Newsletter of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate

Advent 2016 SSMI 125th Jubilee Opens in

August 2016 - Sisters Servants from Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, , , Serbia, Slovakia and the United States journeyed to for the opening celebration of the 125th Jubilee of the Sis- ters Servants of Mary Immaculate. Sr. Kathleen and Sr. Tekla represented the American Province. It was in 1892 that Josaphata Hordashevska, foundress and first Sister Servant, along with co-founders Rev. Jeremiah Lomnitsky, OSBM and Rev. Kyrylo Seletsky, established the first active Congregation for women in the Ukrainian Greek of the Byzantine tradition. The trip was organized by our General, Sr. Theresa Slota, and her General Council. Our gracious hosts were Sr. Bonifatiya Dyakiv, Provincial Superior, and the Sisters from our Mother Province in Ukraine, the Sorrowful Mother of God.

Our journey began on August 24th with a pilgrimage to Zarvantysia, which is often referred to as the “Lourdes” of Ukraine. Historically, it was known as a spot where Mary’s image ap- peared in a pool of water (after Communists had stolen a famous, historic of her that was kept there.) A chapel was built near the spring. The wonder- working icon of the Mother of Zarvantysia was granted special in- dulgences by Pope Pius IX. Since that time, large groups of peo- ple, including Sr. Tekla's mother and relatives, make pilgrimages to Zarvanytsia, travelling for days and weeks by foot, from the feast of St. George (May 6) until the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God (Oct. 14). Miracles have been occurring in Zarvanytsia for centuries: the lame, the blind and sick have been healed. In 1995, Zarvanytsia was declared an international pil- grimage site for the faithful. The Sisters Servants joined the other pilgrims in prayer, and were humbled by the serenity in their faces as they knelt and prayed before this miraculous icon.

Our destination for the next day was Chervonohrad (Krystanopil) for the celebration of the in the chapel and the unveiling of the monument of Blessed Tarsykia Matskiv, SSMI. . (cont’d on next page) Page 2 Journeying with Josaphata Advent 2016

SSMI 125th Jubilee Opens in Ukraine (Cont’d)

The monument is located in the place where she was killed by a Soviet soldier. Sr. Tarsykia was proclaimed a martyr and beatified in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. Blessed Tarsykia Olha Matskiv, a 25 year old martyr is an example of heroism for our youth to imitate today. She entered the SSMI’s at the young age of 19 years old. Sr. Tarsykia lived a deeply spiritual life, which was evident in her external behavior. The strength for her apostolate of love and service to others was drawn from the Eternal Fountain, Christ in the Holy Eucharist, with Whom she spent much time. On July 18, 1944, the Bolshevik army entered Krystynopil. Three Sisters were hiding in the basement of the Novitiate when the bell at the entrance gate rang. Sr. Tarsykia ran out first, but realized that she had no key, so she turned to Sr. Maria and called for the key. It was at that moment, through the little window in the gate that Sr. Tarsykia was shot in the head and died instantly. The soldier told his superior that he shot her because she was a . The monument was a gift from the Immaculate Concep- tion Province in the USA to assure the memory of Blessed Tarsykia.

We were blessed to be able to visit Lychakivskiy Cemetery to pray at the gravesites of many who died during the Maidan movement and the modern day heroes who Sr. Tekla comforts a woman pray- died protecting against Russian ing at the grave of her son invasion. We gathered, prayed and sang at the burial place of Blessed Josaphata. It was an emotional experience to be at the burial site of the first Sister Serv- ant, and the one who lived the charism so passionately and faithfully. Blessed Josaphata’s mortal remains were transferred to our Generalate in Rome, in 1982. How wonderful it would be to have her canonized during our 125th Jubilee as a Congregation!

A Special Divine Liturgy celebrating the 125th Jubilee was celebrated on August 28th. The festive banquet was attended by many dignitaries including His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk. The children of the Zolochiv Orphanage provided the wonderful entertain- ment. Sr. Martina, SSMI, their legal guardian, and four other sisters take care of the children. The American Province has been a “spokesperson” for this home, encouraging people to be generous benefactors for the orphanage. Please contact Sister Kathleen for information on how you can help. Pag e 3 Journeying with Josaphata Advent 2016

We Of

Are Saint The Joseph’s Heart Home

St. Joseph’s Adult Care Home offers a home and an opportunity * to live every day with dignity and joy * to live in an environment of love and care *to have opportunities for Divine Liturgy & Mass, crafts, activities, conversation & much more It has been over a year that we announced our plans for expansion of St. Joseph’s Home because of the need to provide more rooms for those who need assistance with daily living, when age makes it difficult to live safely at home, when hope and joy have been lost due to infirmity, frailty or loneliness.

We are grateful to those who have given from their “hearts,” but a project of this magnitude will cost millions of dollars and we are no where near our goal. The Sisters Servants once again appeal to you, the faithful men, women and children who have given from your “hearts,” but we appeal to philanthropists and businesses to also give from your “hearts.” If you would like more information, or to donate, please contact us: P.O. Box 8, 125 Sisters Servants Lane, Sloats- burg, NY 10974, Phone: 845-753-2555, Fax: 845-753-1956. Year of the Servant of God education of women in whom he saw the basis Rev. Jeremiah Lomnitsky, OSBM for the spiritual and cultural growth of the nation. He was a wonderful superior and preacher. The wounds of the nation were painful to him. He saw the need for the spiritual renewal of his peo-

ple, “care and education of the heart.”

Fr. Jeremiah had a great love for each Sister Servant and guided them with this principal: “protect yourself from anything that could sepa- rate you from Christ.” He wrote 65 teachings and counsels for the Sisters. I share with you a few of his words of wisdom which all of us can In December of 2015, our Superior General, take to heart to become more Christ-like. Sr. Theresa, Slota, proclaimed for the year 1) Direct every one of your actions to God; 2016 in our Congregation, a special year offer them for His glory. celebrating our co-founder Rev. Jeremiah. 2) 2) Consider yourself a servant to all. See The limited space in this newsletter devoted to Jesus Christ in everyone, and you will devel- this man of God, prompts me to focus not on op great respect for your neighbor. the statistics of his life, but on who he was and continues to be for every Sister Servant. 3) Let one of your practices be to make acts of love continually; this kind of inspiration will It was Fr. Jeremiah’s passion, vision and love make your soul gentle. for his people that impelled him to establish the first women’s Congregation of apostolic life in 4) First think about what you have to say, con- Ukraine. He was a missionary, teacher, spiritu- fide it to Jesus, so as not to say a mean word. al director and instructor of priests and sisters. Bookmarks with Fr. Jeremiah’s teachings are He first paid attention to the necessary available in English and Ukrainian .

63rd Holy Dormition Your Contributions Support the work of the Pilgrimage Sisters Servants August 12-13, 2017 We need your help in continuing our minis- If you would like more information about tries which will aid us in carrying out the charism of Blessed Josaphata to be a the Sisters Servants, please go to our web- “living light for all people.”

site: or contact us at Please be a part of our work by making P.O. Box 9—Sloatsburg, NY 10974 a contribution to: Phone : 845-753-2840 Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, Inc. Have you considered remembering us e-mail: [email protected] in your will or with an annuity?