GC Int Gov Wk Grp 5Th Ses Jun 1980
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Distr. GENERAL DP/INF/27/Rev.2 31 July 1980 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH GOVERNING COUNCIL Twenty-seventh session Geneva, 2-30 June 1980 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES LISTE DES EEPRESENTANTS LISTA DE REPRESENTANTES Alternate Representatives: Chairman Ms. Doris MUCK, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Pr6sident M. Ion POPESCU (Romania) New York Presidente Mr. Christian STROHAL, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva First Vice President Premier Vice-Pr6sident Mme. Suzanne VERVALCKE Primer Vice-Presidente (Belgium) BANGLADESH Representatives: Mr. A.M.A. MUHITH, Secretary, External Resources Second Vice President Division, Ministry of Finance DeUxi~me Vice-Pr@sident S.E. Dr. Miguel A. Segundo Viee-Presidente ALBORNOZ (Ecuador) H.E. Mr. Mohammad SULTAN, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office, Geneva Third Vice President Alternate Representatives: Mr. Maqsood Ahmed CHOWDHURY, Joint Secretary, External Troisi~me Vice-Pr@sident Mr, Chris Esanami George Resources Division, Ministry of Finance Tereer Vice-Presidente JASABE (Sierra Leone) Dr. Akram HOSSAIN, Economic Minister, ~mbassy of Bangladesh, Bonn Rappor~eur Dr. Mohammed FARASHUDDIN Dr. Mohammed FARASHUDDIN, Deputy Secretary, External (Bangladesh) Resources Division Mr. A.T.M. NaZimullah CHOWDHURY, Second Secretary, ARGENTINA Permanent Mission, Geneva Representantes: S.E. Sr. Gabriel O. MAETINEZ, Embajador, Re- presentaute Permanente ante la Oficina de BELGIUM las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Repr@sentant: Mme. Suzanne VERVALCKE, Directeur d’Administration, Lic. Jorge BONNESSERRE, Director General de Chef du Service de la Cooperation multilat@rale Cooperaei6n T6cnica Internacional de la l’Administration G@n~rale de la Coop6ration au Secretar~a de Planeamien~o D@veloppement Representantes Alterno~: Sr. Atilio N. MOLTENI, Consejero de ~nbaJada, Repr~sentants §uppl@ants: M. Victor HODY, Chef de la Division Nations Unies £ la Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra Direction de la Coopgration au D~veloppemenL Sr. Julio C@sar FREYRE, Segundo Secretario, Mlle. Jeanine HARROY, Attach@, Mission Permanente Misi6n Permanente en Nueva York Gen~ve St. Jorge T. PEREIRA, Secretario de EmbaJada, Misi6n Permanente en Ginebra BRAZIL Dra. Raquel BELEN, Coordinadora de la Direcci6n Representative: General de Cooperaei6n T@cniea Internacional, H.E. Mr. George ALVARES-MACIEL, Ambassador, Permanent Presidencia de la Naci6n Representative ~o the United Nations Office, Geneva Alternate Representatives: AUSTRIA ~. Luiz Antonio Jardim GAGLIARDI, Counsellor of Representative: Embassy, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Erich SCHMID, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Mr. Sergio L.B. CAVALCANTI, First Secretary, Ministry Foreign Affairs of External Relations Mr. Wolfgang WOLTE, Envoy Extraordinary and Mr. Garry SOARES DE LIMA, Secretariat of Planning Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 8O-18267 /’’" DP/INF/27/Rev.2 Page 2 CANADA CZECHOSLOVAKIA Representative: Representative: Mr. Douglas LINDORES, Vice President, Multilateral H.E. Dr. Miloslav RUZEK, ~nbassador~ Permanent Programmes Branch, Canadian International Development Representative co the United ~ations’ Office in Agency GeIi~va Alternate Representative: Alternate Representatives: ~r. William D. HUTTON, First Secretary, Permanent Mr. Jaromir BLECIIA, Federal Ministry of Foreign Mission, New York Affairs Advisers: Mr. Peter ONDREJCEK, First Secretary, Permanent Mr. E.N. HARE, Director, UN Programmes Division, Mission, Geneva Canadian International Development Agency Mr. R. LEDERMAN, Senior Programme Officer, Canadian DEMOCRATIC YEMEN International Developmen~ Agency R~resen~arive: Miss A. SUTHERLAND, Canadian International Develop- Dr. AIi Muthana HASSON, Permanent Representative to men~ Agency the United Nations’ Office, Geneva Miss Louise FRECHETTE, First Secretary, Permanent Alternate Representative: Mission, Geneva Mr. Abdul-Aziz Ahmed BA-ISSA, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York CHINA Representatives: DENMARK H.E. Mr. YU Peiwen, Ambassador, Permanent Representa- _~resentative: tive to the ULited Nations Office, Geneva H.E. Mr. Hans-Erik KASTOFT, Ambassador, Permanent Representative ~o the United Nations Office, Mr. WANG Zichuan, Deputy Departmental Director, Ministry for Economic Relations with Foreign Geneva Countries Alternate Representatives: Mr. I.J. KELLAND, Deputy Head of Division, Ministry Alternate Representatives: of Foreign Affairs Mr. SUN Huiyuan, Division-Chief, Ministry for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries Mr. Nils Michael AKSELBO, First Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission, New York Mrs. LUO Zhentao, Deputy Division-Chief, Ministry for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries Mr. Claus WINTOP, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. WANG Jinren, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Ernst LAURIDSEN, Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Adviser: Affairs Mr. PENG Muyu, Staff Member, Ministry for Economic Mr. F1aus NYHOLM, Head of Section, Ministry of Relations with Foreign Countries Foreign Affairs COLOMBIA ECUADOR Representante: Renresentante: S.E. Sr. Enrique GAVIRIA, EmbaJador, Represen~an~e S.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ, Embajador Extraordinario y Permanente Adjun~o ante la Oficina de las Naci0nes Plenipotenciario, Representante an~e ±as Naeiones Unidas en Ginebra Unidas en Nueva York Represenzan~e Alterno: Representante Alterno: Sr. Carlos OSOHIO, Segundo Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Pablo YANEZ, Representante Permanente an~e la en Ginebra Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra CUBf~ EGYPT Representante: Representative: Dr. Eugenio LATOUR MONCILLA, Director de 0rganismos .Mr. Fawzi EL-IBRASHI, Minister-Plenipotentiary, Econ6micos Internacionales, Comlt@ Estatal de Permanent Mission, Geneva Colaboraci6n Econ6mica Represen~anzes Alternos: Alternate Representatives: Sra. Rosa Aurors MENA PERDOMO, Jefe Departamento Dr. Hassan GADEL HAl(, Counsellor, Permanen~ Mission, Organismos Econ6micos Internacionales, Comite New York Estatal de Colaboraei6n Econ6mica Dr. Magdy HEFNY, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Sr. Epifanio HERNANDEZ MORTIITEZ, Jefe Depar~amen~o, Affairs Direcci6n Relaciones Econ6micos Internacionales, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Jos@ SIVILA DE LA TORRE, Especialista, Direcci6n FIJI ~epresentative: de Relaciones Econ6micos Internacionales, Minister~o H.E. Mr. Berenado VUNIBOB0, Ambassador Extraordinary de Relaciones Exteriores and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Sr. Salvador CABEIRO QUINTANA, Especiallsts, Direcci6n de to the United Nations 0rganismo Econ6micos Internacionales, Comit@ Estatal de Colaboraci6n Econ6mica /.°° DP/INF/27/Rev.2 Page 3 FINLAND GREECE Representative: Representative: Mr. BJ~rn EKBLOM, Minister-Counsellor, Permanent H.E. Mr. Stavros ROUSSOS, Ambassador, Alternate Mission, Geneva Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Representative: Alternate Representatives: Mr. Ilkka RUS0, First Secretary, Permanent Mission H.E. Mr. Efstathios MITSOPOULOS, Ambassador, Director New York of International Economic Organizations Division, Advisers: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sven LANGSTROM, Ministerial Secretary, Ministry Mr. Eleftherios DANELLIS, Counsellor, Permanent of Finance Mission, Geneva Mr. Sakari ERAPOHJA, Secretary (Development Mr. Iakovos SPETSIOS, First Secretary of Embassy, Co-operation), Ministry of Foreign Affairs Permanent Mission, New York FRANCE INDONESIA Repr@sentant: Representative: S.E.M. Stephane HESSEL, Ambassadeur, Repr~sentant H.E. Mr. Atmono SURYO, Ambassador, Permanent Re- Permanent aupr~s de l’Office des Nations Unies presentative to the United Nationst Office in Geneva Gen~ve Alternate Representatives: Repr~sentant Suppl@ant: Mr. Irawan DABSA, Director, Directorate for Multi- M. Jacques LE BLANC, ReprEsentant Permanent Adjoint lateral Economic Cooperation, Department of Foreign aupr~s de l’Office des Nations Unies ~ Gen~ve Affairs Conseillers: Mr. Soemadi DJoko Moerdjono BROTODININGRAT, First M. Laurent DENIS, Attache Financier, Mission Secretary, Permanent Mission, New York Permanente ~ New York Mr. Rahardjo JAMTOMO, Senior Official, Directorate Mlle Nicole COURSON, Premier Secr~taire, Mission for Multilateral Economic Cooperation, Department Permanents ~ New York of Foreign Affairs M. Bernard MIYET, Premier Secr@taire, Mission Mr. SUPRAPTO, Senior Official, Secretariat of the Permanente ~ Gen~ve Cabinet of the Republic of Indonesia M. Pierre DUVERNEY-GUICHARD, Secr@taire des Affaires Mr. Wyoso PRODJOWARSITO, Third Secretary, Permanent Etrang~res, Direction des Nations Unies et des Mission, Geneva 0rganisatlons Internationales M. Jean BIDAUT, Charg~ de Mission, Ministers de la ITALY Cooperation ReprEsentant: S.E.M. Mario FRANZI, Ambassadeur, Minist~re des GABON Affaires Etrang~res Repr@sentant: ReprEsentants Suppl@ants: S.E.M. Martin NZUE-NKOGHE, Ambassadeur, Repr@sentant M. Giacomo IVANCICH, Ministre Pl~nipotentiaire, Permanent aupr~s de l’Office des Nations Unies Minist~re des Affaires Etrang~res Gen~ve M. Giuseppe SANTORO, Ministre Pl~nipotentiaire, ReprEsentant Suppl~ant: Ministers des Affaires Etrang~res M. Raymond JAFFRES-OBEMBE, Deuxi~me Conseiller M. Alessandro VATTANI, Ministate des Affaires (Protocole), Mission Permanente ~ Gen~ve Etrang~res GAMBIA M. Pietro Ercole AGO, Ministers des Affaires Etrang~res Representative: H.E. Mr. Ousman Ahmadou SALLAH, Ambassador Extra- M. Antonio TARELLI, Minist~re des Affaires ordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Etrang~res Representative to the United Nations, New York M. Giovanni MONTAGNA, Ministers