Extensions of Remarks E1739 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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December 27, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1739 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN RECOGNITION OF ROCCO IN RECOGNITION OF JONATHAN IN RECOGNITION OF MICHAEL SACRAMONE DARCHE SERAO HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK OF NEW YORK Tuesday, December 27, 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. Tuesday, December 27, 2016 Tuesday, December 27, 2016 Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to Mr. Mi- chael Serao, an experienced philanthropist Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. and cultural activist who has dedicated many Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to Rocco Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to Jonathan years to serving his community in Queens, Sacramone, Chef and owner and of Trattoria Darche for his undying devotion to improving New York. Mr. Serao is being honored at L’Incontro and restaurateur, for his achieve- the lives of New Yorkers through public serv- Taminent Regular Democratic Club’s 85th An- ments and outstanding devotion to the better- ice. Because of the dedication that Mr. Darche nual Dinner Dance with the Ralph DeMarco ment of the Queens community. has shown to his community in Astoria, he is Award. being honored at Taminent Regular Demo- After serving for six years at Commerce Since its opening in 1999, Trattoria cratic Club’s 85th Annual Dinner Dance with Bank in Astoria and three years as Vice Presi- L’Incontro has been a staple of the Astoria the Taminent Political Activism Award. dent of JP Morgan Chase Bank in Astoria, Mr. community. Under the direction of Chef Serao is now the Regional Manager and Vice Mr. Darche, a life-long resident of Queens, Sacramone and Jack Brucculeri, Trattoria President of Quontic Bank. graduated from Empire State College and re- L’Incontro quickly became a ‘‘must place’’ to As grandson of Edward Serao from Bogan ceived his law degree from the City University dine. In 2005 the restaurant was rated as one and Sons Furniture, a Steinway Street store of New York School of Law. Mr. Darche began that was a fixture in Astoria for decades, Mr. of the top two Italian restaurants in New York his career in public service working for Sen- Serao is following in his grandfather’s foot- by Zagat, providing the highest level of quality ator CHARLES E. SCHUMER. After graduating steps in giving back to his community. Michael and service in a unique setting that reflects from law school, he continued his commitment Serao, a third-generation Italian-American, Mr. Sacramone’s hometown in Italy. to the people of Queens as an Assistant Dis- truly defines the meaning of community serv- Despite his tremendous successes, Mr. trict Attorney at the Queens County District At- ice. Sacramone came from humble beginnings. torney’s Office, where he met his wife, Mr. Serao is the Board Director for the Astoria LIC Kiwanis, Chairman of the Advisory Born in Orsonga, a small town in Abruzzo, Samantha Darche, Chief of Staff for Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas. Board of SHAREing and CAREing, former Ad- Italy, Mr. Sacramone came to the United visory Board member to Immaculate Concep- States with his family in 1970. At the age of Mr. Darche’s contributions to his community tion school, past President of the Ditmars Mer- 14, Mr. Sacramone began his work in res- have by no means gone unnoticed. He has re- chants Association, Chair for the Astoria Park taurants as a dishwasher in a popular Italian ceived numerous rewards for his dedicated Relay for Life, Charter member and President restaurant in Queens. Working long hours in public service, including the Narcotics Inves- of the Lions Club, Treasurer of the William the kitchen, he rose through the ranks and tigation Bureau Commendation and the New Jefferson Clinton Democratic Club, a former quickly became manager at Nino’s Restaurant York State Bar Association Citation for Board Director for the Variety Boys and Girls Club of Queens, Board Director of QSAC and in Greenwich Village, where he learned the Achievement in Public Service. an active former Board member of Community In November 2014, Mr. Darche was pro- front of house aspect of the restaurant busi- Board 1. He is also the Vice President of the ness. moted to Chief Prosecutor of the New York Astoria Civic Association which is led by City Civilian Complaint Review Board after his Throughout his career, Mr. Sacramone has former City Council Speaker Peter F. Vallone. time spent serving as the Deputy Chief Pros- received numerous accolades from the New Mr. Serao’s philanthropy work includes ecutor and the Acting Chief of Investigations York Times, Newsday and Timeout. Mr. working with children with autism and senior at the agency. citizens with disabilities. He has also worked Sacramone attributes much of his success to Mr. Darche’s dedication to service extends actively in the LGBT community as a former his team and loving family, especially his member of OUT Astoria and former President mother Tina who worked alongside him in the past his career. He is incredibly active in his Astoria community. Mr. Darche’s many roles of the Western Queens LGBT Democratic kitchen and taught him his respect and love include Corresponding Secretary for the Club. for the art of cooking. Some of Mr. Serao’s past honors include Queens County Brandeis Association, member Mr. Sacramone continues to be a pillar of HX Magazine Businessman of the Year, Busi- of the Taminent Regular Democratic Club, ness Leadership Award from the Powhattan his community by devoting his time and sup- member of the Astoria Center of Israel and Democratic Club, Man of the Year from the port to many local organizations, including member of the United Community Civic Asso- LIC KOC, Business Leadership Award from Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens, United Civic ciation. Mr. Darche lives in Astoria with his the Borough President and numerous City Community Association, SHAREing and wife and their two-year-old son, Moses. Council and state recognitions. He currently CAREing and L.I.C./Astoria Kiwanis Club. Mr. Mr. Darche has demonstrated tireless dedi- resides in Hewlett Harbor with his partner, Dr. Sacramone also plans to travel to Italy to help cation to his community throughout his entire Fidel Abreu. the victims of the recent earthquake. Addition- career. As both a hardworking attorney and Community involvement is the foundation of ally, his generous, unending support and char- community servant, Jonathan Darche consist- a successful city, and Mr. Serao exemplifies commitment to his community through his ity to the Holy Name Society of St. Francis of ently devotes his time and effort to improving the lives of those around him, with much suc- years of active service to local groups, organi- Assisi Church makes the ‘‘Taste of Italy’’ zations and elected officials. It is a privilege cess. Scholarship fundraiser a tremendous success. for me to represent a district with dedicated Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me citizens, like Michael Serao, who work con- in honoring Mr. Sacramone for his tremendous in recognizing the incredible accomplishments stantly to improve our city. Michael Serao con- achievements and continued generosity, dedi- and contributions of Jonathan Darche, a man sistently devotes his time and effort to improv- cation and support to his community. who has undeniably made his community a ing the lives of those around him, with great better place. success. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 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