PLAN ETAR IAN Journal of the International Planetarium Society Vol
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PLAN ETAR IAN Journal of the International Planetarium Society Vol. 25, No. 2, June 1996 Articles 6 IPS Committees: A Status Report .................................... Jim Manning 8 Minutes of the IPS Council Meeting .......................... Lee Ann Hennig 11 Results of the 1996 Members' Questionnaire ................. Keith Johnson 13 Financial Report ............................................................. Keith Johnson 14 Outer Space Never Sounded Like This! ............................... Roy Kaelin Features 17 Computer Corner: WorldClock Lite .................................... Ken Wilson 20 Focus on Education: What's Your Limit? .. Stu Chapman/RusseH Waugh 23 Regional Roundup ............................................................ Lars Broman 27 Book Reviews .................................................................. April S. Whitt 32 President's Message ........................................................... Jim Manning 36 What's New ...................................................................... Jim Manning 39 Forum: Entering the Profession ........................................... Steve Tidey 42 Planetarium Memories: Circus Popcorn Sawdust ..... Kenneth E. Perkins 44 Gibbous Gazette ......................................................... Christine Shupla 47 Planetechnica: Shaft-Couplings .............................. Richard McColman 52 Mobile News Network ...................................................... Sue Reynolds 58 Jane's Corner .................................................................... Jane Hastings " l1,c ZKPJ ;'\' jalltastic ... It IJrojec/x Ih e 11/ 0 0 1/ phases wilh (l rea/ism I 'lel 'a kllew Iw .'is ihle ;11 a plalletarium. l Is .wllIller sh e opells lip Ih e .~ k)' 11111£'1, beller for III tl1l)' .\'/lldellis. I dOl/ 't have to 1I'0r,)' about poillliug Ollt Sirius. all(/ 1I(1I1iug IIlI(f l /i e cla .~s flllable (() see ",/t al I 'm PO ;U(;Uf.: to . .. •J ;/11 lJ eaber. IJira lur Robel" II. j O/I1I .WJII P/a ll elllrill lll l.llkew()(}(/. C% rtul" ln~lallC'tI in ktli:r:-on Count) SdlOUI Di..,tr1ct", Rohl..'TI 1-1 . John ... on Planetariulll in 19lJ5. the ZKPJ Skyma~ll'r projector from Zci ....... hOI!'> exceeded Jim Beaber· ... C'xpectation:.. J)c ... igncd (0 fit new or exi:.ling dome :-.i/(" of 1610 36 fccLlhe Z KPJ i:-. small in diIl1CIl!'>iu lls. btl! vcr:-.a tile in performance. II :. ~\;lrtkld will projC'cl 0\ cr 7000 :-'\<1["'''' and can be cu\101ll (ksigncd 10 (,1I"'- IO lller speci fication..;. Control desk and (,.'()m pUl er aut()1l1:lliotl an: pan of Ih ... ba:-.ic ..;y:-.I ... Ill . The ZKP3· Quality performance. Compact & versat ile. For morl' information ahout the S k~ ' nHls t e r ZKPJ. the Star master Z ~ II'. or Uninrsa ri um ~ I V III l',1I1 P(,<lrl Reill y at ~EILER 1-800-726-8805. I N S TFlUIVIE NT Zeiss. Seeillg is Believillg. 170 E Kirkham Ave , St. LOUIS, MO 63119. N ew Orlean s Sales Office:1-BOO-726-BB05 Fax:504- 764- 7665 em ail:[email protected] The Planetarian (ISN 0090-3213) is published quarterly the International Planetari:um Society. ©1996, International Planetarium SOciety. Inc., all reserved. Opinions expires sed e by authors are personal opinions and are not necessarily the opinions of the Int(~rnlitional etarium Society. its officers, or agents. Acceptance of advertisements, announcements, or 1 25, N . 2 material does not imply endorsement by the International Planetarium its officers agents. The Editor welcomes items for consideration for publication. Please consult (or reQue~ltJ Ju e, 1996 "Guidelines for Contributors" printed in the September 1995 issue. The Editor reserves to edit any solicited or unsolicited manuscript to suit this publication's needs. IN EX F A ERTISER ASCC -Systems Los Ang'ele5, caHfomlla (1) 213-664-1181 work phone Bowen Productions ........................................................ 818-708-7314 home fax Commercial Electronics Ltd........................................ [email protected] Davis Planetarium ............................................................ East Coast Control Systems ....................................... Hansen Planetarium Evans &: Sutherland ........................................ cover 15 South State Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 USA Goto Optical Manufacturing ............................ ... (1) 801-531-4949 Joe Hopkins ............................................... (1) 801-531-4948 fax [email protected] Laser Images, Inc ............................................................ Miami Space Individual: $40 one year; two years Minolta Corporation ......................... cover Institutional: $150 first year; $75 annual renewal NEOS Technologies ............................................... Library Subscriptions: $24 one year Direct membership requests and changes ofaddress Orlando Science Center .............................................. to the Treasurer /Membership Chairman R. S. Automation ............................................................. L Seiler Instruments .; .......................... cover To receive word of new position openings in the field, send up to six Sky-Skan, Inc ..................................................................... self-addressed stamped envelopes to: Spitz, S. Fentress, Director Strasen burgh Planetarium P.O. Box 1480 RQ(=he~;ter, New York 14603 USA sociate ors Jon U. Ben Kenneth P"",r1r1nco Available from: )! the Dome Planetarium Me~m()rt~~s Charlene Oukes IPS Back Publications Repository Jeffrey H. Bowen Sound Advice Strasenburgh Planetarium P.O. Box 1480 Lars Broman Christine v ......... ". .lJla Rochester, New York 14603 USA A cumulative index of major articles that have Steve appeared in the Planetarian from the first issue Forum .......... '''' ............ the current issue is available on paper Jane G. Hastings Ken Wilson ($12 ppd) or disk ($5 ppd) from the Exec. Editor. Jane's Comer COlm1!)u1ter Reviews Richard McColman June: April 21 Planetechnica September: July 21; December: October 21 Jim Manning What's New Vol. 1996 Planetarian President Executive Secretary 1998 Conference Chair Elections Committee Cbair:man Jim Manning Lee Ann Hennig. Planetarium Undine Concannon Steven Mitch Taylor Planetarium Thomas Jefferson High School Planetarium Administrator Benedum Natural ~'lpnl4"p Museum of the Rockies 6560 Braddock Road London Planetarium Center Bozeman Montana 59717 USA Alexandria. Virginia 22312 USA Mruylebone Road r,_._'"-_. __ Park (1) 406-994-6874 (1) 703-750-8380 London NW 1 5LR England .U""'U"'"",, WV 26003 (1) 406-994-2682 fax (1) 703-750-5010 fax (44) 071-486-1121 (1) ":>U"l~-~'hl-'\i-U':~q. [email protected] [email protected] (44) 071-465-0862 fax (1) 304-243-4110 fax President Elect Treasurer and Membership Historian/Photo-Archivist Thomas W. Kraupe Chairman John Hare Awards Committee Forum Der Technik ·Planetarlum Keith Johnson Ash Enterprises Phyllis Museumsinsel 1 Fleischmann Planetarium 3602 23rd Avenue West The Adler Pla:netarilUIn D-80538 Muenchen University of Nevada Bradenton, Florida 34205 USA 1300 S. Lake Shore Gennany Reno, Nevada 89557 USA (1) 941-746-3522 '_d ......<AiSV' Illinois 60605 (49) 89-21125-250 (1) 702-784-4812 (1) 804-266-7966 fax (49) 89-21125-255 fax (1) 702-784··4822 fax [email protected] [email protected] keithj@equinox. [email protected] Publications Chair http://www.fdLde/ 1996 Conference Chairman Undine Concannon July 13-16. 1996 Planetarium Administrator Past President Dr. Tadao Nakano. Director London Planetarium William Gutsch The Science Museum of Osaka Mruylebone Road 25 The Crossway Nakanoshima, Kita-Ku London NW 1 5LR, England Smoke Rise Osaka 530. Japan (44) 171-487-0227 Kinnelon, New Jersey 07405 (44) 171-465-0862 fax (1) 201-492-8165 (1) 201-492-1836 fax [email protected] 1.. S .. Affiliate Association of French-Speaking Great Lakes Planetarium Assoc. Nordic Planetarium Association Russian Planetariums AsI~ocll.ati.en Planetariums Susan Reynolds Lars Broman Zinaida P. Sitkova Agnes Acker Onondaga-Cortland-Madison Broman Planetarium Nizhny Novgorod Planetarium Planetarium Strasbourg B.O.C.E.S. Planetarium Ostra Hamngatan 1 Pokhyalinsky S'Yezd 5-A Universite Louis Pasteur P.O. Box 4774 8-791 71 Falun Nizhny Novgorod. 603 001 Rue de L'ObselVatoire Syracuse. New York 13221 Sweden Russia 6700 Strasbourg. France (1) 315-433-2671 (46) 2310 177 8312-34-21-51 (88) 36-12-51 (1) 315-433-1530 fax (46) 2310 137 (fax) 8312-36-20-61 [email protected] lars.broman@plru. .. Assoc. of Mexican Planetariums Ignacio Castro Pinal Great Plains Planetarium Assoc. Southeastern Phln«l:tal~iwrn Museo Technologico C.F.E. April Whitten. Business Mgr. Pacific Planetarium Association aden Apartado Postal 18-816 Mallory Kountze Planetarium Jon Elvert John Hare CP 11870 Mexico City. D.F. Mexico 60th & Dodge Streets Lane ESD Planetarium Ash Enterprises (52) 55-16-13-57 Omaha. Nebraska 68182 USA 2300 Leo Harris 3602 23rd Avenue West (52) 55-16-55-20 fax (1) 402-554-2510 Eugene. Oregon USA Bradenton. Florida 34205 (1) 402-554-3100 (1J 451-461-8227 (l) 941-746-3522 British Assoc. of Planetarium. [email protected] (1) 451-687-6459 fax (1) 804-266-7966 fax Undine Concannon [email protected] [email protected] London Planetarium Italian Planetaria's Friends Asso- Marlybone Road ciation Southwestern Association London NVV1 5LR.E~d Loris Ramponi Planetarium Association of