RLCS, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 73 – Pages 89 to 114 [Research] [Research] | DOI:10.4185/RLCS-2018-1247en| ISSN 1138-5820 | Year 2018 How to cite this article in bibliographies / References J Marzal-Felici, M Soler-Campillo (2018): “The spectacle of excess. Representations of 2008’s financial crisis in northamerican mainstream cinema”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 73, pp. 89 to 114. http://www.revistalatinacs.org/073paper/1247/06en.html DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2018-1247en The Spectacle of Excess: Representations of the Financial Crisis of 2008 in Mainstream American Cinema Javier Marzal-Felici [CV] [ ORCID ] [ Google Scholar ] Catedrático de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad, Universitat Jaume I –
[email protected] María Soler-Campillo [CV] [ ORCID ] [ Google Scholar ] Profesora Contratada Doctora de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad, Universitat Jaume I –
[email protected] Abstract Introduction: The financial and economic crisis of 2008 has been a recurring theme in contemporary cultural products, including essays, novels, comics, photographic exhibits, documentaries, fiction films, television series, web documentaries, video games, etc., whether to analyse the causes of the phenomenon or to explore its consequences. Objectives: This article presents an analysis of 11 documentary and fiction films classifiable as mainstream or hegemonic cinema, i.e., films produced and/or distributed in the context of the powerful Hollywood motion picture industry that address the origins and consequences of the 2008 crisis, the effects of which continue to be sharply felt today. Methodology: Our study of the films is based on the premises of William J. T. Mitchell’s picture theory (1986; 1994; 2005), through an analysis of the conditions of production and reception, of the expressive and narrative resources, and the discursive enunciation strategies of the films chosen for study (Zunzunegui, 1989; Carmona, 1991; González Requena, 1995).