Linking Behaviour and Climate Change in Intertidal Ectotherms: Insights from 1 Littorinid Snails 2 3 Terence P.T. Ng , Sarah
1 Linking behaviour and climate change in intertidal ectotherms: insights from 2 littorinid snails 3 4 Terence P.T. Nga, Sarah L.Y. Laua, Laurent Seurontb, Mark S. Daviesc, Richard 5 Staffordd, David J. Marshalle, Gray A.Williamsa* 6 7 a The Swire Institute of Marine Science and School of Biological Sciences, The 8 University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong SAR, China 9 b Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoire d’Oceanologie et de 10 Geosciences, UMR LOG 8187, 28 Avenue Foch, BP 80, 62930 Wimereux, France 11 c Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, U.K. 12 d Faculty of Science and Technology, Bournemouth University, U.K. 13 e Environmental and Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 14 Gadong BE1410, Brunei Darussalam 15 16 Corresponding author: The Swire Institute of Marine Science, The University of Hong 17 Kong, Cape d' Aguilar, Shek O, Hong Kong; (G.A. Williams) 18 19 Keywords: gastropod, global warming, lethal temperature, thermal safety margin, 20 thermoregulation 21 22 Abstract 23 A key element missing from many predictive models of the impacts of climate change 24 on intertidal ectotherms is the role of individual behaviour. In this synthesis, using 25 littorinid snails as a case study, we show how thermoregulatory behaviours may 26 buffer changes in environmental temperatures. These behaviours include either a 27 flight response, to escape the most extreme conditions and utilize warmer or cooler 28 environments; or a fight response, where individuals modify their own environments 29 to minimize thermal extremes. A conceptual model, generated from studies of 30 littorinid snails, shows that various flight and fight thermoregulatory behaviours may 31 allow an individual to widen its thermal safety margin (TSM) under warming or 32 cooling environmental conditions and hence increase species’ resilience to climate 33 change.
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