Campus Steam Evaporates with Pipe Repair by David Rickard Nel Drained There V
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Double rip off Downtown has dreams of big-city future Thieves yank jewelry from SJSU students' necks CAMPUSPAGE 10 1 Volume ti7, No. 13 Serving the San Jose State University Community Since 1934 Tuesday. September lb. l986 Campus steam evaporates with pipe repair By David Rickard nel drained there V. as ol potentially Alter the pipe has I ,ee I I stripped ol asbes- A:,.:ording to a memo circulated Friday by hrary. Hugh Gillis Hall. Sweeney Hall, Mac- Daily staff writer carcinogenic asbestos fibers on the floor, she tos, the fibers vs ill he sprayed with an adhesive Mo Qayoumi. SJSU director of Facilities De- Quarrie Hall and the Student Union. Campus steani carried by underground said. to hind them, preenting release into the air, velopment and Operations, the steam shutdown Both the steam pipes and the chilled-water pipes and providing SJSU's heat -- will be she said. The pipes v, ill then he rewrapped with will affect laboratory steam, pool heating and system The asbestos presented no danger above originate in the heating and cooling shut off Thursday afternoon to remove a dam- a non-toxic insulation. hot water in more than a dozen buildings. plant on Ninth ground, although some fibers might have es- Street, across from the health aged section of asbestos insulation. The original cleanup deadline, set by the building. caped the concrete tunnel, Pluta said. The cleanup is expected to he completed federal Ens ininmental Protection Agency, was The buildings affected are: art, central The damaged pon ion must be completed In its present state, the damaged insulation Sunday night, with service resuming by 6 a.m. extended to Sept 22 after SJSU had difficult) classroom, engineering, industrial studies, before Sept. 22, the remainder of the presents a health concern only to the workers steam Monday, said Barbara Pluta. SJSU design and securing funding. she said. Neither university music, natural science, tower hall, men's gym, pipes are still covered with asbestos. Pluta performing the removal, she said. construction manager. officials. nor EPA officials could cite the orgi- women's gym, old cafeteria. Dwight Bentel said. The school has five years in which to re- "There might have been some asbestos I Hall, Hugh Gillis Hall. Duncan Hall and the The 125 nal deadline date. move the rest. damaged section, approximately that went through miniscule cracks into the Student Union. According to a mono issued by Ron feet long, runs through a tunnel beneath ground." she said. "But there are already con- 'We thought initially there would be a The memo also noted the shutdown would Montgomery. SJSU environmental health and Dwight Bente! Hall. taminants in the ground." California State I'm,. ersit allocation for storm interrupt air conditioning to all buildings con- safety officer, small asbestos fibers may cause The pipe's asbestos covering was ruined After the pipes cool, the workers damage.- Pluta said. ' 'Then they told us there nected to the campus chilled -water system. cancer of the chest and abdominal lining, while that section of the tunnel last spring when equipped with respirators and protectise suits wouldn't Included in that list are the business class- large fibers have been associated with the chro- flooded during hard rains. Pluta said. - will vacuuni the loose fibers before reino%- After obtaining the $13,900 necessary for rooms, business tower, central classroom, nic lung disease asbestosis The water caused the loosely bound. the cleanup, the job was ing the asbestos surrounding the pipes, she awarded to MAI. a music and ttitislc ad(1111,in. health building. Montgomery's report also said the fibers "friable" asbestos to crumble. When the tun - said. Benicia insulation firm. she said Duncan Hall. Clark !bran,. Wahlquist See STEAM, page 10 SJSU set Back to the drawing board 100W testing for fall raises doubts razing, Tests cloaked in "mystery and confusion" repairing or "confidential survey" by university By Manj Martin By Frank Michael Russell general education requirement for ju- Daily staff writer Daily staff writer nior-level writing. SJSU's Project 88. designed to A two-day examination given to The Academic Senate called for relieve the eight-year-long impaction junior-level writing students last week the revision of those requirements in of the engineering department, will was a tool for designing an entrance the spring of 1985, said Leon Dorosz, begin Oct. 1 with the demolition of the test for 100W classes. associate academic Y. president for engineering building's southeast wing. Or was it? undergraduate studies, in a review of Jay Pinson, dean of the depart- According to the Thursday broad- general education requirements. ment, said that bids for the demolition cast of Newsbreak, the KSJS radio The current exit examination, were opened Friday. "Within a week program, the test was "cloaked in which students have to pass to get they'll be putting the (protective) fence mystery and confusion." course credit, is to be replaced with a up," Pinson said. A report said students in the "screening exam" to qualify for en- 100W The removal of the older section classes were told that the exami- rollment in a 100W course, he said. nation of the engineering building will cost would not affect their grades, Last week's test had two pur- about $352.800, according to Barbara hut that their instructors did not know poses. Donis/ said - a diagnostic tool why the test was administered. to their Pluta. SJSU's design and construction for 100W instructors evaluate A university administrator was and a tool to develop manager. students' needs Iconco, of Union City, submitted quoted in the report as saying the test the senate-mandated screening test. was part of a "confidential associate professor of the low bid of $145.500 for the demo- study," Rico, an lition and removal. The bid for the re- while a psychometrist, a test adminis- English, said in order to develop the trator in location of utilities was $53.000 by the Testing and Evaluation screening test. the writing, grammar Office, said it was not. range of Smith & Sons. a San Jose contractor, and usage skills of a broad But to some university Pluta said. adminis- students needed to he determined. trators there never was a mystery. The five versions of the test, she In addition, she said, the low bid. "The tests were simply to norm said, will help determine which ques- in the amount of $154,800, for the re- to find out how students do," said which do not. moval of the building's plumbing tions work and 100W Coordinator Gabriele Rico. The test was developed by _Rico equipment was submitted by Ray L. The university will use the results the university's English Require- Hellwig of Plumbing and. Heating in and to determine which questions are ap- ments Committee, she said. Santa Clara. The protective harriers will be propriate for a planned entrance exam- The committee and the senate's said. constructed around the southeast w ing ination to the class. she Board of General Studies have been said five versions of the test plans for the of the building in preparation for the She charged with reviewing were given to a number of 100W examination, Dorosz demolition work scheduled to begin 100W entrance classes. The test was given in two adding that the university hopes Oct. I. Pluta said. said, pans On one day an objective test to implement the senate mandate by The barricades will be erected be- measuring grammar and usage skills the fall of 1987. tween the engineering building and the was given, with an essay on the other. Faculty participation in last old Cafeteria and industrial arts build- Junior-level writing workshops, week's tests. Rico said, was optional. ings. she said. There will be a walk- numbered as 100W classes, are given "It was a request." she said, adding way between engineering and the cafe- by departments throughout the univer- that any instructor could have said it teria building. sity The class fulfills the university's The university is not removing See EXAM. page 10 the trees in this area.' The trees are staying," Pluta said. One of these trees recently fell Lottery revenues near the Spartan Pub after having been attacked by termites, according to Verne McGlothlen, landscape and transportation manager. allocated to CSU By the end of this week, parking in the lot between engineering and the It Frank Michael Russell administration building will no longer yesterday and Janell Hall The senate should develop guide- be available. Pluta said. A meeting Daily staff writers will be held tomorrow to advise the lines within a few weeks for the alloca- heads of the departments effected by Alan Dep - Daily staff photographer Academic Senate committees met tion of lottery funds to specific pro- the closure. yesterday to discuss guidelines for the grams. said Peter Butanski, chairman Thomas made it by Currently, this lot contains 55 Barrick. a junior majoring in graphic de- graphy class. He inking a limestone distribution of California Lottery reve- of the financial and student affairs spaces, 39 employee spaces and 16 sign, examines a print for his introductory litho- block on which he drew a grease-pencil design. nues earmarked for the university. committee. See DEMOLITION. page 10 The campus has been allocated At the senate's Sept 8 meeting, $1,724.815 in lottery funds for 1986- Ruth Yaffe, chemistry professor and 87 fiscal year out of $36,343,395 bud- chairwoman of the curriculum com- K-9 unit among top dogs geted throughout the California State mittee. introduced a resolution pro- state's University system.