The 50th anniversary edition of the Rolex Big Boat Series broad-reached into town on September 11-14, attracting year, only a quarter of the entries raced expensive damage. The Melges 24 Posse 99 boats and hundreds of sailors from in the three handicap classes, while dismasted and retired. Hawkeye, an around the country and beyond, to — there was an all-time high of seven one- IMX-38, also retired after a collision that let’s not mince words — the greatest design classes — including the smallest involved two other boats. Flash Gordon venue on the planet. boats ever to race in the Big Boat Series, 6 and Groovederci came together in the For many, just participating in this the not-quite-23-ft J/70s. class, with the former suffering preeminent buoy-racing event — amid Race Chairman Norman Davant the worst of it. Helmut Jahn and his voiced the crew worked furiously into the night, reality and and the boat was back on the line the frustration next day. BridgeRunner, an SL33 sailing many feel in the division, broke a hiking about this rack while practicing on Wednesday, and trend in one delaminated a daggerboard later. "We’re sentence: good for the local economy," quipped "We work re- owner Urs Rothacher. ally hard to The only signifi cant bodily injuries keep on the that we heard about both occurred on cutting edge the same boat in the same race — and of the sport aboard a veteran RBBS boat with an — but we otherwise sterling safety record. On Sat- can’t control urday’s second race, the Express what people 37 Golden Moon’s impeccable demeanor buy." started to unwind when pit person Eliza DANIEL FORSTER / ROLEX DANIEL Fortunate- Paulling fell during a tack and broke her Don Payan made the switch from the ly, while length right arm. After she signalled owner/ J/120 'Dayenu' to the MC38 'Whiplash' and displacement skipper Kame Richards to keep going, last year. Inset: Payan and Scott Easom. 'quantities' might at the next leeward rounding, the crew Bay’s strong winds, not be what they tricky currents and spectacular were back in 'the vistas — is enough to check off day', the quality the bucket list. For more serious of the RBBS’s long programs, the Series serves as the weekend in Sep- year’s fi nal exams, graduation day and tember continues to shine brightly. senior prom all rolled into one. The parties aren’t too bad, either. First held in 1964, the BBS shares its This year’s racing followed the tried half-century birthday with such cultural and true seven-race, no-throwout for- icons as the Beatles' fi rst hit, Ford’s mat, with two races per day Thursday Mustang, Dr. Strangelove and Sports through Saturday, and — with two ex- Illustrated’s fi rst swimsuit issue. Back ceptions that we’ll note later — a single then, and for decades after, it really was long 'grand tour' on Sunday. a "Big" boat series, attracting many of the All fleets rotated race days over world's top syndicates, and year by year three different 'circles', with starts at Alcatraz, Fort Ma- son and Berkeley — and all second races fi nished off the race deck of the hosting St. Francis YC. The summer wind ma- chine delivered its usual low teens for the morning DANIEL FORSTER / ROLEX DANIEL races, notching The smallest class in the regatta, the J/70s into the low 20s for most of the afternoon garnered 13 entries in their sophomore outing bouts. The windiest race was Saturday at Rolex Big Boat Series. afternoon, when Swiftsure’s instruments charting the very evolution of high-end recorded a 31-knot gust on the Berkeley sailing. course. But over the last 20 years or so, the While minor gear carnage — torn boats have progressively shrunk in size sails and broken hardware — seemed about average, a few boats suffered more and gravitated toward one design. This FORSTER / ROLEX DANIEL

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wrapped their spinnaker around the Kiwi-chartered TP 52 Beecom . When the boat jibed, mainsheet was heavily favored to sweep trimmer Larry Tuttle got thrown face- the class. first into the traveler. Both Paulling Then, on the second race on and Tuttle soldiered on, and the blood- Thursday, everything changed. Carrying a big lead, Beecom was smoking down to mark #4 only to fi nd. . . it wasn’t Swiftsure’s instruments there. They called the race recorded a 31-knot gust committee, which rushed a boat out just as Whiplash ar- on the Berkeley course. rived. She and the rest of the fl eet rounded the mark boat itself — by which time Beecom spattered boat fi nished — in fi rst place. was headed back to the dock. FORSTER / ROLEX DANIEL Here’s how some other boats ‘earned To the astonishment of many, Beecom The J/111s 'Aeolus' and 'MadMen' – which it’ this year. . . was denied redress by the international fi nished the series fi rst and second respectively jury and scored DNF. – sail out the Gate to the mark at Point Diablo. HPR Suddenly, it was a whole new ball- thirds. As with all good edge-of-your- Going into this year’s series, Whip- game. Some quick calculations aboard seaters, this one came down to the fi nal lash’s Don Payan didn’t have high hopes Whiplash, an MC38, showed that Beecom race, the 25-mile Bay Tour on Sunday. for a win. Although he feels HPR is "an could be beaten, even if she sailed a Whiplash and Hamachi went into the excellent rule for high-performance perfect series from then on. start tied on points, and the game of boats," by size alone, Anatole Masfen’s For the next three days, while Beecom ‘stretch and reel’ began — Whiplash’s The TP52 'Beecom', a Japanese boat chartered scored her expected bullets in the last blazing downwind speed would stretch by Kiwis, roars through a gate off . four races, Whiplash and Greg Slyngs- out her lead, only to have it reeled in by She could've won the HPR class, if only… tad’s J/125 Hamachi traded seconds and Hamachi, which could sail higher and 2014 ROLEX BIG BOAT SERIES —

Lesley, Rick Shuldt, Julia Paxton, and Will Paxton calling tactics. At the start of the fi rst race on Thursday, a three-boat collision threatened to end Encore’s series before it even began. Contact between Swiftsure and Hawkeye threw the latter boat into Encore. With minimal damage — a bent pulpit and stanchions on the aft port quarter -— Koide and crew kept sail- ing and eventually won both Thursday races. In the protest room, Encore was absolved of blame. Swiftsure took a DSQ. Hawkeye incurred so much damage that owner Frank Morrow retired the boat from further competition. WWW.NORCALSAILING.COM As if her fi rst day didn’t offer enough 'Encore' and 'Deception' work the shore for score totalled 18, which beat Hamachi by drama, the ORR series came down to the current relief. Inset: 'Encore's owners, Suzie one point, and Beecom by four. Whiplash fi nal race. Encore had only a one-point and Wayne Koide, with tactician Will Paxton. skipper Payan was quick to credit the lead over Jeff Pulford’s 38 Bustin faster upwind. guys who made it happen. In addition Loose. Due to a race committee timing On the second-to-last beat, as the to Easom, they are Pete McCormick, error and subsequent throwout of a race fl eet was heading toward the weather Gary Sadamori, Matt Siddens, Ernie earlier in the series, the ORR class was mark and Hamachi was once again Rodrigues, Steve Marsh, and "boat whis- given two buoy races on Sunday instead coming up fast on their weather hip, perer" (navigator) Christopher Lewis. of one long grand tour. Whiplash tactician Scott Easom decided "After four days of racing, we were it was time to do or die. Whiplash tacked ORR The Farr 40 'Plenty' goes through the wash onto starboard and forced Hamachi to do Wayne Koide’s Sydney 36CR En- cycle. Inset: Tactician Terry Hutchinson and the same, sending them into the building core was third in her handicap divi- skipper Alex Roepers from NYYC. fl ood, then tacking back. When Hamachi sion in 2012, tacked back, Whiplash did it again. As and second in the opportunity for a third engagement 2013. One of developed, Easom spotted a huge shift the things that over near Sausalito. elevated her "At that point we just threw the yacht game in this racing book out the window and went year’s 10-boat for the right," he says. With the combi- ORR division nation of breeze and favorable current, was partici- Whiplash put three minutes and several pation in this hundred yards on Hamachi at the top summer’s Pa- mark, which the J/125 could never re- cifi c Cup. After cover. more than a Whiplash won the series without win- week of down- / CHRIS HEAD SHOTS LATITUDE ALL ning a single race. Their 4,2,3,3,2,2,2 wind driving, Although they didn't make a big deal of it, Koide says, someone off the J/111 'MadMen' took an un- "the boat and planned swim. I got to know each other a lot better." An- other big fac- tor was his crew: Ben Bur- bridge, Casey Gray, Kelsey Tostenson, Suzie Koide (Wayne’s wife and Encore’s pit person), Cherie Scha-


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Boat Series? Well, if you’re Bruce Stone, "You marry a really smart tactician." That Championship in Long Beach. Last would be three-time All-American, Nicole month, he won a 15-boat-strong Breault. fl eet at the Big Boat Series. And this After Arbitrage’s second place in last month — October 15-18, to be exact year’s RBBS, Stone, Breault, and their — he’ll join an even bigger fl eet to vie crew, Terry Brennan, Phillip Berner, for his ultimate goal, his fi rst Farr and Bob Dearborn — along with bow 40 World Championship in seven alternates McKinsey Wilson and Cheryl years of racing in this high-octane Lincoln — came out swinging this year.

LESLIE RICHTER / WWW.ROCKSKIPPER.COM fl eet. All three events are sponsored They scored 1,3,2,1,1 in the fi rst fi ve by Rolex. If Plenty’s Big Boat Series performance is any indication, they might as well The multi-national Farr 40 fl eet used RBBS to engrave the Worlds trophy prepare for their Worlds, another Rolex regatta, right now. In a talent- coming to StFYC on October 15-18. laden fl eet hailing from tired," says Koide. "I told the crew to fo- eight different countries cus less on winning and more on sailing — and including 2012 our best and feeling good about what we World Champion Flash had accomplished in this year’s series." Gordon 6 and 2013 World In the end, they got to do both — win Champion Enfant Ter- and feel good. Their fi nal score was 15. rible — Plenty trounced BustinLoose was second, four points all comers. She posted back, with Gerry Sheridan’s Elan 40 Tu- fi ve bullets in the fl eet’s pelo Honey only a point behind in third. eight-race series (they LESLIE RICHTER / WWW.ROCKSKIPPER.COM also raced two races on Sunday, per re- Another Farr 40 shot? Yeah, but they deserve Farr 40 quest) for a score of 13, beating Alberto it. Some of the closest boat-for-boat action was Alex Roepers could be headed toward Rossi’s second-place Enfant Terrible by in their impressive fl eet. a three-Rolex year. In May, he drove a whopping 24 points. John Demour- races, then stumbling to fi fth in Race his Farr 40 Plenty to a North American kas’ Santa Barbara-based Groovederci six. In the meantime, Scooter Simmons’ was third. 2011 and 2013 winner, Blackhawk, was Plenty’s crew consisted of tac- rising through the ranks after an uneven tician Terry Hutchinson, Greg start, and by Saturday afternoon had Gendell, Matt McDonough, Nate also posted three bullets. Phillip Laby’s Reynolds, Dimitri Simons, Scott Godot, running third, was also in the Holmgren, Mark Langford, Morgan hunt. Trubovich, James Baxter and Paul Only seven points separated the lead- Simas. ers going into Sunday’s grand fi nale. Andrew Hunn and his Tasma- Blackhawk hung on for that win, with nia-based Voodoo Chile, sixth on overall points, earned top honors in the Farr 40 Corinthian fl eet- "At that point we just threw within-a-fleet, beating out five other Corinthians. the yacht racing book This division and the series out the window and went suffered a shock when Bernardo Minkow, co-owner of the Mexican for the right." entry Flojito Y Cooperando, was found dead in his hotel room Fri- Jeff Litfi n’s Mojo second and Godot third. day morning, apparently of natural But Aribitrage’s fourth was good enough causes. His boat partner, Julian to carry them through to their second Fernandez, elected not to race that series win (the fi rst was in 2010). They day, but he and the crew were back earned the Commodore’s Cup trophy on the course Saturday morning. plus a Rolex watch — which Bruce grate- The fl eet fl ew black fl ags for the fully passed on to "the hardest working DANIEL FORSTER / ROLEX DANIEL remainder of the series, and a member of the team," Nicole. moment of silence for Minkow was observed at the awards ceremony. Melges 24 Don Jesberg’s resume at Big Boat J/105 Series hearkens back to 1973 when he What’s the secret to winning the crewed on the Newport 41 Resolute. This largest class (19 boats) in the Big year, his weapon of choice was a Melges

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Double Trouble. Thirteen boats signed up for the J/70s' sec- ond year at RBBS, and the racing was hot, heavy and wet. Aboard DT for the sleighride were Nick Catley and James "Hippie" Clappier, with Paul Cayard on tactics and mainsheet. Double Trouble finished mid-fleet in the fi rst race, but found her stride quickly and started putting fi rsts and seconds on the scoreboard. By Saturday morning, she had edged ahead of Chris Anderson’s Perfect Wife. On the second race Saturday, a long 15-miler for the J/70s, DT had several tough breaks. DANIEL FORSTER / ROLEX DANIEL But you know what they say: When the Bruce Stone of the J/105 'Arbitrage' credited J/70 going gets tough . . . his tactician and bride, Nicole Breault, with their If the name Double Trouble sounds "We were over early at the start but win at RBBS. Inset: Stone and Breault. familiar, it might be because Andy did not hear our sail number called for 24, in the fl eet's second year as an RBBS Costello and partner Peter Krueger have more than a minute," wrote Cayard in one-design division. co-owned four Bay-based boats by that his online newsletter. "Then we got in a This series was Viva’s fi rst serious name. They still have the J/125, on big entanglement at the fi rst mark and outing since winning the 2013 Melges 24 which Peter won last year’s HPR Division. J/120s 'Chance' (left) and 'Peregrine' run down Corinthian Worlds, held on the Bay last This year, it was Andy’s turn on a char- the Cityfront. Inset: 'Peregrine's helmsman Mi- October. But it was hard to tell they’d tered J/70 registered as — what else? — chael O'Callaghan and tactician Randy Smith. taken much of a break. Once the team notched their fi rst win in the fi rst race, it was as good as over for the other eight boats in the class: They won every race during the fi rst three days. Viva sat out Sun- day (for a 10/DNS) and still beat the second boat — Duane Yoslov’s Noth- ing Ventured — by seven points. Shenya Kirueshkin- Stepanoff’s Insolent Minx was third. Viva’s crew this year included Andrea Cibato, Andrew Kobylinski, An- drew Holdsworth and Eric Baumhoff calling tactics. Conspicuous in his ab- sence was Zarko Dra- ganic, a longtime regular aboard both the Melges and Jesberg’s other Viva, an Etchells. Sadly, Draganic passed away in March. In his memory, Jesberg and crew celebrated each Big Boat Series win by attach- ing a 'Z' to the boat and sail. "These wins, and this series, are dedicated to Zarko," says Jesberg.

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felt we fouled. So after rounding, we did out once setting two penalty turns and, once again, we foot on his class- were second to last." winning J/120 Because the course was long, the Peregrine. In the 'Troublemakers' took a few different jags weeks leading up to the series, the New York-based owner knew he Once the team notched their wouldn’t have fi rst win in the fi rst race, it time to practice, was as good as over for the so he handed driver and friend other eight boats in the class. Mike O’Callaghan the keys to the than the leaders and made some gains. sports car and Then the leaders had a few problems of said, "Go have their own. In the end, says Cayard, "We fun." FORSTER / ROLEX DANIEL managed to work through the fl eet for This was Peregrine’s first division The Melges 24 'Viva' scored a full six-pack of the win." win at Big Boat Series. To achieve it, bullets and sat out the fi nal race. Inset: Sea- A second in the Bay tour on Sunday O’Callaghan and crew had to outsail sev- soned Melges 24 sailor Don Jesberg. secured their 17-point series victory. eral former RBBS winners, including M r. to second and fourth on Friday, then had Perfect Wife fi nished second with 31, Magoo, Chance and Dayenu. Magoo, the her best day on Saturday, scoring two with Geoff McDonald’s 1FA a point back 2013 division winner, was off the pace bullets. With up-to-then leader Dorian at third. this year, but Barry Lewis’s Chance was McKelvey’s MadMen having their worst nipping at Peregrine’s ‘talons’ the whole day on Saturday (a fi fth and eighth), J/120 series. As was the former Dayenu, now Theis and his crew — tactician Seadon "It’s a good move to abdicate the sailing as Julian by Yasuhide Kobayashi Wijsen, Chris Watts, Orlando Montalvan, throne occasionally," laughs David Hal- and his Tokyo-based team. Doug Wilhelm, Brian Edwards, Chris liwill, who earned a Rolex this year with- Chance held a slim one-point lead at Smith and JB Cianciarulo — suddenly the halfway mark, then faded as found themselves leading on points. the Peregrine crew — tactician Going into Sunday’s Bay Tour, Aeo- Randy Smith, Tad Lacey, Greg lus was three points ahead of MadMen 'Radar' Felton, EJ Rowland, and only two points ahead of Roland John Verdoia and son Alex Ver- Vandermeer’s Big BLAST! The MadMen, doia, Kristen McCulloch, Chris Davison, Wilson Wilkom and Andy Costello chartered a J/70 for this year's Victor Piltch — really poured on RBBS. Inset: Andy's friend Paul Cayard (left) joined him for fun and successful racing. the coal, scoring two fi rsts and a second over the weekend, for a series total of 14. Chance was second with 19, with Julian third at 24.

J/111 Rob Theis’ Aeo- lus stumbled out of the blocks at this year’s RBBS, finishing sixth in the fi rst race. Not a good way to start four days of racing in the seven-boat-strong J/111 fleet. So when asked about his most memo- rable part of the 2014 Series Theis said, "The rest of it, as we worked


returning to winning form, prevailed for the win, with Nesrin Banoz’s Swift Ness charging out of the cheap seats Aboard this year were Mike to snag second. But Aeolus’ third was Mannix on tactics, Tom good enough to win this year’s Atlantic and Eliza Paulling, Aimee Perpetual. MadMen fi nished second and Daniel, Rebecca Hinden Big BLAST! rounded out the podium at and Dave Little — with third. guest appearances by John Horsch, Larry Tuttle, Kar- Express 37 ina Vogan, Blackett, You’ll recall from earlier that Golden Jamal Berkeley and John Moon’s usual exemplary decorum was Collins. blown to bits in Saturday’s windy second race. But here’s the rest of the story. After the injuries to two crew, and fi nally "It’s just like driving a unwrapping the big white cocoon that fast car," says tactician their spinnaker had made of the lee- Charlie Ogletree of 2014’s ward mark (the sail, amazingly, survived biggest and fastest boat, undamaged), co-owner Kame Richards Tom Seibel’s MOD 70 tri- fi gured they’d tanked that race for sure. maran Orion. "You have to make a lot of An exciting Express 37 start, with 'Golden "Then we looked over and saw Expe- your decisions from a long way out." Moon' in the lead and focused on victory. Inset: ditious round the mark the wrong way! Words of wisdom for a boat that hit a Mike Mannix and Kame Richards. What are the chances!?" he laughs. By top speed of 36 knots during the Series the time that crew sorted out their mis- (and has done over 40 on other days). take — no quick task in the strong fl ood But even with long-range planning — And so another Rolex Big Boat — Golden Moon was back underway, and and even with a 'league of extraordinary Series sails into the history books. hung on to fi nish fi rst. They bulleted gentlemen' crew that included Peter Isler, What will the 2014 edition be re- the six-boat fl eet in every other race, Damian Foxhall, Mal St. Maurice, Paul membered for — besides its golden an- too, except Sunday’s grand tour, which Allen, Paco Cabildo, Dan Morris and niversary? For starters, the usual things Brian Thompson — an overall handicap that any RBBS offers: great breeze; com- win at any race is far from a slam-dunk. petitive sailing at its fi nest; great parties; (Note: The multis use a BAMA rating with great friends — and lots of fun. a Texel factor.) Highlights? According to our informal Last year, in her fi rst appearance at survey: the ‘circle’ courses with mid-Bay RBBS, Orion notched a 5,1,4,1,4,1,5 for starts; fl ood currents (really!); Rolex’ al- a third in class. ways-great sponsorship; and everybody’s It didn’t take a favorite by far — the ‘ocean’ mark off Pt. rocket scientist to Diablo. "A really cool idea, a nice break see what was going from the usual inside courses, and a neat on: in the lighter- new perspective racers don’t usually get air fi rst race, Orion to see," sums up some of the comments. couldn’t stretch her Low points: Some protest decisions long legs. But in and some course management. Techni- the windier second cally, using out-of-town PROs assures race, she could. So fair and even racing, but San Francisco’s this year the crew unique winds and currents sometimes worked hard on confound the best of intentions. "Last rig tune and maxi- year, I didn’t even know the Race Com- mizing the boat for mittee was there," said one skipper. "This lighter conditions. year, I did. When the RC becomes part Another key in- of the equation, something’s wrong." gredient was Seibel As for the future, like it or not, the himself. "Tom has trend toward one-design — and away LESLIE RICHTER / WWW.ROCKSKIPPER.COM come a long way in from handicap racing — will continue. Rob Theis' J/111 had a slow fi rst day, but moved his driving skills since last year," says "That’s the direction you’re going to see up the ranks to win their class by one point. Ogletree. everything going," says Steve Taft, who Inset: Theis and tactician Seadon Wijsen. It all paid off. After a disappointing chaired the Big Boat Series for 10 years went to Bartz Schneider and Expeditious. fourth in race one, Orion won every other (and raced in it for the 40th time this Golden Moon’s fi nal tally was eight points race. Her 10-point total bettered Jerome year, helming Swiftsure). “It wouldn’t to Expeditious’s 15. Jack Peurach’s Elan, Ternynck’s Extreme 40 SmartRecruit- surprise me if we didn’t have any handi- with 26, came in third. ers by fi ve points and Peter Stoneberg’s cap classes in the next few years." This was Golden Moon’s sixth Big Prosail 40 Shadow by nine. The 2013 Boat Series win in the last 10 years — division winner, Urs Rothacher’s SL33, all of which were injury free, by the way. BridgeRunner, was fourth. While we miss the days of bloopers,

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tinuing for another 50 years. Or more. Long live the King! and not-so-good years, here’s our take- — john riise away: & latitude/chris With its core values well established, its reputation widely respected, its venue Check out the unmatched anywhere in the world, event website at and its openness to new trends at the www.rolexbigboat- forefront, the Rolex Big Boat Series has series.com. always attracted the best and brightest 'Orion' liked the stiff sailors in the world. And it will continue breeze. Inset: Tactician to do so. As for the few hundred corin- Charlie Ogletree. thian sailors, many of whom are local week- end warriors. how many other venues allow you to match wits and rub elbows with the likes of WWW.NORCALSAILING.COM Cayard, Isler and other maxis and IOR death rolls as much as sailing luminaries? anyone, we also marvel at competition Bottom line: Whether closer and speeds higher than anything the boats are large or you might have seen 25 years ago— and small, one-design or at buy-in prices that many mere mortals handicapped, we can can actually afford. easily see the Rolex Big Having covered the Big Boat Series Boat Series’ reign as the from the inception of this magazine in West Coast’s premier 1977, and having seen all its good years buoy racing event con- WWW.NORCALSAILING.COM

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 83 ODILE ORDEAL —

Packing sustained winds of at least 125 mph and dumping torrents of rain, was the most destruc- the Cabo Marina, there was no major tive storm ever to clobber the Baja Pen- damage to yachts or sportsfi shing boats insula. docked there, although a number of When it roared through the resort launches and dinghies sank — at peak town of Cabo San Lucas at 10:45 p.m. intensity rain fell there at a rate of 12 Sunday night, Septem- inches per hour. We know of no boats ber 14, its Category 3 that elected to weather the storm in the ferocity mangled the open anchorage outside the harbor — metal awnings and fas- which would have been suicidal. Boats cias of hotels and com- lying in the Puerto Los Cabos marina, mercial buildings as if 18 miles to the east, also came through they were made of pa- the blow relatively un- per mache. It shattered scathed. the heavy plate-glass Early Monday morn- JILL & GREG DELEZYNSKI JILL windows of beach- ing the massive system Guenter Treb- front hotels and south- descended on La Paz, bow was one of facing storefronts as 80 miles to the north. Odile's victims. if they were delicate By then Odile had crystal, and sent rivers of mud cours- 'weakened' to a Cate- ing through downtown boulevards and gory 2 — a "moderate" backstreets alike. Trees were uproot- hurricane with winds up to 110 mph. It in- fl icted much less dam- age to shoreside infra- structure there than at Cabo. Nonetheless, it wreaked havoc on JIM COCHRAN countless buildings, and caused a citywide power outage. There too, boats fared well in the town's four marinas: Marina del la Paz, DIVERSE SCUBA Marina Palmira, Marina Costa Baja and Simone and Paul had moved to La Paz about a Marina Cortez. But the popular cruis- os subsided, cruisers Bob and Sherry year ago aboard their ferro ketch 'Tabasco II'. er anchorage between the cityfront and Davis of the Irwin 44 Nirvana reported ed everywhere and hundreds of pow- the Mogote peninsula became a roiling that at least 27 boats had broken loose er poles toppled, shorting out so many cauldron of angry water. Once the cha- from their moorings, and at least three transformers in quick succession that of those had sunk. At the Atalanta dry some witnesses compared the scene to storage yard, a number of boats on a fi reworks display. stands toppled over, causing dismast- Although some beachfront hotels ings and other damage to about a dozen were stripped of all but their steel and boats. concrete elements, the modest dwellings Those few who elected to ride out of nearby barrio neighborhoods suffered the storm aboard suffered a nightmar- the most: In some aerial photos of ish ordeal, which three sailors did not the storm's aftermath, once-vibrant survive. The day after the storm, the communities looked as if they'd been Fisher 30 ketch Princess was among pulverized by a nuclear explosion. the sunken hulls, and her German- Amazingly, according to staffers of born liveaboard owner, Guenter Treb- COURTESY MERRY COLLINS & FRIENDS MERRY COURTESY bow, 76, was unaccounted for. Boaters reported hearing his cries for help as the boat went down, but none were in a position to render aid. Mexican navy After the torren- tial rains subsid- divers eventually discovered his lifeless ed, the streets of body inside the hull. A longtime expat, downtown Cabo Guenter was said to have been a gre- were a colossal garious fellow who regularly served as mess. Yachts controller on the local cruiser net. and big sport- Also missing were Brits Simone fi shers in Cabo Wood, 47, and Paul Whitehouse, 45, of Marina fared the 50-ft ferrocement ketch Tabasco II. well, but some Navy divers searched the sunken hull, launches and dinghies took a but there was no sign of the couple. For four days, friends of the popular couple


mountain range that it gave some ob- servers an eerie sense of doom — es- pecially when Odile briefl y built to Category-4 intensity less than a day before mak- ing landfall.

BAJA INSIDER BAJA By midday Monday, when the storm walloped Puerto Escondido — 130 miles north of La Paz — its strength may have dimin- ished below offi cial hurri- cane strength (<74 mph) but it still had plenty of destructive power. Jake Howard of the Hunter 45 Jake later reported that four boats were beached in the main anchorage, seven more piled up on the seawall near the Fonatur marina (three of which sank), and three more went ashore in the

Its track had aligned so perfectly with the spine of Baja's mountain range that it gave some observers an eerie sense of doom.

Waiting Room anchorage (at least one of which sank). At about 5 p.m. the same day Odile had traveled another 125 miles north JAKE HOWARD to the popular cruisers' haven of Santa At Puerto Escondido, a small tri was driven west trajectory that it had been follow- Rosalia. It had downshifted to tropical- ashore amid all sorts of rubble. Behind it two ing for days. In fact, several days before storm status, but still packed winds of masts mark sunken hulls. Inset left: Beached, making landfall, its track had aligned 63 mph. Long after it passed, a report but salvageable at San Carlos. Inset right: Dry- so perfectly with the spine of Baja's from Bob Smith of the custom 44-ft cat stored boats toppled at La Paz. Pantera crackled over the radio waves: held out hope that they had somehow two boats sank, one washed ashore, survived. But on the fi fth day, Friday, and the town was awash in mud. Simone's body was found deep in the San Carlos lies 75 miles to the east mangroves at the back of the bay. Two of Santa Rosalia — and of the storm's days later Paul was found there also. center — but even in its diminished According to one report, they were both state the system was hundreds of miles wearing survival suits, which, some wide. When the arrived at have speculated, may have impeded the normally secure San Carlos an- their ability to swim to shore. Both were chorage, it still carried enough power to fi t and athletic, as they ran a dive op- eration that they'd begun about a year ago. They and Guenter will be sorely missed by many.

As tragic as the news of these deaths WARD SHELLY is, though, it seems remarkable that In the La Paz cruiser they were the only fatalities within the anchorage, roller- boating community, given the violence furled sails shreaded of the storm. Even more astonishing, like toilet paper. In the is that we have seen no overall death dry storage yard some count higher than six. boats toppled, caus- ing varying degrees of damage to their neighbors, including fter ravaging southern Baja, A dismastings. But there Odile continued its advance up the was no serious dam- peninsula toward Puerto Escondido age to boats in the two and Santa Rosalia on the same north-

repair yards. BROWN TOM ODILE ORDEAL —

break loose a and two mono- hulls from their moorings and drive Many of the roughly 30,000 tourists in zone'. Infrastructure at the internation- them ashore. We understand that no Cabo and nearby San Jose del Cabo al airport was completely trashed. Hav- boats were substantially damaged in ei- had ridden out the storm baracaded ing gone from sipping umbrella drinks ther of the bay's two marinas — Marina in bathrooms or beneath furniture as at poolside one day to effectively refu- San Carlos and Marina Real — or in the window panes shattered into shrap- gee status the next, some tourists were Marina Seca dry storage yard. nel, and virtually everything became critical of the government relief effort — The storm's track paralleled the a life-threatening projectile. But when perhaps because they had no perspec- spine of the Baja peninsula all the way the skies cleared, a new ordeal began: tive on the magnitude of the damage. past Bahia de Los Angeles, roughly 500 For most, there was no electricity, no But as soon as skies cleared, a pha- miles north of Cabo, before beginning to electronic communication, no access to lanx of electrical repair trucks crossed arc to the northeast toward . cash via ATMs, limited access to food by ferry from Mazatlan and headed and water, and perhaps worst of all, straight to Cabo like a liberating army. the prospect of waiting for days before Military planes soon arrived on the air- As horrifi c as it was for both lo- they could get a fl ight out of this 'war port tarmac to begin an evacuation of cals and tourists to endure the brunt of Odile's fury, the aftermath was sure- Cabo vignettes, clockwise from upper left: South-facing Cabo resorts got hammered; Tourists queue up to exit; Cabo's 'barrio' neighborhoods were devastated; Storm runoff carried rivers of ly worse — at least in Cabo San Lucas. mud; The iconic open-air Squid Roe survived; Flooded streets and ruined vehicles. COURTESY MERRY COLLINS & FRIENDS MERRY COURTESY

Page 86 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 THE WORST EVER

La Paz, but only 20% in Cabo), banks tourists that would take three or four and stores were reopening, and 27,000 days, despite roughly 200 additional tourists had been evacuated. (free) fl ights to mainland gateways by As we've seen repeatedly over the Alaska Air, Southwest, Aero Mexico, In- years, Mexicans are incredibly resilient terjet and others. and hard-working. With tourism being People desperate for food and water the mainstay of their economy, we ex- — along with some genuine bad guys— pect life will be back to some measure looted windowless storefronts as well of normalcy in a matter of weeks. as big box stores like Costco and Wal- Although tied in wind strength with Mart before police and soldiers arrived 1967's Olivia as the strongest hurri- in suffi cient numbers to restore order. cane ever to hit the Baja peninsula, sci- But at the same time that some news COLLINS & FRIENDS MERRY COURTESY entists rate Odile as the most powerful organizations were over-hyping the ini- Cabo's international airport was trashed, but ever due to measurements of pressure. tial chaos, many unsung heroes were if hopeful predictions are accurate it will be More important than such scientifi c quietly performing acts of human kind- operational again soon. nuance, though, it was by far the most ness. Once back home, tourists relayed been damaged or lost. "We will carry destructive Baja storm ever to both sho- that many Mexican hotel staffers had on, clean ourselves up and keep on liv- reside infrastructure and boats. And it put guests' needs before their own — ing the dream of being aboard a boat in may well be the fi rst hurricane to take a even though some had lost their homes. the beautiful Sea of Cortez and the city sailor's life in the Sea of Cortez. of La Paz, Baja Sur," wrote — andy Shelly Ward, commodore of the long- Not surprisingly, the La Paz cruis- time cruiser bastion Club Cruceros. If you'd like to assist in the relief ef- ing community pulled together immedi- After about a week all federal roads fort, see our Odile reports in 'Lectronic ately, refl oating beached boats on every had been reopened; with well over Latitude for recommendations (www.lat- high tide, and creating a relief fund (see 1,000 workers on the job, electrical ca- itude38.com). You'll fi nd lists of specifi c end note) for those whose boats had pacity was improving daily (then 80% in beached and sunken boats there also.


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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 87 SOCAL TA-TA II —

ALL PHOTOS BY MEMBERS OF Great sailing, great stops, great THE TA-TA FLEET hosts — and most of all great partici- pants. That — along with a little luck Eggleston of the Medford, Oregon and unusually warm and sunny weather 27 Origami — which would be the wet — is what made the second SoCal Ta- hot-rod of the event — to hit 15 knots. Ta Cruising Rally from Santa Barbara The wind was on the light side for the to Catalina — via Santa Cruz Island, 16-mile sail from Santa Cruz Island to Channel Islands Harbor, and Paradise Channel Islands Harbor, but still strong Cove — the sailor-pleasing event that it enough for everyone to sail the entire was. way, mostly close reaching under spin- A total of 39 boats, from 25 to 54 feet naker. Boats sailed in close company, in length, including two powerboats, making it a lot of fun and providing great participated. Some 140 sailors took part photo opportunities. in at least some of the event. Outside The 24-mile third leg from Channel obligations meant some had to miss the Islands Harbor to Paradise Cove was fi rst or the last leg. A couple who signed the windiest. Patsy 'La Reina del Mer' up even had to miss all but the opening Verhoeven of the La Paz-based Gulfstar or closing party — but still had fun. 50 Talion saw a couple of 30-knot gusts, Some sailors and everyone else reported winds in the mock Southern California sailing con- mid-20s during the stretch between Pt. ditions. They wouldn't if they'd been on Mugu and Pt. Dume(tz). this year's Ta-Ta, as everyone sailed, or Even the more experienced sailors could have sailed, all 100 miles in the had trouble with the jibe off windy Zuma four sailing legs of the six-day event. Beach. We on Profl igate, and then Jared While the wind was sometimes a little Brockway and crew on the Ventura- light, it did blow as much as 25 knots based Contour 34 trimaran Orange, with gusts to 30 on one leg, and many muffed our jibes. Patrick McCormick of boats were frequently sailing at hull the charging Alamitos Bay-based Bene- speed on two of the four legs. The Ta-Ta teau 440 St. Somewhere looked as if he was suitable for gentlemen, as there was and his crew might pull it off — until no upwind sailing. one of the sheets came off the clew of the chute. Keith and Terry Albrecht of the beau- There was light wind under a disap- tiful Alamitos Bay-based Columbia 36 pearing marine layer for the 11 a.m. start Oso Rojo got a spinny sheet caught in of the fi rst leg at the Santa Barbara half- their prop, while F. Stewart Seymour and mile buoy. As the marine layer cleared crew of the San Diego-based Newport 30 the wind fi lled in, and everyone enjoyed Saoirse couldn't get the chute down until reaching conditions for the 24 miles to they were at anchor. Both boats got as- Santa Cruz Island. Most fl ew gennakers sistance from other members of the fl eet. or spinnakers, and if we're not mistaken, For pure pleasure sailing, the fi nal everybody sailed all but the fi rst couple 30-mile leg from Paradise Cove to Two of miles. The breeze reached the mid- Harbors was the best. Early starters had There were fi ve stops on the Ta-Ta teens for the last fi ve miles, allowing Jim to motor, but got a nice wildlife show. itinerary: Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Roger and Diana Frizzelle of the San Island, Channel Islands Harbor, Paradise Although he's been dead for over 30 years, the Francisco-based Catalina 470 Di's Dream Cove and Two Harbors. infl uence of Bob Marley, a one-time assembly- line worker for Chrysler, is still enormous. reported seeing several blue whales in The Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol was their path. nice enough to allow the fl eet to reserve The wind quickly built slips this year, and managed to get ev- to the mid-teens, provid- eryone in a berth near the end of Marina ing ideal close reaching One. The folks at the Santa Barbara YC, all the way to the island. established in 1872, put on a great BBQ Some boats were able on the beach beneath their club, which to carry the entire way, wasn't inundated by high tide until after while others had to go to the last guest had left. We don't know if white sails. Origami hit 18 the bartenders have been around for the knots, Profl igate had min- entire history of the club, but they said utes at over 13 knots, and the Ta-Ta Party was the most fun of any just about everyone was they'd ever seen there. It might have had regularly at hull speed. As something to do with the conga line atop was the case during the the marina embankment. previous three legs, it was Since had generated warm and the seas were epic surf on the back side of Santa Cruz negligible. DOIN' THE CONGA

Island two weeks before, and hurricane Level and Beach Access. marveled at the view from the headland Norbert was sending a swell north, there The weather conditions for the two- looking southeast to the Scorpions, Ana- was concern in the fl eet that the Smug- night stop at Santa Cruz Island were capa and the mainland coast. glers's Cove Ta-Ta destination on the idyllic. There was lots of sunshine and south side of the island might be unten- none of that gloomy marine layer non- able. But Larry Fortmuller and Elizabeth sense that can plague the Southern Cali- Not long before the start of the Ta- 'EB' Barden on the Newport Beach-based fornia coast. The fi rst night featured the Ta, the event was jeopardized because Grand Banks 42 Simply Grand got there epic 'Super Moon' rising beautifully over Jim and Kent Milski's Schionning 49 'Sea Level', early to report that the conditions were Anacapa Island. If you really used your an around-the-world vet, reaches in light air fi ne. There was a small ground swell, but imagination, you could pretend you'd with sunny Anacapa Island in the background. no sea, so it was less rolly than during anchored at one of the islands the fi rst Ta-Ta. off Naples. Swimming at the Nonetheless, about a fi fth of the fl eet Channel Islands almost always decided to spend the two nights on the requires a wetsuit. Not for this north side of the island, at either Scor- year's Ta-Ta, as the water temp pion, Little or . They was a salubrious 74 degrees. reported that it was fl at — except for a There were lots of takers. Oth- brief moment in the middle of the night. ers kayaked, SUP'd, got fl ipped That was when a large ship wake put in the surf and otherwise had the squeeze job on Talion, as she was fun in and on the water. Several the monohull in the center of a nauti- groups of folks went ashore at cal ménage à trois with Sea the National Park entrance at Prisoners, fooled around on ancient farm equipment, and SOCAL TA-TA II —

Redondo Beach couldn't get its act to- do much better with the huge amount of laundry facilities unlocked for the night, gether at King Harbor. Despite the fact space behind the breakwater. fl oating docks for the 140-person party, they have a half-mile long area behind Without King Harbor as a viable stop, all the necessary tables and chairs, live a massive breakwater, the Harbor Patrol the Grand PooBob had to come up with music by liveaboard Finhead and Bryna, told the PooBob that it didn't look as if a solution. Maybe an extra night at two BBQs with cooks. Plus transporta- there would be enough room for the 40+ Santa Cruz Island or Catalina? Then he tion to the Winnco so the PooBob could Ta-Ta boats. One major problem was the remembered Channel Islands Harbor. buy 35 rotisserie chickens, 60 hamburg- installation of 25 mooring buoys. Not From the moment he asked Michelle ers, 36 hot dogs, and everything else for only had the city not fi gured out how LaPointe and Dan Ward, the managers the free Ta-Ta dinner. much to charge for them or who was go- at Channel Islands Marina and Vintage Frank Laza, who runs the Duffy ing to administer them, it turns out they Marina Partners — both owned by the electric boat dealership, showed up to are inadequate for their intended pur- same Central Valley family — if it might shuttle folks on the multihulls between pose. Further, no boats would be allowed be a possible Ta-Ta stop, they couldn't the long dock at Paradise Park and the to anchor around them. An unusually do enough for the Ta-Ta. Free slips for all well run city for California, Redondo can monohulls, all restrooms, showers and

Page 90 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 DOIN' THE CONGA

party site. The unoffi cial Mayor of Chan- haps the one fl y in the Ta-Ta ointment, plenty of empty moorings, a few places nel Islands, Laza presented the PooBob as least for some crews on monohulls. to anchor in only moderately deep water, with a 25-year-old copy of Latitude 38, The leftover swell from the strong after- hot showers at $2 for 3+ minutes, and with Laza in the group shot on the cover. noon breeze had the monohulls rocking the godawfully popular Buffalo Milk He also reminded the PooBob that they'd 'n' rolling all night. Some, such as Diana diabetic specials at the patio bar. After done the San Francisco to Catalina Race on Di's Dream and Cherie Sogsti on Steve a night of rest and getting the Beer Fest 25 years before on a Farr 65 sharpie. Moffett's Alamitos Bay-based Jeanneau crowd cleared out, the Bandstand Area Thanks to the great hospitality, many 45.2 Tempest, said it wasn't a big deal was all ready for the fi nal Ta-Ta party. Ta-Ta participants have put Channel for them. Many others, particularly on With a potluck BBQ, slide presentation of Islands on their 'don't miss' list. boats without fl opper stoppers, reported the event, conga line and 'awards' under they didn't sleep a wink all night. As a the palms, it was a happy wrap. result, Paradise Cove as a future stop is We can't say enough about the great The Paradise Cove stop was per- somewhat up in the air. folks who participated. Steve and Julie Two Harbors was Two Harbors in all McShea of the Seawind 1160 cat Al- its lovable dusty, funky glory. There were ways had come all the way from Lihue,

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 91 SOCAL TA-TA II

Kauai — although we hope not just for party. Almost everybody decided to show, the Ta-Ta. Dr. Dave Pisana and his wife so we're lucky they had more charcoal Laurie had trailered their Odin 27 Odin accommodate up to 50 people on the in the general store. the Wanderer all the way from Salt Lake Lido Deck, people had a good chance to City. And others had come down from mingle at the three Sundowner parties. . Based on the fi rst Ta-Ta, we expected We've always thought — and con- Thanks to Profl igate's being able to half the participants to attend the fi nal tinue to think — that the Santa Barbara to King Harbor Race, an 81-miler that SOCAL TA-TA II FLEET LIST takes the fl eet from Santa Barbara, be- tween Anacapa and Santa Cruz Island, Alegria ...... Beneteau 41S5 ...... Leslie Schmitz & David Du Ket ..Oceanside Ojo Rojo ...... Columbia 36...... Keith & Terry Albrecht...... Alamitos Bay then down to King Harbor's Redondo Alls Well, Tio ...... Little Harbor 38 ...... Hugo Lerner ...... San Pedro Old Marblehead ...... Jeanneau 54DS ...... Leo Kiely ...... King Harbor Always ...... 38-ft Seawind 1160 cat ...... Steve & Julie McShea ...... Lihue, HI Orange ...... Contour 34 trimaran ...... Paul Martson ...... Ventura Beach, is the most fun race in Southern Avanti ...... Grand Soleil 39 ...... Lou & Shirli Nagy ...... Ventura Origami ...... Corsair F-27 trimaran...... Jim Eggleston & Greg Carter .....Medford, OR California. But during the dozen or so Beach Access ...... Lagoon 380 ...... Glenn Twitchell & Debbie Jahn ..Long Beach Oso Loco ...... Kettenburg 32 ...... David & Marta Turpin ...... Santa Barbara times we've done it, we always got to the Calafi a ...... Catalina 42 MkII ...... Michael Eyton-Lloyd ...... Santa Barbara ...... Hunter Legend 40.5 ...... Jim Harmaning ...... San Pedro dead-air spot off Anacapa in the lee of Coldwater ...... Catalina 36...... Mark Kozy ...... Vallejo Reprieve ...... Tri- Horstman 38 ...... Nathan & Cindy Walter ...... Channel Isl. Santa Cruz Island and thought, 'What's Dauntless ...... Hinckley Sou'Wester 52 ...... Marcus Crahan ...... Newport Beach Saoirse...... Newport 30 MkII...... F. Stuart Seymour ...... San Diego the rush? Why not stop at Santa Cruz Is- Di's Dream ...... Catalina 470...... Roger & Diana Frizzelle ...... San Francisco Scout...... Lagoon 400 ...... David & Christine Eggleston ...... Jackson, WY land for a couple of nights? And why not Ellis Island II ...... Catalina 34...... David & Kathi Westcott ...... Redondo Beach Sea Level ...... Schionning 1480 ...... James & Kent Milski ...... Lake City, CO another stop at Paradise Cove, instead Equilibrium ...... Ericson 32 ...... Roger & Kim Brown ...... Alamitos Bay Seagate ...... Hans Christian 38T ...... Charles Braffett ...... Ventura of crossing Santa Monica bay when it's Gazelle ...... Wauquiez Centurion 48 ...... Rob Tryon & LaDonna Bubak ....Sausalito Serendipity ...... Catalina 250...... Don & Linda Murphy ...... Camarillo Grey Goose ...... Beneteau Oceanis 390 ...... Craig & Rose Walker ...... MdR Shadow ...... Islander 36 ...... Greg & Kathy Kircher ...... Ventura dark, damp and the wind fl uky enough Hannah ...... Hunter 356 ...... Travis & Chantil Gill ...... Ventura Simply Grand ...... Grand Banks 42 ...... Larry Fortmuller ...... Newport Beach to make you miss Last Call?' That's why Hotel California ...... Catalina 375...... Michael & Linda Stafford ...... San Francisco St. Somewhere ...... Beneteau 440 ...... Patrick McCormick ...... Alamitos Bay the PooBob created the Ta-Ta. Imagination ...... Cal 31 ...... Jeff LaBarre...... San Pedro Swept Away ...... Catalina 42 Mk II ...... Steve & Brooks Jensen ...... Ventura If you're into pleasure sailing more Kailani ...... 40.5-ft Catalina 400 Mk II.... Cary & Michele Hansen ...... Nawiliwili, HI Talion ...... Gulfstar 50 ...... Patsy Verhoeven ...... La Paz, BCS than racing, the Ta-Ta might be an op- Luna ...... PDQ Antares 44 cat ...... Ricky & Yvonne Michod ...... Tuscon, AZ Tempest ...... Jeanneau 45.2 ...... Steve & Lauri Moffett...... Alamitos Bay tion you want to consider the next time Mouse Pad ...... Islander 36 ...... Paul & Lindsay Fuhrman ...... San Pedro Valhalla ...... Dynamique 62...... Jonathan & Brenda Eells ...... Laramie, WY it rolls around. Odin the Wanderer.. Odin 27 ...... Dave & Laurie Pisani ...... SLT, UT Varee ...... Mainship 390 ...... Greg & Mary Montz ...... Long Beach — latitude/richard

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 93 DELTA DOO DAH 2014

Repeating last year's DIY theme, the Delta Doo Dah cast the fates of 98 crews to the wind this summer, trusting the Slot. Games were Liar’s Dice, Yahtzee up trash. them to fi nd their way on the meandering and Cards Against Humanity, all a hit. I After hosting most of our landlubber waters of California's vast Delta. can’t imagine going to the Delta without guests, it was time to go anchor out. Even so, plenty of support was forth- pool fl oats and toys. The Bedrooms in Potato Slough were at coming from the event's many sponsors, Owl Harbor is the best marina I have the top of my list. We anchored on the starting with Berkeley Yacht Club, which ever been to. Besides having the nicest southeast side of Fig Island. The high- hosted the harbormaster, the grounds are a dog light was at sunset, when we lay out on rally's Kickoff and gardener/grower's dream, ideal for the foredeck or in a fl oat swaying off the Party in May, entertaining overnight guests. Free fresh stern while hundreds of swallows and and the gen- organic eggs and vegetables abound. cormorants sang and glided just a few erous donors We found the secret beach on the tule feet above us, circling from the trees and who made the island southeast of Korth’s Pirate's Lair, around the boat. It was as if we were in prize draw- where we beached a friend's boat, swam, a tropical country being brushed with a ing there so played with water cannons, and picked light 85° breeze while gazing at an Im- much fun. A complete list of sponsors can be found on the fourth Cherry from 'Hooked' shows page of this off some swag and the prize article. she won at the Kickoff Party, Two more a serving set from the Star- offi cial events board Collection. followed in June: Owl Harbor's Who's in Blues BBQ on the 14th, and a Summer Sailstice potluck picnic at Tiki Lagun Marina on Turner Cut June 21, where Flibberti- gibbet won the grand prize of a year's membership with towing to BoatUS. Who's in Blues, a party for Doo Dah sailors and marina tenants, coincided with the Isleton Cajun & Blues Festival. Terry Hanck's band provided the music, and Owl Harbor supplied a free catered BBQ dinner and lots of door prizes. With plenty of helpers, harbormaster Devery Stockon always throws a great party.

Since most of the activities in this year's DIY DDD took place outside the official itinerary, we'll let the sailors themselves pick up the story from here:

Hooked — Serendipity 43 Sailor Cherry, Oakland We finally made it to the Delta! Hooked, a bluewater racer with a cruis- ing conversion, set sail early on June 13 to a warm-water destination full of cool marinas and anchorages just 60 miles from home. My planning began in March: from picking anchorages to three-course healthy meals on the hook. I also had to organize space and items to accom- modate three different groups of guests and boat work/refi nishing jobs too. Thanks to Latitude’s previous ar- ticles, I learned that fl oats, games, hats, sunshades and dinks are a must. We even towed a Jet Ski while sailing across

Page 94 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 — CAST TO THE WIND

ALL PHOTOS LATITUDE / 'DOODETTE' CHRIS EXCEPT AS NOTED I’m a PreCursor — MacGregor 25 Bryan & Cindy Blagg, pressionist's painted sky – spectacular. Doo Dah: Little Lara, owned by Jay and Lake Yosemite The motor back was rough! I was not Peggy Bowden. It was a pleasure meeting We had planned our itinerary and had happy and was of little help. Thankfully them, and learning that Little Lara is, if already talked to all the marinas. When my helmsman took us into a slip for a I am correct, the smallest boat ever to we called Sugar Barge to let them know few days to wait out the honkin' weather. do the Baja Ha-Ha. We found it a happy we were running late, we were asked if coincidence to meet up with others doing our mast folds down. They had assigned Two Truths — Dana 24 the Delta in a Dana. us and our buddy boat, the MacGregor Bob Scharf, Berkeley We returned from Rio Vista with the 26 Prime Time, covered berths! But they In mid-July, we spent the night in Rio ebb, but were surprised at just how chal- quickly fi xed our spots, and, when we Vista tied up at the Delta Marina guest lenging it was to sail through Suisun and got there around 5:30 p.m., they were dock. It was just us and one other boat, San Pablo Bays in a big blow: the strong watching for us. until about 6:00 p.m. when another headwind and the ebb current converged High points included fi nding Foster’s boat showed up, and it turned out to to stir up quite a chop. Next time, if the Bighorn Café in Rio Vista and Delta be another Dana 24 doing the Delta winds are blowing, I’ll avoid max ebb. Marina, now among our favorites. I'M A I'M A PC LUCY

Top rows, clockwise from left: Delta Doo Dah and Richmond YC cruis- ers in Potato Slough on July 4; historic downtown Isleton; the crews of 'I'm a PC' and 'Prime Time' at Foster's Bighorn in Rio Vista; Patty Silva of 'Lucy' on Sevenmile Slough; Tony's is a night spot in downtown Walnut Grove. Bottom row, l to r: This mama mallard suc- cessfully raised nine ducklings; herons nesting at Korth's Pirate's Lair; swallows nesting in a lifering at Owl Harbor; eight swans a-swimming.

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 95 DELTA DOO DAH 2014

Thetis — Ericson 32 landed, one after another, either on the Steve Andersen, San Rafael river or on the levee. We met John, the We started our Delta cruise from the owner of Rosa’s restaurant, and he was Sausalito Cruising Club on July 14, and delighted to know we were here because spent the fi rst two nights in Martinez, of Latitude 38. We had so much fun that doing some shopping there. We sailed to we stayed an extra night. Sevenmile Slough and anchored, then to From Tower Park we proceeded down Mandeville Tip for a yacht club raft-up. through Potato Slough and spent the We left for Little Venice Island on the night at Willow Berm. 20th. On August 1, I sailed to Stockton The next day we motored to Tinsley Sailing Club to get the free dinners I'd Island, where, as guests, we stayed for

won at the Kickoff Party. SEAN REYNOLDS three nights in the very lap of luxury. We sailed to Windmill Cove for their The new half-moku wrap on 'Roxy's tiller will This has been a trip of extreme con- blues festival, then to Herman and Hel- help protected it from the schooner's cleats. trasts. First the peace and tranquility en's – so sad to see it shut. We motored of Lost Slough, then Tower Park with up Potato Slough for the weekend, where We tied up at a private dock, with the the raucousness of bikini-babe-laden we met some great folks. Now back at belated permission of Janet and Bill ski boats and dueling monster sound Little Venice, I'm waiting for my new Stokes, and went by dinghy under the systems (Highway to Hell vs. All My dodger to be delivered – I really want it bridge to Giusti’s for a delicious dinner. Exes Live in Texas), and fi nally the posh on for the trip back. And so far I haven't All the locals there knew that Stella was preserve of the rich and famous. used the keel as a fathometer! tied up at the Stokes’ dock. Saturday we are going to Pittsburg The following day we continued up Marina for their Seafood & Music Festi- Stella — Back Cove 33 Snodgrass Slough to Lost Slough, where val. On Sunday we return to Sausalito. Roy & Carol Ann Falk we anchored mid-stream and pulled Sausalito our stern toward the shade trees on Roxy — 54-ft Colvin Pinky Schooner On August 25, in clear weather, light the bank with two stern lines. Unbeliev- Jack & Sean Reynolds, Oakland winds and fl at seas, I motored 3.5 hours ably, we had the place to ourselves. We Jack Reynolds and his son Sean de- from Sausalito to Antioch Marina, where skinny-dipped and chilled out for four parted Oakland's 5th Avenue Marina on I rendezvoused with my wife Carol Ann days. Sublime. July 2 for Willow Berm Marina on the (aka Peanut) and Katy, a / Back downriver, we turned up the Mokelumne River, where they stayed a Jack Russell mix, and loaded the provi- North Fork of the Moke to Tower Park week before sailing back. "No ground- sions Peanut brought from Trader Joe’s. Marina for a complete change of pace. ings," reported Sean, "but it did get a The next day, we headed up the San On Labor Day Weekend there were doz- mite shallow in a few places, and we Joaquin River bound for Giusti’s in ens, maybe hundreds, of ski boats, Jet probably woke up some worms. Walnut Grove. At a leisurely pace, we Skis and noisy, powerful cigarette boats During our nice, long, hot days of motored past Pirate’s Lair and Willow – quite the contrast to Lost Slough. The no responsibilities, I made a half-moku Berm and into the North Fork of the Doo Dah website informed us of a sky- wrap on Roxy’s tiller, to give it some Mokelumne River, arriving at the Miller’s diver show, and it was fabulous. Twen- protection against the fi ttings that it Ferry Bridge at 10 minutes past the ty-four skydivers (including six women) sometimes hit when hard over. The hot end of the bridge tender’s 9-to-5 shift. parachuted out of a WWII airplane and sun dried out the varnish real quick!

2014 Delta Doo Dah DIY Fleet Hooked ...... Serendipity 43 ...... Sailor Cherry ...... Oakland I’m a PreCursor ...... MacGregor 25 ...... Bryan & Cindy Blagg...... Ceres A Dory 4 Sale ...... C-Dory 22 ...... Jerry Lugert...... Marina Iron Genny...... Grand Banks 42 ...... Jared Brockway & Genevieve Peterson ...San Francisco A Ole Pilikia ...... Catalina 42...... Donald, Karen & Kayla Syversrud ...... Alameda Jane O...... Privilege 39 cat ...... Scott & Christine Emmons ...... Isleton Alaina ...... Rawson PH 30 ...... John Bechtol ...... Sausalito Kay ...... Hunter 36 ...... Gary Santoro & Libby Kepner ...... Alameda Alize ...... Beneteau Oceanis 40 ...... Peter Solvik...... San Francisco Knot Studying ...... Hunter 33 ...... Mike Dvorak & Lindsey Goosherst ...... Vallejo Apogee ...... Hunter 38 ...... Scott Stanley & Krista Witte ...... Alameda Kulu ...... Nonsuch 36...... Mark Lindlow...... Sausalito Aquavit ...... Swan 36 ...... Bruce & Gail Sinclair ...... Vallejo YC La Buena Vida ...... O’Day 222 ...... David & Karen Lessard ...... Paradise Aquavite ...... Catalina 34...... Stu Jackson ...... Alameda La Vida ...... Catalina 320 ...... Mike & Joan Mellon ...... Marin Area...... Tartan 37 ...... Jim & Georgianne Boissier ...... San Rafael Lady Lexi ...... Hudson Force 50 ...... David Bowes ...... Sausalito Argonaut ...... Cal 2-29 ...... William & Michele Hutchings ...... Stockton Libations Too ...... Pearson 323 ...... Richard Rollins & Anne Henny...... Berkeley Aventura ...... IP 370 ...... Erik & Brian Jones ...... Oakland YC Little Lara ...... PS Dana 24 ...... Jay & Peggy Bowden...... Santa Barbara Azure...... Catalina 42...... Rod & Cherie Williams ...... Alameda Lively ...... Olson 30 ...... Javier Jerez & Siulieng Chea-Jerez...... Oakland Beautiful T-K ...... Albin 49 powerboat ...... Jim Haussener ...... Vallejo Longstocking ...... Columbia 28...... Amanda Burton ...... Alameda Breakout ...... Santana 35 ...... Lloyd Ritchey ...... South Beach, SF Lucy ...... Beneteau 361 ...... Daryl & Patty Silva ...... Alameda Brown Sugar ...... Lancer 36 ...... Crystal & Don Quinly ...... Stockton Lucy! ...... Beneteau 343 ...... Roy & Barbara Johnston...... Santa Rosa Calaveras...... Explorer 45 ...... David Lyon & Angie Aragon ...... Antioch Mai Pen Rai ...... Islander 36 ...... Noble & Barbara Brown ...... Vallejo Catch the Wind ...... Cal 39 ...... Sam Crabtree & Susie Wilson ...... Pittsburg Mescalito ...... Merit 22 ...... Jono Hale...... San Rafael Current Affair ...... Express 27 ...... Seth Clark ...... Richmond YC Mi Amor ...... Islander 36 ...... Arnold & Louise Gallegos ...... Pt. Richmond Desert Rose...... Catalina 25...... Wendell Snyder ...... Glen Cove Mia’s Isle ...... Monk Trawler 36 ...... Mary Janet Gillis & Scott Orr ...... Palm Coast, FL Evenstar ...... Ranger 23 ...... Gregory Towers & Jillian Cripps ...... Emeryville Mirage ...... Black Soo 30...... Ben & Lucie Mewes ...... Richmond YC Fallen Leaf ...... MacGregor 25 ...... Ryan Schwartz & Linda Clinton ...... Merced Mischief ...... Catalina 470 ...... Marty Thamm & Rochelle Richelieu ...... Alameda Family Naut ...... Hunter 31 ...... Grant Du Plooy ...... Emeryville Marina Miss Kate ...... Catalina 27...... Michael Satterlund ...... South Beach, SF Flibbertigibbet ...... Catalina 42...... Jim & Betty Adams...... Discovery Bay Mongojo ...... Downeaster 38 cutter ...... Travis Gilbert & Hilary Helkenn ...... Benicia Floyd ...... West Wight Potter 15 ...... Joseph Coulombe ...... Isleton Natural Blonde ...... J/105 ...... Denn & Siobhan Deisinger ...... Paradise Cay Goose ...... Catalina 30...... Mike & Lorianna Kastrop ...... South Beach, SF No Excueses ...... Sea Ray Sundancer 268 . Chuck Graham...... Tower Park Marina Hale Kai ...... Catalina 36...... Terry White & Carolyne Riley ...... Kawaihae, HI No Remorse ...... Catalina 445 ...... Jack & Suzanne Lutchansky...... Alameda Hoi Pinoy ...... Islander 34 ...... James Sobredo & Steve Montalvo ...... Sausalito Nomad ...... Fantasia 35 ...... Oli & Jan Olafsson ...... Alameda

Page 96 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 — CAST TO THE WIND IRON GENNY RESOLUTE HOOKED

Is the Delta pet-friendly? Judging by these photos, we'd have to say yes. Clockwise from top left: Colleen and Stewie of 'Iron Genny' pass the C&H Sugar plant on ; "The swimming is great," said 'Resolute's Eric Kopps and his dog Roxy; Luc gets her sea legs on 'Hooked'; the chick- ens have got it good at Owl Harbor; 'Stewball's mascot, Peanut, made new friends at Tiki Lagun Marina; Roy Falk with TomTom and Katy in 'Stella's

STELLA wheelhouse.

Resolute — Hunter 33 Marina – we arrived on a night when a Redwood City to Pittsburg on the fi rst Jason & Eric Kopps, Richmond large BBQ was planned, and four people day. Pittsburg was a convenient place Another father and son duo, Jason (including the harbormaster) came over to meet our friends, and we arrived at and Eric (age 17), and their border collie to invite us to join the group. the dock at about the same time their mix Roxie planned to take advantage of "Heavy wind restricted some of our BART train arrived at the station. The the Delta's always-reliable, strong sum- anchoring plans, but, fortunately, Owl Pittsburg Marina staff were excellent, mer winds to run from the Bay to Decker Harbor had a slip available." and we took advantage of their free island via the Sacramento Deep Water night at the marina for Doo Dah entries. Channel. There was only one problem Sonrisa — Baba 40 The next day, we walked into town and on June 7: no wind. "We motored all Greg & Kristin Torok, Redwood City topped up our provisions at the grocery the way. Two days later the wind was We convinced our friends from Wash- store before heading into the Delta. clocking over 30 knots," said Jason. ington state that sailing a bluewater We had fantastic sailing up the San "We traveled Middle River for the cruiser upriver was a good idea, and Joaquin. Our guests couldn't believe we fi rst time – it's a beautiful area. Mildred they agreed to join us for a long Doo were sailing upriver. Island was relatively bug-free. We met Dah weekend. The next night we practiced our bow- some very nice folks up at King Island Sonrisa had a long motorsail from stern anchoring in Potato Slough, It took

Now & Zen ...... Newport 30 MkII...... Tony Bourque & Patch Garcia ...... Pt. Richmond Sunny Day ...... Santana 22 ...... Steve & Judith Brown ...... Pt. Richmond Odyssey...... Bristol Channel Cutter 28 Wayne & Karen Edney ...... Richmond SusyQ 1 ...... O’Day 192 ...... Gary & Susana Meyer ...... Cupertino Optimus Prime ...... Beneteau 49 ...... Keith & Dana Jensen ...... Alameda Take Five ...... Ericson 27 ...... Grant & Brenda Kiba...... Antioch Pacifi c Dragon II ...... Gemini 105MC cat ...... David & Maha Hurdle...... Martinez Tazman ...... Ericson 32 ...... David & Ruth Sawyer...... Owl Harbor Paradise Found...... Bluewater Cruiser 42 ...... Gregory Jones & Kathleen Dinnel-Jones..Oakland Tekin ...... Hans Christian 36 ...... Eli Myrick & Akio Omori ...... Oakland Pebbles & BamBam Macgregor 36 cat ...... Russell Schultz & Solange Sallaberry ...... Oakley Thetis ...... Ericson 32-1...... Steve Andersen ...... San Rafael Polé Polé ...... Ericson 29 ...... Adam Katz ...... Oakland Three Sigma ...... Corsair F-27 tri ...... Christopher & Patricia Harvey ...... Alameda Popeye ...... Nordic Tug 32+ ...... Jim & Mimi Cornelius ...... SFYC Toucan ...... Tanton 43 cat ketch ...... Kevin Belcastro & Susan Liebert ...... Isleton Prime Time ...... MacGregor 26 ...... Edward & Elizabeth Dietz ...... Merced Trillian ...... 32 ...... Scott Gray & Melissa Laughery ...... Sausalito Pronto ...... Catalina 34...... Robert & Mary Pankonin...... Berkeley Two Truths ...... Dana 24 cutter ...... Bob Sharf ...... Berkeley Pyewacket ...... Catalina 34...... Ralph & Penelope Hyde ...... Vallejo YC Ulmer Spatz ...... Pearson 26 ...... Kristy & Gilly Lugert ...... Pt. Richmond Reconnaissant 1 ...... Catalina 27...... Tom & Nikki West ...... Alameda Vector...... C&C 38 ...... Bill & Linda Rathbun ...... Berkeley Resolute ...... Hunter 33 ...... Jason & Eric Kopps ...... Richmond Walk On ...... DeVilliers 43 cutter...... Chad & Carolyn Carvey ...... Sausalito Ross’s Dream ...... Catalina 30...... Dan Courter & Melody Royal ...... Antioch Waterhorse ...... Newport 28 ...... John Zolck & Brett Herr ...... Sausalito Roxy ...... Colvin 36 schooner ...... Jack & Sean Reynolds...... Oakland Yo Mi Esposa y Sea Shepard ...... MacGregor 26X ...... Curt & Marsha Taras ...... Folsom Lake Summerwind ...... Catalina 30...... Larry Samson ...... Alameda Sea Treasure ...... Hans Christian 38 MkII .... Gary Wood ...... Sausalito Zeehond ...... Newport 30 MkII...... Donn Guay & Diane Memory ...... Alameda Seair ...... CT 49 cutter ...... David Smith & Candy Bennici ...... San Rafael Seaya ...... Catalina 380 ...... Mark & Patty Thompson ...... CYC 2014 Sponsors: Berkeley YC www.berkeleyyc.org • Martinez Marina www.martinez- Sequoia...... Beneteau 36CC ...... Gabriel Smith ...... Serenity ...... Seawind 1160 ...... JEB Pickett ...... Sausalito marina.com • Owl Harbor www.owlharbor.com • Pittsburg Marina www.pittsburgmarina.com • Shellback ...... Catalina 30...... John & Doreen Abbott...... Richmond Sacramento Delta Bay Marina www.sacdeltabaymarina.com • Stockton SC www.stocktonsc. Sonrisa ...... Baba 40 cutter ...... Greg & Kristin Torok ...... Redwood City org • Tiki Lagun www.tikimarina.com • Tower Park www.towerparkresort.com • BoatUS www. Squirt ...... Spirit 6.5...... Ernie McCleary & Nancy Kuellmer ...... Angels Camp boatus.com • Boating Clean & Green www.dbw.parks.ca.gov • California Delta Chambers Stella ...... Back Cove 33 ...... Roy & Carol Ann Falk ...... Sausalito www.californiadelta.org • Isleton Cajun & Blues Festival www.isletoncajunfestival.net • OPB- Stewball ...... Express 37 ...... Bob & Ginger Harford ...... Richmond YC YC www.opb-yc.com • Boating Guide www.sacboating.com • SailFlow Stickeen ...... Bodega 30 ...... Lee Richardson & Pam Reeves...... Pt. Richmond www.sailfl ow.com • Seaworthy Goods www.seaworthygoods.com • Starboard Collection Stink ...... 28 ...... Jonathan Gutoff & Christine Weaver ...... Richmond YC www.starboardcollection.com • SF Estuary Partnership www.sfestuary.org

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 97 DELTA DOO DAH 2014

a couple of tries to get Sonrisa settled Lucy — Beneteau 361 into a good spot in the lee of a tule berm. Daryl & Patty Silva, Alameda We took turns soaking in the sun and Lucy departed Alameda on June swimming to cool off. 12, enjoyed the free Doo Dah night at We made a stop at Korth's Pirate's Pittsburg Marina, then sailed on to Owl Lair to pump out and get some lunch. I Harbor for the Who's in Blues party. had never been to this marina before. As Once in the Delta, we were pleasantly we were leaving Potato Slough, another surprised by how relaxing the swim- cruiser in a dinghy motored up alongside ming, fi shing, warm weather and quiet and we started chatting. I asked about can be. It's wonderful swimming off the entrance, and he described it and your boat in fresh water. We'd intended the layout inside. This was important to stay one week but continued to com- – I didn't want to get a 40-ft sailboat mute back up to the boat in the Delta sideways in the wrong spot. nearly every weekend for three months. We will be going next year for sure Fortunately, when we arrived the fuel STELLA dock was empty. Sonrisa seemed to take and will bring along many other yachties up the entire dock. The staff at Korth's Duct tape was an essential shoe-repair tool in from our home port, Grand Marina. the Delta for the ladies aboard 'Stella'. allowed us to stay there long enough to get lunch at the café. Sonrisa is a lowed the instructions had Owl Harbor full-keel sailboat, so getting her turned provided. We had such a good time there In its six years of existence, the around in a small area is a challenge, on the 2012 Doo Dah that we wanted to Delta Doo Dah has never been the but we were able to get into and out of return. Saturday was movie night, so we same twice. Exciting changes are in Korth's without much trouble. claimed a picnic table to watch Slumdog the works for 2015, so stay tuned to From Korth's we had a short sail over Millionaire. There's something special www.deltadoodah.com. For more pic- to the entrance of Sevenmile Slough. about an outdoor community movie. tures, see our photo gallery at http:// Recalling the directions given during Benicia was our fi nal stop on the latitude38events.smugmug.com/Delta- the Delta seminar at Richmond YC, we way home. The charming downtown is Doo-Dah-DIY-2014. approached from the southwest and fol- a short walk from the marina. — latitude/'doodette' chris

Owl Harbor Marina in the Delta We are adding a beautiful new facility with offi ces, restrooms, showers, laundry, banquet room and multi-purpose room. A fun, safe place to come and relax. • Guests & Yacht Clubs Welcome • Private Gated Marina • Heated Restrooms & Showers • Picnic Areas, BBQs, Hammocks • Horseshoes, Bikes, Gardens, Chickens • WiFi, Parking at Every Dock • Valet InSlip Pump Outs

916-777-6055 www.owlharbor.com We Look Forward to Seeing You!

Page 98 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 Brought BAJA to you HA-HA By these offi cial XXI sponsors


The Rally Committee New Sails encourages you to patronize the advertisers who make and Sail Repair Prepare for the 21st Annual Baja Ha-Ha this event possible – and at a West Marine store near you! take advantage of their (619) 226-1133

For more locations near you Baja Ha-Ha Specials! or to shop online 24/7 visit www.westmarine.com (Turn the page for more.) www.UllmanSailsSD.com New Mexican Liability Program * Lower Rates * Instant Coverage * BAJA HA-HA * Short Term Policies Available * MELTING Almar Marinas (800) 992-4443 Everywhere you’d like to be www.marinersins.com Est. 1973 See Our Half-Page Ad In This Issue POT www.almar.comalmar.com Newport Beach, CA • San Diego, CA San Francisco, CA • Seattle, WA Sarasota, FL Check out the Ha-Ha XXI entry roster at www.baja-haha.com SummerSummer EnjoyEnjoy Your Home and you'll see that boat types Yacht Club of the isis safe safe at at youryour staystay South of the Banderas Bay and sizes in this year’s fl eet are Paradise…Paradise withwith us!us! Border Regatta as varied as ever, and you can bet that the crews who sail them http://vallartayachtclub.org are as colorful as in years past. 011-52-322-226-6728 • www.paradisevillage.com http://banderasbayregatta.com [email protected] Everything you need from a full service yacht club. In addition to many fi rst- timers, there are plenty of ‘repeat offenders’ who wanted to replay some of the fun and great sailing Home of the Monitor Windvane Specialists in cruising sailboat brokerage for 34 years that they experienced the last Your Source for Emergency Steering Solutions info@yachtfi nders.biz • www.yachtfi nders.biz time around. Some full-time Ø M-Rud for your Monitor Ø Auto-Helm Auxiliary Rudder Ø Standalone SOS Rudder Ø Saye's Rig Windvane (619) 224-2349 • (866) 341-6189 toll-free Mexico cruisers even sail all the way back to San Diego each fall 510.215.2010 • 888.946.3826 • Richmond, CA Fax (619) 224-4692 www.selfsteer.com • [email protected] just to re-do the rally. IGGING ONLY This month we'll run the second R of three installments of mini- Standing and running rigging, lifelines, furlers, winches, Schaefer Marine is proud to be a sponsor of the Baja headsail poles, main slider systems, windlasses, profi les of all registered crews. travelers, wire terminals, blocks and more… Ha-Ha. With over 45 years of experience manufacturing Since Expert advice for selection and installation. Also, you'll fi nd frequent event the world’s best marine hardware, we can help you safely 1984 www.riggingandhardware.com updates in ‘Lectronic Latitude at enjoy your cruising experience. (508) 992-0434 • [email protected] www.latitude38.com. www.schaefermarine.com Manson Anchors have If you’re new to the event, let grown from a family of us explain that the Ha-Ha is a professional boat build- 750-mile cruisers’ rally from San ers, marine engineers, and Award-winning Marine Communications Equipment staunch world cruisers. Diego to Cabo San Lucas, with They’ve been designed, Handhelds • Mounted VHF • SSB • AIS stops along the way at Turtle developed, tested and proven in the most demanding Visit one of our many West Coast dealers Bay and Bahia Santa Maria. boating regions on earth. www.icomamerica.com/marine www.manson-marine.co.nz

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 99 BAJA HA-HA XXI

Partner for Baja Ha-Ha 2014 THE CRUISER’S CHANDLERY 2804 CAÑON STREET • SAN DIEGO Brought to (619) 225-9411 / (800) 532-3831 FAX (619) 225-9414 you By these www.downwindmarine.com offi cial Tourism Board sponsors www.visitmexico.com MEET THE FLEET We hope you were one of several hundred sailors who mixed and mingled at our Let Marina El Cid « Mexican Boat Liability Insurance « annual Mexico-Only Crew List Welcome You to Mexico « Accident & Illness Travel Health Party and Baja Ha-Ha Reunion, Protection w/Air Evacuation « A Cruiser's Paradise! September 10. But if you missed « Online Enrollment « « Short Term Protection Available « www.elcid.com it, you might still be able to fi nd (818) 788-5353 [email protected] a ride — or potential watch- www.InsureBaja.com Health Boat Insurance 011-52 (669) 916-3468 standers — via our constantly Protection Full/Liability Only [email protected] updated Crew List at www. www.hydrovane.com latitude38.com. As many Ha-Ha INSURANCE GROUP vets will confi rm, the best way Insuring yachts locally and globally since 1987 to prepare for doing the event www.novamarinsurance.com on your own boat is to crew for someone else fi rst. (800) 823-2798 USA • 01 (800) 627-4637 Mexico STEERING THE DREAM Best Marina in Banderas Bay IS THE PACIFIC PUDDLE JUMP FOR YOU? www.marinarivieranayarit.com US 678-692-6784 or For many cruisers, the next 011-52-329-295-5526 MEX 322-278-0549 logical step after cruising [email protected] Mexican waters for a season or Go Cruising, Not Camping, more is to hang a right and head with High Output west into the Pacifi c. Water Makers, Alternators, Wind Gen We call that annual springtime TECHNAUTICS and CoolBlue migration the Pacifi c Puddle CoolBlue Marine Refrigeration Refrigeration. Jump, and we report on it heavily www.cruiseROwater.com in the pages of Latitude 38. Weather, Email and SAN DIEGO BAY’S Making that 3,000-mile passage

Voice Solutions. is one of the most thrilling HARBOR ISLAND WEST MARINA accomplishments in the realm Satellite Phone Sales Serving Southbound Cruisers in San Diego and Rentals. Bay for over 40 years of sailing. Learn more about it at www.harborislandwestmarina.com 619.291.6440 www.pacifi cpuddlejump.com. www.ocens.com CALL ABOUT OUR BAJA HA-HA CRUISER SPECIAL! [email protected] • (800) 746-1462

Page 100 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 IMPORTANT The place to be in La Paz, DATES conveniently located near downtown. [email protected] Oct. 18 –– Ha-Ha Welcome to San 011-52 (612) 122-1646 www.marinadelapaz.com Diego Party, Downwind Marine, 12-4 p.m. Ha-Ha entrants only. La Paz Tourism Board welcomes you to La Paz Oct. 25 –– Pacifi c Puddle Jump Enjoy our Baja Ha-Ha A Full Service Boat Yard in Puerto Vallarta seminar, West Marine, San Beach Fiesta 88 ton Travelift • Parts • Service • Repairs Diego, 5 p.m. November 20 011-52 (322) 221-1800 www.opequimar.com 011-52 (612) 122-4624 Oct. 26, 11 a.m. — Skipper’s [email protected] www.golapaz.com meeting, West Marine, San SAN DIEGO’S RIGGING CENTER Diego. Skippers only please. Proudly serving for over 25 years We’ll get you ready Oct. 26, 1 p.m. — Ha-Ha Halloween for your next sailing adventure! Exceptional location in the heart of Puerto Vallarta Costume Party and Barbecue, Design consulting • Commissioning • Refi ts to welcome Baja Ha-Ha cruisers West Marine, San Diego. Custom line and hardware Full services • Travelift WE SHIP RIGGING WORLDWIDE (619) 011-52-322-221-0275 • www.marina-vallarta.com.mx Oct. 27, 10 a.m. — San Diego www.pacifi coffshorerigging.com 226-1252 Harbor Ha-Ha Parade.

Oct. 27, 11 a.m. — Start of Leg 1

Nov. 1, 8 a.m. –– Start of Leg 2 Custom Screen Printing & Embroidery for Sailors by Sailors Nov. 5, 7 a.m. –– Start of Leg 3 Yacht club and crew gear, wicking shirts, hats and more. (888) 724-5286 • www.pirateslair.com Nov. 7 –– Cabo Beach Party Marina Puerto de la Navidad is consid- ered to be among the 10 best marinas in Nov. 9 — Awards presentation NEW! Western Mexico Latin America. Guests can enjoy all the 13th Edition with Expanded services & facilities of the spectacular hosted by the Cabo Marina. Wyndham Grand Isla Navidad Resort. Sea of Cortez Coverage 24-hr security • Electricity Nov. 20, 4-7 p.m. — La Paz Beach www.charliescharts.com Pump out • Telephone • Laundry Cable TV • Wireless Internet Party. Mexican folk dancing, live 200-yacht capacity Charlie’s Charts [email protected] music and more. 011 52 314 337-9014 • www.islanavidad.com.mx Cruising Guides • Gerry’s Charts • Ships Store

Baja Ha-Ha, LLC Imagine You Were c/o 15 Locust Ave., Mill Valley, CA 94941 Designing the Perfect Marina www.baja-haha.com MARINA CORTEZ PLEASE NOTE: “Always At Your Side” Correspondence relating to the event can An idyllic La Paz location be emailed to [email protected]. +1-914-381-2066 Please don't call Latitude 38 with questions. 011-52-612-123-4101 For a free quote, visit www.pantaenius.com The Ha-Ha is a separate operation. www.marinacortez.com

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 101 BAJA HA-HA PROFILES, PART II —

"What have these people done to deserve the Latitude 38 spotlight?" you ask. It's not what they've done. It's what they are about to do. to the Sea of Cortez and bash back next Korbut Rose — Hans Christian 33 We're saluting these sailors because year. Bruce Brown & Sandy Zeng they have overcome the urge to procras- Portland tinate, and are about to head south on a Mabrouka — CT-41 Ketch Bruce, 59, a retired grand adventure: the 21st annual Baja Roy Neyman, Seattle, WA health care sales Ha-Ha rally, from San Diego to Cabo San Roy, 60, is a retired naval architect manager, and his Lucas, October 27 - November 8. and project manager. "I bought my fi rst wife say the Ha-Ha If you read our fi rst installment of real boat, a Cal 25, after graduating from will be "the begin- rally profi les last month, you know that college. I sold her 10 years later to make ning of our getting this year's fleet members come from a down payment on my fi rst house. What back to life and wildly diverse backgrounds, and sail a mistake! Giving up that bit of my iden- nature." They've on all sorts of boats — from tricked-out tity was, I think, the beginning of the end dreamed about do- racer-cruisers to bare-bones plastic clas- for my marriage, although it lasted 16 'Korbut Rose' ing it for 10 years, sics. years. After my divorce I bought a Hobie and particularly like the fact that They're all eager for the same sort of 16, then, after moving back to the U.S. the Ha-Ha gives them an exact date offshore adventures, though, as they from Saudi Arabia in 1998, I bought my on which to start their "extended follow the Ha-Ha's traditional track from CT-41. I have lived aboard happily ever cruising." San Diego to Bahia Tortugas (360 miles), since, having reinvigorated my love of on to Bahia Santa Maria (240 miles), and sailing. I'm basically a Dreamcatcher — Roberts V495 fi nally to Cabo San Lucas. That port was singlehander and my Norm & Willi Facey recently ravaged by Hurricane Odile, of crew will be catch-as- , BC course, but our contacts at Cabo Marina catch-can, with friends, Norm, 59, a retired engineer, and tell us they'll be ready to receive us when family and miscella- his wife Willi, a corrosion technician, the fl eet arrives November 6. No doubt neous volunteers to "built our boat from the ground up with the fl eet's infusion of Ha-Ha spirit and join for the adventure." our own hands, then launched her last cash will be greatly appreciated. His ultimate goal is to year. She's capable and beautiful." The So let us introduce you to these ad- spend a long time in the duo have done Vancouver to Hawaii, and venturous members of the Baja Ha-Ha 'Mabrouka' South Pacifi c. sailed all around Vancouver Island, but Class of 2014, listed here in the order this will be the fi rst trip with their new that they registered. A Good Day — Island Packet 485 boat. "We've been waiting our whole life Charlie McCullough, Oakland to meet the 2014 Ha-Ha group." They'll Penn Station — Hylas 44 Charlie, 62, is a retired technology Puddle Jump to New Zealand in 2015. Steve Felton, Tacoma, WA executive who says, "I did the Ha-Ha last "Imagine growing up in a single-wide, year with my boat and loved it. It's a great Tranquilo — Catalina C445 and you get a Ferrari for your fi rst car," way to get south." He has three friends Lloyd & Colleen Clauss says Steve, a 36-year-old plumbing lined up to crew. After the Ha-Ha, Charlie Huntington Beach / Ensenada contractor. "That's how I feel about my plans to sail over to Puerto Vallarta. Lloyd, 75, a retired engineer, says "It's boat, which I love! I've planned on doing time to do the Ha-Ha once again." He's a circumnavigation for nine years now, Kailani — Island Packet 485 done it three times, and other crewmem- and more knowledgeable friends told me Rusty Frantz, Encinitas bers have done it a total of six times. "The the Ha-Ha is the best way to start." He'll Two IP 485s signed up in a row. Wow. Catalina C445 is a brand new design that have a hair stylist, Amy Canonica, 26, Rusty, 47, who declined to give an oc- is equipped for Ha-Ha fun in the sun," aboard for the Ha-Ha as one of his two cupation, says "I love being away from says Lloyd. "We launched her in Sep- crew. work, especially where there are mar- tember of last year, and did this year's garitas at the fi nish line. Kailani, which Newport to Ensenada Race — which had I've only owned for a couple of months, gusts to 40 knots. Once I get down south, is nicer than my 1968 Morgan 34 was, I may stay there." "Our boat is old like we are, but there are a lot more things to break." but with all the new stuff The experienced offshore sailor will have Fainche — Catalina 34 we've put on her, she's as to bash back over Christmas. Robert Frost, Alameda / Redding Robert, 61, a retired young at heart as we are." Footloose — C&C Landfall 48 forest ranger, did the Raymond Macary & Lydia Leyba 2006 and 2013 Ha- Salmon, Idaho / Oakland Ha's, and one Bash My Bonnie Karen — DownEast 38 Raymond, 58, a retired engineer, and back. But he's always Chris & Karen Jernigan, San Diego Lydia, a retired clerical worker, don't wanted to do it on his Chris, 72, is a retired civil engineer, expect to be the fi rst boat to fi nish. Not own boat, and this is his while Karen is retired from Child Protec- with just 'white sails' and a fi xed three- year to do it. Christian tive Services. "Our boat is old like we bladed prop. While they haven't done Holm, a still-active air 'Fainche' are," they claim, "but with all the new much offshore sailing, the couple plan tanker pilot, will crew stuff we've put on her, she's as young at to cruise to Hawaii and Alaska following for him. Robert plans to be in La Paz for heart as we are." The couple plan to sail the Ha-Ha. Christmas, but isn't sure after that.

Page 102 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 LIVIN' THE DREAM LATITUDE ARCHIVES LATITUDE

Northern Winds — Beneteau 50 After years of dreaming and months of prepa- tropical waters, and that's too long." Carmine Pertriccione & Gail Scarlett ration, the Ha-Ha fleet heads south to new Scout is now Coronado adventures in the sunny latitudes of Mexico. 50 years old. Carmine, 65, a retired Southwest if the Ha-Ha will be that daring, but it "But she's not Airlines pilot, and Gail, still active as should be an adventure for us. We may a piece of crap an administrative assistant, recently keep the boat in Mexico and later head like the boat we switched from racing to cruising. With to Florida via the Canal in 2015. Or we sailed on in the no fl ight dispatcher to tell them where may bash home." 2010 Ha-Ha, to go, they might end up in the Sea, or which didn't Hawaii, or bashing back home. We once Myzella — Beneteau Oceanis 37 have an en- had a Southwest Airlines pilot do the Glenn Smith & Laura Lewis gine, running Ha-Ha aboard Profl igate. Those pilots Chula Vista water, head, know a million jokes. Glenn, 64, a retired warehouse super- self-steering or intendent, and friend Laura, a still-active icebox." 'Scout' Speakeasy — Manta 42 Cat real estate appraiser, are relatively new Mark & Deanna Roozendaal sailors looking for "sailing challenges Spring Fever — Morgan 382 Victoria, BC and adventures" beyond Catalina. They Sherri Wilkinson & Don Scott Mark, 49, a should fi nd them, particularly with a new Tiburon / Santa Rosa retired Realtor, . They have no Sherri, a personal fi tness trainer, is and Deanna, set plans after the Ha-Ha. one of the few women boatowners in this a fundraiser, year's Ha-Ha. She has previously cruised were delayed Blue Peter — Tosca 39 across the Pacifi c. Her friend Don, a re- at the start of Jim & Leigh Terbush tired elec- the 2005 Ha- Manitou Springs, CO / M. del Rey trician, Ha with engine Jim, 62, is a retired physician, while says going problems "but Leigh is a retired nurse. They have cruising still placed fi rst already done long passages with their "is a retire- 'Speakeasy' in our division. boat: Cape Town to , 37 ment gift to This time we're ready to go with two days. Buenos Aires to Trinidad, 52 days. ourselves, hulls, two engines, and an additional Trinidad to Key West, 11 days. "We think and we crewmember. This marks the second it will be more fun and safer to cruise don't plan time we've abandoned our jobs, homes, to Cabo in the company of other boats," on looking and normal lives on land for adventures they say. "We're not sure what we'll do 'Spring Fever' back." under sail. Speakeasy is our new home, after the Sea of Cortez. and we're headed across the Pacifi c to Who knows what 'Blue Peter' refers to Fast Reorrg — Hunter HC 50 ." in sailing? Ron Orr & Themis Glatman Marina del Rey Serenity — Hunter Passage 42 Scout – Rawson 30 Ron, 67, is a retired attorney and ac- Greg & Carma Foulger Garrett & Ruth Jolly tive Coast Guard-licensed captain who Mesa, AZ Los Osos / Morro Bay has owned his boat for 13 years. He did Greg, 61, still working as an electrical Garrett, 22, a retired bartender, and both the Pacifi c Cup and Ha-Ha in 2002, engineer, and Carma agree with Helen Ruth, jokingly described as a "wine-o", and earlier this year made the 1,500-mile Keller that 'life is either a daring adven- report that it's been "four years and six trip from the BVIs to Newport. "Fast Re- ture or nothing at all.' "We don't know boats since we've dropped the hook in orrg is a fast downwind boat that should

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 103 BAJA HA-HA PROFILES, PART II —

Dulcinea — Hinckley 42 own boat. His wife Sou'Wester Cary, a retired Scott & Kathleen Clapp high school prin- San Francisco / Hamilton City cipal, has done Scott, 54, is an engineer, while two Ha-Ha's. We Kathleen is a business executive. last saw these two They're both still working, but say enthusiastic sail- this will be the start of their cruis- ors and their boat ing life. "Our current plan is to in St. Martin in leave the boat in Mexico as a sec- 2012. "We've done 'Dragon's Toy' ond home, then later do a Puddle 17,000 cruising A boomin' day aboard 'Fast Reorrg'. Jump miles since the 2010 Ha-Ha, and we're be fun in the Ha-Ha," he says. "After a and doing another because the Sea of Cortez couple of months in the Sea of Cortez, continue is still our favorite cruising ground." I'll bash back to California." across the Pacific." Poetry — Blue Jacket 40 Touchstone — Valiant 40 There aren't Bobby Pryor, San Diego Gordon Wedman & Bill Gabor many Hinck- Bob, 56, a still-active attorney, bought Vancouver, British Columbia leys on the this new Island Packet performance Gordon, 63, is a retired occupation West Coast, cruiser just a couple of months ago, but health and safety consultant who de- but they are will have Scott Self, 64, be the captain. scribes himself as a "lazy skipper". We a top choice Self has sailed across the Atlantic twice, suppose that means Bill Gabor, 65, his in the North- 'Dulcinea' done two Fastnet Races, and was on a crew, a retired tower crane operator, will east. division-winning Transpac boat a few have to do most of the work. The Dalton years back. family did the Ha-Ha with the boat in Destiny — DeFever 49 Euro 2001 when she was named Aristos. Wed- Kyle & Christine Hunter Aesclepius — Bruce Roberts 50 man had her shipped back to B.C. for Newport Beach Donna and Cliff Carter a refi t. She'll be kept on the hard next Kyle, 65, a retired small-business , Alberta, Canada summer, then continue on after that. owner, and wife Christine say "Our boat Cliff, 67, a still-practicing ear, nose was chosen and outfi tted specifi cally to and throat surgeon, and his wife Donna, Sereno II — Hunter 41 make the trip from the PNW through a business manager, have both been Gary & Cindy Cairns the Panama Canal, continuing to the sailing for nearly 30 years, but mostly San Diego East Coast of the USA. From there, we coastal stuff. "Going as part of a group Gary, 56, a retired electrician, and plan to complete the Great Loop and gives us a greater sense of security," they Cindy, a retired IT professional, are circumnavigate the Caribbean. Initially say. The couple plan to leave the boat in new liveaboards we planned on doing the FUBAR in 2015, La Paz for several years. They also admit who see the Ha- but after retiring we agreed that we that the name 'Aesclepius' gives a lot of Ha as a good would be wasting a year messing around people trouble. Pronounced uh-SKLEE- introduction to SoCal, and decided that there were many pee-uhs, he is the god of medicine and cruising Mexico. advantages to participating in the 2014 healing in Greek mythology. "Let's kick the Ha-Ha." tires, light the Mariah — Seawind 1000 fi re, and go!" It's Serenity — Catalina 42 Mk II Guillermo Stein & Fernando Gutierrez not an entirely David Albert & Mike Cobas Puerto Vallarta, Mexico nautical meta- Oceanside 'Billy', 54, a still-active CFO, bought phor, but we un- David, 65, is a real estate broker who the cat just a few months ago. His friends derstand their did the 2004 and 2007 Ha-Ha's, while Fernando, 46, an architect, and Alejan- enthusiasm. friend Mike Cobas, 64, ex-law enforce- dro Echeverria, 56, in fi nance, will be 'Sereno II' Friend Richard ment, did the 2010 Ha-Ha. "A lot of other crewing for him. The boat has already Scapher will join them as crew. Oceanside YC members are going south sailed from La Paz to Alaska, but the 'tres — and staying there," says Dave. "I love amigos' will be bringing her down to her Blessed Life — Catalina 42 Mk II the electricity of everybody getting ready new home of Puerto Vallarta. Bob Bahlman & Margie Hewes to cast off the docklines, no matter if it's Incline Village, Nevada their fi rst time or their 20th time. The Flibbertigibbet — Catalina 42 Mk II Bob, 65, a retired fi re captain, has anticipation is contagious!" Betty & Jim Adams, Discovery Bay done two Ha-Ha's, while Margie, a re- Betty is a retired sailmaker who did tired social services worker, has done Dragon's Toy — Island Packet 37 the 2010 and 2013 Ha-Ha's. Her hus- one. "If you've done one," they say, "why Tom Kohrs & Cary Purvis band Jim, 70, is a polygraph examiner, wouldn't you do more?" After the Ha-Ha, Freeport, CA so nobody'd better tell any lies about they plan on continuing to Panama, the Tom, 61, a retired electronics en- their fi nishing times. This will be the Caribbean, the East Coast, and the Great gineer, did the 2006 Ha-Ha as crew couple's fourth Ha-Ha, having done two Lakes. and the 2008 and 2010 Ha-Ha's on his previous ones in their O'Day 37. They did

Page 104 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 LIVIN' THE DREAM

Julia. The boat has sailed up and down the California coast under Brown's own- Joyride — J/109 ership, but won't be doing that anymore James & Jennifer Vickers as she's heading to Panama for good. San Francisco / San Jose Jim, 50, is a still-active physicist/EE, Silver Sea — Catalina 38 while Jennifer is a still-active therapist. John & Ofelia Alvarado Gingold "We both turned 50 this year, and De- San Diego cember will be our 25th anniversary," John, 66, is a musician and former they say, "so we have to do something recording engineer, while Ofelia is still 'Flibbertigibbet' big! We've basically 'cruised out' a J/109 working as a public health offi cial. "After the Baja Bash this spring specifi cally to and are doing the Ha-Ha with a fellow a 15-year hiatus, we're going cruising be able to do the 2014 Ha-Ha. racing couple — Mike and Cindy Meloy again," they write. "The Ha-Ha started — from the Singlehanded Sailing Society, after we got home, but we made a mental Spirit of Adventure — Islander 34 and our two mini schnauzers." This is a note to do it someday. Our current boat Don Stoutenger, Long Beach going to be one well-sailed Ha-Ha boat. sails as well as our old Cal 39, but has Don, 69, a retired science teacher, a roomier salon. Our cruising plans are says, "I've been prepar- open-ended." ing for this event for 50 years!" He will be joined Norske Dame — Formosa 41 by his son Jason, 42. Richard Simpson Don has sailed from Long Beach / Downey Hawaii to San Fran- Richard, 63, a retired stagehand, will cisco, done a lot of sail- be accompanied by Rhonda Rowley, a ing to Catalina and the nurse who is also his fi ancée. "Rhonda other Channel Islands, is my fi rst Norske Dame," says Richard, 'Spirit of and just completed a "but when I Adventure' 250-mile singlehanded saw my boat, nonstop trip from Long Meet the 'Joyride' crew. it was love at Beach to Santa Barbara Island to San first sight." Nicholas Island to San Clemente island Bon Voyage — Hunter 49 Retired fire- and home. He was preparing for possibly Craig & Carol Fecker, San Diego man Craig singlehanding to the South Pacifi c or Craig, 64, is the retired owner of Smith will Hawaii. Cruising Yacht, Inc, while Carol is a round out the retired 5th grade teacher. "This is the be- crew for the Stochastic — Panda 40 ginning of an Ha-Ha. After Tom & Kelly Miller adventure with Cabo, they Alameda no itinerary plan to just 'Silver Sea' Tom, 45, is "Undecided" on his occup- and no sched- keep going. tion, as is his wife Kelly. Sophie, their ule," they say. 10-year old daughter, makes Stochastic "We've sold Beach Access — Lagoon 380 a 'kid boat'. "Monte Cristo, our small our home, put Glenn Twitchell & Debbie Jahn everything in Newport Beach storage, and Glenn, 58, has done four out of the have no idea last fi ve Ha-Ha's, three times as skipper where we'll go of Beach Access. Debbie, an accountant, or when we'll has done three Ha-Ha's. "We have per- return. It's go- fected the 'Bon Voyage' ing to be one formula day at a time." for hav- ing fun." FastAlley — Williams 41 Tri Crewing Julia Brown for them Wilmington / Encino will be Meet the 'Stochastic' crew. Julia is an IT man- Debbie's ager who is still work- son Chris- white fl uffy dog, knows his occupation ing. Her friend Annie topher, — growler at everything, biter of noth- DeLong will be one of and Lila 'Beach Access' ing," they say. "We may be geese, headed those crewing for her on Shaked, south for the winter, or the Ha-Ha may what, like Talion, will be who did several years across the Pacifi c just be the fi rst leg of a very, very long all-women boat. "We're in their Hans Christian 33. "After the vacation." Seems appropriate for a boat old enough to know bet- Ha-Ha, Beach Access will stay in Mexico name that means "involving a random ter, but young enough for the foreseeable future, as we have no variable." to do it anyway," says 'FastAlley' plans to bash back again."

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 105 BAJA HA-HA PROFILES, PART II —

Brown Sugar — Lancer 36 Don & Crystal Quinly Cal 36s, and won her division in the 1966 chasing director, while Anthony, 78, is Stockton Sailing Club / Manteca Transpac. The boat has made separate the retired vice president of a company. Don, 55, is still working as a building trips to Hawaii, the Marquesas, and New "Sail fast, live slow, go with the fl ow" is contractor, while Crystal 'the Admiral' Zealand, although Greg's longest trip has the boat motto. Kelvin says cruising has is the team lead on a nuclear regulatory been Los Angeles to Puerto Vallarta and been a lifelong dream of his, and that the commission. Don's brother Patrick will Los Angeles to Cabo. After the Ha-Ha, time is right and the boat is ready. The be one of the crew. "Money can't buy you they've have to 'turn and burn'. plan is to base the boat out of La Paz for happiness," they say, "but it can buy you several years. a yacht big enough to pull up next to it." Gold Dust — Islander 44 The Quinlys are doing the rally James Clark, San Diego Apropos — Hans Christian 43T because "life James, 71, a retired millwright, has James Shutt & Karen Wong needs to be already sailed to Cabo three times. He Seattle, WA lived". If only followed in the path of the 2012 Ha-Ha, James, 51, is still working as an a little, as and later singlehanded back from La Paz. electrical engineer, while his wife Karen they'll start This year he has an "excited crew." They continues to work as a pediatric anes- bashing had promised each other to sail in the thesiologist. Their daughter, Jacintha, home a week Ha-Ha at least once. After the Ha-Ha, the 7, will be an important part of the crew. after getting boat will be kept in La Paz for one year, The family decided to enter the Ha-Ha 'Brown Sugar' to Cabo. then brought back north. "There are because "of the amount of useful in- two rules on Gold Dust. 1) You must be formation and the safety in traveling in Rosebud — Cal 36 safe and have fun. 2) There are no other numbers." They'll also be participating in Greg & Amy Rodgers, San Pedro rules." the Cojo Ho-Ho, which is a feeder event Greg, 60, who continues to work as from the Pacifi c Northwest independent an emergency room nurse, was a skip- Sea Escape — Catalina 42 Mk II of the Ha-Ha. per in the 2010 Ha-Ha. He'll be joined Kelvin Phillips & Anthony Adams "We plan on laughing all the way from by his wife Amy and his son Buddy, 31, Berkeley / Danville Seattle to Cabo." Then they plan to do a Green Beret. Rosebud is hull #1 of the Kelvin, 67, is still working as a pur- the Pacifi c Puddle Jump.

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Page 106 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 LIVIN' THE DREAM

Victoria — Pacifi c Seacraft 34 Ranidan — Hallberg Rassy 40 schooner, designed for cargo and sail John Enders & Cass Sinclair James & Linda Noval training. This summer we partici- Anacortes, WA / Talent, OR Portland / Beaverton, OR pated in the John, 62, is a retired and "recovering James, 68, is a technology manager, ASTA Tall journalist", while Cass is a still-active while his wife Linda is a psychologist. Ship Chal- entreprenuer. Enders has sailed up and "The Ha-Ha will be a great way to kick off lenge for the down the West our travels, and make new friends with West Coast. Coast between a similar interest," they say. James has We welcome Puget Sound and considerable offshore experience, having veteran sail- San Diego, but sailed from the BVIs to the Azores, from ors as well notes he's never Sweden to Germany and England, and as those who been able to use from Key West to Annapolis. "After the desire to ex- the swim ladder Ha-Ha, we'll continue south to Costa perience life at the back of the Rica and Panama, and later transit the at sea. We boat. "It's time to Canal and head to the BVI." LOVE the change that," he Baja Ha-Ha, 'Patricia Belle' says. John cor- Patricia Belle — 82-ft Schooner and think rectly sees the 'Victoria' Patrick & Jeann Hughes it's the most fun way to start our winter Ha-Ha as a great opportunity to make Seattle, WA / Mazatlan cruise to Acapulco. new cruising friends. He and Cass are Pat. 66, is a retired shipwright with "We will cruise Mexico, and plan to undecided where they will go after the a 500-ton USCG license, while his wife sail to Hawaii for the summer before Ha-Ha. Jeann is a nurse. They both did the returning to Southern California in time 2005, 2006, 2011 and 2012 Ha-Ha's for the 2015 Ha-Ha." Felicita — J/120 with their distinctive wood schooner. Ca- The couple have sailed Patricia Belle Perry Peters leb, 31, their merchant-marine AB son, from the East Coast of the U.S. to Val- Marina del Rey did the 2011 and 2012 Ha-Ha's. paraiso, Chile, and made 12 crossings Perry, 57, a retired insurance broker "Patricia Belle is a traditional wood between the mainland and Hawaii. from Phoenix, will be sailing with David

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 107 BAJA HA-HA PROFILES, PART II

Allocco, 62, an engi- teacher. Both must be playing hooky. neer, while the wives most others, however, they plan to fl y Jared's mom Jill, a real estate broker, watch the homefront. back to BC, work for fi ve years while they will be along in case they fi nd anything "I believe the Ha-Ha build a cottage, and buy a bigger boat. interesting to will help me discover In other words, this is the fi rst step in buy in Mex- what I should do with their plan to live a 'six and six' life. ico. Having the second half of my started sail- life," laughs Peters, who SeaOtter — Freedom 30 ing four years 'Felicita' believes "a wonderful Klaus Kutz & Jennifer Rader ago, Jared Ha-Ha experience will encourage me Alameda and Amanda to do the Pacifi c Puddle Jump." While Klaus, 66, a retired yacht broker, were going to a J/120 might not strike most as a has lots of offshore experience: Sailed to Mexico any- cruising boat, Peters has owned her for Hawaii in 1991 and 1998, to Mexico in way, so they 10 years, and having already sailed to 1981 and 2005, and from Italy to Croatia joined the Ha- Hawaii and Puerto Vallarta, knows about and back in 2004. His plans are to sail to Ha to be with offshore sailing. La Cruz and base the Gary Mull design like- minded 'Friday' there. "My boat isn't very big, but she's people. "It was Aussie Rules — Catalina 34 very easy to sail, very quick, and very recommended by Howard Edson, who Dave & Rose Hayes nimble. For her size, she offers great did last year's Ha-Ha. "We have new sails Gabriola Island, BC comfort and accommodations. She's the in preparation for the upwind trip home." Dave, 52, a still-employed transporta- perfect pocket cruiser for someone who tion maintenance manager, and Rose, a is old but young at heart." still-active phlebotomist, "are about sail- We'll take a break here. Look for ing hard, having fun, and making new Friday — Hunter 31 the fi nal installment in November, and friends with like-minded people." Dave Jared Owen, Seattle, WA a recap of the rally in December. If you has done a lot of sailing in Australia, and Jared, 32, is a Microsoft software missed part one of these profi les, you can the couple — like a lot of Aussies — plan engineer, while Amanda Morrison, read it online at www.latitude38.com. to sail to Oz and sell their boat. Unlike his girlfriend/crew, is a grade-school — richard & andy

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 109 MAX EBB —

Even without Marge Simpson's twin sisters, the Department of Motor (National Association of State Boating state except by a person who is in pos- Vehicles is one of the innermost circles Law Administrators) were in the boating session of a valid vessel operator card." of Hades. My visits to the dentist are far industry's pocket." "That's a relief," I remarked. "I gather more enjoyable. But about once every "I remember that," I said as I impa- it only applies to powerboats this time decade the state needs a new photo of tiently nudged forward, even though the around. No complaints from me. Maybe me and a new vision test, and the DMV line had not moved an inch. "RBOC usu- they feel more confi dent about leaving had no scheduled appointments to offer ally opposes anything that's the least bit paddlers and sailors alone, now that before my license expired. inconvenient to boaters. Why were they stink-pot sales are back on the upswing." That is how I came to be waiting in pushing the boating license back then?" "Gotta read these things carefully," a long and slow-moving line to fi nd out "My theory is that, like, powerboat Lee advised as she scanned the docu- which other long and slow-moving line sales were at an all-time low, but kayaks, ment. "In most states, you only need a I should be waiting in. I was looking , surfskis and especially the card if engine horsepower is 15 or more. longingly over at the shorter and faster- new SUPs were doing okay. The indus- This one looks like it goes right down to moving line for people lucky enough to try money wanted to make sure that if zero, so the card will be required even on have appointments, when a familiar face gas-guzzling thrillcraft took a regulatory a sailboat with a two-hamster outboard." hit, then we human-powered "And it would include electric-powered Vessel Accident Involvement Relative to Time on the Water - 2002 and wind-powered hippies boats too," I surmised, "if their defi nition USCG Accident and Boater Survey Data would have to take the same of 'engine' includes electric motors. But hit. And then they exempted I'm still not complaining — you can do rented jet skis and house- a lot of damage even with a small out- boats, just to remove any board, and anything that discourages doubt about who was writing auxiliary power as a crutch, and pushes this stuff..." new sailors back to relying on wind, oars "Lee, did you make up that and anchors, is a good move as I see it." word 'thrillcraft' for those "For sure, that part looks okay to me hearings?" too," Lee allowed as she studied the text. "Heck no. There's a book "But if the same special interests are

per Million Estimated Boater-Hour by that title, and the word pulling the strings as last time around...

Vessels Involved in Reported Accidents Involved in Reported Vessels even is used in the Hawaii Hah! Here it is: Rentals are like, com- civil code." pletely exempt! Totally! Even the old SB Lee's line was moving, and 1451 required a ten-minute safety brief- Other CA BOATING & WATERWAYS CA BOATING Cabin Mtrbt she was almost out of easy ing and a temporary certifi cate before PWC Sail (only) The most effective Auxiliary way Sail to make boating safer conversation range. you could rent a jet ski. This bill even is to Open divert Mtrbt people away from thrillcraft Houseboat and into "Gotta work the system," she said over drops that requirement, fl imsy as it may / sail and -powered boats. Pontoon Boat her shoulder as she moved up another

Rowboatplace, almost to the counter. "Catch you came into view. "Lee!" I hailed. "What are you doing later." "I saw way too many here? You don't even drive." people hurt in accidents "Road trip to Baja with my windsurf-

ing buds," she explained. "And like, they I eventually got to the counter at the caused mostly by too head of my line, only to fi nd out that I think I should do some of the driving this much speed and power." year." had fi lled out the wrong form. I was given "Sounds fair enough," I said. "Did you the correct form to fi ll out and bring back cram for the written test?" to a different line, all this before I could have been. It's another reincarnation of "As tests go, it's like, comic relief com- even wait in the right line for my vision the Reckless Jet Ski Driver Protection pared to my Ph.D. quals," she remarked check and photo. Act." dismissively. Lee also had to wait, but it was for a "Well, you still have to pass to get a seat in the exam area, so I detoured over license," I reminded her. "And the state to her line to discuss world politics. "I think you mean 'personal water- isn't done with you yet. You'll have to "I heard that they're trying again with craft' or 'PWC'," said an older gentleman do this again in a couple of years for a the boating license thing," I said. "And who was waiting in a different line that boating license." it's already passed both houses." seemed to cross right through the line of "I thought we beat that one back," Lee "Yes, SB 941," she said, being one people waiting near the testing area. "Jet sighed. "It was SB 1458. It would have step ahead of me with her web-browsing ski is a registered trademark of Kawasaki required everyone, even kayakers, to phone. "Went to the Governor's desk on Corporation." pass a test and get some kind of hokey August 28. Let's take a peek at what it He was wearing one of those Greek boating license. I mean, that might be says..." fi sherman's caps and carried a brief- a good thing for some of the brain do- Lee had the actual text of the new law case with an anchor embossed on the nors running around in powerboats, on her giant new smartphone screen in fl ap. except that, you guessed it, it left a gap- another few seconds. "It's a living language, !" Lee ing exception for rental jet skis. It was "This bill would prohibit the opera- responded. "Jet ski is in the dictionary. pretty clear that the RBOC (Recreational tion of a vessel that is propelled by an Get over it!" Boaters of California) and even NASBLA engine," she read, "in the waters of the It turned out that this particular

Page 110 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 LOST CAUSES & POINTLESS PEDANTRY

explained, "NASBLA com- pared the accident rates in member of the Language states that had some kind Police (Trademark Division) of mandatory boating edu- had recently retired from a cation law with those that career as a harbor patrol didn't. California's boating officer on a lake in the fatality rate was 5.46 per northern part of the state. 100,000 boats, but in all He had moved to the Bay the states that had manda- Area and bought a sailboat, tory boating education in and was trying to fi gure out place for 20 years or more, which line to wait in to get the accident rate is only it registered. 4.03 per 100,000, a risk "She has a point about reduction of 26%." our living language," I said "I looked at that study after apologizing to our when we were debating SB new acquaintance. "But 1451," recalled Lee. "And you know, some things ,like, if you lift the hood and just have to be fi led under look at the actual data, you Lost Causes and Pointless see that they pulled a fast Pedantry." one with the stats. They "Actually I do agree with TV MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT averaged in Alaska and you on the issue," he allowed. "In all my Speed kills, especially with jet skis. Such Wyoming, clear outliers with high fatal- years patrolling the lake, I saw way too 'PWCs' account for a disproportionately large ity rates that probably have nothing to many people hurt in accidents caused number of watersports injuries and deaths. do with boating education or lack of it. mostly by too much speed and power. Lee handed the paper back to me and I These are two states with small boating Leaving a blanket exemption for all rental read some of the questions out loud: populations, no mandatory education, boats is dangerous. "When a storm hits while a vessel is and some very remote and hazardous "What were they thinking?" asked Lee. underway, the operator should do which boating environments. The big distortion "Some rental companies are actually of the following? A) Take waves from the was that, despite the small populations, responsible and are self-policing," he port or starboard side, never head on. the report averaged in those high-risk explained. "They don't want their insur- B) Ensure that all those onboard are states with equal weighting as the big ance to go up or their equipment to be wearing a Personal Flotation Device. C) states. If they weighted the average cor- damaged, and that must be what the Keep all electrical equipment plugged in rectly, adjusting for each state's popu- writers of SB 941 are relying on. even if is present. D) Shift all lation, the results would be much less "But it's still a confl ict of interest," I passengers to the highest point onboard positive for boating education." pointed out, "to let an entity that's taking the boat." "So you think the mandatory educa- money from the user decide if the user tion is ineffective?" is qualifi ed." "Can't tell from the actual data. "Just like DMV," Lee added. "But, like, Most of the questions were on Florida, a state with a large year-round at least DMV makes me pass a standard that level, except for a few that seemed boating population and a mix of inland test." to have no clear right answer, especially and open-water boating similar to Cali- to people who know the subject well. fornia's, has a higher fatality rate (6.41) Lee had a lot of trouble with the one despite implementing a mandatory pro- "So what kind of questions are that asks the direction from which bad gram in 1991." going to be on the test to get this new weather comes — Lee had examples to "Maybe it's because there are more Boater Education Card?" I asked. "Think the contrary for almost every point of the fast powerboats in Florida?" I suggested. it's going to be hard enough to actually compass. "Well duh! It's speed that kills, not fi lter out some yahoos?" "Am I going to have to take this test "First they should see if people know next year? I asked. A look at this realistic depiction of the power- boat unit sales curve makes us think we might that a 'boater' is a kind of hat, not a "Max, you have 'till 2025," Lee in- not need a 'thrill tax' after all. person who operates a boat," said the formed me after another language cop. quick scan of the text "That pesky living language thing on her phone. "Gradual again," said Lee. phase-in depending on "Here, you can take a peek at some age. Me, I'll have to get sample questions," he said as he pulled the certifi cate by 2019." some papers from his briefcase and "More to the point," I passed one of them to Lee. "I just hap- asked the retired harbor pen to have a sample boating safety class patrol officer, "is there here." any hard data that even "No crib sheets!" scolded the DMV suggests that requiring a exam monitor, who must have thought certifi cate improves boat- we were giving Lee some last-minute an- ing safety?" swers to the driver's license written test. "A few years ago," he MAX EBB

whether you can pass an easy test. The take the written test. I chatted a while effect of the mandatory education gets longer with the retired harbor patrol of- lost in the noise." the depths of a slump look like an up- fi cer, and learned that his new boat was "Here's another bit of data you'll market," said Lee. "That's an industry a big, heavy double-ender based on a enjoy," said the retired offi cer. "A few mag for you. I mean, like, read the axis century-old design. Exactly the opposite years ago the State compiled some stats labels carefully. This is the 'year-on-year of the muscle boats he had spent much for boating accidents involving different of his career extracting injured boaters types of boats, graphed as the rate of re- from the wreckage of. portable accidents per hour of operation. "Gaff rig or Marconi?" I asked. It shows that PWCs are about 24 times "PWCs are about 24 times "I think you mean 'jib-headed,'" he as likely to be in a reported accident, per as likely to be in a reported answered. "'Marconi rig' only refers to hour of use, as or kayaks." accident, per hour of use, how the mast is stayed, meaning it has "I like it!" exclaimed Lee. Maybe the no separate topmast spar and one or best way to improve recreational boating as canoes or kayaks." more sets of spreaders below the hounds. safety is to get people out of thrillcraft A Marconi rig can still have a gaff." and into paddlecraft or sailboats. Not percent change,' not the actual number "Another one for the Lost Causes and that this really basic test is going to do of boats sold. For the whole fi rst half of Pointless Pedantry fi le," I thought to that. We'll need a carbon tax and maybe the graph, sales were still in negative myself. even a thrill tax for that." territory compared to the previous year. "What I really like about these older "There's always someone on the mar- Look, here's another graph that actually designs is the full keel and attached rud- gin," I suggested. "But it's not going to shows where the business is right now. der — no chance of the rudder cavitating reverse the trend. Powerboat sales are Maybe not circling the drain anymore, at a large heel angle, like on some of the on their way back up, according to a but you can't call a 10% gain an 'up- spade-rudder boats I've sailed in heavy graph I saw in an industry magazine." I swing' after a 60% plummet." air on the Bay." remembered just enough info for Lee to "I think you mean 'ventilating,' not bring up the graph on her phone, after 'cavitating,'" Lee shouted back from her a quick search. Finally there was a desk for Lee in seat in the exam area. "Gosh, they sure know how to make the exam-taking area, so she was off to — max ebb

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 113 THE RACING

This year's Jazz Cup race to Benicia had its ups and downs; SeqYC's Hannig Cup and SFYC's Leukemia Cup raised funds for good causes; the Great SF Schooner Race was as grand as it sounds; introducing BAADS' Sonar Team Alpha; Santa Barbara YC hosted the Mercury Nationals; a NorCal gal traveled east for the FX Nationals; the new Race to Alaska sounds harder than the Iditarod. Plus Beer Can Box Scores and more.

Jazz Cup Fun and Funk buoy helps to keep the sailboats away We'd love to be able to report that from the Richmond Long Wharf, where this year's Jazz Cup was nothing but a the big tankers dock to fi ll their holds. sun-drenched fun-fest, in which more "My favorite part of the race was beat- than 100 boats were swept upstream ing Richard vonEhrenkrook's Cal 20 Can by excellent breeze and a strong fl ood O'Whoopass to Point Pinole," said fellow current to a charming destination with Cal 20 sailor Marcus Choy. "At the Rich- a bustling raft-up and hopping post-race mond Long Wharf, he got swept into the party at the yacht club. mark in the fl ood. He hit it twice and had It was all those things, for sure. But to do penalty turns. The fl eet caught up most racers might not even be aware of to me at Point Pinole." the dark cloud cast by a scoring contro- The confi guration of the fi nish is a versy. The trouble all started when an box, with an infl atable leeward mark infl atable mark drifted off-station. (A) and a reaching mark (B) turning the The non-spinnaker and slowest boats boats from their run down Carquinez were the fi rst to start August 30's race Strait to an upwind fi nish off a wharf in from Treasure Island to Benicia Yacht Benicia. But, after the fi rst 16 or so boats Club. The fastest boats and multihulls fi nished, the race committee noticed that brought up the rear. This sort of reverse Mark A had dragged up toward the Beni- -order starting sequence is a great way cia Bridge. An unknown number of boats to run a long-distance destination race. rounded the mark in its new position. The slow boats have a chance to fi nish at Richard vonEhrenkrook said that a reasonable hour, and the arrivals are his Can O'Whoopass was seven minutes ahead of Marcus Choy's asked, 'How fast is your boat?' I have a Green Dragon going into Cal 20, so it's a slow boat. 'Where was Mark A. "Everyone was the mark when you rounded it?' The rounding the temporary, club's boat had just picked up the buoy which had drifted 300 but hadn’t moved it yet. Richard had yards east. Everyone already rounded and made a long tack was passing or rounding into shore. Some boats in our division both marks correctly, to would have rounded after the mark was port." back on station. It was because of those Can rounded with that I requested the redress." a perennial Jazz Cup Milt Smith, Club Race Offi cer for co- winner, the Kastrops' host South Beach YC, confi rmed that the Catalina 30 Goose, but protest committee interviewed skippers beat them to the fi nish of boats seeking redress to fi nd out where by playing the shallow the mark was when they rounded. water on the north side After he was interviewed, Marcus of the course. The Cal Choy went down to Green Dragon for a parked on the second nap, then back up to the club, where he dock, where the boats in saw he’d been put in fi rst place for Divi- that division rafted up. sion E. He wrote a letter to Milt Smith After Can rounded, a on September 1 saying that Richard crash boat came out to was affected but didn’t know about the move the wayward mark ERIK SIMONSON / WWW.PRESSURE-DROP.US redress. "I didn’t think it was fair," said back to its correct posi- Marcus. "It was almost arbitrary. I al- 'Motorcycle Irene' successfully defended her Express 27 National title on tion. most consider it a non-race." August 29-31. For results, see Box Scores. Marcus Choy was in Most of the racers, including vonE- compressed, making for a better party the dining room at the hrenkrook, never heard about the re- at the yacht club. club when he was told about redress dress until the deadline for protests had The course only has a few marks. possibly being offered. A group was gath- passed and the results were posted. "The A red buoy east of Alcatraz serves as a ered in front of the yacht club building, Sailing Instructions put the onus on the windward mark so that the race can be- on the side away from the water. "You gin with a short upwind leg. Another red gave your sail number," said Choy. "They

Page 114 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 SHEET

Spread: The JS9000 'JetStream' passes the bigger Olson 911S 'Heart of Gold' to leeward in the Jazz Cup. Top left: Tammy and Bill Cook from Benicia YC won #2 sent the fl eet on the Multihull Jazz Cup with their a 7.44-mile sail out F-24 'Wings'. Bottom left: the the channel, around Jazz Cup-winning crew on the marker #12, and Elan 40 'Tupelo Honey' enjoys a brief moment of shade beneath back to the start/fi n- the . ish line. The higher PHRF boats started just after 6:00 p.m., with the faster sport- boats starting nearly 20 minutes later. The race out the Redwood Creek Chan- nel ensures both a good workout on the winches and a chance to exercise just about every right- of-way rule there is, from continuing ob- structions, overlap, overtaking, port/ starboard tacking, windward/leeward situations, and room at the mark calls, as 50 boats beat back ALL PHOTOS LATITUDE / CHRIS LATITUDE PHOTOS ALL and forth to get out the channel and into the Bay. The wind is usually racers to check the board for protests "It was a perfect day – perfect wind, fresher in the Bay, and this night was and so forth," he admitted. But no one perfect current," Milt Smith summed up, no exception. Winds from the northwest came down to the docks or worked the "So this was really unfortunate." gusted to just over 20 knots as the fl eet crowd out back to notify the sailors For whatever they're worth, results rounded mark #12 and headed back to still gathered there enjoying the warm are at www.southbeachyachtclub.org. the channel. An ebb current through- evening. "They were handing out time — latitude/chris out the race posed some additional like it was Halloween candy," quipped challenges on the way back. The fi nal vonEhrenkrook. Nine boats received time Hannig Cup leg was fi lled with color as spinnakers varying from 10 to 30 minutes based on The ninth annual Hannig Cup was popped and the boats converged on the the position of the mark at the time they held on Wednesday, August 27, in con- fi nish line. rounded and their PHRF rating. junction with Sequoia YC's Wednesday Probably the biggest challenge of the Also affected by the redress issue was night Beer Can Race series. night, however, was not to the racers, Dan Alvarez, who sailed an excellent race Club member Ted Hannig created who all fi nished without incident. The on his JS9000 JetStream. "The impact the event in 2006 when his birthday VIP boat, temporarily distracted by of the redress that was given to Tupelo happened to coincide with a Wednesday Honey bumped them to fi rst in division night race. He dubbed it 'the give some- For more racing news, subscribe and fi rst monohull overall," said Alvarez. thing back race' to honor the boating to 'Lectronic Latitude online at Gerard Sheridan's Elan 40 was given tradition of helping others. Years later www.latitude38.com 20 minutes of redress. "Tupelo Honey his friends named it the Hannig Cup in was given a fi nish time equivalent to his honor. September's racing stories included: JetStream's. However they were probably The race had a pirate and treasure about 1.5 miles behind us. I've made theme, and participants won 'booty' Windjammers Race clear the impossibility of that redress to donate for charity. All dinner pro- Millimeter Nationals • Bart's Bash being fair, but it has gone into deaf ears. ceeds went to the SeqYC Youth Sailing Audi Melges 20 Worlds Additionally, for them to fi nish 'near us' Program, as the cost of the meal was Aussie 18 Regatta • Crew You Regatta they would have had to round the mark donated by Black Mountain Properties Rolex Big Boat Series with us. When we rounded, the mark was and Joe Sparky Bullock. America's Cup World Series on station, in which case they shouldn't The pursuit race had a staggered Express 27 Nationals have been a candidate for redress." Alva- start based on PHRF. The conditions rez has fi led an appeal with US Sailing. were typical for the series, with 10-12 Plus previews of women's knot winds at the start line in the Port regattas, Bart's Bash, of Redwood City turning basin. Course and much more!


September 6's SFYC-hosted Great San Francisco Schooner Race, clockwise from top left: The gaff-rigged 'Brigadoon' and 'Jakatan' round Harding Rock buoy in close competition; the bowman on 'Martha'; 'Yankee', 'Freda B', and 'Brlgadoon' wing out and parade down the Bay; Mark Hall's 'Del Viento' from SSC; 'Yankee' and 'Bright Star' abreast of Angel Island; 'Maramel' threads the needle between 'Yankee' and 'Seaward'; 'Seaward' crew setting up to run the fisherman sheet off the main boom, but the wind angle wasn't right; the foredeck crew takes a wave on the SFYC-flagged ketch 'Marjorie', alone in the Classic division. an equipment issue, ran aground just dent we are on the environment and Martha had the fastest elapsed time outside the channel. One person on the each other," said Hannig. "This event al- of 1 hour, 40 minutes, 43 seconds, and boat noted, "You know you are in trouble lows us to express our appreciation and secured second place, fi nishing a mere when you throw out the anchor and the give back while having fun – and now three seconds behind Elizabeth Muir in fl ukes are still visible." The party back at youth and other charities look forward the Marconi division. Jakatan fi nished the club was starting to heat up while all to our help each year." fi rst in the Gaff division, with Yankee in the VIPs were stranded in the channel! The Hannig Cup has distributed more second. Brigadoon and Freda B were in Finally Sequoia sent a shoreboat out to than $2.5 million over the years to local hot pursuit of Yankee as they headed to gather the crew, including Ted (Dread and international charities, with special the fi nish line. Pirate) Hannig, and bring them up to emphasis given to youth and water- This was the fi rst year Martha com- the club until the tide rose again and related charitable organizations. peted in the race. The oldest living fl ag- the boat could be sailed off the mud. — tim petersen ship of the SFYC, she was built in 1907 There are two trophies – one for speed for the club's commodore, J. R. Hanify, and one for the most dollars raised by Great SF Schooner Race and named after his wife. Martha is a B. a real or virtual sailboat. The J/29 L2O September 6 proved to be the prefect B. Crowninshield design built at W. F. won the race, skippered by junior mem- day for the Great San Francisco Schoo- Stone Boat Yard in San Francisco. She's ber Chris Huang with a crew that had ner Race, hosted by SFYC. Eleven boats 68-ft on deck and 84-ft sparred. learned to race together on that very in Gaff and Marconi divisions competed Since 1996, Martha has been owned boat through the Peninsula Youth Sail- in the Bay tour pursuit race. The course and operated by the Port Townsend- ing Foundation (PYSF). Second went to took the schooners from Knox to Yellow based Schooner Martha Foundation, John Graves' Catalina 42 Metridium, and Bluff, toward Treasure Island for the which maintains her and runs sail train- third to Jeff Phillips' Express 27 Magic. Blossom Rock mark rounding, onward ing programs. She's the oldest working The virtual boat Go Now, which raised to the East Bay to round YRA Mark 8, sailboat in the state of Washington. the most money back at the club, was around Angel Island to starboard, to The Stockton-based Del Viento, a 'skippered' by Larry Mayne. Little Harding, and back to Knox for the "We boaters realize how interdepen- amazing fi nishes.

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34-ft LOD Colvin-designed Tamarack members on the roster, but only about problem was solved for the rest of the Schooner built in 1975 in Langley, BC, a dozen actively race the Sonars. All day. Chris Raab with Kenny Dair went enjoyed her fi rst sail on SF Bay. "It was have physical disabilities of one sort or right immediately, the recommended the fi rst time we had all the sails up at another, from quadriplegics to veteran way to sail on the coast. Jack McAleer the same time," said owner Mark Hall. amputees, with the exception of a few with Remy Margerum played the subtle — michelle farabaugh & latitude/chris able-bodied volunteers who also help out shifts up the middle and had a nice battle and race regularly. Team Alpha usually with Raab, who won the Ray Johnson BAADS Team Alpha races with four crew, but three is the Perpetual Trophy. BAADS (Bay Area Association of standard Paralympic confi guration. In race two, those who stayed more Disabled Sailors) Team Alpha has been For the fi rst time in BAADS' short on the left side of the course had the campaigning two Paralympic Sonar class racing history, two of their three-person best results. Jim and Kathy Bradley took boats this year, which represents a big crews will race in Sonars at the U.S. the lead and never gave it up, and won step up in the BAADS racing program. Disabled Sailing Championship in the Densmore Perpetual Trophy. Paul The team scored second and fourth in Galveston, TX, on October 30-November Cayard (a world-class Star sailor among the SBYC Friday Night Series, and sec- 2. Team Alpha will also race in the SBYC his more famous accomplishments) with ond and fourth in the Jazz Cup in their midwinter series. Kenny Maring battled with Doug Baird division. Alpha 1 also scored second in See www.baads.org for more info. and Jim Taylor for second place. the Jazz Cup's X division, the combined — Eric Roberts By race three, the wind was at the top SBYC and BenYC entries. of the range with a little more wave ac- Three BAADS members bought the Mercury Nationals tion. Raab went right and Brad Bergeron fi rst Sonar, Alpha 1, for $1,500 from the With a pretty steady 8- to 10-knot went left. Bergeron crossed the entire Sacramento Sea Scouts in 2012. Dick breeze, 21 Mercuries sailed on the fl eet, but Raab caught him at the wind- Swanson (of the J/120 Grace Dances slightly lumpy waters off Santa Barbara ward mark. It was all over, and Raab and now the J/111 Bad Dog) generously on August 22. A good current was run- went on to win the Jenkins Perpetual purchased the second Sonar from a U.S. ning up the coast. Trophy. Bergeron continued his fi ne rac- Paralympic Team member for BAADS Friday's three races were all double ing and placed second. Pat Bradley sailed earlier this year. sausages fi nishing downwind. The fi rst up the middle on the second beat and Team Alpha has about 30 BAADS start had two general recalls. The race got third. Dave West and Chris Krueger committee wisely put up the I fl ag, (sig- had broken a side stay before the fi rst naling 'around the ends' starts), and the race, were towed in, made the repair,

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 117 THE RACING BOTH PHOTOS ELLEN HOKE BOTH PHOTOS

The Leukemia Cup had a gray start but a bright outcome. Left: A tight mark rounding for the 12-boat Knarr Bay Area Leukemia Cup fl eet. Right: Thumbs-up onboard Andy Costello's J/125 'Double Trouble' with Paul Cayard at the helm. To the 75+ crews registered for the raced the third race, and placed fourth. way in the fi rst turns as the breeze was Leukemia Cup at SFYC on September 21, Cayard hung in there and placed fi fth. picking up to 10-12 knots and there was the drab, windless weather gave indica- On Saturday, race four featured a a little slop on the water. Baird, in second tions it could linger longer than usual, triple-sausage course fi nishing down- place was able to power through and win worrying those looking forward to the wind in about 8 knots of breeze with the John Koenig Perpetual Trophy. fresh, bright breezes of San Francisco subtle shifts and relatively smooth seas. Chris Raab won his sixth Mercury Bay. But the day, like the regatta's stel- Those who punched a bit to the left and Nationals, Jim and Kathy Bradley won lar fundraising record, fi nished on a high then went right made out over those the Jack and Jill Perpetual Trophy, and note. who went hard right from the start. West Brad Bergeron won the silver fl eet. The afternoon courses were set for took a very good lead over Greg Dair with — Pax Davis Bay tours to Yellow Bluff, Point Blunt Alec Caterson. However West went to a and Blossom Rock, giving everyone a wrong mark, and Dair took the Holden MERCURY NATIONALS, SANTA BARBARA YC chance to search the Bay for the shifting, Sanford Perpetual Trophy for winning (8/22-23) moderate breeze and contend with the the fourth race. Raab and Cayard were 1) Chris Raab/Ken Dair, NHYC, 15 points; 2) building ebb. The pre-start was crowded dueling, with third place going to Raab Jim & Kathy Bradley, StFYC, 27; 3) Paul Cayard/ as eight classes waited their turn, watch- and fourth to Cayard. Ken Maring, StFYC, 27; 4) Doug Baird/Jim Taylor, ing four classic yachts reach back and Race fi ve was a triple sausage fi nish- Huntington Lake BC, 28; 5) Jack McAleer/Remy forth through the fl eet. ing upwind. The right side of the course Margerum, MPYC, 35. (21 boats) After a line reset following the classics' paid off this time. Jim Bradley led the Complete results at www.sbycracing.org reaching start, the rest of the divisions

GRACIE & GEORGE, IYC, 8/24 FRIDAY NIGHT SUMMER SERIES, CYC, 6/22- SPINNAKER — 1) Peregrine Falcon, F-27, THE BOX SCORES 8/22 (9r, 2t) Kristy Lugert/Bill Gardner; 2) Zilla, B-25, Rebecca SPORTBOATS — 1) Kluster Buck, K6, Dar- Hinden/Brent Draney; 3) Ruby, Moore 24, Kath- ren Buck, 13 points; 2) Kuai, Melges 20, Dan leen Busch/Steve McCarthy. (9 boats) AUS, 49; 7) Little Scarlet, Phil Robin, GBR, 51; Thielman, 13; 3) Bottle Rocket, J/70, David Schumann, 14. (9 boats) NON-SPINNAKER — 1) Clare de Lune, 8) Hellcat, Stephen Gay, USA, 57; 9) Wrigley's J/105 — 1) Masquerade, Tom Coates, 10 Moore 24, Joanna & Ted Floyd; 2) Big Bang Last Stand, Robin Wood, GBR, 61; 10) Mayhem, points; 2) SheLovesIt, David Johnson/Bill Stucky, Theory, Express 27, Maryann & Bob Hinden; 3) Michael Costello, USA, 62. (34 boats) 17; 3) Alchemy, Walter Sanford, 17. (7 boats) Simplicity, Sabre 34, Tammy Mercado/Mike Ruff. Full results at www.richmondyc.org (6 boats) PHRF 1 — 1) Peregrine, J/120, David Halli- Full results at www.iyc.org will, 13 points; 2) Yucca, 8-Meter, Hank Easom, HALF MOON BAY RACE, SSS, 9/13 14; 3) Nothing Ventured, Melges 24, Duane Yo- SINGLEHANDED MONOHULL — 1) Uno, EXPRESS 27 NATIONALS, SFYC, 8/28-31 (7r, 0t) slov, 20; 4) Argo-A, Beneteau First 40.7, Greg Wyliecat 30, Bren Meyer; 2) Temerity, Olson Demetrulias, 27. (16 boats) 1) Motorcycle Irene, Zach Anderson, RYC, 34, David Nabors; 3) Emerald, Yankee 30, Peter PHRF 2 — 1) Shenanigans, Express 27, Bill 9 points; 2) Kuai, Dan Thielman, CYC, 20; 3) Jones. (10 boats) Moore, 10 points; 2) JR, Moore 24, Rich Korman, Peaches, John Rivlin, StFYC, 33; 4) Get Hap- DOUBLEHANDED MONOHULL — 1) Outsid- 19.5; 3) Tequila Mockingbird, Express 27, Matt py!!, Brendan Busch, StFYC, 34. (16 boats) er, Azzura 310, Greg Nelsen; 2) Snafu, Moore 24, & Bethany Krogstad, 25.5; 4) Abigail Morgan, Full results at www.sfyc.org Angela & Karl Robrock; 3) Mooretician, Moore Express 27, Ron Kell, 26. (15 boats) 24, Peter Schoen/Roe Patterson; 4) Dare Dare, NON-SPINNAKER 1 — 1) Q, Schumacher 40, MOORE 24 NATIONALS, MPYC, 8/29-31 (6r, 0t) Jeanneau SunFast 3200, Nicolas Popp/Jacques Glenn Isaacson, 8 points; 2) Jarlen, J/35, Bob 1) Gruntled, Bart Hackworth/Dave Hodges, Benkoski; 5) Arcadia, Mod. Santana 27, Gordie Bloom, 16; 3) Topgallant, Tartan Ten, Carl Flem- RYC, 18 points; 2) Paramour, Rowan Fennell, Nash/Ruth Suzuki. (23 boats) ming, 17, 4) QE3, Tartan Ten, Tom Perot, 27; 5) RYC, 19; 3) Moore Wave*ohs, Kurt Lahr, RYC, SINGLEHANDED MULTIHULL — 1) Tri N , Salient, Cal 2-39, Mark Pearce, 28. (22 boats) 23; 4) Mooregasm, Steve Bourdow, SCYC, 26. F-27, David Morris. (1 boat) NON-SPINNAKER 2 — 1) Leda, L-36, David (13 boats) DOUBLEHANDED MULTIHULL — 1) Ma's James, 25 points; 2) Fantasea Islander, Islander Full results at Rover, F-31, Mark Eastham/David Leach; 2) Ra- 28, Kevin Reilly, 25; 3) Mimicat, Hinckley 38, www.regattanetwork.com/event/8780 ven, F-27, Truls Myklebust/Steve Petersen. (3 Robert Long, 28, 4) Spirit, Alerion 28, Steve Rog- boats) ers, 30; 5) H2Osprey, Alerion 38, Team Wickland/ INTERNATIONAL CANOE WORLDS, RYC, 9/6- Full results at www.sfbaysss.org Jesberg, 32. (23 boats) 15 (8r, 1t) NON-SPINNAKER 3 — 1) Raccoon, Cal 20, 1) Groove Moves, Mikey Radziejowski, USA, Most beer can series wrap up in late Jim Snow, 13 points; 2) JustEm, Cal 20, Ted 11 points; 2) #248, Chris Maas, USA, 12; 3) Drag- August through early October. We've Goldbeck, 13; 3) Can O'Whoopass, Cal 20, onfl y, Alistair Warren, GBR, 42; 4) Amok 2, Peter included series results for some here; Richard vonEhrenkrook, 18, 4) Baby Blue, Cal 20, Craig McDow, 26. (15 boats) Ullman, GER, 46; 5) Dance Commander, David we'll have more in the November issue. Clark, USA, 47; 6) VIVA Acrobat, Haydon Virtue, Full results at www.cyc.org

Page 118 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 SHEET

started without a hitch. Fleets split left eral are campaigning for the 2016 Rio and right on the way to Yellow Bluff, Olympics. seeking the correct side of the puffy, Lane, who started sailing in 2005 on shifting breeze with the right side ending SF Bay with the J/105 fl eet, feels that up favored for most. Rounding Yellow 2014 has been her single most produc- Bluff, the fl eet made the long run down tive year of racing. "I have learned a great to YRA Mark 8 off Point Blunt with the deal about tactics from Maggie, who is a tacticians favoring the south shore of champion match racer. She has a strong Angel Island to dodge the building ebb. knowledge base and I'm absorbing as The lone Knarr to choose this favored much as possible." line, Brent Crawford's Fifty/Fifty, did — martha blanchfi eld a horizon job on this otherwise tightly contested one-design fl eet. Ted Goldbeck Race to Alaska beefed up his Cal 20 Just Em's nine- You could win $10,000. minute winning margin with the same BLANCHFIELD MARTHA That is, if you have what it takes to move. Maggie Shea and Kristen Lane battled eight other sail, row or paddle 750 miles from Port The blue-sky finish was just the teams in the 49er FX Nationals. Townsend, WA, to Ketchikan, AK, on a outcome desired by the racers, and by boat with no engine. Yeah, at fi rst we those who benefi t from the work of the 49er FX at the 49er, 49er FX and Nacra thought this was a joke too. Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. For 17 Nationals hosted by Oakcliff Sailing The R2AK is "like the Iditarod, on a results, see www.sfyc.org. Center in New York on August 22-24. boat, with a chance of drowning," ac- — latitude/john "But we came to this event to focus cording to the event's website, www. on some specifi c things regarding start- racetoalaska.com. The race starts on NorCal Gal at 49er FX Nationals ing and communication," added Lane. June 6, 2015, with a 40-mile dash to “On Sunday, we had a challenging "We feel like we made progress in those Victoria, BC, before jumping off for the day on the water, falling to fourth over- areas." long haul to Southeast Alaska. all," said Kristen Lane of Larkspur. She Twenty-three teams from the USA, The second place fi nisher gets a set and crew Maggie Shea of had Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Canada of steak knives. just wrapped up competition with their traveled to Oyster Bay to compete. Sev- — latitude/chris

FRIDAY NIGHT SERIES, EYC, 6/27-9/5 (5r, 1t) KNARR — 1) Svendkist, Sean Svendsen, PHRF <99 — 1) Outsider, Azzura 310, Greg THE BOX SCORES 17.1 points; 2) Gjendin, Graham Green, 32; 3) Nelsen, 6 points; 2) Snowy Owl, Express 37, Adelante, Don Nazzal, 35; 4) Fempty-Fempty, Jens Jensen, 11; 3) Good and Plenty, Soverel Chris & Jon Perkins, 42. (16 boats) 33, Justis Fennell, 14. (6 boats) Dan Benjamin, 15. (4 boats) Full results at www.stfyc.com PHRF 99-150 — 1) Double Trouble, Moore FAT 30 — 1) Wuvulu, Islander Bahama 30, 24, Karl Robrock, 5 points; 2) WadioActive, Wylie Danny Newsom, 6 points; 2) Nice Turn, Cal 2-29, FRIDAY NIGHT SERIES, SBYC, 4/25-8/22 (12r, 3t) Wabbit, Brendan McNally, 14; 3) Wile E Coyote, Richard Johnson, 12; 3) Lelo Too, Tartan 30, SPINNAKER PHRF <101 — 1) Tupelo Hon- Express 27, Dan Pruzan, 16. (9 boats) Emile Carles, 13. (6 boats) ey, Elan 40, Gerard Sheridan, 11 points; 2) Mr. PHRF >150 — 1) Bewitched, Merit 25, Lara- PHRF <100 — 1) Golden Moon, Express Magoo, J/120, Steve Madeira, 14; 3) Savoir ine Salmon, 6 points; 2) Osituki, Cal 28, RJ Pi- 37, Kame & Sally Richards, 9 points; 2) Spirit of Faire, Beneteau First 42, Paul Osborn, 27. (7 mentel, 8; 3) Faster Faster!, Merit 25, David Freedom, J/124, Bill Mohr, 17; 3) Mudshark, Ex- boats) Ross, 11. (9 boats) press 37, David Fullerton, 17. (8 boats) SPINNAKER PHRF 101-135 — 1) Rhapso- NON-SPINNAKER — 1) Loco2, Mercury, Paul NON-SPINNAKER <201 — 1) Some Day, Is- dy, J/32, Chris Boome, 13.5 points; 2) Northern Mueller, 6 points; 2) Xcape, Wilderness 21, Rich- lander 36, Roy Samuelson, 6 points; 2) Jackel, Light, Santana 35, Rod Neathery, 14.5; 3) Heart ard LeBlanc, 14; 3) Meliki, Santana 22, Deb Fehr, Ranger 33, Roger Wise, 14; 3) Osprey, Islander of Gold, Olson 911S, Joan Byrne, 20. (8 boats) 16. (6 boats) 36, Jim Lovell, 16. (6 boats) SPINNAKER PHRF >135 — 1) Moondog- Full results at www.encinal.org NON-SPINNAKER >201 — 1) Xcape, Wilder- gie, Islander 36, Doug Gooding, 13 points; 2) ness 21, Richard Le Blanc, 6 points; 2) Domina- Highlighter, Islander 36, William Hackel, 14; 3) FRIDAY NIGHT SERIES, GGYC, 5/2-8/22 (9r, 2t) trix, Santana 22, Heidi Schmidt, 14; 3) Slice, Wil- Friday's Eagle, Catalina 30, Mark Hecht, 18. (4 1) Ciao Bella, Beneteau 37, Brian Madden, derness 21, John Diegoli, 15. (6 boats) boats) 13 points; 2) Mary Belle Bright, Coronado 30, MULTIHULLS — 1) Triple Play, F-31, Rich- J/105 — 1) Lightwave, Simon James, 12 Dustin Winn, 21; 3) USA 76, IACC, Brad Webb, ard Keller, 6 points; 2) Back to the Future, F-27 points; 2) AirJaidi, Jim Forster, 20.5; 3) Aquavit, 28. (11 boats) Dash, Gary Helms, 9. (2 boats) Donald Olgado, 23. (5 boats) Full results at www.ggyc.org Full results at www.oaklandyachtclub.net CATALINA 30 — 1) Adventure, Jack McDer- mott, 9 points; 2) Avalon, Jack Ford, 20; 3) Huge, SWEET 16 SECOND HALF, EYC, 7/16-9/3 (8r, 2t) WEDNESDAY EVENING SERIES, STFYC, 4/30- Woodruff/Birch/Keen, 21. (9 boats) PHRF 168 — 1) Bandido, Merit 25, George 8/27 (12r, 2t) NON-SPINNAKER — 1) Carmelita, Catalina Gurrola, 11 points; 2) Meritage, Merit 25, Jen- FOLKBOAT — 1) Windansea, David Wilson, 42, Christian Lewis, 14 points; 2) Alpha 1, Sonar, nifer Haas, 13; 3) Bewitched, Merit 25, Laraine 15 points; 2) Polperro, Peter Jeal, 23; 3) Jose- John Wallace, 17; 3) Synergizer, Ericson 28-2, Salmon, 14. (6 boats) phine, Eric Kaiser, 26. (12 boats) John Riley, 33.5; 4) Alpha 2, Sonar, Rommel Bar- PHRF >100 — 1) Cassiopeia, Islander 36, Kit IOD — 1) Xarifa, Spencer Fulweiler, 16 points; rientos, 44.5. (15 boats) Wiegman, 7 points; 2) Green Onions, Wyliecat 2) One Hundred, Paul Zupan, 20; 3) #93, Adam Full results at 30, John Tuma, 11; 3) Whirlwind, Wyliecat 30, Wheeler, 33. (6 boats) www.southbeachyachtclub.org

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 119 WORLD

With our Quickie Historical Tour of the Prime Charter Venues Treasure Island. of the Eastern Caribbean. Whether true or not, it's great fun to snorkel Sailing in History's Wake allegiances — time and time again, with through these Through Turquoise Waters the Spanish, French, Dutch and British coral-encrusted We actually felt rain falling in the Bay being the major players. caves — espe- Area the other day — we're just sure of What follows is a quickie overview of cially with kids. it. And that means there might actually the Eastern Caribbean's major charter Even more ex- be a winter this year in these latitudes. venues, with a few of our favorite historic citing, however, But even if it doesn't get so cold, wet footnotes thrown in along the way. is scuba diving and nasty that you are are left yearning Bareboat charter bases can be found on the wreck for sunshine, let us remind you that the throughout the island chain, all offering of the Rhone, prime sailing months in the turquoise both late-model multihulls and mono- a Royal Mail waters of the Eastern Caribbean coincide hulls. For the right price, you could also Steamer that with wintertime here on the West Coast. arrange for a luxury crewed charter to sank off Salt Is- So we'll follow a familiar autumn pick you up virtually anywhere within land in a hor- theme this month, and take you on the string of islands. If that's your style, rendous 1867 an island-by-island tour of the world's you'll fi nd the most popular crewed yacht hurricane. Many most popular yacht chartering region, bases in the British Virgin Islands, St. parts of the iron the Eastern Caribbean. From the Virgin Maarten and Antigua. ship are still well Islands to Grenada, a 500-mile chain Within a typical one-week or 10-day preserved, but of verdant islands are laid out along an charter, you'll need to focus on one of the main attrac- ancient volcanic ridge. Each unique in its a half-dozen venues: The U.S. and/or tion is the abun- own way, these isles serve as an idyllic British Virgins (possibly also taking in dance of sea life destination for island-hopping sailors — the so-called Spanish Virgins off Puerto here. Brilliantly especially since the easterly trade winds Rico), the Northern Leewards, Antigua colored corals, serve up 12 to 20 knots of breeze nearly and her neighbors, the Northern Wind- sea fans and every day of the year. wards, the Grenadines, or Grenada and sponges are en- Subtle — and not-so-subtle — re- her neighbors. Each cluster of islands crusted all over minders of each island's history are has attractions to consider, as well as the ruins, and apparent in architecture and cuisine, its own unique character. a kaleidoscopic as well as in the cultural traditions of The Virgin Islands — Offering shel- array of fi sh swarm around and through local residents. And what a remarkable tered sailing among dozens of islands its iron chambers, undeterred by divers. history it is! During the Colonial Era, Eu- and cays that lie in close proximity to one Since a section of the wreck lies in only ropean nations fought continuously over another, plus well-developed — although 30 feet of water, snorkelers can get close the patchwork of islands that cartogra- not overdeveloped — shoreside infra- enough to enjoy part of the scene. The phers call the Antilles. As a result, some structure, the Virgin Islands archipelago wreck was used to fi lm Peter Benchley's isles changed hands — and national understandably sees more chartering The Deep. activity than anywhere else in the Carib- The Northern Leewards — The 90-mile You can sometimes fi nd rock stars and royalty mixing with the locals at this thatch-roofed bar bean Basin. They are the obvious choice Anegada Passage separates the Virgins on Pinney's Beach in Nevis. for fi rst-time charterers, yet their many from the Northern Leewards, where the delights encourage well-traveled sailors French/Dutch island of St. Martin/ to come back again and again. St. Maarten is the largest charter base. In the USVI, St. John is our favorite, Bustling with shore-based tourism, ca- as it is mostly a national park, and is sino gambling and duty-free shopping, fringed by spectacular beaches and the island provides a contrast to some many tranquil anchorages. Two of our of its sleepier neighbors. The formerly favorite historic sites are there too: the British islands of St. Kitts and Nevis lie well-preserved Annaberg Plantation, only a day's sail away and, while they which lies a short walk from the Leinster are slowly developing, you would never Bay anchorage, and the Reef Bay Trail. use the word 'bustling' to describe them. It takes hikers through a lush primeval Both still have vast agricultural tracts rain forest to the ruins of a steam-pow- surrounding lofty volcanic peaks, and ered sugar mill. You'll see ancient Taino shore-based tourism is largely confi ned Indian rock carvings — petroglyphs — to a handful of renovated plantations. along the way. (Taxi to the trailhead off Although their partially protected an- Centerline Road or go with a Park Service chorages can be a bit rolly, they are well tour and return to Cruz Bay by boat.) worth a visit, as walking their centuries- In the British Virgins our favorite sites old streets makes you feel as though lie beneath the surface. Although it's you've traveled back in time to an era never been proven, legend holds that the when life was slow and simple. Norman Island Treasure Caves were the It's well worth taking a taxi tour of ei- inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson's ther island, but our favorite historic site OF CHARTERING

vices. To our way of thinking, though, its isolation is a huge incentive to go there. White sand beaches skirted by brilliant turquoise water stretch for miles with- out bearing a single footprint, and the snorkeling is superb. Today, these two neighboring islands are united as the nation of Antigua and Barbuda. The centerpiece of Antigua's histori- cal legacy is the painstakingly restored English naval station called Nelson's Dockyard. Built within a natural hur- ricane hole, it was an ideal base for the West Indies Squadron, within which Nelson served as a young offi cer. Today, the workshops, barracks and offi cers' quarters of old have been converted to restaurants, hotels and shops without sacrifi cing their inherent charm. The Southern Leewards & Northern Windwards — Forty miles south of Antigua lies the large French island of Guadeloupe. Together with Martinique, St. Barth and St. Martin, these islands comprise the French West Indies, which is a department (or state) of France, whose residents have all the rights of other French citizens. As such, these islands have a steady infl ux of French nationals, and their general character is quite different from that of their formerly ALL PHOTOS LATITUDE / ANDY / LATITUDE PHOTOS ALL British and Spanish neighbors. A former Swedish colony, tiny St. Barth is a luxury crewed yachts, and is also home Large and mountainous, Guadeloupe gem of the Leewards. It lies only a few hours' to several bareboat bases. The world- is the fi rst of fi ve tall islands that are sail from bustling Dutch St. Maarten. famous Antigua Sailing Week (held in much more lush, and consequently here is the massive Fort Brimstone on St. late April) should be on every sailor's much more abundant in agriculture, Kitts. It earned the moniker Gibraltar of bucket list. It began 47 years ago when than their northern cousins. Guade- the West Indies in the 1700s. Back then, local charter yacht operators decided loupe, for example, has an extensive its weather-worn battlements afforded they needed a forum for end-of-season rain forest with towering waterfalls and 360° protection. Today they introduce revelry before sailing off to do summer jungle-like vegetation. Fine creole cuisine visitors to a 70-mile view that includes charters in the Med or New England. on Guadeloupe and Martinique is a high- St. Maarten, St. Barth, Saba, Statia, According to the Antigua Tourist light, and provisioning is better — and Nevis and Montserrat. Board, the island has a beautiful beach When it's time to quicken the pace for every day of the year. While that Once a pirate haven, Soper's Hole on Tortola, BVI, is a favorite charter stop at the western end again and jump back into the here and might be a slight exaggeration, it is cer- of a loop tour of the British terrirory. now, it's only a half day's sail to trendy tainly an island St. Barth, favorite haunt of the rich and with enough pro- famous, as well as salty international tected anchorages sailors. This tiny, well-scrubbed French and shoreside at- island was originally the only Swedish tractions to keep colony in the Caribbean. While the inner charterers happy harbor of the main town, Gustavia, was for a week or two once a haven for pirates and smugglers, — especially if you it now attracts some of the most splendid include a couple of yachts in the world during the winter days at its sister months. island, Barbuda. Antigua — Formerly a British colony, Although it's only Antigua has been a Caribbean maritime 40 miles distant, center since the 1700s, when the British few sailors visit and French fought ferociously for domi- that minimally de- nance of the Eastern Caribbean isles. veloped isle, as the Today, as most sailors know, the island approach is pep- is the winter charter base of choice for pered with reefs many of the world's most spectacular and it has few ser- WORLD

more fun — there than almost anywhere else in the island chain. most island of the Windward Antilles). Al- History buffs will enjoy seeing the though the bustling city of Fort de France colonial-era relics at Guadeloupe's Fort might be a bit too busy for your tastes, Fleur d'Epée and the ancient Arawak there are a number of coastal anchorages Indian rock carvings at the Parc Arche- and fi shing villages well worth visiting. ologique des Roches Gravées. But you'll For the culturally curious, we have two also want to leave time to snorkel or dive suggested stops. First, the Centre d'Art at the Cousteau Underwater Park at Musée Paul Gauguin at Carbet, which Pigeon Island, which lies just offshore. houses works and mementos from the And you must spend at least one night artist's stay here prior to his emigration at the charming cluster of tiny islands to French Polynesia. And second, St. called the Iles des Saintes, where fi shing Pierre's Musée Volcanologique which is still the main livelihood and casual commemorates the catastrophic 1902 waterside eateries abound. eruption of Mt. Pelee here, which killed The stretches of open-water sailing all but a single survivor. between these central islands can yield Although there are huge French brisk winds and bouncy sea conditions, charter fl eets on both Martinique and in contrast to the fl at-water sailing in ANDY / LATITUDE PHOTOS ALL Guadeloupe, most Americans charter out the lees. Directly south of Guadeloupe View from the hammock. Life in the islands is of St. Lucia when visiting this part of the is Dominica — an anomaly of the colo- slow and sweet — the perfect antidote for the Caribbean. Bareboat fl eets are based at nial era, as it is a former British colony workaday blues. both Marigot and Rodney Bays. sandwiched between two French islands. there you'll want to visit the Carib Indian St. Lucia probably has the most The poorest and least-developed Reservation, the last in the Caribbean, volatile history of any Eastern Caribbean island nation in the lower Caribbean, where evidence of centuries-old tradi- island. The ferocious Carib Indians kept Dominica is not without its attractions. tions still remains, such as thatch-roofed European navies at bay for more than Hiking through the massive Central For- huts and dugout canoes. 100 years before finally succumbing est Reserve is a nice contrast to those Another booming open-water sail will to their might. The British and French sunbaked days on the water. And while take you to Martinique (the northern- then began a protracted struggle to con-

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Page 122 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 OF CHARTERING

trol it through 14 exchanges of power charter bases in St. that lasted until the end of the Napole- Vincent — the large, onic wars, when the Brits permanently verdant island at planted their colors on St. Lucian soil. the area's northern It's well worth taking a taxi tour through end. But with 10 the inland countryside with its vast days to burn you agricultural tracts. While you're at it, could do a one-di- stop at Fort Charlotte atop lofty Morne rectional trip from Fortune. Even if you're not interested in Grenada to St. Vin- the 18th century artifacts there, you'll cent, hitting a vari- love the panoramic view from the ancient ety of cozy anchor- battlements, which includes the tooth- ages and snorkeling like Pitons mountain range to the south. spots along the way. Grenada and The Grenadines — We've Among our favorite always thought the naming of this south- stopovers here are ern stretch of islands could have been idyllic Port Elizabeth on Bequia's Admi- Quaint and fabulously French, the charming better thought out. After all, the northern ralty Bay, the tiny Palm Island Beach Saints island group lies a half day's sail from nation within this archipelago is offi cially Club, the Tobago Cays and Carriacou, charter bases in Guadeloupe. called St. Vincent and the Grenadines — where a few old-timers still build hand- nutmeg and mace are often carried on a mouthful — and the southern group hewn boats on the beach. the breeze. is lumped under the title Grenada — al- Grenada's capital, St. Georges, has As if near-perfect sailing conditions though that's also the name of the prin- long had a reputation as the prettiest weren't enough, the islands of the East- cipal island in the group. In any case, it's town in the Southern Caribbean. Both ern Caribbean hold a wealth of fascinat- a wonderful region that features short Fort George and Fort Frederick offer ing connections to antiquity that can hops between anchorages, charming commanding views of the harbor below. add immeasurably to the richness of a little waterside towns, and a laid-back A taxi tour through Grenada's interior vacation under sail. Why not check them pace of living. A nice loop tour of the will reveal why it has long been called out this winter? Grenadines can be done in a week from the 'spice island', as rich fragrances of — andy

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 123 CHANGES

With reports this month from Eleutheria on cheating death getting through the pass at Maupiti; from Sonrisa on moving from the high life in the Med to the family life aboard in Mexico; from Ichi Ban on continuing budget cruising adventures in the South Pacific; from Joy of Tahoe on 'taxing' issues in the Med; from Landfall on a better life in Mexico; and Cruise Notes.

Eleutheria — Tartan 37 wind and waves a chance to build. Lewis Allen & Alyssa Alexopolous After a somewhat rough passage, Transiting the Pass at Maupiti we found ourselves a half mile off the

(Redwood City) southeast corner of Maupiti, staring at ELEUTHERIA COURTESY PHOTOS ALL Holy shit, what a rush! the massive swells pounding the reef. Yesterday we sailed out of Bora Bora There was an endless succession of huge bound for the little-known and less- rollers. Their tall plumes of spray seemed visited island of to reach halfway to the top of the lush Maupiti. Known as mountains in the background. No matter the 'miniature Bora what the GRIB files were forecasting, it Bora', Maupiti is looked to us as if the waves were break- ELEUTHERIA less visited because ing all the way across the pass. What we and other cruis- should we do? ers have all heard We got on the VHF and asked to the horror stories speak with anyone who could provide of the dangers of information on conditions at the pass. A the narrow pass. nice American guy came back and told Stories of boats us that he wasn't at the pass just then, going aground on but had entered a couple of days before, the wicked coral when the conditions were even worse. He reef next to the said it just looked as though waves were pass, some with breaking all the way across the pass. But the loss of lives. So he did confirm that the entrance was our decision to try very narrow, saying that the breakers the pass at Mau- would likely be only 50 feet off our beam piti was not taken on both sides. No matter what, he said, lightly. stay within the channel markers. I read about We had a decision to make. Bag it and studied the and push on to Mopelia, and miss out pass extensively. on what everyone said was an amazing The consensus island. Or push Ellie hard, do our best Alyssa, looking smash- seemed to be that to keep her in the channel, and not freak ing in her South Pa- while it wasn't the out too much. We decided to go for it. cific foul weather gear, easiest pass in the It's hard to describe the feeling we flakes the main. South Pacific, it had as we approached the pass. We was safe in anything under a six-foot weren't just scared, we were shaking. swell. So I watched the weather, and The enormous barrels to each side of the of breakers, I felt Ellie rise on top of a when our GRIBs called for a 4½-foot pass were terrifying, the pass was indeed particularly large wave and we started swell, we went for it. Since there wasn't extremely narrow, and it was a cauldron to surf! much wind and it was squally, we de- thanks to the outflowing current clash- "Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!!" As we cided to motor the 30 miles from Bora ing with the huge waves. were being pushed down the wave, Ellie Bora. Besides, we didn't want to give the I had Alyssa concentrate on the rose up over the crest, and the massive channel markers, and she would yell, wave broke 10 feet in front of our bow! Triumphant and relieved, Lewis and Alyssa stand high above and in front of the narrow "More port! Now starboard! You're off the "Oh shit!" I shouted, "is there another pass that had caused them so much concern. marks!!" one of those coming?" Totally absorbed Our transit was made in staying in the channel, I didn't have exponentially more difficult the luxury of being able to turn my head because half the time we were to look aft. buried in the trough of a roller "No, that was it," replied 'Lyss. "They ELEUTHERIA and couldn't even see the look smaller. Go for it." damn channel markers. So I pushed the throttle up to 2,000 rpm, the best we could do was line and with Ellie yawing violently, battled ourselves up again when we the disturbed waters of the pass and the were on the crest of a wave. four-knot ebb. The best we could do was Mind you, I was fight- two to three knots against the powerful ing the wheel the entire time, current. Then there was a turn to star- trying to keep Ellie lined up board, and we had to line up another set with the pass and not get of marks. We were still fighting a strong pushed beam-to to the waves. Just as we were at the line IN LATITUDES

Spread; A catamaran enters the narrow pass at Maupiti when the waves are relatively small. Inset Sonrisa — Lagoon 440 bottom left; When the surf is up, and it's hard to tell when that will be, the pass can be much more Nick & Melissa Brettingham-Moore terrifying. Inset top left; From the air, it's easy to see why Maupiti is called "the miniature Bora Bora". Plus Young Sons BJ and Huon current, but the main show was over, as North in the Tuamotus, but only due to Loving Mexico we were once again in flat water. Whew! the fact that it had taken much longer to (Tasmania, Australia) Once in the calm waters of the lagoon, negotiate that pass, with much greater When it comes to having lived and we dropped the hook behind a motu near strain on the engine. Aussies Melissa and Nick, with sons Huon and the pass. We could see the anchor land The wave height in the pass here at BJ, have adventured all over the world, but in powdery sand 40 feet below. We paid Maupiti was definitely more than the 1.6 have found hospitable Mexico to be hard to top. out our chain and buoyed the anchor meters ­— 5.2 feet — forecast while watching huge manta rays flying in the GRIB files. I believe over the coral heads below. the GFS model infers wave Once settled, we both took some height directly from average SONRISA huge breaths of relief and congratulated wind speed, which is not very ourselves on our stellar communication helpful. If anyone knows how under extreme duress. We then treated to pull a more reliable wave ourselves to a glass of wine in a feeble forecast via SailDocs, I'd love attempt to calm our still-shaking bodies. to hear about it. We'd made it to a new island, and our "At least the only boats boat home was safe. We agreed that Mau- here in the lagoon are crewed piti had the second most scary pass we'd by real sailors," Alyssa said. attempted. The worst had been Fakarava "Either real sailors or idiots with huge cojones," I replied. — lewis 09/15/2014 CHANGES

still living an adventurous life, not many couples can compete with Nick and Me- lissa. Except for fellow Australians, of as fuel." course, who are world-class adventurers. After four years, Nick was drawn to Nick grew up around the water in do another to Race, Sydney, sailing every weekend. Yet he this time with a 39-footer he'd bought claims the best thing in Plymouth, England and sailed to the that ever happened Med. Among other things, it took a 54- to him was in 1967 day nonstop passage to get to Cape Town SONRISA when his father moved from Gibraltar. It might have been a the family to Tivoli, a mistake wanting to enter the race, as the farm on the outskirts rudder stock snapped above the stuffing of , Tasmania. box in the Southern Ocean. The repair "Riding horses, in was perhaps a bit too robust, driving tractors, and for when the boat later hit a submerged some honest labor all object near Guam, the rudder held out gave me a feeling for but the hull didn't. Within half an hour, nature and mechan- the boat was on the bottom and he and ics, which has served his mate were in their liferaft. They were me well over the past rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard. 40-odd years. There Back in , Ian had purchased A buff Nick in the isn’t much you can't the Wild B despite Nick's objections that buff up in the Sea. fix on a farm without it was another HOS. "The saying 'you some fencing wire — a good skill to have can’t shine shit’ was applicable to the on a cruising boat." 63-ft Italian plywood speedboat with twin While in Tassie, Nick built a ferro- 1,500 hp MTUs," says Nick, "though we cement boat that he and a mate would did spend several years trying." enter in the Melbourne to Osaka Race. Melissa reports that she's lived in This is after two years of cruising New just about every state in Australia, as Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and New Caledonia. well as several years in New Guinea. In After selling the boat in Japan, he and 1992, while in her late teens, she and her his then-wife heard that yachties could boyfriend set off on a long trip to Europe make money running boats in the Med. with just a few bucks in their pockets. In 1987 they landed a captain/steward- They had a grand time, of course, includ- ess job on a 55-ft motoryacht in Mallorca. ing three memorable months in India, "The the yacht was fine, but the own- Kashmir and Nepal on the way home. ers were hopeless nouveaux riches who Mel's boyfriend continued his studies were just plain rude. Shortly after jump- and got serious about a career. Mel did ing that ship, we found Ian, a flamboyant her stint in Hotel Management Studies, "While Nick supervised the boat proj- Australian entrepreneur with a glamor- but by 1997 was overcome with wan- ect," Melissa continues, "I got my feet wet ous wife and three very young children. derlust. Fate would put her and Nick working at several high-end restaurants, He'd just bought a 60-ft plywood HOS together in a whirlwind romance later including Mario's, just for the privilege (Heap of Shit) Ocean Fantasy. This that year in the center of Palma of being able to watch some of the most ‘yacht’ was built in Spain from an Ital- de Mallorca. heartfelt food preparation in the world. ian design and had two 650-hp Detroit The couple spent some time trying It was hard work, but I loved every mo- Diesels that burned almost as much oil to make a silk purse out of the pig that ment. At the same time, I was charged was Wild B, but the new Swiss owner with overseeing the interior details of As you can see, Mellisa is very grounded. She loves her family, nutrition, fitness and cruising. finally decided to have a proper 130- Solaia, doing things like ensuring every She knows the high life, but doesn't miss it. ft displacement motoryacht built in dish and piece of crystal was chosen for the Netherlands. Nick perfection. It wasn't difficult spending would oversee con- someone else's money." struction, which would In 2001, Nick and Melissa launched SONRISA take nearly two years. the boat into the ice of a frozen canal, "Solaia was built in and for the next five years the couple the quaint eel-smoking would run the boat with a crew of eight. village of Monnicken- They were based out of Antibes in the dam about 15 miles South of France, and took the boat outside Amsterdam," throughout the Med, the Caribbean and remembers Mel. "It was the Baltic. During Christmas they'd usu- hard living so close to ally look after the boss's guests at his Amsterdam. Not! What chalet in Gstaad, where they would ski an amazingly lively city and walk the dogs. "It was very hectic with so much to offer. work, but a blast," remembers Melissa. We absolutely loved it there. IN LATITUDES

and Mexico. They've happily been in Mexico ever since. Having traveled and worked in some of the world's greatest places on a no- expense budget, some people might be shocked to find that the couple have found humble Mexico to be about their PHOTOS COURTESY SONRISA COURTESY PHOTOS favorite place in the world. Not only have they been happily cruising in Mexico since 2010, living the simple family life, they're even thinking about buying some land south of La Paz. Mind you, this despite the fact that in 2000 they purchased Lavagna, 25 acres of orchard and bush next to Nick's favorite surf break about 50 minutes out of Hobart, Tasmania. "Most sensible investment we ever made," he says, "and our organic farm-to-be." But that's for down the road. "We just booked Sonrisa into La Paz's Costa Baja Marina for 2015," Nick reports. "It's a serious change for us, with the boys being enrolled in a local Montessori school. Mel will try and fin- ish her course in Nutritional Medicine, a subject she has always been passionate about, while I'll try to get my buggered back fixed. By the way, I've had lots of dealings with private hospitals in Mexico, and found them to be very impressive. The care I've gotten has been excellent, and the cost very reasonable. We will also try to improve our bastard Spanish. "Just to keep our friends updated, we spent three months this summer in Eu- rope with the boys, visiting friends from our days working there, and enjoyed a Clockwise from above; a campfire up in the Sea; Huon and a Humboldt squid as big as he is. Com- great week on a rented motorboat on the muning with Nature on a sandy beach in the Sea. Mom, Huon and B.J. The family of four aboard their Garonne Canal in France with godpar- 'shore vehicles'. The family rarely uses the dinghy. Birthday party for B.J. Fun with another 'kid boat'. ents. We got back onto Sonrisa in August It's hard to believe, but not everyone After taking delivery of Sonrisa in in Puerto Vallarta, came up to the Sea of considers that living and working the 2007, they cruised the Atlantic coast Cortez, and have spent three months in high-life on a luxury yacht is the apex of France, Portugal and Spain, then the Loreto area. of existence. "When I fell pregnant with crossed the Atlantic to St. Martin in the "We're currently anchored off our Benjamin in 2006, we decided it was time Caribbean. They spent 2008 cruising the favorite island, Isla Coronado, not far Solaia to leave for a more simple life," Caribbean. In 2009, they did Colombia, Both Nick and Mel love this artistic au naturel says Melissa. "In lieu of finding another Panama and Costa Rica. In 2010, they photo of Mel on the beach. Her smooth tan skin crew after 11 years, Jacques, our great did Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador contrasts nicely with the ripples of sand. friend, decided to exit from yachting." It was after leaving Solaia that Nick and Melissa began to live their dream. "We used to have a poster of a Lagoon SONRISA 440 catamaran stuck to the wall of our cabin on Solaia, keeping us on our toes," says Melissa. "I never thought the day would come that we would get one ourselves, but we took delivery of ours in La Rochelle in 2007, and spent six great months outfitting her. She's been the home to our family, including sons Benjamin and Huon, since 2007 and we haven't looked back." CHANGES

from Loreto, and there is absolutely nobody around. We've only seen three yachts in the last month. Right now we're together, we visited new spots all the keeping our eye on , time, and found each one to be great for which is passing 120 miles west of Baja. diving and snorkeling. I've started doing We're supposed to get sustained 30-knot lots of spearfishing, and have done pretty winds. Typically it's dead calm here, and well. I don't want to brag, but the parrot in summer just under 100 degrees. fish shudder when they see me jump in "Because I'm a normal healthy guy," the water. continues Nick, "I liked the September There is a strong cruising community Changes photo of Karen Riley sailing in Tonga, with lots of services for cruis- naked aboard Beau Soleil. We agree with ers. There is a cruisers' net on VHF 26, the Rileys' belief that there's not much and thanks to repeaters all around the need for clothes when cruising. So I've Vava'u Group, you can get great recep- attached a photo (see previous page) of tion almost everywhere. This means you Mel, my beautiful wife, on the beach near can get the latest weather, stay in touch Isla Coronado. I'm so proud of her, as she with friends, and be active in the cruis- spends so much time on nutrition for our ers' buy/sell/trade market. We've done whole family and keeping us fit. I guess quite well selling stuff in the latter, as 'Beach Bum' would be a good caption. Ichi Ban has been something of a floating And by the way, Mel would be only too flea market in Tonga. We were able to get happy to have the photo published. rid of a lot of stuff we weren't using, and — latitude 38 09/10/2014 at a decent price. We're hand-to-mouth cruisers, so that allowed us to finance a Ichi Ban — Columbia 34 Mk II couple of more months of cruising. Justin Jenkins & Anna Wiley Anna and I are young, so we've en- Loving Tonga and Fiji joyed the popping party scene at Neiafu, (San Diego) which is the center for cruisers in Tonga. What's shakin' my cruising friends? I The backpacker's hostel in town attracts hope it's shaking as good for you as it is lots of young foreigners, and we've had a for Anna and me aboard the Columbia great time partying with them. Anna and 34 we bought for $2,000. (Not to mislead I also played music at several different anyone, we naturally spent a lot more clubs in Neiafu, such as the Aquarium money getting her ready to cruise.) and the Bounty Bar. They gave us free Anna and I finally left American drinks and food in return for playing. Samoa in late May, and arrived in the Nice to eat some red meat for a change. Vava'u Group of Tonga on June 1, Anna's We also had quite a few raging beach birthday. We spent two fantastic months parties in Nuku, a little island with in Tonga, which was a real breath of white sandy beaches, great snorkeling, fresh air — literally and figuratively — and fine protection from the southeast after American Samoa. There are scores trades. The island has plenty of coconut of beautiful anchorages — The Moorings trees, which we climbed for a key ingredi- wild nights in Tonga. identifies over 40 of them by number ent in our rum coconut cocktails. There After two months in Tonga, Anna and in a 12-mile-by-12-mile area for their were also plenty of fish to catch for grill- I we were ready to go exploring again, charterers — and none are more than a ing on the fires at night. so we set sail for Fiji. We're currently at few hours away from the farthest. Our Canadian friends told us about Savu Savu and have already fallen in love Because the anchorages were so close the 'shot-ski', which is a favorite Cana- with the place. The food here is good an dian drinking device. It's a snow ski with inexpensive, and butane — $17 U.S. for Where Justin goes, parties break out. Here five or more shot glasses glued to the top. 20 pounds — is also cheap. I've already a line of young cruisers grimace before the As many shot glasses as there are people found lots of work, from cleaning bot- Bamboo-ski, Justin's group drinking device. sit in a row, and when you toms to climbing masts. Plus Anna and tilt the shot-ski, everyone I have played three shows already, and has to drink the whole shot have learned that we need to put out a ICHI BAN at once — or get part of it tip jar. Last time we played, we scored spilled on them. Friends $100 in one night, along with free food don't let friends drink alone! and drinks. What a life, as we're making

Not having any snow music, cruising around, surfing, fishing, skis on Ichi Ban, I made a making friends from all over the world tropical version of the shot- — enjoying life to the max! ski out of bamboo and oyster We've made lots of contacts for work shells, and christened it the prospects in New Zealand and Australia, Bamboo-ski! When it comes so come November, I think we might be to drinking, the Bamboo-ski headed to one of those two places. is like pouring gasoline onto a fire! It contributed to many IN LATITUDES

Now let's talk about Value Added Tax (VAT). If you're not careful, a 20% VAT could be slapped onto your boat and all her gear. According to EU law — as confirmed by an EU official, officials in the UK, and a tax expert at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C. — there

PHOT is no VAT due on a non-EU boat and her

contents ICHI BAN OS COURTESY for the first 18 months. If you can prove that you were away from your boat for six of those months, the VAT can even be extended to 24 months. Does it seem odd to anyone else that a person's boat can stay more than a year longer in Schengen Area countries than the person can? After all, it's the person, not the boat, who would be spending all the money to enrich the economies of those countries. Furthermore, when the boat's time limit is up, she only has to leave the EU for one day before she can return for another 18 months, while a person has to leave the Schengen Area for 90 days before coming back for just another 90 days. The only sure places within the con- fines of a Med cruise to reset the VAT clock for your boat are non-EU countries such as Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt — the latter four not being the most attractive choices given the current political climate. There is also Turkey, but it's too far away for us. In addition, there are conflicting reports on whether you have to apply for a Turkish Long Term Visa from your home country. We are leaning toward sailing to Mo- rocco from Gibraltar, which would reset JOT's VAT clock. Casablanca, anyone? And then we'll be on to Port Ginesta, Spain — just north of Barcelona — and Clockwise from above: Some people just go through the motions of living. That would not apply to the French Med for the winter. Justin — surrounded by five gals, including Anna on the lower right — who has grabbed life by the A 20% VAT hit would naturally be sig- horns and is going for the big ride. Naked man versus tuna. One of Tonga's many great anchorages. nificant for any cruiser's budget, which I'm keen on getting some good surf — justin 09/04/2014 is why we're a little concerned about our here in Fiji, so we'll soon be headed for French Long Stay Visas. We've heard world famous spots such as Taveuni and Joy of Tahoe — Lagoon 440 Cat that these may technically make us resi- Walt & Joy Kass Qamea. But first we have a big show to- When it comes to American boatowners need- night at the Copra Shed Marina in Savu Adventures in Europe ing to reset the VAT clock, Tangier, Morocco, 20 Savu. The marinas in Fiji are sweet, the (Tahoe City) miles from Gibraltar, is one of the better options. people are terrific, and they take care of Last month we all the stuff for Customs and Biosecurity, discussed our ad- as well as the paperwork for cruising. ventures in getting And almost for free. We're anchored JOT to Europe, and outside, of course, but hot showers and our way of working moorings are available for $10/night, a around the Schen- pretty good deal. gen regulations that MOROCCO TOURISM The people here in Fiji are simply prohibit Americans world-class. The ethnic Fijians are very — and other foreign- warm and kind, and the Indians just the ers — from stay- same. The Indian food here is incredibly ing longer than 90 delicious and cheap. What more could days without leav- any cruiser ask for? ing Schengen Area (most of the EU) for at least 90 days. CHANGES

dents of France, in which case our boat wouldn't be exempt from VAT. Getting the real story on tax and immigration about double that of the U.S., although issues for individual cases is not easy berthing is similar to that on the Chesa- in this part of the peake. As for the quality of food and world. We'll just especially the service, the less said the have to see if our better. Other opinions are out there. version of 'low In France, boat stuff is about 50% profile' works. more expensive than in the U.S., and Another con- that's before they add the 20% VAT.

LA cern is the lack The exception has been parts for our Yanmar diesel. The French wanted 600

TITUDE / RICHARD of consistent administration euros, plus shipping, for one injector. within the EU That's about $1,000 U.S. after duty and when it comes to shipping. We got one from the States for the interpretation $300. Berthing in France is a little less of EU law. For expensive than in the Chesapeake, and example, we've most French marinas include electricity read that Spain and Wi-Fi in their base rate. considers more For what it's worth, we had to pay Cruising to and in Eu- than six months more for one night's stay at the Holiday rope has its rewards. in their country Inn at San Francisco's Fisherman's an excuse to try to collect VAT. Greece Wharf than we did when we splurged on has similarly imposed VAT and/or other a four-star boutique hotel in Paris. taxes on yachts. Today we were notified When it comes to dining out, it's about that Greece has increased its liability in- the same price in France as it is in Tahoe surance requirements to approximately / San Francisco / D.C. for similar quality $700,000 U.S. So don't bring your boat food. This is true in a large part beause to Europe looking for certainty. the tip is included and because excellent Despite all of the self-inflicted and house wines are inexpensive. As float- other types of drama, our cruise to Eu- ing 'apartment' owners, we cannot get rope has certainly been worth the effort. enough of the outstanding local products Sipping Champagne on the Champ Ely- to be found in the boulangeries and char- sees at midnight after watching the Tour cuteries, and the fruits and vegetables at Eiffel light up is remarkable. We also the Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday street witnessed some of the D-Day+70 com- markets. They are superb food and wine memorations. It might have only been experiences. cepted almost everywhere — Amex not the special time of year, but the residents Our situation requires daily Internet, so much — but watch out for cards that of Normandy eloquently expressed their so coffee shop Wi-Fi doesn't work for us. charge 3% foreign transaction fees. Most appreciation of the heroic efforts made In the U.K, you can get a cheapo phone do. Automatic charge machines — toll by our parents on their behalf. for $30, and for another $30 per month roads, parking lots, etc. — will not accept Prices in England and Europe? We get unlimited data to create a Wi-Fi U.S. cards, as we have not adopted the found the cost of living in England to be hotspot to an onboard router. In France chip & PIN system. Cash can be extract- we've gotten weak, but free, Wi-Fi in Port ed from the common money machines, The three-day-a-week markets in France and other European countries are "superb food Chantereyne. It was made usable with but it's fairly expensive depending on and wine experiences". Oh-là-là, yes, they are. our outside Ubiquity Bullet omni anten- your bank. na with 8 db gain To reinforce the adage that cruising is omni. SKYPE is repairing your boat in exotic places, we amazingly useful must stop reporting so we can attend to and affordable, boat chores: the UV-rotted trampoline so thank you, Bill attachments, Honda impeller replace- Gates. ment, and the ever-exciting holding tank

LA The scen- stoppage.

TITUDE / RICHARD ery and history For anyone contemplating bringing in England and their own yacht to the EU, please care- Europe? Be- fully read the fine print and project how yond expecta- it will affect your style of cruising. In our tions. Whatever case it has been a fantastically rewarding your interests, experience of a lifetime. you have a good By the way, we saw the Wanderer's chance of finding post in the last issue about the St. much to satisfy Katherine's Dock near Tower Bridge in them. London. Our cat is too wide for that. As Visa and Mas- terCard are ac- IN LATITUDES

for nerve pain. "If I didn't take it," she LANDFALL says, "it felt like fire ants were peeling the flesh from the bones on the left side of my body." The first recommended doctor wasn't in, so she visited the second, Dr. Villadra- na, an internist, at his walk-in clinic. "When I told him I needed to get my super-expensive pain prescription filled, he said it wasn't available in Mexico. He also told me that I was taking extremely high doses, and spent about 90 minutes with me getting to know more about my medical situation — even though I didn't get their until 7 p.m. I explained to him that my stateside insurance company's idea of 'therapy' consisted of doctors pumping me full of drugs to get me to "come to terms" with what they said was the fact that I would be a gimp in a wheelchair forever. They wanted to flush my life away. After patiently listening to me and asking questions, Dr. Villadrana, who is also a clinical nutritionist, told me he thought he could help me. And he did." Not only did the doctor get her on a much lower dose of a different pain medication, he had Tamiko dramatically change her diet. "He explained that he didn't think all of my problems were related to nerve damage, but the fact that I was malnourished — even though I weighed almost 200 pounds. He told me that I wasn't able to process foods normally." Eli, now 17, is a good man. We're thrilled to learn who at 22 rescued a group of Navy Seals "The doctor put me on a strict six- that he's got his own gig now, and are delighted who had flipped their boat in the surf week elimination diet to cleanse my to see him at the 'wheel' of his own ride. at Morro Bay, does better in warmer system," says Tamiko. "Then he got me for a photo of JOT cruising beneath an weather. After leaving the Coast Guard, off dairy and gluten, and has me tak- opened Tower of London Bridge, such a she'd been shocked by 95,000 volts in ing potassium and other vitamins and shot would be almost as iconic as the one an industrial accident and suffered se- supplements. I still have a lot of nerve we have of JOT motoring past the Statue vere nerve and other damage. Although pain, and still have to take medications, of Liberty. It's our understanding that hurting and having to take numerous but I'm feeling much better than I did it would be possible to get a shot of our medications, she hurts less in warmer before." boat under full sail on the Grand Canal weather. Tamiko is so much more mobile that of Venice. Wouldn't that be great? And there was son Eli, then 14, a Steven, Tamiko and Eli at Nelson's Boatyard in — joy & walt 08/07/2014 dwarf who suffered from being ignored Alameda back in November 2011. They got their if not shunned because he is, as Tamiko boat together and are happy in Mexico. Landfall — Vagabond 49 puts it, "weird". In addition, Steve, a Steve, Tamiko and Eli (17) Willie former Porsche mechanic, needed ex- Mexico Is Better For Us pensive asthma medicine. If that wasn't (Morro Bay) enough, having a family was becoming In November 2011, we did a Sightings economically ever more difficult in the piece on the Willie family, who happily once Golden State.

describe themselves as "unconvention- The Latitude update is that the Willie / RICHARD LATITUDE al." The United States no longer seemed family, who mostly base out of La Cruz like a viable place for them to live, so now, are doing much better in Mexico. they had gotten a good deal on Landfall, During the winter of 2011-2012 they had a project boat, and were fixing her up slowly made their way down the coast, with plans to head to Mexico. and by May had arrived at Ensenada. Mexico was the goal because Tamiko, That's where things began to change for a former member of the Coast Guard the better. Tamiko had gone looking for a doctor, as she needed to get a prescription filled CHANGES

a few weeks ago she was able to run down the beach to try to help Pete when "One day our friend Rotten Robby Easy Living, his big old powerboat, was said, "Hey Eli, I used to maintain and blown up onto the rocks at La Cruz. "Pete repair winches. You can do it for less told me he'd been living on the hook money than me, and because your hands on that boat are smaller, you can reach everything at La Cruz for easier." 30 years, and "I'm an old race car guy," says Steve, LANDFALL hadn't come "so ever since Eli was a kid he'd watch into the dock me do things like rebuild transmissions. for four years," He's really good mechanically. We had says Tamiko. him start by doing the winches on our "We were able to boat, and after about two winches he save the boat — knew more than I did. He's got it down. without the help "We don't have a lot of spare parts," of the Mexican Steve continued, "so Eli is lucky that navy — but Pete Mike Danielson of Puerto Vallarta Sails, is going to part who has a lot of spares, told Eli he is her out any- welcome to his treasure trove of parts. way." Mike has been great, doing everything he In addition, can to help Eli. And Katrina has helped, the former too, as she puts the word out for Eli on Eli quickly learned how to Coastie took the Banderas Bay net. maintain winches. charge about a "Eli started doing winches in Febru- year ago when Sig and Phyllis Horne- ary this year, and after the first couple man's Berkeley-based Cal 29 Duct Tape of boats his business exploded," says went onto the rocks at La Cruz. "I took Steve. "Since then he's worked on the charge just like it was the old days in the winches of about 20 boats. Now is the Coast Guard," says Tamiko. slow time of year, of course, so he hasn't "Life for us in Mexico, and especially had much business lately. But he's ready La Cruz, is far superior to the States," for the owners to return to their boats says Tamiko. "It's not just my health, and new boats to arrive so he can get but it's also better for Eli, because he started again. I'm really proud of Eli, too, gets a much better reception and more because he's good at saving his money." respect than in the States. The people in After the Willies helped rescue Duct Mexico are much more accepting than Tape about a year ago, they thought Americans, because if you're missing about buying Duct Tape's dinghy for a limb or have some obvious problem, Eli, but decided he wasn't quite ready. you're not shunned like you are in the But when the appreciative Hornemans States. If you're weird, people think "I've came back after being up in the Sea, Norbert's winds weren't too bad ei- got something weird about me, too", or they decided to give the inflatable to Eli ther. "We had about 40 knots for half an "I've got a weird cousin or uncle." in return for the Willies' help and Eli's hour, but that was it. The daily summer Now 17, Eli even has his own busi- doing all their winches. Eli needed an squalls are worse. You know, it rains like ness. Steve, his father, explains how it outboard, and was able to buy just what hell, blows out of the south for an hour came about: he needed, a used air-cooled engine that or two, and is then is usually over. But only weighs 12 pounds. For Eli, the din- once we had 44 knots of wind." Eli's smaller hands are proving to be an asset when working in the tight quarters of the in- ghy and outboard are like his getting his What about the humidity of summer? nards of some of the winches. first car. It means freedom, as well as the "As long as it's not sunny for 10 days in ability to get to jobs on his own. a row and the wind doesn't stop at night, After Easy Living went it's not that much worse than winter," up onto the rocks, Steve reports claims Steve. "And it's great for surfing.

LANDFALL that Landfall was the only boat But if it gets too hot, I jump in the water left in the La Cruz anchorage. and stay in for about 90 minutes. That Then came hurricane Norbert will cool you down." and 12-ft surf. So far sunny Mexico has been cool for "Even though we were the Willie family. "Our goal is not to be in 24 feet of water, I wasn't con- rich in material things, but rich in life vinced that the waves weren't experiences — and we're finding that going to break on us. So we here in Mexico," says Tamiko. came into the marina at La — latitude/rs 09/15/2014 Cruz. Given the huge surf, we expected the surge to be really Cruise Notes: bad, but it wasn't bad at all, no Here's a tip for anyone with a boat worse than when there is head- high surf." IN LATITUDES

It's been a quiet hurricane season in the Atlantic/Caribbean so far, although that season is generally considered to last a month longer than in Mexico/ Eastern Pacific. So far there have been five named storms, four hurricanes, and one major hurricane. The 30-year norm is 12 named storms, six hurricanes, and three major hurricanes. There are BOTH PHOTOS COURTESY JAKE HOWARD COURTESY BOTH PHOTOS generally fewer tropical storms in the Atlantic than in Mexico, but they usually head east toward land, while Mexican hurricanes tend to head west and away from land. Hurricane Odile's hitting Baja was bad, particularly with the loss of the lives of cruisers Guenter Trebbow, 76, of Germany, Simone Wood, 47, of London, and Paul Whitehouse, 45, of Wolverhampton, England. However, the sailing community has been hit by much more destructive storms. In particular, massive and powerful hurricane Luis, which hit the Leeward Islands — par- ticularly Barbuda, St. Barth, St. Martin and Anguilla — with 140 mph winds as well as numerous F3 tornadoes in the eye wall. Luis struck 19 years ago and lasted for 15 days. At one point it was just one of four named storms roaring around in the Atlantic at the same time in the obscenely busy Atlantic/Caribbean hur- ricane year of 1995. By the time Luis was done, it was deemed responsible 19 deaths, 70,000 people being homeless, and $3 billion in damage. But get this — in St. Martin alone, 1,300 of 1,500 boats, most of them recreational boats, Spread; Nature bats last and best. Just days after 'Odile' whipped through Puerto Escondido, were either driven aground or destroyed. grounding and destroying a number of boats, the water along the Ellipse was pretty clear and the Luis was followed just a week later by normally brown mountains a glorious green. Insets: Other Puerto Escondido damage. hurricane Marilyn. with a dinghy/outboard in Mexico. Get Tropical Storms: 7. Luis was also the cause of probably a new TIP (Temporary Import Permit) Hurricanes: 7.6. the most famous rogue wave — esti- by the end of the year. The reason is that Major hurricanes (which are 125 mated at 100 feet — in history. This is dinghies/outboards soon have to be list- mph or more): 2.6. the one that hit the Queen Elizabeth 2 ed on the main boat's TIP, or they have With just over a month to go in the A week after 'Luis' came through, 'Marilyn' to get their own TIP. We recommend the Mexico/Eastern sea- showed up and did this to St. Thomas in the former. A new TIP costs about $51. When son, this year's totals have been: U.S. Virgins. A wicked storm year, that 1995. filling out the TIP, include the dinghy/ Total tropical events: 18. outboard at Section Five, not Section Tropical storms: 5. Three. If you do the latter, your dinghy/ Hurricanes: 11. outboard will only be good in Mexico for Major hurricanes: 8. 180 days instead of 10 years. The same While it's obviously been thing applies to sailing dinghies, Jet Skis a busy hurricane season off and the like. Mexico, it should be noted that THOMAS PRESS ST. How bad has the Mexican (Eastern three of the hurricanes, all of Pacific) hurricane season been this them major hurricanes, were year? We researched the records for the actually quite far offshore and five previous years and came up with the were more threats to Hawaii. following averages per year: Of the five years we looked at, All tropical events — including de- 2009 was the closest to 2014, pressions: 17.2. as it had 23 events, 12 tropical storms, eight hurricanes, and five major hurricanes. CHANGES

on her way from Cherbourg, France to LONDON CLIPS New York. Despite her changing course well-seasoned good American guys, and in an attempt to avoid the effects of Luis, the boatowners had given them carte waves broke the ship's Grand Lounge blanche to help evacuate their crews and windows, which were more than 70 feet extended families from Los Cabos due to above the surface. But that was just the the breakdown of law and order there." beginning. The following is from the log: Another source told Latitude that "At 0410 the rogue wave was sighted the looting in Cabo actually began after right ahead, looming out of the darkness the management at Costco told the em- from 220°. It looked as though the ship ployees they could take whatever they was heading straight for the white cliffs wanted. When employees were seen of Dover. The wave seemed to take ages walking out of Costco loaded down, the to arrive, but it was probably less than a general public assumed looting was the minute before it broke with tremendous order of the day and got busy. It's hard force over the bow. An incredible shud- to know what really happened in Cabo in der went through the ship, followed a few the immediate aftermath of Odile, but it's minutes later by two smaller shudders. safe to say that La Paz didn't experience There seemed to be two waves in succes- the same kind of troubles. sion, as the ship fell into the hole behind Hurricane 'Luis' generated a rogue wave equal "What will the Sea of Cortez be like as the first one. The second wave of 28-29 to the height of the bridge on the mighty 'Queen a result of Odile?" several Ha-Ha entrants meters, whilst breaking, crashed over Elizabeth 2'. She was not seriously damaged. have asked the Poobah. We can't say for the foredeck, carrying away the forward after Odile ravaged Cabo San Lucas, four sure, but having been to a number of whistle mast." big privately-owned sportsfishing boats post hurricane disaster sites, we have a Canadian weather buoys moored in arrived at Mazatlan carrying a total of 60 general idea of what to expect. Below the the area recorded a maximum wave Mexican nationals, ages 3 to 65, reports surface, it will be just like before. Indeed, height of 98 feet. There was surprisingly a Latitude source. "The captains were all just days after Odile, the water around little damage to the QE2. several sunken boats at Puerto Escon- Evacuation by yacht. Several days dido was as clear and inviting as ever.

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Page 134 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 IN LATITUDES

Aboveground is not going to be quite in the 2008 Ha-Ha, which as pretty. Small vegetation can recover was my third," reports Wally from the wind damage and salt spray Nevins of the formerly Ventu- fairly quickly, but there are thousands of ra-based Catalina 42 Andan-

downed palm trees and big cacti, neither zas, "and have kept her at / RICHARD LATITUDEDRONE of which will recover as quickly, if at all. Mazatlan's Marina Mazatlan The most unsightly, however, will be every summer since. A lot of the damage to human-made structures. cruisers aren't aware that Lots of businesses and families won't Mazatlan has much to offer have the money or insurance settlements cruisers: the new Golden yet to repair things quickly, and even if Zone, the great old Mercado, they do, there will be a lot of construction the Old Town, Olas Altas, going on. It could be a little depressing. the very long malecon, ter- Fortunately, none of the marinas suf- rific seafood and restaurants, and great El Cid Marina is well-protected from hurricane fered much damage, so they will prob- service providers. I'm just one of many swells, but nothing like Marina Mazatlan, which ably look better than most of the rest of cruisers who thinks Mazatlan is the best is almost a mile inland. the urban areas. Most of the anchorages, place in Mexico." winter. In addition to the best daily sail- and the islands in the Sea of Cortez, will For further details on Mazatlan, see ing conditions in Mexico, Banderas Bay probably be as beautiful as ever. In fact, the Wanderer's report in the February offers more whale-watching than you thanks to Odile's rain, they'll probably issue of Latitude. might want, some spectacular surfing, be greener than normal. Banderas Bay and the Vallarta Coast Hidden Beach at the Marietas Islands, In the unlikely event that the Sea — which includes Puerto Vallarta, Nuevo the cruiser-favorite village of La Cruz, proves to not be up to your standards, Vallarta, La Cruz, Punta Mita and Sayu- and some great places to anchor out. Mazatlan and the Vallarta Coast beckon lita — are just 285 miles from Cabo. It's It's also the site of the site of the Riv- just 200 and 300 miles away, respec- usually a pleasant broad reach in the iera Nayarit Sailor's /Pirates tively, over on the mainland. for Pupils Spinnaker Run for Char- "I brought my boat down to Mexico ity. These fun Ha-Ha style fund-raising

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 135 CHANGES

events are for cruisers, and include three fun races, the annual opening Zihua SailFest. Now in its 14th year, the of the Punta Mita Yacht & Surf Club six-day fundraising fiesta for the educa- LATITUDE / RICHARD LATITUDE (complete with the popular carbon fiber tion of disadvantaged children in Zihua initiation of new members), as will be held February 2-8. It consists of well as the Annual Water Balloon Drop. cocktail parties, benefit concerts, live It all takes place December 12-16th, & silent auctions, sailboat and dinghy and is sponsored by the Riviera Nayarit races, a kids' beach day, seminars, a chili Tourism Department, Latitude 38, the cook-off, street fairs, regattas, school Marina Riviera Nayarit, the Vallarta YC, tours, work parties and more. and Paradise Marina. Catalina Liana Nearly $64,000 U.S. was raised last of Marina Riviera Nayarit, who will be year — with generous help from grants aboard Profligate for the Ha-Ha again from the Bellack Foundation, event vol- this year, can answer all your questions unteer Jane Fiala, cruiser/donor Pete either during that event or at pr@mari- Boyce of Northern California, and the nariviera.com. Rotary Foundation. That was enough Since we're on a roll for cruiser events The Isla de Navidad Marina in Barra would make — along with donated labor and materi- in Mexico this winter, we should mention a great place to end a fun Gold Coast cruiser als — to create 10 new classrooms and that Latitude will again attempt to create rally/sailing festival. We'll try to make it happen. benefit more than 400 disadvantaged a Tenacatita - Barra Sailing Festival Bay', Robert Gleser of the ex-Alameda- children in eight schools. When properly just after the start of the new year. There based Freeport 41 Harmony, and the supervised, a little money goes farther in would be a feeder cruise down from folks at Grand Bay Hotel Marina in Mexico than in the United States. Banderas Bay, followed by sailing fun, Barra. Stay tuned for news. More on other cruisers' events in socializing and other nonsense at Tena- Next on the Mexico calendar of ac- Mexico — the Vallarta YC's Banderas catita Bay, followed by a fun 'race' down tivities is perhaps the greatest cruiser Bay Cruisers' Regatta, the La Paz Bay to the Grand Marina and/or the lagoon fundraising success in the world, the Fest and Loreto Fest — in upcoming at Barra de Navidad. We're still working issues. on details with the 'Mayor of Tenacatita One of the most famous sea caves in


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Page 136 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 IN LATITUDES

the world is the Blue Grotto of Capri, up with a better alter-

which extends over 150 feet into the native to a hoi polloi MEXICO TOURISM beautiful towering island off the coast tour. He swam into of Naples. Sunlight passing through the grotto before it an underwater cavity and the seawater 'opened' for business creates the beautiful blue and emerald one morning. Locals colors. The entrance is only two meters commonly swim in the wide and two meters high, so you have to grotto after it 'closes' duck when you go in on one of the many at 6 p.m. tourist boats. Unfortunately, Jim The grotto azzura was enjoyed by and his wife Debra Roman emperors, then avoided for were unable to come centuries because it was home to sea up with a similar monsters and witches. After publication crowd-avoidance of a German book about it in the 1830s, scheme during their later visit to the Suddenly-famous Hidden Beach at the Marietas it became a tourist attraction. Alas, the Vatican Museum at St. Peter's Square in Islands. As Yogi Berra once said, "Nobody goes Blue Grotto has become one of the many Vatican City. "I am a bad tourist," Debra there anymore. It's too crowded." places, such as Yosemite, that is being confessed. "I hate tours and will not take particular. One of the great things about loved to death. As one reviewer wrote, "It any in the future. The Vatican Museum traveling by private yacht is that you took us four minutes to get to the grotto is full of amazing things, but when you're get to visit really great places that haven't by boat, but two hours waiting in line packed in with 33,000 others and have yet become famous or even widely-known for our boat's short turn inside the cave to follow the one and only allowed path, yet, and thus you can often have them itself." you just can't wait to leave." to yourself. Take Hidden Beach, the A of the University of Cali- Our sentiments exactly about stand- now-famous swim-in beach at the Tres fornia at Berkeley, Jim Gregory of the ing in line, and at the Vatican Museum in Marietas Islands off Punta Mita. After the Pt. Richmond-based Schumacher 50 publication of one particularly flatter- Morpheus is a smart guy, so he came ing photo of it, Hidden Beach suddenly

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 137 CHANGES TORTUE became hailed as the 'Best Remote — to us — business model.The event Beach In The World' on some of the is free, but people are encouraged to ridiculous 'best' lists. Until this hap- become 'members' for $250. Weather pened, the Punta Mita panga drivers permitting, it starts November 2 in lived off whale-watching and fishing Hampton, Virginia, and ends in either tours in the winter. Now they're so the Bahamas or the British Virgins. busy in the summer taking Mexicans The older and much more hands on — to the Hidden Beach that they hardly These are nine of the 60 boatworkers and their boat and gear inspections — Caribbean care about their winter trade. families who were evacuated from Cabo on the 1500 is part of the World Cruising Ltd Speaking of Punta Mita, one August private yachts the dads worked on. empire. They leave on the same date from night John and Gilly Foy of the La Cruz- well 61 Wild Hooker, and owner John nearby Portsmouth, Virginia for the same based Catalina 42 Destiny spied a rather Williams and Capt Kevin 'Cubby' Pahl destinations. Like all World Cruising Ltd large sailboat anchored there. When aboard the Hatteras 60 Success. events, it's not cheap, but they give quite dawn broke, they realized it was the 245- Unlike the West Coast, where getting a bit of value. Currently they have about ft Ron Holland-designed M5, previously to the tropics is normally pretty easy, 36 entries, including Vincent Ratford of known as Mirabella V, the largest sloop it can be difficult to get from the East the California-based Lagoon 450 Gem. in the world. Coast to the Caribbean. After all, it's The third of the events is the 15th When Cabo became so chaotic fol- 1,500 miles instead of just 750, there is Annual NARC (North American Rally lowing hurricane Odile, the captains of only Bermuda for shelter, and there is to the Caribbean) from Newport, Rhode three sportfishing boats, with permission the threat of both late season hurricanes Island on November 1 for Bermuda and from the boat owners, took the men who and early season winter storms. There St. Martin. This is for "pros' boats". Or- worked on their boats, and their fami- are three rallies to help sailors get south. ganizer Hank Schmitt, who is big in crew lies, to safety in Mazatlan. There were The newest and currently the biggest placement, encourages most cruisers to about 60 people in all, ages 3 to 65. The is the Salty Dawg Rally, currently with join the other two rallies! captains who came to the rescue were 61 entries. The couple who founded and Hurricane season is almost over, Roy 'Wilkes' Hammock of the Viking 65 run it are really nice, but have a curious which means cruising season is about Expedition, Ty Valli of the Hatteras 68 to begin. We hope you're ready. We sure Reel Quest, Chad Herren of the Black- are!

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October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 139 Please read before submitting ad Classy CLASSIFIEDS Here’s What To Do: PERSONAL ADS BUSINESS ADS DEADLINE Write your ad. Indicate category. Remember it is ALWAYS the price and contact info. We make fi nal placement 1-40 Words ...... $40 $70 for 40 Words Max determination. 41-80 Words ...... $65 • All promotional advertising • 15th at 5 pm Count the words. Anything with a space 81-120 Words ....$90 1 boat per broker per issue for ad to appear in the next issue. before and after counts as one word. We will Photo ...... $30 Logo OK, but no photos/reversals spell-check, abbreviate, edit, as necessary. Due to our short lead time, • Personal Advertising Only • No extra bold type • Max: 12 pt font deadlines are very strict and Mail your ad with check or money order, No business or promo ads except Artwork subject to editor approval. deliver to our offi ce; OR, for the best – and Non-Profi t, Job Op, Business Op Biz ads will not appear on website. include weekends & holidays. most exposure – of your classifi ed ad… ‘Trying to Locate’ Ads are for those searching for Sorry, but… Submit your ad safely online lost boats/people – not shopping – and cost • No ads accepted by phone with Visa, MasterCard or AmEx at: $10 for 20 words max • No ads without payments www.latitude38.com FREE Online Ads are for a private party selling • No billing arrangements Ad will be posted online within two business days, a boat for less than $1,000 – or gear totalling under $1,000. • No verifi cation of receipt appear in the next issue of the magazine, and re- (One per person; must list prices in ad.) • We reserve the right to refuse main online until the following issue is released. All ads will be set to fi t Latitude 38 standard • Re-Run Ads: Same price, same deadline poor quality photos or illegible ads. Latitude 38 15 Locust Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941 Questions? (415) 383-8200, ext 104 • [email protected]

24-FT STONE HORSE, BY EDIE & DUFF. WHAT’S IN A DEADLINE? Our Classy 1976. Alameda Marina. $17,000. 2005: new Classifi eds Deadline is the 15th of the Beta Marine 14, Awlgrip hull and mast. New month, and as always, it’s still pretty 2014: all standing and running rigging, stay- much a brick wall if you want to get your sail, two Harken 00 furlers, V-berth cush- ad into the magazine. But it’s not so ions. (510) 703-7050 or fl [email protected]. important anymore when it comes to getting exposure for your ad. With our online system, your ad gets posted to our website within a day or so of submission. Then it appears in the next issue of the 19-FT O’DAY RHODES, 1961. Chico. 17-FT HOBIE CAT, 1989. Aromas, CA. magazine. So you’re much better off if $4,600/obo. P-NUT, Classic. Family $1,500/obo. Double stack trailer. EPO you submit or renew your ad early in the friendly, fi ts 4-6. Fixed keel, great condi- rudders. Wings, trampolines, sails in month. That way your ad begins to work tion. Refi nished: mahogany fl oor, paint, excellent condition. Hot stick tiller, short for you immediately. There’s no reason to new ropes/sails, electric motor, seat and long booms. Many extras. Probably wait for the last minute. cushions, cockpit cover. Trailer, exten- the best boats Hobie ever made. Email sion, registered. Contact (530) 864-5110 [email protected]. or [email protected]. 24-FT DANA - CUTTER RIGGED, 2001. 24 FEET & UNDER Anacortes, WA. $84,000. Refi t/relaunch 19-FT WEST WIGHT POTTER, 2010. 07/14. Yanmar 2GM20F - 685 hrs. Max- Alameda. $15,000. Sweet boat, clean Prop. New: bottom paint, AGM batteries, and ready to sail. Premium package with laminated bowsprit, ocean canvas dodger upgrades. 2011 Mercury 4hp, bottom and canvas covers, running rigging, painted 7/14, new trailer, roller furling GPS receiver, polish and wax. Email jib, bimini. Contact (510) 865-2266 or [email protected]. [email protected].

25 TO 28 FEET

20-FT HARBOR, 2015. Corona, CA. 25-FT S2 7.9, $14,000. Hull #168. Fresh- $35,000. I have four (4) 2015 Harbor 17-FT MOLLY CAT, 1988. San Rafael. water sailed. Epoxy bottom. Quantum sail 20’s, three are being built right now. inventory. Easily trailered and launched. $22,000. Adaptation of classic New Eng- One is ready to be delivered anywhere. land Cat Boat, with 1000 lb. keel. Built in New standing and running rigging. (541) Great class and great class association. 690-8153 or [email protected]. Richmond for SF Bay conditions. Prettiest If interested please call and I can send little gaff rig on the Bay. Inboard Yanmar: you more information. They are priced 28-FT ALERION EXPRESS. Sausalito. also sweet. Trailer. (415) 893-0226 or to sell fast. Please only serious inquiries! 16-FT NOVURANIA, 2003. San Jacinto, [email protected]. CA. $23,000. 100 hours on 90hp 4-cycle $70,000 (1/2 of new price). Spinnaker, Contact (415) 724-8566 or (415) 944-8028 gennaker, GPS, holding tank, radar, auto- or [email protected]. Johnson. Comes with cover, bimini top. Located in Southern California. Virtually pilot, all lines led to cockpit, lifelines. “The new condition. Contact (951) 654-8300 prettiest girl on the dock.” (415) 302-7490. or [email protected].

CARPENTRY NOR-CAL COMPASS OODRUM MARINE Mobile cabinet shop W Specializing in custom interior Contact Lon Woodrum at: Adjustment • Sales cabinetry, tables, cabinets, countertops, 415-420-5970 Authorized Compass Repair cabinsoles. For power or sail. www.woodrummarine.com Hal McCormack • [email protected] • Phone/Fax (415) 892-7177 N.E. MARINE TITLE Capt. Alan Hugenot • (415) 531-6172 • Accredited Marine Surveyor Coast Guard documentation • Title/lien searches • Transfers • Mortgage fi ling • Escrow services ASA Certifi ed Offshore Sailing Instructor Local closing facility for brokers or private transactions Power boat handling & docking, single or twin screw, 30 years experience of doing it right the fi rst time 35 years sailing sloops, ketches, schooners & catamarans 1150 Ballena Blvd, Alameda, CA • (510) 521-4925 SF Bay or Coastal • Accepts all credit cards

Page 140 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 28-FT PACIFIC SEACRAFT ORION. 27-FT HILLYARD WOODEN SLOOP. 26-FT SEAFARER YACHT, 1968. Elk 30-FT ISLANDER BAHAMA, 1981. 1980. Sausalito. $34,500. Acknowledged 1937. Treasure Island. $15,000. Lady Sar- Creek, CA. $3,000. Hull purchased from Alameda. $27,500. Exceptionally clean, as one of the best built, full keel, seawor- nia was built by Hillyard Boat Yard in Eng- East Coast factory unfi nished in 1968, equipped, and maintained IB30. Garmin thy designs. 31-ft LOA. Excellent Yanmar land in 1938. A classic 3/4 rigged sloop. have most original receipts for materials 740S plotter w/Navpod (2012), Raymarine diesel, Profurl, new standing rigging, sail Yanmar diesel. Multiple surveys over the purchased between 1968 and 1972. On SPX-5 Wheelpilot and P70 control head cover, and much more. Very good condi- years fi nd her in great shape. Lovingly custom trailer, parked in a barn 1972 (2013), AIS receiver, 75w solar panel, rigid tion. Email [email protected]. cared for. Reconditioned by Spaulding to 2006. Never finished, mast, boom, vang, furling jib w/newer cover, sails 7 Boat Works in Sausalito in 2012. Hauled bronze hardware, marine toilet and misc years old, all lines to cockpit, clean Volvo 27-FT NOR’SEA, 1977. Santa Cruz Lower at SF Boat Works August, 2014 for engine parts. Volvo Penta MD1 1970, never run. diesel ~1400 hrs, sturdy dodger, lazy Harbor. $26,500 or better. Four-month check, bottom paint, and topsides paint. Bought in estate sale and haven’t been jacks, extra racing main, Lewmar 2-speed restoration and partial refi t of this Lyle Great day sailing and overnighting boat able to restore and put in Bay as planned. tailing winches, weather cloth, bimini, Hess world cruiser now complete. All for the Bay. Have to sell as I now live Serious only, scams will be reported. (530) excellent brightwork, beautiful teak inte- details at website: http://sites.google. inland for most of the year and can’t give 300-5331 or [email protected]. rior, teak and holly sole, fridge, etc. (510) com/site/norsea27forsale/home?. Con- her the use she deserves. A sweet boat. 593-7913 or [email protected]. tact [email protected] or (831) (415) 407-8772 or [email protected]. 345-9384. 29 TO 31 FEET

30-FT NEWPORT, 1977. Pier 39, San 27-FT CATALINA, 1976. Owl Harbor, Francisco. $12,000. Popular SF Bay de- 25-FT CAPE FOULWEATHER BAHAMA. Isleton. $3,000/obo. Ready to singlehand 30-FT CAL 3-30, 1973. Oyster Point. sign by Gary Mull. Roomy interior. Atomic 1973. Alameda, CA. $2,500/obo. Epoxy in the Delta. All lines run aft. Well cared $8,000. Lapworth design, fi berglass, aft 4 gas engine. Recently (2014) replaced bottom, all lines led aft, electronic out- for. New cushions throughout! 9.9 Honda cockpit, tiller sloop with 16hp Yanmar, rudder and standing rigging. Rigged for board. Custom interior needs completion. four-stroke, electric start outboard. Great twin diesel, 2 self-tailing, 2-speed Harken singlehanded sailing. See more at http:// Good main, jib and genoa. Sails well. comfortable weekender. (916) 541-8877 winches and 5 Barients, hydraulic back- neptunescar.blogspot.com. Contact (415) More at www.bastress.com/bahama25. or [email protected]. stay and vang. Dual jib foil w/all headsail 425-5587 or [email protected]. Contact [email protected] or lines led to cockpit. Garmin GPS, VHF (510) 457-8982. 25-FT NORDIC FOLKBOAT, 1991. SF radio, AM/FM radio, V-berth plus 3 ad- Marina-East. $21,500. Nordic Folkboat ditional berths. PHRF 156. Contact (408) 26-FT PEARSON COMMANDER, 1965. US 115, built in 1991 at Classic Boat- 436-3657 or (408) 779-1139 or keith. Richmond Yacht Club. $12,000. Classic works in Richmond. Fiberglass hull, [email protected]. beauty, excellent condition, fi berglass wooden cabin house and fi berglass-cov- hull, gleaming teak brightwork, new ered deck. Aesthetic charm of a wooden Pineapple main and jib, new Harken roller boat, but the maintenance benefi ts of furler/forestay, some new shrouds, new a glass boat. New . Very good bottom. See www.sailboatlistings.com/ condition. New bottom paint, refi nished view/42374. Contact (415) 686-4686 or mast (from bare wood) in April. Actively [email protected]. raced in fl eet. See website for fl eet info. 30-FT ERICSON 30+, 1983. Emeryville. Includes 4hp Johnson outboard, full boat $22,500. Great Bay boat, excellent con- cover. Possible berth transfer. See http:// dition. Newer sails, stove, oven, bottom sfbayfolkboats.org. Contact (415) 271- paint. Roller furling jib, diesel, pressure 6267 or [email protected]. water. Infl atable dinghy with new out- 30-FT CATALINA, 1978. . board. Sleeps 6. Ready to go. (510) 390- 25-FT CATALINA 250WK, 2004. Tracy, $17,000. Generally a very clean boat. 6581 or [email protected]. CA. $22,500. She took our family on many Details are located here: http://sfbay. adventures, but now it’s time to move on craigslist.org/eby/boa/4629477551.html. 30-FT FREEDOM, 1986. Clipper in Sau- and fi nd her a great new home. Trailer, 9hp Contact [email protected] or salito. $25,000. Solid build by Tillotson- Honda, VHF, remote VHF. 120VAC. Radio/ (415) 725-1868. Pearson, with carbon fi ber through-hull CD, depth, log. Porta-Potti, stove, bottom mast, lines handled in cockpit. Excellent 25-FT NORDIC FOLKBOAT, 1961. San paint. Memory foam mattress. (209) 836- 30-FT WYLIECAT, 1998. Oxford, MD. condition. 15hp Yanmar diesel 650 hours. Francisco. $40,000. Complete profes- 2552 or [email protected]. $75,000. Diesel inboard, custom tandem- Beautiful spacious wood-paneled cabin. sional restoration. New full cover and axle trailer. Raymarine instruments, 4 All accessories go with boat. (415) 381- racing sails. SF West Harbor berth. Filur is 27-FT DUFOUR 2800, 1977. Tiburon. sails, dodger, autopilot, installed battery 1817 or [email protected]. a fully varnished showpiece, actively rac- $7,500. Good condition with beautiful charger. Used seasonally and dry stored, ing on the Bay. Photos at website: http:// teak interior. Harken roller furler. All new or on lift. (727) 641-5688 or (727) 502- folkboatsforsale.com. (415) 577-1148. standing rigging in 2011. New autopilot. 0186 or [email protected]. Volvo MD6 diesel. Sleeps 5 (5’10” head- room) with lots of storage space.

RIGGING ONLY ✪ SMALL AD, SMALL PRICES STARBOARD YACHT DELIVERIES Standing and running rigging, life lines, furling gear, winches, line, windlasses, travelers, wire and terminals, blocks, vangs, and much more. Over 50,000 sea miles • Pacifi c, Caribbean, Atlantic ~ Problem solving and discount mail order since 1984 ~ USCG Master 100 GT STCW • Power & Sail www.riggingonly.com • (508) 992-0434 • [email protected] Rick Whiting • (415) 740-2924 • [email protected] Afterguard Sailing Academy MARINE SURVEYOR The Affordable Way to ASA Sharpe Surveying & Consulting. SAMS Accredited Marine Surveyor. ASA Basics to Ocean • Crew Intro to Cruising Prep Serving the San Francisco Bay and Delta. (510) 535-1954 • www.afterguard.net [email protected] • (510) 337-0706

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 141 30-FT ERICSON 30-2, 1979. San Fran- 34-FT HUNTER, 1983. Stockton Sail cisco. $17,000. Clean cruiser, great Club. $26.000. Clean, fresh water boat, condition, rebuilt Yanmar and engine light usage. New bottom 10/2013. Yanmar mounts (2014), new sails (2012), Harken diesel. Maxi-Prop, GPS, 135% genoa, RF, spinnaker and pole, wheel, VHF, 110% jib, spinnaker. Many extras. Pic- depth, speed, grill, stereo, head with tures available. (916) 715-9861 or (916) holding tank, pressurized water. Email 419-6818 or [email protected]. [email protected].

30-FT WYLIECAT, 2008. Monterey. 34-FT O’DAY, 1982. Alameda. $25,000/ $89,995. Yanmar YSM8 2-cyl diesel, 12 obo. North sails, jib furler, spinnaker. 24hp gal aluminum tank, Racor fi lter, ducted fi re Universal diesel. Gori folding prop. (7) retardant engine box with automatic fi re 2-speed self-tailing winches, Autohelm, suppression, dripless prop shaft seal, new 3-burner stove and oven. Refrigeration. sail, Blue Sea commercial electric system, New batteries and inverter. Excellent Bay, 4 batteries, battery charger. VHF, Auto- Delta and club racer. (510) 581-4720. helm ST2000, Raymarine fathometer/ speedometer, holding tank, macerator 34-FT DEHLER, 1986. Alameda. $23,000. 32-FT WESTSAIL, 1975. Pillar Point Har- 31-FT HUNTER, 1986. Alameda. pump, fi xed prop installed, comes with Sails: main ‘13, Kevlar 155% ‘11: #3, #4, bor, Half Moon Bay. Best offer. Launched $27,500. Very clean and well maintained folding prop, watertight crash bulkhead storm jib, 3/4, and 1/2 oz. spinnakers. in 1980. Original owner. 3 headsails, one boat. Recently new rigging and sails. in bow, grill, recent haul. Will deliver Spin and whisker poles. House battery re- drifter, Perkins 4-108, propane stove with Engine well maintained and runs smooth. within 250 nm Monterey, CA at seller placed ‘14. Simrad Tillerpilot, VHF, speed, oven. Recent haulout, June 2013. Come New navigation instruments and new expense. See http://monterey.craigslist. depth, MOB pole, Lifesling. SS frames see, make an offer. (650) 303-3901 or bottom paint. New dodger with strong org/boa/4534008339.html. Contact (831) for dodger and bimini. Sheet winches (650) 712-1425 or [email protected]. acrylic. All lines to cockpit. Genoa and 372-7245 or [email protected]. self-tailing. Replaced thru-hulls 2011. All spinnaker included. New lifelines and four lines led aft, great boat for singlehanding recently serviced self-tailing winches. See and the family! Yanmar diesel. Sleeps http://tinyurl.com/qz5fupj. (831) 345-9384 32 TO 35 FEET 6, 2-burner propane stove, PHRF 129. or (661) 619-5840 or [email protected]. Contact Chris at [email protected] or (925) 250-9541.

33-FT HOBIE, 1983. Healdsburg, CA. $16,500. Hobie 33: Ballenger double spreader mast, recent high-tech running rigging as well as lifelines and standing rigging. Halyards led aft for single/double 31-FT BENETEAU, 1992. San Diego. 35-FT CHEOY LEE. Robert Perry de- sign, 1981. Already in Barra de Navidad, handing. Large sail inventory including $36,999. Lanterne Rouge has been set up 32-FT MARINER, 1971. Sausalito. new asymmetric jibs in fi ne condition. to be easily singlehanded.This is a turn- Mexico. $32,250. Actively cruised and $49,500. Recent extensive refi t of clas- upgraded. This boat’s ready to use as a Many upgrades including galvanized key boat, ready to take you to your next sic Japanese-made (Hull #1) fi berglass steel trailer with new SS brake rotors, adventure. The First 310 is a complete condo, or step aboard and start cruising ketch. New standing, running rigging, IN Mexico: aluminum mast, fi berglass removable bowsprit, oversized rudder racer/cruiser providing speed and safety headsail, furler, cockpit teak, dodger, by Foss, Honda-powered 12hp sail drive, racing around the buoys and providing decks, broadband radar, GPS, sonar, canvas, panel, wiring, head and hoses, EPIRB, infl atable PFDs, dinghy, outboard, Raymarine instruments. The Hobie 33 is elegance and comfort at the marina or to chartplotter, VHF, paint, varnish. Has an enduring legacy of Hobie Alter, about Catalina Island with family and friends. refrigerator/freezer, tools and spares. So Perkins 4-108, SSB, radar, wind, solar, much we can’t list everything here. Call the biggest bang for your racing buck. Email [email protected]. 300 ft. chain, windlass, 3 anchors, Force (707) 433-3692 or [email protected]. Pat. Can take trailerable boat or RV as 10 stove, A-B fridge, davits, main, mizzen, 30-FT CAPO, 1984. SFYC. $15,000. A part trade. Check details at: http://inte- staysail, trysail, spinnaker, shade canvas; gratedmarketings.com/sailboat-4-sale. 32-FT GULF PILOTHOUSE, 1985. Fort- Carl Schumacher-designed racer/cruiser 6’3” headroom, solid mahogany joinery man Marina, Alameda. $32,500. Cruise with standing headroom. Boat is in great Contact [email protected] or (916) below. Great lines; Good Old Boat Jan. 458-1882. the world in spacious comfort! Radar, shape, but the mast has a crack and 2014. Outstanding Mexico boat. (415) GPS, davits, fridge, microwave, hot water. needs to be replaced. Great value for 482-9325 or [email protected]. 33-FT CAL, 1972. Emery Cove Yacht Includes 9-ft Achilles and 2hp motor. (510) project-minded buyer. (415) 488-3317 or 303-9533 or [email protected]. pjcampfi [email protected]. Harbor. $15,500. Modifi ed stern. Skeg rudder. Tiller. Volvo diesel under 400 hrs. Harken MkII. Newer rigging. Surveyed in 33-FT WAUQUIEZ GLADIATEUR, 1983. December. Priced to sell. Buy it with a Sausalito, CA. $39,999. Great coastal and slip for extra discount. (626) 410-5918 or offshore sloop. Ready to sail. Pictures [email protected]. and details on website. Please contact if questions. See www.quest33.info. Con- 35-FT ERICSON, 1977. Pt. Richmond tact (707) 832-3734 or (707) 725-2028 or YC. $23,000. Well maintained. Yanmar [email protected]. 30hp, wheel/tiller, autopilot, roller furling, 35-FT J/105, 1998. Berkeley Marina. asymmetrical spinnaker, new sails. Have 35-FT BABA, 1979. King Harbor Marina, receipts for all new additions, many mis- $67,000. #181, Wianno. Top 10 Fleet Redondo Beach. $59,000/obo. Bob Perry #1 finisher 2011 and 2012. Excellent 30-FT ANDREWS, 1982. Sausalito. cellaneous extras. For photos and more design. Roller furling, Volvo Penta engine, information, must check out blog. www. condition. Two full sets racing sails, 1 set $10,000. Details, Alan Andrews’ fi rst de- Honda generator, wind generator, canvas cruising sails. Race-ready. See more at sign, 1982 MORC winner. Good condition, ericson351977.blogspot.com. Call (925) cover, etc. Have to visit! (310) 528-2196 935-4413. http://picasaweb.google.com/Gnuggat/ Yanmar inboard, clean, fast and fun to sail. or (310) 374-4058. J105181WiannoForSale#. Email gnug- (707) 488-2055 or [email protected]. [email protected].

MARINE ENGINE CO. DAVE’S DIVING SERVICE Complete Engine Services • Gas & Diesel 30 Years Experience • Reasonable Rates Hull Cleaning • Zincs • Inspections • Props Replaced Tune-Ups • Oil Changes • Engine Rebuilding, etc. Repairs • Recoveries. Fully Insured and Marina Recommended. (415) 763-9070 (415) 331-3612 • Serving Southern Marin Since 1984 CENTRAL COAST CLEANBLAST @ GRAVELLES MOBILE MARINE PUMP-OUT SERVICE Contrary to rumors, Gravelles Boatyard is in full operation. $25 per pump up to 40 gallons. CCC is using dustless blasting on fi berglass, steel, aluminum or Includes fresh water fl ush and a packet of treatment. wood boat bottoms in our 20 x 60 foot booth. 20% discount for regularly scheduled service. (831) 601-3374 • Call us to schedule a haulout. www.mobilepumpout.com • (415) 465-0149 • [email protected]

Page 142 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 34-FT TIFFANY JAYNE, 1983. Rich- 38-FT CONTEST 38S, 1986. Marines de 38-FT WILDERNESS, 1983. Morro Bay. 37-FT TAYANA PILOTHOUSE, 1978. mond Yacht Club. $22,000. Very fast and Cogolin, S. France. $73,000 VAT paid. $44,000. Designed by Gary Mull. Boat is in Sausalito, CA. $85,000. Original owner, beautiful daysailer/weekender. Excellent Quality ocean cruiser by Cony-Plex of VERY good shape, is super fun to sail, fast mechanical engineer, Perkins 4-108 condition. Less than 1000hrs on Yanmar. Holland. Continuous upgrades. Live and spent the fi rst 20 years in freshwater. 2,900 hrs., heavy-duty hydraulic steering, In the spirit of the Alerion at a fraction of aboard in southern France or start your I purchased a larger boat and would love autopilot, forward-scanning sonar, 12v the cost. See http://sites.google.com/ dream cruise with well equipped yacht, to get rid of this ASAP. Newer mid 90’s refrigeration, teak interior, no teak decks, site/yachtdancer. Contact (510) 525-0279 just returned from a long cruise. USCG Yanmar 3GMF with less than 400 hours, excellent condition, many extras. (775) or [email protected]. Doc, VAT paid. 5-year berth lease avail- new Martec folding prop, new shaft, six 345-0170 or [email protected]. able. Specs available on request. (650) bags of sails with two mains, carbon pole, 293-7385 or [email protected]. sleeps 6, head with 10 gallon tank, 35 gallons of water, 35 gallons of fuel, Ray- marine chartplotter and radar, solar panel, original gelcoat hull, Harken-equipped including roller furling. Please contact me with any questions, concerns or to view! Contact [email protected] or (805) 550-1118.

35-FT J/105, 1999. SF Yacht Club. 36-FT ISLANDER FREEPORT 36B, 1980. $65,000. Danae. Fast. Meticulously main- Puerto Escondido, Mexico. $55,000. tained. If you have ever thought about a 39-FT CAL, 1971. Oceanside, CA. Great condition. On mooring in Puerto J/105 you must see this boat. Beer cans $10,000/obo. Knot A Clew. Palmer 60 gas Escondido, MX. Main, genoa, spinnaker. and light cruising only with current owner. engine runs great, needs transmission or New watermaker, Pathfi nder 55, in good Email [email protected]. re-power. Lots of racing sails, tiller, fast shape. New upholstery in the salon. This Oceanside slip, partner or sell. Will trade boat ready to cruise or live aboard. Many for smaller fi shing boat. (949) 280-6220 spares. This boat will take you anywhere. or [email protected]. 10-ft Aqua Pro dinghy, 15hp Evinrude 38-FT PEARSON 385, 1984. Barra de outboard. Forget the Ha-Ha, your boat Navidad, , Mexico. $49,500. is waiting in the Sea of Cortez! Contact Exceptional, cruise-ready Pearson 385, (425) 775-4381 or (206) 234-6713 or ready to go ANYWHERE. Detachment is [email protected]. berthed in Barra de Navidad near the in- ternational airport, near Manzanillo (ZLO). She has been constantly upgraded and equipped. Upgrades include solid teak 35-FT RM1060, 2012. Nuevo Vallarta, and holly cabin sole, all stainless steel gal- Mexico. Great cruising sailboat in excel- ley, 250 GPD watermaker, recent Garmin lent condition: high-performance sail- 4kw HD radar and 4012 chartplotter and ing, stylish, comfortable and functional 38-FT CATALINA 380, 2001. Sausalito much more. Consider being a full-time design. Epoxy/plywood shell, biquille, Yacht Harbor. $124,000. Full electron- or commuter cruiser. (619) 618-1212 or interior panoramic view. B&G instruments, ics, new wind/speed/depth, chartplotter, [email protected]. Watt & Sea hydro-generator, Volvo Penta autopilot, and radar. New AIS radio. New 30, freshwater 400L, fuel 130L. Contact in-mast furling main and genoa with UV 39-FT JEANNEAU SUN ODYSSEY. [email protected] or (521) 551- covers. Quantum cruising chute, Yanmar 2007. Pt. Richmond. $179,000. Deck Sa- 268-4306. 40 with folding prop, dodger, electric lon model with light and airy main salon. windlass. Professionally maintained. Extra clean, only 100 engine hours. Huge Equipped for sailing and cruising: light cockpit, room for six adults seated com- 36 TO 39 FEET and airy salon, 2 cabins, centerline berths, fortably, twin helms and folding cockpit innerspring mattresses, front/top load table with custom radar/GPS/chartplot- refrigerator, microwave, fl at screen HDTV/ ter on swiveling mount, as well as safety DVD, inverter, electric head and separate grab rails. In-mast furling mainsail easily shower with glass door. $4,000 of interior operated by one person using 2-speed amenities. Includes new dinghy, outboard 36-FT ALLIED PRINCESS, 1977. electric winch. Roller furling genoa with and new dinghy davits. Beautifully fi n- Lahaina, Maui. $35,000. Great cruising UV cover, additional smaller jib. Full ished interior in Ultraleather and Corian. ketch. Well maintained. Sailed regularly. Raymarine electronics. Extra sharp teak (707) 421-0366 or [email protected]. Good sail inventory. Yanmar. New rigging cockpit with cushions. Well maintained in 2012. Hauled 2013. Start cruising Hawaii Bay Area, never raced, nearly-new overall today and SPac next spring. More details: condition. More at www.yarboat.com/ www.sailboatlistings.com/view/36198. abbygale. Contact Eric. (432) 214-2387 37-FT SANTANA. Alamitos Bay. $6,000/ Contact [email protected] or (808) or [email protected]. must sell. With scoop. LOA 40-ft. Race 283-8492. winner, but cruisable. 30-year owner, many sails, Signet instruments, Mull de- sign. Needs TLC. (562) 301-8321.

36-FT ISLANDER, 1981. $36,900 B O A T • L E T T E R I N G Well maintained, sharp. 5 sails. Pathfi nder diesel, aluminum toerail. All teak interior with teak and holly sole. Berthed in Alameda. [email protected]  www.alphaboatgraphics.com Yachts • (925) 212-8940 • Don Wilson, Broker Creative and durable lettering and artwork for your boat COMPLETE MARINE WOODWORK Latitude 38 eBooks Design / Restoration • Expert European Craftsmanship • Interior / Exterior FREE ✶ AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE ✶ Repairs / Maintenance • Marine Windows & Frame Replacement Wood & Dry Rot Repairs • Varnish Work • Marine Painting www.latitude38.com/ebooks.html Reasonable Rates • (415) 377-3770 • References Available

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 143 39-FT FREYA, 1978. Berkeley Marina. 39-FT BRUCE ROBERTS 40, 1980. 40-FT SCHUMACHER CUSTOM, 1991. $60,000. Very clean. Professionally built Mazatlan, Mexico. $45,000. Ready to Noumea. $169,000. Strip-planked ma- and maintained, beautiful. Custom light go coastal cruising... AND already in hogany marine ply/GRP composite. Solid interior, maple sole, ash bulkheads, Mazatlan, Mexico waiting for you! Isuzu construction, fractional sloop. Excellent rigged for singlehanding, loaded with diesel, watermaker, solar, wind generator, performer. Complete race inventory; equipment. Don’t miss this opportunity to radar, chart plotter. New: bottom paint, countless podium finishes. Presently own a legend. Contact (510) 917-5229 or dodger, mainsail cover. See more at equipped as a performance cruiser; but [email protected]. http://svendeavour-ca.webs.com. Email easily converted to racer mode. Email [email protected]. [email protected].

45-FT STARRETT & JENKS, 1979. Richmond. $20,000/obo. Great boat for the Baja Ha-Ha on a budget. Thick fi ber- glass hull. New Yanmar 40hp and rudder 2007. Make me a reasonable offer! (510) 621-8487 or [email protected].

39-FT YORKTOWN, 1977. Vallejo. $29,999. Turnkey 39-ft Yorktown sailboat 37-FT PACIFIC SEACRAFT, 1989. Owl 46-FT JEANNEAU SUN ODYSSEY 45.1. with many upgrades. Well maintained. Harbor Marina. $118,000. 2009 Ha-Ha 1996. San Rafael, CA. $119,900. Good Very seaworthy. New paint, Harken trav- and 2014 PacCup - boat is ready to cruiser/racer. Offshore gear, AIS, radar, eler, Barlow winches, and more. Ready to cross oceans. We have now moved to plotter, autopilot, etc. Good North sails. sail NOW! Reduced price. Very motivated Texas and it is time for some other ad- Good engine. Clean interior. Pictures/de- seller. Call for details. (925) 324-4226 or ventures. See www.sailboatlistings.com/ tails available at website: www.yachtsof- daltonm@scrantonlawfi rm.com. view/45678. Contact (925) 899-2596 or fered.com. Or contact: (253) 377-1660 or [email protected]. [email protected]. 40-FT COLUMBIA, 1965. Paradise Cay 37-FT PEARSON 365 KETCH, 1978. Yacht Harbor, Tiburon. $25,000. Libra. SoCal. First $19,900. Many new sys- Beautiful boat. 2nd owner. 1994 25hp tems: Garmin color radar/plotter, fuel Universal 4-cylinder M4-30 414hrs. Runs tank, batteries, electronics, low hours great. 4’6” draft perfect for the Bay. 7 on rebuilt Westerbeke. Liveaboard slip sleeping berths. See www.dropbox. or cruise anywhere. Great boat! Photos com/sh/gxjjf56ktnxuvsa/4REqpVCvoj. and details at: http://yachtsoffered.com/ Contact [email protected] or listing.php?yacht_id=246. For more email: (415) 948-9801. [email protected].

39-FT CAL JENSEN MARINE. Hull #8, 1971. Marin. $17,500/obo. A sweet- 37-FT HUNTER CHERUBINI, 1982. 40-FT CAL, 1971. Elberta, AL. $40,000/ sailing Bay boat. Needs TLC. Yanmar $33,500. Offshore cutter, shoal draft 5’ obo. Famous, amazing, classic and 30GMF diesel, recent type 27 deep-cycle 5”, Autohelm 4000, Adler Barbour fridge, sought after. I purchased as a liveboard batteries, good standing rigging, metal separate shower stall, Harken roller furler, in 1990. Harken Mk II roller furling, self- spreaders, lines led aft, decent sails, lots bimini, dodger, bronze portlights, cruising tailing winches, Westerbeke engine. of extra gear included. (925) 838-8793 or spinnaker. Documented vessel, transfer- Custom interior, teak cabinetry, teak [email protected]. able liveaboard slip. No fi nancing. See on sole, 130% genoa new condition. Strong craigslist. (415) 686-7238. tracking system, Awlgrip, Nature’s Head, epoxy barrier coat. (251) 979-0800. 42-FT BAVARIA OCEAN, 1998. Port- land, OR. $165,000. The Ocean 42 is a 40 TO 50 FEET center cockpit design with two cabins and ensuite heads, one forward and one aft, providing complete privacy for two couples or a family with two children. The interior cabinetry is fi nely crafted mahogany. This vessel has had three owners and is lightly used. (971) 404-6441 or [email protected]. 38-FT GARDEN SEAL, 1974. Sausalito, CA. $165,000. Heavy displacement bluewater cruiser. A unique and beauti- 44-FT KELLY PETERSON, 1978. Alam- ful cutter drawn by Bill Garden in Bristol eda. $95,000. Motivated sellers.. NEW: condition. Fresh electronics, new Awlgrip 43-FT KETCH, 1981. Emeryville, CA. 150% jib, mainsail with StackPack, paint, air/water cooled fridge, cutter rig $20,000. Baja Ha-Ha ready. 1981 Al dodger, 4-person survival raft, 12 V re- with 6 sails including gennaker, storm Mason custom-designed full keeled, frigeration. 475 hrs on Perkins engine and jib and trysail, liferaft, Achilles dinghy center cockpit ketch. Epoxied strip plank transmission, asymmetrical spinnaker in and 10hp Yamaha OB, Maxwell 2200 mahogany hull with a Perkins 4-108 die- sock, dinghy with 4hp, 3 CNG bottles, windlass and 4 anchors, tiller steered sel. Owner must sell due to illness. Email electric windlass, 60# CQR with 300’ with Monitor windvane. This South Pacifi c [email protected]. chain, 45# CQR w/250’ rope, LED lights, and Caribbean veteran is ready to go symmetrical spinnaker, 115 jib, storm 42-FT CASCADE, 1972. Alameda, CA. again. Serious cruisers only, please! Email 40-FT VALIANT, 1978. Ventura. $79,900. sails, new clutches, big Lewmar winches, $40,000. New sails, watermaker, Auto- [email protected]. Hull #198. Outfitted over the past 18 etc. The cleanest, tightest KP you will fi nd. helm, new rigging, ice maker, marinized months for cruising. She is in top condi- Outfi tted for cruising. (209) 304-0444 or Westerbeke and more. Needs work on tion and ready to head south. A change of [email protected]. deck. Spent a lot, asking for less. (650) wind direction has put her on the market. 704-2302 or [email protected]. Contact [email protected] or (805) 754-8897.

OFFSHORE PASSAGEMAKING INSTRUCTION IN THE PACIFIC & ATLANTIC Guide to Navigation & Tourism John & Amanda Neal are dedicated to providing hands-on, in French Polynesia documented instruction aboard their Hallberg-Rassy 46 Mahina Tiare III, Best Fr Poly guide but out of print. We imported all remaining copies from drawing on their combined 584,000 miles and 73 years of experience. authors. Excellent aerial photos of many anchorage entrances; great chartlets. www.mahina.com • (360) 378-6131 $69 plus shipping. Email: [email protected] Going Somewhere? Mexico South Pacifi c Stop by our offi ce and take a bundle of magazines along with you. 'Lectronic Latitude We promise you’ll be a hero for sharing them with other cruisers! Just like the magazine but… online, three times a week, Latitude 38 • 15 Locust Ave • Mill Valley, CA • (415) 383-8200 • Open M-F 9-5 and totally different! Find it at www.latitude38.com!

Page 144 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 48-FT SPARKMAN & STEPHENS, 1970. 44-FT F&C, 1979. Ventura, CA. $125,000 42-FT WHITBY, 1982. Southwest Florida. 62-FT AL MASON. Custom design/built Marina del Rey, CA. $298,000. Beautiful possible partial trade. One of the most $89,500. Ketch with full bimini. New gear Salthouse NZ, 1985. Virginia, Chesapeake steel circumnavigator. Recent 18-month gorgeous sailing yachts ever built, de- includes radar, chartplotter, VHF/antenna, Bay. Spirit of Tradition ketch, extremely total refi t 2010-2012! Dutch-built S&S/ signed and built by German Frers, sis- batteries, charger-inverter, high-output able yacht with pedigree and a history of Koopman’s design, completed by Royal tership to the late Roy Disney’s famous alternator, wind generator, solar, gauges, continuous maintenance and upgrades Huisman. Lola is a beautiful, fast, sea- Shamrock, possibly the only example electric windlass, chain and anchors. by knowledgeable owners. Recent worthy, circumnavigating machine! No of this fast and beautiful, go-anywhere, Loaded and ready to cruise. (415) 272- circumnavigation and refit. See www. expense was spared in bringing her back bluewater cruiser on the West Coast. 8349 or fl [email protected]. sailmarnie.com. Contact (757) 971-1811 to “new” condition from top to bottom! Strong fi berglass hull and deck with teak or [email protected]. Electronics, rigging, sails, mechanicals, deck overlay. Centerboard shoal draft 5.1; electrical, and paint. All NEW! She is go to weather board-down 7.6. Interior very unique, sails like a dream, and must fi nished in South American hardwoods, CLASSIC BOATS be seen to be fully appreciated! More 2 staterooms, 2 heads, sleeps 6. Only a at www.sailinglola.com. Contact (707) few hours on rebuilt Perkins 4-108, large 509-9096 or [email protected]. sail inventory, upgraded electrical system, newer upholstery, stainless dorades, full dodger, much more. May consider partial trade for fiberglass mid-30’s sailboat. (805) 235-4046 or [email protected]. 48-FT BENETEAU FIRST 47.7, 2003. San Francisco, CA. $250,000. One of the nicest examples of this fast cruiser/ racer available. Well maintained; “Euro” galley model; owner’s stateroom forward, 36-FT BRISTOL SLOOP, 1978. Alameda, two guest cabins aft, many options. See CA. $25,000/obo. Great sailing boat, great more at www.sloopveronese.com. Con- project for someone who wants to clean 41-FT ONE-OFF LAURENT GILES. tact (415) 637-6678 or (707) 781-7145 or her up. In water and not sailed for 10 1957. Port Townsend. $69,500. Bettina is [email protected]. years. Sold as is, where is, in Alameda, a one-off 41-ft Laurent Giles sloop, built CA. The Bristol 35.5 is a classic Ted Hood in 1957 at the celebrated Wing on Shing design. She combines comfort, perfor- shipyard, teak-planked over ipol frames. 45-FT FASTNET 45, 1974. Portland, OR. 51 FEET & OVER mance, and craftsmanship into a sought Under the same ownership for 38 years, $67,000. Price reduced!. Beautiful boat, after boat that stands the test of time. she has been loved and meticulously many compliments on her lines. Recently Please email for photos and/or appoint- maintained, above- and belowdecks, sailed to Australia and back. Very sea- ments for viewing. (415) 593-7111, (323) to the highest professional standards. worthy, comes with a lot of equipment. 696-5517 or [email protected]. Seakindly and tough, this strong, elegant, Considerable locker space and storage offshore cruising yacht draws admira- for extended cruising. (503) 327-6750 or 44-FT ISLAND CLIPPER SLOOP, 1946. tion wherever she goes. Home-ported [email protected]. Pelican Harbor, Sausalito. $69,000. in Port Townsend, Washington, she will Built in Wilmington, CA, by Fellows be on display at the 2014 Port Townsend and Stewart, fi r on oak, fastened with Wooden Boat Festival. More pictures at silicon bronze. Serena has been owned website: http://s736.photobucket.com/ and maintained by a local shipwright. user/tdacon/slideshow/Bettina. Contact 57-FT GAFF RIG SCHOONER, 1980. 3-cyl diesel. Contact (415) 847-3718 or (360) 379-5751 or (360) 301-1337 or Emeryville Marina, Emeryville CA 94608. [email protected]. [email protected]. $23,700. Pirate-styled ship! Deal of the century. Must go. Owner moving abroad. Amazing sailboat/luxurious liveaboard. Sturdy build, thick teak trim/rails/beams. Detroit diesel 53-3, holds 500 gal water, 45-FT EXPLORER, 1979. Vallejo. 500 fuel, new battery, bilge and water $30,000/obo. Good condition. Great pumps, center cockpit, captain’s state- motor/trans. Spacious liveaboard. Easy room; sleeps 3, fireplace, queen-size sailing. Contact [email protected] or brass bed, private head, teak deck, chaise (707) 984-6581. longue, washing machine. Main; sleeps 6, full galley, full bath/shower, fi replace, 47-FT CATALINA, $229,500. Customized 7 new sails, 2000lb windlass, Paloma 58-FT STAYSAIL SCHOONER, 1925. 45-FT GARDEN YAWL. One off, dou- bluewater ready. Extra fuel capacity, 110 instant hot-water heater. Transferable Port Townsend, WA. $109,000. Price ble-ender, 3 years in restoration, 98% or 240v, watermaker, chartplotter, radar, slip. Contact stylesurfi [email protected] or reduced!. Suva, 1925 staysail schooner completed, cold-molded over original AIS, coldplate refridge/freezer. Custom (510) 593-3632. designed by Ted Geary. A gorgeous and strip planking. $30K as is, or $? to fi nish cabinets and workshop, dive compressor, sound classic yacht that sails wonder- renovation. Contact (916) 847-9064 or in-boom furler, staysail, autopilot, wind fully! Teak. Financing available. See www. [email protected]. vane, new hard dodger, heat-air, Auto- schoonerforsale.com. Contact (360) 643- prop. Much more. See http://adream2sail. 3840 or [email protected]. publishpath.com. Call (916) 607-9026.

DOGGIEVENTURE – A doggie daycare on the go! eBOOK: HASTA BANANAS Morning or afternoon sessions available in San Francisco I am a Swiss sailor and circumnavigated our planet with my 40-ft Training • Boarding sloop Hasta Manana. Happy sailing with Otti Schmid. $4.99 US www.doggieventure.com • (415) 314-7541 www.hastabananas.ch • [email protected] THIS COULD BE YOU… YOGA FOR SAILORS ON THE SAN RAFAEL WATERFRONT Let the Classy Classifi ed business ads work for you. Perfect for beginners and those seeking to balance Submit online at: strenuous activity with gentle stretching, rest and recovery. Small group classes Tues/Thurs and private sessions. www.latitude38.com (415) 785-4530, www.bowyoga.com.

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 145 35-FT CUSTOM KETCH, 1947. Sau- PROFESSIONAL DELIVERY CAPTAINS. salito, CA. $30,000. Walrus. New Zealand, POWER & HOUSEBOATS San Diego-based, USCG Master 100 GT. triple-planked kauri, copper riveted. 30hp Sail and power. ASA-certifi ed instructional Sabb diesel. Master Mariners or bluewa- TWO ROOMY FIBERGLASS. Motor deliveries. Pacifi c Mexico and Baja Bash ter cruise. Good for another 100 years. yachts, Sausalito berths. 35-ft remodeled specialists. More at website: www. Call (415) 426-0172. Chris Craft Catalina ($21,000/obo), 50-ft boatdeliverycaptain.org. Contact David. International Offshore ($70,000) with Per- [email protected] or (619) kins diesels in standup engine rooms and 913-7834. 17.5-ft beam. Cruise/fl oating offi ce/live- aboard (with approval). Finance, lease op- tion, or trade. Contact (415) 888-3856 or 52-FT MODIFIED TENNANT. Blade Run- [email protected]. ner, 1987. Ventura, CA. $175,000. After- burner, fastest coastal sail catamaran on the West Coast, for sale to a good home. See http://afterburner.gibbsCAM.com. Contact [email protected] or (805) 377-1789. 35-FT CHEOY LEE LION, 1965. Rio Vista. $20,000. Beautiful 1965, 35-ft Cheoy Lee 57-FT CUSTOM CATAMARAN, 2014. Lion. Glass hull, Yanmar 30 with around Bay Area. $65,000/obo. 57x30 custom PLAN YOUR MEXICAN GETAWAY NOW. 600 hours, original roller furler boom, new catamaran, 2014. Marine ply w/epoxy At the brand-new, gorgeous Cielo Y mainsail from Sobstad, one 120%, one fi berglass. 80% complete. Rotating mast. Mar condos. Located in Punta Mita, 35 90%. Fresh brightwork, depth sounder, minutes from Puerto Vallarta, available to Hulls, deck and bridge deck completed. 50-FT EX-US NAVY LIBERTY. Conver- Autohelm, big windlass, two anchors with Needs engines, sails, interior. Owner can rent from private owner. On the beach, 10 hundreds of feet of chain. Fresh bottom sion, 1944. Monterey Marina, Monterey, feet from the water, they offer spectacular help fi nish. Contact (650) 773-6327 or CA. Best offer over $30,000. Tri-cabin job and rebuilt cockpit. We take her out on [email protected]. views of ocean and mountains, the big- the weekends, so engine time may vary. liveaboard trawler. Double V-berth, head, gest infi nity pool in the area, an endless Email [email protected]. and shower. Spacious lower helm/galley beach, great surf breaks, great fi shing, 35-FT OPEN BRIDGEDECK. Cruising with inside ladder to fl y bridge. Aft cabin/ catamaran, 1996. Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai. tremendous views of whales, bird life 26-FT FRANCES, 1978. RYC, Point salon/bedroom. Flybridge with large sun and the islands. While uncrowded and $20,000. Made passage from Seattle. deck. Dual Capilano hydraulic steering. Richmond, CA. $22,500. Chuck Paine- Epoxy foam construction, 46’ wing mast, tranquil, just a fi ve-minute walk to several designed flush deck, double-ended Stand up engine room. Detroit 671 diesel waterfront restaurants. Choose from a single daggerboard, one Yamaha 9.9 Morse controls. LectraSan, 35 gal hold- sloop. Built by Morris Shipyard, Maine. outboard in central well, tiller steering, spacious, beautifully furnished one- or It’s a great sailing boat. Info on the class ing. New 50 amp shorepower and main three-bedroom unit, or an amazing two- autopilot, EPIRB. Beams need work. (206) battery panels. Comfortable large 6’ high is at http://frances26.org. USCG Doc 612-4623 or [email protected]. story penthouse with lovely shade trellis #599111. Includes Volvo Penta MD5B cabins. Tastefully decorated. Walk-around on the top fl oor. See details at website: inboard diesel, original dinghy, furling deck. Slip transfers with sale. Some www.puntamitabeachfrontcondos.com. jib, main, extra sails and much more. project work required. Owner will fi nance To reserve, call Doña de Mallorca. (415) Refitted in 2009. Haulout and rigging OAC. Contact [email protected] or 599-5012. tuned August 2014. Email for more info: (831) 373-6061. [email protected]. Call (510) 230-9572 or (510) 215-2250. PARTNERSHIPS TRADE CARPENTRY SKILLS. For Ha-Ha crew MULTIHULLS 1985 SABRE 32. Sausalito Yacht Harbor. spot. Ukiah, CA. Carpenter will trade Equity or non-equity partnership possible. services for a spot on your boat in the 55-FT HORSTMAN TRIMARAN. Half 24-FT CORSAIR DASH 750, 2011. Al- $450 non-equity/$350 with partnership. 2014 Baja Ha-Ha. 25 years experience Moon Bay, CA. $100,000 . Glass over ply, ameda. $59,000. Trailerable trimaran for Trillian is an active boat with 2 experi- in residential construction. Have tools/ 125hp Yanmar, 5000 watt generator. BIG, sale by original owner. Little use. 2 mains, enced skippers. Recent engine service, will travel. Some sailing experience. Call fat liveaboard, mooring, HMB. Sleeps 2 jibs, asymm with Facnor, upgraded new main and bottom job. Located Michael. (707) 462-1324. 12. Big pilothouse, live almost free. See rigging, halyard, mainsheet. Raymarine in Sausalito for easy day sails or fun http://RockyPointRealEstateGirl.com. tillerpilot, Pacifi c galvanized trailer, 2012 overnight stays at the dock. See www. Contact susan_fl [email protected] or (702) Tohatsu 6hp. AGM battery with ProMari- facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=429868 WANTED 448-8723. ner and solar charger. See in SF Bay 6187489&l=1165acd925. Please contact Area. Remote delivery possible. Huge $$ me if interested: [email protected] or (415) 816-8392. YANMAR 1GM10 1 CYLINDER DIESEL. savings over new. (408) 656-2390. Santa Barbara. A good runner or a rebuild candidate or even something in between. Email [email protected].

AEROGENS/GIVENS. Honolulu. $-open. Wanted: Aerogen wind generator 5 x 6’s working or ?. Givens offshore liferaft SOUTH OF THE BORDER ocean pack/6-man. (808) 230-6466 or [email protected]. 34-FT CONTOUR TRIMARAN, 2000. Ventura, CA. $88,750. Orange is a GEAR speedy adventure platform in excel- 42-FT CROWTHER. Super Shockwave, lent condition. Beautiful interior, fresh 2000. Hawaii. $199,000. Very light, very electronics, Yanmar 20 with Sail Drive, strong, very fast and points very high. IRIDIUM 9505. Richmond. $1,200. custom dodger and bimini. Many photos Beautiful carbon fiber rotating mast Phone, external antenna, data modem, and details available at: www.con- by Forespar. Carbon beams. Carbon case and 450 minutes of airtime. Perfect tour34.com. Contact (415) 602-5880 or pilot house. More information at www. for Transpac or Baja Ha-Ha. Contact [email protected]. crowthercatamaranforsale.com. Email Steve at [email protected] or [email protected]. SAIL SHARE IN THE SEA OF CORTEZ. (510) 816-3177. 22-FT FARRIER TRAILER-TRI 680. 1987. Marina Real/Puerto Escondido. Best offer. Ventura. $10,000/obo. Builder, Jaeger 40-ft sloop in Bristol condition. 2 double PUR 40E WATERMAKER. Fremont. Yachts, BC, Canada. Sleeps 3 adults or berths, 2 heads, all amenities (TV, stereo, $1,600. Used Katadyn PowerSurvivor 2 adults and 2 pre-teens. Used to cruise Sirius) and safety equipment. Learn to 40E. 1.5 GPH. Complete with mem- Channel Islands with family (< 2 hours and sail, winter getaway (in slip), honeymoon, branes, hardware, fi lters, meter, seal kit 30 minutes - S.B. to Fry’s). Details, photos fi shing, diving, sailing, exploring, adven- and chemicals. Had been ‘pickled’ before available. Email [email protected]. ture or swim with the whale sharks? Bare I bought it and never used. A $1,600 bar- or crewed (USCG licensed). Will deliver gain. Call Jim. (510) 697-0065. 37-FT SEARUNNER, 1973. Eureka. to Baja fully provisioned. Terms fl exible. $23,000. Cutter rig, radar, GPS, 3 Bruce Email for more info: [email protected] anchors, electric windlass, autopilot, extra or [email protected]. Call (831) 818- gear. Roller furling headsail, full batten 8452 or (831) 688-2911, ext.104. mainsail. Email [email protected].

Page 146 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 CARBON MAST. Carson City, NV. $3,000. MARINE HAULOUT YARD. Manager/ BUSINESS ASSISTANT. Organizer/ 2.75” X 5.5 section, 29’ 2” LOA, tube only, BERTHS & SLIPS partner/buyer wanted. Opportunity for ex- skilled trainee, real estate and boats. faired and primed. Call for more info. (775) perienced person with 10-year experience Part- or full-time. Work primarily in 691-4929 or [email protected]. 50-FT PRIME SLIP, PIER 39, SF. $50,000. working in all areas of repair. Fiberglass southern Marin. Part-time work available F-Dock, Slip 11, east side. Protected from repair, painting, underwater mechanical on Mendocino coast. Lodging available. wind. Close to gangway, showers and equipment repair. Must speak Spanish Practical and computer skills a plus. Call marina offi ce. Covered parking across and English. Located in one of the largest for more information. (415) 888-3856 or street with special rates for owners. (559) boat yards in Mexico. Owner has plans [email protected]. 355-6572 or [email protected]. to retire in 2 years. Email resume to: [email protected]. 50-FT BERTH FOR SALE. Pier 39, SF. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Best offer. Slip J16 at San Francisco’s Pier SAILING INSTRUCTORS. OCSC Sailing, 39. Contact offi [email protected] or located in the Berkeley Marina, has PT (408) 954-1000. openings for instructors at its award- winning school. OCSC’s curriculum is PAC CUP STARTER KIT. Pleasant Hill. famous for turning out the best new sail- $3,000. I have a 4-person raft, MOM-8A, CREW ors in the country. Youll enjoy a thorough GPIRB, fi rst-aid kit, banding tool, Pactor training and coaching process to help modem, and most of what you would BAJA HA-HA. Sail on a 48-ft performance you develop as an instructor and to help need to meet Pac Cup safety rules. Stor- cruising catamaran Sea Level. Ha-Ha acquire a USCG license and US Sailing age containers, water jugs, and more. charter still has one double ensuite and instructor certifi cations. Read what being Want to sell all of it together. Call or email one single berth available. After Ha-Ha an instructor at OCSC is like at website: for list. (925) 934-5197 or (925) 586-7554 from Cabo to P.V. to Z-town. (619) 734- www.ocscsailing.com/about/people/ TAHOE SAILING CHARTERS. Tahoe City or [email protected]. 6422 or [email protected]. sailing_instructor.php. Email resume and Marina in Tahoe City, CA. 1/2 ownership of cover letter to Tim: [email protected]. established and profi table sailing charter FREE RIDE TO PUERTO VALLARTA. In business. Join an experienced working MISCELLANEOUS November. Denver/Tucson. Looking for JOIN OUR TEAM OF INSTRUCTORS! partner in 1/2 of the work and profi t. C.G. “crew” to drive from Denver through Tuc- Redwood City Marina. Spinnaker Sail- inspected 32-passenger Santa Cruz 50 AFTER THE HA-HA. Palo Alto. Best offer. son to PV fi rst week of November. (720) ing in Redwood City is looking for ASA and all assets included. See more at www. Paper charts, mostly unmarked. Package 244-8898 or [email protected]. certifi ed sailing instructors to teach out tahoesail.com. Contact Jim for more info: 1: 37 Eastern Pacifi c, Mexico to Ecuador, of our Redwood City Marina location. (530) 233-9000 or [email protected]. 1 Galapagos. Package 2: 43 Western OFFSHORE INSTRUCTION. John and Part-time, fl exible schedules, midweek Caribbean, Guatemala to Colombia. Amanda Neal provide documented and or weekends. See www.spinnaker- EARN MONEY WITH YOUR BOAT. Package 3: 14 professional courtesy ocean passagemaking instruction aboard sailing.com. Please contact Rich or Bob Redwood City Marina. Spinnaker Sailing fl ags. Sold as packages. (650) 327-8086 Mahina Tiare III, their Hallberg-Rassy 46, by phone or email. (650) 363-1390 or in Redwood City is looking to add a couple or [email protected]. drawing on their combined 584,000 miles offi [email protected]. of new- to late-model sailboats in the 30- and 73 years experience. More info at 40-foot range into our charter fl eet. This www.mahina.com. Call (360) 378-6131. is a great way to defer the cost of own- CLUBS & MEMBERSHIPS ership with monthly income and utilize tax benefi ts to help pay for owning your CLUB NAUTIQUE. Ultimate Membership. JOBS WANTED boat. See www.spinnakersailing.com. If Sausalito and Alameda locations. $9,450/ you’re interested in having your boat pay obo. Top-level membership for sale. PART-TIME CAPTAIN. USCG Master for itself, call Rich. (650) 363-1390 or Includes all classes, power and sail. Long- 50 GT with tow, looking for interesting [email protected]. time member, not using it anymore. Save part-time work on the water in Bay Area. $500, buy from me. http://tinyurl.com/ Retired successful businessman, mid- PROFITABLE ASA SCHOOL AND. ClubNtq. Email [email protected]. 50s, with great people skills. Contact charter company for sale. Monterey. We Michael Long, michael@longfi nancial.net PAID SAILING PROFESSIONAL. Navion- are selling our ASA School and Charter or (707) 483-0191. ics is looking for a paid promotional pro Company on Old Fisherman’s Wharf in PROPERTY SALE/RENT staffer! This paid pro, through retail stores, Monterey, CA with a 14-year profi table social media, forums and blogs, etc., will operation history. Serious inquiries only JOB OPPORTUNITIES do what they do best, be a sailor and talk please. See http://montereysailing.com. GREAT RIVER VIEW HOME. Bethel Is- about it. Contact [email protected] Contact [email protected] or land, CA. $279,000. Two separate lots on or (508) 317-3369. (831) 372-7245. the water with deep-water docks, several MAINTENANCE PERSON. Sausalito. outbuildings for staging your cruising Liveaboard marina seeks part-time main- adventure or keeping yourself busy, lots tenance person. 6-month position. Send of offstreet parking come with these deep resume to: [email protected]. lots. Home super cute, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, grand room, offi ce area and a fabulous COMPLETE BOAT SERVICE TECHNICIAN. stainless steel galley, con heart redwood Skills needed are diagnostic. Repair docks. BART will be opening in the area skills for mainly Beneteau and Lagoon in 2016. Great buy now. (925) 550-0858 sailboats and Beneteau powerboats. How to Read or [email protected]. Good working environment and steady hours, a full-time position. Email resume COSTA RICA - COASTAL LOTS. At to Butch, [email protected] or affordable prices. Paquera, Southern call (415) 690-9923. Nicoya Peninsula. $18,000. 20 lots from 400m2 to 6100m2. Gated community, EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY. Pas- Latitude 38 owner fi nancing. Sailing, surfi ng, fi sh- sage Yachts Inc. San Francisco Bay ing, diving. Beaches, waterfalls, islands, Area. We are adding a position for an parks. Private and secure. 10 minutes to experienced sales professional to join our in the Azores: beaches. Call in Costa Rica. For more progressive and growing Yacht Dealership info see: www.QuintasdelaPeninsula. Company. Company support, leads and com. Contact (011) 506-2641-0200 or an excellent work environment are of- [email protected]. fered. High-income sales professionals with extensive training and your income Download our eBooks ONE ACRE ON 100 ACRE ISLAND. needs are six fi gures, we invite you to Lovango, St. John, USVI. $475,000. apply. Commission position. Please Amenities: water, electricity, dock, boat contact us by phone, (510) 236-2633 transportation, by joining Home Own- or by sending a resume to: butch@pas- sageyachts.com. FREE! ers Association. 270 degree view on eastern tip, waterfront access. Contact [email protected] or (340) 626-4023 or (607) 962-6410. www.latitude38.com

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 147 JUST YOU AND THE SEA…

Punta Mita Beachfront Condos Call now for winter reservations! (415) 269-5165 www.puntamitabeachfrontcondos.com

Mathiesen Marine For all of your electronics and electrical needs Professional Sales, Design, Troubleshooting, Installation, Consultation, Education & Surveys for Electronics, Electrical, PC/Mac Based Navigation, NEW & USED BOAT GEAR Corrosion Issues, Electric Drive Conversions + More Open Tues.-Sat. 10 to 5 p.m. All work performed to ABYC Standards Certified Installers & Fully Insured Emery Cove Yacht Harbor Showroom 3300 Powell Street, Emeryville, CA Tuesday - Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 510.350.6622 www.MathiesenMarine.com www.bluepelicanmarine.com

Latitude 38 Special QUALITY CRUISING SAILS FOR LESS! $1095 - 2 certifications MIZZENS 5 nights lodging included STAYSAILS San Francisco Bay HEADSAILS SPINNAKERS SAILCOVERS STRONGTRACK [email protected] Modern Sailing School & club (415) 331 - 8250 Outstanding (707) 386-2490 www.ModernSailing.com Sailing School SAILMAKER TO THE WORLD

Page 148 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 Latitude 38’s Baja Ha-Ha XXI SEND-off parade On San Diego Bay Monday, October 27, 9:00-11:00 a.m. You’re invited to escort more than 160 sailboats out the bay for the cruise of a lifetime! BAJA HA-HA For more information, see www.baja-haha.com


AB Marine ...... 6 Boy Scouts San Diego ... 150 Emery Cove Yacht Hidden Harbor Marina .... 93 Marina El Cid ...... 112 ACDC Marine ...... 138 Breakwater Cove Harbor ...... 43 Hogin Sails ...... 51 Marina Isla Cortez ...... 108 Active Marine Marina ...... 106 Emeryville Marina ...... 93 Hood Sails ...... 11 Marina Mazatlan ...... 41 Mazatlan ...... 151 Marina ...... 57 Equipment Parts Sales .... 135 Hotwire Enterprises ...... 139 Marina Riviera Nayarit .... 42 American Battery ...... 136 Canvas Works, The ...... 63 Far East Sails ...... 135 Hydrovane ...... 109 Marina Vallarta ...... 53 Aqua Marine ...... 139 City Yachts ...... 7 Farallone Yacht Sales...... 9 Intelligent Maintenance ...... 8 Marine Lube ...... 137 BVI Yacht Charters ...... 123 Club Nautique ...... 18 First Watch Marine ...... 136 Interlux Yacht Finishes ...... 27 Marine Outboard Co...... 34 Baja Ha-Ha Beach Conch Charters...... 122 Flying Cloud Yachts ...... 153 Iverson’s Design ...... 52 Mariners General Party ...... 109 Cover Craft ...... 61 Fortman Marina ...... 36 JK3 Nautical Enterprises .. 13 Insurance ...... 87 Baja Ha-Ha Sponsors Coyote Point Marina ...... 45 Gentry’s Kona Marina ... 137 Maritime Institute ...... 49 ...... 99-101 KKMI ...... 156 Cruising Yachts ...... 51 Gianola Canvas Kissinger Canvas ...... 51 Marotta Yachts ...... 154 Bay Marine Boatworks ..... 25 Products ...... 112 Defender Industries ...... 54 Lee Sails ...... 148 Mathiesen Marine ...... 148 Bay Marine Diesel ...... 136 Grand Marina ...... 2 DeWitt Studio ...... 139 List Marine Enterprises ..... 59 Mayne, Larry R., Yacht Berkeley Marine Hansen Rigging ...... 50 & Ship Broker ...... 16 Center ...... 47 Downwind Marine ...... 35 Loch Lomond Marina ...... 49 Doyle Sails ...... 33 Harbor Island West McDermott Costa Blue Pelican ...... 148 Marina ...... 107 Mack Sails ...... 55 Insurance ...... 108 Dr. LED ...... 62 Blue Water Yacht Harken ...... 26 Makela Boatworks ...... 151 Minney’s Yacht Insurance ...... 136 Duffy Boats ...... 92 Helms Yacht & Ship Marchal Sailmakers ...... 137 Surplus ...... 135 Boat Smith S.F...... 151 e Marine Systems ...... 135 Brokers ...... 39, 153 Marina Bay Yacht Modern Sailing School Boat Yard at Grand Easom Racing & Heritage Marine Harbor ...... 56 & Club ...... 148 Marina, The ...... 29 Rigging ...... 31 Insurance ...... 92 Marina Cortez ...... 113 Multihull Co., The ...... 152 BottomSiders ...... 139 Elco Electric Boats ...... 60 Heritage Yacht Sales ..... 151 Marina de La Paz ...... 109 CONTINUED

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 149 THE BOY SCOUTS NEED YOUR BOAT

Donate your Vessel Your charitable donation will have a direct, positive impact on the lives of our local Scouts and local volunteer leaders. Through the Boy Scouts of America, Scouts learn valuable boating, first aid and lifesaving skills. You can help the Scouts continue the tradition of loyalty, honesty, integrity, respect and courage.

• STOP Maintenance Costs • STOP Slip Fees Relieve the financial burden of your boat while helping the Boy Scouts!! We are ready to act today!

The Boy Scouts of America...Making a difference in the lives of young men for more than 100 years. The Boy Scouts will Call for more information: Or e-mail: take care of all Sean Roy San Diego-Imperial Council the paperwork for you. 619-298-6121 [email protected]


Napa Valley Marina ...... 10 Paradise Village ...... 37 San Francisco Marina ...... 38 Svendsen’s Marine ...... 24 weatherguy.com ...... 138 New England Ropes ...... 32 Passage Yachts ...... 5 Santa Cruz Harbor ...... 55 Swedish Marine ...... 57 Wedlock, Ramsay & New Era Yachts ...... 152 Peterson Power ...... 54 Scanmar International ...... 45 TMM Yacht Charters ...... 123 Whiting Marine Surveyors ...... 138 New Found Metals ...... 55 Pier 39 Marina ...... 20 Schoonmaker Point Tartan 101/Blue Pacifi c West Coast Multihulls ...... 39 Norpac Yachts ...... 155 Pineapple Sails ...... 3 Marina ...... 40 Boating ...... 15 West Marine Rigging ...... 14 North Beach Marine Punta Mita Beachfront Sea Bags ...... 58 Trident Funding ...... 4 Canvas ...... 21 Condos ...... 148 Seashine ...... 113 Twin Rivers Marine Westwind Precision Details ...... 21 North Direct Sails ...... 53 Quickline ...... 47 Seatech ...... 122 Insurance ...... 50 Whale Point Marine North Sails ...... 23 Raiatea Carenage Seaworthy Goods ...... 58 Vallejo Marina ...... 83 Supply ...... 30 Oakland Yacht Club ...... 49 Services ...... 61 Sequoia Yacht Club ...... 113 Ventura Harbor Boatyard ...... 122 Yachtfi nders/Windseakers 59 Opequimar Marine South Beach Harbor ...... 44 Marina ...... 59 Volpar ...... 47 Center ...... 93 South Beach Riggers ...... 21 Rubicon Yachts...... 43 Outboard Motor Spaulding Wooden Shop ...... 56 SS Marine: Yacht & Boat Center ...... 46 Remember to Ship Brokers ...... 151 tell ‘em Owl Harbor Marina ...... 98 Spectra Watermakers .... 134 Oyster Cove Marina ...... 63 Sail California ...... 19 Latitude Starbuck Canvas ...... 45 sent you Sail Warehouse, The ..... 138 Pacifi c Crest Canvas ...... 22 Start Line Strategies ...... 137 Sailrite Kits ...... 28 Pacifi c Offshore Stem to Stern ...... 63 Rigging ...... 60 Sal’s Infl atable Sterling Associates ...... 61 Pacifi c Rigging ...... 52 Services ...... 57 Suncoast Yachts ...... 62 Pacifi c Yacht Imports ...... 12 San Francisco Boat Works ...... 53 Svendsen’s Boat Works .... 17

Page 150 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 Long Beach-Naples 866-569-2248 DEALERS FOR CATALINA, Newport Beach 877-389-2248 hunter AND San Diego 760-402-3868 HANS CHRISTIAN SAILBOATS Wilmington 877-599-2248 Cell 310-995-9989

www.heritageyachts.com LO ne san dieg LONG NG wport BE BE o ACH ACH

62' Nautical Ketch, '85 $199,500 48' C&C Landfall, '80 $178,000 47' Gulfstar, '80 $149,500 42' Catalina, '93 $89,000 LO long LA HARBOR NEWPORT NG be BE ach ACH

40' Saga 409, '06 $235,000 38' Downeast, '76 $32,900 38' Catalina, '79 $37,000 37' Pacific Seacraft, '90 $119,000 LONG LA HARBOR long LONG BE be BE ACH ach ACH

34' Catalina MkII, '07 $99,000 33' Hunter 336, '97 $47,000 30' Doug Peterson, '85 $34,500 27' Pacific Seacraft, '85 $59,900 www.BoatSmithSF.com

Full Service Brokerage Repair Restoration Professional services at a reasonable cost conveniently located in Mazatlan, Mexico

www.activemarinemazatlan.com +52.669.913.4272 SS Marine Yacht and Ship Brokers

Full service YACHT SALES PRICE LOWERED Full service yacht sales staff for listing and selling Makela Boatworks your powerboat or sailboat. Family owned since 1948 Serving San Francisco Bay, Marin and the Delta. 1986 Bayliner with twin hino diesels, fresh bottom paint. $42,000 Wooden Boat Building • Repair and Restoration BROKERAGE 44’ ISLAND GYPSY, ‘79...... $189,000 32’ BAYLINER, ‘86...... $42,000 38’ CABO RICO, ‘79...... $74,000 30’ SUN RUNNER, ‘90, must sell, bring any offer...$19,500 19280 South Harbor Drive • Fort Bragg, CA 95437 38’ SEA RAY, ‘00, aft cabin...... $128,800 (707) 964-3963 San Francisco, California email: [email protected] • www.Makelaboatworks.com (415) 456-8080 • www.ssmarineyachts.com

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 151 www.multihullcompany.com The Multihull Company is pleased to announce the opening of the Northwest Multihull Center on Puget Sound's Commencement Bay. The Northwest Multi- hull Center is a great starting place for buying or sell- ing a catamaran or trimaran or to learn more about the world of multihulls. We are creating the West Coast's largest concentration of catamarans and to serve you better! 50' CATANA, 2008 42' SHUTTLEWORTH, 1983 58' PROFILE, 1988 The Multihull Company is the world's largest inter- Washington Baja California Washington national catamaran and trimaran brokerage. Our team 700,000 $139,000 $399,000 of multihull experts offer several distinct differences including buyer and seller services, a powerful online presence, worldwide offices, displays at major nation- al and international boat shows, newsletters and so- cial marketing that inform and reach the right buyers and sellers. Visit us at www.MultihullCompany.com or at our new Northwest Multihull Center and see why 60' HOBIE PILOTHOUSE, 1990 34' GEMINI 105MC, 2008 34' GEMINI 105MC, 2002 The Multihull Company is truly the choice for sailors Washington Washington Washington around the world. $1,395,000 $139,900 $124,950 SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE FT. LAUDERDALE CHARLESTON FRANCE TURKEY TRINIDAD GRENADA TORTOLA ST. MARTIN HQ Phone: 215-508-2704 Northwest Multihull Center: 206-297-1151 email: [email protected]

58’ ALDEN YAWL, ‘31 55’ HALLMAN SLOOP, ‘82 51’ JEANNEAU, ‘94 50’ GULFSTAR, ‘78 $195,000 $135,000 $149,000 $75,000

45’ CORONADO, ‘74 38’ ERICSON, ‘87 38’ HANS CHRISTIAN 38T, ‘87 38’ BENETEAU, ‘91 (Moorings) $49,500 $57,000 $97,600 $35,000

36’ C&C, ‘81 35’ C&C SLOOP, ‘84 34’ MOODY, ‘84 30’ NONSUCH, ‘80 $35,000 $39,600 NOW $31,500 $45,000

2021 Alaska Packer Pl., Grand Marina, Alameda, CA 94501 [email protected][email protected]

POWER & SAIL (510) 523-5988 • www.newerayachts.com

Page 152 • Latitude 38 • October, 2014 Sail · BROKERS · Power 6400 Marina Drive www.flyingcloudyachts.net Phone (562) 594-9716 Long Beach, CA 90803 [email protected] Fax (562) 594-0710

55' BRUCE ROBERTS, '76 $209,000 50' VALIANT, '02 $539,500 $529,000 43' YOUNG SUN CC, '84 $129,900 40' MAYFLOWER KETCH, '61 $399,000

40' VALIANT CUTTER, '78 $79,900 38' DOWNEAST, '78 $29,000 37' ELITE, '84 $44,900 36' ISLANDER, '74 $40,000

36' ISLANDER FREEPORT, '81 $64,000 35' C&C MkII, '74 $27,900 34' GEMINI 105M, '97 $79,900 25' CAPE DORY, '80 $11,500 APPROX. 100 listings on our Web site: www.flyingcloudyachts.net

Planning to travel to some far-flung destination? If you’re planning to fly out to meet friends TELSTAR 28 TRIMARAN, ‘08 CORSAIR 31R in Mexico, the w/50hp outboard & trailer. One left. Caribbean or the $70,000 $95,000 South Pacific, why SISTERSHIP not stop by the Latitude 38 office before you leave and pick up a bundle of magazines to share SEAWIND 1000 PROUT 33 CS with cruisers? Priced to sell 1985 We promise you’ll $149,000 $69,000 be a hero — and you’ll probably earn a few beers for your efforts. YACHT SALES INC. Join the sisterhood of the traveling magazines (brothers welcome too)! (510) 865-2511 The Latitude 38 office is open 9-5 weekdays and is located www.helmsyacht.com PDQ 32 CATAMARAN at 15 Locust Ave., Mill Valley, CA 94941 Very nice. Very special. Call (415) 383-8200 for directions. [email protected] $120,000

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 153 Marotta Yachts of Sausalito Brokers of Fine Sail and Motor Yachts 415-331-6200 • [email protected] • www.marottayachts.com

See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com


48' TAYANA CUTTER Deck salon version of Robert Perry's 46' KELSALL CATAMARAN, 2008 Easy to handle long- 41' KIRIE FEELING SLOOP, 1996 Spacious accommoda- 'go-to' design for safe, luxurious passage making. This low distance cruiser, bristol in and out. Twin Volvo diesels, Northern tions with a cabin skylight and great sailing in typical SF conditions. time, late model example is BRISTOL and TURNKEY. $419,000 Lights genset, full electronics, lying in Sausalito YH. $324,000 Starfi nder is a great example of a great design. $139,000

See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com

43' HUNTER 430, 1995 In nice shape inside and out. 35' BABA CUTTER, 1980 Owned by 31' PACIFIC SEACRAFT, 1988 Designed and built by actual Spacious, well laid-out 3-stateroom/2-head interior with 6'6" same family since new, she's the nicest boat of this vintage we've cruisers. Shows very nicely. Yanmar diesel, radar, chartplotter, headroom and lots of light and storage. Lying Oxnard. $97,000 seen in years. Total refi t incl. Yanmar repower. Must see. $79,000 autopilot, offshore dodger, wheel, roller furling. $78,000

See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com


33' BENETEAU 331, 2000 Clean, well equipped and lightly 44' FELLOWS & STEWART, 1946 Repowered beauty owned 45' HUNTER, 1987 Amazing space below with 6'7" head- sailed. Priced right by a motivated out-of-state owner. Turn key by professional shipwright and maintained at Sausalito's Arques room; feels like a 50+ footer! Boat is in nice shape, well equipped condition; potentially transferable Sausalito YH slip. $69,000 Shipyard many years. Shows bristol inside and out. $69,000 and well priced. Pullman berth forward, shoal draft. $59,500

See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com


28' ALERION EXPRESS, 2000 Lovely little daysailer 35' MAXI 105, 1983 High quality Swedish-built yacht 36' ISLANDER, 1979 shows as new for a fraction of the price. Very well equipped; with a 3/4 aft cockpit confi guration. In excellent condi- One of the nicest Islanders we've seen in years, this boat has been potentially transferable Sausalito Yacht Harbor slip. $59,500 tion, she shows much newer than her actual age. $49,000 extensively updated inside and out and is a MUST SEE! $49,000

See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com See at: www.marottayachts.com


41' SCEPTRE, 1988 31' PEARSON, 1989 TWO HUNTERS: 31', 1987 & 28.5', 1985 Both are clean Vessel to be priced substantially below market for Very clean example of a Pearson classic, with potentially and well priced. Either would make a good, inexpensive, fun quick sale and needed work. Call for details. Price TBD transferable Sausalito Yacht Harbor slip. $36,000 daysailer or weekender. The 31 is $27,000; 28.5 is $10,000.


1150 Brickyard Cove Rd., B9, Pt. Richmond, CA 94801 BAJA HA-HA BOAT HERE! 38' ERICSON One-owner, red-hulled beauty has been (510) 232-7200 FAX (510) 232-7202 yahct club kept & properly equipped w/120% self-furling • jib, full battened main, 75% storm jib, asym. spinn. w/pole, email: [email protected] 2-speed self tailers, lines led aft, MORE! Asking $49,500


34' TIFFANY JAYNE Sloop. Rare & lovely sailing icon 48' GRAND BANKS Trawler LRC. Aft master S/R, twin 57' CHINESE JUNK Twin Gardner dsls. Roomy, comfort- 34' CATALINA Full cruise equipment. Baja Ha-Ha from C&B Marine of Santa Cruz, CA. An elegant double- diesel, FB & PH helms, classic mahogany in BEAUTIFUL able, unique & ideal for liveaboard. Just hauled & much veteran and ready to go again. Aft and forward double ender. Think Alerion at 1/3 the price! DANCER condition. Onan, fully loaded galley, 3 heads, shower & upgrading/refi t completed. 3 strms, large salon & galley, staterooms, solar panels, radar and full electronics. comes with like-new dodger, full complement of sails, tub, infl atable dinghy w/motor, swim platform, steady- genset, wood carvings, great wheelhouse observation Lots of gear. Dodger and bimini, spinnaker. Great laptop w/chart software & more. Reduced to $22,000 ing sails, radar, MORE! Asking $60,000/offers salon, high quality construction, ++. Asking $119,900 condition and MORE! REDUCED! Asking $34,950


40' BRITISH COLUMBIA CLASSIC TROLLER 120' CHARTER/EXCURSION VESSEL. Legal 175' LIGHTHOUSE TENDER, "FIR" Desig- 39' CAL Very nice one. Diesel rebuilt by British Beautiful pleasure yacht conversion. Ultimate in seaworthi- for 12 paying passengers plus crew. Stand- nated National Historic Landmark by U.S. Dept. of Marine. Rig overhauled 2013 incl. new standing/run- ness, economy & saltiness. Built for rigors of commercial use alone high-endurance bluewater steel vessel. V-12 the Interior. STEEL, twin diesel-powered small ship, ning rigging, new batteries/charger, CNG range w/ in PNW waters & all conditions. 6-71 GM dsl, 8KW dsl gen, CAT, gensets, comfort, seaworthiness, safety and fully operational and in great condition. Beautiful, oven, 6'5" hdrm, sleeps 8. New VHF, AIS, new radar, inverter, red cedar planking, nav computer, radar, depth, 2 great accommodations, crane, HELICOPTER PAD and comfortable interior, great accommodations and GPS, VHF, depth. Lines led aft. Cabin heater, cockpit VHFs, AP, reefer/freezer, dsl range, +. Asking $39,950 MORE! Alaska anyone? Asking $360,000/offers more. Asking $360,000/offers table, wheel, dodger, MORE. Asking $59,950


32' HUNTER VISION Hunter's much copied and 34' PETERSON Sloop. Doug Peterson's renowned 34' SPAULDING Sloop. Beautiful bright red perfor- 37' RAFIKI Meet the Ha-Ha In Mexico. Yanmar highly successful breakthrough design in outstanding Performance Cruiser design. Great boat. Well cared for mance cruiser by Sausalito's legendary Myron Spaulding. 50 hp dsl, radar, A/P & vane, SSB, dodger. Lines led condition. Unstayed mast, lines led aft for shorthanded and nice above & below. Yanmar dsl, roller furling, 3 Epoxy saturated Brunzeel cold-molded construction. Excellent aft. Forced air dsl heat, large enclosed head & stall sailing, dodger, wheel, dsl, GPS, AP, radar on an arch. Great spinns, 2 mains, 5 jibs, new batteries, full galley w/ condition. Monel, bronze, +. Low hrs i/b Greymarine, teak shower. Cruiser keel, fridge & MORE! A comfortable roomy layout & MORE. Must see! Asking $39,900 reefer/freezer, 6'6" hdrm, AP, more! Asking $19,900 decks, 2 mains, 2 gennys & spinnaker. Asking $12,950 cruiser w/lots of storage & amenities. Asking $59,500


38' ERICSON Sloop. Great Bruce King design. Diesel, roller furl., self-tending winches, dodger, full gallley w/ 39' GULF PILOTHOUSE Sloop/Motorsailer. 34' GEMINI 105 CAT Lovingly maintained example of 45' FUJI KETCH Cruise equipped, 60 hp dsl, fridge & freezer, radar, GPS, plot, etc. with repeaters, Inside and outside helms, very clean, only 280 hours this popular, affordable cruiser. GPS, VHF, depth, CD/stereo, genset, wind gen, radar/GPS/plotter and full elect spinnaker, wheel/pedestal, solar panel, tender w/motor, on diesel engine, RF, lines led aft, spinnaker, rod rig- battened mainsail, roller furling, lazy jacks, fi xed dodger, with repeaters at pedestal/wheel steering, dodger, AP, liferaft, 2 dbl staterooms & MORE! Asking $51,500 ging, running rig new. Lots of other new equipment/ wheel steering, h/c water, cockpit shower, enclosed marine main, spinnaker, storm jib, roller furling, genoa, gear. 2 double staterooms, +. Asking $96,500 head w/shower, full galley & MORE! Asking $94,950 autopilot, reefer/freezer, more! Asking $99,500


50' HERRESHOFF CENTER COCKPIT Ketch. Aft stateroom, 115hp 6-cyl dsl, full galley, AP, radar, GPS, dinghy+o/b, more! A big, comfortable, strongly-built, 133' CAR FERRY Conversion: Office/Studio. 41' MORGAN Center Cockpit Out Island 35' ISLAND PACKET Lightly used on San Francisco Bay GLASS, bluewater world cruiser from a fi ne designer, Ultra spacious. Fully operational. Set up for very Sloop. Diesel. Outstanding & very popular cutaway so she's super clean/ready to cruise. Huge, comfortable FAITH comes with a lot of gear. Asking $82,500 comfortable living and working. Ice Class, built full-keel cruiser design. Live/cruise. REFINISHED in & cockpit w/room for everyone. Massive, well equipped galley in Norway. Fine condition. Absolutely unique and out. Teak & holly sole. Radar, speed/log, VHF, stereo, & fantastic layout below w/roomy aft & forward cabins. VERY cool. Rare opportunity. Asking $390,000 GPS/plotter, A/P, spinn., MORE! Asking $44,900 Built to high standards to sail safely. Asking $118,500

CALL (510) 232-7200 OR PLEASE SEE www.norpacyachts.com TOLL FREE (877) 444-5087 and/or OR CALL GLENN DIRECTLY AT 46' GARDEN PORPOISE Ketch.Bill Garden's magnifi - cent all-teak world-beater design. She's circumnavigated www.yachtworld.com/norpacyachts (415) 637-1181 before & ready to do it again. Fully equipped to take on the world's oceans in safety & comfort. Asking $95,000 for MORE BOATS FOR APPOINTMENTS & INFORMATION

October, 2014 • Latitude 38 • Page 155