Introduction to Codeigniter Ed Finkler • • @Funkatron Codeworks09 Thee Agenda

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Introduction to Codeigniter Ed Finkler • • @Funkatron Codeworks09 Thee Agenda Introduction to CodeIgniter Ed Finkler • • @funkatron codeworks09 Thee Agenda Why CodeIgniter? The CI MVC Model CI Basics Running CI out of the box Making a basic web app Making a web api Why CodeIgniter? Why not CakePHP or Zend Framework or Limonade or Symfony or Solar or Kohana or Zoop or Yii or Akelos or PHP on Trax or Prado or Seagull? Because you've gotta pick one, dammit All of them have value That being said, CI is… Easy to understand Simple doesn't require advanced OOP Doesn't force lots of conventions Plays well with others Quick to get up and running Good docs and great community Backed by invested entity ( CodeIgniter MVC Implementation More like "Passive View Pattern" Controller View Model CI application flow Stolen from CI user guide App components Front controller Helper Routing Plugin Security Scripts Controller View Model Caching Library Front controller index.php Routing class Search extends Controller { public function single($id) { // [...] } } Security Filtering or blocking unsafe input Controller <?php The core of everything class Site extends Controller { "Heavy": you could do function Site() { parent::Controller(); everything in controller $this->load->library('session'); } public methods are function index() { // mletters model is auto-loaded available as actions from $rows = $this->mletters->getMany(10); URL $data['rows'] = $this->_prepData($rows); $this->load->view('index', $data); } private methods prefixed function _prepData($rows) { with “_” // do some cleanup on the data… } ?> Model ActiveRecord pattern available, not required Query binding $sql = "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id = ? AND status = ? AND author = ?"; $this->db->query($sql, array(3, 'live', 'Rick')); Don't like the DB layer? Use something else Zend_DB, Doctrine, DataMapper ( datamapper), IgniteRecord ( … Library A class designed to work on related tasks Helper Procedural funcs, grouped by file Mostly for views; available in controllers /** * Plural * * Takes a singular word and makes it plural * * @access public * @param string * @param bool * @return str */ function plural($str, $force = FALSE) { // [...] } Plugin Single procedural function More extensive functionality than helper $vals = array( 'word' => 'Random word', 'img_path' => './captcha/', 'img_url' => '', 'font_path' => './system/fonts/texb.ttf', 'img_width' => '150', 'img_height' => 30, 'expiration' => 7200 ); $cap = create_captcha($vals); echo $cap['image']; Script Other scripts the CI app might use View Build response to client CI Views are limited Uses plain PHP as templating lang <?php foreach ($rows as $row): ?> <li class="letter"> <div class="body"> <h3>Dear Zend,</h3> <p><?=$row->body?></p> </div> <div class="meta"> <div class="posted"> <a href="<?=site_url('/site/single/'.$row->id)?>">Posted <?=$row->posted?></a> </div> <div class="favorite">Liked by <?=$row->favorite_count?> person(s). <a href="<?=site_url('/site/favorite/'.$row->id)?>">I like this</a> </div> </div> </li> <?php endforeach ?> View Optional template markup $this->load->library('parser'); <html> $this->parser->parse('blog_template', $data); <head> <title>{blog_title}</title> </head> <body> <h3>{blog_heading}</h3> {blog_entries} <h5>{title}</h5> <p>{body}</p> Want a heavier template lang? {/blog_entries} Use one. </body> </html> Caching Saves response to file Serves up file contents if cache not expired CI Basics CI File Layout front controller index.php points to system and application folders system application base classes & app-specific classes built-in functionality & functionality CI File Layout default layout CI File Layout custom layout only index.php is under document root The CI Object $this inside controllers The loader $this->load->{view|library|model|helper|etc}('name'); CI Out of the box The Welcome App Put CI on the server Load it in the browser Why does Welcome load? How URLs map Trace with Xdebug/MacGDBp Making a web application Population estimates DB Get our data from Numbrary: Make a new controller Change the default route Config DB settings Make a model Make a view Make fancier views Make a web API Web API for pop. est. DB Let users query our DB via HTTP Return results on JSON or serialized PHP Questions? @funkatron/#cw09 [email protected].
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