Natural Hazards CALL it a potential peril or a hidden hazard but the fact remains that is a rare natural hazard, which is no less deadly because of its rarity. Although Limnic eruptions sometimes walk hand in hand with , there are no fiery explosions involved, no , no flows, no , no cyclones or typhoons…yet the danger to life is no less real. Limnic eruptions are killers in their own right, albeit silent ones and it is a killer despite the fact that only two cases have been documented in recent times.

Cattle killed during gas leak

there were little or no signs of trauma to droplets. normally makes the bodies. Vegetation was flattened for up ~0.03% of air and concentrations of Limnic eruption (aka overturn/ 100 meters around the eastern end of the more than 10 per cent can be fatal. Being A rollover) is the sudden eruption of lake but otherwise plant-life remained heavier than air, it settles like a blanket carbon dioxide from deep lake water. The unaffected. Apparently, the damage was cutting off access to regular air. In carbon dioxide smothers and kills. It is caused by a 5-meter tsunami-like wave that desperation a person gasps, and the more sudden, it is silent and it is a sinister killer. was triggered when the ‘something’ erupted a person gasps for air, the more carbon violently from the water. dioxide enters the system. The question that then arose was: From where did this carbon Liquidating Life Listing Cause dioxide cloud surface? Of course, the How On 15 August 1984, 37 people were Scientists soon realized that the ‘something’ and the Why behind the eruption also mysteriously suffocated to death near Lake was a mixture of carbon dioxide and water engaged scientific attention. Monoun (). There were reports of a sound like that of an “explosion” and there was also an 6 km north of Main symptoms of Carbon Dioxide toxicity the location. Just two years later, on 21 August 1986, about 1800 people were Central killed, near (Cameroon) amidst Visual reports of a “strange white cloud.” Volume % Drowsiness Reportedly, the formation of the cloud was Dimmed sight in air Mild narcosis preceded by the sound of rumbling. Then, a Dizziness jet of frothy spray shot up from of the lake. 19% Confusion A white cloud collected over the water, and 39% Auditory it rapidly grew 80-100 meters tall and 59% Reduced hearing Headache Unconsciousness flowed across the land. 89% The cloud was about 50 meters thick and it rolled down the slope at ~70 km Skin per hour bringing death in its wake. It Sweating persisted in a concentrated form over a Respiratory distance of 23 km and all living beings perished wherever the cloud passed over. Shortness of breath The water of the lake became rusty brown Heart instead of the sparkling blue that it had Increased heart rate once been. and blood The cause of death appeared to be Muscular suffocation. Rescuers reported that the Tremor victims appeared to be “sleeping” and that 56 SCIENCE REPORTER, August 2010 Natural Hazards steams when Scientists studying the build-up of carbon lava enters water dioxide in the bottom layers of lake water (extreme left) realized that volcanic activity constantly releases carbon dioxide into these .

Degassing the Kivu Lake The change in the colour of the water (left) of Lake Nyos was because from the lake’s bottom was brought to the surface where it oxidized, leading to the brown rust Kivu Lake before and colour. after the eruption (below) Lake Overturn Long Ago Although Lake overturn has only just recently caught contemporary attention, there is evidence that (Germany) – one of the richest sites in the world – was witness to Limnic eruptions too. The eruption killed (and the soil perfectly preserved) early fauna (approx. 57 million-36 million years ago). In Lake Kivu, scientists George Kling and Robert Hecky (University of Michigan) have found evidence in sediment cores that there has been explosive gas release in the past.

Likely Limnic Eruptions Lesson Learnt carbon dioxide can be dissolved in large, Even today, Lake Nyos and It soon became clear that both these lakes deep lakes. Also carbon dioxide dissolves contain significant amounts of dissolved (called Limnically active or exploding lakes) easily in cooler water, such as that at the carbon dioxide. Lake Kivu contains had certain features in common. These bottom of a lake. Over time, the lowest in addition to carbon dioxide in its deeper were: levels of the lake become more and more  layers. It is thought that bacteria in the lake Inflow of carbon dioxide-rich water saturated with gas. Trouble starts when  Cool lower layer (no annual/cyclical produce the methane. Additional causes for saturation is reached. concern are that Lake Kivu is many times mixing of water layers) Once the lake is saturated, only a small  larger than Lake Nyos, is close to Mount Water layers had distinct trigger is needed to set off the eruption. and carbon dioxide levels Nyiragongo, an active , which could (However, Limnic eruptions can be triggered  Close to volcanoes serve as a trigger, and the lake is located in even before saturation point is reached.) a more-densely populated area, which As far as triggers are concerned, even small Scientists studying the build-up of could mean a worse tragedy should the lake rises in , , earthquake, carbon dioxide in the bottom layers of lake erupt. violent , or other disturbance of the water realized that volcanic activity constantly releases carbon dioxide into waters serve well enough. The trigger Leashing Lake Overturns these lakes. This carbon dioxide collects in pushes some of the saturated water (from In 1990, a team of French scientists began the cold water at the bottom of the lake. the lower layer) higher in the lake, where experiments using to de-gas the Carbon dioxide dissolves much more the pressure is insufficient to keep the waters in a controlled manner. In 2001, an readily when it is at a higher pressure. The carbon dioxide in . attempt was made to de-gas Lake Nyos deeper the lake is, the higher is the pressure Then bubbles start forming, and the using an electronic pump to simulate an at the bottom. Therefore, huge amounts of water is lifted even higher. A cycle begins, eruption. Eawag, an aquatic research where even more of the institute (Switzerland), has estimated that UNESCO Heritage for carbon dioxide comes out of 90% of the dissolved methane in Lake Kivu solution. This process forms is harvestable. In January 2010, scientists a column of gas. At this met to assess the potential of commercially point, the water at the viable methane extraction from Lake Kivu. bottom of this column is According to an estimate, the methane in pulled up by suction, and it Lake Kivu is worth about $20 billion. Not too loses its dissolved for nothing is it said that every threat is carbon dioxide. This leads to also an opportunity. an eruption of the gas into Dr Sukanya Datta the atmosphere and also Scientist NISCAIR posted to Director General's displaces water to give rise Technical Cell, CSIR HQ to a tsunami. Email: [email protected] SCIENCE REPORTER, August 2010 57