An Original Collection of the Poems of Ossian, Orrann, Ulin, and Other
mmt^ \ .30 ^41(^^4^^ I. ol OC'V'tuO fviM^ IaaJI'^S /mu.O^civ- ItcchecUCui, C^'V^ci^uu ^/Ilo ^i^^u/ 4W<; Wt ^t^C^ Jf^ [W^JLWtKA c^ Cjn^uCiJi tri/xf)^ Ciyi>^^ CA^(A^ ^^" l^/Ji^^^JL. Irk. /UuJL . TWw- c/?Z^ ?iJI7 A-^c*^ yi^lU. ^'^ C/iiuyu^ G^AMA^f\M^ yJ\f\MMA/^ InJieuti J^tT^Tl^JU^ C)nc(A\.p%2=k ^^^^^^^ A^^^ /^^^^^ yi^ UvyUSi^ ,at ["hoy, Ci/^yul Qcc/iA^i'ey. ftul^k hJiruo^/iil!;^ AH ORIGINAL COLLECTION OF THB POEMS OF OSSIAN, OMIRANN, IJJLIN, WHO FLOURISHED ZN THE SAME AGE. COLLECTEB ANO EDITED BY HUGH AND JOHN M'CALLUM. MONTROSE: PrfiiteD at t^e ISeiJieto Behjjspapet; <£^cc, FOR THE EDITORS, By James Watt, Bookaeller. I8iej. DEDICATED (bY PERMISSION), TO THE JDUKE OF YORK, PRESIDENT, AND THE OTHER NOBLE AND ILLUSTRIOUS MEMBERS OF THE HIGHLAND SOCIETY OP PREFACE. After the Editors devoted much of their time in compiling materials for an additional collec- tion of Ossian's poems, and in comparing different editions collected from oral recitation; having also perused the controversy, ^vritten by men of highly respectable abilities, establisliing the au- thenticity of the poems of Ossian ; also, upon the other hand, considered what has been stated a- gainst the authenticity of these poems, by a few whose abilities are well known in other matters, though they have failed in this vain and frivolous attempt. Having contemplated both sides of the question, and weighed the balance with reason and justice; the Editors consulted with some of the first characters in the nation about the matter, who, after serious consideration, have granted their approbation for publishing the following sheets, and favoured the Editors, not only with vi PREFACE.
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