Board Meeting Intimation – Third Quarter Ended 31 St December 2019
MUMBAI | TUESDAY, 21 JANUARY 2020 BRAND WORLD 17 . < SIL INVESTMENTS LIMITED Regd.Office: Pachpahar Road, Bhawanimandi 326 502(Raj.) RB hunts forrelevance in Ph:(07433)222082 ;Fax:(07433) 222916; Website:, CIN NO : L17301RJ1934PLC002761 NOTICE Pursuant to Regulation 29(1)(a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, notice is hereby newpacks and formats given that ameeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on Friday,the 07th February,2020 inter-alia, to consider, approve and takeonrecord the Un-Audited Financial Results The British consumer goods company extends Lizol to new sub-categories (Standalone and Consolidated) of the Company for the quarter ended and product formats, aligns the brand around emergent consumer needs 31stDecember,2019. For SIL Investments Limited Place: Mumbai Lokesh Gandhi T E NARASIMHAN Dated: 20th January,2020 Company Secretary &Compliance Officer Chennai, 20 January alk into a supermar- ket and it is impossi- W ble to miss the assort- ed range of home cleaners stacked up on the shelves, some are chemical-free solu- tions promising the sensitive- nosed, freedom from allergic reactions and others come in convenient packs, optimised for small urban households. For Lizol, the Reckitt Benckiser (RB) brand that has spent close to two decades in the Indian market, the fight against this crowd of challengers is not just Released in several languages, an ongoing campaign presents the brand as mass cleaning another turf battle. The new solution that can tackle local problems brands not only threaten its crown, in the ~1,000 crore mar- cement floors in four states that said, “The idea of chemicals used in cleaning ket (industry estimates based use such flooring extensively, launching a cement floor vari- products and the company on Nielsen data), but also her- Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, ant at a lower price point is said it has increased its focus ald a changing consumer land- Karnataka and Kerala.
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