GC Int Gov Wk Grp 5Th Ses Jun 1980
Distr. GENERAL DP/INF/27/Rev.2 31 July 1980 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH GOVERNING COUNCIL Twenty-seventh session Geneva, 2-30 June 1980 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES LISTE DES EEPRESENTANTS LISTA DE REPRESENTANTES Alternate Representatives: Chairman Ms. Doris MUCK, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Pr6sident M. Ion POPESCU (Romania) New York Presidente Mr. Christian STROHAL, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva First Vice President Premier Vice-Pr6sident Mme. Suzanne VERVALCKE Primer Vice-Presidente (Belgium) BANGLADESH Representatives: Mr. A.M.A. MUHITH, Secretary, External Resources Second Vice President Division, Ministry of Finance DeUxi~me Vice-Pr@sident S.E. Dr. Miguel A. Segundo Viee-Presidente ALBORNOZ (Ecuador) H.E. Mr. Mohammad SULTAN, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office, Geneva Third Vice President Alternate Representatives: Mr. Maqsood Ahmed CHOWDHURY, Joint Secretary, External Troisi~me Vice-Pr@sident Mr, Chris Esanami George Resources Division, Ministry of Finance Tereer Vice-Presidente JASABE (Sierra Leone) Dr. Akram HOSSAIN, Economic Minister, ~mbassy of Bangladesh, Bonn Rappor~eur Dr. Mohammed FARASHUDDIN Dr. Mohammed FARASHUDDIN, Deputy Secretary, External (Bangladesh) Resources Division Mr. A.T.M. NaZimullah CHOWDHURY, Second Secretary, ARGENTINA Permanent Mission, Geneva Representantes: S.E. Sr. Gabriel O. MAETINEZ, Embajador, Re- presentaute Permanente ante la Oficina de BELGIUM las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra Repr@sentant: Mme. Suzanne VERVALCKE, Directeur d’Administration, Lic. Jorge BONNESSERRE, Director General de Chef du Service de la Cooperation multilat@rale Cooperaei6n T6cnica Internacional de la l’Administration G@n~rale de la Coop6ration au Secretar~a de Planeamien~o D@veloppement Representantes Alterno~: Sr. Atilio N. MOLTENI, Consejero de ~nbaJada, Repr~sentants §uppl@ants: M.
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