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White Oaks Eagle, 1895-1903 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

12-20-1900 White Oaks Eagle, 12-20-1900 John Y. Hewitt

Wm. Watson

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Recommended Citation Hewitt, John Y. and Wm. Watson. "White Oaks Eagle, 12-20-1900." (1900).

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$1.50 a Year. Volume 10 No. i WHITE OAKS, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, DEC, ao 1000. Subscription,

OPPOSES Of GOVERNOR OTERO. ItlE NEWS Of The Sante Fe "Capital", the MINI Santa Fe republican weekly, op- poses the of Gov. HOUR HOLIDAY Otero, and gives the following strong reasons for its opposition: THE TERRITORY. "The 'Capital' from hence- as opposed forth announces itself, SAN ANDRES MININO DISTRICT. Imported Chinaware is Now on to the of Miguel to look over the camp. Fine Samples of copper ore from the A miner up Willow gulch came A. Otero, for the position of gov- : : : properties of the Good Fortune down the other Exhibition. ernor of New Mexico, from June to Elizabethtown Mining Company, near Tularosa, day with thirteen ounces of gold, of 7th, 1901. For this determina- Are Still Maintaining Our Record show the company has even of clean-u- p on his We tion it gives the following reasons that the result a as good a thing as the Tipton more par- Showing the Latest Novelties, and Prices for its action: First, it desires to placer claim. Several Copper Company, which was of this recall to the mind of its readers ties can report something in KEEPING WITH the QUALITY of boosted into prominence last week are the 'Capital's' platform of prin nature from the district placers. X X X X X X by the opening of of a rich ore put in r.nnnQViVVL-- . ciples published at the time the The Blue Bandana has lit, chute on the Flor de Mayo claim. now having one paper was started which reads as another pump, The Good Fortune properties ad- No. 9 No. 6 in operation follows: "The 'Capital' will be and one join the Tipton, and the ore down. This is fearless in the discharge of its to keep the water shows as rich and permanent as of properties duties and obligations to the pub one the promising in the workings of its rival. An lic, and will be ever ready to of the district. 18-in- ch vein of solid copper glance approve the acts of public officials THE SANDIAS MOUNTAINS. has been encountered in the tun- In the Sandia mountain mining 1 1 4 4 a a a k k k k AAA mAAUAAAAAAAUUAAAAAAAAAAAAiÁAAAAAA4 and those in authority who hon- i i i i i i n u i i i i ii nel, the vein having gradually in Fe county, estly conform to the obligations district south Santa widened as work progressed dur- H. Horn, in Madera can of the trust committed to their Van ing the past week. Seven miners gold ore care, and in like manner it will on, has struck rich in g have been placed at work on the working criticise and expose corruption the tunnel he has been property, and ore is now being this winter, and if indications on 1 and condemn those who are un- 11 stoped ready to be mined and go for S70 it nt faithful in the performance of the surface and in the drift 111 shipped to the El Paso smelter. of big- 3 BESTl Ml their duties. It will publish and anything he has one the if and Miners from the Tipton report propositions in New j discuss all the issues of the day gest gold that the ore body in prop in a fair, honorable and impartial that Mexico. erty grows larger and richer as mine, in same xxxx manner with malice towards none The Maceo the development progresses, and that district, has done 200 feet of de- Ask your Grocer Settles and with charity towards all." ? the vein is thickly seamed with velopment, and the work is pro for IT. It charges that Miguel A. Otero coffee! ITSELF! ? rich pay streaks that return from gressing in a ot vein of better Sold only in I ID. Pickles. has been lax and unfaithful in $100 to $150 per ton. than $20 ore, and the values are 2 rv r opop the discharge of his duties and c Cf o ro oj The sale of Lead King and Maceo now obligations as governor of this the increasing. The has & Lead Queen mines to Salinas Peak of 200 tons of pay ore on Territory, in many ways to the upward -- - Mining Company, composed of contem- i nr utter disregard of the interests of the dump. The owners Chicago capitalists, has given a in a concentrator in cloth- - the people thereof. plate putting 5helton--Payn- e Arms Company. ? great stimulus to prospecting and the early spring of next year. ? "It charges that he willfully claim development in the San An The smelter at Algodones, near Wholesale and Retail Fire Armes, Ammunition, I and knowingly aided and abetted We dres mountains during the past is an assured fact, as work Saddles, Harness and Leather Goods. make a the passage of the obnoxious there, Arms, Ammunition and Stock two weeks. The price commanded has already commenced on the lí"4 Specialty of Fire amendment to the coal oil in- Saddles. All mail orders given prompt Attention. by the group was 3100,000. .The will make spector's bill, and gave it his plant. Algodones a Lead Queen and Lead King mines in terri- North Oregon St., El Paso, Texas. official signature, thereby divert- good smelting point the 305 are located on west slope of is ing thousands of dollars annually the tory, as there plenty of good To all who are t the aan range, and ore ore from the public school fund and Andres coking coal, limestone, iron shipments are made to the El and is About to Purchase immediately thereafter appointed and water near by, there Paso smelter over the Santa Fe an abundance of lead ore, to say X -- a n Fall and Winter a personal favorite to the position n s anH t railway. Recent development nothing of the gold, silver and r r of inspector of coal oil and to work indicates there is a ores in Sandia moun whom it was common rumor that that copper the X world of ore in sight ready for tains within wagon hauling s he was largely indebted for per- LULL i shipment, and that it is no longer of which . w I sonal and pecuniary favors, who distance this enterprise, a question of how much the mines is backed Colorado capital. since that time has been his po by 5 can ship, but how much the own- of litical henchman. The Sandia has plenty open Groceries, Hardware, 1 ers want to ship. The vein is IS I Dry Goods, Boots and Overcodti fc "The vote in the council on the ground on government land open feet in width, and has been open yet for location, and a big rush Shoes. Granite and f amendment stood seven in favor, ed for a distance of 3(5 feet by is in coming and five against the measure, and anticipated the Glassware and Tinware. open cuts and development shafts, I the governor could have vetoed spring. Miner's Supplies. Men i he salinas i'eak company is X Notions. X Í the bill naa he not been as we FASCINATED WITH GOV. OTERO. composed of some of Chicago's charge an enemy to the cause of Mrs. A. B. Renehan, of Santa I most solid business men. education. Fe, spent a month in Washington A force of men have been put f "We charge Miguel A. Otero, and while there called on the I HAY AND GRAIN. Boys, to work on the favorite and 1 id governor of New Mexico, as a president. During their conver Wild Horse properties, which ad ? f political apostate in aiding and sation Mr. McKinley exhibited f join the properties of the Salinas We would say: abetting the defeat of the regular quite an accurate knowledge of Peak company and are owned by 1 nominee of the republican party New Mexico and its people, and Look at Our II. Pfaff and E. J. Uedman. Re f for the legislative council of San stated that he appointed Governor Clothing Before ? cent work shows some very fine ta Fe county at the last election, Otero on his own volition and Krakauer, & Floye, Buying. We can ore, and they will be developed Zork in that he attended a conference that he was pleased with his into shippers as fast as money Truthfully State of those who put up the decoy choice and hoped that the people Ik and men can do it. HARDWARE, Arms, Ammunition, Wagons candidate, David 13. White, in of New Mexico felt the same way Material, Agricultural Implements, order to defeat the regular ticket, ELIZABETHTOWN ANO RED RIVER. about it. Mrs Renehan assured and Wagon Copper King mine, Varnishes, etc. IVUflUltE and advised and countenanced the The Red the president that the people of Paints, River district, is again in opera A gout for Rain Wagons, Ideal Windmills, action of bolting the regular the territory were proud of Gov tion after a few days' shut-dow- n, and Atlas Dynamite. Mining Supplies a Spe- nominee." ernor Utero ana approved nis caused by a deficient supply of administration. Mrs. Renehan is cialty. Excelled RAFAEL WOULD BE PROXY. be dry wood to keep the pump work a democrat in belief but says she i Rafael Romero, who prosecuted El Paso, Tex. and Chihuahua, Mex. ing in the shaft. This is a splen is not near so strong a one now his wife at the recent term of in this Section of did copper property, under bond since she has found out what an court in Las Vegas and had her for and lease, and indications are affable, kind and courteous man the Country, i sentenced to jail for adultery, has that with the opening of spring the choice of the republicans for Style, Quality, and found that there is a great dea this property will become a ship president is. She told Mr. Mc- Most of all, in the old motto, "What is home per of no small importance. Kinley that she thought New without a mother?" and wants to t? Popular Prices. The Black Copper is working a Mexico was entitled to statehood. again install the mother of his Also Full Stock fairly good force on development The president said he thought so fl Pisa, Texts. large collection of children into of Furnishing work. Some $70,000 have been too. He said he was fascinated his home. First he tried to worm Goods, Boots and expended already on this property with Governor Otero and felt that f his way into the good graces of which is showing up some gooo the choice of an overwhelmingly Grocers, 9 Shoes and a big f the court and have his spouse re Wholesale gold and copper ore. republican legislature was an in Line of Hats & leased, and failing in this he has 9 A new dredging plant will soon dorsement of his individual choice and Very low Prices. made a proposition to serve the Wagons Agricultural at commence operations here on the for governor. Mrs. Renehan remainder of his wife's sixty-da- y placers. 5 Elizabethtown Thedam witnessed the opening of congress sentence and let her go home and Implements, ri'Cormick across the river is being complet from the president's gallery in f take care of the children. The I ed, and these placers will be the senate chamber. and Harvesters. Jiegler officers can see no legal way in worked extensively. Rakes which Mrs. Romero can serve her Prospecting is about over for President McKinley has invited PRICE PAID FOR 5 sentence by proxy and Rafael the winter in parts of the district Harrison to break- HIGHEST must go ahead and take care of as snow covers the mountains fast, and their little missunder-standing- s Hides, and Furs. Dim the kids and meditate over his Red River needs a stamp mil have all been amicably Wool, Pelts that deprived his to treat the free milling ores of settled. Beats the old Hamilton-Bur- r home of a mother. the camp. Mill men will do well method all hollow. White Oaks Eagle. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY NEW MEXICO. GETTING READY fOR THE ROCK FKDEKAL Podro Pen-- Delegate to Cni(reM Tuttle Paint and Glass Co. M. A. Otero (iovrrnor Geo. H. Wallace Secretary Established In 1883. W. J. Mill Chief Jnatice 3. Crnmimrker EL 11 ISLAND PASO EXTENSION. . . Whon liuyinir Li sued Oil from un, remember you r n I'arker. 1 Asocíate Jaattces John K. Hoe 10 .h,uyt our Guarantor tlmt it Nnnrtt. Prire per ( liarlrti A. Lelmul . Container uhHrirt-- hxtru 85C gal.. Qutmbv Vaiiie.?;l'.T ,, Surveyor General tlOU N, 11., in llK;r'rioii'TlMi can llnd unyhi;iif but Entered t Poatoffloe, WbiU Oaka, The El Paso Daily News," Dec. 15th, says: A. L. Morrison.... Collector Internul Revenne strictly Pnr liite Lead and Linsod Oil in $8.50 VI percwl,. aecorut-clan- n mr matter. W. B. ChiUIer Attorney our brand of Southern Wblln Lead. Prit-- - U. S. District Jobbing Prices to Dealers Superintendent Greig- and Chief Engineer Sumner came G. M. Foraker..'..' U.S. Mnmbul M. R. Otoro Kexister Lund Oflice, Santa Fe S. M.Wharton, Editor and Prop r. down last night from Alamogordo and today set. grade H. F. Hobart..-.- . Receiver Land Oince, Santa Fe -- Co. stakes for filling in extension of the ID; P. '& N.-E grounds. TERRITOKÍAL, Tuttle Paint and Glass Tkrms of Subscription: "This work is be done E. L. Bartlett Solicitor General San Antonio Street, El Paso, Texas. to to mak.e yarjj room for material R.I!. Qortner District Attorney, 8anta Fe One Year(in advance) $1.50 and supply, trains and storage during the work of extension L. Emraett Librarían Six Months, " 1.00 Joae D. Sep ...... Clrk of Sopreme Court of the road to Santa Rosa. This yard must'be comníeteü ; Three Months " .75 . ... " '"tonino AOjittant tiencral i . .. within a few weeks to be for", J. H". Vanehn Treasurer ready. the arrival of,rails 'that M. C de Baca Supt. Public Instruction L. M. Ortil Territorial Auditor m THURSDAY DEC. 20. 1900. will be coming along, that steel may-.-b- e laid as fast as THE LITTLE C0SIO, : V. S. LAND COURT. viz grading advances. Joseph B. Read . Chief Justice White Oaljj EL PASO'S CARNIVAL. Wilbur F. Stone " Avenue TI.... Í gate-wá- y The Alamogordo News, pirblislSed .aCptrf;heac f The international William M. Mininv "'"w neirry t;. musk.: J 'betwéén- ublics of- í," . city trie the town,' and officially informed, says the. ííwith-- f Mulffww C. lieynoh U. S. Attorney - Méáico will- J&Popo...... AvsiRtant U. H. Attorney Imported and Domestio, W.ineA, Liquors United States and eastern directors. jiaye outlined their plaits añd: flie started I haVe-t- n gla' atti'rb' during LINCOLN COUNTY. ,. - uud Cijar,s. ' - W. F. Bluncliard Probate Judire which picumiiiaiy wura.- pi . tne snops her first grair4i;carnival, ine capacity, .railway Wryi. Lemp's Keg Beer Pabst's Bottle Beer, will extend over a period of three tnere will be doubled at once and will be made the general p. rere ; i.;.... Uheriff ' I - B. F. Gumin Assessor days, beginning January the 17th Billiard, Pool and Club Rooms. . repair shops Honr TteMureViVo Hector the system, round houses ancTsmall - for shops v.- - ' ' and ending the 19th. Duringthe ','- 'I' ' : J.A.Haleylu School 1 Supt. will also be J Í 5 "S "3 ' past 24 months' El Paso has been located at Carnzoo and Santa; RqsA.f:i.birty; ; oountv commissioners. i ssr-.e-.t.'- moving forward at leaps and oi-tn- most mociern engines oütftjtjaple will be ordered tor ut District ...... E. w.HuiWt, ohaffmin . 2nd District EBtolano Sanchez bounds', and while she is expand H.. Wl .. 1 a ,,. 1,11c vi x 1&0 oí. xvuck isianu railway at once; ana tne roiling 3rd District w.ji.ciute ing at home and growing" into a riXi'n". stack.ol,the El Paso &. Northeastern modern city, industrial enterprise railwaywill be';jij1 SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. of almost every character inciden- aemanas WHITE BROS. creasetv to meet tne ot ;jjer,additionalri through Office of County Treasurer. Freighters and tal to the development of a mining Contractors for all kinds Rock Island traffic. Seventy, bdflttd!fails'vÜl;'beiíSéd Lincoln County, N. M. of Team work, Hauling ' sur- ..SI . (55 etc. Prompt and 'stock country, which Lincoln, New-Mexic- ; :. . ropera-- -.--j given to all x rounds her, embracing an immense The directors assert tbatilK'neW line wiíílíe in ' attention orders, Prices The Treasurer of the County of Reasonalile. territory in all directions, has next-year- ; tion üeiore tins time .Vjí;.-i"- :-. ; irll,incoln,Territory of New Mexico, been carefully 'fostered; by the A large number of men will be put to work at once increas- - pnereby gives notice that he will YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED. Chamber of Commerces and her. V mj. y, ing the size of fáiíwáy'-'yáfd- s sel1 to the bidder for cash aata r.MkaAx.f.n newspapers,botRof which have the Alamogordo and blasting hinest .a. taken the bull by the horns in the and wideuing.the track of the, El.tbp" &': Northeastern way of advertisingandcxploiting railway to J1 raso. , ;.,-,- ., ...... Twenty four (24) bonds. lawfully rich and resourceful districts Tr;?.:' the The railway has placed au.QrdeY with' issuel y .school District No HOTEL ZEIGER. adjacent to the city in the United thé' AláiAsrordó DL FHSO, ;; States and Mexico .,' Lumler companfoKlO,OOO.0OO feet of railwav t. ps. An L , . European Buffet . - Plan. . . : . v r- ty ana i erritory, which....have Restaurant. The modern IÍ1 Paso does not ad equal amount''ofWrd'e timbers and building material'whasitaén deposited with said Treas do things by halves, and the pro- been IwiJdinar ürér pursuant to the . statute gram as outlined by her enterpri- ordered. .The .work of the road' will Wn such case made and provided.- - Vi AlntnrKrí.Vrlrk'T'iiK sing citizens for .the . coming. the niatnmnt nlnrite nf r "XyWY JTI . Said bonds are issued for the I.... .Jaoteylvons..S..McBean carnival and s convention: ttiWWmlW i miner ruhni'hg'tiight ánd dáy 'until the road is;,jefimpleted.. purpose of building a School properly carried' out--á- S! it cer House in said district; are of the tainly will be will add volumes WHITE OAKS MINER'S1. ANNOUNOEIWENTS denomination of Fire, hundred "J. E. Nagtiy," - Branch IIoiis&"-'--.- - ta El Paso's reputation as land A OF-TH- GREAT MANY ARE T. C. Lyons, . X I hereby announce myself as a ($500.00) dollars each; are dated .( of sunshine, whosejuture is one COMING TO EL'VASO. "' ' C. 13. "Mollean. New Mexico. candidate far. Justice of the Peace January 1st, A. D. 1901, and bear t commercial possibili of gigantic Major S. M. ll.i 1ÜJM LI--- Daif,,!ho has of precinct fcí4tó-8'.a-t the ensuing-- interest at the rate of six per cent, ... II ties, teeming e, withindstrialf.lif been traveling in tfíé'Vfiiñing'dte-tiicts-"- f January election. per annum. FUNERAL OÍ RÉCTÓRS & EMBALMERS. fed by the most extensive and . l'arldr 3U5 tl I'usii N(. Ti loiilmne 1!7. '''New Mexico in the J. Bi'CoiiWKKi... Coupons are payable ísémi-an-utíáll- y, f resourceful mining-hipd-. stock interests of the1 inffifhg exhibit ; January 1st and July 1st con n tries o f t h cesilji re west , I hereby announce myself as a $fnth of Hie Chamber df'GéiiftifKrrcé,1' re- l ..'J-r.- . j I'.'j".'. W . ir in each year, and witlí'the princi- cancuuaie ior uonsraDicVn.." '''ot pre: th rail roa As.ceritering there Sr- - - wi ports that the people" elfWhite pal sum when called or due, are ir. s? tv' nr. a?, & S & & && & r- & from every directkm .New M.e- tinW'"Nó:' '8- at the ensuing Oáfts íMid vicinity re' Coun-tyjjTreasu- taiffgtM payable at the orhce of the rer 4 icw, Adoná.and'Qld.;Meí;-ú- wjll JáflüaPy'électtótí;' ;i" G. E. & CO. .UÍniof?tínfcTest An the 'pfrfpo'sed at Lincoln, New HUBBARD all come jvJtlrt;;gQod:.. portion, oj óí 7in D. n. PAYN ?, Pr&p'r. íisseiriblíig miliars tliis'city. 't''-1f- ltri Vr.-.-yjr- Mexico. ;f '. '' í If""' th.Q,beneli'6-El,I?a30;J.'Milil- n ' Sfé?iiií'(twéHH mttiing'-me- '. Wholesale Fruits, have republican fVLE,;m . home. The principal sum of each bond ' from the fesutís of. tbQ.:, ftarmvaj. vlready'atángéé-ítoaífe- and it Jwlge,...McMillan,;, ofiiflo, is payable at tlit discretion of the- - cind miner's i Produce Commission, and' con veutioijij ipr 4hg iaraticá11yíá?i-Vairí- Whfa haabeen-appointed- , ifam N. Y., asso- - school directors of sáid district in, r reason that their resurges vVMMW tiiimiUfty'-minin- g Jvjr ffet?;less date justice of the suprema court Ten (10) years from date, and is EL PASO, TEXAS. made! J.he city, what it is and - wjll ' itatij'rsla 3 men wififlf "In'tKat of Ne.wJSIexico and jud oi the absolutely due and payable in figure V.ery prominently in her fu- Kl I'hbo (iriipcH. l'.utli-r- . t'liVrfiV, pto.-- . seCTlort'liere with fáíf' fiinilies fifth judicial district, including (30) years from date. Mexlriin Orauuvii, Knit Flail Thirty FULL LIXK EU PKUirsAXÜ XUTS. ture greatness. when the meeting is called to- lilll ' the.cp.yn.ties.,. of Lincoln, Eddy, All bonds called for payment We follcit the 1 fade of Veiiiér fOnly. " "'- - ;It is said that to the nutner gether. The people of White Chaves and Socorro. McMillan's before the expiration' of thirty gir jPl -- ous attractions which have origi- Oaks Ota--' m Si Tv .fr l". and vicinity have taken name yjas first sent in as from years from date, will be called in. nated in the minds of the promts more in of interest the work the JNew York, but afterwards with- - the order of their numbers, be- - and deduced from Suggestions of Chamber of Commerce . -- -- iT -- than any drawn and reconsidered, when his ginning with No. one (1). O rO iO 0 pU AJ J J --rO pO rU J J i .) WW J J K rnanage-me- nt friends the enthusiastic ptht-f-l steution of New Mexico, and crla name 3ps scn.tiu,,, from New The said school district has no 14. has a heedful ear and E given their exhilürtínent to this city has' Mexico. This was done in order other debt. OAKS observant eye to the successes .'Óf' ateeadyfoitcii'he means of arous to comply., Si sJcC Oq with...-th- .home rule Sealed proposals (Endorsed' Fine Wines, A Mardi of in-th- the Gras , eiri Whiclipc ing the gre'ast interest plank of the national republican "Proposals for the Purchase of finrl f tern Irmt the Kaliph's pageant at, , 1 inagniikeilt "'ktswiCrces' and' of platform,: There,. .numerous --PwFive Cents, a. Glass. .... Club Roorris andl are. School District Bonds") for" the La Fiesta de Los Angeles, bringing wlpDtiiMo''Nvork 41 . r them. New Mexico gal .lights- - belly- - purchase of said' bonds, will Attached. We keep none but the various óliibf carnivals, with the .f be, El PasoTiiuKi.f aching about this kind of. home received at the office of said Coun- - ' Best and Purest Goods, hope that no features productive lile,. but they .will come around tv Treasurer, LincoÍri'."New Méx.-- W vt Best service r of Senator-Telle- mirth, instruction, or interest r is bold enough nd .will be in. the list of the hope- - ico, up to and including the fore- - s will be omitted. .to ad veíate buildrng" of 41 the the ful in time for Jfice .for the noon of January 1st,' A. D. l')0l, New Mexico will fc" there in Nicaraguan canal by this govern- next vacancy left.. open by the on which day at 12 m. the same great numbers. When so many ment regardless of England's say death, or resignation of some other will be opened at said office, of tne people of in the surrounding in the matter. Has Senator. TeiT . eastern carpctbaggar...-- ; the presence of all bidders who country are in El Paso would it ler forgotten himself? Does he may choose to attend, and the not be a good time to start the not ' BRITISH AGAIN know that this government DEFEATED. said bonds will then and there be HOLIDAY GOODS! ball rolling for the" proposed nev Lord cannot legislate on groat ques- Kitchener 'reports to the awarded to the highest bidder, stale that should now be carved tions of national with- home office that .Clements importance has subject in all respects to the pro- out of Southern New Mexico, been WK HAVK an 'Immense STOCiC and will allow 10 per out England's approval? Does he defeated, sustaining heavy visions of Section 1542, Compiled southeast Arizona, Western Texas losses. loss in cent off on:all CASH not remember that our financial The killed. .and Laws of New Mexico, Edition of PURCHASES NKXT two veekj ., and a strip off of the northern wounded fillies have been bred to English issaid to have been 18')7, so far as the same apply to Goods Sent on Selection. (f(f(fVÍ part of Mexico? in order about 600. The Boer loss studs that the entire foal not the subject matter, Á. iFÍVIÍNi'ti Whoiésole Á'Ketail shall, .be all yellow? Nonsense- - known but thought to be, W. CO., Drfi" very Witness my hanil'tnis 50th day ' 'The C;írls1)ld;'Current has - Senator Teller ought to see that heavy. London is gloomy and of November A. D. 1()0Í!" gists' and Statirs-.- Eb A Os E X ÁS í changed ownership, now being P S T an attempt on oir part to go the Boer war is known now not Hknky LtTz, of 17.' i"..?s1 the "property John 'and C. C. i), alone in this matter., would be to be over. Emerson. Treas.of Lincotn County, The editor "'of the ;v repetition of the career of the ram .1 f AKS j , Territory of New Mexico. í TPASSENGER Eagi.k has had the pleasure of Í.L-- k biblical prodigal. 60 YEARS' the'ncqUaintance of the new pro- - mn'K' EXPERIENCE, (leo. Marsh, pYiotors one of the editors of the Current, as school, Beckham has been inaugurated WJp- - ( of the New Mexican, is dead. in j fellows; Howard Dayne College, governor of Kentucky,,'. No at nien-- .Max will probably mftke it through Hrownwoo.1, Texas, and is very) tion was made of the.' (ioebel the winter, as the legislature much gratified to see them enter trouble in his inaugural address, must have a guardian, and he is the field of New Mexico journal- - This fact shows Deckham's good ADC Marks about the only safe man that ÍH isni. They arc men f ability; sense. He evidently;, does COPVRIGHTI AC. not AnTono.pnrlIn ,Vo(ch und dhdorlntkln miy available.. fairness in politics; of superior l lelieve in" the. perpetuation of qnioKir nicurinin nur opitnun rrvo whotlntr an liiTPiitlnn la prohibir ralnntahlK nniniunlra. .... ,0 worth intellectually and morally, feuds. tlniualrlctlrninUiliiiiMiil. IUikIImitiIdiii l'ñti-n- ywiii. irmm vitifii nifmiry JOT PltirlUlf patftl The Kansas City Smelting and and will add force and I'alHiiui tiUioll tbniuiili Munli h Co. recwlTt dignity to iprcioi nocies, wit nout cnarii, iu lha Refining Co. paid xicátf t the thei-raf- of territorial newspaper-- Novem-di'nii- ! At the' close of business .' ; Scientific JInicricatt. government $12,805.10 rcVcnue on H-rc'- s to.'youf siic'cess,' ber the debt of the United ()fifih"'jiuil mipi.iBij..grnivL m Kttt ,uks sii lpoeii ou t ot that country risscfí ciifriNt'.' Wliiti' any .:irt f the boys, assuming (hat you under- - States, less cash in the treasury, llfst llftecn (la)'s of country o he shoi-ts- t nofip-- . I &Cfy.M New Yorkrf,i d?finfthe ddicss: White Oakw. N.M. stanil consistent irrlgíition. was $1,101,174,875, ' lay Watau,luo.,'.iU;;- - December. X PERSONAL BIDS FOR Send for OF LOCAL Rules for X INTEREST. ; X MENTJON. X X BUSINESS, X

The mining outlook for White F. I. Marsh is in from Jicarilla. Oranges, lemons and new nuts. for the , Oaks for 1 Wl is very much bright- Clark Hust and Ed Homan were Collier. .. Best Cow HOMY er than any past era of the camp's over from Nogal Tuesday. The finest cheese in town at Boy Boot life. Ziegler Bros. in the Mr. and Mrs. Doc Lacey have WORLD. The Gallina copperdistrict will a new baby boy at their house. Eyks Tkstkd Fkkk. J. 13". certainly make a lively camp next Bud Smith is adding improve- Coluek, Optician. W ROKAHR BOOT (0. CALL and year provided they get a railroad ments to his residence. Apples, eggs and cranberries Cham. Kokaiiii. Mon.. Kl Puso. Tetas. is now pretty certain. which E. G. Timoney is at work on Collier. INSPECT. Eight or ten car loads of cop- his claims in Lone mountain. Fine navel oranges, all sizes. per ore have been shipped from the Dr. J. F. Mains has opened up Taliaferro M. & T. Co. of Oscura district since the first some rich copper ore in the Jica- Don't fail to see our line of fine LARRY FISHER, NER SON. November. chin a ware. Taliaferro Merc. & "S;M: S rilla district. From Alnmotfordo, III wishes everybody Tiie Eaciuí , J. O. Nabours came in Monday T; Co. Would be Christ- on the big earth a merry from the Oscuras for ranch We have just received, a large Pleased to Paint and mas, and very particularly all of stock of fancy Christmas candy. our subscribers and patrons. Hang Paper Eugene Heiniman made a trip Ziegler Bros. for the People mining men A party of eastern to the Eagle Creek mining district Smoke the White Knight, the of White Oaks. AMWMWAWAWAWAWAWMWAWAMAWA! so the arrived last night. .They, last week. best 5c. cigar in town, at Haley's. Eac;i.k understands, are negotia-in- g WHOLESALE James R. Brent has gone COKE'S DANDRUFF CURE, with, Messrs. Heiniman and AND RETAIL Silver City to spend the holidays a sure shot for dandruff, at Scho-field- 's DEALERS IN Crary,' of the Compromise. m tyncrs with his family. Tonsorial Parlor. Christmas trees for the children WW .';',' Drugs, Book's, Stationery, Rev. Wood, of Chicago, has We will offer special bargains : 1 will bea" ipart of the program at AMA ' ' T' 'i i 11... i! TTVi accepted the pastorate of the in holiday goods on Saturday arid ,jL,ouei irreporaiions, rtc. ; the Congregational, Methodist MA Baptist church at this place. Monday. --Taliaferro M. & T. Co. opectaijatteniion given to ixan vjraers. ri i iso, icx. ' and Baptist churches. The tree ile Ml m Large assortment of new game's,' te WwWwVwVwViYiViVW at the Baptist church will be in William Reily and son, Master the afternoon, and at each of the Morgan Reily, of Capitán, were dolls, books, toy fuíñituré etc. ThUrS-I- - Bros. other churches the night of the v. a Hers at the office just received at íeglcr tionery,- Etc1? Vi zA'W 24th. , ... When wanting, small toys, fine line óf C'drÍáyt"W-Cigars- The regular teacher's examin- John Gallacher returned from Christmas tree decora.tions,.e,tc. Tobáceos; ' GRAIN AND FLOUR ' . IN CAR LOTS. ation for the quarter ending Jan. the Spence ranch last week call on Jno. A..llaley.'-V- CHvé ' rae a CálU" T 1st. l'Xil, will be held here Satur- where he enjoyed a few days We have a few turlíeys'ánd Jg JOHN A. HALEY? jg Ccneral Merchandise Country Produce, Hay day the 22nd. P. M. George of geese left, better leave your order and Grain. Highest Prices paid for Hides, V .. Peltsy'Etc. Standard Liquors & Fine Cigars, John R. McDowall of at once and not be disappointed. : Angus, and Oscar Hyde and wife and Mrs. vn-r- ); : "..Mí-Á. Prop. Ruidoso, among the list of Taliafecro M. & T. Co. WHARTON, are Arthur May were in the city yes AGENTS WANTED: German school teacher's JOHN Ci' WHARTON, MGR. candidates for terday doing some Christmas Heavy freight teams wanted. Electric Razor Hone. Guaran- work certificates. shopping. Steady guaranteed, teed equal to the best hone made. re- A. H. Merc. Co. ' After so much talk it now C. F. Goddard was in the city Hilton Can use water, oil or lather. Will lony-propose- Antonio, N. Merf. ally begins to look like the yesterday from Canon Largo, San last.a lifetime. Each hone packed RELIABLE Rock Island extension where he with others, is pros- SchoJield's Tonsorial Parlor is in neat carcjboard case. Every AAJ ASSAYS. in time. (iuM... :5rt(Mrt,Bn(i SlTei,.:í,.1r.- will begin a yerj, short , .. ; the place to find the latest barber pecting for water. , one perfect. Just .thing for i . . .; the NICK NEBS1US Lead rU(iuld,Bilv r,eopp T This is what the White Oaks supplies of alt kinds. We i Samples by mall receive prompt John W. Owen is boring a well private use... Price 75cts. b attention wants to. see. It wj.ll be T Rich Ores and Bullion Bought. country 25 miles northeast of town, and Great sacrifice sale of all ladies want an agent in each township b of a new.era of in- the beginning will locate a ranch there if water and children's jackets and capes to whom exclusive sale will be Expert lb ogdenTassay co1., dustrial development, and while 4 V lb is obtained. during this month at Ziegler Bros. given. Write for sample and b f 1429 1UI h8t., Deuvor, Colo. the route of the extension is not yet 4? Rev. E. F. Goodson, presiding If you need a good carpet call agents outfit, sent by mail. A Taxidermist. i definitely known it will not miss 49 elder of this district, came up last at the postoffice store and see inonev coiner. Address, . Marsh lb White Oaks more than miles Deer, Antelope and bb Independent Office 3i Friday from El Paso, and has samples and get prices, Jno. A. Mfg. Co., No. 542 West Lake St., bb Assay and the probabilities are that Chicago. Mountain Sheep heads been holding revival services at Brown. bb White Oaks canon will vet be the mounted true to na- bb D.W.Reckhart.E.M. the Methodist church this week. I have, a lot of .second baud ' route selected. " notice OF SUIT. ture. All kinds of furs bb John Doe was prosecuted for goods double buggy harness, bb Agent for Or Ship-pe- Ttfthe District Court of Lincoln tanned and lined in bb A Mays ahd GETTING EVIDENCE. saddle, bridles and otheruseful ar- , Chemical Aulysii. vagrancy before Justice Rudisillc Countj-- 5th Judicial District of latest styles. Agents bb J. Francisco Chavez, the Va wcQk, and sentenced to ten ticles in that line for sale cheap. bb MIÍ1ÍS RXJJUKKD t this the Territory of New Mexico. wanted for Badger HErOHTKU CWIS. leticia county oracle, is at Lincoln days work on Jno. A. Haley. bb the streets. Thus Teresita G. de Padilla, ) BiillionWort Specially. for the de Tanning Fluid....'.." i getting up evidence the way of the transgressor is Remember our oysters are the Plaintiff, V No. 'i i m, moM in contest cases tiled in ) 1259 6io San Antonio St. o. ea. fense the hard. celebrated New York Counts', ' the Julian Padilla, Defendn't Otta. .wl UtMtttoiyl county against certain of the EL PASO, TEX. Cor. San Franoisco this best and largest oysters that come To Julian Padilla, defendant in & Chihuahua Sts. MORE RAIL ROAD TALK. j W at republican elect. A still hunt as -- K V V V V V out of the Baltimore market. TaU said. action, greeting: EL PASO, TEXAS. El Paso and Rock Island direc it were, on the part of the illus iaferro M. & T. Co. You are hereby notified that colonel. He has been re tors held a meeting at Alamogor- - MINES AND. MINERALS. trious CANDIDLY you have been sued in said court E. E. BURLFISGAMc & CO., coal do last Wednesday, the El Is a mining pe,riodieal for pros ported here investigating sas by Teresita G. de Padilla, plain ASSAY OFFICE Paso Times, and perfected You won't find a liner, fresher pectors, miners, mine officials, -- lands for eastern people who want their tiff in said '. object of ereRv or better stock of candy than actioiivthe EtabU(ihe3 in Colorado,lS66. investments of that kind in Liu- - organization by electing Charles which action is to. dissolve the mine owners, mining engineers express will receive prompt nnd careful atumtott ours. Collier. Geld fcSilisr Bullion coin county. Verily, the secret B. Eddy, president and general bonds of matrimony now existing and mining students. It is de ?lTDlir In order to close out our entire Concentration Tests-- 100 is out. He is reported to have manager; Clarence D. Simpson, between you and said plaintiff, voted exclusively to mining and írtí!0"" first vice president; stock of millinery goods, we will was 1736-173- 8 Lawrence St., Denver, Colt,, said that Sipio Salazar should not J. Howard on the grounds of abandonment metallurgy. It established

Ford, second vice from now on sell every ladys or and circula- ---- hold office again in tnis county. president; Ben and failure to support and unless in Í9$l has a larger ------. g of t heavy-weig- ht jamin S. Harmon, secretary and misses' hat at y' its former tion than any other mining pub 4 Col. Chavez is a you enter your appearance in 1 i general counsel; F. H. Ross, price. Ziegler Bros. in world. This is t "hMiirrv political pugilist in Valencia said causé on or before the 4th lication the I. n. WKIIMK countv, but he will likely be re treasurer; E. M. Harter, auditor; Sec the lovely display of. China day of February, A. D. 1901, ade due to the fact that it has always

ht A. S. editors duced toa light-weig- in Lincoln Greig, general superintend- and glass ware Ziegler Bros, just cree will be entered granting ' to been the aim of the and he to carry ent and traffic manager; W. A. received. Nice goods, especially di- publishers to the best county when attempts the said plaintiff an absolute . FURNITURE into execution some of his threats. Hawkins, attorney, and II. A. adapted for :Xmas presents, at vorce and for such other relief as mining publication. It is in no . ,..,v; Sumner, chief engineer. low a stock-jobbin- g, or bóom CROCKERY ' very prices. may be equitable. sense A SERIOUS. MATTER. D; The directors are Clarence I have nothing in the way of Plaintiff's attorney is E. W organ, and publishes no articles CARPETS Tuesday morning, ; about five Simpson of ScrániohP;i.', Charles line Christmas pnents, but have office address except tnose pertaining aireciiy, o'clock, the residents in the neigh Hulbert, whose post B. Eddy of Alamogordo, Thomas many little trinkets that will fs Lincoln, New Mexico. to tiie mining industry, it is tne borhooil of the town hall 'were 216 San Antonio St. II. Watkins of Scranton, Pa., tickle the children's fancy. John E. most practical mining journal"in awakened by a lire alarm. Th Griffith, Phone 107. El Paso, Taxea. Benjamin S. Harmon and J. How- Jno. A. the world, te and con- immediately located at Haley. Clerk of the District Court lire was ard Foril of New York City, Al- stantly improving. Typograph- the hall, and the llames were then Mince meat, jumbo cranberries, exander S. Greig and W. A. HOW TO CURE CROUP. ically it ranks with the hand- leaping up well onto the walls plum pudding, nuts, raisins, or- Hawkins of Alamogordo. R. Gray, who lives near Amen somest technical publications and at the front door. Water was anges; lemons, figs, dates, every- The company intends to begin ia, Duches county, New",;Vórk, is-- the only mining publication obtained at Jno. A. Haley's, just thing" necessary to urace the PAULMÁYER operations at once and has already says "Chamberlain's Cough Rein having its own force of illustra- act oss the street, and the lire ex festive Christmas table. Talia- placed an order with the Alamo is best medicine I have tors. The best ideas of the lead- tingiiished. If the llames bad ferro Merc. & T. Co. edy the Livery gordo Lumber company for ever used. ' is a line children's ing practical mining men of the had.ivj'.mi.Vtí-'te- more in which It 10,000,000 feet of railway ties VALLEY WILL world are presented in plain lan- e PECOS EXTEND. remedy for croup and never fails nnd to work TfeTore discovery-th- ' lire : feed and a .like amount of bridge tim On his arrival in Mexico City to cure." When given as soon as guage and can be understood by would have been beyond" aH- - con- bees and building material. The from his trip east, Col. Joe Ilai'iip-so- n, child becomes hoarse, or even men whose early education was trol, and not only the town hall the Sale Stable. COtii pa'iiy's repair shops will' be the great railrtfad'Vnag-nate- , after the crounv ffturh has dovol limited equally as well as by men but a number of residences in the located at Alamogordo, ajad the was interviewed á renor-- oped, even the, with college educations. The vicinity would certainly have lv it wil'pi t attack: Good Stock and Rigs. capacity of the shops at' that ter of the Mexican Herald, in the should be borne in mind journal is profusely illustrated White Oaka Avenue. gone with it. This and point will be doubled anda round- - course of which he said, referring a bottle of theclmsrh remedy kept and in proportion to its size'' atid The lire was discovered by an House and small shops will be to El Paso, whose growth and at hand for instant useas soon as quality, at $2.00 per year, it ? J. A HAI.KTEAI liODFKEY HI'OHES employee at Paul Mayer's livery located at Carrizozo and' Santa progress he praised very highly. these symptoms appearjlFqr ale the cheapest technical publication stable, who goes by the hall on Rosa. The company will imme- "It is assured, that the Rock at Padcn's. '' in the country. We have ar- CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE his way to w oik about live o'clock diately order thirty new. engines Island is to build to Ell'a-s- o and ranged, a .clubbing rate with 111 Sun Kninciwo Street each tiiortiíííg. It was the work . . for their line. Mines and Minerals whereby our EI. PASO, TKXAIJv - that the Pecos Valley road has ...... - oPfmiwftnJt.lfj" and his or her subscribers can secure the White decided to extend their line there 1 plans wcrc". .eli calculated. Ker- Min- 1' f Jfiyi. THE BAPTIST CHURCH. also. This I was told by. Mr. Oaks Kaglc and Mines and M- osene nj'was poured on the walls for $2.50 per year. , Sub- Sunday School at 10 o'clock a.m. Ilagcrman, president of the Pecos erals and 'lighted, and the fire started scriptions can begin at any time. Preaching 1st. and 3rd. Sunday Railroad, while I Was in New on both sides of the door at once. at 11a. in. and 7:30 p. m. : York. When you feel that life is hard- It is said that a man or woman ; Young People's Union 6:45 p. m. "'The great Santa Fe has vir- candle dose was seen running away from the ly worth the take "a' Prayer meeting Tuesday 7:30 tually made El Paso. The Santa PANTS Chamberlain's Stomacb and hall at the time the lire was dis- of p. m. Fe now connects with the Pecos Liver tablets. They will cleanse covered. This is a serious matter J. F. Wood, Pastor. Texas, Valley at Panhandle City, your stomiich, tone up your- - li ver and concerns every inhabitant of and hasjnade possible for it the im I I auai bowels making town, and community Pecos line to be J fX and regulate your We act a Agrnta for Hhlppors to Bmrltnr the the The case of Hellomy vs. Prich-ar- d Valley construct- should take it in hand and run ed to EÍPasor This will virtually yori feel like a new man. For Control and I'mrriVo Work a Specialty for debt in justice court n down the criminal and see that the give the Santa Fe two lines to sale by M. O. l'aden. We are to handle ort-- froiD a hanrt aamplo to flv-t- on lota, aa we have the such crime is this week was decided in favor of El Mexico. V Kl BAN riUNCICO, CAU the law against Paso and Paso LAKUEST crunhlnfr power planl.(j( . rigidlycniorccd. the plaintiff. Times. Try the Eagt.e in 1901. ny aay oOive in the ttouUiwaat. . . THE PECOS VALLEY NOTICE OF SUIT. THE GAME LAWS- -- SOCIETY nEETINGS. In the District Court of Lincoln T T EXCURSION RATES. WHEN TO HINT. County, 5th Judicial District of Baxter Lodge Na. a, K. al P. Through If tickets enough are sold to the Territory of New Mexico. Hunters should comply with Meets Thursday evening of x justify, the Pecos System will run Teresita G. de Padilla, ) the following legal regulations each week at Hewitt's hall. V No. the sleeping car "El Capitán" to Plaintiff, enacted by the 33rd territorial Visiting brothers cordially invit- : Train Julian Padilla, Defendn't 1259. and return to ac- legislature: ed to : To Julian Padilla, defendant in attend. ! commodate those attending the Section 1. That after the pas- S. M. Wharton, C. C. said action, greeting: of un- Service annual convention of the National sage this act it shall be E. G. F. Uebkick, K. of R. & S. Live Stock Association January You are hereby notified that lawful to kill, wound, snare or EL PASO & NORTHFA VTFRN X ss you court 15-1- 8, first-cla- have been sued in said trap any quail, grouse, prairie x Between El Paso 1901. The car is a OoMcn Rala Lode Na. 6. I. O. O. P. as.o by Teresita G. de Padilla, plain chicken, pheasent, partridge or X AIAMOG0ROO 6. SACRAMENTO MOUNTAIN RtS and Capitán. sleeper equipped with eight Meets Tuesday evening of each tiff in said action, the object of wild turkey or kill, wound or in X sections and eight reclining week at Taliaferro hall at 8 o'clock. WHITE which action is to dissolve the any way destroy any antelope, (Mountain Time.) chairs. A conductor and porter Visiting brothers cordially invit- t bonds of matrimony now existing deer, elk or mountain sheep, ex- OAKS t will attend the car, and a full ed to attend. Train leaves El Paso 10:30 a. m. x between you and said plaintiff, said birds or animals, line of newspapers and periodicals cept that Wm. N. " arrives Alamogordo 2:35 p. m. ROUTE. on the grounds of abandonment M.,Lane, G. will be provided. The car will the animals being with horns, " " Capitán 8:00 p. m. and failure to support and unless E. G. F. Uebkick, Secretary. be open at Salt Lake City, so that may be killed with a gun during Train leaves " 8:00 a. m. you in can sleep during enter your appearance the months of September, October 44 passengers there White Oak Ladre No. 9, A. O. V. W. ar'ves Alamogordo 12:20 p. m. said cause on or before the 7th and November of each year in the convention. semi-monthl- Meets y, first and "El Paso 5:00, p. m. The rate from Roswell, N. M,, day of January, A. D. 1901, a de the counties of Rio Arriba, San third Wednesdays, at 8 o'clock, at (Daily Except Sunday.) to Salt Lake City and return will cree will be entered granting to Juan, Taos, Colfax, Union, San di- Taliaferro's hall. Visiting broth- $59.30 for and the said plaintiff an absolute Miguel, Gaudalupe and Santa -- STAGE CONNECTIONS. - X be a lower berth ers cordially invited to attend. $54.30 for an upper berth. If vorce and for such other relief as Fe, and during the months of AUjTularosa -- For Meecalero Indian Agnney A. Ridgeway, M. W. and San Andres mining region. is occupied by two persons, may be equitable. October, November and Decern' berth J. J. McCoukt, Recorder. At Carrixoxo For Whit Oaks, Jicarillaa, Far information of any kind for each will be $49.30 Plaintiff's attorney is E. W. ber in all other counties of the (ia'.liuaa and surrounding country. refranling the railroad nr the the rate couutry adjacent thereto oall in Hulbcrt, whose post office address and, At Walnut-F- or Nogal. or write to for lower and $46.80 for upper territory, Grand Army Kearney Post. Na. 10. A. S. ( berth. is Lincoln, New Mexico. Provided, that no person shal At Capitán For Fort rtUntou Suuitarium, Gen'l. Supt A Trafile Manager, Meets the first Monday night in Cruy, Lincolu, Richardson. Ruidoso and Ilouito or II . ALtX aNDKK, No will be JohnE. Griffith, kill or have in possession more country. Asa'tüen'l. F. A H. Alan. free transportation each G. A. R. Hall. Alaniovordo, N. M. Clerk of the District Court. month at honored in this car. This con than one antelope, elk. mountain Visiting comrades cordially invit- templates a nine days trip, and is sheep or deer at any one time. Among tens of thousands ed. J. C. Klepingek, P. C. a rare opportunity to witness the the Section 6. Upon petition of who have used Chamberlain's John A. Brown, Adj't. beautiful scenery of Colorado and 25 voters, county commissioners Cough Remedy for colds and la Utah. The rate is very low for may suspend the restriction as to For Sale. grippe during the past few years, the service performed, and no killing quail. 1 5x8 Blair Camera (). FOUR to our knowledge, not a single pleasanter way to attend the con This applies except as to moun Folding, Pinion Focus. case has resulted in pneumonia. vention will be available. Space tain sheep and elk, which under 1 5x8 Blair Camera Co's Single Thos. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wa- is limited, and tickets should an act of the 33rd legislature Achromatic Lens, rotary stops. bash avenue, Chicago, one of the be purchased and space reserved cannot be killed for five years. 1 Folding tripod. most prominent retail druggists Í at once. Address 5 5x8 double plate holders. in that city, in speaking of this E. W. Maktindkll, G. P. A THE NEW YORK WORLD 1 Carring case, canvas teles- says: "We recommend Chamber- Roswell, N. M. THRICE-A-WEE- K EDITION. cope. lain's Cough Remedy for la grip- A to You Dally and Vou Oct it at 3 Gyíx$y Devel, Trays, vul- pe in many cases, as it not only food a U. 8. POSTAL DEFICIT. tha Price of a Weekly. canized Rubber. gives prompt and complete recov- The report of the third assist The presidential campaign is 1 5x8 Devel, Tray, vulcanized ery, also counteracts any ten- ant postmaster general shows that but over but the world goes on just Rubber. dency of la gripe to result in the total receipts from all sources the same and it is full of news. 1 5x8 Devel, Tray, papier THROUGH FAS! FREIOHT M. G. AND of postal revenue during the year pneumonia." For sale by To learn this news, just as it is mach'e. PASSKNGER SERVICE. Paden. The direct line from Arizona and New amounted to $102,354,579, while promptly and impartially all 1 Universal No. 2 Ruby Lamp. through Mexico to all points in the north, east and southeast. Law altitude. Perfect expenditures reached sum to is look 1 the the LETTER LIST. that you have do to into Negative rack, folding, for passenger service. Through cars. No Pattern of $107,740,267, leaving a deficit Letters remaining uncalled for the columns of the Thrice-a-Wee- k 25 negatives. Pullman Buffer Sleepers. Handsome New Chair cars. Speed, of $5,385,688. A comparison of in the post office at White Oaks, Edition of The New York Wolrd li Doz. (more or less) 5x7 saiety ana comtort combined, v or particulars, address: . 1Í. the revenues of the department N. M., Dec. 1, 1900-Mr- which comes to the subscriber 156 Seed plates, Sensitometer 27. F. Dakbyshihk, R.W. Ccrtis. Hal-liste- r, S. W. F. & P. A., T. F. & A. with that of previous years shows k. smisther, nev. Fred m. times a year. 1 Doz. Roebuck, 5x7 Plates. P. El Paso Texas. El Paso, Texat. in Thrice-a-Wee- k a big increase earnings. The Mr. Ben Black, Mr. Ernest The World's 1 5x8 Printing frame, E. & II. E. P. TURNER, increase in postal receipts over j. Ellerein, Dr. b. Albertson, Miss regular subscription price is $1. T. Anthony, flat, with indicator, G. P. & T. A., Dallas Texas. that of last year amounts to $7, Maud Hughes, Mrs. George Kixley, per year. We offer you World and yi opening. NO TKOVHLK TO ANSWER OVF.STIONS. 330,195, and yet the deficit is only Mrs. E. A. walker, p. s. Krouse Esq, the Eagle one year for $2. cash 1 5 in. Print Roller. a little over a million dollars less Mr. o. s. williams, míss nosie sir-ner- s, in advance. The regular sub- 1 y& in. Round Paste Brush. than it was in 1899. Miss carrie Moore, Frank scription price of the two papers 1 Pint jar prepared paste. Murray and Mr. Marrón Milet. together is $2.50. 2 8 oz. bottles prepared Ton- AFTER PIE. Very Respectfully, ing solution for Albuma and Santa Fe Capital says: SAVE The "It John A. Bkown, Aristotype papers. TIN is currently reported that R. E THE PECOS SYSTEM. Postmaster. 1 8 oz. bottle reducing solution YOUR TAGS Twitchell, present assistant at TAR (Ideal). torney of the Santa Fe Railway HOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES. "Star" tin tags (showing small stars printed on under side of No one can reasonably hope for 1 8 oz. bottle Hydro. Metol Co., is a candidate for the office (LOCAL.) tag). "Horse Shoe," "J. T.," "Good Luck," "Cross Bow," and good health unless his bowels Developer full. -- nearly " Drummond " Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal value In secur- of United States Attorney for move once each day. When this RATE; One and One Third Fare fur the round trip. Soil i tin Dates :December 1 4 oz. bottle Intensifier. ing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Every man, New Mexico, and a petition 25, 26, 19U0, that is not attended to, disorders of LH.24, uncial, and Jauuary 1. 1801. (Ideal). woman and child can find something oa the list that they would : passage to that effect has gone on to the arise, biliousness, Limit Contlnuona in each like to have, and can have stomach direction. Final Return Limit, January 4, l'JOl. V2 Doz. Sunlight Flash Pow- Washington. Ex-Jud- ge Leland's headache, dyspepsia and piles (TEXAS POINTS.) ders. petition for the same office is on soon follow. If you wish to avoid Tbrouif h ticket may also be sold at the above 1 6 in. burnisher. Tes. Mae. file at the office of the Attorney ratea and condition to poiuta in Texaa, Via 1 Maleo Box. ss n Six eaeb. Genuine Rotare Knrre and these ailments keep your bowels BOO Amarilla, Ft Wortli & Denver City liy., anil For further information call at I Knits, on blade, good awel Forks, best plated gooda Scissors, Inches K 13 Clock, Calendar, Thermometer, General at Washington also." regular by such point beyond F. W. A D. 0. Ry. as one- I 4K Barometer 500 taking Chamberlain's office 4 SS this or write the Eagle for Child's Set, Knlra, Fork sad Spoon. ... M Oun rase, leather, no better . . . 5U0 way rate, apply, locMed on following linee : made. and the I Salt sod Pepper Set, one each, quad- M lierolver, automatic, doubt Uon M Stomach Liver Tablets when SO 00 TWICE-A-WEE- K Fort Worth A Deiirer City My. prices. ruple plate on wUlte metal or M caliber REPUBLIC. 16 M Toi'l Set, not playthings, but real tools M0 required. They are so easy to Texaa A New Orleans Ry. French Briar Wood Pipe 1 Rasor, hollow (round, BtM English 17 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain, verf Every Monday and Thursday a GalveHlon. Hurrisburg A San Antonio Ry. teal W baodeome ano take and mild and gentle in effect. Church Directory. M Remington Hide No. 4, tl or M caliber newspaper as good as a mag- t).ilveton. Houston A Northern Ry. I Butter Knlf. triple plate, beat quality u n Watch, sterling all rar, full toweled. .100 Sugar Shell, trlpl plate, best quality 0 90 Buy at Dr. Paden's New York, Texas & Mexican lty. Ureas Suit Cao, leather, bandeóme for M Stamp Doi. sterling silver 70 and durable 1000 azineand better, it contains Half. Western Texaa &. I'uoillo Ry. Services at Methodist Church. II Knife, "Keen Kutu-r,- two blades 74 tl Sewing Machine Irst class, with all If you would have an appetite 11 liutcher Knife, Keen Kutter," attachment 1300 latest by as well Fort Worth A Nw Orleans Ry. blade 75 M the telegraph as Sabbath-Schoo- l, Sun., 9:45 a. m. Berolrer, Colt', caliber, blued like a bear and relish for your Central Texas & Northwestern It Shears, "Keen Kutter," 15 steal 1900 interesting stories is sent to the M Nut Bet, Cracker and I Picks, sllror it Rifle. Colt's, tlcallbor IMW meals Stom- San Autonio Arauana Pase Preaching, " 11:00 a. m. plated tO SI Guitar ( Washburn), rosewood. Inlaid. no take Chamberlain's IS Base Ball, " Association," best quallty.100 Msndolln, subscriber of Twice-a-Wee- k Austin A Northwestern H Terr haodesome MO the Afternoon meeting" 3:00 p. m. 19 Alarm Clock, nlck.1 uu M Winchester Repealing Shot Oun, It ach and Liver tablets. They cor- International & Ureal Northern 17 Six Uenulne llovere' Teaspoons, beat gauge. ,,,,, , tflOt which is $1 goods 190 17 donhle-barre- Republic only a year Texaa Midland " 7:00 p. m. plated Remington, hammer rect disorders of the stomach and Preaching, 18 Watch, nickel, stem wind and sot HO Shot Qun, 10 or It gauge 1000 The man who reads this paper Texas Centrul It Carrera, good ateel, buckborn bandlea SJO K Bicycle, standard make, lad! or Wed. 7:00 p. m. 10 Six UenuM' Kogera' Table Spoona, genu XMO regulate the liver and bowels. A Prayer meeting, Ctiiuauo, Rock Ieluud Texas best plated gooda 250 tt Shot Oun. Remington, double-barre- l, knows all about affairs political, tOQO Twenty-fiv- e Missouri, Kansas A Texa iu Texas Ladies' II. M. S. Fri. 3:00 p. m. 11 Six each, Knlroa and Forks, buckborn hamiufrless cents at Dr. Paden's. bandies BO W Begtaa Music Box, 15H luck DI.... Mt domestic and foreign events; is Hi Louis Southwestern iu Texaa " Y. P. meeting, 7:00 p. m. QFTiR HQVZMBEH josted about the markets and Texas A Pacific in Texas THE B0E EXPIRES 30th. 1000. BELGIAN HARES. (iulf Colorado A Santa Fe in Texas All are cordially invited. Att IN MIND a commercial matters generally. In order to supply the greatly Houston, Kant A West Texaa in Texas. L. L. Gladnkv, Pastor. Ikat alsae'e worth af The woman who reads the Re increased demand for Belgian (TEXAS A PACI I 10 IN TEXAS. STAR PLUC TOBACCO public gathers a bit of informa Tickets to the Texaa A Pucllic Ry . in Texas JOB WORK. hares of all grades, I have se- may be sold Via Pecos at rates and on condi- will laat lancer ana aflora mere aleaeare thaa a alaae'a warta tion about household Job Work of every description tfut affairs and cured an agency from one of the tions named above. V-- (COLORADO POINTS,) neatly and cheaply done at late fashions and recreation in leading breeders of Los Angeles, the THE TEST! Tick. a may be sold to Pueblo, Colo. Springs EAGLK-offic- e New ma- the stories that come under both type, new Send tig to CONTINENTAL TOIJACCO CO., Lsai., Ms. and am prepared to fill orders and Denver, Via Amarillu, Fort Worth A Den. f. the headings of fiction. A chinery and skilled workmen. fact and from here promptly for any num- ver City ami Coluruiln Southern Ry. at late of There is gossip about new looks ber or grade at the following One and One-Fift- h first-clas- s fare for the round Everything new and the best. trip. office and a dozen other topics of es prices: SELLING I)ATEH:.Sontliof Portales, Deo. Try this for anything and pecial interest to the wide-a-wak- e With pedigrees, from $5 to $35 20, 21 and 't. Final l.eturu Limit, stations, everything in the job line. Our each. Carlsbad ami uortb, Jan. 211. 1901. South of facilities best, and all MONTROSE BICYCLEW FREE man or woman. Carlsbad, Jan. 21, Mill. are the pedigrees, $2.50 s Without from filled. injiwyn-aire.- WITHOUT A O eHT IM ADVA HO r. $10 (SUUTIIKASr AND OLD MKXICO POINTS.) orders promptly JW I I MB MO UM YOUR ORDER. SUM whether Youwl.h to each. beel; give color, height of frame and gear wanted and K W'lLL (!. t u,',,,aBIP TO All point east of tlie Misaisaippi River, in- WIIF.KL . D. on apnroT.T, allowing THE DEAF. When in El Paso call and in- TIIK roa to aneraaa and Sa- cluding Memphis, Tenn, New Orleans, ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP flAILS. nmina II fully before you accept It, If It Is not all end more Utaa we A lady and Li., claim for It, and a better wheel than yea ean gal tier any where Bear rich cured of her Deaf spect my - the stock at the Natatorium, on south of a line dr.iwu f rum Uemphis, Tenn.. mice from any una refniM. II and wa III ne &11 ourselves. l. ness and Noises in the Head by north side of the Plaza. Vil Illinois C. ntrnl R. R. to Central City, Ky., Tho " MONTROSE " attar)) 4l rVi Daily, Eiccpt Siiaiyi.1 at our Hpeelal Agent a ampie price at 1 o Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear For further particulars address, thence to Somerset, Ky., th .u e to Oorhiu, Kv., Is Ilia greatest bargain In a lileyele ever offend. W geanuileellQJxeqaal Eastern mail from El Paso ar to any (40 wlue l on the market, and you aeed aereo! II nor nay a eenl Drums, gave to his West Texas Belgian IIakrCo., lliistol, Tnnn., ui.d Pennington, Va thence If you do not nod It as werepiwnl. He r. kX XI alVC $10,000 along the northern line of the state of North 9:30 MAM FAt'TI Kl ltH etui Use this nielhsl of qulrkly InlrodVetnS institute, so that deaf people un- Box 856, El Paso, Tex. rives p. m. our lltoa HUUI.I.K. Thl. olfer of a aampi wheel al this lew eie5 Carolina to the Atlantic Ocean. m1r to iire a RIDER AOE HTin eaektowa lo repreeeat a able to procure the Ear Drums Eastern mail for El Paso and take orders. Our míenle make money fast. may have HATK: Oue ami One Fifth regular a SDFPIFIP1TIMK frame, It.MorMlaebi ladlaa llliMa. Beet them free. Address THE BEST PLASTER. fare for the round trip. Via Amarilla Ft. Worth closes at 7:50 a. m. rtWiribPl I lUIIOl Mhrlliy sramleae tuning with forged sonase, No. 12898. ttona. flush Joints, Improved eipamler device to raseen aeel peel aae The Nicholson Insti A piece of flannel A Denver City Ry. and routes authorised for handle hari Vt'.yal Arrhcrown; the celebrated Meet huheand hanger -- dampened Southern mail via Nogal, Gray, the eaeleet running knowni Meeer tires, fceel ewe 780 one-wn- v beyond F. W. A D. C. Ky. "A" toe end ef the tute, Eighth Avenue, New rates the moateipenetvetlresonthcmarket. 1 he genuine $4 Meetager M yateet with Chamberlain's Pain Balm DATES of HALK: Portales and north, Dee. Lincoln and Roswell, arrives 1 :)) aadillei leelala, tools end e.'oeioMirle the bee! ebtejiieole. knameled ra York, V. S. A. blai k, maroon oreoarn green, highly finished ami ornamented, speeUI and bound to affected is 2(1, SI and B, lisio. Stations south of Pórtale, finished nickeling on all bright arU. We thoroughly lee every piece the parts p. m., closes 3:50 p. m. of material goes Into this Dee. '.'Oanii 21, lflOU. .Final .imit for Return thai machine. Oer aléalas xare eraae NOTICE I. aelre bow with each bicycle. TO CREDITORS. superior to any plaster. When is thii ty days from date of sale No stun-ov- er Jicarilla mail departs Mondays DEE to sny one earning me lajMeaeh In full wtla order we wUl fflkle send free a genuine lO.SUO allowed auy I Mardlek mile herrel hellera evel. All persons knowing them- troubled with lame back or pains under circumstance. 1 meter i or a high grade floor pump. Tour money all beak if yea are and Fridays, 7:00 a. in. Arrives i1 II IVVA perfectly eatUAed. set selves indebted to me are requested in the side or chest, give a PIIF1D IV C w 4n ""t manufacture the eheep depart. it trial Kor particulars apply to 3:30. p. m. Vntetr nruLketslirrl men! store kind of wheels, suek as many new 1 I ra merrna tuui bür supply honece advertlee and aell aa high grade. W een fumleh iheua. to call at my residence and l Tfc settle and you are certain to be more U. II. Nichols, Gen'l Mgr. Richardson mail arrives Mon- triiMsMl: or ft to 111. Ml riimntrt. a no mil guarantee eor reoera-te- rHR fllllKUIrw Mrfrm ut ny alee, no melter whs to at once. than pleased with the prompt re G. V. & 1 cheap, write ee and let lie tell vou how much weean save you on the earn maehlee. " E. W. Maktindkll, A. days .Wednesdays, and Fridays OI C 1- DIIV awheel we ean aeelsl on lo BtUM A he Aim. are UIIHULLlili III- f llll'V IK Respectfully, lief which town BUI trll,tl. i.,..,..., i... i. it affords. Pain Balm Roswell, N. M. or Amarillo, Tex. at 12 m. Departs same days at 1 la each for tUH uunee. We have several hundred MM''! I IIANII HHKKIJI taker. In trade watch we will eloaa mita! t to IO eaflhi shopworn aamiilee and ' rmelela very rheaa. Send for Beeeele IM. Wm. Wilkv. w- -r --k -- also cures rheumatism. One ap- p. m. I'M KKI.IAHILITV Is unquestioned, - r- r hrner tn 'hlragn nr any nerees sr retimed company. We will eend you letter of referencef direct from Die largeet banks In I 'hleago If you with M, plication gives relief. For sale Photographer's envelopes lFM.fl YOUR fl'lilFR '"wprlce and theee e:erelal termor ehlpaaenl wtlaeal deposit wW M. II. Webb far Oruga añil Honk. Or. for Sunday hours from 7 a, in. to .Hal limit WllUtn H'he withdrawn eereiKjon. rilve name of t hie paper dare promptly RUM. HI I'm Tim. by M. G. Paden. sale at the Eagle Office. 8:30 a. m. J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, oimgo. in.