into trouble with the law last week when their ANDY THOMASON Valentine’s Day fantasy was witnessed by a concerned citizen. A woman called unIvERsITy EDITOR police after she saw a man drive out of a parking lot with a naked woman JEANNA SMIALEK bound with duct tape in the back seat. CITy EDITOR Come to find out, the scene was part of a sexual kidnapping fantasy. But that didn’t stop cops from charging the pair with disorderly conduct. ISABELLA COCHRANE sTaTE & NATIONAL EDITOR Hey, at least they won’t have to pay for the sexy handcuffs now. KATELYN TRELA NOTED. The next time you’re trying to memo- QUOTED. “I just thought it was fair that more Arts Editor rize pickup lines in French, be careful not to people should be able to kill as many brain include the word “mademoiselle,” even if the cells on Greenville Avenue as I have in my life.” JOSEPH CHAPMAN only other words you know are “voulez vous — Mark Cuban, billionaire owner of the DTH/MELISSA KEY DIvERsIOns editor coucher avec moi?” Dallas Mavericks NBA franchise. mily Huante, a Woods Charter School sixth-grader, The French goverment is banning the word Cuban recently donated the money to sup- KELLY PARSONS because it suggests that a woman is both “avali- port this year’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration in shows off her science fair project in the Center for sPORTs Editor able” and a virgin. As opposed to a taken ho? Dallas. Dramatic Arts. Scott Ripley, director of the play E ALLIE RUSSELL “The Milford Project,” organized the event to get props for photo editor the set of the middle school science fair-based play. COMMUNITY CALENDAR GEORGIA cAVANAUGH, CHRIS HARROW Hell and Back Again: Watch “Hell team take on Wright state in a three- copy co-EDITORs TODAY POLICE LOG Global Projects showcase: are you and Back again”, a documentary in game weekend series.
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