Proceedings of Informing Science & IT Education Conference (InSITE) 2011 Design Patterns Past and Future Aleksandar Bulajic Metropolitan University, Belgrade, Serbia
[email protected];
[email protected] Abstract A very important part of the software development process is service or component internal de- sign and implementation. Design Patterns (Gamma et al., 1995) provide list of the common pat- terns used in the object-oriented software design process. The primary goal of the Design Patterns is to reuse good practice in the design of new developed components or applications. Another important reason of using Design Patterns is improving common application design understand- ing and reducing communication overhead by reusing the same generic names for implemented solution. Patterns are designed to capture best practice in a specific domain. A pattern is supposed to present a problem and a solution that is supported by an example. It is always worth to listen to an expert advice, but keep in mind that common sense should decide about particular implemen- tation, even in case when are used already proven Design Patterns. Critical view and frequent and well designed testing would give an answer about design validity and a quality. Design Patterns are templates and cannot be blindly copied. Each design pattern records design idea and shall be adapted to particular implementation. Using time to research and analyze existing solutions is recommendation supported by large number of experts and authorities and fits very well in the pattern basic philosophy; reuse solution that you know has been successfully implemented in the past. Sections 2 and 3 are dedicated to the Design Patterns history and theory as well as literature sur- vey.