.'. The Tariff on Sugar by ,'". '~. Dr. Lippert S. Eills Oklahoma Agricultural & Mechanical College Stillwater, Oklahoma '. - - Published by- THE RAWLEIGH FOUNDATION FREEPORT, ILL., u. S. A THE RAWLEIGH FOUNDATION The charter of The Rawleigh Foundation declares the object for which it was formed to be as follows: UTo improve, advance and promote through scientific research, public education and in any other lawful manner the general social, economic and political welfare of the people of the United States and/or oth er nations, and to that end to provide for and conduct careful and unbiased investi gations, studies, researches into and con cerning any and all social, economic and political questions, matters, and problems concerning the United States or any of them and/or of other nations or the people thereof, and to disseminate the informa tion, results, conclusions, if any, of such investigations, studies and research in such ways or methods as may be effective in ad vising public officials and/or the public, as W. T. Rawleigh, President to tne results and conclusions, if any, thereof, thus aiding the people and public officials in the intelligent performance of their duties as citizens and/or as officials; provided however, that the funds of this corpora tion shall never be used to advocate or oppose any individual or in dividuals, political party or political group other than by a fair pre sentation of facts; and it may do and perform any and all acts and things deemed by it as necessary, expedient or advisable in carrying on its said business and objects, now and/or hereafter authorized.
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