SALEM. MASS., 1-N 1636.





TO MY CHJLDRE.....;, cli:cnctifft Ei}ahctb anb ~tuman ~cllum i!i:cmplc, Wrr11 nu,: Hol'E THAT TUEY WlLL PROVE WORTHY 1:.HERl'l'OI\S 01' A.~ HOliORAIILF. LJ:;EAcF. A."1> ADD FRESH LUSTRE 'fO A D1s,l:;GUISH£D NAME, I Dl!:DlCATE THIS VOLUME.

Uo tbe ~urcbaser.

You may wish at some time to sell this volume. Should ·such be the case in one week, or twenty years, if you will write me the condition of the book and your lowest cash price, post-paid, I will endeavor to find a buyer for it. With every good wish, Your friend, LEVI D. TEMPLE. I'LKMl:SGTOS. X. J.



I:sTROt>t:CT10:s-TnE TEltPLE F A.,nLY 5-8 DESCEXTlA:STS 01-' ARRAHAlt TEltPLE 9-203 BAKER F.\lt!LY 66 EAln:s Y 66-67 F:..,nr., 114-116 TREDW.\Y FAllll.Y 133-135 , FAl!Il.Y • lil-174

KELLt:lt Y 192-194 HIATT F,\ltlLY 195-196 F.uur.Y 196-198

CooK F.unLY 197 CAltPBELL F.\)IILY 198-200

SPRAY F.nnLY 200-202

DESCI-::SllAXTS OF SAltuEL l\It:nt>OCK 204-211 DESCEXTlAXTS OF ROBERT TEltPLE 212-260 D1-:scE:st>A:sTs 01-· Wn.LIAlt TEltPLE OF CooltBS LA:SE 261-279 DESCE:SDA:STS OF W1LT.IAlt TEllPLE OF TITRING OF WICK 280-289 D1-:sc1-:XDA:STS 01-' Au:xAXDER TEl[PLE • 290-293


ADDEXDA 293,297

E."tTRACTS FR0lt E:SGLISB WILLS 299-301 INDEX 302-316


b 1421 Robert Temple was in possession of Temple Hall, an estate in the County of Leicester, England. This manor was granted to the Knights Templar at an early date. It is altogether likely that Robert, his ancestors and descendants, received their name from the order of the Temple, or from the Hall, into the.. possession of which this family came. In 1279 · the property was · held by Henry de Temple, as shown by public records. This latter Henry is s:tid by tradition to have been a desccnda;it of Leofric, Earl of l\!ercia before the days of William the Conqueror. The consort of Leofric was Lady Godiva of Coventry, celebr-.ited in Tennyson's poem bearing h~ name-and the Temples of Temple Hall have therefore a doubly 'famous origin. Wl1ether any reliance can be placed upon this legend I do not know. This Temple Hall was in the possession of Sir Peter Temple at the time of Cromwell. Sir Peter was one of the judges who condemned to death King Charles I., and James Temple was another of the name. I have seen the death warrant, bearing their signatures, hanging in one of the towers on the walls of Chester. The handwriting is of men who were not afraid. "'\Vben Charles II. came to the throne in 1660, Sir Peter Temple p:tid the penalty for his hardihood by life iniprisonment and the loss, by confiscation, of Temple Hall, which has ne,er since then been in the possession of the family. It is howe,er still called by that name. You may find it some :five miles from the little city of Atherstone and not far from the scene of the battle of Bosworth. It is :i. fair sized brick house, partially o,er­ grown with climbing roses, and serves as the residence of a f.1.l"Iller who rents two or three hundred acres from Earl Howe, to whom, I was told, the fee of the pl:i.ce no,v belongs. Descended from Robert 2 6 TE.'\[l>LE GID."EALOGY.

Temple, 1421, of Temple Hnll, nre the Viscounts Pnlmerston, the first two being named Henry Temple, and the third being Henry John Temple. The latter wns the well known stntesmnn bom Oct. 20, 1784, dying Oct. 18, 1865, without issue. From the same nw;:estor Sir William Temple, a well known Englishman, bom 1628, dying 1698-9, leaving no mnle descendants, derived his origin. Severnl .American families of the name have traditions, nseribing their descent through Sir William Temple, but without bnsis of fact. There were other Sir William Temples, but to none of them cnn their nncestry be traced. Robert Temple (bom in Irelnnd, 1694; died in l\Inssnehusetts, 1754), descended from Robert of Temple Hnll, 1421, an officer of the British army, formed a brillinnt plnn to settle an Irish colony near Bath, l\Inine. The project resulted in nothing except to make of him :;. useful resident of the New World ancl to establish his family in Ne\V England. One of his sons was Sir John Temple. It was he who married Elizabeth Bow­ doin. He wns Lieutenant Governor of New Hampshire, and from 1785 to 1798 British Consul Genernl in New York. One of his daughters married Hon. Thomns L. "Winthrop. A grandson of Robert of Ireland, nlso named Robert, settled in Rutland, Vt. This latter Robert had a son, ,Yillinm Grenville, who bc~mc Renr­ .Admirnl of the United States Navy. From Robert of Rutland is descended Edward Lowe Temple, a well known banker ofthnt place. For the information above given I nm indebted to the investiga­ tions and volumes (" Some account of the Temple Family," 1st, 2d and 3d editions, printcll for the author) of l\1r. Temple Prime, of Huntington, Long Island, himself a descendant of the Temples of Temple Hnll. I have been unable thus far to establish n con­ nection between the families, whose genealogy I have given in the following pages, and the Temple Hall line. I have it upon the authority of Hon. Grenville N. Temple of Borchnm :Manor, '\V arminster, "Wiltshire, that the Temples of that county have been well known since about 1600. The will of Thomas Temple of Heytesbury, Wiltshire, was proved l\Iny 15, 1594 ( 42 Dixey). I am not aware that any effort hns been made to trace the descent of the "Wiltshire families. I have been permitted to make e.--ctracts from a number -:f Eng- l'EllPLE Gn"EALOGY. 7 lish wills of Temple testators which may be found at the end of the volume. No connection hns been established between them and Abrnhnm Temple of Salem, or with Robert, 1421, of Temple Hall. Abrnhnm of Snlem nppcnrs to hnve been the earliest of the nnme to establish himself nnd his descendants in thP N cw World. Thus far, research hns not succeeded in tracing him to his English birth­ place or parentage. I nm of the opinion thnt he wns n plnin mnn in humble position. For the most part his descendants have been furmers and mechanics, although some hnve entered the professions and business life where they hnve nttnined success. Richard Temple of Rending, :i\Iass. (died Nov. 23, 1737, nged 70), who hns n large number of descendants, wns in all probability son of Robert,• son of Abraham' of Salem. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rev. Frederick Temple, D.D., is probably descended from Robert of Temple Hall, 1421. I quote from a letter addressed to myself under the-date of 25 Nov., ··. 1896 : "I am ::.fraid I can

Abraham of Salem. Different lines of the English family were continually becoming c.wct, as shown in the volumes of Temple Prime. The family name is relatively rare throughout the English speak­ ing world. There arc strong facial resemblances among those who bear it on both sides of the sea. l\Iy own opinion is that the fami­ lies ha'\"c a common origin and that c.-..tendetl investigation:. will at . some time reveal it. l\Iy efforts to collect the information presented in this book and to arrange it in proper sequence have often been difficult and trying, but fascinating alwnys. l\Iy wish is that through the agency of this '\"olume a sense of fumily unity may develope. Individually, we are factors in the complex social life of our day and nation. l\fay our family of Temple, through education, morality and per­ sonal force, make itself also a factor in the national life of our own and of future days. Let evexy father who bears the name give to his children the best possible education. Let our young men use rare discretion in the choice of wives who are to become the mothers of those who are to bear our names. I take this opportunity to thank all my correspondents for their assistance in collecting material for this genealogy. I shall continue my investigatiom. and the collection of births, marriages and other data which may add to the value of this book. I shall esteem it a favor, if persons having knowledge of such facts will send them to me. LEVI D.A.}."IEL TE.:\.IPLE.


1 AnR.\Jll)t1 TE:IIPLE was in Salem, :Mass., in 1636. He was the first of the name on American soil. His first assignment of land was evidently five acres. November 21, 1638, five acres additional were granted him "to make him a ten acre lot." From his small holdings of real estate it is perhaps to be inferred t4at he was a mechanic, perhaps a tailor :is was Robert Temple, of "·hom Inter. June 21, 163i, in to,vn meeting, Abrnhnm Temple proposed ·the name of another man to be received as nn inhabitnnt. Thi;; implies that he himself had alre:tdy been so received. June 2·5, 1639, suit mis brought against him for defaming the character of William Browne, and the plaintiff recei,·cd forty shilHngs damages and six shillings costs. July 25, 1638, · Abralmm Temple brought suit a,,,.-rainst Humphreys, Howes and Hauks for trespass done by their horses. He may have been married twice. I suggest that his first wife was Abigail, and his second )fargarct. A widow l\fargaret Temple married John Gifford at Lynn, l\fass., about 1651. It is quite likely that Abraham died soon after 1639, as this is the last date at which he appears on the records of Salem or elsewhere. I infer that he was born 1600 or earlier. Children (partly hypothetical) : 2, i. RrcnA1m/ b. 162:3, or earlier, in Engl:l.lld. ii. TonL\S (?). b. 1627, or earlier. He was a witness to a deed at Salem, l\Iass~ in 16i:i9. Ii son of Abraham. doubtless by l\fargaret. There is no further trace of Tobi.'lS Temple. iii. ROBERT (?), b. 16:39, or earlier. In 1660 Robert Temple is fined at Salem, l\Iass., for wearing silver lace when he was thought not to have property sufficient to sustain such e:.\.-pense. He bought and soltl real estate in Salem in 1660. Probably he went to Saco, l\Ie.. soon afterward. Robert~ Temple had a son Richard, b. in Saco in 1668. Robert: was killed by the Indians at Saco in 1675. His son Richartl8 settled in Read­ inl!, l\Iass., and founded a large family whose genealogy is being prepared by Rev. Edward Foster Temple, a descendant. TElIPLE GID.'EALOGY.

2 Rxcrr.ARD' (.Abraham') of Charlestown and Concord, born 1623 or earlier in England. He married Joanna ---, about 1645. He rcmol"ed to Charlestown, l\fass., before 1647. He remol"ed in 1654 to Concord, Mass., where he died l\farch 15, 1689. Joanna. died ·Feb. 24, 1688. He bought and sold much real estate in Chnrlesto"'n. In Concord he had a saw-mill and resided on Spen­ cer brook. In Salem he was assigned lands July 30, 1644. At Charlestown his fnrm reached to salt water and CA-tended to nenr Bunker Hill. Was made a freeman by the General Court at Bos­ ton, May 15, 1672. In the yenr 1688 Richard, ha,'lllg become enfeebled in health, proceeded to divide up his property among his children by deed of gift. These documents, on record in the office of the Register of Deeds, East Cambridge, :Mass., afford matter of great interest to his descendants. December 2, 1668, he made a gift of eighty acres, including the dwelling house in which she lived, to his daughter, Abigail Temple Brabrook, "'in considera­ tion of her dutifulness and, in particular, her carefulness of him in the time of his late great weakness in a special manner." Januaiy 6, 1689, he gal"e about si.i:ty acres to his daughter, Snrah Temple Estabrook, "' in consideration of her dutifulness and in particular of her lameness and impotency." December 22, 1688, Richard. entered into an agreement with his son Isaac,• "'honorably to main­ tain him (Richard') and his wife during their life, pay their funeral expenses and their debts." Isaac• was also obligated t.o pay his invalid sister twenty pounds. In consideration of this undertaking on the part of Isaac,• Richard' deeded to Isaac• "his (Richard"s) new mansion or dwelling pince" in Concord, consisting of one hun­ dred· acres, containing "dwelling house, barn, outhousing, gardens, yards and fencing bounded south by the highway and west by Spencer's brook." The gift included "'the fruit of all the apple trees of that piece of land which Richard' gave to his son Abraham' in the old orchard." The conveyance included also "his (Isaac"s) eighth part in the saw mill near to his (Richard°'s) house and all his moveable estate." Richard"s best love was reserl"ed for his son Abraham'. The deed of gift from Richard' to Abraham• bears date of December 22, 1688. "Divers Com,iderations moving me, and more particularly my Son Abraham•, he being my eldest Son, as also mnking me a promise to bestow more of his estate upon his two eldest Sons, Richard' and Abraham' than upon any of the rest of his children • • in regard his ( Abraham"s) Son, Abra­ ham,• doth bear up the name of my father and his Son Richard' bearing up my name." The conveyance to Abraham' includes one 11 hundred and twenty acres lying on the north side of the North river and "twelve acres more in my old field." The Edmunds · meadow, and two other pieces of four and five acres each are also given to Abraham.• Children: i. AnIGAIL,8 b. May 15, 164i, in Charlestown; m. Thomns Bra­ brook, March 3, 1669. Thomas d. l\Iarch 6, 1692. They lived in Concord and had the following children: Sarah, b. Nov. 5, 1670. XJoseph, b. Feb. 14, 1672. 'I..Toltn, b. Aug. 1, 1676; d. a soldier at Lancaster, l\Inrch 30, 1705. Eli::aheth, b. l\Iarch 30, 1679. 'Xµargaret, b. Aug. 4, 1681. .A.bigail, b. July 8, 1684. ii. Jorn.(?), b. 1649(?). A John Temple of First Church, Boston, made freeman l\fay 31, 1671. Also signed petition to the General Court relative to the war of 16i5. 3, iii. Amu.II..\lt, b. June 4, 16f.12. 4, iv. RICHARD, b. Oct. 15, 1654. 5, v. lsAAC, b. ,June 19, 1657. 6, vi. CnmsTornEn(?), b. 16G0(?). vii. S,ut,\ll, b. l\farch 8, 1662 ; m. l\fay 11, 1683, Thomas Estabrook (b. Enfield, l\Iiddlese::c, Eng.; came to America, 1660). They had a son Thomas, b. Aug. 6, 1685.

3 AnR.uum• (.Abraham,' Richard') of Concord·, :Mass., was bom June 4, 1652, in Charlestown, :Mass. He married Dec. 4, 16i3, Deborah Hadlocke, daughter 9f John (died 1675). He was made freeman by the General Court, l\Iarch 21, 1690. He is mentioned in a warrant of impressment as an able bodied soldier, l\Iarch 10, 1675. He served as a '!Oldier in King Philip's war. He was one of a thousand men who mustered on Dedham plain, Dec. 9, 1675, and marched for N'armgansett Fort, the stronghold of King Philip, situated on an island in a swamp in what is now South King­ ston, R. I. Abraham" was wounded in the attack upon this fort. June 24, 16i5, he received two pounds and two shillings for earlier services in the same war. In li35 he, among others, received a grant of land (known as a N'arrngansett grant) as a recognition of sen-ices rendered the Commonwealth in King Philip's war. January 3, 1689, Abraham,• Richard' and Isaac• are mentioned in the town records as "freeholders but non-freemen," not being mem­ bers of the Church. They were however made freemen by the General Court in Boston, l\Iarch 21, 1690. Real estate convey­ ances, recorded at East Cambridge, Mass., indicate that he was a man of considerable means. He died Jan. 4, 1738. Deborah, his widow, died Jan. 28, 1743. His estate was not administered 12 TEl1PLE G~ALOGY. on until eighteen years after he died, and then nmounted to only about $375. The following inventory of Abra.hrun"s estate was returned Dec. 30, 1756: Money due to the estate, a dark mare, a saddle nnd bridle, one fat ox, one voke of oxen. six steers and four cows, two heifers and three fat slline, four· small swine and three house l:idclers, five old :i.i:es, two plows, two broad hoes, fodder in both b:ll'lls, eighty seven bushels of Indian corn and rye, fifteen bushels of onts and one bushel of beans, :t c:irt :tnd wheels, :in ox yoke :tnd irons, one chain, a rie line, three lengths :ind tacklings, three old saws. fourteen harrow teeth, a file, square and frnd, old iron, a half bushel.­ adz, b:tnlmer and two sickles, fine lock, plain iron beetle, rings and wedges, six barrels of cider :tnd old C:tSks, salted beef, fresh beef and cow hide, a clrng and iron pins, a grindstone and iron crow, a tunnel, two black sheep skins, cloth for a coat :tnd jacket cut out, a black jacket. an old great co:1t and hat: an old blue coat, a pair of leather "bricks" (breeches) and two sl1irts, a pair of shoes. an ox yoke for one ox. one pair of stockings :tnd one book, a cloth colored coat and jacket, one hay fork and a shovel, about three acres of upland and meadow.

Abraham' was buried in the old "Hill burying ground " in the village of Concord. His tombstone was standing in August, 1897, and the inscription is as distinct as when first cut. Children: 1, i. Rrcn.rno.4 b. Oct. 6. 1674. s. ii. AmtAII,ur, b. about ·.January, 1G76. iii. .ABIGAIL, b . .Aug. 11, 1677: m .•July 21, 1698, Henry Wilfard of Lanc:ister, l\Iass. Abi:!".1il d. in Lanca.,ter. Children: .Abraham. Henry. Res. Ihrwoocl, Mass. JJiary, and proba• bly others. 9, h-. Is,uc, b. Dec. 25, 1678. v. Jonx, b. Dec. 4. 1680: m. Hannah Hubbard, who d. l\fay 23, 172:i, aged 40. Buried among Hubbards in Hill ground, Con• cord. John d .•July 17, 1784. No issue. The following is part of the administration proceedings on John• Temple. "Concord, .July 22, 1734. To the Honorable ,Jonathan Remington, ,Judge of Probate: I, Abraham8 Tem• ple, being very aged and infirm :ind not able to come down before your honor to take administration on the estate of my son, ,John• Temple, who deceased the 17 day of July instant, intestate and left .no children, but four brothers and two sisters and children of two sisters deceased and all his things lie so that there is great neerl of some one to take control of them, therefore I desire your Honor would be pleased to grant administration to my son Isaac' Temple of 1\Iarlboro on said estate." his ABRAILUr 7 TEXPLE. marlc. TEMPLE GE?,"EALOGY. 13

The following is endorsed upon the papers: "His (John4's) brothers: Richard of Shrewsbury, Abraham of New ,Jersey, Isru1e of l\Iarlboro, Benjamin of Concord." The account of Isaac as administrator was presented to the Court, l\Iarch 28, 1735, and embraced the following items: "Item. To money paid for drink for said funeral to Nathan­ iel Ball 0-15-0. Allowed. Item. To grave stones £6. Not allowed. Item. To a mourning suit for the administrator £9-10. Not allowed. Item. To entertaining the relatives :m.d pasturing their horses. £3. Not allowed." The appraisers of bis cstnte mention the following item: "All his right title and interest in and unto the lands granted by the General Court to the Narr:ipnset soldiers which right did belong and was granted by said General Court unto his futher Abrnham8 Temple of Concord for bis serving the Coun­ try in the Narragansett fight, being given to the said deceased by a deed from his said father bearing date the 29 day of Octo­ ber 1728, apprized at £22." No record of this dee

ii. Jo~~,\, b. l\Inrch 3, 1695. ill. REBECCA, b. Oct. 16. 1697. iv. LYDL\, b. Sept. 1, 1700. v. St:s..u."!l',UI, b. l\Iarch 26, 1703; m. Oct. 30, 1772, Jonnth!m Olds.

6 CmusTOPHER3 (.Abraham, 1 Ricltard") of Dunstable, Mass. That he was son of Richard• is conjecture. He was born a.bout 1660. He was one of the origi!lnl proprietors of Dunstable. Fox (Hist. of Dunstable) thinks Ch:istopher came from Concord. He married Dec. 3, 1685, Alice, daughter of Joseph and Annie Has­ sell of Concord. He was killed by Indians Sept. 28, 1691. There is a rock in the channel of the Nashua river, now covered by flow­ age of water, about thirty rods above the upper mill of the Nashua Manufacturing Company, called "Temple's rock," supposed to be near the place of his murder. Tradition says he, with others who were killed at the same time, were buried on this spot. He lived on the Hollis road, on the Nashua side of :Mine Falls. His widow married Jan. 10, 1695, Jacob Kendall, 'Woburn, Mass. Children: i. JERE3[LUJ,4 b. Oct. 6, 1686. He probably lived in Westford, l\!ass. A Jeremiah Temple was in Westford, March 9, 1799; probably a son. ii. ALICE, b. Jan. 3, 1689. iii. Cnnrs't'OPDER, b. Oct. 3, 1690. Conveys land in i>unstable, February, 1716. Is in Dunstable in 1728. Sailor of Boston,(?) 1732. In 17 47 lives in l\Ierrimac, N. H., and buys land in Westford, l\Iass., paying £2591. Lived with wife Jemima in Westford, l\Iass., 1749. Daughter ,Jemima b. Aug. 19, 1749. Living in Littleton, l\Iass., ~;th wife ,Jemima in 1768. He was a corporal in Capt. Eleazer Tyng's Co., Dunstable, in 1725. 7 1 2 RICHARD' ( .Abraliam, Ricltard, • .Ab1·alia-m ) of Stow, Shrews­ bury and Concord, Mass. He was born in Concord, Oct. 6, 1674. He married (1) June 7, 1699, l\fo.ry Barker; (2) Sept. 26, 1734, Rebecca· Leighton; ( 3) Sarah Hambleton of Charlestown, April 24, 1746. He was a physician. He probably left Concord about 1704; lived in Stow, l\Iass. some twenty years, in Shrewsbury several years, and went back to end his days in Concord. He died Nov. 21, 1756, and is buried in the old Hill ground. Children: · i. l\unY,& b. June 13, 1700; m. (1) William Hnrris of Concord, about January, 1724; m. (2) Nathaniel Newton at Lancaster, :Mass., Oct. 21, 1729, and removed to Southboro', Mass., 1743. TEMPLE GEll"EALOGY. 15

12. ii. TIIO::IL\S, b. Nov. 21, 1702. 13. iii. WILLLUt, b . .Aug. 15, li04. iv. DEBORAH, b. 1705(?); m. Benjamin Harris nt Lancaster, Mnss., Nov. 18, 1729. H. v. BE:SJ..Um., b. 1708(?). 15, vi. JOSEPH, b. 1709(?). vii. ABIGAIL, b. Sept. 15, 1711; m. ---Hayden. viii. SAn,\n, b. Aug. 31, 1713; m. at Stow, ?, Edward Goodale, 1738, and lived in Shrewsbury, Mass. Edward d.1756. Sarnh d. in Shrewsbury, March 7, 1810. Edward Goodale wns son of Benjamin and H:mnah (Gary) Goodale, b. at l\Iarlboro', Mass., l\Iay 23, 1715. Children: Mosts, b. Sept. 9, 1739. Elizabeth, b. March 13, 1741. Aaron, b. 1743. Peter, b. Feb. 1, 174-5. Paul, b. Mnrch 9, 1747. .David, b. Sept. 13, 1749. Peter, b. Dec. 12, 1751; m. Abigail Hinds, dau. of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Temple) Hinds. Benjamin N. Goodale of Saco, Me., is descended from Edward and Sarah (Temple) Goodale. ix. .ABRAlIA::lt, b. Nov. 15, 1715. x. Ht;LD,m, b. Feb. 14, 1716; m. Nov. 16, 1738, Samuel Es~~ brook (b. l\Iarch 8, 1710). . :ti. Is,uc, b. 1717(?); m. Elizabeth --. Probably lived near Lancaster, l\Iass. Widow d. at Lauc:is~, Aug. 27, 1796, in her 78th year. xii. Jorn;-, b. 1719(?). xiii. MERCY, b. 1721(?); m. ---Newton.

s Am.?,UL\:114 (Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraliam•) ofEwing, N.J., was born at Concord, Mass., about January, 1676. His birth is not recorded in Concord, but he is identified as son of Abraham• from probnte proceedings in re John Temple, 1734, recorded in East Cambridge, Mass. He settled in Hopewell township, N. J. In 1721 he was one of the town officers. His will is dated Sept. 2, 1736. It was proved Jan. 24, 1753, and letters testamentary were granted to Benjamin Temple l<~eb. 6, 1753. The will is re­ corded in the office of the Secretary of State, Trenton, N. J. He married (1) Phebe--; (2) Rebecca--. Children: 16. i. ABRAIIA)r", b. 1710(?). 17. ii. BE.~JA3IX:S, b. 1713(?). 18. iii. T1310TBY, b. 1715(?). iv. ELIZABETH, b. 1717(?). 19. v. RETt;R.~, b. after 1719. By second wife • ...-i. Jo..u."Na, b. about 1721. " " " 16 TEMPLE GENEALOGY.

9 IsAAc' (.Abrakam, 1 Richard,' .Abrakam") of:i.\-farlboro', Mnss., wns born in Concord, :Mass., Nov. 25, 16i8. He mnrriec.l, .l\!nrch 1, 1699, Martha, daughter of Nathaniel Joslyn. The following is the genenlogy of Martha Joslyn: 1. Thomas1 Joslyn, born 1592, with Rebecca his wife and their children, Re­ becca' 18, Dorothy 11, Nathaniel 8, Elizabeth 6, :i\'fary 1, embarked at London for America April, 1635, in the ship "Increase." Abra­ ham, an older son, came Inter. The family settled in Hing-ham, Mass., of which Thomas 1 was one of the proprietors in 1637. Thomas1 and his son Nathnniel' subscribed to the town covcnnnt of Lancaster, 1\-!nss., 1654. Thomas' died 1660, aged 68. His widow married William Kerley 1664. 2. Nathaniel' ,Joslyn removed to Lancaster, :Mass., 1654, was made frcemnn 1673 an

20. iii. Is,uc, b. Feb. 8, li04. iv• .ABIGAIL, b. :Mu.rch 14, li06; m. 1728 or li32, John Hollimd, Lancaster, l\Iass. 21. v. AnnAn.rn, b. l\Iu.rch 29, 1708. vi. l\LrnY, b. Feb. 22, 1710; m. Peter Bent. vii. Jo11x, b .•Jnn. 23, 1712; m. Joanna ---. He resided in Southboro', l\Iass. He died Sept. 23, 1793. His wife died July 25, 1797, aged 69. Both nre buried in Old Spring Hill Cemetery, l\Iarlboro', l\Inss. They left no children. He left a will which wns presented for probate Dec. 3, 1793. David Temple of l\Inrlboro', his nephew, wns the sole legatee of the renl estate. The inventory disclosed the following books in his possession : " Locke on the Humnn Underst:u1ding," 2 vols., 7s-6d ; "Vnde l\Iecum," 2/ ; " Sherlock on a Future State,'' 2/; n number of pnmphlets, 3/; a." System of l\Ingic,'' 2/; sundry other bound books, 4s/9d. viii. Tn.\..-.IU"CL, b. Sept. 20, 1713; m. l\Iny 16, li33, Ephraim Sherman of Grafton, l\fass• .22. i."t. ,Jo:sAs, b. Feb. 8, 1716. ::r. PERSIS, b. Dec. 29, 1719 ; m. Jeduthnn Fay.

10 JoSEI'R' (.Abraham,' Ricliard,' .Abraham') of Concord and W cstford, :l\Inss. He was bom in Concord, }fay 6, 1688. ·rre mar­ ried, Nov. 28, 1717, Abigail Stearns of Le.,cington, Mass. In li20-21 he lived in Concord. From 1729-1748 he was in West­ ford, l\Inss. He was a. farmer. ·In 1745 several members of the (Congregational) church in ·westford were disciplined for absenting themselves from church and attending a private meeting under the ministrations of a private exhorter. Joseph and his wife were among the number. They arc thought to have removed to Sanford, l\Ie. Children: i. ABIGAIL 8, b. Dec. 1, 1718; m. perhaps !sane Ramsdell, li69, Concord. 23. ii. .JOSEl'H, b. 31, 1720. iii. SAn.m, b. l\farch 19, 1722. iv. EnE.-.Ezi-:n, b. 1723(?); d. before Feb. 8, 1748. v. R1c11.\lm, b. l\Inrch 7, 1725; :i. cordwainer. See E. Cam. prob. 15927. Lived in l\Iedford 1748. 2,. vi. SA)[CEL(?), b. 1727 (?). vii. Tno,rAs(?), b. 1735(?). viii. ELislLI.(?), b. 1737 (?). u BE..,_.JA_"\mr (.Abraham, 1 Ricliard,' .Abraham') of Concord, l\fass., was born July 27, 1690, in Concord. He married Abigail --- 1719 or 1720. He was the administrator of the esta.te of 18 TF3IPLE GENEALOGY. his father Abraham. He w:i.s probably the Benjamin Temple who was one of the original grantees of the town of Templeton, l\Iass., Feb. 12, 1733. l\Iost of the grantees were Concord men. There has been a tradition that Templeton was caJled after some person who bore the name of Temple, bu". he has not been identified. The probability is that the town was ;,amed after Abraham• Temple of Concord, who was at the time a venerable man and a veteran of King Philip's war. Benjamin' died :March 6, 1753, and his wife died April 26, 1771, in the 77th year of her age. Children: 5 i. THOlL\5 , b. 1718(?) ; d. before April 4, 1755, at Holden, :Mass. 25. ii BE:--JAllL-.., b. Jan. 29, 1721. • iii. ABIGAIL, b. May 8, 1722. 26. iv. Joa.-.., b. l\fay 12, 1725. v. ABRAILm, b. April 26, 1730. vi. JAllES, b. 1732; d. Oct. 18, 1756, :i.ged 22. 27. viii. PETER, b. Jan. 10, 1739. Abraham' enlisted July 7, 1777, and served :five months and twenty-eight days. l\Iarch 6, 1779, he is in the navy and is one of the officers and crew of the frigate "Boston," commanded by Samuel Tucker. l\Iarch 6, 1779, he was reported sick at Philadelphia. He probably died before l\Iay 22, 1786, perhaps leaving valuable estate. Benjamin' Temple gives bond in £10,000 to administer his estate, concerning which there is no further record.

. 12 THO:lL\S6 (.Abraham,' Ricliard,' .Abraham,• Rickard') of Westmoreland, N. H., was born Nov. 21, 1702, in Concord, l\Iass. He was admitted to the church in Shrewsbury, l\foss., in 1728. He was in Hadley, l\Iass., in 1738. He was discharged from the church in Shrewsbury to that in Roadtown (Shutesbury) 1742. He was in Roadtown 1745-1758 and in 1765. In 1767 he was in Westmoreland, N. H. He was a "houscwright." He was married Aug. 12, 1730, to Sarah Barnard. In 1769 his wife is Dinah ---. Children: 8 i. SAR.\H , b. Dec. 23, 1730. Probably married John Warner, who, ,,ith his wife, was admitted to the church in ,vcstmore­ Iand, :N. II., 1765. Children: Rosanna, C!JT?I-$, 28. ii. ELIJAH, b. July 2, 1732. iii. Tno,us, b. Jan. 22, 1734. He enlisted April 2, 1781. He is described in the war records as a farmer, of Shrewsbury, l\Iass., 39, stature five feet nine inches, dark complexion. 29. iv. AncIIELACs, b. Dec. 10, li3.:i. v. BECLAII, b. Nov. 11, 1737. TElD.'LE GE.~,U.OGY. 19

30. vi. WntLrn, b.1746. vii. Jom,, b. 1748(?). 31. viii. FREOEillCK, b. 1750(?). fa:. l\IARY, b. 1752. x. DORCAS, b. 1754; d. in Westmoreland, N. H., Feb. 24, 1813. xi. SILAS, b. 1756(?). He lived in Leverett, l\Iuss., at time of death, which occurred prior to June 20, 1823. Samuel C. Temple was the administr.itor of his estate. He served in the war, from Shutesbury, in 17'7 and 1779. xii. Rosn.,\, b. 1758. 13 WILLL\)1• (Abraham,1 Ricltai·d,' Abra/tam,• Ricltard•) of Winchester, N. H., was born in Concord, l\Inss., Aug. 15, 1704. He lived in "\Vorcestcr, :Mass., Warwick, Mass., Winchester, N. H., Vernon, Vt. In 1735 he recei¥ed from his father a conveyance of lands in Worcester. Married Sarah ---, who joined with him in deeds executed in 1767, 1769. He was in Winchester, N. H., before 1760. He was probably one of the grantees of the town and lived in the vicinity of Ashuelot, between the villages of Win­ chester and Hinsdale. In 1778 he had removed to Vernoa, Vt. By occupation he was a "housewright." He was-· chosen fence viewer at "\Vinchester, N. H., :March 6, 1764. The following persons arc probably his sons : 32. i. ISAAC', b. 1726(?). 33. ii. .JosErn, b. 1728(?). 3l. iii. STEPIIEX, b. 173-1(?). 35, iv. WrLLIA.lI, b. about 1745.

14 BE~.TAlm.• ( Abraham, 1 Ric{tard, • Abraham,• Richard') of Shrewsbury and Heath, :Mass., was born about 1708 at Stow, :Mass. From 1736 to 1748 he resided in Shrewsbury, l\Iass. He ,vas proliably one of the original grantees of lands in Heath. His son Seth was born there in 1753. In 1766-7 Benjamin and Timo­ thy Temple receive pay from the town of Heath ·for labor per­ formed. September 9, 1767, Benj:u:i.1in Temple conveys land in Charlemont, l\Iass. (adjoining Heath) to his son Timothy. He died between Sept. 9, 1767, and l\I:ty, 1769. He married (1) Abigail Waite, "\V'cston, Mass.; (2) Hannah---. Children:· 8 i. SA1.t.rn , b. April 26, 1730. She was born in Concord. She married Stephen Ralph. She tlied at the residence of Seth Temple, Heath, l\.Iass., Sept. 12, 1819. ii. TnolIAs, b. Nov. 21, 1732. 20 TE:lIFLE G~"EALOGY.

ill. RIClL\.RD, b. July 6, li3G. iv. JEm,u, b. l\fay 25, li38; mn.rried (1) --- l\IcHammas, a seafaring man. One daughter, ..4.nna, m. Benjamin Stone, and removed to Cazenovia, N. Y. l\Iclln.mmas died about lii0 in the His widow came to Heath and married William licCrellis of Coleraine, l\ After the death of l\IcCrel!is, Jemima married Deacon Grny of Pelham, }, but resided still in Coleraine. She died Sept. 12, 1819, and is buried at the top of Coleraine mountain in the old cemetery. She had ten children, among them: Elizabet/, 1.llcCrellis (m. Jonathan Coombs), Jlartha (unm.), and William 1.llcCrellis. '"· ELIZAllETII, b. l\Iarch 2, li39. She was born in Concord, l\Inss., :ind married --- Green. l\Irs. Lucy E. Dickin­ son of Heath, l\Inss., ho.s a counterpane which (it is said) was gi'\"en to Elizabeth Temple in li50 or li.51 by l\Iajor Willard of Concord as a prize for raising the most chickens of any girl in to'l'l-n. The counterpane wo.s given to Elizabeth l\IcCrellis Coombs and from her passed to her granddaughter, Lucy E. Dickinson. Elizabeth died Aug. 4, 1805. 36. '\"i. TrnoTnY, b. March 31, 1742. vii. ABIG.\IL, b .•Jan. 29, li45. 37, -riii. S0Lo,1ox. b. ,July 23, 1746. b::. A,10s, b. May 12, li48. 38. :,.. SAL~10:-, b. about 1750. 39, xi. SETII, b. Feb. 21, li53. xii. Zt:nt:DA, b. 1755(?). She married Thomas Bond, a weaver. Children: Thomas Glisson, James, Eli:abetli, ~Zebuda. She died Aug. 1, 18:W. 15 JOSEPH' ( .Abraham, 1 Richard,• .Abraham, 3 Richard') proba­ bly of"•orcestcr or Holden, l\fass., was born at Stow, l\Iass., about 1709. He was admitted to the church in Shrewsbury, l\Iass., 1728. He was discharged to that in Worcester in 1741. He married l\:Iary Laughton, Concord, l\Iass., Dec. 3, li39. Samuel Laugh­ ton, brother of l\Iary, was one of the first settlers of Dummerston, Vt. Children: 40, i. ,JosEPII,6 b. Dec. 23, li4.'3. ii. A:110s, b. 174,5(?); never married. ill. S.u1t:EL, b. 1747(?). Resided perhaps in Leverett, Mass. l\Iar­ ried widow Wing. Enlisted in ~orthfield, l\, December, li7G, to go to Danbury, Conn. His old Revolutionary gun is said to be in the possession of descendants at Mexico, N. Y. No issue. iv. DA:-IEL, b. 17 49(?) ; never married. v. l\L\1n-, b. 1751(?); m. James Handley. u. '\"i. P.\.R)!EXAS, b. 1752. TE:\lPLE GENEALOGY. 21

vii. ,JoA,-~A, b. 1i55(?); m. (1) .Tolin Crawiord; (2) An.ron Wilder, Dec. :?G, l 7K-i. viii. PnEnE, b. 1757(?); d. unmarried.

16 AmUTIA:\15 (Abraham,' Ricltrtrd,• Abl'aham,• Abraliam') of Hopewell, N. ,J., was born in Ewing about 1 ilO. He married Scudder, daughter of Jo:;cph. Abr-.1ha.m• died 1777. Children: i. DAXIEL,0 b. 1753. Is said to h:n-e

1S TDIOTTIY• (Almil,am, 1 Riclwrrl! Abraltam.• Abralinm') of Hopewell, N. ,J., was born there nbout 1715. He married Sarnh, daughter of Capt. Edward Hart. His wifo was a. sister to ,John Hart, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Timothy died 1751, leaving a will which bears

19 RF.TuR.'\"& ( Abraliam, 1 Ricliard, • Abraliam, • Abraltam•) of Ewing, N. J., was born there about 1715. He married probably 3 22 TE:llPLE GENEALOGY.,, about 1740 a woman, said to be from :i\fossachusetts, whose name cannot be ascertained. Tradition explains his name by saying that his father was captured, while on a voyage to England, by French or Spanish privateers, and his return home delayed beyond what was expected. On the day, Jiowcvcr, of his arrival, his wifo pre­ sented him with a son, who wm! piomily christened "Return." He is thought to have had a flouring mill on the Delaware river. Children: i. Anr.AITAlt,O b. about li42. Saitl to have lived in Sussex Co., N.,T. 44, ii. BE!>'.T.\lll!>'. b. ahout 1i 44. 45, iii. XATIIA!>'IEL. b. about 174i. iv. RF.Tens, b. ahout 17.50. v. REIIECCA, b. about 17 ;j;J ; she m. Thomas Hoff, Ilopewell, N. J. Yi. PAr.:n:L, b. about 1756; m. Wiliiam Reese. 46, vii. Jous, b. about 1759.

20 Is,uc• (Abraham,• Richard," Abraham,• J.•aac•) of Shrews­ burY, )lass., was born in )forlboro', :Mass., Feb. 8, 1704. He ma~icd, ,Tune 25, 172.5, Elizabeth Holl:md of )farlboro', )lass., descended from ,J oscph Holland, citizen and cloth worker of London, England, wi11 proved ,fan. 17, 16-51'-9. (Gen. Ile!J., 37:377.) Elizabeth was admitted to the church in Shrewsbury, 1728 .. Isaac• was probably one of the grantees of the town of Newfane, Vt., though he never lived there. He was a representative from Shrews­ bury to the General Court in 1747, li-!!), 17:,6, 1758. At a town meeting, )lay 23, 177 5, he was one or a committee chosen to examine the Rev. Ebenezer "Morse and others as being suspected of toryism. December 27, 1777, Isaac' was chos<.>n by town meeting one of a committee to sec •· carried into rigorous execution " an ~ct of the Continental Congress, relative to the ·• non-importation and non­ consumption" of British goo, li77. Children: i. Er.1zAm:T11/ b. Aug. 22, 172G. :1:7, ii. EPJlltADI, b. Aug. :!2, 17:ZG; hap.• Tune 15, 1727. iii. AlllG,\lL, b. l\larch 13, 1729; tl. 1733. TElll'LE GID.'"EALOGY. 23

48, iv. JoxAs, b .•Tuly 1, li33. v. Fn,\xc1,;, b. Nov. 5, 1i35: he m. (1) liG3, Anna Marsh Sutton, who d. April, li66: (2) Dee. 18. liGG, Elizabeth, dau. Samuel 1-Ioll:md. Francil! d. l\Iarch 9, liG7. No issue known. -19, vi. AARON, b. Aug. 18, li:39. vii. l\IAUTIIA. b. Feb. 26, 1i{l; m. Aug. 24, 1 iG2, Seth, son of Hon. Phineas Heywood of Gardner, l\fass. He w:i.~ first town tre:i.~urer all(l clerk of Gardner an,1 selectman. Served throughout the siege of Boston as :L lieutenant, and went on the Quehec expeclition. Children: Martha ll'7Jtr.ood,7 b. St•pt. 2, 1ii.; ; m. about 1 i98, Samuel Sawin of Gardner, b. Sept. 18, li69. d. in Holliston, No\·cmber, 18,j::3; had Eliza Adaline Sawin8, also Levi Heywood Sawin, who still lives in Gardner, l\Iass., hav­ ing been manufacturer, selectman and representative. Eliza Adaline Sawin (b. Feb. 25, 180i; d. in Holliston, Aug Ii,, l:S9:J). m•• Tan. 20, 1829, Cyrus Houghton (b.• July 12. 180-1-: cl. in Holliston. Dec. 6, 1868) man­ ufacturer, selectman and representative. Children of Cvrus and Eliza .A.. Hou~liton: 1. Edward, b. November, 1829; gr,uiuated Andover, 184:;. ancl Yale, 18,j2; m. 1859, l\fartha S. Osgood of L:mc:L~tcr, who d. 1886: had. two daughters: l\fary Adaline. b. 18i0: Emily, b. 18i4, cl. 1894, s. p. Edward H. now res. in Lancaster, Mass. 2. Eliza. h. 1s:;1 : tl. 1s,;;~, unmarrie

x. S,mAn, b. ,Tuly 1, li4i: m. liG5. ,Tohn Glazier. (Descend­ nnt.s may be fouud in Herrick's •' Gardner.")

21 ABRAIL\:11• (Abraliam, 1 Riclwrd, •Abra/tam,• L,aac•) ofShrews­ burv, l\Iass., was born in :\larlboro', )lass., )larch l!l, 1 i08. He mn;ried April 12, 1 i32, Elizabeth, daughter of ,Joseph Stratton of Marlboro'. He served in the French and Indian war, li56. He was a training and alarn1 soldier, in 1i5i, under Capt. Samuel W nrren. The descent of Elizabeth Stratton is as follows: I. Samuel' Stratton, born in En~land, 15!)2, married in Boston, Aug. 28, 165i, widow ~Inrgaret Parker. He resided in "\Vater­ town, and died Dec. 19, 16i:2. 2. John' (Samuel') Stratton was admitted freeman ~lay 27, 1663. He married Elizabeth Trainc, March 10, 1659. She died May 7, 1708, leaving nine children. 3. ,Joseph" (Samuel,' ,John'), born.Tan, 13, 1666; marriedXov. 14, 1695, Sarah Howe, daughter of Abraham and Hannah ( W a.rel) Howe. Children : a. .Joseph. b. Oct. 15, IG!JG; d. lii-1. b. Sai-.ih, b. ::--ov. 30, liOO: m. ,Jan. 25, li20, Thomas Bingham. c. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 1:}, l ilO; m. Aliraham6 Temple. d. ,Jonathan, b. Dec. :28, l i 14 : m. Elizabeth Bingham. Children of .Abraham• and Elizabeth (Stratton) Temple: 50, i. ,Jos~:rn." b. Au~. :}o, li:3:2. 51, ii. ,JoXATIIAX, h •.i\Iay 5, 1 j;J,j, iii. S.m.rn, b. )larch :.!-1, 1 i3i. 52, i,. DA YID, b. 1;:;!). v . .AllXEit, b. about li-11.

22 .JoxAs• (Alwaltrtm, 1 Richard,' Abraltrnn," L

9, 18;jl. Sarah rl. April 22, 185i. They arc buried in ~ounds near Norwich Corners, N. Y. Children: Pollg, b. I i!J;j ; m. ( 1) --- Brockway, (2)--- Silliman; d. April 2, 18iG. Julm, b. li!Ji; d. agell 21. Saralt, b. li99; m .•Tosiah David: no children. Juu

23 JOSEPH' (Abraham.,' RicharU,' Abraham.,' ,Ioseph') of Acton, 1lass., was born in Concord, Dec. 31, 1720. He married June 6, 17-14, Sarah l\IcKiney of Chelmsford. He probably died before 1760. Children: i .•J 05EPn.0 b. 17 45. 55. ii. Li::,·1, Ii. li51.

24: SAlIUEL' (Abraltam,' Ricltard,' Abraltam,2 Jo.~epli') of South Acton, ~lass., was born about li2i. The descent is uncertain. He married Hannah, and died before 1761. Children: i. Et1snA,6 b. li-l!l(?); he d. at Acton, l\fass., Sept. 19, 1822. 56. ii. S.n11:u. b. Sept. J;j, 175:!. iii. E1:Ext:zm, b. li;i;,(?). One of Capt. Timothy Walker's Co. of W'ilmington. )I:L

25• (Abraltllm, 1 Ricltard," .Abralwm,0 BenJamin') of Concord, l\Iass., was born in· Concord, ,fan. 2!.l, 1721. He mnr­ ricd .Abignil Harri:1 in Acton, l\foss., Oct. 12, li45. Abigail died Oct. 7, 1786, nnd is buried in the Hill burying ground in Concord. May 22, 1786, he gives bond in £10,000 to administer on the estate of "Abraham Temple, intestate, deceased, mnrincr, late of Concord." Thit, was probably his brother. .A Benjamin Temple enlisted Feb. 1, 1777, and served until :March 5, same year, nnd was at Nantaskct and Boston. His application for gun and blanket money is upon record. Children: i. l\!AnY,G b. Jan. l!l, li-16. ii. ABIGAIL. b. April 4, 174!!; d. ngcd 33. 57, iii. ,Jonx, b. li,;J. iv. AxxA, b. l\Iay 27, 1753; <1. nged 33. v. Lt:cY, b. l\Iay 14. 175;}; probably d. young. vi. Lt'CY, b. Oct. i. 1757. vii. Amu11Al1, b ••Jan. l;i, 1759. September 26, 1780, he is in the naval service. and is upon the hri!-! •· Ad\·enture." commande

26 J om,.• ( Abra/tam, 1 Ricl1ard, •Abralwm, 0 BenJrimin') of Chelms­ ford, l\lnss., was born in Concord, l\lass., l\lay 12, 1725. He married Sarah Hutchin~, who was born Oct. 5, 1734. ,John died Dec. 13, 1756. His widow was living in Acton in 175!.l. She married Dec. 31, 1765, Josiah Parlin. Children: 58, i. Jon~,G b. Oct. 7, li5G.

27 PETER.• (Abraltam, 1 Ricl1a1·cl,• Abraltam,° Benjamin') ofCon­ cord, )lass., was born there ,Jan. 10, 17:39. He married ,June 8, 1769, Lois Darby. December 2!1, lit:15, he buys lands in ,Taffrcy, N. H. Peter died in Concord, :Mass., ,Jan. -21::1, 1820. His wife died )larch 20, 1816. He was nt Ticonderoga in military service in li76. TEllPLE GENEALOGY. 27

Children: 59, i. Tnolus,6 b. Sept. O, 1770. ii. NATIIAXU-L, b. Nov. 15, 1771; m. Chloe, who d. Oct, 14, 1824. lied. ,Julv 11, 182;;, iii. LucY, b. S~pt. :W, 177 4: perhaps m. Edward Mead, Rindge, N. II., Dec. 0, 170-1-. iv. El.17.Alll,TII, b.• lune )5, 1776; a. Sept. 8, li78. v. NATIIAX, b. l\fay :;, l 770: d. April 1:J. 18:!6. vi. ,Tonx, h. Dec. 1O. 1780; d. Dec. 14, 1806. vii. Lois, b. Feb. 1O, 178:1: d. Dec. 0, 1803. viii. P~:n:1t, b. Sept. :?G. 178-1-; tl. 11-104. ix. l\fa1tY, b, I7tHi; d. Feb. G, 1806. x. AllltAn,rn, b. Sept. 12, 1700; d. l\Iurch 27, 1827. xi. RicnARD, b. Sept. 12, 17!JO, :tli. J,\ltEs, b. Mny 10, 17!J3; d. Dec. 18, 1806.

28 Eu.r,m• (Abraham,1 Riclw1·d,' Abraham.,' Riclwrd') of West­ moreland, N. H., wa.s born (perhaps in H:u.Iley, ;\fass.) July 2, 1732. He married Abi:,.,ail ---. He was admitted to the church in W estroorel:md, ,July 7, lil35. He was in Col. Bedell's regiment in the Canadian exi>edition of 1778. He ~vas :i. corporal in :Major \Yhitcomb's rangers in 1779. Children: 60, i. UmJAll.8 b. ,July 6, 17,i7. ii. NAom. b. May 18, 176:3. iii. AIIIGAIL, b. l\fay 20, 1;:66. iv. Esos, hap. ,July 27, 1766; who probably d. in infancy. v. lil.:LD,\U, b. July 2, 176!J.

29 ARCHEL..\US8 (Abrnlwm,' Ricltard,0 Abralwm,' Richard,• Tlw111ct.••) of \Vestmorclaml, N. H., was born (perhaps in Hadley, :Mass.) Dec. 10, 1735. He was the first of his family to settle in \V estmoreland. His wifo's name is not known. He was represent­ ative to the General Court of New Hampshire, 1788, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1797. He served the town as selectman. He was one of the prominent citizens of \\T estmorel:md in his day. He was called the "walking delegate" because he always walked when going to Concord, to attend the meetin~ of the legislature. He died April 15, 1815. His wife died April 3, 1812. Children: 61, i. Exos,7 b. Feb. 10, 1764. 62, ii. JoxAs, b. 1766(?). 28 TE:\IPLE GE.'IBAI.OGY.

iii. ARcm:;LAUS. b. liGS(?): m. April G, li91, widow Eunice Fair­ banks of Wal pole;~- l:l. 63, iv. Jou:s-, b. liiO(?). v. WILLARD. b. I 7i2(?). vi. EIL\.STCS, b. lii'-1(?).

30 WILLL\1118 (.Abraltam, 1 Ricltard,• .Abra/tam,' Richard,' Thomas') of Westmoreland, N. H., and i\liddlcficld, Otsego Co., N. Y., was born in li46 at Shutesburv, l\Iass. He married, Oct. 30, li68, Sarah Aldrich, daughter of ·Benjamin and l\fary (Shaw) Aldrich. In li92 he removed to l\Iiddleficld, N. Y. Served in Capt. Daniel Carlisle's company, Col. Bcdcll's regiment, New Hampshire troops, Feb. liio (sec N. H. State papers, p. 264). He died Nov. 2~, 1825. His widow died Jan. li, 1831, aged 81 years. Children: 6-l, i. DA:S-IEL,7 b. April 11, 1iil. ii. SARAH, b. l\I:trch 15, 17i3: m. ,John Ransom. 65, iii. B.\R:S-ARD, b. Sept. 1:3, 1i'ii. iv. REBECCA, b. Dec. 1 O. 1 ii9 ; m. Ziba. Robinson. Children: Sabrina, A11gust,'.11e, Rensselaer, Julia. v. Ec:s-1ci;, b. Dec. 22, 1;::;2; m. Thomas l\Iorris of Eaton, Madi­ son Co.,~- Y. 66, vi. °WILLLrn, b. Oct. 25, liSS.

31 FP.EDERICK8 (.Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraham.,3 Ricltard,' Thomas•) of Springfield, Chester and )Iendon, Vt., was born in Shutesbury, )lass., about 1 i 50. He married Hannah King about li80( ?). He lived in Windsor County, Vt., at the time of the Revolution, but 5erved for )1:tssachusctts. He enlisted in Shutes­ bury, Oct. 13, liii. He appears as follows on the records of the war: Fort Constitution, ,June 15, lii8; Albany, N. Y., Feb. 4, May 13, April 16, :\lay 9, lii8, :\larch 10, liii; 'White Plains, July 20, lii8, )larch 9, li79; Fredericksburg, Oct. 4, lii8; Continental village, Dec. 18, lii8, Feb. 4, ,Jan. 5, lirn; Rox­ bury, Nov. li, lii8; Croton Bridge, April 7, lii!l; Stillwater, N. Y., Sept. 15, liii; Van Shaick'., L!l:md, Sept. liii; Consti­ tution Island, .July 3, lii9. He served two years and five months. He lived in Chester, Vt., 1819-1822, coming there from Spring­ field, Vt. He died in :Mendon, Vt., 1836. He was a pensioner. Children: i. BE."JA)u:s-,7 b. 1;s3(?) ; «1. aged v;. TEMPLE Gm."EALOGY. 29

67. ii. ERAsT-c;s, b. 1785(?). ill. REBECCA, b. 1788(?) ; m. Rich. Children: ])avid, Lu,. cius, Eli=a, Lllrindct, Lucy, Mary. iv. SARAII, b. l 7!J0(?). She never "She lived to a good old age, :i. blessing to her £:unily nnd a mother to all who were in need of such" v. H..\.,~.rn, b. 17!):3(?). She married Charles Petty and was ac­ cident:i.Uy killed Aug. 22, 18:32. Children: StUnner, b. Feb. 5, 1816. Henry, b.• June 17, 1818. Frederick, b. Nov. 25, 1820. ~llary .Aun. b• .April 5, 1823. Henry :md Frederick reside in Crown Point, N. Y. 6S. vi. FREDERICK BAR.'-ARD, b. 17!!5.

32 IsAAC8 (.Abraham,' Richai·d,• .Abraliam,• Richard; William•) of ,vinchcster and Alstead, N. R., was probably born near ·w orces­ tcr, l\lnss., about 1726. He married Elizabeth---. In 1760 he bought land in Winchester of William•. l\farch 6, 1764, he was chosen hog-reeve in '\Yinchester, N. H. From 1773 to 1777 he was at Stoddard, N. H. (ori¢nally l\Ionadnock Grant No. 7). July, 1776, he was adjutant in New Hampshire troops. In 1778 he was com '3sioner on the estate of Simon Ba...... ter, the tory in Alstead, N •...-I. He was selectman of Alstead 1786, 1793, and town clerk in 1793. The descent above given is not absolutely certain. Children: i. .Jon:-.-,7 b.• June 16, 1763. ii. CLORI.'(D,\, b. lliy 2, 17f>5.

33 JoSEI'B.0 (.Abraltam,' Riclwrd,2 .Abralwm,• Richai·d.• Wi:l­ liam•) of '\Yinchester, N. H., was probably born near '\Yorcester, 1\Iass., about 1728. He married Lucy ---. Perhaps removed to Buckland, l\Iass., before 1788. Children: i .•JosErn,~ b ••Tan. 23, 1762. ii. Bt::-JAm:-, b. ,fan. 2:3, 1762. Perhaps in Amherst,~- H., 1780. 69. iii. STEPnE:- (?), b. Dec. 17, 1782.

34 STEPHE~• ( .Abraltam., 1 Ricltard, 2 .Abmlwm, • Riclta1·d. • Wil­ liam•) of '\Yinchester, N. H., was born prob ,uly near ""orcester, :Mass., about 1734. He married (1) Sarah --- about 1762; (2) Rhoda. --- perhaps about lit;-!, who was born in 1769 and 30 TEMl'LE GENEALOGY. died 1839. Stephen• was probably a gmntee of Plymouth, Vt., in 1761. He lived at Winchester, N. H., 1764-1772, in a locality known as Ashuclot, between Hinsdale and ,Yinchester villages. He perhaps removed to Northbridge, ,Yorcester County, l\Ins!l., before 1775. In April, 177,5, he is a private from Northbridge in the war, and Sept. 26, 1775, he was sergeant. In ,Tune, 1776, he received compensation for losses sustained at the battles of Lexing­ ton nnd Bunker Hill. In March, 1777, he was corporal.· In Jan. 1780, he is again in service and belongs to Westford, :.\fass. He died in 1809. The descent above tiivcn is not absolutely certain. Children, first four by his wifo Sarah: 70, i. STEPITEX,7 b. ,fan. 5, l 7G4. ii. DALSTOX, b. 17G7(?). iii. Axsox, b. l 770(?). 71, iv. PALm:1i Coumnes, b. April 18, 1772. · v. WILLr.ur, b. 1785(?). He is said to have served in the War of 1812, been tuken pri~oncr by the British and confined at Dartmoor, En;rland. He is thought to have lived in Queens Co., ~- Y.• but there is no record of :mv real estate tr.wsfers in his name in that county. • vi ••Tos1Arr, b. 1787(?}. 72, vii. l\IARSIIALL, b. l 7!10(?). viii. )l.un-, b. l 704(?) : m. Elijah Bullard, l\!edfield, l\fass. ix. l\IALAXA, b. 17tJG(?): m. --- Robinson. 73, x. ISAAC l\I1Lu:1i. b. Oct. 17, 1708. 7-1, xi. Jonx L., b. 1800. 35 WILLIA)l8 (Abraham,' Richa1'

36 0 1 TrnornY ( Abmltam, Ricltard, • Abra/tam," Richard,' Ben­ jamin') of Shrewsbury and Grafton, )lass., was born in Shrcws­ bun·, )larch 31, 1742. In 1766 he was in Heath, )lass., with his father, Benjamin•. He married Deborah Ball, Lancaster, l\fass., Aug. 31, 1768. He served nine days in the Revolution, beginning April 19, 17i5. He scn·cd :five days in 1777, and was again under arms in 1781. He was liYing in Gmfton, Xov. 23, 1803. TEMl'LE GENEALOGY. 31

Children: i. TrroltAs7 (or Pnrmenns), b. Dec. 21, li6!>. Perhaps went to Utica, N. Y., about 18:W. 75, ii. B~:SJAlllS, b. l\Iarch 21, lii2. iii. ELium:-r11, h. l\Iarch 24, 1 ii4 ; married ancl went ,vest. iv. LccY. b. Sept. 18, lii6; m. at Lanca.stcr, l\, .Jonas Cooledge of Bolton, l\fa~s., Aug. 8, I ,!Ji. Removed to Pl~·mouth, Vt. Children: Josialt, Junas, Dermis, Harlt!J/, Olfrer. Elvira. v. AnIGA[L, 11. April 2;'>, lii8; m. Timothy llowurcl, Berlin, l\Inss. They lived in Vermont. Children : Emeli11e, Sopl1ronia, Rufus, James, George. ,·i. l\IA1n-, b. ,June Ii, 1 i8:.i; m. Stephen Sargent of Lancaster, l\fass. Children : Jllary, SopMa, Set/1, Jllerrick, Lut!ter, Eliza, Willard, Curtis, Emory, Cordelia, L9man. vii • .AJ10s, b. Sept. 17, li84; cl. young.

37 6 SoLOllO:S ( .Abraluim,' Ricltard, • Abraltrim," Ric.~ard,' Ben­ Jamin•) of Hcnth, :Mass., was born in Shrewsbury, l\lass., July 23, li46 (another record says April 25, li4i). He married (1) ---; (2) )lay 20, liil, Abig:1il Hayden, who was born l\fay 30, 1 i46. She was probably his cousin, daughter of Abigail• Temple Hayden. She ( Abra/tam, Ricliard, • Abrrr!tam, Ricliard, • Ben­ Jarnin•) of Heath, l\lnss., was probably born in Heath about 1750. He married ~fary Lanphere of ".hiringham, Vt. He ,;;cn·c : m. Samuel ::.\Iurdock. and died )fay 2S, J:,,i:,. .Judson X. Cross, lawyer, ::.\Iinncapolis, l\Iiuu., is their !!r:imlson. i...-. S.;i:An, h ••June 21. 1iiS: m. Feb. l!"l, 1806. ReY. Lewis Fisher, a Baptist minister. an,! ,lil·d At:;!. :!:!. 18-l!J. They had a son )foturin Lewi,. a :._T.uluate of Brown 'Cuiversin·. who resided at Farmcr,bur:!. 1;. He in tum had a son Le;\·is )Iaturin, :i. distingui,hc

42 NATHA~"IEL8 (.Aln·al1am, 1 Ricl1ard, • .Abral1am, • Abralwm,• Timotl1!f") of Ewing, N. J., wns born nt Ewing, N. J., nbout 1738. He mnrricd ( 1) about 1765, Eliznbcth,

43 Jon.-.• (.Abraham,' Richard,' .Abral1am," .Abral1am,' Timo­ tl1y") of Ewing, N. J., wns born in Ewing Oct. 8, 1742. He mar­ ried Joanna.• (Benjamin') Temple, his cousin. She dice. Aug. 28, 175i. He died April 8, 1813. Thi!ir children arc all 11uricd in the Presbyterian church-yard, Ewing-ville, N. J. Chilc.lrcn: 90. i. Asm:n,7 b. Aug. 4, 17GG. ii. 8A1un, b. Xov. 4, 17G9: m. Asher R. Hart. 91. iii. TrnoTin:, b. Sept. 8, li71. iv. ,ToA:S:SA. h. ~\pril 1::, l 77;;; d. younn-, 92. v. ""1L1.L\)I, h. ,Jan. 1, 177;,, "' vi. ELIZ,\la:n1, h. Dec. -1, 1779; died ,\pril IG. 1815. vii. AmG,\IL, b. l\I:i.y 19, 1 i85; d. April li, 1841.

44 BEX-J.\)rn;• (Abraliam,' Richrud,2 Abraham," Abrrrhr1m,4 Re­ tm·n•) of Trenton, X .•T., was born, about 174-1, at Ewing, N. J. He mnrricd Sarah Burge. Children: 93, i. Asm:n.7 b:1789. ii. REllECCA, b. 1791(?). TEl\ll'LE GE.~EALOGY. 35

45 N,\TilA:NIEL6 (Abrrrlwm,' Rtclwrd,• Abmltam,• Abra/tam,' Re­ t1•rn•) of ·whitely, Greene County, Penn., wns born at Ewing, N. J., about 17 4 7. He was second lieutenant, Capt. Mott's com­ pany, First Regiment, Hunterdon County, N. J., ~Iny 10, 1777. He married, ubout lW0, Sarnh, mple. Nathaniel• died about 1842. Children: i. BEXJA)tIX,1 b. 179,j(?); m. ,Jane Dougl:i.s of Fayette Co., Pa. He lived on the Temple homestead in Whitely and had a son Nutliauiel," who died when four years old. Benjamin• died at the :1ge of Vi. 9-1, ii. RETt:1t:-;, b. Sept. 23, li9i. iii. S.m,\11, b. I 7UU(?) ; m. Benjamin Gillett. 95, iv•• Jon:-., b. 1803(?). v. li.A.-.X,\U, b. Aug. i, 1807; m. about 1828, ,James B. l\Iurdock, who was born l\fay U, 1807. He died April 2,;, l::!8:3. She died l\Iarch 11, l::lli-1. Chililren: John T., b ••Julv 20. 1830; d. Aug. 2, 1::lli4. Sarai, J., b. Jan. 18, 1832; ~l_. July 27, 181.ii, .Margaret, b. Dec. 14, 18:31.i; d. ,June lG, 1878. Orpha, b. l\fay 1, 1:-:;9; d. Oct. H 1, 1;,;ti4. Emilg, b. April IO, 1843. Be11Jumi11 Fra1J.:lill, b. July 10, 1::l-1::l; lives at Fordyce, Grceuc Co., Pa. 46 Jo~8 (Abraham,' Ric!tard,° Abralwm,3 Abra/tam,' Return•) of Ewing and Birmingham, :K ••J., was born in Ewing about 1759. He married, Nov. 23, 1791, at Swedes' church, I>hiladelphia, Rachel,

47 ErnnADt8 (Abraham,1 Richm·d,• Abraham,3 I.~aac,' baac") of Gardner, :Mass., was born Aug. 22, li26. in Shrewsbury, :\I:J.Ss. He married ( 1) l\foy 25, 17:'i:?, Elizabeth, daughter of ,J aeob Hinds, Shrewsbury; (2) 1757, l\lary Farmr; (:3) 17::15, l~lizabeth Houghton. He removed to Gardner about 1771. He wed at ,vest Boybton, l\fotis., 17::19. Chiluren: i. FnAxcrs,1 b. Feb. 9, 17;i8. Servecl in tl1e Continental army. Drowned in a wre~k at sea. Xo , liG6.

48 8 0 JoXAS (Al>raliam,' Richrtrd,• Abrrthrtm,• I.~attc,' I.~(l(tc ) of Shrewsbury, :\lass., was born in Shrewsbury, .July 1, l 7;;:'1. He married ( 1) li5G, Olh·e, daughter of Henry Keyes; she 1.\, b. Feb.:!:,. liti!i. ,·ii. Rnu, b. Oct. ! 1;, I ii:!: il. 177!/. viii. Amc;,uL, b. Sept. :!·1. I iiG. 101. ix. ,JO.SAS, b. Aug.,;. 17:-IU. x. ls,\.\C, b. Jan 1, 178-l. by seconu wife.

49 A,rnox• (Abraham,' R/clwrrl,' Al,rahr,m,' Isaac,• I.,aac•) of Shrewsbury, :.\lass., was born in Shrewsbury, Aug. lt;, 173!J. He married ,June 4, 1765, Elizabeth, dau~hter of Thomas Smith. He was in the Continental army, April rn, 1775, when he rua.rchcd to TElllPLE GENEALOGY. 37

Cambridge; Aug. 21, 1777, when he marched to Hndley on the Bennington alarm ns a corporal; he enlisted Sept. 27, 1777, as sergeant, nnd served until Oct. 17 snme yenr; he served again from Aug. 28 to Nov. 28, 1781, and went to '\Vest Point. Children: i. Euz,un:Tu,7 b. Oct. 30, 17G6: m. l\Inrch 1.3, 1 WS, in Lancas­ ter, l\IasR., Samuel Dunlnp of Boylston, l\Inss. ii. FRANCIS, b. l\Iarch 4, 1767: m. (1) 1793, Anna Marsh of Sut­ ton, who d. April 4, 17!15; (2) Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel 1-Iollnml. FrancL~' tl.1799. His widowm. Ephraim Wheeler. Probably no is~ue. iii. JosHUA, b. ,Tan. 30, 17G9. iv. l\L\nY, b. July 28, 1772. v. LYDIA, b. Feb. 6, 177;;. ,;. E~tERY, b, .April 16, 1777; m. Dorothy .Andrel\·s. vii. JONAS, b. Nov. 3, 1779. ,;ii. LccY, b. Sept. 18, 1782. ix. ZABL~A, b. Dec. 6, 1784.

50 JosErn• (.Abraham,' Richard,° Abra/tam,' Isaac,' .Abraliani•) of Shrewsbury, i\Inss., was born in Gmfton, Mass., Au_g. 30, 1732. In 1756, he was in Lancaster, i\Inss., where intcntiOI!S of marriage between him and i\Iary '\Yhittcmore of Grafton were declared Sept. 4, 1756. Her father may have been Nathaniel '\Vhittemore of Grafton, who was a training and alarm soldier in 1757. )foses Whittemore, who died at Swaggo (in Grafton, Mass.), 1755, may have been her grandfather. Joseph" served in the French and Indian war of 1756, and was a tmining and alarm soldier of Graf­ ton in 1757, under command of Capt. Samuel '\Varren. Joseph• ser...-cd in the Revolutionary war three months in 1780. (Hudson's Hist. :Marlborough, p. 173.) He died in Shrewsbury about 1796. His wifo survived him several vcars. The common ancestor of the Whittemore family was Thomas Whittemore, who came to this country about 16-11-2 and settled in that part of Chark0town now embraced in E\'crett. His English home was Hitchin, Herts. The Eng)i,;h genealogy of this family from 1562 to 1650, is given in the .N. B. Gen. Reg., vol. 28, pp. 169-172. Thomas Whitte­ more, father of the Emigrant, lived in Hitchin. He was married 1566, and died 1607. (See further, Gen. Reg., Oct., 1878.) In the parish of B:1bl,ington, manor of Clov¢rly, S:tlop, is a place called W'hittimore, now a modem looking farm house. A family of Whittimore has held this place in foe since the signing of :Magna Charta at Runnymede in 1215. 4 38 TE)IPLE GE?-o"EALOGY,

Children: i. SARA1t,1 b. Aug. 27, 1757; m.1776, Benjamin Pratt. ii. l\!AnY, b. Sept. IO, 17 60 ; m. Aug. 22, I 782, Benjamin Lyman, of Hnlifnx, Vt. 102, iii. JOSEPH STRATTON, b. June 27, 1762. 103, iv. A.ARON, b. Sept. 17, 1764. v . .A.-.NA, b. Oct. 19, 1766; m. Feb. 24, 1793, Joshua W"mchester of Brattleboro', Vt. Children: Jubt~ Lutl,tr and Winsor. 104,. vi. ROSWELL, b. Aug. 15, 1769.

51 8 1 1 JoNATIIAN (.Abraham, Richard,•.Abraham,•Isaac,'Abraham ) of l\Iarlboro', Mass., and Henniker, N. H., was bom in Grafton or Shrewsbury, Mass., May 5, 1735. He married Nov. 6, 1760, Dorothy l\Iorse. He went to Henniker, N. H., about 1764, where he built the first saw mill in town. He settled on a portion of the present farm of Mrs. ,v. H. Gilmore. His children were bom in Marlboro', his wife remaining there on account of the unsettled con­ dition of the country. He was assessor in :Marlboro', 1779. At the age of 70 he was deputy sheriff. He climbed a tree one day and brought down a prisoner, who was trying to escape. He died in Henniker, March 30, 1813. Children: i. L"l"DIA,1 b. Aug. 2, 1761; d. 1767. ii. SARAH, b. Oct. 16, 1762; m. Feb. 26, 1781, Thomas Baker. 108, iii. JASPER, b. ,July 19, 1764. iv. lsAAc, b. June 30, liGi. 109, v. JOIL'i, b. :Nov. 27, 1769. vi. DOLLY, b. about 1771; m. John, son of Ed Hunter of ?.Iarl­ boro', :Mass.

52 DATID6 (Abraham,' Richard,' .Abrah(lm,3 Isaac,' Ab1•aham•) of Marlboro', :Mass., was born in Grafton or Shrewsburv, :Mass., 1739. He married (L) March 14, 1782, Rebecca Broo~ of Graf­ ton; (2) Dec. 3, 1786, Elizabeth Adams. Rebecca died :March 24, 1785, ngcd 30. David' died Sept. 25, 1821. Elizabeth died April 16, 1836, aged 86. All arc buried in the old "Spring Hill" cemetery, l\farlboro'. David• was said to have been in his day the richest man in Marlboro'. Children: i. REBECCA,~ b. Jan. 8, 1783; m. April 19, 1807, Jonas Good­ now. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 39

ii. JoIIY, b. Miu-ch 14, 1785; m. Nov. 28, 1824, Polly Sherman; he d. April 2, 1829; wife d. July 29, 1837, aged 44; no children. iii. DAVID, b. 1787; d. 1788.

53 MosES8 (Abraham,' Ricl1ard, • Abraham,' Isaac,• Jonas') of Southboro', Mass., was bom in Marlboro', Mass., Nov. 11, 1772. He married, July 14, 1793, Elizabeth Stratton (born July 6, 1774, died April 5, 1854) who is said to have been one quarter Indian. He followed farming. Died 1862 or '3, and is buried in Marl­ boro'. Children: i. MARTnA,7 b. Feb. 28, 1794; m. Dana Stowe, Southboro', Jl,ws.; she d. 1845. Children: Samuel Dexter, b. ,January, 1811; d. in California. lllary Ward, b. Feb. 13, 1812; d. in Lynn, 1879. Martha .Ann, b. Sept. 14, 1814; d. in ?!Iiliord, 1881. Henry Augustus, b. Nov. 10. 1816; d. 1857. Francis Dana, b. April, 1818; d. l 894. Harriet .Augusta, b. Feb. 8, 1820. Almira Elizabet/,, b. March 22, 1822; d. 1894. Emmeline Louisa, b. Jan. 7, 1825; res. Pleasant Plain, O. Rebecca Clapp, b. Nov. 25, 1826 or '27. George W'asltington,b. Aug. 28, 1820; d. 1889. 110, ii. A.An.ox, b. Jan. 28, 1798. 111, iii. DAVID, b. :March 1, 1800. iv• .Ann.A11..u1, b. l\Iarch 14, 1802; m. Rebecca Clapp of New Haven, Conn.; res.· in Northampton, l\Iass., Hartford and New Haven, Conn.; d. in New I:fa,en, Aug. 5, 1861, leav­ ing two d:i.ughters. v. Lt:c-r B., b. l\lay 15, 1804; m. Cyrus Pratt; lived in Newton and l\Iarlboro·, l\Iass.; shed. Dec. 8, 1896. Children: Cyrus, Henry and George. Yi. Ro11E1n, b. Jan. 5, 1S07; he m. Lucy Bigelow of Southboro', ?!lass., and d. in Northboro', l\Iass., July 9, 1S63, leaving a son and d:i.ughter. rn. HA:\-XAD l\I., b. Jan. 6. 1S12; m. Tobias Hall of Newton, l\Iass.; lived in Newton and Barrington, l\Iass., and Dover, N. H. Children : Cliarles, Lel:i, Clara, .illaria and Ann. viii. S,\.RAll E., b. Sept. 11, Hll4; d. Sept. S, 1843. b:. NA-"c1·, b. Aug. 2, 1S19; m. Dana Newton, Southboro', Mass.; d. Nov. 21, 1S51.

54 SILAS' (Abraham,' Richard,' Abraham,' Isaac,' Jonas') of :Marlboro', .Mass., was born in l\farlboro', l\Iarch 7, 17 75. He mar­ ried (1) l\Iarch 27, 1796, Lydia Arnold; (2) widow '\Vhite. Oct. 40 TEMPLE GENEALOGY.

17, 1794, he received a conveyance of a tract of land in Marlboro', N. H., from his father. He was selectman in l\:Carlboro', Mnss., 1814-1816, a.nd assessor 1816-1819. He became a member of the religious body called Shakers. Children: i. ELIZABETH,1 b. June 27, 1796; m. l\Iarch 24, 1823, George Williams. ii. LYDu, b. Sept. 11, 1798; m. Dec. 17, 1823, Joseph Balcom. iii. S,uu.u, b. Sept. 17, 1800; m. Scpt.11, 1821, Henry Balcom. iv. WILLLrn, b. l\Iarch 18, 1808. v. WILLARD, b. Sept. 29, 1805; d. Dec. 9, 1805. vi. PHEBE, b. April 22, 1808. vii. Lt:cr.-.DA, b. Aug. 3, 1811 ; m. Samuel Mowry; res. in Marl­ boro', Mass. Child: P!tilip, b. July 19, 1836. viii. LYll.,u;, b. l\Iay 1, 1814; d. July 7, 1865.

55 LEVI' (Abraham,' Ricliard,• Abraliam,• Joseph,' Josepli°) of Bowdoin and Lisbon, Me., was born about 1751, probably near ,v estford, Mass. He married Rachel Nutting of ,vestford, :March 10, 1774. He served as corporal in Capt. Timothy Underwood's Company, Col. William Prescott's Regiment, at the Concord fight. Is said also to have fought at the battle of Bunker Hill. His auto­ graph signature is preserved upon a military document in the )Iassa­ chusetts Archives, vol. 35, p. 151. He became a Free ,,ill Baptist minister. Died about 1821 a.nd is buried on Beaver HiH, town of Freedom, Mc. Children: i. l\L\RTHA,7 b. 1776(?). She was the second child born in the town of Bowdoin, l\Ie. ii. NoAn, b. 1778(?). iii. SAR.\.II, b. 1780(?). iv. STEPHEX, b. 1782(?). v. LEYI, b. 1784(?). 112, vi•• JosEPII, b. Oct. 13, 1766. Il3, vii. WILSO~, b. 1788(?).

56 1 3 SAMUEL• (Abraham , Richard', Abraltam , .foMpli•, Samuel•) of Acton, Mass., was born there Sept. 15, 1752. He married, Sept. 15, 1785, Jerusha Hager. Samuel" was mustered into the Continental army for Suffolk County, Mass., in 1777. He deserted the same year but returned from desertion April 27, 1779. He received bounty paid by Acton, :Mass., in 1781. In the History TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 41 of Acton he is snid to have been a good soldier. He died in 1826 at the age of 74. Children: 114:, i. JosEl'B,7 b. Sept. 27, 1788. ii. liA.vNAH, b. 1789; m. 1813, Samuel Wiley, and d. 1863. Chil­ dren: Mary .&nn (m. --·- Kitchen; res. No. Billerica, Mlllls.). Samue~ d. 1881. 0/,arles, d. 1848. George, d. young. RofJerl, d. young. Hannah (m. --- Magoun; res. Pem­ broke, l\Inss.). Jmul1a, (m. --Blood; res. Graniteville, l\!ass.) Martha (m. --- Hayward; res. 23 Bryant Ave., Chicago). Sara!, (m. --Worthen, and d. Feb. 7, 1891). The following are descendants: Mrs. Addie Bottomley, Miss M. E. Bottomley, No. Billerica, Mass.; l\Irs. Alice Leizer, Hattie and Grace Leizer, 30 Cushing St., Dover, N. H.; Nettie Nobbs, Nashua, N. H.; Edna Bowers, Pembroke, Mass. ; Frank Worthen, Irene Worthen, Chelmsford, Mass. ; Charles F. Worthen, Muriel, Ruth, and Temperance Bessie Worthen, 30 Taylor St., Waltham, :Mass.; Mrs. Sarah Eva Russell, Abbot, Frederick, Evalyn and Harry Russell, Chelms­ ford, l\Inss.; Sydney, Charles and Nettie Hayward, 23 Bryant Ave., Chicago, ru.; l\Irs. Temper.lllce Keele,:. }Irs. Jennie Garber, 23 Bryant Ave., Chicago; Clara. l\L Wiley, Wa.ltham, l\Inss. 115, iii. SAlrnEL, b. Oct. 30, 1790. iv. Jo:sAs. 116, v. Jon.v S., b. l\I:iy 1, 1794. vi. JERUSitA, m. --- Dewitt. vii. J.\u.Ry w. 57 Jom.• (.Abrakam, 1 Richard,• Abraham,' Benjamin,' Benja­ min') of Marlboro', Mass., was born in Concord, Mass., 1751. He married, April 18, 1776, Dorothy Stow. He lived on the last fa.rm in Marlboro' on the road to Framingham. He was called "Pine Hill" John to distinguish him from another John Temple. He died Feb. 11, 1838. Children: i. ELIZ,\BETH,7 b. Aug. 13, 1776. ii. DOROTHY, b. June 30, 1778. iii. ?t!rRLUl, b. June 18, 1780. iv. ABIGAIL, b. ?11:i.y 7, 1782; m. Oct. 7, 1805, William Barry. 117, v. ,Jon.v, b. April 30, 1784. vi. LucY, b. April 22, 1786; m. l\1:i.rch 16, 1807, Moses Howe. vii. .A..,;xA, b. July 21, 1788; m. Oct. 13, 1811, Ephraim Howe. viii. ABRAIIAll, b. July 21, 1790; d. Dec. 29, 1790. u:. MARY, b. Dec. 9, 1791; m. Asa Stearns, l\Iay 28, 1811. 118, x. llu, b. Jan. 4, 1794. · xi LYDIA, b. March 7, 1797; m. Oct. 25, 1S18, Daniel Dadman. 42 TEMPLE GENEALOGY.

58 JOHN' (Abraham,' Rfokard, • .Abraham; Benjamin,' John') of Bowdoinham, Me., was bom in Chelmsford, Mass., Oct. 7, 1756. He married, April 2&, 1786, Mary Mason. He served for Concord, Mass., in the Continental army and for part of the time at least as a lieutenant. Afterward he settled in Bowdoinham, Me. He died Jan. 13, 1842. Children: i. Jom.,7 b. Ja.n. 23, li87; d. July 7, 1802. ii. ELIZABETH, b. May 23, li90 ; m. :Benjamin Whitmore. 119. iii. ABIJAB, b. May 26, 1792.

59 TB:oms• (.Abraham, 1 Rickard,' .Abraham, 3 Benjamin,• Peter') of Concord, Mass., was bom there Sept. 9, 1770. He married Sarah Wright. Children: i. TBOllAS WIUGRT,7 b. Dec. 14, 1804. ii. MARY Al,"N, b. Oct. 14, 1809. iii. LoVE, b. June 4, 1811.

60 1 1 3 U RJJAR ( .Abraham, Richard,• .Abraham, Rickard,• Tliomas, • Elijah") of Westmoreland. N. H., was born in Westmoreland, July 6, 1757. He was a corporal, promoted to sergeant in Major Whitcomb's Rangers; he was corporal and sergeant in the Ninth Company, Second Regiment, under Col. George Reid. His service extended from Dec. 16, 1776 to 1780. He was again in service in 1793. He was a filer in Capt. William Humphrey's Company. He died Sept. 1 4, 1809. He married Margaret Spear, March 1, 1779. Children: 120, i. UIUJAB,8 b. Oct. 9, lii9; m. (1) Oct. 12, 1801, Polly Itisk of Walpole, N. IL; (2) July 16, 1821, Harriet Pierce; he d. Aug. 21, 1834. ii. NAOMI, b. Oct. 21, 1782. ill. SALAB, b. April 19, li85; he. m. (probably) Louisa. Taylor of Chesterneld, N. IL Said to have gone West. Nothing known further. iv. b"?fA, b. Oct. 15, 1787; m. Oct. 1, 1825, Reuben Ransom. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 43

61 E..."'os' (Abraham,' Riclia,·d,' Abraham,• Richard,• ThomaJJ, • .Arclielaus•) of Lisbon, N. H.,-was born in W ~stmoreland, N. H., Feb. 10, 1764. He married, September, 1784, Anna Burt, and went to Lisbon the same year. He served as a private five days from Sept. 20, 1782, in Capt. Benjamin Whitney's Company, Col. Stephen Bradley's Regiment, to assist the High Sheriff, and was paid for thirty miles travel. He also served six months at Fort Constitution, Portsmouth, N. H., and later did scout duty. He is said to have been a peI1Bioner. He died March 4, 1846. Children: i. MAJty,8 b. 1786(?) ; d. young. ii. MARILLA, b. 1790(?) ; d. young. iii. h"NA, b. 1792(?); m. Stephen Martin oi Lisbon; no children. iv. AI>oLPm;s, b. 1794(?); hem. Diautha. Caswell of Derby, Vt.; he d. 1815. They had one son, Adolphus, who d. without issue. 121. v. SYLVA.'\"US, b. 1798(?). vi. HANNAH, b. March 28, 1804; she m. Amos Woolson of Lisbon, N. H.; shed. April 6, 1891. Children.: John, Cha:rles, Augus­ tus, Rebecca and Jennie.

62 JONAS7 (.Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraham,• Richa7:d,' ThofnaJJ, • .Archelaus•) of Westmoreland, N. H., was born th~e about 1766. He married (1) about 1788, Lydia, daughter of Benjamin Floyd of Weston, or 1Vestford, Mass. She was born June 1, 1768. He married (2) Feb. 26, 1815, Electa Aldrich. Jonas' served as a private three months and twenty-nine days, from Oct. 30, 1783 to March 1, 1784, in Capt. Benjamin Whitney's Company nt Guil­ ford, Vt., and adjacent parts, and received £8. 16. 0. Children: i. PRUD-C.CE,8 b. 1789; d. Nov. 11, 1805. She was buried a.t the North Cemetery, Westmoreland, and was disinterred by a. medical student. A portion of her burial clothes was discov­ ered on a fence of the cemetery. Before he died he wrote a letter to her parents, saying tha.t the body was not dissected, but buried behind the College buildings at Hanover, N. H. The mother was then nlready dead. 122, ii. RALPH, b. li92(?). iii. HutDAlI, b. 1794(?); she m. (1) -- Humes. Children: Laura, m. --Bartlett; Samue4 Tl,ompson and .Almira; m. (2) Silas Gardner. Children: Edward T. and George S. They lived at Monroe, Wis. iv. --, b. 1796(?); (daughter); m. --Blanchard. 44 TEMPLE GENEALOGY.

123, v. Crnus, b. 1800(?). 124, vi. GEORGE, b. April G, 1804. vii. LucY, b. 1805(?); m. Warner C. Cheney, moved to Chari­ ton, Iown. She was half sister to the preceding.

63 Jom.7 (.Abraham,1 Ricliard,1 .Abraham,• Ricliard,' Thomas,• .Arclielaus') of Westmoreland, N. H., wns born there 1769 or 1770. He married Nov. 8, 1797, Phebe ( Aldrich) Floyd, daugh­ ter of Joel Aldrich n.nd widow of ,fames Floyd. She lived to be aged, but never had a gray hair. John7 died Jan. 29, 1823. Children: i. Azr;nAH,8 b. July 27, 17!18; she m. about 1820, James Clough, who was b. in Lyman, N. H., about 1800. They lived in Lisbon, N. H. She d. l\Iarch 21, 1878. Children: .Alon::o, b. 1821. Larkin Hastings, b. 1823. Susan J. and Harriet B., b. 1825. James, b. 1827. Darius, b. 182!l . .A..-uba/1, b. 1831. Oren, b. Dee. 31, 1833. Almina Fl"Jld, b. 1835. Samuel H. and Eli H., b. 1837. Gir:elda, b. 183!1. Ira F., b. 1841. ii. H.u.-sAn, b. l'IIay 11, 1800; m. Oct. G, 1823, Peter Wood. iii. EtJ-SICE, b. March 23, 1802; never married. iv. NELSO~, b. March 4, 1805; never =ried. v. JAllES, b. 1807(?); never =ried.

64 DA::-.·n:r: ( Abraham, 1 Rickard,' .Abraliam, •Rickard,• Tliomas, Williarn') of Eaton, Madison County, N. Y., farmer, was born in 1Yestmorcln.nd, N. H., May 11, 1770. He married Hannah Close, who was born March 27, 1774. She died Aug. 19, 1863. DanieF removed to Cooperstown, N. Y., before 1796, and later to Eaton, :Madison County, N. Y. He liveu at Pratt's Hollow in the town of Eaton. He died Nov. 28, 184 7. Children: i. :SEULAH,8 b. 1794(?); m. Stephen Millard. Children; Geo"rge, James, Hannal1 (m. --- Palmer; p. o. Albion, Mich.), Mary and Sa"ral1. 12!;, ii. HEBER, b. li96. 126, iii. SoLOllOX, b. Nov. 14, I 798. iv. S01•HIA, b. Au~. 22, 1801; m. April 10, 1828, Henry Stewart, and d. l\Iarch 22, 1882. Children: Henry Irwin, b. :March 3, 182!1. Cynthia J., b. May 15, 1830; m. -- Hotch­ kiss; res. Amber, N. Y. Geor9e H., b. Jan. 25, 183:2; res. Oak Hill, Clay Co~ Kan. William L., b. March 13, 1834; res. 12 Cross St., Jamestown, N.Y. JJfary E., b. Feb. 23, 1836; m. -- Hotchkiss, d. Emtl9 .M., b. July 13, 1838; res. TEMl'LE GENEALOGY, 45

Amber, N. Y. OaroUne ..4., b. July 28, 1841; res. Amber, N. Y. 127, v. RcssELL, b. AuguAt. 1802(?). 128, vi. W1tLIAlt, b. Nov. 13, 1805. vii. SAR.AU, b. Oct. 18, 180i; m. Henry Moore of Pittsfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., and tl. in 1885; Do children. 1%9, viii. Himlt0N, b. July 8, 1810. ix. l-IAnmso:-., b. 1813: m. ,Julia Bevins; d. Dec. 25, 1866, and is buried at Pratt's Hollow; DO issue.

65 BARNAtm' (Abraliam,' Ricliard," Abraham,' Ricliard,' Tliom­ as,' William•) of Otsego County, N. Y ., was born Sept. ( or Oct.) 13, 1777, in Wcstmorelnnd, N. H. He married Sarah Close, who died Mn.rch 9. 185 7. He removed to Middlefield, Otsego County, N. Y., in 1807, or earlier. He died Mny 29, 1859. Children: i. CtARISsA,8 b. 1801(?); d. unm. ii. LEWIS, b. 1803(?); m. l\Iercy Andrews; DO children. iii. Ros1:-.A, b. 1805(?}; d. unm. 130, iv. NA1•ou:o:s Bo:sAPARTE, b. May 26, 1808. 131. v. l\IAnsE:-.A, b. Dec. 11, 1812. vi • .A.zt:BA, b. 1815(?) : m. Seth Jones, and had a d:aughter Emma, who m. Timothy Pier. vii. HAURIET, b. 1817(?}: m. Josiah Holcomb. viii. NA:sc,, b. 1821(?): d. uiim. ix. SABRl:SA, b. 18:24: m. Jan. 1, 1845, Samuel S. Todtl, and res. at Tod

66 WILI.IA:117 (Abraham,1 Richard,' Abraham,' Richard,' Tho1m­ as,• William") of Otsego County, N. Y., was born in "West­ moreland, N. H., Oct. 25, 1788. He married (1) about 1809, Elizabeth Bundy. He married (2) about 1818, Phmbe Jones, daughter of Seth Jones, Middlefield. He removed with his parents in 1792 to Middlefield, Otsego County, N. Y., four miles from Cooperstown. He was a successful farmer and accumulated con­ .siderable property. He was a justice of the peace many, supervisor of his town several terms, and member of the State legis­ lature in 1834. and 1848. He died July 8, 1852, and is buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Middlefield. 46 'l'EMl'LE GENEALOGY.

Children ( first four by first wife) : i. EUNICE,' b. Dec. 12, 1810; m. ,Tan. 23, 1848, John Brewer, who wns b. Feb. 23, 1797. They resided in Cooperstown, N. Y. She d. June 25, 1896. They had one child, Charles Temple, b • .April 3, 1852; Charles Temple Brewer m. June 6, 1883, Ernestine A.. Dimmick, and has children: Ethel A.. and Florence E. ii. FA.-;:,,.-, b. 1813(?); d. unm. ill. GEORGE A.., b. 1815(?); d. unm. iv. GEORGE, b. 1817(?); d. unm. 132, v. SETH Jo:,,"Es, b. March 10, 1819. vi. ELIZABETH, b. May 9, 1821; m. 1846, John W. A.u.,"llr; no issue and both are dead. vii. William, b. Sept. 22, 1823; m. 1\1:i.rch, 1846, l\Iahala. Ismond; no issue; res. l\Iiddlefield, N. Y. viii. SARAII ELIZA, b. March 21, 1826; m. Jan. 8, 1846, Lysander Pratt, who was b. July 3, 1822; shed. in Otsego, N. Y., March 31, 1875. Children: .De Et.le J., b. Dec. 31, 1846; m. {l) George Abbott; (2) Fortes A. Morse. William Temple, b. May 15, 1850; m. Kittie Devaney. 133, ix. EBEN lfoREHOUSE, b. Oct. 22, lb28. x. CHARLOTTE, b. July 2, 1831; m. Nov. 16, 1857, George Brad­ ford; no children; res. Coopertown, N. Y. 134:; xi. D,\:,,"IEL P., b. Nov. 19, 1833. 67 7 1 3 ERASTUs ( Abraham, Rickard,• Abraham, Rickard,• Thom­ as," Frederick") of Mendon and Middletown, Vt., was born probably in Springfield, Vt., about 1785. He married Olivia. Gray about 1810, who is supposed to have belonged in Berkshire, Franklin County, Vt., where Erastus' resided for a time. In 1833 he removed to Mendon, and still later to Middletown, wher" he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. They afterward removed to Walworth County, Wis., and lived near Tibbetts and Millard. Children: 135, i. WASHINGTO:S,8 b. about 1813. ii. ERSKINE, b. 1815(?). ill. Lot.ISA, b. 1817; m. George Richardson, and lived near Tib­ betts, Walworth Co., Wis. iv. CA.'.DACF-, b. 1819(?); m. --Sla.ter. v. NAXCY, b. 1821(?); m. Ira Muzzey, and removed to W°lSCOnsin about 1853. 68 FREDERICK BAB...~ARD7 (Abraham,' Rickard,• Abraham,' Rickard,' Thomas,' Frederick") of Springfield, Chester and TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 47

Mendon, Vt., was born probably at Springfield in 1795. He married, 1818, Elsa Locl.-wood, daughter of Abraham of North Springfield. She was born nbout 1798, and died Aug. 10, 1881. Frederick B.1 died Mnrch 23, 1855. Children: 136, i. ETHAN W 8., b. 1819. ii. :BETIIIA, b. Feb. 20, 1822 ; m. 1842, George W. Rich of Sher­ burne, Vt. They live at West Windsor, Vt. Children: Ge<>rge F., b. l',Iarch 7, 1844. Jane Henrietta, b. Sept. 28, 1845. Charles Reed, b. Jan. 19, 1849. Jamu .A.ndrew, b. Jan. 8, 1852. William .ilfason, b. Dec. 4, 1854. W-Jliam Aldis, b. l',larch 29, 1859. Burton B., b. Nov. 25, 1863. iii. CIIARLOTTE, b. June 15, 1826; m. William Rice of Greenboro', Vt. She lives at North Clarendon, Vt. iv. HmAll ABRAHAlI, b. l',Iay 25, 1834, in Mendon, Vt.; m. Dec. 21, 1861, Comelin Pike, dnu. of Amos Pike of Rutland, Vt.; no children. v. M:.utTBA, b. Sept. 2, 1837 ; m. Chauncy C. Sargeant, and lives in Mendon, Vt. vi. EmLY, b. Aug. 18, 1841; m. Amos Pike of Mendon, Vt., and d. at Pittsford, Vt., 1889.

69 STEPJtEN' (.Abraham,1 Richard,• .Abraham,3 Richa,·d,' Wil­ liam," Joseph") of Boston nnd Groton, Mass., morocco-leather dresser, was born probably in Buckland, Mass., Dec. 17, 1782. He married Eunice B. Withe of Groton, l\fass., about 1807. Served in the War of 1812. He died.about 1821 in Groton. Children: i. JAllES,8 b. l',fay 15, 1808. No children. ii. SA::IIUEL S., b. Sept. 11, 1809. No children. 137, iii. ALEX..\.-.DER THAYER, b. May 15, 18ll. iv. STEI'IIE.'i', b. June 13, 1813. He served in the Seminole war. He was foreman in the United States arsen:i.l at An,,t'PUSta, l',Ie., and was in the employ of the United States government for forty years. Hem. in 1841, Mary Cheney, who d. Sept. 18, 1891. He d. March 30, 1853. No children. v. :BE.-.J..un.-., b. April 11, 1816. No children.

70 S~' (.Abraham, 1 Richard,• .Abraham,3 Richard,• Wil­ liam," Stephen") of Buckland and Adnms, Mass., v.-as born at Winchester, N. H., Jnn. 5, 1764. He removed to Adams, Mass., in 1819, where he died at the age of 88. He enlisted for Upton,, in the Revolutionary army, Jan. 15, 1781. He is described 48 ~ GENEALOGY. in a. war document of that date ne "Age 17. Stature 5 ft 6 in. Light. Farmer." His receipt for bounty paid by the town of Upton is dated February, 1781. He married (1) Susllllllnh Woou; (2) - - ; ho.d nineteen children: 138. i. STEPREY,8 b. 1788. ii. LUCRETIA. 139. iii. ,J.\ltEs, b. Sept. 23, 1789. iv. LOUIS,\.. v. ALo:s-zo, by second wife. Lived in North Adu.mi,. '."wo chil­ dren: Juliet and Cynthia. vi. St:sAS, b. 1794(?) ; m. -- Field. One son: Dar'Ulin R. Field of Ad:uns, l\Iass. vii. ROSWELL, b. 1798(?). viii. PnEuE, b. 1800(?). MO, xi. ,JoTn,rn, b. August, 1802. :x. MAn1sos, b. 1804(?); d. single in C:ilifornm. 1.U, :xi. Lom:s-, b. Sept. 4, 1810. xii. AL)[o:s, b. 1812 (?). Res. in Cheshire, l\fuss.; m. and d.; no children known.


7 P AUrER Cotmmus ( Abral,am.1 Richard,• Abraham,: Rich­ ard: 1Villiam, • Steplten•) of Sunderland, Vt., wo..s born in Winchester, N. H., April 18, 1772. He married Dec. 28, 1792, Rhoda King, who was born October, 1777. He lived at White Creek, Washington County, N. Y., 1832-1835. He died Jan. 25, 1854. Rhoda died May 25, 1853. Children: i. l\L\RY,8 b. July 21, 1794; m. Feb. 7, 1821. ii. SARAH, b. Nov. 28, 1795; d. Feb. 4, 1822. iii. RtmY, b. l!.Iay 4, 1798; m. (1) l\!arch 17, 1826, Lyman Wal­ bee; (2) --Boice. Shed. Sept. 12, 1889. iv. P,\LltER E., b, Feb. 10, 1800; m. Oct. 19, 1830, Jiargaret. He practiced medicine in Kentucky. and d. there with no issue. v. LccnETIA, b. ,June 9, 1803; m. 182i. Lewis Metcalf, and d. Dec. 13, 1841. Lived in Hinsd:ue, N. Y.(?) 14:2. vi. TnOltAs .J., b. ~!arch 30, 1804. vii. RnonA, b. Feb. 28, 1806; m. March li, 1830, Eber Hill, :ind d. May 25, 1853. viii. 8Al1'C'EL WILL.A.RD, b. April__ 27, 1808. He lived and d. in Pittsfield, Ill. i:x. OTn~IEL T., b. Dec. 20, 1810. x. MERRITT, b. Sept. 20, 1812. xi. CHARLOTTE, b. May 2, 1814. xii. STEl"lIE..'1 W A..JtREN BA.TES, b. Oct. 5, 1816. TEMPLE GENEALOGY, 49

72 MAnslL\LL' (Abral1am, 1 Richard,' Abraham,0 Ricliara,• Wil­ liam,• Steplien") of Hopkinton, Mass., Wllll probably born in 'Win­ chester, N. H., about 1790, He married Mary, daughter of Oliver Blood of West Hill, Putney, Vt., about 1823. He lived and died on a farm in Hopkinton, Mase,, now oc1Jupied by Everett Temple. He wns a brush maker o.nd farmer. Children: i. ELLEN' b. l\.furch 10, 1824; m. -- Wll.l'd, and lives in Woodvillc, l\!nsR. ii. SARAH, b. l\farch 8, 1830; m. - Libby. iii. l!A.RCLI., b. July 30, 1835. iv. Fit.\NCES JALANA, b. Jan. 30, 1842; m. Aug. 11, 1867, Everett Temple. v • .A?.'DREW, b. Feb. 22, 1845.

73 3 4 ISAAC M:ll.LER' ( Abraham, I Richard, t .Abraham, Richard, 8 William,• Stepl1en ) of Hopkinton, Maes., wne born Oen. 17, 1798, probably in '\Vinchester, N. H. He m:i.rried April 8, 1821, Mehitnble, daughter of Abner Pratt. She wne boni April 8, 1795, and died Dec. 11, 1863. Isaac died Feb. 28, 1873. He resided for a. time in Framingham. Children: 146. i. WzLLIAlr A..~so:s,8 b. Dec. 3, 1823. 14:7. ii. Is,u.c DALSTON, b. Dec. S, 1824. iii. ScsAN ELiz,tnETlI, b. April 5, 182i; m. 1844, Josiah Fay. Children : AdolpltU$ J., Charles .A. and A'frigail. I.SS. iv. GEORGE 'WASIIL'ioGTON, b. ,Tan. 25, 1830. U9. v. JAllES l\L\D1so:s, b. ,fan. 25, 1830. vi. l\ImANDA ,JA:in:, b. ,July 14, 1832; m. Feb. 19, 1854, Albert B. Comey. Children: Susan ilI., .t1.lhert C., Bernard E. and Bernice E. Res. in Fr:uningh:un, Mass. 150. vii. STEPllEN TuollA.s, b. Feb. 2t.i, 1836.

74 JoBN L.1 (.Abral1am, 1 Richard,= Abraham,° Richard,' lVil­ liarn, • Steplten•) of Hopkinton, Maes., was born in 1800, probably in Winchester, N. H. He married, 1825, Sarah Pettis of Hopkin­ ton, antl she died Nov. 23, 1889. John L.' tlied May 19, 18i2. Children: i. ELIZABETH,8 b. 1826; m.1SA1, Elijah B. Wood of Upton, l\ Thirteen children. 50 TEMI'LE GENEALOGY,

ii. JoEN, b. April, 1828; d. in civil war. iii. EmLY F., b. ?tray, 1830; m. John Smith of Milford, Mnss. Three children. iv. TllOll,\S, b. 1831 ; d. 1833. v. DALSTON, b. 1832; d. 1832. vi. MARY T., b. 1834; m. 1848, ,Joseph Kimbnll of Milford, Mnse. vii. BONAPARTE l\I., b. April, 183G; m.18G5, widow Mary Wood of Hopkinton, where he resides and bas children. A soldier of the civil war. , 151, viii. Attn,\ A., b. Jan. 2, 1838. 15%, ix. CllARLES l\!oRTON1 b. Jan. 5, 1840. x. RnoDELL\ W., b. Dec. 9, 1842; m. Jnly 18, 1865, Lorenzo Pierce, of Hopkinton. She hns one son, Wilbur A. xi. ScsAN A., b. Feb. 24, 1844; m. l\Iay, 185i, .John A. Pierce. Children of Susan A.: Henry J., JuJ.ia A., Cl,arles E., Eli::a A., Ellen M., Susan, Jane, William, Herliert, Warren, George, Florence. Lives in l\Iillbary, l\Iass. xii. JANE III., b. Dec. 4, 1846; m. 1864, Charles H. Wright. Died aged "2i. Children of Jane :M.: .El.ta G., William B.,, Edu:in, Eli::ahetl,, Lydia .A.., Clara and George. xiii. WILLIA)[ w., b. 1848. xiv. Eu1mA, b . .Aug. 3, 1850; m. 1874, Jeremiah Sanford. Ree. Soulh Framingham, Mass. l.'i3, xv. DA.ID L., b. JUlle 1, 1852.

75 7 3 BENJA:m:x ( Ab1·aliam,' Richard,• A.bra/tam, Ricliard, • BenJamin, • Timotlty") of Northboro', Mass., and Fitzwilliam, N. H., wns born in Shrewsbury, :\iass., l\I:i.rch 21, 1772. He married ( 1) about 1i97, Phebe Green, probably of Northboro', Mass., who died about 1808; (2) Nov. 16, 180~, Phebe :Mason of Fitzwilh:..m, N. H. He was a farmer and miller. He died March 15, 1829. Children: i. l\IARTUA,8 b. Oct. 5, li98; m. Frederick Miller. C11ildren: Augusta Ann, George Frederic/;, Henry R., Harriet Eli:ahetlt, Laura Jane, Ellen ~[aria, Oltarles .N., Gilbert F., Cltarles E., Ni,ry A. :in

154:, iii. TrnoTUY GREEN, b. March 6, 1806. iv. LA.URA, b. May 5, 1808. She was brought up in the family of :Samuel o~ Swanzey, N. H. She m. :Ma.y 1, 1834, WJ!­ liam Holbrook of Sw11nzey. She d. Sept. 12, 1!~64. Children: Harriet Eli=abeth, m. Levi W. Wellington. Sman, who d. young. JJaniel Henry, m. Francis L. Smith. Fannie ~llaria, m. Roy:u M. Flint, May, 1864. Gem-ge &uon, m. Ellen Beebe, August, 1868. v. MASON, b. l\lay li, 1811; d. 1821 • ...i. ELIAS, b. June 30, 1815. He resided in Worcester, Mass. No children. vii. MARL\, b. Jan. 1, 1816; m. April 6, 1834, Seth Sargeant, and resides at Northboro', liass. Children: Hen,y, Pliny, Jerome and Lucy. viii. ELYIRA, b. Aug. 25, 1817; m. William St.ephenson, and had four children. • ix. LucY, b. J:i.n. 2, 1820; m. Sumner Ba.mes of Worcester, 1\Iass. No children. 155, x. SETH, b. Aug. 15, 1S22. 166, :xi. Jorn. MAsoN, b. ,Jan. 15, 1824. xii. ELIZABETII, b. Dec. 5, 1828: m. (1) William F. How:ird; (2) Edwin Buttrick. No children.

76 NATHA.'nEL7 (Abraham,' Richard,' Abraham,' Richard/ Ben­ jamin,' Solomon•) o~ Heath, }lass., was bom there June 29, 1775. Children: 157, i. JonN A.,8 b. April 28, 1807. 158, ii. DAVID, b. April 1. 1809. iii. lfaitY, b. July i, ISli; m. Amos Brown of Whitingham, Vt., and d. l\fay 28, 1803. Children of Amos and l\fary (Temple) Brown : Corsanda, Clarissa, .Tanette, Ida :md William. .A. The latter liveg at ,Jnck.sonville. Vt. i,. Er..AsTcs, b . .A11g. :3, 1819: m. l\Iinerv:i. K. Bro"WD, and d. in :Eldora. Hardin County, Iowa, Oct. 2:?, 1869, where his widow still resides. No children. · v. ELIZABETH, b .•June 11, 1821; m. Bfus Kinsm:i.n, Oct. 3, 1830. He d ••fan. 1, 18G:3. Chil,lren of Bliss and Elizabeth (Tem­ ple) Kingman: JJr. lJai-id J.V. of Columbug, O.: llenrg (killed in the army); illarion, Christina, Kate and Wcilter. }59, ...i. JOSATIIAN, b. ,July 31, 1822. ...-ii. l\lA.mA, b. l\fareh i, 1829; m. Im Nichols, :md lived at Charle­ mont, l\Iass. Children ; Hannali, Frank w: aml lilar9 S. Th.e latter m. William Booth, and has a son, Harold L. 52 TDIPLE GE~'"EALOGY.

77 Ric11,um1 (Abraham,' Ricliard,• Abraham,• Richard,• Ben}a­ 6 ',& Solomon ) of Heath, l\, was bom there Nov. 29, 1778. He married 1807, Eunice Christee, who was born Jan. 16, 1788, and died Aug. 10, 1856. His will is dated 1857. He died April 25, 1862. Children: i. LOUIS,'-,1 b. Sept. 20, 1808; m. (1) --Clay; (2) Ebenezer Eddy, and d. Jan. 19, 18-15. ii. S,\VLW, b. l\Iarch 6, 1810; m. John Children: John Boice, .Adaline, Janet, Emma S., John R., Frank and William. iii. Em.ICE, b. Nov. 8, 1811; m. 1863, Nathaniel Carroll, and d. April 12, 1876. No children. iv. l\IA.RGARET, b. 1814; d. 1815. v. S.uroEL, b. April 7, 1816; d. 1816. vi. A.llIGAIL, b. Sept. 15, 1817; m. ,July 9, 1844. Aaron Dickin­ son, and d. Nov. 30, 1894. Children: William .A., b. May l;?, 1845. Ge FRA..'iKLD,, b. Sept. 7, 1831. 7$ B:e..-.JA:lm.7 (Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraham,• Ricliard, • Benja­ 6 min,• Solomon ) of Heath, l\lass. and l\Iarictta, Ohio, was bom in Heath, Aug. 27, 1780. He married :March 20, 1805, Rebena, daughter of "William Christee. She was bom in Heath, Jan. 26, 1786, and died in l\farietta, Feb. 25, 1839. Benjamin' lived at Heath until about 1838 when he removed to l\Iarietta. He died there about September, 1856. Children: i. Lt:cY,8 b. July 6, 1807: d. April 17, 1840. ii. SElrA,;TnA C1mrsTEt; b. April 15, 1809. 161, iii. Lt:TIIER, b .•June 2!), 1811. iv. Prns1s Hu,;T, b. Feb. :;!,j, 1813; d. 1813. 162, v. lh::s1tY, b. Aug. 20, 181G. vi. J-fa,;:SAII Hu,;T, b.• Jan. 30, 1817; d. Sept. 6, 1861. vii. ,L\:sE PERSIS, b. Oct. 6, 181!): m. (1) l\Iarch 10, 1840, .John Thomiley; (2) Feb. 1, 1853, George E. Stratton. Resides Columbus, Ohio. viii. SAma:L KurnALL, b. Dec. 6, 1821; m. (1) Ann Boothaker, Marietta, 0.; (2) ---- in the West. He had a TE:\ll'LE GE:NEALOGY. 53

~on who cl. in infancv in Ohio. He had a daui;:htcr bv the second wife. hut trace of the family lms been. lost. They were at Atl:mtic, Iowa, on their way to Cheyenne, Wyo., when last heard from.

79 SoL0:\10~7 (Abrallflm,' Ricllflrd,' .Abra/tam,' Ri'.c!tard,4 Ben:fa- 71lin,' Solomon") of Heath, ::.\lass., was born there Sept. 18, 1 i82. He married (1) .Xov. 2;j, 1:;11, Elizabeth Stone, who was born Jan. 1, li!J5, and

80 .AsA7 (Ahru/,am,' fliclwrrl, 0 Abralar,111 3 Riclml'd: Be11jami'.n,• Solo111011") of Gouverneur. X. Y•• was born in Heath. :Mass., Dec. 4, li:;9. He married, Dec. 10, 1810. Olive Chapin. a dc:sccmlant of Samuel Chapin, who came to Roxbury, l\lass., in 1636. Asa.' dieLE GENEALOGY.

Rowe, i\fass. Tillotson' was a farmer. He died Dec. 14, 1863, of lung fever. Children: i. Lt:CY Fm~:LTA8 b • .April 3, 1811; m. Rev. J. S. Smith, and d. Aug. 14. 18!l2. ii. ,Jon:-. lIILTox, h. Aug. 16, 1812. Never married. iii. LEWIS, b. April Ii, 1814. :Never married. 167, iv. D. W1wrn, b. April H, 181G. v. :\Luw, b. )fay !l, HH8: m. Rev.• J. S. Smitb,andd.liay 13, 185i. vi. DIASTIIA, b. Sept. 1 0. 18:!0. vii. ·w1LL1A)t, b. )larch :!4, 18:!4. N,:ver ::narrfod.

S2 DATID7 (Abraltam,1 Ricltard,• Abralwm; Richard,4 Ben­ jamin,• Seth") of Blackinton, )lass., was born in Heath, )foss., Sept. 11, li86. He married Rosamond, daughter of ,Jonathan Nimms, who was born in Heath, 17~0, and died July, 18-10. Children: i. DEXTER.8 b. 1816: d. 1840. ,,ithout issue. ii. ELIZA, b. 181!1: d. 1X44, without issue. iii. DA vm, b. October. HI:!:!: d. l 8G4. without issue. iv. ALVIRA, b. l\Iav. lti:!;j; d. 184!1, without issue. 168, v. ,hcK::;os, b. Aug. 11, 18:!i. vi. BnOCGIITOX L.. b. Feb. 8. 1x:}0. After 184!!, he went around Cape I lorn to California :;wl eu_:ragcd iu goltl minin_:! until l 8:i2. He m:inufaeture

S3 SETH7 (Abraham,' JUchard,' .Al,raham; R/clmrd,4 Be11jam1'.n,' 0 Setlt ) of \\'illiamstown, )lass., was horn there Oct. 10, 1787. He married, )larch 14, 1814, ,Julia Porter of Guilford, Yt., who was born 1787, and dic

v. At.)nnA, b. Oct. 13. 1822: m. April 7. 18;i2, Samuel Do.nforth. Child: Clura, b. l\Iay 10, 18,iG; d. Oc:. 21, 18!J4. 170, vi. S•:Tn, b. Dec. 24, 182:J. 171, vii. HoL)IF.S, b. Sept. 4, 18:}0.

84 .Jon.-i' (.Abmltarn,' Riclmrd,' Abrrdtflrn,• Richard,' Be11Jrimin, • Setlt") of Heath, :\-lass., wa8 born there April l!J, 1i91. He mar­ ried, Sept. 1:3, HH3, Sar:th,

RUFUS7 (Abrallflm,' Riclwrd,' .Abral11w1; fltclmrd,' Benja­ min,• Seti,") of \Villiam:.orn in Heath, l\Iass., Sept. 2S, 17!)5. He marric1l, ,Tan. 8, l/'121', Ann:i Thayer, who was born Sept. 12, 1801, an

,·iii.• fo)(.\S L'F.O)(ARD. b. Dec. G, 1844. u:. :lL\l:.Y ELu::-, h. Dec. G. lt\-1-1: m. ?.fay 8, 1872. Dr. R. Press Smith, b. in Clmrleston, S. C.• Oct. 10, lt\3!1. Res. Santa Ro~a. Cal. Children: allar.fJaret C., b. May 21, 187:}. Temple. b. Aug. :n. 187,i. Nelli, Tempi~. b ••lan. 11, 1878. D{miel I-. b ••Jun. :n, 1,-,:,0. a1lary Gaitlard, b. )fay :30, 1882. Harriet P., b ..Aug. 17, ll'.iS-1. Press, b. Sept. 24, 1::i::i8.

86 )IosEs' ( .Al,ml1rm1,' Richard,• .Abrrtliam, • Riclmnl, • .Joseplt,' ,losepli") of Deerfield, l\fass., was born about 1765, perhaps in or near \Vorcestcr, 1fass. He rell'<>ved from 1Iontaguc, }.foss., to Deerfield about l i!.13. He man-;ed, ahout ,January, 1788 (1) WinifTcd---,who died l\!ay 19, 1799; (2) Nov. 16, li99, Elizabeth Briggs. He removcu to Volney, Oswego County, N. Y., about 1812, where he uicd Oct. 2:2, 1813. Children: 182, i. A,w~. 8 b. :'.lfay 22. 1789. ii. Em-:si,:r.i,:n, h. April 20, 179:t He is said to 11:wc lived a.t · Amltcr~t. :'.11:tss. 183. iii. TnML\~. b. Oct. !I. 17!14. 18-1. i,. PmLo. h. 17ni? · ,.,unmt. b .•Ju\,_. 12. 1S00. vi. S,\ 1,m:-.\. h. Oct. :fo. 1xo1. vii. DA vm, b. April 2, ISO:;. He is said to have been a blacksmith ... ancl to ha\·c lived in_ Sp~u~ticl :;:one to )lecca, Trumbull Co:, Ohio, an

87 ,JOSF.PII~ (Al,ral,am,' Richard,' Abi•alwm,, Richard.• .Jo,,eph., • ,frMeplt") of Dummcr~ton, Yt., w:i:s born there.Jan. J.':i, li~l. He married, Dec. 2!J, 1;;0:-}, ..:\.m)·,

iii. SALL,, b ••Tune 6, 180!1: m. No,·. 12, 182!1, Calvin Br-.iclley, and d. Sept. 4. 18!J2. Children: C:alciu, b. l\I:irch 1-1, 18:n; d. ,Tune 2, 1861: sin:zle. Jnseplt Temple, b. Oct. 14, 18:,2; d. Hs:;2. Louislt 'Temple, b. l\fay 2:2. 1852: m. (1) ElizahethO"~eal, Dcc.22:187;,: (2) Lun:i. Frost. Dec. 20, 18(12: res. Bellow~ Falls. Vt. Frrmkliri H., h. ,fan. 27, 18.'i,;: m. (1) Dec.:?, 1:-iS0, E,lith F. Smith: (2) l\Iarch 27, ltiti7, Yiola E. Stone ; Res. Dummerston Centre, Vt. ss PArotEXAS7 (Abraham,' Richard,' Abralunn,' Richrr.rd," 0 ,lo.

187, iv. Gi:01un: Wu.sos, h. 1814, v. ,YAttm,s, h. ll:ll i(?): d. of consumption; unm11rried. vi. ,L,cKsox, h. Dcccmhcr, IX:ltl: d. ,June, 18G3; unmarried. 18S. vii. Sw.-.s ll., h. Xov. ;i;;, 1x::o. 189, viii. Tno~tAs ,Jt,:n·t:m,os, b .•June 2, tfl:13. 190. ix. MA ltCt:S D. LAPA n:TTI•:. b. Oct. :rn. 1835. x. lli:1mA1t1> STA1tKWt•:,vr111m. h. 1x:l!J: enlisted 1862, and d. at Baton Houge. La., A11i,:11st, ltlG:J. xi. GitACIA Lcc1n:T1A, h. December, l:'142: m. 18G3, Nelson Proutv. and d. March. IKG!l. No children. :xii. Ih:u:s 1\IAttr.Atn:T, b. 1845; m. D:.wid Ilolme8, and lives in Liverpool, N. Y.

89 ,TOID7 (.Alin,h,,m, 1 IUcl,ard,' Abrr,/i.nm.,3 Abraham: Timotliy,& Natlumiel") of Trenton, N .•J., wai, born in Ewing, N. J., about li90. He w:is in the service of a railway an

90 Af.nEn.7 (.ill,mham,' Ricllflrd,' Abralw111," Abralwm,4 Timo­ tlty,4 .J,,llil") of Ewing-, X .•J., was horn there Aug. 4, li66. He married, April i, li,0-1, :\fary,

iv. JsnART., b. April IG, 180!); m. December, 18;,0, Corneli:i, dnu. of Nutlmniel lluut of llopcwell, N. J., nnd d. Nov. 11, 1887. :Xo ehildr1•11. 197. v ••Tom;, b. Nov. 21, 1811. vi. lIAi.:-,An, b. l\farch li, 18H. Never married.

91 1 TrnoTIIY ( Abra!Htm,' Richard,• Abrnliam,3 Abralinm,' Timoth11." ,Jofm•) of Ewing-, N. ,T., wns born there Sept. 8, li71. He married, about 1~03, .l\Inrthn, daughter of John Cornell of Hopewell, N. J. He died 1827. Children: i. NATilASrnL,8 b. 1805; d. 1841. No issue. ii. lIAXXAII, b. 1810: d. 184G. No issue. iii. ,loASXA, h. 1811: d. HHG. No issue. iv. St.:sAs, b. l8li: d. Hl-12. No issue. v. P1rn11E, b. 1821; d. lti31. No issue.

92 '\VILLIA:111 (Abrrtlrnm,' Ri'.c/,ard,• Abraltam,• Abraltam,' Timot/,!I•' ,Jnlw•) of Ewing, N. ,T., was born there ,Tnn. 2, 1 i75. He man·ied Frances. daughter of Nathaniel Temple.. He died Sept. 9, 1846, and his wifo the same year. Children: i. ,To.\XXA,8 b. Nov. 13. 1807. ii. SA1tAII, b • .April !J, 180!). iii. l\L\1tY Et.lZA, b. .April i. 1811. h·. TrnoT11¥, b. Nov. 2. 1814. v. ,JOSATIIAX, h. ;\lay:?. 181(;. ·vi. ,lt,:~,-•:. b. ,Jan. 11, 18 I:-: d. unm. 18!!4. vii. Co1:x•:1.1A, b. Fd>. 2,i. 1821. She never married, nnd lives on the original hon!l'stcad near Ewiugville, N. J. viii. W1LL1.ui, b. )fay l,i, IS23; d. uum.

93 _.\!,mm' ( Ab1·aham,' Richard.• Abralutm, 3 Abrrrlw.m., •Return,• Be1,jrrn11'.11°) of Trenton and Princeton, X .•J., was born there about 178!1. Ile married ( 1) about 180V, Ann W oodman:'ec of Hope­ well,~- ,T.; (2) ------. A~her1 dicJ February, 1876, ageJ 87. Children: 198. i. B•:xJAmx,8 b. 1K09. 199. ii ••Jons Wooo~1Axs•:•:. b. Feb. 2!l, 1812. iii. :l\Lu:u, b. April 1:?. 1~1-l: m .•Jan. 1, 1840, at Trenton, N ••l., John A. Sandford of New lluvcn, Ct.; d. Jan. 5, 1899. 60 TElll'LE GE!o.'"E,U.OCY.

Children: C'", b. l\fay 24. 1842: m. Nov. 3. 1886, E .•T. "Timler of New Haven. Ct.: res. iiO Trumbull Ave. Josl"/JM11e. b. Aug. Ii. IS-1G: tl. 18,i0. f.<,ttie, h. ,Tan. 2, 18:ii: m. Oct. 14, 1S8G, ,John B. Deibert of New Havcu; res. 38 Plerumnt St. iv. Rf:1n:cc.\, b. 181G(?); d. unm. v. ComrnLTA, b. 1816(!'); m. --- Yan de Griit, and tl. without children. 200. vi. ·w1LL1,rn. b. l\foreh 4. 1818. 201. vii. DA~n:L, b. l\farch 4. 1818. viii. CnAnLOTTE, b. 1822(:-) : m. Nelson ,Tuy [ ~on of Smitl1 .Tay, ~on of ,JosC'ph (b. in Eurliu;,'1on Co.• N ••J., I i,i:J: d. at the Falls, Bucks Co., Pa.. 1s:1;;) ]. Children: Smit Ii. IVilliam, res. Phil:ulelphia. Pa. ~\'efsn11. res. K:msn~ City, :\Io. Luc9, m. Re,·. G. E. Keunedv of l\Iorceline, l\Io. 202. ix. Cn.rnu:s l-I.\r.1 •• b .•J{1h- ii. 1826. x. A...;~1E Er.1Z,\ln:n1, h. So,·. 20. 1828: m. Sept. 19. 18.J!l, Wes­ ley Bowne, and resides at :\Iauayunk. Pa. Children : B1tr­ to11, b. Dec. i, 18:i0 : address. 29 ~ l\lorton St., ~ ew York city. Lonisa. b. ~ov. l;J, lo;';5; m. Charles 11. Gale; res. Centre :-;t., l\fanayunk.

94 RETUR.~1 (Abraham, 1 Richard,• .Abraltrnn, 3 Ab1·alunn,' Re­ turn,• .1.Yflthaniel•) of \Y:ulestown, :\Ionongnli:t County, \V. Va., was born at \Yhitely, Gr"en County, Pa., Sept. 23, 1787. He married, about 1811, Sarah, daughter of Philip and Hannah Darr or Darrah. She was born ,Jan. 18, 1793, and is said to have been a cousin of Lord X clson. Return' removed to \V adeatown,"1838. Children: 203, i. BE~.1.,mx,8 b. Au)!. 12, 1812. ii. )L\1n-, b. April Hi. 1814: m. ,John Starkey, and d. in Sullivan Co., ::\Io. Had a large family. iii. Rf:nECCA, b .•Jan. W, 181G; m. ,John \Yise, and lives near \Y:ufostown, \V. Ya .. iv. NA~CY, b. Dec. 21. lHli: cl. young. v. IIAx~.\11, b. Oct. Ii. lHl(l; d. voung. 0 vi. SARAH, b. Sept. 2.'1;-;21: m. :\lar~h 13, 184,i, Rohcrt Ancler­ sou. an,! lived in )Iono11g:1lia Co., W. Va.: cl ••lune ::, ltli2. Childreu: William Te11;ple. b. April 1,i, 1X4(): res. Webster, Kan. R,ster A., b. Sept. JH, 18,i!: res. Blacksville, W. Va. Jam~s .ill.. h. .J uh- :H. I H;i:l : res. Cross Roads, \V. Va. Corbi!/ A.,'b. Feb. i;;, ltl;i,i; res. Cross Roads. Jufm IV., b. Fch. 15, 18,i,j; res. \\'chstcr, Kan. Jl,,rtin L., b. )fay 2, 18,i!l ; res. Cardington, 0. Sa11Jord Return, b. March 4, 18G:3; res. Cardini,ou. 201, vii. N.\TllAXIEL, b. April :?i, 1823. TIDIPLE GENEALOGY. 61

205, viii. W'ILLL\lC DARR. b. l\I:irch 8, 182!;. ix. E1.JZA, h. ,Julv 18, 1827; m. Theodore Wade, who owns a five humlrt!d acre farm near Promise City, Iowa. No living chil­ clren. x. EL17..\IIETTI, h .•Tune 2. 182!>. xi. C1uR1.0TTla:. h. Sept. 2. 18:n; m. (1) l\farch 17, 1s;;;3. ,Jesse E,l

95 Jorn;' (Abralwm,' Richard,• Abraham,' Abralimn,4 Return,' ..1.Vrttha11iel") of ,vhitely, Green County, Pa., was born there about 1803. He married, about 1823, Elizabeth Douglas (born lt-0:{ ), of F:wettc Countv, Pa.• who died 1877. ,John' was a dealer in live sto~k :ind a n;usician of ability. He lived on the homestead in Whitely, six miles S. E. of ,vuyncsbur~, P:i.. He died in 1832. Children: 206, i. ,Jcsn:-s For:DYCE.8 b. Feb. 13. 1824. 207, ii • ..\LPirnt:s lirn1:s, h. Oct. 11, 1s2;;. iii. Pu:AS.\XT ,JA:-t:, b. 1827(?); m. (1) Archibalcl Guthrie, and ha

96 .Axom::w7 (Abrahmn,' RiclwrrZ.• Abralmm,3 Abraham,' Re­ l1tn1, • ,John") of Bucks County, Pa., farmer, was born at Ewing, N ••T., 1-'cb. 1, 17!!6. He married. Feb. 11, 1826, Charity Christo­ pher, who was born Oct. 31, 1797. He died in Elkton, Cecil Countv, :\Id. Chiidrcn: 20S, i. ExocII .AmuT.lGt:.8 b• ..April 8. 1827. ii. R.\cuu. h. Feb. l,i, I~:;:;; m. April !l. 1868. Anthony Rue, and lives at Churchvilfo. Bucks Co .• Pa. Children: .Jlary Jane Clnial, antl S1w111Pf Jprome. · iii. SAitAII E1.1z.\ln:T11. b. Feb. J;j. !S3:3; m. Lorenzo Grimstone. Children : Loreu:o and ,1/ary. h·. 1VILLLl)I C., b. Dec. I, IS:JG; d. 1840.

97 LEYI7 (Abraltam,' Richard,' Abralwm,3 Abraham; Return,' Jolin•) of Hartsville, Bucks County, Pa., was born at Ewing, X. J., 62 TEMl'tE GENEALOGY, in 1800. He mnrric

100 Amo 7 (Abra/tam,' Ricliard,• Abrrtlutm,' !Haac,4 !Hrtrtc,• Eplt­ raiui'') of Gar

101 ,TO:)lAS' (Abral,r,m,' Riclwrrl,• Abraliarn,• L•aac: Ixaac,• ,Jm,ax") of Westport, Cheshire County, N. H., was born in Shrews­ bury, )lass., Aug. 5, 1780. He marrie

102 ,TOSErn STR.\TIO:S1 (Abraham,' Richard,• Abraham,• Isaac,' Abru/u1111,• ,lo.A,• b. l\Ia, r.. I i8i: m. l\I. IIarrin!.::tOn. ii. l\1.\1:r. b. S,•pt. :!:t. J,i-!l: m. Is:iiah l\Iouroe. 2J.1, iii. ErnAx. b.• July 1::. lilt:!. 21.5, iv ••JoxAs. b. Dec. l;i, 1 ill-!. v. Si:SAXXAn, b.• Tune 1::l. I i!)i: m. Austin Sawvcr. vi. C1 ..\1t1,;s.\. h. li!l!l(?): a. young. • 216. vii ••Josf:t·II. b. l\Ia\' :!8, 1so::. viii. LcCY. b. Au~. ·1;i, Jt{Ui: m. M.A. ""heeler. 217, ix. Df:SSIS Gooosow, b. ,June 15, 1819. 64,

103 7 1 AAno:- ( AlJrrtlwm, Riclwrrl,' Ab,•rtl,am ,• I,mac,' Abrahr, m, a Jol!ep/1°) of nar1A,8 h. )forch 10, li\l."i; m. December, lR:!!l, l\Injor Cutler PonITII \\"001>111·1:Y, l,, )),,c. :!l'I, I 7\1:-,: m. F1•h, 1 !l, 1K2!3, Deacon .John Ila\'en of llolli,ton, )Ia,s. Siu, :uul lll'r l111s­ baml became co11\'crts to till' :\lonnou faith a111l, with their chilt!rcn, n•mo,·e,I to Xaurno. Ill.. in J:-q I; ai:ain to :\Ii,sonri in 1!l-1G. Tlwy arri\'cd in S:1lt Lak1· City, Ctah, SPpt. 2:,, 1K-1K, after a trip of over tive months i11 an ox team. She was :L type of the ohl ::-;'cw En1.dand woman, thrifty aml ind<-'­ pent!cut. Her fricwls consid,,n,il h1•r a very r,~nmrkal,le char­ acter. She lin••l aloue for 11enrly forty years •loin~ h1•r own work. Sh,· ;-1~1. h·. JAsox. h. Fl'h. l i, !HO! : m. ( l) O,·tuh,,r. 18:W. Hannah Bacon of Framin.!!ham. )fass.: (:!) )lay. 1x;,;,. Carolim• --.-. He d. Xo,·. :!:{, IXl-11. );u chil

104 Roi.WELL' (Ab,·rt!trim,' Riclmrcl,' Abr,t!trtm,3 l.,

17!l2, Eliznbcth, dnughtcr of Benjamin B11kcr of Shrewsbury. (Sec note on Baker family.) ~he wns l,orn Dec. 22, lii2. Roswell' for n time lived in Hartford, Wnl!hington County, N. Y. In 11:i25 he removed to Ogden, :\Ionroc County, and in 1830 to Knowlcl!villc, Orlcnns County. He died April lli, l8iil. His wife died ,July 26, 1834. "She wnl! n woman of noble character nnd true Chrit1tinn virtuc1e1." Both arc buried in Knowlct1villc, 1'. Y. Children: i. ELIZAlll,TU,• b. 1iD:J: m. Amos Burch. nncl Jived in North Jlcbro11, Wa"hiugto11 Co., N. Y.: d. Sept. 11. 18:?l. Ho d. April i. l,"!ii8. Tlll'y are hurietl in the 0111 "Duel" bury­ in:t grouml. U miles weRt of North Hebron. Children: Be11j,1111iit .A: - Purter. f:'lorissa (rn. Calvin Townsend of llartfor,l. X. Y.). .lane, m. Warren Lamb of Whitehall, N. Y. (so11: William P.: re,<. i 3forriumn St., Hod1ester, N. Y.). Eli::abel.h (m. Benjamin S. .Burch of North Hebron). 218, ii. LntAx, h. F,·1,. i. Iiv:.. iii. S,rnAII, b. I i:Ji; 111. P,•ter Burch, and lived on "Burch hill," l½ miles west of North llehron: ti. Sept. rn, 18:?0. Chil,lren: William, d. Oct. I!), 1,-;(i,i, :igcd .HJ. Jiar9, m. Gotham Post •. of Clyde, X. Y. · - iv. IIAX:-.'.\11, h. Xov. i, li!)1!: m. ,July lfi, 1818, Rev. (::eorge C. Smith, a mini,ter of the l'rot,•stant l\Iethodist Ii via. (.'harlt>s Adn:L anti 31:irjory E. ). 1/oroc,•. h. F,·b. I, 1:-:?.i: m•• June :?O, l/i-li. Calista (b. S,•pt. ;!1;, J li:!-1 ). ,!au. of .John a111l Ruth lhbcock of Fort Atlll, X. Y. Chil.!reu: Flora C.• si11:,,:lc: Fn·d De Lysle (lawyer. JOO Jlro:ulway. X. Y.). h. Oct. -1. J,'-1,ili, 111. (I) ,\.pril :!i. lli/i,. Flor,·u,·,· ( h. ,\pril I Ii, llili,i, d. Fd,. ,i. I li::18). dau. of Dr. ,John \\·. :u11l .\11:,::i .. llamilton of Brooklrn. :X. Y. (Issue: Florl'IIC<' 11:uniliuu. b. Fdi. -1. l/i,'-1/i). (:?) Dec. Iii, 11-,:10, Ella Louise (b. Xo,·. 10. 1/ilii). dau. of Charh·s E. anil Elizalll'th L .. ,·erid_;:e of Brooklyu. (hsuc: l\Iildred Louise, b. Dec. :!i, 11:i'.l:?). Jlr,rriet. b. F,•b. 1-1. 111:?7. Lucinda, b. Sept. :?I, lli:!:t. Prm1!.:li11. h. Dec. l•I, Iti:;:?. 219, v. Ro~1rn1.L, h. Ju11e ;;, 1801. 66 TE:l!PLE GE:sEALOGY.

vi. Lrnu, b. i'\fay 10, 1803; m. Chester Howe, b. 'April 2, 1803, of Poultney. Vt. (o.hout 18:!l); lived Poultney u.nd Platt.sburg, N. Y. ( 1840);

);OT!, O:- Il.\Kt:lt FAlllLY. ,JosErn BAKER was in l\farlhoro', :\lass.. before 1710. In that year he was one of a Committee to waru meetin)!s of the proprietors of the lllllian plantations. Ile was prohahly ~on of William and Eliza Baker of Con­ cord. lie ,lied .June 2. 17,i,i. B.-njamin llakl·r of Shrewslmry is supposed to be a )!r:tn•l~on of the fore1,:uin;.: ,Joseph. Benjamin Bakl·r marri,,,I ( 1) Elizabeth Eames of Fr:.uuingham, )lass., mu!(:!) probauly her ,i,ter Lydia.

10.; NoTE ox E.\lrns FAmLY. Tno)us1 E.urns, a brickmaker and mason, born about lGIR. came to America about l(i:34. He was a sohlier in the P,·quot war, was in Ded­ ham, )la~;;., l fj.HJ: in i'\ledfcml, occupying a mill on l\lystic Sic le. 1 li;i:!-!); in Camhricl;.:e. ownin;.! a house aucl ei;.!ht acres of land ea~t of Camhri,lge Common. which he sold Feli. 10. 1 lili;i. lie married Uili:! at Cambridge, Mary, daughter of John Bla.uford of :Sudbury and widow of ,Jonathan Pad- TEllPLE GE~'EALOGY. 67 difoot. He removed to Sudbury, then to Fmminglmm, anrl was a farmer on u lnr_!!c scale. In the winter of I G7,j-G he liverl at Dedham, l\fass. Feb. I. Jfj7G, his home WM destro,·ed bv Indians anrl his wife and several of his children killed. Two solcliers h;,1 been quartered on him for his protection, but li:ul been "ithdmwn. Thomas had irone to Boston to pro­ cure help and ammunition. February 1 a party of Indians came upon the defenceless familv; burned the burn, cattle ancl house; killed the mother and th·c chilclren· (some of the latter being Thomus1's step-children), and curried off se,·eral others with such plunclcr as they wished. The children were t.-iken to the neighborhood of 1\"uchusett and Concord, N. I-I., and afterward made their escape. The General Court grunted Thomus1 as indemuity for his loss :!00 acres of !:turl. An inventory of his losse, aggre­ gated .£:1:rn- l :?s. He also suer! the Indians and recovered from them :?00 acres of !:tnrl aclrlitional. The leader of the m:1r:mding party was Netus, a profe.-secl couvert to Christianity at Natick. Sept.:?, JG,1;, three Indians were executed for tlw mur,lers, and the wife of Xetns, and another chief accuse,! of complicity in the m:L-sacre, were solcl into slavery. One of the chil,lren of Thomas1 w:Ls Samuel," horn .Jan. 1,;, lGG;j, in Sudbury, .l\Inss. He was taken captive at the ruussucre and afterwards returned.

106 SA,tt:F.L~ E.~,rns marriecl April 21, 16!18, Patience, danghter·of .Toseph Twitchell, :me! Jived in South Fr-.uninghum, )fass. Among his children was Duvid,3 born Aug. :?G, 1718.

107 DA YID8 E.urns married Elizabeth, daug-hter of .John Butler. His two oldest daughters were Elizabeth. born .ran: ,i. 17 -1,, who married Benjamin Baker, liu7, am! L_yclia, born )farch :?8, li-18.

108 7 4 ,TASI'~:R ( Abrnhmn, I Richard. O .Aorfth(t/11., J I.,nrtc, Aorftl,flm, O ,lo11ffflu111") of Henniker. X. II., W:t>' born in )forlhoro', :\lass., ,July l!J, 171.i-1. He marric

100 ,Jonx' (Abralinm,' Riclim·d,• Ab1•rtlwm.' J.•aac,' Abntl1am,• Jonat!w11°) of ~forlboro', ?.lass., was born in Marlboro', Kov. 27, 1769. He married ,June 5, l::i00, .Abigail Wilkins, who was born ,July 8, 1781, nod died ,July 31, ll:i;j;j. He was n large farmer. He also carried on custom boot nml ;;hoc trade, employing several men. He died ,July 31, 1855, leaving considerable property. The house he lived in i,; stnmling. Three generations were born on this farm, which has now become n part of the )Ictropolitan W'ntcr "\Yorks, Ba,;in 5. Children: 2""' i. "·n.1.1.u1,8 b. Dec. :;, If\01. -·· ii. N.\:SC,. b. ,July~. l~Oi; m. Dana l\Iorsc, and d. Oct. 15, 1840. ~o children. 223. iii. Rn't:s, b. Oct. IG. 18};';. 224:, iv. llm,rn, b. Oct. ti, H,:!3.

110 AAROX7 (..tlbrahrtm,' Richard,• Abra/tam, 3 baac,4 ,Jonrt.<, 6 :JJo,,e.s") of Southboro', :\l:iss., was born in Framingham, ?,fass., ,Jan. 2tS, 17~18. He mnrricll August, 1828, Cali~ta, daughter of ,J oscph :mu :\fory Arnold of :\Iarlboro'. Children: i. :'\L\1:Y A:s:s,9 b. :'\fav, Jf\29: m. Au:r. 8. lR;j0. Oti,\, Churchill. Children: Elle11·,sop/,i,,. l,. Dec. ·,x. li-,il. Alice Lou,'s~. b. Oct.1,i. 18,i•!. Idell,, h .•Jurw :!:!. J,'i.iG. Abl,y Pierce, b. ,Juuc !I, }X;i!J. C'lmrles Otis, h. )lay ::i, l:SG8. ii. C11A1:1.0Tn: B1:00K,<, b. )larch I Ii, fx:\l: m. A11~'11st. Jfl;jO, William llcnrv l'ierc,·, who u. ,Ju\v lK, 18~1:!. Cliihl: Elim ..llt1ria, b • .Au;. ::I. 1:-i;i 1. • iii. Cn.\1:u:s, b. Aj,ril I, 1x:::1: m. Xov. :!!l. 18G(i, :'\fary .J. Hall, aml li\'es in Southhoro", :\[a,..,. No chihlrc11. iv. Eu1,:- :'\l.\1t1A. h. :\lay ::o, 1:-;:a:

111 DAYII>7 (Ab1·,,fta111, 1 lticlwrd,2 Abrrdian1," J,ruic,4 ,Jona.•,> 1Jlr,.~es") of Southboro', )las~., farmer, was born there "'larch 1, Hi00. Ile married 1152;;, Elir.a, daughter of ,luhn Gu:ml, a sen captain of Bo,-ton. She JicJ Ang. Hi, 18G5. Daviu'

225, ii. GEORGE E., b. Sept. 1;;, 1828. iii. JULIA A .. b. Dec. !l, 1830; m. (1) Feb. 12, 18,;,;, ,Joseph Proc­ tor BJJrnes, who was kill ell at the l,attle of the ""il

112 ,JosErn7 (Abraliam,' Richan[,• Abraham,• Joseph,' Jo.~eph,• Le·vi") of '\Ycb:,ter, :i.\Ic., farmer, wns born in Bowdoin, or Lisbon, l\Ie., Oct. 13, li86. He married, Feb. 15, 1807, --- Ricker, daughter of Levi Ricker of W cbstcr or Lisbon, :Ole. He and his wife lived together in one place over seventy-five years. He died June UI, 1882. His wife died Oct. 16, 18~5, aged 9i. Children: 226, i. Ivou,8 b. l\fav i. 1807. ii. Lis\'I, b. Aug. ·10. 1808; m. and had one son, who d. without issue. Levi8 d. in "'eh,ter, :Me .• Dec. ,;, 186!1. • iii. F AX:--Y, b •.April :!,j, HH O; m. Frederick "Niles, and lived in Bowdoin, )le. No children. · 227, i,. Jos1A11, b. Dec. 2, 181:!. , ••T.urns CL.\RK, b. Dec 1,;, 1814. ,;.• Jonx, b.,July 11, l-8li; lived in Webster, l\Ie.; d. July Ii, 18-!0. 228, ,·ii. SAma:L, h. April !), 1819. 229, viii. CHARLES R.. b. Feb. 5. 18:n. 230, ix. )Ioi:mLL C.• b. No,. 2:!. ll:!22. 23], x .•lo~El'll. b. Oct.:!:!. 1~24. 232. x. ELBl:IDGI,, b. July 2.':I, 11;;26. xii. Do1:cAs R., b. A~1g. 11. 1828; m. Rel·d T. "·oodward. and lives in Li~bon. )It,. Chiltlrl'll : Clara all, .1.llira11da Prances, and Ira Delma. 233, xiii. G1-01:GE W., b.. July 8, IS:JO. :th·. l\ImA:--1>.\ A., b.• June 1 G, 18:J;;; never m., and res. at Lisbon Falls, )le.

113 '\YILSox' (Ab1·aliam', Riclwrd', Abraliam', ,Josepli•, ,J'osepl1,• Levi•) of Bowdoin, ~le., was born at Bomloin or Lisbon, l\Ie., about li$8. He married ~!indwell Small about 1810. Children: i. ,loux,8 b. 1812(?). 6 70 TE)lrtE GENEALOGY.

ii. ,JA)CES. b. 1814(?), iii. L•;YI, b. 181G(?). iv. RAc1rnL, b. 1818(?). v. CHARLOTTE, b. 1820(?). vi. lt-:Timu. b. 1822(?). vii. lL\nTlJ.\., b. 1824(?).

114 JOSEPJI1 (Abraham.,' Riclwnl, • Abr<1hain, • ,Jo,.eplt, • S(l)n1tel: Samuel") of Concord, Vt., anA. b. Xov. i, 1822: m. Danid Fennel, antl res. at Castle­ ton. \'t. Child : Wilfred. vi. :UAltTIL\, b. Xov. i. 1822: «1. young. 235, ,ii. A1u:L S .• b. :So,·. 14. lK24. viii. l-Io1t.\t.:E. l,. Feb. 2:;. ll'i:!i; d. ,·oun~. ix. :\!ARY, b. April I. li-i21;: m•• Tu°ly, ti-liiG, AuguRtus P. Hamlin oi Tro,·. X. Y.: d. :\fav :a, 11-i!Hi. Child: E111mt1, h. Au". 11. I8it; m. ·wen 1\'ood \'an Kleeek. RcR. Lausingl~r~h: X.Y. ~ 236. x. Srn::-n:Y, 1,. Oct. 2:J, 1s:~o. xi. A1n:L1:-.1-:. h. April 1;,, 1.-;;:;::

115 SA)1UEL7 (.A..ln·alwm, 1 Riclwr

Oct. 30, 1790. He mn.rricd, March 25, 1827, :Mnry Harris of Acton, nnd died Oct. 4, HJ58. Chilc.lrcn: i. l\fattY,8 b. l\Iurch 14, 1828; m. --- lfapgood. Re~. Ashby, l\Iuss. ii. AnrnAI!,, b. Dec. 4, 182!!: m. - Chapman. Res. ,vollus­ ton, Mus~. iii. SAllUJ,L, b. Dec. 1, 1831; d. l\Iarch 15, 1832. iv. SAmrnr., b. l\farch 5, 18:34; m. (1) Oct. !l, 1862, Emily S. Putney, h. in Shirley, l\Iass., April 1, 18-10, d. )fay 11, 18i-i; (2) ---. Locomotive cn;.rineer for thirty ycurM. No chil­ dren. Rl,A, 12G Bowers St., Lowell, l\fass. 237, v. ,Toux, b. ,June 18, Jt,:;1;. vi ••TA,n:H, b. )forch 22. 1s:m; 111. Oct. !J, 18G2, Betsey Catherine Putney. b. ill Fitzwilliam, N. II., ,July ll, n1;;5, d. Oct. 2, 18\lG. Res. We,tvulc, l\fass. Business, carpenter. No living descendun ts. vii. SAitAII. b. l\farch 1, 1841; d. ,July 1-1, 1842. viii. SA1t,\.H, b. Sept. 10, 1842; ,1. ,June 2G, 1843. ix. SAitAH, b. ~ov. 24, 1844; m. --- Hutchinson. Res. Chelmsford, l\fass. x. ETTA. b. Feb. 8, 11:!4!); m. -Anderson. Res. Fall River~. l\Iass.

116 .Joli~ S.' (Abralrnm,' Ricltrtrd,' Aln·alwm,~ ,lo,•eph,' Samuel,• Samuel") of Concord, Vt., farmer, was born in Acton, l\, l\lay 1, 1794, and remove~ to Concord, E:,:,cx County, Vt., in 18HI. He married Anna Bennett in Ashburnham, l\fass, He died Feb. 7, ltl--12, in Concorc.1, Vt. Iii:, widow died in Concorc.1, l\fay 28, 11:iGG. Children: 2:JS, i ••Tom, SwAxE,~ b. )fay 23. 1821. 2:J!), ii. G. F1tA!>KLIX, b .•Juue 8, 1824.

117 Jou:s' (Abmlwm,' Ric/1,,r

ii. DonoTm· RTow, b. Feb, :zr,, H!:!;'i; nrmcntcr, who dic

119 Am.TAll7 (Abrolmm,' Ric/,rnd,• Abralwm,3 Benjmnin,' ,John," ,folm") of Bow

ii. Cvnus TiowAnn, b. Mny 23, 1R22; d. Aug. G, 1849. 2J3, iii. Gi-:o111rn FtLF.~, h. ,July :M, 182;i, iv. MAltlA ,TAN1i, h. April :!ii, 18::!9; d. Nov. 1, 18!i5. 2U, v. SoLON, b. Oct. 14, HW0. 120 Um.TAil" (.Abralwm,' Riclwnl,• Abralumi,3 Ricl1ard,' Thomas,• 7 El(j'a/1,° Urijalt ) of We1c1tmorelnnd, N. 1-1., wns born there Oct. 9, 17i!J. He married (1) Oct. 12, 1801, I>ol]y Fit1k of Walpole, N. H.: (2) ,July 16, HH!l, Harriet .Pierce, born 180-1:( ?). Urijnh died of cholera Aug. 21, 18:3-1:, and his widow married William Franklin. She died in Bridgeport, Conn., about 186_6. Children: 2l5, i. Lf:ANDF.R.° h. Sept. 11, 1809. ii. E1.11.A, b. 1812(?); m. Owen Fernald of Elliott, l\Ie., and d. in Chicopee, l\lass. Children; Alartha A1111e, Oscar und Andrew. iii. l\IA1t, A:s:s. h. Aug-. l!l. 1820; m. l\Iarch l:l, 1842, Stephen IL Peer at Troy, X. Y. (b. 11'!20. d. l\Iay, 1852); d. in Bridge­ port, Conn .. :March :;!;;, 188:J. Children: William E., b. Dec. 29. ll:142. Sopl1in, h. ,June 2i. 1844; m. Orrin Stevens: r1•s. Scht•nec1.ud~•• X. Y. Hctn!e!J TV., b. :Murch 4, 1846. Rosanna R., b. April 20, 1847. Almira, h. Aug.• 29, 1848. Lafayette, b. April :!G, J8;jQ, :uG. iv. LAFAn:Tn:, b. October, 11:12,;. v. AL)llltA, b. 18::!'i (?}; m. (I) Samuel Conger. Children: Bstella and Samuel. Shem. (2) --- .Andrews. Child: Nelson. 2-17, vi. IIAnn:, WAnNm, l.i. 182rl(?). 2.&8, vii. REnn::-. RA)tON, b. 11'1:H. 219, viii. ALOxzo, b. April 6, 18:J2. 121 SYLVAXUS" (Abral1a111, 1 Ricl1r1rd, • Abrnl1mn, 0 Richard,' T!to­ 1 ma .• : .Arcltelaux," E1w.• ) of Lisbon, :X. H., was born about 17!!8 in Westmoreland, N. H. He married (1) Hannah Clark of Landaff, X. H.; (2) :\fory Rix of Dalton, N. H. The following are children of the first wifo : :?SO. i. CAU:B,9 b. Oct. 8. 1821. ii. l\IAltlETTE, b. 18:l;i; m. 18,"i4, James Stewart; cl. ll:l;i5.

RALPH" (Abraham,' Riclwrd,' Abral,am,3 Richard,' Tlwmas,> 1 Arc!telan.•." ,lonas ) of \Vestmoreland, N. H., was probably born there about 1792. He married ( 1) about 1815, Lucinda Shepherd, who died :May 1, 1843; (2) Feb. 24, 1849, widow Submit Weir; TEl1J.>LE GENEALOGY.

(3) Harriet-, who dieu. Aug. 12, 1876, ngcd 73. Ralph" ilieu. ,June 15, 1870. Children: 251, i. WILLJ,UJ lIAnn:Y,9 l,. l\Iny lli, 181G. 252, ii. Gt:ORGE C\·nt:s, h. ,lune 17, 18l!J. iii. Lot:1s1.; MA tu A, b. ,July 18, I 8:?2; m. Dr. Dorr of Philooclphia, and d. 1847, lenving no living issue. 123 Ci"R"GS' (Abra/tam,' Richm·cl,• ~1b1·alwm,3 Richard,' Thomas,' 1 .A.rcliel1m11," ,Jona.• ) of Afton, Iowa, wns born about 1800, probably at ,v cstmorclan, b. Feb. •1, 1829. iii. }:L>w,,m> Am:~, 1,. Sept. 21, ll-i:H; m. l\fay 1, 1852, Elizabeth .J. Swett at Fair!id

TE)ll'LE 0Elli'EALOOY, 75


125 I-lF:nEn' (Abra/mm,' Ricllflrd, • AfJ1·almm, • Riclutrd, • TltomaR, • lVi7limn,• Drmtel') of l\Indison County, N. Y., wns born in Cooperstown, N. Y., in 1796. He mnrricd, 1824 or 1825, Lucinda Bevins of l\[nssnclmsctts, who died Sept. 26, 1881, aged 78. He lived in Pratt's Hollow, and wna a carpenter nnd joiner. His occurred Xov. 16, 1882. Children: i, Ar.~1ox,0 b. Oct. 1. lH:?H; m. 18Gl or 18G:?, Abigail Finch, and d. Sl·pt. :?0, 18G:3, leaving no children. ii. LA vEnsA, b. SL·pt. ao, ltl:JU; m. 1855, Hugh Gillespie. Chil­ dren : Carrie and Alice. 2a6, iii. N1-.:uos, b. July :?l, 18:.!4. 126 SoLOlto:s• (Abrr1lim11, 1 Riclwrd,' Abralwm,• Ricl1ard,~· Tlwma.<, • lVillia111," Da11iel') of Smithfield, ·:Madison County, N. Y., farmer, wns born at Cooperstown, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1798. He married, April 27, 1820, :Mary, daufrhtcr of·Stcphcn and Han­ nah l\lillar

Rcs,;E1,L' (.Abralurm,' Richai·d,' .Abraliam,• Richard; Tlionlft-<,° Tr7llirwt, • Drmiel') of Chatham, Tioga County, Pa., farmer, was born in :.\Imlison County, X. Y., August, 1802. He married, 1824( ?), ,Jane,

He wns enptnin of militin four yenrs, nnd Inter mnjor. He wna six feet tnll, spnre built, black hair, snnily heard, quite n. long nose, a mnn of good habits and hone11t. He died Feb. 2, 18i2. Jnne died Aug. 28, 18il. Children: 258, i. EDwn,,9 b. ,Tnn. 1 t, 182i. ii. JAltt:l!, b. 182!J(?); d. April 18!l!l, in Cornin::, N. Y., leaving two Ron11: R11sarll nnd Louis, both of Corning. iii. ELIZAllRTll, b. }H:30(?). iv. Ellll.Y ,TA:-rn, b. Hi:J:l(?); m. --- SenmnnR, nn,1 hncl two chilclren, one being 11, son, Da11iel 11':, living in Guleton, Potter Co .. Pa. 'V, SAttAII, vi. DAXU:L W., of Wl'st Pike, I>ottcr Co., Pa.; «1. ~•'ebruary, t8!l!l, leaving two sons. He was a soldier in the 20ith Pu.. Reg't, civil wur.

128 "\VrLLIAll" (Abrrrliam, 1 Ricltflrd,• Abrnliam,• Riclmrd,' Tlwrua;,," William," Daniel') of :Mauston, "\Yi1:1., carpenter, was bom in Pratt'11 Hollow, :Madison County, X. Y., Kov. 1:3, 1805. He married, :March 1, 182!J, ::\Iari:i Pratt, who Wilt! born Oct. 4, 1805, in Vergenne1:1, Vt., and died nt ~fauston, Xov. 22, 1877. He removed to Newport, \Vi.,,,, 1855, nml in l!lG0 to :\Iauston. He died April 18, lti66. Children: 259, i. OscAit 'FITZAI.WY:-.,• b. Dl'c, 14. 182!), ii. CAsAXDlt.\ )I.. b. ,Jan. 27, 18:!2; m. Dec. 2, }fi,;r., ut Xewport, Wis., F. E. Grimmer, and lives at ::\Iau~ton. Wis. Children: Emma R., b. ,Jan. 12, lll,i8: m. ,July ;'j, ll'l7G, Fre•l Thomp­ ~on. Fred, b. Dec. 10, lH;il'I; m. Nov. ::o, HSH:?, l\l~·et Runkel. William A., b. Aug. 2,;, 18G!: m. Sept. 11'1, 188-1. l\Iav Atlll'r. Jessr. .Maria, h. )larch 1 !I, 18G7; m. ,June 13, 18!.i-1, II. II. lll'ath, um! d. May 17, 18!J;j, iii. Am:1.n:s P., b. ,July 11'1, 11-1:Ja; m .•July r., 18.'i-1, Eliza Carbine, and d. Feb. 1, }8;j;j, at Xcwport. Wis. iv. WJLLI.\ll 1-h:R)IOX, h. Sept. 24. 18:37; d. Hl:38. v. LE)tox. b .•Julv I. 11;:J!), uucl d. ,Tune Ill, 18.'i:3. 260, .i. SILAS W1uGHT, b. ,Jun.' 12, 184:J.

129 HEn:110~• (Abrr1,ham,' Riclwrd,• Abrnham,3 Richard,' Tltomw1,' William," Daniel') of Knoxville, Pa., physician, was born in Eaton,~- Y., ,July 8, 1810. He married, Oct. 3, 1840, Nancy C.,

iv. ROZINA R., b. April I!), 1872; m. ,July 13, 18!lG, Henry W. Gunther. ReM. 417 S. Winnebago St., Rockford, lll. <.:hiltl: Vera illay, b. ,July :?G, Hm7. v. St,TII ,T., b. ,July 28, 187:J; not m. Res. Baraboo, Wis. vi. FANNU: M., b. Sept. 18, 187i.i. Res. Bu.raboo.

131 MARSENA" (Abraltam,' Richarcl, • Abrr,ft,,m,3 Ricllfml,4 Thom rt.~,• lVillimn, • Barnarcl1) of 1\1unm1ville, N. Y ., nnd :Mauston, \Vis., lnwyer, wns born in l\Iiddlcfield, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1812. He mnrricd, April 27, 1840, Cnroline Phebe Stillmnn, who was born in Springfield, N. Y., Dec. 3, HH8, nnd died ,July 10, 1891. He died in l\lnuston, April 23, 181:1!.J. He wnt1 educated in the public schools and later, by clol!c applicntion to work on the farm, mnnagcd to snve enough to pny for n brief course nt the Clinton Libcrnl Institute. He bcgnn the study of lnw in the office of ,Judge Morehouse nt Cooperstown, nml wns admitted to the bnr before the Supreme Court at Alhany, ,Judge Samuel Ncl,ion being the pret1iding justice. Shortly after his marriage he took up hit1 ret1idcncc in :Madison County, N. Y., where he cngngcd in the practice of his profe,ision. During this period he took an active part in politics, being one of the '' Original Republicans" in that section in 1854. He held several county offices and represented his district in the Assembly during the winter of 1851. .. In 1856, )Ir. Temple turned hit1 steps westward, finally locating in Newport, Sauk County, \Yis. He wa,i interested in mercantile business and, though prnctically withdrawing from active work in his profession, was frequently consulted on legal matters. During his re,iidcncc in Sauk County, he took an active part in the ad­ ministration of affairs, and in 18G0 was elected to the Lc~i

132 SETH ,Tm ..'Ei-" (Abrnliam, • Riclmrd,' Ab1·aham,• Richard,4 Thoma,,,• lJTilliam,• JVill/am') of Cooperstown, N. Y., wasbom in l\Iiddlefield, N. Y., :Mnrch 10, 1819. He married (1) 1841, Emmeline Smith, who wai,i born Dec. 14, 1812, and died Dec. 2, 1877; (2) Sept. 9, 1888, Emma Lynes De Long. Seth Jones" died Dec. 1, 1895, in :Kew Lisbon, N. Y. Children: %65, i. G~:01ua: AL1>mc11,9 b. Oct. l!l, 1841. ii. l\L\1t¥ E., b. Xov. :?4, 1842. Sbe is not married, nnd resides at Cooperstown. N. Y. ill. Pmmn:. h. April :?G, I8!i0; m. April, 18!l2, Chllrles D. Cook. :No children. 266. iv. SETH DEWITT, b. Ft>b. 21, 1854.

133 Em::x lfoREHOL"SE" (..Abraham,• Richard,• .Abraham.,• Rich­ 1 ard,' Thomas,• lVillia111,6 lVillia111 ) of Cooperstown, X. Y., was born in llid

134 DA!o!U:L P. 4 (.Ali1•a!rnm,' Ricl/(1,rr(, • .Al,rriliam, • Ric/th.rd,' Tito• riw.11,• lVillim11,• lVUlirw,.') of Cooper1:1town, N. Y .. wn1:1 born in Middlefielcl, N. Y., Nov, HJ, lt-1:\3. Ile mnrrietl, Ang. 10, 1853, Sophia. Cross, who wns born :Nov. 28, 1826, nnd died Nov. 19, 18Gi. He died Oct. :W, HIGi. Children: i. Sn:,.u,9 h. ,Tune H, ]H:i-l; m. Nov. !l, 188i, ChnrlcA Ebisch, null rositles i11 Eric, Pu. No chiltlrcn. ii. Co1t.\, h. Nov. 8, lHi"ifl: m. ,July :n, 1~m. William Kennedy. Chil,lrt•n: Flora Temple, b. ,lune i, 188 l. .llartl1a S,, b. Auir. ta, 1A82. iii. FLOltA, b. ,fan• .'i, 18.'.i!l; tl. Nov. l!l, l8GG.

135 WAsm,-GTOX' (Abmlmm,' Rfrlirrrrl, • Aln•altmn; Ricltard, • Tltoma.•, • Frederick," Erm1f1ui') of Chittenden, Vt., wa1:1 born, pcrhap1:1 in Berkshire, Vt., about 1813. Ile married (1) a.bout January, 1832, Eunice, daughter of Xathnn Leech. She

136 EnIA,- ,v~ (Abraham,' Ricluird,2 Abra/11111,,• Ri.clwrd,4 Tlto­ 1 mas, • Frede1·iclt. • Frederic!.: Br1nwrd ) of l\fon

:137 ALEXAND!m TtrAYF.Jt 1 (Afira/111111, 1 Rt'cltal'd,' Abr(tlutm,° Rich­ 1 ard,' 1Vt'llt'm11," ,lo11epl1,° JStep/11•11 ) of Upton, Mnt!t!,, minillter 11n

N. Y., wns born in Buekluntl, l\Ines., Sept. 23, 1789, He rc­ movctl to Chcnnngo 11:!U. Ho mnrricu Alcn1fa Sherwin of Buck­ land. He dicu April 24, 1861. Children: 27", i, F1rnv.,1AN,' b. ,Juno 7, 180G, iu Chennngo, N. Y. ii. 1•01.LY Sm:11w1s, b. l\luy 4, l~0U; m. ,Jununry, 1831, Thomas l<'rtsnch ; hoth d. ut Uurlington, Mich. Children : Na11cy. llfi1ry. Rehecca J., m. ,lumcK S. IImlKon. Jllar,lwU, rcR, Bur­ lington. Sid11e9. Jllart,'11. i)a/[a,. Na11cie A., m. Williu.m A, CowlcK; rcK, 13urlington. iii. ,TAm:~, b. ,fouunry, 11:112; u. 18Hi. 27a, iv. Sn:Pm:s, b. Oct. 24, Hl14. v. E~IILY, b. ~ov. 2:3, ltll;i; m, SnmpKOD l\[erclmnt, St'pt. lG, 1~:;:;, Childrt•n: Sabron l..ouise, m, --- l'ocock; res, "'nuseon, O. E/1'::abet/1, m. •--- Stewnrt. S11san, m. --- Lovell. ,l/arl./,a E. C!,arloll~ S. William S., res, Pn.ul

140 JoTn,rn" (.Almtl,am,' Ricltard,1 .Abrrtl1am, 1 Ricltard: Wil­ lirw1,• Stepheu," Step/1en') of Tioga nml Broome Counties, N. Y., blncksmith, was born Augu11t, 1802, at A11hficld, l\Inss. He mar­ ried ( 1) about 1828, :M11ry Ann, daughter of Daniel Remington of South Adams, :\!ass. She died at tho nge of 29. He married (2) about 1842, :Frnnccs :\lcCoy of Port Dickinson, N. Y., who died Nov. 12, 1882, nged 6::?. ,Jothnm• died Nov. 12, 1880, in Texas Vnlley, Cortland County, N. Y. Children: i. Eowrs L.,9 b. ,July 2, 1829: rn. 1853, I-folen :M., d:m. of ,John D. Hecox, and resides at 178 Francis Avti., PJttsticld, :i'IIU!!s, No chihlrcn. ii ••JAsisTn:, b. 18:31 (?): d. aged G. iii. Ass .TAsE, h. 18:;;;(?); rn. Alphcus Sly of '\Vhitney's Point, N. Y., allfl hml onti

141 8 1 LoRis ( .Aln•aliam, Rfrlmrd, • Abralwm, • Riclmrd, • TVilliam, • 7 Stepl1en,6 Stephen ) of Adams, :\1:u,s., wm1 horn in Bucklaml, l\foss., Sept. 4, 1810. He married (1) 18:28, Sarah Hathaway of Adams, who died 1843; (2) 18-li, Xancy Barber of Pownal, Vt. He was an old time ,Yhig aml later a Republican. He was a mem­ ber of the Congregational church for fifty years. Chil

142 Tno:1tM1 ,T.• (Ahrrtlwm, 1 Ilicl,m·d,' .Abrrtlum1,• Riclmnl,' lVil­ 1 limn,• Ste11/,,m,• Palmer Golmnlnt11 ) ot' Hebron, Ind., former, wns born in Sun. h. April Ii, lX:J.l. iv. SAll.\11 ,IAS~:, d. )lav 22. 18fi8; m. "·mi:1111 Ihde. v. 01tn:1.L E .. m. and ·res. in l\Iissouri. Family.· vi. Aoorn, m. Robert Ewau. Res. Kans:Ls Cit):, l\lo. ,·ii. l\lo1iTDU:R F., d. ,\ u:;. 28, I Xfi-1 : single. viii. A~IELIA, siugle. Res. near Riley, l\lich. 143 OnrSIEL T. • ( AlJralwm, 1 Riclwrd,2 Ahraltam,• Ricluo·d,' lVil­ 7 liam," Step/ten," Palmer Columhns ) of ·w ayne County, l\lich., was born, probably in Sunderland, Vt., Dec. :W, 1810. He mar­ ried, July 22, 18:.S2, Martha, , 1892. 7 86 TEMI'LE OENEALOOY.

145 STEl'llEN ,v ARREN BATE!!" ( Abrrilw.m, 1 Ricltm·d,' Abral,am,' Ri'cliard, • Willirtm., • Step/1c11, • Pab11e1• Oolitmlnui') of Sumlcr­ lnnd, Vt., nnd Dullns, :Mich., farmer nnd lumbennun, wn11 born in Sun 1-hr,L,9 b. Feb, 9, 1842; <1. April 7, 1843, ii. OTuNmL OusoN, b. April 2!l, 184:J; 11. l8GG ; not m. iii. Jos~:Pll!Nl: Aln:LJA, b. ,July 18, 1848; m. 18f.!I, ThomM Roch­ ford, uml reside~ ut 418 East l~ort 8t., Detroit, l\Iich. Chil­ dren: Josepliine .Amelt'a, b. 81·pt. 9, 18il : d. 18i8; Con,elia Eli:abetl,, b. Nov. 1, 18i3. llarr9 Warrm, b. Nov. 2, 18i8; d. 188!J. iv. NAl'OLEON BoNAl'Ann, b, Aug. 30, 1850; d. 185i. "· PAL)rnn CoLt:lmt:s, b. ,Julr Hi, 1854; tl. 18iG; never m. ,;. 8Tl:1•nEN FtTcu, b. ,Tun. 15, 18iii ; d. 1862. vii. CnARLOTTE l-1E:snrnTTA, b. l\Iarch 1, 18G5: m. 188G, I-'rcd. TI. Smith, und resides in D1,troit, }Iich. Cl.ililnm: Ralp/1 Ster:em, b. Oct. G, 1888. Percfral Temple, b. 18!10; d. 18\11. Fay .Adele, b. NoY. 8, 18!11.

146 ,VILLIAlt ANso~• (Abrrtltam,' Rt'cltard,' Abraham,' Rich­ 1 ard,' JVilliam," Stephen," Isaac .J/iller ) of Hopkinton, l\fass., was born in Framingham, :Mass., December 3, 1823. He married, August, 1858, Cor

300. iii. WILDER C., b. l\Iay 31, 1858. 301. iv. J,ums ALnEnT, b. l\Iarch 26, 1860. v. l\I. h-xA, b. Dec. 5, 1865; m. Nov. 18. 1896, Orrison Temple. vi. ELTos H •• b. Dec. 12, 1865 ; d . .Aug.' 25, 1868. vii. CLISTOS E., b. Jan. 29, 1871 ; d. 1873. viii. JE.,-SIE 0., b • .Aug. 15, 1875. L'\'.. ALLA.'; l\I., b. July 24, 1878.

150 STEPHEN THmlAS8 (Ab1·aham, 1 Richard,• Abraliam/ Rich­ 1 ard,4 William," Stephen," I8aac ) of Hopkinton, Mass., was born there Feb. 26, 1836. He, Feb. 3, 1856, Snrnh Knapp of New York. Children: 302. i. W1LLL\'.lt A.,9 b. l\Iarcb 27, 1858. ii. l\IARY ETTA, b. Feb. 2, 1860; m. Dec. 23, 1880. H. F. Sher­ burn. 303, iii. EDRIC, b. Oct. 21, 1861. 151 8 1 3 ARB.A. A. ( Abraham, Richard,• Abraham, Ricltard, • Wil­ liam,• Steplteii," Jolm L.1) of Hayden Row, }!ass., was born in Hopkinton, Mass., Jan. 2, 1838. He, 18.. 61, Annie Lin­ coln of Grafton, Mass., who died 1874. He was in the civil war. Children: i. ELIZABETH A.,9 b. 1862; m. 1885, Archie Coolidge of South Framingham. Mass. ii. SARAH B., b. October, 1864; d. 1864. iii. ED""ARD, b. 1866; d. 1866. 30:1. iv. GEORGE .A., b. 1869. v • .ALVAS .A., b. 1872; d. 1886.

152 8 3 CHARLES MoRTOX ( Abrr,,ham,' Richard,• Abraliam, Rich­ 1 ard: William,• Stephen," Jolm L. ) of Dorchester, )lnss., was born in Hopkinton, l\-lass., Jan. 5, 1840. He, 1860, Sarah Pierce of Hopkinton. Children: i. CHARLES HEs1w, b. Sept. 12, 1862. 305. ii. ELLE.>; l\I.,9 b .•July 30, 1863; m. --; d. Jmmary, 1895, leaving six children. iii. Eow1s .At:Gt:STt"s, b.• Jan. 14, 1866; m. and has children. He resided, in 1897, at Shrewsbury, l\Iass. 306. iv. FREDERICK FREE'.l[AN, b. Dec. 14, 1871. v. A.LICE l\'.t., b. April 21, 1873; m. and has children. TElIPLE G~'EALOGY. 89

153 DAVID LUIS8 (.Abraliam,' Richard," .Abraltam,3 Richard,' 1 William,• Steplum,8 Jolin L. ) of Hopkinton, Mass., was born there June 1, 1852. He married, 1869, Aldora Pierce, bom May 25, 1851, of Westboro', l\Iass., daughter of John A. Pierce. Children: i. ALICE,9 b. 1870; d. 1872. 307. ii. FIU:SK EcGEXE, b. M:irch 2, 1872. iii. LILLLL-. ]I., b. Oct. 9, 1874 ; m. Harry Etters of Hopkinton. iv. LuTL\. .AUGUSTA, b. Feb. 25, 1876; m. 1893, Charles Myers of Hopkinton. v• .ALBERT Luxs, b. June 7, 1878. vi • .Am:' ESTELLA, b. Aug. 15, 1880. vii. HERBERT Enn:...,., b. June 27, 1882. viii. HARRY WILBUR, b. Aug. 23, 1884. ix. EDITH ELLA, b. ,June 2, 1886. x. CLAREXCE LEROY, b. l\Iny 4, 1888.

xi. l\IAY GEORGIA FREElLL",'1 b. Sept. 29, 1889. xii. PERLEY LEE, b. Feb. 12, 1892. xiii. O.ruu.-. ELTo:s, b. Feb. 20, 1893.

154 1 3 TulOTHY G'.REEN .(.Abraltam,' Richai·d,• .Abraham, Richard,• Benjamin," Timothy," Benjamin') of New Ipswich and l\Iilford, N. H., mechanic, was born in Shrewsbury, Mass., l\.Iarch 6, 1806. He married Sarah Knowlton, and died in Milford, Feb. 13, 1888. Children: 308. i. Jom; AuGusws,9 b. Dec. 19, 1830. 309. ii. CILU?LES W ALKEr., b. lteb. 14, 1833. iii. GEOJ?GE T .• b. Oct. 29, 1836. iv. !Ju, b. 1839(?); d. young.

155 SETHg (.Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraliam,3 Richard,' Benja­ min,• Timothy, 1 Benjamin') of Northboro', Mass., shoemaker, was born there(?) Aug. 15, 1822. He was married Feb. 14, 1851, to Abbie Francis, daughter of Otis Whitney of Stowe, Mass. He died Sept. 5, 1871. Children: 310. i. SETn FnA.-.Cis,9 b. l'tiny 11, 1852. ii. MARY ELLA, b. Dec. 15, 1854; m. Frederick Whitney. .Res. 391 Bunker Hill St., Charlestown, 11:I:iss. No children. iii. F,L..,.~IE .ALICE, b. Sept. 16, 1856; m. Joseph R. Dunton. Res. Millbury, Mass. No children. 90 TEMPLE G'!!::?,"EALOGY.

311. iv. ,Jorn. l\L\soN, b. Joly 16, 1858. 312. v. PLINY ELBRIDGE, b. Sept. 23, 1860. vi. Lucms EDWARD, b. ,Jan. 23, 1862; m. Sarah L. Britnall, and resides in Charlestown, l\fass. No clu1dren. vii. PmEnE lDA. l\L\Y, b. l\Iarch 6, 1869; m. Oct.16, 1889, Charles Joseph l\IacDoilllld. Res. 30 Woodland St., Worcester, l\Iass. No children.

156 JOHN llAso:s• ( .Abraham, 1 Richard, 2 .Abraham,~ Richard,' Be11;jamin," Timotliy," BenJamin') of East Cambridge, ll.Iass., book-keeper, was born in Northboro', Mass., J:i.n. 15, 1824. He married (1) l\farch 30, 1848, Eliza C. Gage of Worcester, Mass.; (2) Dec. 31, 1867, Agnes N., daughter of Shubael C. Young of Red Beach, Calais, l\1e. He removed from :Northboro' to East Cambridge when 27 years of age. He was also employed in sur­ veying lumber. He died in East Cambridge, Nov. 8, 1895. Children: i. Jom. F1t,L-..;xux,0 b. Feb. 1, 1851. ii. ALBERT EuGE.-..;F.., b. Oct. 9, 1871 : d. l\fay 4, 1873. iii. HERBERT LESTER, b. No"\". 13, 1874; d. l\Iarch 5, 1876. iv. EDWARD HOLLIS, b. l\Iay 18, 1880. Residence 129 Thorndike St., East Cambridge, l\Iass.

157 Joirn A." (Abrllham, 1 Richard,• Abraham,• Richard, ◄ Ben­ jamin," Solomon," .1..Vat/ianiet') of Heath, :Mass., was born there April 28, 1807. He married, Feb. 26, 1834, Lucretia Rugg, who was born Dec. 8, 1812, and died May 8, 1889. John A.• died April 28, 1845. Children: i. TrrERESA,9 b. Jan. 25, 1835; d .•July 29, 1838. ii. LuCRETL'-, b. l\Iarch 17, 1836; d. Aug.4.1838. iii. .A31os, b. Oct. 16, 1837; m. l\Iarch 16, 1862, Ann Eliza, dau. of Capt. David and Samh Green Gould. She d. Dec. 31, 1895. Child: Hanson .A.mos, b. ,Jan. 20, 1863; d. Jan. 25, 1878. Res. Shelburne Falls, l\Iass. iv. Crnus OSCAR, b. l\Iay 28, 1839; m. Lacy l\Ierrifield, and resides at Shelburne Falls. No children. v. TIIERESA ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 20, 1840; m. l\Iarch 3, 1892, Charles ,Johnson, and resides at Shell Rock, Iowa. 313. vi. Ji;ut:s, b. Jan. 13, 1844. TEMPLE GID<"EALOGY. 91

158 DAVID9 (.Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraham," Rickard,' Ben_ja­ min,• Solomon,• .1.Vathaniel') of Heath, Mass., was born there .April 1, 1809. He married (1) Martha H. Christee, who ,vas born March 11, 1814, and died Oct. 21, 1845; (2) Caroline .A. Christee, sister of l\Iartha. He died Oct. 26, 1892. Children: i. 1\LutTII:A J.,9 b. l\farch 25, 1838; m. S:unuel K. Gleason. Res. Heath, l\ Children: Carrie .L., b. M:i.rch 15, 1860; m. J. Weston Barter. Martita M., b. Oct. 4, 1863; m. Will L Kendrick. Clifford H., b. May 25, 1868; m. l\Iinnie Thomp­ son. Ella May, b. l\Ia.rch 10, 1Si8. 314, ii. Hrn.. rn, b. Dec. 13, 1S39. :m;. iii. WrLLLrn H., b. Sept. 12, 1s42. 316, iv. ,Jom; C~.b- April 2S, 1S4i. 317, v. D,wm W., b. Dec. 24, 1854.

159 8 3 4 J O~ATIL\N ( .Abraham, l Richard,• .A{>raham, Rickard, Ben­ _jamin, • Solomon,• .1.Vatkaniel') of Troy, Ohio, and Lamertine, Wis., was born in Heath, :Mass., July 31, 1822. He married Kate E. Kellogg, who wa!!_ bom 1826, at Belchertown, Mass., and died Sept. 29, 1873, at La.mertine. He studied medicine with Dr. Williams of Deerfield, Mass., Dr. .Ashmun Taylor of Heath, and attended lectures and received his diploma at the :Medical College, Woodstock, Vt. He practised medicine for a time in Belchertown, where his health failed. He had a drug· ·store in Troy. He re­ moved to Lamertine, where he enlisted as a private in the 12th Wis­ consin regiment. He was l:i.ter made an army surgeon and was killed at the battle of .Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Children: i. EDw·n. C.,9 b. Nov. Ii, 1S56, at Troy, Ohio. He has never married, and resides at Ch:i.rlemont, .!lfass. ii. M..\RY E., b.• July 4, 1861, :it L:unertine, Wis.; m. Gilbert H. M:u-cy. Child: Ma9, b. Oct. 24, 1888. Res. Charlemont.

160 RICHARD Fit,U." 8 (.Abraham,' Ricliard, • .Abraham, 3 Rich­ ard,' Ben_jamin," Solomon,• Ricliard') of Heath, .Mass., farmer, was born there Sept. 7, 1831. He married, :May, 1853, Ann Wheeler, who was born Dec. 3, 1833. He died .April 9, 1887. His widow resides in Heath. 92 T.EMJ.>LE GENEALOGY.

Children: i. NANCY l\I.,9 b ••July 3, 1854; m. Sept. 7, 1876, J:imes Haskins. P. 0. address, Whately, :Mnss. Children: James F., b. June 22, 1877. Ha"!! .A.., b. NoY. 14, 1879. Alice E., b. July 24, 1882. Rubie .d., b. Sept. 18, 1887. ii. IDELLA A., b. July 9, 1856; m. June 22, 1879, George .A.. Brown. Res. Heath, l\fass. No children. iii. CL.\ltA l\I., b. June 3, 18 61 ; single. P. 0. address, Dell, l\Inss. iv. LOTTIE A., b. Oct. 13, 1864; single. P. O. address, Dell, Mass.

161 LUTHER9 (Abraham,' Ricliard,• Abrakam,3 Ricliarrl,,• Benja­ min,• Solomon,° Benjamin') of Marietta, Ohio, and Lafayette, Ind., preacher of the gospel, was born in Heath, Mnss., June 29, 1811. He married, Aug. 10, 1836, at Marietta, Hannah Gilman Robbins, daughter of Rev. Samuel Prince Robbins. The latter was pastor of the Congregational Church of :\Iarietta, and was son of Rev. Chandler Robbins (pnstor at Plymouth, Mass., 1760-1799) and of his wife Jane Prince. The mother of Hannah Gilman Robbins was :i\1nrtha Burlingame, granddaughter of Gen. Rufus Putnam, who was leader of the party that settled Marietta in 1788. Luther• was the first of his fumily to go '\Vest, which he did in 1832, entering Marietta College when :first organizccl. He purposed to become a foreign missionary, but ill health compelled him to change his plans. He was a minister in the Presbyteri!tn denomination. He died at Lafayette, :i\Iarch 19, 1872, and is buried in :i\.Iarietta. Children: i. Ifa.,~,\H G1LlIAX,9 b. Sept. 3, 1837. She ne\"er IlllUTied, and resides at 215 Semin:i.ry St., Dubuque, Iowa. ii. lUARTI:S LT:TllER, b. Dec. 19, 1840; m. July 26, 1863, at Troy, O., C!ariss:i. ,Jane, dau. of ,Judge and l\I:i.ry (Culbertson) Parsons. He was drowned in the l\Iississippi river at Lacrosse, Wis., Feb. 16, 1865. He left no surviYing issue.

162 8 1 3 HF~"RY ( Abraliam, Ricliarrl,, • .Abraliam, llicliard, • Ben}a­ min,• Solomon,6 Ben}amin') of .Atlantic, Iowa, lawyer, was born in Heath, Mnss., .Aug. 20, 1816. He married, Jan. 18, 1846, .Ann E. Wright of Oskaloosa, Iowa, who was born March 7, 1831. He held the following official po~itions: County Treasurer, l\fahaska County, Iowa; Justice of the Peace, County Recorder, Cass County, Iowa ; Postmaster, Lewis, Iowa, under Grant ; J u;A, b. Feb. 8, 1848; m. May 28, 1868, Romeo Lawrence. Res. At.lnntic, Iowa. No children. 319, iii. SA31UEL .A.., b. Sept. 8, 1850. iv. VmGIXL\, b. l\Iay 31, 1856; m. Willinm Calvey, and d. Feb. 9, 1884. Children : Mary F- Franlc H. mid Bertha J. v. ANNA Ou.u, b. 1\Lirch 20, 1860. vi. BERTH.\ LOUISE, b. Dec. 17, 1864. Res. Atlantic. 320, vii. FM.,"K OLIVER, b. Feb. 9, 1866. viii. LuTnER CrmISTEE, b. Feb. 22, 1870. Res. Lewis, Iowa. ix. L,\WRE.~CE R., b. July 17, 1872. Attorney :i.t la.w. Res. l\Iassen:i, Iowa.

163 NATJLU,'IEL8 (.Abraham,' Rickard,• .Abrakam," Rickard,' Ben­ 6 7 jamin,' Solom,on, Solomon ) of Heath, Mass., was born there Jan. 23, 1815. He married, Feb~ 2, 1843, Jnli:i. Ann .Knapp, and died Nov. 7, 1896. Children: i. l\Lu:Y ELIZABETII,9 b. Jan. I, 1844; m. March 8, 1864, and d. June 6, 1867. Two children. . ii. l\Luu,\ l\.I'ELISSA, b. l\fuy 30, 1847; m. --- Brown, and lives at Albion, Boone Co., Neb. Five sons. 321, iii. CHARLES H..uuLTON, b. Jan. 19, 1853. iv. J't"LL\ Em:ftsoN, b. July 25, 1857; m. --- Dickinson, and d. April 20, 1887. Three children. v. GEORGE O., b. May 12, 1860; d. June 26, ISSI. ,.i. ALlL\. E., b. Feb. 17, 1865; d. March I, 1866.

164 J..un:s C. • (.Abraham,' Rickard,• .Abraham," Rickard,' Ben­ jamin,' Solomon,° Solomon') of Heath, lVIass., farmer, was born there Jan. 8, 1838. He married, April 6, 1882, Mary Tinkham of Heath, who was born 1863. Children: i. ELLE.~,v b. Sept. 2, 1886. ii. INEZ, b. l\farch 13, 1888. iii. BESSIE JllAIUA, b. l\Iarch 15, 1892.

165 8 1 JACOB ClLU'nJ ( .Abraham, Rickard,• .Abraha11i, • Rickard,• 8 7 Benjamin,• Solomon, .A8a ) of Morristown, :Minn., physician and funner, was born in Heath, :Ofass., March 6, 1812. He married, 94 'IE..'\tPLE GENEALOGY.

Dec. 31, 1834, Lucy, daughter of Leonard and Phebe Eddy of Colerain, Mass. He was :i. member of Baptist churches over -fifty years at Richville, N. Y., Heath, Mass., linson City, m., and Morristown, :Minn., filling the office of deacon and clerk. His wife united with the Baptist church of Colerain in 1831. She died Jan. 30, 1891. He removed to St. Lawrence County, N. Y., in 1835; to Mason County, m., in 1854, and to Morristown in 1865. He v.-as a member of the Masonic order. He died Feb. 16, 1884. Children: 322, i. DAVID Asa,9 b. June 10, 1836. 323, ii. JONATHAN PETERSON, b. Nov. 11, 1S37. ill. PHEBE OLIVE, b. Sept. 12, 1841 ; m. Jan. 1, 1861, Sterlin:? R. Hess. Res. Mason City, IlL Children: Lucy J., b. May 8, 1862, d. young; .A.lice J., b. Oct. 3, 1863, d. young; Emma JJ., b. Nov. 28, 1865, d. young; GeOT!]e E., b. June 5, 1865, d. young; Oharles 0., b. J:m.14, 1870; Fred, b. Jan. 1, 1873; Flora l:J., m. ( :ill residing at Mason City) ; Ra.y S., b. Sept. 11, 1883, d. :iged 12. iv. Lucy BELINDA, b. Dec. 19, 1844; m. Dec. 30, 1863, Elisha O. Hess. Res. Mnson City. Children: Jlfary, b. Dec.14, 1864. Judson S., b. Oct. 14, 1872. .Etliel 0- b. Feb. 15, 1880. v.\LL AI.LE.~, b. Nov. 14, 1846. Res. Morristown, Minn. No children. 324. vi. JUDSON C., b. Oct. 12, 1850.

166 MA WILKINSON3 (.Abraham,' Richarti," Abraham,• Richard,' Benjamin," Solomon," .Asa7) of Spragueville, N. "t ., blacksmith and farmer, was bom in Heath, l\:Inss., Sept. 14, 1821. He mar­ ried (1) Sept. 25, 1843, Abigail Kingsbury; (2) Oct. 28, 1845, Lydia Clark; (3) Sept. 1, 1863, Maria S. Shumway, who now resides in Spragueville. Asa. W." lived successively in Heath, :Mass., Gouverneur, Brownville and Spragueville, N. Y., and died Dee. 9, 1892. Children: i. FARLIN A.,9 b. 1847(?); d. January, 1875. 325, ii. As,\. WILKn.SON, b. April 22, 1866. iii. HmA:-.1 LEO:SAR.D, b .•Jan. 22, 1872. He is not =ied, and re­ sides at Spragueville, N. Y.

167 D. Wn.»UR8 (.Abraham, 1 Richard,' Abraham,• Richard,' BenJarnin, • Salmon,' Tillotson') of North Adams, Mass., was bom there April 14, 1816. He married, Feb. 23, 1841, Sarah C. TEMF'LE GENEALOGY. 95

Ford, who was born at Hillsdale, N. Y., July 10, 1814, and died March 29,.1869. Children: i. S. GEORGL\.."l'A,9 b. April 16, 1842; m. March 7, 1866, George W. White, and resides at North Adams. Children: Lena J., b. March 11, lil67. W. Ford, b. Sept. 29, 1874. G. Murray, b. March 9, 1878. 326. ii. LEWIS W., b ••July 9, 1843. iii. ElDL\ l\L, b. Dec. 26, 1844; m. Sept. 4, 1862, Henry Watson St:u-ks. Res. N ortlt A.dams. Child: O<>ra B. iv. llinY J., b. Dec. 24, 1846; not married. 327. v. JAllES H., b. Sept. 6, 1849. vi. CHARLES R., b. April 21, 1852; single. Res. Conway, Mass. vii. WrLLI.\ll A., b. Jan. 8, 1856; d. June 11, 1888, without chil­ dren. 328. viii. ALBERT c., b. Dec. 18, 1858.

16S J ACKSON8 (Abraliam, 1 Richard,• .Abraham,• Richard,• Ben­ jamin," Seth,8 David') of Santa Rosa, Cal., lawyer, was born in Heath, Mass., Aug. 11, 1827. He married, June, 1869, Christie, daughter of Robert Hood, a Scotchman. Jackson• went to Cali­ fornia in 1853. He has held the following official positioris: Advisory Code Commissioner, District Jugge, Superior Judge, Supreme Court Commlssio:ner, ;1,11d .A~-<'-0"...ia~ Justice of the Supreme Court of California. Children: i. l\L\.n.y,9 b. Dec. ·10, 1873. ii. TIImtLOW, b. Au~. 23, 1878. iii. l\u.BEL, b. Aug. :23. 1878. iv. JACKSOS, b. l\1:i.rch 9, 1879. v. CHRISTIE, b. l\Iarch 9, 1879. vi. RUTJI, b. Dec. 8, 1881. vii. Ros.uio:im, b. May 24, 1885.

169 lt-Io::n?OE8 (Abraham,' Ricliard,• Abraham,• Richard,' Ben­ jamin," Seth," Setli') of North Adams, Mass., carpenter, wagon maker and bridge builder, was born in \Villiamstown, Mass., March 22, 1816. He received at birth the name Rufits. There were other persons named "Rufus Temple" in North Adams, where he lived, and, by act of court, he took the :iame "Monroe " and aban­ doned "Rufus." He married, April 10, 1844, Harriet Sherman, who was born April 13, 1824. He died June 3, 1895. 96 Children: i. ELizA,9 b. Jan. 1, 1845; not married. ii. l\LmL\., b. Nov. 30, 1848. 329, iii. Jux1us Bm,--rus, b. June 15, 1858. iv. SETn B., b. J:i.n. 21, 1862; d. April 15, 1863. v. JAcKsox L., b. Feb. 3, 1864; not married; res. N. Adams, Mass. vi. lliBEL B., b. Nov. 22, 1865; not married.

170 8 1 3 SETH ( .Abraham, Richard,• Abraham, Richard,•, Ben­ 0 1 jamin,• Seth, Seth ) was born in Williamstown, Mass., Dec. 24, 1823. He ma.rried Sa.rah Clementina., da.ughter of Samuel H • .Almy of, }Iass. He died June 11, 1865. Children: 330, i. AltTBUR SETH,9 b. Nov. 26, 1856. ii. FRA....,K, b. Dec. 12, 1860; d. July 18, 1883; single.

171 HouIES" ( .Abraliam, 1 Richard,• Abraham,a Ricliard, • Ben­ jamin,• Setli,° Seth') of Winona., :Minn., wa.s born Sept. 4, 1830, in Williamstown, He ma.rried, Sept. 28, 185i, l\Iary Eliza. (daughter of ,Tustin Ford), who wa.s born in 'Williamstown, June 23, 1832, and died in Winona., Aug. 31, 1894. Holmes• died in Winona, :March 12, 1898. Children: i. A.LETnA,9 b. Dec. 25, 1858; d. Aug. 2i, 1865. 331, ii. SETn Jt:STIX, b. Aug. 15, 186i. 172 J om- F~,a.n;s ( Abraham, 1 Ricltard,• .Abraliam, 3 Ricliard,• Benfamin,• Setli,6 Jolin') of, Mass., school tca.cher, was born there June 19, 1818. He married, in 184i, Huldah A., who was born Aug. 21, 1821, daughter ..,f Rev. Milo Frary, a. Baptist minister of Heath. He died Ja.n. 26, 1852. · Children: 332, i. FREDERICK L.,9 b. ,June 30, 1850. 333, ii. JOII.', FRA..',KLQ., b. l\.I:i.rch 9, 1852.

173 HORA.CE~ ( .Abraham, 1 Ricliard, • Abraham,• Richard,• Ben­ 1 jamin,• Seth," Jolm ) of Charlemont, Mass., farmer, wa.s born in TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 97

Heath, l\, Oct. 4, 1820. He married, July 1, 1846, Mary M., who was born Dec. 17, 1829, daughter of Rev. Milo Frary, a Baptist minister of Heath, Mass. He is a member of the M. E. Church. Children: i. PHILIP HORACE,9 b. April 28, 1847; m. Feb. 12, 18i9, Susan Ells of C:unbridge, M:iss. Res. Charlestown, l\Iass. ii. Jorn. l\I1Lo, b. Nov. 5. 1848. iii. l\!ARY ELIZABETH, b. Jnly 13, 1856. iv. CH,\RLES Su.10."ER, b. Sept. 14, 1865; m. Len:i. Hicks, Oct. 4, 1887. No children. v. E= J.A...--;E, b. Nov. i, 1866; not married. 174 GEORGE" (.Abraham,' Ricliard,' .Abraham,3 Richard,4 Ben­ 7 jamin," Setli,• Jolm ) of Heath, Mass., farmer, was born there Oct. 31, 1822. He married, in 1857, Jane Lanfuir, who was born in Deerfield, Mass., Oct. 27, 1835. George• died Feb. 24, 1895. He widow resides at Conway, Mass. Children: i. EFFIF.,9 b. April 23, 1860; m. l\Ia.rch Ii, i883, Asa w. Critten-· den. Res. B:i.ldwins-rille, l\Inss. Children: Florence Hattie, b. l\Iay 23, 1884. Ra9 .A'/»ali, b. Oct.~ 19, 1891; d. 1892. Ra9 He11ry, b. No,. 29, 1894. · ii. ELLA, b. 1866(?); m. L. L. Torrey. Res. Orange, l\I:iss. iii. OLIVE L., b. l\hy IS, 1872: m. l\hy I, 1889. Charles A. Nor­ ton. Res. Conw.,:iy, l\Inss. Children: Frank .A. and Wil­ liam .A. iv. GRACE E., b. Aug. 22, 1876; m. April, 1896, Fred Trumbull of Conway. Child: Gerrrge W. 1',5 CYRus• (.Abraltam,' Richard,' Abrahum,3 Richard,' Ben­ jamin,' Seth,° Jolin') of Heath, Mass., and Whitingham, Vt., physician, was born in Heath, Aug. 7, 1828. He married, Feb. 2, 1853, :i.\fory ,Jane Flagg-,

176 IIID."RY MARTYN8 (.Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraham, 3 Richard,' 1 Benjamin," Seth,' Jolm ) of Heath, Mass., farmer, was bom there Dec. 2, 1830. He married, March 29, 1859, Lucretia. W. Kendrick, and died July 2, 1898. Children: 336. i. SETH EDWARD,0 b. Oct. 12, 1861. ii. LILLA J., b. Oct. 6, 1866.

177 T.8:ERON8 (.Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraham, 3 Richard,' Ben­ jamin," Seth," John') of Boston and Waltham, Mass., was bom jn Heath, Mass., April 20, 1833. He married, April 14, 1858, Susan l\lorse of Waltham, Mass •• who was bom April 13, 1833, and who now resides at 20 Russell Street, Waltham. Theron9 studied medicine at the Berkshire Medical College. He practiced medicine at Belchertown, Mass., 1856-1860; Ashburnham, Mass., 1860-64; Amherst, Mass., 1867-76; Boston, 1876-86; Waltham, 1886-90. He died Dec. 28, 1890. Children: 337. i Tmmo:s- WALTER,0 b. Aug. 27, 1859. ii. WILLI..ut HERBERT, b. l\Iay 11, 1861; d. Nov. 5, 1861. iii. EDWARD TAYLOR, b. Jan. 2, 1863; d. Jan. 4, 1864.

178 EDWARD PAYSON8 (.Abraham,' Richard,• .Abraham, 3 Richard,• BenJamin," Setli," Rufus') of Marysville, Cal., was born June 21, 1830, at Heath, :Mass. He married Oct. 23, 1856, his cousin, Olive Dorothy Thayer. He died June 19, 1868, and is buried iu Marysville. Children: i. CIL\.RLES FREltO~"T,0 b. Nov. 14, 1858; d. --. No issue. ii. E-.."ERETT, b. 1860(?) ; d. --. No issue. iii. CLARE.-;"CE, b. 1862(?). Res. Dawson City, Klondike, N. B. A.

179 RUFCs ALE-··u1-"DER" (Abraham,' Richard,' .Abraham,• Rich­ ard,' Ben.Jamin,' Setli, 6 Rufi.ts') of Santa Rosa, Cal., was bom in Heath, ~Iass., Dec. 9, 1835. He studied law, but never prac­ ticed. He has been post master, deputy sheriff and U. S. internal revenue gauger. He married, Oct. 1, 1883, Clara, daughter of Julius Ort of Santa Rosa. She was bom .Jan. 8, 1856. TEl\Il'LE GENEALOGY. 99

Children: i• .P.NYA,9 b. Dec. 10, 1884. ii. Enu; b. Jan. 16, 1888. iii. ETHEL, b. May 3, 1889.

180 HENRY MARTYN• ( .Ab,·aham, 1 Richard,• .Abraham, 3 Ricltard, • Benjamin,• Seth,• Rufus') of Blue Earth City, Minn., farmer and stock raiser, was born in '\Villiamstown, Mass., June 4, 1838. He married, Nov. 14, 1859, Amanda. C., daughter of Samuel T. Danforth of Williamstown, Mass. Children: i. RUF-cs HE?."RY,9 b. Feb. 1, 1862; d. Jan. 21, 1863. ii. .ru."NIE MARY, b. l\Lty 28, 1863; m. ,Tan. 1, 1884, Maynard Freer. Children: &th. Templ,e, b. Nov. 13, 1884. Ray .R., b. Sept. 15, 1886. Glad9s May, b. Nov. 9, 1888. .A.rcliie JJ., b. July 18, 1891. Margaret, b. June 14, 1898. iii. EDITH .AL:mRA, b. Sept. 80, 1865; m. Nov. 13, 1890, George Goetz. Res. North Star, Minn. Clµldren: Nellie B.,."b• .Aug. 22, 1891. Thela, b. .Aug. 21, 1893. Temple Martyn, b• .April 2, 1896. Marl: L., b. l\Ltrch I, 1898. · iv. PERLEY DA?."FORTII, b. Dec. 28, 1869; not married. v. lliRK HOP.KINS, b. Dec. 2, 1875; not married.

181 FRANCIS WILLIAM8 (..Abraham, 1 Richard,• .Ahraham, 3 Rich­ ard,' Benjamin; Setlt,4 Rufus') of Blue Earth City, Minn., farmer and stock raiser, was born Feb. 19, 1840. He married, Nov. 13, 1863, Cornelia Perry. Children: i. CHARLES E:lrno~s,9 b. Oct. 2, 1864; single. ii. MARY BELLE, b. June 6, 1867; m. Nov. 14, 1889, John Kam. rar. Res. Blue Earth City, l'tfinn. Children: Temple, b­ Dec. 20, 1890; d. 1891. Harriet Eleanor, b. Sept. 15, 1895.

182 8 1 A.'l\!0S ( .Abraliam, Richard,• .Abraham,• Ricltard, •. Joseplt, • Joseph,• 1J£ose,l) of Deerfield, l\fass., was born probably in Mon­ ~rrue, Mass., :May 22, 1789. He married, June 1, 1809, Sabrina, born Oct. 25, 1779, in J:i.ffi.-ey, N. H., daughter of Oliver Gould. Amos• owned and drove baggage and e.--i:press teams from Green­ field, Mass., to Boston before railroads. He carried money for the Greenfield banks. He died Dec. 26, 1831. 100 TE~rPLE GENEALOGY. Children: 338. i. STODDARD WrLLI,nr,8 b. Feb. 26, 1810. ii. JA..~E ALCISSA, b. l\:In.y 18, 1812; d. in Greenfield, Mass., April 23, 1888. 339. iii. Altos, b. l\larch 27, 1816. iv. ELIZA .lu."N, b . .Aug. 23, 1818; d. in Greenfield. 3.S0. v. As.A. P.uutEit, b. April 23, 1826.

183 8 1 TB:o:ius ( Abraham, Ricltard,•.Abraham,• Richard,• Joseph,' 1 Joseplt,' .:.1Ioses ) of Onondaga. County, N. Y., funner, was born in Deerfield, Mass., Oct. 9, 1794. He married Lovina Hare, who died July 16, 1844, in her 55th ycnr. Thomas8 lived near Col­ la.mer, formerly called Britton Settlement, near the town of Dewitt. He died 1853. Children: sn. i. WrLLIAl[ DEwrTT,9 b. l't:In.rch 19, 1819. 34:2. ii. Onsox, b. 1822(?) } tw· iii. V ALEXTn.r:, b. 1822(?) ms. iv. EuzABEH .lu."N, b .•June 6, 1825; m. Thomas Overton, who d. Oct. 25, 1891. Children: J.llargaret E., b. 11.Inrch 29, 1845. Cl,arles, b. Jan. 26, 1847; now in Midland City, l\Iich. Lorina H., b. Feb. 8, 1851. Harriet L., b. July 15, 1854. Thomas F., b. Aug. 3, 1856. Alice J., b. Aug. 7, 1860. llfary Emma, b. Dec. 28, 1862. v •.A:imnosE, b. 1828(?). -ri. SoLO)lOX, b. 1x:I0(!'); li,ed, about 1870, at Joliet, Ill. 343. vii. DA YID, b. 1832(?). viii. CATil,\RIXE l\I., b. Dec. 24, 1834; m. 1856, John Simmons of Buckinghamshire, Eng., and resides in Collamer, N. Y. Chil· dren : M!J7on and Ebenezer.

184 PruLo8 (.Abraham,' Richard,' .Abraham,• Richard,' Joseplt,' 1 Joseplt,' JJ!oses ) of Deerfield, M:J.SS., was born in Deerfield in 1797( ?). He died Oct. 5, 1879. Children: i. ELIZABETH.9 b. 1827(?); m. about 1846, Charles D. Lyons, and lived in Deerfield, l\Iass. ii. EQ:ICF.., b. 1830(?) ; m. George Hartley of l!,Iontague. iii. A.'1G£LINE, b. 18:3:3(?); d. about 1864.

185 A:1ros• (Abraltam,' Ricltard,' Abraham,° Richard,' Joseplt,' 1 Joseplt," .Joseplt ) of Putney, Vt., and Kansas, was bom in Dum- TIDIPLE GEl',"EALOGY. 101 merston, Vt., Sept. 19, 1804. He married, Feb. 8, 1827, at Putney, l\forilfa Bennett. He died in Kansas, .Aug. 2, 1879. Children: i. SAn..ur,9 b. Jan. 9, 1829 : m. Nov. 2, 1846, Addison Pierce, ll.Ild d. about 1886. 3.U. ii. CnAnu:s .1\lros, b. Dec. 15, 1830. iii ••JOSEI'II, b. lt<:33; d. lt<:35. iv. WARRE:S-, b. Feb. 1, 1837; cl. 18,i7. v • .A:u:Y, b. June 29, 1839; m. June 1, 1863, Hiram Johnson.

186 DA:-.'IEL 'WASSO:S8 (.Abraham,' Richard,' .Abraliam, • Richard,• 1 Joseplt, • Parmenas," Parmenas ) of Bernardston, l\fasa., was born there Aug. 31, 1809. He married, April 8, 1838, Catharine Fisk, daughter of Wilkins Burnett Clark. He died Aug. 1, 1880, and his wife died Oct. 30, 1875. Children: i. Jorn- WAssos,9 b. Feb. I, 1840: m. Feb. I, 1877, Elh Chase, ancl d. l\fay 30, 1877. Child: John, b. August, 1877. ·Res. not kno\\'11. · · ii. ELLE:-. CATIIARISE, b. l\farch 8, 1842: m. Feb..I, 1860, Lewis A. Slate of Bernardston. l\Iass.; d . .lfarch 20, 1899. Chil­ dren: Lewis .DUJiglit, Carrie Jllad~line, George A[fred, Wells Temple, .Alice JJlay, JJfary Elizabeth :mcl Lillian Isabelle. iii. ALFRED BRYA::,,-r, b. l\fay 13, 1844; m. .November, 1867, Samllilt1rn. l\fayhle of Hinsdale, N. I·L, ll.Ild cl. Aug. 3, 1875. No chi!llren. • He was a merch:i.nt in Southington, Conn. iv. GEon,a: WELLS, b. Oct. 20, 1846; d. Nov. 11, 1869. He was a b!:tcksmith in Hinsdale. 3-15. v. Dt:XTER WILKI:S-S, b. )fay 23, 1850. vi. CARROLL R.. b. Oct. 11, 1854: d. 1854. vii. lo,\ l\L\Y, b.' .Jan. 25, 18,jG: cl. 18.i6. viii. LEo:-. E., b•• July l,i, 18,i9: ru. Alice Cooper of Lebanon, N. H., ~!arch 9, 18tiH. :incl

ii. l\!n."NIE L-ccELIA, b • .Apn1 19, 185i; d. 1860. ill. ELSIE Fn,\:sCEs, b. Feb. 11. 18.59 ; d. 1860. iv. Lt:'LA l\fa,, b. April 24, 1861: m. l\farch 13, 1886, at Tens, N. Y., Robert E • .Adams. Res. Mexico, N. Y. No children.

188 SwA.~ B.• (.Abraham, 1 Richard,' :tlbraham,3 Riclutrd,' Jo­ seph, • Parmenas," Parmena..•') of l\Iexico, N. Y., farmer, was born m Bernnrdston, l\Iass., Nov. 25, 1830. He married, Jan. 1854, Emmeline, daughter of :Milo Hai:rnr of Richland, Oswego County, N. Y. She diecl l\fay, 1856. He died l.Iay 3, 18i7. Chilclrcn: :tlG, i. HE:."RY .A.,9 h. July 19, 1855.

189 THO:IL\S• (.Abraltam, 1 Richard,• .Abmham,3 Rich­ ard,' Joseplt, • Parmena.•, • Pannena.~•) of l\Ie."Oco, N. Y ., was born in Pruermo. N. Y., .June 2, 1833. He married, Feb. 26, 1856, Helen l\Iargnret Carrington. Child: i. WxLLL\:11 I:L,9 b. July 30, 185i; d. July 26, 1860.

190 l\iL\RCUS D. L.\FAYETIE" (.Abraham, 1 Richard," Abraham,' Riclw,·d,' Jo.~eplt, • Parmena.~," Pan11e11ai/) of P-alermo, N. Y. ( ?), was born there Oct. 26, 1835. He married, in 18i6, Carrie Ball of Palermo. Children: i. HimnERT,9 h. April i. ISii. ii. Lt:r-\. h. )!arch :W, 1883. iii. BmTIL\, b. July 23, 1889. 191 .JoSEPil WELLt:sG" (.Abraham.' Richard,• .Abraham," .Abra­ ham,' Timothy; .._Vatlmniel, 0 .Joint') of Trenton, N. J., was born there about 1815. He married Ann Eliza Larch. Children: :u;, i ••J,un:s. 0 b.• Tanuary, 1,%0. ii. Etu, b. 1852(?) ; not married. 192 J onx FumL\.~• ( .Abraham, 1 Richrtrd,' Abraltam, • Abraham,' Timotliy; .Natlianiel,• John') of Plainville, Conn., Baptist min- TE:lll'LE G El\'EALOGY. 103

ister, was born in Trenton, N . •J., ,June 20, 1821. He married (1), Feb. 5, 1844, Margaret Appleton of Trenton; (2) Feb. 4, 1873, Harriet .A. Lyon of Bri

193 ,v1LLL\)t HOWF.LL9 (Abraham,' Richard,' .tlb;aham,3 Abra­ ham,' Timothy,• .1.Vatlmniel, •,folm') of l'itusville and Mt. Airy, N. ,J., miller, was born in Trenton, N. J., about 1827. He mar­ ried, in 1839, Elizabeth Rose )IcLellan, who died )fay 6, 1886. He died in Feb. 1852. Children: i. Si:s.\X Axx.0 b. Oct. 14. 1841 : m ••Jan. 12. 1861. Isa.'lc H:iskins. Hes. Yard Aw., •rr~nton, N. ,J. ChiiJ: Hw111alt .,JI., m. William Pidcock. ii •.Asm:n B.. b. ,June IO. 1844. iii. LETITIA )!cLELI.AX. h.• Jan. 9, 18,52: m. Aug. 1,, ISSI, I=c D. Scmlder. Res. Titusdlle, X. ,T. Children : Ra9mond T., b. l\fay :?I, l~ti3. Eli:abetl, ~11., b. No,·. !J, 1887. Herbert J,L, b. Oct. 3, 1889.

194 Crr.\RLES~ (.Abral/ftm, 1 Richflrd, • .Aoral,am, •Abraham,• Tim­ otl,!/, • .:..Yatlumiel,• ,John'} of L:nnence, )lcrcer County, X. J., miller, was born in Trenton, Xov. 2, 1808. He m:irrie

ii. SARAH. b. April 1S, 1834; m. l\fav 27, 18GS, William Henry. Child: SllSan. . • 350. iii. Crt,\RLES Arot1TAGE, b. ,June 17, 1S36. iv. l\LmY FR,\XCES, b. Aug. 7, 1838; m. David Henry. Res. Coatesville, Pa. Children : Wilmina, ])auid, Ridgewa9, Cl,arles, Ellis and Jose-pit. "· .Tom. C., b. ~fay 14, 1841 ; not married. 351. vi. 8A)IUEL Jom-sTOX, b. April 6, 1843. vii. JuLL\, b. ,fan. 29, 18-16; m. l\fuy 2, 1865, William Henry, and d. Jan. 29, 1866. 195 N.\TIL\'-"IEL" (Abraham,' Richard,• Abraham/ Abraham,' Timotliy," John," Asher') of Ewing, N. J., farmer, was bom there April 5, 1805. He married, ,Jan. 18, 1837, Eleanor, daugh­ ter of Benjamin Slack of Rosedale, N. J. She was born Nov. 14, 1816, and died )larch 8, 1898. He died Sept. 28, 1841. Children: i. lliRY .k-.-x,' b. April 12, 1838; m. Dec. 7, 1860, .Asher Atchley, and lives at Pennington, N. J. Children: Ella, .d.riUa and Li>:ingston. 352, ii. GEORGE RA..._DLE, b. Jan. 29, 1841.

196 BE...,,TA:IIIN8 (.Abraham,' Ricltard, • .Abraluim,3 .Abraham,• Tirnotliy,' John,• .Asher') of 'Weston and Bethel, Conn., was born in Ewing, N. ,J., Sept. 18, 1806. He married, Jan. 5, 1834, Catharine, daughter of Benjamin Peck of Rcatling, Conn. She was bom Sept. 14, 1815. He wed Feb. 15, 1896, and is buried in Bethel. Children: i. !IIARY,9 b. l\Iarch 13, 1835; m. April 18, 1854, Samuel Ray­ mond of South Nonmlk, Conn. Children: Clarissa D .. b. July 31. 18.'i.5. Charles T., b. Dec. IG, 1856. Charlotte, F., b. Dec. 22, 1858. Frederic!.: W:. b. Dec. 22. 1858. Robert H., b. Sept. 17, 1878. . ii. CHARLOTTE, b. M:i.rch :n, 1837; never married. Res. 8 Henry St., East Norwalk, Conn.

197 J om-• (~4braliani,' Richard,• .Abrahani,3 .Abraliam,' Timothy: Jolin," .4,.,lter') of Ewing, N .•J., was born there Nov. 21, 1811. He married, Murch 11, 1846, Susanna, daughter of Jonathan Howell of Bucks County, Pa. She wed Feb. 9, 1865. John wed March 14, 18i8. TEMI'LE GENEALOGY. 105 Children: i. l\IARY l?RA..,..CEs,9 b. Oct. 11. 184i; cl. April 18, 1876. ii. REBECCA A.,-x, b. Oct. 6, 1849 ; d. l\fay 28, 18.58. iii. HENRY, b. Oct. 15, 18.51; cl. l\Iarch 20, 18.52. iv. M"NA VmGINL\, b. Aug. 9, 1855; m. Oct. 29, 1879, Edward L. Stuckert. Child: il'larion Vail, b. April 29, 1884; res. 179 Somerset St., New Brunswick, N. J. v. ARILLA, b. July 22, 18.59; m.• Tan. 20, 1886, Walter L. Burton, and resides at New Brunswick, N. J. Child: Harold Temple, b. June 26, 188i.

198 BENJ'A:\m.' ( .Ab1·aham, 1 Richard,• .Abraham,• .Abraham,• 7 Ret1trn,6 Benjamin,• .Asher ) of PC1int Pleasant, Bayou Bar­ tholomew, La.., farmer and warehouseman, was born in Princeton, N. J., in 1809. He married, in 1848 or '49, Annie Parker, whose father lived on the Ouachita. River, near :Monroe, La.. He died there July 1, 18i7. The widow resides a.t Boston, :Mass. Children: i. CHARLES AsIIER,9 b. Aug. 6, 18.50. Res. Bostqn, l\Iass. Single. ii. A.'iNA ELIZABETH, b. l\Iay 29, 1852,; m. Jan. 12, 1871, .Archie R. Anderson, now sheriff of H:µ-ris Co., Texas. Res. 812 Crawford St., Houston, Texas. Children: Allie Le-rag, b. Sept. 29, 1873. Annie Virginia, b. Sept. 1, 1875. Lolla Bessie, b. Feb. 7, 1878. Warren Harvey, b. Sept. 16, 1881. iii. HENRIETTA, b. 1854(?); m. Charles A. Slack. Res. Boston. Children: Bessie, b. July 1, 1882. Grace, b. June 10, 1885. iv. LYDA, b. 1856(?) ; m. Sept. 26, 1893. George Ferris. Res. Boston. Children: Ha::el Bell, b. June 12, 1894. George Temple, b. Sept. 15, 1896. v. FRA:SK, b. --.

199 J o:i:rn WoomL\NSEE" ( .Abraham, 1 Richard,' .Abraham,• .Abra­ ham,' Ret1trn," Benjamin," .A.~her') of Bastrop, La., was born in Princeton, N. J., Feb. 29, 1812. He married (1) in 1855, Victoria., daughter of Pierson a.nd :Mary (Gow) Reading, in Tren­ ton, N. J. He married (2) in 1866, Harriet Waters, who was born in Albany, N. Y. John \V. • remo,·ed to Louisiana. at the age of 17. He kept a. warehouse ami was a. large planter. For twenty years he was judge of the district of l\Ioorhouse, being first appointed by Gov. Allen. He o,Yned the first boat ever run on the Bayou Bartholomew. He was a consistent Union man, but, although wealthy, was ruined by depredations of Federal troops and by the after-results of the Civil War. The records of the family 106 were destroyed, and it is impossible to obtain accurate dates. He died at .i\Ionroc, La., Aug. 13, 1877. Children: i. l\L\ln-.9 b. 1856; m. Feb. -1, 1880. W. B. Sublett, and resides at :.\Ionroe. La. Chilureu: William, Charles Corson, Pauline Flormce, Temple C Yocl1Ass, b. Dec. 30, 185!); siDgle. Res. 3i Ewing St.. Trenton. ,-i. WILLIAll T .• b. Jan. 1,3, 1863; single. Res. 3i Ewing St., Trenton. · 201 DA:-."IEL8 (.Abra/tam,' Richard,• .Abraham,• ..Abl"aliam,' Re­ 1 turn," Ben}amin," .A.~l1er ) of Trenton, N. J., was born l\farch 4, 1818. He married, :May 8, 1840, Louisa. B. (born in l\fay, 182i, :i.nd died April 13, 1895), daughter of John A. Hutchinson. Daniel" died XoY. 29, 1883. Child: 353. i. Jons T./ b. Sept. 23, 1841. TElIPLE GE~"EALOGY. 107

202 CHARLES IIALL8 (.Abraham,' Ricliara, • .Abraliam, 3 .Abraham,• Return: Benjamin,• .A.slier') of Trenton, N. J., salesman, was born July 5, 1826. He mn.rried, lfoy 13, 1852, Susn.n A. (born in 1835), daughter of Luther Ward of Trenton. He died Jan. 19, 1889. His widow lives at 166 Soutli Broad Street, Trenton. Children: i. LccY,9 b. 1853(?); d. young. 35-l, ii. CHARLES W,\RD, b. Feb. 15, 1855(?). . iii. JE.,-XIE W,mD, b. 185i(?); m. Edward T. Haven. Res. 311 Calhoun St., Trenton, N. J. Children: 0/iarles T., Edward T., J.llay Jones, Ida, Helen and Marguerite. h·. AsIIER, b. 1859(?); d. young. v. ELIZABETD STOCKTox, b. 1861(?); m. John R. Todd. Res. 535 South Clinton Ave., Trenton. Child: Belen. 355, vi. LUTmm W,\RD, b. ,July l!l, 1869. 356. ,-ii. GEORGE B.\TCDELDEP-, b. 18il(?). 357, viii. WILLLUI BOSWELL, b. 18i3(?).

203 BEN.TAlm-"8 (.Abra/tam,' Ricl1a1·a, •. .Abraham, 3 .Abraham,• Return: ..Vathaniel," Return') of Green County, Pa., and "\Yayne County, Ia., farmer, was born in )Ionongalia. County, "\V. Va., Aug. 12, 1812. He married, Aug. 7, 1832, )Iatilda, daughter of John Reeves. She died April 5, 1891. He removed to Corydon, Ia.., in 1869. Children: i. S,\R.\H,9 b. May 15, 1833: m. July, 1852, Isaac King. Res. Corydon, Iowa. No sun;ving children. ii. TnolL\S ,JEFFERsox, b. Ft:b. :26, l::i35; d. ,June IO, 1866. iii. C,\ltOLIXE REBi:ccA. b. Dec. 15. 1836; m. July, 1853, John Campbell. Res. Bla.cksville. W. Va. iv. BEXJAlit::-. Fr-..\XKLL'-, b. )larch 14, 1838; d. Dec. li, 1840. v. ElillELIXE, b. ,July 2, 18-U : d. Aug. 12, 1842. 358. vi. Jon:-. REEVES, b. Oct. 22, 18-1:t vii. l\IELISSA JAXE, b. Sept. 8, 18-1$: d. l\fay 10, I8,j2. viii. 1\faTILDA A.-.x. b. l\1:irch 3, ll:150; d. Nov. :29, 1868. ix. ELIZA ELLEX, b.,J:m. 1, 1852; d. Nov. 26, 1869. 359, x. GEORGE W,\Slll.'-GTOX, b. l\Torch 15, 1854.

204 NATIL\NIEL8 (.Abraham,' Rickara,• .Abraham,3 .Abraham,' Return,• .J.Yatkaniel," Return') of ,vadestO\vn, "\V. Va., was born in Greene County, Pa.., April 2i, 1823. He married, Nov. 3, 1846, Henrietta, daughter of Hubartis B. Rice. She was born in 108 TF.)IPLE GENEALOGY.

Bedford County, Pa.., April 25, 1826, and now resides in Lexing­ ton, Neb. Nathaniel• died in \Vest Virginia, l\ifarch 4, 1869. lie was a Democrat, and a Sunday School worker but not a church member. Children: 360. i. l\faRCELLUS L.,9 b. Sept. 16, 1848. 361. ii. lL\.RRY VA..-.E, b. Feb. 1, 1853. ill. EDGAR CLARE:-:cE, b. 1856; d. without children. iv. ElmA ALICE, b. March 3, 18:j!); single; grad. 18i9, Osceola (fa) High School; taught school, :ind in 1885 became Vice­ President of the 'First ~ational Bank, LeXIDo"ton, Neb.; the fin;t woman ever to hold such a. position. 362. v. FREDERIC LEE, b. Aug. 28, 1864. 205 WILLL\lr DARR8 (..Ab1·al1am, 1 Richard,• ..Abraltam,• Abraliam,' Return,6 J.Vatlwniel," Return') of Griffinsville, Appanoose Co., Iowa, farmer, was born in Greene County, Pa., Morch 8, 1825. He married, in 1858, Eliza ,Jane, daughter of Alc."mnder \Vade of Monongalia County, \V. Va., and soon afterward removed to Grif­ finsville, Ia., where he ·now resides. Children: i. VICTORIA AuGUSTA,9 b. Nov. 18, 1858; m. April 18, 1Si6, Henry l\Irekcr Inskeep. Res. Chalk Level, St. Clair Co., l\Io. Children: Ven,ee Ly11ch, b.• Tune i, I Sii ; d.• June 20, 18ii. Guy AlarcelbtS, b. Aug. I, 18i8; d. l\lay 22, }883. Jay B., b. April 2i. 1882; d. Aug. 12. 1882. Jl{adge ).l[

He was admitted to the bar at W ayncsburg. He operated in oil on Dunkard's Creek, Greene County, Pa. He was a director in the Farmers' and Drovers' National Bank of'\Vaynesburg; auditor, rccortlcr nnd prothonotnry of Greem~ County; delegate to the Demo­ cratic national convention, 1872; president of '\Vayncsburg nnd Washington Ry.; director in Penn. Ry.; nnd auditor-gencrnl of Pennsylvania, 1874-1878. He died April 25, 1895. His widow resides at ·w ayncsburg. Children: i. J!AnY ELIZAm:m,9 b ••July 23, 1853; m. (1) 1869, William G. Bnynrd. Child: Justus Temple, b. l\Iarch li, 18i2; d. Dec. 15, 1893. She m. (2) Dec. 22, 189i, William .Armstrong Jameson, J!.D. Res. Latrobe, Pa. l\Iary Elizabeth9 is a wom.'Ul of decided literary ability and a well known newspaper correspondent. 364. ii. .TA11Es BucrIA•..,AN, b. Nov. 23, 1856. iii. NEVADA, b. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. 4ug. 2i, 186~, Williain Garclner Osgoodby. Res. 4:26 W. Jersey St•• Elizabeth, N • •J. Chil­ dren: Ner:ada Temple, b. July 4, 1881. Justa Temple, b. Nov. Ii, 1884. Glad9s Temple, b. Dec. Ii, 1889. iv. A.,-sA B::u, h. ::,ov. l'i, 1863; m. Dee. 2:3, 1883, Joseph .A. O'Neill. Res. 8 Sherman Ave., Alleghany, Pa. Children: ./Jfarguerite Temple, b. Nov. 22, 188i. .ll.n11ie .TosepM11e, b. Oct. 8, _1890. Henry, b. Feb. 14, 1893.

207 8 1 ALPHECS l\IYERS ( Abrahrrm, Richard, s Abraham,• Abra­ ham; Return,' .1.Vathaniel," Jolm') of '\Vhitcly, Pa., farmer, wns born there Oct. 11, 1825. He married, in 1846, Lucy Greene, who died about 1880. He resides at the old Temple homestead in Whitely. Children: 365. i. Bt:NJAlllN,9 b. 184i (?). ii. ELIZAm:Tn, b. 1850(?); d. without children. iii. REBECCA, b. 1853(?); d. without children.

208 E:soCH ArorITAGE8 (Abraham,' Richrrrd,' ..Abraham,• .Abra­ ham,' Return,• John," Andreu:') of Philadelphia, Pa., was bom in Bucks County, Pa., April 8, 18:Zi. He married in 185i, and died in 1883. Children: i. J0NATilAN EYANs,9 b. 1858(?). Res. West Philadelphia, 63d St. and Grnv's Avenue. ii. CHARITY, b. i860(?). 110 'X:EltrLE G~'EALOGY.

ill. h"X, b. 1862(?); m. William Brown, mid resides nt l\It. Moriah, Phil:idelphin. 209 Jom-8 (..Abralmm,' Ricltard,• .Abraliam,3 ..Abraham,' Return,• John,• Levi') of Philadelphia., wns born in 'Warminster, Bucks County, Pa., Nov. 24, 1828. He married :Ofary Jane, daughter of James Wallace of Wcchoming, Pa. She died :May 29, 1892. John• dealt in horses. He died Oct. 25, 1895. Children: i. ELLA/ b. June 9, 18,55; m. ---Wysnrt. Res. Oxford St., Philadelphia. . 366, ii. J..1.3IES WALL,\.CE, b. l\fuy i, 1857. 210 8 1 BARZlLLAI R. ( Abral,am, Riclmrd,• Abraham,• .Abraham,• Return,' Joltn," Le1:i') of Dutch Neck, :Mercer County, N. J., w:1.S born, perhaps near Hartville, Pa., )fay 19, 1844. He married, }furch 15, 1870, Emma P. Reese. Children: i • .;\.-.-,.·IE R..9 b. Feb. 1, 1871. ii. ·w11.llER F., b. ,Jan. 2, 187:3. Res. Princeton Junction, :Mercer Co., N•• J. Single. iii. HAI:VEY R., b. Sept. 29, 1877. i,. l\LrnY S., b. ,fan. 16, 1882. v. LEWISS., b. July i, 188:~. 211 8 1 Is,uc ( .Abraliam, Richard,• .Abraliam, • .Abral1am, • Return,& John,• ..Azarialt') of Trenton, N. J., and ~Iorris,ille, Pa., rubber worker, was born in ~fay, 1853. He married, ~lay 18, !SW, Elizabeth, daughter of James Gallagher of Jersey City, N. J. He resides on Mill Street, ~Iorrisvillc. Children: i. ELLA,9 b. Sept. 11. 1880. ii. w·:LLIAll AzARIAII, b. Nov. 3, 1882. iii. l\lAuo, b. Feb.16.1885. iv. RonERT l\lAGE~:, b. l\Iay 11, 1887. v. ELIZARETll, b .•Jan. 2, 1890. vi. ,h;,\..-.IT.A, b .•July 15, 1S92. 212 8 1 ASA ( ..Abralwm, Riclwrd, • .Abraltam,• Isaac,• baac, • Ephraim," .Altio') of Gardner, :Mass.(?), was born there Feb. 13, 1801. He married Susan Conant, who died May 15, 1879, at . the age of 79. Asa• died March 26, 1828. TElll'LE GE?."EALOGY. 111

Children: i. ELIZABETH I-IOLLA~D,9 b. Sept. 13, 1823; m. Orrin P. Stiles. Children: Lu1"!J Elliott, b. Oct. 21, 1854. lJe'Witt P., b.• Jnn. 25, 185G. Christo;iher, b. ,fan. 29, 1863; d.1881. Ilaria Eli::a­ beth, b. Feb. 28, 18G5. ii. CnmsTOPm:n CoLulmus, b. Jan. 15, 1826; m. Emily Edgell. No children. Res. Gurdner, l\Inss. 213 SETH HEYWOOD" ( .Abraltam,' Richard,• .Abraham,' Isaac,• 1 Isaac,• Epltraim, • .Altio ) of Gardner, l\Inss., farmer, was bom there Feb. 10, 1803. He married, Nov. 1825, Phebe Jackson of Gardner, who died l\farch 26, 1889, aged 85. He died l\fay 13, 1881. Children: i. LccY,0 b. April 15, 1827; m. l\!oro Collester. Res, Gltrdner, l\fass. Children: Eli::.a E., b. l\fay 3, 1850 ;. d. 1850. J-lm1'Jj ,ll, b. Jnne 9, 1852; res. Gurdner. Edward ,ll., b. 1855; d. 1857. Emma E., b. July 15," 1858; d. 1886. ii. AsA, b. Feb. 23, 1829; m. l\I!iry pinrch, and d. 1896. No children. · iii. ELIZA, b. Jnne 6, 1831; m. 1850, ,Toel Cowee. Children: Frances Eli::a, b. July 28, 1851. Charles A.[vi11, b. Jan. 1, 185:3. • Frederick Edward, b. 1855; d. 1882. Lavis .A.rtlmr, b. Nov. 29, 1856. Nartlia, b. ,Jnne, 1858; d. 1858. iv. CIIARLES, b. April 27, 1834; d. Sept. 16, 1835. v. l\Lu:TIIA, b. Oct. 22. 1836; m. No,·. 12, 18,j7, Henry Heywood. Res. Gardner. Children: Hattie Louise, b. Ang. 17. 1857; d. 1861. Helen Rebecca. b. Ang. 17, 1857. Gewge Hen1"!J, b. ,Juh· 28. 1S6:?; d. 1\I:w 17. 1S98. Yi.,'b. Nov. 13, 1841 ;. d. Oct. 8, 1847. 214 El'lL\.',s ( Abraliam,' Ricliard, • Abra/tam,• Isaac,• .Abra/tam,• Josep/1,8 Jo.~eplt') of Shrewsbury, ::\lass., wa.s born there .July 13, 1792. He married, in 1821, Catharine, daughter of Stephen Johnson. Children: i. NAXCY l\Lrnu.9 b. No,·. 26, 1822; m. William Wellington, and had s0.1 Charles (m. Alice Dickerman). ii. OTIS ALBERT, b. June I:?. 18:?6; m. 1857, l\Iary J. Smith in Shrewsbury. No children. 215 Jo~AS8 (Abrrtltam,' Ricltard,• Abrctham,• .I..•aac,' .Abraham,6 7 Jo,•eph," Joseplt ) of Shrewsbury, l\fass., was born there Dec. 15, 1794. He married, Dec. 4, 1817, Relief Sawyer. 112 TE:IO.'LE GE..."iEALOGY.

Children: 367, i. LuTnEtt,g b. Feb. 26, 1820. ii. ELIZA ELLERY, b. April 1:2, 1829; m. Feb. 10, 1848, Holloway Harrington. She re~ided in 'Worcester, l\I:iss, and d. ,Tuly 16, 1888. Children: Luella ~lfaria, b. Sept. 19, 1850; m. J. Henry Washburn, ,Tune 8, 18il; d. Sept. 14, 1883. Anna Relief, b. l\Iay 8, 1s.;4; m. William C. Allen, Oct. 23, 1873. Res. 9 Freelo.nd St., Worcester, Mass. 216 J OSEPR9 (Abraham,' Ricltard, • .ilbraliam, 3 Isaac,• .ilbraliam, • Joseph," Joseph Stratton') of Shrewsbury, l\Iass., farmer, was born there May 28, 180&. He resided on the old homestead. He married, April 29, 1828, Ruth Parker, daughter of Calvin Sawyer. Children: i. Lucy ~IAmA,9 b. June 14, 1829; m. Charles Knowlton. 368, ii. FRA:SKLI:S S,\WYER, b ••Tune 13, 1834. iii. ELIZABETH SclmIT, b. l\Iny 31, 1838; m. Daniel Knowlton. Res. Salem Square, Worcester, l\I:iss. Child: Evalyn (m. Charles l\Ionroe). 369, iv. CAL n:s STRATTox, b. Aug. 24, 184!1. 217 DE~~,s Goon-sow8 (Abraham,' Ricliard,t ..Abraltam,3 Isaac,' .Abraham," Joseplt,8 Josepli Stmtton') of,Vorccstcr, :Mass., mer­ chant, was born in Shrewsbury, :\fass., ,June 15, 1819. He mar­ ried, in Dec. 1841, Caroline,

Children: i. LAURA.° b. Feb. 26, 1817; m. April 30, 1840, David De Forest, and d. April 9, 1888. Children: Lyma11, Lewis, Lucius Ed­ gar, Luratlle, Luther, Jl,Ierritt, Alhm, Mary Jane, James Tem­ ple, Freeman, Edward and Eliza E1te/le. ii. ELECTA, b. Nov. 10, 1819; m. Nov. 9, 1844, ,John P. Hills, and d. Aug. IO, 1896. Children: Nilan, Frances· Jliary, Dauid, · Al.son, Adelbert :111d Eugene. iii. REt:m:N, b. July 31, 1818; was a cripple, and never married; d. July 13, 1871. iv. llinu, b. Dec. 3, 1821 ; m. :l\Iay 25, 1841, Zachariah uoag, and d. April 3, 1843. Children: Zachariah and (J[i11ton. v. l\L\RY, b. Aug. 18, 1823; m. l\!ay 15, 1852, Peter Parker. Res. Union City, l\Iicb. Children: Emma Jane and Orrin Burd. vi. CAROLTh"E, b. July 6, 1825; m. Dec. 20, 1846, Zachariah D. Cook. Res. Bellevue, l\Iich. Children: .Mary_.Emma, Han­ nah Jane, Garrett Eli, Edwin Jay and Melvin. . vii. CLARISSA, b. Sept. 27, 1843; m. l\Iarcb 27, 1864, Samuel Col­ man, and d. Sept. 20, 1884. Children: Fred, b. July 18, 1866 (m. Lydia Gaze); res:· Kn~wlesville, N. Y. Walter, b. Nov. 25, 1868 (m. Clara Hubbard). Hattie Nay, b. l\lay 3, 1872 (m. George Sinclair). Bert, b. l\Iay 6, 1879. viii. ALBERT, b. Jan. 6, 1845; d. young. u. ADELB.ERT, b. ,Tan. 6, 1845; d. young. :x. BE..>;JA)IIN Lnl,\s, b. l\Iay 16, 1846; d. l\Iarch 22, 1882; single. xi. EllILY, b. ,July 26, 1847; m. Nov. 20, 187!), Arthur Benham. Res. Eagle Harbor, N. Y. Child : Willis Temple, b. .Aug. 21. 1880. .xii. HANNAII, b. Oct. 26, 1848; m. l\Iarch 18, 1881, Pharcellus Tucker. Res. Eagle Harbor. Children : Fred Lyman, b . .Aug. 4, 1882. Jliarion Luci11e, b. Nov. 28, 1885, 219 ROSWELL" (Abraham,' Richard,• ..A.braltam,' Isaac,' .Abra­ 7 ltam," Jol.leplt,• Ro~-icell ) of North Hebron, "\Yashington County, N. Y., farmer, was born in Hartford, N. Y., June 3, 1801. He married, Feb. 12, 1824, Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Case of North Hebron. Roswell8 died .Aug. 27, 1886. Elizabeth was a woman of unusual intelligence and force of character. She died Feb. 6, 1895. (See Note on the Case family.) Children: 371, i. EDWIN BAKER,' b•• Tan. 8, 1825. 372, ii. l\!ERRITT CASE, b. Dec. 19, 1827. 373, iii. LUTHER ROSWELL, b. Nov. 28, 1829. 374, iv. AnR,rn, b. Oct. 16, 1831. 375, v. Tnolt,1..'<", b. l\Iarch 5, 1834. vi. DANIEL O., b. Nov. 16, 1835; d. April, 18.58. vii. CIURLOTTE, b. l\Iay 25, 1837; d. Feb. 7, 1841. 114 TEMPLE GE~EALOGY.

NOTE o,; CASE F..unLY. ,Jom,t CASE, born about 1Gl5; came from En:;:land to .Amcric:i. and was granted land in the settlement of l\fassacoe, now 8imsbury, Conn. He mar­ ried, 165i. Snmh, unughter of William and Agnes Spencer of Hartford, Conn. (William Spencer wns at Cambridge, l\lass., in rn:.n. He was ad­ mitted freeman ?ifarch 4, 1632-3. He was a deputy for :Xewtown, Mass., :Muy 16:32, May 1G34, l\farch 1634-.j, l\larch 1G3;j-6, Sept. lG:36, l\Iuy 16:}i, Sept. 1637, llirch 16:Ji-8. He wns chosen lieutenant for Newtown, :March. 1636-i. He wns one of the founders of the Ancient and Honorable .Artillery Company of l\Iussachusetts, 1 G38. He removed to Hartford, 16:J!l, where his home lot wns nearly where the Union depot now stands. He was deputy in August and September, 16:3!!, and was one of a committee to reYi~e the laws of the colony. He died 1640, leaYing an estate of £2!ll-12-2. His children were: Eliz:i.beth, S:i.rah and S:unuel.-(Trum­ bulrs Hist., Yol. 1, p. 25!!.) The widow of William Spencer married Wil­ liam Edwards. and was the ancestress of .Jonathan Edwards. The follow­ ing is the ancestrnl "tree" of William Spencer: .l\Iichael1 Spencer, St. George Parish, Edworth, Bedfordshire, Eng., married .Tan. 25. 1555. Eliw­ beth ---. Child: Gerat• ( or Gerrard), baptized l\Iay 20, 15i6. in St. l\Iary•s parish. Stotford, Bedfordshire. Children of Gerat:: William,1 baptized Oct. 11, 1601; Thoma.•,• baptizetl Murch 2!l. 1G07. Michuel,8 bap­ tized )fay ;j, lGll. Gerrard,• baptized April 25, 1Gl4. These sons came to New England about 16:30 and liYed at Cumbrid~e aml Lynn, l\Liss., and Hartford, Conn.) ,John: Cnse re.sided at Windsor, Conn., uutil 1 G6!l, when he removed to ?.Ia.•~ucoe (Simsbury) and settk-d in We:1togue. He was appointecl con­ stable for l\Iassacoe by the General Court, Oct. 1-~, 166!), the first office held b:,· any of its inhabitnnts. He w:11' made freeman 161i!i. His property wa.s tlcstroyl!fl by the Indians in King Philip's war. lle clit,<1 Feb. :n, 170:~-4. His will is unted XoY. 21. l i0U. uucl his estate amouuted to £iG2--;i-l. Children: Elizul_,eth." born uhout I6;j8. l\fan·." born .Tune 22, I(ili0•• John,' born XoY. 5, 1662. William,~ born .Tune~- lG(i;j_ Sam­ uel/ horn ,Tune 1, 16fii. Richard,2 born Aug. 27. 16G!l. Bartholomew,2 born October, 1670•• Josepl1, 2 horn April 6, 1G74. Sur-.ih,2 b. bom A11g. H, 1G76. .Abi.,'l1il,2 born l\fay 4, l 6l:S2.

R1cn,rno2 CA,n:, born Aug. 27, 1r.r.!J: married Sept. 1. 1701, Amy; dau;_!hter of Dr. Philip Uec

Chilclren of Rich!ll'cl~ Case: .Amy, 1 born about 1703; married ].\I. J. Holcomb,.Tr. Richard,1 b. lil0. Timothy,8 bornabout 1711. Margaret,• born about 1713; married Jacob Holcomb. Edward,8 born l\Iarch 5, 1715. Lydia,8 born l\!lll'Ch 1.5, 1718. Mnry,8 born Jan. 30, 1722.

Tm0TIIT8 CASE, born lill(?); married, about 1730, S=h Holcomb, and resided in Simsbury, Conn., until about Ii!0, when he removed to Great Barrfo~ton, l\fa~s. Children: Philip,• born Feb. 12 (or 22), 1781-2. Sarah: born Oct. 18, 1734. Timothy,• born Dec. 5, 1736. Martha,• born l\Iay 25, 1739.

Pmur• CASE, born Feb. 12 (or 22), 1731-2; married Lydia Soveril, and resided at Great Barrington, l\fass., Hebron, Gmnnlle and Condor, N. Y. He removdd to Hebron before I 776, where he resided until 1800, when be remoV"ed to Condor, Tioga County, N. Y., where he died 1814. He was a volunteer at the battle of Saratoga. Children: Timothy/ bor!!. Sept. 28, 1756. Abraham,6 born Dec. 28, 1761. Anron,6_ born 1770. Samuel,6 bon1 1772. Reuben,6 born 17~6. Lydia,5 born 1776. Sarah,5 born 1778. Samantha,6 b. lii!l. Rachel,6 born 1780. Leonard,6 born 1786. Sartina,6 born 1786.

Ann..m,rn6 CASE, born Dec. 28, 1761; removed to Hebron, Washington County, N. Y., in 1770. He married (I) Ruth, (born Aug. 14, 1764, died Sept. 2, I 791 ). daughter of Othniel Preston, probably of White Creek, Washington County, who enlisted in the Re\·olutionary army Nov. 27, 1776, and was upon the rolls until Dec. :JI, I 780. He married (2) Naomi Pres­ ton (born July 22, 17GG), sister of the first wife. Children: Naomi, 6 born l\fay 20, l is,;. Aaron,° born .July 2, I 786. "~illiam,O born ,July 5, 1788; marrie,1.fanuary 18, 1814, Polina Roblee, in Washington County; [Chil­ dren: Laura.? d. young. Abr-.ilmm.7 born Oct.2.1816. Chloe,· born Oct. 2, 181 G. Hiram,' born l\farch 20, lt\19. Thomas P ./ born Aug. 5, 1821; nmrried Dec. 4, 184,j, L·mra Hervings. Willi:tm,7 born Aug. S. 1823. Dennis ,Y• .7 born .Aug. 2!J, 1825: residence Five Lukes. Lapeer County, l\Iich. Richmond Edwin,' born April 2(i, 1828: married L:mr-.1 Hcn·ings Case, brother",- widow. Oct. 8. 184!J: residence Three Rivers. l\Iich.: chil­ dren: Olivi:t,8 b. l\fay ;;, 1851. Roxie,8 born ,Jan. 27, l.S;j;j: married (1) l\fay 26, 18i!J, Fred l::ielden: children: Fre

1869, George Webster of C:irthage, l\Io. Children: Arthur,' Detroit, Mich.; Leroy ,9 Zacatecas, l\Iex.; Pericles,9 Cartbnge, l\Io.; Maud,9 d.---). Naaman,° born April 6, 1799. Danie!,0 born l\Illl'cb 30, 1801. Eliznbeth,8 born Aug. 8, 1803; married Roswell' Temple. Philindn, born Jan. 19, 1805. ~\.brnbam,° born Aug. 7, 1806. Jasper,8 born l\Iarch 4, 1807. Merritt,• born Dec. 1, 1810. 220 Jom; BAKER" (.Abraham,' Ricliarcl,' Aliraham,3 Isaac;' .Alira­ ham,• Joseplt,' Roswell7) ofKnowlesville, Orleans County, N. Y., farmer, was born probably in Hartford, N. Y., .Aug. 13, 1807. He married, ,hn. 8, 1834, Sarah (born in Frankfort, N. Y., Jnn. 18, 1812), daughter of Porter Crissey, a Revolutionary soldier. John Baker• died 1-Iarch 4, 1868. Children: i. OLIVIA,' b. Nov. 15, 1834; m. Aug. 17, 1851, Francis Sedg­ wick of Knowlesville, N. Y. Child: Alice, b.June 17, 1852. 376, ii. OscAR FtTZH'CGH, b. Feb. 14, 1836. iii. NA.'-CY l\I., b. April 11, 1838; m. Oct. 20, 1857, William l\Iil­ ler of Lyndonville, N. Y. iv. Jonx B,\KER, b. .April 8, 1841; d • .Aug. 15, 1892. v. SARAH J., b. Sept. 13, 1844; m. Nov. 16, 1865, Leander J. Chadwick. Res. Byron, N. Y. Children: Nellie, b. Nov. 24, 1866. .i!lma, b. April 11, 18'f2. .Edith, b. July 11, 187 4. William B., b. June 20, 1876.

221 LunIER8 (Abraham,' Ricliard, • .Abraham,• Isaac,' Abra­ ham," ,Jo.~eplt,' Roswell') of :Milford, Lagrange County, Indiana, farmer, was born (probably) in Hartford, Washington County, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1812. He married, in 1838, Sar.ih (born Jan. 25, 1814, and died Oct. 16, 1852), daughter of Joseph De Forest of Oak Orchard, Orleans County, N. Y. In the fall of 1847 Luther• removed to :\lilford, Ind. He died July 13, 1848. Both are buried in •· J eptha "r right" Cemetery, Salem, Steuben County, Ind. Children: 377. i. Eowxx RoswELL,9 b. Dec. 23, 1839. 378. ii. GEORGE Lt:TUER, b. April 19, 1842.

222 W ILLL\lI' ( Abraltam,' Ricltard, • Abraltam, • L~aac, • .Alira­ ltam,6 ,Jonatlian,6 Jolin') of Marlboro', Mass., custom shoe maker, was born there Dec. 3, 1801. He married, :May 26, 18:25, Mary TElllPLE GE."iE,\LOGY. 117

Hagnr, who died .July 13, 1887. He died Jan. 3, 1855. He was one of the best mathematicians in Marlboro'. Children: i. FmELIA,0 h. Oct. 2,;, 1825. She wns 11. grmluate of the Fmm­ ingh:un Xormnl School. Shem. (1) Dec. 22, 1846, l\Iartin Alden of South Braintree. l\Im-s.: m. (2) 18.56, ,John H. Pierce of I-Iimm, l\Ie. Child : Frau& Hancock Temple Pierce, b. 13,;7: res. Hiram. ii. l\L\nctA, b. Sept. 1, 1832; m. l\farch !l, 18,il, .John Derby of Hudson. l\fass. Children : Carrie, m. I-Ierl>ert R. Hunting­ ton of l\farlboro', l\fass. Ra1111ah, m. "Wilbur L. Williams of l\Iurlboro'. Emesti11e. Wilbur, m. Helen E. Leahy. iii. FLOttA A.-rs, h. Nov. 1.J., 18:!9; m. Ewald G. Reidel of Phila..- ' delphia. Child: Emma, b. 1886. 379, iv. 1\fanci;s. b. l\farch 4, 1841. 380, v. WILLIAl[ BESTOS, b. J:in. 28, 18•!6.

223 RUFUS8 (Aoraltam, 1 Richard, ·•·.Aoraltam,3 Isaac: .Abraham, 6 1 ,lonatltan,• Jolm ) of Rockbottom, :i\Iass., dealer in boots and shoes, was born in .Marlboro', ::\lass., Oct. 16, 1815. He married, Sept. 16, 1835, Lydia Ann Hastings (born Jan. 28, 1815, and died ,July 8, l-8i2). He died Jan. 29, 1893. Children: i. SARAH.9 h. Dec. l'>, 1836: m. Reuhen Derby of Hudson, l\fass., am! tl ••June l!J, IS~:;. Child: George. 381, ii. l\L\RSITALL, b. Dec. 12. 1839. iii. JcLJ.\, b. April 30, 1841: m • .April 30. 1862. Charles l\forclock of Stowe, l\!Ms., and d. June :W, 1873. Children: Charles H. ancl George F. iv. GEORGE Eow1s. h. Sept. 15, 18.J.7: cl. 1s,;1. v. I·fannn:T E .• b•• Juh· rn. 1::1,j.J.: d. 185.J.. vi. Flt\SK .A., b. ,July •3, lti57; d•• June 2, 1890.

224 Hm,u18 (Abraliam,' Ricltard,' .Abraham,' L•aac,' .Ab1·aham,' Jonathan,6 Jo!tn') of ::\forlboro', Boston and Yicinity, shoe manu­ facturer, was born in :\Iarlboro', ::\foss., Oct. 6, 18::!3. He mar­ ried, April 17, 1845, Emily X. Howe. He went into the shoe business in ::\forlboro· before he was twenty-one. He soon removed to .Ashland, ::\!ass., followed the shoe business and carried on :i. grocery store and stage route from A~hland to Hopkinton. He built many houses there. In 1855 he returned to ::\farlboro', built :i. shoe shop and carried on his business with an office in Boston. 9 1!18 TEMPLE GENEALOGY.

In the winter of 1859 he moved to Boston and formed 11, co-partner­ ship with E. W. Smith nod J. C. Buchnam. The firm operated several factories in Milford, Natick and Marlboro'. They lost heav­ ily on account of the war, but puid up dollar for dollar. Hiram' removed to Natick, carried on the shoe business nnd invested in rco.l estate. He went later to Boston and operated a commission house. In 1868 he returned to Marlboro', where he now resides and owns a large amount of reo.l estate. He was assessor there, 1888-1893. Children: 382. i. THEODORE,9 b. April 15, 184G. ii. JOSEPHL'1E. b. Nov. 21, 184i; m. l\Iay 6, 1868, Richmond Favor. Res. Nu.tick, l\Iass. Children: Emma 11/ahe~ b. Feb. 18, 1869. lllary, b. Nov. 20, 18i0. Lillian Helene, b. Oct. 1, 18i4. Richmond. Jr., b. Aug. 6, 18i6. .Alpl,eU& HO!Jt, b. Oct. 8, 1880. Lucile Josephine, b. Aug. 10, 1892. iii. ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 21, 1849; m. Jan. 29, 18i9, James J. Sawin of Natick. Res. 41 l\Iay St., Worcester, Mass. Chil­ dren: JJl.anclte E., b. April 1, 1880. James .F., b. Feb. 16, 1882. Julius

225 GEORGE E. 5 (Abraham,' Rickard," .Abralwm, • I8aac,4 ,Jonas," Mose.~," Davia') of Brighton, l\Iass., was born in Marlboro', Mass., Sept. 15, 1828. He married, in 1850, Sarah Samantha Martin. Children: 383, i. GEORGE Eow1N,9 b. Sept. 8, 1853. ii. EmtA Fit.\:-CES, b. April 2:2, 1855; m. Oct. 2i, 1886, William Townsend :Mills. Res. 109 Ashland St., Roslinilii.le, Mass. Child: Edward Dexter, b. Dec. 12, 1889; d. July 24, 1893. iii. Sus,\.-.. FAY, b. Aug. 6, 1860; m•• Jan. 1, 18i8, Lucius Horne. Res. Farm Road, 1\Iarlboro', Mass. Children: Frank Wilbur, b. Dec. 10, 1880. .A.rtl(ur .Asldon, b. Dec. 9, 1886. iv. l\faRYETT.\ .A:ltANADY, b. Aug. 1, 1862; m. John E. Barker. Res. Cotting Ave., l\Iarlboro', Mass. Child: Grace Fay, b. Sept. 21, 1889. 38l. v. JOSEl'H PROCTOR, b. May 8, 1864. TE:IIPLE GENEALOGY. 119

226 9 1 I VORY ( Abraham, Ricltard, • .Abrakam, i Joseplt, • Joseph,• 7 Levi," Jo.~eplt ) of "Webster and Bowdoin, :Me., was born in Web­ ster, l\foy 7, 1807. He married, in 1833( ?), Rebecca (born Aug. 1805), dnughter of Ebenezer Small of :Bowdoin. She died in 1872. Ivory• died in Bowdoin, Sept. 9, 1852. Children: i. l\IARGARET,9 b. 183:i; d. 1842. ii. Josr.m ALLES, b, July 8, 1837. He is a lawyer in l\Iinneapolis, Minn. He m. Ruby D. Sterling of Pennsylvruiia. No chil­ dren. iii. RACHEL, b. 1838; d. 1842. iv. MARY E., b. 1840; d. 1842. v. REBECCA .J., b. 1842; d. 1842. vi. JosEPJJ, b. 1844; d. 1852. vii. CH,\.RLES I., b. 1847; d. I8a2. viii. l\Ll.nG,\RET E., b. I8ao; d. 1852. 227 JoSL\H" (.Abraliam, 1 Rickard,• .Abraham; Josepk,4 Joseph,• 7 Levi,• Jo,qeplt } of "Webster, lie., farmer, was .born there Dec. 2, 1812. He married, Nov. 29, 1840, Harriet Curtis, who was born in Richmond, l\Ie., Dec. 22, 1820. Children: i. BER.'HCE,0 b. Nov. 2, 1841; d. Feb. 18, 1846. ii. ZELOltA, b. Nov. 16, 1842; d. Sept. · 8, 1893; m. November, 1872, Charles Stover of Freeport, l\Ie. Child: Oliver Otis. Res. Orono, l\Ie. 385, iii. !YonY, b. l\farch 1. 1844. 386, iv. EVERETT, b. Xov. 7, 1845. v. l\l,\RCIA, b. l\Iarch 13, 1847; m. l\Iarch, 1892, Joshua Coombs. Res. Freeport. vi. FRANKLIN, b. Nov. 23, 1848. He went to C:iliforni:i. in 1876. Enlisted, June. 1898. in Co. J, 1st Reg't Cal. Vols., and d. in Philippine Islands, :Nov. 30, 1898. No children. vii. Low C., b. Dec. 20, 1850 ; ,vebster, l\Ie. viii. HARRIET E., b. Nov. 8, 1852; m. --- Nowell. Res. Web­ ster. 387, i."'C ••Josz.rn, b. Feb. 27, 1855. x. MARY .J., b. Feb. 12, 1857; single. Res. Freeport. xi. l\!ARSilALL, b. ,June 17. 1860; d. Oct. 29, 1892, single. xii. J,1.)1£8 li.\XNlllAL, b. l\fay 10, 1864; Res. Webster. 22S S.a:MUEL • (Abraham,' Rickard,• Abraliam, 3 Joseph,• Joseph,• 1 Levi," Joseph ) of Bath, :Me., ship carpenter, was born in "\Yeh- 120 TElll'LE GENEALOGY. stcr, 'l\Ic., April 9, 1819. He married, Dec. 4, 1853, Caroline S. :l\IcKcnney, who died July 25, 1851. He died June 22, 1892. Children: i. WILLL\lt,9 b_. Oct. 4, 1856; d. l\Iay l!I, 1862. 388, ii. FREDERICK c., b• .Aug. 2., 1861. iii. .;b~IE .A., b .•June 1, 1863; m. :Nov. 10, 1883, Alfred R. Pratt. Res. 98 Be

229 Cn,\I'.t.ES R. • ( .A.brrrham 1 ,Richard• ,.A.braharn3 ,Josepli' ,Josepli•, Levi," Joseph') of 'Webster, )le., was born there Feb. 5, 1821. He married ( 1) -----. He married ( 2) widow --­ Roberts of West Bowdoin, l\Ie. He died )Iay 1, 1890. Children: i. WILLARD ~r.,, b. Oct. 6, 1852. Res. 70 Lisbon St., Lewiston, l\Ie. ii. VrnG1x1A E., b. NoY. 17, 1855: m. William F. Hider. Res. ,vestern _.\.,e., Lynn, :Mass., an

230 9 1 )!ORRILL C. ( .A.braham ,Ricltard• ,.Abmlwrn• ,Joseplt' ,Josepli •, Levi," Joseplt') of Richmond, )le., was born in 'Webster, )le., :Ko\". 22, 1822. He married, July 5, 1846, l\fari:i. Umbcrhind in Richmond. Children: i. FiuxK C.,D b. ,July 18, 1847;

231 ,JoSEPH" ( .Abraliarn, 1 Richai·d,' Abraham,' Joseph,' Joseph,• 7 Levi,° JoMplt ) of Lisbon, :Mc., mechanic and farmer, was born in 'Webster, ~le., Oct. 22, 1824. He married, Sept. 3, 185i, Kate V., daughter of John Umberhind of Richmond, Me. Children: i. LAt:1tA l\1.,9 b .•June 5, 1858: d. Feb. 1-1, 1883. ii. EuunETn l\I., b. Aug. 1;;, 1861(?): m. !fay 17, 1882, James R. Cunningham, :i. lawyer, who d. Aug. 28, 1894. Res. Rich- TElil'LE GE~"EALOGY. 121

mond, .l\Ie. Cl1ildren: Joseph S,unner, b. April 21, 1885. Rai:hel Laura, b. Dec. 8, 1887. Thomas ..JJa:r:well, b. Sept. 7, 18!10. iii•• J. WrLLIS. b. Aug. 4, 1863; d. Dec. 4, 1882. h-. CHARLES R., b • .l\fav 12, 1865; d. April 26, 1876. v. ETDEL K., b. Dec. 24, 1868; d. Nov. 22, 1882. vi• .l\Ll.tmrcE, b. Aug. 26, 1878; d. Nov. 12, 1882.

232 ELBRIDGE' (.Abraham,' Rickard, 2 .Abraham, 3 Joseph,' Joseph,• Levi," Joseph') of Lisbon Falls, l\Ic., shipbuilder a.nd funner, was born in "Webster, 1\le., July 28, 1826. He married, Jan. 10, 1849, Isabell Purinton, daughter of ,v alter Curtis of Gardiner, l\Ie. He was dro,rned l\fay 31, 1868. Children: i CLARA r.,9 b. l\Iarch 14, 1850; m. (l) --- Allen; m. -(2) Llewelh-n Sm:ill. Res. Lisbon Falls.· .l\Ie. Children: Fan­ nie B • .Allen, William ..4 • ..4/len, De:r.ter E. Smal{ and Oliver 1. Small. The second and third died. ii FAXXIE E., b. Feb. 5, 1852; m. Dan "Hall, and d. All!!. 24, 187!1. . - iii. ,Tom. F., b .•July l, 18,54; d. July !l. 1860. iv. ELLA C., b.• fan. 26, 18,56; m. G. W. NoweJL ,·. IPA L., b. ,fan. UJ, 1858: m. ,John Fly. Res. Chicopee, .l\ vi 1\Io1m1LL E., b. Nov. 16, 1860: d•• Jan. 28, 1882. vii. WALTER E., b.• Tan. 26, 1862; m.1\fay 28, 1894, .Jennie Webb in Fall River. 1\I:i."-•· Her futher was born in Staley Bridge, Eng., and her mother in Bemton, Eng. ,valter9 engages in river and lumber work. No children. Res. Lisbon .!-'alls. viii. VroLA, b. l\hrch 11, 1864; m. July 24, 1880, W. M. .McKen­ ney. Res. Lisbon Falls.

233 GEORGE W. • (.Abraham' ,Richard• ,.Abraham• ,Joseph' ,Joseph•, Levi," Jo.~eplt') of Lisbon, l\Ie., farmer, was born in "Webster, .Mc., July 8, 1830. He married Angeline E., daughter of Ephraim Lord of Lisbon, )fo. He died l\Iay 12, 1880. Children: i. AltA~'DA A.,9 b .•July 5. 1857. Res. Pine St., Lewiston, l\Ie. ii. Ar.,1,\ A., b. .Aug. 26. 18;;9; m. Dec. 23, 1893, Walter .l\IcCusick. Res. Saco, l\Ie. Child: .il.lildred L., b. Dec. 23, 1894. 389. iii. O:-.svILI,E L .• b. Xo,·. 6. 1869. iv. IDELLA l\I., b. April 5, 1S72. Res. 92 Bl:ike St., Lewiston. '"· FR.\.~K li., b. Sept. 5, 1874: d. ---. 122 TEllt:PLE GENEALOGY, 234 JOSEPH H.' (Abralunn, 1 Richard,' Abralimn,3 Josepli,4 Sam­ 1 uel,6 Samuel,' Joseplt ) of Comstocks (Fort Ann), N. Y. and Terre Haute, Ind., pattern maker, was born ,June 21, 1818. He mnrried (1) (,ct. 6, 1842, Emeline, daughter of Dr. Elijah E. Norton of Cumstoeks. He married (2) ,June 21, 1853, Josephine Hortense Frazier of Plattsburg, N. Y. He died May 15, 1876. Child: 390. i. E.,9 b. April 30, 1846. 235 _ AnEL S.• (Abraliam, 1 Richard," Abral1am,' Joseph,' Samuel? 1 Samuel,C Josep/1 ) of 'Washington County, N. Y., was born in Concord, Vt., Nov. 14, 1824. He resided in Granville, Com­ stocks, Whitehall, Fort Ann and Sandy Hill, N. Y. He married, July 14, 1854, Cornelia :M., daughter of John Wallace of Wills­ boro', Essex Co., N. Y., who traced his origin to the famous Wallace family of Scotland. She was born March 28, 1838. Abel s.~ died in Sandy Hill, April 22, 1894. Children: i. ALLEN S.,9 b. Feb. 14, 185G; m. 1882, Carrie L. Yule of White­ hall, N. Y., and resides there. No children. ii. CARRIE. E., b. ,July 20, 1858; m. E. J. Vose of Ludlow, Vt., and d. .Jan. 5, 1884. No children. ,. iii. WxLLIAll W., b. April 28, 1876; not married. Res. Sandy Hill, N. Y. It is very confidently asserted by William W.8 Temple of Sandy Hill, that the ground occupied by Temple Place, Boston, formerly belonged to some of his ancestors. His father, Abel S., 8 had at one time in his posses~ion the original survey of this ground. Abel9 and wife went to Boston and closed up the busineNs of the estate, signing off the in­ terests of himself and his sisters in the property. 236 8 3 _ SIDNEY ( Ab,·aham,' Rickard,• .Abraham, ,Joseph,• Samuel,• Samuel," Joseph:) of Indianapolis, Ind., was born in 'Concord, Vt., Oct. 23, 1830. He mnrried (1) Nov. 15, 1853, Joanna, daughter of William Hynes of Troy, N. Y. He married (2) Aug. 24, 1871, Eliza Hynes, sister of Joanna. Res. Tu."tedo Park. Children: i. RHODA E.,9 b. June S, 1857. Res. Tuxedo Park, Indianapolis, Ind. ii. WALTER. .J., b. ,July 30, 1859; locomotive e~gineer; m. April 7, 1892, Castell& L., dau. of Allen H. Palmerton. No chil­ dren. Res. 723 West Vermont St., Indianapolis. iii. !DAM., b. April 11, 1864; d. July 6, 1864. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 123

237 J om.~ ( Abraliam, 1 Rir.kard, • Abraham,• Josepli, • Samuel,• Samuel," Samuel'), of South Acton, Mass., wns born in West­ ford, l\ilaas., June 18, 1836. He married Nov. 29, 1857, Lottie A. Robbins. Children: i. ETTA C.,V b. Nov. 23, 1868; m. Dec. 5, 1887, -- Pratt. Res. 67 Pacific St., Fitchburg, Mass. Child : Heroert Tem­ ple, b. June 5, 188!). ii. HERBERT E., b. April 25, 1873; d. Aug. 23, 1873.

238 J OIIN, SwANE~ ( Abraham, 1 Rickard,• Abraliam, • 'Josepli, • 7 Samuel,' Samuel," Jokn ) of Concord, Vt., was born there May 23, 1821. He married, May l, 1842, Caroline (born Oct. 3, 1820), daughter of Solon Brown of Concord. She died April.-25, 1896. He died Aug. 25, 1893. He was a farlI!er, carpenter, undertaker and bnilder. He was captain of .militia from 1844 until the state suspended ordering out for "June training." Children: 391, i. JoID1 l\IrLox,0 b. ,June 17, 1844. 39.?, ii. Lucrus FR•:E,r..\.~. b. l\Iav 28, 1848. 393, iii. WARREN SOLON, b ••June·9, 1S50. 39.&, iv. OTIS S'l·a.~E, b. l\Inrch 31, 1853. v. LUCRETIA IDA, b. June IO, 1855: m. July 31, 1880, E . .Allen l\Iorse. Res. East Concord, Vt. No children. vi. ELm'RA, b. l\Iay 13, 1857; d. single, Jan. 14, 1894. Yii. FIDELIA, b. --; d. in infancy. viii. FLORF:XCE ISABELL, b. Feb. 7, 1866; m. Con R. Lynch. Res. St. Johnsbury, Vt.

239 9 1 G. FRANKLIN ( Abraham, Richaril, • Abraliam, •Joseph,• Sam­ ttel, • Samuel," Jolin') of Lunenburg, Vt., was born in Concord, Vt., June 8, 1824. He married, Dec. 26, 1848, Lucy Stocl,.,-well (born Oct. 20, 1829) of Concord. Children, all born in Concord, Vt.: i. GEORGE G.,° b. April 14, 1851; single. Res. Lunenburg, Vt. ii. CLARA E., b. March 1, 1855; m. ·Feb. 19, 1879, FrankN. Carr. Res. ·St. ,Johnsbury, Vt. Children:: Alice M., b. April 9, 1881. Lelia F., b. March 8, 1883. .Leslie F., b. }!arch 8, 1883. Harry O., b. April 4, 1894. 124 TEl\JJ.>LE GEY.EALOGY.

240 Jon:s JAMES" (Abraham,' Rickard,' .Abraham,• Be11}a1nin,• BenJamin,S John,6 Joltn') of East Eddington, Me., carpenter, was born in Eddington, Sept. 5, 1827. He married, Aug. 31, 1851, Broocksey Case, daughter of Thaddeus Adams of Enst Ed­ dington. He died in Eddington, Nov. 2, 1890. Hiswic.low resides in Bradford, Vt. Children: i. .A..-...sox A.,9 b. Feb. 3, 1852: d. Feb, 3. 1853. ii. Jon:s HA:sso:s, b. Xov. 5, 1854; single; cro-penter. Res. :Mer­ rimac. l\fass. iii. l\fany ETTA, b. Oct. 23, 1855; m. April 5, 1S!l3, Harry E. Kellev. Res. Bradford, Vt. iv. ELROY En.-.EST, b. Sept. G, 1873. Res. Brndley, :Me. 241 J om. AD,uxs• ( Abraluwi,' Ricltard, • .Abraham,• Bery"amin, • Benj'amin, • John,° Ira}) of Chester, Pa., and Honolulu, was born in Southboro', 1fass., Aug. 25, 1824. He married Julia Franklin Harris, who was born 1827, and died Aug. 8, 1893. He was ticket agent for the P. \V. & B. R'y at Chester, Pa., and was in Honolulu in 1887. Children: i. FRA:SK W1:ssto,,,91). 1857(?); d. Nov. 25, US5!l. 395. ii. Ho1t..\CE FRA:SK, b. Dec. IS, IS5!J. 242 J o:m. Fn..\XKLL'-" (.Abraham,' Riclutrd,'.Abraltam, • BenJamin, • Joltn, • .Joltn, 0 .AbiJalt') of Bowdoinham, Me., was born there Aug. 17, 1819. He married, Nov. 28, 1844, Elizabeth Randall of Bowdoinham. She died Aug. 10, 1888. He died April 1, 1895. Children: 396, i. Ifaxzn .:\!.,9 b. Sept. 9, 184.5. ii. )L\n,£T L., b. April 20, 18-!i; m. J. H. Sm:ill. Res. Everett, l\fass. iii. l\famA F., b. :Feb. Ii, 1849. Res. Richmond, Me. i,. CAr.OLIXE D •• b. April 10, 1S52: d. Oct. 13, 1860. v. Joux E., b. Feb. ;;, 1854: d. Oct. 15, 1860. ,;. Lt:cY E., h. l\farch i, 1S,i6; d. Sept. 2i, 1860. vii. EL17.ABETU B., b. Feb. 1i, 1858; (l Oct. 5, 1860. viii. CHARITY ,v .. b. March :n, 1860; d. Aug. 10, 1880. ix. ,Jon:- F., b. :Feb. 2i, 1862; d. in Stteator, ill., March 13, 1885. 397, x. BE.'-J,un:s R., b. June 6, 186i. TElIPLE GE.'\'EALOGY. 125

243 GEORGE FILES8 (Abraham,' Rickard,• Abraham,• Ben_jamin,• 1 Jolm.• ,John,° Abijalt ) of Bowdoinham, :Me., former, wns born there July 24, 1825. He married, June 15, 1856, Zilpha A. Blood of Lincolnville, Me., who died Dec. 13, 1893. Children: 398, i. Fn,\:s-K,0 b. ,June 21, 1857. ii. ELL EX l\famA, b. l\farch 29, 1859; m. Jnn. 24, 1875, Fred. W. Hutchin;,.TS. Res. Bow,loinham, l\Ie. No living children. 399, iii. ALBEltT E., b. l\Iarch 17, 1862. h-. LILLL\X .JosumxE, b. l\fay 25, 1865; m. Feb. 25, 1891. W"tl­ liam Klingenlmgen. Res. W ollnston, l\Iass. Child: Freda. Nerilda, b. l\fay 15, 1894.

244 8 1 SoLON ( Abraltam, Richard,• .Abraham.• Ben_jamin, • John,• John,' .AbiJali') of Bowdoinham, Me., was born there O~t. 14, 1830. He married Ann Foster of Bowdoinham. Children: i MARIA J.,9 b .•Jwy 24, 1857: m. June 24, 1878. Franklin P. Curtis. Res. Bowdoinham. l\Ie. . Child : Hannie J1lay. ii• .IU.-xrn E., b. l\fay 28, 1859; m. l\fay 24, 1884, George H. Clark of Kennebunkport, l\Ie. Children : Clement L., .David. S., George fC and Frank F. . iii. Lecy E., b. Dec. 27, 1861: m. Dec. 2:3, 1883. Robert 0. Chase of Lynn, l\Iass. Children : Er:a. },lay and Percy .David. iv. Jom, l\I., b. l\fay 5, 1862; m. Dec. 28, 1897, Etta C., dau. of Frnncis .A. l\IcKenney of Wales, l\Ie. Is a contractor and builder. Res. Revere, l\foss. No children. 400, ..... CnARU:S II., b .•July 3, ·186:}. ·vi. l\fanGARET, b. April 7, 1867: d. 1885. vii. GEORGE F •• b. l\Iarch 27. 1870. ,-iii. ADELBt:RT ·s., b. Feb. 3,. 1872. ix. ALICE G., b. Dec. 19, 1874. x. LYSLE, b. Oct. 25, 1875.

245 LEANDER" (Abraliam, 1 Ricltard,• .Abral1am," Rickard,' Tlwm­ as," Elijal1," Uri,Jah, 1 Uri_jalt") of OliYe Branch, Ulster County, N. Y., farmer, was born in "Westmoreland, N. H., Sept. 11, 1809. He married, Dec. 31, 1830, Harriet (born Aug. 24, 1811, at Cox­ sackie, Green County, N. Y., and died April 19, 1898), daughter of Solomon Smith. Leander• died Dec. 13, 1895, in New York City. 126 TEltl'LE GENEALOGY.

Children: i. ConTLAND,10 b. July 11, 1832: d. April 10, 1884. ii. AnETIIA, b. Aug. 7, 18:IG; d. Dec. 15, 1841. 401. iii. UR'l.TATI, b. l\Inrch 9, 1838. iv. ConNF.LlA ANN, b. Aug. '.!7, 1839; d. ,lune 7, 1893; m. ---. v. Tm;~tAN, b. July 4, 1840: m. --. vi. Au:xAXDEn, b. April 7, 1841 ; m. ---. vii. LAi:nA, b. Aug. 15, 1845; m. Sept. 3, 1865, Isnnc Bro"-n, b. Nov. 15, 1839. Res. Hoboken, N. ,J. Children:, b. April 11, 1869. William, b. Mny 14, 1871. Gerrrge, b. Aug. 18, 1882. 402, viii. W1LLIAll lb:xnY, b. Oct. 30, 1847. ix. l\IAnY EvALrnE, b. l\larch 12, 18,'J0; d. Nov. 25, 1878. x. SARAn, b. June 7, 1853; m. ---.

246 LAFAYETTE" ( .Abra/tam' ,Richard• ,Abraham• ,Ricliard•, Thom­ as," Eli.Jalt,6 Urijalt,' Uri_j

247 HARVEY W Am-'ER9 (.Abraham,' Ric7tard,•.Abraham,• Ricltaril,• T!toma.~,' Eli_jfllt," T.lri_jcdt,' [Tri_jah•) of Albany, N. Y., was born in '\Yestmoreland, N. H., about 1829. He married (1) 1850(? ), Harriet Sessions of Cohoes, N. Y. He married (2) Eliza. Brewster. He was at one time captain of the "Connecticut," a river passen~er boat. He died .in Alhany, Aug. 11, 1897. Children by first wife : i. I'lARn:Y,10 b. 18.51(?); dead. ii. A.~~A, b. J8;j3(?); dea

iv. LUCY l\I•• b. ,June :JO, 18GB; d. ,July 30, 1893. For seven yenrs she wns 11. clerk in the Dlll.iling department of Houghton, l\lifllin & Co.

251 WILLL\ll HARVEY' ( Abralwm, 1 Ricltm·d, • Abraltam,•Richard,• Thomas,• Archelans,6 Jona.~,7 Ralplt") of "\Yest 'Medwny, Mass., mnnufacturcr, wns born in "\Vcstmorelnnd, N. H., }\fay 16, 1816. He mnrried April, 1846, Elizn A. Richnrdson, who died Jnn. 10, 1898. He died Sept. 29, 18i0. He helu mnny town officers, wns representative to the legislature for two terms, nssessor nnd collector of internal revenue. For twenty-seven years he was mod­ erator of town meetings and the lending man of the town in politics. At the time of his death the town officers passed rcsoli.tions from which the following is tnkcn: "In him the cnuse of freeclom, tem­ perance, education and labor have lost an earnest anc1 intelligent advocate, the community n guod citizen." Children: i. LOt"ISE 1\I.,10 b. Oct. 7, 1847; m. ,fan. 7. 18G9, Henry l\I. Cole. Res. Whitman, 1\ Children: Frederic Richardson, b. l\Iay 3, 18i4. Virginia llferwin, b. Sept. 28, 18i;j. Jessie Jllurray, b. Jan. 1, 1877. Jllar!J Eli:abet/1, b. April 17, 1885. Louise Temple, b. June 21, Hl88. ii. WILLIA)( H., b. Dec. r,, 1849; not"' 405, iii. GEORGE R., b. Oct. 2G, 1851.

252 GEORGE Cnit:s• (Al,mha111, 1 Richard,• .Ab1·a!tam,• RicliarJ,' Tltomas,6 Arcltelmi,q,6 .Jona.~; Ralplt") of "\Yest :Medway, ~lnss., was born in ·w cstminster, Vt., .J unc 17, 1819. He married ,June 10, 18-1-6, :Mnry Elizabeth Brigham, who was born Dec. 8, 1827, and died Oct. 18, 1890. He died Mny 11, 1883. Children: i. ALICE SrrEPIIARo,10 b. Aug. ~O. lS;jQ; m .•Tune 11. 187 4, ,John G. Stetson. Res. :J:J:3 W. 78th St., New York city. Child: Harriet Eli:alN,th, b. ,July !l, 1876. ii. MARY E1.tzAm:T11, b ••Tan. :30, 18fi:Z; d. Feb. 13, 18fi:Z. iii. 1\'1LLlS BmG11.rn, b. l\Iay 1, 18fi4; m. ,Tune fi, 187!!, Laura 1\faria Kain, who d. 1\fay 9, 18!li. Child: Willis B., b ••Jan. r., 18!l5; cl. soon. ,Yillis B.10 is a manufacturer of boots 11.nd shoes, and is u member of the l\lasonic order. Res. l\liliord, l\Iass. £06, iv. l-IARYEY ,v1:-sr.ow, b. l\Iay 2!l, 18Gl. v. CAROLU.E Luc1:,;o."1., b. Aug. Ii, 1862; d. Nov. 22, 18G4. TElIPLE GENEALOGY. 129

253 GEORGE DEATON' (.Abraltam, 1 Rickard,• .Abraham,• Riclmrd,4 Thoma.~, A ..1frcl1elaus, • Jo11a,, 1Si6. iii. VER PLAXCK. b. ,July IS, lS;iG: m. 3fay 11, 1881, Mary Shea of Philmlelphi:i. Res. 104 W. 101st St., New York city. No children. . iv. 31.un.· Gr.ACF~ b. ,fan. !>. 185!); m. April l;i, 1880, Charles S. Gallager. Res. 22-12 Talbot ..:\xe., Imlianopolis, Intl. Chil­ dren : George Temple, d. July 2, 18!!9, Lozeise and Oharks Fredorii:l.:. v. BEI:XIIAI:T, b. 3farch 9, ISGI; m. No,·. 2, 18!>8, Frances Har­ vey Gray. Res. Elmhurst, L. I. Yi. Gt:01:GE FmmEmc, b. Aug. :?G, l SG:~: cL ,Tnly 8. 18iG. vii. Cn.rnu:s RooE1uc, b.• July 13, 1865. ..:\.ddress, :?;3i Broad~ay, :New York. ,;ii. KA n: )L\m:r.rx..-:. b. )farch 1 G, 18GS; d. Sept. :?I, 186!>. ix. l!EXRY L~:E, b.• July ;:!;j, 1-870. Res. Elmhurst. 254 C-1:'R'GS FLOl"D9 (Abra!tam,1 Richard,• Ab1·alwrn," Richai·d,4 Thonucs, • .Archelan.•, • Jonm:, 7 George") of Chariton, Iowa, denier in harness and sad

ii. CLARA STELLA, b. Ang. 3, 1855; m. Sept. 23, ]874, --­ Livermore, and d. at Chariton, Iowa, Aug. 22, 18!!4. Child: Burdette Temple, b ••Tu!y 13, 1878.. In Oregon. iii. EDWARD F1.0YD, b. l\I:iy 1, 1857; m. Oct. 2!J, 18!Ji, Mary Lyilia. dnu. of E. Brodrick of Ch:iriton. At one time owned aml published "The Dairy Farmer." He is a printer and foreman on the " Democl".it" at Chariton. No children. 407, iv. STE1•m:N De>t:HLAs, b. Oct. 16, 185!!. v. HELEN ADELAIDE, b. Oct. 22, 1861: m. Oct. 6, 1886, Arthur N. Parsons of Burlington, Iowa, who has been with the Am. Exp. Co. since 1884. Res. 1027 E 2d St., Duluth, Minn. Children: Genevieve, b. l\Iay 11, 1888. Adelaide, b. Aug. 29, lS!J.5. vi. Loc1sF. FORREST, b. Oct. 10, 1863; m. June 30, 18!J0, Edward O. Finch, lawyer. Res. Seattle, Wash. Child: Helen, b. Jan. 3, 18!!3.

255 AUGUSTUS DODGE" ( Abra/tarn, 1 Ricliard, • Abraham,• Rick­ ard,4 Thomas,' .ilrckelaits,' Jona.s,7 Geo1·ge•) of Kingman, Kan­ sas, was born at Burlington, Iowa, Nov. 8, 1840. He married at Pleasant Plains, )lo., Oct. 22, 1857, Julia Ann (born Oct. 5, 1843, at Painesville, O.) daughter of )loses Porter anu Abby (Tillman) Swett, both of whom died in Chariton, Iowa. In his youth Augustus D.• worked in a printing office, post-office and a bank. Beginning with 1860 his career includes an experience as clothing merchant, bank clerk and bookkeeper, express messenger, bank cashier and manager ( at Creston, Ia.). He wns very success­ ful and a leading busineiss man in Creston for ten years. He was honorary chief of the fire department, 11ircctor :ind secretary of the library asisociation, treasurer, school director, director and treasurer of the Creston & Sioux City R'y. In 1881 he removed to Burling­ ton, Ia., where he wns secretary of the Home Life Association. He removed to Kingman, Kan., in 1886, where he died Aug. 19, 1889. He was a :Mason and Knight Templar. His widow resides near Varner, Kan. Children: 4C8, i. r'R.\."K Ai:;Gi:;sTus,10 h. Feb. 2-l. 1861, at Ottumwa, Iowa. ii. F.\XNIE Fom,ST, b. Feb. G, 18G3, at Ottumwa; m. George R. Fear. Rt.-s. Kingman, Kan. iii. ZELLA l\IA1tcEJ.I:-E, b. ~ov. !J, 1866, at Ottumwa; d. June 10, 1881. iv. NETTlE ELEANOR, b. Feb. 24, 186!!, at Chariton, Iowa; m. :May l!J, 188!1, Frederick .Tcwett Proctor. Res. Evansville, Ind. Children: Cln.ra Eleanor. b. l\Iay 13, 1890. Lewis Temple, b. Xov. 28, 1892. Frederick Jewett, b. Feb. 4, 1895. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 13.l

v. ELIZABETH, b. Oct. 23, 1872, at Creston, Iowa; m. Feb. 7, 1892, Charles Albert Sheely. P. O. address, .Aline, Ok. Terr. Chil­ dren: Lewis .Augustus, b. Aug. 11, 1893. Nettz°e 1Jfa9, b. June 16, 1895. Cl1arles Harold, b. }!arch 19, 1898. vi. GEORGE PORTER, b. Nov. 27, 1874, at Creston; single. Res. Varner, Kansas. vii. ABBY RlTA, b. Oct.14, 1880,at Burlington, Iowa. Res. Varner.

256 NELSON9 (Abraltam, 1 Ricltard, • Abraltam,' Richard,' Tltomas,• William.' Daniel,' Heber") of Pratt's Hollow, Madison County, N. ):., carpenter and joiner, was born there July 21, 1834. He married, Jan. 2, 1860, :Marcia M., daughter of Rev. Elijah Porter Beebe of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children: i. LETTIE IosE,10 b. Aug. 26, 1860; d. at the age of 8. ii. FRED EcG•:sE, b. Sept. 25, 1862 ; m. Katie, dao. af Alfred G. Cook of Pratt's Hollow, N. Y. Fred E.10 is a carpenter and joiner. Res. Pratt's Hollow.

25', SQUIRE l\.!Aso:s' ( .Abraltam,' Ricltard, • .Abraham, 3 Richard,• Thonms,• William,° .Daniel,' Solomon") of Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y., fruit grower and farmer, was born in Smithfield, Madison County, N. Y., l\fay 30, 1821. He married, June 4, 1844, Sarah Charlotte (born Sept. 23, 1825), daughter of George and Lucinda. Parkhurst of Siloam, N. Y. Squire l\L • resided in Smithfield until 1856, when he removed to a farm in Augusta, Oneida County, where he remained twenty-eight years, removing then to Vernon. Children: i. l\fanr Lccn."DA,10 b. .April 27, 18-!7; not married. Res. Ver­ non, N. Y. ii ELVA VmoQUA, b. July 2. 1852; m. ,June 7, 1876, Warren Sl1epard Hinman. Res. Vernon. Children: Ira J., b. :l}fuy II, 1882. Stanley Temple, b. Oct. 2-!, 1889. ill. HORATIO SEY.llOCR, b. Sept. 23, 1861 ; telegr:tpher.

25S 9 3 EmnN (Abra/tam,' Ricltard, • Abraham , Richard,• Tltomas, • William,° Daniel,' Russell") of Log:m, Grand Forks County, N. D., was born in Chatham(?), Tioga County, Pa., Jan. 11, 1827. He married, Jan. 23, 1851, .Martha (born Jan. 16, 1825), daughter of Gilbert Burton Owlett, who came from Crnbrash, Kent County, England. Post-office address of Edwin• is Kempton, N. D. 132 TEltl'LE GENEALOGY. Children: i. I-lEmro:ir,10 b. ,July 24, 1853; not married. Is nn extensive far­ mer and wheat grower, Logan, N. D. ii. HEu:s REIIECCA, b. Oct. 22, 1854; m. Edward Soule. Res. Wilkinson St., Saginaw, :Mich. Children: William :ind Bertl,a. iii. FnAsc~:s A)tELIA, b. ,Tune 7, 18ii6; m. l\Ielvin Henry Gibson, and is dead. No living children. iv. EDGAR Luoov,c, b. Oct. 16. 1857; not.,marrlcd. 409. v. ALVA Bu1tTo:-, b. Nov.,;, 1861. vi. Wn.LIA)I Sm:mux, h. Dec. 22, 1864; d. l\Iay 28, 186ii. vii. IDA ELIZABETn, b. Aug. 6, 1867; m. Charles William ,Jones. Res. 62 E. Panntley St., Corning, N. Y. Children: Ruby, Dorman and Zelma. 259 OscAR FtT'.lAL"\"\'Tii9 (Abra/tam,' Riclwrd, •Abraham,,• Richard,• Thoma,

NOTE ON TREDWAY FA3ULY (SPELLED ALSO TREADW.\Y AXD TREADA­ WAY). NATUANrEL,1 of Sudbury and ,vatertown, l\!as$., married in Sudbury, Sufferance, daughter of Elder Edward Howe of Watertown; died ,July 20, 1689. Cl1ilclre11 : · i. ,JON,\TUAN,2 b. Nov. 11, 1640. ii. l\fam·. b. Aug. 1, 1642; m. (l)JohnFisher; m. (2) Tim II:iwkes. iii ••J,um~, prob. no issue. iv. ELIZABETH, b. April 3, 1646; m. 166-1, Sbuclroch Hapg-ood. v. ,JosrArr, m. (1) 1674, Sumh Sweetmun (d.16~7); m. (2) 1698, Dorothy Cutler. Hud daughter, who m. --- Howard. vi. LYDIA, m. 1667, ,Josiah ,Jones. vii. D&uon.rn, b. Aug. 2, l!i57; m. 1680, ,Joseph Godd:trcl.

,JoNA TIIAN2 ( Natl1aniel1), of l\IedJielcl und Sudbury, 71.Iu.~s., married, }\farch l, 1666. at 71Iediield, ,Judith --- (died in Framingham, l\Iu.~s., Oct. 12, 1726), :md died l\fay 28, 1710. Children: i. Lmr,1.,8 b. Sept. 8, 1667: d •. l\farch 29. 1703. ii. KA TII.\XH:L, b. Dec. 2, l 668; d. an infant. iii. ,JONATHAN, b. 1670. iv. ,TAm:s, b. Oct. 26, 1676. .v. I!Axx,ur, b. ,June 14, l 680: vi. Ermam, b. Nov. 14, 1681. Yii. H1LD,\ll, b. Nov. I, 1687; m. Benjamin Lambert of Barnstable, l\fass. Yiii. BENJ,, b. l 690(?).

8 1 2 BEXJ.rnrx (Nathaniel, .fonathan ). of Framingham, }\fass .• married. April 19, 1714. l\fary (died Nov. 27, 17!i6), daughter of ,John l\fayword; was selectman in 1737. Children: i. l-I,1.xx,rn.• b. l\farch 19. 1714-1.'1; m. 1738, ,Josiah Puffer. ii. l\Lun-, b: l\fay 16, 1718: m. 17:JG, Thomas )foare. iii. At:J<:AIL, b. Dec. 2, I 719: m. l 7-12, William Puffer of Sudbury. iv. ,JoNATII.\N, b. l\fay 21, 1721. v. Infant, b. l 724. vi. ,Juo1Ti1, h. ,July 5, 1728; m. 1754, at 'Westminster, 3Iass., Nathaniel Seaver. vii .•T.urns, b•. Aug. 18, 1730: cl. 17:30. Yiii. BEcL,ur, b. Jan. 26, 1733; m. 1749. at Sudbury. ,Josiah Good­ now.

4 3 ,ToNATITA:<, (Nathaniel,1 Jonatha11,= Benjamin ), of Hopkinton, l\fass., m.-irried Eli7.abeth, cfaughter of ,John Hayden of Hopkintou, uml died before I 758. Children: i. Euz.\m:Tn,6 b. April Ii, 1745. ii. l\L\RY, b. April 7, 1747. iii. LccY, b. l\!arch JO, 1751. iv. li.\.!>"NAII, b:ip. 1758. v. BE.'iJAlIL'i', b. May 15, 1758. 10 134 TE:III'LE GE.~A~OGY.

2 8 4 BENJA::iu:s6 (Natltaniel,1 Jonatltan, Be11Jamin, Jonaihan ), of Westmins­ ter, 1\Iass., :mcl Rutland. :N. Y., married 1770(?), Hannah Stacy (died l\farch 31, 1810): was in H:tlifa.x_ Vt., 1789, Charleston, N. Y., 1801; dfod at Rutl:wcl, 182-1(?). He served for Westminster in the Revolutiollllry war. Children: i. HAXN,rn.• b. :111d d. 1772. ii ••JoNATll,\N, b. Oct.10.1773. iii. SAllCEL, b. Dec. 9, 1776. iv. IL\xN.\II, b. Dec. 5, 1778. v. REC&E.'-, b .•fan. 20, 1780. ,i. S.\.LLY, b. Nov. 19, 178,i. vii ••ToHN. b. 1\fa,· 26, 1787. viii. Tmr.zA, b. April 12, 1789. ix. ElL\.'-CEL, b. ,July 15, 1791.

SA.\ICEL6 (Natl,aniel,1 J,maJ.han,2 Be11Jamin,3 Jonatliau,4 BenJamin~), of 1Yatertown, N. Y. Children: i. EDWARD,7 d. at Natural Bridge, N. Y. His son ,John resides at Natural Brid:!e. ii. RECnEX, d. at or near Toledo, o. His son Hornce resides at l\Ietamoru. 0. 111. ST'CTLEY WEEKS, b. 1805. iv. JOHNSTON. His dau. l\Iyr.i. (m. --- Fry) resides at Ogden Centre. :Mich. v. NANCY, ni.. ---Weeks.

STcTLEY WEEKS7 (Natltaniel.,1 Jonathan,2 BenJamin,8 Jonatltan,4 BenJa­ min,6 Samuel"), of Richfield, 0 .. and Lowell, Dodge Co., ""is., was born in 1Vatertown, N. Y.: married(::!) lti3,j, ,Julia Ann, daughter of Samuel Pad­ dleford of Ontario (near Kingston) and died l\Iarch 29, 1863. Children: i. WILLL\.ll H •• 8 b. 1836. ii. NANCY. b. 1840. iii. A.•rnitE\\" B., b. l\Iarch 1, 18-1-1. iv. l\L\.ItTUA, b. 1846. - v. I-lAmm:T F •• b. 1850. vi. CnAnLES ST.CTLEY, b. Sept. 21, 'Wautoma, Wis.; m. Nov. 3, 1877, Currie A., dau. of B. H. Britton, of Nor-.i Sprin!!l', Iowa. Res. Hutehinson, l\Iinn. Children: W-t.1: Stutle9, "'b. Nov. 22, 1879, at Xoru Springs. Leo Amelia, b. Aug. 22, 1881, at Xora Springs. Britton Cooper, b. Au~. 3, 18:J9, at llutehinson, 1\Iinn. ~

6 ~\.-.DREW B.8 (Natltanie~1 ,fonatl,a,i,2 Be11Jamin,8 Jonatl,an,• Benjamin, Samuel,° Stutle!l), of )lonteviclco, )!inn., wholesale grain denier, wus born in Richfield, Ohio. Ile married, .Tan. 1, l 8G8, .Josephine l\I., cluui:hter of Rev. Frcdcriek Sweet of Lowell, "·is. Sen·ed in the civil war, private in Co. K, :}9th Reg. Wis. Vols.; first ser<,;eant in Co. C, 51st Reg. WL..., Vols. Children: i. STt:TLEY WEEKs,9 b. Feb. 20, 1869, at :l\IcGregor, Ia.; m. Feb- TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 135

11, 1899, Gracia Katl1erine, (b. l\farch 4, 1876), dau. of Hirnm E. :incl .Jennie Temple Ho:irrl of l\Iontevideo, ancl niece of ex­ Go,·. Hoard of Wi.consin. Ile is a wholesale ~rrnin dealer. ii. EVERETT l\IA:-.x.rxo, b. Dec. 1:2, 1870, at Posn-ille, Iowa; m. Feb. 4, 189!1. at Duluth, l\Iinn., l\Iarthn Brinkharclt; occu­ pation, druggist. Res. 101 Superior St., West Duluth, .l\Iinn.

260 SILAS WRIGHT" (Abraham, 1 Ricliard,2 Abraham/ Rickard,' Thomas,• TVi"lliam," .Daniel,' 1v7lliam"), of :Mauston, "\Vis., was born in .Mawson County, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1843. He married, Dec. 24, 18137, l\Iary Hester 'Winsor at :Mauston. She wed April 7, 1885. He served through the ci\·il ,'l'ar. belonging to Co. K, 6th 'Wisconsin Infantry, Iron Brigade. He died K ov; 26, 1892, at Charleston, S. C. Children: i. l\Lmr Locrsi::,10 b. Aug. 10, lSG!l: m. Oct. 14, 1888, Bradford D:n·id Turner :lt Ouk Valley, Otter Tull Co., Minn. Res. 'Wrightstown, l\Iinn. Children: Oscar Fa9, b. l\Iay 15, 188!1. Ina Irene, b. ,Jan. 26, 1896. LIO!Jd Field, b. July 28, 1897. ii L.._A :!II., b . .April 27, 1S70. P. O. Wrightstown, :il!inn•. 261 .ALFRED BAR.'\"'ARD9 (Abraham, 1 Richard, 2 .Abraham,• Richard,• Thomas,• 1Villiam,6 Barnard,' ..:.Yapoleon") of Ensign, Delta County, l\lich., farmer nnd lumberman, was born in Otsego County, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1838. He married, 1861, Josephine, daughter of John F. Kewell of :\Ii!J L., b. March 3, 1891. CUoe E., b. ,June 13, 1892. 136 TE:\IPLE GENEALOGY.

iv. WtJ.LL\)t l\I., b. l\Io.y 13, 18i0; res. Cook's Mill, Co .• l\Iich. v. BLA:-;cm: S., b. l\fay 2:J, 18i2; m. :Nov. 7, 18!J,5, Reuben C. l\fankt~. Res. Rapid Rh·er. l\Iicb. Child: Newell O., b. ~ov. 20. 18!Jli. vi. V,\:s;,;•:ss .L., b. ,July 18, 18i6. vii. VERXE C .. b. Au~. G, 1883. viii. EoX,\ C., b. Oct. ':w, 188G: d. young. ix. I:Ieu:x l\I., b. ,Tau. 20, 18!J4.

262 :MARvn.' Fox• (Abraliam,' Ricltard,' Abraham,' Ricltarcl,' Tliomais,' lVilliam," Barnm·d,1 lllwwe1w") of Temple, Texas, civil engineer, was l,orn in :Munnsville, N. Y., )lnrch 16, 1846. He married (1) Dec. 6, 18i9, Emmeline (born Sept. li, 1838), dau~hter of David )Iorton of Owensboro', Ky. She died Nov. 8, 1885. He married (2) Dec. 12, 18!15, Ellen Hill (widow). He has been for several years in the employ of the A. T. & S. F. Ry. Children: i. l\fanv1x AU.F.Ex,10 b. )fav 2i. 1883: d. Dec. 14, 1889. ii. JU,\ItIOX )hnGARET, b. Dec. G, 1896.

263 HEXr.Y STILLlL\:S9 (Abral,am,' Ricltard,• .Abral,am,• Riclwnl,4 Tlwma.,, • JVilliam, • Barnard,' ..:.1£ar.,emt;) of :Milwaukee, "\V'is., clerk for C. :\I. & St. Paul Rv., was born at l\Iunnsvillc, N. Y., Sept. 2i, I85i. He married, ·,Tune 5, 18H4, Annie :Marion ,Jacobs of ·wauwatosa, "\Yi!!. He studied in the U.S. Naval .A.::adcnw at Annapolis, was clerk in the State, "\Yar and Na-..-y Departments at '\V' ashington, and is now chief inspector of the Chicago Car Service Association. Children: i. E,u:L STILLlL\:,,-.10 b. Sept. 21, 1896. ii. )Lum,, b. ,Jan. 24, 1898; cl. 1\farch 19, 1899.

264 Eow1.-. GEORGE" ( Abraltam,' Richai·cl, • Ab,·al1am, • Ricl1ard, • Tlto11ws; lf"".illiam," Bernard,' .1.11ar.~ena") of Chicago, Ill., was born at :Munnsville, N. Y., .fon. i, 1862. He married, Oct. 26, 1892, )fary Ellen Faunce of Plymouth, They reside at 1533 Addison Street, Chicago. Child: L l\lA.R.TORIE,10 b. Dec. 26, 1895. TJUIPLE GENEALOGY, 137

265 GEORGE ALDRICil9 (Abraham, 1 Ricka1•d, •.Abraham,• Ricl1ard, • Tko111rt.~,6 JVUliam,• lVilliron, 1 Seti,") of Phamix :Mills, N. Y., wat! born in Cooperstown, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1841. He married, April 10, 18il, Ellen Kathleen Parker, born Sept. 23, 1849, who is employed in the Pension Office at ·w ashington, D. C. Children: i. BmTRAlt G•:ono•:.10 b .•July 2!l, 18i2: d. }fay IS, 189i. ii. WILLIAlr, b. April 1:i, 18i4: d. Oct. 19, 11:Si;j, iii. F,\YETTE PARKER, b. Sept. 14, 18i8. Res. W:i.shington, D. C.

266 SEm DEw1n• (Abraliam,' Rickard,' .Abraham,• Ricltarrl,• Thomas,' William,• 1Villiam,' Set/1") of Phami.~ Mills, N. Y., was born in Cooperstown, X. Y., Feb. 21, 18.54. He married, Dec. 25, 1882, Kate Southard (born March 18, 1857). He is employed in the Index :Mill. Children: i. CAIIL,10 b. ,Tune 30, 1888. ii. CLAUD, b. Oct. 21, 18!"10. 267 CHARLES A. 9 (Abraham, 1 Rickard,• Abraham,• Richard,• Thoma.<,• Frederick,• Era,

268 9 1 STEPilEN ELI,Un ( Abraham, Rickrtrd, • Ab1·alwm, • Richarrl, • lVilliam, • ,fo.

269 CJL\RLES Sm~"ER1 (Abraham,' Richard,• Abraham.,• Rich­ ard,• JVilliam, • Joseph,• Stephen,' .Alexander") of Upton, Mass., was born there April 28, 1852. He married, April 26, 18i5, Victoria A. Felker. He worked at shoe-makin~ several years and then went into the grocery business, first in "\V cstboro', Mass. He is now proprietor of the Boston Branch Grocery of Upton. Child: i. Emu .T.• 10 b. l\farcb 1, 18i6; m. George J. Eames. Res. Marl­ boro', )lass. 270 Dome' (Abraham,' Richard,• Abi-alwm,• Richard,' William,• Stepl1e11,• Step/ten,' Step/ten") of Sugar Grove, Pa., was born near Hatfield, )lass., .Jan. 29, 1814. He married, Oct. 2i, 1836, Sarah l\IcNett (born in )lassachusctts, April 2i, lSli) of Stock­ ton, N. Y. Doric• went to Stockton in 1830 to learn the trades of tanner, currier and shoe-making, and follo,vcd the business until 18i3, when he became compounder of medicines. He died June 19, 1880, in Sugar Grove. She died :Nov. 4, 1891. Children: i . .,\..-.,a:LIA.10 b ••July 4, 1838: m. Charles C. Abbott. Res. Rich­ burg, )lcKean Co., Pa. Children : Lernuier 111., Elmer Doric :md Jllary. 412, ii. IIm.rn, b. Sept. 9, 1839. Res. Sugar Grove, Pa. iii•. ,bn:uA, b. Oct. 25, 18-12; cL .fan. :U, 1880: m. Robert Abbott of Busti. X. Y. Children: Hmtie, Saddie, illay (m. --­ .Johnston, res. Busti. X. Y. ), Wa9ne :ind Fraul.:. iv. COR:S-ELIA. h ••Tan. 9, 184-l; d. Aug. :;o, !Si;;: m. Dennison l\far­ tin, and d. August. 18i;;. Res. Beaver Dam, Wis. Chil­ dren: Fra11l.:, ~lfgrtie :111,I Nellie. ,. Am:t.IA, b ••Tune 6, 1~4i; m .•J:imes l\Iather. Res. Sugar Grove, Pa. Children : Josie, .Tames and Georqe W: vi. Dome, h. Aug. 6, 1848; tl. )Iarch :3, 1851 . .ii. SARAn, b. April 22, 13;;0: cl. .Tune 22, JS;;J. viii. Dome. b. :\larch I, 1852: d. Oct. 16, 1875. 413, ix. LY:s-:s-, b. Dec. :3, 1856. 4U, x. WAY:S-F., b. Aug. 16, 1860.

271 OTis• ( Abraham, 1 Ricliard, • Abraham,• Richard,• William,• Step/ten," Stephen,' Stephen") of Stocl..1:on, Chautauqua County, N. Y., farmer, was born in :Massachusetts in 1816( ?). He mar- TElll'LE G~'EALOGY. 139

riccl, in 1845(?), Julian Batcheller, who died June 4, 1891. He died in Stockton, Nov. 27, 1861. Children: i. Con:sELIA I.,10 b. April 17, 1846: m. Sept. 26, 1872, ,T. Erskine Webster. Res. Fredonia, N. Y. Child: Ben Temple, b. Nov. 13, 1875. 415, ii. JosErn EVERED, b. l\farch 25, 1852.

272 Cn,\RLF.S F.' (.Abraltam,' Richard,• .Abraham,• Richard,• William,• Stephen," Steplten,7 Stepl1en") of Sugar Grove, Pa., shoemaker, was born in Pomfret, N. Y., :May 25, 1820. He mar­ ried, Jan. 11, 1843, :Melissa (daughter of Xavier Abbott), who was born in Pequammock, N. Y. Children: i ADA,10 b .•Tuly 4, 1847; .m. W. H. l\foCollin of Phila'1elphia. CI1ildren: 1lfaggie. b. 1871; d. 187::!. Charles, b. 187:;; d. 1875. William X, b • .Ang. 7; 1875. Allan, b. 1881; d. 1883. Paul Pha!bos, B: .Aug. 7, 188-!. 416, ii DEFOREST CHARLES. . 273 JAl!F.S G,\RD,."ER9 (.Ab1·aham,' Richard/ .Abraham,• Rickard,' William,' Stephen," Stephen,7 Step/ten•) of Nashua, Iowa, was born in Pomfret, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1821. He married, April 10, 1855, Rosina, daughter of Luther Pierce. He is a fo.rmer. He settled on a farm in Fremont, Butler Co., Iowa, in 1855, and re­ moved to Nashua in :May, 1895. Children: i. CARRA .J.,10 b. Oct. 31, 1859: sin~Ie. ii CnAnr.Es LcTirnR, b. .Aug. 6, 1862: m. April I.'i. 1893, Nellie H. Fowler. No children. Res. Nash11:1, Iowa.

274 FREEllAN9 (Abralwm,' Richard,• .Abraham,• Richai·d,' Wil­ lia,n, • Stephen," Stephen,' Jcnnes") of Pinto, Ill., farmer, was born in Buckl:tnd, l\Iass., ,June 7, 1806. He lived in Chenango, N. Y., in 1831, and removed to Plato in 1844. He married,. Oct. 31, 1829, S:ibron, daughter of Nath:tniel Lee of Zoar, :Mass., and died in Plato in 1857. Children: (17, i. EDWARD FABEn,10 b. Oct. 24, 1831. Re~. N:ishua, Iowa. 08, ii. J..urns R., b. l\Iay 4. 18:33; d. about 1863. Two sons, Clark, Union, Iowa; Jefferson, Dysart, Iowa. 140 TEltl'LE GENEALOGY.

iii. Eow1.s F1m1,l1A.s, h. 18:J5;

275 STEr1-rn.s• (.Ab1·rtham, 1 Riclwra,, .Abraltrtm,• Richard,' Wil­ limn,• Stephen," Stephen,' Jame.~•) of Ridgeway, Orleans Co., N. Y. He married Lucy ~Icrchnnt. Children: i. GEOJic:E.10 single. ii. "'ILLI.\ll• .1. ---: m. Harriet I-Iuuver. Children: Eva, m. ---"'ilson : res. Binghamton, N. Y. Widow m. --- ··· Shearer; res. Biughamtou. lll. ,T AlH:S. h·. l\L\1:Y. m. Emorv Shearer. Chilil: Fred, res. Ri,1;.:ew:w, N. Y. v. OLJ\'Is ,J., h. 11:14°::l: cl. Oct. 21i. 188i: m. 8ept. J:3. IXGS: George • Goose. Chil,lren: LUC?/ Et/,el. m. ,January, 18(19, Lee I. "'ells: res. lfol;.:eway. ,1/aud Estella, m. ,J. B.; res. Hi,l;.:eway. Ralph IV. E •• a. 1889. vi. F1rn1rnAx. ,!. ---: 111. Nellie Searles. Children: Lena. Ora, res. Barkers. Niagara Co., N. Y. vii. ALI.IEltT, m. ,Jessie ,Jackson. Child: Albert, res. San ,Jose, Cal.

276 9 1 HE:SRY RE'.:\UXGTOX ( .Al,ralimu, Riclwrd, • .Abraham," Rich­ ard,' lVi:Uia-n,,> Steplien," St,:plten,7 ,fotlmrn") of Taylor, N. Y., was born in Owego, N. Y., ~ov. 10, 18:3!J. He married (1) in June, 1860, Elinor Brown of Cheshire, )lass.; (2) June, 11:ii4, Jane Warner of Willet, Cortlan

277 ,YILLL\:119 (.Abmlwm.,' Rfr!tard,• .Abraltam,• Richard,' Wil­ liwn, • Steplten," Step/ten,' ,Totluun") of Port Dickinson, N. Y., commercial traveller, was born in Binghamton, N. Y., Aug. 11, TKl\ll'LE GENEALOGY. 141

1843. He mnrricd (1) Dec. 6, 1862, Jnnc Bongle (died .Mnrch 2!), 1884); mnrricd (2) April 7, 1886, Josephine (born Feb. 2, 1845), daughter of L. :Fletcher. Children: i. LULA P.,10 b. Nov. G, 18fl3; m. Fred. A. 'Wl1itc, printer. Res. Binghamton, N. Y. Children: .Arthur and Francis. ii. Eow1x L., b. ,Juno 12, 18GG; single; cigar m11I1u.fucturer in Chimgo. iii. Su::1,L-. .I!'., b. l\Iurch 4, 1876.

278 SIDNEY R. 0 (Abraham', Richard', Abraham•, Rickari!.,' Wil­ 8 liam,• Stephen," Stephen,' Jotlumi ) of Savoy, :Mass., black­ smith, was born in Triangle, Broome County, N. Y., ,July 21, 1847. He married, in South Pownal, Vt., ,July 6, 1879, Julia .A., daugh­ ter of Thomas D. Sprague of '\Villiam1:1town, :Mass. Children: i. FA!\"NY,10 b. April 10. 1881: d. 1887. ii. SmxEr E., b. Sept. 11, 1883; d; Sept. 3, 1884..

279 GEORGE9 (Abralwrn, 1 Richard,• Abraliam," Ricltard,' Wil­ liain, • Stepl1en,8 Stephen.' ,lotl1mn") of Port Dickinson, N. Y., blackc;mith, was bqrn in Binghamton, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1858. He married, )larch 6, 1882, Elma d. of .Amory '\Varner. Child: i. ELEAXOn,10 b. Aug. 10, 1883.

280 ,rxLLIA:II WALLACE" (.Abrrtltrtm,' Rfrlwrd,' Abraham," Rick­ m·d,' iVillia111,• Stepl1e11,• Palmer C'olumb1ts/ Tlwmas J.') of l\'i:cCracken, Rush County, Kan., W:tt! born in Pnvilion, N. Y., Feb. 1:2, 184:2. He

v. ADA ALICE, h. Dec. 18, 18i0; m. ,Jnn. 22, 1888, Thomru; M. Purcell. Res. l\IcCrncken, Knnsus. Children : Edna, Oleo Fay nnd ,lfay Belle. ,·i. WiLLlAll L .. b. Oct. 2i, 18i2; married nncl has children. ,;i, LAURA, b. Feb. 21, 18i;j; m. Oct. :3, 189-l, W. IL Rynn. Res. l\IcCrnckcn. Child : Ernest Glen. viii. BERTH.\ 01t,rn, b. l\farch 11, 18i7: m. 1\fay 2, 189-l, ,John R. Lovitt. Res. Olmutz, Knnsa.~. Children: l.,eo11ard J. and Ralplt. ix. Fr.onEXCE InEXE, b. April 22, 18i9; single; assistnnt in P.O., l\fapleton, Iowa. X, l\IERRITT TUOlL\S, b. Jnn. 5, 1882.

281 PALlrER Cor.mmus• (Abrrrlwm, 1 Ric/1rrrd,• Abrrrham,• Rich­ ard,' lVillhnn, • Steplten, • Palmer Golumbu.•,' Thoma.• J. ") of Hebron, Ind., fam1er, wns born in Pavilion, N. Y., llfay 4, 1843. He married, llfay 23, 186i, ,Jennett L. Briggs. Child: i. IDA 1\IA Y,10 b. lfay i, 18i0: m. ,fan. 11. 188i, David L. Dilley. Res. Hebron, In,l. Children : .J/a!Jel. b. Oct. :3, 188i; d. Feb. 11, 1Xll8. Jessie, b. Feh. 17, 1889. Jfarion, Feh. 22. 1891. Francis, b. Sept. 5, 189-l. .4.daliue, b ••July 21, 1898,

282 Lnu-s• (Abralann, 1 Ricltrt.rd,• Abraliam,• Rich,,rd,' Wil­ lirm1, • Stephen," Palmer,' Tlt9ma.<") of Indian Spring11, ::\Jo., farmer, was born at Eagle Creek, Lake County, Ind., April 22, 1846. He married, Dec. 25, 1867, Louisa. Greggs. Children: .U9. i. EDWARD Lnr,\:,.,10 h .•Jan. li, 18G9. ii. Lt:OXAltD ,lAsox, b. Dec. 1-l, 1870: m. Xov. 10, 189;i, Corn E., d:iu. of William Hill. Res. A \"OC:L, Ark. Clerk. No chilclren. iii. LOTTIE .J., h. April 1:3. 11'.17,J; m. Aug. l;j, 1892, L. I-I. Downs. Res. Grenoble. Kansas. iv. ALlIA, b. Aug. 6. 18i;i. v. GRACE, b .•June 8. 1878. vi. :MILLS, b. Au::. 8, 11-182. vii. BntT. h. Aug: 8, 181'.16. viii. FAY, b. Feb. J;i, l 8!J0. ix. CnARLEs, b. Oct. 8, 1891. x. LAw1u:xcE, b. ,June 28. 1893. xi. STEI.LA, b. Nov. 11, 189:;. xii. WILLARD, b. Aug. 28, 1898. TEllPLE GENEALOGY. 143

283 TnOlIAS ,JEFFEI'.SON° ( Ab1•aham,' Richard,• Abmhrtm,3 Riclt­ ard,' 1Villirw,, • Stephen,° Palmer Oolwnbus, 1 Thomcu .I.•) of McCracken, Knn., farmer, wns born nt Eng-le Creek, Lake Co., Ind., Oct. 8, 1848. He married, Oct. 14, 18ii, :Mnry ,Jane (bom in Eagleville, l\Io., l\forch 23, 1858), daughter of ,Tncob Gillpat­ rick. She died Sept. 28, 1893. Thomas ,J. 0 hns also resided at Eagleville, l\Io., Boone Grove, Ind., and Hebron, Ind. Children: i. HARRIET Er.mNA,10 b. Aug. 1:3, 1Si8. ii. BERTIIA 0LIVI>, b .•Ju]y 8, 1880. iii. No1tA EsTELLA, b. l\I:irch 4. 1882; d. Aug. 25, 1883. iv. Leu; A1.1cr.. b. April 22, 1883. v. GE1tTm:o~: l\Ln-. b. Aug. Ii, 1884. vi. OTTO FmmERICK. b. Oct. l !). 1886. vii. ConA BELu:. h. l\Ia,· Ii, 1889. viii. FnAXK DEF~ b. April 11. 18!!2; d. Sept. 18, 1892. ix. l\lY!tTLE ETHEL, b. ,July i, 18!J3.

284 ,JAl!ES l\Io:-.-r.oE" (Abraham,' Rickard,• Abraham,3 Richard,• William,' Stepl1en," Palme,· Oolwmbn.v,' Tltomrr,.~ J.') of Bazine, Ness Countv, Kan., merchant, was born at Ea:?le Creek, Lake County, Inl, l\Iay 25, 1852. He mnrried, ..:\priC2, 18i9, Hester Downes. He went to Kansas in 188-!. In 1890 he was elected probate judge of N css County and served four years. He has also farmed. Children: i. FLOrn .T •• 10 b•• Tan. :z,;, 1881. ii. Bmorn G., b.• July 1s; 1886. iii. RALl'II E., b. Jan. 10, 18!J6.

285 ,TEROlIE ,J.• (Abraham,' Richard,• Abraham,3 Richard,' Wil­ liain,• Step/ten," Palmer Oolumbu.~, 1 Thoma,« J.') of Dabncys, Louisa County, Ya., farmer, was born at Ea~le Creek, Ind., July 9, 185-!. He married, Jan. 1, 1878, l\I. J. Henderson. Children: i. V10L.\. ll.. 10 b .•Tune 27. 1880. ii. Non.\ D- b. ,Juh· 18, 1881. iii. llELv1:s .J •• b. Oct. 21. 1~83. iv. EltORY B .• b. l\fav 22. 18~-5. v. Ct.l:STO:S R., b. S~pt. l!l. 18Si. ,i. EARL S., b. Sept. 5, 1897. 144 TEMJ>LE Gru.'"E..\LOGY.

286 WARREN WILLAm>9 (.Abraltam, 1 Richm·d,' .Abmham, 3 Ricli­ ard,• William,• Stephen,• Palmer Oolumbns, 1 Tlw11m.~ .f. •) of l\IcCrncken, Kan., farmer and carpenter, wns bom at Eagle Creek. Ind., April 21, 1861. He married, Feb. 6, 1884, Hattie P. Lane (bom Nov. 9, 1859) of La\\Tence, Van Buren County, Mich. Children: i. LLOYD l\!ERLE.10 b. l\fav 4, 1885. iL !DA Gn.\CE, b. June 9, isn. 287 S,tJIUEL WII..L.\RD9 (.Abraham,1 Richard," .Abraham,• Rick­ ai·d,' lVilliam,• Steplten,6 Palmer,1 Samuel') of Tecumseh, l\Iieh., was born April li, 1834. He married ( 1) Aug. 3, 1859, Emma Willard (born Feb. 2, 1841, and died Oct. li, 11:iil), daughter of Elijah R. and Dorcas (Murr-.ty) Crossman ; married (2) Hettie Amelia (born Sept. 2i, 11:!50), daughter of Silas W. and Alvarilda (Brown) Smith. Children: i. CnARLF.S W!LLARD,10 b. Feb. 2, 1861; cl. l\Iay 29, 18G6. 420, ii. HERBERT l\foRTDIEr., b. Oct. 17, 181i4. iii. CL.\t.:Dn:s W1LLA1m. b .•Jun. 17. 1869. iv. LILLIAX E,mA, b. Sept. 2,5, ll:!70: ,I. Sept. 27, 1871. v. SA)lt.:EL "·1LLA1m. h. Au!,!'. 1,,, ll:!7 4: •t:-1875. vi. LEOX EARL, b. April 7, lti79. Res. Tecumseh, )Iich.

288 ,JEROllE B. 0 (.Abraham,' Richard," .Abraham,• Richard,' William,• Stepheu,• Palmer Q,,/umlm.~, 1 Othuiel T.") of ~trat­ ton, Vt., farmer, was born at '.Ylute Creek, X. Y., ,Tan. 10, 1835. He married, Dec. 12, 185i, Ellen ~I. Smith of Stratton. Children: i. .ADELATDF..10 h. l\lav IG. 18;j!J: ,l. IX61. ii. WALTER E., b. De°c. 12, ll:!GO: m. V:190, Elizabeth Sampson. Res. State Farm, l\fas.~. Xo chil

Children: i. CLARA BELL.10 b .•July 3, 1861; cl. 1862. ii. RosELL.\, b. Oct.10.1864; m. April 4, 1884, George William .Jamieson. Res. Wayne, l\Iich. Children: George W., b. June 20, 1886. Jennie L., b. April 2, 1888. Mary, b. Jan. 1, 18!l0. Paul Clark, b. Feb. 26, 1896. iii. Aue~:, b. April 13, 1866; m ••James l\Iurry l\Iix. Res. 80i 24th St., Detroit, l\Iich. Children: Vinnie Ma9, b. Feb. 22, 1892. Esther Temple, b. ,Jan. 31, 189i. 421. iv. Fn.\!>n:, b. Feb. 28, 1869. Res. Wayne, l\Iich. v. RunY l\L\Y, b. l\Iay 20, 1Si2; m. J. Smith. Res. 612 Clllrk Ave., Detroit, l\Iich. vi. ,JULIA, b. l\Iarch 1, 18i5; d. Sept. l, 1884. vii. ELIZABETII. b. ,fan. l 6, I Si8. viii. Gn,\CE, b. Oct. i, 1881; cl. Nov. 29, 18!!8. ix• .A. WILLIA)r, b. Feb. 18, 1884. x. BESSIE G., b. Dec. 10, 1887.

290 RonERT Srn:i,"EY9 (Abraham', Ricliard', Abraham•, Rickard', William,• Stepl1en, • Palmer 0., 1 ·oelmiel T. •) of l\faple Rapids, l\Iich., f.mner, was born in Sunderland, Vt:, June 11, 1842. He married, in .Aug. 1868, )fo.ry E. Bliss (born 'March 15, 1849, and died )larch 15, 1886). He served in the Civil War (3d ::Mich. Vols., Co. L., Department of the :.\lississippi) and is now· a pen­ sioner. Children: i. ADA BELLE.10 b. ,Tuh- 22. 18i0: m•• Julv G. 188!! ••John B. Field. Child: Etl1el, b. Sept. 1, 1896. Res..Greenbush, Clinton Co., l\Iich. ii. .ARTllt:R E., b. ,Jan. IS, 18i3; single; with U. S. army at l\I:mila. Philippine Islan,ls. iii. l\fat:DE E., b. Oct. 26. 18ii: single. iv•• JESSIE .l\I., b. l\Iarch 30. 1880; single. i.·. FitAXK, b.• June 1, 1883.

291 1 1 3 STEPJIEX V{ARREX BATF.i- ( Abraham, Richard,• .Abraham, Rickard.' JVillimn," Steplten," Palmer 0.,7 Otlmiel T.") of Eureka, :i.\lich., farmer, w:1s born in Sunderland, Vt., Xo,. 26, 1844. He married, July 3, 1866, Celi:t Tuttle of St. Johns, )Iich. Children: i. GEOP.GE OTIIXIEL.10 b.. April 8, 1868. ii. Coit.\ .A.. b. ,June 2-!, lSi:3. iii. lIARRU:T A., b. Sept. 24, lSi.5: m. ---. iv. Sn:PIIEN ,v.mnEx BATES. b. April 3, 1882. 146 TEMPLE GE'!,'EALOGY.

292 JoRN SroXEY0 (Abraltam,' Ricltm·d,• Abra/tam,• Ricltard,• Wi'lliam,6 Steplten,6 Palmer O.,' .J.1lerritt") of Tecumseh, Mich., manufacturer, was born in Sunderland, Vt., Sept. 25, 1846. He married, Nov. 5, 1866, Helen A. Ide of Fowler, Mich. Children: i. l\L\n.Y E.,10 b. Aug. 3, 18Gi; m. Nov. 24, 189i, Louis Gaylord Acton. Res. Chicago. ii. FER.-. F., b. Oct. 14, 18i2. iii. ALICE J., b. Jan. 15, 18iG. iv. 1-IELEX l\I., b. l\lay 2,;, 18i9. v. FLOitE.-.cE D., b. l\Iurch 10, 1882. 293 9 Buss l\IERIU'lT ( Ab1·aliam, • Ricliard,• .Abraham,• Richard,• lVilliam, • Steplten,6 Palmer 0.,• .:.lfe1·ritt") of Duplainc, l\Iich., farmer, was born in Sunderland, Vt., Nov. 11, 1850. He married, June 24, 18i5, Clura Stewart of Grand Ledge, :Mich. Children: i. RALPil EUGEXE,10 b. l\farch 12, 18i8. ii. l\liLLIC}::ST Er::SESTl:SE. b•• Tuh· 12, 1880. iii. YEit:SER WILLARD. b. ,Jan. 19: 1883. i\'. CADDIE RoE, b .•July 9, 188,;. v • .ALTA ELIZABETII, b ••June 2.;, 1887. 294 HERBERT' (Abralw111,' Ricltard, • .Abralwm,3 Ricltard,' Wil­ liam,6 Steplten,6 Palmer C.; .J.llerritt") of Britton, l\lich., mer­ chant, was born in Riley, Clinton County, ~lich., Jan. 1, 1863. He married, Dec. 15, 18ti6, ~!attic Gay of Detroit, ~lich. Children: i. Vt:RA J.\L\y,10 b. April i, 1888. ii. HAZEL .L\:st:, b. Au~. 20, 11390. iii ••Jou:s ::\IERRITT. b. Au:;:. :3. 1893. iv. llEitBEJ:T Tuo:irAs, b. ~Jan·. 4. 189i.

295 WILLIA:11 Gmns• (Abraham, 1 Richard," .Abraliam., 3 Ricltard,' lVilliam,6 Steplteri,6 L,aac; lVilliam') of Brookfield, Mass., shoemaker, was born in Hopkinton, :Mass., Dec. 4, 1862. He married, ,July 30, 1888, Irene (born Dec. 8, 1$61, in Stonington, Conn.), daughter of Charles Abel Geer, who died in the Civil ·war. · Chiluren: i. ETHEL SwoPE,10 b. Aug. 31, 1889. TEMPLE GE.."i'EALOGY. 147

ii. L...-Ez Ginns, b. l\Iarch 12, 1891. iii. GILUEr.T LEROY, b. l\farch 2, 1893. iv. R.\Y Grnus, b. Nov. 29, 1896; d. 1896. 296 D,\LSTO:-. A.• (.Abraham,' Richard,' .Abraham," Richard,' William," Stephen,• Isaac,' Isaac") of '\V cstboro', l\:fass., boot­ mnker. wns born in Hopkinton, l\, Dec. 12, 1845. He mar­ ried (1) in 1867, Calestn Stone; married (2) June 8, 1872, Annie A. :McMurray, who resides at ·west Upton, l\fass. Children: 422. i. OsCAR ALBERT,10 b. Dec. 14, 1868. ii. A:s:s1E L, b. l\farch 8, 1873. Res. West Upton, l\Iass. iii. l\LI.RGAX:ET ESTELLE, b. Oct. 5, 1874. Res. West Upton. 297 E,ERETT E. • ( .Abraham, 1 Richard,• .Abraha'fl!,., • Richard,• William,' Step/ten," Itiaac,7 L~aac") of Hopkinton, l\:fass., was born there in 1848. He married, Aug. 11, 1867, Frances J:ihna.. daughter of l\Iarshall Temple of H_opkinton·. Children: i. .t\.DELBERT,10 b.• Jan. 3, 1869. ii. "-1:su·n•:D, b. ,June 3, 1870. 423. iii. Onmso:s E., b. l\farch 31, 1872. iv. HAROLD, b. Oct. 5, 1873; m. :'II. Belle Latham. Res. Hopkin­ ton, l\fass. 298 9 1 GEORGE Im"IXG ( Abraham, Richm·d, •Abraham,• Richard,• lVilliam,' Stephen," Isaac,' George") of Hopkinton, l\:fass., was born there Jan. 25. 1859. He married, in .A.u!r. 1882, l\:I. Flora Wood of Westboro', lfass., who died in 1894. He died of appen­ dicitis Oct. 25, 1890. Children: i. BL.\.--;cuE BAr.To:s,10 b. July 21, 1883, in Prov:idence. ii. IRn:sG ELLWOOD, b. Feb. 4, 1888, in Pittsburg. iii. lillEL lln-L--;E, b. June 9, 1891, in Hopkinton.

299 CL,\RE....,CE PRATT" (.Abraham, 1 Ricltard, •.Abraham,• Richard,• 'William," Step/ten," I..~aac,7 George") of Clinton, l\:Iass., was born in Hopkinton, :Mass., Jan. 12, 1866. He married, July 2, lSSi, Nellie Kendall of Clinton. 148 TEMPLE GE.~ALOGY. Children: i. 1\u.UDE Lo-cisE,10 b. Nov. 6, 1888. ii. EARL Co)tEY, b. Aug. 2, 1891; d. 1892. ill. GERTRUDE loLA, b. August, 1896.

300 WII..13ER c.• (.Abraham, 1 Ricliard,• .Abraham,• Ricliard,' William," Steplien," Isaac,' James") of Somerville, Mass., was born in Woodville, Mass., l\Iay 31, 1858. He married, Oct. 23, 1895, Bertha Ashley of Somerville. They reside at 11 Laurel St. Child: i. l\faru:ox B.,10 b. Sept. 12, 1897.

301 J,ums ALBERT" (.Abraliam, 1 Richard,• .Abraham." Richard,' William,' Stephen,° Isaac,7 James") of \Vest Upton, l\fass., was born in Hopkinton, :Mass., l\farch 26, 1860. He married, l\Iay 2, 1882, Emma F. Bi."tby of Hopkinton. Children: i. CLIFTOX .A..,10 b. Aug. 21, 188:3. ii. ELLEX, b. )lay, 1885; d. 1885. iii. l\lERTICE c., b. April 17, 1889. iv. CHESTER l\1., b .•June 26, 1892.

302 l\ILLL\lI A." (Abralwni, 1 Ricliard,• .Abralw,m,• Richard,' William,' Stephen," Isaac,7 Stephen') of \Vcstboro', l\lass., was born in Hopkinton, )lass., )larch 27, 1858. He married, Feb. 3, 1882, Sarah l\I. :Murray, who was born in Medway, Mass., Oct. 29, 1859. Children: i. WILLlA)t,10 b .•Tan. 19, 188-1, at Hopkinton, l\Iass. ii. FREDERICK ?,I., b. :\larch 5, 1888, at Hopkinton.

303 Eoruc• ( Abmham, 1 Richard,= Abraham,• Richard, ◄ William,• Stephen," Ixaac,' Steplien") of Hopkinton, )lass., was born there Oct. 21, 1861. He married Adella (born Oct. 27, 1870), daugh­ ter of :Martin Sweet of W oodvillc, :Mass. Child: i. KID-"NETH E.,10 b. Jan. 24, 1891. TE:IIPLE OE:l,"EALOGY. 149

304 GEORGE A.• ( Ab1·aharn,' Richard,• Abraltam,• Richard; William,• Stephen," Jolm,1 .Arba") of Hopkinton, l\Iass., wns born there in 1869. He mnrried Clnra Leighton of Hopkinton. Child: i. GEORGE.10 305 CHARLES HEXRY9 (.Abraham,' Ricl1ard,' .Abraham,• Ricnard,' William,' Steplieu," ,Jolm,7 Charles") of Shrewsbury, l\foss., was born Sept. 12, 1864. He mnrried Hnrriet Houghton of Hop­ kinton, l\fass. Children: i. FLORE.-.cE E.,10 b ••Tan. 28, 1891; d. .June li, 1891. ii. WALDO II., b. l\Iny 24, 1892. iii. GR.ACE l\I., b. June 2, 1894. iv. l\!ELT'n. .A., b. Nov. 14, 1896. 306 FREDEmCK FREE:llA."-" (.Abral1am,' Ric.hard,• .Ab1·aham, • Rich­ ard,' William," Steplien," John,· Oharle;s") of Shrewsbury, l\Inss., was born Dec. 14, 1871.. He married .Jennie l\IcDonald of Hopl,,-inton, )lass. Child: i. l\Ltm E.,10 b. ,June 15, 1896. 307 FR.\:l,"K E-cGE."-E" (~4.braham', Richard', .Abraham•, Ricl1ard,' William," Stephen," John; JJm:id") of Hopkinton, :Mnss., was born there )larch 2, 1872. He married, in 1894, Annie )foyers of Hopkinton. Child: i. GEORGE .A •• 10 b. 189i. 308 .ToHX .A'C'G'C'STUS" (Abraham,' Richard.= Abraham,• Richm·d,' Benjamin," Timotl1y,• Benjamin,' Timotl1?l) of Vineland, X.J., mechanic nnd manufacturer, was born in New Ips"-ich, N. H., Dec. 19, 1830. He married, Xov. 13, 1851, Louisa E. Bo'\"Ilton of :Nashua, X. H., and removed to Vineland in 1864. He i; a mem­ ber of Hobnh Lodge, I. 0. O. F ., of which he has been secretary for eighteen years. Children: 42"• i. CHARLES ELus,10 b. l\fay 14, 1853. 11 ii. ConA SARAII Lou1sA, b .•June l!l, 18;j5, in New Boston, N. II.; m. (1) Fch. 9, 18i:3, A. F. Ke11dnll, who tl. Sept. 2i, 188!J; m. (:!) ,Tune i, 18!JO, ,John ll:mcock. Children: Oscar Temple, b. Nov. 22, 18!Jl. A.mamla. b. l\fny 20, 18!J4-; d. 1804. ,Tosep!tiue, h. April 2, 18!JG. Res. So:Senville, N. ,J. 425, m. F1tED LAmtr.:-c•:, b. April :J, 18;3i. 426, iv. Osc.m Bon,To:-, b. Oct. 10, 18i0.

309 · CtIAr.LES "\VALKER9 (Abra/tam,' Ricltal'd,• .A.b,.aham,• Ric/1- al'd,' Be11jamin,• Timot/1y," Be1~jm11in,1 Ti11wtl1y•) of l\Ianches­ ter, N. H., wns born in Xew- Ipswich, :X. H., Feb. 14, lb33. He married Caroline F ., daughter of Lmnc P. ,v eston, :i. farmer in Amherst, l\foss. Thev reside at 63 Pennacook Street. Children: . i. C,mr..n: E.,10 b. l\Inrch !1, 185i: d. 18;i8. ii. CLAm::-cE E., b. }'cl,. l;;. IS;j!J: ru. ,fan. 1, 18:>8, Helen l\I. Raiche. Res. l\I:u1che~ter, :X. II. Electrician. No children. iii. ,h:x:-n: H., b.• June 20, ll:lGl : cl. 18G4-. iv. ETTA L., h. Sept. 21, 18r.:J: m. Oct. 1, 188;i, Charles S. Ham­ mond. Res. l;jj Lowell St., Walthnm,l\!a,;,;. Child: Lyle T., b. Feb. 16, 1888.

310 SETII Fr... \xcrs• (Abrahmn,' Riclwri/.,' .Abrahrm1,• Richard,' Beujamin,' Tw,othy,6 Benjamin,' Seth') of Brocl-1:on, l\Inss., shoe burnisher, was born in Xorthboro', )fas::1., ::\lay 11, lti52. He married, in )fay, 18i 5, Isabelle :\Iorse. Residence, 77 "\Yoodland Avenue. Children: i. ARTIH:It YEnxox,10 b. Aug. !!, 1880. ii. FttEO, b. April, 1882.

311 ,Jorn- )!Aso::-.• (.A.braliam,' Ricliard,• .Al,raham,3 l;liclutrd,4 Bcnjamin," Ti111ollt!J," Be11jamin,' Setli") of Chicago, Illinois, preacher aml spiritual healer, was born in Xorthb<>ro', .Mass., July 16, 1857. He married (1) Loretta Y,'hippcn, :wJ (2) )fay 10, 18~)0, .Arny F. Currier of San :Francisco, Cal. Re,,idcnce, 3846 Lake Avenue. He intends to remove to ,focksonville, Fla., soon. He was for ten years a bras:, finisher, and at the age of twenty-nine left his business for spiritual work. Child: i. J. l\lAsox,10 b. Dec. i, 18!!3. TElIPLE GEi.'EA.LOGY. 151

312 Pu~n... ELBRIDGE" ( .Abrrtlwm,' Riclutrd, • .Abral,am, • Ric!tard, • Beujamin,• '£i111oil1y,• Benjamin,' Setlt') of Malden, Mass., brass moulder, was born in Northboro', Mass., Sept. 23, 1860. He married Katherine Callens, and died :May 14, 1891. Children: i. Ltr.LIA:s,io b. l\foy, 1885; c1. aged 4. ii. FAxxn: l\IAY, b .•Jnn. I, 18tll. iii. LoTu l\L\.Y, b. ,June, 18!!2; d. young. 313 J uuus• ( .Abralwrn,' Rtclianl, • .Abraham,• Riclwrd,• Ben­ jamin,• Solomon,° .:..v·,,thrtm'.el,' ,Joltn") of Greene, Iowa, was born in Heath, l\fa,;s., .Jan. 13, 1844. He married, l\Iay 10, 18i3, Bessie )liner, who wa,i born 30, 1851, at Shell Hock, Iowa.. Children: i. ,lE:ssn: ALTITEA,10 b ••Tnly 12. 1Si4. ii. Jou:s ROSCOE, b. ,June :W, lSii. 314 Hm.ut• (Abraham,' Richard,' Abraham,• Richa1·d,' Ben­ jamin,• Solomon,° ..;.Witlianiel/ David") of Charlemont, l\fass .. , physician, was born in Heath, l\fass., Dec. 13, 1839. He married, l\Iay 25, 1868, .Abbie ,T. Warfield (born Sept. 25, 1845).. He studied medicine with Dr. Cyrus Temple of Heath, attended the l\Icdical College at Burlington, Vt., and graduated at the Berkshire l\Icclical College, Pitt,;ficld, )lass., in 1865. He is prc~idcnt of the Cemetery ~\ssociation, of the Charlemont Improvement .Association, of the Libmry Association, member of School Committee, examining surgeon of several lifo insurance companies, and trustee of the l\I. E. Church. Children: 427. i. EDWARI> DA Ym,10 b. Oct. 4, 1i::G!l. ii. ,Jomr HmnmT, h. l\Iay 2i, !Si:~: [m. Oct. 31, IS!lS, Alice Y. Burrin1,.-ton (b. ,July :W. 1:--i -1, dau. of Albert .J. :md Victoria Burrini,:ton of Heath, l\Iuss.) Res. Rutlan

Child: -128, i. J.~ES F.,10 b. June 8, 1869.

316 Jom. C.• (.Abraltam, 1 Ricltard,• .Abraltam,• Ricltard,' Ben­ ;'amin,• Solomon,° ..:..Yatltaniel,7 David") of Rutland, Vt., marble dealer, was born in Heath, 2\Iass., April 28, 1847. He married, Oct. 6, 1869, :Mnry Lavinia (born Feb. 18, 1850), daughter of Luther l\I. Packard of Shelburne Falls, :Mnss. He is an Odd Fel­ low and )fason, hns been :Master in Blue Lodge and Eminent Com­ mander in Knights Templar, and is a. member of the :Mystic Shrine. He hns also been village trustee of Rutland. Children: i. ETIIEL FLOREXCE,10 b. Dec. 2G, 1870; m. Oct. 5, 1891. Wesley E. ,Jones. Res. 37 E. Fair St., Atlanta, Ga. Children : Hammond, b .•June 2!1, 189:t Rogf!T, b. Aug. 1:3, 189-1. ii. EDITII LA n~u, b. Oct. 22, 1873. iii. ?IIARY WmTE, b. Sept. :2!1, 1877. h·. ,JEXXIE L~D. b . .Aug. :20, 187U. "· .Tom; RAn1oxD, b. ~fav 9. 1885. TI. DOROTHY CoLE)lAX, b: Jan. 8, 1891.

317 DATID "WELLS9 (.Abralwm, 1 Riclwrd,' .Abra~am,3 Ricltard,' Be11Jamin, •Solomon," .}latlumiel,1 D,wid•) of Rutland, Vt., m:.r­ ble dealer, was born in Heath, l\In:,s., Dec. 24, 1854. He married, Xov. 26, 1879, l\fary I. (b. ,July 3, 18;i4), daughter of Xewton \Yarncr of Charlemont, l\fass. He is a memher of Rutland Lodge 79, F. & A. l\I.; Alethi:m Lodge of the I. 0. O. F. (a P. G. of the ,;ame); member of Deerfield Valley Lodge 150, A. 0. U. W.; also of the l\lassaemet Louge, K. of P. He was a member of the boarcls of selectmen ancl :1.Sses~ors of Shelburne, :.\lass., for ten years, and chairman of both boards for seven years of the time, and at the present time is treasurer of the well lmown corporation, The Temple Brothers, contractors and buil

Children: 429, i. Crunr.;.s W,\LTrm,10 h. S(•(lt, rn, 185!). ii. A,tAsA Cll,\l'l:S, b. Dec. };1, llsli-l; ,1. Fel1r1111ry, 1888, iii. AsA L1WSAIW, h. S(•pt. 14, l81ili, Res, l\IorriKtown, 1\Unn. iv. lnv1:rn W., b. Feh::?:I, l8ti!), UcR, l\IorriNtown. v. MAnY L., b. l\Inrch :JO, ISi:l. Hes. l\Iorristowu. vi. TnmtAS C•• b. l\Iay 11, 18ii. Res. :Morristown. vii. KAT1': I., b. ,J:t11. HI, ltli:J. Res. l\Iorri8tow11. 323 JoNATII,\,1 (.Abrultam, 1 Ri'cltard,• .Abralmm,' Rich­ ard,• J3e11Jamin, • Solo111.011, • .A.•a,' .Jacob•) of :i\lor1•i8town, 1\linn., farmer nnd merchant, was born in Richville, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1837. He married, ,Jan. 1, 1861, Rhoda Dinntha Oi;born at )Im,on City, Ill. He is now postmaster, and was member of legi,;luturc, 1888- 89. He managed the grain elevator nt hit:1 home sLx years. Children: i. !t>A A.,10 b. Sept. 2i, lSGl. Res. 1\Iorristown, Minn. ii. .AnTrtClt ,lo:s,\TllA:S, b. April i.;, 18lili. Res. ~pokane, Wash. iii. Lt:w1s EDDY, b. ,Jau. 8, 181i8; m. ---. Res. l\lorristown. iv. Enwrx Os1101ts, b. Oct. i, l81i9: m. ---. Res. :Morristown. v. ROLLIS C11,\1•1:s, b. Xov. lli. 18il: ,1. Dec. 22. 11:190. vi. Vt:1t:so:s DA ,·m, h. Aul,!, 1,i, 18i:i; m. ---. Res. l\lorristown. vii. G~:1:T1:t:1•t: :\LH'P. h .•Jan. l,i, 18i8; m. 18M, w·. E. Davis. Res. Earl,!US Fa!IR, ;\Iiun. ,·iii. Ci,:c1L WA1:1n::s, b. Aug. i, 1881.

324 JUDSON CHAPr:-,• (Abralunn,' Hichr1.rd,' Abrrdwm,' Riclwrd,' Benjamin,• Solo111on,6 ..11.

325 ASA W1L1a~so~• (Abraham,' Richard,' Abraham,' Richrird,' Benjrwz in,' Solomon," .A.~a,7 ..A.•r.t") of Spragueville, St. Law­ rence County, N. Y., farmer, was born April 22, 1866. He mar­ ried, Oct. 3, 1888, Emma S., daughter of Fred Sudduby of Broek­ ville, Ont. TE)IPLE GENEALOGY, 155

Children: i. l\I1mTOX Cr.u,ronn,10 h. ,Tuno l!•l, 188!). ii. V1mA MAY, h. l\foy 1, 18!t7. iii. V1mA l\L\Uo, b. l\iu.y 1, 18!J7.

326 LEWIS ·w. 9 (Abra/tam,' Ricl,ard, • Abl'(t/iam, • Richard,' Benjamin,• Salmon," Tillot11or1,, 1 lVillmr") of '\Vest lfawlcy, l\'lns1,1., farmer, was born at North Adams, Mas~., July 9, 1843. He marricu, Sept. 12, 1871, Elln. Scars of Hawley. He hns been selectman, assessor anu overseer of the poor for eight consecutive years, being chnirmnn of the boards for five years. His poet office address hi Charlemont, llnss. Children: i. Eow.rno S.,10 h. April :JO, 1873. P.O. address, Charlemont, l\Iuss. ii. BEssrn E., h. Sept. 4, 1876, P.O. mldress, Charlemont, l\Iass. iii. LIDA E., b. ~ov. G, 188;;, iv. L1zz1E E., b. Nov. G, 188;;,

J,ums H.• (Abra/,am,' Riclmrd,• Abra/tam,• Ric!tard,' Ben­ jrtmin,' Salmon," Tilfot1

333 ,JOIL', FRAXKLix• ( .A.1Jraha111.,' I(icluud, • Ahraltrtm, •Richard,• Benjamin." Setlt,° Jolin,' Jolm") of Somerville, :\lass., motorman, TEMPLE OENEALOOY. 157

wns born l\Inrch 9, 1852, in, Mnss. He mnrried, l\Inrch 21, 1874, Lnurn Allen (born Feb. 3, 1853). Residence, 21 Street. Children: i. ILrnRY .r., 10 b. Aug. r,, 18i5; tl. 18i5. ii. R.\1.1•11 Lt:itOY, b. Aug. !I, 11:!8:J.

iii. l\L\DEL F1t,\.'11Cil! 1 1,. Fel,. 3, 1802; d. 1802. 334 ,Tom, :M1to• (Abraliam,' Ricltard," Abral,am,• Ricltard,• Ben­ ja111i11,• Sei/1, 0 ,/0/111,' llorace') of Athol, l\foss., mcrehnnt, wns born in Charlemont, l\fosl!,, Xov. 5, 1848. He married, in Athol, Sept. 23, 1872, Emma. A. Rcml (born .l\Inrch 1, 1846). Children: i. l\fa,11E Rt:SSF.LI.,10 b. Dec. 12, 18i3. ii. PAUi. R., b. Oct. 10, H!tl-1. iii. PAt:Lnrn, b. Oct. 10, 1884.

335 ,JoxAs CrRus• (.Abra/tam, 1 Riclwrd,' Abrahaiu,3 Ricltard, • Benjamin,• Setlt,• Jultn,' 0!/1·1t~•) of l\Ialden, l\fot1s., was born Nov. 22, 1870. He married, Dec. 25, 1892, Josephine Horig:tn. Child: i. l\I.rnt.UEIUTE PE,\RL,10 b. Dec. !I, 1805.

336 SETil EDw.rno• (Abraltam, 1 Richard,• Abnd,am,3 Richard,4 Be1,ja111i11, • Setlt," ,Joiw, 7 lfenr!I~) of Slmttucksville, :MMs., farmcl", was born in Heath, )las:1., Oct. 12, 1861. He married, Oct. 1. 1889, l\fattie l\I., daughtel" of Frank L. Brown of Adams­ vJlc, Colcl"aine, l\Ias::1. Children: i. E.\ltL,10 b. Sept. 3, 1800. ii. l\l!LI>Rl•:o, b. Sept. 2::!. 18!12. iii. FoRt:sT, b. April 14, 11:194. iv. V1:-c1E I-lE:smETT.\, b. 18!16.


9 TrrEROX "\\~,\LTEit ( .Abrahrrm,' Ricltanl, • .Ab1·alinm, • Ricltard,• Be11Jm11in! Seth," Jo/111,' Tl,erou') of \Yaltham, :Mass., dentist, was born in Belchertown, l\fa~s., Aug. 2i, 185~1. He graduated in 1882 from the Boston Dental College. He has been a member of the school board and board of aldermen of ·w altham. He is a 158 TE::IIPLE GENEALOGY. l\Inson nncl Odcl Fellow nncl bclong-s to the Congregntionnl Church. He mnrried, April 18, 1883, :\fary Boynton, daughter of John ,v nrren of ,v nlthnm. Residence, 20 Russell Street. Children: i. B1mT1tA SARAJJ,10 h .•Tan. 2K, 1884. ii. Eu.sA F1tA:scm1, b. April 17, 1887.

338 STODDARD ,VILLIA:119 (Abraliam, 1 Riclta1"

339 A:1ros• ( Abml,am, 1 R icl,arrl, • .Abral,am, • R1'.cl,m·d, • ,lo.~eph, • Josepl,," .illo.

340 ASA PARKER," (Abral1am,' Richard,• Abraham,• Ricltard,4 Jo.•eplt, • ,lr,11epl1, • 1.llo>!e,<, 1 Amo.••) ot' Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Islam!, N. Y., sailor, was born in Deerfield, l\fass., April 23, 1826. He went to sea in 1840 and did not return home for fourteen years. During this time he went on a four-year whaling voyage from New TE31PLE GENEALOGY. 159

Bedford, l\Inss., nnd also mnde voynges to the West Indies, Liver­ pool, Eng., Rmisin and Fm.nee. During the Civil '\Y ar he was on transports carrying troops. He bec:imc an invnlid in 1882 nntl hna since found the best of cnre nt the "Sailors' Snug Harbor," an in­ stitution for invalid sailors. He married, Oct. 22, 1852, in Ne,v York City, Fannie :McConnell, who no"· resides at 415 Enst 10th Street, X cw York City. Children: i. ,vru.r,u1,10 d. young. ii. lfasm·, m. :\Iargarct Gibhons. Res. 233 1.:ith St., Jersey City, N .•J. No children. iii. :i\faRY. h·. FASSY, cl. aged 2. v. l\famA Lt:cY. m. Fred 1'Ic.Avoy. Res. 502 Linwood St., Brook­ lyn, X. Y. Children. vi ..T.:Nsrn, m. Samuel Ford. Res. 234 Lee .Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Chil, lS;i!l. 342 ORso,:,;• ( .Abr

Children: i. RouEnT S.,10 b. ,Tan. :JI. 18-~S: m. ---. Res. Collnmer. ii. Tno)rAs lh::sm·, h. Feb. l•l..18,;0: m. ---. Res. Collnmcr. iii. CLAltE:SCE ,v., b. Sept. i"J, ll:!5::! : siu;.:le. Res. Collamcr. h·. Er.SAY., b. Sept. 11, 1s,;4; m. ,J. It Stewart. Res. Collamer. v. Wu.LJS C., b. Oct. i, 18;,G: sin;.:le. vi. CLAltA Nov11.LA, b. Oct. 28, 18.j!J; m. Charles Fuller. Res. East Snacuse. N. Y. ,·ii. LEA Noiu. b. April 21, ISG-1: m. ,John S. Willi:ims. Res. ""olf 8trect. Symcttsc. ,-iii. l\L\1tY 13., b .•Ju1;c 14, lSGG; m. II. C. Powlesl:md. Res. Col­ lnmer.

343 DA vm• ( Abraham, 1 Richard,• Abraltam, 3 Riclwnl,' Jo.•epli, • Joseplt,6 Jfose.•.' Thomrts") of Volney, X. Y., farmer, was born near Dewitt, N. Y., in 1832(?). He married, Xov. 13, 1854, Adaline Sherman of Parish, Ot1wego County, N. Y., and ilied June 9, 1893. Children: .a:u. i. C!!.\RU:s.10 b. ,Tul, 30. ]$,ii. ii. ll.\1m1so:-, b. Scp·t. J:3, I8G0; w. Iua ,fonnings. Add. Fulton, X. Y. iii. ,fam:s, h. April :30, 18(i2: m. Nov. 1:1, ]l:(l:12. An'1n )lowers. iv. CATll.\l:r:st:. b ••Jul:· ::!0, lXfi;j: m. )larch ::!8. 1880, William Becker. Res. )It. Plca.s:mt. N. Y. Child, James W., dcc"cl. v. CL,\lmmA. h. Au;r. 7. 11-11;7: m. :\Iarch ::!;i, 18!J0, Adelbert Witherell. Res. Volney. X. Y. 344 CIIAl:LES A:110s• (Abmha111, 1 Richard,' Al,rrrham, 3 Ricl1rr1·rl,' Joseplt; ,Jo.•eplt," ,Jo.~ep!t,' Amo.~•) of Palc~tine, Texn:;, was born in Dummerston, Vt., Dec. 15, 18:30. He married ( 1) :.\larch 23, 1851:i, )fory A. )Iul\'iney of Rockford, Ill., who dic

v. RrcB,\Ilt> S., h. l\Iarch 20, lSiG: m. July 12, 18!!5, Annie Creasy. Res. Tishomingo.

345 DEXTEn "-ILK~s0 (Abraham, 1 Richard,' Abmham,3 Ricltnrd,' Jo14epl1,• Pannenw,,• Parmeua.<,7 Daniel") of :i\Iontpelier, Vt., dry-goods merchnnt, was born in Bernnrdston, l\Inss., :Mny 23, 1850. He mnrricd, ,Tune 10, 18i5, Eliznbeth, daughter of Charles :i\I. :\fend of Burlington, Vt. She died Feb. 6, 1899. Child: i • IIon..\Tio,10 b. Jnn. li, 18i8.

346 1 3 HESRY A.• ( Abral1flm , Riclwrd', Abraliam , Richard,• Jo­ -~epl, ," Parme11a11,8 PannenrtR,' S1can") of Rochestc.i:, :Minn., farmer, wns born in .Mexico, N. Y., ,J.uly 19, 1855. He married (1) ::\fay 30, 1880, Jennie, daughter of .-\.verJ. Ressnguie of Van Buren, X. Y.; married (2) Feb. 1, 1$84, widow Edith C. Kevill, dnughtcr of lVillinm C. Gilson of Ri\·cr F:ills, Wis. Children: i. V,m:sos A .• 10 b. Aug. l!l, 1881. ii. Y1sct:X't w .. b. ,Tuly 20, 188G. iii .•h:sxn: E .. b. :Nov. -1, 1888. iv. A .. b. ,Julv :?O, 18!>1. v. Lois E .. b. l\farch ,: 18!):3. vi. llELY.\ A •• b. ,Juh· l!), 18:J-!. vii. CLARE, b. ~fay 18, 18!Ji. 347 JA::'IIE:-' (.Ahrrtlwm,1 Riclmnl, • .Al,raham,' Ahr,tlwm,' Timothy,• ~Vathrmiel," John,' ,Jo.•eph") of' EwingYillc, X. J., farmer, wns born there or in Trenton, in ,fan. 1850. He married, in 1876, ,Jnne Tyndall, nnd works the old Temple homestead. Children: i. }Lu:Y F1:.\sc1,s.10 b. April i. 187i; m ••Tune :?!), IS!JJ, Le\'i lllizzard. Res. Ewiug\·ille, X. ,J. Chi!tl, Geur:1e, ii. '\\'1slt'1tt:n, h. liav 3. l:-i!I:!. iii. Co1:x~:L1A, IJ. ,\ug. :?, ltl!Jti.

34S 1Vn.LIAlI9 (Ahrahm11, 1 Richard,• .Abraham," Ab,·aluim.' Timo­ tley," .:..Vathaniel," Jo/111; Jolin,") wns born .Aug. 14, 1855. He married, June 5, 18i9, Fr-.mces E. Howard of ~iantic, Conn. 162 TF.llPLE GE~EALOGY.

Child: i. N1u:TT.\ l\Lrnt1,\1mT,10 b. 18i!I(?}; m. Nov. 2, 18!J8, Fred A. Beebe. Hes. New Lou

349 Asmm B." (Abraham,' Ricliard, • Abralwm, • Abral1rm1., • Timo­ tlit/, • ~Yathnniel," Jo/111,1 lVillimn•) of Seneca, N. Y., Pre1:1by­ tcrian miniMtcr, was born nt Titut1ville, N. ,J., ,June 10, 1844. He married, 1fay 15, 18i3, ,Josephine E. Read. Ile f,'Taduated from Princeton College, and from the Princeton Theological Seminary in 18i:3. In the s:ime year he became pastor of the Prc1:1hyterinn church nt Scnec:i, nnd ·t!till retains the position. He !ms been mod­ erator of the Presbytery, commi11t1ioncr to the General Assembly, and for many years has been commissioner nnd examiner at the Auburn Theological Seminary. Children: i. ""JLLIAlr RI,AD,10 b. Xov. 1, 18i5; mnn:iger of ugcnts in nurs- erv husincss. lh·s. Seuecu. ii. l\lAtt\' E., b. Feb. a, 18il:I; is in class of 1900, Vassar College. iii. lh:mn:1tT A •• lo ••fan. -1. 1::;x:i. h·. (;11AttLEs Fnou:s, b. l\lay (i, 188G.

350 CIIAP.LF.R .AP~'\UTA(rn• (Abraluim,' Ricllftrd.• Abrnharn,• Abra­ luim,' Th,wtl1y." ~Vatluwiel," .folw,1 01,m·le.,") of Lawrenceville, N .•T., miller, was born there ,Tune li, 18:36. Ile married. Nov. li, H,G6, nt Titu.,villc, N .•T., Elizabeth (born Feb. 26, 1845), daughter of George C. Cadwalla

351 SA:IICEL ,Jon:ssTo:s• (Afn·rtllfm1,' Ricll,,rrl,• .Abrrthrtm, 0 Abra­ lum1, ◄ Tt',uotl,y: ....Yatluwid," .folm,1 Olwrle.,•) of Trenton, N.,T., miller, was born at Lawrence, X. ,J., April 6, 184:3. He married, April 26, l8i6, Belinda X., daughter of Richard ,J. Richards of La,,Tcncevillc, N. ,J. Residence, 1:32 I>cnnington Avenue. TE.'1PLE GENEALOGY, 163

Children: i. G~:onGE ,v~:LL1sr.,10 b. Aug. lG, 18,i. ii. JENNIE Com·ouT, b. Nov. :!G, 181:!·l.

352 GEORGE RAXDLE9 (Abraham,' Riclwrd,' Abralwm,• Abra­ 1 haw, • Timothy,• ,John,• .A11l1er, ...Yatlmu·iel") of Trenton, N. ,J ., wns born near Ewing, N. ,T., ,Tun. 2!J, 1841. He mnrrietl, Feb. 9, 1865, Keziah, daughter of Charle,; D:tvi1:1 of Slackwood, N. J. He has been farmer, coal denier nnc.l huckster. Residence, 111 Divi,;ion Street. Children: 437, i. Isn.u:L,10 b. l\I11rch 2-1, 18GG. ii. ALn:s, h. l\fay G, 18Gi: m. Jnn. 15, 18!>0, Annie E., d:m. of ,Joseph Carver of Hopewell, N ••J. Re8. Trenton~· iii. JoAXXA, b. Oct. G, 18io: she is n forewoman in the Trenton "':itch Co. iv. L1zzn: l\L\r, b. Dec. 2;;, 18i5;,m. J:iu. 18!>8, Wallace Duclley. Res. Division St., Trenton. . ·

353 Jom, T." (Abraham,' Riclwrd,' Abraham; .Abraham,' Re­ turn,• Beujamiu,• A"her.' Daniel") of Trenton, N. J., lawyer, was born there Sept. :!:!, 1841. He married, Feb. 2li, 18u:3, Lil­ lie A. ,v aters of Albanv, N. Y. He was in the class of 1862 nt Princeton, but dic.l not grnc.luate; admitted to the bar in 1868. He is master anc.l examiner in chancery, and notary public. Residence, Bnrlow's Hotel. Children: i. D. IIow.rnn,10 d. azcd !I mos. ii. CLn-FOIW W., b. :f'cb. 20, 18G!l; d. Feb. 20, 1890.

3,;4 CIL\RLES '\VAI'.D9 (.Abralwm,' Richard,• Abralwm,3 Abraham,' Retttr11,6 Be11j,1111i11," .A;1/1er,' Chrtrle;,') of Trenton, N'. ,J., was born there Feb. 15, 1855( ?). He married Elizabeth Tyne.lull and diec.l Aug. l!J, 18~1. Hi,; widow resic.les on Lamberton Street, Trenton. Child: i. WALTER LEON,19 b. Aug. 1882. 164 TE)ll'LE GENEALOGY,

355 Lt;nnm '\V ARDD ( .Abrrt/1rt,111., • IUclmrd, • Abrnlwm., • Abralwm,' Ret11r11,• Be11jamln,• A11l1er,1 Ohm·le11") of Trenton, N. ,J., wns horn there ,Inly 1!1, 1869. He marrie

356 GEORGE BATCHELmm• (A/Jrrt.lmm, 1 Rlcltm·d,• Abra/mm,• A­ bmhmn,4 Return,• Benjamin.,° A1"11e1·,' Oltal'le11") of Trenton, N. ,J., wns born there in 1865( ?). He mn.rricd Kate Boss of Trenton. Child: i. Lm:s B.,10 b. Aug. 1, 18!18.

357 ""'ILLIA)l BoswELL9 (AbNd1am, 1 Ricltard,• Abraham,• Abra­ ham.,4 Return,• Be11ja111hi," .A.•lter,1 0/wrletJ") ot:.Trcnton, N.J., wns born there, in 1867 ( ?) • He marric

358 ,Jon:-; RF.F.'."F.!-9 (A!,rrilm111,' Riclmrd,• Abrr,/mm,• Abra/tam,' Ret11r11,' .1..Vatlwnid,• Itetnrn,' Be11jamir,") of Bula, :Monongalia County, '\Y. Va., farmer, was born in Green County, J>a., Oct. 22, 184:·L He married, .Feb. 21, HHili, ::\lary E. (


0 GEOIWF. '\VAsmxoTos ( Abrrtlutm,' Richard,• Abml1a111," A­ b,.altr1111, • R,,f1tl'1i." ;.Yr1tltrmiel/ Return,' Benjrtmin") of Corydon, Iii., wn!l horn March 15, 185•1, in Green County, Pn. He married l\Inrgnret Bott and died 8ept. 11, 1888. She remarried nnd resides at St. ;John, l\Io. Children: i. B1•:s.ums F.,10 b. 1882(?). ii. ,Jm;s1•:, h. ltll:!7(?).

360 MARCELLL'S Lunmn° (Abraham,' Richard,• AbralianJ,,3 Abra­ /mm,' lleturu," ~Y,1tlia11i('f,6 Rei,o•n,1 .Y,1tltaniel") or _Osceola, Iu., lawyer, was born in \Yadestown, \V. Va., Sept. 16, 1848. He married, Sept. 30, 18i3, ,J ulin l\I.,~daug:htcr of ,John and Mar­ tha Protzman of l\lorgantown, \V. Yu .. He graduated in 18i3 from U nivcrsity of ".c,;t Yirg:iniu, and was a member of the Iowa legislature 18%-1898. He is u Presbyterian, l\fason nnd Odd Fellow. Children: i. ·w11.1.1A)I X.\TII.\Xrn1.. 10 b. Sept. 22. 187-1: he compfote7, and r,•e .. iv,•,l the tl<'!,!'ree of B.A. He,. Osceola. ii. Ema:,n C1 ..\lmxc1,, b. Sov. lG. ltil:l;J:

361 HARRY VA);l•:0 (./lbmlim11,' R/chr,rd,' Abraham,• Abralwm,• Return," ~Yatl,auicl.6 Het11n1,' ~Y,,tlHmiel") of Ll'xington, Xcb., banker, wa:,1 born in \Va

Children: i. Ar.Pm:us l\hrms,10 b. 18i::?(?): son of Catharine. ii. G•:01t1m, b. ---; son of l\Iury. iii. ,JUSTUS !<'OUDYCE, b. ---; 8011 of l\Iary.

366 1 .T A;lfF.S ·w ALLACE ( .Abra/tam, I Ricltard, • .Ab,•rtltrtm,3 Abra­ /,' Retnrn: ,Jr,lm,• Le1.•i, 1 ,John") of Philndclphin, Pn., wns born there l\fny 7, 11:!57. He mnrric

367 LUTITER1 (Abrahrnn,' Richard,• .1.lbraham, • bcwc, • ~1braham, • ,Joseph, 0 Jo11eph,7 Jomtx") of Shrcw,;bury, ~fnss .• wns born there Feb. 26, 18::W. He married, Dec. 15, 1842, Rosanna Hannah, ITH MAY, h. l\Iurch Ii, 11'.!il'.I; d. l\Iay l;i, 11:181. 370 HEXR\" ,JOSATIIAX" ( Abraliau,.,' Riclwrd, • Abralwm,3 l11aac,' .Abralwm,' Jo.•ep/1,• ,/o.•eph,1 Denni11") of' New York City, wns born in Worcester, )foss., Oct. 28, 18-ii. He married (1) in 18il( ?), )Iiss ,Jenkin,1 of' New York, who , h. 18!11. iii. Esrm:1:, b, 18!Hi. 371 Enw1~BAKEr." (Abralww,' Rh:l,ard,' Abralut111,• L.rmc,' Abra­ lw111, • ,To.•epl,,6 Ro.,·,rdl, 1'14: d. April 12. 11:StiU. Harold, h. Oct. 1,;, l::18li. JVe11delf A., h. Dt•c, :!:?. 18Ul. Seward. b. Dec. 8, HiD-1. ii. 01:1 .. \ )h1.cm1. h. Au::. -1. 11'1;;,;; iii. Ros,n:1.L, h. Sl·pt. ~. itiGU: ,' .•June 1:3, lHG:J. h·. Ho1tTOX E1,w1:-., h. April :!i, HHi-1: d. l\Iarch 18, 18GG. v. E1>w1s. h. Dee. 2:1, !l,1;;; tl. Oct. 11. 18i2. vi. RALl'lr Ro1.1.o G1tAST, b. )fay ::o, 11'.!i0. vii. Roscor:: CosKLI:-.G, b. April 8, 18i:.l; tl. Feb. 25, 18iG. TEl\lPLE OENF:ALOOY, 169

372 M1mmTr C,\l'IE 0 (Alirrt!um,,' Rlchrtrd,• Aln•rt!mm,• lxrmc,' A­ liralurm,• ,l011eplt,1 Ro11mell,' Ro111ccll') of North Hebron, N. Y., tiirmcl', wnM born there Dec. HI, 11:12i. He mnrricd, ,Tun. 30, 1853, widow Euphemn l'Cictty) ,voounrd, dnughtcr of ,JnmeM Getty of Hebron. He clicd April HI, 181:14, nntl hii,i widow died April 16, lt!!Hi. He lived on the homc~tcntl fimn clcnrctl by Abraham CaMc. Children: i. SAttAII E1.11.Arn:T11, 10 b. l\fard1 :10, 18,j,j; ,!. Xov. 22, 18i0. ii. lhsmr. 0., h. ,Jn11. 2, 1H,i8; ,l. l\forch 4, lt!li,i. iii. l\l.\rtY Ln:1.1 ..\, b. ;\Iay :,, l81;Q; m. Dec. 1, 1881, Stephen .J. ;\lcF1ulcle11 of Pawlet, Vt., am! d. Au;:-. 1i, 18!14. Xo chil,lren. iv. Et•r,•n: loLA, b. Feb. i, l81i2; m. )lurch 3, 1880, Geor)!'-' II. Durham. Res • .Xorth Hebron, X. Y. Chililrcn: Daisy NiJdred, b. Feb. 4, 1881. Jllubel Alice, b. Sep,t. G, 1882. Jlluritt Temple, b. l\forch 1:3, 181:1-1. Clarence .11., b, Dec. 1:3, lH88. LucUle E1tpl1ema, b. Oct. li, 18!J4. v. Cr.Art.\ SmTn, b. ,lune 22, 18Gi: m. Dcc::!4, 1800, Eugene A. Porter. Res. Granville, X. Y'~ vi. G•:ortlt," Ro.smell; Rn.~1cell") of Granville, N. Y., farmer and capitalist, was born in North Hebron, X. Y., Xov. 28, 1829. He married, April 9, 18.56, Delia l\I., daughter of Eli Smith of Xorth Hebron. He hns been supcn·i:ior of the town of Grnnvillc, i:i a director in the Farmer:!' Xntional Bank of Granville and a prominent member of the Baptist Church. He has been a verv successful farmer and investor. ChilLI'. OENE,\LOOY,

iv,,-: Lot:1~1-:, h, ,\11).(, :?•i, 18flH; 111. Murch !I, 18!18, Henry L. Coy, ll1!K, Greenwich, N, Y. Chil,I: A1111a l'aroli110, b. Feb. 11, ltl!J!I,

374 0 A111tA:\t ( Al,r,tlwm,' IUclwrd, • .Abralmm,3 Ixm,c, • Abral1am,' ,lo11epli, • Ro11u·ell,' Ro11well') of Grnnvillc, N. Y ., former nml mcrclraut, was born in Xorth Hebron, N. Y., Oct. Hi, H!al. He married, ,Jun. l;i, HH.itl, Azulm, clmrghtcr of' Uzzicl Luing ot' North Hebron. He h11t1 rcijiucu in Helirou nnu Granville. Children: i. Er,rru l\fa Y,10 t,. Xuv. :?:J, JHti!I: m. Nov. :?:J, 18!l!I, ClmrleK Nid1olso11 Dowcu of Brookly11, X. Y. R,•s. :?Hli Livi11gKton St., Brookly11. Children: Durotl,!J Temple, I.,, Oct. ti, H!!J4. Abram 'li!mplc, I,. Aug. J;i, lH!li. ii. Trtt:)J.\:-. Roswr,:1.1., b. ,luly l fi, 11-r;-:1; single. Is :i stu,lcnt in Columhi:i t:11iversity. Hes. :!r.lG Livin;.,'llton St., llruuklyn. iii ••h::o,n: Er.1z.\111•:T11, I,. Nov. 10, 18i;i;

Tl:t:)IA:S 9 (.Af,,-,,/u,111,' Ri,:llflrd,' Abr,,/u1111,' l11aflc.' Aoraliam,' ,loxep/1." Rox,,.ell,' Ro,<1r.,dl") of Granville, "\\.at1hington County, X. Y., farmer, wa,i born in Xorth H1•bron, N. Y., l\Iarch 5, 1834. He receivecl all his schooling before he w:u; fifteen. He joined the Baptist church in Xorth Hebron in Dec. 11:i-l!J. He married, l\farch 25, 18;i5, Sarah, daughter of Luther and Phebe (Tanner) "\\'elch of X orth 1-Icl,ron ( sec note .:in ".clch ~cnealogy). He was mnJc n ucaeon in the church in 18t,;7. In 1871 he removed to :L form in Granville. Ile anJ hi,; wifo c:iu,;cd the organization of n Baptist church in Granville in l87t,;. He ha,; t1crvcJ thi<1 church as

iv. E1,IZAJH:TII CAHI•:, h. ,July lH, 181HI; m. Nov.~.',, 18!1,1. l~dwnrd Norton C11•t',\', pri11tt•1•, of Whiting, Vt. HeH, a Angell l'luco, l'roviclen,•1•, H ..I, No chi!llren. v. LAt:ltA l'Ar:1.1s11, h, lforch :1, 11:!i:l; m. Sept. 7, 18!!8, Lowie L. Sheltou of GuleHhnrg, Ill. HuH, Los Angdcis, Ca.I,

Non: OS ·rrrn "'1•:LCII FA~lll,Y, ,Jons~ (Edward'?), horn lli(i;j(?). He remon•,I from Xewl,ury, EHso.x County, l\Ins•., to :Norwich, C.\mn., wlwro ho ,1i1•1l in 1 i:?H, lcuviug uu cHtutc of £:;:;:J. He w1111 u farnwr, 11111I also opt•rutml II forge 1111d ;.tri11t mill. Iu Ui.'J,l, scver11l lml11 were sent from lrclaml in the Khip "Gootlfcllow" to he 11old us slnvcs in New Englmul. Amoug them were Philip nnd E,lwurd "'cleh. The luttor WM soltl, May I 0, rn,;.J., to Samuel SymondH of I ps­ wich, :\lass., Dcpntv Guverno1· of the Bav Colonv (vide Reg., Yul. l!I, p. ;;;j), 0 Philip was sohl in 'the 11um1! locality, 111~1I was ahout eleven yenrs old in lfi;j,t In ltiGI. he made his escaptJ (p. -11-1, Yul. 21, l\fass, q,,1. R1·v.). It wus u common thing for the wi\'t's n111l families of Irish sol,lier~ .. ugaged in for1•i;.tn servi,·,· to he shipped hy Cromwell's ;.tovern111ent to he .old UK shwes. Yo!. 2:J ( p. •I Ii) of the G-,n, Ih·gisll'I' contains II pn'rtiul li11t of tho tlescend­ a.nts of this Philip "'<•!ch. The latter w:iil ;.trand 112.-(Farmer and l\Ioore'M Collections, Vol. 2, p. 148.) Ipswich is ncur to Xewbnr)·, and it is altog. "Cmln the Iri,h laws, English uamc11 were cnforeetl in place of their unprouounccablc Celtic patronyms.­ (Hall's "lr1•l:ual lllustratctl," Vol.:;, p. 2:).) Paxton 11001! says "All W clch blood i11 royal or nohk•.''-(Cronm•·ll. p. ;?;j,) I tlo not know just what ho means, hut it reminds me of the a~scrtion which my ;.:randfather, Luther6 "'clch, often made, that he wa~ of ronil tlcswut. Children: • i. E1n::-rnz1rn.• h. 1G8G(?). ii. ,Jos~:rn. b. I til'll'l(n. Amon;.: the descendants of ,Joseph" were Ebcnezt·r uml Ephraim, who bcfo1·c I iiii crnigratt~l from Nor­ wich tu Richmo111l, Muss.-( llist. Berkshire Co., l>ittsfield, 18:?:l.) iii. ,lonx, b. 1 ti!IO(?). iv. ---, tlan .• m. --- Coy. Res. Stonington. Conn. v. ---. dau .. m. --- l\larvin. Hes. Lyme, Corm. vi. ___; t!au., 111. ---Slmw. R-,s. Dov~r, X. Y. ,Jon:,; 8 (Edwurd1?. Jolm") of Scotland (Windham) uud Xorfulk, Conn., was born lti!JO(?): married Susan Deming (dk-d u;;ed about -1,:;): died in Norfolk, Conn., aged about 50. 172 Tl'.Ml'LE OF.NF.ALOO\',

Chil.. ,,.22. I iH:!. J,,r11s/ir1, h. ,111111• ::o, 1il'<,i: 111. Willimn K T111lor of N"w York, lK l !1. C.1J11ll1ir1, ,! ..,·111111:,:. R11l:1J, h. D,•e, ,I, 1i!tO; rn. lKl,I, ,John Kin;.Hl1•y. Will1m11. ,J. l1'<1i:!: 111. (I) ,\nwli11 Stil,•s: 111, (:!) Emeline lloHnwr [l1111I 1,y hitter: Lucin" u .. ~ h. :Muy 11, JK:!4: rcH. Troy, X. Y., 111111 Willinm.7 rcM. llurtfortl, Co1111.J. (!t111tl11'11, h. 1 i!l4: 111. 181 !I, Dunii•l Burker. ii. Ennes,:, h. ]iii(!'): m. --- llnutly, 111111 Asn:1 •• b. li:!1:

3 S01.0)IOS• (Erl1cr1nl1('!), .Tulm.2 .Tolm ) 11[ Ashior,1. Conn .. waM horn about 17:!,i. 111 li,i-1. he rcc.-civcil a ,J.·etl to land iu th:ll pl:lce; was clescrilie,l ,,.,. a resi,lent: married, April, li;,,;, Eliz:1beth Lyon uf Ashfor,l. Iii" eMtate wus settlt•rl at l'umfret Centre, Conu., about !till, un

4 So1.o)rm1 6 (Edwarrl, 1 Jolw? Jo/111," Solomrm ) or Tiolnhf'rtown, :i\foH"·• and ,rurr,0 11 Co1111ty, N. Y., 11·11H 1,oru i11 AHhford, Corm., ,lurru Hi, I i!i0. Ho mnrri,,,I (I) J iH:J, Lytlin, 1!11111,(htur of ,Jo1111tl11m ---. Solo111011r. wuH prolrnhly i11 :i\I1L11,al,(l,(•·tt, 11ml Jiv, 0,l 111°11r Avocu.. N. Y. Slw di,,,! Fl'I,. :!:!, lH;ifl, mu! j,. l1111·i1·d 011 1h1° form of D11uicl ,rclch, Avocn. The 11:11110 011 lwr toruh-sto111' is Orph11 Dnl,(/.("tt. Chil1lrt•11: i. AxxA,0 b, ,July :!8, I 7x.1. Ht•r motlrl'r ,l~·iirl,( yo1111i:, she wa" horuul to a Col. Stroll/.( or Xortlmmpto11, :i\fa""·• 11ml \\'UH k11own UH A111111 Stro11i:, Shem. ,Ian.:!. 11'.!Uli, ,John Clark, iu :=--orth­ umptou, anti r,•mov,·tl to l'rattsliur;.:-, Steubeu Co:, :=--. Y. She 11. Xov. I fi, lH,l!J. . ' ii. Ik1• .\, h. Feb. 11, liHfi. He was wns a ·Free-Will llnptist 111i11i,tt•r in Ilills1lnlc Co.. :\Iich. He 1I. )lay G, 18,ili, in A \'OCII, x. Y. iii. So1.m1ox, h. ---. iv. J ~:m:,11A, b. :i\Iarch !l0, I i!l3; nr. --- FoRter; lived for :i time 11ear ,\ vorn, nud r,•moved to l\Iiehi1,r:m. v. RI('IJ.1.1:Jl, h. Feb. :!i, Ji%; d. single, lH.'.ii<(?), vi. lhsmr.• h. Au:,t. :!:!, li!li<: 111. ,lt•ruslm Olcott. :tnd lil·ed in Wlr1°,•l.:r. X. Y. II,• d. ::lforch 11. 1:,;1;i, Chil,lren: Tlia11k­ f,d. R11.<1cefl. ./111111'.< (res. "·e,tlid1l, Pa.). L11tl,er. IJe11ja- 111/11. Th,• latt,·r tlit·,1 on Shnnmn's mar,·h to the st•a, vii. Sc,As, h. S,·pt. t.i. ll'IUI: 111. IS:!ll, ,John Smith, at Waterford, N.Y. viii. ,lox., Tl!.\ s, h. Xnv. I:!. 1 HO.t : thought to !rave gone to California. ix. Lnm:1:, h. ,lnll' :!H, )HIii;, x. l'.\1.ns, b. ,\p~il Iii, ll'IU!I. No issue. xi. IIm,rn. h. ::llav 16. Hill. 0 xii. lh:s.J.DIIS, h. .i\Iarch J;i, lfi13. Re~itlt•tl in Burns, Shiawa~sce Co., )Iich. Ht• m. (I l ,J11ly 4, Jl'l:li, Lusinn Toh~·. who d • .A11g-. :!H. JS;;:!: m. (:!) Feh. 2. Jl'lt,:l, Emnwliuc Colt·. who d. II-Ii~. B,·njamin d ••Jul.,· 10. 1:-,(;i, Chilolrcn: H!'.'fa/1 B. b. :-.,w. 10, l.'140: res. Bvron, )Iich. Dauiel E .. Ii .•\11:,t. !31, l :;.1.::: r1•s. lhron. C11l1·~·,, D .• h. Xov. :11:. lS-1,i: ,I. )larch ;i, lHi.i. Pr"aul.: E., b. }fay JU, IH4H: editor Coru1111a ,Jour­ nal. l\Iichigau.

Lt.:TIIER6 ( Edu:ard, 1 .fo/111,~ .fo!,11,• S0!0111011,• S,,lnmou~) of Xorth 11,•hron, N. Y., blacksmith :1111! farm,•r. was horn ,Julv :!H, IS0fi. Ht• marrietl, April 12, )HO:!, Ph,•111•, dnn.~ht,•r of .Josi•ph ,11;,1 Sarah ((;rt'<'lli Tanul'r of 1 South Granville. N. Y. (S:1rah Gn•, 0 11 wa.s dau. of Calt·b~ [Beujamin ] and Comfort [Carr] Green. suppn,e,l tu have come to Xo. II.:hron from Hancock. l\fass.) Tire chil,lrcu of ,Jo~t•p!t awl S,m1h Tanner wt>ra: Ph,cbe, m. Luther ,veich. Levi, b. 181!, m. )Lry Ann Wilcox,rcs. ::lfarcy, X.Y.; 174 TE:IIPLE OE:SEALOOY, chil,lr,•11, Levi, ,ToHl'ph, l\f11ry, ,Teuuie, Huth l\forin, m. Ruul Pemlu•r (Hou : Fr1111k, rt•s, firn11\'ill", N, Y.). l\I11rtl111 ,I., m. D11vi,l Alltm. 1-'rnuklin, Ill, :\lury Smith, roH, No. 1Iehrn11, ,lrnu•ph 'l'u1111or \I'll" 1<011 o( ,Jusl11111 11nd LoiH '1'111111er, of Grunville, Tlw l'11il,lrl'11 of ,lo,h1111 11111I J.oiK wt•re: ,lo~hua, h .•\pr. :1, li•IK, Lois, b ••\pr. !!I, lit,1i, ,1011111111, h. H,·pt. :!:!, Iii 4. ,Joh11, h, Dl•c, i, lii(i, George, h. Feh. 10, lii!I, N11tl11111, h, Apt•, tj, li81. Dnviil, h. Apr. :!:I, liK4. H11s1111n11h, I,. )lay li, liHi. ,lnKcph, h. ,Inly 1, liK!I, d. :\lch. :!O, IH!:K, A11ron, h.. July :!O, I i!Jl, Peleg, h. Du,:, :!-1, l i!J:J • .Ab,·!, b. ,Ian. :!I, liOi. Luther" ,lie,! l\Iurch :.11, 18!1i, and his wife Phebe 11ic,l Feh. :!ti, lKOi, Chiltlrt.•11: i. L1,n,4 h. 18:J:1; d. lK:l,i. ii, SAJtAII, h, Feb, l,i, 11:l:Ji; 111, l\forch :!5, 185.'i, Trunmn Temple. ( Sl•t~ fortigoi11;:.) iii. ,Tolls TASSE It, h, April I !I, lK:l!I. Res, North Hehron, X. Y. lie 111. ,fan. lK, lKtili, ,lnlia Coy. Chil

376 OscAJ: FITZllt:Gn" (Abralirmi,' Riclwrd,• Abra/1am,' l«wc,• Abr11hr1111,' ,Jo,«:p!t," Ro.,,r,~ll.7 ./,,/m") of Buffalo, X. Y.,

!J77 .EDWI:s' RosWELL" (Aoral,nm,' lliclmrd,2 Al>rrdwm,' l,aac,• .Ab1·alwm,' ,Jo.,ep!t," Ho.,mell,7 Lnt!ter') of La Grange, In1111.11• L.,10 b. October, 1885. 378 Gr-:oucrn LuT1n:1i• (Ab1•al1rt111, 1 Riclmrd,• Abl'altam,• fHrtr1c,' .Abrallfw1, • ,/u11ep/1 ,6 Ru111rell! Lutl1er,") of l\Iilford, Ln Grange County, Ind., farmer, wnt1 born nt Onk Orchurcl, N. Y., April 19, 184:!. He married, Oct. 5, 11'.!GH, )fory A., daughter of Samuel P. Samlcrt1 of lVoleottvillc, Ind. (S. P. :;nndcrt! wns born nt Str:ul­ brook, Suffolk County, Eng., :;cpt.·14, 181!), and cnme to Amcrien when fifteen ycart1 of ng-c. He married, in lt13!J, nt Granville, O., Sut1nn Parncl of Norfolk, Eng. He died Apr. 1885). Au~. 2i, H!Gl, hco\ms mustered into Co. B, 2!Jth Rcgt. Vol. Inf'. (Ind.), and mustered out Sept. 2u, 18u4. He has served nt1 drainage com­ missioner for Lagrange County. His pot!t-otlicc uddre~I! is Turkey Creek, Ind. Children: i. Eowr:s LeTmm,10 h. Sept. :!5, 18i0: m. Feb. 8, 180·1, Anna H,·ath. Hes . .Alll'n. ~eb. ~o ehiluren, ii. F1t.\:SK E~urnT, h. )fov :;, !Si-1. 0 iii. Ao:sE" Si::u:s. I,, Ol't. :!li. ll'.li8: m. Oct. :.JO, HH/8, ,John Scl

v, 1•:rorrn l\I,\ltJA, h. l\for,•h :!7, 1Ki7. vi. FAssn: Co1u1.vs, h, Fl•h. :I, IKi\l, \'ii, , A1.u:s, h. ,July I:!, lKl:!2,

380 \YlLLIA~t H1r.NTON" (Afn·churnh Rcht•ce11,

381 9 1 )IAUSTTALL ( Al1rrrlm111, Ri,dmrd ,' .Abrrtlum,,' f><') of ::\larlhoro', )lass., was horn there Dec. 12, lti3!J. He nmrric

382 Trn:ooom;• (Abralur.m! Ricltflrd,' Abra/tam,• brrac,' Abra­ lia111,• ,/,,11((//um," ,l,,/111; lliram") of :\larlboro', :Mass., m:inu­ facturer and farmer, was born there April 15, 18-Hi. He married, April ;,, l,':Hi!l, Effie Geneva, daughter of Theodore \V. Sawyer of Marlboro'. He manufacture

383 GF.OltOlo: Eowrx• (Ab,.,,/uw,,' Rfrlianl,' Ab1·akam,• !Ha(lc,• ,Trmrtx," Jlloxex,° David,7 Ueor!Je') of 4,l Cameron Street, ,v ellt Somerville, :i\lnsll,, cuttle denier, w1111 born in .Brighton, l\lnsll,, Sept, 8, 18.'ia. He married, l\fny l!I, l8i8, Ellen ,Jo1:1cphine (Lorn Aug. 20, 1859),

-IU, ii. Limrn· C., b, ,fon. l:J, 187.'i. iii. Hlms1c1,: l\[,, b, ,July :W, ll'.177, in LowiHton, l\lo.; m, l\rny 3, lH!IH, Almn l\I. ,lor,lnn (h, Au;.:. 17, ll'.17B) o[ Lewiston. :He i, 11 ~hoe1111Lk!•r. Hl'H. New A11l111rn, :Me. ii', .Ti,:,,1,: L .. h. ,llllll' tr., l8Hli. v. G1 .. \1>Vs ;\[,, h. Dec. 11, tH!l."i, 387 ,JostAn° (Abrcduim, 1 Ric!tard,' Abrrtlwm,3 ,loRepl,,• ,lo11epli, 6 Lei·t'.." ,lo11epl,,' ,lo11ial,") of Snbnttus, l\Ie., farmer, wns born at Webster, ~le., Feb. 27, 1855. He mnrried, Oct. 18, 1888, Helen I<'. Xicholll. Children: i. Eo1T11 Br-:r.u:,10 b. l\Inv lli, 188!1. ii. l\L\l:tt1c1~ Er.111mu;1,:. i,. ,luuc l!l. H!!IO. iii. ,YAr.1.Act: A1.Tos, h. An;.:. :!:J, ltl:11. i", EvA :\Lw. h. St•pt. 1:1, 11'.i!l:/. v. E11SA A1.1t-i;. h. Oct. :17, lH!l!l. vi. Xo1m1, ,Jo,un, h. O,•t. 7. lH!l,i. vii. ETIIEI, Bt:.\Tt:1c1,, h. Xov; :!H, 1896. 388 Fmm~:mc c.• (Abraltmn, 1 Ricltara,• Abralmm,3 ,loReph; ,To­ seplt," Le,:i," ,Jo, L,, h. ,July 10, l RiH; Kinglo. RcM. Terro lfauto. Iii. N1r.1.1,\' P., h. Oct. 1:!, HU:l[i. 301 Jom;MrLo:s' (.Abr,tl1ri111, 1 Riclur.rd,• .Af,raluen,,3 ,lo11epl,,' Sam­ uel,• Samuel," ,fofm,1 John") of Lunenburg, Vt., cnrpcntel', wm, born in Concor

394 OTIS SwAY:s1-:• (Abralmm, 1 Richard,' .Abraluon,• Jo.~eph,' Sa111- nel,6 Samucl,6 ,Tolin,' ,John") of Berlin, X. 1-1., wn.s born in Con­ cord, Vt., :\larch :n, lt-153. He married Lcpha :\Iorgan. Chil

publiHhcr, wn,. bom in CheHter, 11,i., Dec. 18, 18Ml. He mnrried (1) Kntie A. Tnylor (horn in 11-W:!, mul tlicd ,rune 2;,, 188i); mnrried (2) Annie L. ~tephen~, who w118 horn ,July 0, l~H2. lie it1 one ot' the proprictor1:1 ol' the .Jfur11in9 llcpl(l,[t'can of ,v etit Chc~tc1·. Children: i. K,\Tn: Amm~,in I,, ,Juno• Iii, IH8i, ii. Ilo1tAC1•: ST1,1•1n:x~. I,. April 4, 11-1!1:!. iii. G1-:01t1m A1.1.1~os, h. ,lnly :!Ii, 11-1\1:l. h·. A1.1n:, h. ,Jnlv Ii, lK!l;,, , •• 1"1tA:-.K £nm:\1t11, I,, S1•pt. -t, H!!lli.


HEXTIY :\1. 0 (.Ab1•fl/im11.,' ll11:h11rd,• .A/Jrr1hm11,• Beuf,,min: ,/0/111," ,fu/111,• Al11'J,t!,,' ,folm") of Bu,;ton, :\lai-1:1., waH born in Bow­

FnAXt(• ( ...:1",·rt/111111,' ltic/,r1rd,' .Abrrtl//lr11.," Be11jmni11,' ,fohn; .folw,6 ,.l/J~j11I,; C-:,!'""!/''') of Sali~hury, :;\la,;s., was born in Bow­ doinham, :\le., ,Tune :!l, l/:1;,7. He marrie., L. ,Jau. :!:!, 18~G. 399 ALB'F.TIT E.• (Ab1·rtl11r.m, 1 Ricltflrd,' .Abra limn," Beujrtmin,' ,folt11.; .Jolw," Abij11l1,' George") of Richmond, ::\le., farmer, was born in Bowdoinham, l\fo., ::\larch 17, 18G2. He married, Xovcm­ hcr, 1879, A

Chilclren: i, [•'1t1m At.nimT,10 h. Oct. l!l, 1R80. ii. l\1Aunw1r. E1t1,AN1>, h. April :!4, 188•1. 400 C1tAilLF.l'I I-I.° ( Alm,/,r1m,' INelm rd, 1 Abral1mn, • lJcnJamin, • ,/0/111,• ,/r,/w,6 .Al,ijr,/,,7 /:iolrm") of' Salem, Mnsl!,, cnrpenter, wns born in How .T .. h. Feb. 12, 1888: d. Dec. 12, 1888. x. ,TE:S"X'IE llt,LLI,, b. April:~, ltl!)3. 402 '\YILLIA:\I HE::-o"RY' 0 (Abrrdwm.' Ricllfl1'Cl, • .Abmham, • Riclt,,rd, • Tlt0111(1.~: Blijaft,• Urijalt,1 l.,i·ijrr/1," Lemule,·") of Phomicia., Ulster County, X. Y., was born at Oli\"c Brnnch, X. Y., Oct. 30, 1847. He married, Sept. 8, 18G9, Elizabeth Wilcox. Children: i. CORXELI.\ A.,11 b. NoY. rn. lSiO; m. ii. lIATTm R., b. Aul,!. 30, ltii2: m. iii. :i.\I1m1:ILL. b. Sept. ;,, 18i 4 ; m. iv. BERTHA, b. ,Tun. 22, 18i7. '"· l\L\n.r A., b. Dec. 2, ltii8: m. 13 182 TF.ltl'LR 011!?-mALOOY, vi. F1.ovn H., Ii. Xuv. :M, tRBO, vii. W11,1.u,1 L .. h. Aul,(, 2, IHH:J: <1. Oct, 10, 188,t, viii. ,lcr.t,\ A .. h, S1•pt. :!1, lHH.i, ix. l•:1mnw D., h. Oct. 1,1, 181'\i: ,1. ,lnn, •I, 18H!J. x, f:1,:01w1,: H., h. S,•pt. 10, 1H8!1, xi. ]fal!ijlll, h. ,luuc :rn, lK(I:!: d. !-.,,pt, 21, 1802. 403 10 1 OsCATt ,vrtLT!l ( Ab,•rt/l(WI,, R/cllfll'Cl,' .Afirr1h11111 / Rfrltrt·rd.' Thom""•• Bl/jflh, 8 Li•t;jflk, 1 Ui·,:i,,/1, • Lr~/iiyette0) of Chicopee, l\foss., tr1wellin;! ~nle!!mnn, wns horn there ,July 1, ll:153, He mnr­ ried, Ang. 2tl, 18i6, Anne L. Haley. Chil1lren: i. CAl!IWT,L L., 11 h. ,Tm1. 2-1, lki!l. ii. famrn R., h. )fay l:!, IKl-~ox. b. Felt. G. 1888. iv. ALICF. Loc1sA, b. )fay :JO, 189:!. 406 HARVEY w~sLow'0 (.Abr((ltam,' Ricl1ard,• Abra/ur,111, 3 Rich­ ard,• Tlwma.~, • Archelaus, ~ Jonas, 1 Ralph, 8 George") book- TE:ltrLE Ol~NlMLOOY, 183 keeper, wn,i born in We,it l\Ietlwny, l\Inss., l\111,y 20, Hl'il. He mnrrictl, l\forch, 11:S!JO, l\Inrin Elir.nbeth 'Vhcltl, nml tlictl 1892. Children: i. ( ~,um: lh:1.,is,11 h. ,Tuna 30, 18!11. iL l\IA1er J•:LJZAnwru, b. Foh. 11, l!tJ:J. ·107 1 STEPHEN Docot.\1,1 " (Abra/mm,' Rfrluird, ~ .Abra/iron,• Ric/1- 6 1 0 rtl'fl, ◄ Tlw1111tH, .Arclwlrm11,° ,frma11, Geor!r,• C'!/''"" ) of Ann­ corte11, ,vnMhington, civil engineer, wns born nt Chnriton, !own, Oct. lG, 185!1. He nmrric Cnn;,i,11 b. l\lnrch 11, 18!):J •. ii. Tm:Ll!A Alim,, b. Dec. 18, Hl\).l, • 408 FU.AXK AuGUSTU!\10 (.Abmham,' Ricltard,' .Abraliam.," Ric/1- m•d,' Tlwmrt.•, • A1·t:lw/au1<," ,fomu,,' Ocorr1e,' .A1191tHf1tH,") of Kingman, Kan~111,, railway l!tntion ngent, wa:! born Feb. 24, HHH, at Ottumwa, Iowa ; attcmletl ~ehool in Chariton :mu Crc:!ton, Iowa. He mnrriecl (1) Oct. 1:2, 1881, Em,na. Rosetta, LE GENEALOGY.

Children: i. HimllON,11 b. Sept. 12, 1891. ii. I·Lu1sL, h. Sept. 22, 18!12. iii. EDITII, b. l\fay 2, 1894. iv. FRANCIS, b. Dec. 4, 1896. v. NELLIE, b. !\larch 10, 1898.

410 "rILL..\RD .A.. ' 0 (Abra/tam, 1 Richard,• Abraham,' Ricltard,' 1 0 Thomas,• Willia11t, • David, Wil Liam,• O.•car ) of :Mauston, "\Vis., editor, wrus born at Newport, "\Yii;., ,July 2, 1857. He mar­ ried ( 1) ,Jan. 8, 1880, Luella Anderson, at l\Iauston. She died Feb. 2, 1881. He married (2) .Aug. 28, 1897, at Kilbourn City, Wis., :Margaret ,J. Arntz. He is secretary of the "Chronicle Print­ ing and Publishing Co." of :Mauston, and editor of the J uncau Co. Chronicle. Children: i. LUELLA l\L\Y,11 b ••Jan. 1, 1881. ii. ESTELL.A l\LUUE, b. l\Iay 31, 1898. iii. Osc.AR, l,. Sept. 13, 1899.

411 ALFRED L.,. ( Abraltam,' Riclw1·d, • Abraham,• Richm·d,4 Tliomas, • William,• Barnard, 1 ..1.Yapoleon, • Alfred•), was born at Newport, "\Yis., Feb. 12, 1866. He married, ,July 5, 1895, Emma R. Burfield of Sturgeon River, Delta County, l\Iich. Child: i. Lonzx B.,11 h. l\farch 12, 1896; d. young.


0 Hm,ur' ( Abraliam,' Ricl1ard, • Abraltarn, •Richard,• William,• Step/ten,• Stephen,' Step/ten,• Doric") of Sugar Grove, Pa., stage driver, was born there Sept. 9, 1839. He married, 1860, Susan L. Xichols. Children: i. CIILOF.,11 h. Sept. !I, 1862; m. l\farch 14, 1883, Martin Denni­ son. Res. Council Grove, l\Iorris Co., K:111. US. ii. A1m1rn, b. Feb. 28, ISG;j. iii. HILU, b.• Tune l,i, 1867; d. :i'lov. 1.;, 1872. iv. RALI'II, h. Sept. l,i, 186!1 ;

413 Lnm'0 (Abraham,' Ricltard,• Abraham,• Ri"chard,4 William,• Stephen,• Stephen,' Stephen,• Doric") of Watts Flats, Chnutnuqua County, N. Y., funner, was born in Sugnr Grove, Pa., Dec. 3, 1856. He married, April 18, 1875, Ida l\I. Baldwin (born l\Iny 19, 1857). Children: i. PACL B..11 b • .April 2,;, lS!JI. ii. IL\zEL 1\Lun:, b. 1\Iay i, 18!!4.

414 W ..\YXE10 (Abrahran,' Richard,' Abraliam, • Richard,' Wil­ limn," Stephen,° Stephen,' Steplte11, • Doric") of Go":~nda, N. Y., salesman, was born in Sugnr Grove, Pa., Aug. 16, ,1860. He married, Jan. 9, 1889, .Anna Belle ( R.i.ndolph, N. Y., April 18, !Sil), daughter of Bryan,.l\Iylon. Children: i. GErw\LD B.,11 b. Dec. Ii, 1891, ut Tuncssam:a, X. Y. ii. DoX.\LD D., b. Oct. 16, 1894, ut Ste:imburg, N. Y.

415 ,JOSEPHE"'ERED10 (Abraham,' Ricltard,• Abraham,• Richard,• William,• Stepl1en., • Stephen,' Stephen,• Ou.~•) of Alden, Erie County, N. Y., railway po,;tnl clerk, was born in Stocl.1:on, N. Y., :March 25, 1852. He married Sarah Carolyn, daughter of Jacob U. Annis of Ellery, N. Y. Has resided in Dunkirk and Buffalo, N. Y. Children: i. 1\I:cxER E'\'ERED.11 b. Oct. 2. 18ii. ii PAt:L BLISS. b •. 1\fay 11. 18,!J. iii. FLor:EXCE C,rnoL YX ,JEWEL, b. 1\fay .5, 1884. iv. Lt:CILU: Ir:EXE, b. Aug. 9, 1888. v ••Tonx V1xCEXT, b. Oct. 11, 1894. vi. .J.urns OT1:.;, b. 1\.I:i.rch 13, 189!1.

416 DEFOREST C. ' 0 (.L.tbraltam,' Richard,' Ab1'llham,• Richard,' William,• Steplteu, • Stephen,' Stephen,• Oliarle,l) of Sug-.i.r Grove, Pa., teacher, was born there Nov. 10, 1853. He married, l\fay 21, 18i8, Jennie, daughter of Lorenzo Badger of Russellsburg, Pa., and died April 19, 1895. His widow resides at Jamestown, N. Y. 186 TElIPLE GEXE,\LOGY.

Children: i. Bt-:ssrn V ~11 b. Sept. 11, 1882. ii. CtL\tiu:s E., b. Nov. 1-1, 188.5.

417 EDWAF..D F,ra1m10 (Abnclwrn, 1 Richai·d," Abra/tam,° Ricl1ard,' lVillimn,' Stepl1en,6 Stepl1en,' ,Jame.<,' Freeman") of Nashua, Iowa, was born at Chenango, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1831. He married, lfoy 10, 1852, Rhoda Dorman. Children: i. I!ExnY )I.,U b. :i\Iarch 21, 185:}. Res. Plainticlcl, Iowa. ii. G1ucE I.. b. )foy 14, 1870. Res. Nushua,. Iowa. 418 J,\lIES R.'0 (Al,ralwrn,' Richard,' Al,ral1am,• Ricltard,' Wil­ liain: Stephen," Stephen,' James; Freeman") of Eldora, Iowa, l\I. E. minister, was born )fay 4, 1833. He ma!"ried, Aug. 29, 1852, Harriet Lovina Sawins. He died ~larch 20, 185!). Widow's address: ~Irs. H. L. V alcntinc, Creighton, Knox Count)·, Xcl,. Children: i. XAXCY A.ttYILL.\.11 h. ::.\fav 14. 18,i-1. ii. WILLIA)! CLARK, b ••Jun,; 2. 18,36. Gifford, fa. -UG. iii ••JEFl'ERSOX GtLJ;EltT, b. l\Iay 17, 18.58. 419 EDWARD LYlL\~•• (Al,raliam,' Richard,• Al,ra/1am,3 Richard,' TVi'.llirun, • Stephen,• Palmer,' Tlw111a.<, • Lynum•) of :McCracken, Kan5a5, farmer, was born .Tan. 17. 186!). He married ---, daughter of .Archibald King of :\lcCmckcn. Children: i. Eo,-A )!AY,11 b. l\farch 25, 18!)2. ii. I-lAJ:OLD Kt:IT11, b. Oct. 8, 18!!4. iii. CL1n·o1m LLOYD, b. April 8, 18!!:3. 420 HEPJ~EP.T )loP.TDIElt10 (Al,ralwm', Riclwrcl•, Al,r«lwm', Rich­ a,·d,' William; Stepl1en," Palmer,' Smnuel, • Samuel°) of St. Paul, )!inn., puhlic accountant and auditor, wa:i born Oct. 17, 1864. He married Clara )fay (born ,fan. 13, 1866), daughter of David S. and Clara Eleanor (Lohncr) Harkness of l\lihrnukce, 'Wis. Children: i. BESSIF. ,VILL,\l:D,11 b. :\larch 24, 18!10. ii. HERhERT Mo1tTmE1t, b ••June 24, 1894. TElUPLE GE}."EALOGY. 187

421 F:a.\!,"K.10 (.Aln·aham,' Richard,• .Abmlwm,0 Richard,• Wil­ 8 9 liam,' Stephen," Palmer,' Otlmiel, .Albert ) of ,vaync, :Mich., was born in ,v aync, Feb. 28, 1869. He married Pauline Janner. Child: 422 10 OSCAR .ALnERT ( .Abralwm,' Riclia,·d, • .Abraham,• Richard,• Williain,' Stephen," Isaac; LYS •.\.D,\L.\IDE, b•• i\.pril s, 1898. 423. Oruusox E.'0 (.Abmlwm,' Ricltrtrd,' .4.pralwm,3 Richard,' William,• Stephen,• L•aac, • Isaac,•~ Everett•), was born )larch 31, 1872. He married, .Nov. 18, .1896-, :\I. .Anna, daughter of James )I. Temple, ,voodvillc, )fass. Child: i. LAWRQ.CE E.,11 b. Sept. 26, 1897. 424 CHARLES ELLis'0 (.Abralwm,' Richard,' Ab1·aham; Richard,' 9 Be11Jamin, • Timothy,• Benjamin,· Timotliy, • John ) of Vineland, K. J., was born in )Iilford, X. H., )fay 14, 1853. He married, :May 14, 1880, Ella :\I. ,Yilde. Children: i. Ec-GE:s-E c.,11 b ••Tu1y 1G, 1s81. ii. ALBERT ,v.. b. Dec. 20. 188,;. iii. E,oL\ L., b; Feb. 2S, 1888. 425 FRED LAWRENCE10 (Abra/tam., 1 Riclwrd,' .Abralwm,3 Rich­ 0 a,·d,' Benjamin; Timothy," B,m_jamin; Timot/1y," Jolm ) of Vineland, X. J., ~:tbinct maker, was born in Francestown, :X. H., April 3, 1857. He married, Dec. 11, 1879, .Annie A. Bennett. Children: i. LE::-A,11 b. Aul?:. 12. 1S81 : d. 18S4. ii. .A.r.n'l'ETTA, b: Nov. 7, 1S87. 188 TElIFLE GE?."'E.ALOGY. 426 10 1 OscAR BO'l"ll."TO:S- ( .Abrahmn, Richard,• Abraham,• Richard,• 1 Be,~famin, • Timotl1y, • Be11Jamin, . Timotley,• John") of Newark, N. J., surveyor and draughtsman, wns born in Vineland, N. J., Oct. 10, 18i0. He married :Minnie ,T. (J>orn Sept. 15, 1872), daughter of Theodore D. 'Wenver of Newark. Res. 161 Barclay Street. Children: i. HAROLD RADIO!l.-»,11 b. l\Iarcl1 2, 1895. ii. FLOREXCE l\Lw, b. Oct. 29, 1896.

427 EDWARD DAvm10 (.Abraluim,' Richard,• Abraliam; Riclwrd,4 Be11Jamin, • Solomon,• .:.Vatlumiel, 1 Dcwid, • lliram•) of Green­ field, :Mass., marble dealer, was born in Charlemont, )lass., Oct. 4, 1869. He mnrried, Aug. 28, 1892, Susan E. (born Aug. 8, 1868), daughter of Spencer N. Tirrell, West Cummington, l\Iass. He is an active member of the I. O. O. F. Child: i. Dox.uD E.,.11 b•• Jan. so, 1894. 428 .J,\lIESF.10 (Abraham,' Riclwrd,' Abrctl,am.".. Ricltard,4 Ben.fa­ min," Solomon," .i.Vatlwniel,' Dai·id, • William•) of Shelburne Falls, :Mnss., was born in ,vaverlev, Iowa, ,June 8, 1869. He married, Sept. 2, 1896, A.nnie l\I., daughter of Peter Anderson of Cedar Falls, Iowa. Is secretary of Board of Trade at Shelburne Falls, member of Knights of Pythias, editor and proprietor of the "Deerfield Valley Echo." Child: i. HELEXA A.,-xA,11 b .•June 30, 189i; d. April 3, 1898.

429 CHARLES ,vALTER10 (Abraham', Riclwrd', Abrrtl1am•, Ricli­ 0 ard,4 Benjamin,> Solomon," Asa,' ,Jacob; Dm:id ) of Bridge­ water, South Dakota, farmer, was born Sept. 15, 1859, at :Mason City, Ill. He married, Nov. 19, 1884, Anna A., daughter of Richard l\I. Galliher, formerly of Byron, ID. Children: i. FRED w., 11 b. Dec. 19, 1885. ii. EsTIIER l\L, b. April IO, 1887. iii. FLOR~CE A., b. l\Iay 6, 1890. TOII'LE GE.."-EALOGY. 189

430 1 CIL\RLES A:uos • (Abraham,' Richard,• Abra/tam,• Richard,• Joseplt, • .foseplt, • J.lfoses,' .Amo.~; Amo,y•) of 1,Vilmington, Vt., and New York, N. Y., was born in 1,Yinchcstcr, N. H., 'March 3, 1842. Fcmarried (1) 1860(?),.JanetteFox of Woodford, Vt., who died June 23, 1869; married (2) Oct. 15, 1871, Elizabeth Conklin of Albany, N. Y. He died·.Jan. 16, 1885. Children: i. FAXNIE ;:1[.,11 b ••June 14, 186:3, in Wilmington, Vt.: m. P. l\I. FierleheY. Res. San Fr-.mcisco. She bas three children. ii. FR.\..'iK .,\.,10s, b. l\Iarch l, 187:3: d. August, 1892. 431 WILLL\:11 Hm,"T'0 (Abraham, 1 Richard,' Abraham,' Richard,' .fo.qeph, • .fosep/1,• llloses,7 ..t1mos," Amos"), was born Dec. 31, 1848. He married l\fo.ry Helen l\Iooney, ancl died Oct:.12, lSSi. Children: · . i. CnARLES AltOs.11 b.---. Res. 2025 :3d Ave., New York Cih·. . ~ ii. FnAXCF.5 R., b. ---. Res. 4 Brown Place (between 133d :m

N. Y., was born at Collamer, N. Y., April 3, 1859. He married ---. RcsideI1ce 119 Lodi Street. Children: i. AD.\.11 ii. CII.\RLES. iii. RosETT.\. iv. B~:r.TIL\. '\". Lt:CY. 434 CIIARLES10 (Abraltam,' Richard,• Abraham,• Richard,' Jo­ seplt, • Josep/1," J)'Ioses,1 Tl1011ut,<, • Dw:id") of Parish, Oswego County, N. Y., was born near there .July 30, 1857. He married, Sept. 26, 1881, Iona Sable, who died February, 1892. Child: i. IDELL.\,11 b. l\Iarch 8, 1883. 436 THO:IL\S Dur:R' 0 (..Abralwm, 1 Ricltard, • Abraham, 3 ~4.braham,' 0 9 Timotl1!f,• .:..Yathaniel, .Jolm,1 Ghr11·les," Glwrle.< ) of Trenton, N .•J., book-keeper, was born .Jan. 8, 1868. He married, Aug. 24, 1893, _.\nna., daughter of Jacob Gettler of Trenton. Residence 228 Spring Street. Children: i. "·rLLr.ur.11 b. l\fa, :21;, 189;;. ii. l\famE, h.• Jan. l!J: lti97. 437 Lm.AEL10 (.Ahral,am, 1 Riclwrd," ..Abraliam, 3 ..Abrahwm.4 Timo­ tliy,' Jolm,6 .A.4ter,· .1.Yatliauiel; George") of Trenton, N. J., was born there l\Iarch 24, 1866. He married (1) Nov. 27, 1890, Howlett.1. Dye; married (2) l\foy, 1894, Emma A.,

ROSWELL TEMPLE. See page 113. LUTHER WELCH. See pa~ 173.

TRUMAN TEMPLE. ~ page J7u. ELWOOD KELLUM. See page 194.

TE:lll'LE GE!'l'EALOGY. 191

439 10 1 RAtrnRoLLO Gn..~":r ( Abra/tam, Ricltal'cl, • Ab1'altam, • Ixaac, • Abra/tam,• .Jo1:1eplt,6 Roswell.' Ro;rwell,8 Edwin'), farmer and ..:attle buyer, ot' Grnnrule, N. Y., was born there l\fay 30, 1870. He married, Feb. 23, 1893, Grace (born Aug. 9, 1869),

NOTE ON K~:LLC'l[ FA)ULY. SAltC'EL,1 horn 171;'.i(?). He is saicl. b~· tradition, to have lived in one of the eastern counties of Maryland (perhaps Cecil), :ind to have been a Friend. It is possible that he was from New C:ist!L• County. Del. Had a brother Henry. He probably c:ime from England or clescenclecl from Eng­ lish ancestors. ,Julv, 1G:J5, one Robert Kellum. :1:,:ed r.1. embarked in the merchant ship " 1-I~pe.'' Hugh "-es ton ma.~ter, :~fter examination by the minister at Grnvesencl to he transported to Vir;:inia. .July 27, IG:3;i, Rich­ ard Kellum, aged lG. was emharkecl in the ·• Primrose." Capt. Dougl:t1• m:i.~ter, to he transported to Virginia. heing certified by the minister at Gmvcseml concerning the oath of supreme allegiance. l\farch 1. 1667, ,Yilliam Kellum. a con,ict in Newg:1te, was ordered put on hoard a ship for "\1r:,,-inia. From some of these it is possible that Samuel :incl Henry Kellum had descent. Early settlers in l\Iarylancl 11:mally sailccl from Eng-land, bound for Virginia. l\farylancl public rt.>cords from about HiG:3 to 1777 are recorded :it Annapolis. ,Jan. 7, 1778, Edward Kellam wru; 2d Lieut. of Capt. William Turpiu"s comp:my. Chilclren: i. S.\RATI,~ h. liG;'.i(?). ii. ,JEs:m. b. 17Gil(?). iii. A.'-S, b. 1770(?). iv. ,Jon:--. b. 1772(?). He resided in Guilford: N. C. He had chil­ clren: .Tolm.3 Cl,arles. J.Vatlum. Jesse. h. 1808•• Tessc 3 re­ mo,·ecl. 1x:JO, to Rush Co •• Ind.• am! in 18;i8 to .T:tsper Co., Ill. His children are: Albert,• .J. H. (both of West Liberty, Ill.), )!rs. X .•J. Lee, Bridgeport, Incl., and l\Irs. S. R. Duncan, Arcola. Ill. v. X O,\.Il, b. l\Iay 11, 177 4. No.u1= (Samuel'') of West Newton, l\farion Count)··, Ind•• farmer, was born l\fav 11. 177 4. He married. Dec. 4. li!"l:t at New Garclen. Guilford County, ·x. C. (now Guilford Collc:::e): Esther (horn ,fan. 10, 1774), dnughter of Christopher and L)·di:i Hiatt. ( Recore! of this marriage is preserved in the Fricn,ls )Io. l\focting, Guilford College, N. C. (See note on Hiatt famil.J,·.) Ile was a mau of medium height, sm:Lll bone, nLther fleshy. eomplexion fair. round nad face. small hands nm! feet. He removed from Xew Garden to l\Iartius,illc, Clinton Count,·, Ohio. about 1819. ancl two yeari; later to Indiana, where he died Oct. is, 184:>. Site or'their settlement was east side of e:ist fork of " .. hite Lick Creek, Ill.,':tl" l\Iorg:i.n Countv line. Esther dk"

to Salem, Henry County, !own. Children: Lindley, Natlian (Children: James, William, .t\.uron, Phebe A., Harmon and Lucinda), Harmon, lliordecai, &ulal, and Harriet. ii. CIIRI:STOPIIER, b.. Aug. 24, 1796; saddler; m. in Ohio, Eliza­ beth .Johnson; settled in Indi:lnapolis, Ind. Children: John, lived in Greenup, ID. Esther, m. --- :Brister of Indian­ apolis. iil. LYDIA, b. Oct. 19, 17!J8; m. Robert Tomlin.~on, and removed to Imliana, 1822. Resided near Westfield, Hamilton Co. Chililren : Milton., .illarl.lia, Noali, Allen, Jesse, Jane, .A.senit/1, Esther :incl Le1;i. iv. J~:s,m. b. l\Iarch 5, 1805. , •• No,rn; b. Nov. 1s; 1803; m. July, 1825•• Jane Hockett. Re­ sided north of Centre (Friends) meeting-house, l\I:uion Co. Children : .Alfred, resided in South West :Missouri. Shilrles, res. .Jewell Co., Kansas. Jesse, Dakota. .tfmos, d. young. vi. AsEXITn, b. Aug. 24, 1806; m. Shlldes l!Ioore: Children: Annie, m. :Benjamin V estnll. Esther, m. Solomon Blair. Samuel, d. single. vii. A.,rns, b ••Jun. W, lS0!J: sad.dler; single. Tiu. EsTIIEit. b• .Aug. 11, 1811; m. (1) Lee .Jessup. Res. near Fairfield Friends l!Ieeting. Children: ..J.»1brose. Prisr:illa, m. fa1ac Hawkins. ;:1.senith, m. (1) --- l\Iills; m. (2) --- Reag-..lll : m. ( 3) ]lark )Iills. i~ AsII.ER, b. Oct. 17, 1814; d. 18::H.

JEssE" (Samuel,1 Noah:) of ,,est Newton, llfarion County, Ind., farmer, was born )forch .5. 1801, at New Garden, Guilford County, N. C. He married, in Indiana, Sept. :;o, 1s2:;, S:1r:1h, daughter of .Jesse and .Jane Hockett. [The name is spelled Hoggatt in New Garden, N. C., Friends records. .Jesse Hockett, son of ,John and Ruth. born Dec. 1, 1763; mar­ ried Nov. 6, 1788, .faue l\Iilleken, born llforch 23, 1771. She was d:iu:,rh­ ter of Snmuel2 and .Anne (Baldwin) l\lilleken, who were married at ~ew Garden, .June 10. 17Gi. .Anne Baldwin W:L" daughter of ".illfam :rnd Elizabeth Baldwin, :rnd Samuel' lllilleken was son of "'illi:1m1.J Their Tesidence mis ne:iz- the Fairfield Friends meeting house. died Nov. 7. 185-1. He dfotl Nov. 13, 18,j-1. Children: i. As1rnn; b. l\!arch 8, 1825 : m. (1) l\I:iry ,Jessup t m. (2) llfatilcla Hadley. Children, by first wife: Harriet, b. nfoy 2:J, 18-17; m. ,John l\Iills: res. nlooresville, In

,lren: Ethyl. Louie, Edna, Inez aml Lysle. Orlando K., d. August, 18,8. Cora Clifton, m. Sept. 9, 1885, ,Tohn Quinlan Ilitch. merchant. ,Yest LibcrtY.Ill.: children: Dorris Nelson and ,John Lawrence. Roscoe· Co11l.:lillg. m. )farch 7, 1894, Ella Hayues: res. 1 00!l N. Illinois St.. Indianapolis, Ind.; child: Dorothy. Warner Kellum, m. :l\Iarch 7, 1894, l\fary .laue Dickcr,:on; res. West Liberty; children: Edwin Lee, d. lS!lG. and ,Tessie. ill. WAmrnr~ b. April I, 1830: cl. single. h·. Cm:tSTOl'llElt. b. Oct. 1, 1s:n; d. single. v. ELwooD, b. :i\fay :25, 1s:3:J. ,i. Wt:5LEY, b. Oct. 2:2, 18:15; m. Ang. lG, 1S57, :Melis~ Hadley. P. 0., Friendswood, Incl. Children: Jesse, b. Sept. 9, 1858; m. ---: res. Indianapolis, Ind. Laura, h. Dec. ::?8. 18G0; m. l\Iordecai Carter. William, b. Dec. :!9, 18G:3: m. Lamira, dau. of Samuel and )Ieliss.-i (Wilson) Tniebloocl: P. O., Friendswoocl, Ind.; children: Edith. b ••June 20, 1891: Edna P., b. Dec. 1, 189:3: Ann:i. L., b. Sept. 15, 189J• .Walter, b. Sept. 1, 1867, m. Emma Reeves, P. 0., Friendswood. Frank, b. Dec. 11. 187::!; single. Yii. No.,11, b. )fay:?:?, HS3::S: m. No,·. :?!l, 1860. lfannalt Hadley. Children: Elf,,, b. l\farch 29. 1862: m. ,Tohn I-1. Furn:i.s, 72 Woodruff Place, JIJ(lianapolis.· Orpha L .• b. Dec. 27, lSGS; m. Clmrles l\Icudenhall: res. C:i.rmel. Ind. .Alice, d. single• ...-iii. Lot:zE:sA, h. Sept. :i, 1841: m. (1) .Jacob .Jessup. Children: Alice, m. Leonidas Town"cnd. Plaiuticld. lnd. Jolm. m. Ros:i. .Jessup. She m. ( 2) ,lohn Chandler: P. 0., Friendswood, !1111.; child: Eli·a, single. ..

1 Et.WO0D4 ( Sanmel, .Noa/,,~ Jesse") of Lansing. l\Iich •• farmer. was born at Fairficl<1, Ind., )fay :!5, 18:;:3, He marric,l. XoY. 1, 1855. )fary (born :\larch :!8. 18:i8). d:i.u:;htcr of ,fames :mcl Elizabeth (Spray) Wilson.-(See nott!S on Wi/so,, and ,Sprll:J families.) He has resitleil at Bridgeport, Ind., ""est Liberty, Ill., Flint and LauRing, :Mich. Children: i. S.uun Er.I7.AUETl,6 h. Sept. 17. lSJG: m. Len D. Temple. ii. ELL.\. AD.\l.t:Si-:. h. Au:!,:!. l:'159; d. in infancv. iii • ..\.1n:r.u .,\:s1c1-:: b .•fan~ I, ·18Gl: d. in infancv: iv. \\".,1t:s1-:1t .JR,;:;1;; b. :\foy 11, 1sr,:;: IU. ,Tune is. 1894. :i.\Ielissa Hitch of W<.-st Liberty, l11. P. 0:, Xormal, Ill. Child: Wil­ bur Emm,isou, h. Sept. :z:;, ll'l!l5. v. C01:.\. .Ax:s.\, b .•fan. 1, 1s1;G; m. Au;!, 2, 18S5, Thomas Dicker­ so!1, West Liherty. Children: Rue, b. September, 1890. llerscl,eL b. Us!l:l. vi. :i.\!1:s:sm LCEJ.LA, b. April i., 1868: single: teacher in public schools, Lansing. vii. :\L\.r:Y EFFrn, b. Feb. G, 1871; single; teacher in public schools, Lan~ing. viii. Louz1-::sA D,:s.ur. b. 1\Iay 7, 1873; single; stenographer. ix. Om.A:SDO Er.wooD, b. Feb. 11, 1880. TE)ll"LE GE:."EALOGY. 195

NOTE ox HIATT F.UITLY. WtLLt.rn,1 born 1Gi0(?). He married l\fary Smith. It is hnrilly prob.'l• ble that he ever to .America. Thomas :incl Elizabeth Hiatt from Greenoge, Ireland, u few miles north of Dublin, in li:3:.J. an

1 GEOR(;E~ (William ) of Loudon, V"u., :ind New Garclcn, N. C., wus born in Greenogc(?). Irelaml, lG!lS(?). He married, li25(?), l\farth:i. Wake­ field. He ,lied Dec. 28, li!l:3, and his wife Feb. I:3, li!J-l. Children: i. ::.\fany,3 b . .April 2S, li2G, o.s. ii ••Ton:-;, b. Dec. l!l. li2!l: m. ~}pril 22, 1i.'i2, Sarah I-I0I.\. b. :\farch 22. li-li: m. (!) Oet. 18. Iii:.. rriah Unnt: m. (:!))fay.;, li:--1. S:uuucl Hog;:att (Ifocket:). xi. .1 O:, r:Pll. h . .\pril :;, l i ,;;; : m. Ke7.iuh ---. 1 C'nmsT01•11E1:3 ( Wtlliani. c~or:1,:) of Xew G:1r,1en. N. C•• \\·:1,; b::>rn in Chester County. P:1., Oct. 22. I;:;,, o.•. Uc married. ~cpt. :?:l. 1iii:?. L:·diu. ,hm:!hter of .iohn awl ~for:!".irct Dealcs. :ind die,l Dec. 12, 1i!l2. Childrt!ll: - · i. XATII.\X.' b. Oct. :~o. liG:;: ti. Feb. 2-1.1787: m ••Juh· 11, li84. )!:try Thornburgh; · • ii •.A,m1m, b. :\fay 3u, liG,,: m. Oct.:;. li:38. :.\far); .fohnson. iii. ZADOK. b .•iuh- :!:!, lilii; ti. Xov. 24. 177S. iv ••Jou:,;. b ••lulv ~i. l ,f;(): m. Oct. :1. l in:;, LYdia St:inf.chl. '"· .h:m-: h• .\u:,r. 10. liil: m. L,·,lia ---. · vi. E:-T11·,:1t, b. i•'cb. 10, 177-1: m."Dec. 4. 17(1:;. Xoah Kellum. vii. WILLL\ll, b. April 11. li,G: a. Sept. 3, li7S. viii. a\l1os, b ••Jul:· :!8, lii8. 196 TE:'IIPLE GEXEALOGY.

ix. l\IonuECAI, b. Sept. 13, li80. :x. CumsToPmm, b. Feb. 5, li8:J. :xi. LYDIA, b. Sept. 15, 1 iSG.

NOTE o:s ,v1LsO:S F,UIILl". CnmsTOPHEn,1 born about Hi90 in Yorkshire, Englnnd. He went-to West l\Ieuth, Irelnnd, where he belonged to a society of Friends, and-,in 1712 came to Penn's Colony in New Castle, Dclnware, where he was a prominent Quaker. .About 1 i28, he first appeared in the ministry. He marriecl, Aug. 22, lil9, Esther Woodward. He died .July 1, 1740, and is buriecl in Friends ;,_T.iwyard. Centre meeting house, Christiana Hundred, New Cu.stle, Delaware. Esther cl. Nov. 21, 1ii:3. An account of the life of Christopher1 Wilson is given in •· l\Iemorials of Deceased Friends," pub­ lishecl at Philadelphia, li8i. Children: i. ..\:sx, 2 b ••July I, 1720: il ••fan. 17, 1810. ii. Tl!O)IA::1, b. li22; m. li-t:3, Ann Dixon. iii ••Jo:3i,:p11,'b. li:24: m. li-18, .Ann Woodward. iv. 1V1LLI.~)1, b. li:?(;; m. 1748, Rebecca NeaL v. I-L\x:s,\11, b. 1 i29; m. lili(I, Thomas Chandler. vi. CmusTOPm:n, b. li:J:;; m. Dinah Gregg. vii•• Jonx. b. li:;;j; m. Oct. 1:3, liii!I, Dinah Cook. viii ••fa)IES, b. 17:38: m. 1,i:?, Elizab~th Clark.

.Jou:s2 ( Cliristopl,er) of C:1ne Crel·k, "Guion County, S. C., wa.~ born in Christiana Hundm-J. New Castle Countv, Delaware. Sept. 12, 1,;;;;. He married. Oct. 1:3. Ji;ji, Dinah, dau;!hter of I~aac !md .Mury (Houghton) Cook, at Loudon Grove meeting (New Garden), Chester County, Pa. He re,;idcd for a time in Chester County. and remov,_.d to Cane Creek, a few miles from Newbcrrv. S. C., in 1i,0. with four children. Bush River Friend.s meeting ,va.; in Newherry County, S. C., and was both a monthly and a quarterly. The latter was composed of three monthly mePtings; viz: Bush River, Cane Creek (Cniou County, S. C •• probably less th:J.U twentv mih,s from Bu~h River). There ,vas also a. Friends' meetinl! a.t Cane ·crel·k, Chatham County, :X. C. The Cox. Cook. Campbell. Spray anrl Wilson names all bl•loug to Cane Creek, S. C.• meeting. The original family recorils (births, etc.) of Bush River awl Cane Creek, S. C., and the minutes of Bush River monthly mic,eting are kept at Guilford College. S. C. They arc fairly complete from 1i,:? to 180i. He :wd bis wife wic,rc eMers in Bush River Friends' meeting. He ,Uecl l\fay 1:2, IW-1. Diua.h died l\Iarch 11. 1821. Chil

1v. PHEBE, b. Feb. 18, 1160, in-Chester County; m. Dec. 6, 1791, Amos, son of Isaac nnd Mnrgnret Hnwkins. v. Es:rnER, 1b. Feb. 0, 17.71.; m. Nov:. 25, 1790, .John, son-of John nnd .l\Inry (Wilkinson) Furnas. vi. ~ARAH, b. 1\Iny 19, 1773; m. June 7, 1792, James, son of Jnmes and l\Iartha Hawkins. vii. CnmsTOl'llER, b • .Aug. 15, 1775, at Cane Creek, S. C. viii. liA:.'1N,ur, b.• July 28, 17.78; m. Feb. 11, 1796, Robert, -son of ,John and' l\Iary (W-tlkinsonj Furnas. ix. JOHN, .b. Feb. 26, 1782; d. Feb. 23, -1785; buried at Tygor River •burying grounds. [PETER1 CooK of Te.rvin, Cheshire, Englnnd, married, at Newton, Oct. 7, I 695, Elinor Norman of Kingsley, Cheshire. They came to Peunsyl• vania in 1713. Their son Isaac'! was born in Northwich, Cheshire, Oct. 18, 1702; married, at Kennet meeting. Chester County, Pa., l\Iarch 2, 1734, Mary, daughter of.• John Houghton (of,Christiana Hundred, Del.) and ·wife .Ann (daughter of William Gregg, d. 1687). Isaac" lived in Chester and :York-Counties. ·Pa., and .removed to Cane Creek, S. C. For account of the Cook family, see Literary Era, July, 1·897. For Gregg-Houghton genealogy, see Litercuy Bra, November,. 1898.J ··

1 1 CnRI:5TOPHER ( Christopher, ,Tolm:) of .Bridgeport, Hendricks County, Ind., was born at Bush River, S. C., 4,ug. 15, 1775. He ll1:lrried, Dec. 25, -1800, at Cane Creek meeting, S. ~-, Mary Cox (born April 9, 1784) daughter of TI1omas and.Tamar Cox. Tamar was born April 11, 1749; died Aug. 25, 1829. She was probably second wife of Thomas. They removed to Warren County, Ohio, and :ire buried in Cresnr·s Creek Friends' burying ~rround. • TI1ey removed to Waynesville, Ohio, 1803. Removed to Indiana after 1811, and died in Bridgeport, Ind. Children: i. J om;,3 b. 1800(?) : m. Lydia---. Children: Joshua, Sam­ uel, ~l,i/1u, 1llaryJ, Christopher (res. Earlham, Iowa), .Bahusta, Hau11ah, F-d11a and Henry. ii. ELI, b. 1802; m. l!nry,. dau. of .Tames and Elizabeth (Parnell) C-ampbell.-(Seenote on Campbell family.) Children: James ·C., m. JU.aria Owen; children: Alice :L. and Benjamin E • .Jehu, m. Sar.ah H. Vestal: res. Loni? Beach. Co.I. ; children : lda .J., Mary E., .Anna J:l.lle :l.lld Vestal E. Bli:.abeth, m. Amos Walton, Long Beach. Thoma$ J.., m. l\faria Basford ; child: Eli, res. Lawrence, Kansas. William Penn, m. Amelia Alexander; children:, Herbert, Geora;e, Ella, Earl .and ZII.abel (res..Long Beach) • .Julm S., m. Clementine Fra­ .zier.; children: Ed~rar and .Aleta (res. Long Beach). ,iii., J.A.l[ES, b. March. 3, .H:lll. iv. TDOl!AS,:m. ---.Bnrnett. Children: Huldah (m. --­ Cox,,res. Des Moines, Iowa), Jeue, -.Bamett, Jolin, Seth, and others. ,v. ,caARii,ES, D). Betty :Pruett. Children: Seth, Ma"!!, James, Clrmtopher (m. -Elizabeth T11lbert, Bridgeport, 'Ind.), Esther, 14 198 TEMPLE GENEALOGY.

Martlia, Jehu (m. Elvn. Burnett, Friendswood, Ind.) n.nd Frank ( lncli:mn.polis). vi. JEHU, m •• Bales. Children: JllfZT!J An11 (m. Nn.tlw.n Pin­ son), Man·a, Louisa, Ella (m. Benjamin Carter), Calvin and Alkn. vii. TAllAR, m. (1) --Compton. Children: Christopher ~d Benjamin. She m. (2) ,John Owen. viii. H.u.-x,m. m. Da,;d Burnett. Children: Wilso11 and Isaac (Friendswood, Ind.). ix. DINAH, m. ,Joseph Spray. Children: John, Jesse (m. Hannn.h Mendenhall), Jl/fZT!J, Jane (m•• John Norwood, Indianapolis), Eli::al>etl, ( m. Henry Sulgrove, Indianapolis) and Eli. x. )!ARTIIA, m. --- Stafford. No children. xi. SETH(?). xii. HuLo,UI(?)• •JAln:s• ( Cl1rntopher,1 Jolm, 2 Christopher') of Bridgeport, Ind., funner, was born near Waynesville, Ohio, March 3, 1811. He married, April 2, 1835, at C:csar's Creek, Ohio, Elizabeth (born Aug. 19, 1818), daughter of Samuel n.nd Estl1er (Campbell) Spray. He died 1\Iarch 11, 1841. Esther died Sept. 6, 1855. Children: i. ESTHER C.. u1PnELL,' b. 1\fay 9, 1836; m• .April, 1856, ,Joseph Allen, West Newton, Ind.; d. Aug. 16, 1896. Children: James W., res. Indianapolis, Ind.; m. (1) Nov. 2.5, 1886, Ella 1\I. Woodward; children: Clifford (d. 1887) and Hubert (b. Nov. 2, 1891); m. (2) Lizzie Banks. Eli:aheth. Chester. Elmer, res. Dem·er, CoL : m. ( l) Ella .Rec,es ; child : 1\Ierle ; m. (2) Susan E. Bewley: children: Isabel, Chester, Joseph and Stephen. Frederick, Y. l\I. C. A. pl1ysical director. ii. 1tfaR1", b. l\Iarch 28, 1838; m. Elwood :Kellum.-(See note on :Kellum family.) iii. DI:SAH, b. ,June 18, 1840; m. Rev. William Smock, 403 W-tllow St.. Terre I-1:mte. Ind. Child: Wilma. iv. 1'!.\L0:S,\, b. Aug. 4, lti44; d. 1845. v. I:sou:sA, b. l\Iarch 6, 1846: m. Thomas Charles Lewis. Res. 411 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis. Children: Emory W., d. 187:3. John Elwood, d. 1872. Jessie 1)., b .•Jttly 4, 1875. llf!JTtle B., b ••Jn.n. 27, 1878. Charles Artliur, b. No,·. l 0, 1886.

NOTE o:s CAlll'BELL FAlrIL1". I cannot vouch for the correctness of the following account prior to ,John C. Campbell, born April :3, 1742, nor of his parentage as therein stated. Thi• ~t:ltemcnt is t:1ken from a l\IS. genealogy !

Children: i. .Jorn;/ d. April G, 1G4J. ii. RonERT, and four other sons and fonr daughters. SIR RonERT,2 (Duncan') of Scotland, married Isabelle, daughter of Sir Locbaber l\Iclntosh. Children: i. Jous/ and six other sons and nine daughters.

2 Sm .Jom;8 (Duncan,1 Rooert ) of Scotland, married Lady Mary Graham. Children: i .Jon.-r,◄ and several daughters.

2 8 Sm .Jorn,-" (Duncan.,1 Rooert, Jolm ) of Scotland, married l\Iary, daugh­ ter of Henry, first earl of Holland, Aug. 13, 1711; made earl of Breadal­ bane and Holland; died 1 il 6. Children: i. DmiCA..'i.6 ii. Jon.-r. Sm Jon~6 (Duncan,1 Rooert.,2 Jolm,8 John◄ ) of Scotlanc!, died Feb. 25, 1753. Children: i. DouGLAs,G and two daughters..

DouGLAs,6 (Duncan, 1 Rooert,2 John,8 Jolm,◄ JoJmG), married J\Iary---. He was a British naval officer. In 1756. he sailed for South Carolina in the ship •· Caledonia·• witli his children. ·No wife mentioned. It is thought thnt he died soon :iiter reaching South Carolina. His children being or­ phans were taken and raised by a colony of Quakers, while in Engl:u,d they were supposed to have bet:n lost at sea. (A ship ••Caledonia" foundered on tl,e New Jersey coast, at Pertli Amboy.) Children: i•• Tom; C~' b. April 3. 17-12. ii .•L\l!Es Dot:GLAS, b. Aug. 7, 17 44. iii. ESTHER (Hester?), b. Sept. 3, 1746. iv. )L\RY, b. Oct. 12, 1748. v. SAl!UEL, b. February, 1751: m. :\~----,and bad: Ralph, b .•Tan. 29. 1770, and John, b. Aug. I, 1772. R:i.lph later lived in Ohio.

6 · Jorn; C! (Duncan,' Robert/ Jolm,8 John,• John,S Douglas ) of Waynes­ ville, Ohio, was born in Scotland(?). April 3, 17 4:2. He nmrried, June 6, 1765, Esther (Hester?), daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Clark, at Bush Rh·er (ne:ir Newberry), S. C. Removed, ISO:,, to Waynesville (or near there). He

8 4 1 ,J A)lES 8 ( Duncan,1 Robert,~ Jolm, Jolm, Jolm, ~ JJouglas,6 Jolm ) of l'lfount Holly, Clermont County, Ohio, fnrmer, was born at Bush River, S. C., July 19, Ii69. He married about 1791, Elizubeth Plll'Ilell, in Union County, S. C. Elizabeth was daughter of James Parnell, who mnrried, l\fay 18, 17i4, Esther Townsend ( daughter of .John and Elizabeth) of Union County. The family removed to C:csar's Creek, Ohio. Children: i. HE"NRY,9 'b. 1792(?). ii. GEXRY, b. 1i94(?). iii. ESTHER, b. ,July 29, ·1796'; ·m. July IO, t817, S':I.Dluel Sprny.­ (See note on Spray family;) iv. JoH:s, b. li98(?). Children: Ntwmi ~nn, Estlzer Lili'ce, George, Samuel. I..ouisa and John. v. LrLICE. b. 1800(?); m. Ashberry Whicker. Children: Lul:e, George, Elizabeth, James (res. Attica, Ind.) and Jo!tn. vi. l\!A1n-, h.1802(?); m. Eli Wilson.-(Sce note on Wilson family.) vii. JA)n:s, b. 1804(?'). Children: Sanrue/., Eli::ahetli, George, Est/1er and Louisa.

NOTE o:s SI'RA'T FA}IILY. The name is probably from the river Spree (pronounced Spray) in Ger­ many. The name is said to·be frequent in Germany and Switzerland. In Besse's "Collection" of Quaker 11mrtyrology from 1650-1689, 011e of the victims mentioned was a Spray• . . JAXES,1 born °1725(?). Is supposed to have come from England about Ii50. He settled in Chester County, Pa., married Sarah·--, and're­ moved to the vicinity of Winchester, Frederick County, Va., where he died. The widow removed to South Carolina (Bush River, near Newberry?), where she married. ---Davis, and had a son Benjamin. (Irving, in his TEMPLE GENEALOGY, 201

life of Washington, calls attention to a large emigration from Vll'ginia to South Caroliua.) Children: i. JESSE,2 b. Dec. 23, 1754. He settled, 1803, at Cres:ir's Creek, near New Burlington, O.; removed, 1836, to Randolph Co., Ind., where he died. ii. SAMUEL, b. March 3, 1758. iii. An:,i1m, b. Feb. 20, li61; d. in Randolph Co. iv. HA..'ll(N,rn, b. Feb. 18, Ii63; m. and d. in South Carolina. v. JAMES, b. June 4, 1765; d. in Randolph Co. vi. l\IonDECAI, b. Feb. 3, li6i. Lived Cresar's Creek. vii. THOllAS, b. Dec. 26, 1768; m. in South Carolina and removed to Alabama. viii. WILLIAll, b. Dec. i, liil; d. in. South Carolina, without chil- dren(?). · 8A)tuEL2 (.fames1) of Cane Creek, Union, County, S. C., blacksmith, was born in Chester County(?), Pa., March 3, li58. He was placed by his mother in the employ of a neighbor who was a tory. SamueP left him, joined the American army, and was s~nt to the frontier to-nold the Indians in. check. The horrors of W¥• made him a peace man. · He joined the Quakers nncl became a preacher. He married, li80, ¥:u-y, daughter of John :mcl Dinah (Cook) Wilson.~(See WiJ.son note.) On account of their objection to s!:ivery, whole settlementti of· Quakers left their homes in the Carolinas. Among them were the Spr:i.ys, Wilsons, Kellums and Camp­ bells.. S:unueP and his family removed, 1803, to the :Miami River, near Waynesville, Qhio, and later to Cresa.r's Creek,. above Waynesville. The first piece of money which he earned after marriage was a French crown, still kept in the family. 1-Ie died )farch 20, 1836. There were three daughters who died young, not given below. Children: i. DrNAn,8 b. Oct. 9, li84; m. about 1804, John Cook. Chil­ dren: Samue4 Eli:abeth, Amos, Mary and Charity (

Indiana, nnd bought a large forest farm near Briilgeport. lie wn.~ a Quaker preacher mnny years. Esther died ,June 1 i, 1851. He died June 5, 1861. Children: i. ELIZ,\.BETrr,◄ b. Aug. l!l, 1818; m. April 2, 1835, .James WU.- son.-(See note on Wilson family.) . ii. J,urns, b. Aug. 21, 1821 ; d•• July 28, 1854; m. l\Iurcb, _1842, Eliwbeth, daughter of ,John and Rebecca (Compton) Owen. Children: Samuel J., b. Oct. 2!l, 1843: res. Salida, Col.; county surveyor, Chaffee Co., Col., and U. S. dep. min. sur­ veyor. Jolm C., b. Sept. 21,184.5; addre.•s, l\fasonic Temple, Chicago; grad. 18i2, Chicago l\Ied. Coll.; ten years sup't Cook Co. insane hospital. Rebecca CynJ./iia, b. Nov. 22, 1847; m. Rev•• James N. Beard, Grace l\I. E. Church, San 1''rnn: cisco. Henry Wilson, b. ,Jan. 6, 18;jl; snp't Indian School nnd ag't Eastern Cherokees, Cherokee, N. (;. iii. JORN W •• b. Sept. 2!J, 1824; m. Abigail Willis. Res. Bridge­ port, Ind. Children : Be11r9 and Candace (m •. William .A.. Mills, Bridgeport, Ind.). iv. IIE..'1RY, b. April 22, 1828: d. 1846, single. v. W1Lso:,., b .•July 22, 18:32; m. Sarah Furnas; d. about 1889. Children : William Pe11n, Indianapolis. Esther .ifon, m ••John · l\Icl\Iill:m, Bridgeport, Incl. vi. l\L\ltY, b. Feb. 6, IS:35; m. ,John F. Speer; d. lSiG. Children: Leonidas E., lawyer, ,Jamestown, O. .Abbie E., m. --- 1\Jyers, Bridgeport, Ind. vii. ELI, b. July 22, 1838; m. Amelia Timberlake. Res. Denver, Col. Children: Walter J., .A.1111etta •(m. Levi Hadley) and Edwin.

442 0 1 OSCAR FITZIIGGn' ( Abraliam, Ricltard, • Abra/tam,• I.mac,• .Abra/tam; ,Joseplt," Ro.

443 1 1 LEO:S-ARD E. • (Abraliam, Richa1•d,• .Abraham," Josepli,' Jo­ ,1eplt, • Le·vi,' Josep!t,7 ,Jo,

445 1 ARTHUR I ( Abraliam, I Ricltard, • .Abmham,. Ricliard,. mz­ 10 liam," Stephen,• Steplten,1 Stephen,• Doric." Hiram ) of'Whites­ ville, Allegh.any County, N. Y., travelling salesman, was born in Sugar Grove, Pa., Feb. 27, · 1865. He married, Oct. 31, 1891, Lillian, .daughter of Edward B. Henly of )!illport, Patten County, Pa. Children: i. R.\Ll'n E.,12 b. b. l\fav 28, 1894. ii. DF.AN H., b. Sept. 1, "i896. 446 11 1 J EFFERSO:S- GILRERT ( Abraham, Richard,• Abraham,• Rich­ 1 8 10 ard,• lVilliam, • Stepl1en, • Stephen, Jame.•, Freeman,• Jameii ) of Dysart, fowa, machinist and blacksmith, was boru 1farch 17, 1858. He married, Sept. 27, 1885, l\Iary, daughter of Chris. Simonson of Dysart. Children: i. NELLIE A.,1: b. ,Tune 2, 1887. ii. MABEL C.• b. Aug. 12, 18S9. iii. EllllA E., b. April 1. 1891. iv. BENJAllIN Ftt.A.'1KLIN, b. April 6, 1S95. GENEALOGY OF THE DESCEl'{DANTS OF SAMUEL :MURDOCK OF TOWNSHEND, VT., AND OF ms WIFE Lors TEMPLE (sEE PAGE 33).

Compiled by J UDSOX N. Cn.oss, Esq., of Minneapolis, Minn.

:t 2 SA!WEZ. (&njamin') of Townshend, Vt., ffl18 b. March 10,. 17i0, and d. May 29, 1858. .Benjamin' (b. April l, 1736) re­ sided at Uxbridge, Mass., and Townshend, and was doubtleas b. at Newton, Mass., and of that Murdock family. He, ,vith a son Oliver, was a Rev. soldier with 'Washington at Roxbury li75, on Lake Champlain and the $:;. Lawrence, to Quebec under Schuyler and :Montgomery, died of :imall-pox in service ,July 24, 1776, at Crown Point [Hall's Hi8t. Erut. Vt., p. :t48]. Benjamin' m. Catharine (b. Feb. 23, 1740), dmr. of Dea. Samud Reed (John' of Rehoboth, Samuel' of Uxbridge and Mendon, SamueP), who was grand-father of Rev. Hollis :Recd, nn.t-misssionary to Bombay and historian of India. Hem. Dec. 1795, Lois Temple, and lived sixty years on a farm in the S. E. corner of Townshend before there was a death in family. Children: 2, i. Huu,1,3 b.• .\pril 2i, li9i. ii. SALLY, b. March 11, Ii99; d. Aug. 25, 1839; m. ,Jan. 24, 1822, Elisha :Xoun,;e (b. April 16, 1 i93, d. Sept. 22, 18i0) of Dummerston, Vt. Res. neur Frankfort, N. Y. Issue: Hiram E.,4 b. May 9, 1824; m. (1) Feb. 8, 1849', Elizabeth E. Kling (d. ,June 2i, 188a); (2) Lucy King, .April 5, 18il8; (3) Mary Fowler, -- 28, 189i. Res. Waukesha, Wis.; DO children. J)elphia U.,4 b. Feb. 18, 1826: d. Au~. 2;j, 1875; m. Sept. 22, 184i, Hiram Kling of Utica, N. :X. Child: Sarah,6 b. Aug.14, 1849, m. 3farch 25, l 8i4, Dlllliel McGuckin of Utica (d. Sept. 2i, 1~97): no children. Ro=m1a Sophia,• b. April 21, 182i; cl. Nov. 1·1, 1858, m N. Y. City; m. Feb­ ruary. 1846, ,James .Juli® Ashforth (b. March 30, 1821. Res. Staten Island. · Issue: George/ b• .April 2, 1846 ; d. Feb. 26, 1890; agent for Astor properties; m. Dec. 3, 1868, Louise Blackhurst of N. Y. City. (Children: Alice,S b. Jan. 21, ll:S7t; m. Oct. 3, 1894, Harrie Winchester B:u!cy of New


York; Albert,~ b. Dec. 7, 1873 ~ George,8 b. Oct. 11, 1884). James,6 b. Sept. 30, 1847, d. Nov. 1852.; }Iary Louisa,6 b. ,June l!l, 1850, m. July 6, 1876, Z. l\Ielville Knowles of Waterford, Oneida Co., N. Y.; Edward,' b • .April 22, 1852 (m. Dec. 2, 1875, Nettie Wilson- of New York, res. Brooklyn, N. Y., banker. Children: Edith,8 b. Sept. 1, 1876, Emily,• b. JUDe 22, 1879, Winifred, ab• .April 27, 1883, l\Iildred,6 b. July 13, 189::!). Sarai, Ellen,• b. Dec. 6, 1828; d. May 4, 1851; m. Feb. 18, 1846, 'William Powell of Fr-.inkfort. Issue: Juliett:i.,6 b. Jmi. 20, 1841, d.l\Iarch 3, 1865; William Henry,6 b ••JUDe 8, 1847 (m. Aug. 15, 1876, l\forian Louise Rhodes (his second cousin); physician, res. Le Sueur· Co., Minn.). Martin L.,4 b. June 28, 1830; m. Feb.16, 1854, Delilah Lit­ tlefield (b. Oct. 31, lS.'30). Issue : l\farsena L.,6 b • .April 15, 1856, d. Nov. 29, 1878; Flora. Delilah,6 b. Jan. 2, 1858, d. Nov. 14, 1878; Clara Laminia,6 b. Jan. 6, 1860, d. Dec. 2, 1878; Rollin Reuben,• b. J.uly 1, 1862 (m. Nov. 6, 1893, Hettie l\L Goodrich; issue : Harold H.,6 b. Oct. 20, 1894, Lorena l\I.,• b. Aug. 19, 1896); Oninnin Ethel,6 b. Feb. 16, 1864; Daniel Elisha,6 b. Jan. 13, 1866, d. Dec. 14, 1878. Res. Delavan, Wis. HlW.'R,Q}i. M.,• b. Feb. 10r·l834; m. April 2, 1856, Jonathan Bailey (b. Oct. 4. 1822, in l\Ians­ field, Eng., jeweller in East Troy, Wis., d. .Jan. 30, 1895) ; res. Pomona, Cal.; is.;ue: Ella V.,6 b. Feb. 7, 1857; Wmett S.,6 b. Jan. 2, 18GO;, Churles 1-I.,6 b. April 28, 1863; Hollis l\Iurd-Ock,6 b. Dec. 30, 1865; Bertine S.,6 b. Jun. 30, 1868; .<\rthur J.,6 b. Nov. 19, 1869: .Joline D.,6 b. Sept. 29, 1872; Nelson B .•• b. Aug. 29, 1875; I-lir:un E.,6 b. Feb. 28, 1878. • Louisa,• b. Oct. 3, 1835; d. Nov. 27, 1857. Sally Hortense,• b. Aug. 25, 1839 ; d. .April, 1840. iii. JASPER, h. Dec. 2, 1800; d. 1862; m. .June 27, 1839, Abigail l\Ierriam ( d. Sept. 5, 1856) : lived on the homestead. Towns­ hend. Child: Sophi'a,' b. :Nov. 12, 1840; d. l\fuy 2, 1857. iv• .ALv,m. b. May 21, 1803: d. Oct. 9, 1875, at Rensselaer Falls, N. Y. ; physician : res. Philadelphia, N. Y.; m. ( 1) l\fay 22, 183.5. Lucy Ann, dau .•Judge Noah Sabin of l\Ialone, N. Y.; m. (:?) Sept. 14, 1841, Frances Sabiu (b. Dec. 9, 1811, d. No,·. 9, 1887, at Oregon Cit)·, Ore.), sister to Lucy .Ann. They adopted Ellen l\luria. dau. of Dr. Hiram Murdock. Y. PHILA, b. Nov. 8, 1806 ; cl. Dec. 1873 ; m. William Sloper (b. 180:3, d . .April SO, 1891 ), cousin to the grandfather of l\Irs. Gro,·er Cleveland; res. near Saud Banks Station, Oswego Co., N. Y. Issue: .4.b:ah J°lf.,• b•• July 30, 1831; m. Nov. 20, 1856, Pbrebe A. Wright (children: Willi:un,5 b. l\Iurch 9, 1859; Charles,5 b. l\farch li, 1861; l\linuie,6 b. Dec. 18, 1862; l\Iartha,6 b. ,Jan. 1, 1864; Eudora,6 b. 1866; Fr-.incis, 5 b. Sept. 14, 18i0; Edmond,1 b. Jan. 26, 1872: George/ b. Nov. 5, 1874; Louisa,' b. Aug. 1875; Ray,° b. 187i: Ettie,6 b. 1879). Gillina11,• b. Sept. 12, 1833; m. Amanda La Salle (children: Phila,4 b. Dec. 9, 1859 ; Harriet,' b. l\Iarch 17, 206 TEllll'LE GENEALOGY.

1862; ThnililcuR,G b. Oct. 23, 1871). I..oi"s,• b. Sept. 12, 18:li: m. (1) Newton L. Clnrk, (2) Austin L. 'Clark, (3) George W. l\fotthews (children: ,Jennie Clnrk.6 b ••Jan. li, 1862 : Lucy .Jane Clnrk,6 cl. young: Lilly Ann Clark. d. nged 11 : Edward Clnrk,6 b .•June 14, l8i:2: Liz;,;it, Clark/ b. ,June 14, 18i2, ,1. Oct. !l, 18!!8: m. A. B. ,vood, two children). Sara!,,• h. ,fan. 15, 1840: m. Albert Eaton (children: ,Julia/ .<\.lbert6) : ( 2) Xathan Hamblin ( children : George,6 b. ,July 4. 181ji; Ellen.6 b. Nov. 24. 186t!: Emery,6 d. young). Lucinda.• h. Sept. I;;, 1843: m. Henry W. Butler (child: l\Iolincln B.,6 cl. aged 23). Joh11,• b. Sept. lG, 1852; m. Ellen Thayer. The Sloper families nil re;;ide nt Sand Banks, Oswego Co., :N. Y., except l\lrs. Lois L. l\Iatthews, who res. :N. Y. l\Iills. l\linn. vi. Somu. b. Nov. 5, IS0!l: cl. l\Ia,· :n, 18i3: m•. nt Uticn. :N. Y., Sept.· 1:3, 18:31, Rev. Gorham Cross (b. Oct. 4, 1808, at Goffs­ town, X. II., d. l\fay 10, 18!li;). He was a Congregational minister at Richville, :N. Y., for fift~·-six years. Both he and his wife died there. lie was culled the father of Congrega­ tionalism in northern Ne,v York. His descent is: ,John,1 .John,2 ,Tohn,3 Theodore,• nil of :\Icthuen, l\Iass. From 1630 all his ancestors were of Essex Co., l\ Sophia l\Iurdock Cross and her parents were Baptist.~, but she joined her hus­ band. She often told of her J?randfather ,Joseph Temple being struck down by a musket at ,vestminster, Vt., and his pewter porringer stopping a bullet and saving his life. She wrote some verses on a large elm tree which stool! near her grand­ father Temple's gate. She has him s.-iy : .. "Why gaze ye so upon that olden tree? ,vhen young I cnrrlcd it with other three." One of these trees was standing in Sept. 18!l6. In 18i3 tl1is tree had one limb stretchin~ fifty feet across the road. Children: Saralt .Amelia,< b. Feb. 1•1, U,:34: Oberlin College; m. ,June 16, 18;,G, ,James Wilkinson (b. Oct. 6, 1826, cl .•July 2!l. 1880. of Lisbon. :N. Y., lawyer, :,.•Tml. Union College, re•. Rockford. Ill., Tama., fa•• Daytona, Fla.). Issue: 1\fay.6 h. ,June 10, 18,;i, d. same day; )farian:i,6 b. ,June 10, 185i, d. next clay: .Jennie Sophia,6 b. Sept. 4, 18.58, m•• Tune 2!J, 1882, Frauk Alvin White of Daytona. Fin. (son: Theo­ dore .James.6 b. :\!arch 2, 1888): Emma Theodorn,6 b. Oct. ,;, 186:3, cl. Xov. I:!, 186:'I: .John,6 b. Nov. i, lSG,i, cl. )farch 21:1, 18GG: Edw:u,ls Gorham,6 b•• June 12, 18Gi, m. ,June 14, IS!l,;, Florence Helen (clau. of Andrew Thompson of So. :Nor­ walk, Ct.), res. So. Norwalk, office 108 E. 2:M St.. Xew York: l\Iabel I-Ielen,6b .•July 10, ISG!l,ll.,Jan. 2, 18i,;; ClarnAmelin,6 b ••July G, 18i2, teacher; .James Weddell,6 b. l\fay 21. 18i5). Emma Ette,• b. ,Jan. :m, 1s:rn; m ••Jan. 15, 18i9, Edgar N. Waldron (soldier in Civil War from Nyack, :N. Y.), res. Day­ tona, Fla., no children. Judso1L Newell,• b. Jan. lG, 1838; TEMPLE GENEALOGY, 207 lawyer; res. l\Iinneapolis, Minn. ( compiler of the genealogy of descenclaots of ,Joseph Temple of Dummerston, Vt.); m. Sept. 11, 1862. Clarn Steele Norton of Pontiac, l\Iich. (clesc. from ,John Steele, first otlicial of Conn. Colony, leacler of Rev. Thomas Hooker's church company going from Cambridge to Hartforfl, ~onu., also

vii. Rt.THA.-.A. b. July 23, 1812; d. Dec. 14, 18.59; m. Jl,fuy 29, 1837, William Perry (b. Nov. 6, 1806, d .•June 21, 1875) of :Brookline, Vt.., where they always lived. Children: .illargaret Samantl,a,4b. Sept. 23,lS:38 [m. Sept. 2, 1857,James Woodell Watson (d. .June 7. 1868), res. Townshend, Vt., issue: Ining Clinton,6 b. Oct. 9, 1858 [m. JUDe 1, 1887, .Jennie S. Sa~er, child: Susie M.,8 b. l\Iay 13, 1888]. l\fudison Ellsworth,6 b. July 8, 1863, res. Townshend, Vt., Fred Wnrren,6 b. Auir. 2, 1865, m. Oct. 31, 1889, l\Inry C. Sawyer [child: Ruth l\L,8 b. June 12, 1898]. William Warrm,4 b. April 22, 1840; m. Jan. 1, 1874, l\Ialerin Lawrence; wns in Civil Wnr, and twice member of Vt. legislature (issue: l\Iartin W'illinm,S b. Dec. 6, 1876]. Lois &pliia,4 b .•June 27, 1841; m. l\fuy 9, 1893, Horace Gillman Rumrill : no children. .i1Iaduon F.,4 b. Feb. 7, 1844; d. Oct. 80, 1859. Elvira .A.,4 b. June 18, 1851; d~ Dec. 11, 1859. 3. viii. TIL'I.DDEus, b. Jnn. 81, 1816. 2 Hm.rn3 (Ben:jamin,' Samuel") of Gouverneur and Pulaski, N. Y., :i.nd Taylor's Falls, Minn., physician and mineralogist, was b. April 27, 1797, in Townshend, Vt. Hem. (1) July 27, 1824, Hannah (b. Nov. 29, 1801, at Brattleboro', Vt., d. in Pulaski, :March 9, 1852. dau. of Judge Noah' (Noah') Sabin [sec Hall's Hist. Bast. Vt.] of Putney, Vt.); m. (2) Dec. 23, 185t, Emeline (Rose) Bowker of Hinsdale, N. H. She res. in :Minneapolis, :Minn. He 1: m. Aug. J;',, 1876, Dr. William Henry Powell (gr.-son of Sally[i\Iurdock'J Xourse ). res.K:isotn,l\Iinn.; issue: :Francis Louise,• b. Aug.14.1877; Esther l\Iurdock,6 b. :!\Iav 7, 1881; l\larion Rhodes,6 b. Oct. 12, 1883: William Rhodes.6 b. l\lay 9, 1887. Jr1mt!S Oli11tou/'b. Aug. i:3, 1854; m.• Jan. 23. J 892, Ella C. Boies of Davenport, Ia.; issue: l\larg-.1.ret F.sthcr,6 b. Feb. 24, 1893; l\larion Frances,• b . •July 4, 1895. Henry White/' b. Oct. 15, 1864; d. Sept. 15, 186.5. 5, iii. SAlna:L SABIN, b. July 12, 1830. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 209

iv. HOLLIS REED, b. Aug. 15, 1832 (nm:ned for Rev. Hollis Reed [first cousin to his father], missionary to Indin); d. Jnn. 14, 1891; m. Nov. 3, 185i, ::inrah A. Rice of Oswegatchie, N. Y.; grad. at Williams College; practised law in Stillwater, Minn.; was district judge, probate judge and member of the :Minn. House·of 'Represliutatives._ .No children. They adopted .Alice 'Rice, b. Jnn. 11, 1865, and Robert Clinton, 'b. l\Iarch 9, 1867, brother and sister. v ••JuLI,\. SmT11, b. l\Iay 10, 1835; d. July 30, 1836. vi. W1LLIAJI WILBERFORCE, b. l\Iay 30, 183i; d. Oct. 13, 1852. vii. ·HnLur, b. Oct. i, 1830; d. Dec. 30, 1830. viii. ELLES MARL\, ·b• .April 27, 1841. She was adopted by her uncle nnd aunt, Dr• .Alva.h Murdock nnd his wife, of Phila­ ddphia, N. Y.; m. l\Iay 11, 1869, Rev. George .Arden Rock- -wood of Rensselaer Falls; res. Portland, Ore. Issue: Elim .Rulli,' b. l\Iarch 20, 18i2. George .Arden,& b • .Aug. 21, !Si4; grad. Williams College: student for the ministry. John Ali:a/46 b • .Aug. 16, 18i6; grad. Williams ·College; student for the ministry. Alice 1lfaria. b • .Aug. 29, 18i9; d • .April 1, 1880. 6, L~ GEORGE :"\YILSON, b. Sept. 25, 1843. 3 TluDDECS3 (Be11Jamin, 1 Samuel') of ·Rensselaer Fnlls, N. Y., physician, was b. Jan. 31, 1816; d. June 1, 1880. He m. -Dec. 31, 1840, Lucinda S. Allen (d- July 28, 18i6; her family were from Brattleboro', Vt., and claim relation to Ethan .Allen) of Gouverneur, N. Y. Children: i. HIRA)I .A1;u..~,• b ••July 9, 1842: d. Feb. 23, 1854. ii. CHARu:s ALVAH, b. Sept. IO, 1843; d.Jan. 14, 1864; physi­ cian at Philadelphia, N. Y. iii. Lov1sA SormA. b. Oct. 19, 184.i-; m. Dec. 31, 186i, Sidney O. Child (b. ,June 6, 1838). Res. Rensseber Falls, N. Y. Issue: Ernest ,Jlurdocl,:," b. Xov. 14, 18i3; lawyer; grad. Oberlin Col. 7. iv. ALBERT ;fas:rEn, b. 1\!arch 27, 184i. '"· ElDIA JASE, b ••July 3, 184!.I; d. April 19, ISSI. ,i. JULL\. Lt"CISDA, b. April 10, 1851: m. Aug. ;31, 18i0, l.'rank ·B. Dorothy of Pierpont Manor, Pierpont, N. Y.; rt:s. St. Croi.,;: ·Falls. l\linn: ·Js.que: Flora Blanche,' b. ,Juh- 2i. !Si:?; d. Nov. 18, 1883. Hope, b. l\foy i. 18i5: d .• s:une day. Tltaddeus lllurdock. b. Feb. 16, 18i8; d. ,Tuh· 9. 1882. Nina Edit!,, b. Nov. _30, 18i9: d. April 15, 1881_- Sid""!! Judson, b. No,·. 1, 1882. Julia ;Jfahel. b. Aug. 25, 1884. Jasper, b . .Aug. 25, 1885; d. Dec. 2i, 1890. Leora Agnes, b. Feb. 25. 18!12. 8, vii. OLtvER Ni-:~'Tos, b. l\fay l4, 1853. viii. FLORE.'i'CE VIOLA, b. July 5, 1855; m. April 25, 18ii. Noble ·W. Doty: res. l~ns..c;elaer Falls, N. T. Issue: .Albert Mur­ ·doclc,' b. Sept. i. 18itl. Holies Ja.11, b. l\Iay 3, 1880. Harold Sid11ey, b. Aug. 24, 1883. Allen Briggs, b. liay ~, 1886. 9, ix. HORACE GREELEY, b. Jan. 10, 18a8. 210 TEMPLE GENEALOGY,

4 HE~"RY MARTl"N4 (Benjamin,' Samuel,' Hiram') of New Rich­ mond, Wis., physician (army surgeon in civil war), was b. Oct. 19, 1825; d. Oct. 7, 1899. Hem. (1) Jan. 12, 1848, Cornelia A. Sanford ( d. Oct. 8, 1864, nt Pontiac, Mich.); m. (2) Dec. ~22, 1865, Jennie Allen. Children: i. l\IARY EsTELLE,G b. ,Jan. 14, 1851; d. .Tan. 18, 1853. ii. NELLIE, b. l\Iarch 20, 1868; m. ,Jan. 16, 1888, Louis M. Win­ ters. Issue: Son,• b. Oct. 31. 1888; d. Nov. 3, 1888. Hrnry .Allen, b. Dec. 18, 1870; d. Dec. 11, 1897.

5 SAlllUEL SABIN' (Be11jami.n, 1 Samuel,t Hiram') of Phoon.ix, Ariz., was b. July 12, ll:!30. Hem. Sept. 23, 1852, Mory Ann Peck at Pulaski, N. Y. He resided at Stillwater, Minn., 1855- 1865, and rem. to St. Paul, where he was manager and vice-pres. of the Harvester '\V orks, pres. of the St. Paul Plough '\V orks, State Railroad Commissioner, founder of Murdock, Minn., and owner of 2,000-acre farm there. Children: i. CLAitA lIA!>!>AII/ b. ,July 21, 18,j:J; m. l\fay 14, 1879, Rev. Earl Ansel Holdricl~c ; res. Portland, Ore. Issue : 11/ary,O b. Oct. 3, 1880. Helen, b. No\·. 3, 188~. .illar_querite .Alice, b. Oct. 1:3, 1889; d. Aug. ;j, 1890. Earle .Ansel, b. Sept. 3, 18~1. ii. Em1A V.\LEIUA, b. April 1. 1857 ; m. Sept. 2G. 1877, Frederick Butler Kenner ( d. Feb. 2,;, 188!1) ; res. Phccnix, Ariz. Issue : Cliarlotte J/ardi119.6 b. Sept. 20, 1878. Valeria .llurdock. b. l\farch 27, 1880; d. )lay 3, 1882. Sabin JJlurdoc!., b. May :?1, 188-1. ill. ,v1LI.J.\ll P~:CK. b. :\Inv G, 185!1. iv. 1-loLLIS DEA!>. h .•July ·2u. 18G5; cl. Aug. 1:3, 1896; m. ,Jan. :?-1, 18!)1, Abhie :Marie Wood: res. Phrenix. No children. v. FREDEltlCK SAmx, b. l\farch 1:3, 1::172; res. Phrenix. vi. RALI'll 01tLEA:-s, b. Feb. 2!1, 187G; d. l\Iay 28, 1889.

6 GEORGE '\YIL,-ox• (Benjamin,' Samuel,° Hiram•) of Cold Spring, X. Y., physician, was b. Sept. 25, 1843. Hem. Oct. 15, 1875, )fary P. Paulding of Cold Spring (niece of James K. Paul­ ding, author, and of Parrott, gun inventor). He was assistant sur­ geon in the civil war. TEM:l'LE GENEALOGY. 211

·Children: i. J,un:s PAULDD-G,6 b. Sept. 11, 1880; cadet in the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, l\Id. ii. ELEANOR HOLLIS, b. May 25, 1887. iii. l\Luuo.N PAULDISG, b. l\fay 10, 1890.

7 ALBERT JASPER' (Benjamin,1 Samuel," T!taddeus') of Minne­ apolis, :Minn., physician, was b. March 27, 1847. Hem. Dec. 11, 1873, Snnh Puffer (b. Oct. 30, 1847) of Rensselaer Falls, N. Y. Children: i. E)mA VIOLA,' b. Aug. 31, 1874; d. June 23, 1891. ii. JEi.ilE LUCINDA, b. April 17, 1879; m. l\Iny 29, 1897, Joseph D. Brenn. Issue: Louise Jliu.rdock, b. Aug. 10, 1898. iii. WILDER T1mru:, b. Feb. 16, 1881; d. Dec. 22, 1897.

8 OLtvERNEWTON' (Be11Jamin, 1 Samuel," Tltaddeus•) of Minne­ apolis, :Minn., physician, was b. May 14, 1853. He m. (•l) Feb. 28, 1875, Frances Parsons of Rensselaer Falls, N. Y.; m. (2) July 3, 1891, Frances Wilson Green. · Children: i. CnARLES PAnsoss,6 b. March 23, 1878: m. Jennie ---; res. Everett. ,.,-ush. ii. GERALDL'rn, b. ,June 20, 1893.

9 HORACE GREELEY' (Be11y'amin, 1 Samuel,' Tltaddewt') of Tay­ lor's Falls, Wis., physician, was b. Jan. 10, 1858. He m. Oct. 20, 1881, Luella .Marie Daubney (b. Oct. 20, 1861) of Taylor's Falls. Children: i. EARL DAtiBNEY.~ b. Dec. 6, 1882; drowned in St. Cro~ river, ,June 24. 18!)!J. ii. BEATRIX KATIU:RINE. b. Aug. 17, 1884. iii. F,~'(NIE LuCL'(DA, b. June 2, 1887.

10 WILLI.Ul PECK' (Benjamin,' Sanmel,' Hiram," Samuel') w:i.s b. May 6, 1859. Hem. Feb. 23, 1881, Stella, -0au. of --­ Hand of Yankton, S. D., sec'y of Dakota Terr. Child: i. SAMUEL SAnr.;,0 b. June 3, 1885. GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF ROBERT TEMPLE, OF SACO, ME.

The compilation of ,the facts contained in this genenlogy was ibe­ gun about 1835 by William Temple, Esq., of 'Woburn, Mass. After his death, the material gathered by him was preserved by ~Ir. W. F. Greenough of Woburn. In 1897, I learnecl of this :MS. and secured a copy of it. I submitted this to :Rev. Edward F. Temple, then of Trenton, N. Y., who was a-descendant of Robert of Saco. ReY. Mr. Temple then undertook to complete the work of '\Villiam Temple, Esq., and to publish the results. Death overtook him, however, in .Jnnunry, 189!1, at :Marion, Mass., .and for the second time this genealogy -was:left unfinished. I did,not'learn-of his death until after the previous part of this volume had been placed in the hands of the printers. Later, the combined .result of their labors was sent to me to be incorporated in this volume. The material has been re-arranged to correspond with.the method adopted in the earlier part of the book, but no attempt has been made to collect additional information. LEVI "'D~"lEL TElIPLE.

1 ROBERT' (.Abraham') of Saco, l\Ie., was b. about 1639, proba­ bly in Salem, :Mass. He settled in Saco (or Biddeford), Mc., where, in 1675, he was killed by the Indians, and his house and effectil burned. His widow and children arc thought to have re­ moved to :\Iassachusetts soon afterward. Children: :i!, i. RICIIARD,8 b. 1667-8. ii. ROBERT, probably unmarried. iii. TnoltAS. m. and settled in .London, Eng.; was a sea captain. He made voyages to Boston and visits to his friends in Read­ .ing. ·ne presented Pool's Bibles, two J.:i.rge volumes, to Josiah Temple. They·were aftCI'\v:ird owned ·by .Jonathan Temple of Antrim, N. H., and are in the possession of Mrs• .Amos·G. Patch, W. Somerville, Mass. He bad only one child, a dau. iv. PmEBE, m. Dai.;d Norton, and lived in -Blaek Horse Lane, North end of Boston. :DWARD FOSTER TEMPLE.


2 R1cn,mn• (Almduirn,' Robe1·l'), b. 1667-8, nt Snco, Mc. He cnmc to Rending, l\lnss., ns n youth, nnd wns n. servant to :Pen. Thomns Bancroft. He was bapt. nt Rending, Nov. 8, 1687. He m. Dchornh (h. Aug. 15, 167-~), dnu. of Thomas Parker. He d. Nov. 28, 17:37, nnd wns buried near the centre of the grnvcynrd nt South Rending, wl1erc his grave !!tone may be seen. Deborah d. l\fay 8, 1751. Chiluren: i ••Tos1.rn, 4 b. March 1S, 1G()4-5; single; d. Feb. 21, 1750. ii. TnonAs, b. Nov. 1, l(i()lj; d. young. iii ••los.\THAX, b. Feb. rn. 1G!l8-!J. iv. Pm1m~:, h. 1702; m. 3fay 15, 1728, John Townsend of Charles­ town, 3Ins~. and ti. :\larch 7. 172(). Child: Joltn, m. l\Iay 23. 17;i4. :l\farv Ford. No issue. 4. v. ,Jons. b. Oct. :n: 1704. vi. EL1zA1n:Tu, b. Oct. 17, 1706; m. (1) ,Tuly 11, 1727, James Townscn1l (d. Sept. 20, li:}7). Chiltlrcn: Eli::abetlt, b. April 21, 17::2S; d. Oct. lG, I7:.J7. James, b. ,July 12, 1735; d, .April !l, 1737. Eli::abet/1, b. Feb. 9, 1738. Shem. (2) April 11, 17,iS, ,Jon.-ithan ~ichols. 'tli•• J.\BEZ, b. ,July ::2, 1709. viii. Rt:Tll, b. 1712; d. sin;:rle, Oct. 23, 1757. ix. Tno,1,\s, b. :l\fay 2, 1714. x. EuESEZEti, b. May 7, 1716. 3 ,To:S-ATIIA~' (Abralwm,' Robert/ Richard") of '\V:i.keficld or Reading, i\Iass., was b. there Feb. 19, 1698-9. He was admitted to the church, 1727, an

4· JoID• (.Abraham,' Robert/ Ricllard') of Rending, )fass., was b. there Oct. 21. 1704. Hem. (1) June 10, 1731, Rebecc:i., d:i.u. of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Newh:i.ll) Parker (b. l\farch 3, 1706, d. 1.5 214 TElIPLE GENEALOGY. Mny 3, 1770); m. (2) Nov. 2, 17il, Snrnh Weston (d. Dec. 17, 1821, aged 91). Selectman seven years, town clerk four years, representative nine years ; dcle~atc to three Provincial Congresses at '\V ntcrtown. He d. Feb. 22, 1776. A brief l\IS. record of family and general events made by John Temple is C."Ctant. Children: i. PnEBE,G b. Sept. 29. 1732; d. Nol'. 11. 1747. ii. REBECCA, b ..April 12, 1734; m. Oct. 11, 1752, Ephrnim Parker. iii. ELIZABETH, b.• July 28, 173G; m. ,Jan. 10, 1750, ,Joseph Ban­ croft. II, iv. Jonx. b. l\!arch 17, 17:JS. "• TmoTrrY. b. ,fan. 22, 1740; d ••July 7, 1740. Ti. Scs,\.XX,\, b. June 30, 1741; d. l\farch 7, 174!), 12, ,·ii. WILLIA)!. b ••J:m. 13, 1745. -rlii. ScsAXxA; b. ,June 2, 17 47; d. July 3, 1747.

(j .J.,mEZ' (.Abraham,' Robert,• Ricl1arcf') of Wilmington, :Mass., was b. in Reading, July 2, 1709. Hem. April 29, 1730, ~Iehita~ ble Kichols ( d. Oct. 6, 1758). Children: i. ,fanEz,6 b. Sept. 10, 1731; d. Aug. 9, 1737. ii. RICHARD, d. Aug. 28, 1737. iii. JABEZ, b. March 19, 173!); d. before 1758. iv. l\IEHITABLE, b. l\!ay S, I ,43; d. Nov. 26, 1850.

6 Tuo:-.tAs• ( .Abraliam,' Robert, 2 Richarcf') of Framingham, Mas~., waa b.,in Reading, :May 2, li14. Hem. (1) A1_1ril 9, 1736, Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Kewhnll) Parker. She d. June 20, 1768. Hem. (2) l\Irs. Hephzibah Kiehols of Rending. He d. Feb. 28, 1773, and his widow m. Sept. 26, 1776, Timothy Pratt. Children: 13. i.. TIIO)L\S,~ b. ,Jan. 29, 1739. ll, 11. HA.'-,L'-L\H, b. Oct. 12, li40. 15, iii•• Josr,rn, b •.April 10, 1742. iv. RICHARD, b. April 18. 17 44; d. &ingle.. 1 iSS(?}, v. S,\.n,'-n, b. April 14. 1746; m. l\Ioses Tucker. vi. JosEPII, b. Oct. 9, 17 48; single; a minute man at Lexington. dying in the sen-ice. ,-ii. PHEBE, b. April 1, 17,,0; d. ,Jan. 13, 1S22; m. Gideon Newton, 16, viii. .Jo~ATHAx, b. Feb. 17, 1752. 11, i:t. EBE..'-EZER, b. March 15, 1754. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 215

7 EnE~"EZER4 (Abralwm, 1 Robert,• RiclumI') of 'Wilmington, Mass., wns b. in Reading, :May 7, 1716. He m. Hephzibah Jenkins. Children: i HEPIIZIB,m,5 b. Sept. 10, 1739; m. Peter Conneel. ii. EBE:SEZER, b. Sept. I 6, 1744; d. young. 18, iii. BE:SJA~n:s, b .•July 23, 1746. iv. PHEBE, m•• John Foster. 8 JoxATlL\..',6 (Abraliam, 1 Robe,·t,• Richara,3 Jonatlian') of Antrim, N. H., farmer, wns b. in Rending, l\foss., July 6, 1760. Hem. Dec. 15, 1785, Hephzibah Parker (b. April 1, 1763, d. Jan. 27, 1837). He removed to Amherst, N. H., about 1795, and Inter to Antrim. He d. Jan. 1, 1842. Children: i. SALLY,Gb. Oct. 2, 1786; m. Dec. 26, 1811, Solomon Hopkins, nnd d. April :?3. 1859. . 19. ii. ZE.-.AS, b. :Feb. 17. l 7'd7; m. l\fargnret Jameson. iii. l\I.rnY, b. Feb.25.1791; d. November, 1861; m. :\Villinm But-­ ton ; settled in Hebron, N. Y., or New•·H:lmpshire. iv. Er.IZABETH. b. Dec. 12, 1792; d. September;1876; m. Robert Steel of .Antrim, N. H. v. PnEn•;, b. Aug. 26, 1794; m. Isnac W"'tlson of Hebron, N. Y., or New Ifampsl1irc. vi. HErnzrnAn, b. April 25, 1797; d. Jan. 28. 1803. vii R&BECCA, b. Feb. 13, 1809 ; d. July 14, 1831.

9 J ABEz• ( Abraham, 1 Robert,• Richara,• Jonathan•) of Fran­ cestown, N. H., and Londonderry, Vt., wns b. in Reading, liass., :March 1, 1763. Hem. Feb. 16, 1786, Hephzibah Emerson, and d. Sept. 28; 1850. Children: i. Sus,\:S:SA/ b. Dec. 28, 1786; m. Zephaniah Woods. ii. REBECCA, b. July 15, 1789; m. Sept. 11, 1837, Jonas P:i.rker of Rending. iii. HEt•nzrn,ur, b. Aug. 11, 1791. iv• .A:s:sA. b .•July. 1793. v. PERSIS, b. l\l:irch 18, 1796; d. Oct. 14, 1872 ; m .•Joseph But­ terfield of Francestown, N. H. 20, vi S,\ll'CEL, b. Ma\" 2. 1798. 21. vii. JABEZ, b. l\Iay ·14; 1801. viii. MARY, b. Dec. 30, 1806; d. Feb. 21, 1859 ; m. Benjamin Bu.'\:ton of Londonderry, Vt. 216 TE'MJ.>LE GENEALOGY.

10 D.uiIEL" (Ab1·alwm,' Robe1·t,• Ricliard,• ,fonatlian'), was b. in Reading, lWMs., Aug. 1, 1767. Hem. Oct. 14, 1788, Sarnh Beard (b. Feb. 14, 1769, d. l\lay 11, 1851). He was a.deacon of the church. He d. :\fo.rch 3, 1838. Children: 22, i. D,\....'HEL,4 b. Dec. 23, li89. ii. SALLY, b. Au~. 23, li91; cl. single, July 1, 1829. 23, iii. CHARLES, b. l\Iarch 3, li94. i\·. CLARISSA, b. ,fan. 20, 179G; d. Oct. 21, li9G. v. CumssA, b. April 21, 1797; d. single, Nov. :!9, 1829. vi. Jo:SATIIA:S, b. :\farch 13, 1800; d. July 4, 1800. vii. F,\....-i:sm, b. April 25, 1801 ; cl. l\Iay 18, 18i9; m. A:Lor Rich­ ardson. viii. GEORGE, b. March 13, 1803; lost at sea, 1831; m. Hephzibah Damon. 2-1, b::. CALYI:s. b. Sept. lG, lSO;j. 25, L l\L\RK l\L\:sLY, b. July 21, 1807. xi. N,\:SCY LA:SG, b. July 29, 1809 ; d. Jan. 18, 18.'iG; m. ,Tan. 20, 1831, Lilly Eaton. 26, xii. WILLIA)t TE!.-:S.\:ST, b. Sept. 12, 1811. xiii. ,JOSEl'll HowARD, b. July 20, 1814; d. l\I:i.rch 3, 1838. u JoJ:tN• (Abra!tam,' Robert,• Riclwrd,• ,Jo!tn'), was b. l\Iarch 17, 1738. Hem. (1) Kovembcr, 1761, Hannah Nicb

12 ,vlLLIA)t• (Abra/tam,' Robert,' Ricliard,3 Jo!tn'), was b. in Reading, Mass., ,Jan. 13, 1745. Hem. l\Iarch 31, 1768, Rcbccc:i.. (d. Jan. 17, 1810), d:i.u. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Pratt) Weston~ Ile d. Jan. 9, 1809. Children: i. R1:BECCA,G b. ,Jan. 16, li69; m. Sept. 10, 1789, John" (John6) Temple. 32. ii. WILLIA)t, b.• Jan. 5, 1773. iii. Scs,\, b. Dec. 9, lii4; d. July G, li7S. TE:IIPLE GENEALOGY. 217

13 Tno::-.tAs• ( Abraltam, 1 Robert," Ricliard,' Thomas•), probably of Framingham, was b. in Reading, Jan. 29, 1739. He m. Jan. 24, 1760, ~fartha Brewer. Children: i. AxxA," b. l\fay 2G, 1761: <1. young. ii. A1t,\ln;LJ.A, b. Feb. 24, 1762; d. young. 33. iii. NrcAXOJt, b. l\farch 29, 1764. 3.S. iv. R1c11A1m, b. l\fay 51 1iil. v. PATTY, d. ,\pril 4, 1s:35; m. Nathan Bridges. vi. SAr.An Br.wnT, m. Ithamer Stow of Grn{ton, l\Iass. vii. ScnmT, h. September, lii4; m. (1) --- Goodnow; m. (2) l\fay 13, 181 i, ,Joseph Temple of Shrewsbnry.-(See Descend­ ants of Ahrnham1 Temple of Salem, Mass.)

14 ILL.._-A::,.,•un• (Abraltam,' Robe1·t, • Ricltard,• Tlioma.~•) of Orange, l\'.Iass., was b. in Reading, Oct. 12, 1740. Hem. 1769, Elizabeth Learned (d. ,Jan. 24, 1824, aged 81 years). ·He d. March 12,. 1823. Children: . 35, i. SA,rnEL,C b. l\Iay 23, lii0. ii. A:--xA. b. Sept. 1:t 17i2: d. Oct. 27, 1850. 36. iii. DAXJEL, b. Aug. 27. lii4. 37, iv. ,losErn, b. l\farch S. li7S. v. n~:T,;EY, b. l\Iay :JO, l i:32: d. Nov. 5, 1811; m. Azari:ih Barber. '\'i. RnODA, b. ,July 6, li87; d. Aug. 10, 1869; m. Sept. 15, 1813, Azariah Barber.

15 ,J OSLrn• (Abraham,' Robert,• Ri.cltard, • Thoma.~•) of Framing­ ham, l\fass., was b. in Reading, April 10, 1742. Hem. April 22, 1772, Elizabeth Pitts (d. July 2, 1828, aged 83). He d. Oct. 5, 1824. Children: i. JosrArr,G b ••June 2, 17i3: d. single, No'\", 17, 1800. 38, ii. Jorrx, b. Aul!· 16, lii4. 39, iii. TnO)JAS. b. So,. 24. 1775. iv. BETSEY, ·b. April 2, 1 i78: d. July 4, 1798. v. D.wro, b. Aul!. 15, 1780:

16 J ONATIL\.-.• ( Abraliam,' Robert,• Ricltard, 3 Tltomas•) of West­ minster, Mass., was b. at Framingham, :Mass., Feb. 17, 1752. He m. Rebeec:i. Howe. He is said to have been a minute man at Le.~ngton. Children: i. REBECCA/ b. 1778 ; m. Ezra Brooks. ii. ELIZABETD, b. Feb. 22, 1780; m. Calvin Bush. Res. Bolton, l\Iass. 42. iii JoX,\.TII.L':, b. l\!:i.rch 30, 1782. 43, iv. JOEL, b. April. 1784. u. v. TlIO)IAS, b • .April 30, 1787. vi. PHEBE, b. April, 1789; m.• Jonathan Greenwood. vii. .AsA, b . .April 17, Ii92.

17 EBE...-.EZER5 (Abraham,' Robert,• Richard,2 Thomas') of Marl­ boro', N. I:I., was b. in Framingham, Mass., l\farch 15, 1754. He m. Aug. 29, 1776, in Hopkinton, )lass., Olive (d. Feb. 22, 1827), dau. of Isaac Gibbs. He was in Capt. Gleason's Co., eight months men. He d. Oct. 7, 1805. His widow m. Bczaleel :Mack, whose son, Bezalcel Lord, m. Asenith Temple, 1816. Children: i. A.. '>:XA," b. Aug. 2.'i, 1777: d .•fan. 31, 1835; m. April 2, ·1810, ,Jonathan Pease of Gilsum, N. H. is. ii. FOSTEI:, b. l\Iarcb 31, 1779. iii. PATTY, b. April 15, 1781; d. September, 1871; m. Nathan Goddard of Swanzev, N. II. iv. ISAAC, b. May I, 178:.l; d. Feb. 2, 1809. 46. v. Tno)tAs, b. Feb, 24, 1786. vi .•JosE1·n, b. :i.\Iarch G, 1789. 47, vii. J E:SsE, b. )larch 21, 1792. viii . .Ast-::-.1Tn, b. Xov. G, 1i!/7: d. April 18, 1828; m. Bezaleel Lord l\lack. Children: Pamelia, d. l\farch 5, 1831. Lorenzo Braddock, b. December, 1818. Olfre, d. young. Isaac G.. d. ?.fay 9. 1862; m. Eli.-..a Wheeler of Shirley, l\fass; child: .Julius o~car. LuC!J Pease, b. l\Iarch li, 1825; d. single, Jan. 8, 1852. Oscar Addison, b. Oct. 21, 1827; d. Oct. 22, 1876 ; m. (1) Fanny Atkius; m. (2) Kate Dimmick; is.~ue: Lucy and )fary (b. Sept. 2, 1867): m. (:3) ,June 27, 1872, George :Mechlin of Washington, D. C. ; issue : ?ii:u-garet, b. l\larch 2!1. 187:J. u. S0P1tu, b. Nov. 27, 1800; m. April 13, 1833, Oliver Robbins, Nelson, N. H. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 219 18 BENJ,um;• (.Abraluim,' Robert,' Ricltard,• Ebenezer') of Hills­ boro', N. H., was b. in ,Vilmington, Mass., July 23, 1746. He m. in Tewksbury, Mass., Sarah Saunders. Chiltlren: '8, i. JoEL,8 b. Feb. 28, 17G7. 49, ii. EBE.',EZER, b. l\Iarch 4, 1770. iii. SARAH, b. l\Iay, 177 4; m. Daniel Gordon. 50, iv. BE.'l'JAllIN, b. Sept. 2, 1776. v. ELIZABETH, b. November, 1778; m • .Archibald l\IcClintock. vi. Luer L., b. October, 1781; m. Jonathan Johnson. vii. GEORGE, b. July 1:2, 1784. viii. WILLL\lt, b. Feb. 15, 1787; d. single, October, 1831.

19 8 1 ZE'SAS ( .Abraliam, Robert,• Richa1·d,• Jonathan,• Jonatlian•) of Antrim, N. H., farmer, was b. Feb. 17, 1787. Hem. Dec. 15, 1812, ~farg:u-et Jameson (d. Aug. 4, 1870, aged 83). He d. April 7, 1871. Children: i. J.\NE,r b. _.\.pril 8, 1814: d. single, Nov. 1~, 1861. ii. lLrnmET Nt:WELL, b. Sept. 21, 1815; d: l\Iarch 27, 1836. iii. -ToNATHA.'I' EDWARDS, b. )fay Vi. 1818. iv. l\faRGARET .ANN, b. March 12, 1820; m. (1) Oct. S, 1850, Simon Peasley (d. Aug. 17. 1877): m. (2) l\Iay 2, 1882, S:l.llluel Baldwin. Res. Nashua, N. H., Home for Aied Women. v. SormA JAllESON, b. Dec. 28, 1S22; d. April :22, 1828. vi. Tno,tAS, b. Nov. 7, 1824; d. 1S28. vii. l\lAttY J,utESON, b. Feb. 4, 18:27; m. Oct. 8, 1850, William .A.. Ober.

20 S,uroEt" (.Abraham,' Robert; Ricl1ard, • Jonathan,' Jabez') of Londonderry, Vt., was b. lfay 2, 1798. Hem. (1) Aug. 14, 1830, in Lowell, Mass., Polly Fairbanks ( d. Aug. 4, 1838, with­ out issue); m. (2) Louisa l\I. Curtis (d. Nov. 16, 1869). He d. March 19, 1864. Children: i. POLLY FAIRB,1....,Ks,' b. July 29. 1836; m. Nov. 3, 185S;S:unuel T. Boynton. Res. ,vest Side, Iow:t. ii. CLARISSA LomsA. b. :;\farch 3, 183S: m. ,Tan. 29, 1859, George Barnard. Res. So. Londonderry, Vt. iii. CnAltL£S WALLACE, h. July 19, 1839; d. single, May 5, 1S70. iv. SusASNA ADELIA, b .•June :20, 1841; m. 14, 1859, Gilman Thompson. Res. So. Londonderry. 220 TEl\U'LE QE].'EALOGY.

v. SAnATI ,TANE, b. l\Iay 11, 18-l!l:

21 J,\BEZ8 (Abraham,' Robert,• Riclwrd,3 ,lonat!tan,• ,Jabe::•), was born :Muy 14, 1801. He m. ~fary Boardman (d. July 21, 1892). He d. June 6, 1882. Children: i. l\IAmON E,mnsox,7 h. Aug. 14, 1822; d. Oct. 2, 1803; m • •Judge Henry Sheffield Allen of Lexington, l\liss. Issue : He11ry and Signora (res. Lexington). ii. DAXIEL, b. April 22, 182.i: a.. June 18, 1836. 53, iii. DA:m:L Coun. b. l\Iarch i, 182i. 54, iv. L.:-n ·woo1>, b. Oct. 2r., ll-52!!. 55. v. ALnEltT Honus, h .•Tune 11, 1832. 56. vi. GEor:G•: lh::-.nY, b. Dec. 1, 13;3;;, 57, vii. Cn,\Ru:s Wooo. b. l\farch 7. 1838. viii. HELEN, b. Oct. 8, is;;:,; m. Feb. 28, 186;3, Luther A. Bri;:ham. Child: Clarence Lincoln, b. April 6, 1866. Res. 224 E. 39 St., N. Y. City.

22 6 1 DA~'IEL ( Abmli(J,m, Robert,• Riclwrd,3 Jonatlwn,' lJaniel"), Congregational clereyman and missionary, was born in Reading, Mass., Dec. 23, 1789. He joined the church, 1810; studied at Phillips Academy, Andover; grad. Dartmouth Coll., 1817; studied at Andover Theol. Sem.; licensed to preach in Billerica, :Mass., August, 1820; ordained in No. Bridgewater, :Mass., Oct. 3, 1821; sailed as missionary to :Malta, .Jan. 2, 1822; went to Smyrna, 1833, established a printing press there, preaching and establishing schools among the Greeks ; returned to America, 1844, und preached at Phelps, N. Y. Hem. (1) Dec. 4, 1821, Rachel B. Dix (d. at TE:IIPLF. OE.SEALOOY. 221

Mnltn, ,Tnn. 15, 1827); m. (2) ,Jan 4, 1830, Mnrthn Ely, nt N. lfartfor

23 CHARLES" (Aln•alwm, 1 Robert,• Ricliard,3 ,Jonathan,' Daniel•) of Orono, l\Ic., was b. in Reading", l\foss., )farch 3, li94. He served ns deneon in the church. He m. April 13, 1815, Bri

24 CALVI:-.• (Abmham, 1 Robe1·t,' Richard," Jonatlian; Da11iel•), was b. in Reading, ~lass., Sept. 16, 180,,. Hem. No\·. 10, 1831, Mary Stow Pierce. He d. 11:ty 13, 1875. Children: i. Twins,7 b. ,July Iii, 1s:;4: d. ~amc day. ii. CAIWLix~: Arr. t:STA. b .•Jan. :!!l, 18:36:

28 JAMES" ( .Ab1'a/iam,' Robert,• Ricltard, 3 Joltn, • Jo/m•) of Provi­ dence, R. I., was b. April 11, 1765. Hem. Mury Fowle. Children: i. I-1.\~-XAn,' b. Sept. 24, 1794; d. Sept. 10, 1810. ii. S,m,ur, b. Dec. 10, 17!)5; d. July !J, 18!Jl; m. William l\I. l\Iuson. ill.• JA)rns, b. Aug. 29, 1707; m. Lucy Prout of Providence, R. I. No surviving issue. iv. l\LmY, b. April 2, 179!); d • .April 20, 1828; m. Philip W. l\Iartin.

29 J ONAfflAN" ( .Ab1·aliam,' Robert,• Ricltard, 3 Joltn,4 Jolin•) of Reading, :Mass., was b. Sept. 25, 1768. Hem. (1) Nov. 1, 1792, Lydia Pratt (d. March 30, 1800); m. (2) May 2, 1804, Lucinda Parker ( d. April 24, 1856, aged 80). He was called "'Captain." He d. Dec. 13, 1835. Children: i. lIA:S:SAn,1 b. l\fay 5. 1793; d. Dec. 29, 1829; m. Mnrch 21, 1821. Ebenezer Nichols. No issue. ii. NA:sc1-_ b. Oct. 21, 1794; d. Nov. IS, 1873; m. ·Nov. 3, 1823, Dea. Caleb Wakefield (d. l\Iarch 4, 1876). ill.• Jo:sATIIA:S, b. Aug. 14, 1706: d. l\Iay 31, 1866; m. Sept. 17, 18:30, Rafaela Cotl!, Res. Los Angeles, Cal. . iv. ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 18, 1798: d. Dec. 12, 1869 ; m. Oct. 22, 1819, .Job Nichols ( d. in Cincinnati, O., l\Iay 18, 1877). v. LCCI:SDA. b. l\Iarch :2:2, 1805 ; d. Sept. 9, 188•1; m. Sept. 9, 1824, Benjamin C. Sanborn. ,i. LYDIA Pr..ATT, b. l\'Iareh 2:2, 1808; d. Dec. 27, 1843; m. l\Iay 4, 1837, Bradlev Bancroft. 72. vii. SETH I-LwwooD;b.• June 19, 1810. viii. Cum:sDA, b. April 2, 1812; d. Sept. 7, 1886; m. Oct. 22, 1840, John !fart Bancroft. No children. bi:. AimAUA)I, b. ,June 25, 1814; m. widow Corsanda Hill. x. CY:STUIA, b. l\Iay 20, 1818; d. Jan. 6. 1857. 73. xi. FIU:SCis PLIXY FisK, b. Feb. 13, 1822.

30 6 1 3 RrcIIARD ( Abra/tam, Robert,• Ric/1ard, Jolm, • Jo1tn•) of Reatling, l\Iass., was b. Dec. 11, 17i0. Hem. (1) ,June 12, 1795, Hannah Nichols ( d. March 8, 1826); m. (2) Jan. 14, 1827, Fannie Beard. He d. Feb. 28, 1852. Children: 74. i. RICIIARD,7 b. May 12, 1797. 224 TE~ll'LE GENEALOGY,

ii. IlAxsArr, h. Sept. Ji, 1800; m. DPc. 17, 1820, ,TamcR Nichols. iii, A,roi,1, h. ,July :!:!, lHO:!: d. :\forch :!:!, IHI-! I : m. ( 1) December, JH:l;i, Elizahl.'th Parker (,1. Aug-. :!i, 18-11:): m, (2) Dec. 4, HHi;i, l\Irs. l\Inrtlm ( Ht•,vnol, h. Fch. :!O. 1804; cl. Ringle, Dec. 23, 1885. iii, Ifaxrn-, h. l\fa,,· Ji. 180!1: d. sing-le. Xov. 14, 1857. iv. LYDIA Asx. b. ,lull' :w. 1811 : cl. ,Julv 2. 13:.11. v. l\.JLLIA)I, b. ,lune i;i, 181::. • vi. lL\lmn:T Rrssr,1.r.. 1;. ,July 8. 181G; tl. Sept. IO, 1817. vii. GEOltGI; l\fo:-;1:oE, b. l\Iarch :n, 1821 ; d. 8ept. IG, 1821. 32 WrLLTA:'116 (Abralw.m,' Robert,• Richrtrd,• ,Jolin,4 William•), was b. ,Jan. 5, 17i3. Hem. Sept. 3, 1800, Zerviah Richardson (b. in 1,Voburn, )lass., Au_!!'. 30, li80, d. April 24, 1815). He a. April 27, 1802, and widow m. William Coleman of Byefield. Child: i. w·rr.1.1A,r.' b. Sept. 1,;, 1fi01: m•• ftm,· 12. 182!1. Susanna Xoycs (h. Dec. 4, J,-;o:;i, ;\O i~sue. Resided in Boscawen. X. H., and "·ohnrn. )faRs. Ile adopted Susan Hall (m. May 4, 184,"l. ,John B. Greenough of Boscawen). It is thii< '\Villi:un Temple who began compilin:.r, in 18:15, the genea!Of.'Y of the descendants of Richard Temple of Reading. 33 N'ICAXOP.6 (Aoralwm,' Robert,• Rfrlmrrl,° 'I'liomrr..•,' Thoma.~•) of 1,Yinclsor, Vt., wns b. in Framingham, )fa~!!., :March 2!J, 1 i64. He m. Relief Phillips. He was a privntc, enlisted from ·w estboro', Mass., in Rev. war. He d. Feb. 8, 1837. Children: 75. i. NAHnr/ b .•fan. 7, 1 i94. ii. '\VrsTmWP, I,. l\Iay 28, li!lG: d. young. iii. ELIZ,\ln:TJI, b .•June ii, I 797 ; m. December, 1842, Abel Whit­ comb, Henniker, X. H. TEMI'LE GENEALOGY, .225

iv. NANCY, b, Nov. 10, li!l!l; cl. 181i(?). v. FnAsc1,s, b. l\f11y :Jo, 1801; m. l\Iichncl Konnccly, Troy, Vt. vi. R1",m1,•, b. Dec. •1, 11:!0i; m. Nov. 26, 1834, Artumus Wood. 76, vii. CH.uu,1,s, b, l\Iuy l!J, 1810. 34 RrcHAno• ( Abraham, 1 Robert,• Ricl,ard, • Thomas,' Thomas"), wns b. :\fay 5, 1771 ; tl. Feb. 8, lti4!J. He m. Rebecca. Rice. Children: i. Et:Nrct:,7 b. l\Iurch 12, li!li; d. June 24, 1880; m. ,fan. 15, 1820, Paul Gates. 77, ii. NAIIA)l, b. Feb. 2i, li!J!). 78, iii. CA1.t:n, b. ,July 18, 1801. iv. PATT\", b. April, 1803; cl. April, 1819. 79, v. CnAi:xcta· LA:snoo:s, b. April, 1805. 80, Yi. O1u,rnL, b. Feb. 8, 1807. vii. SALLY, b. l\lay 4, 180!). 35 8 1 2 SAlIUEL ( Abraham, Robert, Richard,• Thoma.~,' Hananiak•) of Dorchester, Mass., wus b. in Orange, :Mass., l\fay 23, 1770 .. He m. Phebe l\lnnn. Children: i. C.\ROr.nrn,7 b. April 12. li!li; m. Samuel Blake. ·Children: Caroline, m. - Edson; res. North Bridgewater, l\Iass. Samuel, wounded in battle of the "rilderness, and d. in hospi­ tal. Phebe .1.ll. m. --.- Fre11ch; res. Exeter, N.- H. 81, ii. lL\:S,\:-((All, b. l\fay 1, 1i!l8. iii. Dt:non.rn, h. l\farch 4, 1801; d. .Aug. 10, 1820. iv. ELIZA, b• .April 14, 1802: d. ,Tune 12·, 1888; m. Aug. 29, I82i, Henry A. Norris. Children: John Chandler. .1.Jlary E., m. Dec. 28. 18,,2, 0. Upham: res. l\Ielrose, l\fass. Phebe A. Sarai, F.. m. F. E

37 JOSEPH" (.Abraham,' Robert,• Richard,• Thomas,• Hananialt') of Orange, Mass., w:i.s b. :March 6, 1778; d. l\fay 26, 1848. He m. :i\Iarch 31, 1808, Beulah Dudley (d • .Aug. i, 1874). Children: i. l\IARY F1sK,1 b. Dec. 13, 1808 ; m. April 22, 1832, Ricblll'd Moore. Children: Sullit-an,8 b. Sept. 6, 1833. Andrew, b. Feb. G, 1835. Jl,faria, b. April 14, 1837; m. Sept. 8, 1870, Judson Rich. A11ne, b. Oct. 22, 1840. .lilartha A .. b. Feb. 2:.:, 18-1:3; m. Feb. 1·6, 1869, Orrin F. Hunt of .Athol, l\Iass., who d. ,fan. 8, 1890; child: Carl W.,9 b. l\fay 9, 1877. Rich­ ard, b. Sept. l::J, 18-18. 8-l, ii. cu~RLF.S, b. ,June 23, 1809. 85, iii. ISAAC, b. ,June 7, 1811. iv. ELIZA WmPl'LE, b. Dec. 14, 1813; d. 1876(?); m. Dec. 29, 1836, Levi 1.Vard. v. Lt:KE, b. Nov. :!O, 1815; m. Oct. 28, 1848, l\Iary Ann Clark; res. Fitchburg. l\fass. No children. vi. RoxY, b. Sept. U, 1821; d. Aug. 18, 1844.

38 Jom;• (.Abra/tam,' Robert,• Richarrl,3 Tliornas,' Josiah') of Framingham, Mass., was b. there Aug. 16, lii4; d. Dec. 17, 1869 ; served as deacon. He m. Dec. 28, 1809, Abigail Johnson (d. September, 1881, aged 94). Children: i. MARY LAWRENCE,' 1,. Sept. 2, 1810; d. single, March 4, 1847. TEll[PLE GENEALOGY. 227

86, ii. ,TOSIAII I-IowAnD, b. March 2, 1815. iii. LOUISA PonTtm. b. April 29, 1817; d. Nov. SO, 1851; m. Benjamin l\Iorse. iv• .A111GAIL EmL Y, b. Nov. 20, 1823; d. Oct. 6, 1844. 87, v. DAVID PERRY, b. June 20, 182S.

39 1 6 TIIOllAS' (Abraham, Robert,• Richard/ Thomas,' Josiah ), wash. Nov. 24, 1775; d. Aug. 27, 1798. Hem. Ruth Littlefield (m. Dec. 22, 1806, Luther Rockwood of Holliston, Mnss.). Child: i. ELIZA,7 b. April 27, 1798; d. Oct. SO, 1832; m. ?l:Iarch 25, 1819, Benjamin Jones.

40 ELIAs1 (Abraliam, 1 Robert,• Ri.cha1·d,3 Thomas,' Josiah•) of Framingham, :Mass., was b. Aug. 8, 1785; d. March 2, 1878. Hem. April 29, 1818, Olive Fisk (d. Feb. 18, 1870, aged 70 yrs., 7 mos.). Child: i. ELLE.'l' OLIVIA,1b. June 16, 1819; m. Charles E. Horne.

41 5 WILLIAllP.• (Abraliam,' Robert,• Richard,' Tliomas,4Josiah ) of Framingham, :Mass., was b. there Oct. 17, 1789; d. May 5, 1875. Hem. May 12, 1818, Betsey Howe (d. Aug. 29, 1843). Children: i. ELJZABETII A::..-s,7 h•• June 18, 1821; m. Andrew Coolidge. ii. S.tRAII .At"Gt"STA, b .•July 28, 182S. iii. GEORGE TRASK, b. Nov. 29, 1830: d. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 7, 1863. 88, iv. 'WILLI.ut EATOX, b. .Tuly 27, 1832. v. ScsAX l\fanu, b . .Aug. 11, 1836; d. 1837.

42 Jo:-.ATIL\...,_• (Abraham,' Robert,• Ricl1a1·d,• Thomas,' Jona­ tlian"), Wai:! b. i)farch 30, 1782; d. Feb. 20, 1860. He m. Sally Haynes (d. Sept. 10, 1859). Children: i. JER'CSHA,7 b. Aug. 21, 1811 ; <1 ••l:i.n. 26, 186;;; m•• John Feg:m. ii. JosATIIA:-., b. April 10, 1814; d. 1851; rn. ,fan. I, 1849, Sarah Alden. 89, iii. WILLIS HAYXES, b. June 8, 1820. 228 TElll'LE G~"EALOGY.

43 JoEL6 (Abmltam,' Robert/ Richard,' Tltomas,' Jonathan•) of Rutland, Mass., was b. April, 1784:. He in. H:umnh Hagar. Children: i. S,tLLY/ b. Sept. 2,5, 1816; m. l\fay 1, 1838, ,John Warren Bigelow. Res. Rutl:md. l\fass. Children: Ella Loui'sa, b. Feb. 7, 1839; m. l\fay 27, 1861, :Menzies R. Moulton. Helm Ha11nali, b. l\fay 1.3, 1843; m•• fan. 21, 1864, Guilford Welch. Wan-en Eugrne, b.1848; d. 18-18. .A.lvnJ, Wan-en, b ••J:m. 24, 1850; m. Feb. 13, 1879, Nellie J. Pll.l'ker. Ei;aline Sarah, b. No,. 21, 1852. 90. ii. AnR..UL\~t, b. Dec. 2, 1818. 91. iii. Ca.uu.Es MEmucK, b . .April 27, 1828.

44 Tno:nAS4 (Abraham,' Robert,• Richard,• Tltomas,4 Jonatltan•) of Hubbardston, l\Iru;s., wns b. April 30, 1787; d. July 23, 1858. Rem. (1) :Nov. 26, 1812, Nancy Greenwood (d. 11ny 26, 1828); m. (2) Nov. 5, 1829, l\Irs. Rhoda (Pono.) "\Yright. Children: i. N,\.",CY,1 b. ,J:l.n.14, 1814; d. young. ii. Lt:c,, b. Jan. 17, 1816; m. Nov. 10, 1836, Ezr:i. R. Pond. 92, iii. LEYI GREE:,;WOOD, b. Jan. 19, 1818. iv. N,\.'-CY, h. Dec. 19, 1819: d. September, 1S53: m. Ja'd': 17, 1837, Eli~ha. l\!urdock, who res. I:Iubbaruston, Mass • •• IL\RIUET REllECC,\, b. Aug. 4, 1823; d. .Aug. 5, 1837. vi. Rox.t, b. Aug. 7, 1825; m. (1) l\fay 8, 184ii, Adam Wbeeler, who d. Jan. 3, 1855; (2) Nov. 3, 1858, James Savage.

45 FosTER6 (Abraham,' Robert,' Richard,• Thomas,' Ebenezer•) of Charlestown, l\Inss., was b. lfarch 31, 1779; d. July 12, 1839. He m. S:i.rnh Dunham ( d. l\fay 6, 1865). Children: 93, i. GEORGE W1LLLrn FosTER,' b. April 13, 1811. 9-1. ii. Is.\AC F1uxc1s, b. Dec. 26, 1812. 9,1. iii. TIIOlIAS Gums, b. July 27, 1815. 46 Too:1us• (Abraham,' Robe1•t,• Richard,• Thoma,:,' Ebenezer•) of :Marlboro' or Gilsum, N. H., was b. Feb. 24, 1786; d. June, 1815. He m. Aug. 23, 1805, Jane (d. June, 1813), dau. of Eu.ward B:i.nka of Keene, N. H. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 229

Children: 96, i. EnF.NEZER,1 b. No,. 1, 1805. ii. l\L\nY FISK, b. April 16, 1809; m. April 21, 1836, G. W. F. Temple. (No. 9:3.) . iii. 1\fattTIL\. HILL, b .•Jan. 5, 1811; d. March 18, 18il; m. 1829, Zenns Metc:tlf, who d. l.Iay 23, 1860, of Westminster, Vt. Children: George Eceret, b. Jan. :3, 1831: d. 1832. Nary Eliza, b. Dec. 25, 1833: d. 1836. George Washington, b. Dec. 16, 1865; m ••fan. 1, 1856, Lucretia Peck; res. w· estminster, Vt. lllary Eli:alieth, b. Dec. 18, 1837: d. Sept. 17, 1855 • .Awert William.. b. Dec. 28, lS:39; m. Oct. 19, 18il, Addie St:irkey; res. Keene, N. H. Eli Plater, b. March 15, 1842; m. l.Iaggiel\Iitcbell; res. Boulder. Col. Hiram Smitlt, b. Feb. 19, 1844: tl. .June 27, 1886. Oscar J.llack, b. ,Tune 5, 1846; res. St. Paul, ltlinn.; 1:iwver. Ella Naltala, b. June 24, 1847; d. April 7~ 1898. Fred· A., b. June 16, 1850; d. Feb. 26, 187',. Frank Pierce, b. Sept. 26, 1852; res. Boulder, Col Jlarll1a Jane, l.,. No,. 19, 1855; d. 1856.

47 JESSE' (.Abraltam,' Robert,• Ricliard,• Tltomas,4 Ebenezer•) of Gilsum, N. H., wns b. :March 21, 1792; d. l\I_ny 28, 1860. He m. Feb. 24, 1824, Betsey Ellis (b. :March 15, F91,. m Sulli­ va.n, N. R., d. Dec. 23, 1842). Children: i •.A •..,..N l\!AnTA,T b. Nov. :J.9, 1824; m. Nov. 22, 1853, Moses Lovell Clark 0£ Fitch hurl!, l\I:iss. ii. Rnn DELENA, b. l\I:irch 13. 1827; d. 1828. iii. EBENEZER FnA.'(KLL", b. l\I:i.y 29, 1829 : m. Feb. 13, 1855, Lucy Ann Rugg. No issue. Died :it l\I:ison City, Iowa.. h·. P,\.)H:LIA .AsE:SITII, b • 22, 1832; m. :M:u-ch 10, 1863, Silas, who d. .Aug. 10, 1884. v. Rt:TII ELIZAnt:Tn, b. ~ov. 19, 1836; m. Feb. 14, 1864, Levi Cushing S:i"-iu.

4S 8 1 JOEL (.Abraliam,' Robert,' Ricltard; Ebenezer,' Ben}a,min ) of Hillsboro', K. H., wns b. there Feb. 28, li6i; d. Dec. 15, 1851. Hem. (1) Feb. 16, 1806, Abigail Cummings (d. Sept. 5, 1846) ; m. (2) 1832, Sn.lly Dodge of Stoddard, N. H. Children: i. SALLY,' b • .April, 1807; d. l\I:iy. 1829. il. SAnAn, b. Aug. 3, 1s:33; m. 18;';7, Harvey Batchelder. b. Feb. 22. 183-1; res. Picrmount. N • .H. Children: Forester. b. Feb. 25, 1857: m. Feb. 9. 1883, Carrie Davis of Waterbury, Vt. Marll1a &pllia, b. :i.\I:irch 23, 1859; m. Dec. 15, 1882, 16 230 TK\IFLE GE~E.\LOGY,

William Hoare of London, Engl:i.nd. Colister, b. Feb. 21, 1861. Nelson, b. Nov. 28, 1863. Haroey, b. Dec. 21, 1866• ..4.bby Frances, b. Nov. 1, 1870; d. Oct. 8, 1894; m. Dec. 20, 18\Ja, George Aiken. Elmer B., b. Nov. 14, 18i0. Ha::rn, b. Nov. 15, 187:3. Alfretta, b. July 7, 1876; m • .April 14, 1897, Charles Brnley. 97, m. JoEL, b. Oct. 2;, 1836. 98, iv. W1LLIA)1, b. Oct. 8, 1838. v. ABIGAIL, b. Aug. 9, 1840; d. Dec. 27, 1883; m. J:i.n. 9, 1858, 1\Ioutgomery Craig. Res. Bradford, N. H.

49 EBE~'"EZER' (.Abraltam, 1 Robert,• Ricliai-d,i Ebenezer: Ben}a­ min') of :Newbury, Vt., w:i.s b. l.farch 4, 1770; d. }.lurch 21, 1858. Hem. Rebecca Gibson (d. :M:i.rch 6, 1857). Children: i. SAnAn,7 b. April 25, 1800; m. Benjamin Ordwny. 99, ii. JOEL, b. July 27, 1801. iii. AFFA. b ••June 12, 1803; d ••Tune 10, 18;35; m. Hiram Clark. fr. Cum:,TL\.'-A, b. June l!J, 1805; d. l\Iarch i, 1869; m. _.\, Car:;on. 100, 'I". l\IATTlIEW. b. Sept. 8, 1807. '\i. l\fani-:, b. ,Tu11e 25, 1809; d. single, Mm-ch 13, 1864. 101, '<-ii. L-cKE, b. Sept. 6, 18ll. viii. ELIZ.\llETII. b. Feb. 21, 1815; m. Robert Dick. 102, ix. Jou:-., b. l\Iarch 10, 1817. x. Rr.1n:CCA, b. )larch 21, 1820; m. Freeman Cro,by. xi. AmG.\IL, b. Oct. l!J, 1822; m. Z:i.dok .Farmer of l\Ierrimac, ~.H. xii. R.\CUEL, b. Feb. 21, 1824; d. Sept. 14, 185~.

50 BESJ,\)m;• (.A.bralt_mn,' Robert,' Ricltard/ Ebenezer,' Benja.­ min•) of Stoddard, N. H., was b. Sept. 2, 1776; d. about 18:20. Hem. l\fay 19, 1803, .Alice Jenkins (m. later, ---Ring). Children: i. GIL)tA:-.,~ b. l\Iareh, 1804; d. April 21, 1860; m. :\fary L:i.keing, Children: Rebecca, b. April 28, 18:35; m. Orrin Brown. Res. Enfield,. :N. H. .Abney, b. l\fay 15, 1838; d. Jan. l 6· 1888 ; m. Harn- Chamberlin. ii. ELECTA, b. 1807; d. about 1833; m. l\Ioses Collins. 103, iii. l\lELYIX, b. l\fay 1, 1810. iv. l\L\RY, b. Feb. i, 18i:3; d. at W"mdham, Vt., Dec. 2, 1849; m. (1) .June 11, 1833, Jeremiah Foster, who d. 18-11; (2) Lemuel Abbott. ". J om., d. young. TE:uPLE GENEALOGY. 231

51 JoXATIL\.'i Eow,rnns' (Abraliam,' Robert,' Ricliard; Jona­ tlian,' Jonatltan,• Zena.~•), was b. in Antrim, N. H., May 15, 1818; d. Jnn. 1, 1869. Hem. Nov. 24, 1842, Lucy Smith Damon ( d. March 22, 1888). Children: i. ConNELIA )L\nGARET,8 b ••July, 18-15; d. 18-18. ii. S.\R.\ll DA)ION, b. ,Tuly 2,i. 18-ti; cl. )fuy, 14, 18-1!). iii. Lecy Er.LA. h. Oct. 8, 18-1!); m. Oct. 16, !Sil• .Amos Gould Patch. Res. ,Y. Somerville, Mass. Children; Luelle,, b. Oct. 12. lSi:3. Flore11ce Edith, b. Oct. 25, 1880• .A.mos Gould, Jr~ b. Feb. !l, 18!10. h·. l\fanY .TA,.-.:, b. Ang. 21, 1851; d. 18,;3. v ••T,urnsox EDW.\RDS, b. Nov. 1-1, 1855; d. Oct. 28, 186-1. '\i. JottX Fr..\NKLIX, b. No\·. i, 1860; single; mining engineer, Fort Jones, Siskiyou Co., Cal. 52 ARTilUR JfF.RVIJS7 (Abraham,' Robert,• Richard/ ,J'onatlian,' Jabez,• Sconnel") of 1402 Prospect Ave., New York City, was b. Oct. 23, 1864. Hem. Jennie Fuller (b. Xo\'. 25, 1§6-1), dau. of Capt. William S. Evans of Culpepper Co., Va. Chil«Ircn: i. L.\J;R.\ GoDD.\ItD,8 b. Sept. S, 1886. ii. A1tTllt'lt Fn.u:1t, h ••fa·,, 2!1. 188!). iii. lI.\mtY L•: Rn:, b. Sept. G. 18!l0. h·. Do1WT1tY CLE\'l;T.AND. b• .Au::r. 22, 18!l3. v. l\Lu:GcERlTE BoTTo,ri:, b•• 1u1y 1 o. 1895; d. l\fay 6, 1s!ls. vi. ?tltLD1t•:o STEW.\ltT, b. Oct. 21,IS!li. 53 DA:SIBL Conn' (Abralwm,' Robert,' Riclianl,3 Jnnathan,' Jabez," ,J'abez"), was b. )larch i, 182i. He m•• Jan. 26, 1858, Lucy ,vood. His widow an

54: 7 LEYI "W 00D ( .Abmltam,' Robert,• Ricliard, •Jonathan,• Jabez,~ Jabez") of Uniontown, Ala., was b. Oct. 26, 1829; d. ,June 25, 232 TEMPLE GID."EALOGY.

1885. He m. Jnn. 26, 1858, in Lexington, :Miss., l\Inry L. Eldredge of Hamilton, N. Y. Res. Uniontown. Child: i. CLAREXCE ELWOOD,8 b. J:m. 11, 1862;

55 7 1 ALBERT Honns ( .Abralwm, Robert,• Richard,• Jonathan, Jabez,• Jabez•) of Griswoldvillc, ~!:1.Ss., w:i.s b. June 11, 1832. Hem. (1) Jan. 8, 1854, Louisa Sibyl Ives (d. April 14, 1870); m. (2) l\farch 23, 1871, Ellen Thompson. Children: i. GERTRt:DE IVEs,8 b. July 21, 1867; m ••June 6, 1S88, mysses Grnnt Call. Res. Athol Centre. l\Inss. Children: Pef'C!J Albert, b. June 27, 1889. Ha:el Gertrude, b. No-v-. 8, 1893. ii. EsT,\..',CE ALBERT, b. April 10, 1870: m. l\fay 23, 1893, Leola Irene Putnam. Res ••facksonville, Vt. Child: Louu;e Helen, b. ,July 23, 1897. ill. EDWI~ CALvn., b. July 6, 1872. iv. ROSCOE WALLACE, b. l\fay 7, 1877. v. "\YAY~E IRYn.G, b. l\farc:h 16, 18W; d. Aug. 4, ISSI. vi. MILDRED ELLE.',, b. Dec. 15, 1884; d. Aug. I, 1886.

56 GEORGE HID.'"RY' (Abraham,' Robert,• Richard,• Jonathan, 4 Jabez,' Jabez") of Cohoes, N. Y., was b. Dec. 1, 1835; d. :July 1, 1887. Hem. (1) Nov. 2, 1856, Jane Wilcox; m. (2) Jennie Van V ranken. Children: i. HERBERT,8 b. l\fay I, 185S; m. Sept. 9, 1884, Ann:i. Onslow. No children. Res .•Jersey City, N•• J. ii. W1LLIA:\I L!~COL~, b. Aug. 13. 1862; m.. Jennie A. Wood (b. Aug. 4, 1870). Res. Jersey City. Child: .Millicent, b. :May 8, 1896. iii. TllERES..\, b. June 29, 1884 (by second wife).

57 Cl1ARLES WOOD7 (.Abraltam,1 Robert," Ricltard,~ Jonathan,4 0 .Jabez,• ,J"al,ez ) of Philadelphia, Pa., was b. :March 7, 1838. He m. 18i0, Ella. Vache (b. in Philadelphia). She is descended from Francis Achille Vache of France, who fought under Napoleon, and also on the American side in our war of 1812. Her maternal ~e:i.t­ grandfather W:l.S Dr. John Adam Frank, grad. Heidelberg Univ., to this country in 17 5i, and w:1.S a surgeon in the Rev. war. Res. 817 N. 15th St. TEMPLE GD"'EALOGY. 233

Children: i. ILmnY VAcnE,8 b. A~- 29, 1871; m. :Katherine Denn. Res. 130 Belmont Ave., Worcester, l\Inss. Issue: Harold J)ean. ii. HELEN BRrGIIAlt, b. Feb. 12, 18i4. iii. VICTOR CLIFFORD, b. Jan. 5, 18iG. 58 D.t."'1EL7 (.Abraham,' Robt!.rt,• Ricltard,' Jonathan,' lJaniel,• lJaniel"), minister of the gospel, was b. at Valetta, :Malta, Nov. 13, 1822; d. Sept. 9, 189i. He m. (1) Sept. 3, 1849, Louisa. M. Newlin (b. Nov. 23, 1823, d. llarch 1, 1865); m. (2) Oct. 8, 18i2, :Mary Hubbard Turrill. Children: 101, i. AUGUSTUS VAN LE~~"IP,8 b. July 8, 1850. ii. .A.RTIItm DL~ b. ?!!arch 25, 1855; single. 59 ClL\RLES7 (.Abraliam,' Robert,• Richard, 3 Jonathan,• lJaniel, • lJaniel"), minister of the gospel, was b•• July 10, 1824. He m. ~1) :March 13, 1851, Lucretia Ann (d. Dec. 3, 1864;), dnu. "of Cnpt. Joshun C. Plummer of Bnngor, Me.; m. (2). l\:Iarch 26, 1866, U rsuln E. Chapin. Children: i. .,b·x1E Dzx,8 b. Aug. 26, l8:i3; m. Edwin T. Fnl~ Res. Grand Rapid.~. l\Iich. Children: R09 Ernest. b .•Jaly 23, 18i6; d. Jan. 15, 18ii. Ella Vivian, b. Oct. 9, lSii. Charles Tempk, b. Feb. 1, 1S79; cl. Oct. 9, 18S3. Lillian, b . .April 22. 18S1. Eleanor, b • .April 16, lSS:3 ;, d. Oct. 19, 1883. Isabel, b. April lG, 1883. Alia, b. Oct. 16, 1S85. Nora ..:llur­ jorie, b. Nov. 10, 1887: d. Aug. 24, 1889. ii. l\Lunu.\ ELY, b. Aug. 27, 1856; m. Oct. 21, 1S80, F. Parker. Res. .Auburndnle, l\Iass. Child: Fann9 Little, b. July 8, 1881. iii. LENORA, b. l\larch 4. 13,;5: m. Dec. 1, 1888, Charles Dix Pickard. Res . .Auburndale. Children: Edward Templ.e, b • .Aug. 17, 1S89. Julia. b. April 16, 1891. iv. 1\IEnoE, b. No,. 29. 18-59; d. Sept. 24, 1861. ,. fon:sG, b. Dec. S, lti62. Res. Otsego, )lich. vi. l\L\ln:L ScoTT, b. ,June 12, 1868: m. Sept. .5, 1894, Chester William Greene. Res. Corbitt. Ky. Children: Glad9s Sib!Jl, b. Nov. 22, 1895. John Luther, b. Nov. 16, 1S97.

60 CHARLES AUGUSTUS SIIURTLEFF' (.Abraham,' Robert/ Rich­ ard,• Jonatlwn,' lJaniel,• Oltarles•) of Lebanon, N. Y., was b. 234 TEltFLE GE."lEALOGY. :Mnrch 10, 1816. Hem. No,·. 2, 1841, Eliza. M. Russell (d. Feb~ 9, 1869). Children: i. CnAnus AuousTus,8 b. Oct. 30, 1843; d • .Aug. 6, 1886; m. Ellen Mixter (d. Sept. 2i, 1896). No issue. 10.'i. ii. CL,\RKSOX W!LDEltFORCE, b. Oct. :n, 1:;-1;;. 106. iii. GEORGE ALLE:s, b. July 18, 184i. iv. MARY ELIZA, b. Oct. 16, 1849; d. Aug. 13, 1851. v. :MARIA E1.1zAn•:Tn, b. )fay 11, 1851; m. April 30, 18i2, Robert P. Waite (d. l\Iarch 21, 1898). Res. Woburn, Mass.

61 1 ROSWELL NEW:ILU. ( Abraliam,' Robert,•·,J,,' Jonatltan,4 JJaniel, • 0/wrle~•) was h. :March 16, 18li; d. ,Tune 19, 1896. Hem. Nov. 12, 1840, Zibiah .Ann Fisher (b. in Hancock, N. H. ). Children: i. EmtA ,TosErnt:sE,8 b. Oct. 23, 1842; m. l\lay 31, 1865, Charles D. Thomas. ii. CAROLI:SE .Al:Gt:sTA, b. Sept. 29, 1844; d. 1847. iii. EDWARD l\Ionms, b. Aug. 1:3, U\-18. Res. NashU:1, N. H. Single. iv. FRA:SK F1s111m, b. ifay 2i. 1851; m.,fan. 2i, 1875, Ida. George. Res. Hinsdale, Ill. Xo issue. v . .AnTHCR ,vALLACE, b. Dec. Hi, 18;j.t, Res. Re:idin~. l\Iass. Hem. Xov. 2. 1886, .Jennie Rood Barros. Issue: Ra!J1nond B .. b. l\fav li, 1888. vi JE.-::s1E ELIZABETU, b. :l\Iarch 14, 1859; d. 1862.

62 W,\SHIXGTOS '\VHITFIELD7 (.Abraliam, 1 Robert,• Richard,• Jonathan,4 JJaniel,6 Ol1arleN°) of Orono, l\Ic., was b. Feb. 3, 1819 ; d. April 23, 188i. He m. Oct. 5, 1844, Ruth B. Hemp­ hill (d. l\larch 2, 1893) of Windham, N. H. Children: i. ELLA ?.Ionms,8 b. Oct. li, 1849; m. April 2, 1879, Fred. E. Clark ( d . .Aug. 20, 1885 ). Res. Bangor, l\Ic. Child: Editl1 J.l[ay, b. )farch 4, 1884. ii. SAnAu ElrnL1:sE, h. April 23, 1s,;2; u. 1s;:;2.

63 DA~IEL GooDELL7 (Abra/tarn,' Robert,' Richard,° Jonathan,' Danie[,• Olmrle.••) of Benson, Ariz., was b. Sept. 30, 1820. He ru. (1) Sarah Watson (d. April 9, 1856); m. (2) Sept. 28, 1858, Lizzie Lidwell. TElln>LE GENEALOGY. 235

Children: i. LILLIAN BELLE,8 b. Feb. 23, 18G0; m. Feb. 28, 18i8, ,Tohn L. Check (d ••J unc 30, 1888). Children: Ecalyn, b. Dec. 23, 18i8. Benjamin Temple, b. Sept. 6, 1880. Lucllle, b. Jan. 2, 1883. ii. AnTm:m LEE, b. Oct. 16, 1863; d. 18G8. 107. ill. CHARLES ROBERT, b. l\larch 2G, 1866. iv. Hon.\CE ,TF:w1-:LL, b. l\Iarcb 14, 1869. v. GEonm: EARL, b. ,July 4, 18i2. vi. NADIEXE AlrnLIA, b. ~ov. 29, 18i4; d. 18i6. vii. ID,\. WIIEATLEY, b. Oct. 14, 18i8. Res. Benson, Ariz.

64 1 1 3 STEPHE~ EVERTS ( Ab1·altam, Robert,' Ricliard, Jonatltan, • Daniel,• Cltarles") of Boston, :Mass., was b. :May 16, 1827. He m. April 18, 1850, Hannah :M. Smith (d. Jan. 2, 1892). Children: i. W,u.TER SlnTu,8 b. l\fay 19, 1851 ; m. 18i2; cl. September, 1893. ii. CAROLIXE Er.IZABETn, b .•fan. 4, 1855; d. 185i. ill. W1LL1.u1, b. Jan. 28, 1859; d. 1860. iv. EmnE ..;Un:Lu, b. ~o,·. 11, 1862; cl. 1862. v. G1tAc1-: L1xc0Lx, b. Aug. 14, 1864. Res. "The Cairo," W:tSh­ ington, D. C. vi. ,JAsox PARKr:n, b. Aug. 2, lSGS: cl. lSii. ~ii. HARRY, b. Aug. 2, 18i2; d. 18i2.

65 GEORGE DWIGHT' (.Abraltam, 1 Robert,' Richarcl,3 ,Ionathan,' Daniel,• Cliarle,<") of Cincinnati, O., was b. Feb. 13, 1836; d. July li, 18i8. He m. Nov. 4, 1866, Lizzie Erwin (res. 1013 Broad way, Cincinnati) . Children: i. G1tACE l\Lm1E,8 b. Sept. 9, 186i; m. John Theodore Calling. Res. Cincinnati, 0. Children : Grace, Florence, Et/1el and Helen. ii. B,:RTIIA Lons,:, b. ,June 10, 18i0. iii. GEOltGE ALOYs1cs, b. ~ov. 21, 18i5. Res. Cincinnati.

66 JosEFII STOW1 (.Abniliam,' Robert,• Ricltard,3 Jonatl1an,• Daniel," Cfah-in") of Reading, :Mmis., was b. Oct. 12, 1839. He m. (1) June li, 18i0, Lucia :Maria Kingman (d. Jan. 8, 1880); m. (2) April 21, 1888, Mary Elizabeth Shepard. 236 TEMPLE GENEALOGY. Children: i. l\IAY LomsE,8 b. l\fay 13, 18i3. Res. Rending, l\ ii. Lll'CL\ LILLI,\.....-, b. Dec. 17, 1876. Res. Reading. 67 J ONATIL\..~• (.Abraham,' Robert,, Rickard,• Jonathan,' lJaniel, • William Tennant") of Totrington, Conn., was b. Jan. 12, 1849. He m. Dec. 25, 1871, Fanny Eleanor Shaw. Children: i. ETIIEL GERTRUDE,8 1>. Dec. 30, 18i3. ii. BERnL\. G., b. Feb. 3, 18i9. 68 JA::.n:s1 (Abraliani,' Robert,• Rickard; Jolm,' Joltn,• _Jolm') of Galena, Ill., and Kidder, Me., was b. Sept. 6, 1804; d. June 2, 1874. Hem. (1) 1835, Ann L. Peck (cl. .Aug. 20, 1845); m. (2) Dec. 26, 1847, Abby M. Cook (d. July 9, 1854); m. (3) May 10, 1855, Jane .A. Cook. Children: i. E1nLY A.,8 b . .Auj!. 16, 183i; m. July 16, 1861, Rev. William L. Bray. Res. Sheldon, Iow:i. Children: Ella Temple Bray, b .•July 9, 1862; m. in Constantinople, ::.fov. 4, 1885, Harris Grah:im, l\I.D., of Centr:il Turkey l\lission. Res. Beirut, Syria• .Alice Peck Bray, b .•June 2i, 186,3. Jlfary Elily Bray, b. Sept. 4, 1S67. Carrie Lamn:a Bray, b. Xov. 23, 1870. Willuun Sherrill Bray, b. Aug. 15, 1879. ii. lL\ltRIET ELtZABt:TII, b. ,Tan, 10, 1843: d • .Aug. 1, 1893; m. June 12, 18i3, William McDowell. Three d:iughters. 108, iii. ,JAltES SnELDo:s, b. Xov. 8, 18;'ji. iv. HE.....-RY MARTY:s, b. Oct. 6, 1860. Res. Le:idville, Col. 69 1 1 WILLIA::.1 ( .Abrakmn, Robert,• Richard,• Jolm,' ,John,• Jolin') of Re.'lding, :Mass., was b. Oct. 13, 180i ; d .•June 6, 1854. He m. J:i.n. 1, 1830, Mary Coggin (b. Nov. 6, 1805, d. Dec. 3, 1886). Children: 1()9, i. Wru.u1t RE::!oo"RY,8 b. Feb. 20, 1831. 110, ii. DAvm CROSBY, b. ,Jun, 20, 1834. 111, iii. REI:BE.', DE....-:TER, b. April 8, 18:38. 112, h-. Fnt:DERIC NELsox, b. ,fan. 20, 1840. 113, v. W ARRE.', KE::!oo'DALL, b. July 20, 1843. 70 7 1 Tntonn: ( Abraham, Robert,• Richard,• .Jolm,' John,• John•) of Plainville, Wis., was b. Feb. 21, 1810; d. Sept. 30, 1880. He TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 237 m. Nov. 22, 1831, Sophronin Flint. He was an cider in the Pres­ byterian church, and much esteemed. Children: i Emrs,8 b. l\Inrch 30, 1833: m •. (l) Aug. 24, 1853, Thomas S. Wukefield (cl. Aul!'. 4, 1864, in Anclersonville prison); m. (2) 1868, Charles Pelton. Rei.. Reedsburg, Wis. Children: Jlfarion Frances, m. Henry L. Cornell; children : .Arthur W., Hnrry A. nnd Donald Sidney. .Arthur Temple. Sidney Euge11e, m. Allie Davenport. Thomfl8 &oll, m. Agnes Wright. Willis Timotlt!J Pelton, Reedsburg. ii. JcLTA, b. Sept. 8, 183;j; d. June 20, 1856; m. Jnn. G, · 18ii3, ,v emlell Bancroft. iii. SormtO:SIA, b. l\Inv Ii, 1838; m. Thomas Rush Freeman. 0 Children: Clara L •• m. Frnnk D. Kingsbury; issue: ln3 M~ Henry T., Luc:,· E. and .Arthur l\I. .J!'ranl.: L., m. Anllll, O. Hnre. Hattie J. Herbert L., m. Ruth !IIL Lewis. Eliza L., m. ,Jnmes C. Stanley. IU, iv. ,JcsTr:s, b. l\Iurch 2i, 1840. v. TrnoTnY An,rns. b. Feb. 2, 1842; cl. 1842. vi. COR:SELIA, b. Oct. 2i, 1844: d . .l\fny 1, 1882; m. l\Iarch 29, 1866, ,fames l\IcClatchie. Chiltlren: ..4mza M., Emma S. (m. ,vminm E. Oakes. chilclren : ,Tames W., Flovd E. and Harolcl), .DaiS!J .J.lf., Elbert C. and Gle11n. . • • vii. A..._:s ELIZA, b. Sept. 24, 184i; m. l\Iarch 2!!, ltiG6, .Fred E. Boynton. Res. New Lisbon, W'is. Children: Frank L., m. Oranna W ellini,.rton : issue : Beryl and Hazel. Nellie .J.llabelle, m. ,Jeremiah G. Van Holten, New Lisbon, Wis. Winifred. Fred PerC!J. • Ray. Gay. viii. AniGAIL, b. ~\.ug. !l, 1848: d. 1848. L"C. LYDIA, b. June 1, 1s.;o; d. 1850. 71 BE!,.JA)m.1 (Abraham, 1 Robert,• Richard,• Jolin,• John,• John') of Cambria, Wis., was b. April 14, 1818. He m. l\fay 8, 1848, Phinelin H. Plummer (b. Dec. 24, 1820). Children: i. Gt:ORGE OTIS,8 b. Dec. 22. 1848: d. Feb. 20. 1852. ii. GF.OllGIA:-:A, b. ,Tune 14, 1s,;;3: <1. Aug. 24, 1853. iii. SARAII ELIZA, b. l\forch 4, 13,;,;_ iv. FA:S:SY HALL, b. July :Jo. 1860: cl. Sept. 2:3, 1860. v. JAlrnS l\Io:snot:, b. Feb. :ZO. 1863: m. Oct. 30, 188!!. Su~an J. Santlerson (b• .April 2;i, 18Gl ). hsue : George ·Sa,,derson, b. April 18, 18!!1; d. soon. .Ethel Irene, b. June 4, 1893. 72 SETH HEYWOOI>1 (Abra/tam,' Robert,• Richard,• ,Jolm, • John,• Jonathan•), was b. June 19, 1810; d. April 22, 1880. He m. Sept. 4, 1853, :Mrs. Caroline }I. (Cutting) Richardson. 238 TE:m>LE OE...~ALOGY. Children: 8 i. ConA CoTTING1 b. Oct. 13, ISM; d. Aug. l!J, 18G5. ii. l\L\ny Ct:TTl:SG1 b. Aug. 12, 185i.

73 FRANCIS PLTh-Y FISK1 (.Abralurni,' Robert,' Ricluo·d,3 Joltn,' Jolin,• Jonatltan") of Los Angeles, Cnl., wns born in Rending, Mnss., Feb. 13, 1822, nnd died April 27, 1880. He married, Sept. 29, 1845, Antonin :Mnrgnritn W orkmnn (born July 2G, 1830, died Jnn. 24, 1892) of Los .Angeles. Children: i. TnolrAS WonKlrAx, 8 b. Nov. 2G, 184G; d. Feb. 11, 18!!2. ii. FRANCIS Womo1AN, h. Au~. 5, 1848; d. Aug. 3, 1888; m. (1) Refujitu Sanchez ( d. 18G:J, no i..isue); m. (2) Nettie ltriencl (no issue). iii. WILLIA)!, b. l\fay 2;j, 1851. h·. DA YID I-L\1m1s, b. Dec. 11, 1853 ; d. 185G. 115. Y, ,Jou:s 1-IAnmso:s, b. Feb. 2i, 185G. ,·i. DA YID, b . .April 4, 18;j8; d. 185!>. vii. Luc1:sD.\ AllADA, b. ~ept. 13, 18G0; m. (1) :Manuel Arnaz; m. (2) l\fauuel :II. Zuniga. No is8UC, Res. Old l\Iission, Cal. ·;iii. INEZ, b. ,June ;j, 18G3; d. young. ix. l\IAGGIE A., b. Sept. 2, 186G; m. Nov. lG, 188!>, Samuel P. Rowland. Res. La Puente, Cal. Six children. x. 'WAI.Tim PABLO, b. ,June i, 18G!l: single. Res. El :\Ionte, Cru. xi. CIIAR1.•:s PAltKElt, b. l\Iay 10, 18i2; m. Rafaela Bas,e. Res. El l\Ionte. • • 74 RIClIARD1 (Abralw,m,' Robert,• Ricltard.,3 Joltn,' ,Joltn,• Ricltard") was born )fay 12, 17!>7, nnd died Nov. 4, 1865. He married Sarah L. Dorr (born in Boston, Oct. 20, 1803, died in New York, June 28, 1855). Children: i. SARAll,8 b. ,July 11, 1825; d. ,July 11, 182;j, ii. SARAH Et1zA111,T11, b. in Pro\'idencc, R. I., Feb. l!l, 1827; ID. Nov. I:J. 185G, Fr-.mklin Buckin~ham Hawes (b. in Gla.~ton­ bury, Conn .. Feb. 13, 181 i, d. in IIoltlen. :\Io., Feb. 21, l8!l:3). Res. Holden. Chililren: Alice Buc!.:i119lmm Hr,wes, h. Nov. 2i, )i-1,ii; m•• June:!. 18/oli; child: Frank Temple, b. Aug. 3, 18il8. Li::ie Temple /fau:e.<, b. Oct. 20, ltSG2: d. ,July G, 181'!:3. Florence .Angelica Hawes, b. Feb. 20, 1865; d. Nov. 8. 18!ll. iii. AI.)IIRA P,\RIU:R, b .•fan. Ii. 1831; --s,8 b. Ang. 8, 1836; single. Res. Providence, R. I. ii. Wu.L!AlI !IEXRY Gius, b. Nov. Ii, 1846; single; civil engi­ neer; member American Soc. C. E. Res. Providence, R. I. He has an uutoi:ruph copy of a "book of remarks" on current events, compiled by ,John Temple, 1704, 75 NAIIUlx7 (Abraham,' Robert/ Richard,' Thomas,' Tl1omas, 1 .Nicanor") wns born Jan. 7, 1794, and died April 11, 1844. He marric

Nov, 2, 1876. He maLrried, Feb. 13, 1823, Dolly Snunders (died July 9, 1864). i. 1-IAnnmT,8 b. ,Tune 20, 1824; d. ,fan. 8, 1830. ii. l\lAJITIIA, b. l\foy :!!J, 18::!G; d. Nov. ao, 1894. iii. Ecx1c•:, b. ,Tnn. 1:3, 18:31; d. Aug. :l, 18:J:!. iv. C11AUNCY, b. Oct. 8, lfl:34; m. Oct. 8, HlM, Charlotte Vincent. Shed. ,June 21, 1874. Hom. (2) Sept. 2:J, 187.;, Cnndace Pierce Pomeroy. Res. St. Albnns, Vt. Issue: Luna Char­ lotte, b. June G, 1877. v. CELINA, b. April 28, 1837; m. Sept. 26, 18;,4, Aaron Burr Olds (d. ,June 11, 1886). Res. Frnnklin, N. lI. Children: Libbie, b. Oct. 2a, l85i ; m. ,July 30, 1885, Georl,(e H. Anderson. Cl1arles Jll, b. Jnn. 4, 186::!; d. 1862. Freddie Fa9, b. 1865; d. 1865.

78 CALEB1 (Abraluon,' Robert,• Ricl,ard,• Tl,oma.~,' Tliornas: Ric!tard") of Randolph, Vt., was born ,July 18, 1801, and died Jan. 6, Ui80. He married Lucy Corbin (died Aug. 16, 1870). Child: i. GEon<:F.,8 b. ~!arch 26, 1834: m. l\Iarch 24, 1859, Elizabeth C. l\Iclntvre;

79 1 3 CrtAUXCY LANGD0:-1 ( Abralw.m,' Robert,• Ri,;l,ard, Tlwma.~, • Tlwinrt.~,• Ric!tard") of Randolph, Vt., wru; born ~lurch 23, 1805, and died .July 17, 1878. Hem. ( 1) Xov. 12, 18:~2, )fary Corbin (d. Oct. 8, 1861); m. (2) i.\Iarch 18, 1862, :Mrs. Ann Turner (d. April 4, 1884). Child: i. ,Jt'LTA,8 b. Aug. 2:3. 1833: m.• Tun. 6, 1sr,3, '\Villiam B. Grover. Res. 1\Iedfie1'1, l\Ia.s~. Children : Eli::a E., m. A. '\V. ,Jeffer­ son. Emmous G., m. Ellen Smith. Hattie Louisa,

ii. EVELINA, b. Murch 2, 1833; d. Dec, 3, 18i6; m. April 2i, 18;,r,, ,focob Chambers. Chililrcn: Rollen Renwick (res. Westticlcl, Vt,), Ra11ifurd L., Ella .Jlf. uncl .Alfred R. iii. HoLT,ASD I-Inn.:r,Y, b. Nov. U, 18:3(); m. Oct. li, 1866, Irene M. Duvis. Res. Troy, Vt. Issue: .Dora E., b. Sept. 19, I8Gi. Ctli'a H., b. Sept. 23, lHiO; d. Oct. 4, 1882. iv. STE1•111;:s ROYCE, b. Aug. :?:?, 18•16; cl. 1865. 120, v. AlmEitl:lT l\L\.y:-;,rno, b. ~\.pril 13, 1850. 81 HANAXL\ll7 (Abraluun, 1 Robert,' Riclmrd, • Thomas,' Hana­ nial,, • Samuel") of Dorchester, .Mnss., wns bom 'i\-fay 1, 1798, and died June 5, 1873. He mnrrie, 183G; cl. l\Iay 2i, 1883; m. June 21. 18G5, Samuel :\I. Barton. ii. S1us Aurnx; b. Feb. 21, 1838: d. ~ov. 30, 1860. iii. Em1A Al:Gt:STA, b. April 4. 18-10; d. l\Iay 1:2, 1887. iv. IlonAct-: WARE, b. ,June 21, 1843; m. l\Iinnic Tefft at Titusville, Pa., Feb. :21, 1872. v. GEORGE HERUERT, b. July 26, 1850; d. Sept. 23, 1850. S4 7 1 CruRLES ( Abraham, Robert,• Richard; Tlio11ms,' Hana­ niah; Joseph') was born ,Tune 23, 1809, and died Aug. 14, 1838. He married, April 15, 1832, Roxanna Ellis. Children: i. SETII Cn&:s-1,Y,1 b ••July 26, 183-1; m. Noi.·. 2!>, 185i, I-Tu.ttie Brancroft. ii. :1\L\1tTI1A .A.-.s. cl. young. iii. FnA:scrs, b. 1::,;;7; d. June 7, 1858. S5 IsAAC7 (Abraliam,• Robe1·t,• Riclir1rd/ Tltomru,' Hanania!t,• 0 .Jo.,eplt ) of Or:mg:e, .Ma~s., was born there ,June 7, 1811, :md dicu Sept. 7, 18!J4. He married ( 1) )lay 27, 1835, Olive L. Sibley (d. )larch 18, 1855); m. (2) ~ov. 25, 18G7, Caroline Partridge. Child: i. AC'G'CsTcs.8 h .•July rn, H,:;7; m. (1) HHi-1-, Anna Yocc; m. (2) April:?, 18'.I0, Anna Chilus. Uc,. )Iilliugtou, )lass. Issue: Ada .J,.111e and Se/lie S1,pl.ia. ii. S01·111,\, b. ,July :;o, lti:;:i; m. ,fan. 1, 18G:?, Henry Gibbs. Res. Or.mgc, )lass. iii. lb::s1tY S1111.&Y, h. Sept. I,;, 18-17; d. )fay 17, 18G4, :i.t Gallup Islam!, in the Uniou army. 86 7 1 ,To;;urr HoW,\P.1> ( .Abrrilunn, Robert,• Ricltard/ Tlwmrt.~,4 ,Jo.,ia/i; ,Joltn") of Fmming:ham, :\lass., minister and author, was born )larch 2, 1815, and died April 6, 1893. He married, )fay 18, 1848, :Mary Belden (died :\farch 18, 189-1). He wrote histories of the following towns: Whately, Xorthficld, Korth Brookfield, Framingh:1m and Palmer, )Iu.s:s. TElll'LE GE!a:ALOGY. 243

Children: i. l\fanY EmLY,8 b. Sept. 18, 1848; m. Sept. 18, 1878, Albert Partridge. ii. .AnnY l\LrnrA, b ••June 30, 1851 ; d. young. iii. ,Tom, and SARAil Hrnruno, twins, b. ,July 17, 1852; cl. young. iv. Jons HowAno, b. Aug. 30, 185:l; m. Dec. 27, 1888, Ella F. Parsons (b • .Aug. 9, H!;j9). No issue. Res. Framingham, l\fa~s. ,. Josurr. b. July 24, 1855; d. young. 'ri. iL~xA, b ..Aug. 23, 1856; d. young. 87 DAVID PEr:.RY7 (Abraham,' Robert," Richai·d,0 Thoma,q,' .Jo­ sialt,' Jolin•) of York, Pa., was born June 20, 1825. He mar­ ried, April 3, 187i, Eleanor Ha.sseltine ( d. Oct. 10. 1886). Children: i. Rcm,8 b. Oct. 17, 1878 ;-d. 1879. ii. HELE~ JcLu, b. l\Iay 31, 1S80; Res. Busti, N. Y. 88 W1LLT,nr EATOX' (Abraltam, 1 Robe1·t, • Richard,' Tl1omas,' 6 Jo.~ia1t,• lV'illimn P. ) of Framingham, )fass., was born July 2i, 1832. He married, April 15, H,65, Sarah Isabel Brown (died NoY. 23, 1874). Child: i . .:'\.Don: l\IARr.,.8 h. )furch 9. lSGG; m. Nathan 'W. Newton (res. :Framingham, )Ia.;s. ). Child: Eca Blanche. 89 "\'\"1LLTS HAY:-."Es' (Abraham,' Robert,• Richard,• Thomas,' Jonalltan, • Jonathan•) of ,Yilmington, Yt., was born June 8, 1820. He married, June 5, 1850, Dollv Ann )Icrchant. Children: • 125. i. ,JOXATIUX ".ILLlS.8 b. Oct. 17. 18,i::?. ii. CnARLEs W1LLU)r. b. Xo,·. :;u. 1853. 12~. iii. EoALllEin Jo:H:rn, b. June 3, 1856. 90 AnRAHA)I HAGER' ( .Abraliam, 1 Robert,= Ricliard, • Thoma..~,• Jonat!tan, • Joel•) of Rutlan

Children: i. l\Lmr A...._GF.L~A,8 b. Sept. 17. 1855; d. Oct. 14, 1873. ii. lIELE:S .A:IIELIA, b. Dec. G, 18.'i!l; d. :Nov. 28, 1864. 127. iii. WILLLUI CAST,\.'(IS, b •.Aug. 12, 1861. 91 7 1 CFLrn.LES MERRICK. ( ..Abraham, Robert,• RicltanJ,, • T!tomas, • Jonatlian,• Joel") of ·white Pigeon, l\lich., clergyman, was born April 2i, 1828, and died April 18, 18i9, at Rutland, l\Inss. He married, Sept. 2, 1856, Harriet F. Waite (d. :Feb. 2i, 1872). Children: 128. i. CHARLES EoW,\RD,8 b ••July 13, 1858. 129. ii. FRA:SCJS WAYLA:SD, b. l\fay 8, 1860. iii. RosAm:LLE CLMtA, b. Dec. 27, 1865. Res. 343 :Broadway, Cambridge, l\I:iss. 92 7 1 3 LE'\"I GREE~,voon ( ..Abraltam, Robert,• Ricliard, Thomas,• Jonatlwn, • Tliomas") of Princeton, l\Inss., was born Jan. 19, 1818, and died Xo,·. 20, 1892. He married, Dec. 25, 1845, 'Persis F. Ball (d. Oct. 14, 1892) of Princeton. Children: t:W. i. CnARLEs L.,8 b. Oct. 9, 1847. ii. Eow1:s, b. Ft'b. 28, 18;;2; m. Sept. Ii, 1884, A,,.=es E. Quay of Beech Creek, Pa. No issue. Res. Priuccton, l\fass. 93 GEORGE '\VILLl,\:II FosTER7 (Abraham, 1 Robert,• Richard,• Thoma.,: .Jonathan;' '17,ouia.,•) of Alstead, N'. H., was born April 13, 1811, and died Oct. 5, 1876. He married, April 21, 1836, :Mary Fiske Temple, who died Aug. 26, 1889. Children: 1:n. i. GEORGE !I&:Slff,8 b. Feb. 1,;. 1837. ii. ELu::s :\LmY. b: Aug. 1:;, 18-10; m. Sept. 24, 1862, Edw:ird P. Banks (d. Sept. 2:;. 18!:12). Res. Nashua. N. H. Children: ,llabelle Salome, b. Oct. l r., 18G,,; m. April l!), 18!l3, Charles F. Shcrid:u,: res. Lowell, l\fass.: issue: Edward Banks (b. Feb. 27, 18'.JG). . Venielia Estelle. b. Dec. 26, 1867; m. Dec. 2-l, 188\l, Fre,1 A. Lougee: res. So. :\lcrrimac, N. H.: issue: Fretl E. (b. No,·. G, ltl!:10), Charles E. (b. Oct. 27, 18fl2), George R. (h. Oct. 2,;. 189-1). iii. SARAil ELIZA, b. Aug. :2!l, 184:~: m. )farch 20, 1872, Ervin A. White. Res. l\farlboro', N. H. Children: E. Temple, b. :March 24, 187G. Gordon F., b. April 20, 1884. Florence .1Jla9 (adopted), b. Feb. :26, 1888. TE)IPLE GENEALOGY. 245

iv. LUCY ADELIA. b. Aug. 12. 1845: m. Nov. 21. ISG,i, .Tesse B. Isham. Res. Kecue, N. II. Children: .Albert JII., b. Dec. G, 186G: res. Fitchburg, )foss.; m. Nov. 21, 188!J, Minnie D. York. Cruce .A., b. Au)!. I:J, 18G8: m. George F. Little, )larch 2i, 18!)0: issue: Ha7.el A. (b. Feb. 26, 18(13, d ••July Ii, 18!J3), Earl Wilhrid;.:c (b.• fan. 4. 18!JG), .Albert Isham (b. Nov. 2, l8!JS). Jrssie Jliwd, h. April 12, !SiO; m. )lay 7, 18!J I, Perlev H. Knight: res. Keene, N. II.: issue: )fartelle P. (b. April 9, 18!J:?,

iv. ALONZO WAnn&x, b. ,Tnu. 3, 18-1-1; d. in tho Union army, nt New Orlcan>1, July 7, 186:J. v. TIIO)IA:-1 .Jm.>n:ttSO!'i, b. l\I11y, i, 1848; a. Aug. l•t, 18-l!l. vi. E1>wA1tD Fosn:1t, h. ,Jun. I;'i, IK;i-1: ll. ,fan. 30, IR!l!l. He wadunwd from Tufts Divinity School in l8Kl, and entered the Univerl!Ulist mini>1try. Hi.~ pastorate,. were at l\Inttnpoisett :,.n,l l\Iariou, l\Ia.~s., Oucont.u. and Trenton, N. Y. Ile W118 twice pa.stor in each place. A church was built under his miniKtry at Oneonta, and a purish ho11>1e at Trenton. Poems written by him have hccn publishec.l in the "Univcrsalist Leader," "Youths' Companion," •• Imfopcnclcnt," and other papers. •' A, true man; a wise uml helpful minister." In the la.~t few years of his life. he took i:re:1t interest in com­ piling the genealogy of liis family, using the previous work 0£ William Temple as the ba~i~. 8ingle. vii. ALIC& Em1A, b. Sept. 22, 1$;j8; d. April 4, 18i4. 96 EnE~"EZER1 (.Abnilwm,' Robert,• Rt'clirlrd/ Tlionw~. ◄ Eben­ ezer,•") of ·waterloo, P. Q., was born Nov. 1, 1805, and died :Nov.17, 1889. Hem. (1) l\fny 3, 1829. Betsey :\IcFarl:me (w1x 1-:m,;i,:z;:1:, b. ,June 18, 1s,;1. 135. viii. :\faTnrnw lI.\ltLA~m. b•• June I:J, 18ii2. ix• .Amrn~ A1>1,LLA, b. :\lay 1:1, 1857; d. Sept. 27, 1883; m. Oct. 2. ltii!l. IIimm. S. Newton. No issue. 13G. x. W1LL1.u1·11t::mY, b. Nov. 1.;, 18;';0.

97 .TOEL7 (Abraliam, • Robert,' Iliclw.rd; Ebenezer,' Benjamin,• ,Joel") of Hillsboro, X. H., was b. Oct. 27, 1836. He m. April 17, 1863, A.nna Peaslee. TEMI'LE GENEALOGY. 247

Children: i. FnEDF.RTCK ,ToTIIAN,8 b. l\Inrch 10, lSGG; m. Feb. 3, 18!lG, Eva M. :French. ii. FANNII, Esn:1.u:, h. ,July 2-t, lSi•l; m. ,Tun. l!l, 18!lG, Fred B. W cll8 of Stod

Chil. Q. JR,ue: .Alice, b. )larch :!:!, HHii : m. Frank Curtis. Chicopee, )lass. Emma. h. Aug. l!J, 18G!J : m. Almeila Proucnchcr; re~. Somer­ ,ille. Conn. Frederick. h. )larch 25. Ii-71. Lucimla, b. ,June 28, 187 -l; m. Ileujamiu )Iarin: re,. Lcomiustcr. ) Wil­ liam, b. ,Jun. ,i, 187G:

Chicngo, Ill., ,Tuly 8, 1850. Hem. Jobitn. l\Innjnrrez. Res. Calle de lns Estneiones, No. 2018. Children: i. ,Jost: Eo~mso,0 b. Nov. 20, 1881, at San Dimas, l\Iex. ii. A1tTIIU1t R1•:n:s, b. ,Jun. fi, 11:184, at 8un DimM, iii. l\lA1t1A ,Jui.IA DE LA Cosct:1•c10N, b. April 20, 1886, at Leon, l\lex. iv. A'SNA l\IAmA, b. ,July 26, 18!l2, nt El Paso, Tex. v. 8AnA 01, I.A Luz, b. l\Iny 27, 18!J.1, at Mexico City. vi. l\Lutt,\ LouH:1A, b. ,Tan. 28, 18!:l7, at El Paso. 105 CLA RJ{l'-OX '\Y ILHERJ'ORCE" (.Abra/tam,' Robert,• Ric!tard, • Jona­ than,< f)aniel,6 Clwrlc,•.6 C'ltm•lei/) of '\Vobum, :Mnss., was b. Oct. 31, 1845. Hem. Aug. 8, 18il, Elizabeth Kirkbride. Children: i. Gt:omrn F1u:01m1cK,9 b. ,Tan. !l, 1872. ii. N1•:L1.u: Loc1,rn, b. Dec. r,, 1873. iii. LILLY EvA, b ••June 13, 1876. iv. B1,ssu:, b. Feb. 1, 1880. v. C11,rnu:s At.:Gt:STl'S, l, .•June 30, 1881. ,i. ,h::,,:n· KmK111m>1,. h. April 10, 1884. vii. CLA1tKsos ""11.1n:1:.-01:ct:. b. Oct. 21, 1886. viii. E1.1zAnt:Tn )L\1:1A, b. Dec. 15. 1887: ix. ,JOsEl'IIISt:, b. )fay 8, 18!)2; d. 1893.

106 GEORGE ALLE:0.8 (.Abra/mm,' Robei·t, • Riclwrd,' Jonathan,' 7 lJaniel: Charle.•.• Clmr[e;, ), was b. July 18, 1847. Hem. Jan. 31, U,t-:3, Phebe R. Owen. Children: i. Eo1Tn l\lAmA,0 b .•July 10, 1884. ii. Gt:01:Gt: l\L\1:K, b. Oct. 21, ll-8;i. iii. Cntus Ru~:mLL, b. ,June 27. 18:'!7. iv. CA1:1m, Owt:s, b. l\farch 22. 188!). v. SILAS As11Tos, b. Aug. 23, 18!:ll.

107 CnARLES RommT" (Abrrtlln:st:.0 b. Au:t. 12, 18!)3. ii. RuTu ELIZA!lETII. b. ,Tun~ 2!:l. 18!15. iii. Coit,\ ELLEN, b. Feb. 8, 18!:l7. 250 TE!lll'LE OE:O.'EALOOY,

108 ,JA::'llF.S SnELDON" (Abrrtlwm ,1 Robert,• Riclzard, • ,John,' ,Joltn, • Joltn,' JameH') of' Denver, Col., reijiE, b. )lay 6. lX(i!J: m. Sept. 21, 1892, Gt'or_!!C w·. Bar­ ker, .Jr. Res. Athol, )lass. Issue: .1.llar9uerite. L. ,July 10, 1893. xi. Rt:Tll Ai::ni:;sTA, h. 1\forch I!), 1871; d. 1871. . xii. ALBERT Enx~:sT, b. l\lav 14. 1872; m ••Tan. 27, 18!>2, Bertha Ethel W~·man. Issue·: Carroll Wgmau, h. Nov. 24, 1894. Re~. Readin_!!, )lass. xiii. 1\fa1a:L F1uxc~::-.A, b. Oct. 24. 187:t Res. Reading, 1\Iass. xiv. FA:-.xrn .Esn:I.LA, b. Dee. I!l, 1874; ti. 1875. xv•• fa:-.:-.1E FitAXCES, b. Dee. l!J, !iii 4. X\'i. L1LLIAX, b .•June 7, 187G; d. )fay '28, 1878.

110 DAVID CROSBY' (Abraham,' Robert,• Ricltard,• Jolm,4 Joltn," 1 Joltn," Willirtm ) of Rea

Chililrcn: i. Er.Momr. Cor.nv,9 h. Oct. 9, 18i3. RAM. Reo1ling, l\I11sH. ii. Evrm Lou1Mii, h. Fd,. 2ri, 1880. UeR. Rending. 111 R1mnEx DEXTER• (Abraltam, 1 Robert,• IUcltard, 3 ,lolm, • ,lolm, • .Jolm,• W'ilUam') of Rending, l\Inss., wnti b. April 8, 1838; d. Dec. 29, 1893. Hem. Florence Weston Riclmr7. Hem. )fay 1, 1861, Jane 0. Winchell. Children: i. !DA l\IA Y.9 b. Dec. 9, 18G2; m. Sept. 23, 1880, F. W'. Fitzgerald. Res. Pomeroy, "·ash. r~sue : llarold, b. :March J:3, 1890. Fra11Jdin E., b. Aug. IO, IS!ll. Justin G.• b ••Tune G, 1895. I--etta Ruby. b ••July 2r;, 1896. Alfred, b. lfay 11, 1898. iL LrLLIAS l\Lu;o, b. Oct. 2G. 18G9: m. l\Iny 10, 189G, F. F. Gallagher. Re~. Ellington, l\fo. iii. W1xcnELL TmoTrrY, b. Dec. 9, 18i5. Res. Ellington. 252 TEMPLE OENEALOOY. 11.; .Tons fLmnt!loi-;• (Ab1·rtlwm, 1 Robert,• Riclwrcl,• Jo!tn,• Jolm,• Jonrttlum," Fraur:i.,,') of Puente, Cnl., was b. in Los Angeles, Cul., Feb. 2i, lt'15G. He m. Sept. 30, 188G, Anita. D1woust (b. June 14, 18Gli). Chiluren: i. F1usc1~ P1.1sY FrsK,9 h. Nov. 17. 1888. ii. F1tAsc1~ "'on:otAS, h. ,fan. 20, 18()1. iii. En1T11 Cmt1s1·1sA, h. ,Tan. 20. lH!ll. iv. ADUIAS DAVOt:l!T, b. ,Tan. 20. 18!1:3. v. G1w1tn" llA1tlt1sos. b. Feb. 2. lH!J,5. ,·i. E1,,n·s1> PAmrnu. h. ,lan. i, 18!Ji. ,·ii. Ro1n:1tT PALl!ISsTos, h. Dec. :J, 18()8. 116 ,JOSEPH" (Abralwm,' Robert,' Rir:ltard; T!toma.~,4 T!tomas,a Nicanor,° .1.Ya!t11m') of "'ilmin~on, :Mass., was b. ~Iny l!J, 1816; d. ,fon. 14, ll$95. Ile m. ( 1) Dec. :31, 1838, La.urict ~forcy ( d. Aug. 14, 1843) ; m. (2) Sept. 2, 1844, Lucy ,v right. Children: i. l\IAnTnA Ass,0 b .•Jan. 25, 1840; m. Feb. 9, 1862, Ephr.iim Hvam of Boston. ii. OmiAs F1t.\SK1.1s. h. Oct. 14, 1841; d. 1853. iii. ~AllC)I, b. Aug. 4. 18-la; d. 184:3. iv. C1u1:u:» E1>,,;,\lm, h .•T:tn. -1. Jfqr,; d. 1846. 141, v. G~:01;<:a: IIt,snY. h• .March li, J1"1i. vi. "'11.1.1Alt CnAt.:SCY, h. l\Iay 1, 18,j:3; m. April !l, 18ii, Mary Ella Ho,·cl•, Re~. So. "'oo.\ :\L\RIA, b. Sept. 8, 18i;!l. vi. A1tn:1.IA FttAXC1'S, h. April 21, 18G2; m. Oct. 1, 1883, Willard 11. Buxton. Res. ""orcester, l\Iass. Issue: JlaroW. Elbert, h ••Jan. l O. 188;";. ,ii. Scsrn E1.u:·s, b, April 24, 18Gii: m. Sept. 19, 1896, Thomas J. l\Ieany. Res. Williamsville, Mass. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 253

118 WtLLL\:lf PtTTH" (Abralwm,Z Robert,• Ricltard,3 Tltomas,' Tlwmrc,~,• .1.Yicrwor,• .1.Vrt!mm') of'\Vimlsor, Vt., wns b. Mnrch 23, 1823. He m. April 30, 1850, Snrnh Louise Burnhnm (b. June 16, 1830). Children: i. ,TA,rni; ,vn.LrA)t,0 b. ,Jnn. 12, 1852. U3, ii. E1>wA111> Snv1;::mm. b. Dec. 8, 1854. iii. Iufaut, b. Jnn. 20, lBfio; d. 1868.

119 CHARLES WrLLI.\:118 (Abra/mm,' Robert,• Richard,3 Tltomas,' 1 Tlwmas, • .1.Yicauor, • Olmrle.¥ ) of M:mchestcr, N. H., trcnsurcr of the Temple & Fnrrin~on Co., merchnnts, wns b. July 11, 1846. He m. Aug. 21, 1867, Lnurimln L. Chnse. Children: i. ILumY CrrAsl:.0 b. ,fan. 11, 1872; d. March 23, 1885. ii. Cu.u:u:s AnT11t:1t, b. Oct. 28, 1877.

120 A:1mERST )L\1"'N,\RD8 (Abraham,' Robert,• Riclia~d,3 Thomas, Thoma.•,• Ric/,ard,' Oramel') of '\Vest Charleston, Vt., .w:i.s b. April 13, 1850. Hem. Aug. 2, 1883, Cnrrie B. Church. Children: i. Cl!ARLF.:- 01t,U1EL/ b ••fan. 21, 1S84. ii. SA1tAn EVALYN. b. Dec. 8. 188';. iii. Bt.AscnF. Bmn. b. :\£av 6. 13;,;9_ iv. Y}:RSA .AuBEY, b. Aug. ~;;, 189.i.

121 CHARLES CARROLL" ( Abrahrr111, 1 Robert,° Richard; Thomas,' 1 Ilanauirtli, • Smnuel," llanmiia/1 ) of )Iclrosc, )!ass., was b. July 16, 1827. Hem. Oct. ti, 1853, Hannnh A. Fairfield. Children: i. E1.u::,; FL01rnsct:.9 b. Dec. 18, 18;j4; m. Xo'\".10, 189.;j, Daniel E. Collamer. Res. l\Iclrosc. l\I:i.s~. 1\o issue. ii. Cu.Un.Es F.\JIU"H:LD. b.• Juh· 17. 18;j6: d. 1s;;1;. iii. l\IArm:Tn:. b. l\farch 25, 1i,;;s; m. Xov. 2, 1881, .J:imcs M. Emcn· (

122 Jorn,' (Abrrrlrnm, 1 Robert,' Rtclmrd/ Tl1m11nR,' llrmrmiah," 1 Samnel,• Ilr111a11iah ), wns b. Aug. !l, 1838; cl. ,Tan. 18, 1878. Hem. (1) Dec. 6, 1860, Augustn W. Ilnycs; ni. (2) Nov. 30, 18il, Emmn E. Goodwin. Children: i. Assm IIAn,s,9 b. Nov. 8, 18Gl: ,l. ,Tuly tG, ISG-l. ii. ,Tons, b. l\l11y lG, 187,l. ReM, Portland, l\Ie. iii. Ei:r.1,s1, P1mc1v,u., b. Feb. '27, 1877; m. Marion Gertrude Smith.

123 TnOMAS FnE~cn• (Abraltam, 1 Robert,• Riclmrcl, • Thomas,4 Hananiali,• Samuel, 0 lVilliam') of Boston, l\lnss., wns born at Neponset, l\Inss., May 25, 1888. He is Regi11ter of Dcc: m. Dec. Iii, H\!17, ,val- ter Rice J>ond. iii. :l\L\ny bA11t:r.u:, b. April :W. 18i:J. iv. E1rnA F1u:-;KL1s, b. Fdi. 2;;, 18i.:;. v. T11011,\s Fm:sc11, b. Sept. 6, 11:!ifj,

124 AxsEL FnExcn" (Abrrrlurm, 1 Rohert/ Rtcl1m·d,' Tlwmas,' Hanrmirth, • Sallmel," lVillimn') of :Muskegon, :Mich., manu­ facturer, wal! b. in Dorchester, )lass., ,July 14, 1842. Hem. Dec. 19, 1871, at :Milwaukee, Wi8., :;\lary Lr.i1gworthy, b. Aug. 13, 1848, tlau. of An


latter plnce he orgnni:ml the Temple :Mnnufneturing Co., A. F. Temple, Mnnnger. The mnin feature ,of the business is the mnking of curtain fixturct1 from saw mill refuse. In l!Ht:l thit1 compnny wns commli

125 .JOXATilAX ,v1LL1s• (Abral,.am,' Robert,' Riclur,rd,' Thomas,• Jonatluw, • ,fmiatlmn,° JVillt'..•'), wn1:1 b. Oct. 1 i, 1852. He m. Dec. 24, 18i9, :Kellie A. Rice of Hnlifax, Vt. Children: i. ,loSATIIAS \V'11.r.1s,u b. April 4. 1881. ii. )[issn:, h. ,Tune :!O, 188:!; d. ,June :H, 1882. iii. l\h:sTos ll1m-r11A, h. :\1:w i, 188,i. iv. Infant Son. b. Dec. :!:\ lli8G·: tl. f'llrne clay. "· F1.01u:sc~: AsxA. b. Xov. 14. lt\88. vi. l\L\11.101:n: E1.11.,\ln:T11, b. Au~. 1,i, 1891. vii. l!Auoi,: Evt:LYX, b. April G, 18~-1.

126 EDALRF.RT .T. • (Abra/mm, 1 Robert,• Ricliard,' Tlio111a.•,' Jona­ titan, • ,l,matl,,111,6 lVilli.•') of Hin8&1.ox l\lt:1tc11.\ST, h. Aug. i. 18!)0,

,YILLL\:lr CASTA!m,• (Abra/mm,' Robert,• Ricl1a1"d,' Thomas,' ,fonatlum,' ,Joel," .Abrctliam') of Rutland, )lass., farmer, was b. there Ang. 12, 1861. Hem. ( 1) :1-i'ov. 13. 11:185, Belle .A. Damond (d. Sept. 6, 181:16); m. (2) Murch 20, 1890, Olive )I. B:m1cs. 256 Tt~Ml'LE OMNEALOOY, Chililrcn: i, UALl'II Wu.1,l.\)1,9 h, ,Tuno 1!), Hl\l:!. il. H.uTll, b, ,Juno 11, J8!)r,.

128 CnAnLt~s EDWAno• (AIJraltrtm,' RolJert,• Rieltrtl'd,• Tl,omaH,• 1 Jonritlmn,6 ,Joel,4 0/wrle.• ) ot' Grnn

120 FRA,.-c1s ,vAYLA,.-D" (Abralwm, 1 Robert,' Riclmr,l,• TlwmaR,4 Jonai!tan,• ,Toel," 0/wrlex'), wns b. :Mny 8, 1860. He m . .Anna Snwyer (b. ,July 21, 1863). Chiluren: i.• JosEPII EnwAnD,9 b. Oct. lG. 188i. ii. ED!Tll FnAXCE~, h. ,June 21, ·1sv1; cl. Aug. l i, 18!11.

130 8 0 CHARLES LEVl ( Abntham,' Robert,• Ric/ir,rd, Tl,oma.~, • ,Jona­ than," Tlrnmr1s,6 Lei·i1), was b. Oct. !), 184 7;

132 Ar,nEJtT '.rnoMMl (.Aln•altam,' Robert,• lliclwrd,3 Tlwrna,1.1,' Ebe111!.~t!1•,' Tlumut1.1, 0 Ebeue::er'), wnK b. ,Tune 18, l!:!:35;

133 GEOUGE F1tE1>F.mcK• (.Abra/tam,' Robert/ Ric!tard, • Thomas,' 1 Ebene::1!r,• Tlw111as,• Ebeuezer ) of Brcckinritlgc, ?IIinn., was b. June 3, 1845. Hem. Feb. 15, 1865, ?ilary Agnes Peters. Chil

134 EDWIN E,n:~EZER' (.Abr«lumt, 1 Robert,' Ricltm·d,3 Tfiomas,4 Ebene::er; Thoma.~: J::be11eze1·') of \\'artlcn, P. Q., was b. June Hi, H:;51. Hem. Dec. 17, 1~73, Ella Jane )Iartin. Children: 9 i. El>ITII Alml:S.\, \,, 1874. ii. Cl.. \11.\ A1rn,\:S!>A, b. Au~. 1G, Hl7;j, iii. X1•:'l'-rn: En1~:1., b. Au~.:!:,. 187!;. iv: A1.111mT ~n.v1:sn:1:. I~. :Xov. 4. 1878. v. Hom:1t Er,w1:s. b. ::\fay :!8, 181'.11. vi. E1>s.\ ELYllt.\, b. Au~. 8. 1882. vii. Go1wo:s Li,;;;Ln:, b. Feb. 2:;, 1888.

135 )L\rrrn:w lI,\IU.A::SD' (Abralw111,' Robel'l,' Ricltrtrcl,' T!tomas,' Ebe11e::e1·," Tlwma.~." Ebenezer,:) of \Yutcrloo, P. Q., was b. June 13, 1852. Hem. Dec. 29, 1~75, Charlotte Ellison Goolu. Children: i. IIAt:L.\:SD ELLISON,° b ••July 21, 188,j. ii. 1>111Lll' ExsU.\W, b. Aug. 15, 18~0. 258 TEMPLE GENEALOGY,

136 WILLIA'.\l I-Immy• ( Al,raliflm,' Robert,' Richard, 3 Tlu,maH,' 1 Ebenezer,• Tl,outaH.6 Ebenezer ) ,if ,vnr

137 Onvu,; CnASE 9 (Al>l'a!tam,' Robel't,• Riclutrcl,• El,enezer,4 Ben­ jamin,• Ebenezer,° ,/oel7) wns b. :\foy 5, 1841;

138 GIL'.\IA:S' (Abra/mm,' Robert,' Ricl,ard,3 Ef,enez,1r,' Ben}a­ min,• Be11Jmuin,' Jlcfrin') was b. ,fan. 12, 1840. Hem. Elccta Jane Smith (b. 18-17, at.Acworth, X. II., d. Jan. 3, 188i). Chilurcn: i. )fain- Lt:c1SDA,9 b. )foy ::n. 18G8: m. April 10, 1889, Ining W. Felch. Children : Bertlia Jl,1r9 and Walter ln·ing. ii, ALICE ,fast:, b. ,Jan. 1:J. 1870: d. April 12, 1ssr.. iii. CLAR.\ ETTA, h. )Iay :n, lili;j; m. l\I:i.rch 2, 1898, Fred IL Towns. Res. Keene, .N. II.

139 MEL'ln::s• ( Ab,·alwm,' Robert,• Ricluird,2 Ebene::er,' BeuJa­ min,' BenJamin,' 3/elvin') of Hillsboro' Upper Village, N. H., was b. Xov. 11, 18-14:. Hem. Xov. 23, 1871, Jennie Olive Goodell. Children: i. Evw1x GooD}:r.L,9 b. Oct. 2G, 1Si2. ii. D,\SA SmTII, b. April :!<;, 188;j. TEllll'LE GENEALOGY. 259

140 0 1 3 FRED MIL!1Ttm ( Abraham, Robe1't, • Ricltard, .Joltn, • .Joltn, • Jolm,' lVillim11, 1 lf'"iltimn") of Rcncling-, Mnss., wnl! b. Oct. 29, 1867. Hom. Nov. 11, 1888, Florn. l\fohitublo Tripp. Chilclrcn: i. AL1c11 FLoimsc&,10 h. l\Iuy 12, 1800. ii. FL01u Bi,:1.u:, b. l\fay O, 1802; tl. ,July 12, H!93. iii. Bt:ATJUct:, b. l\Iurch :!2, 180-~. iv. RVTII T1m•r, b. April :JO, lM!J;j, v. l{mK Go1>t·1n:Y, h. l\foy 22, 180G. vi. HILDA lh:LL1i, b. Aug. 28, 18!)7. 141 GEORGE HEXRY0 (Abralw111,' Robert,• Ricliard,' Thomas,' Tliomas,• J.Vicanor,' J.Valtum,1 .Joseplt"), wns b. Mnrch 17, 1847. Hem. ,Jnn. 27, 1869, Lucy :M. Wright (cl. Feb. 21, 1898). Chilclren: i. IIA1t1tY :ELrnnn:u,10 b. ~cpt. J;i, 18il; m. l\Iay 10, 1803. Nellie llutllcy. Res. Hartland, Vt. Is~ue: Clarence George, b• •Julv 0, 18!JH. ii. FnAx·K WILLIA~!. h. Fd,. 2, 18i4; m. Aug. 18, 18:>i, ,Jennie Kimball. Re11. IIartlauil. iii. B1mT1uxn O,moxo, b. .Feb. 14, 18i!J. Res. Hartland. 14:2 CnARLEl'.I Eow,mo• (Abralw111,' Robert,• Ricltard,' Thoma,•,• Tlw11w1:1,• ...Yicrmor,6 ...Va/mm,' Bc11jr1111in") of Boston, )lass., wns b. Dec. 15, 1855. Hc'm. July 5, ltli9~ Sarah Philistia Lunt (b. Aug. 10, 18li0). Children: i. Infant Soa,10 b. l\farch 2,, 1880; d. )!arch 28, 1880. ii. E1>W.\Jto FltAXKI.IX. b. St•pt. 28. 181-14. iii. Cn.rnu:s STAXLJff, b. Sept. 10. 1802. iv. l\I1LD1tt:1, Doi.LY, b. Oct. 13, 18!Ji; d. ;\"ov. 12, 180,. v. lfanOLD Duou:r, b. Oct. 13, 18!Ji. 143 EDWARD SYLVESTER" ( Abr,rltmn, 1 Robert,• Richard, 3 Tl1oma.~, • Tl1011ut.<,' ~Yicauor,• _Yrt!11w1.,7 lVilliam'), was b. Dec. 8, 1854. Hem. ,July 3, ltl75, Emma A. Graham. Chilclrcn: i. F1;AXK Eow,rno,10 b.. Jun. 12, 18i0. ii. A1:TIIUR :Eur.1;xt:, b. l\Iav 1 G, 1881. iii. :Emu )fa Y, b. April 12: 18S6. iv. LE.,,.~ Lon:;A, b. March 12, 189i. 200 TE)ll'LE OFJNEALOOY, 144 CLAUDI~' (Abmlrnm, 1 Rnbel'l," Ri'clwrd! Eb1•m!zcr,' Be»ja• min,• Ebcm•::er," ,locl,1 Orrin") of )fanchc~tcr, N. H., w11s b. ,July 14, 18GO. llc m. Oct. 2G, U:iO:!, Agnc11 Leroy ot' ,vorcc11tcr, Mas11, ChilJrcn: i. IIo1uc1~ Ammx,10 h. ,July lil, 18!1:J. ii. G1.A0Ys l\Lu:0£, b. Aug. 23, H!!M. SOME ACCOUNT OF TEMPLES DESCENDED FROM A WILTSHIRE (ENG.), FAMILY.

TnO)fA!I TF.Ml'LF. of Ileyteshury, 'Wiltshire, En:;?;lnnd,

1 1 "\VtLLL\lI' ( ll7lli'r1111 ) of Che:;ter Collnty, Pa., was born in Coombl.! Lane, "'ilt!lhire. En:.rlaml, about 1 G!IO. He came to America, 17U: married ,J:in. ~18. 172-1-5, Ilununh ( born Aug. 7, 1708), daugfacr of ,lo:;cph nnd Eli7.ahcth Taylor, who wns grand­ son of Abinh Taylor ot' lJi,lcott, Bl•rk:;hire, .England. She died Jan. :i, 1768. Oct. Li. 17::!-~, he purcha:;ed two hundred acres of land on Brandywine Creek, then Kennet township, afterward l'cnns­ bury, and there he made his permanent rc,,idenec, dying in 1775.

XoTF. os TA n.or. F.\,ill. Y. Anl.\n TAn.on of Didl'ott in lll'rkshin·. Eu;.:l:iml. hml two ~on~, Abiah and ,lost•ph. who came to Clwster County. Penusyh':mi:i. Abi:ih, ,Jr., mar­ ried Dcbor.1h Gearing in 1 G:1.1, at Fariugton mt•ctin:;. About the year liO::? they scttlt•l in :East Braclforcl. lit• built a l10usc of hriek (now known :u; the "old brick 111.uise ") in 1i:!-l: it was ".a.,hi_ngton ·~ he:ul11uarlt'rs :md l1as bt1•ly been bong-ht hy the Daughtc~ of the Revolution to be preserved. 18 262 Tl~:!llt'LE OENEALOOY.

,foMl'ph 'f11ylor, Mono[ Ahir1h of Di1lcott, 10:n~lnml, mnrric 11cr1•M of land on tho weMt Hide 0£ tho Bm1ul,\'wi11t•, 11ml lntcr 10!1 llt'rt•M mljoinin,::. Their tfau:;hter l1n1111u.h m1m-it•tl Wi\U11m Te111pl1.•, 1-18-1725,

Children: :;. i. 'f1to:'lt~\ti',' b. Oct. 10, 172ii. ii. IIASSAll, b. Sept. 1-1, li:!i: m. IMMC 1\lill<'r, m. Sc:;,\s:un, h, St•pt. 8, 1i!IO: 111. William St•al. Thomm1 Sen\ of Unionville, CheMter Co., P11., iij u. tlescentlant. iv. W11.r.1,u1, h. Fch. :J, 17:J:J. v. 1':1.11.A111;r11, h. ,fan, :!i, 173,i: m. llenju.min II11milton. vi. Ln.11.\, h. May 2, 173i: m. Calt•h Sc:11. ,·ii. 8AttAII, h. Dt•c. :!:i, 17 40 : m ••John Pvlc. viii. Al.let:, h. Sept. li, li-t:1; m. Ucnj11min .Jones. 2 1 THO:lt.\f, ( William') of Chester County, P,i., wns bom in Coombs Lane, \Yiltsl1ire, England, about lG!.14. He wnt1 in Goshen (Pa.) township, 1721; aM a married man in East" Bradford, 1732; and in East Caln (now East Brandywine) from 1734 to his death in 1775. He married 'Mary, daughter of Robert n.nd ,Jnne (Chand­ ler) ,Jefferis. Robert Jetforis came from Wiltshire about 1685. Children: .&, i ••1ou:-.. 1 b. li30(?). ii. Wn.LJA)t, li. li!l:l(?): m. Jane ---: lh·cd at Br:iodywinf. ~o chiltlrcu known. 5, iii. )L\Jott(:'), h. 1 ;:;r,. iv. TIIO)IA,1, h. 1;;;j(?); black~mith. Left. several clJl1lrcu, but .. only the name of ouc appears, l 7!13, Sarai,.

3 Tno:uAs' ( 1Villiam,' lJl'illimn') of Kennet (now Pennsbury), Chester County, Pa., farmer, wns born there Oct. 10, 1725. He married, :\forch 17, 1751, ,Jane (born Oct. 22, 1726).

iv, M'AnY, b, Dec. 28, 17li8, 9, v, SM1U1u., h, ,Jam.:!, liG:!, 10, vi. CA1.1r.n, b. ,July I •I, 17ll•l. JJ, vii. l•~IIWAltll BrtlN'rox, I,, .l\Iay R, 17(l!l. . viii. JANI'-, I,, Nov, :!I, lii:J; ,I. Apl'il l!l, 1840: m. ,T1mn 24, 1802, S1111111ul Bettle, Chil,lrt•11: Rtlumrd, m, Eli:,m Aun Edwur

4 ,Jmn,• ( lVUliam,' Tl1or11a11') of Goshen, Chester County,· Pa., was born about 1 iaO. He wns n

5 MA-10R3 (·William,' Tlwma.,') of ~Icehlinlrnrg. X. C., wns born probably in Chester County, Pa., li36. About 1766, he remoYed to North Carolina, nn

In 188-1, there wns said to be among his descendants twenty-five Presbyterian preachers and two hunurcd elders and deacons. Children: 13, · i .•Tonx,• b. ].\fay 2S, 1758(?). U, ii. W1LL1,rn. h. 17G2(?). ta. iii. Tuo)us, b. )Iuy -1, 17GG. 16, iv. JAltE:-, b. 1772. 17, ,·. ,Jos1Au, b. Nov. 10, 1778.

6 0 JosEPit' ( William,' lVilliam," Tlumias ) of Pennsbury, Pa., was born there .April 25, 1752. He married (1) Nov. -1, lii3, Phebe Gest (died before :\lurch lG, lii5); m. (2) 1789, Ruth Chamberlain. He died June 17, 18'10. Child: 18, i. DANIEL G.,5 b. Oct. 4, 1774.

7 W1LLLu1' ( William,' William,= Tltoma.•") of'\Vcst :Marlboro', Chester County, Pa., was born Dec. 13, 1753, in Kennet, Pa. He died of yellow fever about 1793. He married, Dec. 5, 177G, Alice, daughter of Bcnanuel and Alice ('\Yilliamson) Lowncs of Spring­ field, Delaware County, Pa. '\Villiam,' with his wife and nvo chil­ dren, moved to Philadelphia about 178-1, and his widow with four children came back in 1794. His widow married ,John Pennock. Children: i. BE."AXCEr.,G b. 1777; 11. 178:.J-1. ii. TUO)L\:.', b. Oct. 10, lii\l; m. Susan Battin. l\Irs. R:iclu,l • Bowman of l\farictta, Pa., has :i. portrait of him. iii. l\{.\i:Y. b. ~ov. !J, li::S:!; d. ,in:,:lt:. 19, iv. W1LLi,u1. Lost at ,ca. Had~i family :i.t Coatc;,.vill<', Pa. v • .;\.L1c1-:, b. 179G; m. Oct. 1:3, 181-1, .John Davis of Chc~tcr, Pa.. und tl. l\fav 1:J. 187:;. She was a member of the Orthodox Society of ·Frici1'1~. Children: William Temple. Jllary .A1m (m. --- Cl.:lrk,

8 Tn0:1us• ( William,' 1-Villiam,' Tliomaii) of Kennet Square, Chester County, Pa., was bom Jan. 8, 1756. He married WiI- math Doty. TEllPLE GENEALOGY. 265

Children: 20. i. !tiMC,6 h. 1780(?). 21, ii.• Jonx, b. 1770. iii. A:sx, b. 1790(?): m. Aug. 31, 1808, Amos Harvey. iv. CALEn. v. CIIARLOTT~:.


4 SAllUEL ( William,' JVil!iam,' Thomas"), was born ,Jnn. 2, 1762. He mnrricd, Oct. !), 1784, Eli7n'1.bcth Clemens, nt Swedes Church, ,Yilmingto~, Del. She died Dec. 19, 1841. He died.July 22, 1843, nt Thomas' Run, Harford County, :Md. Children: i. ,vrLLLrn,6 b. Sept. 4, 178G. 22, ii. SAl!UEL, b •.March :26, 1789. iii. CLE){EXS. b. lfa\· J:3. 179:2. iv. S,\RAII. b~ Feb. U, 1795; d. Sept. 15, 1880; m. ls:i:,.c Harry. Child: .Jfar9. b. Aug. G. 1841; m. Clarkson l!oore; res. 1Ycst Grove, P:i. (sou Harry, res. West Grove). v. )!Am·. m. about Xo\·. 1:3. 1816. ,Tohn 1\foore. vi. ELIZA·, m. --- Xt.-eli~. Child: Jol,n, res. )fortonville, Pa. 23. ,-ii. .ToSEl'll S., b. )fay :21. 1803. viii. ,fa.,rn, m. --- Broom:tll. Xo children.

10 CALEB' ( William, 1 lVilliam,' Tkoma.•') of Chester County, Pa., was in Kennet or Pennsbury, Pn., Jl!,ly 14, 1764. He mar­ ried Rachel Broomnll (d. Feb. 11, 1814). Children: i. SoLO)IOX/ b. Oct. G. 1791; m. 1\furv ---. ii. }faltTIIA, b. April 2. 179:3: m. Thoma.~ Riley. No children. iii. )faitY, b. Feb. I:?. 179;i: m. ,Joseph Edwartls. Xo children. 24. iv. D,\....,.rnL, b. Sept. 13, 179G. v. An1:.\IL\)I P .. h. Oct. 8. 17!!8: m. Au;. 7, 18:3:3, I-fannnh, d!m. of ,John and Elizabeth Pmtt, :Newtown, P:i. vi. ,lASFri h. Oct. I 8. 1800. vii. RAcriEL, b. l.\Inrch II, 180:3: m. :\farch Ii, 1836, lsMC (son of Abraham) IIihhar

11 EDW,\RD BR~To:s• ( William, 1 Willlam, • Tliomwi) of Penns­ bury, Pa., was born l\fay 8, 1769. He married Sidney Hill. Child: 27, i. Nonnis,6 b. 1800(?).

12 Jom.• ( lVilliam,' Thomas,' John') of near Polk, Venango County, Pa., was born in Chester County, Pa., 1763. He married :Mary Gray. He removed to Stone V:illey, Pa., and in 1799 went to Venango County. He dic

13 Jom;• ( lVilliarn,' Tlunnas,= .Major') of Westmoreland County, Pa., was born l\Iay 20, 1758. He married Eli7~'lbeth :Marshall (born Feb. 30, 1767, in ,v estmorelnn

14 w·ILLLrn' ( William,' Tliomas," jjfajor') of Campbell Station, Knoxboro', Tenn., was born in Pennsvlvania about 1762. He mar- ried Jane Smith. • Children: i. HARVEY SmTn,6 b. li90(?). Removed to Illinois. ii. POLASKI LEE, d. young. TEMI'LE GENEALOGY. 267

ill. Tuo:11As, b. 1795(?). Removed to Arknnsas. iv. 1'tlA1tY KE~"NEDY, b. 1797(?); m. John Gnlbr:i.ith (b. 1793, in Knox Co.., Tenn. Children : Lee Temple, res. Concord, Tenn. llfub,ina, m•• J. l\I. Rodgers, res. ,vatsonville, Cu.I. (children: Arthur, 1801 Leavenworth St., San Fr-.mciseo, Cal.; Lee Om:ir, 1'LD., 817 Grove St., San Francisco. ,l/o.ry [ m. Cowles], Watsonville. L,ll.l,er, Snlinas City, Cal. Clwrlu, Watsonville. Jllaggie [ m. Lee ShidelerJ. Watsonville. Julia, d. Li=·e [m. --- Nohrden], Watsonville• .A.lice E. [m. --- Brown], Watsonville. v. LEE, b. 1800(?). vi. JACKSO:s, b. 1802(?).

15 Tao::1us• ( William, 1 Tltomas, • lJ,[aJor') of Enst Tennessee (pro­ bably Greenville), was born :May 4, li66, at l\Iechlinburg, N. C. He married, li90, Mary June :Moore (born May 16, 1767, died Dec. 16, 1859), dau~hter of Anthony Moore, who settled near Greenville, Tenn., 1769. In 1840, Thomas• rode on horseback to Marion .County, Mo., to visit his daughter Elizabeth. He died June 30, 1852. Children: i. PoLLY,6 b. 1792(?); m. --- Robinson of Greenville, Tenn.: Children : .J.llojor S. Jane. Tl,omas Temple. Jlargaret. Jolin .D. Alim G. James H. ,lfurianne. Nearlv all resided in Greenville. • ii. PEGGY: b.1797(?): m. --- Biggs of Benton, Tenn. ill. EL1ZAB~:T1•. b.• Jau. 21. 1799: d. Feb. 10, 1889; m. Aug. 15, 1822, Rev. Allen G. Gn!laher (b. 1798; d. 1865). Children: lllary, m. --- l\IcElro~·, Perry. l\Io. Rev. Thomas, .D• .D., Salisbury, l\Io. [issue: William, Salisbury; Thomas F., Salis­ bury; Nellie, m. --- Bell, Centr~, l\Io.; Sus.-in :P., ·wilmington.. Del.; Rev. James .A., Gainesville, Tex.; M. Bessie, Salisbury, l\Io.J. Jane, m. --- l\fartin [issue: 'William A., Perry, 1\Io.; Su;;an, m. --- l\IcClure; Eliza­ beth G .• m. --- Noris. Pern·. l\Io.; .Jennie, m. --­ Russell,-.Tacksonville, Iil. Eli:ubeth, m. ---.Ferguson, St. Charles, l\Io. Jlfargaret .E., m. --- Phillips; James, b. 1836, Perry, l\Io. [issue: Bessie; Am.-in

James ll, Des l\Ioincs, fo. lJai:id N., Omaha. Neb., Hotel Lothrope. Esther J. Julin JlL, m. l\farch 12, 18G3, .John l\I. King. 4612 Cottage Grove Ave.• Chicago. Ill. (issue: Charles I-I., Nellie E. nnd Karl D. ). ,llilto11 A., Newton, fa. Luura, m. Thom:i.s Newel, Los Angeles, CaL vi .•fa.SE, b. 180;i(?) ; m. l\fay, 18:.l;i, .fames l\I. Slemons. Child: .,fotoinelle Eleanor, m. l\I. L. Patterson; res. Knoxville, Tenn. vii. lnuY, d. single.

16 J,UIES' ( TVilliam,' Thomas,' .1.llr,Jor') of Greenville, Green County, Tenn., farmer, was born at :i.\Icchlinburg, N. C., 1772. He married, about 1809, :i\Iary,

17 J OSIAII, • ( 'William, 1 Thoma.~,• .1.lfajor') of nc.-ir Greenville, Tenn., was born Xov. 10, 1778. He married Tsa.bella Fain (born .April 15, 1783, died October, 1852. He

18 DAXIEL G.> ( William,1 lVilliam,• Tlto11ws,• .Josepl/) of Holmesburg, Pa., was born at Pennsbury, Pa., Oct. 4, 1774. He married Ketur-.i.h, daughter of Lewis and :i.\fo.ry Evans of Trenton, N . •J. Children: i. l\ImA E.,G b. l\I:irch 14, 1807; m. Samuel S. Poole. Res. Wilmington, Del. Children : William, d. young. Jaiie, m. J umes llr.itten. TDIPLE GE~'EALOGY. 269

ii. JosErn E., b. ,fan. G, 1811; m. (1) Catl1arine Hillborn, dau. of Robert and II:mnah; (:?) lUartba A. Kirtley. No living issue. He was :1 wealthy citizen of Philadelphia. T11e Tem­ ple Trust Fnntl of the Aca

19 WILLLUI~ ( William,' William,• Thoma,~,• TVilliam•) of Coates­ ville, Pa., w:l.'S born at "\Ycstl\Iarlboro', Pa., about 1780. He mar­ ried l\Iarv ---. He was lost at sea. Childr~n: i. ]LrnY .J,L'\°E, 6 m. Nathaniel Rudders of Plilladelpl1i:J.. ii • .ALICE. iii. WrLLIA)r. Thi~ William had letters from Engl:ind, telating to to a Temple estate. Had dati. Ella, who m. Louis I:Ieck, formerly at Harrisburg, Pa.

20 Is,\Ac• ( Wt.'lliam,' William,= Tltoma,q,3 Thomwi) of Pennsbury, Chester County, Pa.,. W:l.'S born about 1780. He married Cntharine Hutton. He died, 1823, in Harford County, l\Id. Children: i. ::\fr1u.• ii. l\Irr. TOX, h:is sons: Col E. B. T,,mple in Soldiers' Home, Day- ton. 0., and Henry Temple in Cincinnati. iii. CII.\I.KLEY. 33. i,·. ,JESSE l!t:TTOX, b. Oct.:?. 1811. v. T1LL0T:;ox C., b. 1814. Res. West Bend. Iowa. Hem• .April 9, 18:35. Ann Eli;,.a C:irsner. Children: E,/gar w:. h. Nov. :?S. 1s:l8: d. Charle.•, b. )larch 17, 18,j.'j; a. Frank, b. Oct. :?, 18,i7; d. Lewis P. Temple, Cedar Rapids, Li., is gr.indsou of Tillotson C. 6

21 Jo~• ( Wt-Zliam,' T-Vill iam,' Thoma.•. 3 Thomas•) of Colum­ biana County, Ohio, wns born in Chester County. Pa .• 1 i70. He married, 1802, Rebecca Taylor (born 1777) of Port Brandywine, Chester Countv, relation of Bavard Tavlor. He removed to Ohio· about 1819, ~d died Dec. 16, ·1834; ;,..ife diecl April 8, 1839. 270 TEMPLE GENEALOGY.

Children: i EsTIIER, • b .•Tuuc 23, 1803; d. 1810. 3£. ii. ,JosEPII T.n"Lon, b. Aug. 4, 1804. ill. l\LUtY, b. Feb. 5, 1805. iv. HA:S:SAII .A::-.-x. b. Oct. 9, 1807. ,. J.\COn, b. l\rm:ch 28, 1809. Yi. A::-.-x, b. l\Iny 10, 1811. vii. ELIZA, b . .April 24, 1812; cl. 1837. 35. vili. TAYLOR, b. :March 4, 1814. 36. ix. T!IOlIAS, b. Nov. 30, 1815.

22 SAMCJEL." ( William,' William,' Tkomas,3 Samuel') of Mt. Cuba, Del., nurseryman, was born :March 26, 1789. He married Hettie Johnson, granddaughter of Robert Johnson. Child: 37. i WILLL\lt,G b. Oct. 4, 1821.

23 JosEPH S. • (William,' JVilliam, • Thomas,• Samuel') of Chester County, Pa., was born )fay 21, 1803. He married Thirza J. (born Oct. 19, 1808), daughter of Amos and Ann (Temple) HnrYey. Children: i ·PmLE:SA,8 b. Sept. 13, 1827; m. John L Chandler. Res. Toughkenanon, Pa. .. ii. Is.uc D., b ••July 11, 1829; m. Sus:in :Moore. iii. AlIOS H., b. Feb. 7, 1832; m. Harriet A. l\Icl~ubbins. iv. BE.,.J.un:s F., b. l\Iay 11. 1834; m. Eli7.!1beth l\Ioore• ..... A:s:-rn E., b• .Aug. 2!1, 183G; singfo. ~ ,vest Chester, Pa. Yi ••JosEPII B .• b. :March 19. 1840; m. Elizabeth Barnard. -..ii. TnOlIAS S., b. l\Iarch i9, 1840; m. l\Iary L. Hooper. Res. .Aston l\Iills, Pa. Yiii. WILLL\l[ c., b. Dec. 4, 1842; d. ix. MARY W., b. l\Iarch 25, 1844; m. .John .Allison. Res. Gulf l\:Iills, Pa. . L EnTT HOWARD, b. l\Iay lG, 184G; d. xi. SARAII E., b. Jan. 6, 1848; m. James l\Ioore. Res. Kennet Square, Pa. xii. LAYISIA A., b. ,June 4, 18;'jl; m ••John S. Harvey; d. xiii. WILLIAlI C., b. Oct. 26, 1854; d.

24 DAXIEL• ( William,' William,• Tkomas,3 Caleb•), was bomin Kennet, Pa., Sept. 13, 1796. He married, March 15, 1821, Lydia, TEMPLE GE.',EALOGY. 271 daughter of Willi:un and Suannnn Chambers of Kennet, and died Jan. 16, 1881. Children: i. WrLtr.ur,6 b•• June 3, 1822; d. 1822. ii. Sln:DLEY, b. Feb. l!I, 1824; m. (1), l\farch 2.5, 184i, Eliznbeth, dau. of .John nnd Eliwbeth Pratt. Chilclren: Lydia C., m. Oct. 26, 18il, ,Joseph (cl. ,June, 1883), son of Richard and ITuoMh Seal; re.,. l\farshnlltown, Pa.; no children. .Am, C., m. .April 18, 1881, John H., son of John and Sarah H. Thom:is, nnd d. .June JG, 1882. Child: Edward G. ; res. Toughkenanon, Pa.; (2) l\fa.rg:iret C., dnu. of Jesse and ,Jonnoa l\Iilhouse. Res. l.\Iarshalltown. iii. An1u3r, b. Dec.16.1825; d. sin,zle, Feb. 2, 1892. iv. Jons B., b. l\fay 17, 1828: physicinn; res. l\Inrshnlltown, Pa.; m• .Aug. 1.5, 18.57, Rebecca ,v., dau. of Samuel nod Hnnnah l\!:irsball. Children : Josepl1 .1.JL E. and JJlarshall, both d. v.,\.ll C., b. Dec. S, 18:J0. Re;;. l\farshalltown. Sini;:-le. vi. HESRY C., b. Sept. i, 1832; res. 112 W. Price St., West Ches­ ter, Pa., m. Dec. 1 I, 186:3, Rachel B., dau. of ,fa!Jles and Eli7.llbeth Davis. Children: L,ilian JII., b. Sept. :r6, 1864; m• .April 1.5, I89i, George, son of ,fames l\!. and Elizabeth Scott; res. 121 South D:irlini:ton St., West Chester. Francis W., b. l\I:irch 1.5, j 865 ; m. ~Clam, dau. of ,Jacob and Catha­ rine Gilbert [dnu. l\Iabel. b. Der. IO, 1880]; res. West Ches­ ter. .1.Jiorris B., b. Nov. 29, 1872: d. 1894, single. vii. SotOl!OS, b. l\I:irch 21, 1889: m. ,June 14, 1866, l\fartha B., dau. of ,James nnd Eli7.llbetb Davis, and d. l\fay 1. I8il. His widow m. "Baldwin Speakmnn. She res. Marshnlltown.

25 TH0::1us B.• { William,' William/ Thomas,• Oaleb•) of Lion­ ville, Chester County, Pa., was born in Kennet, Pa., Dec. 13, 1809. He married, Jan. 5, 1837, Elizabeth Sharpless, daughter of Peter and :Mary W orrnll of .Mi

'\-:ii. ELIZABETII L., b. Sept. 2!), 18-rn. ,.-iii. S,uun, b. Dec. 25, 1852: m. 1873, Richard .Tneohs Baldwin, Res. Chads Ford. Delaware Co., Pa. Children: 11Iar11 Grif­ fitli. Thomas B. Temple, ./Jelen Brinton, J. Erskine, Jllorence Edtt/1, R. Li11dley. h:. IL\:xx,\II L., b. April 17, 1854; d.1871.

26 BE~~"ETT' ( William,' William,• Thomas,• Caleb•) storekeeper, of Thornton, Pa., was born at Kennet, Pa., l\fay 23, 1812. He m::rricd ( 1) Dec. 11, 1834, :i\fartha, dnugl1tcr of Richard and Lydia Dutton ( died Sept. 24, 1854) ; married ( 2) :i\farch 20, 1856, Sarah H. Yarnall (died July 17, 1888). Bennett• died :May 23, 1888. Child: i. TIIO)L\S RILEY.6 Res. Thornton, Pa.

27 NORRIS' ("William,' lVilliam,° ThomaR, 3 Edward•) of Penns­ bury, Pa., was born there about 1800. He resided on the ancestral place. Children: i. EDWARD/ b. 1834. He was a banker in Washington, D. C. He m. l\fary .Jane Gunton, who built the Gunton Temple l\femorial Church in ,vashington. ii. SIDXEY. Res. ,vest Che$tCr, Pa. iii. l\L\r. Y A:xx. " " " . " iv. JA.'l(E B. " " " "

28 ROBERT' ( lVilliam,' Tlt0mas, • .folm, • Joftn•) of Polk, Venango County, Pa., was born there about 1785. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He married---. Children: 39, i. SETn,• b. Oct. 10, 1816. 40, ii ••Joux, b. April 24, 1818. iii. SAr.An, h .•June 4, 1820: m. Samuel Grove. Children of Sarah (Temple) and Samuel Grove: Almena, m. --- Andree. John w: An_qie, m. ---Stowe. Jlfar_v, m. ---'!'hr.ill. Emma, m. --- Edgerton : res. Cleveland, O. .Di/la, m. --- Courson: res. Ti,lioute, Pa. Jefferson, res. Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. Salome, m. ---Grubbs. iv. ELIAKilt, b .•June 20, 18:22. v. MARY, b. Aug. ::!5, 1824; m. John Stone. Res. Polk, Pa. No children. TIDIPLE GENEALOGY. 273

vi. Srtv,\.,-us, b. Nov. 14, 1826. vii. REnECCA, b. Dec. 31, 1828. viii. ELI7.AllETII, b•• Jan. 11, 1831. 41, xi. RonERT, b. April 4, 1832.

29 DATID, ( William, 1 Thomas,• John, 3 John') of Delaware and Crnwford County, Ohio. He married Eliza Packer, and died Jan. 7, 1897. Children: i. l\L\In-,• b. 1823(?): m. --- Callahan. ii. SOLOllOX, b. 1825(?). iii. Tnolus W., b. 182i(?). Res. Ficklin, Ill. iv. l\LuuxoA, b. 1829(?): m. --- Hoos. 42. v ••fox.\TIIAX P., b. l\farch 23, 1831. 43, Yi. L1-xx l\I., b. l\farcli l;i, 18-!4. vii. ALEXA)';DEJ?. ,-iii. J om; W.

30 Is,uc• (William,' Thoma,~; J.lfajor,• John') of Jefferson County, Pa., was born in "\Vestmoreland County, March, 1800. He married---, and died l\farch 14, 1851. Children: i. l\Lun·,6 m. --- l\IcCurdr. ii. .Jonx, b•• Jan. 1, 182-!: Baptist minister. Robert W. Temple of Coshocton. O.• is a ~on. iii. Cu,rnu:s E.~ b.. Oct. 1:1, 1826. He i~ a Pr~byterfan minister and S. S. mi.~sionary. Res. Brockwayville, Pa. He m. )lay 1. 1851. B:u-b:u-.i :\lillin. :No issue. h·. !SA;\C l\I.: b. June 3, 1828; cl. in Kansas. 44, v. SAlna:L 1\~. ,i. JosEPrr l\I. Res. Scurry County, Tex.

31 S,\)ll.iEL• ( Willirtm., 1 Tlto111a.~,• .1.lfajor, 3 Jolin'), was born Nov. 9, 1801. He married, l\Iay 18, 1833, Nancy Boyd, and died June 27, 1860. Children: 45, i. .Jonx,C b. Aug. 8, 1836. 46. ii. Ifa:-1n- B., b • .Augu.~t, 1839. iii. TEZZIE, m. I-L D. Shaw. Res. New Alc.xander, Pa. 274 TElln>LE GENEALOGY.

32 OLIVER PERnr• (William,' Tlionuu,• .1.rlajor,• James•) of Knoxville, Tenn., ln.wycr, was born in Green County, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1820 •. He graduated at ,Yashington College ; admitted to the bar, 1846. In 1850, was appointed special agent to visit Indian tribes. In 1866, appointed chancellor. He has been po8tmaster at Knoxville. He married, tiept. 9, 1851, Scotia Hume. He has been equity judge of Tennessee, and is the author of a volurue en­ titled "The Co,enantcr, the Ca.,a.lier and the Purit.·m." Child: i. ?IL\RY BOYCE,6 b. July 6, 1856.

33 .JESSE Hc,rro~• ( William,' William,• Tlwma.q, • Tlumias•) of Alton and Port Byron, Ill., carpenter, was born in Pennsbury, Pa., Oct. 2, 1811, and died Nov. 26, 1863. He married, .Tune 28, 1835, Jane Cennick Patten ( born in Christiana., Del.). Jesse• removed to Illinois in 1835. Hii. widow resides at Port Byron. Children: 47. i. Wiu.u.,r HE!I.RY,G b. Aug. i, 1836. ii.· CATilARI!I.•: PATTE.-., b. Sept. !l, 1838: m. Richard Kellar; lin.-cl in Iowa; d. 1Si7, leaving nine children. . . iii. EDWARD BRI!I.TOX, b. Nov. 11, 1840: served in civil war, Co. E, 1:26th Illinois Vols.; supposed to have died at Duvall's Bluff, .Ark.. an, 185::!; single. Res. Port Byron.

34 .JOSEPH TAYLOR" ( William,' William,' Tlioma.~,• Tlt01na.~: Joltn') of ,Villiams County, Ohio, was born Aug. 4, 1804. He married ---• He died Feb. 8, 1877. Children: i. BENJ.~)11:,;,7 res. Bryan, or l\Iontpelier, WHliams Co., O. ~k~ " " " " iii. ,VILLIA.'f, " " " " TEllIPLE GENEALOGY. 275

35 TAYLOR" ( William,1 William,' Tliomas/ Tltomas,' Jo!tn"), was born l\farch 4, 1814; d. Dec. 16, 1876. Children: i ••JAcon F.,7 res. New Alexander, Col Co., 0. ii. EDGAR, res. Ste' , Ruy Co., l\Io. iii. ERWIN C., res. Letona, Col. Co.

36 Tuo1us• ( Wi"lliam, 1 Wt"lliam, • Thoma._q, 3 Thoma,q,' John') of Hanoverton, County, Ohio, w:is born Nov. 30, 1815. He married ( l) 1837, :Mary Cox: (born :March, 1820, died Sept. 22, 1862) ; married (2) :Mary Bair. He died Aug. 16, 1895. The widow resides in Hanoverton. Children: i. TnOlL\S .J.,1 b. June 20, 1840. ii. T.u-Lon, b. Aug. 2, 1842. Res. Hanoverton, 0. . iii. SARAil }u,-x, b. l\Iarch 28, 1844; ip. - .Andrew•. Res. Hanoverton. iv. l\faRY .A.. -;x, b. l\fareh 24, 18,!G; m. ---Kil-by. Res. Everett, :l\!ich. v. GEORGE W., b ••June 23, 1847. Post master at Spokane, Wash. vi. WILLIAll l\I., b. Oct. 8, 1849. Res. Temple, Clmr Co., l\Iich. vii•• Tom,· W., b. Feb. 20, 18:il. Res. l\foline, Ill. viii.• To,:mrn F., b. Oct. 2, 1853. Res. K.·m= City, Kansas. ix. E)n:RSON o.,"b •. Jan. 10, 18,56: d. l\farch 8, 1886. x. VIOLA V., b.• Jan. 19, 1868. xi. A,umosE, b. Nov. 24, 1871.

37 8 W rr..LI,\ll ( William,' lYillimn, • Thomas,' Samuel,' Samuel•) of Swkc, Bradford County, Florida, was born near l\It. Cuba, Del., Oct. 4, 1821. He married Mattie Josephine Chase (born at Far­ mington Falls, l\Ie.). Cliildren: '18, i. W1r.r.I,rn C.,7 b. Dec. 28, 18G2. 49, ii. Lons H1m1.1Er.T, b. No\'. 29, 1865.

38 Jonx ,-vo1mALL8 (lVilliam,1 William,, Thoma,~, 3 Caleb,' Thomas') of Lion\'ille, Chester County, Pa., was born there Feb. 11, 1839. He married Hannah :Mary ,John. He has the old family Bible brought fro1n England by 1Villiam• Temple. 276 TE::lfi>LE GENEALOG'l".

Children: i. l\IYnA LEF.oo,r,1 b. ,Tune 7, 187G. ii. WonnALL E. SrrAnPu:ss, b. l\farch 31, 187!1. iii. ELm:n .J., b. Oct. :!I, 1880. iv. CELIA F., b. Oct. Vi, 181:!;i. 39 6 SETJI ( lVilliam,' Tltomas,' .John,' ,John,' Rooe1·t~) of King­ man, Knnsas, was born Oct. :20, 1816. He married ( 1) Lizzie Foster; married (:2) Sarah .Jobes; mar.ied (3) Elizabeth Greenlee (born in Venango County, Pa.). He resided in Pcnnsylmnia, Ten­ nessee, l\fo,~ouri, Illinois and Kansas, and died Jan 15, 1886. Children: i. l\fany ETTA,1 of first marriage. Shem. --- Russey. Res. ""inche~ter, Tenn. ii. SALO)IE, of second marriage. iii. FLOYD, res. Solon, 1ml. iv. TILDA, v. ALVA SF.TIT, Res. So. America. Ill. vi. Lt:sTER BcnTox. of third marriai:e. Res. So. Enid, OkL vii•• J.\,rns FnA.SKLIX, res. Kingman,'KanS!l.S. yjjj. Ront:RT In.\, res. 0-Keene, OkL ix. Ft.SOLEY CLARE.SCE. res. Kingm:in. '\': .•Jon:- 1-IORTOX, res. Kin:,.'ln:m. xi. L\t:RA ESTELL.\, res. 141 ~- High St., Nashville, Tenn. xii. CHARLE::\ LEWIS, res. O"Kccnc. xiii. CO,DIODOl~E Pt:tmY, res. Kin~'lll:m. x.iv • .A.. '\".SETTA, res. Kingman. ~ 40 Joa-;• ( William,' Thoma.•,' .John,' ,John,' Robert•) of Polk, Pa.(?), was born there April 24, 1818. He married (1) Julia Foster; married (2) Sophia George. Children are by first wife : i. Cll.\RLJ,::;.7 ii. Ln,u, m. --- Snodgrass. iii. {.;Lt.STO.S. 41 ROBERT' ( JVilliam,' Thoma;,," .John,' .John,' Rooert') of Polk, Pa., was born there. He married Eliza Andre. Children: i. XF.TTIE,1 res. Polk, P:i.. ii. Lt:w1::;, res. Polk. iii. E1:D.sA, res. Polk. TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 277

iv. EvA, res. Polk. v. LF.ON, res. Polk. vi. BERTHA, res. Polk. vii. l\lAuoF., m. ---l\fcClell:md; res. Polk.

42 JOHATJL\.~ P. • (William,' Thomas,• John, 3 John,• :David") of Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio, wns born in Dclaware County, Ohio, l\Iarch 23, 1831. He married, Dec. 20, 1855, at Bucyrus, Candnce E. Stephens, and died Jan. 7, 1897. Children: 50, i. FmmoNT F.,r b. Sept. 14, 1856. ii. CLARK KF.XDRICK, b. Oct. 2i, 18G4; m. July 21, 1896, Laura Endriss. Res. Bucyrus, 0. iii. WrLLIAJr .JAY, b. Nov. :?0, 18G8. Res. Keithsburg, ill

43 Ln."X M. • ( William,' Thomas/ John, 3 John,< :Davir;l") of Hammond, ru., was born :March 15, 1844, in Delaware County, Ohio. He married, Nov. 25, 1866, :Mary C. Gree~. Children: i. N'AXC1" E.,r b ••July 18, 1868; m. George O. Henry. Res. Ham­ mond, Ill. Children : Gu9 H. :tnd Rey N. ii. En l\I., b. Oct. :3, 1Si0; m. ,Jerry l\I. Bolin. Res. Hammond. Children: Walter L. and Virgil F. iii. FAXXIE D., 11. Aug. 1, 187 4; m. Knowles B. Evans. Res. Ple:is:tnt l\!ollllt, l\Io. Children : Paul :ind Carl iv. NORA A., b.• July 3, 1878; m. Clarence C. Barcus. Res. Ham- mond. Child : Lulie CttrL v. ELDF.RT E .. b. l\Iarch :29, 1881. Res. Ficklin. m. vi. B~:ss1F. V., b•• June :29, 188:3. vii. ELSIE l\I. C., b. ,Jan. 11, 1889.

44 SAllffiEL '\V.• ( Wt'lliam,' Tkoma.y,• Jlfajo1·,' John," Isaac•) of Warsaw, Pa. He married Annie Smith. Children: i. Is,uc VIXCFST,r b ••T:tn. 2:?, 1857. Res. Evans, l\Iont. ii. K.'(OX, res. ,van;aw, Pa. iii. LA'CRA. She is a city missionary of the Royal Refuge, Hobo- ken, N ••J. Res. i16 Washin7t0n St. iv. l\Lrn1" ELLA, m. H. A. Boden, Stanton, Pa. v. CORA Li:;Li:;, m. E. ,v. Coopel", Rockdale l\Iills, Pa. vi. ,TEXXIE E .• m. E. S. Hetrick, Wa=w, Pa. 19 278 TEJW.'LE GE."iEALOGr. 45 JoIIX' ( William,1 Thoma11,' .1.llaJ01·,' Jokn,4 Samuel'), wns born Aug. 8, 1836. He married, Oct.13, 1857, Mnrtha.Ja.meson. Child: 51. i. HE.,-n'): W.,7 b. linrch 31, 18G4. 46 HENRY B. • ( William,' Thomas,• .1.llaj01·, • Jokn, • Samuel') of Greensburg, Pn., was born August, 1839. He married Frances l\1a.thicutt. Children: i. ,JoHN B.,7 b. June 26, 187i. Res. Greensburg, Pa. ii. Ih"~mY B., b ••June IO, 1881. Res. Greensburg, ill. GEORGE M., b. June l, I88i. 4'i' 8 1 3 WILLIA.'\! Ih!>."RY ( William, TVilliam, • Thomas, Thomas,• Jesse•) of Wichita, Kansns, was born Aug. 7, 1836, at Cincinnati, Ohio. He married, Dec. 21, 1856, Abbie Vilinta LaRue • .Children: i. L..-..1.,7 b. April 23, 18Gl. ii. E. L., b. Aug. 18, 1862; engineer on M. P. R'y. Res. El­ dorado, Kan113S. iii. 'WILBERT C., b. April 2i, 1866. iv. EDNA I., b. Sept. Ii, 1868. 4S 7 1 3 WILLIAM C. ( William, William,• Thomas, Samuel,• Sam­ i,el,6 JVilliam•) of Pittsburg, Pa., ,v11a born Dec. 28, 1862, at Starke, Bradford County, Pa. He married, April 13, 1884, Carrie Lee (born Aug. 1, 1866, at l\:Iariettn, Ohio), daughter of James Wood of Chicago, ru. William C. 1 is general m:mager of the Ca.ball Sales Department of the Cahall water tube boilers. He was the donor of the well known "Temple Cup." Children: i. CARRIE Rcrn,8 b. Nov. 27, 1885; d. March 12, 188G. ii. 'WILLIAlt C., b. Dec. 5, 1886; d. July 10, 1887. iii. MAruE Loc1SE, b. July, 18!ll; d. Jan. 1892. iv. DOROTHEA, b. Nov. 5, 1896. 49 Lours HERBERT' ( "William, 1 William,• Tltomas,3 Samuel,4 Sami,el, • William') of Cedar Keys, Florida, was bom a.t Starke, TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 279

Florida, Nov. 29, 1865. He married, Sept. 21, 1887, Emma Louise Wandell (born Sept. 22, 1869). Her family being old set­ tlers in Rensselaer County, N. Y. Children: i. l\u.TTrE JosEPlIINE,8 b. lfarch 16, 1889. ii. WrLLL\3t CLE3ot0:ss, b. Oct. 23, 18!)0. iii. Loma DE~'HAM, b. July 24, 1892. iv. CLARENCE WALTON, b. July 15, 1894. v. MARTIN W A..'iDELL, b. Dec. 8, 1896.

50 7 1 Fma!O?."T F. ( William, Tleomas, • John,• Jolin,• JJavid, • Jonatlean') of Keithsburg, ill., book-keeper, w:is born in Holmes township, Cra\'\-ford County, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1856. He married, Dec. 30, 1880, at Bucyrus, Ohio, Annie B. Black. He studied at Otterbein University, Ohio. He has been superintendent of M. E. Sunday school for many years. Children: i LESTER J.,8 b. Oct.!), 1881. ii. l\faBEL E., b. l\fay 8, 1888. ill. :M-cRRAY B., b. May 13, 1886. iv. FLoRE....-cE G., b. l\Inrch 81, 1888.

51 7 1 Hm."lrr W. ( William, Thomas/ .J.1:lajor, • Jolin,' Samuel,• Jokn') of Washington, Pa., U. P. minister, was bom March 31, 1864. He married, April 14, 1892, Lucy Parr. Children: i. ,Toro; PARR, 8 b. June 18, 1898. ii. l\IARTHA, b. Oct. 8, 1896. so~rn ACCOUNT OF.TE:MPLES DESCENDED FROM WILLIAM TEMPLE OF TITHING OF WICK, WILTSHIRE, ENGLAND.

IT is quite likely thnt this Willinm Temple wns a grandson of Thomas Temple of Heytcsbury, ,vilts, whose will wns proved May 15, 1594. WII.LIA)t' of Tithing of Wick, parish of Bishop's Canning, Wilts, woolstapler, wns born 1620(?); died 1682(?). His will was proved Nov.14, 1682 (141 Cattle). Hehadtwoothersonswhose names I cannot give. Children: i. A.,"!oo"F.,2 m. --·- Wetherell. Son: Joseph. ii. WILLLUt, b. 1660(?). I. iii. JosEPII, b. Feb. 3, 1666. 1 JosEPR' ( William') of Presque Isle, near Ayletts, Va., mer­ chant, was born in Wiltshire, Englnnd, Feb. 3, 1666. He mar­ ried, 1695 (?), Ann, daughter of Benjamin Arna.Id. Hon. Grenville N. Temple of Boreham Manor, ,varmmstcr, Wilts, Englnnd, is descended from Joseph.• The surrender at Yorkto"-"D, Va., occurred on an estate known as the "l\Ioore Bouse" or "Temple farm," probably so called from Joseph' or some of his sons. Joseph" is thought to hnve settled at Presque Isle about 1700. Children: 2. i. JosEP11. 8 ii. L1sTo::-, m. Agnes,

2 2 1 J OSEPR ( William, Joseph') of Chatham Hill, King and Queen County, Va., wns born at Presque L:1le, Va., about 1710. He married Mary, daughter of Col. Humphrey Hill. Children: 6, i. JAltES4(?). 7, ii. JOSEPH(?). 8, ill. TIIOlL\s(?). 9, iv. Hi:;:11PmtEY, b. li50(?). 10, v. Jom., b. liiO(?).

3 3 1 BEYJAMIN ( William, Joseph') of King William County, Va., wns born near Aylctts, Va. He married Molly, daughter of Robert Baylor. He wns an aid to Gen. Washington in the Braddock e.,:­ pedition. He served in the Revolutionary war as captain and as a lieutenant-colonel in the 1st regiment, light dragoons, commanded by Col. Theodorick Bland. He was commissioned captain June 15, 17i6; promoted to lieutenant-colonel March 31, 17i7, his•name appearing last, November, 1778. He also served ns lieutenant­ colonel (appointed Feb. 1, 1780) in the 4th regiR1ent light dra­ goons, commanded by Col. Stephen Moylan-. He was stationed in Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 12, li80. Children: II, i. ROBERT.4 12, ii. BE.-;J,1.:im;, b. Dec. 30, lii6.

4 3 SAMUEL FRA.-.CIS ( William, I Josepli") of Chesterfield County, Va.., was born about 1745. He married Fannie Redd of Caroline County, Va. Children: 13, i. Jonx,4 b. liiO(?). ii. Daughter, m. Rev. Andrew Broaddus. ill. Lt:cr, m. Timothy Chandler. T. S. Chandler, Lexington, Mo., is a grandson. 5 3 1 THOXAS ( William, Joseph') of Pasquotank County, N. C. Children: i. Sos,\..,-XAB,4 m. Col. ,John Koen, officer in the Re,. war. They bad daughters: .Betsey, m. --Spence. Polly, m. -­ Burnham. Fanny, m. --Richardson. Sarah, m. Josiah Etheridge. 282 TEMl'LE GENEALOGY.

il. PEGG, m. --Sawyer. U, ill. TIIOlL\.S. iv.FA.~. v. J.un:s.

6 1 JAMES' ( William, Joseph,• Joseph') of Pasquotank County7 N. C., where he settled before the Revolution. The descent is uncertain. Children: 15. i. J,mEs,6 b. J!,farch 14, 1799. 16. il. Jou....- C..u.v1~(?), b. 1801(?); and probably others. 7 J osEPR' ( William, 1 Joseph,• Joseph• 'l) of Pasquotank County, N. C. Will Oct. 30, 1795. Children: i. JOSEPH." His wife was Locy--, and he ho.d sons, Josep4 and Dooger, and d:m. Poll9. His wife d. in Pasquotank Co., N. C., Feb. 26, 1804. ii. RonERT. His mll is dated .Aug. 9, 1833, in same county. No children or wife mentioned. iii. JA>IES. Will Oct. 15, 1836; =e county. Dau. Gilit:o m. --Nosay; dau. Rl1oda, and son, Lodwick. iv. LETISIIEA (Letitia?), m. --Williams. v. A:..~, m. (Abel?) Spence. vi. Scs,\!lo~.ur, m. --W'illiruns. vii. REBECCA- 8 THolIAs' ( William,' Josepli, • Joseph•?) of Pasquotank County, N. C. He married Rhoda--. Will dated Oct. 27, 1833. Children: i. ELIZ.\BETII," m. -- Richardson. ii. B.\RBARY, m. Ludwick Williams. iii. OLLY, m. Daniel Sawyer. 9 Hml'.PIIREr ( William, 1 Joseph,• Joseph•), was born 17 50(?) at Chatham Hill, Va. He married Susannah Walker. Children: i. MARY," b. 1789(?); m. Rev. --:McLellane, M. E. minister• Child: JJlartlta, b. 1825; m. --Shackford; res. Sandy Bottom, Middlesex Co., Va. 17. ii. BAYLOR, b. 1791. TEMPLE GD."EALOGY. 283

ill. ROBERT, m. --McCormick; rem. to Perrysville, Ky.; d. 1845. iv. WALKER, d. single. 10 JoHN' (William,1 Josepk,2 Josepk2 'i) of Walkerton, Va.. He married Mary Latone. Children: 18, i. Aimron,' b. Dec. 12, 1804. ii. LUCY L. ill. HEi."RY W. L. (Rev.). iv. Jom..

11 RoBERT' ( William, 1 Josepk, • Benjamin?) of Ampthill, Chester­ field County, Va. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Henry and Lucy (l\foore) SI..-yring. Children: i. l\L\Rr,' m. --Crouch. ii• .A.,-x CA.TH,um;E, m. Col J:i.mes Henry, Pleasant Hill. 19, iii. BE.'i.TA.)UN. 20, iv. WILLIA.le HENRY, b. l\Iay 30, 1804; m. Caroline Gilli:i.m. v. Luer .l\IooRE. vi ELIZ,\BETn, m. Hon. Willi:un F. Taylor. vii. l\L\Ru, m. --Wolfe, New Orleans. viii. CHARLOTTE. ix. ROBERTL'iA..

12 BENJ.rnDi' ( William, 1 Josepk, • Benjamin') of Logan County, Ky., clergyman, was born Dec. 30, 1776. He married, October, 1801, Eleanor Ettinge, daughter of Gen. Jonathan Clark of Spottsyl­ vania County. Benjamin' died 1838. His wido,v died 1858. Children: i. l\L\RY .A:.-x Bnoo:i.:,5 b. 1802; m. Henry K. W-mdam of Ten­ nessee. Children: William and Columbia (m. Horace Smith of l\Iississippi). ii. SARAH, b. 1804; m. Lewis W. Lea. Res. 1112 First St., Louis­ ville, Ky. No children. iii. ELEANOR ETTr..GE, b. 1808; m. Josiah Ne= of Mississippi, and d. 1844. No mrue descendants. 21, iv. JoNATIL\N CLARK, b. 1812. v. ROBERT, b. 1814; m • .Ann Carrington .l\Iills a£ Logan Co., Ky., and d. in .l\Iississippi about 1877, leaving two sons and three daughters. 284 TEllPLE GENEALOGY.

vi. Jomr 13,U"LOR, b. 1810; m. (1) Susan l\I. l3iss; m. (2) Mary Fnlls; m. (3) Blru1dina l3rondl1ert. Res. Louisville, Ky., where he wns Pres. of the Southern 1\Iutual Life Ins. Co. He d. 1886, leaving three daughters. vii. JAlCES NORTON, b. 1818. ,iii. ELIZABETH A....;s, b. 1821 ; m. 1844, Rev. George Beckett of En)?lnnd. Res. 2i4 W. 85th St., New York City. Son: J. T. ; same address. ix. Lt:CY Coon.As, b. 1824; m. 1845, Robert C. BoulviDg. Res. Adairville, Logan Co., Ky. Son: James B.; snme nddress. Four dnughters nnd one other son.

13 .JoJIN• ( William, 1 ,Joseplt,' Sarnuel") of King William County, Va.., Baptist minister, was born April 14, 1768. He married Dec. 22, 1796, Alice Taylor of the same county, and died July 25, 1814. Children: 23. i. LE,v1s,6 b. Oct. S, li9i. ii. TuOll,\S TAYLOR, b. Dec. 4, li98; d.1802. iii. S.rnuEL FRA.'iCIS, b. l\Iarch 16, 1800; cl. 1805. iv. S., b. Sept. 1, 1801; d. 1804. 2J, v ••Jons TA"l."LOit, b. March 2, 180:3. vi. HENRY LisTos, b. Nov. 15, 1804; d. in Osage, l\Io., 1880. No ma.le issue. vii. }faRT1IA A.-;s. b. June 12, 180i; m. Robert Carter Page; d. at Richmond, Va., 18i9. No children. 25, viii. J.\lIES HERVEY, b. Nov. i, 1810; d. at Chillicothe, IlL Children. ix. SAllt:EL DAVIS, b. Feb. 2i, 1809; cl. young. • 26, x. PETER, b. Sept. 20, 1812.

14 THOlL\S ◄ ( William, 1 Joseplt, • Tlwmas•) of Pasquotank County, N. C. Children: 27, i. .ALllOX.6 ii. ELIAS.

15 JAJras• (William,' Joseplt,• Josepli,• James') of Newland, Pas­ quotank County, N. C., planter and slave owner, was born March 14, 1799. He married Partheney, daughter of Thornton Spence. Will Jan. 13, 1840. Children: 28, i. WILLI.All SP=cE,° b. Dec. 20, 1825. il. W1Lsox. 285

16 6 2 J OFIX CALVIN ( William,' Joseph, Joseph,• James•?) of Browns­ burg-, Rockbridge County, Vn., wns born 1800(?). He removed to Knightstown, Ind., where he died. Children: .29, i. ,To= CALVI!'l',8 b. 1826. ii. ,TA.XE, m. --·- Pride. Res. Kni~htstown, Ind. iii. NAXCY, m. --- Stowig. Res. Knightstown. iv. F,u;xy, m. --- Hover. Res. Knightstown. 17 6 BAYLOR { William,' Josepli, • Joseph,' Humphrey•) of King Willinm County, Vn., ,vns born 1791, and died September, 1866. He mnrried ( 1 ) Lucy Dew ; mnrried ( 2) widow l\Iason ( nee Roy). Children: 30, i. RoY,4 b. Ang. 22, 1839. ii. Ros,\, h. Aug. 22, I 840. Res. Millington, Va. iii. WILLLU( .B., b. 1850. 1S ARTHUR6 ( WUlimn,' .Tr_,!!~plt,• Joseplt°?, John'), Wa.B born nt Wnlkerton, Va., Dec. 12, 1804. He married Jane E. Richnrds. Children: i. l\faRY L.8 ii. Bt:TT(E. iii. l\IARTlL\ E. 31, iv•• Jon:s-. v. LucY, m. --- Walker. Res. St. Stephen's Church, Va. vi. NAXNIE S., m. -- Lyne. Res. Powc:in, Va. vii. ,J.\XET G. viii. li.\.RRY L. 19 3 1 B&-;JAlIIX ( William, Josepli, • .Benjamin,• Robert') of Ber­ clair, near Fredericksburg, V n. He married Lucy Robinson. Children: i. WILLIAlI Sm,:-.,6 b. l\fay 6, 1842. 134 Reade St., N. Y. City. ii. Lt:CY LILLI', res. 1011 E. l\farshall St., Richmond, V:i. 20 3 0 WILLIAM HENRY ( William,' Josepht .Ben_jamin, Robert') of Chesterfield County, Va., was born there lfay 30, 1804. He mar­ ried Caroline F. Gilli:1m, and died Oct. 3, 1855. 286 TEMPLE GENEALOGY. Children: i. ELIZABETII CIIARLOTTE, 0 b. Dec. 25, 1835. Res. Campfield, V:i. ii. VmGIYL\ CARTER, b. Sept. 14, 1838; m. H. C:irrin,,"10n _Wat­ kins. P. O. l\Lmchester, Vu. ill. ROBERT GrLLIAlr, b. Oct. 9, 1840; lieut. in confederate sei-vice, in wh:, 1i he cl. March 9, 1864. iv. C,\ROLfa.; lIE:."RY, b. May 2i, 1842; m. P. C. Warwick. Res. Cnmpfield, V :i. v. PETER CHEVA.LLIE, b • .April 25, 1844. Res. Campfield. vi. :MARY CATIIARIXE, b. Nov. 12, 1846; d. June 2, 1895; m. .A. l\I. Newell. vii. FLORE..._CE l\!ooRF., b . .April 6, 1849; m. G. W. Newell. Res. Langdon, Washington, D. C. viii. WILLIAl[ HE..._xi-, b. Sept. 23, 1851; d. .Aug. 5, 18S5.

21 Jo:s-ATB'.A."l' CLARK• ( William/ Joseph,• Benjamin,• Benja­ min'), was bom 1812. He married Sarah F. Brashear of Bards­ town, Ky. Children: i. J..un:s RicuAJU>, 0 res. Memphis, Tex. ii. WA.TTS. ill. Daughter.

22 J A.'1ES NORTox• ( William,' Joseplt, • Benfamin, • Benfamin') of Paducah, Ky., Episcopal clergyman, was born 1818. He mar­ ried (1) April 15, 1845, :Margaret Anderson, daughter of Rev. William McMahon of Mississippi. She died Oct. 24, 1848. He married (2) Sept. 4, 1851, Nnrein:i. Hampleton, daughter of Alex­ ander Barksdale of :Mississippi. She died Oct. 22, 1867. Children: i. FRA..._CES CA.RTER,0 b. ,Tune_ 20, 1848; d. ,July li, 18.52. ii. S,uun LEE, b. ,fan. 11, 1848; m. Sept. 4, 1892, Francis ~­ Gardner. Res. Paducah, Kv. iii. MARY BARKSDALE, b. Oct. 4; 1852; d. Dec. 5, 18;33. iv. ELEAXOR ETTIXGE, b. ,fan. 25, 18;,4; m. Nov. 2, 1880, Charles H. Brothers, l\i.D. Res. Paducah. v. 1\-!A.RGARET .ALEXAXDER, b. l\Iay 8, 1855; cl. l\Iarch 24, 1880. vi. WILLI,Uty b. Nov. 14, 1856. Res. Paducah. vii• .A..._XIE BECKETT, b. Jan. 2, 18S9; d. l\furch li, 1861. viii. RonERTIXA, b. Aul,!, 30, 1861; d. July 29, 1881. ix. 1'L\RY, b. l\furch 16, 18;j3 ; 11 .Aug. 3, 1864. x. SusAx POLK, b. Sept.13, 1865. Res. 2i4 West 89th St., New York City. TEmLE GE.~ALOGY. 287

23 LEwrs• ( William, 1 Joseph,• Samuel,• Joltn'), wns born Oct. 8, 1797. He married, Oct. 22, 1829, Mary Ellen Gorlick of KiDg Willirun County, Va. He died Oct. 30, 1835, and his widow mar­ ried Rev. Daniel Witt, and left a son, Judge S. B. Witt of Rich­ mond, Va. Children: i. JACK, 0 b. Oct. 1, 1830; m. Dec. 18, 1861, Lucy l\Iarshall Burn­ ley of King William Co. He is a well known merchnnt, of the firm of Fourqurenn, Temple & Co., of Richmond, Va. No children. ii. l\!Anr LEw1s, m. Rev. ---Witte of Prince Edward Co., Va.

24 JoHNTAYLOR" (William,' JoRepl,,, • Samuel,' John') ofChic:1io, Ill., physician, was born at Garland Hill, Hanover County, Va., 1805. He married, 1824, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Rev. WilliaD,1 Stoughton (born Jan. 4, 1770, at Warwickshire, England), Baptist minister and college president, of Philadelphia, Pa., Chicago, Ill., and Georgetown, Ky. John Taylor• lived in W:1Bhingfon, D. C., Chicago, ill., and St. Louis, l\Io., where he diea. Children: i. LEOXORA l\L\RIA, 5 b ••J:in. 24, 1S25; m. 1S40, Tbolll:18 Hoyne of Chicago. Children : Tempk Stougliton, cL Feb. 4, 1S99 ; m. Frances H. Vedder, Oct. Ii, 1S66; res.3369 Calumet .Ave., Chicago; dau. l\Iaud. m. Charles Clinton Buell, Oct. 23, 1893, children: Temple Hoyne, Charles C., ,Jr., res. 3369 C:ilumet .Ave. Tliomas Jiaclay, res. 3369 C:ilumet .4.xe., m. ,Je:inie Thomas l\Iaclay, .J:w. 25, 18il ; children: l\facfay (res. 2201 Calumet Ave.), Thomas T., Archib:ild L., Sus:in D., Eugene, l\Iary Lawrence•• fames Taylor (m. 1Si4, Emma.J. Ban~~. and d.1\fay 18, 1895), Lizzie (m. April 30, 18i9, Clifford Wil­ Williams. res. 32.;3 Forest Ave., Chicngo, children: Clliford Hoyne, Ernest. d. --, and Temple) . .:Jiary Ellen, d. in infuncy. Frau/,; Gilbert, res. 3:243 Groveland Ave., Chic:igo m. Florence •.\ • .Ashton, .April 24, 1884; children: Leonora and Helen. Eugene .4., m. 18Si. Gustave C. de Bronk:u-t (cL Jan. i, 1889); child: Eugene. Effie Gertrude, m. S :im Wells, l\Iarch 20, 1888 ; children : Hoyne and Sheldon. ii. EtIZAIIF.Tn. m. --- Tomlinson. Res. 49S State St., Bridge­ port, Conn. ill•• JosEPllIXE, m. Charles E. Wells, St. Louis, 1\!o. iv. l\L\!,CELL,\, m. --Euston. Res. 4140 Leidy Ave., :Phila­ delrhia. v. Jom1 ,l., res. 6959 Seipp Ave., Chicago. 288 TElll'LE GE."IEALOGY. 25 1 J AlIES HERVEY ( William,' ,Tosepli, • Samuel,• Jolm') of Chilli­ cothe, Ill., was born Nov. 7, 1810. Children: i. TIIOll.\S,0 res. Chicago, Ill. ii. J.urns, res. Cbicago. iii. Cn,utLES, res. Boston. 26 1 PETER ( William,' Joseph,• Samuel,• John') of Lexington, Mo., physician, was born Sept. 20, 1812. Children: i. ROBERT c.,• res. Amarilla, Texas. ii. GEORGE B., res. Joplin, l\Io. 27 Auro:s• ( William,' ,Ioseph, • Th:Jmas, • Thomas') of Pasquo­ tank County, N. C. He married --- Harrell. Will Jan. 16, 1832. Children: i. l\lmu:u.0 ii. SOI'IIL\. iii. Ifa.',X,\ll. iv. JOSEPH. 28 W ILLLUr SPE:SCE" ( William,' ,Ioseph, • ,Iosep It,• ,Iames, • James•) of Princess Anne County, Va., planter and slave ownet, was born in Pasquotank County, N. C., Dec. 20, 1825. He married Mar­ garet, daughter of ,Josiah Etheridge and Sarah (Koen) his wife, granddaughter of Col. John Koen, and great-granddaughter of Thomas• Temple. Col. John Koen served in the Revolution. William Spence served four years in the confederate army ns a pri­ vate, refusing a commission as colonel, because he thought he had insufficient knowledge of military tactics. Child: . 32, i. WILLIA)! Osc.m,6 b. Sept. 27, 1857. 29 ,Tom. C,\Lv1:s• ( William,' ,Ioseplt, • Joseph,• James,• John") of Knightstown, Ind., was born in Brownsburg, Rockbridge County, Va., 1826. He married, 1851(?), ---Ramsey, and died Oct. 3, 1896. Children: i. EFnE L,1 b. Dec. 11, 1s;,.5; m. Oscar F. Stephenson. Res. Kansas City, Kan. Children : Fern and Roberta. TE:M:PLE GENEALOGY. 289

ii. CrrARLES WILLIAlr, b. l\farch 21, 1Sa9. Res. Tyrone, Texas Co., l\Io . .iii. OTTO C., b. Dec. 29, 1862. Res. l\Iiller, l\Io. iv. ADDIE A., b. Oct. 27, 1864; m. ---Spangle. Res. Granby, l\Io. v. ,Jom; Gonoo::., b. April 27, 1867; res. a29 22d St., Denver, Col. vi. HARRY P., b. Oct. 16, 1871; hospital steward, U. S. A., Savnn­ nah, Ga. 30 8 1 ROY ( William, Joseplt, • Joseph,• HumpltreJ/, • Baylor") of Millington, Va., Baptist minister, wns born in King Willirun County, Va., Aug. 22, 1839. He married Ellen M. Cosly. Children: i. ELIZA l\fansrrALL,6 b • .April 13, 1871. Res. l\Iillington, Va. ii. LucY RoY, b. l\Iarch 12, 1873. iii. RosA BumtLEY, b. Feb. 24, 1879. iv. ROBERT R., b. July 2,5, 1881. 31 8 1 JoHN ( William, Joseph,• Josepli"I, John,' Artlmr") of Wal­ kerton, Va. He married, Nov. 30, 1858, Matilda J. Wright. ··. Children: i. l\I.r..~IE,7 b. Oct. 19, 1859; m. --- '\'"~. Res.· Walkerton, Va. ii. ,J,\.'iET G., m. --- Wilson, Walkerton. iii•• Ton:., res. Pine Bluff, .Ark. iv. ,v1LLI,Ul L., d. --. v. EDWARD .A., clergyman, Front Roy:tl, Va. 32 8 W II.LLUI 0SCAR ( William,' Joseph,• Joseplt, • ,fames,• James") ofDem:er, Col., attorney-at-law, was .born in Princess Anne County, Va., Sept. 27, 1857. He married Blanche, daughter of W. "\V. Griffin of Elizabeth City, N. C. Residence, 1212 Vine Street, Den­ ver. Business addre:is, Cripple Cree.-:;, Col. He settled at Dead­ wood, South Dakota, in 1889, for the practice of law, nnd became eminent in his profession. He was also a lecturer on mining law at the school of mines. He removed to Colorado in the spring of 1899. He was mentioned as a probable United States Senator for South Dakota. Children: i. ELIZABETH GmFn::.,r b. NoY. 23, 18Sa. ii. l\lAnG,\.RET, b. l\farch 15, 1889. iii. W1LLL\.ll GmFFI::., b. Nov. 10, 1893. iv. ,v1LLLUI OSCAR, b. Oct. 15, 1895. THE DESCEND.ANTS OF ALEXANDER TEMPLE OF GALWAY, SARATOGA COUNTY, N. Y.

ALEX,\."IDER' (John') is to hn\"e been born in Ayrshire ( others sny Aberdeenshire), Scotlnnd, about 1750. He is said by his de­ scendants to served in the Revolutionary ";ar in a regiment un­ der Gen. Nathaniel Greene. He married Mnriche Flnnsburgh and settled in Galway, N. Y. He removed to Ovid, Seneca. County, N. Y., about 1812, and afterwards to :Meadville, Pa. He was a farmer nnd carpenter. He died Oct. 2, 1828, in Tompkins County, N. Y. Children: i. JonN,8 b. 178G(?) ; d. young. ii. ELIZABETn, b. Feb. 2t, 17~8; d. Feb. 2G, 1879; m. John C. Wheeler. Res. Yervilla, Tenn. Children: Simon. Sara/1. ;1fartlm. George: ;J[onroe. Nancy J. JlfaryJ .ti.. 1. iii. ALEXANDER, b . .Aug. 13, 1791. iv. HELEN, b. Jnn. 9, 1794; d. ,fan. IO, 1875; m. l\fay 15, 1816, .fames l:I. Rou~e. Children : Lucy .&1111.. Hel~ James .If.. Esther. Elizabeth. Ursula, single, Ann Arbor, l\Iich. Nan­ cy. Celia R., m. Goodell, res. .Ann .Arbor, l\Iich. ; child, l\Iyrtie. 2. v. ROBERT, b. )lay 13, 1796. vi. NANCY, b. Dec. 15, l 798; d. Jnn. 7, 1881; m. Ira Wiltsey; no children. ·,ii. lL\RGARET, b. Oct. 13, 17!>9; d. Sept. 24, 1888; m. (1) June, 1820, ,John Lnidlaw, l\I.D.,. b. in Scotland; child, Nancy,' b. in N. Y. City, Feb. 17, 1822, d. Nov. 28, 189:3, m. Sept. 5, 1841, Benj. Hebron (l,. in Yorksl1ire, Eng., d. JUIJe 28, 1883, aged G5), res. Cnss Co., Mich.; istme: .Tane,6 b. Dec. 7, 184:2, m. Lucius D. Gleason, April 16, 1868, res. Penn, l\Uch.; children: Clarence L.G (m. Nem W. White), Archie l\LG (m. l\Iillie ,Jones), Fmncis E.6 (m. l\fay Springsteen), Harry D.8 ( m. l\Iargnret Bell Dono ugh), Everett E. 6 ( deceased) ; Ellllice,6 b. July 26, 1844, m. 1\1:iy 18, 1880, Thomns E. Irvine, res. Georgetown, Col.; Frnneis E.,6 b. Sept. 28, 184G, m. Sept. G, 18Gti, Benj. F. Babcock, res. Topeka, Kan., children: Ger­ 8 trude6 and Grnce ; Gertrude,' b. July 22, 1850, m. Edgar TEMPLE GENEALOGY. 291

Gleason, res.,Tnmestown, N. D., children: Grant Il.,8 Florence,8 Blauche0 nml l\Iarcin°; Clinrles Benj.,6 b. 1\-Iny lG, 18G0, res. Snn Francisco, single, mineralogist. l\Iargnret,8 m. (2) 1827, ,John Edwards; children: Elizabet!,, m. Br.idy, res. Glenville, l\linn. Lucinda. Aluira, m. Wescott, res. Kalamazoo, Mich. Jfarg Ursrda. Martha Ann, m. ,J. l\I. Ireland, res. Bangor, l\Iich.; no children. :M:1.rgnret• m. (3) 1844, Henry Stnge; no children. viii. WILLIA.,1, diS:1.ppenrecl in 1828. Some sny he went to Cubn :J.Dd became a sugar planter. ix. J,1.m:s l\lAns, b. Xov. 2G, 180G; d. Sept. 18, 1880 ; single. He resirled at White Pigeon, l\Iich. 1 ALE..··~.A •...,DER 3 (John,' Alexander') of :Meadville, Pa., ,vas born at Galway, X. Y., about Aug. 13, 1791. He married, in 1815, Sarah Allen, said to be related to Ethan Allen. He served in the "\Var of 1812 and diecl Feb. 1869, at Victoria, Ill. Children: i. A.'"GELIXE,4 b. l\fay 5, 1819; m. --- Kimb:ill. Res. 1137 W. 7th St.. Los Angeles, Cal. ii. ELVIRA, b. ,July, 1820: m. --- Burgess. Res. Akron, O.- iii. AllA~DA, b. Oct. 31, 1821 ; m. --- Hunt. Res. 703 Knox­ ville Ave.• Peoria. Ill. 3, iv. JAlIES W., b. April 13, 1828. 2 ROBERT" (Jolm,' .Alexander') of :Meadville, Pa., carpenter and joiner, was born at Gnlw:iy, X. Y., l\Iay 13, 1796. He was a

enct!, m. --- Vinll ; res. Spring V nlley, :!\!inn. John. Walter, res. ,vest Union, Iown; member of 52d Congress. ,1/artlia. Robert, res. Cleveland, O. ; n physician. 5, iv. FAYETTE ADDISON, b. Dec. IO, 1824. v. ,TULIA A.~x, b. l\Inrch 24, 18:W; m. Oct. 8, 18;;J, Alonzo N. Dunham ; res. 2238 W11yne St., Toledo. O. Children : I..aura Amelia (m. Alonzo F. Dunhnm; res. Toledo). L9dia Eli:a, m. A. L. Smith ; res. Toledo. vi. LmIA ELIZA, b. Feb.23.1828; d. Nov. 12, 18!!3; m. (1) Aug. 2G, 184!!, Robert W. Williams (d. ,Jan. 3, 1852) ; no lMng issue; (2) Feb. 21, 185G, Hirnm Butler. Children: Helen, b. Dec. 13, 13;;2; m. (1) Nov. i, ISii, ,J. A. Webster, who died within a year, res. Wnshington, D. C., in Pension Dept., child: Bcnjnmin; m. (2) April 10, 18!!9, Dr. Newton Allen Strait. Paul Temple, phy~ician, res. Alnmo, :1\Iich. James, (Nnvy Dept., Wnshington), m. Nov. 1891, l\Iurthn Fitness: no children. 3 JAllES W. • (John,' Alexander,• Alexande1·') of Victorin, Ill., was born April 13, 1828. He mnrried (1) Oct. 29, 1854, Bessie P. Cook; married (2) ---. He sen·ed three ycnrs in the Civil War n.nd was a captain at its close. He has been clerk of the Cir­ cuit Court of Knox County, Ill. He is the author of a volume of rcudnble Ycrse entitled "A Sheaf of Grain." Children: i. Wn.tLrn C.5 h. Aug. 28, 18:i:i: Res. Victoria, DI. ii. TnmrAs C., b. Nov. :?S, IS5i. Res. 332 Walnut St., Philadel- phia, Pu. iii. ,Josi::Pn ,v., b. Dec. 23, JS,i!l. Res. Victorin. iv. :i.\L\1:Y A., b. Sept. 25, 18G5: m. --- Dnvis. Res. Victoria. v. Si:sAN A.. b: ,Jan. G. 18G8. Res. Victorin. .i. ELLEX E., b. l\fay !J, 18G!J. Res. Victoria.

4 RErnEX S. B.• (,John,' .Alexande1·,• Robert") of Spring town- 1:1hip, Crnwford County, Pa., was born there Dec. 11, 18:H. He died Dec. :30, 1893. Children: i. l\kRI?AY A.,5 res. Berlin Heights. O. ii. COP.A l\I., res. :?i Oakland !:it., Cleveland, O. 5 FAYE1TE ADmso:s• (,John,' Alexander,' Robert") of Eureka, Knn., banker, was born near Mcudville, P:1 .. i:1 1824. He has also resided in Crawford Co. nnd Edinboro', Eric Co., Pa. He TE.Ml'LE GENEALOGY. 293

mnrried, June 13, 1847, Mnrin G. Dunhnm, who died ,Tan. 11, 1896. Child: 6. i. RoPEltT B1wcE,6 b. April 14, 1852. 6 RonERT 13:r.ucE• (John,' .4.lexander, • Robert,' Fayette•) of Eureka, Kan., bnnkcr, was born April 14, 1852. He marric

ADDE;\"D..\. Children of Polly Temple nnd George Putnnm, her lmsband : Estella Violn, m. Charles R. Palmer; I. St•pt. 11, lXfii. 111. Oct. :!;i. 18!17. Edward Eaton. res. Y,:werley Park, N .•J.: Alfred.• b.• Jan. 18. l::Sfi!); Dewitt ir.• l,. ,Ian. ::i. li>70. res. Ber­ 10 lin. X .J •• m. ~\pril :W. 18!!3. l\Iary A. IIart. issue: Wal:cr : .lfary O .• • b. Feb. 20. 187:!: H.,• b. March:!:!, 187-1, cL 1874: ,Joseph .F.," b. April J:J. l::S71i, d. 187H: Gertrude F.,• h.• \pril l!J. 1878: Wesley A.,9 b. •Tan. 31. 188:J). Abram/ Ch,:,ster, P:L: issue: .J. H.,° Atlantic City, 0 9 N ••J.: 1Villi:,m ; L<'slie ; Emma•: l\Iargaret.• :!O DESCENDANTS OF ICHABOD AND JOHN TEMPLE OF :MAINE.

!CH,\DOD,' born 1762, in England(?); Baptist minister; pastor of Second Ten :Mile (now Lindale) Baptist Church, Clermont County, Ohio, for thirty-eight years. The first Baptist church ( old school) organized in the county was located on Ten Mile Creek. Rev. Ichabod Temple was pastor of this body for several years, and afterward organized the second Ten Mile Church, which was "new school." Children: i. JAcon,2 b. 1780(?). Lived in Maine, 1, ii. ROBERT, b. May 23, 1781. 2, iii. WILLIA)[, b. 1789(?). 3, iv. HESRY, b. 1795(?). v. lfaRY Ass, b. 1800(?) ; m. Otis Preble, Batavia. O. ,;i. ELIZABETH, b. 1802{?) ; m. --l\Iiner. Lived in Illinois. (, · ,-ii. NATRA:XIEL, b. Feb. 23, 1803, on a. farm near B:uigor, Me. s. viii. CYRt:S, b. 1807. ix. ,JA)tES. x. llARCIA. xi. SoPm::u. 1

Ro:SERT' (Ichabod') of l\'It. Cn.rmel, Ohio, was born in Maine1 May 23, 1781. All the brothers, except Jacob, went to Ohio in 1818, and settled in Lindale, Clermont County, on the spot where the house of George \V .3 Temple now stands. He married (1) Sallie Dixon, in Maine, who dieu there about 1812, bv whom he had three children; married (2) Apphia. Hanscum (born April 25, 1784, died July 22, 1860). Robert• died May 3, 1867. Children: i. SABRISA,8 b. :March 29, 1808; m. --Hunter; d. Jan. 21, 1861, in Indiana. ii. THOMAS D., b. Nov. 17, 1810; d. July 2, 1856, in Ohio. iii. lcHABOD, b. April 5, 1812; d. 1825. iv. DEPE.',"DE....,CE, b. Sept. 13, 1814; d. Jan. 26, 1876, in Illinois, TElll'LE GENEALOGY. 295

v. S,\R,\II, b. April 13, 1813; d. April ·1, 1874. vi. LUCY, b. l\Iarch 26, 1819; d. Sept. 19, 1858. vii. CLARKE, b. Sept. 4, 1821. viii. 0nm, b. June 8, 1824; d. Oct. 29, 1880. ix. l\L\nY ,J., b. June 14, 1828; m. --Walker. Res. Mt. Car­ mel, O. Children : Meredith Temple, Tobnsco, O. ; .Agnu Sabrina, l\It. Carmel, O. 2 WILLIAM' (Ic/1abod') of Amcli:i., Ohio, was born in :Maine about 1789. He came to Ohio, 1818, married Fanny Butler, and died at the age of 75. Children: i. BENJAlllN.1 ii. HE:l.'ltY. iii. lcIIABOD. iv. DARIUS, living. v. l\IATTIIEW, living. vi. l\IARY. vii. SAR.\II. viii. A3tANDA, living. ix. SABRIXA, living. 3 HE}.'RY' (Ichabod') of Amelia, Ohio, mis born in Maine about 1795. He came to Ohio in 1818, and married Sophia Butler. He died a~ed 85. Children: i. BRUCE.1 ii. CHARLES. iii. l\Luy A:l."N. 4 NATHA1''IEL1 (Ichabod') of Withomsville, Ohio, was born near Bangor, M:c., Feb. 23, 1803. Came to Ohio in 1818, and married Mary Pollock. He died aged 72. Children: i. PHILIP GATCH,1 b. l\Ia.rch 8, 1826. Res. Withomsville, O. ii. CLARINDA, b. l\Inrch 20, 1828. iii. E3tELIXE, b. Sept. 5, 1829. iv. ABBIE, b. July 18, 1833. v. BENTON, b. Feb. 21, 1835. vi. Bn.,m, b. l\Iay 26, 1839. vii. LAFAYETTE, b. April 5, 1842. Res. Withomsville. viii. HULDAH, b. Feb. 14, 1844; m. Leroy D. House. Res. Oxford, O. ix. GEOKGE, b. Dec. 14, 1846. 296 'XE!IPLE GENEALOGY.

5 CYnus• ( Ichahod') of, Ohio, was born in :Maine, 1807. Came to Ohio in 1818, and died about 1867. He married Sallie '\Vest. Children: i. ~L\RY ETT,\.• ii. ,L\llES PERRY. iii. 0L1'"ER C. iv. A.'\"l>REW ,J. v. GEORGE W., res. Lindale, O. vi. HESTER A.

JoHN" of August.-i, :i\fo., and Ohio, born about 1783, was a nephew of Ichabod,' and had brotl1crs Ebenezer and Richard. He went to the Ohio river with wagons about 1815, accompanied by his father and mother. He married (1) about 1803, l\fartha Foster; married (2) --. Children: i. l\ur.Y PREBLE.8 b. about 1S04. 6. ii. ALEX.\NDEI'., 11~ 1S06, probably in Lincoln Co., l\Ie. iii. .JosE1•a, b. 1808(?); d. No.... 29, 1870. iv. FosTEn, b. :\fay 27, 1810. Lived in Belleville, Ill. v. SARAH, b. 1812(?). '\i. THOlL\s, b. 1816(?). Lived in Clermont Co., O. vii. ll.\::-.-:-,\11, b. 181S(?). viii. l\IARTHA A.. -.x, b. 1822(?); by second wife. ix. AR.,1sTROXG, b. 1825(?). Lived in New Salem, Ill. 6 . 3 1 ALE.~:SDER (---, ,lolm') of Cincinnati, Ohio, was born in Lincoln County, :\Ic., 1806(? ). He married Elmira Knowles (born 1809, in Steuben County, N. Y.). He died 1866, at :Madi­ son, Ind. Children: i. WARREN,4 b. 1833(?). 7, ii. BEX.TAllIX FosTER. b. ,Jan. G, 18:35. iii. .At"G"CSTA, b. 1837(?); d. aged 16. iv. OnL,\."'iDO, b. 1839(?) ; d. single. Y. LEDOlL\., d. single. vi. JEROME, d. single. 7

BENJA.'1IX FOSTER' (---,' John,• .A.!exanrler') of Siou.

Chil!lren: i. STELLA B.,• b. June 5, 1857; m. --- Simpson. ii. ALEXASDER F., b. Dec. :31, 1858; cl. single. iii. N~:LLU: S., b. Feb. 1:2, 18Gl; m. --- Crittenton. iv. EDWARD E., b. Nov. :27, 1863; m. Sarah Howard. Res. Jeffer­ som;nc. Ind. No children. v. I-fassn~ b.Ez, b. l\Iay :24, 1868. vi. BeTtTos F., b. Feb. 19, 1870; m. Bertha Gibbs. Res. l\ladison, Ind. Son: William. '\;i. LOTTIE E., b. Dec. 8, 1878; d. voung.

ADDENDA. Dcscendnnts of ,Jom;• TE:llPLE (see page 273): Jon.-.• ( JVilliani,' Tlioma.~,2 .Jfa_jor,° ,Jolm,4 I.~aac•) of Ohio (Coshocton?), Bnptist minister, wns born Jnn. 1, 1822, nnd died April 22, 1891. He mnrried June 4, 1846, Cathnrine Grnham, born ~fay 26, 1827, died Nov. 24, 1892. Ifo served the following churches: .Auburn, 0., l\It. l\Ioriah, Harmony and "Windsor Branch, Henriettn and Licking. · Children: i. Jons WESLEY,T b. Apr. 15, 1847; m. CTct. 15, 1869, Jane --: res. Canton. O. !;;sue : Robert.8 William. Olii:e. ii. RosE::T l\I., b. ,fan. 8, 1S5:2: m.' l\fay 4, 1876, Helen l\IcArthnr; res. Coshocton. Issue: Robert Jllc.A., 8 Alice, KrJte, Elma, Helm •. iii. l\L\lff CATIL\RL'-1!:, b .•July 6, 1S55: m. Sept. 10, 1873, ,John ""ilkins : res. Portl:uul l\Iills, Pa. Issne: James, 8 Edward, Frank. Eliza. Rmmeh. William, Jl/aJtie, Olive. iv. HA-'-XAII, b. Dec. :21, 1857: m. Oct. 10, 1875, Simeon Nixon: res. Butler, P:1.. Issue : Simeon,8 .John Brown, Paine, Nellie. v. OLIVE, b. Oct. 7, 1869; m. Aug. 5, 1S95. Herbert Denman; res. Coshocton. 0. Issue: Francis Temple8•

Children of RE,. J. S. SurrH and ~!ARY TEltrLE Smm (see page 54): i. EDWARD, h. Apr. 2. 1849: d. Apr. 24, 1857. ii. l\faRY TEl!PU:, b. Oct. 16, 13,;3; d. June 16, 1879. iii. li\-XDOX S., b. Nov. 1:2, 1S55; adcl. 809 Equitable Bldg., Denver, CoL iv. WILLIA)[ GROVER, b. Apr. 27, 1857; res. Denver, Col. OTHER TEMPLE FAMILIES.

JoHN TElll'LE, bom in Durham, Englund, died in Pottsville, Pa., leaving children : i GEORGE ,v., auditor of State, Denver, CoL; m. S!Ll'a S. Hneselcn. No children. ii. Jou:s, res. Shumokin, Pa. iii. TuoltAS, res. Hazleton, Pu. iv. AI.1-:X,\:NDJ-:R, res. Pottsville, Pa. v. MRs • .t\.'l;DREW "~1u::s, res. Pottsville. vi. Mns. W'1LL CooPElt. re~. Pottsville. vii. :M:m1. FRANK 0LEw1s1,, res. Pottsville. viii A.-..:s1E TEllPLE, res. Pottsville. ix. V1CTORIA TEltPLE, res. Pottsville.

J OllN TEllPLE, born June 30, 1817, in Yorkshire, England; died Dec.19, 1889. HisfathertliedatHickory (or:MacNnll's) Comers, Nin,,,"nrn County, N. Y. The widow of John resides at Ridged:ue, Iowa, where his nine children nlso live.

ROBERT TnIPLE of Denver, Col., manager of the Temple :Machine Company, was born in London, England, son of ,Villiam John (son of John Power, bom near Beverley, went to LondQXI. at age of 12).

"7'ILLL\:II HENRY Gr.ENVILLE T1rnPLE, D.D., pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church, Seattle, '\V ashington, born in Fredericton, N. 13., June 19, 1850 (1:1on of Thom:tt! Allen•, born in Liverpool, N. S., April 7, 1824 [son of Rev. '\Villiam' Temple, born in Lon­ don, England, lW0, died in St. Johns, N. R., 1873], married Annie Chestnut, born in Fredericton, N. B., 1828, died in Brook­ lyn, N. Y., 1861). He also held pastorates at Sheffield and South Boston, :Mass. Hem. Aug. 6, 1874, Julia Dane .• Children: i HENRY CrrEsT:suT,4 b. Oct. :2G, 1876; d. Sept. :27, 1897. ii A.-..:sn: .L\.'l;E, b. April 20. 1878. iii ,vrLLJ.UI DA:sE, b. Apr. 5, 1879. TRUlL\N 10 TElIPLE (p. 126) of Hurley, U1:lter Co., N. Y., m. :February, 18i0, Elizabeth Granite of New York City. Children: Clarence, b. April, 1873; Lillian Evelyn, b. November, 1875, d. Nov. 2, 1888; Allen, b. January, lt:179; Leander, b. October, 1882. ENGLISH WILLS OF TE:~IPLE TESTATORS.

John, Shirborne, Dorset. proved April 28, 1496. Wife ,Johnnne, dau• Isabelle, son .John. (6 Horne.) . William, citizen nnd flesher of Londun. date Nov. 23, 1546. l\Ientions Peter of Lincoln's Inn nnd John, King',, servant. (37 Alen.) Francis. To be buried Ellisboro, (Bucks) Ch., date Feb. 18, 1562. Wife Eli.7.:ibeth, dau. l\Iary. Thomas and W"illiam, probably nephews, had I:mds in Apsley and Tyrocke. (13 Street.) .John, of Barmondsey, Surrey. leatherseller, proved ::liay 19. 1590. W"ife Alice, son Edward ( uncler :n ), mother l\Ia.rgaret, bro. Tbom.'LS. •(29 Dreney.) · - Christopher of Stower Pro,ost. Dorset, proved Dec. 24, 1591. W"ue Elizabetl1, son Thomas, 3 daus. Ellenor, Ellen, E\''C. (90 Sainberbe.) Elizabeth, of Stower Provost. Dorset, proved l\Iay 19, 1596, sons Robert :i.nd William, daus. Ellenor, Ellen and Eve, overseer Richard Temple. Witness Thomas. Sons in law: William Hulett, Anthony Stone, nephew John Bragge. (:38 Dmke.} Thomas, of Heytesbury, Wiltshire, proved l\Iay 15, 1594. Wife .Agnes. Speaks of ten children. No names. (42 DLxey.) Thomas of Snickleborough, parish of Great Harwood. Bucks, elate Nov. 24, 1598, proved Ja.n. 21, 16u:?..:3. Bro. "~illiam of Dr.iyton Perslowe. Isabelle, bro"s dau. (2,j Bobrix.) Thomas, proved Aug. 16, 1604. probably clothier. Wife Elizabeth, dau. Eliza.beth, son Richard ( with a ,·enture at sea.). (7 6 Ha.rte.) Rober~ of Gloucester, proved l\Iay :28, 1611. bachelor of divinity nnd pastor of Dowdeswell. Sou Samuel. (-15 Wood.) ,John of East Grinstead. Sussex, d:Lte .Jan :n, 1,'i9:3. proved ,June 11, 1607, dan's: Lucy (m. Hopworth), Dorothea (m. Freer), Joyce (111. Lysted), nephew Stephen. (56 Hudleston.) Edward of Whitefriars precinct, London, proved Oct. 1:3, 1625. W"ife Faith (widow of George Jerrard). mother. Ann l\Iundny, sons: Edward, l\Inrche, .Ann (m. Thomas l\Iatthew), Rebecca. (113 Clark). Thomas of East Smithfield, l\Iiddlesex, sailor of Ship Speedwell, date Jan. 9, 1632, proved Nov. 6, 1634. (106 Seager.) Christopher of Great Kemble, Bucks, proved Nov. 13, 1635. Father William. bro. William, wife Elizabeth, sons Christopher, Joseph, John, bro. in law John Seare. (111 Sadler.) 300 TEllPLE GENEALOGY.

,Tol111 of Bishopstrow, Wilts, date l\larch •t, 1635, proved ,fan. 23, 1638. ,vmi l\far\", sou William (under 22), clnu.'s: l\Iary, Elilmheth, Hester, bros. in la,\". William anrl Samuel Seaman. (4 Lee.) William (son of foregoing) of Bishopstrow, Wilts, proved l\lny 1!1, 168i. Furmhonse at Uston. estate in Hevtesbnrv, 2d wife Elizabeth Ben­ nett, sons .Joseph, Peter, dau's: l\fary (m. lveieafo), Anne (m. Penrse.) (141 Cattle.) Rich:m:l of Pointington, Somerset. proved ,June 3, 164,8. Wife Anas­ tneia, ehlest son Willi:un. (10-1 Es~ex.) Thomas of London [probabl.,· native of Heytesbury, Wilt.shire. am] per­ lmp~ sou of Thoma.~ ( 4:! Dixey)], proved April 2,;, 16,i0. Bro. William. sisters Frances and Ste,·ens, cousins Tl1om:L~ Dugrlale and Hulett. ( ;j;j Pembroke.) Robert of Freshwater, Isle of ,vi;;ht, pro\·ed Dec. 8, lG,;i. Wife Eliza­ beth. sons: ,John, Robert, dau's :- l\hry, Katharine. \Yitness Anne. (535 Ruthven.) William, sailor on "States·• ship, Succcss:i., date ,Jn11. ;j, 1656, proved .Aug. 10, I65i. Father ,John. (:318 Ruthven.) Robert of Scrccmby. Lincoln~hire. husbamlman; elate Feb. ,;, 16;,6, proved ,Jnu. 18, l 6,i8. Children: Robert, Anne (m. ,John .Johnson), John, Sarah, Francis, Margaret, Bridget (last three under 22). (3,j Wot­ ton.) Edward, parish of Sarritt, Hertforcl. date April 13, 1666, proved Feb. 18, 1688, collier. Son Edward, dau. Elizabeth m. Davis. (2,; Hine.) Henry of St. 13otolpb's, without Bishops)?ate. Lonclon, merchant, proved Dec. 16, 1669. ,vife l\fargaret, son Edward, witness Fmncis. (165 Coke.) .. James of London, citizen and ~oldsmith. stockholcler in East India Co., proved .July 14, 1699. Wife M:;ry, son Robert, dnu. l\Iary. bros. ,John, Thomas, mo. l\Irs. Erlith L'lmhert (wife of Anthony). sisters l\fary Leake, Anne Stafferton, Elizabeth Lambl•rt, wife's mo. Priscilla \\"heeler. god• father Thomas Temple, l\fayley Hampton, Gloucester. (This ,James is mentioned in Pepy"s Diary, Yol. 8). (90 Coke.) "\\1lliam. Tithing of Wick, parish of Bishop's Cunning, Wilt.shire Wool­ stoper. (Prohahly son of Christopher. 111 Sadler). Proved Nov. 14, 1682. Bro. Christopher, sons ,Joseph (21 on. Feh. :3. lGl:17. afterward oi Ayletts, Va.). William funder 21). dau. Anne Wetherell, gr:mdson Joseph Wetherell, nieces Elizabeth Bryant, Hester Temple. (141 Cattle.) William of Deptford, Kent, mar;ner, proved Oct. 21, 1689. l\Io. Joun Cary, wife of Robert, Lancaster, ~or:\,lk. (14i Ent.) ,John de, of Stepney, l\Iiddlesex, mariner, proved Dec. 21, 1697. (302 Pyne.) Thomas of Bristol. mariner on ship Windsor, proved Feb. 2, 1696-7. Wife Elizabeth. (51 Last.) Seep. :!12. John of Stoke Mandeville, Bucks, proved Feb. 24, 1696-7, date Feb. 10, 1695. Probably son of Christopher (111 Sadler), wife Anne, bro.-in-law, Finch Howse, Bierton. ( 41 Pyne.) TE:IIPLE GENEALOGY, 301

,Toseph or Bristol, mercer, provecl l\Iay 17, lG!l!J ( prohnhly son of William of Bishopstrow, 141 Cuttle). Wife Hannnh Liston (living 1705), mo.-in­ lnw (step mother?), Elizabeth, bro.-in-l11w Edwnrrl Pierce of Devizes, sons Willinm, ,ToHeph, dau. l\fary. (83 Pett.) Elizubcth of Bishopstrow, proved Dec.3.1705, widow (prol1. 2d wife) of Willinm (1-11 Cattle) hro. ,John Bennett. Children: William nnd ,Joseph (undt>r 21 ), l\I11ry (under 18) rlnu.-in-law, l\Iary ( wife or widow or Peter Temp),.) nml six chil

Annetta, ~'7ff Jl•lva,lftl Anno. or .Annlt-, !.1'1, !l.1, M, !Ii", llert, lt4!> :~, 41, .. ::. 43, t10, 6'!, M, &I, Hftatrlce, 200, 260 U:t, w, 105, 106, 100, llO, 1:."0, Ut•Ul'Y, 217, ~U, 26G 1~, l:!O, 1:!i, H7, t!>l, tr,3, nertr1u1d, ~o 216, :!Ii, 21H, ::!l-1, :.!-l:1, :..'-i:7, D.-111111uel, 2.W­ 2u1, :t61, ~. :ao, 211, 27¼, Uenm~tt. ~M, !..-7'l ::t!tl, ~'II~ Hettltt, 28.") Ann or Anntt, 02, 60, ;7,S.1, 110, Renton, ~'06 2:.-0, ::37 t :!il t !:r.6, 2:0, ::so, llirdlo, 14-1 ::s:, ~. :.w, aou, 301 lllia•,>-6. HO Anlct•, 07 Blunche, tall, H.7, ~ AIIUl, 255 INDEX, 303

Chrlltle,O~ Ch1.r1-nee, 87. 80, °"• H7, JM, 1!10, lM, :1.1:/, 21!8, ~'711, 2113 Clinton, t

H. Hananlnt1, 214,217, !?:..'S, '!..'11 Harlon,:.'iS Harland,~ 30-1: Tl~lrPLE GENF.ALOGY,

llllnnnh, to.~. 31, !16, a11, ii, 2".!:?, 2',!!l, 2M, 2-,, I 2(,0, :!M, ,Jullu•, 00, 151 .. a, +t. ri2, r.:1, t~. oo, no, iM, 2ru-l, 2:'0, :!hO, ~I, :..'N::, :.,,i-1 1 ,J UlllUM, U11, 166 tr!, 11:1, lM. :!'~. !e'.H, !!'.!ll, ~n. ~. :..,.1, !.'U".!, :.-i1-1, :.,un, :.'fl:!, :ZO I, ~1\6. Z"U, :!:":, :!l'O, aoo, :101 1,. !.:M!",:.1vo, :.'\17, :UJl ,Tnnrt or ,J1m1•tle, s.i, :!!'15, 280 Knie or ICntl~. 1~'11, 164, ISO llnrrh.•t, .ffi, u,,, ::.:., nu, 117, 110, ,lume11on, :.i:n KuthnrJne, aoo HJ, H:1, H6, 1:,0, 17:i, !:10, Juur, 60, G:!, 70, 8!!, l!'3, 100,210, J\ennulh, H8 ~, ::-.!-!, :!"... ~. :!aO, :!'10 :ma, :.:fJ/i, 2~, :.'Ov, !!i'.!, ~ l\Jrk,:U,U l111rrlJ1un, ,t;,, 100 ,Jn111pttr,:U:i1, t\7 l\nox,".!77 JJu1J1ll1on, 6.1. :!".!:! ,Jn•un,tH, !,!!1."i llaz,,J, Hll, Hi. 1~. l~G ,Jt,be,;g, 21!1, 2H, 215, :!:?O J-1111;~· ,:1, 110, 1:.!fl, J:!8, 182, Jcrnnle or ,Jeuny, N4, 107, l!!:", r.. t:12, 1Go, 16::, lf1V, ltll, lf\.l, J.,11f11y.-tte, 7:1, 1~. 20S Hnl'r)', 86, sn, JO,I, ID~, 1611, 167, 170, lill, JliO, !:!H, !HO, ~. J..nvernn or I.A1Vt!rnl', 76, lM 1M, 1116, 16-", 1i'U, lt"O, O::U, 2.U Lnurn, 61, :"O, 1"7, 11:J, l:.'O, 1211. 2~1, '!:I:,, :!'•:1, 2ilO, ~, :.'SU Jrroml', Si, 85, 1·1:l, 144. !.."OB Ht, 171, 1eu, 2-11, :co, zn UuruM, H7, JOt;, 108, ltlO, lMi', ,l l'111'le, 1:..'U, 1:r..=, 145. 161, ~ J..u.11rh1tlflo. :.!52 188, :.?LO Jeffer"!IOII, J:m. lti!O, !.!O!i l.nvlnln, :.?:'O Hattie, JMI, :.'-I~.~ .. :-. ~t ,1tort"mluh, H l.,awrl'l1ce, u:i, H:!, 187 lleur,·, 5,0, r,::, M, 70, ti1a,~,O'.!, ,l,mhna, H, c'O, ao I.t•n, 100 111-4,W. 10'.!,lUli,ll:.!, l:.!4,1'.!tt, Jeru"hn, •U, i'O, :!:..'7 J.,,-dora, 2\Hl 1,111, H-n, Jf,-1, um, lf\l, Jfltil;, Je,-,... , 6l•, 165, mo, 178,218,220, I.eon, 101, 1¼1, 10¼, 180, zn UK>, lt-'41, :!et, Z'-1, :.'30, ~, :mu.~;* Lrl',!.'07 ::-11, :."'1!!, :.-o~,. :.!71, !!73, :!78, Jlruh, ;:.= 1.etltla, 10.1, :!8'! ::i'v, ~a, :!M, ~. ~f6, :.~, John dt•, 300 1..ettlt.-, 1:n 300,!IOI Joel, 218, ~lU, 228, 229, 230, :.'-In, lA.'Ollard. 142, 177, :.,,ro Ht1btor, -H, ;a 247 l,.emou, id Hell'O, 6~. ;"'J, 1!10, J:t.!, tao. HO, Joanu,e, 10, H, lS, 17, 21,3-1,3:i, knorn. or Leonora,~. 287 166, ::-.'O, s'!l:l. ~13, c'H, ~110 !iU, 10.1 Lena, d7, 1M7, :.:51, :.!ftU Ilcnrit•tfn. 7:!, 106 ,Tohn, 0, 11, J:!, 16, JO, 17, 18, 19, J..croy. 105, 178, :.!O.'l, 231, 260 Ut•rlM•rt. ~, ,-,u, oo, 10'.!, 12.1, 1-H, 21, 22, :.'ti, '.!7, ~. :.•v, ao, :rl, l..ennder, :-:&, 125, :..'08 Hfl, tn·i. 186, 2:..-0, Z?2, ~0 3♦, 36, !Ul, :~, :1u, -:11, -t!, +l, Lewl11, ':1:li, !H, \~, 110, 1:.."J, lM, Hrrmou, -JS, ZG, l!::!, ll'i-1 4U, r.u, lH, :,-1, Mi, fi8. :iu, 61, 16:,, :.!lilJ, !!it\, ::tH, ~7 .lilrnm, ii, 1i8, V1, u-t, 117, latl, G:!. 6G, OS, liO, 71. ;:.:, tii:i, ~•, l..estl•r, ~o. :.:79 161, lit1, 1M DO. 01, DO, Ui', 101, U)'.!, lt"I, ~vi, t,, :.!o'.i, :~, 40, 61, 62, 60, 106, 100, JOi', llo, llti, 121, 70, l"iO, UJl, 1~¼, !!1~, 2'-'0, fl~i:i:~~~5.i, 00, l!iG l~I, 1::-l, 1~5, l~'fl, 14n, HU, !!:..~,:!!ll.:.."!-¼ Jlorucl", M. 70. !.Hi, l!.'-1, ti1>, 180, tr,o, hl, 14:.:, lUl, 16:', 10.1, Lloyd, HI 2:.,,0, :::i:,. :.:.:f.:t,:.:no 104, 1:-0, l~, 213, !!H, :!16, Llllmn, tJ~', 118, 12S, l+l, 151, How1trd, 100, 10:1, Jijl :?17, :..':!.!, :.::.!O, ~. :..•:n, :!!~, JUD,~. 200, 261, :..'DS llorutlo, 1:n :!41, ~'ia,'i, :!5-:!, :!.tt, :.:02, I.Illa ur I.Illy, 11,j, C'-IV llorton, 1r,s 2ftl, !!tH, :..'ii5, !!tiO, :.!OU, 271, Lb:ile, 11\.1, ~ Huldlll1, u;. :!7. 43, !?'J!'i ~.!,:.?:':I J.,JtJton,:8t.l llubbard, 6::1, 161 ,lonzu, lf-.17, 23, 2¼. 25, 27, 36, Lotta or r.ottle, O'.?, 142, 161, :t:', ·II, 43, :-0, G3, i-1, Vi', 111, It!¾, C'!I? J. ll#7, hii I..ow, 110 Jbby.~'f,8 Jon11tlum, 2-l, 38, 61, M, SD, 91, Lol11, :!fl, 27, !12, 33, '!Gl, 204 W. 100, l!,¼, 21:J, 21i, 2"', J..onmml, au Ichubod1 :..'0-f, 20.i Idu, ...;, 101, 121, 122, l!t?, l:ta, 210,218, 21U, :!:!'..!, 2::l, :=7, J..,ovf',4:.! H::, 1-H, l:.i, J~l, ~. C"ll, zu, 2:1.\, :-13, ::a5, :..'73, :.:77, Loul,-, 2,,;, 278, 2itt,:!7-1 ::Sl,~ J.,oul,iu. or Loui"c, -JG, -IS, S:?, 74, ld<'lln, u-..:, J:!l, 100 JohaunP, :.-VO l:!t', 1!10, lt;O, :!03,::.t.",:.!-JO J~rhinn. iO Jo?<1iah, ao, Gu, 110, 1~, 212,21:i, I..oreu or Lorin, -J~, t(l, ltH­ lru,,l·li,::i'~ !!14, !!17, :..Z, 212, 243, :..'GI, Luclus, \IO, l~t. 17V Jnt-z, D.1, H7, 218 C'Gi J.,uranu, 75 ,Juck21011, M, $l,, U:S, 267 J1111tup1, GI, 108. 107 Luthl'r, G:!, M. 91, !)a. 107, 112, Jack,:.,,-7 Jullu, :rl, 00, ";7, t'!ll, 03, lM, 1'7, 113, 116, lOi, 16~, 1611 J1mu.ap1, :;, 18, :.?r., !.'7, 4-1-, 48, 49, H5, 1.!»8, lij:,:, :!'.!1, 237, 240, f.,)'tlD 1 1~, 1~, :.:73,:..77 G.'l, GU. ;o, 7', ':Ii. 81, S-!, 8-1, 241'J, !.'U'.! Lv"le, 1::5 87, S.,;, ~a. us, 10'.!, 10:t, J()tJ, JuHtln, 230, :.:51 1..;•du or I.ld11., 10.'i, 1~ Uo, l19, 1:m, HO, u:,, H~. ,Julian, 16!1 Ly,tln, H, :co, 37, ~. -10. 41, GI, lM, l!>t1, lfiO, Jfil, lfH., lf,t;, Junnltn, 110 f.lG, 72, 75, kl, 137,222.,~. 167, ];'ti, 1~, lAA, 188,210, Jud.don, Of, 103, lG-1 :!:..'4, !!37, ~7, 20".e, :.::"O, ~'V'l INDEX, 805

Lyllllln, to, OG, Sf, 112, H2 ~lell••n, 107 lferrlll, 181 )t. l'11rn. or 1\lyra, ::08, 20V, :.!ii, 270 3111111, ~M ~llldred. :!:II, :/32, 2/iU )finer, 1116 AU11nle or 3-lloerva, 67, 1:16, lO'i, !mlli, 280 lrlrl11m, ~I, 1n1, 2118 )llrnnd11, 4U. 0~ l!Jlllcout, 140 Jilli•, 1-12 Milton, ts7, !!00 )!lldred, IG7 1\louroe. frl, o:; )forrlll, OU, 1~0. 121 3lortlruer, t!-1 3101e11, :.=5, :sa, 311, GO lforgay. :..'O'.! )fyrou, J~l 3lyrUe, H3 306 TEllPLE GENEALOGY•

s. Su1an, 48, 40, 66, DD, 82, 10.1, 118, Vincent, 161 Sabrina, 46, G8, ~. 2115 Ho, 1-11, 1r.o, 1oi, 221, 280, Violet, 1M7 tially,67,216,2111,~, 220,207, !_,r~ Victor, 2:13 2110 Sa•le or Su•a, 171, !?111, 2a2 Salah,42 tlubmlt, 217 Sylvaau1, 43, T.I, 273 ~:1:.~~1.;\g1 tlylvla,86 Samuel, 17, 20, 2:5, :n. 40, 41, 48, 1Sw1111,r.t1, 102 62, 60. i'U, 71, 81, 8'1, 03, 104:, 11U, l•U, 16:i, 182, :U6, 217, 21P, =. 22!), 2'.!6, 2'41, 26.1, T • .265, 20ft, zo, :.7J, :ai, 280, Taylor, 270, !?i'6 281, 2~, :.w, 301 Teoerltl'e, 10'.? 8arah or ~au,1,11, 13, JG, JG, 17, Tt!reiu,a. 18U 18, JD, 21, 24, ::6, 28. 211, :W. Tezzle, :.?'3 :r.=, :i:,, ::4, :16, :l8, av, 40, -ffl, Thelma, 183 46, -18, .u,, :.:;, b8, 6U, 60, 61, There11a. 00, 232 &!, &, 07, 70, ;1, 74, M, 88. Theron,~.~. JG7 101, !Oi, 107, 112, 116, 117, Tht!Odore, M, 68,118,176 126, 1:~. 1M, 160, 176, 1M1, Thankful, 17, 31 11:H, 20'.!, !?t:1, 214, 217, 21Y, Tbom1111• O, 1~, 17, 18, ltt, z:;, 31, 2'...-0, 221, ~, 2:!3, 226, 2°0 t 42, •:UI, liU, 66, 68, tla, 80, 100, 2:--U, :,uu, 231, :l!K, 237, 238, JO'.l, 107, H.1, JM, 100, 162, 243, :.?H. :.."'IG, :-1;, :t4U, ~ .0, lUO, 21:!, 213, ::14, 217, 218, ~: i: :}: ;:; ~: Ji: ~~: ~: ~; ~: ~: ~: ~avtah, ~;. 2t-0, :.!81, ~. :.,;.1, :m8, wi, Salome, 4,,,0 2U¼ :nNJ, :..'V8, :..w, 300, aot Sanden, 175 ThurloW, 06 ~th. 10, 20, 3:?, 46, 61, Gf, 55, 63 Tilda, 276 ?8,;v.~u,w,w,111,137,lMI, Tlllotit0n,32 63 281> 166, 16i. 223, ::37, 2-12, :c-~, Timothy, 1r.: ut', 20, 21, 30, 32, SberJ!n, 250 ~ t.~ll, 2H, 210, 2:::4 z.... , ::Sllas, tu, ::5, 30, 78, 135, 2!2, 2-tO, Tobla11 • 8 2 Sldn::, fO, 83, l!?2, 1411 !?fS. 272 Tru=h• 113, 120, 170, 174, 192, !Smedley 271 Solomou: :.'O, 31, 44, 63, 67, 7~, 100, Zfi6, !!ii, 27J t]. Sophia, 44, 6¼, 07, 81, 219, 2ff, UrfJah, 27, 42. 73.126, 181 Solon, 73, 12!> Soplra,218 v. l:iophroula,- :::lG Vlllentlne, 100 1:iophlna,"1H 'Vanneu, 136 Squlr~. n,, 131 VMbtl,248 l:irelln, l'U, H~, 297 Verno or Verna, 130,253 :Stephen, JU, :.'U, ~• 40, 47, 48, 49, Verner, 146 81, ltl, e:,, ~. 88, 130, 137, Ver l'h&ock. 12!1 140, li!J, 163, 2211 ZS5, 2:11, \, era, 146, IM z. ~'1111 Vernon, lM, 161 Zabrina, '.r1 Sterling. 16¼ Virginia, 113, l:.'O, 12!1, 286 Z

Abbott, id, 138,139,241, Ackley, 221, Acton, 146, 2!17, AdlUIUlon, 108 • .Adler, 76, Adnma, 38, JO'!, J:.t.J, 220. Aiken. 230. Aldrich, 22. 43, ff, 182. Almy, •U.i, 98. Allen, JOG, 112, llli, 121, l+f, 167, 17.J, 17:i, 108,209,210, 2:..-0, 246,291. Aldtm, 117, 222.. Alexander, 107. Allbun, 2"0. Amidon, 67. Amtden, 16. Andre or Andree, 27".!, 273. Anni", 185. Andenon, GO, 71, 106, 129, UH, 188, 2f0. Andrew or Andrews, 37, 45, 64, 73, 81, 276. Ankeny, 20?. Appleton, 10.1. Arntz, JSf. Arnaz, 238, Arnold or Arnald, 30, Gll, 10.1, 280. Albeit-oft, 2211. .Aehton, 287, Aahley, Tl, BB. Aatlefonl, G3. Aahforth, 20!. Atchley, 104, Atherton, 33 • .Atlclno, 218. Au,rnr, 46. Aveey, :f,, .Ayer, ~"15, Badger, 1811. Banka, 108,228, 2H. Banter, 66. Bancroft, 213, 2lf, 223,237, Bale,, 108, Bailey, 204, 20li. Bumr, 01. Barber, 83, 217, Batchellor, 130. Bayard, Joo. Baldwin, JSG, 103, 210, Z"'.!. BuJJ, 13, 30, 10:?, 244. Barker, lf, 63,118,141,112,260. Barnard, 18, 21P, 270. Baxter, 20. Baker, 3Z a:, 05, GO, 1.53, 178. Bame11, 3.1, Gt, GO, 24:i, 255. Balcom, 40. Barry, -tl, 66. Bartlett, 43, 64. Bain, 62. Bacco, 6f. Babcock, 00, 200. Bartling, 163. Batchelder, 2211. BarnMl,234. Buye,238. Barton,:.".:1:2. Battln,264. Balr,Z-6. Barcu11,!?77. DayJor,281. Danp, 287. Benham, 113. Beagle, HI. Berry, 181. Beal••• 1116. Bewley, JOS. Beard, 262, :MO, 223. Benedict, ~'07. Bent, 17, Bedell, 27, 28, 71, Bellwood, ls:!. Rend,, 33. Bevin•, 46, 76, Beebe, Gt, 131, Ill!!. Beverly, M. Bennett, G6, t,J, 71, IOI, 187,301. Belton, 7G. Becker, 100: Boatb, 176, Belden, 2-12. Belcher, :?i>S, Bettle, :.'63. Bell, 207. Beckett, 28-1. Blllld,:,, 76. Bixby, liS, Biss, :!SG, Bingham, t'l. Dlgelow, 16, 30, 2:?8. Bignall, !?66. Biggs, 207. Bil••• 8/i, HG, 2'1.1, 2'18. Blair, 1113. Dlackhunt, !!Of, Blaker, 35. Blood, 41, 40, 125. Blanchard, 43, 60, Blanford, ea. Bio••• 168. Blake, ::::6, Black, 2711, Bland, :?SI, Bond, :.'O. Boyden, 33. Bottolllley, 41. Bowen,, ii, Boice, 48, 86, Booth, Iii, Bootbaker. 6:!. Bowne, 00. Bonner, 66. Boynton, MO, :Jo, 237, Bowen, 1:'0, 1&:I:, 226. BowkPr, 2IJ8. Boles, 208. Bowdoin, 6. BoH, ttO, 104. Bott, JGS. Borden, 213. Boardman, Z..'O. Bolles, :=-.t8. Boyd, ~l, 2'3. Bowman, :?Of. Bolin, !!77. Boden, z;-.. Boulvlng, ~"14, Brady, 201. Bragge, 200, Bron1ou, 2111. Brotben,, :!80. BrlL:lbear, :?SO. Broad• bert, 284, BroadduB, 281, Bratten, :.'68. Broomall, ~'tlli. nrancron, 2'12. Bray, 236. Braley, 230, Bryant, :!il, 300. Brldgea, 21:". Brenn, 211. Braymer, JOO, 17-f. Bretz, 00. Brf,:gs, M, lii, i7, li2. Bradford, 4G. Brewt?r, 46, ri:, 217.,. Bradley, -!3. 60, tr;. Brooks, 38, 81,218. Brockway, !?S .. Brabrook, 10, 11, 13. Brown, 9, 25, 61, 83, 02, 113, 110, J:.1, 126, 140, lff, lt.,7, !.'30, :.'-f3, :!iO, 267 .. Bridgman, :.'07. Brlukbanlt, W. Brinton, :.'fl:, ::GS. Britton or Britten, 134, l~O. Brodrick, 130. Brigham, 128,220, 2J.G. Brew11ter, 126. Britnall, oo. Broce, SG, S:-. BurllngaDle, 9'.?. Bacb­ nan,, Ill!. Burlleld, J!'f, Burnett, 198. Butler, 31, 67, :.'06, 2!1.1, 262, !!IIG. Bucklogbnm, 7. BWlh, ld, :?18. Bullard, 30. Burge, 34. Bart, -Ja. Buttrick, 51. Burnham, 67, 2!>3, :!81. Barke or Bourke, 61, t:..'6. Burton, 04, 105. Barch, 66. Burrington, lUl. Bubfor, 180. Button, 21:i. Butterfield, 216. Buxton, 215, !!52.. Back, 222. But1~fere, 2-18. Burnley, :.!87. But?Il, 2:b7. Burgette, :..'91. Byam, 2S2.. Carblne, f6. Cannon,«. Cnllnhnn, :?;'3. Cue, 71>, 113, tH, llli, ua, 1es, 169. Calvey, !J3. CnrrJngtoa, JO-.?, :.!61. Curter, 103, lili, lOf, 107, =. Carlisle, 26, :.:S. CzucweJJ, 43. Carroll, 62. M. CW:dwelJ, 67. Cartwell, 62. Campbell, 107, IVG, 197, lPS, 100, :.'00, 201. Carr, 123, IT.I. Cannody, HI. Carr, 300. Callen•, 151. Caraou, l.'i5, 230. Cadwallader, 162. Can-er, 163. Calling, 235, Canner, :.'611. Call, :::i::. Carnea, ::80, Caln, 16f. Coy, 170, 171, 17¾. C"""Y, 171. c ...., Z.'6, Cbapln, li:l, 233. Cbrl•topher, 61. Cbetter, 166. Cbrl•tee, 52, 91, Cheney, H, 47. Chari••• a. Ch....,, 101, 125, 26-1, 2:5. Chapman, 71, U3. Churchill, GS. Church, I 11, :?$1. Cbad, wick, 116. ChumberluJn, !!30, :-ts. Cheek,=· Cba.mben, :.!.fl, :..71. Chandler, t(S, 103, JO¾, 100, ::&::, Z'O, 281.. Cbawner, 19:L Chedtnut, :..-vs. ChJJd or ChJJds, :.100, 242. Clark, 73. 8'.t, 04, 101, 125, 173, too, 11111, 200,220, 229, 230, ~. 243, 2'17, 26¾, 28!1. Clarke, 301. CllLtlln, 87, Cloye•, 2f. Clapp, au. Clough,¾1,127. Clotte',ff,i:i,:'6. Clay,~ Clemens,:.,o.s. CJeveland,:.-OS. Coomba,:..>o. Coo-, tedge,:U, 33, 88,22:'. Cornell, 3¼, 60, Si, 237 .. Comey, 40, Si'. Cole, 65,128, 17!1. Colby, 66. CoJ. JlDI, 230. Conger, ;'3.. Conrad, 77. Cooke, 79, 113, 131, JOG, 197, :?al, 230, 29".!, 301. Comella11, SJ. cowJ08,82,287, Cocper, JOJ,271. Conant, 110. CollNter, lit. Cowee, 111. Coleman or Colman, 308 T.E.'\IPLE GENEALOGY.

113, 2:i. Coplin, JH. Cow,.,.on, 2:-:!. Coggin, :?:UJ. Corbin, ~'iO. Codmnn, 2il. Conley, :!48. Coo11e, 2GO. Collumor, 2L:J. Co•loy, !!SU. Cog•woll, 17::. Conklin, 180. Corning, IOI. Coffin, 10'.?. Cnx, 100, llJ7, :!76. Corupton, 108, 20'.!. Connell, !!lli, :..w. Cota, 221. Crouch, ::SO. Crlt• tenden, 97, :.-u;-. CromwcU, G, 171. Cru\Vford, :.!l. Croa11, 33, bO, 2(),!, 200. Craddock, 67. l"rcHy. or Crl1111ey, JJO, lttl. Cr. Endrld, ::7. Eugll11b, ~1. Envln, =s. Etheridge, :e:81, ~8. Etterze, tsO. 1-:uaton, 287. Jo:verest, ~. E\'ains, 1!12, 100, :!:!:!, !?31, :.."::15, :!&;, '.!77.. 1-:vcret, :;:?.G. 1-:w11D, !:ti. Fn.vor, l JS. Fn.unce, J30. Farmer, ~10. l-"ullll/4, !!3-'l. 1-"ay, 1;-,~. Falrbnnks,:!8,0~,::10. 1''"WT1Lr, !30. I..♦ arna,vortb, ti6. Fuirtleid, :!53. 1'""ulr, :!~. }·t-rriu, :!-il. 1i·errh1, 105. 1""eu.r, 1::0. Felker, 138. Fegan, :!:!li. J.'"er• J,•y, 02. Fenton.GO. Fenn~I, :-:.L Femnld, 7:J. Fergut1on, 2G7. i•c911eaden, :.?-:I.:!. }'"clch, :58, 1'"1ttll, ::.:1. Fhiber,a:J, 1:i:l, tui;, :.!!}I. Filfk, -.t!, 7!?, 101, :!Ji, 2:.!i. Field or Jo.. JcJ(L.,48, ti6, HS. J.'iuch, #.'.i, 130. .1t·ltzgentld, :!31. t,•itnettt.1, 20'.e. Fly, l!!l. }... lctcbcr, :tl, Hl. 1•toyd, i:J, -H. ,1,1lnt, Ll, :!:Ji. Jo'"lugg, 5-1, iii. Jo1WJders, ~. }.. lct-t, !:60. Flaul11burgh, :..w. J.... ord, 11:i, 00, lSO. Jo'"ox, H, GI, 181'. FoU~tt, ::a. Fowl", !!23. !o'"owJer, 1:ru. 1''or,tcr, 68, 12:i, 1:'3, !!30, 270, !!00. Fon-mun, :lOJ. Forrest, ;-.J. Frary, VO. I-"reer, W, :..'V'J. Jo'"ruzler, 1=, Jo;". Jo'"reemun, 237. }"rh.•nd, :.=!kl. J.·rol'lt, 57. lo'"ruukllu, 7:1. Fruat, ~2, :!!l:!.. Jo"'J'l'ncb, tr..!,~. :..'4J,2·1i". .l-'"rJ•, ii, 13.J. Fallcr,SO, 100, :::0, 231. 1-'"urmu.n, :W, .68. Gullni;her, Gal:uger, Gullnber or Gullihcr, 110, l:.'O, 188, :!lit,:..~;. Gnz«', ll!l. Gnluttbu, 1:..'0. Garagon, l-H. Gu.y, HG. Gu.tubfo, lGG. Gnry, l!'i. Go.tes, :t.!, ~- Gurber, •Jl., Gardner, -:lJ, :!~. Guylurd, -!!i. Gnle or Gales, 60, 2tt0. Gulbmltb, :..'67. Garfphj'; 177. Gen1tb· mey, :!80. Getty, lOlt. Gelvin, !!06. Gcrit, !!G-1. Gewing, :..'61. George, ~W, ::70. Gettlt:-r, J\JO. Geuaug, S!'i. Gibson, 8'.?, Ui", 13:!, ::30. Gjbbtc, ~. 178, 218, :!-!:!. GIUputrJck, 1-ta. Gibbon!', ?.W. GUford,O, lH. Gllwort"orGUraour, :!a,:JS.07. GUlt!tt,a!i. GlJJc11ph.•,75. Glhuan,:!".!1. Gllbt!rt,Z'l. Gilson, 101. Gilliam,~.~- GJ11:1gow, :.'02. Gllttc.-rln~, :.:.'.i:!. Gleason, en; Ul, :!'JO, :.tttl .. GJuzler, !!¼. t.,ot-tz, w. Gow, 1o:;. Goddurd, 133, !!lt:1, :r...'O. Gooi-e, HO. Godlvu,a. Guodafo or Goodell, 1:;, :t~, :..w. GoodnoW", 38, 13.1, 21i. Goodrich or Goodridge, -JU, 11:.:, :.J05. Gould or Goold, !i5, $, 00, w, mo,:!".!l.!!¼7,:.:57. Goslt.-e, 77. Gordoo,!!10. Goodrow,!.'40. Goodwin,~, !!..iS. Gorllch.~. GrUilo, :!SV. Greeult.-e, .:ao. GrubbtJ, ~-:!. lirovt:-, ~7:!. Griricom, :W.1.. Grover, :-:10, .:.I.JS. Grt."t!D• ougb, 212, !!:.:-1. 6ru.nt, :..W. Gnuiite, :?l.18. Gr~gg, WO, ltr.'. Gregor.,, lU.1. Grimm~r, #6. Grttn• wood, 03, ~18, ~. GrimMtone, 61. 6rnvc.-s, a3, ==:. Griggt1 or Ul"t'gg;i, :o, H:.:. Green or Greene, :?O, G,O, IO'J, 173, !!11, :!:13, !:77, !."00. Gn1y. :.'O, :~. 46, l:.'11, !!GG. Gruhum, 112, HO, lV'J, !!30, :!SO. Grla­ wold, 81. Guutou, !!i".!. c;uiJd, ~o. Gultt•uu, 172- Guurd, (,t;. Guthrie, 61. Gunther, ~- Ho.J• Juday, G7. Hurrington, O."r, 11:!, 107. llu.aultoo, flli, 202. HUDl'ICUID,2V¼. llaven, G-1, 72, lo;. II11ese­ Jen. :?!18. Hamlln,,O. llapguod,:1, 1:i:L 11:wver.s::. HO. Hathawny,83. llw-d,i;.!. llw-botllo, !iOI. Hw.lley, lU:l,l~,:..'O'.!,:U.9. Ha11ftJrd, 1U7. Hamblln, !!OG. llawe8, ~- UZUU1eltfne, :,:i3, !:Jarry, :.,"(j,j. HKu~ or llawke1, 1', la.'l. Hadlocke, 11. HU:iitH:II, H. JJu1nbletou, J,j. Uarriit, H, JS, :.'6, ::i:., 71, t.l.J. Huyden. lG,31, l:J.1. Hundley, 20. llnrt_ 21, :,,1, 58, :,.,ua. HaU, 31.J, Ol', 1!!2. 166, :!!!¼, :!53.. Uager or Hugur, -:10, 10-.!, l17, ~ Hayward. 41. Hammer, !!GS. HumpJeton, 286. Hurrell, !.'88. Hare, JOO, zr.. Uartley, 100. Ho.,.tJng9, 117, li'Y. Hall", 118. HammeJJ, 127. naoeock, 1:;o. l::liunmond, l~. Huyn••"'or Halnet1, l!ia, JW,::!7,:..'0!!. HnJey, ltr.!. Hurkness, 180. Hund, 2ll. Hn.t1kint1, tr..!, ICC.. li11jt-ri, :!M. Hawkfnpi;, l!l-1, 100, 107, ~, 200. UQ.M'ey, !!GS, zo. Henry, ll.if, W, 283. Hcr\"lngs, US. Henderson, H3. Henick, 153. Hebron,:..~, :?Ul. Hetrick,-Gi. lleck,:..'6:t. n("rr, :..lfi-1. Hendrickson, 21, 3-!. lleywoud,!!!l, 63,111. Hemenway, 03. H'ea!ll, ,6. Hecox, 83. Ucss, !r.l. Hcrlcboy, 189. H'ext, 199. Healoy, 20:I. llempblll, =, JNDEX. 309

2:K. ,Jl'ewllt, 240 •.Hfclal, 117, Hlatt,·1112, 10/i. ,Hldor,.uo. Ultch, 104, .. Hinds or.Iryno1, 15, 36, 122. um or um,, 4~, ti-!, 86, 113,-130, 142, 22:1, 2611, 281. B'lnmnn,J.:11. Hipple, 20-1; Hlbbnrd, :MG. BJIJborn, !!GO. Hover, 28:i. Hoag, -113. .Hoo", z-a. lJoJUer, 301. Uooper, :Q'O. Hough, 63. Holbrook,,Gl. -Holcomb,45,.IJG,2111 •. ffotchkl•••*• Howard,31,Gl, 13:I, IDl,207. H•p• worth, 200. llome, ,118, 227. .Uou,ghton, 23, :Ml, r.;, HO, 100,197. Soft", 2:.e. Hof'letltld, :!1. Uol• Ja&nd,·17, 22. 23, 37. HoweU, l!l,.JOi. HOWCII or Howe,4,0, !."!,.:JO, 41, 00, 117,.1=, li'0,218,2:!5,:=rl. Holmea, AH,~. Ho1drn, 62,22".l, 22-f. . Horton, 00, 101. Hodge1,. 66. Hosmer, li'2. Hood, 05, 171. ·Hord or Hoord,,J.:12,.J.35, 00. Hockett or Ho11W1tt, 111:1, 100. Hodaon, 1115, Hooker, :$1. Holdrldg•,210. Iloyne,287. llopklo,,.215. -Hou1ton.orHu•ton,m,211.1. Horll!lln, 166. Holt, 2-lll. ,uu..,.., 230. Hndaon, 82. :Humpbre7• or Humphrey, u, 42. Hubbllt'd, 12, 3:?, 113. Hunt, 3:?, 10, ;-:s,.105, 2'..'0, 201. .JJuntrr, 38. Hums or Humr, -43, 2:"4. !ladders, :.,,ao. Hutton, :..'60. Bunlf"nord, :25. Hutchin• or Hutching,, 26, J!?S, lBO. Huber, l!iO. Hulett, :!DO, :WO. Hunting• ton, 117. Huntl,y, I?'.:. Hurd, 176. •Ide, lf6. Inpll•, i'll. In•kt'eJI, 108. f•ham, 2-15. l"lne, 200. •IreJud, 21n •. Iamond, 40. Jve1, 232. .Jay, 60. Jwueson orJamfe1on,.1ou, 1-15, 216,210. 2i'S. JookJoon, Ill. Jacobo, J.:MI. ,T11Dner, 187. Joqul,h, 62. Jenkins, 82, 1118, 215, 2!10. Jennlngo, 160. J..a"cnton, 2-JO. Joff'crftt, t-U::. ..Jet121up, 103, 10¼.. Jllbon, 57. .Jo11J)'P, JO. Jones, 45, M, 85, 13Z W2, · IM. 227, 2tl:?,.:m3, 200. Johnt10n or John11ton, 62, 00, 101, 1~ 111, 1:SS, 180, 193, 19:5, 203. 210, Zlfl, :.,,0,:1, 270, 300.. John, :CG. Jobes, 27G. Jordan, 1;"8. Kamrar, 09. Kain, 128. Kately, 158. Kendall, H,·1£",lGO. Kerley, JG. Keyeo, 23.33,30. Keeler, ◄ !, 82. K•lley, 67,124, J.:!1. Kennt'Cly, r.o, so, ~.~G:L .J\e,tt,. ";7. Kendrick, 91, os.· -KelJogg, UJ. Kttgan, 16;. Kenney, 181. KeJJum or Kellum, lDl, 19"-4 JU3, lUf, JD~, 198, !.'OJ. Kenner, 210.. Kennen, :!=CU, 25:!. Kellar, Z'f. Knill, IGL , K!Jigwley. I~ Klni:man, ZIS, King.bury, 03, :i:i:'. Kirkbride, :?ill. Kirtley, J.'119. Klrby,.z-.s. .Klug, 10, 28, -18, 107, ISO, t'Ol, :!GI, 2(18. Klmbull, :12, 00, 269, J.'91. Klt<:b•n, 41. Kins man, 51. Klnl. llucdonald, 00, H9. lfarcy, 01, 252. llfanke, 136, Mnson, 33, -12. .:.o, 2".!3, !_lSG... lianh, :o. :;;, so. liagoun, -11. ll'Art.fn, 4.-'l, 118, 138, t:;J, t"'G, !?21, zn>,.!$7. :?.ss, !.'67. l!aun, ~-:.?:!.G. lturvln, li'J. Jlace, ltr.l •. )Iutthewt1, :..'06. )Iack,, :?18. 'lfarin, :.?48. )(an­ J=ez, ~'iu. , JIInule, 203. llfuttlcka, ~'Oil. llatblcntt, :cl!. Maclay, 287. lfattelou, SL )Iar!bagb, S:. . llartlndsle, ~. Jinr.ball, s;-, ~'Gil.:?.!. JI"yeni, HU. Mayble, 101. Jiatber, 10.'I, :J.18. May. ward, 133. llaynard,2G,.i2. JUaxwe-lJ,32. • Jleatd,27,-161. lien-.,, 183. 3Iendenball, 10:I:, lDS. Merriam, J.'OG, ::1:1. Mechlln. 218. Meany, ::5:!. llercbant, 82, HO, !?43. lferrilleld, 00. Metcalf, 48, :.!211. •lllllurd, 44, 76. llflller, GO, lJG, ~'02. -:Ulnk, G:!. lnx, 14.';. MUI•, 118, 174, l{J:I, 283.. llllner, lGJ, :!Vi. llllllkcn, lo:J. , Jiltc:hell, 2211. )[lxter, :?:'A. lllllhoDS•, 271. lltlllln, :!73. Mlddlc:­ c,,1t, :W!. llidlam, 301 •. lllorgan, 1711, lllorrlaon, 2311. llfooney, 1811. 3loorman,SO. Morehou1e.;s. Morton, 71, 136. lfonroe, 63, 112. 3forrb•, 23, !.'6, 28, ~-· Jlort1e, 22, 33, !lS, -16, 68, 60, US, 123, 150, z=:-,.!?ii". . ·lfoore or Moare, 21, 45. 57,.. lOG, 133. 19.'l. 220. :?GS, :?G;, 270. -Mowers, 160 •. llowry, 40. Moynihan, 17G. ..llott, :w. lloylan, ~1. )tulnox, 6:!. llurdock, 3.1, :rs, 117, :.'Of:, 205,206,207, :..-as, :..•ov, !!IO, :!tl, 2".!8. lfarrny or llc3Iarmy, J-H, H7, 1-18. )[ulvfoey, 160. llyen:, 89, :.e ll'ylon, 1&. .N.atlons, 100. Nuh, lri. Neelbl, 205. Seal, 100. Xelt'OD, 00, 78. Newton, li. IS, 39, IGS, 21.f., !?-13, :..l.JG. NttwetJ, 135,268,286. ·Nnrhall,·:!13, 214. -Newlin, 233. Ne,nnan,.263. Netu1, 67. Nlchol11on, 257, 30L Nllet1, 69. NlmDUII, M. Nichol!t, 51, 178, 184, 213, ::if, :!JG, ~, !?-...'!, ~­ Nlxon,.21Ji'. Nuble, 103.. Nohrden,.2G7. Norman, 197. Norris or Noris, :::.S, 2G7. Xosay, 282. 21 310 TE:\IPLE GID."EALOGY.

Norton, O:\ 122,200,212. Nobb11, 41. Noone, 20f, 208. Nowell, 110, 121. Norwood, lfill. Noyes, 07, ~'!-. Nutting, -to. Ollkett, HO, ::37. Ober, 210. O'Connell, 173. Olcott, 173. Olcb, 13, H, !MO. 0'.N<'lll or O'Xolll, 67, IOU. Onslow, :::t:. Ordway, :::JO. Ort, llS. O•born, IM. O•goodby, 100. Overton, JOO. Owen, 107, lUS, 20'.!, 2-10. Owlctt, 1:11. Pnckurd, lli2. Paddleford, 13¼. Page, tr.?. t:a', :.s. l'alm.l•rton, 122. PnrkbuN:t, 1:u. l'ulmerston, o, ;.. Pnrllng or l"arlln, 13,, 72. l"adrlde, :.:s:i. rronencher, :..J.Js. l 1rotzuw.n, 1r..s. Preble, :.!!'-1. l>rut'a,er, ~., 31J, -16,.JO, :-o, :'G, l~-0, 123. 2H, 210,2:!l, ~.~W,:!:"1. 1--rtme,O. Prouty,.58. i•utney,71.. Putrer, 1:t:!,:!11. Purcell, 1-1:!. l'urlnton,ls:J. ra.tnam,G.1,Sl,U'!,2:t?,203. Pyle,~ R.u.lUlt!'y,~ RJuut1dtll,17,SS.. Ralph,10. ltn.o .. om,

:ZS, -1~ r,i., Ruy, 01. lblndu.11, !:!¼. Ruymond, 10-J. l~ad or lt~ or Rt'ld, !!1 1 4::!, 07, 114, lri7, lG:!, 17¼, le-0, :!04. U.l'e'e, :!:!, 7S, 110. Remick, 87. 1:edd, ::Sl. llemlns;ton, 1:, 83. Reynolds,;;, lOli, 191, 22i. Reagan, ~01. 1:.t."udlng, 10:.. U.een.-s, 107, 10¾, 108. RN1t1uguie, 101. ~am, 17+. Ueldel, 117. I:hode:ii, ~«.. :..ttlS. ltlcker, 60. Jtice, ::s. -17, 7'!, ir., 107", !."O'J, ::.!!i, :!55. Rich,~, -17, 80, !!:.-0. Rlchard1t0n, ·US. l!!S, :.:lG, :!I,::.::=, :.!:.'-1, zr;, ~1, ~1, ~, ~';'. ltickett. 1S6. Rlclu.Lrdtl, lC,Z :.?.50, 28,S. l:Jdlcy, 1~. l~l,;htt-r, :!¾5. ltlng, ~W. ltllt'y, :.,,as. Klx, 73.. Koe or Rowe, 77, 20-1, :.!41. I:obf.rtson, 100, ~1. ltockwood. :..W, Z-0. llobbt1, 1~. ltobcrts, t:..'O. Robbins, it.!, 1:!3. 218, 2!.G. lloblntiOn, ~, :w, IGO, :..'m'. ~. :uG. Uoblee. 11a. Jto111,t1, tiG. Uoul'r., :.!'JO. Jtoy, :.:::,,:;. Ruyce, 2ti2. Uodgl"nt, :!Gi'. Rood, ~2- Rochford, S6. J:owltLUd, ~. ltuc, Gl. Rug,::, 00, :!'.!U. Runkel, 7G. llumrill, 1~, :..'OS. ltuttl!ell, ~. -Jl, ~7, :!!a, :..~t, :!G7. I:yun, H2. l!yno, 181. SulJI~, 100. !Su.bin, 171, 20,,'.;, !.~, :!:!ti. :Samp"°n, Hi. Suudent or Suuuder,1, liti, 187, !.'OJ. :!IU. S@boMl, :!.,."1. Sun• dcrM»n, 2!.C'. :sa.ncbcz, 2:18. :,nlmon, l~. SlU1ford or Sandford. liO, titt, !.17, 210. SArgt"nt, :n, 51. Savnge, 16-L ~uwycr, 03, lll, 112, 1:-0, ~-OS, !!!N, ~ Sawin or Su.wln"9 ~ :ti, 118, lf7, 180, :?29, ~kul, ~~, ~1. ~lour, :?tJ'). St-llt"n-, !(',6. SetLN, lt..5. Searl~, HO. !Seaver, l!:3. SC:Udder, 21. 103.. Scott, 271. Scrlbner, :.:!iCi. Schroy, JOS. SCamwell, 30. Sct1"lont1, l~'(i. Selden, 11!',. .,.St.-nmant', 70. Seaman, :roo. St!U1,rwick. UG. s~n1cr, :.,o.,t;. ~hackt'urd, ~'".!. Sbudc, :!aO. ShurpleNJ,:!0.1. Shu:ver.160. Sht"ltou, 171. Shen, l:!!J. Sht•eh•y, 131. :Slu-nrcr. HO. !Sheldon,!i:', 103. Shnrpe, 64. Shu.w, :.:S, 171, ~,G, 273. Shtrmun, 17, :t'J, u.:;, 11~, JOO. Seymour, &, 1:\5.. Sherburu, N,. Shurtlt-ff', 83. !Sh~rwiu, h:!. Sht•pllerd or Slu-pnnJ, ~. :.!!L'.i. Sbunaway, 33, u-!. Sl1erlUan, :.::H. Sbcnu.ban, ~"Oi'. :;hid~h~r, :.:o:-. Simmon,, 100. Sillhnu.n, :!.i. ~Ul, :..-u:t. Slnclulr, 113. Simpgon, 200. Slrnon~on. ~~. Sibley. !!-C:. Skyrlu,r, :!S:L. ~Jemont1, :..-r,s. ~lopt:,r, :..'O.'i. ~'tki. !Slu.U"r, -iii. Siu.t(>, 101. Sbtck, 101. lu.5, ::".!i. Sly, t-.'l. ~mull, r,'Jt 119, l!!l, 1:!¼. 8mith, :~, 3f\, ro, til, M, M, lii', O!., 71, 7!.J, &1, ~. 111, 11!!, 1:.::i, l!.'G, 1¼1, 1-t:;, 109, L--:3, lii, 1~, !!3j, ~U, :.."10, :!:n, ~. :.!00. !:#1, 2:'-!, 283, :m·..e. :!'Ji. Smock. lr.O, 1U6. 8nl"lling, :ro1. $11odgrwit1, !!:-0. SniUer, lS:J.. SQveril, llU. Soule, 132. Southurd, l!:7. Spcur or Sp<.-er, -i!!, :.:O'.!, :..'-12, :!a-1. :Spruy, l!J-J, lVO, 19S, :.-OU, ~-01, :..~.!.. Spru.gue, Hl. SpWJldlns;t, li'U. t-proule. :...... a. :Sp:irUDg, :!!J!l. SpooQrr, !!iS... Spcu.kmnn, Zl.. Speuca•, :!:;1, ~ 26-L :-pun~le, ~o. 8pringt1reeu, ~'UO. Spencer, t;l, Ui, :..-u.1. Squire, SL Stark!', u:.. Sttt.cey, ;o, l:H. Starkey,~. ~t:trkwtutb4!r, ti7. Strurord, ltit;.. St1w1leld, 1115. Stafferton, !100. Stubler,

~ • :,~r,lug, llV. S~t,,.un, l::t-. :;1ec,ll•1 !.."ll7, :!l!';. Stlbner, 301. Stile", 111,172. Stearns, 17, -11. Stont•, !:O, :t!, :;.1, St, t:-'!:, 1-.17, z-.:, ~-,1. Stowe or ~tcw, :JiJ, :.:17, :..'-It., :.:i".:. Ste\\~ ff, ;3, ~..!, HG, 1~, ]GO, :!lU. !Stl.-V4!D~on, !11, 13:i,~. Stillman, 77. :;1cv~u" 01· Stt•pben11, ;'!t, 1:-2.180, lDS. :.:;;.. ~torr", :-v. Strnttou, :..'-!.,=~.ti:!. !Stuckt"rt, Jot>.. Stut~111u.n, llti. :;to,·l!r, ll!J. Stockwell, l:!::... StubbtJ, 1:.:7. Strou,i:, 173, :!50. !Stout, :..'O'.!. :Sto\\°iJ:, ~. :Stoughton. :?87. Stntlt, :.:-J'.?. :Sutton, :.!3. :Sublett, 100. ~uddaby, l!n. SutclUI", HO. ~ul~r•>ve, 19c'. Swee~ l:W, HS, 1;3, 301. !SWt:etnu.m, 1::3.. Swartwood, (,G. Swoke, 6:!. :Swnrt, 81. :;wett, 7-1.. 130. Syruo11d!!, 171. Tai• bert, l!.17. Tu.u1:1.ll, !.-0:L. TuyJor, i:!, 45, !.11, 11:!, lbO, :.!Gl, :!O:.:, :.:1i5, :.:rtJ, !!h'.3, ~ Ta.nner, 170, 173. Teat,:.~ l"bu)'e-r, ~ W, ~. l~l,-:.."06.. Thompgou, :'G, in, t:.:U, 103, ~'00, 21U, 22-1., :.::t::. Thomlly, ti:!. Thumas,U.,:!:W,271. Tiirali,Z":.!. Tirrlll, l~,:::l-1. Timberlu.kc,:..'O'.!. Tldd,:!lG. Tinney. 2G3. Tlndu.11 or "fyndnll, :J¾, lGl, 1~. TlnJduun, ro. Tillm.nny UO.. 11Uet.on, 17'::. Toby, t:'3. INDE.~. 311

Todd, -IG,GG, 107. Torrey, 07. Town11end, OG, lM,200,21!1. Towns, 258. Tomlln11on, 103,287. Trcd,vny, 1:12, 133, J:H, !:JG. Tribble, 115. Trnlne, 2¼. Tripp, 25U. Trueblood, Ill¼. Trumbull, 07. Turpin, 102. Tun~II, 280. Tuthlll, 'ii'. Tucker, IS, 11a. Turner, 116, 1:s:5, 240. Tuttle, 145, :?¾7, 2M. Tudor, 17::. Twltehell, o;. Tyd•mnn, :!Ila. Tyng, H. VmberWnd, l:.'O. Und,rwood, 40. Upbmn, :::?S. Vnehl, 23:!. Vnm, ::au. Vulentlne, Jij6, :?63. Vnn de Grlft, 00. Vnn Gl ..on, SS. Van Horn, 35. Van Ilotten, 2:17. Van KJeeck, 70. Van Vnlkenburg, IGO. Van Vranken, zt?. Vedder, 287. Venrtck, 82. Vestnl, 10.'l, 107. Vlnll, :..'9'.!. Vincent, 07, !!40. Vo11concellot1, 100. Voge or Yoce, I!:!, 2-12. Wade, 01, 108. \Vaite, 10, :?:ii, :?¾:l. Walker, 25,107, ~ 285,295. Wataa~ 25. Walton, 107. Wales, 266. ,vandetl, m. ,,·ullitce, -J8, 8¼, 110, 122, :..-u.1. ""'ulten.,

JG¼. Wnrfield, 151. Watson, SG, 177,208, 23¼. ""'nketleld, 105, 2$11 Zli'. Watel"fl, JOG, 10.1. Wash­ burn, 112. ,vlll'Der, JS, HO, 141, luZ lA& Ward,2-J:,40,53, 107,:26. Warren, 24, 37, 02,100. ""sterhou11e, 203. ,vn.rw1ck, ~. Wa.tkin,, !?SO. '\\"et>t.ter, 116, 1.30, 230, 20'.!. Wells, HO, 2:17, 2;;. Welling, 58. Webb, 00, 121. ,vetch, 1;0, 171, 172, 173, 17-!:, !!:?S, 250. ,vca.ver, 188. ""ether• bee, l~. ''tcllington, Sl, 111, :=37. Weston, 150, 192. 2H, 210. Weir, :"3. Weeks, i'2. Westover, &¼. Wemy,.,., 2-:IS. Wet1cott, !!01. Whetd, 18.1. Wheyla.nd, 177. Whicker, 108, :.'00. Whlte-, 31J, es, DS, HJ, lo:i, 100,206, :?-H, 200. Wheeler. :r., 03, 01, 218,228,200, JOO. 'Whitney, 33, 4-1, G7. so. 1Vhltcomb, z:, -12, 22-i. mt1ttemore or ,vbltmore, 13, 37. ,Vhlppen, :u;o. Wllklnf', r.s, Z!G, 207. 1\"'llson, ftl, 77, 1-J0, 101, 19¼, 100,107,108, :?00, 201, :.-02, !?05, 215, :!fi7, 280. Wllllnm, 6, lG. ,vtllard, ~,:.'O, 13:!. Hi. Wlldcr,21,32. Willhtm!1,34,-JO, 70,SO,Ol, 112.117, 100, lo:i,200,~,:?82. 257,202. Wiley, ¼I. Withe, ¼I. Winsor, 135. WI••• GO. Winder, 00. Wln,:et, 200. Wlnehe•ter, !17. Wing, :?O. Winthrop, G. Witherell or Wltherlll or Wetherell. 160, ~'63, :!SO, 300, ~Ol. Wilcox, 173,181,232. WJJde, 167. Wllkllll'OD, 197,200. '\\·mis, 20'.?. 'Wlnten, 210. ,vtnchell, 251. Wil­ ley, 258. Wllllnmson, :04. Wlndum, :83. Wilt, 'J!J:J,. Wlluey, :00. Wollfor Wolfe,=, :?83. Woodcock, 22:i. Workma.n, 238. ,\.. oodmn.ni1ee, 59. Worden, 57. ,vood or Woods, 24, +.I, -:18, 40, :»o,t.7, J-17, 160,200, 210,!?15, 225, 231, 232, z-s. WooltJOn, -:13. Worthen, 41. Woodward or ,voodard, oo, 112, llS, 168, 100, L-.!, 100, 1118. Worrn.11,271~ ,vr1~ht, -12,00, llG,:.~. :?:S, !?37,.2-fO, Z:?, ~D, 280. ,\•ymu.D, 2SO, Wysa.rt, 110. Yarnall, 2i'"i. York,·2-!S. Young, DO. Yule, 1!!2. Zlllllgu, :38. INDEX TO PLACES.

:.&.1a11ama:.-un1ontown; :i:11; .&rl:icilta.-Benton, 234, 2311; Doming-, !MU, l'ha,nllc:, 210,. Wlllooic, 249, A.rliaii•.-A1rocn; 1-12. Plile BluJI', :?SU. Cialiroriila.'-Elll'.onte,230. Elvlo, 174. FortJoliee,!131, IA Puente; 2.18; 262'. Long Beach, 1117, 268. Loil Angele1, 82, 171, :!2:!,2%3, :?:18, 2118;:?lli. ltaeyB\'llle, 911. Old :lllaalon, 2:38, romona, 205; S11l111A1 City, :!Gi'a San Franctec:o; M, 150, 1811, '202, 2:li, 2117, :!01. Sa'II Jool, HO. Santa Roea, GIi, M, OS. Tholnpaon; 16\J. Tu1Un City, 11~ WatoonvWe; 261. Coloraclci.-Bonld•r, =u; Denver, !?O'.i, 2311, 260, 2SII; :!117, 298, Georgetown~ :?SJO, .Leadville, 23G. Salida; 20:. ColllbeeUe■ a.-Aibfurd, 172. llt,th•I, 194. Bridgeport', 73, '127, 182', 2$7. Brldiiewater, 103.. Colebrook, lo.'I. Coinwall1 1'2. Dunba.ry, 20. Dover, m. .Lebanon, 13. L!11Je, 1?1. Maniu:oe, 1H, Manodeld, 13,103, lT.t. New Hnnn,!!:l,:it-, 59, IIO, liew Y:ondon·, 16::. NtiLl'>tla, 10.'I. ten. :s'odolk', 1:-1, t."%. Norwalk, 10!, ::co. l(orwtcb, 1:-i, Paekervllle, 103. I'!alnvllle, 102. l'onur.t, 172. l'reiton, 103, Rainbow, 103. R•DdlJ>in 104. Scot.liuid, 1'11. SlmibQl')', 1H, llli. 'Soiiiervme, -:MS. SOutblngton; JOI. St,,pfley, lo:t. StonlDg• ton, 146, m:. Torrlngtoi,·, 230. Weatojiile, lM. w.. ton, lOL W[ildeor,llt, 172. Wini~, 1'12'. WIDdluun, t."'t., w.!. 1)-.Jaware-Ch\istlonli., 1117-, !!'14, lilt. Cuba, !:'O. Ne'ir'Cutle, 1112, 100. Wllmltlgto'D', 263, 211¼, 2611, 2117,208. D1an-Je1~Co1•-~WashiDK• ton, ,132, 137, 2<1'1, 218, !!35, 27'.!, :?SG, 'b!l, -~ Eioiislaacl (1'1+, 'JG:i, 1'92).,;;.Athirsto~, 6. Bllr­ mondley, 290. Babblngton, :i:. lledfordehlre, 114. · Bemton, 121. Beverley, 291l. BolWOrtb, 'li. :Bucldogham1hlre, 100, Canterbuey, 7. Cheoter, 5. Ch""hlre, 19'1. Coombo La.Ile, 2tll, 2112. Crabrlllh, 131. Coventry, G. Dldcott, ~l, 20:!. Dorset, 21111. Dowdeswell, 2911. Durlwn, 298. l:dworth, 114. Ell(eboro', 299 • .Enfield, 11. Beytcabury, 6, !!61, :!SO, 2911. Hltehln,37. Glo11• ceater, 290. Great Harwood, 299. Kh,g,oley, llr.. Lelceoter Co., 6. Llncoln•blre, JO. London, 16,77, 198,212,:!30,298,:?UU. :Maos1!eld,206. !laldtotone,11¼. Merclil,5. Norfolk, 175, ::Sorth• wick, llr.. SL'lley Bridge, 121. Stot!ord, 114. Stradbrook, 1:-5. Stowe, 7. Stower l'rovo•t. :?UU. Tarvin, 197. Temple Ball,G,6, 7. Warwlektlhlre,287. Wo.rmlneter,280. Whlttlmort, ~- Wllt­ ahlre, 6, !?tll, 280. Yorbhlre, 100, 2110. Floricla.-Ced,... Keys, :::-S. Dayto1111, ~'00, ~. Jackson• ville,1GO. Sta.rke,2.5,278. Fraace.-2:t!.. Geoqla.-Andenoovllle,220,::37. Atla.nta.,OS,~ Savannnh,289. Gen■aay.-Hanover,170. Heldelberg,23::. Boaolala~t2-l. llliaob.-AI• ton, 274. .Aurora,, 101. Byron, 188. Champn!gn, 100. Chicago, 41, 0:. ;;, S¼, 130, 141,:140, 1:.0, 1s,1, 20',4 2-.l0,26t:4,Z'8, 287,288. ChUllcothe,28-4, 288. Edwardllvllle,4i, l!:O • .Equallty,!H. Evu.nt'ton,80. Flck!ID,~,:?r.. Galena,236. GIile.burg, 171. Gn-cnup,lll'l. llwnmond,Z7. Hlu.dllle,Zlt. Ja,. per Co~ 1112. Jnck»onvWe, !!tl7. ·Joliet, 100,291. Kelthoburg, zn, :?7"J, Lebanon, 1!!11. lllUIOn City, !H, Ui3,164, l~. Mollne,27S. JS'auvoo,OJ. Newton, 268. JS'onnal, 1114. Odell,291. Parlo, :?67. Peoria, 2111. Pltt>!leld, 48, Sf, 163. Plllto, 1311, Port Byron, Z'i. Prairie Cltr, :Ci. Rock· ford, 77, 160, 206. South America, 276. Stroa!Or, 12¼, Victorin. 2111, 202. We•t L111<,rty, l!I'!, 1:13, 104. Winnebago, 160. laclia- (l!l'~).-Arcola, lD'.!. Attica, 1!11;, ~'00. Brldg,,port, 191. 1112, llli, lll7, llJS, 201, 20:!. Boone Grove, H3. Eugle Creek, 1-12, B3, Hi. Ev1Lno..We, 1:JO. i'rlenchwood, 11►.1, 1118. Be'bron, H, 1-11, 1-1:!, Ii-'!. lndul.n,.poli•, 122, 1'.!ll, 1113, 1\l-1, 1116, ~ Jnck. aonvllle, ~. Keodllllvllle, 1:05, Knightstown, ~. 21,8. Lafayette, 9".!. Lugrungf!, 174, 145. lladlsOn, 2117. llll!Cord, 116, 1~5. !lloore•villc, 1U3. Newport, l!I'.!. rlalofield, 11►.1. Salem, 110. Solon, 276. Terre Hu.utt>, 12'.!, 178, 179, 1~. Turkey Creek, 175. \Y't!l'tfl~Id, 103. y;(\tlt NcwtOn, 192, 11J3, llli, 1llS. Wolcottville, 175. ladian Terri&ory.-Tl•homlogo, lGO, IOI. Jo.,...._Afton, 1¼. Atlantic,~ 9'.!,03, 152. ~thl~hem, 166. BurllnJCton, 74, l!!O, 1::0. Caite Co., O".!. CethU' ltillht, l~ 260. Charlton, ti, 14, 12'J, 130, ~ Clark&ville, l¼O. Corydon, 107, 165. Creston, 74, 130, 131, 1b,:'J. .Da.\·enport, ~. :.'08. Delhi, 153.. Dez, ltoinc11, 7¼. 191, 2l:8. Dubuque, re. 103. DytUU't, 139, 203. Enrlhitm, IU7. Eldora, Iii, I~. Exira, U.S. Flllrileld, 7¼, t:..~•. FArmen,burg, 3!1. Fremont, 13'J. Glll'ord, ISO. G!'t'en<', 151. GriJ!ln9Vllle, l()tj, 101. Lenox, ::00. Grinnell, 105. l.4!WU', 9'.?, 93. Lewi~tun, 7¾. Lovelalnd, 1s:t. Lyot1t1, !.t07. llulu~b Co., 92. llauchet1ter, 1.53. llla)>leton, HI, Ii::. lllullelll<, 113. M»!v"'1l, llj3. l\l,..uu City, lOU, :::.:9. McGregor, J:li. ll.llledg.,. INDEX. 313

vllle, 11111, llonroo, 2117, NaahWL, 1311, ISG. Nora. Spring,,, IM. Ookalooaa,92,lG.1. Oocoola, 108, IIIG. Ottnmwa, ?t, l!JO, 183, Pella, 110. PlalnQeld, 11!6. Po•tvllle, 136. Preecott, IS.1. Promloo. City, OJ. Jtldgodale, 2V!!, Snlom, IIJ3. Sheldon, 2:111, Sholl !tock, llO, 151, Sioux City, HO, 2UG. Tama, 200. Union, 1311. Waverley, 188. Wuyne Co., 107. Weot Bend, 200, Wt,ot S14e, 210. We•t Union, 211'.l. lrelaad (O, 7G, 171).-Down Co., 171, Dublin, 75, 17¼, Greenol(t', IUA, Sklbberocn, 202. Kaa... (100, 101).-lliu:lno, 1¼3, Council Grove, 1&1. Eldorado, 278. Eureu, 21l'l, 2113. Grenoble, H2. Butcblnoon, 183, 274. Kunaaa City, 27G, 288. KlnlllJllln, l:IO. 183,278, Lawrence, IU7, ManhatlaD, 201. !lcCracken, HI, 1-12, Ha, 144, ISO, llollne, 77, Ouk 11111, +l, Obnntz, 1-12. Topeka, 2UO. Varner, 130, 131. Weboter, 00. Wichita, 183,278. Kea• l■CkJ'.-llardatown, 2!!0. Corbin, 233. Lexington, 178. Lognn Co., 283, 2l!i. LoulovWe, 1~'11, 28.1,~- Oweo11boro', 130. PaduQO.h,::SO. rcrry1vlllt",28:l. Loaiaiaaa.-Bastrop,10:i. Baton :Rouge, 68, l[onroo, !OS, 106, 3loorhonoe, 100. New Orleauo, 87, 106, ~'¼O, 28-1. Point Plewoant, 106, l:!brcveport, 100. Malac..-Auguota, 47, 206. Baugor, 211¼, ~'115. BaU1, 6, 110, 120, 178,, 203, Bowdoin, ¼O, 611, 110, 120, Bowdoluhum, 42, l"~, 124, 125, ISO, 181. Brudley, 12¼. llrunowlolc, 23. Calalo, 00, Cambridge, L,', 203. Eddlngtou, 71, 12¼. Elliott, :r.l. Freedom, 40, :Freeport, 110. Glll'dtner, 121. .lllram, 117. Kennebunkport, 125. Kidder, 236. Lewl•ton, 120, 121, 177, 17!1, 203. Llnooln Co., 200. LlncoluvWe, 124. U.bon, -iO, GO, 120, 121, 176. Lltcb6eld, 180. New Auburn, l7ij, Orono, JIU, 221, 23¼. Portland, 254. Richmond, 110, 120, 1~4, ISO. Sabattua, L-"'7. Saco, o, 15, t.!l,21!:, 213. surord,17. Wales,, 1:eG. Webeter,au,110, 120_ 121,177, 1?11. Yarmouth, 171. Mal~'0,221,233. Mnrylaad.-Antletam, UI, Anwlpolle, 130, 111'.!, :m. Elkton. 61. Har1\>rd Co~ 263, ::611. Sw""t Air, :a1. Maaaclaaae&ta.-Acton, 25, 20, 40, 70, :;,i., l:?a, 24:i, Adamo, i7, 48, 83, 9G. Alloton, 18::. Amber•t. GG, 011, 150. Andover, 23, z.?O, ATllajl\On, 167, A•bb:,, 71. Aohtleld, 83. A•hlund, U?. Aabburnbam, 71,118. Athol, 157, 2::6, :?32,250. Allbnrudale,2:13. Blll"Dlltable, 133. Barrlngton,311. Baldwtnovllie,97. Belcbenown, 01·,98, WS, l57, 173. BerDUNlatoa,57, 101,10'.!, lGL U..erl~y, 2ll0. Berlln,31. Blllerloa, tl,220, !?il. Blacldnton, ·H.. Bolton,31, 218. Boston, 10, ¼7., 6::,81,ilS,90, 106,117. llS, 122,137, 16«1, 171, uio,212,.235,238,~2'5.,S~~~.~258,2U3.. Boyllton.~,37. Bnll.ntree,117. Brighton, 68, US, 1n. Brldgewater,::0,228. llroctol>, 150,MS. Brooldleld,146. Bunker HUI, 10, B~ck· land, :in, 47., 81,82, 1311. .Byel!eld, 22¼. Canton, .225. CaznbrldR<>,10 11, JG, 26, 61, 6G, 90, 117, U¼, 127,-~ Chehleu., ll,1. Cbarleotown, 10, 11, H, 37, 89, 90, 07, 158, 1l13, 228, :W.,2¼G. Charlemont,, 111,·$1,55, 111, 06, l61, ~ lM, 188; Cbeohlre, 411. 1$0. Cbel111Bford,':?G, 26,41,42,71. Cbleopam, 2t, itl.49,.fM>, 63, &l-,·66,G7.,~, 87, 88, 1.17, 133,-214, 217, !.?18, 2:24, 226, 227.. 242."2¼3. Fnuiklin,G:I:. l'ltcbbnrg, 33. .123, 226,~. "'Iii. -Gardner, :::i, 33, 36, 50, ~ '63, M. no, 111. Glouceoter, 2-15. G.....i-We, 61. -Grafton, 17, :JO. :17, 38, fr., 8S, :!17, 2f3. Great Barr!.ngton, 115. Greenlleld, 100, 101, 152, 158, 188. Srl""°ldvllle, 2:1::. Grown, 47. lli111l•y, 18, 27, 127, llamP"hlre Co~ :U. llancock, 1:3. Harwood, 12. -Hattlald,8, taS. ·Hayden .Row,~ Beath, lU, 3l, 32, 61,~, 53. 5¼, Gli,;U0,91, 112, U.1, IM,00,07,9'!,J.51, ~ 1.'i.'I, la6, l/i7. Hingham, 10. UG. Il.ilden, 18,!?0,M. Bollla• ton, 23._,61, •176, -m. Hopk1otoo, fO, Ml, 86, t;? ,,88, 89, 117, ·133, 1-!6, ID, 1-1::i, 1¼9, '21tS. .H,oward, 17G. Hubbardton,~ ,.00, 150, :W.. North Adams, 32, ¼S, 6:1. !11,-00, 9G,-U7,-1Gli. Northampton, 30, 113. Nortbbrldge,.!IO. :Nortbtleld,20, 57. Orange, 117,217, 2':6,2.'tl, :M:?. 11'\,nbody, 261. .Pembroke,-40. l'elham, :IO, 87. ·Pltt.fteld, 83, JG!, 15;:. PlymouUI, ~-130, 17S.. Princeton,,3G, 2+l. :Quincy, 2:?G. Reading, 7, .0,.213,.21¼, !.?.15, 216, :?...'O, 221, ~. 223, 22¼, !!3-1, 235, '230, !!SO, :Sl, 250. ltt!hoboth, 20¼. Rt.-vere, 12G. Rlchtuond, L""J, 225.. ltoadtowu, 18. Rotlltndale, ·US.. Ruwe, ,6¼. Rowl~y, 118. Roxbury, 53, 117, 201. Rutland, 32, 228, :."!3, !?55. 'Salem,.", 8, 0, 10, 32,156,181,212. 811.voy, lit. Salbbury. l:"".:, ISO. Sa.ndhdleld, 25. Sbel· bume•FM.lh,OO, 162.1S8. Shlrli:!y,,71, 21.S. Shrew:tbury, 14. lS, 18, 10,.~ ::1, 2-l, :w,:U,36,3:", 38, G'.:,63,64, GO,~.·t,u, 111, l¼i#, lOi', 168.!!17. Sbatt.u.cksvWc, J.SG.. Shutftbury, 18, ,10. 28. South• wlck,.loa. ~ilb.~,'1¼8,·~, 177, !!J.::, .231,:...'il, 2-U. ~?:iouthboro', ·1:1:, 16, 30, 08,:i:..1:..'i- 314 T.EllPLE GE~ALOGY.

SprlngOold, GO. St11te Fnrm, H-1. Stow, H, lG, 10, ~O. Sudbury, M, 07, ~, l:l'l. Suffluld, 13. Sutton, 3d, 37. Tt,mpleton, 18. Tewk»bury, 21\f. Tiabury, :!:SU. Upton, 3.'t, o!7, •10, 8:!, 137, 1:\8, H7, HS. Uxbridge, ~'IH. Wukefteld, 213. Wllltlt11m, 11, IJS, 100, IG7, ll>S. Walpole, !GI. Wur• wtck, 10, 30. \V1uertown, :!i, 1a:1, 2H. \~e11ton, 10, -13. \Veatboro', 80, t-17, HH,~.J:. \Vu11tford, 1-4, 17, 30, 40, 43, 70, 1!!3. \Ve11tfleld, 103, 176. \Ve11tvuh.•, 71. \\'e11t H11.wley, tGi. \Ve1tmln11t

Lyman, 44:. linncbester1 160, :!53. )Iarlboro', -:to, 21~. :!:!8, ~"«. ){~rrltnae, H, Z-10, ~-¼I. )IUCord, &'.t, ts;". ~uhu", H, •:U, HU, !!l!t, :.?!W:. :.'-H. Xel!lon, :!18. New Bo11ton, 100. .New Jpawich, ~. SU,

HO, 150. Piermou.n~ ~. l'ort:imouth, 171. ItlndgOS. Urownville, oa. Broome Co., 81, 8:J, lU. Brooklyn, fZ, l!i6, 150, 1#0, 20a. Busti, 81, UtS, !!¼3.. Bum.lo,~~, 174, us:!, lt,,.j,!_ :..v.-. liyron, 116. Cazenovia, 20. Chao.tau• INDEX. 315

qn1> Co., 81, Chnay, M. Ch1>rl,..ton, l:H, Chonnngo, 81, ~. t~O, 172, !RO. Clnyvlll•, 76. Clyde, (13. Coopcrinown, •H, ,Jr., 40, 75, 71, 78, 70, ~o, 1a;. Cohoe11, t:.lfl, :::12. Co11n,mt!r, 100, 160, 100, 180, 100. Cold Nj,rln,t, :,!10. Condor, 11A. Oornh1J, 70, 10'.!. Com14t.ock11, 70, t'l'.!. Cox"11ckle, J:U.. Crowu Point, :.!U. Dl•Wltt, 100, 1(,U, JOO. Dunkirk, lir-l1. 1':Uglc llurbor, 1m. J+Aton, ::H, 4·h 76, 70, "n, 13::. Y.llery, tticli. J~lmhur"t, 1'..~. g}mlrn, 77. 1-"ort Ann, ;n, 1-.:.=, l7ij, tu~. 1'"ru.nkfort, ~!-1, 2G, lM, :.»Q.I, :?05. }"redonla, l!lU. 1'"uhon, lHO. Gntwoy, ~tUO, 201. GeneRoe Co., 112. Gowandn., 186.

GouvQrneur, u,t, '..'O~, !..'OU, Granvltltt11 70, 11&, \Zl, lt\K, um. t;o, t7!l.. 17-1, tUO, lUl. GnwCu,,OOr", :!b. llllmllton, tut, !!32. lln.rtford, 05, 112, 11:J, 110, 17,.. Uttbron, or,, 11:\, 115, lt~, 1110, 170, 17!1, 17¼, 100,21r., llllh1d11Je,Uli, llln•dalo,48, Hornby, IS:1, llurley,~'US. JumeO\'llle, l~O. Jnmo•town,2G, H,

186. l\tlttl•llvlllc, ,.:.!. Knowlt•avllle1 65, 112, 11!\, J 10, 1;,1,. La1u11lngbur1th, i'O. f.,eb11non,2-ia. Ll11bon, ~'00. Llvt,rpoot, Gtt. Lyndonvlllo, 110. l\111•1l11on Co., 75, 16, 7~, 1~. lta.. 1um1,, 00. )[ulonu, ::05. 3turcy, 17:l. llurylaud, 1:t.:. :Ut-xlco, ZO, Ht.!, 101. )ledlnn., no.. !\llddletleld, !!H, -15, 40, 17, 'i'tl, :"U, bO, 1:JG. llount Pltia"4u.nt, 100. MumulVUlt', i~, 1:t!, l:10. :'iRtuml BrldJ;Ct-, l!W:. New H11rtf'ord,25. New Ll1bon, 70. New ltoclll'Ue, ~. ~ew York, r,o, M, l!!a, 12tl, 1~11, ltll, UiO, 108,181, l._U, 1\11, 20¼, 200, ~n, 238, 2g.i, 2Nlr. Nlu,rii.ra Co.,:.~. Norwich, ::a. ~yuck, :,eoo. 011k Orchurd, no, 110, 174, 176. Ogden, 66, 01l'an,7-i,7U. Ollve Urnnch, 1::!i, 181. Oneontu,:..'i.0. Q14w,•go, J:,m. Ot1we­ gu.tchle, :?OU. Orfoun11 Co,, M. Ott1t>jto, 45, 46, 1:16. Ovh1, :..l\tO. Owt'go, 1-10. Pa&.lt!rmo, 57,101, 10'.!. 'Purl"b, rno, 100. Pavilion, Ht, HZ. Pequ11.mmock, 1:10. rhrenlx. :\Ulltl, 1!11. rt1t"Jptt, :.!"... -0. Phcn1c111t 11:n. Phlladrlphln, :.?05, ~IJU. l 11 lcrpont,:.W. 1-tttttfltold, ◄ G. Plutt,..burg,tiG, 1~. l1'01Ufrt!t, 81, l:tO. Port Dlcklu11on, 8-1, HO. HJ. l'ot,:jdum. :n. Yrutt'it llollow, :--t, ;6,;lal. l~1tuburg, 173.

Pula11kl1 :!°'-"', 210. ltnndolph, l&t l?.enn11tluer ~•11.11", :.10."i, :.!OU. lt.,nn111•lu~rvlllc, A-1. U.lchlund, lo:?. ltlcbvllltt,U3, lS:t, IM, :.-00. lt,ldgcwa.y, Ho. ltochwt,•r,r,.-;,81. Rou11e11 t'olnt.:.t.f

Dutu.vlu, :.•u¼. Ut"rllu llelghb, :.,NJ'!. Huc)Tt1t1 1 277', ~o. C11ntou, i'i, 211;. C11rdlogton, r.o. Czsu.r's Creek, Jilt,, ::oo, ~t. Clnclnnutl, :!:!1, 2:!:l, zis, ~Ott. Clevt'lnnd, 'N·, :a'.?, ~.!. Colurubu~, St, 5:!. Columbiana Co., 2G0. Cot4hocton. ~. :.~17. Cruwrord Co., Z'3. l>elnwru-c Co.,. :.173. E.uclld, li':!.

i.•O!ltt>rin., ~1.. Geueva, 81. Grnnvllle, 175: Hu.nnvt•rton, 2:a. J11mtt11town 1 :.lQ'.!. Lt,tona., ~-S. Llndule, :!'J¼, ~16.. Lqndon, :..'07. lfarlettn. :!t, S:!. ~. :.:7s. ll11!"tlu11vil1t•, 111'.!. lieccn.,M. lletu­ moru., 1~~ llt.Carmcl,:!0¼,:!11.:i. lit. liolly,:!00. Xe,v..\lexunder,:!i~. Oxford,:.'115. Pnlnei.vlllc, l!W. Pnulding, S:!. Pl"n.icnnt l'lnln. 3U. l'utnum, 1:H. Kcrnley, l~'U. Rlchtletd.. 1:t-l. Tol~lo, 1:1¼, 17".!,!."J'.!. Troy,!Jl,!!00. \\"uyneavllle. !Oi, 1~. ~"00. \\"'Ullam1'Co., :!':-:I:. \\·lthom!C\'lllt,:."..15. Okl•• hom11.-Allue, 1:n. 1,:nfd,:.::'G. Hopt-ton,to~. O'Ket"ne,:!it\. Oa111rio.-Urock,•Ule,1M. corn• wn11, 1.7. K.ln,ratou, 1:t.f. Ore;:oa.-Oregon City, :.'05. Pj>rtluud, :!OIJ, ~10. Pc,aa•ylvnain.• .,\Ul~J;:hu.ny, l&.1. A8ton !\UUs, !!:O. Uc-nch Creek, :.!-H. lkdt'ord Co., 1~.. llrudford, li¼, !.~l, :.>t'i'!. Bru.udywiu".:.!tk!, :.!tiU. Brockwny,·111 ... :!;a. Uuck11 Cu.,!15, r,o, 01, 10¼, 100, l(ii'. Butler,:..~7. Chnd's i.~ord. ~t, ~.!. Chntham, i'J, 1:11. Clte~ter and \\·e~t Cht~tt•r, l:.!+, 17tl, l~O, 105,100, tu:-, 200. :..'01, :!Gl, !:(..:!. :!tC, :!1\-l, :!t'Z, :!GG, :.'GU. :!i"U,:!i'l, !:7:!, :!i'~. Cr-J.wford Co.,:.~:.:. Ccstci,wllll-, 10¾, :..~, :.'t\lJ. Cory­ vill-.',1'1, Oolington,10:!. I-:dinboro',:!1r.!. Erie,:-.o. Fallowfil"ltl.:!•it.. ~'"11,ycltt~Co.,:15.Gl.. Fordyce, !IS. GILil•ton, ;o. Grt-eo~burg, :!.~. Grt.-cne Co., 107, lOS, lO'J, UH:. Hartvllle, 110. llllZl"lron, ~.

ll11.rrl11bur~, :!liU. Ho1n1•21burg, :_t('~. Jclferiton, 108, :!7:L K1•nuct. JU:", :!G:!, :.»o-11 :!65. !!:'O. 2:-1, :!7".?. lilnzuu, t1l. Knoxvtlle, 70.. Lnn~tcr, !:li-J. 1.u.trobc, Jt,-J ll:,rlettu., :.:tH. )b.nyunk:, GO .. liu.rlb<.Jro', ::r.o. ltar,.lwlltown, !:fl. lledln., :tll:t. lh•udevHll', ~W, :.:Ul. lt1llport, :."03. lllddle­ towu, -.a 1. l1urtlni11'•. ft:.:, 110. ~t"w A\~xa.ndl"\u., :a:~ N'-"w Ga.l"Ut>n, l\~, 1%. ~ewtown, :.'tls. .. OxforcJ, G:!. l'cnu"bury, :!G:!, ":!ttl, :.>Gti, :.'t~, !:li!J,:!~ l"hilndl"lphlu, JS,:~. tiO, ti:!, 'i'-!, lOU, 110,117, l:l'J. l~, ::3'!, 2ti.1, :.:ii¾, !!GU,~;, :..'it',:. l"lt~burgb. H7. llH,:::"S. Polk, :..,u.;, 2'".!, ~0. ,a. Ponland !\till"', !."Ui". Potticvih,•, :!tll".I. 1-Cichburg, t:~. l-tockJ11le llil111, 2."'7., Sllu.moklu, !.'ti..~ SpringtlclJ,. :?&l. ~tantou, :!:7. t-iu;:-.u- Gro,·e, 1~, tav, ls-I:, l"'a. Thurnbury, !.'tj:!. Thornton, 27'.!. Tidioute, :.7.!. Tlollt.""'tu, :.!.i'"'2. Tltwtvlllt:-, :H:.:. Tumpkill!I Co., :.-UO. 'roughkcnuuuu, :!i'U, !,?';l. Ye1111n~o Co.,~tl. \\'ul'1lUw,:!i7. \\";Lt'lhiu_gwn, :au. \\."urrlui;ton, G:.:. \\.&1y11ct1bu.rg, Gl, 108, lOIJ, 106 .. 316 TE:ltl'LE GENEALOGY,

Wnrmln.tor, 110. ,ve•t Gt'OT~, 21111. Woohmnlng, 110. Wo•tflold, 173, Weotmn,oh,nd Co., 2M, 273, Whitely, llll, 00, ft!, 108, lOII, lM. York Co., 197, 24~. 'Phlllppl...,_1111, NG. Q.•e'""'• -st. Crl••tln, ~I!. w,.1.rloo, 240, 2G7. Wl\nlen, 2&7, \!118. R.-.e 1•111ndo-llrl•101, 11, 171, Providence, a:,, 147. t':-t, :.!'!3, :.?4.!4, ~, 230,230. Warren, 3:J. \Yarwlak,~)()8. 8eodnnd (lUS, lUO, 200).-Abord.,.n•hll't', 290. .Ayr•blr•, ~'!JO. Molro••• 1n. ~-,h C11rolln11o-Do•h Rlvor, l!MI, 1\111, 200. Cane C.....,k, 100,107,201. Chl\l'le•ton, M, na. N.,,.berry, \\HI, IIIV, Soalh Dnk•III• llrldgewntor, 188. Deudwoocl, :!110. Y1>nkton, 211, Ten__,,,-Bonton, 267. Brl1tol, 21111, Gnt,n Co•• ~'fl.1. Grconvnte,, ~•\7, 208. Knoxhoro', 200. Knox Co., 207, Knox•l11~,207, 208, !!74, Little Chuck1, 267. Naol1vllle, ~'7n. v.,.,.111,., 2\JO. Wa•hln11ton Co., ~'tli!. Wlnohe•tor, 276, T"xn-Ablleno, 1113. Amllr\JI"' 21,1$. l!!ll'uo, 2-10. Gainesville, 207. HBn-1• Co., lOII. Hott•• tan, lM. !ltemphl•, 2!16. Pulo•tlno, lM. !\cun-y Co,, 2:"!I. Tempi,, 130. Tyl.r, fl6. Tarkhh Emplre,-B•l•ut, ~,ao. Con1tuntlnoplfl, ZIii. ,lnll'n, H2. Rmyn,, ~'O. Umh,-;!alt Ll>lce, M, Ve•ra.oac.-nelloWB li'alla, S7. nonnlngton, !?'.?, 84, 13Z. 1'1'..?. Bcrkl\blrc, 4.R, so. Brattleboro•, :1-1, :1H, ~,. Sli, lGS, 182, :?OS, 200,220. Rradf'orerby, 43. 'Dummcraton, 20, 32, 3' 'in, ft7, too, IM, 204. Duxbury, :n. Ef!Pn, 252. E.111ex Co ... 70, 11. Franklin, 2!l9. Gre..nboro', 41. H111lf11x. 38, 134, 2&~. Hnrtland, ~o. Hyde l'11rlt, 2311. Jnck,onvllle, GI, 232. Londondcn-y, 21G, 210, ::-.'O. Lud• low, 122. Lnnenburg, 1:!3, 1711, l(ancbeltor, ::l!R, 200. Mendon, 211, -Ill, 47, 80, Jll1. )lld~leto,m, 46,. ltontpe\ler, 101. Nl"11t'bury, 200,247, 2¼~. Newf11nc, 2'l, ltr!. New Haven,&. 'Pn.wlt:tt, tov, 173,174, l'crn, 84, l'lttoford, t7, 80. Plymouth, 30, 31, l."011ltnoy, 66, 1111. Pownal, 83, Ht, l'utn1•y, 40,liil, 100.101, ~. ltimdolph,240. R•nd•boro', 07, Rutlnnd, tl, 47, 80,137,131, lli'!, Sherburn, 47. Shoroh11m, 31, Stamford, 71>, l!O, 117, i,Jprlngft•ld,'.!8, -1.0, t7. $1, Albano, 2t0. St. Johuabury, 1~, 1;9, !!57. Strntton, BS, 1¼¼. Sunderbmd,¼8, Si, !il5, 80, 1+1:, H5, 140. Town11hend, 33., 201, ~~. !.>08. Troy, 225, 2U. Vemon, to.. ,v1U'Cle1boro'. H¼. \Vaterbury, ~'O. Wet1tO.ld, 241. We•tmln•ter, 3.1, l:!8, ~'OIi, w. Whiting, 171. Whitingham, 31, ~1, tr.', 225. Wlud■or, ::ti, t7, ZH, 2:i.1. ,vnmlngton, lll1!, '180, ~"1,1. Windham, :!30. Woodford, 1811. Wood•t.oek, 77, SO, 91, 252. Vlralnia (1, lll'l).-Ayl<'tt•, :!80, ~I. Campfield, 2811. Curollne Co,, 281. Cb11tbam HIil, :?81, ~. Che11tel1lcld Co., :?81, 28:1, ::s:;. Culpt>pper Co., 2:11. Daboe)'I, 1-!a, Dmp•r• ""ll~y, 208. l,'1>lrfax, 1115. FTederlcl<•bu•g, 21!5, Front Royal, ::so. Bano•, ::SI,~. :!85. ~'81, ~- King and Que<1n Co., :?80, 281. Loudon, :15, ll!G. )lanch... ter, 21;6. !ltllllu~ton, :!Sl, :!!10, ·omni!", 35. l'Te,lqu~ l•l•, :!l'O. Prl•-• Anne Co,, 288, 2>!U. l'owclLn, ~ Pula•klClty, 268. Richmond, :!SI, 2116, '!1!7. Rockbridge Co., 28G, !188, Salt,m, 7-1. Sun,ly Bottom,:~. St. Stephen•• ChuTCh, ::s:;, Wulkcrton, ::S.1, 28:i. 280. Wlnche•ter, w, 2'l0, Withe Co., ~'ilS. Yancey ltlll•, ~'61!. York!own, :lt7. Scihtle, 130, 21~. ~polrn,n~, 1!'H, z::;. Weta& Vir;ri11i~Bla.ck11vl11~, GO, 61, 107, t(H. Bnla. tM. CroH Road~, Gt,. lionnng:dJa Co., no, 107, lOti. :\tur,:nntown, lf\5. \V11de11town, t\O, 107, 1"5, 106, Wiacon»ia.-nu.ruboo, 77, -:s. lleul'er Dnm, 138. Ca.mbrla., Zl1. ~l"an, !?OS. East Troy, :!tJj.. 1-:\khoru. tut. lt'"tmdulw:, 71. l~Ubourn Clcy, JM. L1' Cros•P, O'.!. Lnkfl' Gene-va. 101 • .L:imcrtlne. ut.. Lowt?ll, t.1-1. ~lanltowoc, 132.. llau~ton, 70, ':"8, 7\l, l!t.!, 1:l:i, 184. lttlwaulttt,N, 1!\ti, 18'\, 2:i¼. 'lllnnt"r1ot11 Junction, 70. !\tonroe, -13. NP-w Llllbon, 237. ~ewport, 70, :7, ~. 70, 13:!, 1!f5, JM-. !il•W Richmond, 210. Ouktlt>hl, 77, 135. Plalnvm-,, 2'.!".!, 238. l"ortagf', 132. R..eds• barg,:!!17. !tlveT ~·aus,lftl. S11ukCo.,l'l!. i:!ovustopol, ~ Sturgeon !lay, 135. Wnutoma.l:H. Wu11w11to"", ·1,.'lG. Wuuk••lw., ~'01.