Duplicate Cable Conference Report of Conference
(No. 26.) 187 7. SESSION II. TASMAN .I A. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. DUPLICATE CABLE CONFER.ENCE: REPOR'l' OF CONFERENCE. Laid upon the Table by the Colonial Secretary, and ordered by the House to be . printeq, April 24, 1877. 1877. LEGISLATIVE .ASSEMBLY. NEW SOUTH WALES. , REPORT, MINUTES -OF PROCEEDINGS, &c. OF THE CABL-E· 00-NFERENCE, HELD IN SYDNEY, JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1877. _ ORDERED BY THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY TO BE PRINTED, · 6 February, 1877. SYDNEY: CHARLES POTTER, ACTING GOVERNM;ENT PRINTER. 1877. 3a 28-77 LIST OF PAPERS. \ 1. Report of the Proceedings of the Conference. 2. Minutes of the Conference~ 3, Papel's laid before the Conference. 4. Evidence of Professional Gentlemen in attendance on the Conference; 5 NEW SOUTH W.ALES. CABLE CONFERENCE. / \ REPORT of the PROCEEDINGS of the Conference on Duplication of the Cable between .Australasia and Europe, held in Sydney in January, 1877. - - THE Conference on the subject of Duplication of the Telegraph Cable between Australasia and Europe assembled in Sydney, and held their first meeting on the 25th January, 1877. The whole of the Australasian Colonies_ were.represented, as follows, viz.:- New Soutlt Wales : TH~ HoNORABLli: JOHN ROBERTSON, Colonial Secretary. THE HoNORABLE ALEXANDER STUART,. Colonial Treasurer. ' THE HoNORAilLE J. ]!,. BURNS, Postmaster General. New Zealand: THE HoNORAilLE G. McLEAN, Postmaste~ General and Commissioner of Teiegraphs, and Commissioner of Customs. Queensland: THE HoNORAilLE SAMUEL WALKER GRIFFITH, Q.C., Attorney General, and Secretary for Public Instruction., THE HoNORABLE CHARLES STUART MEIN, Postmaster General. Soutlt .Australia : THE HoNoR.-\IlLE 13m HENRY AYERS, K.C:M.G., Chief Secretary. {_ THE HoNOR.A.IlLE EnENEZER WARD, Ministei' of Agriculture and Education.
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