Alevism is our new RE topic.

Try your best to understand this new topic. What is Alevism?

: Alevism • Worshippers: Alevis • Place of : • Language: • Founder: • Founded: Hacibektas, • Holy Books: , Nahj al, Blagha, Makalat and Buyruks • They worship through Semah, the Baglama and Cem.

• Semahs can be described as a set of mystical and beautiful body movements in rhythmic harmony •

• Baglama or Saz – musical instrument.

• Cem is the central Alevi communal worship service. • Alevis believe in Haak. Hakk is the Alevi word for ‘’. It means “”. Why is the Cemevi important to Alevis?

LESSON 1 1. What is the role of the Cemevi? Cemevi (said jemevi) is a place of worship and gathering for people of the L.O. I can understand different Alevi . ways the Cemevi is used by Alevis. What makes a place special and important to people?

Look at these pictures and say what might make them important to some people.

What is appealing about them? What features of the place do you notice? What makes a place special and important to people?

ØPeople gather at these places.

ØSome are for worship. Hindu Temple ØSome are for play.

ØSome are have places to eat together.

Church Playground What places do you go to and why do you go there?

How do the places help the activities that happen there? Shops in covered mall allow people to buy things. People are able easily get what they want.

Park have benches, places to walk, trees and ponds to make them look beautiful. Schools have places to learn, books, seats and computers. Football pitch have nets, lines and grass to play on. For Alevis, the Cemevi is a very important place.

Turkey North London What do you see in a Cemevi? What is happening in these pictures? What is happening in these pictures?

education sharing a meal

worhsip saz / baglama semah Task: Why do Alevis go to a Cemevi?

Make a poster, including: • A definition of a Cemevi • Draw pictures of the activities done in the Cemevi and label them.