ED 75 332 SO 005 532

AUTHCP Hare, James M. TITLE Annotated /Categorised Bibliography of Social Scionce Journals. INSTITUTION Millersville stae coll., Pa. Oanser Library. PUB LATE Dec 72 NUTS 43p.

EDPS PRICE MP-10.65 HC -S1.29 DFSCPIPTORB Ennotated Bibliographies; Anthropology; Area Studies; ; aeography; ; Periodicals; Political Science; Social Sciences; ABSTRACT This annotated bibliography lists four-hundred and twenty-six social science journals and periodicals. It was designed for social studies/social science students, faculty, and scholars interested in keeping up in their field. All social science disciplines, which include anthropology, economics, , history, political science, and sociology, are represented, with the exception of psychology. In addition, journals concerned with area studies and other topics are included. Selection criteria were based upon including all social science journals written exclusively in English subscribed to by Millersville State College. Classified by subject, journals are grouped according to: 1) a general category (for journals general in scope); 2) area studies (for journals concerned with specific countries); 3) various topics (that include journals under cartography, Chicanos, civil liberties, demography, olklore, international affairs, law, social studies education and urban studies; and ) specific social science categories. Title entries provide information on publisher, number of issues per year, and one sentence descriptive annotation. (SJM) rpom PFST AvAILAstrc'(-)r\.




COMPILED BY James M. Hors Dopartmsnt of Secondary Education


December 11172 Table of Contents

Introduction Page 1.

Categories of Journals Listed Page 2.

General Page 3-5

Africa ...Page 5-7

Anthropology Page 7-8

Archaeology Page 9

Asia Page 10-11

Australia/Pacitic Page 11

Black Studies Page 12-13

Canada/Alaska Page 13-14

Cartography Page 14

Chicanos Page 14

China Page 14 Civil Liberties Page 14-15

Demography Page 15

Economics Page 15-20 Europe Page 20-22

Folklore Page 22-23 Geography Page 23-24

History Page 24-30

International Affairs Page 30-32

Latin America Page 32-33

Law Page 33-34

Middle East Page 34

Political Science Page 34-37

Sociology Page 37-39

Social Studies Education Page 39-40

Soviet Union/Eastern Europe Page 40 fitbnn Studies Page 40-41 pinnotated and ategoriged bibliography of Journals

in Social ,Sciences and Social §tudiea in;artier

Library, Millers7ille State college, Millersville,Pa.

This annotated /categorized bibliographywas conceived to meet the needs of social studies /social sciencestudents and faculty for a listing of journals and periodicalsother than alphabeti- cally by title. Unless one is familiar withmost of the journals in a particular discipline, locatingmaterials can be a time-con-

suming and sometimes frustrating experience.While periodical

indexes will direct the inquirer to specificarticles and journals, there are often times when he would liketo locate and browse in

journals related to a generalarea of interest or concern. This

bibliography should be helpful for this kind ofreading.

Within the framework of the information explosion,journals

and periodicals proliferate so rapidly, thatunless one is a pro-

fessional librarian, it is difficult tomaintain familiarity with

what is entering the field. This bibliographyshould be helpful

not only to students who are just beginning touse these sources,

but to scholars who are interested in keepingup with what is being added to their fields of study.

All of the journals in social sciences currentlysubscribed to by Ganser Library, Millersville State College have beenex- amined for inclusion in the bibliography. Theyhave been placed in categories which will be described below.

The social science disciplines whichare represented includes

anthropology, economics, geography, history, politicalscience, and sociology. Although recognisedas a social science, psychology has not been included because there is sucha wide variety of special interest areas within the general field.In addition, sources written exclusively in s language other than English have not been included.

The categories as listed below present an overview cf how the compiler approached the categorization ofthe journals. Where necessary, explanatory remarks are included.

1. GENERAL: This category includes journals so general in scope that they couldn't be placed in any of the spe- cific categories. They may also be interdisciplinary in nature without any one overriding theme.

2. AFRICA: Journals primarily concerned with the African continent and its nations. See Number 7, BLACKSTyDIEr for journals with that emphasis, includingsome which have an African/other nation /continent orientation.

3. ANTHROPOLOGY: Note the next entry, ARCHAEOLOGY as a sep- arate category.


5. Asm




9. 2101S912AU 10. CHICANOS: Primarily concered with Mexican-Americans.


12. orik LIBERTIES: Note Number 21, Iamr. 13. MOWN 14. ECONOMICS: This category includes business, finance, and insurance.

15. EUROPE: Note Number 26, SOVIET ,UNION/EASTERN auRopp, 16. MMES. 17. 212011211X 18. HISTORY: Because of the large number of special interest fields in history, where appropriate,journals have been cross-referenced. 3



21. LAW








1. Ceres: FAO Review Finishia-bi-monthly by theFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Thematic issues, e.g. "Social Justice First",July-August 1970. 2. The Columbia Foruti PublUETarWarterly by ColumbiaUniversity, New York. Materials on various social science topics.

3. Columbia Journalism Review nad bi-monthy unde r the auspices of the faculty, alumni, and friends of the Graduate School ofJournalism, Columbia University, New York. Journalistic materials, emphasizing politicaland social topics. 4. Commonweal Published weekly (except bi-weekly Christmas-NewYears, and June to mid-September) by Commonweal PublishingCo., New York. A weekly review of public affaiis, literature,and the arts.

5. Current Published monthly (combined issues July/August)by Goddard Publications, Inc., Plainfield, Vermont. A reprint magazine, articleson current U.S. social problems. 6. Human Relations Published bi-monthly by PlenumPress Publishing Co., London. Studies toward the integration of the socialsciences. 7. Jewish Social Studies Published quarterly the Conference on Jewish Social Studies, New York. Materials on contemporary and historicalaspects of Jewish life. 8, urnal of American Studies s ea-Ole-Mee a year by the Cambridge UniversityPress, London. Materials on American social questions andtopics. 9. The Journal of Developing Areas Published quarterly by Western Illinois University,Macomb, Ill. Materials on contemporary social problems of thedeveloping areas. 10. The Journal of Development Studies Published quarterly by Frank Cass& Co., Ltd., London. A journal devoted to economic, political, and socialdevelopment. 11. Journal of Human Relations Published quarterly by Central State University,Wilberforce, Ohio. Materials on general social science topics.

12. Kyklos Published quarterly by Kyklos-Verlag, Basel,Switzerland. An international review for social sciences.

13. Liberation Published monthly (except July-August-September) byLiberation, New York. Materials on contemporary U.S. social and politicalproblems. 14. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly Published quarterly by the Milbank MemorialFund, New York. Materials on topics with a social/medical emphasis.

15. New South Published c-artarly by the Southern Regional Council,Atlanta,Ga. Materials on social problems and topics in thesouthern U.S. 16. The Philippine Review Published bi-monthly in New Yorkand Manila, P.I. Materials relating to Philippine-U.S.relations. 17. Poliicy Sciences Published quarterly by ElsevierPublishing Co., Amsterdam,Neth. Materials on social science in thepolicy-making component of management.

18. The Public Interest Published quarterly by National AffairsInc., New York. Materials primarily on U.S. socialproblems. 19. The Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal Published twice d year by The Rocky MountainSocial Science Association, Colorado State University,Fort Collins, Colorado. Materials on domestic and internationalsocial science topics. 20. The Round Table Published quarterly by the Round TableLtd., London. Materials on international socialscience topics. 21. Schism Published quarterly by Schism PublishingCo., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Articles and cartoons selected frompages of America's unpopular press, left and right. - 5 -

22. Social Research Published quarterly by the New School for Social Research, New York. An international quarterly of the social sciences.

23. Social Science Pub fished quarterly by Pi Gamma Mu, Winfield, Kansas. Materials on general social science topics.

24. Social Science Quarterly Publishea quarterly by the Southwestern Social Science Associa- tion, Austin, Texas. Materials on general social science topics.

25. Social Science Research Published quarterly by the Department of Social Relations, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. A journal of social science methodology and quantitative research.

26. Society (formerly transaction) Published bi-monthly at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Materials on social science and modern society.

27. The Southern Quarterly Published quarterly by the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Miss. Materials on domestic and international topics in the humanities and social science.

28. Twentieth Century Published quarterly by Omnific Advertising Ltd., London. Materials on general international social topics.

29. United Nations Monthly Chronicle Publishia-WaThly except August and September by the Office of Public Information of the United Nations, New York. An objective, comprehensive, and documented account of the activities of the U.N., to advance public understanding of the organization. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * AFRICA

30. Bulletin of the Africa Institute of South Africa Published ten times per year by the Africa Ins t tute, Pretoria. Primarily concerned with man on the African continent.

31. Africa Quarterly: A Journal of African Affairs Published quarterly by the Indian Council for Africa, New Delhi. Articles xdlating to African peoples and problems.

32. Africa Report Published nine times a year by the African-American Institute, Inc., Washington. D.C. General articles on African society and problems. 33. Africa :Way: A Quarterly Review Published quarterly by Africa Today Associates in association with the Center on International Race Relations, Universityof Denver, Colorado. Materials on African national and social problems.

34. Africt.-, Affairs: Journal of the Royal African Society Published quarterly by the Royal African Society, London. Emphasizing materials or African territories forming part of the British Commonwealth, but including other materials. 35. African Deve,opment Pub ished mfmthly by African Buyer and Trader Ltd., London. Each issue devoted to a developing African nation,e.g. Nigeria, March 1972.

36. African Historical Studies Published three times a year by the African StudiesCenter of Boston University. Materials on man's past in Africa, including archaeological topics.

37. African Social Research Published two times a year by the Institute for AfricanStudies, University of Zambia. Materials on social research in Africa.

38. Af ican Studies Review Published three times a year by the African StudiesCenter, Michigan State University, Lansing. Materials on African society and problems.

39. Canadian Journal of African Studies Published three times a year by the Canadian Associationof African Studies, Ottawa, Ontario. Materials on African social science topics. 40. The Conch Published twice a year in March and September byfounder and editor, S.O.Anozie at Austin, Texas. Materials on the sociology of African cultures.

41. A Current Bibliography on African Affairs Pdarifir: 114-monthly by thntriTaniThirographicCenter, Washington. A guide for study and research in African studies. 42. International African Bibliogrsphv Published Iwartrail-yEy tfie International African Institute,LondOn. Listing as they appear, all authoritative works inAfrican Studies, with the main focus on tropical Africa.

43. Issue FiWished quarterly by theAfrican Studies Association, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass. Materials on general African topics. - 7 -

44. The Journal of African History Published quarterly by The Syndics of the CambridgeUniversity Press, London. Materials on the history of Africa.

45. The Journal of Modern African Studies Published quarterly by Cambridge University Press, London. A survey of politics, economics, and related contemporary African topics.

46. Pan African Journal Published quarterly by Pan African Institute Inc., New York. Materials on political, historical, and economic topics, and national development in Africa.

47. Tarikh Published twice a year for the Historical Society of Nigeria in London. Materials on African historical topics. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ANTHROPOLOGY 48. American Anthropologist Published bi-monthly by the American AnthropologicalAssociation, Washington. Materials on world anthropology.

49. American Journal of Physical Anthropology Published bi-monthly by the American Association of Physical ALthropologists, through the Wistar Institute ofAnatomy and Biology, Philadelphia, Pa. Materials on human evolution and variation.

50. Current Anthropology Published quarterly by theVenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, "lezw York. A world journal of the sciences of man.

51. Ethnohistory Published quarterly by the American Society for Ethnohistory, University of Arizona, Tucson. Material related to general cultural history, with emphasis on sociocultural organization of world primitives and peasantry.

52. Ethnology Published quarterly by the University of Pittsburgh. An international 4ournal of cultural and social anthropology.

53. Human Organization wished quarterly by The Society forApplied Anthropology, Washington. Materials on contemporary international anthropologicaltopics. - 8 -

54. The Journal of Pacific History Published annually at Australian National University, Canberra. Materials on political, economic religious and cultural history, archaeology and prehistory, as well as contemporary government and political development of the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii and New Guinea.

55. Journal of Popular Culture Published quarterly by the Popular Culture Association, Bowling Green, Ohio. Dedicated to 'popular culture" in the broadestsense of the term, with no limits on period or country covered.

56. Man Published quarterly by the Royal Anthropological Institute,London. Materials on international anthropological topics.

57. Man in the Northeast Published semi-annually in Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire. Materials on anthropological topics related to the northeastern U.S. and Canada.

58. Oceania Published quarterly by The University of Sydney, New South Wales. Materials on the study of the native peoples of Australia, -ew Guinea, and the islands of the Pacific.

59. Plains Anthropologist Published quarterly by the Plains Anthropologist Corporation, Topeka, Kansas. Materials on the Plains and adjacent areas of North America. 60. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology Published quarterly by the University of New Mexico. Materials on domestic and international anthropological topics. 61. Steward Anthropological Society Published two times a year by the Steward Anthropological Society, University of Illino::, Urbana. Materials from all branches of anthropology, domestic and inter- national.

62. Tlalocan Published at irregular intervals through the collaboration of the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico and the Wenner-Gren Foundation, New York. Chiefly manuscripts having a bearing on the aboriginal cultures of Mesoamerica.

63. Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology Published quarterly by the Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton. First issue of each volume devoted to a specific Canadian topic, remaining issues on general anthropological topics. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * - 9 -


64. American Antiquity Published quarterly by the Society forAmerican Archaelogy, Washington. Materials on the archaeology of the New Worldand closely related subjects.

65. American Journal of Archaeology Published quarterly by the ArchaeologicalInstitute of America, New York. Materials on world archaeology.

66. Antiquity Published quarterly by the AntiquityTrust, Cambridge. Materials on world archaeology.

67. The Archaeological Journal Published annually by the Royal ArchaeologicalInstitute, London. Materials on world archaeology.

68. Archaeology Published quarterly by the ArchaeologicalInstitute of America, New York. Materials on world archaeology.

69. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology inOceania Published three times a year by the Universityof Sydney, New South Wales. Materials on archaeology and physicalanthropology of Australia, New Guinea, Southeast Asia, and the islandsof the Pacific. 70. Archaeometry Published two times a year in February andAugust as the Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Archaeologyand the History of Art, Oxford University. Materials on the several processes for thedating of archaeolog- ical artifacts. 71. The Journal of Roman Studies Publiiiiirinnually by The Society forthe promotion of Roman Studies, London. Materials on the history and archaeology of theRoman Empire. 72. Pennsylvania Archaeologist Published three times yearly by the Societyfor Pennsylvania Archaeology, Salem, Ohio. Materials on the archaeology of Pennsylvania.

73. World Archaeology Published three times a year by the ProprietorsRoutledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London. Thematic issues on world archaeology,e.g. "Subsistence", "Social Structures", and "Cultural Survival." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * 10

MIA 74. kifishelquarterly by the Asia Society, Mow York. Bach issue dedicated to an Asian nation.e.g. "The Philippines, Problone and Prospects", Autumn 1971.

75. PitaiER itiffshedtkree times a year by the Royal Centro.' Asian Society, London. Materials on Central Asia, including Soviet Asia.

76. telfielki!gettrilfrtwoissues by the Society for Asian Folklore, Tokyo. Material. on Asiatic folklore.

77. ItiffseMeihlyby the Republic of China, Tapia. Materials primarily concerned with China and the interestsof the Republic of China.

76. ttlfallategigftmesa year by the Australian Institute of International Affairs, It Melbourne, Victoria. Materials on Asia and the Southeast Pacific. 76. Maim litifteraliallnualtieferrvenchingInstitute, Cambridge. Moss. Materia/s on general Asian topics. 80. 41111121grsrr y The Center for Japanese Social and Political Studies. Materials to promote mutual understanding betweenJapanese and people in other parts of the world.

61. illegialessafteitrihyiliginissociationfor Asian Studied), Inc. Awn Arbor. Michigan. Materials on generalAsiatic social topics. S2. Mgellitwareirlyoalis laraftillPar *astern Pibllshers Ltd., Singapore. Materials on nelti-dLsoiplinary studies relatingto the past and present in Southeast Asia. 13. fem:reate Sores Information Service. Seoul. Materials related to contemporary and 'Mores. M. NeffillettitiatNYCmibmidge University Press. London. Materials on mentopperary and resent historicalAsian topics. GS. ttarernamonthly by Pacific magazines Ltd.. HongKong. Materials relating to Asian topics.contemporary. historical and cultural. $6. Katfatepiyi s q arterly by the University of British Mlumbl Vanco.iver. Materials on Asian social topics. 7. NfulAtkillite ...nes a year by the Department of Geography. Victoria uniersity, wellington. new Zealand. Materials on aconomic growth and social changein both developed and developing societies of Asia and thePacific. N. ISMedillatilifiguteyin Karachi, Pakistan. Materials on the social and cultural life ofPakiston, past and present.

89. ilittAifliMiffyby the Royal Society for India. Pakistan. and Ceylon, London. Materials intended to promote friendship andunderstanding between the peoples of Great Britain , India, Pakistand and Ceylon. 90. mu& ag IMISquarterayletiMairgerifirmaimmStudies. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. A malti-disciplinary journal of research andopinion on Southeast Asia.

AfilUMNAMMINCIR 91. aiitanielaa MAMA

92. illft""antAttriefteAustralian Institute of Political Science. Sydney. Materials on Australian political sciencetopics. 93. entry MuMber S8) 94. itifteriaollanlrefieleificPublic/attests. Sydney. Materials on Austrasis and the islands of theSouth Pacific. OS. alliiffaMetetilliysifilSociety. Audkland. Materials on the Mew Land Maori and other poppies of the Pacific islands. - 12 -

larApeticanipt4giels Interdisciolkpary Journal 96. Lased quarterly by Gordon and Broach, SciencePublishers, melon and Wow York. laterials emphasising Black Studies, includingsome African roblems and topis.

97. laftergfreArbyBlack Academy Press Inc., buffalo. Materials on Black Studies and African topics. 98. MANS WeiRfta year by the Black World Foundatton, Sausalito, California. Materials on Blacks and the law in the U.S.

99. fieffsercluarterlyby the Department of Black Studiesat the University of Pittsburgh, Pa. Materials on international Black Studies. 100. ill quarter the Urban Affairs Institute, Los Angeles, Calif. Materials on current political thought with specialreference to Black Americans.

101. Oleg iligno*except July and August by The Black World Foundation. Sausalito, Calif. Materials on Black America.

102. leffsitimonthlyby Johnson Publishing Co..Mew 'Mk Materials on international ',lads studies. 103. Quarterly by rreedomrsys AssociatesInc., NOW York. Materials on the freedom movement with specialemphasis on Illadk studies.

104. al1 111414910144firlublicatiensInc.. Beverly 11111e. Calif. Materials on issues related to persons of Africandreamt is variou, social sciences.

10S. illallistUliniPlegissociationfor the Study of Negro Lite and llistory Inc.. Wash Materials es Negro lifeL story.

10G. IngsaProstWeissteptJuneaUly.August.214:tr. by the Agesciatienforthe Study of Msgr. late. wadi Materisis on Negro life and history.emphasis on U.i. sod eestooporary problems. SIMI =A aZIA 111ZAI 4181111 NW =II-4 * MI 4111 4141 owltrigi- -- 13 -

Objoctj.ves Juttice Published quarterly by the united Nations, New York. Materials relating to the zctivity of the United Nations against Apartheid, racial discrimination, and colonialism.

PAte;hdquarterly by Atlanta University, Atlan Materials on rem* and culture among Blacks in And Africa.

ilgtishd quarterly by The Institute of Race Relations, London. Materials on race relations, primarily Black -white and on the British or former British colonial areas.

ISlifigrionthlyby The Institute of Race Relations, London. Materials on race relations in England, Europe, and other nations.

fteteselluarterlyby the Afro-American Cultural Center at rile University, New Maven. Materials on the Black experience throughout the world.

_91451P21Um)* cal g i e d times apererfiseBlack Bconomic Reearch Cantor, New York. Materials on donnetic 1Nock studies, emphasising polities and amnomic aspects and ampacs.

filliethi.-monthly*, John C. Bee Jr., son Francisco. Materials onnnenting en crucial issues affecting Slack people's lives. *

SMAIMIONWINK alitighgellyby Alaska Northwest ambLihing CO., Juneau. *Aerials on history and arts of the Nora'.

lftePrOnitiNCaaadian Forum Ltd.. ToroNto. notarial@ on Canadian °pink= and the arts.

literamegerreFsheCanadian Aseocamt ion ofGoogols Mr, Montreal, Quebec. Materials on Canadian gmgraphiaal topics.

MedologilleetilearlyalCanadian Geographical focioty, Ottawa. Materials on Canadian Oeographical topics. - 14 -

118. ILLe canadian Historical Review PuThsned quarterly by the Canadian listorical Association. Tcronto, Ontario. Materials on Canadian history.

119. ljaCanadian Review of American Studies Published two times a year by the Canadian Association for American Studies, York University, Downsview, Ontario.

Materials on analysis and understanding of ,cist and present cultures of the U.S. and c

** rlla201111X 120. MI gmtqaraphic PUbliahed twicealgriythe British Cartographic Society. Materials on world cartographic topics.

121. aehy P .bledin volumes of folic iseues over a two year period by the Australian institute Cartographers. Materials on world cartographic topics.


122. tsaifthedtwo times a year by the ChLamm Studies Center. University of California. Los Angelaa. Materials on Chicano matters as theyrelate to the group and U.S. society, including research andanalysis in social science, humanities and the arts.

123. getteraidiWUMLIMMILLOMIr 1 two tes a year atSaltrftara,Califoesma. Materials on historical topics related to MexicenAmerioens.

I, MI& 124. at MblaftMgmftgelifby the COmmempecary China Isstitmee of the School of Oriental and African Studios. London University. Materiels for the study of e!hina.

125. fetiairmoliMin lapel, Taiwan. Materials on Taiwan China.


CIVIL 126. Mt Snergency Civil Liberties MOW York. Materials on civil liberties in the U.S. - 15--

127. Civil Rights Digest Published quarterlyby the U.S.Commissior on Civil Rights. Washington. Materials publishedas part of the commission's clearinghouse responsibilities todisseminate information about civil rights in the U.S.

128. NaIvardcivil,Aiabtk-Civil Liberties lax. Review Published three times a year by HarvaidLWrIaool, Cambridge. Materials on civil rights/ltherties in the U.S.

129. fishedbi-monthly by the National Neargency Civil Liberties,; New York. Materialson civil rights/liberties it the U.S.


130. nitinquarterlyby the Population Ameocietion of America. Mn Arbor, Michigan. Materials on international demographic topics and prdblems.

131. NMquarter y by Pergamon Proems, Aides& Materials on physt--1, human, and regmmal gwescienoe, with as emphasis on demographic topics.

132. illEftftmoiti"M-yby the Population entersmea Bureau Inc.. Onshuagton. Nnterials reflecting the gathering, annipsio, immerpretation, and distribution of information conconmonq pepoNetion.

133. irtitganluttnnas a three part yaima kg the Population Investigation Committee, London Scheel et was, Lon on. Materials on intermatioaal population moneem end problems. *


134. faltitikaralgettyrtainallimericanSmommore haeaciatima. Materials on general economic topics.

135. ilit 241INNOMAIL-01" fibltilliftagelionsergrants rimsallitraieMei1sw Fund and the Hobert Sdhalbibech Foundatima Ihar reek. Materials reflecting constructive simmnossimpa the social sciences.

136. Nettlienciffellyby the Fergana. Proem Sod., Sondem. Materials on world economic topics. - 16 -

137. The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science Published two times a year by The American Telephone and Telegraph Company, New York. Materials on research in economics related to regulated industry. 138. The Brookings Bulletin Published quarterly767 the Brookings Institution, Washington. Materials on social science topics, emphasizing economics and government.

139. rookin s papers on Economic Activity published three aliwia year by the Brookings Institution, Wash- ington. Materials on the contributions to conferences of the Brookings Panel on Economic Activity. 140. Business and Economic Review Pdhlaised mon11757EFA717117st NationalBank, Chicago. Materials on business and fleance, especially field of banking. 141. triti*eps ADA Society Mxift fished quarterly by Warren, Gorham,& Lamont, Boston, Mass. A forum on the role of business in a free society.

142. !Ming:Ai-monthlyby The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., New York. Materials on the U.S. economy and business.

143. Ma& 'DIVmon ly by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Materials on economi, business, and financial affairs.

144. aleferuallittilierttrillireCnaanEconomics Association, Toronto. Materials on economic topics, sons reference to Canadian topics.

145. nileediglealmontgiyIeltritteteSchool of Business, Columbia University, New YorkJ Materials on business, thematic issues, e.g. "Environment: The Major Factor in Tomorrow's Business."

146. effeltials itrirfeljUng.S""Inatiinal.Department origliffce,Washington. Materials on domestic* and international commerce.

147. IISINSTAfriftegnferenco Board, Inc., NOW York. Materials for management on business affairs. 14S. Naffelquarterly by The London School of Economics and Political Science, London. Materials on economics, economic history, statistics andclosely related problems. - 17 -

149. Economic Development and Cultural Change Published quarterly by the Research Center in Economic Development and Cultural Change, University of Chicago. Materials primarily on internal economic questions as they relate to cultural change, with an occasional separate monography, e.g. "Wealth Estimates for the American Middle Colonies, 1774", Volume 18, No. 4, July 1970.

150. The Economist WiE1ii170Wigkly, by The Economist Newspaper Ltd, London. Materials on international economic topics.

151. European Economic Review Published quarterly by International Arts and Sciences Press Inc., White Plains, N.Y. Materials on European economic topics.

152. /glaciations in Economic History enhlished quarterly by Kent State University Press, Ke=4.1. Ohio. Materials on international economic history.

153. 2bp Freeman Pub limbed morthly by The F3undation for Boonomic aducation Inc., Irvington-on-Hudson. New fork. Described as a monthly journal of ideas as liberty, primarily on economic questions relating to private proverry and the profit and loss system.

154. and Change MaheTrquarterlyby the College of Business ad 'cows ice, University of Kentucky, Lexington. Materials on U.S. economics topics.

155. pa.rvardiskpipvifw PUblished-bi=46hthly by the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Cambridge. Materials on U.S. economic topics.

156. pidligtrialgastliginEMILticia/gAft Published quarterly by Vh4-14 Tbik State School of Isduotrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Materials on industrial and labor relations. 157. iaggigt&onpl msmilidaedmBe United threetrails-a year jointly by The Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and the Osaka University Institute of Social and Sconomic Research Association. Materials on quantitative economics. 15S. Atria itifettigelkeit.International Labour Office, Geneva. Materials on international labor topics. 159. ill mania a Lawn!. Published quarterly by the Graduate School of Busimess of The University of Chicago. Materials on research in business. - 18 -

160. Journal of Common Market Studies Published quarterly by Basil Blackwell, Oxford. Materials on economics related to the Common Market nations. 161. The Journal of Consumer Affairs PubliilleltWicea year by the American Council on Consumer Interests, Columbia. Missouri. Materials on consumer economics. The Journal of Ecommmic Education friElished twice a year by the Joint Councilon Economic Education. Materials intended to promote the teaching and learning of economics through the sharing of knowledge of economiceducation. 163. The Journal of Economic History Published four times a year by the Economic HistoryAssociation, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University. Materials on topics in international economic history.

164. Journal of Economic Issues Published quarterly by the Associationfor Evolutionary Economics, Michigan State University, Lansing. Materials on general economic topics.

165. Journal of Economic Theory Published bi-monthly by AcademicPress, New York. Materials on theoretical economics.

166. The 4.55B._1 of Finance Publi five times a year by the American Finance Association, New York- Materialson contemporary international finance and economics. 167. Jothqinif Financial anal Quantitative Analysis five times a year by the 'astern Finance Association, Seattle, Washington. Materials on contemporary finance and economics.

166. The isimme:1 of Industrial cs falitbaff-three times ayear bY11asil Blackwell, Oxford. Materials on the relationships of isdividmal business to the economy, and economic theory and practical public and private policies in the industrial field. 169. rmternati1pma UsigaLgt tgekmigguarterlybyNorth41iiiind Publishing Compmmy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Materials on analytical work in pure theory of international trade and balance -of- payments analysis.

170. i Deiversity Pomo, ColaWbus. Materials on economics in the familia of finance.

171. ggfratg22.211twins apaellrillaimportmemt of Economies mg the Graduate School of BmsineeD of the thaversity of Mimes. Materials on political mammies biopics. - 19 -

172. Land Economics Published quarterly by the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Materials devoted to international economic and soci-11 ti- tutions.

171 ACV;. Published quarterly by Lloyds Bank Limited, London. Materials on economics questions and topics. 174. The Magazine of Nell Street Published twent.--five times a year by the HornbeamCorp., New York. Materials primarlic- relied to stock markets in theU.S.A. 175. Manpower Published monthly by the U.S.Department of Labor,Washington. Materials on ecamomic questions relatedto manpower in the U.S. 176. Monthly Labor R PublisheanZah the Bureau cf Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, Washinaton. Materi-lis on labium- and the economics of labor. 177. National Tax Journal published quarter by the National Tax Association and Fund for Public Polic', Research, Columbus, Ohio. Materials on tax-related economic topics,domestic and inter- national.

178. Oxford Economic_Naners (New Series) Published three times yearlyWraifordUniversity, London. Materials on economics topics and problems.

179. Bulletin: Oxford University Instituteof Economics and Statistics Published quarterly by the Institute of Economics and Statistics, Oxford University, London. Materials primarily reflecting work undertakenat the Institute. 180. Public ghe'ce Farfished by theCenter for the Study of Public Choice, Virginia PolyteeRinic Institute and State University,Blacksburg. Materials on topes in political economy. 181. MT Lingua L. sned quarterly at The Hague, Netherlands. Materials on torsos in international public finance andeconomy. 182. The terlten amnia of quart Hafeerigversity,Carbridee. Materials on dometic and international economic topics. 183. EOCOMmicsa urine Odbliebed quarts:kW-boy the Bureau of Economic andRosiness Research, Universillr of Illinois, Urbana. Materials on domestiz and international business andeconomic topics. - 20 -

Regional and Urban Economics Published quarterly by North-Holland PublishingCompany, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Materials on regional and urban economics,emphasizing oper- ational methods. 185. Regional Studies Pdblished quarterly by The Regional StudiesAssociation, Oxford. Materials on regional studies, emphasizingeconomic aspects. 186. The Review of Economic Studies Published quarterly by the Economic StudySociety, Cambridge UMiversity, Cambridge, England. Materials on international economic topics. 187. Tbe Review of Economics and Statistics Witlished quarterlyby the Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Materials on domestic and internationaleconomic topics. 188. Scottish Journal of Political Economy iiiiIITM7d three timesa year by The Scottish Economic Society, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews. Materials on political economy. 199. The Southern Economic Journal fUSlahed quailMYbythe Southern Economic Association and the University of North Carolina, ChapelHill. Materials on domestic and internationaleconomic topics. 190. Survey of Current Business Nun shwarTizaw by the U.S. Department ofCommerce, Washington. Materials on current domestic businesstopics. 191. Taxes-lhe Tax Mtigazine Published monthly byCommerce Clearing House, Chicago, Ill. Material on domestic and internationaltax and ecemmmic topics. 192. Meptern lo-conmic journal Publiihed quarterly byThe Western Economic Association, University of California at Los Angeles. Materials from various economic fields. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EUROPE

193. as AtlanticCommunity,gpapteflv PublIMI-Warterly bythe Atlantic Council of the United States Inc., Washington. Materials on the problems and prospects of developingthe Atlantic Community. 194. Bulletin of the Eurnean_gmani.l.WI Publishedn7revenI issues per year with a separate 12th index issue, by the Commission of the European Communities,Brussels. Materials on economic and politicaltopics in the Common Mat nations. - 21 -

195. Central European History Published quarterly by the Conference Group for Central European Histoy of the American Historical Association, Emory University, Atlanta, Ga. Materials on central European history.

196. The English Historical Review Published quarterly by Longman Group Ltd., London. Material on English and European history.

197. European Economic Review Published quarterly by International Arts & Sciences Press, Inc., White Plains, New York. Materials on European economi topics.

198. French Historical Studies PublishaWITTles a year by the Society for FrenchHistorical Studies, Rochester, Michigan. Materials on French history.

199. History Published three times per year by The Historical Association, London. Materials related to English history.

200. Irish Historical Studies Published two times a year by the Irish Historical Society and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies, Dublin University Press, Dublin. Materials on IrishlistoricaI topics. 201. Irish University Review Published quarterly Irish University Press, Shannon. Materials on Irish studies topics. 202. The Journal of British Studies tHi7e=tyTiiirWthe Conferenceon British Studies, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Materials on British historical topics. 203. The Journal of Modern History T'alished quaraiTFEY the ModernBuropean History Section of the American Historical Association. Chicago, Ill. Materials on modern European history.

204. Litanua Published quarterly by the Litamus Foundation, Inc., Chicago. Materials on the countries and peoples of the Baltic states, particularly Lithuania.

205. Ihitak22 Review Published six times a year by the IWO Information Service, Brussels, Belgium. Materials on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its member states. - 22 -

206. Past and Present Published quarterly by the Past ana Present Society,Oxford. Materials on historical topics on Bri,ain and continental Europe.

207. Polish Perspectives Published monthly by the Polish Institute of International Affairs, Warsaw. Materials on Poland and her relations with othernations. 208. Scandanavian Studies Published quarterly by the Society for the Advancementof Scandanavian Study, c/o The American-ScandanavianFoundation, New York.' Materials on the history, society, and cultureof the North. 209. The Scottish. Historical Review FalTiNgoEWicea year by The Company of Scottish History, Aberdeen. Materials on Scottish history. 210. Scottish Studies Published three timesa year by the School of Scottish Studies, Edinburgh. Materials on Scotland from various socialsciences. 211. The Slavonic and East European Review Published quarterly by The School of Slavonic andEast European Studies, University of London. Literary and historical materialson Slavonic and East European topics.

212. The Ukrainian Quarterly Published quarterly by the Ukranian CongressCommittee of America, New York. Materials on the Ukraine and its relations withAsian nations. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * FOLKLORE 213. Asian Folklore Studies IggeeaTTRUITiber 76 214. ournal of American Folklore s eafour times a year by the American Folklore Society, Austin, Texas. Materials on American folklore. 215. Kentucky Folklore Record Published quarterly Kentucky Folklore Society, Bowling Green, Ky. Materials on the folklore of Kentucky. 216. Keystone Folklore Quarterly Puplished quarterly by the Pennsylvania FolkloreSociety, Pittsburgh, Pa. Materials on the folklore of Pennsylvania. - 23 -

217. New York Folklore Quarterly Published quarterly by the New York Folklore Society, Cooperstown, New York. Materials on the folklore of New York Ate.

218. Pennsylvania Folklife Published five times a year by the Pennsylvania Folklife Society, Inc., Lanc,ster, Pa. Materials on folklife in the state of Pennsylvania.

219. Southern Folklore Quarterly Published quarterly by the University of Florida in cooperation with the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Gainesville. Materials on the historical and descriptive study of folklore and the study of folk material as living tradition.

220. Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin Published quarterly by the Tennessee Folklore Society, Murfreesboro. Materials on general folklore topics.

221. Western Folklore dished quarterly by the California Folklore Society, University of California Press, Berkeley. Materials on the folklore of the western United States. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * pEOGRAIMX

222. Annals of the Association of American Geographers Ptiblisaa quarterly by the Association of American Geographers, Washington. Materials on world geography.

223. Economic Geography Published five times a year by Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Materials from the fields of economic and urban geography, in- ternational in scope.

224. Geographical Anal sits Published quarterly by Ohio State University Press, Columbus. Materials on topics in theoretical geography.

225. the Geographical Journal Published quarterly by The Royal Geographical Society, London. Materials on topics in international geography.

226. ".11 GeOgraphical Mpaazine Publishedmonthly by New Science Publications, London. Materials on topics in international geography.

227. Geo/raphical Published quarterly by the American Geographical Society, New York. Materials on topics in international geography. - 24 -

228. quarterly by the Geographical Association, Sheffield, England, Materials on topics in international geography.

229. =Journal 21 geographY Published monthly ex,:ept June, July, and August by the Nationnl Council for Geographic Education, Oak Park, Illinois. Materials on general geographic topics, including the teaching of geolrnphy.

230. The journal of Tropical GeoyraollY iSl shed two times a year by the Departments of Geography, the University of Singapore and the University of Malaya, Singapore. Materials on the geography of tropical areas.

231. natural ResourceJournal Publishe quarterly y t University of New Mexico, School of Law, Albuquerque. Materials on law as related to natural resources, their manage- ment and control.

232. fennutivania cleograpber Publishedquarterly by the Pennsylvania Council for Geographic Education, Indiana, Pa. Materials on general geographic topics and the teaching of geography.

233. pol#r peiord Publishea three times a year by the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, England. Materials on the Polar regions.

234. ihs; profpOonl goaraptvor Published bi-monthly by the Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C. Materials on topics in international geography.

235. ltapcptiish Geographic Publisnea throe a year by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Edinburgh. Materials on topics in international geography.

HLUMX 236. African Elaggri Moeentry r

237. Aangulltmrak PusuishodquafteiVbythe Agricultural History Society, University of California, Davis. Materials on research and the history of agriculture. 238. Mt Americln Historical, BEriew Publiihod five times a year 16-7 the Americanuintorical Association, Washington. Materials on general historical topics of allperiods and areas. 239. AmeiivIn History, Illustrated PablIshed monthly except Septemberand March by the National Historical Society, Gettysburg, Penna. Materials on U. S. history.

240. hertcap /he Magazine 21 Western History bi-mohlynt by the American West PublishingCompany, Palo Alto, California. Materials on the history of the AmericanWest. 241. California Historical Society 2yarterly liglished-guarterlyby the caliirnia HistoricalSociety, San Marino, California. Materials on the history of California. 242. Ihl Canadian Historical Review (See entry Number 118) 243. Capadipn yTournal History Published two times a year by the Journal ofHistory Ltd., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Materials on all fields of history other thanCanadian. 244. gapitol Published two times a year by the U.S.CapitolHistorical Society, Washington. Materials from the fields of art, architecture,history, and political history as these disciplinesare reflected in the Congress and the Capitol.

245. &11111211g. Jiit2K.kcal Witt kiblfiheaqUarterly by the American CatholicHistorical Association, Washington. Materials on Catholic history. 246. VintralMama $11191Y (See entry Humber £9 ) 247. affilail2"quarterly by the American Society ofChin Chicago. y Materialson church history. 248. Bit= PuriWiteiquarterly by The Kent State UniversityPress, Kent, Ohio. Materialson the middle period. 249. LLIllustrated itittni aridlyexcept September aad March by Historical Times Inc., Gettysburg, Pa. Materials on the U.S. Civil War. - 26 -

250. Comparative ptudies, in,society Pistory Publishes quarterly Sythe Cambridge University Press, London. International topics in social sciences. 251. Current nistory Publiihed monthlyby Current History Inc., Philadelphia. Materials on current topics, eachissue devoted to a theme, region, or nation; e.g. May 1972,West Germany; August 1971, Improving Justice in America; February1972, Latin America. 252. Zthnohistou (See entry Number 51)

253. Explorations in Economic History Published quarterly by Kent StateUniversity Press, Kent, Ohio. (See entry Number 152) 254. 21141istorian Puishedbl quarterly by Phi AlphaTheta, Allentown, Pa. Materials on general historical topics.

255. pilqoric Preservation Published quarterly by the NationalTrust for Historic Preservation Washington. Materials on U.S. historical topics, withemphasis on preservation. 256. The Historical Journal Published quarterly by the CambridgeHistorical Society, London. Materials on international historicaltopics. 257. History, (See entry Number 199) 258. History and Theory PublisherWs an annual volumeof three issues by Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. Materials on the philosophy of history,historiography, and related disciplines. 259. Anory of jducatton Quatelly, PubLisherquarterly by theHistory of Education Society, Nevi York University, New York. Materials on educational history. 260. peligi9ns ItfiffUlguarterlyby the University of Chicago. Materials on historical religious phenomena. ftiN WAX s od monthly in London, edited by Peter QuLnne.iand Alan Hodge. Materials on general historical topics.

262. 122.11dWaiiistortaR Publiibed)quarterly by the America Indian HistoricalSociety, San Francisco, Calif. Materials on the American Indian, hisphilosophy, culture, and language. 263. Indiana Magazine of 1. Published quarterly bynriiana Univen7t .!ooperation with the Indiana Historical Sc.)iety. Materials on general U. historical to -phasizing Indiana.

264. Irish Historical Studies (See entry NumberTM--

265. The Journal of African History 371e entry Number 44

266. the, ournal of American History Published Organizatior ,.rican Historians, Bloomington, Indiana. Materials on American historical topics

267. The ot:LrLIai aBritish tedits friElished two t11717G-17Year 'by the Confere ,n British Studies, Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Materials on British historical topics.

268. ournal of Contemporary jistory Publishea-quarterly by Greenwood Periodi", tnc., Westport,Conn. Materials on international, contemporar -vorical topics.

269. The Journal of Ecclesiastical history FiEliinarjuarterly by Cambridge Univerwit Press, London. Materials on religious history.

270. Thajoyrnal of EconomicHistory_ (See entry iiaDer 163)

271. Its journal Interdisciplinary Histki, Published quarterlya by the Massachusseet .etitute of Technology, School of Humanities and Social Science, Cambridge. Materials on methodological and substantive topics.

272. =journal of Modern History (See entry Number 203)

273. journal, of pearo istor Ssaentry Wiramor 105 274. cHistory, (See:l:t: entry Number 275. Roman Studies eeaCeralNiaLrh

276. 1 of AggillHiptory tItUder-quarterlyby Rutgers University, +ow lirunswick, N.J. Materials on international social history topics.

277. 1 of popt4ern piston, alicsrerquarterlyby the Southern Historical Association, Richmond, Vs. Materials on topics relating to the history of the Southern U.S. 278. Journal r 'In West

FUETT;Re rt7717 , Filtor, itviston-LI .r,V, Nuys, Cantor-- Mater....!1. it he h_ -)ry and tne ohy of the ftneTican West.

279. Labor Zi - 1f - 7,71.174**.. ter l- by Tarr men _ .te, New Yon.

Mater . _:i . .tle h_story cf lar)- .hasizing the S., but

inc1:- 1 14, inteTnational

280. LincolLer_id Public r-.-terly bl am*-rial Universit7 Press, Harroga-_:1- Material.* -,rstorica_ res.00-=. he fields at ..L_ncolniana and the vii War.

281. Mankind Publiskre ol-montbly ln Los Aftawies Calif. Mater-.a_ ion international hi -or: 17.ft topics.

282. The Marlit.and Historian WiElisisei two times a year tht gr.2duate students ir. the Histor Department, University ot mlaryland. College Park. Materials on general historiee4 =pp- s, domestic and inter- national.

283. Mary Historical Magazine Pub1li quarter y by the 1116y saw ihstorical Society, Baltimore. Materials on U.S. and MaryLaari Tmstory.

284. The Mosinguits Quarterly Bayammem falishaAremarterly by the 'te Historical Society for Goshen 31-1.1inge, Berne, Indians. Materia:As on Anabaptist-Meammer. tistory, thought, life and affairs.

285. Mra.r..y..istor Publ./Maw twce a year by the Niter= County Historical Society, Mercer. Pa. Materials onthe history of lemon Comaty.

286. Mid-eogsamg: ha Higlipricalitana publisharquarterAY-by The te of Jesuit History, Loyola University. Chicago. Ill.

287. tuber

288. 211122314111a""141Zarlow."11. 000-00. Illosootals at hieftoriaml aemigas of we eigiand life ad Ist-sos.

289. illidralljriffMby this Ilsorisomow 'historical Bois,. MOsmark. Noesirials hat U.S. e-d Mow JowsoylbbOMooy. - 29 -

290. The New York Historical Society QuarLo PubliiRegFarterly Sy the New York 14 a JI ociety, 'Jew York. tRaterials on New York City history.

291. illy_york History Published quarterly by the New York &,..-Jemie u ^rical Aspwciation, Cooperstown, New York. materials on New York state and U.S. rt-tc 292. MI North Carolina Historical Review Subliiiirta quarterly by theState Departs.* of .Lrchives and History, Raleigh, North Carolina. Materials on North Carolina and U.S.vis v. 293. Ohio, History Published quarterly by the Ohio Histocica_ .2ty, Columbus' Materials on Ohio and U.S. history. 294. pacific Historical Review Published quarterly by the Pacific Comet 4Mare'of the Amer can Historical Association, Berkeley, Cal-forma Materials on the Astory of American empeertm to tie Pacific and beyond, and post-frontier developments the American newt. 295. MI and Present (See entry Number 206)

296. tennsylvania Histor Published quarterly by the Pennsylvania Historical Assmiatim, University Park, Penna. Materials on Pennsylvania and U.S. his cry 297. The Pennsylvania Magazine of Histo flilished quarterly by tfie Historical igArftnnsylvanza, Philadelphia. Materials on Pennsylvania and U.S. history mod biography. 298. yr9logpe Plblishrd quarterly by the National Archives, Immoral Mervin. Administration, Washington. Materials on the records of the Federal goveremmat. emphasising U.S. history.

299. §cOttish jUittok4ga-1. vice See entry Mumbler 209) 300. plit's lished quarterly by the Contemn°. Grump far Social sod Administrative History. Oshkosh, WilMONOW116 Materials on social history.

11111112MAIsmetaillefeLMMIbeteergar.mmml Ameseasedm06 Malin. lir. IMmrials primArily on !mss hishery. - 30 -

302 Tar_Ach e- '- Number 47) 303 Te7mno-sy and Culture Publish ' quarterlyby the Society for the Historyof Technology, Ur.;:-Tern '7 of Chicago, Chicago.

304. v.-.2:2--11 Cavalcade Ibmiir-Lsnl quarterly by the VirginiaState Library, Richmond. 40-1-las on Virginia history.

305. 7h, ainia Magazine of History andBiography rized quarterly by Virginia HistoricalSociety, Richmond. on Virginia history. 306. Worter=_Historical Quarterly P110'isrved quarterly by the Western HistoryAssociation, Utah St to -_niversity, Logan. Ma ,riils on U.S. history, emphasizingthe West. 307. Wes_err. Pennsylvania Historical Magazine Plt:ished quarterly by the HistoricalSociety of Western Penasylvania, Pittsburgh. Materials on the history of WesternPennsylvania. 308. The William and Mary Quarterly published quarterly by the Institute ofEarly American History ana Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia. Materials on early American history andculture. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS

309. zollyiNmporary Review (Incorporating TheFortnightly) Published monthly by Contemporary ReviewLtd., London. Materials on international social affairsand topics. 310. Foreign. Affairs Published quarterly by the Councilon Foreign Relations, New York. Materials on international relations.

311. Fcxreticin, policy Pablished quarterly by National AffairsInc., (replaces nternational Conciliation published by theCarnegie Endowment or International Peacel, New Ybrk. Materials on international relations.

312. tional Affairs glirlectquarTZTYUythe Royal Institute of International Mefairs, London. Materials on international topics of socialconcern. 313. al Organization quarterly by the World Peace Foundation, University airftireensin, Madison. =Mortals on international political questionsrelating to world - 31 -

314. Interr.-.:ional Studies Quarter1-.- Publ.'..-i7led by the International = Dui>s Association, vin.nnewnclis, Minncscta. Mater_ils on the analysis of problemson .1 multi-di-s,:_plinary basis focusing on transnationa_ phenomena. 315. Journa_ of International Affairs Published bi-annually by the School ofIn-ernationL Columbia University, New York. Issues on themes related to international affairs; - 4- 1970, "International Economic Developmentin the IL. s' 316. New Times Published weekly by Trud, Moscow, USSR. A soviet weekly of world affairs, materialson contemporary topics and problems.

317. On Record Published quarterly by DIMS, Inc-, Greenwich,Conn. anca the editors of Deadline Data on World Affairs. Materials on contemporary world problems andaffairs. 318. Orbis Published quarterly by the Foreign PolicyResearch Institute, Universmty of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Materials on contemporary world affairs. 319. peking Review Published weekly by Peking Review, Peking. Materials on contrary world affairs. 320. Prevent World War III Pub nRed at regular intervals by the Societyfm. the Prevention of World War III Inc., New York. Materials on international relations and theirimpact or world security and peace. 321. War Peace Published monthly except June/amly andAugust/September, ay The Center for War/Peace Stud mm of theNew York FriemdM Group, New YOrk. Fact and opinion on progress nommod a world ofpence with jimmtice. 322. World Affairs PUhlished quarterly by the Amerteme PeaceSociety,WismbismmemL Materials on international affair* consistent withthe pempose of the society, the fostering of internationalpommy th- $ justice_ 323. Vciaorldider&tre.z...MUSINStrarateftela's, y Progress , the MOM Americans edition of the nonthby, frldhaSsoSUMMWmmkjEldjimldiel, published in Prague. Materials on theoretical and informational pealemmof waist and warker's parties.. 324. 4orla 14.7.1itics quarter l. by the 7.ente of 7-ternational Studlles, Prin=eton. 4ater;_a__& on inter-41tional -elatans

325. The Mir 1 Today, Pubic:X:7T monthly t: the Pr'valIn3.-r.ltz=e of Internativi Affairs, ,xfm-d niversity London. late _a- on inter ational --A.at_mets

326. 44=1, monthly =the Cc%Lacil on ReLigion and Interliational ftefal_ New York. 4steri:!_s on international affair7-4.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * w * * * ** * * * * * * * -* * * LATIN AMERICA

327. icaE ished monthly by the Organization of American Statmoi. Washington. (English, Spanish, and Pramch editimns.) Articles on social scient)f-ic asioscts relating to the member states of the OAS.

328. The Himsanic American Historian agivAili Pablisimod quarterly by the Comflosismos ma Latin Am nia= History of the-American Historical Association. Washington_ finterimwis on Latin American topics.

129. Intesmarican "'commie, Aftairs Publismged quarterly by Intme-imericm Affairs Press. Unitingtom. Materzads on Latin American economics.

130. The Isogg.rAmerican Scene Ptiblisimsd in four issues par volumeInn. 1 and 3 amnbinadO, by Languedoc Americium Mac. Materials untunand to premolar pat= intermit in the Americas sod the Hispanic community xm thin U.S.

3131_. ---TVI.iserqualnrtet=1:11eliMlellarramotiastal Mtudiss Crawl oablaa, Florida- iiaberiagla on scald affairs, anstimniminabstimr-Amariamon topics. 332. VhIversity Prom, bantam- Mamieas as -,ateeciptiwrest listasallsorleme taptas.

334' 01111111111,012rk the MOM amoclam !Madame AMIllommilimmw &aim /NEM. laammimlaam emmot mommomb La &Min Morbom to-LewL

314. IIMILIMn 1111. tobormammacama VOiworsity of asorto alum. IMbridlla ca Amaim Mariam vapamm. warp Osmotic; ledamalimiN, q 1972- 33 -

335. Tlalocan (See entry Number 62 * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * 336. American ARE Association Journal Published monUt717.7777@ge American Bar Association, .al.clego.,I11. Materials on American law and problems.

337. The ican Journal Law PUbli quarterly br, the American Association for the zomparative Study cf Law, Universlly of Caltifornia, Berkeley. Materials on law in areas of the world.

338. Amteriopc Journal of International Law Ptiblished five times a year by the American Society =if international Law, Mambington. Materials on international law.

339. ease amd Comment Published bi-monthly by the Lawyers Cooperative Publishing emmpany and Bancroft-Whitney Company, Rochester, Mow Park. Materials on U.S. law and problems-

340. pukusbra Journal stImeEmmtlimulik PrOblevis Pabiimbed quarterly by the arlumbia University School of Law. Mew lark. Materials on legal questions related to social -,rablems.

341. Review falitIoeighttimes a year ay t Marverd Law Review Ammociation, Harvard Universx=y, Cambridge. hatarlals an general legal tapirs- 342. it4 btu hi-annedny by gradomme mtmdmmts of the Salmi of Crimmumemgy, University of Chilfformla, Rarkeley. Matarvmdm in the behavioral soreness rmdated to crimimahmay and acclamations. 343. 1 of SgaV Lawing%Mbr, quart 7 ge Iftromft09141110% SWometon, Illiomis. Mbilmriill OR criminal low mod orindoologg.

344. ayeareteMailemontty of Chiming° mow Aleinel, Chicago. N nenrials on legal topics, ongimmegimg mnemonic topes.

31115. alleUIMEJMNigasartliklYIWALonLow mss; OWWwwV. n. MMOnwimAs on law no it raisess to odlooddxml.

34M L. alleVUrban MA qnarterkjby the Vnivereity of Deareit 1 atedhente. Datooit- Menerimis an urban Iwo and oendies. - 34 -

347. Law and Contemporary Problems Published quarterly by the Duke University School cf Law, Durham, North Carolina. Materials on domestic and international law as they- relate to contemporary social problems.

348. Law and Society Review Published quarterly by the Law and Society Association, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Materials intended to stimulate and support research and teaching on political, social, and economic aspects of the law in the U.S. and other nations.

349. Natural Resources Journal (See entry Number 231)

350. University of Pennsylvania Law Review Published six times a year by the University Law School, Phila- delphia. Materials on legal questions and problems.

351. The Yale Law Journal Published monthly November to January, and March tc July, by the Yale Law Journal Company Inc., New Haven, Conn. Materials on general legal topics. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * MIDDLE EAST

352. The Arab World Published bi-monthly by The Arab Information Center, New York. (An agency of the League of Arab States) Materials on the national states of Arabia. 353. International Journal of Middle East Studill Published quarterly by the Middle East Studies Association of North America Inc., New York. Materials on Middle Eastern topics from ties seventh century to contemporary times.

354. t International monthly by Morris /Publishers, London.. Materials on the Middle East and its place in world affairs. 355. The Middle East Journal Published quarterly by the Middle East Institute, leashingion. Materials on Middle Eastern contemporary topics and problems. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * *

POLITICAL SCIENCE 356. The Academy of Political Science: proceedings o( Publ.3711E7477n a two year valliiiraf four issues bythe Academy of Political Science, Columbia University, New York. Each issue has a central theme; e.g. "The Corporation and the Campus: Corporate Support of Higher Education". - 35 -

357. The American Political Science Review Published quarterly by the American Political ScienceAssociation, Washington. Materials on political science topics.

358. Annals of the American Academv of Political and Social Science Published monthly by the American Ac-Aemy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. Each issue on a central theme:e America and the Mid-East", May 1972.

359. British Journal of Political Science Published quarterly by Cambridge University Press,London. Materials on international topics in political science. 360. Canadian Journal of Political Science Published quarterly by the Canadian Political ScienceAssociation, Toronto. Materials on international topics in political science.

361. The Center Published bi-monthly by The Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara, California. Materials on political science topics emphasizing the U.S. 362. Comparative Political Studies Published quarterly by Sage Publications Inc., Beverly Hills, California. Materials on theoretical and empirical researchin cross- national comparative study.

363. Comparative Politics Published quarterly by the Political Science Program of The City University of New York. Materials on the comparative analysis of political institutions and behavior.

364. Journal of Commonwealth Political Studies Published three times a year by Leicester University Press, Leicester. Materials on political topics relating to the British Commonwealth. 365. The Journal of Conflict Resolution Published quarterly by the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Materials on research related to war and peace. 366. The Journal of Politics Published quarterr ly by the Southern Political Science Association, Gainesville, Florida. Materials on general political science topics.

367. Midwest Journal of Political qcience Pu lisped quarte-ay7E371YeRidwest Political Science Association, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Materials on domestic and international topics. - 36 -

368. The Political Quarterly Published quarterly, London. Materials on British and European political science topics.

369. Political Science Published two times a yearby the School of Political Science and Public Administration,Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. Materials on the politicalsystem of New Zealand.

370. Political Science Quarterly Published quarterly by the Academy of Political Science, New York. Materials on contemporary and historical, domestic and inter- national political science topics.

371. Political Studies Published quarterly by the Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom, London. Materials on contemporary and historical political science emphasizing Great Britain.

372. Politics and Society Published quarterly by Geron-X Inc., Washington. Materials on contemporary political and social topics.

373. Problems of Communism Published bi-monthly by the U.S. Information Agency, Washington. Materials providing analyses and background informationon various aspects of contemporary world Communism.

374. PS Published quarterly Lpy the American Political Science Association, Washington. Materials on political science topics.

375. The Public Opinion Quarterly Published quarterly by the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Columbia University Press, New York. Materials combining communication, journalism, and public opinion research topics, emphasizing political science.

376. Published quarterly by the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge. Materials on domestic and international political science topics. 377. The Review of Politics Published quarterly by the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame. Materials on a philosophical and historical approach to political realities.

378. Science and Society Published quarterly by Science and Society Inc., New York. Described as an independent journal of international Marxism. - 37 -

379. State 3overnment Published quarterly by the Council of StateGovernments, Lexington, Kentucky. A forum for the discussion of governmental problemsat the state level. 380. Studies in Comparative Communism Published quarterly by the School of Politics andInternational Relations, University of Southern California,Los Angeles. Materials on political topics related to Marxistnations. 381. The Western Political Quarterly Published quarterly by the Western Political ScienceAssociation, the Pacific Northwest Political Science Association,and the Southern California Political Science Association, SaltLake City, Utah. Materials on domestic and international political science topics. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * SOCIOLOGY 382. American Journal of Sociology Published bi-monthly by the University of Chicago, Chicago. Materials from the general field of sociology. 383. American Sociological Review Published bi-monthly by the American Sociological Association, Washington. Materials on general sociology. 384. The British Journal of Published quarterly by British Association of Social Workers, London. Materials on social work in Great Britain. 385. The British Journal of Sociology Published quarterly by the London School of Economics and Political Science, London. Materials on general sociology. 386. The Cornell Journal of Social Relations Published bi- annually Spring and Fall by Cornell University. Materials on sociological and anthropological topics. 387. International Journal of Comparative Sociology Published quarterly by the Department of Sociology, York University, Toronto, Ontario. Materials on international sociological topics. 388. International Migration Review Published quarterly by the Center for Migration Studies,Staten Island, New York. Materials on emigration to the United States. - 38 -

389. ',Journal 21pcial published quarterlybyIgteltocietyfor the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Materials on psychol,gically oriented social issues.

390. Illoycoaj 21. §..Wat 100DblishedquarterlY by the Social Administration Association, London. Materials on the historical and theoretical analysis of public policy, international in scope.

391. Isiah Adoisacenc faiffitiallquarterlyby Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York. Materials with a multi-44scipinary approach to youth and adolescence.

392. v eiffigeigg9tIff:lbythe Paciftc Sociological Association, Beverly Rills, 0Alifornia. Materials on general sociological topics. 393. ang lwAs.t4 enftLIMIitrterlyby the Department of Sociology, Bowling Green State University, Dowling Orson, Ohio. Materials on music in our society.

394. Mstiffferlyby Ike Rural Sociological Society, University of Illinois, Urbana. Materials on sociological topics, emphasising rural questions.

395. monly exempt August and Soptember, by Family Service Association of America, New York. Materials on social work theory and practice. 3%. illifialleiterlyby the University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Mill. Materials on general sociological topics.

397. Witihniemonthlyby Social Policy Corporation. New York. Materials on domestic and international sociological topics.

3941. IllifialMerlyby the Society for the Study of Social Problems Notre Dame. Indiana. Materials on domestic and international sociological topics. D. RilffellganietsyliglisSchool of Social Service Admimitratios of the University of Chios... Woe... Materials on social service Upton and imestions. - 39 -

400. fatal !WI fished quarterly by the national Association of Social Workers. Albany, New York. Materials on improving the practice in the field of social welfare. 401. jggitogival LL limbed quarterly by the Ohio Valley Sociological Society, Akron, Ohio. Materials on general sociological topics.

402. PubPg:Ica lythe National Sociology Honor Society. Materials on general sociological topics; occasional thematic issues/ e.g. "Paradigms for Political Analysis ", Volume 42, Pos. 3 i 4.

403. 011211quarterly Midwest SociologicalSociety, Columbia,Missouri. Materialson general sociological topics. 404. lomicol ROMquartertIeWtheUniversity of Keels,Staffordshire, tngland. Materialson general sociological topics.

405. immi Haft quailIM46/Itenliversityof Southern California, Los Angeles. Materials on international sociological topics.

406. meiquarterly by Sago Publications, Silverly Mills, Calif. Materials on the social and political implications of youth culture and development.

12CLUAT12111.112121:1911 407. legrXquainffat California State University, Long leach. Materials on the teaching of history and articles of broad historical scope. 40S. more& idiaarlieo itgaisaalontry SWb er" 1 MAW wILIPKVbx 410. faelfin Wiegrafirilift - 40 -

411. Social Education Published monthly from October through May by the National Council for the Social Studies, Washington. Materials on social studies education. 412. nilSocial Studies PUbilINW7MOWERITOctober through April byMc Kinley publishing Co., Brooklawn, N.J. Materials on social studies education. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * SOVIET UNION / EASTERN EUROPE 413. Wan /Waifs Mrs entry Number /5)

414. Canadian-lemerican plavictud es Published quarterly at the Un versityCenter for , University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Materials on Russia and Eastern Europe.

415. %%Lit and Lila s er7ilohiNIy by the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries,Moscow. Materials on aspects of Soviet life and culture. 416. fu,s4an iglishedquarterly by The Hoover Institute on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford, California. An American quarterly devoted to Russia, past and present.

417. Ps r&quarterlyalLrvj " by the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Inc. Materials on Soviet and Eastern Europe.

418. Minatonthlyby reciprocal agreement between the govern- ments of the United States and the Soviet Union, in Washington. Materials on Soviet life and culture. 419. gs/ftStudies lishedlitsiiiitorly by the University of Glasgow, Glasgow. Materials on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * URBAN STUDIES

420. fikta Published bi -monthly by the National Urban Coalition, Washington. Materials related to the goal of improving urban life and environment.

421. hrringit2iry OW %) - 41 -

422. Quarterly Digest of Urban and RegionalResearch PuLlished quarterly bythe Bureau of Urban and Regional Planning Research, University of Illinois, Urbana. Materials on research being conducted in thefields of urban and regional studies. 423. /gm planning, Review Published quarterly by the Department of CivicDesign, The University of Liverpool, Liverpool. Materials on international urban studies andplanning. 424. Urban, Affairs Quarterly Published quarterly by Sage Publications, BeverlyHills, Calif. Materials on urban affairs and problems. 425. Urban Life and Culture Published Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, Calif. Materials on urban ethnography. 426. Urban Studies Published three times a year by the Universityof Glasqow,Glasqow. Materials on urban topics and problems inthe British Isles. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *