Cumulated Bibliography

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Cumulated Bibliography Cumulated bibliography Aagaard,K.&Coachman, L.K. 1968. The East Greenland Current north Andersen, B.G. 1979. The deglaciation of Norway 15,000-10,000 of Denmark Strait: Part I. Arctic, 21, 181–200, B.P. Boreas, 8, 79–87, 14430/arctic3270 tb00788.x Aartolahti, T., Koivisto,M.&Nenonen, K. 1995. De Geer moraines Andersen, B.G. & Borns, H.W. Jr. 1994. The Ice Age World. Scandina- in Finland. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper, 20. vian University Press, Oslo. Aber, J.S. 1988. Ice-shoved hills of Saskatchewan compared with Missis- Anderson, A.L. & Hampton, L.D. 1980. Acoustics of gas-bearing sedi- sippi Delta mudlumps–implications for glaciotectonic models. In: ments. I. Background. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Croot, D.G. (ed.) Glaciotectonic Forms and Processes. Balkema, 67, 1865–1889, Rotterdam, 1–9. Anderson, J.B. 1983. Ancient glacial-marine deposits: their spatial and Aber, J.S. & Ber, A. 2007a. Glaciotectonism. 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(eds) Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: and implications for ice-stream dynamics. Annals of Glaciology, Modern, Quaternary and Ancient. Geological Society, London, 50, 17–26, Memoirs, 46, 341–344, Andreassen, K., Nilssen, L.C., Rafaelsen,B.&Kuilman, L. 2004. Amblas, D., Urgeles, al. 2006. Relationship between continental Three-dimensional seismic data from the Barents Sea margin reveal rise development and palaeo-ice sheet dynamics, Northern Antarctic evidence of past ice streams and their dynamics. Geology, 32, Peninsula Pacific margin. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25, 933–944, 729–732, Andreassen, K., Ødegaard, C.M. & Rafaelsen, B. 2007. Imprints of Ambrosi,C.&Crosta, G.B. 2006. Large sackung along major tectonic fea- former ice streams, imaged and interpreted using industry three- tures in the Central Italian Alps. Engineering Geology, 83, 183–200, dimensional seismic data from the south-western Barents Sea. 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Andreassen,K.,Winsborrow, M.C.M., Bjarnado´ttir, L.R. & Discovery of till deposition at the grounding line of Whillans Ice Ru¨ ther, D.C. 2014. Ice stream retreat dynamics inferred from an Stream. Science, 315, 1835–1838, assemblage of landforms in the northern Barents Sea. Quaternary Sci- 1138393 ence Reviews, 92, 246–257, Ananyev, R., Dmitrevskiy, N., Jakobsson,M.,Lobkovsky, L., Niki- 2013.09.015 forov, S., Roslyakov,A.&Semiletov, I. 2016. Sea-ice plough- Andre´asson, P.-G. & Rodhe, A. 1990. Geology of the Protogine Zone marks in the eastern Laptev Sea, East Siberian Arctic shelf. In: south of Lake Va¨ttern, southern Sweden: a reinterpretation. Geolo- Dowdeswell, J.A., Canals,M.,Jakobsson,M.,Todd, B.J., Dow- giska Fo¨reningen i Stockholm Fo¨rhandlingar, 112, 107–125, deswell, E.K. & Hogan, K.A. (eds) Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms: Modern, Quaternary and Ancient. Geological Society, Andrews, J.T. & Miller, G.H. 1979. Climatic change over the last 1000 London, Memoirs, 46, 301–302, years, Baffin Island, N.W.T. In: McCartney, A.P. (ed.) Thule Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 576 CUMULATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Eskimo Culture: An Anthropological Retrospective. Archaeological Bamber, J.L., Vaughan,D.G.&Joughin, I. 2000. Widespread complex Survey of Canada, Toronto, Mercury Series, 88, 541–554. flow in the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Science, 287, Araya-Vergara, J.F. 1999. Secuencia de formas deposicionales submar- 1248–1250, inas en la fractura del Canal Messier, Patagonia Central. Investiga- Banerjee,I.&McDonald, B.C. 1975. Nature of esker sedimentation. In: ciones Marinas, Valparaiso, 27, 39–52, Jopling, A.V. & McDonald, B.C. (eds) Glaciofluvial and Glaciola- s0717-71781999002700005 custrine Sedimentation. SEPM Special Publications, 23, 132–154, Araya-Vergara, J.F. 2008. The submarine geomorphology of the Chil- ean Patagonian fjords and piedmonts. In: Silva,N.&Palma,S. Banfield, L.A. & Anderson, J.B. 1997. Seismic facies investigation of (eds) Progress in the Oceanographic Knowledge of Chilean Interior the Late Quaternary glacial history of Bransfield Basin, Antarctica. Waters, from Puerto Montt to Cape Horn. Comite Oceanografico In: Cooper, A.K., Barker, P.F. & Brancolini, G. (eds) Geology Nacional, Valparaiso, Chile, 25–27. and Seismic Stratigraphy of the Antarctic Margin. Antarctic Research Araya-Vergara, J.F. 2011. Submarine failures in the bottom of the Ayse´n Series, 68, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC, 123–140, fjord, Northern Patagonia, Chile. Investigaciones Geogra´ficas (Santi- ago), 43, 17–34. Barber, D.C., Dyke, al. 1999. Forcing of the cold event of 8,200 Armishaw, J.E., Holmes, R.W. & Stow, D.A.V. 2000. The Barra Fan: a years ago by catastrophic drainage of Laurentide lakes.
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