Social Sciences Full Text Database Coverage List

"Core" coverage refers to sources which are indexed and abstracted in their entirety (i.e. cover to cover), while "Priority" coverage refers to sources which include only those articles which are relevant to the field.

This title list does not represent the Selective content found in this database. The Selective content is chosen from thousands of titles containing articles that are relevant to this subject.

*Titles with 'Coming Soon' in the Availability column indicate that this publication was recently added to the database and therefore few or no articles are currently available. If the ‡ symbol is present, it indicates that 10% or more of the articles from this publication may not contain full text because the publisher is not the rights holder.

Please Note: Publications included on this database are subject to change without notice due to contractual agreements with publishers. Coverage dates shown are the intended dates only and may not yet match those on the product. All coverage is cumulative. Due to third party ownership of full text, EBSCO Information Services is dependent on publisher publication schedules (and in some cases embargo periods) in order to produce full text on its products.

Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Priority Acta Sociologica Journal Collection (Sage) 01/01/1981 12/01/2011 Y United States of Available Now 7CAQ America Core Academic Journal 0001- Acta Sociologica (Sage Publications, Ltd.) Sage Publications 12/02/2011 Y United Kingdom Available Now RCU 6993 Core Academic Journal 0306- Addictive Behaviors Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now 3A4 4603 Core Academic Journal 0095- Administration & Society Sage Publications 07/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now ADT 3997 America Core Academic Journal 0364- Administration in Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1994 12/31/2013 Y United Kingdom Available Now AWI 3107 Priority Academic Journal 0001- Administrative Science Quarterly Administrative Science Quarterly 09/01/1981 12/01/2002 09/01/1981 12/01/2002 Y Y Y United States of Available Now ASQ 8392 America Priority Academic Journal 0001- Adolescence Libra Publishers Inc. 01/15/1987 12/15/2009 03/01/1990 12/15/2009 Y Y United States of Available Now ADO 8449 America Core Academic Journal 2574- AEA Papers & Proceedings American Economic Association 05/01/2018 Y United States of Available Now LNGQ 0768 America Priority Magazine 0044- Africa (London, England). Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/01/1983 11/01/1986 Available Now D9GA 6475 Priority Academic Journal Africa (Manchester, England) Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/01/1982 01/02/1986 Y Available Now D2GI Core Academic Journal 0256- Africa Insight Human Sciences Research Council 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 Y Y South Africa Available Now AFH 2804 Priority Academic Journal 0001- Africa Report Africa-America Institute 01/01/1983 05/01/1995 01/01/1995 05/01/1995 Y United States of Available Now AFR 9836 America Core Academic Journal 0001- Africa Today Indiana University Press 01/01/1982 01/01/1995 Y Y Y United States of Available Now ATD 9887 America Core Academic Journal 1569- African & Asian Studies Brill Academic Publishers 01/01/2002 Y Netherlands Available Now KHJ 2094 Core Academic Journal 1017- African Development Review Wiley-Blackwell 06/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now BLP 6772 Core Academic Journal 0278- Afro-Hispanic Review Afro-Hispanic Review 04/15/1998 04/15/1998 Y Y United States of Available Now 6MB 8969 America Core Academic Journal 0002- Age & Ageing Oxford University Press 08/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now AGA 0729 Core Academic Journal 0144- Ageing & Society Cambridge University Press 03/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now AGS 686X Core Academic Journal 1360- Aging & Mental Health Routledge 02/01/1997 Y United Kingdom Available Now 57E 7863 Priority Academic Journal 0887- AIDS & Public Policy Journal University Publishing Group Inc. 01/15/1994 10/15/2005 Y United States of Available Now AAD 3852 America Priority Academic Journal 0090- Alcohol Health & Research World National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & 01/01/1994 01/04/1998 01/01/1995 01/04/1998 Y United States of Available Now AHR 838X Alcoholism America Core Academic Journal 1535- Alcohol Research & Health National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & 01/01/1999 12/31/2011 01/01/1999 12/31/2011 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 73T 7414 Alcoholism America Core Academic Journal 2168- Alcohol Research: Current Reviews National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & 01/01/2012 01/01/2012 Y Y Y United States of Available Now FIOE 3492 Alcoholism America Priority Magazine 1932- American (19328117) American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy 11/01/2006 11/01/2008 11/01/2006 11/01/2008 Y United States of Available Now 394D 8117 Research America Core Academic Journal 0002- American Anthropologist Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now AAN 7294 Core Academic Journal 0002- American Behavioral Scientist Sage Publications 09/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now ABS 7642 America Core Trade Publication 0149- American City & County Penton Media, Inc. 01/01/1994 01/01/1997 Y United States of Available Now AMY 337X America Priority Magazine 0163- American Demographics Crain Communications 01/01/1987 06/01/2003 01/01/1995 06/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now AMD 4089 America Core Academic Journal 0002- American Economic Review American Economic Association 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now AER 8282 America Priority Magazine 1047- American Enterprise American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy 01/01/1990 07/01/2006 07/01/1993 07/01/2006 Y United States of Available Now AEN 3572 Research America Core Academic Journal 0094- American Ethnologist Wiley-Blackwell 08/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now AMG 0496 Core Academic Journal 0161- American Indian Culture & Research Journal UCLA American Indian Studies Center 01/01/1994 03/01/1998 09/01/2011 Y Y United States of Available Now AUU 6463 America Core Academic Journal 0091- American Journal of Community Psychology Wiley-Blackwell 02/01/1987 02/01/1997 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now CMP 0562 Priority Academic Journal 0095- American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1994 01/02/2008 Y United Kingdom Available Now DAA 2990 Core Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of & Wiley-Blackwell 10/01/1981 01/01/1995 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now AES 9246 Core Academic Journal 0192- American Journal of Family Therapy Routledge 03/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now AFT 6187 Priority Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of International Law Cambridge University Press 10/01/1982 10/01/1998 Y United States of Available Now AIL 9300 America Core Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of Orthopsychiatry American Psychological Association 01/01/1991 Y United States of Available Now AJO 9432 America Core Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of Physical Anthropology John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 11/01/1980 Y United States of Available Now APX 9483 America Priority Academic Journal 0092- American Journal of Political Science (Wiley-Blackwell) Wiley-Blackwell 02/01/1980 10/01/2011 Y United Kingdom Available Now APS 5853

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 1 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of Psychiatry American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now API 953X America Core Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of Psychoanalysis Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 01/15/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now ACO 9548 Core Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of Psychology University of Illinois Press 01/15/1982 Y United States of Available Now AJY 9556 America Core Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of Psychotherapy (Association for the Association for the Advancement of 01/01/1987 03/31/2021 01/15/1994 10/31/2016 Y Y United States of Available Now ATC 9564 Advancement of Psychotherapy) Psychotherapy America Core Academic Journal 0090- American Journal of Public Health American Public Health Association 10/01/1982 10/01/1982 Y Y Y United States of Available Now APH 0036 America Core Academic Journal 0002- American Journal of Sociology University of Chicago Press 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now AJS 9602 America Core Academic Journal 0003- American Political Science Review Cambridge University Press 01/01/1982 06/01/2000 02/01/2003 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now APR 0554 Priority Academic Journal 0044- American Politics Quarterly Sage Publications 01/01/1994 10/01/2000 Y United States of Available Now APO 7803 America Core Academic Journal 1532- American Politics Research Sage Publications 05/01/2002 Y United States of Available Now FY9 673X America Core Magazine 1049- American Prospect American Prospect 01/15/1994 01/15/1995 Y United States of Available Now ANP 7285 America Core Academic Journal 0003- American Psychologist American Psychological Association 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now APT 066X America Core Academic Journal 0272- American Review of Canadian Studies Routledge 04/15/2007 07/15/2008 18 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 7J0 2011 Core Academic Journal 0003- American Sociological Review Sage Publications 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now ASC 1224 America Core Academic Journal 0003- American Statistician Taylor & Francis Ltd 02/01/1983 Y United Kingdom Available Now STT 1305 Priority Magazine 0276- Amicus Journal (02767201) Natural Resources Defense Council 01/15/1994 12/15/2001 United States of Available Now AIS 7201 America Core Academic Journal 0967- Anarchist Studies Lawrence & Wishart Ltd. 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now H4R 3393 Core Academic Journal 0066- Anatolian Studies (British Institute of Archaeology at British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara 01/01/2007 05/26/2012 01/01/2007 05/26/2012 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 2ZUK 1546 Ankara) Core Academic Journal 0066- Anatolian Studies (Cambridge University Press) Cambridge University Press 01/01/2011 Y United Kingdom Available Now FIO3 1546 Core Academic Journal 1870- Andamios Andamios: Revista de Investigacion Social, 10/15/2004 10/15/2004 Y Y Y Mexico Available Now 2KSS 0063 Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de Mexico

Core Academic Journal 0002- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sage Publications 09/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now AAA 7162 Science America Core Academic Journal 2469- Annals of the American Association of Geographers Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2016 Y United Kingdom Available Now JRMH 4452 Core Academic Journal 0004- Annals of the Association of American Geographers Taylor & Francis Ltd 09/01/1980 12/31/2015 Y United Kingdom Available Now AAG 5608 Core Academic Journal 0084- Annual Review of Anthropology Annual Reviews Inc. 01/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now AOA 6570 America Core Academic Journal 0066- Annual Review of Psychology Annual Reviews Inc. 01/01/1983 Y United States of Available Now ARP 4308 America Priority Academic Journal 1053- Annual Review of Sex Research Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality 01/01/1999 01/01/2007 01/01/1999 01/01/2007 Y Y United States of Available Now ARX 2528 America Core Academic Journal 0360- Annual Review of Sociology Annual Reviews Inc. 01/01/1983 Y United States of Available Now ASO 0572 America Core Academic Journal 0003- Anthropologica University of Victoria 01/01/1993 07/30/2020 Y Canada Available Now G2I 5459 Core Academic Journal 0161- Anthropology & Education Quarterly Wiley-Blackwell 09/01/1999 09/01/1999 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now AEQ 7761 Core Academic Journal 1088- Applied Developmental Science Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1997 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7LF 8691 Core Academic Journal 0004- Archives of Sexual Behavior Springer Nature 02/01/1987 02/01/1997 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now ASX 0002 Core Academic Journal 0004- Area Wiley-Blackwell 03/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now D7Y 0894 Core Academic Journal 0095- Armed Forces & Society (0095327X) Sage Publications Inc. 01/15/1983 Y United States of Available Now AFS 327X America Core Academic Journal 0742- Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Routledge 01/01/2005 Y United Kingdom Available Now GFX 1656 Association Core Academic Journal 1610- Asia Europe Journal Springer Nature 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now V96 2932 Core Academic Journal 0306- Asian Affairs Routledge 02/01/1983 Y United Kingdom Available Now ASA 8374 Core Academic Journal 0092- Asian Affairs: An American Review Taylor & Francis Ltd 04/15/2002 04/15/2002 12/15/2009 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now AFF 7678 Core Academic Journal 0004- Asian Survey University of California Press 11/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now ASS 4687 America Priority Academic Journal 0004- Atlantic Community Quarterly Heldref Publications 01/01/1983 10/15/1988 Y United States of Available Now 3HWU 6760 America Core Academic Journal 1035- Australian Journal of Anthropology Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1990 01/01/2003 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now AUJ 8811 Core Academic Journal 0005- Aztlan: Journal of Chicano Studies Chicano Studies Research Center 04/15/1983 Y United States of Available Now AZT 2604 America Core Academic Journal 0005- BC Studies BC Studies 07/15/2001 07/15/2001 Y Y Y Canada Available Now 7J2 2949 Core Academic Journal 1064- Behavior & Social Issues Springer Nature 10/15/2001 10/15/2001 Y Y Y Germany Available Now G26 9506 Core Academic Journal 0005- Behavior Therapy Elsevier B.V. 01/15/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now BTH 7894 Core Academic Journal 0163- Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian Taylor & Francis Ltd 10/01/1999 07/31/2017 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7WI 9269 Priority Magazine 1075- Behavioral Health Management HMP Global 01/01/1994 11/01/1998 United States of Available Now BEH 6701 America Core Academic Journal 0735- Behavioral Neuroscience American Psychological Association 02/01/1983 Y United States of Available Now BEN 7044 America Priority Academic Journal 0005- Behavioral Science John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10/01/1982 10/01/1996 01/01/1995 10/01/1996 Y United States of Available Now BHV 7940 America Core Academic Journal 0005- Behaviour Research & Therapy Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 01/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now BHT 7967

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 2 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Magazine 1000- Beijing Review Beijing Review 12/05/1983 United States of Available Now BJR 9140 America Priority Academic Journal 0361- Bell Journal of Economics RAND Journal of Economics 10/15/1980 04/15/1983 Y United States of Available Now HPX 915X America Core Magazine 0268- Bereavement Care Cruse Bereavement Care 01/01/2009 United Kingdom Available Now UX9 2621 Core Academic Journal 1047- Berkeley Planning Journal Berkeley Planning Journal 01/01/1995 01/01/1995 Y Y Y United States of Available Now KOR 5192 America Core Academic Journal 1553- Best Practice in Mental Health Follmer Group 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 14GH 555X America Core Academic Journal 0269- Bioethics Wiley-Blackwell 07/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now 6PJ 9702 Core Academic Journal 0006- Black Scholar Routledge 01/01/1983 06/01/1991 18 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now BLS 4246 Core Academic Journal 0190- Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review Boston College Law School 01/01/1982 01/03/2011 Y Y United States of Available Now BCE 7034 America Core Academic Journal 0007- British Journal of Criminology Oxford University Press 10/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now BJC 0955 Core Academic Journal 0306- British Journal of Guidance & Counselling Routledge 01/01/1991 Y United Kingdom Available Now BJG 9885 Core Academic Journal 0007- British Journal of Political Science Cambridge University Press 07/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now BPS 1234 Core Academic Journal 0007- British Journal of Psychology Wiley-Blackwell 02/01/1982 02/01/1995 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now BJP 1269 Core Academic Journal 0007- British Journal of Sociology Wiley-Blackwell 06/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now BJS 1315 Core Academic Journal 0007- Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Brookings Institution Press 01/02/1982 01/01/1995 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now BPE 2303 America Core Academic Journal 1528- Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs Brookings Institution Press 01/01/2008 07/31/2009 01/01/2008 07/31/2009 Y Y Y United States of Available Now N8G 7084 America Priority Academic Journal 0277- Business & Professional Ethics Journal Philosophy Documentation Center 01/01/1986 07/15/1993 Y United States of Available Now BEJ 2027 America Priority Academic Journal 1052- Business Ethics Quarterly Cambridge University Press 01/01/1994 07/01/2003 01/01/1995 07/01/2003 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now BEQ 150X Core Academic Journal 0962- Business Ethics: A European Review Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/2000 Y United Kingdom Available Now 1T7 8770 Core Academic Journal 0309- Cambridge Journal of Economics Oxford University Press 12/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now CEC 166X Priority Academic Journal 0008- Canadian Ethnic Studies Canadian Ethnic Studies 01/01/2005 01/03/2008 01/01/2005 01/03/2008 Y Canada Available Now CES 3496 Core Academic Journal 1192- Canadian Foreign Policy (CFP) Routledge 04/15/2004 04/15/2004 09/30/2012 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 12CU 6422 Core Academic Journal 0008- Canadian Geographer Wiley-Blackwell 10/15/1981 01/15/1997 04/15/2006 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now CGE 3658 Priority Magazine 0706- Canadian Geographic Canadian Geographic Enterprises 12/01/1982 07/01/1993 Canada Available Now CGI 2168 Core Academic Journal 0008- Canadian Journal of African Studies Routledge 01/01/2007 04/30/2016 01/01/2007 09/30/2012 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 7J5 3968 Priority Academic Journal 0704- Canadian Journal of Criminology University of Toronto Press 01/01/1987 10/01/1993 Y Canada Available Now CJC 9722 Core Academic Journal 1707- Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice University of Toronto Press 01/01/2003 Y Canada Available Now U3F 7753 Core Academic Journal 0008- Canadian Journal of Economics Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now CJE 4085 Core Academic Journal 1196- Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology Canadian Psychological Association 03/01/1993 03/02/2004 Y Y Canada Available Now CJX 1961 Core Academic Journal 1920- Canadian Journal of Nonprofit & Social Economy CISP Press 04/01/2010 04/01/2010 Y Y Y Canada Available Now B3XN 9355 Research / Revue canadienne de recherche sur les OSBL et l'économie sociale Core Academic Journal 0008- Canadian Journal of Political Science Cambridge University Press 06/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now CAP 4239 Priority Academic Journal 0008- Canadian Journal of Psychology Canadian Psychological Association 12/01/1982 12/01/1992 Y Canada Available Now CPY 4255 Core Academic Journal 1755- Canadian Review of Sociology Wiley-Blackwell 02/01/2008 02/01/2008 05/01/2011 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 55Q7 6171 Priority Academic Journal 0008- Canadian Review of Sociology & Anthropology Canadian Sociological Association 01/01/1982 11/01/2007 02/01/1995 11/01/2007 Y Y Canada Available Now CRS 4948 Core Academic Journal 0820- Canadian Social Work Review Canadian Association for Social Work Education 01/01/2005 07/01/2017 Y Canada Available Now GQJ 909X Core Academic Journal 0309- Capital & Class Sage Publications Inc. 01/15/1987 Y United States of Available Now CAC 8168 America Core Academic Journal 0736- Career Planning & Adult Development Journal Career Planning & Adult Development Network 12/15/2004 12/15/2004 Y Y United States of Available Now S3F 1920 America Core Academic Journal 0008- Caribbean Studies University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 Y Y Y Puerto Rico Available Now CRZ 6533 Core Academic Journal 0273- CATO Journal Cato Institute 04/15/2003 04/15/2005 01/31/2016 Y Y Y United States of Available Now CAO 3072 America Priority Magazine 0008- Center Magazine Wiley-Blackwell 09/01/1982 11/01/1986 United Kingdom Available Now CEN 9125 Core Magazine 0577- Challenge (05775132) Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/03/1987 01/01/1998 09/01/2001 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now CLG 5132 Core Academic Journal 1077- Challenge (1077193X) Morehouse College 12/15/1999 03/31/2010 12/15/1999 03/31/2010 Y Y United States of Available Now LU6 193X America Core Academic Journal 0738- Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal Springer Nature 02/01/1994 02/01/1994 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now COK 0151 Core Academic Journal 0145- Child Abuse & Neglect Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now CHC 2134 Core Academic Journal 1357- Child Care in Practice Routledge 01/01/2002 Y United Kingdom Available Now J23 5279 Core Academic Journal 0009- Child Development Wiley-Blackwell 02/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now CDV 3920 Core Academic Journal 0009- Child Psychiatry & Human Development Springer Nature 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now CPH 398X Core Academic Journal 0009- Child Welfare Child Welfare League of America 09/01/1981 09/01/1981 Y Y United States of Available Now CWF 4021 America Core Academic Journal 0190- Children & Youth Services Review Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 01/01/2000 Y United Kingdom Available Now JA8 7409

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 3 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 1753- China Economic Journal Routledge 02/01/2008 Y United Kingdom Available Now 5EVV 8963 Core Academic Journal 1324- China Journal University of Chicago Press 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now U7C 9347 America Core Academic Journal 0305- China Quarterly Cambridge University Press 03/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now CHQ 7410 Core Academic Journal 0009- Chinese Law & Government Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1999 01/01/1999 11/01/1999 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 26R 4609 Priority Academic Journal 0009- Chinese Sociology & Anthropology Taylor & Francis Ltd 10/15/1999 07/15/2011 12/15/1999 07/15/2000 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8CS 4625 Priority Academic Journal 0009- Chinese Studies in Taylor & Francis Ltd 10/15/1999 04/15/2000 10/15/1999 04/15/2000 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 7J7 4633 Core Academic Journal 0091- Clinical Social Work Journal Springer Nature 01/15/1986 01/15/1997 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now CSW 1674 Core Academic Journal 1752- Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research & Routledge 01/01/2008 Y United Kingdom Available Now 46NP 1882 Practice Core Academic Journal 0010- Cognitive Psychology Academic Press 07/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now COP 0285 America Core Magazine 0010- Commentary Commentary, Inc. 07/01/1999 07/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now CMM 2601 America Core Academic Journal 0305- Commonwealth Law Bulletin Routledge 01/01/2006 Y United Kingdom Available Now 2SFE 0718 Core Academic Journal 0146- Communication Quarterly Eastern Communication Association 01/01/2000 01/01/2000 11/01/2011 Y Y Y United States of Available Now CQT 3373 America Core Academic Journal 0093- Communication Research Sage Publications 02/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now CRX 6502 America Core Academic Journal 1050- Communication Theory (1050-3293) Oxford University Press 02/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now CIY 3293 Core Magazine 0967- Communist & Post-Communist Studies University of California Press 03/01/1993 United States of Available Now PCS 067X America Core Academic Journal 0010- Community Mental Health Journal Springer Nature 01/15/1982 02/01/1997 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now CMH 3853 Core Academic Journal 0733- Comparative Civilizations Review International Society for the Comparative Study 04/15/2007 04/15/2007 Y Y Y United States of Available Now RG6 4540 of Civilizations America Core Academic Journal 0010- Comparative Political Studies Sage Publications 01/01/1983 Y United States of Available Now CPS 4140 America Core Academic Journal 0010- Comparative Politics Political Science Program 04/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now CPO 4159 America Core Academic Journal 1569- Comparative Sociology Brill Academic Publishers 01/01/2002 Y Netherlands Available Now K0T 1322 Core Academic Journal 0149- Comparative Strategy Routledge 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now CSY 5933 Core Academic Journal 2374- Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology Routledge 01/01/2019 Y United Kingdom Available Now IQ3S 3603 Core Academic Journal 0747- Computers in Human Behavior Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 05/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now JC4 5632 Core Academic Journal 1870- CONfines de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Política Department of International Relations & Political 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 Y Y Y Mexico Available Now 2EPE 3569 Science of the Tecnologico de Monterrey

Core Magazine 0010- Congressional Digest Congressional Digest Corp 01/01/1983 United States of Available Now CGD 5899 America Priority Magazine 0010- Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report Congressional Quarterly Inc. 01/03/1987 04/11/1998 United States of Available Now CQR 5910 America Priority Magazine 1064- Connections Association of American Colleges & Universities 01/01/2007 07/01/2011 01/01/2007 07/01/2011 United States of Available Now 6CU 8755 America Core Academic Journal 0226- Connections (02261766) International Network for Social Network 01/01/2007 07/02/2011 Y Y United States of Available Now DA5 1766 Analysis (INSNA) America Core Academic Journal 0091- Contemporary Drug Problems Sage Publications Inc. 01/15/1981 Y United States of Available Now CDP 4509 America Core Academic Journal 1074- Contemporary Economic Policy Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1994 04/01/1997 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now CEY 3529 Core Academic Journal 2058- Contemporary Levant Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2016 Y United Kingdom Available Now KFQD 1831 Core Academic Journal 0010- Contemporary Psychoanalysis Taylor & Francis Ltd 07/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now H0C 7530 Core Academic Journal 0094- Contemporary Sociology Sage Publications Inc. 07/01/1999 United States of Available Now CSC 3061 America Core Magazine 0190- Corrections Today American Correctional Association 12/01/1982 02/01/1995 Y United States of Available Now COR 2563 America Core Academic Journal 0011- Counseling Psychologist Sage Publications 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now CPG 0000 America Core Magazine 2472- CQ Magazine Sage Publications 01/01/2016 United States of Available Now LP7N 419X America Core Magazine 1521- CQ Weekly Sage Publications 04/18/1998 12/31/2015 United States of Available Now 3FZ 5997 America Core Academic Journal 0011- Crime & Delinquency Sage Publications 01/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now CRD 1287 America Core Academic Journal 0192- Crime & Justice University of Chicago Press 01/01/2000 Y United States of Available Now 1W5N 3234 America Core Academic Journal 0925- Crime, Law & Social Change Springer Nature 01/01/1999 01/01/1999 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now CRG 4994 Core Academic Journal 0093- Criminal Justice & Behavior Sage Publications 12/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now CJB 8548 America Core Academic Journal 0731- Criminal Justice Ethics Routledge 01/15/1987 01/15/1995 04/01/2010 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now CRJ 129X Core Academic Journal 0734- Criminal Justice Review (Sage Publications) Sage Publications 09/02/2011 Y United States of Available Now 1GV4 0168 America Priority Magazine 0734- Criminal Justice Review. Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 04/15/1999 09/01/2011 Available Now D9MQ 0168 Core Academic Journal 1478- Criminal Justice Studies Routledge 01/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now RF4 601X Core Academic Journal 0011- Criminology Wiley-Blackwell 11/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now CRM 1384 Priority Magazine 0011- Crisis (00111422) Crisis Publications Inc. 10/01/1982 10/01/1986 United States of Available Now J5Q 1422 America Core Academic Journal 1529- Critical Studies in Media Communication Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/2000 Y United Kingdom Available Now 97H 5036

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 4 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 1069- Cross-Cultural Research Sage Publications 08/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now CUL 3971 America Core Magazine 1135- Cultura y Educación Routledge 01/01/2007 United Kingdom Available Now HEZ 6405 Core Academic Journal 0886- Cultural Anthropology (Society for Cultural Anthropology) Society for Cultural Anthropology 01/01/2014 11/01/2018 Y United States of Available Now IQSG 7356 America Core Academic Journal 0886- Cultural Anthropology (Wiley-Blackwell) Wiley-Blackwell 02/01/1994 12/31/2013 01/01/2008 12/31/2013 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now AGY 7356 Core Academic Journal 1743- Cultural Politics (Duke University Press) Duke University Press 01/01/2012 Y United States of Available Now EUIS 2197 America Core Academic Journal 0011- Current Anthropology University of Chicago Press 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now CUA 3204 America Core Academic Journal 0011- Current Sociology Sage Publications 04/15/1981 Y United States of Available Now CSO 3921 America Core Academic Journal 0748- Death Studies Routledge 01/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now DEA 1187 Core Academic Journal 0070- Demography (Duke University Press) Duke University Press 02/01/2021 Y United States of Available Now MO17 3370 America Core Academic Journal 0070- Demography (Springer Nature) Springer Nature 08/01/1980 12/31/2020 02/01/1995 12/31/2020 Y Y Y Germany Available Now DEM 3370 Core Academic Journal 1074- Demokratizatsiya Elliott School of International Affairs 10/15/2001 10/15/2001 Y Y Y United States of Available Now FU0 6846 America Priority Magazine 1066- Developmental Policy. Journal Collection (H.W. 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Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 5 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 0014- Ethnology University of Pittsburgh, University Library 01/01/1983 09/30/2011 Y United States of Available Now ETN 1828 System America Core Academic Journal 1538- Eurasian Geography & Economics Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/2002 Y United Kingdom Available Now KL2 7216 Core Academic Journal 0966- Europe-Asia Studies Routledge 01/01/1993 Y United Kingdom Available Now EAS 8136 Core Academic Journal 0014- European Economic Review Elsevier Science 01/01/1982 Y Netherlands Available Now EER 2921 Core Academic Journal 1613- European Journal of Ageing Springer Nature 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now 3RAL 9372 Priority Academic Journal 1461- European Journal of Social Quality Berghahn Books 01/01/2005 01/02/2006 Y United States of Available Now H0P 7919 America Core Academic Journal 1369- European Journal of Social Work Routledge 04/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now BHX 1457 Core Academic Journal 0014- European Judaism Berghahn Books 04/15/2005 04/15/2005 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 9GL 3006 America Core Academic Journal 0924- European Review of Latin American & Caribbean Studies Centre for Latin American Research & 04/01/2000 10/02/2011 Y Y Y United States of Available Now LU9 0608 Documentation (CEDLA) America Core Academic Journal 1046- European Review of Social Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now RF9 3283 Core Academic Journal 1813- European Reviews of Aging & Physical Activity BioMed Central 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 3RAQ 7253 Core Academic Journal 0266- European Sociological Review Oxford University Press 02/01/2006 Y United Kingdom Available Now BHY 7215 Core Academic Journal 0193- Evaluation Review Sage Publications 08/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now EVR 841X America Core Academic Journal 0014- Explorations in Economic History Academic Press 07/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now EXM 4983 America Core Academic Journal 1044- Families in Society: Journal of Contemporary Social Sage Publications 01/01/1990 Y United States of Available Now FIS 3894 Services America Core Academic Journal 0197- Family Relations Wiley-Blackwell 10/01/1982 10/01/1982 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now FMR 6664 Priority Academic Journal 0014- Far Eastern Economic Review Review Publishing Company Ltd. 12/01/1983 07/03/2003 Y Hong Kong Available Now FEE 7591 Core Magazine 0014- FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Superintendent of Documents 01/01/1983 01/01/1995 Y Y United States of Available Now FBI 5688 America Core Academic Journal 0014- Federal Probation Superintendent of Documents 01/01/1982 03/01/1995 Y United States of Available Now FEP 9128 America Core Academic Journal 2151- Feminist Formations Johns Hopkins University Press 04/15/2010 Y United States of Available Now B4Z0 7363 America Priority Academic Journal 0141- Feminist Review Sage Publications 04/15/1987 10/16/1998 Y United States of Available Now FER 7789 America Core Academic Journal 0046- Feminist Studies Feminist Studies, Inc. 04/15/1980 03/01/1990 35 Y Y United States of Available Now FES 3663 America Priority Magazine 0015- Finance & Development International Monetary Fund 12/01/1982 06/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now FAD 1947 America Core Academic Journal 0920- Focaal Berghahn Books 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now LSZ 1297 America Core Academic Journal 1552- Food, Culture & Society Routledge 04/15/2006 07/01/2015 18 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 1GVA 8014 Priority Trade Publication 1056- FoodReview United States Department of Agriculture 05/01/1999 12/15/2002 05/01/1999 12/15/2002 Y United States of Available Now FRE 327X America Core Magazine 0015- Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs 01/01/1982 01/01/1994 11/01/2011 Y United States of Available Now FAF 7120 America Core Magazine 0015- Foreign Policy Foreign Policy 01/15/1983 01/15/1995 Y Y United States of Available Now FPO 7228 America Priority Academic Journal 0887- Forum for Applied Research & Public Policy Energy, Environment & Resources Center 01/15/1994 07/15/2002 01/15/1995 07/15/2002 Y United States of Available Now FAP 8218 America Priority Magazine 0016- Freedomways Freedomways Associates, Inc. 01/01/1982 01/03/1985 United States of Available Now 3IO7 061X America Core Academic Journal 1537- French Politics, Culture & Society Berghahn Books 04/15/2005 04/15/2005 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now LT0 6370 America Core Academic Journal 1674- Fudan Journal of the Humanities & Social Sciences Springer Nature 03/01/2008 Y Germany Available Now B82Y 0750 Core Academic Journal 0016- Futures Elsevier B.V. 12/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now FUL 3287 Core Magazine 0016- Futurist World Future Society 12/01/1982 07/31/2015 07/01/1990 07/31/2015 Y Y United States of Available Now FUT 3317 America Core Academic Journal 1529- Gastronomica University of California Press 04/15/2003 Y United States of Available Now UMS 3262 America Core Academic Journal 0891- Gender & Society Sage Publications 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now GES 2432 America Core Academic Journal 1098- Gender Issues Springer Nature 01/15/1998 Y Germany Available Now 2ML 092X Core Academic Journal 0738- Generations American Society on Aging 01/15/1994 01/15/1995 Y Y United States of Available Now GEN 7806 America Priority Academic Journal 8756- Genetic, Social & General Psychology Monographs Taylor & Francis Ltd 11/01/2001 11/01/2006 11/01/2001 11/01/2006 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now GSC 7547 Core Academic Journal 0016- Geographical Journal Wiley-Blackwell 11/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now GEO 7398 Priority Magazine Geographical Magazine (London, England: 1995) Geographical Magazine Ltd. 01/01/1983 12/01/1993 United Kingdom Available Now D31L Core Academic Journal 0016- Geographical Review Taylor & Francis Ltd 10/01/1982 01/01/1995 18 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now GOR 7428 Core Academic Journal 2373- GeoHumanities Routledge 01/01/2018 Y United Kingdom Available Now HKSM 566X Core Academic Journal 1045- German Politics & Society Berghahn Books 04/15/2005 04/15/2005 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 9GJ 0300 America Core Academic Journal 0016- Gerontologist Oxford University Press 06/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now GET 9013 Core Academic Journal 1938- Girlhood Studies Berghahn Books 06/01/2008 Y United States of Available Now B21K 8209 America Core Academic Journal 0311- Globe (0311-3930) Australian & New Zealand Map Society 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 Y Y Y Australia Available Now W73 3930 Core Academic Journal 0017- Government & Opposition Cambridge University Press 01/15/1983 Y 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Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 6 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Priority Academic Journal 1081- Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics Sage Publications 04/15/2003 12/15/2007 Y United States of Available Now HVP 180X America Core Academic Journal 0093- Hastings Center Report Wiley-Blackwell 12/01/1982 01/01/1995 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now HCR 0334 Core Academic Journal 0360- Health & Social Work Oxford University Press 02/01/1987 02/01/1990 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now HSW 7283 Core Academic Journal 1065- Health Care Analysis Springer Nature 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now OFZ 3058 Priority Academic Journal 0195- Health Care Financing Review HCFA ORDS Publications 01/15/1986 10/15/2009 01/15/1995 10/15/2009 Y Y Y United States of Available Now HCF 8631 America Core Academic Journal 0278- Health Psychology American Psychological Association 07/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now 82X 6133 America Priority Magazine 0898- Hispanic ET Publishing International LLC 07/01/1999 12/11/2004 01/01/2002 12/11/2004 Y United States of Available Now HIS 3097 America Core Academic Journal 0739- Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences Sage Publications 02/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now HJB 9863 America Core Academic Journal 0018- History of Political Economy Duke University Press 03/01/1980 Y United States of Available Now HPE 2702 America Core Academic Journal 0952- History of the Human Sciences Sage Publications 02/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now HHU 6951 Core Academic Journal 1091- Hmong Studies Journal Mark Pfeifer 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 30VA 1774 America Core Academic Journal 1064- Howard Journal of Communications Routledge 04/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now B7K 6175 Core Academic Journal 0360- Human Communication Research Oxford University Press 03/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now HUC 3989 Priority Magazine 0018- Human Ecology Forum Cornell University, College of Human Ecology 10/15/1982 10/15/1993 United States of Available Now KP6 7178 America Core Academic Journal 0300- Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal Springer Nature 12/01/1982 Y Germany Available Now HUE 7839 Core Academic Journal 0018- Human Organization Society for Applied Anthropology 01/15/1981 Y United States of Available Now HUO 7259 America Core Academic Journal 0895- Human Performance Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/1988 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7LX 9285 Core Academic Journal 0018- Human Relations Sage Publications 11/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now HRL 7267 America Priority Magazine 0046- Human Rights American Bar Association 10/15/1982 12/15/1993 United States of Available Now HUR 8185 America Core Academic Journal 0275- Human Rights Quarterly Johns Hopkins University Press 02/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now HRQ 0392 America Core Academic Journal 2330- Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2014 Y United Kingdom Available Now IT64 3131 Governance Core Academic Journal 0160- Humanity & Society Sage Publications Inc. 02/01/2007 02/01/2007 06/30/2016 Y Y United States of Available Now GWQ 5976 America Priority Academic Journal 0046- Ibero-Americana - Nordic Journal of Latin American & Stockholm University Press 01/01/2000 01/01/2008 Y Sweden Available Now 62E5 8444 Caribbean Studies Core Academic Journal 1070- Identities Routledge 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now IDT 289X Priority Academic Journal 0019- ILR Review Sage Publications 04/01/1982 07/01/2003 01/01/1995 10/02/2000 Y Y Y United States of Available Now ILR 7939 America Priority Academic Journal 0254- Impact of Science on Society Taylor & Francis Ltd 10/01/1981 01/04/1992 Y United Kingdom Available Now ISS 8763 Priority Magazine 0897- In the Public Interest William S. HEIN & Co., Inc. 01/01/1994 01/01/1998 01/01/1997 01/01/1998 United States of Available Now TPI 1331 America Core Academic Journal 1086- Independent Review Independent Institute 04/15/2003 04/15/2005 Y Y United States of Available Now TIR 1653 America Core Academic Journal 1541- Individual Differences Research Individual Differences Research 04/01/2003 12/31/2014 04/01/2003 12/31/2014 Y Y Y United States of Available Now S8J 745X America Core Academic Journal 1715- Innovation Journal Innovation Journal 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 Y Y Y Canada Available Now 6EWE 3816 Core Academic Journal 1351- Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences Routledge 03/01/1994 03/01/1994 18 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now IVT 1610 Core Magazine 1188- Inroads Inroads Journal Publishing, Inc. 01/01/2001 01/01/2001 Y Y Canada Available Now 3AY0 746X Priority Academic Journal 0020- Inter-American Economic Affairs Institute of Inter-American Studies 01/15/1982 10/15/1985 Y United States of Available Now 3I4A 4943 America Core Academic Journal 0020- International Affairs Oxford University Press 01/15/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now INA 5850 Core Academic Journal 1057- International Criminal Justice Review (Sage Publications) Sage Publications 09/02/2011 Y United States of Available Now 1GV5 5677 America Priority Magazine 1057- International Criminal Justice Review. Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/01/2001 09/01/2011 Available Now D9T6 5677 Core Academic Journal 1474- International Development Planning Review Liverpool University Press / Journals 01/01/2004 01/01/2004 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now HCC 6743 Core Academic Journal 0020- International Economic Review Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now IER 6598 Priority Academic Journal 1096- International Journal of Action Methods Heldref Publications 01/01/2001 10/15/2001 01/01/2001 10/15/2001 Y Y United States of Available Now 37U 7680 America Core Academic Journal 0091- International Journal of Aging & Human Development Sage Publications Inc. 01/02/1983 Y United States of Available Now IJG 4150 America Core Academic Journal 1932- International Journal of Communication (19328036) University of Southern California, USC 01/01/2007 Y United States of Available Now 3836 8036 Annenberg Press America Core Academic Journal 0192- International Journal of Comparative & Applied Criminal Taylor & Francis Ltd 04/01/2005 Y United Kingdom Available Now 16HQ 4036 Justice Priority Academic Journal 0020- International Journal of Comparative Sociology (Leiden, Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/01/1982 01/04/2001 Y Available Now D9T9 7152 Netherlands). Core Academic Journal 0276- International Journal of Eating Disorders John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 01/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now IJD 3478 America Core Academic Journal 0020- International Journal of Group Psychotherapy Taylor & Francis Ltd 10/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now 10M 7284 Priority Academic Journal 0020- International Journal of Mental Health Taylor & Francis Ltd 07/15/1999 12/15/1999 07/15/1999 12/15/1999 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8CU 7411 Core Academic Journal 1557- International Journal of Mental Health & Addiction Springer Nature 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now 46AW 1874 Core Academic Journal 0306- International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Sage Publications 01/15/1994 Y United States of Available Now IJO 624X Criminology America

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 7 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 1940- International Journal of Press/Politics Sage Publications 04/01/2008 Y United States of Available Now 595S 1612 America Core Academic Journal 0020- International Journal of Psychoanalysis Taylor & Francis Ltd 02/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now GD9 7578 Core Academic Journal 2051- International Journal of Regional & Local History Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2013 Y United Kingdom Available Now FSLW 4530 Core Academic Journal 1750- International Journal of Regional & Local Studies International Journal of Regional & Local Studies 04/15/2005 12/31/2012 04/15/2005 12/31/2012 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8B96 0478 Core Academic Journal 2168- International Journal of School & Educational Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 02/01/2018 Y United Kingdom Available Now FKR7 3603 Core Academic Journal 0020- International Journal of Social Psychiatry Sage Publications 01/15/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now ISP 7640 Priority Academic Journal 0020- International Journal of Sociology Taylor & Francis Ltd 04/15/1999 10/15/1999 04/15/1999 10/15/1999 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8CW 7659 Core Academic Journal 1612- International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 06/01/2007 06/01/2007 03/31/2013 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now UXG 197X Priority Academic Journal 0194- International Journal of the Sociology of Law Academic Press 02/01/1981 05/01/1986 Y United States of Available Now 89O 6595 America Core Academic Journal 1321- International Journal of Transpersonal Studies Floraglades Foundation, Inc. 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 Y Y Y United States of Available Now B574 0122 America Core Academic Journal 0272- International Journal of Turkish Studies International Journal of Turkish Studies 04/15/2001 09/30/2017 04/15/2001 09/30/2017 Y Y United States of Available Now 3AY3 7919 America Core Academic Journal 0309- International Journal of Urban & Regional Research Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now IJU 1317 Core Academic Journal 0020- International Labour Review Wiley-Blackwell 01/02/1987 01/01/1995 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now ILB 7780 Core Academic Journal 0197- International Migration Review Sage Publications 09/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now IMR 9183 America Priority Academic Journal 0020- International Monetary Fund Staff Papers Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. 09/01/1982 06/01/1986 Y United Kingdom Available Now 25BC 8027 Core Academic Journal 0192- International Political Science Review Sage Publications 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now IPC 5121 Core Academic Journal 0162- International Security MIT Press 01/15/1986 01/15/1998 04/15/2003 Y Y Y United States of Available Now ISC 2889 America Core Academic Journal 0020- International Social Science Journal Wiley-Blackwell 08/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now ISJ 8701 Core Academic Journal 0278- International Social Science Review Pi Gamma Mu Inc. 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 Y Y United States of Available Now ISR 2308 America Core Academic Journal 0020- International Social Work Sage Publications 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now ISW 8728 Core Academic Journal 0020- Quarterly Oxford University Press 03/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now ISQ 8833 Core Academic Journal 0332- Irish Studies in International Affairs Royal Irish Academy 01/01/2010 11/01/2017 Y Ireland Available Now 2WZL 1460 Core Academic Journal 1084- Israel Studies Indiana University Press 03/01/1996 03/01/1996 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 6L3 9513 America Priority Academic Journal 1557- Israel Studies Forum Berghahn Books 07/15/2005 12/01/2011 07/15/2005 07/15/2010 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 8X82 2455 America Core Academic Journal 2159- Israel Studies Review Berghahn Books 01/01/2011 01/01/2011 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now DS1F 0370 America Core Academic Journal 1043- Issues in Child Abuse Accusations Institute for Psychological Therapies 01/01/2003 01/01/2014 01/01/2003 01/01/2014 Y United States of Available Now GEA 8823 America Priority Magazine 0021- Japan Quarterly Asahi Shinbunsha 01/01/1983 10/01/2001 Japan Available Now JAQ 4590 Priority Academic Journal 1479- Journal for Academic Study of Magic Mandrake of Oxford 01/01/2003 01/01/2008 01/01/2003 01/01/2008 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8B98 0750 Core Academic Journal 0091- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology Springer Nature 03/01/1987 12/31/2020 02/01/1997 12/31/2020 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now ACP 0627 Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Abnormal Psychology American Psychological Association 08/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now JAP 843X America Core Academic Journal 0140- Journal of Adolescence Academic Press 09/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JAA 1971 America Core Academic Journal 1063- Journal of Aging & Physical Activity Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 01/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now 0DL 8652 America Core Academic Journal 0895- Journal of Aging & Social Policy Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now DAP 9420 Core Academic Journal 0890- Journal of Aging Studies Elsevier B.V. 01/15/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now JUG 4065 Core Academic Journal 1058- Journal of American-East Asian Relations Brill Academic Publishers 01/15/1994 Y Netherlands Available Now JIO 3947 Core Academic Journal 0091- Journal of Anthropological Research University of Chicago Press 10/15/1981 Y United States of Available Now JAN 7710 America Core Academic Journal 1082- Journal of Appalachian Studies Appalachian Studies Association 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 Y Y Y United States of Available Now II0 7161 America Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1982 03/01/1995 10/15/2002 Y United Kingdom Available Now JAB 8855 Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Sage Publications 01/01/1980 Y United States of Available Now JBV 8863 America Core Academic Journal 0733- Journal of Applied Gerontology Sage Publications 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now JGR 4648 America Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Applied Psychology American Psychological Association 06/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now JAY 9010 America Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Applied Social Psychology Wiley-Blackwell 05/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now JAV 9029 Core Academic Journal 1041- Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Routledge 03/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now G8F 3200 Core Academic Journal 1084- Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work 04/15/2005 04/15/2005 Y Y Y United States of Available Now RA7 7219 America Core Academic Journal 1529- Journal of Bisexuality Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/2001 Y United Kingdom Available Now 85V 9716 Core Academic Journal 0095- Journal of Black Psychology Sage Publications 02/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now JBP 7984 America Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Black Studies Sage Publications 12/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now BLT 9347 America Core Academic Journal 0883- Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media Broadcast Education Association 01/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now JBE 8151 America

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 8 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 0167- Journal of Business Ethics Springer Nature 01/01/1983 01/16/2012 Y Y Y Germany Available Now BET 4544 Core Academic Journal 1062- Journal of Child & Family Studies Springer Nature 03/01/1994 03/01/1994 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now JFM 1024 Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry Wiley-Blackwell 01/02/2012 Y United Kingdom Available Now 1VJR 9630 Priority Magazine Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/01/1994 01/01/2012 Available Now D9TW Disciplines. Core Academic Journal 0075- Journal of Child Psychotherapy Routledge 04/01/1998 Y United Kingdom Available Now 5BK 417X Core Academic Journal 1079- Journal of Children & Poverty Routledge 09/01/1998 Y United Kingdom Available Now B9I 6126 Core Academic Journal 2381- Journal of Chinese Governance Routledge 02/01/2018 Y United Kingdom Available Now JQW2 2346 Core Academic Journal 1537- Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 02/01/2002 Y United Kingdom Available Now KYT 4416 Priority Academic Journal 0047- Journal of Clinical Child Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/1987 12/01/2001 Y United Kingdom Available Now JCG 228X Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Clinical Psychology John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JLP 9762 America Core Academic Journal 1524- Journal of Cognition & Development Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2000 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7M7 8372 Core Magazine 1073- Journal of Commonwealth & Postcolonial Studies University of Florida, Board of Trustees 10/15/2006 10/15/2006 12 Y Y United States of Available Now 52Y1 1687 America Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Communication Oxford University Press 09/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now JCO 9916 Core Academic Journal 0196- Journal of Communication Inquiry Sage Publications 10/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now JQA 8599 America Core Academic Journal 0094- Journal of Community Health Springer Nature 01/15/1987 02/01/1997 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now JCH 5145 Core Academic Journal 0147- Journal of Comparative Economics Academic Press 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JCE 5967 America Core Academic Journal 0047- Journal of Comparative Family Studies University of Toronto Press 04/15/1987 04/15/1995 Y Y Canada Available Now JFS 2328 Core Academic Journal 0735- Journal of Comparative Psychology American Psychological Association 03/01/1983 Y United States of Available Now JCY 7036 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Conflict Resolution Sage Publications 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JCF 0027 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology American Psychological Association 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JCC 006X America Core Academic Journal 0047- Journal of Contemporary Asia Routledge 01/01/1981 01/01/1995 01/04/2006 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now CAS 2336 Core Academic Journal 0891- Journal of Contemporary Ethnography Sage Publications 04/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now JEY 2416 America Core Academic Journal 1473- Journal of Corporate Law Studies Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2007 Y United Kingdom Available Now 3IJT 5970 Core Academic Journal 0748- Journal of Counseling & Development Wiley-Blackwell 06/01/1999 06/01/1999 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now JCD 9633 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Counseling Psychology American Psychological Association 07/01/1980 Y United States of Available Now JCP 0167 America Core Academic Journal 0735- Journal of Crime & Justice Taylor & Francis Ltd 12/01/2005 Y United Kingdom Available Now 16GG 648X Core Academic Journal 0047- Journal of Criminal Justice Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 01/01/1984 Y United Kingdom Available Now JOC 2352 Core Academic Journal 1051- Journal of Criminal Justice Education Routledge 09/01/2001 Y United Kingdom Available Now DJ5 1253 Core Academic Journal 0091- Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology Northwestern University School of Law 06/01/1982 06/01/1982 Y Y United States of Available Now CLC 4169 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Sage Publications 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now CCP 0221 America Core Academic Journal 1045- Journal of Democracy Johns Hopkins University Press 01/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now JOD 5736 America Core Academic Journal 1651- Journal of Development Alternatives & Area Studies Scandinavian Journal of Development 03/01/2001 12/31/2013 Y Sweden Available Now GX2 9728 Alternatives Core Academic Journal 0304- Journal of Development Economics Elsevier Science 01/01/1980 Y Netherlands Available Now JDE 3878 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Development Studies Routledge 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now JDS 0388 Core Academic Journal 1050- Journal of Divorce & Remarriage Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now JRU 2556 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Drug Issues Sage Publications 01/15/1987 Y United States of Available Now JDI 0426 America Core Academic Journal 1528- Journal of Ecological Anthropology Journal of Ecological Anthropology 01/01/1997 01/01/1997 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 8NN9 6509 America Priority Magazine 0304- Journal of Econometrics Elsevier Science 10/01/1982 02/01/2009 Y Netherlands Available Now ECM 4076 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Economic History Cambridge University Press 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now JEH 0507 Core Academic Journal 0021- Journal of Economic Issues (Taylor & Francis Ltd) Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/2009 09/02/2011 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8X8I 3624 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Economic Literature American Economic Association 12/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JEL 0515 America Core Academic Journal 0895- Journal of Economic Perspectives American Economic Association 01/15/1994 Y United States of Available Now JEC 3309 America Priority Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Economic Theory Academic Press 01/01/1982 03/01/2009 Y United States of Available Now RTH 0531 America Core Academic Journal 0264- Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law Taylor & Francis Ltd 02/01/1995 Y United Kingdom Available Now KNN 6811 Core Academic Journal 0095- Journal of Environmental Economics & Management Academic Press 09/01/1984 Y United States of Available Now EEM 0696 America Core Academic Journal 0301- Journal of Environmental Management Academic Press 01/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now EMJ 4797 America Priority Academic Journal 0091- Journal of Ethnic Studies (00913219) Western Washington University 01/15/1983 01/15/1992 Y United States of Available Now 508L 3219 America Core Academic Journal 1533- Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/2002 Y United Kingdom Available Now 86Q 2640

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 9 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 1935- Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Academic Research Resources, LLC 10/15/2007 10/15/2007 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 44W1 3308 America Core Academic Journal 1879- Journal of Eurasian Studies Sage Publications 07/01/2011 Y United States of Available Now B7KV 3665 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Academic Press 04/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JEX 0965 America Core Academic Journal 0097- Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior American Psychological Association 10/01/1982 10/31/2013 Y United States of Available Now EXA 7403 Processes America Core Academic Journal 1076- Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied American Psychological Association 12/01/2002 Y United States of Available Now 6QS 898X America Core Academic Journal 0096- Journal of Experimental Psychology. General American Psychological Association 09/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now EPG 3445 America Core Academic Journal 0096- Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception & American Psychological Association 02/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now EPH 1523 Performance America Core Academic Journal 0278- Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory & American Psychological Association 11/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now EXL 7393 Cognition America Core Academic Journal 2329- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning & American Psychological Association 01/01/2014 Y United States of Available Now H06U 8456 Cognition America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Academic Press 09/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JEZ 1031 America Core Academic Journal 0363- Journal of Family History Sage Publications 01/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now FMI 1990 America Core Academic Journal 0192- Journal of Family Issues Sage Publications 03/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now JFI 513X America Core Academic Journal 0893- Journal of Family Psychology American Psychological Association 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now JFY 3200 America Core Academic Journal 1322- Journal of Family Studies Routledge 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 18 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now GJE 9400 Core Academic Journal 1756- Journal of Family Theory & Review Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/2010 Y United Kingdom Available Now B64O 2570 Core Academic Journal 0885- Journal of Family Violence Springer Nature 03/01/1994 03/01/1997 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now JVI 7482 Core Academic Journal 1479- Journal of Financial Econometrics Oxford University Press 04/15/2006 Y United Kingdom Available Now T2Y 8409 Core Academic Journal 1935- Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2008 Y United Kingdom Available Now 3PVS 9705 Core Academic Journal 0958- Journal of Gender Studies Routledge 07/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now JGS 9236 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of General Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 07/01/1982 01/01/1995 07/01/2009 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now JGP 1309 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Genetic Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/1981 03/01/1995 09/01/2009 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now GNP 1325 Core Academic Journal 0163- Journal of Gerontological Social Work Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now GSW 4372 Priority Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Gerontology Oxford University Press 07/01/1982 07/01/1998 Y United Kingdom Available Now JOG 1422 Core Academic Journal 2476- Journal of Global South Studies University of Florida, Board of Trustees 01/01/2016 01/01/2016 Y Y United States of Available Now KYYP 1397 America Priority Academic Journal 1545- Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Heldref Publications 04/15/2002 12/15/2007 04/15/2002 12/15/2007 Y Y United States of Available Now W6H 3855 Sociometry (15453855) America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Health & Social Behavior Sage Publications 03/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JHS 1465 America Core Academic Journal 0361- Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law Duke University Press 02/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now HPP 6878 America Core Academic Journal 0305- Journal of Historical Geography Academic Press 01/01/1983 Y United States of Available Now HIG 7488 America Core Academic Journal 0091- Journal of Homosexuality Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/02/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now HOX 8369 Priority Academic Journal 0272- Journal of Housing National Association of Housing & 11/01/1982 11/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now HOU 7374 Redevelopment America Core Academic Journal 1534- Journal of Housing & Community Development National Association of Housing & 01/01/1995 01/01/1995 Y Y United States of Available Now HCD 648X Redevelopment America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Human Resources University of Wisconsin Press 07/15/1975 01/01/1983 09/01/2011 Y Y United States of Available Now JHR 166X America Core Academic Journal 1835- Journal of Human Security (Librello Publishing House) Librello Publishing House 01/01/2013 01/01/2013 Y Y Switzerland Available Now ESYK 3800 Core Academic Journal 1835- Journal of Human Security (RMIT Training Pty Ltd trading RMIT Training Pty Ltd trading as RMIT Publishing 01/01/2007 12/31/2011 11/02/2011 12/31/2011 Y Y Australia Available Now 8B99 3800 as RMIT Publishing) Priority Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Humanistic Psychology Sage Publications 01/01/1994 10/15/1998 Y United States of Available Now JHP 1678 America Core Academic Journal 1088- Journal of Industrial Ecology Wiley-Blackwell 04/15/2002 Y United Kingdom Available Now FL1 1980 Core Academic Journal 1528- Journal of Infant, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy Routledge 01/01/2010 Y United Kingdom Available Now 6N1S 9168 Priority Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Interamerican Studies & World Affairs Wiley-Blackwell 11/01/1982 12/31/2000 Y United Kingdom Available Now JIS 1937 Core Academic Journal 0890- Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Institute for Interdisciplinary Research 01/01/1994 01/01/1995 Y Y United States of Available Now JYU 0132 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of International Affairs Journal of International Affairs 10/15/1982 01/15/1996 Y Y United States of Available Now JIA 197X America Priority Academic Journal 0022- Journal of International Economics Elsevier B.V. 02/01/1981 04/01/2009 Y United Kingdom Available Now IEM 1996 Core Academic Journal 0886- Journal of Interpersonal Violence Sage Publications 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now JIV 2605 America Core Academic Journal 0095- Journal of Japanese Studies Society for Japanese Studies 01/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now JAX 6848 America Core Academic Journal 0734- Journal of Labor Economics University of Chicago Press 01/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now JLB 306X America Core Academic Journal 0195- Journal of Labor Research Springer Nature 04/15/1986 01/15/1995 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now JLR 3613 Core Academic Journal 1935- Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Anthropology Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 3QKK 4932 Priority Academic Journal 1085- Journal of Latin American Anthropology Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1998 11/01/2006 01/01/1999 11/01/2006 Y United Kingdom Available Now LTX 7052 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Latin American Studies Cambridge University Press 05/01/1983 Y United Kingdom Available Now JLA 216X

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 10 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Priority Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Law & Economics University of Chicago Press 04/01/1983 04/01/1993 Y United States of Available Now JLE 2186 America Core Academic Journal 1089- Journal of Lesbian Studies Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/1997 Y United Kingdom Available Now 3UC 4160 Core Academic Journal 1936- Journal of LGBT Youth Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2008 Y United Kingdom Available Now 3PVV 1653 Core Academic Journal 1532- Journal of Loss & Trauma Routledge 01/01/2001 01/01/2001 18 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now HZH 5024 Core Academic Journal 0194- Journal of Marital & Family Therapy Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1987 01/01/1994 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now JMF 472X Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Marriage & Family Wiley-Blackwell 08/01/1982 08/01/1982 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now JMA 2445 Core Academic Journal 0890- Journal of Mass Media Ethics Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/04/2002 12/31/2014 Y United Kingdom Available Now JJE 0523 Core Academic Journal 2373- Journal of Media Ethics Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2015 Y United Kingdom Available Now JF5S 6992 Core Academic Journal 0306- Journal of Medical Ethics BMJ Publishing Group 03/01/1987 04/04/2016 Y United Kingdom Available Now MET 6800 Core Academic Journal 0749- Journal of Memory & Language Elsevier B.V. 04/01/1985 Y United Kingdom Available Now JMM 596X Core Academic Journal 1060- Journal of Men's Studies Sage Publications Inc. 09/01/1999 09/01/1999 12/31/2016 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 1YY 8265 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Modern African Studies Cambridge University Press 12/01/1980 Y United Kingdom Available Now JMS 278X Core Academic Journal 0191- Journal of Nonverbal Behavior Springer Nature 01/15/1987 01/15/1997 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now JNV 5886 Core Academic Journal 1050- Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/03/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now 88W 9674 Core Academic Journal 0888- Journal of Pan African Studies Journal of Pan African Studies 01/01/1987 01/01/1987 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 38NA 6601 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Parapsychology Rhine Research Center 03/01/1982 03/01/1995 Y Y United States of Available Now PAY 3387 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Peace Research Sage Publications 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now JPR 3433 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Personality Wiley-Blackwell 09/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now JPS 3506 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Personality & Social Psychology American Psychological Association 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JSS 3514 America Priority Academic Journal 0090- Journal of Police Science & Administration International Association of Chiefs of Police 03/01/1982 12/01/1990 Y United States of Available Now 17XN 9084 America Core Academic Journal 0276- Journal of Policy Analysis & Management John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 12/01/1986 Y United States of Available Now JPA 8739 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Political Economy University of Chicago Press 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JPE 3808 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Politics University of Chicago Press 11/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now JPO 3816 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Popular Culture Wiley-Blackwell 03/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now JPC 3840 Core Academic Journal 0160- Journal of Post Keynesian Economics Taylor & Francis Ltd 10/15/1999 10/15/1999 07/15/2000 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now PKE 3477 Core Academic Journal 1744- Journal of Private International Law Taylor & Francis Ltd 12/10/2008 Y United Kingdom Available Now 3PX7 1048 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now JPY 3980 Core Academic Journal 1053- Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory Oxford University Press 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now 172N 1858 Core Academic Journal 0943- Journal of Public Health (09431853) Springer Nature 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 06/30/2011 Y Y Y Germany Available Now 46FP 1853 Core Academic Journal 0143- Journal of Public Policy Cambridge University Press 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now 41E 814X Core Academic Journal 1540- Journal of Race & Policy Old Dominion University, Consortium for 04/15/2008 05/02/2010 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 3FMP 8450 Research on Race, Diversity & Policy America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Regional Science Wiley-Blackwell 02/01/1980 Y United Kingdom Available Now RSC 4146 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Rehabilitation National Rehabilitation Association 01/01/1983 01/01/1995 Y Y Y United States of Available Now JRH 4154 America Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency Sage Publications 01/01/1983 Y United States of Available Now RCD 4278 America Core Academic Journal 1473- Journal of Romance Studies Liverpool University Press / Journals 04/15/2005 04/15/2005 12/31/2017 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now RI3 3536 Core Academic Journal 0743- Journal of Rural Studies Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 07/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now JL8 0167 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Sex Research Routledge 02/01/1987 01/01/1995 05/01/2006 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now SEX 4499 Core Academic Journal 1748- Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies Islamic College 04/01/2008 04/01/2008 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8VR6 9423 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Social History Oxford University Press 01/15/1982 06/01/1988 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now JSH 4529 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Social Issues Wiley-Blackwell 09/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now JSI 4537 Core Academic Journal 0047- Journal of Social Policy Cambridge University Press 04/01/1980 Y United Kingdom Available Now JSP 2794 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Social Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 08/01/1981 08/01/1981 02/01/2012 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now JSY 4545 Core Academic Journal 0964- Journal of Social Welfare & Family Law Routledge 02/01/1998 Y United Kingdom Available Now 5BU 9069 Core Academic Journal 1043- Journal of Social Work Education Routledge 01/01/1990 01/01/1990 18 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now SWE 7797 Core Academic Journal 0265- Journal of Social Work Practice Routledge 05/01/1999 05/01/1999 18 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 56H 0533 Core Academic Journal 0191- Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare Western Michigan University 03/01/2000 03/01/2000 06/01/2005 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 41O 5096 America Core Academic Journal 1092- Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research American Speech-Language-Hearing 08/01/1999 08/01/1999 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 1SM 4388 Association America Core Academic Journal 0895- Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 09/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now SEG 2779 America

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 11 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 2152- Journal of Sport Psychology in Action Routledge 01/01/2010 Y United Kingdom Available Now B7KH 0704 Priority Academic Journal 1043- Journal of State Government Council of State Governments 04/15/1986 04/01/1992 Y United States of Available Now JSG 2248 America Priority Academic Journal 0096- Journal of Studies on Alcohol Alcohol Research Documentation 01/01/1982 11/01/2006 Y United States of Available Now JSA 882X America Core Magazine 1937- Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs Alcohol Research Documentation 01/01/2007 United States of Available Now 30V1 1888 America Priority Academic Journal 0363- Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Supplement Alcohol Research Documentation 07/02/1985 07/01/2005 03/01/2002 07/01/2005 Y United States of Available Now RMX 468X America Core Academic Journal 0890- Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Elsevier B.V. 01/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now JAM 8567 Psychiatry Core Academic Journal 0002- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now 20Q 8614 Core Academic Journal 0194- Journal of the American Planning Association Routledge 03/01/1982 01/01/1990 12/15/2008 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now APN 4363 Core Academic Journal 0022- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now JOE 5002 Core Academic Journal 1359- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Wiley-Blackwell 03/01/1995 03/01/1995 03/01/1999 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now JRA 0987 Core Academic Journal Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 Y Y Y United States of Available Now B0JA America Priority Magazine Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters. Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters 01/01/2000 01/01/2008 01/01/2000 01/01/2008 United States of Available Now D9VQ America Core Academic Journal 8755- Journal of Third World Studies University of Florida, Board of Trustees 01/01/1984 12/31/2015 01/01/1984 12/31/2015 Y Y United States of Available Now JTW 3449 America Core Academic Journal 0735- Journal of Urban Affairs Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1994 01/01/1995 01/01/2006 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now JFA 2166 Core Academic Journal 1099- Journal of Urban Health Springer Nature 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now GMF 3460 Priority Academic Journal 0022- Journal of Verbal Learning & Verbal Behavior Academic Press 01/01/1982 12/01/1984 Y United States of Available Now 92PV 5371 America Core Academic Journal 0047- Journal of Youth & Adolescence Springer Nature 02/01/1987 02/01/1997 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now JYA 2891 Core Academic Journal 1077- Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly Sage Publications 06/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now JMY 6990 America Core Academic Journal 1079- Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences Oxford University Press 01/01/1995 Y United Kingdom Available Now JGB 5014 & Social Sciences Core Academic Journal 1465- Journeys Berghahn Books 07/15/2005 07/15/2005 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now LUA 2609 America Core Academic Journal 0741- JQ: Justice Quarterly Routledge 03/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now 6M9 8825 Core Academic Journal 1934- Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche Taylor & Francis Ltd 06/01/2009 Y United Kingdom Available Now 6BGN 2039 Core Academic Journal 2040- Jurisprudence Taylor & Francis Ltd 06/01/2013 Y United Kingdom Available Now BJHE 3313 Core Academic Journal 1054- Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal Johns Hopkins University Press 06/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now OA1 6863 America Core Academic Journal 0023- Kiva Taylor & Francis Ltd 02/01/2005 Y United Kingdom Available Now TGN 1940 Core Academic Journal 0023- Korea Journal Academy of Korean Studies 04/15/2003 Y Korea, Republic of Available Now KJO 3900 (South) Core Academic Journal 0023- Kyklos Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1982 01/01/1995 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now KYK 5962 Core Academic Journal 0023- Land Economics University of Wisconsin Press 01/01/1982 02/01/1995 02/01/2006 Y Y United States of Available Now LAE 7639 America Core Academic Journal 1048- Language Acquisition Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1990 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7MI 9223 Core Academic Journal 1547- Language Learning & Development Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2005 Y United States of Available Now W44 5441 America Core Academic Journal 0094- Latin American Perspectives Sage Publications 01/15/1987 Y United States of Available Now LAP 582X America Core Academic Journal 1531- Latin American Politics & Society Cambridge University Press 04/15/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now FSZ 426X Core Academic Journal 0023- Latin American Research Review Latin American Studies Association 01/01/1982 01/01/2004 Y Y United States of Available Now LAR 8791 America Core Academic Journal 1390- Latin American Review of Comparative Politics / Revista CELAEP (Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios 07/01/2008 07/01/2008 Y Y Y Ecuador Available Now 6MRD 4248 Latinoamericana de Politica Comparada Politicos) Core Academic Journal 2160- Latino(a) Research Review University at Albany-SUNY, Center for Latino, 01/01/2007 06/30/2009 01/01/2007 06/30/2009 Y Y United States of Available Now B61C 0821 Latin American & Caribbean Studies (CELAC) America Core Academic Journal 0023- Law & Contemporary Problems Duke University, School of Law 03/01/1982 03/01/1982 Y Y Y United States of Available Now LCP 9186 America Core Academic Journal 1752- Law & Financial Markets Review Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/2009 Y United Kingdom Available Now 3PXB 1440 Core Academic Journal 0023- Law & Society Review Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1981 01/01/1995 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now LSR 9216 Core Academic Journal 0023- Learning & Motivation Academic Press 08/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now LMO 9690 America Core Academic Journal 0732- Legal Pluralism & Critical Social Analysis Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2005 Y United Kingdom Available Now H1L 9113 Core Magazine 0894- Liberty (08941408) Liberty 11/01/2007 12/31/2010 11/01/2007 12/31/2010 Y Y United States of Available Now 2QBQ 1408 America Priority Academic Journal 0025- Man Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain 01/01/1982 12/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now MAN 1496 & Ireland Core Academic Journal 1463- Manchester School (1463-6786) Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1998 Y United Kingdom Available Now MSE 6786 Priority Academic Journal 0025- Manchester School of Economic & Social Studies Wiley-Blackwell 09/01/1982 12/01/1997 Y United Kingdom Available Now MA6 2034 Priority Magazine 0025- Mankind (Sydney, Australia). Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 06/01/1981 12/01/1989 Available Now D9X5 2328 Priority Academic Journal 0149- Marriage & Family Review Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/02/1987 03/01/1998 Y United Kingdom Available Now MFR 4929 Core Academic Journal 1520- Mass Communication & Society Taylor & Francis Ltd 04/17/2004 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7MK 5436 Core Academic Journal 1521- Media Psychology Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2004 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7MN 3269

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 12 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 0163- Media, Culture & Society Sage Publications 01/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now MCS 4437 Core Academic Journal 0745- Medical Anthropology Quarterly Wiley-Blackwell 09/01/1999 09/01/1999 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now GFS 5194 Core Academic Journal 1468- Medical Humanities BMJ Publishing Group 12/01/2009 04/04/2016 Y United Kingdom Available Now 9XY 215X Core Academic Journal 0090- Memory & Cognition Springer Nature 01/01/1987 12/11/2004 Y Y Germany Available Now MEG 502X Core Academic Journal 1367- Mental Health, Religion & Culture Routledge 01/01/1998 Y United Kingdom Available Now 36K 4676 Core Academic Journal 1092- Metaphor & Symbol Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/29/2000 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7MO 6488 Core Academic Journal 0026- Middle East Journal Middle East Journal 01/15/1983 Y United States of Available Now MEJ 3141 America Core Academic Journal 0026- Middle Eastern Studies Routledge 10/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now MES 3206 Priority Academic Journal 1753- Migrations & Identities Liverpool University Press / Journals 04/15/2008 10/15/2008 04/15/2008 10/15/2008 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 53U9 9021 Core Academic Journal 0887- Milbank Quarterly Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now MIQ 378X Core Academic Journal 0026- Modern Asian Studies Cambridge University Press 02/01/1983 Y United Kingdom Available Now MOU 749X Core Academic Journal 0097- Modern China Sage Publications 01/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now MOC 7004 America Core Academic Journal 0098- Monthly Labor Review US Department of Labor 10/01/1982 10/01/1982 Y Y Y United States of Available Now MLR 1818 America Core Magazine 0027- Monthly Review: An Independent Socialist Magazine Monthly Review Foundation 01/01/1982 05/01/1998 Y Y United States of Available Now MRV 0520 America Core Academic Journal 1357- Mortality Routledge 03/01/1996 Y United Kingdom Available Now MIY 6275 Core Academic Journal 1071- NACLA Report on the Americas Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1994 01/01/1995 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now SIL 4839 Core Magazine 0884- National Interest Center for the National Interest 01/15/1994 01/15/1994 Y United States of Available Now NER 9382 America Core Academic Journal 1529- Neuropsychoanalysis Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2016 Y United Kingdom Available Now KFPX 4145 Core Magazine 1364- New Statesman New Statesman Ltd. 06/14/1996 12/12/2020 06/14/1996 12/12/2020 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now NSM 7431 Priority Magazine 0954- New Statesman & Society New Statesman Ltd. 06/10/1988 06/07/1996 01/06/1995 06/07/1996 United Kingdom Available Now NSS 2361 Core Academic Journal 0739- Newspaper Research Journal Sage Publications Inc. 01/01/2003 01/01/2003 09/01/2010 Y Y Y United States of Available Now NWP 5329 America Core Academic Journal 0822- Nomadic Peoples White Horse Press 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 9GK 7942 Core Academic Journal 0899- Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly Sage Publications 03/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now 3FJ 7640 America Core Academic Journal 1712- Nouvelles Perspectives en Sciences Sociales Editions Prise de parole 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 Y Y Y Canada Available Now 84PR 8307 Priority Academic Journal 1040- NWSA Journal Johns Hopkins University Press 03/01/1994 10/15/2009 Y United States of Available Now NWS 0656 America Core Academic Journal 0029- Oceania Wiley-Blackwell 03/01/1981 09/01/1995 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now OCA 8077 Core Academic Journal 0030- Omega: Journal of Death & Dying Sage Publications 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now OME 2228 America Core Magazine 1537- Onearth Natural Resources Defense Council 04/15/2002 United States of Available Now I04 4246 America Core Academic Journal 0030- Orbis Elsevier B.V. 10/15/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now ORB 4387 Core Academic Journal 0030- Oxford Economic Papers Oxford University Press 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now OXE 7653 Core Academic Journal 0030- Pacific Affairs Pacific Affairs 01/15/1982 Y Canada Available Now PAA 851X Core Academic Journal 1020- Pan American Journal of Public Health World Health Organization 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 09/14/2013 Y Y Y Switzerland Available Now 55OA 4989 Core Academic Journal 0031- Parameters: U.S. Army War College U.S. Army War College 12/15/2006 Y United States of Available Now 22M 1723 America Core Academic Journal 0031- Parliamentary Affairs Oxford University Press 01/15/1983 Y United Kingdom Available Now PAF 2290 Core Academic Journal 0048- Parliamentary Journal American Institute of Parliamentarians 01/01/2009 01/01/2009 Y Y United States of Available Now 97GM 2994 America Core Academic Journal 1078- Peace & Conflict American Psychological Association 01/01/2004 Y United States of Available Now 7MU 1919 America Core Academic Journal 2051- Peking University Law Journal Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2018 Y United Kingdom Available Now GXEM 7483 Core Academic Journal 0031- Perceptual & Motor Skills Sage Publications 02/01/1980 Y United States of Available Now PSK 5125 America Core Academic Journal 0146- Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin Sage Publications 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now PAS 1672 America Core Academic Journal 0048- Philosophy of the Social Sciences Sage Publications 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now CIA 3931 America Priority Academic Journal 0031- Phylon Clark Atlanta University 06/01/1981 04/15/1992 Y United States of Available Now PHL 8906 America Core Academic Journal 0032- Plains Anthropologist Taylor & Francis Ltd 08/02/1997 Y United Kingdom Available Now POG 0447 Priority Magazine 0032- Police Chief International Association of Chiefs of Police 10/01/1982 12/01/1993 United States of Available Now PLC 2571 America Core Academic Journal 1043- Policing & Society Routledge 01/01/1997 Y United Kingdom Available Now BJQ 9463 Core Magazine 1942- Policy & Practice (19426828) American Public Human Services Association 03/01/1999 10/01/2010 Y United States of Available Now B7YA 6828 America Priority Magazine 1520- Policy & Practice of Public Human Services American Public Human Services Association 06/01/2003 08/01/2010 United States of Available Now 4SW 801X America Priority Magazine 1524- Policy Evaluation Policy Studies Organization 04/15/2000 07/15/2001 04/15/2001 07/15/2001 United States of Available Now 4L0 3273 America Priority Academic Journal 0146- Policy Review Hoover Institution Press 07/15/1982 10/15/1993 Y United States of Available Now PLV 5945 America

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 13 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 0190- Policy Studies Journal Wiley-Blackwell 01/16/1987 01/15/1995 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now PSJ 292X Priority Academic Journal 0278- Policy Studies Review Wiley-Blackwell 04/15/1994 12/15/2001 10/15/1994 12/15/2001 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now PYW 4416 Core Academic Journal 1058- Political Communication Routledge 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now POU 4609 Core Academic Journal 0962- Political Geography Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 08/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now JKG 6298 Core Academic Journal 0032- Political Quarterly Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/1983 Y United Kingdom Available Now PQT 3179 Core Academic Journal 1065- Political Research Quarterly Sage Publications Inc. 03/01/1993 12/03/2011 06/30/2016 Y Y United States of Available Now PTQ 9129 America Core Academic Journal 0032- Political Science Quarterly (Academy of Political Science) Academy of Political Science 01/15/1982 12/31/2013 01/15/1994 12/31/2012 Y Y United States of Available Now PSQ 3195 America Core Academic Journal 0032- Political Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) Wiley-Blackwell 01/01/2013 01/01/2013 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now H6QN 3195 Core Academic Journal 0032- Political Studies Sage Publications 06/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now PSZ 3217 America Core Academic Journal 0090- Political Theory Sage Publications 02/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now POT 5917 America Core Academic Journal 0032- Politics & Society Sage Publications 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now POS 3292 America Core Academic Journal 0730- Politics & the Life Sciences Association for Politics & the Life Sciences 02/01/1994 02/01/1995 03/01/2011 Y Y Y United States of Available Now PFC 9384 America Core Academic Journal 0032- Polity University of Chicago Press 01/15/1994 Y United States of Available Now PYT 3497 America Core Academic Journal 0098- Population & Development Review Wiley-Blackwell 03/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now PDV 7921 Core Academic Journal 0184- Population & Sociétés Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 Y Y Y France Available Now KDP 7783 Core Academic Journal 1634- Population (16342941) Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 Y Y Y France Available Now 46MR 2941 Core Magazine 0032- Population Bulletin Population Reference Bureau, Inc. 08/01/1982 06/05/2004 Y Y United States of Available Now PBL 468X America Core Academic Journal 1544- Population Space & Place John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 01/01/2004 Y United States of Available Now 1CA3 8444 America Priority Academic Journal 1060- Post-Soviet Geography Bellwether Publishing Ltd. 01/01/1992 01/01/2000 Y United States of Available Now PSG 5851 America Priority Academic Journal 1088- Post-Soviet Geography & Economics Bellwether Publishing Ltd. 01/01/1996 01/01/2002 Y United States of Available Now GEC 9388 America Core Academic Journal 0950- Practice (09503153) Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2004 Y United Kingdom Available Now GD3 3153 Core Academic Journal 0360- Presidential Studies Quarterly Wiley-Blackwell 01/15/1987 01/15/1995 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now PRQ 4918 Core Academic Journal 0032- Prison Journal Sage Publications 09/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now PNJ 8855 America Priority Magazine 0032- Problems of Communism US Information Agency, USA 11/01/1982 05/01/1992 United States of Available Now PRC 941X America Core Academic Journal 1061- Problems of Economic Transition Taylor & Francis Ltd 07/01/1999 07/01/1999 03/01/2000 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 1M6 1991 Priority Conference 0065- Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science Academy of Political Science 01/01/1983 01/02/1991 United States of Available Now PAP Proceedings Collection 0684 America

Core Academic Journal 0033- Professional Geographer Taylor & Francis Ltd 02/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now PGG 0124 Core Academic Journal 0735- Professional Psychology: Research & Practice American Psychological Association 02/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now PYC 7028 America Core Academic Journal 0889- Proteus Proteus 10/15/2007 10/15/2007 Y Y United States of Available Now THQ 6348 America Priority Academic Journal 0030- Ps (Washington, D.C.). Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/15/1983 09/01/1999 Y Available Now DA2S 8269 Core Academic Journal 1049- PS: Political Science & Politics Cambridge University Press 01/15/1988 09/01/2000 12/01/2002 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now PSP 0965 Core Academic Journal 0893- Psychiatric Times MJH Life Sciences 07/01/2002 07/01/2002 Y Y United States of Available Now 8MJ 2905 America Core Academic Journal 0033- Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes Routledge 02/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now PST 2747 Core Academic Journal 2472- Psychoanalysis: Self & Context Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2017 Y United Kingdom Available Now KJ8Y 0038 Core Academic Journal 1048- Psychoanalytic Dialogues Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2001 Y United Kingdom Available Now FME 1885 Core Academic Journal 0735- Psychoanalytic Inquiry Taylor & Francis Ltd 02/01/2001 Y United Kingdom Available Now 2CE 1690 Core Academic Journal 1551- Psychoanalytic Perspectives Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2018 Y United Kingdom Available Now FS4X 806X Core Academic Journal 0266- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Routledge 01/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now GX8 8734 Core Academic Journal 1522- Psychoanalytic Social Work Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2000 Y United Kingdom Available Now 8B2 8878 Core Academic Journal 0079- Psychoanalytic Study of the Child Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1992 Y United Kingdom Available Now PSO 7308 Core Academic Journal 1040- Psychological Assessment American Psychological Association 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now POL 3590 America Core Academic Journal 0033- Psychological Bulletin American Psychological Association 01/01/1980 Y United States of Available Now PSB 2909 America Core Academic Journal 0033- Psychological Perspectives Taylor & Francis Ltd 07/01/2004 Y United Kingdom Available Now G1I 2925 Core Academic Journal 0033- Psychological Record Springer Nature 04/15/1982 03/01/1990 Y Y Germany Available Now PSD 2933 Core Academic Journal 0033- Psychological Reports Sage Publications 10/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now PSR 2941 America Core Academic Journal 0033- Psychological Review American Psychological Association 07/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now PYV 295X America Priority Magazine 0956- Psychological Science. Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/01/1994 11/01/2011 Available Now DA2U 7976 Core Academic Journal 0882- Psychology & Aging American Psychological Association 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now PYG 7974 America

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 14 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 0361- Psychology of Women Quarterly Sage Publications 12/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now PWQ 6843 America Core Magazine 0033- Psychology Today Sussex Publishers LLC 10/01/1982 01/01/1998 Y United States of Available Now PSY 3107 America Core Academic Journal 1068- Psychology, Crime & Law Routledge 12/01/2000 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7WL 316X Core Academic Journal 1050- Psychotherapy Research Routledge 03/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now 10T 3307 Core Academic Journal 0033- Public Administration Wiley-Blackwell 01/15/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now PAD 3298 Core Academic Journal 0033- Public Administration Review Wiley-Blackwell 11/01/1981 11/01/1982 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now PBA 3352 Core Academic Journal 0033- Public Health Reports Sage Publications 11/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now PHR 3549 America Priority Academic Journal 0033- Public Interest Public Interest 10/15/1982 12/15/2005 01/15/1994 12/15/2005 Y Y United States of Available Now PBI 3557 America Core Magazine 0033- Public Management (00333611) International City/County Management 01/01/1983 01/01/1995 Y United States of Available Now PMT 3611 Association America Priority Newspaper Public Opinion MediaNews Group, Inc. 10/01/1982 05/01/1989 United States of Available Now 4MB America Core Academic Journal 0033- Public Opinion Quarterly Oxford University Press 10/15/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now POQ 362X Core Academic Journal 1522- Public Services Quarterly Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2002 Y United Kingdom Available Now 8BR 8959 Priority Magazine 0033- Public Welfare American Public Human Services Association 01/15/1983 01/15/1998 01/15/1995 01/15/1998 United States of Available Now PWF 3816 America Core Academic Journal 0048- Publius: The Journal of Federalism Oxford University Press 01/15/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now UBL 5950 Core Academic Journal 1478- Qualitative Research in Psychology Routledge 11/08/2004 Y United Kingdom Available Now ABW 0887 Core Academic Journal 1448- Qualitative Research Journal (Emerald Group Publishing Emerald Publishing Limited 01/01/2012 Y United Kingdom Available Now FAQI 0980 Limited) Core Academic Journal 1448- Qualitative Research Journal (RMIT Training Pty Ltd RMIT Training Pty Ltd trading as RMIT Publishing 01/01/2007 12/31/2011 12/02/2011 12/31/2011 Y Y Australia Available Now 8B9F 0980 trading as RMIT Publishing) Core Academic Journal 0033- Quarterly Journal of Economics Oxford University Press 01/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now QJE 5533 Core Academic Journal 1747- Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Sage Publications 01/01/2006 Y United States of Available Now 1US5 0218 America Priority Academic Journal 0272- Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A Taylor & Francis Ltd 05/01/2000 11/01/2005 Y United Kingdom Available Now 9EH 4987 Core Academic Journal 0306- Race & Class Sage Publications 01/01/1994 01/01/1998 07/01/1999 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now RAC 3968 Core Academic Journal 1476- Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Intellect Ltd. 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now L2N 4504 Media Priority Academic Journal Rand Journal of Economics Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/15/1985 07/15/2011 01/15/1998 07/15/2011 Y Available Now D3K5 Core Academic Journal 0741- RAND Journal of Economics (Wiley-Blackwell) Wiley-Blackwell 12/16/2011 12/16/2011 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 56RJ 6261 Core Academic Journal 1080- Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping Cleveland State University 01/01/1995 Y United States of Available Now RB9 0220 America Core Academic Journal 0090- Rehabilitation Psychology American Psychological Association 08/01/2003 Y United States of Available Now ILQ 5550 America Core Academic Journal 0034- Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations Universite Laval, Department of Industrial 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 Y Y Y Canada Available Now RID 379X Relations Core Academic Journal 1542- Research in Human Development Taylor & Francis Ltd 04/14/2004 Y United Kingdom Available Now W46 7609 Core Academic Journal 0164- Research on Aging Sage Publications 03/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now RAG 0275 America Core Academic Journal 2730- Research on Child & Adolescent Psychopathology Springer Nature 01/01/2021 01/01/2021 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now MNIX 7166 Core Academic Journal 1049- Research on Social Work Practice Sage Publications 07/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now RSW 7315 America Core Academic Journal 0034- Review of Black Political Economy Sage Publications 01/15/1987 Y United States of Available Now BLK 6446 America Core Academic Journal 0034- Review of Economic Studies Oxford University Press 01/01/1980 Y United Kingdom Available Now REM 6527 Priority Academic Journal 0034- Review of Economics & Statistics MIT Press 01/01/1982 08/02/1986 Y United States of Available Now RMS 6535 America Core Academic Journal 1541- Review of Policy Research Wiley-Blackwell 04/15/2002 04/15/2002 12 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now MJJ 132X Core Academic Journal 0093- Reviews in Anthropology Routledge 12/01/1997 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7WN 8157 Core Academic Journal 1138- Revista Latina de Comunicación Social Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social 01/02/2010 01/02/2010 Y Y Y Spain Available Now 3912 5820 Priority Academic Journal 1138- Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. Universidad de La Laguna 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 01/01/2010 Y Spain Available Now DA42 5820 Priority Magazine 1020- Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública Pan American Health Organization 12/01/2005 11/01/2011 12/01/2005 11/01/2011 Y United States of Available Now I3S 4989 America Priority Trade Publication 0307- Roof Shelter 01/01/2007 07/01/2010 United Kingdom Available Now 301D 6911 Core Academic Journal 0036- Rural Sociology Wiley-Blackwell 06/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now RUS 0112 Priority Academic Journal 1061- Russian Politics & Law Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1999 07/01/2001 01/01/1999 07/01/2001 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 2CP 1940 Core Academic Journal 1061- Russian Social Science Review Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1999 01/01/1999 07/01/2001 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now RSS 1428 Priority Academic Journal 1061- Russian Studies in History Taylor & Francis Ltd 07/15/1999 04/15/2000 07/15/1999 04/15/2000 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8CZ 1983 Priority Academic Journal 0036- SAIS Review Johns Hopkins University Press 01/15/1994 07/15/2008 Y United States of Available Now SIV 0775 America Core Academic Journal 1945- SAIS Review of International Affairs Johns Hopkins University Press 07/15/2004 Y United States of Available Now 2EZ3 4716 America Core Academic Journal 1357- Sartre Studies International Berghahn Books 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now QM6 1559 America Priority Magazine Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives & Area Scandinavian Journal of Development 03/01/2000 12/01/2000 Sweden Available Now DA4T Studies. Alternatives Core Academic Journal 1045- School Psychology Quarterly American Psychological Association 09/01/2011 09/01/2016 Y United States of Available Now 10V 3830 America

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 15 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 0036- Science & Society Guilford Publications Inc. 01/15/1982 Y United States of Available Now SSO 8237 America Core Academic Journal 1529- Self & Identity Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2002 Y United Kingdom Available Now CB6 8868 Core Academic Journal 1745- Senses & Society Routledge 03/01/2006 Y United Kingdom Available Now 1GVI 8927 Core Academic Journal 0360- Sex Roles Springer Nature 08/01/1981 08/01/1981 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now SXR 0025 Core Academic Journal 1361- Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies Berghahn Books 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 12 Y Y United States of Available Now 3C10 7362 America Core Academic Journal 0097- Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society University of Chicago Press 10/15/1981 Y United States of Available Now SIG 9740 America Priority Academic Journal 0037- Simulation & Games Sage Publications 09/01/1982 12/01/1989 Y United States of Available Now 3OP4 5500 America Priority Academic Journal 1046- Simulation & Gaming Sage Publications 03/01/1990 12/01/1993 Y United States of Available Now SIM 8781 America Core Academic Journal 0037- Slavic Review Cambridge University Press 03/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now SLA 6779 America Priority Academic Journal 0037- Social & Economic Studies University of the West Indies - Mona 01/01/1982 03/01/1986 Y Jamaica Available Now G8R 7651 Core Academic Journal 0155- Social Alternatives Social Alternatives 01/01/1990 01/01/1990 Y Y Y Australia Available Now SAT 0306 Core Academic Journal 0155- Social Analysis Berghahn Books 07/15/2005 07/15/2005 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now H9B 977X America Priority Academic Journal 0037- Social Biology Social Biology 04/15/1982 10/15/1992 Y United States of Available Now SOB 766X America Priority Academic Journal 0037- Social Casework Alliance for Children & Families 10/01/1982 12/01/1989 Y United States of Available Now M9G 7678 America Core Academic Journal 0147- Social Development Issues (Follmer Group) Follmer Group 10/15/2005 12/31/2018 10/15/2005 12/31/2018 Y Y Y United States of Available Now SDV 1473 America Core Academic Journal 0147- Social Development Issues (Social Development Issues) Social Development Issues 01/01/2019 01/01/2019 Y Y Y United States of Available Now LW7P 1473 America Core Academic Journal 0253- Social Dynamics Routledge 06/01/1995 Y United Kingdom Available Now SOD 3952 Core Academic Journal 0037- Social Forces Oxford University Press 09/01/1980 09/01/1980 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now SFR 7732 Priority Academic Journal 0307- Social History Routledge 01/01/1983 10/31/1986 Y United Kingdom Available Now SOH 1022 Core Academic Journal 1350- Social Identities Routledge 02/01/1995 02/01/1995 18 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now SEN 4630 Core Academic Journal 1553- Social Influence Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2006 Y United Kingdom Available Now 1X2H 4510 Core Academic Journal 1043- Social Justice Social Justice 06/01/1999 06/01/1999 Y Y United States of Available Now JUS 1578 America Core Academic Journal 0885- Social Justice Research Springer Nature 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 12 Y Y Y Germany Available Now 4LL 7466 Core Academic Journal 1474- Social Movement Studies Routledge 04/01/2002 04/01/2002 18 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now J5V 2837 Core Academic Journal 1172- Social Policy Journal of New Zealand New Zealand Ministry of Social Development 03/01/2007 12/31/2011 03/01/2007 12/31/2011 Y Y Y New Zealand Available Now 1G9T 4382 Core Academic Journal 0037- Social Problems Oxford University Press 10/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now SPR 7791 Core Academic Journal 0190- Social Psychology Quarterly Sage Publications 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now SPQ 2725 America Core Academic Journal 0037- Social Research Johns Hopkins University Press 01/15/1983 01/15/1995 12 Y Y United States of Available Now SRE 783X America Core Academic Journal 1360- Social Research Update University of Surrey 04/15/2007 04/15/2007 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now V74 7898 Core Academic Journal 0277- Social Science & Medicine Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science 04/01/1981 Y United Kingdom Available Now SMD 9536 Core Academic Journal 1369- Social Science Japan Journal Oxford University Press 04/01/2003 Y United Kingdom Available Now BJ9 1465 Core Academic Journal 0362- Social Science Journal Taylor & Francis Ltd 10/01/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now SSJ 3319 Core Academic Journal 0038- Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) Wiley-Blackwell 09/02/2011 Y United Kingdom Available Now SSQ 4941 Priority Magazine 0038- Social Science Quarterly. Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/01/1982 09/01/2011 Available Now DA5K 4941 Core Academic Journal 0049- Social Science Research Academic Press 01/01/1982 Y United States of Available Now SSS 089X America Core Academic Journal 0252- Social Sciences in China Routledge 02/01/2008 Y United Kingdom Available Now 1XQ4 9203 Core Academic Journal 0037- Social Security Bulletin Social Security Administration 01/01/1999 01/01/1999 Y Y Y United States of Available Now SSB 7910 America Core Academic Journal 0037- Social Service Review University of Chicago Press 09/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now SSR 7961 America Core Academic Journal 0037- Social Theory & Practice Florida State University, Dept. of Philosophy 10/15/1982 04/15/1995 Y Y United States of Available Now STP 802X America Core Academic Journal 0037- Social Work Oxford University Press 05/01/1981 05/01/1981 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now SWR 8046 Core Academic Journal 0737- Social Work & Christianity North American Association of Christians in 07/01/2003 09/01/2004 Y Y Y United States of Available Now R9C 5778 Social Work America Core Academic Journal 0261- Social Work Education Routledge 03/01/1999 03/01/1999 18 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 36Q 5479 Core Academic Journal 1070- Social Work Research Oxford University Press 12/01/1997 12/01/1997 12 Y Y United Kingdom Available Now SWK 5309 Core Academic Journal 0160- Social Work with Groups Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now SWW 9513 Core Academic Journal 1918- Socialist Studies Society for Socialist Studies 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 Y Y Y Canada Available Now 69TT 2821 Priority Academic Journal 0038- Sociological Analysis Association for the Sociology of Religion 03/01/1987 10/15/1992 Y United States of Available Now 5T7 0210 America Core Academic Journal 0038- Sociological Inquiry Wiley-Blackwell 04/15/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now SIN 0245 Core Academic Journal 0731- Sociological Perspectives Sage Publications 01/15/1994 Y United States of Available Now SPP 1214 America

Social Sciences Full Text-September 2021 Page 16 of 18 Coverage Policy Source Type ISSN Publication Name Publisher Indexing and Indexing and Full Text Start Full Text Stop Full Text Peer- PDF Image Country Availability* MID Abstracting Start Abstracting Stop Delay Review Images QuickVie (Months) ed (full w page) Core Academic Journal 0038- Sociological Quarterly Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/15/1982 Y United Kingdom Available Now SQR 0253 Priority Academic Journal 1061- Sociological Research Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1999 11/10/2004 01/01/1999 09/01/1999 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 8D1 0154 Core Academic Journal 0038- Sociological Review Sage Publications 05/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now SOR 0261 America Core Academic Journal 0038- Sociology Sage Publications 05/01/1981 Y United States of Available Now SGY 0385 America Priority Academic Journal 0038- Sociology & Social Research University of Southern California 07/01/1982 07/01/1992 Y United States of Available Now SOS 0393 America Core Academic Journal 0038- Sociology of Education Sage Publications 01/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now SOO 0407 America Priority Academic Journal Sociology of Education. Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) 01/02/1996 10/01/2011 Y Available Now D7VF Core Academic Journal 0141- Sociology of Health & Illness Wiley-Blackwell 07/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now 7RA 9889 Core Academic Journal 1069- Sociology of Religion Oxford University Press 01/15/1993 01/15/1995 07/15/2009 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now SOG 4404 Core Academic Journal 0741- Sociology of Sport Journal Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 06/01/1999 Y United States of Available Now 0DQ 1235 America Core Academic Journal 2152- South African Review of Sociology Routledge 06/01/2005 Y United Kingdom Available Now 2DQK 8586 Core Academic Journal 0038- Southeastern Geographer University of North Carolina Press 05/04/2004 05/04/2004 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now Z4J 366X America Core Academic Journal 0038- Southern Economic Journal John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 01/01/1982 10/01/1997 12 Y Y United States of Available Now SEJ 4038 America Core Academic Journal 0735- Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Northwestern State University of Louisiana, 04/15/2007 04/15/2007 Y Y Y United States of Available Now 386O 8342 South Southern Studies Institute America Priority Academic Journal 0038- Soviet Geography Bellwether Publishing Ltd. 01/01/1987 12/01/1991 Y United States of Available Now 92SF 5417 America Priority Academic Journal 0038- Soviet Studies Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1987 01/05/1992 Y United Kingdom Available Now 25C 5859 Priority Academic Journal 1067- Spectrum: Journal of State Government Council of State Governments 07/15/1992 12/15/2005 01/15/1998 12/15/2005 Y Y United States of Available Now STM 8530 America Priority Academic Journal 0039- State Government Council of State Governments 01/01/1983 01/15/1986 Y United States of Available Now 3I8S 0097 America Core Academic Journal 2330- Statistics & Public Policy Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2014 Y United Kingdom Available Now GQIB 443X Core Academic Journal 1669- Studia Politicae Studia Politicae 04/15/2006 04/15/2006 09/01/2010 Y Y Argentina Available Now 8B9G 7405 Priority Academic Journal 0039- Studies in Comparative Communism Elsevier B.V. 01/15/1982 12/01/1992 Y United States of Available Now SCC 3592 America Core Academic Journal 1057- Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Routledge 01/01/1994 Y United Kingdom Available Now CNF 610X Core Academic Journal 1524- Studies in Gender & Sexuality Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now FMD 0657 Core Academic Journal 0363- Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior Wiley-Blackwell 01/15/1987 Y United Kingdom Available Now SUI 0234 Priority Magazine 0039- Survey Survey Magazines Ltd 07/15/1982 06/01/1989 United Kingdom Available Now SVE 6192 Core Academic Journal 0039- Survival (00396338) Routledge 12/02/2011 Y United Kingdom Available Now 1BOP 6338 Priority Magazine 0039- Survival (London, England). Routledge 01/15/1994 12/01/2011 United Kingdom Available Now DA6F 6338 Core Academic Journal 1092- Systems Research & Behavioral Science John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 01/01/1997 Y United States of Available Now 2SN 7026 America Core Academic Journal 1532- Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry TAMARA: Journal of Critical Postmodern 03/01/2009 03/01/2009 Y Y Y Poland Available Now G90A 5555 Organization Science Priority Academic Journal TAMARA: Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization TAMARA: Journal of Critical Postmodern 01/01/2006 12/01/2009 01/01/2006 12/01/2009 Y Y Y Poland Available Now QM7 Science Organization Science Core Academic Journal 0040- Technology & Culture Johns Hopkins University Press 07/01/1980 Y United States of Available Now TCU 165X America Core Academic Journal 0040- Theoria: A Journal of Social & Political Theory Berghahn Books 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 12 Y Y Y United States of Available Now LUX 5817 America Core Academic Journal 2050- Theory & Practice of Legislation Taylor & Francis Ltd 01/01/2013 Y United Kingdom Available Now GXGU 8840 Core Academic Journal 1937- Theory in Action Transformative Studies Institute 01/01/2008 01/01/2008 Y Y United States of Available Now 5E57 0229 America Core Academic Journal 0143- Third World Quarterly Routledge 01/01/1999 Y United Kingdom Available Now TWQ 6597 Core Academic Journal 1751- Time & Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness Routledge 01/01/2009 09/30/2016 Y United Kingdom Available Now 451P 696X & Culture Core Academic Journal 0041- TPR: Town Planning Review Liverpool University Press / Journals 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 Y Y Y United Kingdom Available Now 3GB 0020 Core Academic Journal 1406- TRAMES: A Journal of the Humanities & Social Sciences Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus 01/01/2001 01/01/2001 Y Y Y Estonia Available Now DT1 0922 Core Academic Journal 2041- Transnational Legal Theory Taylor & Francis Ltd 03/01/2013 Y United Kingdom Available Now B88I 4005 Priority Magazine 0041- Trial: The National Legal Newsmagazine American Association for Justice (AJJ) 01/01/1983 02/01/1999 United States of Available Now TRL 2538 America Core Magazine 0251- UN Chronicle United Nations Publications 05/01/1982 07/01/2002 Y United States of Available Now GB9 7329 America Priority Academic Journal 0042- Urban Affairs Quarterly Sage Publications 09/01/1982 12/01/1994 Y United States of Available Now UAQ 0816 America Core Academic Journal 1078- Urban Affairs Review Sage Publications 01/01/1995 Y United States of Available Now UAR 0874 America Core Academic Journal 0894- Urban Anthropology & Studies of Cultural Systems & Institute, Inc. 01/15/1985 Y United States of Available Now UAS 6019 World Economic Development America Core Academic Journal 0272- Urban Geography Taylor & Francis Ltd 07/01/1999 09/03/2015 Y United Kingdom Available Now 0HI 3638 Priority Academic Journal 0098- Urban Life Sage Publications 10/01/1982 01/01/1987 Y United States of Available Now 23HR 3039 America Core Academic Journal 0042- Urban Studies (Sage Publications, Ltd.) Sage Publications 01/02/2012 Y United Kingdom Available Now 54XY 0980 Priority Academic Journal 0042- Urban Studies. Sage Publications 01/01/1982 01/01/2012 Y United Kingdom Available Now DA8D 0980 Core Academic Journal 0886- Violence & Victims Springer Publishing Company, Inc. 01/01/1986 Y United States of Available Now LV3 6708 America

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