W B MMT fj Point Applique tke Ckic Trimniing for Velveteen tke Correct Tking TiVedding . for Morning and Going-Aw- ay Extensive Trousseaux No Longer tke . ing for tke Smart Clotk and Taffetas Conspicuous Proper Th Woman. JO White and Long Trains tke Regu- in the X rosseau or the Ultra Smart . lation iVedding for Tkif Wiatir.


lines are a necessity In the well made is that selected by a woman who wanta short full putt to the elbow, where a evening (own. and nothing Is put upon a Quaint effect In her gown, and some- fpld of taffeta and a quilling of laoe a gown which will detract from these thing entirely different from the regu- head a second putt. This Is finished In Fetching-- a Necessity la the lation long with which we are all the same , and reaches midway so familiar. It Is made with a full between the elbow and wrist. Troeeeau. of white taffeta, veiled In , and For her reception gown a bride selects In the way of wraps a bride requires tho chiffon overdress Is surrounded by the color which Is most becoming to her one for morning wear and this Is proba- several rows of taffeta folds, all of the from among those In vogue. The recep- bly part of her with a for same width. These folds are only tion gown shown in figure C le of soft the afternoon and one for the theatre stitched along the edge, and they green cloth mads with a full, plain and opera and for evening; wear. The lutng like tucks. The M eut with skirt. The bodice is very amart. and la a V neck and a stock and yoke of laoe, given a surplice effect by means of evening coat may be made to do duty with a lare fichu below the taffeta out- straps opera If one does not wish a of embroidery, set their own for the line of the V In front. The bodlos la width apart, a little below the band of separate wrap for that purpose. full and has a wide, draped girdle effect the material which frames a small laee The gown shown In figure A without any girdle. The sleeve la a tucker, shaped like a V In front and aurmounted by a lace stock. The em- broidered strops cross at the back and front of the bodice above a wide, draped girdle, which 'is finished with two taf- feta rosettes In the back. The full el- bow sleeve Is elaborated with a panel of lace, down the outside, crossed by three straps with, a taffeta bow In the center of each. At the elbow a soft lace flounce


this of the year the bride occupies tho center of the stage In the social world. A for all over the country are donning eatln and orange blossoms and preparing for a winter of gay young matronhood. Tho wedding gown Is. of course, the most important consideration In the selection of a trousseau. Tho conven- The gotng-awa- y gown la also a matter tional gown is of satin, or else of some of Importance, and the smartest ones one of the heavier goods, such as cloth this season are made of cloth or velvei- - or surah brocade. The regulation een. The consideration about a anlns- - weddtng gown, with Its long train, re- - away gown Is to have It very smart quires some such heavy materials to snd not too obtrusive. As to length, Insure the proper set and hang of tbs there Is nothing to prevent a bride from train. having a long gown If aha wants one, At times there is a tendency to depart but the really smart traveling gown I Ing length. The skirt la trimmed around plctureaque cut of the bodice, which h from the conventional gown and to wear cut short. Tho bride who wanta to be the lower portion with crossed straps of its decolletsge In a wide V shape with something softer and lighter than absolutely correct will wear hers In this taffeta, with a button In the point of surplice effects of narrow taffeta satin, but these attempt not style. As to trimmings gowns, have been these that esch. ttch decoration Is lu the form wl4 lao, mppiqua over the ahoul- - successful except In spring and In the depends upon the occasion and tho ly autumn, when the aesson mate where gown will bo worn. 0tJtn beginning at tho center of the and the For The Is mads with a round neck. ot.trA . ZJCLm . ..,, m the occasion allow a much greater lati- - New York, velveteen, made quits slm-tud- e tn.,d hv a wide hand of shirring. .." k. In the selection of materials for ply. will be the correct thins. The back of the bodice Is gathered to back. Her a bow Is set at tha wending gwna than Is the case now. It Is a common mistake to suppose , tho fronts are Joining ' of two wide bands of velvet ' There 1s one that and to the and Just exception In fsvor of that a bride's gowns must he made also gathered to the belt and to the that pass downward from the bow, un- the gown of white moassetlne, em- mora aver- broidered elaborate than those of the shoulders. A shirred band covers the der the arms, and slope to tho walat in silver, which some brides age woman. On the contrary, the bride seam at the side of the back, and the line In front. There la not much bodice affect. more simplicity wo- The dresses with than a same form of trimming outlines the visible below this and that la formsd wedding gown of the moment is man who has been married some little square, full coattails In the back. The In the style of a girdle with a point smartest cut Derfectlv nlnln If denamia time. The reception gown of the bride bolt Is outdo In a very attractive fashion up the middle of th back. The full mr us oeauty upon the chic lines gown of must be chIO In cut and fetching in of two straps, which cross ends on esch aleeves begin in a short puff at th top. the and not upon any accessories effect, but It must not be upward-turnin- g ends n ne way elaborate. side, with curving followed by a larger on and flntehed or trimmings. The gown Is A variety of materials them- - they are held ., , susaest up on' tho jacket, where with another abort puff abov a ruffle i lon(r ,ram 1VM ror tn) --own. and many trim In place by buttons. The mousquetalre edged with lace. Thla only reaches to sweeps slong the floor with the same mlngs stately appearance ars equally amart, so thst a sleeve ta finished With the crossed straps tho top of the elbow. There la an air with which we are bride Is by no means limited In her and buttons and a laoe stock and Jabot of youthful simplicity with all the He.!0 J'J?1"' selection. are worn at tho nock. quaintnass of thta gown, and still It la tn sortrVSt. mU'''L' H'wl! " J""1'' Wh" th 'ewPtloa gown Is Intport- - Th simplest gown In a bridals ward- elaborate enough to be worn by a woman avowS? "nt gown this street, past youth. sr. and ' "n should glvellttle ta hsr morning for her first wMin silhouette rr. m th. rhnmin. n m.i.t h. .imni. and thla la shown In figure B. It Is cut With th smart bride of this season W,,i-D- - Short-t- Is. flnrifn, e' 1Vhef " th. morning walking length, with a plain, full skirt, th selection of gowns and wrap will bo sre gown ror street, house gown mnd With gowns, nign in toe neck, hut Is the the gathered to tho belt finished all Important especially of as this finished may he as fancy as ons pleases. Vel- top lin- with such transparent lace a deep hem with' a oordlng at the these nre most criticised. Tho dainty that the veteen la the oholee of tho bride of this of it where It la placed upon the right gerie is bought In th mode white contour of the throat sec-m- to ' season's nothing ssnson for her morning . If aid. Th gown 1a of which means plenty of fine embroidery -- lose beneath aurh a covering. Is made velvetoen sug- Tolnt applique (see Is preferable this of I would blue velveteen, with a and no more Is purchased than will be as a gest having the gotng-awa- y gown of of cloth, with necessary. Tho society airl likes to dls- - trimming for wedding gowns. This Is clotk. old-tim- velvet buttons. Tho coat card her underwear when brings a revival of a pretty lovelv e lace fashion which One Is gpt to Imagine a bride In a collar and lapels srs or in something Hovel and attractive, and Is as beautiful am It is expensive. perfect now gowns The sleeves of the wadding gown whirl of snd finery the materials of tho the voluminous once considered sre of all sorts. Nothing is necessary I made slopg the lines laid down further from waistcoat, and a touch for a bride a thing of the for the truth In regard to a really te of It ts In bot- past, although. It be smart sleeves, without any fixed rule put the must owned that a exot-p- t bride. She buys Just as few gown tom of the sleeve. The smart girl require an astonishing sup- as to tbelr they old-ttyl- rut thst must bo as got season A Quaint e In three-quart- length ahs can through the upon, revival of an wadding sleeves are mad rather ply of dainty house gowns, and snd her wardrobe Is far from being as full at th top snd quite underwear and th aomimulatlon of these Tew - gown. Smart Wedding Tell. tenslve as people fancy It to be. No- tight fitting below, and a makes th Selection- - of a trousseau still We all know the trials of the wedding body knowa better than a society girt B Simple morning costume of velveteen, slock and Ms sre worn, something of a task. . For years brides have hod no that what may be vary smart one month together with a smart J08BFA WILBON OBBORK. choice In the matter of a wadding vow quits out of dgts a few months for street wear. toqus that harmonises except between the stringy tinea of an hence, both In outer and under wearing with the coetume Th OF OdsTDTJOT. heirloom of old lace or great billows apparel, and so tha bride gets till aha C Smart reception gown in newest out. style of this costume of tulle that few could ever fasten grece wants, tor a rew months, and no mors, tea depends upon Well-cu- t D Fetehlng going-ewa- y Its ttaatoa Tujly upon the head Hrrth styles of inking are that everything Is gown of oloth or well-hun- g From'th Traveler. the finest snd lines Bom rules by ars equally unbecoming, and I and best and prettiest that money can velvet. snd Its graceful fit. Hera are mads Thomss have heard women at a wedding exclaim buy. in msrkd to 71 SZiZT " TT," TT" a i ne E ".V:':JT3: in loosing ai priceless ncirionm of a wedding gown of th hrlds la Charming evening gown of and lends a touch of airiness to the eos- - ths simplicity of th morning Is veil. "What an old yellow rag often fixed over suit th reading them to hens cut and into sue.. lovly gown M. 1. on a wedding :'' Ing gown, u mousseline. "ne. evening shown In Fig. The Navr put oft till tomorrow what but this has nothing to do Of course a hat Is worn to gPWS Is of pearl y can do today. I a F-T- match this whit silk tnsde with have original. d wedding veil which with the avenlng gown, which forms a he 1 bride's dainty costume, and this Is of velvet long verv full. Ion 1. Never trouble another ss proved very successful. It Is of net. necssssry part of her troaseau. This Is lace fan. with skirt whm. i. for what ap- - tuning piumes. you can do yourself with sn edge of point applique lace made of any material suitable for sven-plte- G-- 8hoe in suodo, a fad of autumn. ,nort M t0 mer,iy lengthen th tine of on not. The Ing wesr the A Okie Traveling Costume. In I. Never spend your money before the veil la out so as snd In sny color thst tbs bride the skirt ths back. Below the middle yon have to tske the lines of the woman's figure, affects. The H Sweet little pink Th golng-awa- y gown, - a - It tendency of the sesson Is embroidered "mule" which is tllus- of th skirt wlds puffed band of moua- 4. Nevsr buy what you do not want wMrh It envelope, sud so It becomes a toward simplicity in the cut of evening trateo in ngure u. is or flesn-ies- f nrown sellne Is put on with edges formsd of tires use It Is cheap; in- - gowns, for the bedroom. It will he dear to oft. misty outline about the bride srul there ie practically no dl ss the .French call that attractive small puffed bands of the same ma- you. lead of something to conceal her grace crimination in the make of s gown for a I Tho new ehade of brown- - with Its cloth skirt teriel, unriit. and four of Smaller S. - automobile dove, with its elab- the Pride coata us more than hunn. or detract frora tho loveliacag of her- woman of 40 and one who hss only made full snd long all around. The puffs head a flounce that Is finished with and cold. elf or her gowa. spent one season in society. Smart out-- orate gauntlet French prefer this style,' but personally a deep spplique of The qualnt- - We never repent X goio-- lac. t of having aataa Ilk a away gowa out In walk- - ness of this skirt Is oarried out la th too little. .