-...~- ..-.---,-_- ..-. '"""1"""'---"-" rosse Pointe ews , VOL 45-No 12 Grosse POinte, Michigan Thursday, March 22, 1984 30 cents 40 Pages

for your information• liquor's quicker but not in City By Susan McDonald the same time t1llng~. the} tt'lld nolto get mvolved and wille for conbumpllOn on the premlse~ But city attorney'> have Gro~~e POinte Clty's counCIL I don I thmk you 'l<~ gOll1g to get the "We're trying to fmd out what adVIsed tll(' council that tavern ...('c'm::. delel mmed to tip-to€ up to 956 petlllOn.." you need." KlIlg said tht: people lIUllk,' cxpJ.uned Mayol hcenbCS are often automatIcally the bal Lorenzo Bro\1 nlllg "I \\ ant -"ome "It's a big waste of tune" upgraded to Clabb C licenses allow By Tom Greenwoocl Aclll1g on cs Bul Andl C'\\ Moqulll of the l\lel ry months ago b) a 1'0dlItIOn of local people." echoed cOUl1ulman AIlhur Fetter!> . Thl., (petitIOn) IS UUI flr.,t l\lou.,e III the VIllage. said tillS \\eek "'fhf'Y mform me at the Liquor I c,>taurant lm ner., ('Ity fathers de- he Ii:>encotll aged by the c'ouncIl's Paid in full , uded lhl., \~cek 10 :--ef'k more feed attempt to do thaI" Conti 01 CommlS~lOn that ta\ern 100te..,t(\ct IOn h('en~es are almo~t non-exl~lent Bo) , somebod)- out there really back from clllzen~ before tlH'y The counCil ha~ been ~lud~ lllg lhe Of l'OUI ~e, I d I dlhel be :'l'l vlI1g the~e da) s." bald CII] Attorney likes this paper Jo Burear, as- , agree to I~Mle lIquor or tavem h. request <'!Ilce Octobel . when fO! mer \\ me light nO'.\ ... Moqu III so1ld .But Richard Hmks "They get a tavern sistant to the pubhsher of our cen~es The Clt) has been dry tolllCe .Ma) 01' John Kmg. an attorne) . ap tim, l~ Ct.'1 tall11] a ..,,1ep III the light license and wlthlll a matter of paper, came over \Hth a check 1919 plOached It on behalf ot foUl' al ea dIrect lOll a I Ipabt I' III e IH'OUI v, eek'> they apply for Class C . and a subscnptlOn renewal To poll I e~ldenb. counCil- re::.taurants - Ihe Men \ l\lou.."e. .lged .. There are now almost 7.000 Class C notice the other day members dgrel'd to dl~tl'lbute petl- Clall pomte. Jacob.."on'b aild R.ml s ltcen!>e<; In MIchigan and less than "',,,..,,...... ,,., ~~ ,11 f""~l'Y\"\I" "1 Th::t's ~ct t~c ~~~~!.!~! ~n ?nn of "no"-.r tlUn~ next month along ,..nn we Iiulu .....v'1-..... ~~ :lUU tavern licenses. accoruHlg LO Itself, f'xcept this tamlly was re- "(OUIlII y Fn'llch" addltlOn to hIS pal k pa::'M'~ I::.toued <.'very year Hmks newing the subscrIptIOn to the The I'e.."lnuranl owners b'l\' Ihev l\h>ITYMOll~e dlee~e bhop on March Former City Mayor John King is rep- thloughout the commumty The Grosse Pomte News for another lo!>e busmt.'..,,:, because dll1en~ cdntt 27 He'll serve luncheon and lea Grosse Powte City went dry. resenting four restaurant owners petltlUn~ a!>1. If utw:ns \\ant the mne yearsl order wme or beeI' \1Ith thell' meals dally, mcludll1g soups. balad<;, who want to serve beer and wine to questIOn of l~sUlng hqUOl licenses along WIth the rest of the natwn on Ordmary subscriptions run $13 They've critiCIzed the counCil for omelette!> and sandWiches "The diners. He called the city council's placed on the I'\ovember ballot An Jan 19, 1919, when the 18th armually or a discounted $34 for a delaymg action on theIr Iequesl menu Just cnes out fOI a gla~s of Amendment to the ConstItution latest move - to dlstrlbule petitions accompanylllg letter states Ihat If three year renewal. This check \\lI1e," he said went IOta effect After prOhibition on the Issue - ". waste of time" more than 900 I egltotered CIty vot- Kmg -"aid Monday thdt the peti- was for $102 (Let's see . $34 The Ie::.laUl dill 0\\ nel ~ Ollgmall) \\a::. repealed. on Nov 6, 1934. CIty el!'> ~lgn petitIOns. d que::.tlOn on IS- tIOn elt Ive 1:-' .ulll1en •..".."my hmes three carry the one The counlll lould put 't t1J~ 011 the I eqllc~t ed ollh 1.1vel n 1Icen~e~ hf' IeSldents voted 963-574 to contInue 1 sUlIlg onl) bel'r and \\ me IIcen::.e~ uh fight - $102 ) abo "Ill be placed on the ballot al ballol It,>elf Whl'n people favor ISblll'CIve bl'er the ban Now there's a family with a sense of continUlt~ and a bellef in the future and this paper. Either that or they own a fish market ParkPSO Ford home • Our families meeting Sports colummst Peggy will fall O'Connor and I got together for lunch the other day Durmg the is tonight course of the meal we talked about 51. Patrick's Day, which m to 16.lot turn, led to our favonte stones By Susan McDonald about our crazy ton her side) and Grosse Pointe Park's study of drunken (on my side) IrISh rela- pOSSible consolidatlOn of Its pohce tives and fire departments mto a pubhc subdivision safety orgamzatlOn IS proceedmg And I must admit, when it with the second meeting of Its Citi- By Mike Andnejczyk comes to looney tune stories zen committee scheduled for to- about IrIsh relatives. Peggy's night at 7 p m. in city hall The Park planning commisslOll family beats out my family by a got ItS first look Tuesday at the pro- mile I Will also admit Green- The committee, lncludmg ban- posed subdivision on the Ford es- wood is not an Irish name It's kers, lawyers and former DetrOit tate between Jefferson Court and English. Actually, It'S "veddy police chief Philip Tanman. wa~ Bishop Lane in the Park It may be English" as my grandmother appomted by Mayor Palmer SIX months before developers have Anne (CrItchley) Greenwood, Heenan earlier this year to fulfill collected all the necessary permits from Liverpool, England would one of the promises he made while to begin construction. city offlcia"ts confirm campaigning for mayor last fall said. Heenan has said he proposed the But my mother's maiden name study to improve the effiCiency of was Irene Finn, and the blood of The prelIminary dra .....'ngs show government and to "gIVe more ser- the dlvIslOn 01 the property mto 16 the Finn's and McGookm's from vices for the taxpayers' dollars" County Crazy runs m our vems lots of about 11.800square feet each. Both familles lived on Lemay lJl FIREFIGHTERS IN the Park The city's lomng ordmance re- Detroit, seperated by Mack Ave- are op~ed to the study and have quirea a lot of at least \0•• square nue-.It was a rather chilly recep- bo~cot1ed talks with the-.eity.-.M:. feet, oftieials said tion when the Irish Catholic Fino ministration about the plan They've al.so purchased advertise- family met the Anglican Green. Part 01 the ~ .... - wood family to discuss the im- ments and are dlStributing flyers to pending marriage of Fred publicize tonight's meeting. In~b~Cox"'''tile Ooas. will IDdude oIMack Greenwood, (my dad) to Irene u.;..... I CItizen committee chairman d the 70-year-old tbree-slory bome Finn. Stephen Wasinger saId there's no on tbe property, buJJt in 1'14. Tbe To thlS day, my grandmother formal agenda for tonight. Mind games horne contains a fuU basement, pUle refers to them as .'those drunken and hardwood floors and trim and "I hope to begin a discussion of features a gabled, wood-shingled Irish bums " She looked down on the mformat1On we've recelvcd and them because her father was a to test roof, according to assessor's field Just take it from there," Wasmger. sheets train station master back In an attorney, said "1 hope we'll es- Great Britain. And because she tablish some kind of lime hne for the best was EngllSh. future talks tonight. too " Developers Crom Cox and Baker To her credit, It must be admit- Patncla Forster. member of the By Susan McDonald were waiting for input from the ted she grew to love my maternal Park cIty council and the Citizen Ask a typical person to name dif- planmng commiSSion to deter- grandmother, Zada, (yes. Zada), committee. saId the committee has ferent kinds of Imds and you'll mme the sIze of the developable lots Fmn My Grandma Fmn told of requested a great deal of research, probably get predIctable answers the fIrst time she met Grandfa- most of it commg from cIty hall lIke "robm. cardinal and blue jay" ther George's Fmn's family. Befort' the construcllon begIns. headed by the infamous "Pap" "1 must have a hundred pounds of But pose the same quesllon to one the developer has 10 collt><'t a hand- Fmn and sons Pat and Mike ltterature on pubhc safety," Mrs of the youngsters staying after ful of permits from Lhe city. county Forster said Committee members school at Defer Elementary and and state for water and sewer lines Dressed In her Sunday best, have received reports on the eXist- ) ou II get ans\\ el s hke "Lady BIrd as well as site plan and elevation and determined to make a good ing structure of the department. and Thundel bird ., approvals, offiCIals said ImpreSSIOn, she took a streetcar crime reports, budgets, orgamza- The totud~nt!> won t be critiCIzed to the hOlli>e. only to see a half- t10nal charts and police reports for f 01 th ell' off .the.\\ a II responses dressed "Pap' chasmg MIke the last five years around the outside of the home. They're sla) 109 aftel ~chool to par The home and roughly four- shooting at him \\ ith a revolver. THE COMMITTEE'S JOB Will be tlclpate In the 1984 Olymplc~ of the and-a-hall acres are assesSt.-d b\ the to determme If the Park can save Mmd a program deblgned to pro- Park al $399,900. accord1l1g to' cIty Reportedly. my grandmother money and Improve, servIces by mol~ Ju~t that kllld of creatIVe records Market value ~ the prop thought "My God. \\hat have 1 abandoning Its separate police and lhlllkmg erty is about $800,000 based on that gotten myself 1I1tO?" But she fire departments and creatmg a assessment married him any\\ ay "Pap" The Olymplt .....~ere de,>lgned by ne.... pUblic safety orgamzatlOn In educator '> In Nt'\' .]('1 "ey and arc Fmn mlbsed MIke. who \\ ent on which workers are dispatched to catching on all over the counlry and to spend 30 year~ In the Manne fight both cnme and fIres Public The as-yet unnamed ...uhdlvlOn. 10 GI o~!>e POll1tl."' \\Iwre beven Corps, nearly dymg from the flu ~af ety departments alrf'ady op- ....luch the Wl.lOthree turned out be a bit of a heated battle With firemen who op- pllk 0111' of <,evel allong !Pl m plOb Defer students Cheri Andre (left) and Lynn VanAntwerp concentrate dUring po.,ed the plan lem<, l<,,,ued bv a fmn (ailed ('rea dlvlOn~ have ~n dt!vl'lopt.'V. orker" a plan .Jalllll (dmpagn~ and condommlUm~ he became ralher surly ....hen In lhell hd'" DC'ft'I "ludent" M I dt< hlll~ to C'on!>olldate pollee and fll e forces of pal en'" \\ ho have volunh'l'l cd tor ('\.i( I an.,\\l'l' Mr ... Campagna hI'> cups and u~ed to bang her tlwlr hl'ad" I...Ihc' mou"C'l1lObllt> III around a bIt Bul she cured him Other member'> of thl' utI/en \\l1I(h ...ludellh af<' told 10 c!e"lgn .. Ihc' OlvmpH'::' ~hl', 1Ikt- lhl' othpr". ' }o'arm~ currffitl\ hd~ 42 lob In of that One day ~he (o1ught lum (f)mmlttee Clre .Jerome Dn.,( ol! 80ulevard IS built on aboul an In( h from hi'> face h('atlOg (ontl for devt'lopmt.>nl 1111 I Thl'rl' .11 (. 110 l'a,,\ .. n..." l'l::' to and r II take lh'" to) ou some Camille Pel('r ...on. ad m <.,1dlor proh lern:-- \\ 11h ('x ,I{ t ..,oJullOn:-. 1'h'" «( ollllllUNI 111\P,lgl' Ih \) OJ ghl v. hlle' ) ou ..,Jeep .lome" \\ at('r"ton b,lIlkC'r, 1"1 I'd' Th(' mOlJ,>('11 dp 1(',1 m ., (oac h I., Ill<' flr ...l 1mI<' UW"1' hut" II"" (' Ilwl <'rIck Old" governml'nt ....orkl'r . _ \\ lnt:ll'nll'r(' Plal'e l'lt"In~ de\ l'l He Idt h('r altt 1010 II' lot.!. mhentl"d from tht> Fmn" "HrC' A family waits for answers hut 16 unll,!, ml((hl ~ d~ tll the thplr gl ('t>n t')(., You \(' got Ot'\ l'lopmt"nl De\ I'lopl'r.. of (onfllml'<1 Ih.lt IIl~III\c' \\dll'lllh OJ ill .... l'd ...1 of (,1.1( 1('1 P.II k Iho ...( nWo1n Fmn C\ <,,' .,he d By Tom Grf'f'nwood \\ lI1(jp In ..rt' Plat'\' pun h,ht"d Ihe IM"t' 1){'C'n 1""lH'd (11.11 l.(iIlg ~tl'(.'1 "a \ COUIlt \ our bl(,~"l ng., that ... Inside 'III!' FBI d mi poll( c' .lul hOlllll'" Jll :\11 l'ungl.1l (. ,lI1d "l1('('1 It'POllt'd ,l(IJOInln~ \\'t.bt'r prO~tll and dre \\ Ilh thl'ft on d l'0vl'llllll<'nl 11'''('1 ali )OU "e got \1 1 ...11'111 and "oull!l 111 .,LII('., h.IVI' 1\ ..,la\l'd III .I (drnpfilll\llHI thaI ...>I'kIIlg d lllnIl\jo( l'tlangt' Irom V,ttum' .wd 1Il1l'l"ldt(. tl :In ...fl'1 th~ 't \ bl ('11fr tl"I),1I ('d ill 1111'11 dflll h to Illght Ml Pong! dl ( I,"(h ....,j<, ('It \ 1h "ert" ~t11l dIM'Ul'\ p"...... lfJII I dllw! \ of 11,1 TIlI'1 (rll'''''P AgI'nl F,IIIJlI ,11"0 (1'11111 III I,d llwl dulop"\ pt'l fill Ilwd on Mr I'lln Ill(' m,lllt'r la ..1 "t't'k thl OV.llIg ~()phl'f h.dh DUlmg FI',IIll! (' Pdge I:.!B POIlltc 1 I' r .. d(',II h Pongl d( (' \I "'111'1 h.1'>n t 111'('11 (dll~ht vp! ,II gl "I I <' lilt 11 ml,(\ Ihdt 11l' h,Ht tWI'n \\orJd \\ foun(1 'il till' 1>0"(' of 1hOllgl11 \\(. h.l\ ( )1'.Id- Ollt III ...... \1'1 ,II dll,,(' ~\h('n II<' ft.1\ 01 \~,l'" pu"hl'd off ....Ith 01 tdll'nl fl'l thro""mg rlrunk :...~(.llHon'~ named ..fl.'l Ih(' dllu- HI':iJ t<;.,t that Ime the [.A'tll'l ...to Edltol f,J\ i\.dJ0I1.11 P,lI k Mont . It ...."'<, hI" nlean FJnn p~ ('" AIIOIdlllg tv II'pOlh 1\11 POll K<'\ ... III t h(' "dn 111On('\ ,1110 II ,I V mam drtVI'. I" bfotn8 de\ elopt'd on (JhIIUelnl .... 14A Authol Ill< <.,\\ould ,110.,0 Ilkl 10 gr SSOn Se)bum ~tate !'.ol a V('f\ nil I' tJunc h But Pnmf' Time iA qlJP"liOIl thl' m.l11 "ll oil IJ:nlld ~ll'pl orably 01<"(h,lrgpd (ron, Ill<' ( IId.,1 Ailihollllt ....IwIII'Vl' SIt'e1look lht' 1'ht-re are ('urn'ntly ,a lots (m t ht' .. 4 ahhh I he' 0 ( onnor,,' Pcgg)' ha!'> ~Kldy ) ,B dlJOut Pongl,H I' '> mv"Il'rJoufo> (;uard. pll'kt'd up SIf'l'l and hi" do~. van dft('I' 1'.'11 POllgr(Jc't' dll.'d and a('rt"s (If}('t' OC'l'Uplt"d by tht' home an lm( 1<. lJJ( k R van who lotlll to ~ortl', J .~. 12<.' ('onlinuf'd on l'aJ(f' It-A) ONllh ~Pt'( lal agt'n! III (11<1rgt' HIll a bla< k I .d on 1'8J(f' Hi/\ I bum

, , 1'wo-A 6ltOSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. March 22, 1983

.~':-.'DiNello's__ JOHN II. RICKEL CIJIIIIIMle ..... Second Serve ~: "., CUSTOM TAtLORING .. U ComputenzeCI GeMflII -,_..~::NSand LADIES Ledger. Payroll, Flna~ clal Statemenl& BusI- ness and Managen"lel'll ~.(ALTERATIONS servlC85 Audit Estate ~ CLEARANCE~LE t,~, MAJOR AND MINOR Planning 81'1<1InvesI- t,' { III ,... S.of KercMv8. ment AnalYSis 1:':" Grosse POinte 100 RenalSS&llCe Ce nler ~J~ ('.'A ~ :Qpen Moo . wed ,Fn 10-6 Tues Thurs Sal 10-5 00 Surte 1575 A--'\ ----s=-_ ~ / , •• 5.4983 313/89-5100 ~: r~:i:~"SS'h • SSS$S$:l ....p'l wheel, _ ~\ ~ FURNACES ;: ap ALL \\, \\ ilK. 19605 Mack &BOILERS MERCHANDISE ,,~ 1/'\ Grosse POinte Woods •• pl.,M 112-1340 REDUCED \ c;/' / I \ Open Mon-Sal 9 30-5 t!'ARCH OF DimES &J-otval Grosoe P",nlO FOml$ Lunch and Dinner • Storm Doors • Steel Security Doors MIC~ 48236 The deMlhne for news copy l!o 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday noon to m,,,,,f'e Insertion Fri. and Sat. AI -""'9 copy mus. be In ll\e -.011",. by1\ am T_V 'tll midnight CORRECTIONS AND ADJUST MENTS Re'pon$ID Illy 10' d""'oV and c:laaIllHKi adV'er1IS ng tfW! 15 15402 MACK Irmrteel to I'fftlef a C8 nceNallOn 01 lhe (corner of Notllngham) Charge for Of a re fun Of rt"le pon~n In tile Park In IItTmr NOhhcatlon must gl'ven be VALET PARKING In t me for ccrreCI on tn the 100IOWIng .$S~ We 8S&Ume no re-sponslb Ilt'y '0 the .... me a"e~ l1'Ie firs! Ifl58r, on 881-0550


At II yo" think you have -'toll'G taktm an oVllrooSf' of any mediCine or a child has taken a med,c,ne Every Thursday for the in- by accident call your polson control c~lnler c doctor or pharmaCist al credible price of 39 per oz. once Keep these phooe nu mb4!rs handy AI", kHp. bon .. 01 Ipecac Syrup safely stored ,n your home 'n select your own choice, aged tender case ynu are t~d 10 cattleman's cut, rib eye steak. cause vomltmg (includes ~bIe and potllto) (Dining clubs do not IPP'Y) OPEN FOR LUNCH DAILY IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY CALL Entertainment 7 n;ghts a week THE POISON CONrAOL CENTER AT 494-5711 alJ~tn~le ~:;:.~el St. Clair PharmlC'i ., 20930 MACK AVE. 5t Clair Prof BIdg ,,,,r ...- ...... WDS. 22151 Moross Ad DetrOIt, MI ! ~OD ...... , iOi4 -"'10 343-3776 Perscnpllon Delivery Available

...... • 11 ..- ...... _ • 4 4 64 wu $ 4

Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three.A, Mrs. Michigan Biz reports.: 'Image-maker' takes the crown win award I Grosse Pomte has been very Doetsch "The questions covert"d The contestants Will be In Las good to the Mrs Michigan everythmg from politics to ralsmg Vegas for eight days, \', Ith the first Pageant And vice versa children It was by no means Just five spent In rehearsals and for schools Two of the last three wmners of another beauty contest .. shooting commercials More people than ever are seek. the contest have had Grosse Pomte In a resume submitted to the "Part of the contest IS the gown mg mformation about schoo' connectIOns ln 1982, the wmner pageant, Darlene described herself competitIOn III which the dresses fInances from the admmistrators was I\'ancy Hook, of the Farms as a vivacIOUS personality full of must represent the home state," at central ofhce And, accordmg to ThIs year's wmner IS Darlene amblhon, SPirit and love of lIfe said Darlene "My dress Will be the Nallonal ASSOCiation of Schol)I Doetsch, 42, who lIves with hus- The secret to her 13-year marriage green, \\ hICh IS our sta te color, ac- BUSiness OffiCials, the mformatlOn band Richard m Mt Clemens, but IS ~lImple - communicatIOn "Sec- cented \\Ith blue and white On the Grosse POinte IS handing out \~ owns the Image Maker Beauty rets are personal, smgular thmgs," front Will be the outlme of l\hch- more detailed and easier to read Salon on Kercheval Avenue on the said Mrs Doetsch "Marriage IS Igan, With blue plumes repre- than ever before Hill not sentmg the Great Lakes I'll also be The local school system was one "As a matter of fact, Nancy Hook "The real Important thmg about \"earmg a sash which wlIl read of three m Michigan' to recel ve thiS u as the one \\ ho cro\\ ned me," wmnmg the pageant IS that It 'Say Yes to Michigan' The pageant year's Certificate o! Excellence 10 said Darlene tall slender and sho\', s to marrIed "'<)men, to wom- Will be teleVised natIOnally" Fmanclal Reporting from t~ dark 'The 1983\\ Inner was unable en m. shall we say middle age. that school buslne~s managers It was to attend the pageant. whIch \\a~ there are sl1l1many thmgs that can Back home, she II be makmg a Grosse Pomte's fIrst a~ard from held m carl~ February at the Fall' be accomplIshed" senes of personal appearances the group lane To\\ 11 Center, so ~ancy took Accomphshments mean a lot to She's ah'eadv hosted an art auctIOn The certlflcatf' means local her place S1l1cethen we've become Darlene BeSides bemg the owner at the Edsel'& Eleanor Ford House fmanclal report!> were Judged to be buddlCs of the Image Makers, she has been for the Grosse Pomte Jaycees and full and accurate representatIOns In a \\ a) poetic Justice wa" sen employed as the sales manager has been booked for appearances of the system's finanCial status and ed \\ hen :'IiI'S Doetsch won the con and head counselor of the Patrlcla at the Grand Pm, thiS summer abo that lhey are easy for tht' test She's been groommg other Stevens Fmlshmg School, and was There's also talk of com mer- pubhc to read and understdnd , '1 ...... "...... \\ omen to enter come~ts 101' years d!:>O Qlrec lOf! 0\\ lieI' 01 we 1101l\ \.1cU;:', ....VliUhc...a. \.,1(\; \...UU\.H. ~""'Ul""'''U.,.') ::lClJooJ ooaru prc~lul'lIl JOdll and \\3S the personal adVIsor to the School of Dance . and guest shots on local teleVISIOn Hanpeter announced the award at 1970 MISSAmenca She also served as a frequent programs a recent meetmg and credited It tQ Fmally. someone said 'You're guest participant on the "Lady of How does she feel \\ hen contests the work of Busll1ess Manager so good at gettmg other women m- Charm Show" on WXYZ-TV in the such as thiS are slIghted as "mInd- ChnstJan Fenton volved, why don't you do It your- early 1960's Personal hobbles m- less beauty pageants?" Fenton saId applymg for the cer- self?'" saId Darlf'ne "SO, I elude boatmg, golf and tennis She "Women of the 1980's are faced tifICate reqUired full disclosure by thought 'Wh) noP' .. also likes to collect smiling clown With many options," said 1\lrs the school system of accountll1g Darlene competed agamst 25 dolls and sweatshirts from vanous Doetsch/MichIgan "Women have and budgetmg techniques and other contestants and was Judged In events and locations more chOices than ever before, so meetmg strll1gent gUIdelines set up. three areas sWim SUItcompetItIOn, The next hurdle to get prepared It's Important to achIeve a balance by the aSSOCiatIOn evenIng gown competItIon and an for IS the Mrs AmerIca Pageant to m life A \\ oman has to stnke a "A short synopsIs of our finanCial; mtervlew be held m Las Vegas next month balance between femmlty and as- statement IS published every year sertiveness for personal success" PIloOo by Don K,ncneloe "I'd say that over 50 percent of The contest Will be hosted by RICh- The 11('\\ 'II'!> :\hdli~,ll\ J).lJ"lene Doetsch, O\\laer of the Image Maker and WE'print up a few hundred of; ard Dawson, of "Family Feud" And apparently Darlene Doetsch \\Jnnmg the contest was domg well Beaut, Salon Oil tIlt' lIill. \\.l!> ('J"o"lH'rllast month, the full report to dIstribute to the: m the mtervlew," smIled Mrs fame has pubhc," according to Fenton:.: "ThiS year, With the controver!>J: (surroundmg school closmgs); we've have more Interest than evet' Local Democrats will hear Mrs. Griffiths before" ;. Copies of the finanCIal reportt Lt Gov. Martha W Griffiths refreshments and membership became known for tlus s1\ Ie m ConstitutIOn and also made the are available at 389 St Clall': - the first woman 111 MichIgan - $3 for senior cItizens 1955when, dunng her cam'palgn successful argument that added Avenue !~ to hold thiS state's second Club president John J to be US Representative of "sex" to the CIVIl Rights Act of hIghest office - Will meet With Schonenberg,Jr , Will conduct a Michigan's 17th diStrICt, she 1964 members of the Grosse Pomte brief busmess meeting for elec- hooked a 40 foot trailer to her On leaVIng the House of Rep- Entertainers ::" Democratic Club and their fri- tIOnof officers Other current of- car. and weavlllg III and out of resentatlves in 1975,she and her ends thIS Sunday, March 24, ficers are Paul Bflcker, trea- DetrOIt traffiC, took coffee, ted, attorney husband, Hicks Grif- are on stage ~~ from 3 to 5 p m at the Grosse surer, Aphie Roumell, secre- doughnut~ and polltlcs directly fiths, worked in a law practice The EntertaIners Anonymout Pointe Unitarian Church, 17150 tary, Dorothy Gemuend, vlce- mto city neIghborhoods out of theIr home m Romeo, Maumee MICh. In 1982she came out of re- Non-Profit Comrnumty Theater Wla; presIdent 111 charge of preclllct 1\1.1'sGrIffiths' pohhcdl career present "This One's For You" oei Mrs, Gnffiths will talk on "A delegates, Susan Boynton, tirement to become Michigan's began when she served III the Friday and Saturday. March 30 t~ View from LanslOg," touchmg membership vice-presIdent, !\1Jchlgan legIslature from 1949 Lieutenant Governor, In this po- sItion she now serves as Affir- 31, begmning at 8 p m and on sure- on both state and national and Bruce Sanders, program to 1952 She went on to become day, April 1 starting at 2 p.m : poliCIes, and on expenences vice-preSident PatrIcia the flr..,t woman to serve as a mative ActIOn Officer for the State of Michigan, chair of the The show will be at Parcells Mid;. garnered over her 35-year polIt- Schneider, Grosse Pointe Woods Judge III DetrOIt Hecorder's dIe SChool and will feature rnusic::4 Ical career, Municipal Judge, Will introduce Court before startlllg her 20 year Michigan Equal Employment and Business Opportunity Coun- selections {rom Irvmg Berlin, Bur~ the lieutenant governor term III the U S House of Repre- Bacharach and Barry Mamlow. ~I:. The meetmg, whIch is open to sentatIve cIl, co-chaIr of the Michigan the public, also marks the open- Followmg her talk, Mrs Gnf. Tickets are $4 at the door, $3 5of. HIgh Technology Task Force, through advanced sales and $3 fOf mg of the Grosse Pointe Demo- fiths will hold a question and One of thiS country's strongest chair of the State's Purchasmg answer seSSIOn, continumg her advocates for \\ omen's rights, senior citiz.ens and children und~ crats' membership drive. A do- Task Force and as a member of 12. • Lt. Gov, Martha W, Griffiths will be nation of $5 per person is asked life-long style of meeting face- Mrs Griffiths sponsored the the Cabmet CounCIl on Jobs and For more mformatioo, c~ in town Sunday, March 24. to cover the cost of the meeting, to-face with -constituents She Equal Rights Amendment to the Economic Development. 1lt 7528, • .. -.'.:tlI -~ .... ~ .;.' " LAMP REPAIR LAM""An'

3. D"MU Corel •• T...... WRIGHTS TOO • It. '.. ' Gift & UIiP SItop Laat nuMber 18650 MACK AVE, ...... He •• ,. 0.,.... P,. ...., 0Mc. 885.8839 ,. S S''"!1 1'0"' lamp /Of Cv,'om F"M9 We Are Celebmting v 2. Clock ..... T... phoM Me....,. atannlwake to music. Kiska Jewelers is happy to ant:\0unce our 20th H.... ',..: t.lking. Anniversary. Our Biggest Celebration Ever. AMIFM radio. Everything is on Sale at Big, Big Savings

..... Ivnon tlllphoM Diamonds - 33% Off Coneanllftt ~OM. % % " ...... at the touch Watches - 30 -500/0-60 Off of. Uf' • Gold Items - 30 to 50% Off

Antique Jewelry -- Many Items at Gold Scrap Prices Old Wrist and Pocket Watches at Super Savings Presenting Phones of Interest Also Some Old Clocks and Silver Pearls at low, Low Prices Here'~ an offer to create hIgh Interest - Birthstone Rings - Clearance Priced IlepO\11 [)l'p"'11 MoneyMa~ler Certificates of Deposit Clnd your Phonl' "'1)11' 5500-$4999" 55000 or "-1orl'* Many Below Cost (.holce of slyllsh telephones, only at MILhlgan Clocks - 30% Off National I I'u~n Rullon If you open or renew a qualifying certificate Phone $ 500 IIH I Earrings - 50% Off of deposit at any of the participating offices lIsted belo\', you can purcha'ic at sub~tanrlal 2 ( IOllo; RadiO ') 12 Of) $2200 Telephone Super Showll1g of Gold and Rll1gs sa\ mg'i any of the phones plcturcd above 58 pm FrldClY March 23rd and Saturday 10-5 pm With the lImely break up of AT&T, no\', I'> 1 J)elu~e $44 00 $lot 00 the tIme to purchase your phonc al the'ie lo\\- (ordle" Phone Sale Continues to March 31st pnce'i plu'i earn a hIgh compctltl\C rate ot In- Register for Drawing tere,>t on your savings VISIt thc participating 4 I rcndllne II Grand PTlZe - A Selko TV WItch, $495, $42 00 $1200 branch off4ce near you and take advantage of [)e~k Phone Also a Ladles Citizen Witch $150, thiS speLlal offer today and 1 Man's Cillzen Watch $150 Drawing to be held March 31st.

KISKA JEWELERS ., 63 Ktlrcheval on the Hili :: Grou. Pointe Farms ::" 9'30-5,30 p,m, 885-S7~ .: .'" ~ " ~--] L- .!I .." '\1ura"~ I .ktpulnlt krr~ht •• 1011Ik HlI1 .... ~k Ro.I)" .... ck - ';1\ .rrtll J,rrt"nn IlImnllnn In 1)("'1rOll In {'ro ....'r POlnit In ('fO"C POinte \\ ood, In I), Iron .n (Jfo..,,,,e POlllle, Edward Kiska KMn K.... .; 5]' ~r)()() X~4 (,740 ~X5 ~W) 143 511'0 x21 I>XOO Cert Miller Wlllchmllker Cerlm.ct ~ AG. ... R&glltered J_eler AGS '.• MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY • '." ',four-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 22, 1984 ,"" • ",~IC groUp Groups work to prevent poisoning Woods arrests shopHfters Two DetrOit women dressed as numbers, according to reports. ~ws party thiS year, an estimated 500,000 adults should keep all household physIcian Imme(!Iately (The nurses were arrested by Woods When police ran the two real names children Will become victims of ac- products and medIcines out of number IS the polson control police at J C Penney's Saturday through the cnminal history com- '-""'be Grosse Pomte Park Cl\ Ie As- Cidental polsomng Sixty percent of youngsters' reach, and preferably center, 1-800-572-1655,can be found afternoon, March 17, in connection puter, they found outstanding war- tion will hold a wme and all cases reported mvolve chIldren locked up when not In use on the insIde cover of the yellow or with the shoplifting of $600 worth of rants for the two, One woman was e party from 5 to 7 p m Sun- under 5 years of age Workmg together as sponsors of white pages of the telephone direc- merchandise awaltmg arrest on a shoplifting March 25, In the Wmdmlil To help Inform people of the dan- National Poison Prevention Week tory) On theIr adVice, )OU should warrant out of DetrOIt, reports te Park bathhouse Ticket!> arE' gers of aCCidental polsomng and to are natIOnal me also spon- gan has proclaimed thiS wE'ek as and circulatIOn and get medical shopping center Found in the back what has become a successful na- lIfting OffIcers arrested the two as ...ng the sale of !>moke detector~ :'\atlOnal POison PreventIOn Week a!>slstance of his 1975 Mercury two-door were tIOnwide polson preventton pro- the\ ran from the store followed by U April 14 The battery-operated ()yer the past 23years, the natlon several bags of merchandise for gram Locally, 8t John HospItal's When prOViding Informatlon to .security pohce ie Idetector" are made bv Flr~t has observed thiS week to call at- which receipts could not be pro- and are priced at $10 for the tent IOn to the hazards of how pro- Pharmacy, and the 8t Clair Phar- the poison control center. be able to 1't The two were turned over to se- duced, reports said ~ization's non-profit sale per handling and dl!>posal of these macy, ProfessIOnal Bulidmg adja- gIve the age of the Victim, the !>ubstances and proper use of safe- cent to the hospital, Will have free name and amount of !>ubstance cUrity for processmg but they Found on one woman at the time l'he detectors v.III be avalldble ty packagmg can help ehmmate brochures and handout material on s~allowed (the label v.III help and bolted and were chased down by of her arrest were 24 articles of clo- • pick-up at the Park Fire them pOIson control and prevention should be saved), what first aId pohce, reports said They ....ere un- thmg valued at $478, reports saId ~ :mrtment Send checks to the The theme for thiS J ear'!> obser- available to the pubhc had been given, If the vIctim has cooperatlve, with one havmg to be vomited (save VOlnltUSI, and the phySICally dragged to the scout car The second woman was m pOS- .>sse Pomte Park CIVIC A,>sOCJa- vance I!>"Chlldren Act Fast So If a loved one IS aCCIdentally locatIOn of the nearest hospital \\ hen she refused to walk, reports sessIOn of SIX artICles of c10thmg liOn, 15539 Wmdmlll Pomte Drive, Do POIe.,onsI" ThiS means parents pOIsoned or eats or drmks a said worth $124, accordmg to reports .Grosse POinte Pal k 482 ~o F0r must always be watchful \~hen substance which might be pOlson, FlUIds should not be given to an more informatIOn, call :l:11-45U1 or household chemicals or drugs are the primary fIrst aid ob]ecllve IS to unconsclOu!> victim or one \\ ho IS At the statlOn, the tv. 0 gave polIce The two were released after post- 181-6276 being used ChIldren act fast, and call a polson control center or havmg convulSIOns fal!>e names and SOCIal security mg bond, reports saId 1~ ;i : ,::~ '!-i '"' r'd,1i. 0j ,., ~ • ,--t\~ ,~}-i~;\ ~ ';.r'~J(~' "1

1 "V~ ~ 'I . "'~~~\..; r 1 ~,.. '\ '~~~ ~ ~t '~j ~ ~4-~~~); ~ t ~ 'J. ) I .\, "" ~rT;' -i}! ~ f N:').(h ; w.}) / V t:'-~ ,~~_~ f f:i J['C4 , ] .f":..! 1\ i'"""il~.....~_J...a. ~ r r\ ~,~~~l-.). ~~ EZ_" ''''~ 0 the way ~ ),..J )I,~ ~~-' '1" )~ 0° ~ ~( ~~-" ,@ :; ~ ~ f ~'~ ~~ you j-4~ ..... _"'1~yw~ - \'y~0.'v' \IJ ~ ~'tl 'Y, ~~~~~:lo\ (::;(K- ~~ willlook. ~ ~..,,'~~::) ~~ ~ ~.,~ ,~~ • • ~~,..:~ )ji'\~~ ~~~"~ ~ ~,~ ... -

:~ r 1~~~'1f:.~t.<~;7~ ~\~~~'...; ~ ~ ~~ :J .... l>J:; K • .> -..,.:u,( >;"t l\ ~'~ ~ lA J~1 b' 1 Soft. femmme designs to flatter her in colorful hues plucked ~~~ ~~~.~~.,1::"J~~~1t.; from the garden . new waves in fashion for men will make Dad a star ...

~ ,~~~ ~ ·~ti Y:~~~' / \j ~ ~,,I; Janie will be chiC in her chemisier ... Jimmy will choose admiral blue or safari ~{r ~ 't, ~ r~ \JO: !J adventure. fashIon show Fnday, March 30,1:00 and 7:00 PM, Grand Court. ~ ~:> ~--:J!" / ~ a: ~ /\ ~ \)' ~~,.~~~~J~:~"~~ / /o/A>Y:\yXZ , ~~~~ 0/j~~r<\ ~ / 7~'A.~, ~ ~'l(l)~ ~~/na= ~ / / /~A \ ~ "/J~Y; ~ ,~ ~t I ~ / \ ~ o/Aif/(/{ / / ~ ~ V~I ~ I ~ • p~ ~ ~ ~ i/~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~' P , 1/\ I'~ ,l / A1 ~ ~. ~~ ,.; ~ I czf': ~"\'7J.~r:.o V~ I ' ~J~,?' .".')' ~l ~,

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d b f Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five:!' In the Park C€l€P~RT€ €lnST€ln'S Crime is down, but residents worry l05TH PllTHDRYRnDSRV€. pel cent. fJ om 600 to ')05 concerned .. I thmk we should ha ve more pa. By Susan :\lcDonald But there are troublesome areas "There IS a greater feeling of un. troIs, especially at night," Mrs Grosse Pomte Park Police Chief 1I1 thE' crm1l' report a~ well Rob easll1ess 111 the (\\ estern pol'hon) of Grobbel said "I hope we can do Henry Coonce reported "\\ Ith bene~ II1crea~ed 40 percent last our elt) Despite the fact that sta. somethmg m the area of combmed pleasure" that the number of year compdred to 1982 There \\ ere IISt!CS mdlca te thlllgs are lookmg patrols, with pohce and firemen, to cnmes 111 his Clt) dunng 1983 \\a~ is repolled Il1cldences oj armed up, \\e are sensitive to their con- help ease people's mmds, There IS more than 10 percent lo\\er thdn and undrmed robbene~ on the cerns .. Crawford said a great deal of fear" the prevIOUS year, accordll1g to the ~IIeeb of the Park m 1983 And CdI' \\ e dre ~tudymg wa) s to m- The Park had a somewhat higher annual polIce report he pi e"ented theft was up, dS It \\d~ dcro~s MICh cred~e patrols III certam areas," cnme rate last year than the other March 9 to Clt'\ councIl Igan :\Imo~t 100 Cdrs \\ ere report- Crawford added, sa) Illg he hopes four Grosse Pomte cities A recent The declme In ~elIOUS (what the ed ~tolen 111 the Park In 1983 com to make an announcement about analySIS of polICe reports from the FBI calls Part l) cnmes \..a~ led bv pared to 80 the prevJOu~ ~CdI' hl~ plan III the near future five Pomtes shows there were 57 in. a 32 percent drop In the numbel of City \lalldger John Cla\dord The Pal'k'!!! :\lunicipal Judge cldents per 1,000 persons m the breakmg and en/ellngs from 124 In Sdld he \\,\., pleased to see d drop 111 Be\ erl\ Grobbel, \\ ho \\ as victim Park, 56 mCldeots per 1,000 per- 1982 to 84 m 1983 The numbel of the number 01 repOl ted cnme::" but of d bUlgldry herself 0118 year, sons m the Farms, 543 per 1,000 larcemes also declmed b) about 16 he noted tha t cltl7en~ are stili vel') dgl eed thdt resldent~ are \\ orned persons m the City, 23 6 In the Woods and 15 9 In the Shores Park will stay out of state loan program Park polIce made 72 arrests for senous offenses, accordlllg to , B) l\hke AndrzeJ{ Z) k !{epdlr.., \\ III be completed on Should the t:lt" IdJ) behmd III ItS Coonce's annual report, mcludmg pa) nwnts. the .stdte IS empowered EINSTEIN'S BIRTHDRY SPECIALS Grosse Pomte Pdrk I~n t 111 eIght ~tl eets thiS td II under Ihe pro 30 for alleged larceOle!!!, 15 for bur- 10 \\ lthhold d shdre of the motor terested ' a t thIS tlme" III borl'O\\ gram, Crd\\ ford ~dld glaries and 13 for robberies They \ chIcle 11Igln\dy fund, Crawford mg more money from the state The ot, deoded not to gel 111- arrested another 311 persons tor IBM under Its transportatIOn IOdn pro- \ olved In the program dgam thl~ added, notlllg the Park IS paymg Its what the FBI labels "Part II" or 1 ~ r ,.. .. 1 1...J".. "...... ~b!~g.:l~'C::0:1 t~m~ Yc:tr!y p~y VT gr dUl, Lily Uldndgel J UIllI lId \\ 'l.dl ue\..L1u,:,t,. H H_H IL ';:»UVUAU \",v""", less !>enou~ olten~es lllCIUUlIIg b1 I' • ford told the Clt) counCIl at Its Mon- plete the \\ ork all eady scheduled ments are dbout $128,000 for drunk driving Park officers PCjr day, March 12, meetmg before stdrtmg another plogram, Cra\\ lord told the counCil the cIty also took 112 Juvelllies mto the sta- The City borro\\ ed $1 mlllIon Cra\\ lord saId 'shouldn 't a~~ume additional ob- tIOn, under arrest or for counsel- under the program last )ear to The state last \ edr loaned the i1gatlOn~ oj thIS magl1ltude " mg FlftY'SIX of those were in con- fund street, curb and dram Im- Park $1 11lllhon a't 9 6 percent 111- The Park also apphed last fall for nection With robbenes or burgla- provements on 14 streets terest to be repaid over 15 years $1 million from the federal Eco- ries, 19 were runaways and 11 were nomic Development Admllllstl'a- accused of vandahsm llOll, but \\ a s turned down Learn to talk to your kids In the tratllc chapter of hiS re- port Coonce noted that Jefferson The Northeast GUIdance Center IS senes lI1clude Helpll1g Children '1"\\ 0 yedr:, ago, the city went to Avenue claimed the largest num- lookmg for people lI1terested 111 tdk- Deal With Their Feehngs, Encour- ,'oters for a fIVe-year, two mIll tax mg part in a seven-part senes tItled aging CooperatIon, and Alterna- Illcrease to fund repairs and resur- ber of car crashes (55), compared ComputGlLcwJ' "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen tives to PUnIshment taclllg of streets m the City, where to Mack (36) and Kercheval (24) How to Listen So KIds WIll Talk " The senes has been c~lled "one of 19 of 35 miles of streets were con- More than 100 aCCidents were re- STERLING HEIGHTS ST. CLAIR SHORES The course, offered at vanous the most creative approaches yet' Sidered III poor condition The in- ported on vanous north-south res- 35850 VonDyke 22000 G(eat., mock times in the past, offers parents to the parent-child commumcatlOn crease, which \\ould have cost the idenllal streets The total numbers (between 15 ~ 16 mil", IdA ) (b~w .. n 8 .. Q mI!. rds) ways to open effectIve lines of gap by educators and parents average taxpayer about $100 a were about the same for 1983as for 26&M4400 772.6~O ~ear, was defeated by a 1,574 to 1982 There were no fatal accidents commUnlCatlOll with their chlldl en For more mformatlOn about the Dc 101h) 7 T~l",doy 10 q SClurdO!l 10 4 Some of the tOPICShandled 111 the senes, call LlI1da Lane at 884-7775 l.07i vote m 1983 • VillAGE. MARKETfine 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms wines brqont • WilL PAY V2 OF - present- liquor YOUR HIGHEST ELECTRIC BIU WITH ANY HIGH EFFICIENCY AIR CONDI. "THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS" • , TIONER INSTALLED BY APRIL 15, CIDsedSunday and Closed Wed. at 1 P.M. Price. Effective M.rch 22nll, 23n1 .nII 24th 1984. • 2 Years FREE Service • FREE Estimates • FinanCing Available WHOLE • 5 Year Warranty on Compressor Including Labor by Flame FlJrnace BEEF TENDERLOIN 4 LB to 5 LB AVG. $4~~ ALL OF OUR ATLANTIC 1 OCEAN FISH IS FROM FROZEN' THE FOLEY FISH CO. BOSTON FRESH TURKEY BREAST CANADIAI WHITE fISII 4 LB to 7 LB AVG. $1~~ $39 j 527-1700 524-1700 574-1070 FRESH 14847 GRATIOT 3373 ROCHESTER RD. 28707 VAN DYKE OUR OWN FRESH READY TO BAKE SOCKEYE SALMON fIU£TS Ne.r' Mile North of 16 Mile South of 12 Mile DETROIT TROY, MI 48084 WARREN MEAT LOAF $2!! $5'" FRESH HALIBUTmAl We invite you to compare ... USDA CHOICE $69 but Woodcliff FLANK STEAKS $3~~MOUNT CLEMENS BAKERY is incomparable. FROSTED CINNAMON BREAD / ) BELL ---- ~----, FRESH I , ( RINGER 39 1 LB LOAF $1 ~ Lt./ exclUSive STUFFED ft , .. , <~~ Gour-met ROASTING 79'" GOLDEN DAWN . j \<", ~v::~ Meat. APPLE JUICE _ 'MADE FRESH DAfL Y' CHICKENS LB 89 5 lB. AVG. $2 48 oz bottle OVEN READY BONELESS • PEPSI, DIET PEPSI, Breast CHICKEN $319 IVORY LIQUID Milano LB PEPSI LIGHT, PEPSI FREE, ~"aon.ale(j n Our O..-..n $.pe<; oiIlMar ~ade and! Bre,ejed 89 VI 111Ou ldl or Sp C~ and Sftasor ng!J In PreSSW8re DIET PEPSI FREE and $2 48 oz bottle r(w Rpacl.,for :.~ 2;:;n MOUNTAIN DEW U.S.D,A. CHOICE MARINATED Beef $359 2 LITERS Kabobs LB, lban beel gam ~hed w'h "n on and green pepper on a stainless S~6Wer 99~p. HEAT AND SERVE Our Own $219 Lasagna LB Pine Wines * INTRODUCING * Snow White Caillorni. ALL NEW A h m Itet! c

l, \\ t.. , I I • Page Slx-A Opinions & letters Thursday, March 22, 1984

Too much PQwerfor Lucas? I Much of Hw U'ltKlsm of County ExecutIve legislative body or some other revIew agency \ I William Luca::, up to thl.., tIme ha~ come from Hertel fears It would be almost ImpoSSIble for ~\ :.uch vestpd IllU~r(,,,t" a<, olllce holder~ and labor the county board to reject a proposed appointee unions try It1gto protect theIr turf 111 Wayne Coun- for "Just cause" because the term 1~ vague and ty governmcllt Tlktt kllld of cntlLl~m usualh I~ meamngle:>s He says the county mIght be lettIng so self'::,{'n Jrlg that It I" dhregarded . Itself m for more government of the kmd It ISnow Now, ho\\ c\ er mort' sub~ta ntlal CrItIcIsm IS gettIng from an Interim road commiSSIOn which being vO!u'(j I):, ....Olnt' <,upporters of the county at It~ fIr::.t meetmg passed 10 resolutIOns sought {'xecutlve and t1w (Ount\ charter \\e don t kno\\ by Lucas WIthout m\'estlgatmg them how man:\ U JIll''' J,dl Jtlto thiS category but one The county commISSioner lIlSIStShe ISstill sup- \\ 1101<,\, IIlmg to put hIS ml<,glvmgs on the lme IS portmg the county charter but III effect IS con- .John Hertel l'ount\ commiSSIOner for the bt cerned a bout the 105s of the checks and balances Di~trIct thell ltH:luclt':, the P()l11te~ m county government If the executive gets all of the new powers he seeks Hertel CIted the recent . tU,J{ lUll \~ '\01 tull) oroKen hiS suppor- squabble between the executive and the county tIve rela1lon ....llIp WIth Lucas, and, 111 tact, backs audltor.general as eVidence of Lucas' efforts to two of the chdrter cunendments the executive grab more power from other county officers as has propu.,ed Hertel endor"es the proposals to well as from the county board I" abolish the \\ avne County Road CommIssion and It IS true, of course, that the board of county the elE:'cted dram commlsslOner and merge both commlS51Oners and Hertel hImself are not WIth- mto the count) publiC works department out personal mterest in theIl' cntlclsms of the ex- But the ('01l1l1lJ" ....'oner take~ Is~ue WIth the ex- ecutive The county board has been slow to read- ecutIve on t\\ 0 of the other proposed amend- Just to Its new status of a leglslatlve body shorn ments One \~ould tran'ifer trom the board of of Its old admmlstrative powers But Hertel's commls'>Jonpr ~ to the executive the power to ap- cnticlsms have to be given more weight than prove toLlnty contract:. and the other would re- those of the hold-over commISSIOners who object qUIre the commiSSIOners to show "just cause" for to their loss of power and constantly seek ways to rejectmg executl\ e appomtments that require l'egam It Hertel speaks as a supporter of both board CO!1{IrInatlOn In both cases, Hertel sees the county charter and the county executive's Lucas seekmg 'dangerous and unprecedented offIce Pl)\\ PI' ' TAKIl'{i EVERYTHING into consideration, Cartoonist picked the wrong target ~Hertel contends that If Luca~ were given the we still thmk BIll Lucas IS doing a first-rate Job To the Editor: . .. parts and components from ment to do the same. power he heek~, he could umlaterally approve as county executive. But we hope he pays atten- YOW'cartoonIst's deplctlon of countries like Mexico where "All we want is our fair t'f>ntrads for legal fees such as the $269,000 tlon to Hertel's CrIticisms. After the fme start a UAW negotiator as a brass- workers get paid 97 c'ents an share" he added. "We don't tlenied to Den11l~J\.y~trom, Lucas' chIef of staff, that has been made on the reorganization of knucle-wielding goon sh?ws a hoW' or less. want ~nybody else's share. We tffr repre'>entlllg Lucas (whlle he was sherIff) in county government, it would be disappointing to deep lack of understandmg of It's not easy for autoworkers don't want more out of the hts (lisput e \\ Ith tile county board over road the people who passed the charter if the govern- the reality of bargaining. - or any workers who have pockets of consumers .. .In p'atrol& Hertel claims executives in government mental reforms were to go down the drain as a Starting with Chrysler in 1979, made sacrifices -.to see them- fact .. given the ,Profita?ility of ri.!mallydo not have the authonty to approve such result of a dispute over excessive power for the and continuing mto 1982 and selves rewarded WIth sy.ch lack the firms, we thmk the mdustry (:(1IItracts \\ Ithout submIttIng tnem to a county executive beyond with Ford and GM, UAW of c0t:porate accountabIlIty. Nor ought to cut prices It would help :. members have sacrificed mil- does It help when such workers consumers It would stimulate ~I lions of dollars in wages and read about the $l-mlUion-plus m sales and productIOn. It would benefits because they rec- 1983wages ~nd bonuses that top make more jobs" . How to promote Detroit ognized their responsibility to GM executlv,;s eac~, WIll get .P~rhaps your cartoomst .Y'. help preserve the industry and An~ ~hen a secret GM bar- dldn t have a chance to hear or .J to save and create jobs. Partly gammg strategy IS. revealed read accounts of the V~W con- sBlate Sen John Kelly whose dlstnct mcludes Legislature WIth hIS plan to divert to law enforce- as a result of those sacrifices that calls for cuttmg 80,000 ve-ntlOn before drawmg last IJ~ Pomtes, 15often accused by his colleagues of ment purposes the $39 millIOn "equity package" the Big 3posted record profits of hou~ly Jobs and for wage re- week's ca.rtoon. A more fitting Qpjng a headhne hunter because of his penchant that is deSigned to finance cultural institutions as $6.3 billion last year. The auto s.tramts, work~rs who've sacn- target mIght well have ~een for publlc!ty ahout hiS actlvltles But we sym- well as speCific serVIces in Detroit. But if the industry's rate of return on in- ficed have a nght to be upset thos,e coq>orate exec~tIves J!tl'olt News "I watch TV With a shot- WIse improve law enforcement in Detroit. In tic facillties, GM seeks to im- to Pastor Wilham PhillIppe s the fa'ct that Castro regIme bas ~n My car \\ as ~tolen two weeks ago and the fact, making the streets and neighborhoods of port 300,000 cars a year from tnp to Cuba I find readmg made numerous steps forward, ;hnotmg of the two brothers 10 their mother's Detroit safer for reSIdents and viSItors could be Japan and 100,000 from South about someone \vho has such a mcludIng an mcrease m ht- ic'l" €'way happened two blocks from my office" regarded as the best investment Detroit could Korea to sell here under its love for human hfe - whether eracy and land-ownershIp by nameplate. Ford plans to build a It be commumst or capItalist - hi I LV IS C\LIKELY to get anywhere 10 the make m promoting the CIty. the masses, many Amencans plant in Mexico, wtuch will cost refreshmg. I found Lee Corless' overlook these facts, and claim thousands of jobs here. The Big letter, however, sickenmg "but It'S a commumst 3 already brmg in mllhons of Corless' letter IS a perfect 11- country! " , I State no microcosm of U.S. Agreed, they still have a Give Mayor Heenan a chance ways to go, but for the fact that , - Lansing I~ hardly a mIcrocosm of Wastungton certain to roll back earlier than scheduled some of Cuba IS commumst, do we ig- nore the needs of the Cuban ~lH'n It comes to the management of its fmances, last year's temporary increase in the income tax. To the Echtor: IS to cast a shadow over every- er;;pite all of the public critICIsm of Michigan's In his talks, the governor points out that the one on the committee. people? Doesn't the ChristIan ~ William Leith's letter pub- doctnne read "Help thy lax rind ~pendmg pohcles. average CItizen in Michigan pays $520 a year just lished in the Grosse Pointe If Leith had been present at • MIchIgan has a balanced budget while the V S. to service the federal debt - bul pays only $365 in the council meetIng, he would neIghbor? " It does not read News on March 8 cnticized "Help thy neIghbor only If udget IS runmng an estimated $200 million m the state income taxes. He also claims the state de- Park Mayor Palmer Heenan for have been aware of the events ed MIchigan I~ reducmg Its state debt while the ficlt has dropped from a peak of $1.7 billion in he IS not communist" ~ heavy-handed leadership in as they really happened OpposIte It<;true m Wa~hington. The governor is January, 1983, to about $533 million this year and It is obvious that there defi- Are Amencan::. so caught up supporting hIS nominees for the WIth the crusade agamst com- ,n{'l'('a<;mg ~tate support for education while the could even decline to zero by the end of 1984 a~ a newly formed Economic Devel- nitely IS a coalItIOn of four ~1 pSlden1 h cuttIng federal aid for education result of the state administration's planning. councIlpersons headed by a well mUnism that they Ignore the opment Corporation com- needs of fellow humans? Do I IN RECEN1 SPEECHES, Gov James Blan- Another comparison between Lansing and mittee. In reading his letter, it known member which is agamst bhard hab been makIng these comparisons, obvi- Washington explains some of the disputes be- appears obvious that Leith did and will contlllue to oppose AmerIcans become so blmd In the hght of communism that ouc;;ly In the hope they will improve his personal tween the governor and the president In Lansing not attend the Feb 'l:7 council everything Mayor Heenan IS populanty Even so however, the polls show the and in Washington, the executive has the support meeting and is relying on the trylllg to accomphsh, even the)-, to quote Corless' letter. prp<;ldent'" popularity i5 still increasing while the of the House of Representatives but faces tlie op- News' slanted reporting of the though thIS opposltwn may well 'refuse- fo ser and hsten" to ~overn()r :, IS declinIng ThIS difference in reac- pOSItion of the Senate. But in Lansing the execu- event be detnmental to the cIty people who need aid? pons to the stat£' and federal executives ISone that tlve IS a Democrat and in Washington he's a Re- It is plain to see that all this If Amencans could only rec- puzzles many people In additIOn to the governe-r pubhcan. The city charter states that showy OppOSItIOnIS pomted to- ognize Cubans a~ people, not as : Asfot th('controverSlallssueoftaxes, Congress IN ONE RESPECT, the executIve In Lansing the mayor shall have the power ward the November, 1985. elec- commu11lst~, but as fellow hu- is now talklllg dbout makmg a 'down payment" has one bIg advantage over the one III Wash- of appointment and that the tlons and represents petty poh. man" 111 need, Imagme all the pn the f1"mg fc>dPfal defiCit that would require mgton. He will not face reelection unt111986 while counCil shall approve If a tics at Its worst I, for one, would good that could be done for our ~om(' feckral ta}.. Increases. SIml1arly, the state PreSIdent Reagan, as we all know, IS already majonty of the council chooses welcome more actual Citizen in- fello\\ man Bra, 0, Pastor PhIl- Legl~laturt' rt'('entl) restored part of the earher workmghardonlusreelectlOncampalgn Butnot, not to approve one or more of the volvement at city hall so that lippe for not ha\"lng blInders on teduct 1011,', on "die" tdxe~ on nev. cars - whIch of course, With any help from Michigan's gover- aPPOIntees, then It seems only people could see first hand what so a::.to not aId people because amounll.d t I) a t lhe p")Chlatfl ....t doc" n01 'HI Kf B( m \ \1 '\\ t: 882-0294 882-6900 882-3500 same tIme iViedl('elld coverage have to ....C(' thp (lIcnt on" ~Ign To the EdItor f.ro .... " POlnl.' }<.II m .. 'YH'hll1:an 41(2:1(, \1 ,"" \ld)O"'" D .. I" <; IIlITOR JO\""I RtRI"R PHYII 1<;.. I "'I expanded to cover SOCial\\ork- the mltldl tIcalnwnl plc1l1 lie 01 TIll' POInte I~ mdeed for ,"""<",,nd (r ...... Jlll~h~j , ~M1 iU IH-lrnlt 'VI1C'hiKarl \ <;\I',T~'T H' Pill! Nil ~ \I"'N"'GIR I ... """ ' III IfMIM, ers'> -Igll" d lundte to havE' In ItS mIdst such .,d { 1"<;<;11111l '1"'M,IR ....11('thpn "re-"!t'\\,, dl](1 I" 'I I ,It I I II ~ PAl ROU\<;l"t EffectIve ApI'll L 198'~Medl' tredlmen1 pleH1 P\ ('n q() del\ .... d ld]pnt('d group d.., the Gro~se <;1\1~<; PIlO\lOlW" IT""1l1 V,(UHI\lIfllH cald (under Title XIX) PCl)S POlllll' 1 hC'ater '''''11 "HI \T! II The cbent-- are ....('('n h\ "O( 1:11 "II HI\IIIlD J IIi "1"\11' (,I IHRf over $40 an hOLlIfor ~ervlce~ \~orker" all a \\('{.kf\ hel"'" \11 We' dltended last Thursday's 1 ~ (,< , () ( () .....~()R \ ...." \1l I Hf HI' ROO R H "I,~\ III Il,,,m rIl HILlIFR re-ndered by per ....ol1<; \~Ith () of the blllmg I....drnll' lIndel 111(' pprfOll11al1C(' of . Move Over \1I~1 \"Il~1! "I\~ , Oil! r " " ""1-1 HARRill "Ill " I HI, .. I'''' 1111 JA'" r <;1....0 .. Magl€'r's or Bachelor degrt>l' nanw dnd i\k(l!( did I)) '111m :\h" :\Jarkham elnel I have 1"0\1 (.Rf I ...... ""'oon 1 \ I \lARII m R{ All Vlorkmg In an outpatient men bc>r 01 tll(' p,>\Chlellll"t Billing JlI'\ PI l.lUghf'{1 "0 much at a ( Ut( l'l ATlO"" tal health center TIH'se ('1Il'nt~ l' pld\ profp ...... lon ..d or com- \~I FH~11 r{I' a 1'>0 111(' lude" pld \ t hpi d P\ I 11l110RI~1("'-'II'II,r Illl'" VII ARI)(' were prevlOu~ly bt'll1g '>een at () ga me of c!Wf'\.d'l " pel! d d 1 0\ l' I mLlIlI!" \\lA'I)" "'>!HII111) IH Jln 111 ( I IX, ~H '14'mfw"r the samr centE'rs on an ability s,-lO an hour Thp d(IIng \\cl~ "uperb. the J I KI 1'111 II to pay baSIS PreViously the (lIre('1mg cI nd "et \~d~ out~land. One qllP<.,f lot J" \dn d L I \ In HohNt Ii Edgar, Editor and Publi!>hf'r only MedIcaid b,lhng done on lllg dnd Ihe lIming \~a" excel- Cf{'asp wa~ 11('('( '...... 1 1 \ d lid 1l940. H'i91 'uclueRwrf'.~ these chE'nts wa<; for the actual ]f'nt (lfC'ulalu)ft'\ Medicaid CO\ ('I dgl' c\p,lllded 10 nf Br,l\ 0 GPT Keep Iho"e plays tIme seen by a p'Sy('hlatrJ~t (If co\,('r such hand aid tre,d nwnt ') any) Services we-rE' provldE'd (ommg - \\("11 be there 1 by the taxpayer~' money alot- Mr'> \1 A !\Td"on Jean Hawkms L ted to the department of Ment()) Gro', ....c POlnfe V,II rn" (;ro ...."e POinte Woods , Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, March 22, 1984

Prime Time for senior citizens By Marian Trainor go, bOlstrous, unmhlblted and has "In some ca~es anti-depres- Have a good ddy Thdnk God delUSIOns of grandeur Such pe- sant drugs are used until the pa- for small favors The cup 1<; nods are follo~ ed by despondency tIent recovers from depreSSIOn," says Dr Klme, "In others, the pa- never half empty It IS ah\a)!> half DepreSSIOn can be a bIOlogical full dIsturbance In the bram It IS tient who has frequent bouts With depreSSIOn may be kept on the drug All of these are phra~es meant 10 u"uall) tnggered by an external lift the SPlllt<; and to acc('nt the e\ ent like the death of a loved one for a longer penod as a prophylaXIS positive In other cases there ISno bIOlogIcal dgalllst recurrence " For some folks, ~uch \\ell mednt ba<;ls but IS cau~ed by an external Another que~tlOn often asked by greetmgs \\ ark Seemg d bnght c\ ent, one that the 'person can't patients who are put on anti- smile, heaflng a cheerful ml".,~dgc cope \\ Ith Only a fe\\ d re the re<;ult depressants IS "are antl.depres- Immedlateh makes them lcel hel of an unhapPl> childhood or an ab- sant!> addlctl\ e" tel' about Ide But there are others normal family relatlOn~hlp "~o," saId Dl Kline' There IS !>osunk m their o~ n despair that When does a depressed person nothmg dddlc!l\'e about any anti depressant drug You don't develop bnght greetmgs and pleasant \\ell need help" Accordmg to Dr Klllle a cravlllg for them You don't have Wishes fall to pl:'lletrate thell help people need help when they are s~:f2~:::g, ", ~C~ dep!"r~~1(n1 lntflr- "lthorl1\\ 111"\ mnlom<; ;1<;WIth nar- Ie:>:> ~iUUlll They are depressed, a condlllOn feres With productlvlty or when Ill- cotics and ba"rbltuates You can go that IS often too lightly dismissed dlvlduals are dangerous to them- off the drugs whenever you WIsh The only danger IS that your ong- by spouses, relallve<; and fnend!> selves or others "Leave them alone Thev'lI be all Once spotted by a relative, the lllal disease may return," Another question that anses con- nght m a day or two Just don't next problem IS persuadmg mdlv- cerns the Side effects of anti- try to deal \\ Ith It now Somethmg lduals that they need help Often depressants There arc some, but Will happen and blue days \\ III turn they \\ III resist They WIll IllSISt mto happy days .. there IS nothmg wrong or that they the Side effects such as dryness m are not worth the money It costs for the throat or perspn'atlon are slight Sometimes things do work out treatment when one conSiders that the anll- and the person returns to normal depressant may be sa vmg the pa- ~ The person who IS "do\\n" WIll get The best approach m such tient from SUICIde --____ l~ /------~,""""" a phone call from an old fnend, re- cases IS to express concern and If other symptoms occur, such as ----:::::=="-----7 ,'" ceive an unexpected present or be love and ask them to go see a doc- a feelmg of bemg completely "out @ii~ lllvited to a party and the grey old tor as a personal favor to you be- of It," It means that the dosage world wlll be sunny and bnght once cause othervnse you Will worry. may need adJustment or the pa- One View [rom the Capitol more It IS recommended that con- tIent may be abuslllg the prescflp- Unfortunately thiS IS not always cerned relatives be as persuasIve tion Dr Klme tells of one patient true It ISestimated that 15percent as pOSSible, particularly If the de- who doubled the dosage prescnbed of the populatIOn have serIOUS pressed IIIdlVldua I talks about because he felt so good that he Someone must bring Blanchard to task enough cases of depressIOn to re- committing SUIcide Don't brush it thought he'd feel even better by . . A t' d P t t' f R problem solver, that I am not qUIre professlOnal treatment off as an Idle threat or an atten- takmg tWIce as much After he gol By Wilham R. Bryant, Jr, C IOns an. e I IOn or e- likel to let HUcs for the sake State Representative dress of Gflevances to the Gov- f Y1't' gPOet"n th way of Furthermore, It IS most common tlOn-gettmg ploy back on the nght dosage he snap- ernor 0 po 1 ICS 1 e or among older people The older a "The more precise the person is, ped out of hIS lethargy Some of you may have heard' take precedence over substan. person gets to be, the greater the the more eVidence IS that he or she Correct dosage IS Vitally Im- news reports of a list of com- In a cover I.etter to the Gov- tive issues, likelihood of developmg depres- has given a lot of thought to It and portant, which puts treatment of plaints or. charges or griev- ernor, Itold ~lm Ife.'t someone Taking the time and energy sIOn the more apt that person IS to depression by drugs III the area of ances agamst Governor Blan- had to c~mp1le the list. I made to make this statement to the Dr. Nathan Kline, dIrector of follow through on the threat," a specialist. It IS recommended Rockland Research Institute m warns Dr Kline chard which I compiled. 1t clear In the ~ocument that I Governor was d1fficult for me, that patients suffering from de- Orangeburg, NY, climcal profes- Agam, those most vulnerable to It was rumor~d or r~ported ~ould not read h~s m.md but t~at but no one else was doing it. pression seek out a psychophar- sor of psychiatry at New York Um- the danger of SUICideare older peo- that I was havmg Art1cles of mtent and motivahon was m- Taking such a task as my own macologist who is a psychiatflst verslty School of MedICme, and ple, particularly white males who Impeachment drafted) and Ir~- ferred from, the events them- was necessary, I believe) be. WIth tramlllg III the use of anti- author of "Sad to Glad" (Ballan- are 'WIdowed, divorced and move to fused to say, other than that 1t s~lves, And m the letter I told cause those in positions of depressants To fmd one, telephone tme), warns that depressIOn should another commumty which all adds the psychiatry department of a would be a worthy exercise for ~lm that I felt he nee?ed to power and author1ty must be not be taken lightly He even goes up to a collapse of theIr accustom- medIcal school or a teachmg someone to put all our dissatls- hst~n an?" ~ay attentl?n to brought to task when they so far as to caUlt a "fata I dIsease" ed hfe style hospItal near you f~ctions with the Governor in a senous crihclsm" The editor of abuse that power and author- "We all get depressed from time One of the difficulties of per- smgle document, the largest newspaper general- ity, There is no acceptable aI- to hme," Dr Kline concedes "Out- suading severly depressed indiv- While depreSSIOn IS acknowl- Not feeling that any of the ac- ly favorable to hIm, Joe Stroud ternative. SIde of that, there are certam mdlv- Iduals to see a psychia tnst IS the edged as a serious mental state that reqUIres expert treatment, iduals who tend to be overly con- fear of being hospitalized, even for lions of the Governor consti- o~ the Free Press, had ~ritten I have not recited the various cerned about their problems. ThiS a short perIOd It may be also that what about cases where drugs are tuted clear crimes, I had dls- hIS own horror ~lst of actlOns by allegations here, because most IS not consIdered too senous stones of shock trea tments and used to "calm the nerves')" missed as uncalled for any t~e Governor With which ~troud of them have been subjects of Usually they can be helped by 01'- Jall-hke treatment centers, made In hIS book, "Goodbye Blues, thought of formal use of such a d1sagreed and about WhICh he articles written by me for this dmary psychotheraphy " more VIVidby such movIes as "One Breakmg the TranqUlhzer Habit the document as Articles of Im- was concerned 'Paper over the past year, and it Some of the symptoms outhned Flew Over the Cuckoo'!> Next," Natural Way," Bernard Green, peachment. I asked the Governor If he is time to mov~ on to other 1 by Dr Klme was unwarranted !>ad- "The Snake Pit" and others, are et- Ph,d., presents a case urgmg the But, feeling that his actions wO\lld not listen to Joe Stroud thmgs. AU people can change I ness and dejection, dIffIculty m ched 111 theIr minds curtailment of tranquilizer abuse and suspected concerted action and if he would not listen to me, truly hope that our GovernOr The truth is most patients do not He has spent 20 years freeing pat- concentratmg, anxiety or Irritabil- with others constituted seripus then to whom would he listen will change his way of doing Ity Older people tend to become need hospitahzatlon, according to ients from dependency on tran- hypochondriacal Dr Kline There are now drugs quilizers. In the process he has abuse of pnow '. stress. Sometlmes the Side effects POR(FlAI"o; of tranqUIlizers show the same tally dislurbmg Those who suffer speCIally prIced at Trail Apothecary, 121 Ker- k:I-- -- " from these states of mmd need pro- cheval Claire Burke's favoflte Vapourl home ; symptoms as the problem belllg treated, feSSIOnal assistance and should fragrance spray, the $9 50 sIze ISnow $6 95 and < seek It out and follow the pre- the $3 50 size IS now $2 95 ~ - , ~ Rather than prescnbmg drugs, Dr Green uses other methods, par- sCl'lbed treatment • llcularly vltamm therapy to treat "Prescribed" appears to be hiS patients He believes a drug- The Coatdress ISvery much III fashIOn thIS spnng and the key word Both Dr Khne and Mana Dillon has one of the smartest one!>around Helga's free eXistence IS Important to Dr Green accent thIS precautlon red plaid hnen-look coatdres!> features fresh whIte pIque mamuumng mental alertness III In the cae of anti-depressants, revers Helga's chemise m beIge Imen kmt IS styled With older people those patients who took only the a V neck and can be belted If yOU choose From Baron Peters "The negativt' results from amount prescnbed were helped ha~ corne a sunny yellow cotton prmt that buttons down the drug misuse are llltenslfled 1ll older Those who took more on the baSIS that If one pIll is good, two are bet- front and goes up III sIzes 11 Kercheval per~ons"" he says "'Nutrthonal defiCits often contnbute to a poor ter, had SIde effecL<; • mental state, mIslabeled semle ' " With tranqUIlizers, Dr Green !\e\\ Spflng Silk Flower Ar- He contends that vltamm and nu- found that while other methods rangements come III brass and basket con. tntlonal defiCIenCIes can affect the were preferable, the proper dosage tamers at Seasons of Paper, 115 Kercheval mmd and that tranqUIlizers are the of tranqulltzers could help Pro- Abo !>ee the malchlllg candle nng!> and \\ rong answer blems occurred when pallents be- \Heath<; The program he outhnes lllcludes gan 10 use more of the drug than • the JudiCial u"e of vitam Ill!>,~hght was prescl'lbed Jordache Jeans 111 the IradltlOnal blue denim and m "17l'!>110 Kerchc\al7 14 are m at '70l!!J~ [5[b01?DD@00 _ PRESENTS • WILD WINGS offet's~Jldlllc prlllt.:. decoj'> and ~p()rlln~ related gift Item" Kerche\ al at FI~her THE MAINE EVENT flB'i 4001 • TornO!ro\\ ,\nd The \c\1 Dd\ \larch 2.1and 24('el('brdte WHOLE MAINE KI"ka ,Je~l'lPr~ 20th Annl\ rr ...2,)()() OPEN FOR WNCH DAilY J h, Illhh'l 'I' fon'11l0'1 \',I.tl( 11\\ I II f " Cllromclll( JUicer for maximum JUice fljo(hrh. n In (,f""" POlllll' ( OI11C \ ''II U .. pxtrcl" GROSSE PTE. WDS lllH i'l KI

I ~ c " " ..

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 22, 1984

BeI'e Isle Awning Co. Mrs. Gattom joins panel to oversee WCCC SPECIALIST Wayne County CIvil Service com. fIfth floor of the wcce admlnlstra. management consultant m the Of. Church, Barbara SChultz, , II miSSIOner Barbara Gattorn, of the tlOn bUIlding at 810 Fort Street flce of the County Executive, Dr vlCe.chalrman of Advisory Com. " Shores, was namea to a 26'person Other mem bel'S of the commit. John Gutowski, academiC dean of mlttee of 100 for Taylor School Dis. FABRIC A.... GS tnct, Jane Tate, school social , , panel charged with adVISing state tee, chaired by DetrOit Urban 8t Mary's College, Orchard Lake, -RESlJENTIAL -COMMERCIAL school superintendent Phillip League pre~ldent Dr Roy WII. Dz' Cloyzelle Jones, professor of worker for DetrOIt public schools; Runkel about the management and hams, are the Rev Roy A Allen, educatIOn at University of Mich. S Martm Taylor, dIrector of the 22704 HARPER MI goverance of Wayne County Com. chall'man of Mlchlgan State Coun- Igan-Dearborn and president of the Michigan Department of Labor; s.c.s., mumty College Cil of the Opportumtles Industrlal- NatIOnal Urban EducatIOn ASSOCI' SylVia Torres-Guzman, certifIed 774-1010 Runkel was designated state IzatlOn Centers of Amenca, Wil- atlOn, Joe Madison, director of SOCial worker of Hubbard.Rlchard momtor of the college, whIch has ham Beckham, JI , vlce.presldent voter educatIOn for the NAACP, Citizens Dlstnct CouncIl, and come under Increased public of Burroughs Corp, Dave Bmg, Dr Charles Morton, pa!>tor of the Stanley Winkelman, chairman of scrutmy 10 the la!>t two years With former DetrOIt PI,>ton and pres- Metropolitan Baptist Church and the board of Wmkelman Stores, Its changing of preSidents and Ident of Bmg Steel, the Rev Mal- former member of the state Board Inc budget problems The Citizen ad. colm Carron, pre!:>ldent of the 'lJm- of EducatIOn, AlfrE'd Pelham, vlsory commiSSIOn Will help him verslt~ of DetrOit High School and former directo!' of budget and The Mlctllgan CItizens Research develop recommendations that he former pre~ldent ot the Unl\ ers!tv hnance for Wayne County and Council Will prOVide backup staff Independent Investors: Will make to the state legislature of Dell O1t, and AI Dunmore, dlrec. former comptroller of DetrOIt for the adVisory committee, ac- on the future of the two-year col- tor of Urban Affairs for Chrysler The re!>t ot the members are the cordmg to Robert Queller, vlce- lege, Runkel said Corp Rev Frederick Sampson, pastor of preSident and executive director of COMERICA NOW GMS Members of the committee 10- Others are Dr Jalllce Frazlel, Tabernacle MI~slon Baptist the council clude representatives from bUSI- YOU ANOTHER EDGE. ness, labor, religIOn, government t and educatIOn, IOcludmg Myrtle Callman, retired supermtendent of Chemist will discuss Darwin's discoveries DetrOit pubhc schools, Douglas T""l r _ _ ,.. r .. 1 P'f'l\-.", ~~ ,..,...... 1 f ...... , ..... c\.., ... A STANDARD Ie POORS r ""'no...... 1\ ...... , ...... , ...... n~"'~....".... A ponsored by the depart- Howard Hush continued the fall servers Wayne County Intermediate School ment of Commumty EducatIOn of diSCUSSIOnsWith "The Commg at The department of Commumty WITH YOUR NEXT TRADE. DistrICt, Jerry Monticello, super- the Grosse POinte' public school Age m Our Time" on Nov 10 Education has recruIted among mtendent of Taylor school, John R system Will be held at 7 30 pm, The presentatIOn, otfered tree-of- these mdlVlduals to encourage Ryan, former WCCC trustee; Don. tomght, March 22, at Brownell Mid- charge, IS one of a !>el'les deSIgned them to share their considerable Smart Investors who make their banker their aId M,D Thurber, former college dle School, 260 Chalfonte In Grosse b~ semor members of the commun- knowledge and experience With discount broker know the many advantages trustee, and Nell Van RIper, super- Pomte Farms Ity to share their expertise With the others Members of the department of of Comenca Brokerage Services Now, mtendent of Trenton public Speaker Will be Dr Alexander younger generatIOn schools Moore HIS tOpiC IS "What Charles Commumty Education's Citizens' Comenca offers even more of an edge, The Grosse Pomte commumty IS "The 26 men and women who DarWin Saw 111 the Galapago& Is. AdVisory CounCIl Sub-CommIttee fortunate m havmg a relatively Make a trade through us between have agreed to serve on the CItizen lands" A researcher In chemIstry, on Intellectual Stimulation for March 8th and April 13th and you're entitled AdVisory Committee are of excep. Dr Moore has become mterested high percentage of reSidents With Older ReSIdents who planned this 30 to 40 years of profeSSIOnal, tech- series are Mary Ann Colhnson, Dr, to a free Standard & Poors Stock GUide This tIOnal caliber and I am confident In evolution and will mterpret, that they will playa major role m through the eyes of a traIned sci. mcal or executive experiences m a Arthur HIllegas, Howard Hush, 268 page reference provIdes esse"ntial brmgmg about renewed respect entist, Galapagos phenomena ob- vaflety of fIelds Much of the cul- Eugene Ivanso, Manon Koch, tural, SOCial, economIC, educa- Information on more than 5000 stocks. It's and crediblhty for Wayne County served In 1983 Helen Leonard, Helen Martin, John one of the most widely used investment CommunIty College," he said tIOnal, pohtical and mdustrlal hfe Schonenberg, Louise Tewalt and The committee held Its first JournalIst Wilbur Elston began of today has orlgms In develop- John Wayne publications In the nation meetmg Monday mght, March 19, the series with a thought-provokmg ments occurmg durmg the active For further mformatIon call 343. To open an account and/or find out how m the college board room on the presentation on "The Contem- workmg life of these mdlVlduals 2178 you can obtain your free Stock GUide, viSit any Comerica office or call toll free' 1-800-292-1300. To make a trade call' 1-800-327-5965. Come to experience, Come to SEWER Comerica 11IOUIILE7 c.II Where the future lives, comen\A BANK 17600 L1VE'lt/OIS - UN 3 7S00 , 5304 ~ERCHHAL VA 2 9010 726 MAPLE RD • 643 4SI0

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At AAA, we\t' Just rew,ed our auto m"urance rate" And chance ...are you lould <,avr money WIth u" l!lla~ne paYll1~ le<,s for the best protect ion and c!;'lln1 s('I"\'\ce anvwherf' To 'ire 11o\\. much AAA can save vou. bnn~ m your preo.,ent policy Or call u<; We'll tell vou hmv 1I1uch \ ou can ~ve 111a matter of ml!llltp~ So tel get the auto m<,urance Y()ll'W always wanted from Mldllgan's large"t auto msurrr, talk to AM today


1, , l Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Theater gets facelift .,I This Week in Business Esquire will spUt into four As the last of the Grosse Pomte on March 30, With the operung of the Art Deco facade, new carpeting III Celebrity Series guests walked out tmrd house set for Api'll 6 and the the lobby and a new celhng It Will Pierce advances through the front doors of the Es- target date for completion of the contlllue .. \\-Ith the box office bemg quire Theater March 8 a construe- work and the opening of the fourth moved inSide the front entrance II-E~~1E~:- at 1st Federal tlOn crew walked III through the house IS Apnl 12 accordmg to Es. doors, allowing two cashiers to op- Grosse Pointe Only I Richard back doors and began the process qUlre operator Erv Stemer One erate simultaneously. New IIghtmg Pierce has been that will see the Grosse POinte Park house wlil seat 450, two \\ III ~eat 250 will enhance the lobby, but other elected a vice- landmark be-come four mdlvldual each and one \\ III be a ~mall, hVlI1g than that. the lobby and the old fash- 11/2 OFF ALL FOOD president of theaters under one roof room style theatel , popular III Eng- IOned candy counter Will rem,am First Federal of MOVIes will contmue to be shown land baSically the same With the poSSible I WITH THIS AD Michigan and whlle the quadrupling IS bemg done The new look of the E~qUlre has addl.tlOn of a "health bar': and I Ribs not Included With thiS offer named manager and two "houses" Will be operating already begun With awnmgs on the movie memorabilia counter In the EXpires 3.21.84 of general ser- future I Each house Will be draped, uphol. vlCmg 10 It.Smortgage servlCmg dl- VISiOn He IS a member of the legIs- Bon Secours gets $125,000 ~tered and pamtl'd In mdlv Idual color themes, With one bemg In rro, OPEN FOR LUNCH 11 A.M. OAI~DLf=EI~¥V1ALS lative committee of the Mortgage The McGregor Fund a\\arded the than reheat to tlwlr looms, . ae- ~------HOURS MaN THURS -11 AM 12 P M one III green and another III coppel 18696 MACK Banker~ ASSOCiatiOn Pierce, of the Sisters of Bon SecOUI'SNursmg Care cordmg t 0 Sl~ter Anot. Mdlle Mack, The theater belllg dubbl'd "the liv- Groue Pte. Farms FRI - SAT -IIAM 1 AM SUNDAY -1-11 Falms, 15 director and major CentermSt Clair Shores a $125,000 CBS ,plesldent SI,>telsof Bon se mg room" \\lll be more elaborately 885-9040 (CARRYOUr & COUPONS NOT INCUJOID} league wmn))SSlOner of that city's grant for constructmg and equip- COUl" NUlslIlg Cll e Center Babe Ruth baseball program pmg the center's progressive phys- decorated Along \\lth the new extellor Im- Introducmg JWT promotes Ical and rehabilitative services de Library Friends age, the EsqUire Will oUel d new partment movie format In addition to Its Shi.Id'. "EI.ctric Awenu."Disco G bl G h When constructIOn IS completed to hear Kienzle am e, us ee pi esent, famlly-onented policy, the DANCING MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY ~ Robert Garn- m late 1984, the 200-bed center will A free lecture "pon- E~qUlre Will also feature art, clas- , ~ ble, of the 10clude faCilities for exercise ther- D J Thursday, Fnday & Saturday 9 p m - 1 a m sored b" the Friends of "'f' f()rf'H>n Ilno fir'>t run films ",ooa~, na::. U~~II apy, phYMCdi dl~l"'P) ,U\.l,ulJciLIVUal r" •••~., .. ~.~.., = ..~~:.r , Harper- Woods PubliC The the-ateI' ISavailable for morn- , ::.~=~•.~~ , ,. • - appomted dep- therapy, speech therapy, recrea- Llbral') \\ III feature IIlg and afternoon rentals for meet. uty manager of tlOnal therapy and dally living de- noted author Wlilidm II1gs. semmars, reCitals and other J Walter velopment The center is located at X Kienzle The event events For more mformatlOn call ;;, Thompson's De- Bon Brae and Jefferson between 10 \\ill be held Thur~da~/, 823-1555 N.J trolt office Pre- and 11 Mile roads. March 29, 7 30 P m m vlOusly, he ser- The concept of mcludmg exten- the library basement, ved as director slve physical and rehabilitative 19601 Harpel' The lec of medla/mar- therapy services IS umque among ture follows the annual ketmg services nursing home deSigns in the greater membership meetmg Gamble IS a Detroit area, according to the hos- of the Fnends graduate of pitat. It is designed to provide care Kienzle's mystel'les ) Wayne State for patients transferred from the are full of suspense Umverslty acute care hospital settmg to the Perhaps the best 1\.1....l:)I~I J~ Also, Edward T, (Ted) Gushee has Nursmg Care Center during the known are "The Ros- been named to the new position of fmal phase of their recuperahon ary Murders" and account director for Thompson's process. "Death Wears a Red 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS general consumer and trade ac- Tlus new approach allows certain Hat" 881.8210 counts. A graduate of Wilhams Col. patlents who have total Joint re- . 'The Rosary Mur- OPEN:MONDA~SATURDAY,9-10.SUNDAY10~ lege, Gushee mo~t recently was placement operations, majOr bone ders" concerns the group management supervisor on fractures, strokes and certam res- death of nuns and the firm's DetrOIt automotlve af- plratory conditions to be cared for priests Father Bob termarket accounts He lives In the m a settmg that IS most appropriate Koesler IS a mystery Farms for their needs, It also reduces the buff and helps thl.'"po- A.L. PRICE Schwartz named cost to third-party payors by re- lice put together the ducing patients' length of stay m solution He IS the v-p at Fruehau f acute care hospital beds. By doing former editor of The PHARMACY • $;~ Robert B. so, acute care beds are made avall- Detroit Catholic (a fic- ~ Schwartz. of the able to serve the high demand that titIOUS name for Mich. Our reputation proves Woods, has been currently exists in Bon Secours Igan Catholic) Detrmt you can depend on appomted vice- Hospital's service area. and suburban land- preSIdent of En- "On behalf of the SISters of Bon marks abound in all of us to fill prescriptions gmeenng for Secours and our board of directors, Kienzle's novels with meticulous care l... Fruehauf DIVI. I would like to thank the McGregor "Death Wears a Red and always be there _ .. sian He IS a Fund for its support and endorse- Hat" finds the kmgpms member of the Amencan Society of ment of the Nursing Care center of cnme in the DetrOIt for you when you 200/0 OFF Mecharncal Engmeers and the So- and its progressive concept for area lulled, and in most need us. Kodak Proce•• lng Everyd., clety of Automotive Engineers. He physical and rehabilitative ser- cases only their heads has an Master's degree m business vices," said DaVid Benfer, execu- are found atop statues admllllstratlOn from MichIgan tive director, Bon Secours Hospital. m area Ca thollc State Umverslty The SIsters of Bon Secours Nurs- churches. . .. 109 Care Center will also prOVide a Other books written BAUSCH & LOMB~ Eashck JOins Wide-range of services for elderly by Kienzle IIlclude investment firm pers~ns such ~ sk~led long-term "Mmd Over Murder," " nursmg car~ dietetics, pharmacy, "Assault With Intent" DaVId Eashc~. Jr. I:l~ ~ ...... lIOci8Ii .ervlCes. Each resident and .. Shadow of named VIce-presIdent of th.e Car~e- will be cared.jor according to a pro- Death." ton Ward and Con:pany pflva~e m- gram designed to meet his or her Coffee and cookIes vestment firm! which assIsts clients mdividual health care needs will be served following In corporate fmance, ventur~ cap- Construction of the center has the lecture. You need lt~ ~anagement and ~manclal ad- remained on schedule throughout not be a member of the VISOIy ser~lCes Eashck came to the winter months. When open in F'rlends to attend Carleto~ flom the Bloomfield Htils early 1985, the center will include a Bausch & Lomb Lens CarfYlng Case $3411 Bausch & Lomb Saline SolubOnJSenSlb~ Eyes'2~ law office of Butzel, Long, Gust, central, three-story atrIUm and in- Bausch & Lomb Saline Solution 12 oz $24• Bausch & Lomb Dally Cleaner $2441 Klem and Van Zlle He Will also dividually decorated rooms to pro- Thinking 441 work, of counsel, 10 the law firm of vide a stimulating environment for Bausch & Lomb DISinfecting Solutlon12 oz $2" Bausch & Lomb Lens Lubncant '2 Foster, Meade, MagIll and Rumsey reSidents of Leasing Bausch & Lomb Dlslnfectlng Unit II $19" In Ann ~rbor Eashck holds a "The S;sters of Bon S€cours Nur- • Bachelor ~ degree from Eastern smg Care Center will prOVide a vIb- ... MIchigan Urnverslty, received rus rant living environment which will Think of . -. MISS BRECK -SlNE-QfF law degree from Det,rmt College of encourage patients and residents to AEROSOL ew~~ SINUS MEDICINE Law, and a Master s of bUSiness !lve lif e to its fullest potentlal rather DRUMMY , Hair Spra'f ~~ OLD SPICE admmlstratiOn from the Umverslty Reg. Super, SOUD T\J] 54I~~ of Michigan LEAsiNG INC. Super Unscented (: Musk & Reg Parkinson group • Mile 8t Gratiot Ii, Announcing ... 772-1700 772-2200 $134 51 iJcz7 GIUETTE GILLmE The Grosse Pointe Real Estate De\/~ Belfo,., v " EVERYDAY meets at Calvary Ralph Fill ... &aIM MI)r MISS B~;CK • SWIVEL GOOD NEWS Exchange recently named its "Sales ASSOCiates of the Year" for The Northeast Parkinson Sup- I_ ~ 80z pump $2U 63° 10.01$189 1983 The five who took top honors port Group will meet Wednesday, were Nikki Andrus. Schweitzer March 28, at 2 p m at Calvary TlIal Size Real Estate, Better Homes and Senior Center, 4950Gateshead, just Atrse Gardens, MarH)'n Stanitzke and west of Mack and three blocks GARBAGE lUP Atra~ Frank Huster. Higbie Maxon Real- south of Moross MR. CLEAN ALL razor RAZOR tors, John D. Hoben, McBrearty The speaker Will be Vlrgima Tek- JOB GRINDER? PURPOSE Our Pnce and Adlhoch Realtors, and Shirley leh, pharmaCist, who will diSCUSS ell' CLEANER 11 (8). CLEANER ~ ~1$3 Kennedy, William J ChampIOn and Parkmson medicatIOns frtTY.ii': Co Judith Ellis Morseth has All Parkinson patients are 10- f.(.m~ $1!] U-~J 37° been promoted to senior process vlted A family member or fflend ~W\W.1JJ $1!] EVERYDAY engineer at InternatIOnal Paper Will be also be welcome PlU.. lrM'IHEATll'! 1I Compan.} s LOUISiana Mill III Bas- For further information call l7MOl_ • eo ,. trop, La She IS a 1975 graduate of Walter Nugent at 886-0815 or the t 53lI4 UIQIFi'Al • an 1170 Grosse Pomte High School Michigan Parkmson FoundatIOn at 17&11WU •• IU 4NO FoIl ,:.:: COMET Harriet Nolan 494 8983 SptC & I ~ CLEANSER SPAN 2 FOR CLEANER GILlmE GILlETIE I..!J-.: 87° $2!~ ATRA TRAC II I~\G;:~iil::::'VERBRUGGE'S ::~~r~ri.I ..ill' 14 o. 12 Shaving Cartndges 14 Shaving Cartndges 88 31 WE at $3 $4 17328 MACK ST. CLAIR i~~~~E;~~;;! EVfRY DAY C , DELIVER 885-1565 410400 ~~ r REVLON COLORSILK s1RLOI,tTIP PRIl-BONteE PANADOL AU "\ BONELESS PAN ADO L S>lAO£$ FAST PAIN RELIEF $280 EVERYDAY CAPSULES ~ RUMP ROAST STEAIlS c~'?n1$158 75 CAPSULES NEW HDR From Rpvlon ~~ ROAST $2~9 $3!8 '00 $343 counl $343 Conditioner ilnd PRIME AND CHOICE LEAN L:L., Shampoo Rrgular & f x(r,I Body PORTERHOUSE GROUND lO-SaI ~~ ...... ~...... 1.$2~9 STEAKS BEEF ~ ,-- $2~~~ 53!,9 $129 LB 3r~~ $359 ~ • LEAN MEATY BONELESS CALIFORNIA PHILLIPS VANQUISH 1 VANQUISH 0~! EXTRA FANCY ., LO.SAl r II, <""If,' .lrl'lllllh j $184 STRI.DEX BP I \ j I Hl1lul l \ III 10 COUf\' . PORK LOIN~~ RED RIPE , ciLERY ANTACID ttJ%Q HEARTS i~:fjl ~w~~~~~n. _L-_~. EVERYDAY ,,'~ ROASTS J: STRAWBERRIES .. 52~~ • '~!J $159 0 ~' 0 I ' 91!>cQUnl ----- f:.4 ~, LB 88 PINT " 77 U S NO 1 GENUINE :Ull~CHILDRENS Il.~~ · II'L - " - . - PHa.LR. PHIWPSMIUC Of ~ARnIll. IDAHO r\"h ASSORTED I A\ PANADOL =:J ~ -, ~ I ~ FEVER PAIN S ... MAllIIESlA :' • .;:. J14 C: M"iiir, POTATOES lJ<.!'&-"al FRUIT ROLL-UPS -- REDUCER 8 LB ~. THE NATURAL I '1 ~_.j S2!!nt - 11 ..... 88 390 .., I BAG 51 ~':"I $304 48 SNACK EA Jj 401 ..-

... Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

It's a Feast Daily at Hours New dates for Music Festival Ford House M Sat 610 BJ's Sun 710 The fourth annual Grosse Pomte Grosse POinte Symphony. Also par- will celebrate Summer Music Festival statewIde tiCIpating Will be concert pianist wnch • Dinner plano competitIOn has been Fedora Horowitz and "Free • Breakfast • rescheduled because of schedule Press" musIc cntlc and pIanist, Bach birthday WNCH & DINNER confllcts among the Jurors The John GUinn The group Flauto e Basso wlll SOUP 31 SALAD The Boys ChOir of Christ Church, prellmmanes will now be on satur- The repertOIre of the contestants SPECIALS makes an excitmg program The present "The Legacy of J S rosse Pomte, Will take part In the day, April 28, and the finals WIll be Bach," ItS second annual mw,lcal requIrements call for a Bach BAR 99 tation of BenJamm BrItten's on Sunday, Apnl 29, at the War celebratIOn of the composer's $1 'WarRequiem" at 8 pm Monda" Memorial Center, 32 Lakeshore prelude and fugue and a romantic bIrthday, on saturday, March 24, to ch 26, at Orchestra Hall, wood: Road or ImpresSIOnist work for the at 8 p m at the Edsel and Eleanor prehmmarles, and a Beethoven ard and Parsons In DetrOIt Young concert pIanists between Ford House 50 sonata, a contemporary sonata and $4 , Under the dIrectIon of Bradley the ages of 18and 32 have an oppor- Music by Bach and hiS sons and a concerto for the fmals Incl veg ~loom, the combmed choln, Will tn- tumty to compete for concert book- students WIll be performed on f!lude The Ann Arbor Cantata Smg- Ings and more than $2,000 In roll & coffee, Entries for the competItIOn are orIginal Instruments by Thomas tea or soft drink ers, The Kenneth Jewell Chorale, awards prOVIded by a major grant due by Monday, April 16 For com. Clrtm, baroque flute, and Damal BREAKFAST SPECIALS n-he SChoolcraft College Chorale as from the MIchigan FoundatIOn for plete InstructlOns, entrants may Jenka, harpSichord Starting ~ell as the Chnst Church boys' the Arts The deadhne for entnes call or wnte the Grosse Pomte War The duo WIll be JOined by Kay at S150 ~hoir The Grand Rapids sym- has been extended to Monday, Memonal, 32 Lakeshore Road, Tuttle, baroque vlOlm and Thomas b~ony orche!>tra wlll accompany Apnl16 Grosse Pomte Farms, MlCh 48236 SOfCOVIC, baroque bassono, for e OFF ~mgers Any plam!>t who IS currently hv- 8g The phonE', ~hlch IS manned Mon. musIc by J S Bach, W F Bach, Whole Pies Composed fOt the consecrallOn of 109, studymg or workmg In MIch. day through Saturday, 9 a m to 9 Krebs and Abel The concert Will the newly-bUilt Coventr} Cathed- Igan, or who has been a MIchigan pm., is 881-7511 also feature the Ars Amlcae Cham- HOMEMADE resident and has receIved an Im- ber Smger~ performmg "Lobet den tal, Bntten s 'War ReqUiem" was Persons knowmg promlsmg l'irst performed In May, 1962 The portant part of hIS or her education Herrn, aile Heiden" and "Vater PIES WIThls Ad here, IS eligIble young pianists should encourage 100/0 OFF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Requlem mterwmes varIOUS sec- them to enter thiS competitIOn Its unser m Hlmmelrelch " ____ •• "'" '."1" th~~t:=: ~:!.:::.~~!':'~!!'-f.l np~n ('hlPf 1I1ror and artistic dIrector Tl;::!~ct~ :l:--C ~7, ~5 for ,..hdnrf'n tions v~ purpose IS to aId ana enCOUlage with nine poems by WIlfred Owen of the competition IS MIscha Kot- under 12 Guests are InVIted to tour Michigan talent, to gam experience t1t~.Hun"." depicting the horror of World War 1 tler, DetrOIt's plamst laureate and the main floor of the home TICkets In competmg and to provlde the long time pIanist of the DetrOIt are avaIlable In advance by callmg most promlsmg performers oppor. 16353 E. WARREN ~ Tickets, Priced at $7, $10 and 12, Symphony With him will be con- 656-1574for mformatwn and a free tumties to perform on established are available by calling the Or. cert pIanist FlavlO Varam and brochure 885.0779 . 885.3979 k:hestra Ha II at 833-3700 Felix Resnick, conductor of the series programs BUYING • Rare Corns • Gold & Silver, - • K-RG1nds COinS Bars. &rap • Proof Sets • COlt! E~tate$ ~~~~Hp~9 J Gold and Silver Coins NEW FROM COMERICA ... (i)(i,fj for lnv~tmenb and Gifts NatlOllal TeltllJpe ServIce RARE COIN INVESTMENT, INC. 22027 Kelly Rd • East Detroit

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Plus,we'll pay your first Comerica now offers : $30of interest charges. an annual percentage ',Forthe next two years, Comerica will rate of 16.9% interest. apply your annual card fee to the One of the principles behind good interest paid on your account. Includes One glass of house Wlr>e per person money management is smart use starting at 5 p m \ Meaning, if you pay at least $30 of your credit. But most people In interest for the year, you actu- would agree that there's nothing ally wind up paying nothing for very smart in paying 18 to 24% the card interest. plus a service charge ~ .. on top of it. That's why Comerica ...( $150,000 now offers a new Visa or MasterCard {);I) to the frequent charge customer ~~ in travel accident at an annual percentage rate of ,\ insurance. just 16 9% interest. The lowest bank '. 't BeSidesthe lowest bank card card rate in the state, and a rate rate in the state, and an annual you can count on throughout 1984. fee thafs credrted to your Interest these cards offer you and your family The difference is easy addmonal securrty Inyour travels to see. The cards When you use the cards to charge are easy to get. plane. bus. boat or any common 19.8" _ carrier tickets, you receive '"_~7;;.. $150.000 In travel aCCident >~ Insurance automatlcallv and '" at no addltJonal cost

Add It all up The lowest bank card rate Inthe state, an annual card fee that's credited to your Interest.travel Go ahead, compare Then act You can even transfer Insurance. easy to obtain Comenca IS t'ielplng your Visa and MasterCard balance from another frequent charge customers save on the necessary bank to Comenca, and start saving on the Interest tools they need for better money management Smart For more InformaTIon, call toll free 1-800-292-1300. charges Instantly

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saUl, lac. , (JlmenCj\ ~ 227f' ~ St. (OIl t M,1e ., '.HI St, a_ m..- lee .. fit ". ~.n...... , 1'10... __ fit c.- . Mae ell ".JJ Thursday. March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Lenlen theme' a' Clam' United "Journey Inward; Journey Out. ward" is the theme of a senes of Lenten Services offered at Christ United Methodist Church, 15943 East Warren Avenue at Haverhill, Detroit Dr. Quincy Cooper. of Scott Mem. Lean Small ChOice Lean ChOICe Sirlom orial United Methodist Church, will SPARE be the guest speaker on March 28 LOIN LAMB TIP BEEF The Reverend Susan DeFoe, of Mt. RIBS ROASI' Hope Umted Methodist Church, will (No BflscUlt) CHOPS bring the message $3~9 51!- The North High Chorale Will pre. $1~9 sent a program featuring seasonal FRESH JUMBO SHRIMP. music and selections from "God. spell" on April 11. The communIty is Invited to share these services Large durmg the Lenten season startmg CALAVOS CALIFORNIA at 7.30 P m on the above dates En CALIFORNIA ROMAINE trance will be provided at the From California BROCCOLI Warren-Haverhill door and child 0 care Will be available 2199 690~ Easter morning serVlce& Will be 99~~h held III the church sanctuary at 10.45 a.m. with special musIc under Florida Large RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT 2/890 the dIrection of orgamst James R. Bain and an Easter message by the Rev Fr:!!,_1{ R Lell'eke I HO~E~ADE I r Br~~~~rry I 1 "M ••g~ER..m I COOKIES discuss SEASONED "ier'CREAM OWL will c~Cffr~~f CROUTONS SANDWICHES Ii credit and finance The Detroit Metro Older Wo- ~~i:"f 89C~g $2!!. men's League will hold a noon 46 01 <00*12• brunch semmar Sunday, March 25, Sacramento TOMATO JUICE . can at the Woodbndge Tavern, 289 St Aubm in DetrOIt. Cals Deming (€un> (1 The subject is .'Fmance , Credit CHEESE & J I k\}how is 'Under the Gaslight' and the Older Woman." Guest SOCKEYE NATURAL AGED;, speakers are Mary Fowlie, attor- PEPPERONI SALMON SWISS SUCES f The Grosse Pointe \1emorial Church senior high Tuxb group \\111pre~t'nt the (;a~ 90's melodrama and ney and preSident of the Women's PIZZA 73A oz. can musIcal rede\\, "llnder the Gaslight," on Frida) and Saturda), 'larch :!:land :!4. at S p.m in the Fellowship Lawyers AssO<'iation of Michigan, $1!SOl~g and Carol Cook, financial planner $ 88 Hall of the church. 16 Lakeshore Road Tickets, $3, are on sale ill the churl'11 ofrice and at the door the nights $5~SP~ CMl of tht' pel fOrJlldllce. Stud~ ing their ~cript!. In prepal ahon for till.' ,,110\\ al'l' (front 1'0\\. Idt to nghO Lisa for IDS! American Express. llatha\\ a\. LIsa West dild EriC :\Iillf'1 (back 1'0\\ ) Curt West, Phil \l1toll<;on. Grt'tdlclI Kogel, Kt'IT) Callahan, Reservations are $6.50 per per- r;, Kri'itin Ki:lgel, Gt'orge H('lIdud. T\ I{'I Stcben dnd Ja) \\ illiam'o. ('

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I I \ .>'' ~I \ Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS : Page Twelve-A St. Paul scientists explore ••., .. Joseph's of Grosse Pointe •• Students at St Paul School phySical SCience, and Stephanie r~£ .... What's on Cable Rlmka and Mark Vraneslch, earth ~~ '-4 .. measured plant growth, research. 11. would like to welcome .. ed the human senses, aCid ram and and space ~~. .,. tl.)tln~ »". A of lo<:;tl prt.lirammlng avallabft> on Grosse Pomle Cable studied the UnIverse 10 preparatIOn Jenmfer Galvm, hfe SCience, and ...., Nick Alcamo . ~~ nuriCl.), Marcil %% for the school's annual sCience fall' Beth Bonanm, phySical science, :...~ and '- took first place in the Stxth grade . "" .~,. • 5 JU P m _ Tht' Hl:'lllth Fll:'1d MI('ro5urger~ Bone Transplants" \6) held last month Seventh graders Marcie Blake, • b P m _ Bndglng the Gap' - A modern hIm on the problems of kid Three of the &eventh grade pro- Tom Biondo ne) dl:>l"e from d1agn~~ m adults and children to treatment life SCience, and Ann McDonald, , +." (both formerly of The Greenhouse) ~ Jects were entered m the DetrOIt (,) phySical SCience, also took top ...... • Ii pm _ p}gmallon' - Prellented b) North High SChool (l91 Metropolitan Sctence Fall' at Cabo awards Eighth grade honors went • :-.. to our staff ~ Hall on March 8, as well, and all • 6 30 P m - H.lnk. Luk~ \'~ Cnm .. lli) to Sophta Park, hfe sCience; , II. *- ... .7 P m _ The Sa\lng Word - \\~kl) mer.~ sCience and Bill Huntmgton, earth .7 P m - People ~lth Erl-' StemPI - Guest I'>Curtl~ SII\I,a, founder of the , ram mvestlgatlOn She al~o \\ on and space Best overall JUnior high 't~ ... Guar<:han Angels Part 2 (61 two profeSSional awards, a CitatIOn ... 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe \II award went to MISS Blake and best .7 30 P m _ A \'Ie\\ from a Park Bench Ith Judgt' Be\ erly C Globbel (61 trom the DetrOIt Edison Compan) ~ • S pm - Personal 1m estmg In the 80'~ '- SponsOl ed b~ Oakland Um- mtermedla te to MISS Galvm and she'll be honored at Ford .." 882.2240 , \ erslt\ and Comenca Bank (6) . • a 30 p m _ Johanna Gilbert InterViews - FelIx ResOlck and Russ AuditOrium next month St Pau)':, '" • Jill McDonough and MaUleen Yap •••J :;...~..".._•••111 _ .."it J J ...... , _ .....Iit ';-.~."IitJ ;.1> t/-:t--.~-J :;~.iIt-J-••) J :'t Cabo Hall exhibitIOn Galli's Meathaus .4 30 P In - American CatholIc (8) St Paul also a\\ arded flr'>t place for these kids • 5 P In - Faith 20 (8) honors to fourth grade students • 5 30 P m - The Health FIeld Pre-Menstrual S) mirome - Fran" and Parcells Middle School sent a "v..f ~.~ 885-7290 Pamela FIeld report to you from Ne'h York on \\omen m Ben Rabaut, hfe SCience, Patty Provenzano, phySical SCience, and team of four to the first Detroit Re. ~~/~~ GM ~~..<~~ 9-6 MONDAY Me- **********************••w~~~~******.*** .8 P m - The Job Show. from the MESC (5) Read-In the least two weeks in tnbutlve education students from : .c"{ • Polish Ham • AmerICan Cheese • 200 ~ • B 30 p,m _"Johanna Gilbert Il1tervlews " - Doreen Taylor (6) March Each day at the preSCribed 20 area lugh schools participated m .9 p.rn - "Detroit Media Monthly" - Guebts are Warren Pierce and hme of 2: 05 p m. everyone Will stop recent regional competition. In : .....~ " • Corned Beef • SWISSCheese : Mike Duffy Produced by Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts (6) all his or her work and start spite of the stiff competition, North :~r""-~S• Turkey Breasts. Potato Salad per : reading for a daily period of 15min- students were able to capture a total It ~r • Hard Salami • Cole Slaw personlt Wednesday. March 28 utes. of 42 awards : "\ • liver Sausage • Fresh Bakery Bread : .4:30 p.m. - AmerIcan Cathohc (8) Each classroom will have a The winners were: Cathy Stoec- .5 pm-Faith 20 (8) variety of matenals available and kel, Cheryl Rinke, Sue Yaklin, *************************************** .5'30 P m - The Health Field "ContraceptIOn and Infertlhty" - The ex- everyone IS encouraged to read Sheila 5t Amour, Cathy Alfonsi, ------f~~~2~~~~~f---~ perts dISCUSSwhat can be done to prevent the pOSSlbllltv of somethmg they Will enJoy Marco Lachapelle, Mary Kourelis, US D A PrIme SIDES $1.29 LB. mfertillty and how It might be reverbed (6) • Prmclpal William Christofferson Tracy Bente, Steve Saigh and Jay .6 p.m -"Wayne County A New Perspective" (Ill Dansbur} U.S,D.A Prime HINDS $1.39 LB. • 6'30 P m - "Health Talks" (6) says "readmg IS the heart and :,oul SALE fTEMS EXPIRE 3.29-84 • 7 p.m. - People Wlth Erv Stemer (6) of our educational program and More were Jenna Burt, Robyn .7'30 P m - "Mmdmg Everybody's Busmess" - Empire of America pi e. glvmg 1t addllJonal emphast!> dur- Moxley, Doug Calka, Matt Terry, sents tbls speCIal program on IRAs (6) ing 'Readmg Month' seems to be an Michelle Lapansle, Pat Causley, .8 P m. - "Steady Gains" (19) appropnate actlVlty for our Shawn Hoskm, Gasper Salvaggio, investment • B P m. - Mtte Hockey ChamplOnsrup game (6) students and staff members" Fred Rinke and Steve Smith. . seminar: \ ltIx-free* income, How Should I laxsheltered income -,..Start an Each Tuesday at 7:30 PM we will hold informal semi- nars on investing, Exercise .- Tax-free income The Ohio Company's seminar on \\Tax~FreeIncome" has been designed by investment speciC:JlIststo show Program? the general public the advantages of tax-free investments, Our seminar will answer such questions as: •Are tax-free securities only for the rich? • How safe are municipal securities? •What types of tax-free investments are availabte? . Slowly If •Are tax~free securities for me? you re not CUf- 'May or moy nol be subject to stote or locol toxes rently exercising on a regUlar baSIS, you can t expect to start Taxsheltered income out by running five miles every How present tax laws permit generous sheltered morning Begin With something Income and, in fact, encourage it. you can do - walking a half-mile, ThIsportion will explain, or even a quarter mile. Aftel several days. when that becomes easier. In •The WIde range of IRAand Keough retirement vehi- crease the amount of exefCIse cles available •The safety and attractive Income afforded by Gov- Build more exercise into your dally life: ernment National Mortgage Association (GNMA) Remove some of your home extension telephones, elsethe certificates stairs Instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the lot • How limIted partnerships work in a conservatIVe at Shopping centers, walk don t dnve, to the corner store environment Check With your phySICianbefore beglnnmg any exerCISe program A limited number of spaces are available To reserve Sinai Hospital s Health and Fitness Program offers a your space, fill out and mall the coupon below or call complete evaluation and exercise orientatIOn for persons interested \n beginning an exerCISeprogram For more The C4> Canpaqt information call 4936333

73 Kercheval Avenue Grosse POInte Forms, Michigan 48236 (313) 882-9440 Sinai Hospital [] Please reserve seat(s) at your Investment seminar Has the Answer r-ll cannot attend your seminar, but I would be SmalHospItal announces the openmg thiS Spring of the Interested In talking to one of your Investment Nathan I and Betty Goldin Health Care Center, 6450 speCIalists Farmington Road (at Maple), West Bloomfield The r-:; I am currently a Tax-Free Bond holder, please send Health Care Center Wlil of'fer outpatIent 5el'Vlces In me a list of your current inventory cardiovascular fitness and rehablhtatlon. psychIatry. and phYSical medicine and rehabilitation For more Narne . _ mformatlon, call 493,5500

Address ------

City _ _ ._ State ------ZiP Phone ------

( \ f Thur8day. March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS The pirates are comIng• By Lila WajKk Michael Pote, John Purrenhage, St. Clare John SChwenk and Gil Waitkus The policemen are Michael Chel- Gilbert and Sulhvan's "Pirates of Penzance" will be performed at St. tenham, Richard Darke, John , Clare of Montefalco's church hall on DIGIovanni, Michael Galloway, Thursday and Friday, March 22 and Keith Mitchell, Pat Playwm, Brian Rauch, James Teyssler and John 23 at 7.30 p.m Manlyn Schorer, music teacher Colby ~ and dlreclor, has spent months The Major's lovely daughters are workmg with the cast of more than played by Jenmfer Berg, Leah l.~akeshore 60 dedIcated actors and actresses Calomem-Mlchaels, Jennifer Ches- KevlO Reid IS Major-General ney, Holly Cole, Jenmfer Costa, Stanley whIle Larry Recard IS the Tiffany FraZier, JessICa Gamer, lovelorn Frederic. Jason Jacklyn Megan Lahey, Clare Lynn, Pamela and Tom Mitchell play the tough Montpas, Manlyn Nlforos, Kelly but funny PIrate Kmg Anthony Przybysz, Ceceha Retllg, Chrlstme Slusser IS Samuel, James Dlaz IS Schulte, Kelley Shock, Molly Sulli- OPEN 7 DAYS I the Sergeant and Megan McKeever van, Shannon Sullivan, Heather portrays Ruth Rebecca Wasmger Wilson, Amy Wromkow!>ki, Celeste Monday - Saturday 7 a.m. - 2 a.m. IS Mabel, JoEllen DeRonghe IS Dorns, Jacquelme Marshall. Sunday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. EdIth. Courtney Johnson IS Kate, Rebecca Cho, Bleu Frazier, Man- and Jeanmne FeU IS Isabel Jane Garling, Rebecca Bertrand and Sara Wasmger Entertainment Monday through Saturday The Pirate Band IS played by John Fmucane, Matthew Haun, The backstage group are led by Lunches from $3.50 Peter Haun, Damel Lloyd, Chns Irene Ebner, producer, and Diane Dinners from $9.50 May, Jonathan I\1cGral1, Joe Sullivan, stage manager Pat Morandllll, Shannon NOWICCkl, McKeever is accompamst and Ann Carroll Jensen IS choreographet' Marla Elena Slusser ISm charge of Open Sunday 10 a.m. - Pierce b!!nd destgmng and producmg aU tne wins top rating costumes The many various props are In the care of Judy Rauch and GRAND BUFFET The Pierce l\hddle School Con- Laura Pote The strlkmg sets were cert Band partiCIpated In the deSigned and executed by Augus- 70 Items - 11 a.m. • 3 p.m. dlstnct XVI Band Festival, March tine Tedesco Kate Schulte and An- 10m Algonac The Pierce band was nette Marshall are In charge of Shrimp, Oysters, Turkey, Rounds of one of three class C groups that make-up Beef, Crepes, Blintz, Bacon, Sausage, received a Number I The stage crew IS Meltssa The selectIOns the band played Petersmarck, Jeanne Purrenhage, Pastries and much more. $9.95 for the concert porhon of the pro- Erik Garr, Derald Penn, James Children under 5 FREE gram were Citadel March by Myers, ChriS Dinsmoore and ErIckson, Lllany and Alleluia by Michael SWink. Forsblad and Brandywine Creek Banquet facilities and catering available The cast will celebrate with a by Forsblad party after the last performance Thb. grufflooking band of pirates (from lert to righll Peter Haun Jason Pierce was one of only two planned by Carol Haun Jacklyn and Gil WaUhus, will be on stage Thursday and Friday, M~rch Z2 • groups to receIVe a number I ratmg Tickets are $2 and may be pur- and 23, at 7:30 p.m, at St, Clare of Montefaleo's cburch ball in GUbert aDd m sightreadmg chased at St Clare School Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance." Tickets are $Z.

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Injuries from Auto Accidents

Gro ... Potnt. Woods .... Chtropractlc Clinic " Dr.,j" DIlIllI J.u 881-7&77 CIlifIIInctIIt I was In In auLOmotld. ac- IlSaUII (muscle 5, ilgamenls cel- Q \oldenl one month ll\IO and l'. and Ihe d.llC4lte roe...... suffered whiplash I h_ had WhICh .. rt tile spine) The ne.d conslBtll neck shOuldef, ~ II ~ baIaIIc.d 00 7 oM. back p.aln Recently d1uy spells vlC&l Wl1ebfle (neck oonffll ,.. and stomlch upnt hao'il the tMIad ,. _lOlenlly th'u," lOr dlMl40ped Can It-. I'f"1l*ll'nS ward .Ild *h ••rd .-.1 De relatad to Ihe ICCldent? thouNnd pound s of It>rce IS Should I seek chiropraCI1C

plan l>dore Illlldtures, federal reguldllon If you don't alread} have your 1983 or 1984 imestment All of thcse pl,)Ils carry a $1.000 -westec requirc') a sub.,lilnlial Itllen'')Horfelture individual Retirement ALcount, now is an minimum deposit The exact interesl rate SECURITY SYSTEMS depends on which one you choo~ pendlty. t"urthermore, if you withdraw fund., \ \ t t , (l' ,l)( I t If'" to open one at NBD Through from an IRA plan before you rc,KI1 dge 59i/I, April 16, we re otTerlng an even higher rate NBD offers you alternative plans. the IRS impo~., certain tdX pcIMllie .... on our S-year IRA investment than we ve Ifyoll wdnt your IRA plan to l>c .10(\lId We protect NBD talks with you In plain English. ever otTered before fle ...,!,I, .,',( ')() tllat you U'ln dlvcr~lfy your whit you invc.,tmenC we haw a ')('If directed IRA plcln \\e think our IRA plan'> arc the LX''>t ,HOW1 and we want to Ilhlkc II Cd.,y for )011 10 ( om inve~tments. pare all of the IRA pltln ...we have d\lailablc, Our speCial S-year IRA !>dV1l1qsplan fedtures It dllow you to <. I1dllgc your Invc.'>tnwnt c;lrcltcqy \.\-tWIl you fcd It neu''>!>dry, The NBD tMnker ...,He trclHwd 10 11<'lp Iclkc Ill(' our highcst Interest rate r~ut we know that The .'gn of minimum d('p0.,11 valles With tile types or (Onlll,>lon out or (!l()() ...lllq ol1e \~, IUpll'><.''> Ju.,t .,lr,lIqhl 1.1<1., We have oller 15 yea~ 8xpenence You may want a shorter terrr IRA plan W> When you ItlW ...t III ilny IRA plan, there arc installing custom Westec Security And tlMt ~ p,ul of whal rl1dkc....NISI> ,1Il • ~lid otTer many chOKe'> ranqmq from a 6 month two importAnt thlllq ...to rCllwmb('r ~Ir.,t If Systems--the finest In resIdential ...pt' 1,,1 pld( ( to open your IRA Money Market CertlfiU'lte to a 4-year IRA you Withdraw fund ...from illl)' time c;avings protectIOn nationwide for more infonnation: If '{O<.J re at home or aWIV Wesle<: S!I'stems ana ,Is pI olllUlOna I support personn4H are Oil constant 1.800-eALL-NBD aler1-- gu3rdtng you )'OUt property and your specla' envlronmen1al control.

Wester IS Itw. only secunt~ com~ny to o"&r III One of Amet'm.cal, reat banks cullomell Dlle<:t VOlCll Command Vls~1 Zone SlatUI ano Continuoul St.te Ctrcurt Analyl., • Uf ,.lIft or "'h"d to .. orro~, ~l caft Wntee lodl) II - 11 DONAT ALARM 3&2-3510 ~' 1 \ , Thursday, March 22, 1984 ~ GROSSE POINTE NEWS ~ ,~ ,- Pointer will play [ ", OftEN DAILY BUY chamber concert 10: 00-6: 00 USED OR BROKEN VlOllmst Ellen Luby, Obituaries ------: Closed $ijndly IIIl1 MOfldllY GOLD OR SILVEl of the Pomte, will per- Anthony H. Cramer Edward D. Devine Arthur J. Schultz William P. Youngquist form In a chamber Private services were planned musIc concert Sunday, services for Mr Cramer, 72, of ServIces for Mr DevIne, 67, of ServIces for Mr Schultz, 72, of . MOE'S Coins & Stamps for Mr. Youngquist, 66, of the Park March 25, at 1 15 m Yorktown III the Woods, were held the City, were held Saturday, the Park, were held Friday, March Turn Yo",r Jewelry & Old Gold to Cash P He died Thursday, March 15, at BUYING G\ Ife, Leona G , one daughter, Mrs. daughter Mrs. Rosemary Kmg; six ~lrolt. MI 41224 he afflhated With Delta Theta Phi (313) 881-3955 more mformatlOn, call Dan (Susan) Proost, two sons, grandchildren and three great- Johnson and Sarah, and six grand- and Delta ChI fratermties, of which 296.1100 George and MIChael, SIX grand- grandchildren children chIldren, one brother and two SIS- he was preSident He was also cap- Interment was 10 Mt Olivet Memorial tributes may be made tam of the Cornell tenrus team He Cemetery to the Michigan Heart ASSOCiation. ters received hiS Bachelors of Arts in Memonal contI'lbutlOn", may be 1939. and went on to the Umversity made to the l\ihchlgan Heart As&o- of Detroit, where he received hiS Walter K. laFond JUST IN TIME clatlOn la\\ degre€ Harry W. Reberdy CrematIOn was at Forest Lawn ServiCes for Mr LaFond, 73, of ServICes for Mr Reberdy, 74, FOR SPRING A hfe-Iong reSident of Grosse Vera Beach, Fla , formerly of the Powte, Mr Devme spent three formerly of the PolOte, lately of St Pomte, were held Fflday , March 16, Jane Malcomson Stroh Clair Shores, were pf'ld Tuesday, at Holy Cross Church. Memonal sen Ices for Mrs years With the Federal Bureau of InvestigatIOn from 1942to 1945 March 13, at the Verheyden Funer- He died Wednesday, March 14, at 10% Off Stroh, 61, of the City, were held al Home IndIan River Memonal Hospital Men s Women's - Children s Tue:.day, March 20, at Chnst Mr Devme was senior partner He died Saturday, March 10, III Born m DetrOit, he moved from Episcopal Church With one of DetrOlt'& oldest faml1y St John Hospital Grosse Pomte 10 1973 He was a All sizes & Widths She died Saturday, March 17, at law firms, Devme, Kent & Devme Mr Reberdv was the husband of rehred finanCial analyst and was a Narrow-Medium.Wlde Henry Ford Hospital He was also a member of the Amer. the late Catherme Gregory Norvell mE'mber of Holv Cross Catholic 10 ::>Ize 1:- Mrs ~troh was a natlve 01 lLdll ami ivilLiugdU Edl A:>::,v\.la- and IS surVIved by two daughters, Church. He was a retired U S Ar- TAN, WHITE, DetrOIt and a member of the Sigma tlOns Mrs Cheryl Buzzelh and Mrs An- my Lt. Colonel and was an active BROWN, BLUE, BONE Gamma FoundatIOn, a soronty A hfe member of the DetrOIt Boat dre Damlowlcz and six grandchl1d- reservist Durmg World War II, he that aids handicapped chlldren, the Club, Mr Devme enjoyed a long as- ren was a fIeld artillery ba ttery com- Jumor League of DetrOIt and the SOClatlOn WIth Grosse Pointe City Interment was In Woodmere mander and was awarded the CALL FOR MAIL ORDERS n5-5537 Country Club of DetrOit Little League and Babe Ruth Cemetery Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Mrs Stroh IS surVived by a League and was Involved With sev- DiVision Commander Citation VERFAlLLlE I COSSEn"E'S SHOES daughter, Lmda Humphrey, two eral champIOnship teams Mr. LaFond was a life member WHERE FIT IS OUR CONCERN sons, EdWin R III and Peter, her Mr Devme IS survIved by hiS of the Retired Officers ASSOCiation, SIzes for E.veryone - Narrow - Med - X-Large mother Constance Malcomson, Frances Barbou r Conrad Wife, Betty, two sons, Peter Rand Reserve OffIcers ASSOCiatIOnand two sIsters, one brother, and three 23515 NINE MILE DRIVE, at. ca.., ShorN Matthew; two step-daughters, Memonal services for Mrs Con' was executive vice-president of the grandchlldren r-II'JSA'.,.n.' OVER 50 YEARS SERVING EAST SIDE Susan M Wnght and Mrs Betsy rad, 69, formerly of the Farms, Reserve OffIcers ASSOCiatIOn at I-';=~ Memorial tributes may be made lately of IndIanapolis, Ind, were I Open Mon.-Thurs. 9-6, Fri. 9-7, 9-5 ,-~"'-..../I Moore; step-son John Worth Patrick Air Force Base. .1 sat. to the Sigma Gamma Foundation, Moore, one brother, one sister, held Monday, March 12, at Trinity Mr LaFond was also a member 347 St Clair, Grosse POlllte City, and SIX grandchIldren Episcopal Church in Indianapolis of the Moorings Club, Eau Gallie 48230 She wed FrIday, March 9. Yacht Club, Patrick Officers Mess Interment was lo Forest Lawn Interment was m Mt EllIot A native of the Farms, Mrs. Con- and Grosse Pointe Boat Club In Cemetery Cemetery rad was a member of the Tau Beta addition, he was a member of the NAPLES ON THE GULF ASSOCiation, Colomal Dames, Jun- Taxpayers Club of Indian River Florida's Award-Winning Atrium Building Park programs get attention Ior League of Indianapolis, Garden CO\Ulty and the Vero Beach ClVlC Club of Indianapolis and the Salva- Association The Grosse Pointe Park CItizens and an additional sixty qualified tIon Army auxihary Mr LaFond is survived by hIS AdVisory Board for the Wayne reSidents are currently waiting for Mrs Conrad is survived by her wife, Ruth M. and a SIster. County Community Development the 1984 housing rehabilitatIOn pro- husband, H Earl, and daughters Memorial contributlOns may be Block Grant Program has approved gram Susan, Karen and Kimberly. made to the AmerIcan Cancer the contmued partiCipation plan The ServIces for Older Citizens Memorial tributes may be made Society or to the Indian RIver which WIll allow an additional Program (SOC) w111continue the to St. Vincent Hospice, 8401 Har- County Volunteer Ambulance ~O,OOO In street Improvements on minor home repair service during court, Indianapolis, Ind 46260. Squad. Mack Avenue to be completed In 1984. In the past year, more than 50 1984. Park residents were benefited by The architectural firm of SCher- thiS program vish, Vogel, Merz, Cardoza, as pro- City manager John R Crawford CITY OF <&rnsSt Itninlt 1f1armsMICHIGAN ject engineer, has under construc- tnformed the board that all tion the first phase of this four-year communities participating in the NOTICE block grant program were recently LUXUriOUS two bedroom, two bath apartment In artnum and street improvement project which OF notified by Wayne County to antici- glass-elevator bUilding With laVish amemtles. Beachfront WIth also includes a 34 car offstreet park- pate a 14 to 16 percent decrease in PUBLIC HEARING panoramic vteWS of Gulf and Bay In exclUSive Park Shore mg lot approved by the Park coun- cil. the entitlement grant program for APPLICATION FOR ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL area Over $30,000 In elegant decor by renown Holland Other programs include the con- 1984. CLUSTER OPTION Salley ASID New furniture negotiable. AppraIsed at $275,000. tmuation of a residential loan pro- To generate enough electriCity An apphcahon has been receIved from 457Lakeshore Limited Partnership Assumable $219,500 mortgage at 10%%. gram for low and moderate mcome to develop the property located at 437Lakeshore Drive as RC One-Family At- PR'CED BELOW MARKET AT $254,500 residents to correct code violations to hght a 75-watt bulb for one IDl- tached Residential Cluster A public hearing Willbe held to consIder such ap- on their property Sixty-nine loans nute, you'd have to stroke a eat's phcatlon on Monday, Apnl2, 1984at 8:00 p.m. at the CIty Hall, 90Kerby Road, Call Mr. Carion at 881-0602 or 881-2517 have been administered SInce 1978 fur 9,200,000 times on a cold day Grosse Pomte Farms, Mlclugan (885-6600) • -, - Intemrted property alners or N!Slden~ oflhe City are mVlted to attend or to submIt wntten comments to the City Clerk up to and includmg the time of REPEAT OF A SELL OUT INCOME TAX PH PAlATION hearmg FINANCIAL PLANNING RICHARD G. SOLAK OUR N.Y. STRIP STEAK G P N 3/15/84 City Clerk 00 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE - ENROLLED AGENT DINNER FOR 2 - $12 CAN REPRESENT TAX PAYERS, INeL: Soup, Salad, Choice of Potato BUSINESS AND PERSONAL YEAR ROUND SUMMARY OF THE MINUTES & Bread Basket. ~INANCIAL SERVICES INC SUNDAY, MARCH 25th CITY OF Q)rnss£ 'ninlt 1fi'armsMICHIGAN 22725 Greatlr Mack - A3 MARCH 12, 1984 ONLY ~ SI. Clair Shores ------776-4760 The Meetmg was called to order at 8.00 p m I I 1$300I OFF WITH THIS AD EXPIRES I PASTA Present on Roll Call Mayor Pro-tern Joseph L Fromm, CounCilmen Bruce M Rockwell, Nancy J Waugaman, Harry T Echlln and Gall Kaess I ARGE DEEP DISH PIZZA 3-28-84 l I SPECIALS I w/Cheese & Pepperoni I Those Absent Were Mayor James H Dlngeman and Councilman Mary Anne L J882_9055 7iJhe ~ta.s.s &lJtat:@J{it Ghesqulre STAINED GLASS CLASSES Also Present 1IIlrs Kathleen Gallagher LewIS, Counsel, Messrs, Carrol C Beginners Class - Mar. 26-Aprll 16th Lock, ASSistant CIty Manager, Richard G Solak, City Clerk and Robert K PIRATES COVE Ferber, ChIef of Police 700 p.m,9'OO p.m. 17201 MACK at Bluehill Mar 31-Apnl 21st Mayor Pro-tem Fromm presided at the Meeting FEE $35 10 00 a m-12 Noon Mayor Dmgeman and CounCilman Ghesqwre were excused from attending BEGINNERS LAMP CLASS the Meeting March 29-Apnl 19 Fee $35 7 P m-9 p m CIty Manager Andrew Bremer, Jr , was excused from attendmg the Meetmg {not for beginning glass students) The Mmutes of the Regular Meeting which was held on February 27, 1984, LEAD CAME CLASS were approved as submItted April 4-Apnl 25 The Mmutes of the Closed SessIOn which was held on February Z7, 1984,were Fee $35 7 Pm-9 p m approved as submitted . (must have glass cut1mg experience) / The CounCil approved the request to hold Fireworks displays at the Grosse 20339 Mack Avenue Pomte War Memoflal10 pm, June 25, 1984and 10pm, August 13. 1984,sub Ject to certain conditions Grosse POinte Woods, Michigan 48236 884.9610 The CounCil approved the request of Grosse Pomte Farms-City Babe Ruth Baseball League to sponsor the 14 & 15year old state tournament at Kerby •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FIeld approximately one week begmmng July 20th, 1984,subject to certain conditIOns Over A Century of Serv;;-l JOIN US MARC...J 27th -:Jnd 28th The CounCIl approved the request from the Grosse Pomte Farms Boat Club to the Eastside Communi'ti~s to use the Pier Park faCilities for certain schedule events for the current year COR THE GRAND Of=lEr\jING OF I 'L"~ ~'" The Council approved the quotatIOn from Shock Brothers for spra} mg city elm trees In the amount of $7 80 per tree and prIvate elm trees In 1he amount '~. -~,~ l.{...{~ of $16 00 per tree ." <>..,~r ...,,~' ._.., :J...... to. "'- The Council scheduled a Public Hearmg date for Monday. Apnl 2, 1984at 8 : ~"",'. ,,.tf pm to conSider the fmal ~Ite plan review for 437Lakeshore (formerl~ Web Caf0L0 Chat ~ ber properly) The CounCil further scheduled a Public Hearing for Monday April 2 1984 at 8 p In to conSIder the formal adoptIOn of a proposed Amendment to th~ Zomng Ordmance and Zonmg Map Amendment No 7 The CounCiladopted a resolutIOn confirmmg the appointment of Mr Jon Austin Crop~heck Chapel of as Parks & RecreatIOn DIrector The follo\l.'l0&Reports were received by the Council and ordered placed on file a) Police Department Report for the Month of February 1984 ifhe Wm.R.lIamilton C'o. b) FIre Department Report for the Month of February, 1984 'rhe Merr)T Mouse F"NFRAt DIRH TOR'i I J J '''1''''' The rouncil adopted a resolutIOn grantmg the appeal of ~vrr Jim Kordas of 312Touramr Mr Clune Walsh. 61 Kenwood and Mrs sal1~'Van Deventer I• 226 (ROC KER BLVD 210MeITIweather. extendIng the time limit policy of their bollt mooring space M nUn! ( lcmcO\ 4!101i ~ subject to verificatIOn by the Admmlstratlon With respect to certam events

.r1,"'r.J\/~)'; - / ... ~ j .....f- .. l/~-~II J .... I \. Ir/~"'r..r<,i\l 463.0S77 The' CounCiladopted a rcsolutlOn appomtmg CounCilman Waugaman to serve r /, ',( 'r' ()~( 1/ ...>'''-[' r ?S/~;j.J-> (I ), V, ".S/C,'" dViv'> T( "Ill H 1I11111i1lfln II as De<'lgnated Mayor m the absence of Mayor Dmgeman and Mayor Pro I 11lI.1-1IHlI tern Fromm for the dates Tuesday and Wednesday, March 13 & 14. 1984 Illl\ HI '1 IIIIIlIIlIon lohn" Rroc I..man R"nlll,1 Il H •• I..III IIn II 110,11 H \'0111111>1111' Upon proper motion made supported and earned, the Meeting adjourned a; /1 \~~I" IIIit' I)lr,"'lor~ 920pm

\1, mhl,. ,,~ 1r1l ",/11 )t1 JOSEPH L FROMM RICHARD G SOLAK 8~4-Q()17 \tlfl 'HII \t'/( 't J \-t I'" IrJ'/l G P:'i 3/22/84 MAYOR PRO.TEM CITY CLERK ,..--..,- - - . ,.

Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page FHt... A' .-- Woods holds spring tree sale ~ The Woods Tree Commission Will mUnicipal payment box outside CI- :.ponsor a sprmg tree sale from ty hall "To Meet Your Health Need! ... Wednesday, March 21, through The seven varieties of ballE'd, ~onday, April 16, for residents burlapped, nursery-grown trees of- ... We Cover The Pointes." 8e\ en varlelles of trees With a full fered are Milky Way dogwood, HARKNESS PARK one-year guarantee Will be offered Snowdrift flowering crabapple, red 0 1 PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY lh eltht>r 1 4 to 2-mch, or 2 to flowering crabapple, Redmond 20315 MACK DRUGS 15324 E. Jefferson 21 clOch cahpers hnden, Marshall's seedless ash, Order forms are avaIlable at the Shademaster locust and Enghsh aa4.31 00 16003 MACK 822.2580 Woods mUnicIpal office durmg oak Prices range from $60 to $137 881.0477 regular busmess hours and at the Trees and gramte memOrials, pubhc ~afety desk any time which are tax-deductible, can be Orders must be returned With a purchased through thIS sale as a check by Monday, April 16, to memOrial to a loved one, the com- either Locashier's office or the blue miSSIOn said Wine's next target is Mao Shelwme Wme's lecture series, Heng, who was born m central Heroes Cnder Attack," Will con- Chma m 1954, provides hiS readers clude next Tuesday, March 27, With a shockmg ghmpse of hfe as \\ hen he discusses author Liang hved In MaOist Chma HIS stor~ IS Heng s book about growmg up In umque, yet It IS, In many \\ ays, the turmOIl of the Great Cultural t) plcal of those young Chmese who RevolutIOn m Chma The lecture have been troubled and tested in \\ III begll1 at 8 p m at the War recent years Heng asks. Making a ntark MemOrIaL '\fV~':; l.nuth crfirr:- p~~:-!::!: !""'~g:lr.., ~!~ft)t ::nd '1:!.)Dr Gt'Dr~~ Can Huveen's tax- Freeman, (center), recently accepted a check from Exchange Club or H~ YOUR DOG S FAVORITE FOOD free yields match Grosse Pointe members, overpoy"ering In Its use of multIple expo- "The World's Finest" ~~, SPIRAL SUCED HAMS !lures and Window-pane shots as well as panor. HAMI $2.99 LB amlc cltyscapes and mountamscapes, all seen on the 67 % foot sc- (I}J(/ rc {/uJ//ed I~J .c;l(/!ye/ ~/IAe~' reen of the Space Thea. tel' by the vIewer In reo chmng chairs SSIA qj{/I/ukt'~ !Ll1/(~ The DetrOit &wnce CknteratJohn R and E Unfortunately, Roger I~ out of town to rpcelve the Warren IS open Tues- day through Friday Caddlac Ma~ter Dealer Award (given nationally to from 9 a m to 4 pm, WOW! WHAT A SALEI tho ...e ~ple(t dealers dedicated to excellence In Saturday JO a m to 7 p m and Sunday noon 4th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ~ale5 and ')ervice.) to 7 p m AdmiSSIon In. Come III today for a birthday deal on every new and dud~ the Exhibit Hall He COLA a nd the Space Thf'atf'r u.,ed Cddillac In stock. Every (ar IS 'ipP( lally priced For rriormatlon p~ase VERIRS AC. Reg. Of Diet for thl,) celebratIon - over 100 to choo"e from! call 577 8400 Group Regular and famlty rate~ are DIET Rm We're open until 9:00 tonIght! available or Diet ~ f~ I A~~~ VAN DYKE at 1.696 In onl)' 13 percent fA the U S households now 83.99 111,,1 1') nJllJUte" I does the traditional pat- -~$4.99 CASE OF 24t from t!Jr' {J')Jnle<, tern pre\fall wherein ; CASE OF 24 111LITER ()pf'l1 Ml)nuc1~ ,mo the father wcrU for the 1/2 LITER BOTTLES BOTTlES r I1UN:

.. • ...~.-.-.....,._._.

f'" •• J

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 22, 1984 P.age Sixteen-A FaDlily waits for answers According to reports, the last their son's camera, used to pay the (Continued from Page LA) time Steel was spotted was in Tuc- tow truck operator. "The FBI says eratoI' told police he pulled the van son, Arlz , while Steel was reported- It's one of their mam pieces of evi- out of the mud along a roadway the ly hitchhiking to Pensacola, Fla to dence," saId Pongrace. "I think visit a girlfriend they could take the senal numbers, next day, and was paid with an ex- check It for prmts and so on and let pensive camera belonging to Mr, Extremely frustrated by the lack us have It It belonged to my son. Pongrace of progress In the Pong race robbery We've sent hsts of my son's posses- Steel then reportedly drove the and death are Mr Pongrace's pa- sions to the FBI. but lthmk they just van to Southern Califorma, where rents, Mr and Mrs Otto Pongrace, get filed he had relatives AccordIng to of the POinte. "I'm at my Wit's end," added Agent Falhn, the van was recover- "It's a very trymg Situation," Pongrace "People tell me to hire a ed In Los Angeles at the home of said Otto Pongrace, In a phone m. good lawyer, but I shouldn't have to Steel's sIster Several possessions terview "We've been In contact do that Maybe If I had more clout, belongmg to Mr Pongrace were re- With the FBI, but I don't know, or power In the commumty, I could covered at the home maybe their maJor respOnf>lbihtles make the FBI get busy I Just don't The van was also recovered, after don't mvolve homiCide anymore know" two men were arrested while stl'1P- "They don't seem to be domg The last known descl'lptlOn the pmg the vehicle It was unknown FBI had of Steel was of a white .. whether the van had been stolen much They'll wait until some local male, clean shaven, between 5 foot 7 from Steel or if he had sold it to the pohee authonty catches thiS gUy then they'll step 111 and 10 Inches tall With a stocky men build At that time he was wearmg a Inspector Joe Hautzlnger, of the "More problems are that v.e can't blue back pack and was traveling Calgary City Pohce Department, get anyone to help us recover our With a black Labrador type dog Alberta, confirmed that a "Canada son's possessIOns," said Pongrace ) "The van was recovered In Los An- 'We have no records of any pre- f WIde" warrant for Steel has also ...... 1'" .fn <;'tnt:'.l " C::"~;n been issued geles 1wu meu Wt::Lt:: :>lU1"1"U15 .t \'J,V",::> ,,"V.l"~'"-""'V"'''o.,t a. _ ... _-'"", ----- We don't know If they were im- Agent Fallm "Right now the war- ,;", t ,/ '~.~.J The Canadian warrant is believed pnsoned or what We've been trying rants mvolve only possible theft and ¥..I to have been issued because of to get mformatlOn so we can go out robbery, but they're enough to pICk Steel's posSible involvement in the and recover the van, but all we've him up and then we'll talk about Mr. I armed robbery of "some sort of a met is a dead end " Pongrace's death" fmancialinstltutlOn, such as a bank '" ..AddItIOnal charges could then :,; '~, ¥ or credit union," said Inspector Pongrace said they were also • Hautzinger haVing trouble gettmg possesSIOn of be flied " North~sprincipal is auctioneer Mind games test the best Dr. John Kastran, principal or North High School and part-time auctioneer, pose" "jth members of the North (Continued from Page lA) hair?" Traditional answers, while Parents have been an import- I Auction !\ight committee, who are responsible for the school'!' auction night Friday, March 30, beginning at 7 acceptable, receive fewer pomts ant part of the program at both I' OlympiCS problems. In another ~ p.m. in the school cafeteria. Pictured are (left to right, seated), Terr) Buccallato, Nancy Trefzer, (standing) than creatlve ones schools Among the volunteer Jo)ce La Grasso. Dr. Ka!otran and Gail Terry. For more information or for tickets. call 884-5589. challenge, called Camelot, student teams must figure a way to gUide "The Olympics IS a program de- coaches at Defer are Charles Rup- each other blindfolded through a Signed to turn creative thinkers mto precht, Diane Scarborough, Nancy - maze without using verbal com- creatlve doers," says Deborah Khne, Manon Spitzley, Cheryle Get In tune with your body mUnIcation In yet another problem Hackney, a fIfth grade teacher who Cuney, Nina Nord, Laura Maiale, students are challenged to complete IS workmg With students at Ferry. Gail Shaffer, Mr and Mrs. Bernie Tnathalon champIOn Charlie by noted sports medlcme expert, Together, m "Fit as a Fiddle In chapter 136 of the novel "Moby Kathy Roberts, a parent coach at VanAntwerp, DaVid Spitzley and Blanchard will talk about bemg m Dr Steven Glickman, and Deanna Tune With Your Body." the three Dick" and act It out on stage Defer, says once students are ex- Donna Butucel top shape Thursday, March 29, at Hawthorne, owner of VItal OptlOns, WII! discuss such tOPICSas condit- IOmng, nutritIon, proper warm-up posed to the Olympics' new way of the War Memorial HIs lecture be- a statewIde network of exercise "'Instead of Just usmg the stuff on Mrs VanAntwerp, surrounded by procedures and the causes, preven- looking at problems "they grow in gms at 8 p.m and he WIll be Joined classes the top of your mmd, you have to go noisy kids late Friday afternoon tion and treatment of lnJunes ways the standard currIculum does back and think," said 10-year-old while most mothers were home get- TheIr presentation IS designed to not permIt And what's more, they Sarah Bardeen, who is playing Cap- ting ready for dmner. explained inSpIre the begmner who is seeking have a lot of fun domg it," Mrs tam Ahab in the Moby Dick prob- Roberts said. why she's Involved as an Olympic CAR TALK motivatlOn and to mform parents lem. "But it's fun," she said. "We coach "I moved here from another of youngsters who participate m The students are all training for From RAY LAETHEM want to win, so we're being crea- the regional Olympics to be held community that had the program competItive mter-scholastic tive " and I was anxIOUSto get one started Pontiac, GMC, Truck sports this Saturday, March 24, at the Au- The youngsters also work on burn Hills campus of Oakland at Defer so my kIds could partic- BY RAY LAETHEM As MIke O'Hara, of the Detrmt short term problems and "brain- Community College There, about Ipate News noted, Charhe Blanchard storm" answers in qUick succession 800 yOlmgsters from southeastern was once a 180 pound football MichIgan will compete and candI- BEFORE BUYING BATTERY to a variety of questions, such as "ThiS program is important It center and "nobody kicked sand in dates for state Olympics will be se- "what else can you use a pocket leaches them to think " Before you bUy a replacement battery be lery Similarly replace a three.cell 6 voll bal hIS face" Today he is a 148 pound comb for besides combmg your lected sure you need one Have the old one checked tery With another of the same The Iwo Iypes "Ironrnan " Last year he won the by your semce sliliion 10 e~sure th8t lhfl run of IlaltlJrHlS are NOT Interchangeable grueling 140 tmle trlathalon With a down con c11! ,on IS not 0 ue 10 a loose connec lion corrOSion or other correctlble cause ...... time of 10 hours and 48 mmutes Be sure that lhe MW battery lias an lIl8Ctncal When you think PontIac - think RA Y The event, which combmes swim- rating alleaa\ equal to your old ba\tefY end hIS LAETHEM PONTIAC where you gel a mmg, bicyclmg and runmng, IS lhfl hold-clown br ackels and b'8ltely tray load deal plus a ,reat deal more Wepnde known as the supreme test of en- Compa,e pr eqUipped wJlh a Six-ceil 12 17677 MACK 8811-1700 person or by mall Advance reser- voll banary replace II WItha s,.-oell 12 volt bat vatIOn IS suggested

Pt'lClIo by Tom a.-- PrllCtlclng their rendttion of the last chepter of "Moby Dick" are OlympiCS of the Mind competitors (front row, left to right) Jennifer SChultz, Heather Klng, Heather Glovac and Dan SpItzley, (back row, left to right) Amy Butler, Tracie DoId Odentat ?2ug and sarah Bardeen. • FYI 20791 ~ Aw.... (Continued from Page lA) ...,.. tills day, dyes tus hair and eye- 61'1U1 P.1I11 WHlII t;attezlI MACK brows green for St. Paddy's Day. 881-3985 He started thIS tradition when he was 21 He's 64 today and still MARCH AT COST gives 'em a start at hiS faVOrite watenng holes every March NEW! NEW Another uncle. also a Ryan, was mto get rich schemes and AT TELLY'S LOCATION CELEBRATION stran~e mventlOns He thought he'd fmally stumbled Into EI Cocktails 2 for 1 Dorado when he won a furmture save a tot1une on exquisite hand woven rugs, (2000) imported store in a poker game He lost it 3:30 to 6:30 from the Orient. back the next day He a Iso won a race horse that way It too. was Monday through Fnday won back by Its prevIOus owner Servmg Complimentary Hot -CHINESE -INDIAN -PERSIAN Another uncle thiS one an Hors d'oeuvres O'Connor, \\rcnt to Boblo With hiS -~K~ANI -TURKEY Wife, and died there Seems he ALSO A LARGE SELECTIOtI Of DHURRY RUGS was In one of those cable swmgs PlA1\'OB.4R EjWEKfA"!."E~l' (the kmd With the big Dumbo- I1ke airfOils In the front), when FE.4R'IUNG JOE AR1"UO lhe Man upstairs tapped him on ALL RUGS AT COST the shoulder EVER}- WED~'ESD41Ttiara S4TlRD,tY 8:30 p.•• SAVE NOW The real problem began v.hen , the Canadian authontles >, TILL THE END OF MARCH wouldn't release the bod) nght r,------.....t r <.." away He wa~ a naturalized , Amencan CItizen, (hiS father OUR CLAIM TO FAME \, v.as Canadian) , and naturally he we sell, buy & trade ~! dldn't have any papf:'rs on hIm It SPECIALTY HOT SANDWICHES . for old rugs was a while before he was al- lowed back In the States A Lln- TRY OUR ", Ique way to go out, and come f ' HOT CRAB MEAT AND SHRIMP back In , -REPAIRS -HAND~SHING -APPRAISALS on a warm crOlssa"lt covered With bUbbly ~ , Last but not least another of Imported SWISS and English cheddar cheese ." Peggv's relatives jOll'l('dthe Ma- 547.5000 nne Corps dunng World War II Royal Oak and sa" a lot of actIOn Dunng 419 S Main St. one particularly flet C(' battle In (at 5th) the South PaCifIC hE' recel\red a INCOMPARABLE TRIO serIOus yet not life threatemng, gun shot wound to a delicate part Chief Ernie's own asparagus soup accomparlled of hiS body Since then the by fresh broccoli and SWISS cheese salad With a O'Connors have referred to him fresh warm crOissant as "OJ Lefty" Anyway, everyone from the Gret>nwood, f'lnn, Ryan and O'Connor clans hopes you had a Open: Mon.-sat, 11 A.M.-2 A.M., Sun. 5 P,M.-12 happy St Patnck's Day

t --_ ..=_._..=--.__....._._------_._-_..-~--...... ~~-~-~ ...... ---~...... -.--~--~---

Section B The Second Section Thursday, March 22, 1984

From Another Pointe Of View By Janet Mueller

"Whose LIfe Is It, Anyway?," a Grosse Pomte Theatre productIOn, will be presented as a specIal benefit per formance for the Commul1ltv Hospice Educatwn Commit. tee on Thursda~. April 26, at 8 p m at the Grosse Pomte War Memonal The pIa) depicts the conflict between a paralyzed pa- tIent \\ ho wIshes to die with digmty and a hospital staff phySICIan \\ ho feels he IS bound to prolong hfe under any circumstances :\1ay Tyler-Moore starred In the ongmal Broadway productIOn m the early '70s Richard Dreyfuss starred Itl the first-run movie. shown throughout the country The Community Hospice Education Committee (CHEC) is sponsored by Bon Secours, Cottage and Saint John Ho~- pitals,1I1 cooperatIOn with the Community HospIce Educa- hon CommIttee 01 the JUl1lor League of Detroit. Inc All proceeds from the benefit performance Will be used to educate the commul1lty about the hospice concept Last year. CHEC brought Dr Josephme Magno, past- president of the NatIOnal Hospice OrganizatIOn, to Grosse Pointe to talk about hospice care. Monies raised VIa thI~ year's benefIt WIll purchase books and educational infor- matIon on hospIce for public lIbraries and other communi- ty resource centers Tickets, at $6 general admIsswn, $10 patron, may be ordered by calhng the Cottage HospIce, 884-8600,Extention 2419 Particlpatmg on the CHEC committee are Judy Llhensiek, R.N, and Dons Heath, from Bon Secours Hospital, Sondra Seeley, R.N., and Julia Arango, from Cot- tage HospItal, Phyllis Howard, St. ClaIr Ambulatory Health Services, and Mary Lou Huber, Ph.D., Samt John Hospital Honorary chaIrpersons for the "Whose Life Is It, Any- way'?" CHEC benefit evening are Dr. and Mrs John Captains and Colonels wanted for SHOW BOAT! SchneIder and Dr and Mrs Eudoro Coello. Spring" ill bring. SHOW BOAT! to to\\ n, docking at the Grossl' Court home of META WEITZEL (seated. c(>nter), pictured aoo\'e going O\er plans for both evening!> with P.\T \'()ll~G (left>. Horticulture Seminar Pointe Yacht Club Friday, !\lay 4, ready to welcome ('aptains and (,o!onrl!. and jU!'ftpI ailt folk" to its dining, casino and entel.tain- SHOW BO.\T! genel'al chairman, MAHlE SKAf<'F (standing), co- 'TIS the season to begin thmking about how your gardens ment areao;. It's the Grosse Pointe Symphony Women's Associa- chairman. and GLOIUE STONISCII (t'ighll, patrons chairman. will grow - lovely thought! - and The Pomte Garden tion only fund l'aiser thio; "casoll - there will be NO spring garage The IU'.'\ i('\\ party is (l'el' to patron/sponsor ticket holders. Club, thmkmg sprmg, will host a Horticulture Semmar for !oale, and ,\;0 "umutl'1' concert at Jacobson's in-the.Village - and Tick.'l" mu) bl' I't'served by mailing cht'ck!o, pa) able to the GrO!!lse the Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan, District I, next the S) mphon~ Women are determined to make it the season's Poinh.' S) mphony Women's Association, to Mrs. Rudolph Stonisch Tuesday, March 27, at Grosse Pomte Memonal Church. most spectacular benefil. The chef at the GPYC is creating a Jr., :nl Lakeshor(' Road, Grosse Pointe, Mich. ,182:Ui. Additional information may h(' obtained by contacting Bea Scanlon, reserva- You're all invited Come at 9:30 a m. and bnng your special cui!oine to complement the atmosphere and glamor of a :\lissbsippi l'iverboat in the late 1800s. The casino on "A" Deck tions ch"il'mall, at 8K4-l!1l3, or Pat Young at 886-6970. Regular ad- favorite brown bag lunch (dessert and beverage will be mi~sion to SHOW BOAT! is $:n ,50 per person. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre provIded) Hear Carl Dolhopf, regional supervisor, Plant (the club'!> dining room) will open from 6 p.m., when cocktail ser. vice begins. TI1£'re"IIhe dancing, to the music of Chet Bogan and Palmentil'l' arc honorary chairmen or the benefit. Committee Industry DiviSIOn, Michigan Department of Agriculture, chairmen include Mary Nolan, Jane Buhl. Sandra Drettman, speak on the Gypsy Moth. EnJOY Mrs. Julian Haydon's his Woh erine Ja71 Band, featuring vocalist Dixebelle, and a floor sho\\ spotlighting the banjo magic of Dr. Richard Ferrara. Cap- Helene I<~agan,Judy Bucciero, Elly Bundesen, Lenore ~1arshal1. explanation and demonstration of "Techniques in BonsaI Mal'K"crite UI'S4t-, I..orella Bates and D9rolbea~\'ermeoulen. Man Culture... •.:_ tains - patron ticket holder!> at $50 per person - and Colonel!> - spon!>ol~ticket holders at $75 per per"on - \\ ho sign aboard no,\ Evelyn Self i" president of the Pointe Symphon) Women. Sylvia View Mrs Henry C. Kohrmg's slide presentation, "eir- have a special treat in store for them: their very own Captains Rutkowski is in charge of the association's newsletter. Jeanette IContinued on Page 4B) and Colonels SHOW BOAT! previel\- party with cocktails and hors Szulec i., the association's publicity chairman. d'oeu\Tcs, running trom 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, April 6, at the Harbor Tradition House

/ ,/ MESH T-TOPS 6tkuv /{ THE LIGHT WAY TO LAYER g-~J1 J~ SUre to net aomeone'. attention. Th6s one from --- -~\ Michael Conte features a slinky T peeIdng through a mesh over- shirt. The shirt skies down. A lIttte daftng? Maybe, A spring show stoppet' ...no doubt. In fuchSiO, white Of block, it's on Ingenious way to trap your prey, $40. Sizes S-M-L In New Reftectlons at N0rth- land, Eastland, Twelve oaks and Lakeside.

IcS 1. -4' 'M- , ~~ IMAGINE! 6t:1uuv.Allov Sofas $79900 Sleepers : $56900 Recliners $27900 L _ Showcase Chairs $36900 ~rc1Lhudsons· GROSSE POINTE NEWS ~.pageTw0-8 • .' DSO awaits de Larrocha DuFour-leidy ! Pianist Alicia de Larrocha, whose In a mmor key SChubert's Sym- ; performing career spans more than phony No 5, B-flat maJor, D 485 vows are said !50years, joins Jerzy semkow, guest and Mozart's Symphony No 41, C , conductor, and the DetroIt Sym- major. K 551 (Jupiter) comprise Elizabeth AmI Letdy, ~ter of ~ phony Orchestra In concerts at the remamder of the program. Mr. and Mrs. JohnC. Leidy, of Lin- : Ford Auditorium next Thursday, TIckets, ranging m prIce from $9 coin Road, and GeorIe A. DuFour : M.arch 29, at 8 p m and Saturday, to $18 for the Ford Au, from $9 to $20 for the Orches- DuFour, of Yorbhire Road, ex- : chestra Hall Friday, March 30, at 8 tra Hall concert, are available at changed marriage vows Saturday, : p.m. the Ford Audltonum box office and February 11, 1ft the Grosse Pomte . all eTC outlets MasterCard and Academy ChapeL , Ms. de Larrocha wIll play Mo- VISA charge card customers may The 5 o'clock ceremony at whIch order by telephone, 567-1400. Group . zart's Plano Concerto No 24, C Father M!chael O'Leary presided : minor,K 491,compo~tn 1786,one rate!> are avaIlable by callmg 446- was followed by a receptIOn at the : of only two Mozart plano concertos 0909 • Grosse Pointe War Memorial The . newlyweds are at home in Chicago, .• where be is emp~ at the Chica- go Board Optlons Exchange Both hold degrees {rem Wayne State University, she In Fmance. he m RoLnd Economics. The former MISSLeidy selected a the traditional wedding gown, featur- ing a high-necked, lace bodice and a skIrt embrOidered WIth BelgIan Cbck~ lace and trimmed in pomte d'es- pnt She desIgned her headpIece of 1\vfj ~~." r:~-..; :v4ffiJU5 0. wreath of satin roses, matching her gown's satin cummerbund, and carried her mother's prayer book Art auction benefit for Star of Sea with a large, white orchid and satm The annual art auction sponsored by the Student-Teacher-Parent Association for Our Lad} Star streamers of the Sea High School will be held this year on Saturday, March 31, in the auditorium of the school, In satin-sashed, tee length dress- located on Fairford Road. The fun begins with a cocktail and hors d'oeuvres preview running from es, champagne illeoIor, were honor 7 to 8 p.m., when the auction, conducted by the Gallery Art Center, Lathrup Village, begins. Origtaal attendant Jean Gartner Campbell oils, lithographs, etchings, serigraphs, water colors and sculpture, by such artists as Alvar, and bridesmaids Renee and Mary DuFour, the bndelroom's sisters 300/0 OFF Chagall, Dali, Erte. Miro, Max and Rockwell, will go on the block. Admission donation is '10 per per- Each carried a slngie, red rose SOD, with all proceeds going to the school. Ticket information may be obtained by contacting MRS. with baby's-breath, tied with satin MARCH 22 - APRIL 1 RICHARD UNTI (seated, second from right>, Student.Teacher-Parent Association president, at ribbon. 88%.3347, pictured above addressing invitations for the Benefit with (seated, left to right> MRS. DEN- Best man was William E. Living- NIS McCARTHY, Freshman representative, MRS. DONALD CALCATERRA, associati .. ston Ushers wen the bride's Right now you can experience famous treasurer, MRS. ANTHONY CIARAVINO, Senior representative, (seated, far right> MRS. JOA. brothers, John Leidy, of Rogers- Round-the-Clockt' leg luxury ville, Tenn, Michael Leidy, of Ann at fantastic sailings I QUIN BAUTISTA, Sophomore representative, and (standing, left to right) MRS. WILLIAM So. Indulge In the Round.lhe-Cloc~ SCHROEDER, MRS. RICHARD ALLOR, vice-president, MRS. TED WINIARSKI and MRS. Arbor, and Mark Leidy, of Musca- Spring collection of pantyhose. ROBERT SATTLER, social committee. Not pictured but also very much involved in planning the tme, Iowa, and the bridegroom's stockings and knee-highs evening are Mrs. Frank Pugliesi, social chairman, Mrs. Najy Jaboro, Mrs. John Gagne, Mrs. brother, TIHD DuFour, whose daughter, J~, served as In all of your fOllorlte colors Patrick Carron and Mrs. Joseph O'Toole. Including the new flower girl. Going Places colors mode The mothers of the bride and especially Teen fashion Triple fashion fun day at Dominican brIdegroom both chose tea length for thiS Sprrng's Foshlons Dommlcan HIgh School DistrIbu- tea WIll be served during the open dresses, the fonner's in a shade of • tive Ed and Horne Arts Depart- house following the show champagne deepm.' than that of the Round-the-CIoc~ semInar set ment students and the school's InformatIOn on tlckets, at $5 gen- bridesmaids, with an appliqued The leg lUXury Colleotton bodice, the of lilac chiffon Peggy Treacy, image consultant alumnae Will sponsor a three- eral admIssion, $2 student rate, latter', For All TImes and co-owner of Pull Yourself segment show.ng of "sunsatlonal" may be obtained by calling Each wore a wrist corsage of Together, WIll conduct a teen fashIOns and an open house Sun- 882.8503 Sweetheart roses and carnations fashion workshop Wednesday, day, April 1, at 2 p.m. at Domini- April 4, from 4 to 6 p.rn at the can, located on McK1Jlney Avenue 445-a808 Grosse Pointe War MemOrIal, m- in DetrOIt once-a-year 22241 ~elly Road structing students on colors that Hand-sewn clothmg made by the make them look theIr best and war- students, styles from Albert's East Detroit drobe planning, With special em- Eastland and a "fun" punk/new • I Mon. and Thur. 1Q.9 phasis on the upcoming wave dIVISIoncomprise the fashion CRAZY SALE Tues. thru Sat 10-6 spnng/summer season. Registra- portion of the program. Prizes will Closed Sunday tion for the two-hour program, at be gIVen in the intermissions be- $15 per person, should be made in tween the three segments. Wme advance by calling 881-7511 and cheese, dessert and coffee or ital ofa Strega In Our Lower Level

rt • COCKTAIL OIIGINALL Y UP TO 1350" i • SUITS .• NOW t PREMIERE OUR • COATS .- ~ '., '10, 'III '21, ; • DRESSES '30, "I • PETITEFASHIONS ,~ • SEPARATES 'SO, • -- ... and many, many more Specials Hair cutting, in our Main Level store! body perms, OPEN MONrSAT. 10 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. hair coloring. Informal Modeling Friday, March 30 cia Slrega Boulique saturday, March 31 11 c.m. to 3 p.m. IN THE COLONIAL FEDERAL BLDG. 'He 63 Kercheval on-the-hill 884-8663 Grosse Poi nte Be refreshed II GROSSE POINTE J m-the,vllIage by the beauty , ,, , \ Come in or call 885-3240 and ease of our •\ , 40% . MS Tnurs F" III 9 OFF Masle

rich, lUXUriOUs fabriCS Paintings Ie PrUlts \ .day and evenIng ~ If By the following artists: '\ I r Silhouettes • M. Avery • W. Kuhn I t 1 • C. Burchfield • W. Vfer including furs, I BATH RUGS BY LACEY MILLS coats and lingerie • E. Couse • W.L. Metcalf • F. Duveneck • G. O'Keefe Because we are changing to • new style you h8w an oppor- Petite sizes 2-14 tunity to NY. on flr.t quality, .xooy texture, IIIIlIt ~ and i • R.S. Duncanson • E.M. Hennillls wall-to-wan beth carpeting. at.OM from 10 ~.1tt6p ~ i • O.E. Berninghaus • E.H. Potthut for best lelectlon. I • AJ'. Bricher • L. Kroll Reg l • G. Hitchcock • D.R. Knirht StIle 21x34 14.95 '.99 I • C. Hall5am • £.5. Paxon 27x45 24.95 14.i9 ,f • H.5. Mowbray • E. Redfield Contour 14.95 '.99 Jacob sons Tank Set 14.95 • R. Henri • C. Runrius '.99 f UnlverSliI Lid '.95 3.99 I • W.M. Chase • G. Tooker 5x6 Carpet {: , .t ) ear's ecutive With the New York Dally LUTHER HAVEN NURSING Gail Pollock Benefit!> of the fund raiser 'I'll! be News latterly hved on John's HOME, 464 East Grand Boulevard, Island, Fla 'She IS the grand- felt b) many as Lmk1l1g In- an affiliate of Lutheran SOCialSer- dl\ Iduals to Needs 111 the Commum- dau~hter of the late Mr and Mrs Vices, IS another reCipient of Gail Pollock h volunteers reach out to the Harlow Dow Savage, of Scarsdale LINC's volunteer efforts Funded NY, and, the late Dr and Mrs \:anous agencies which turn to m 1952 as a home for the aged, It will be wed LII\C for help Galen Roscoe Goodson, of Beverly has developed mto a nursmg care Hills. Calif l)~ Mr and Mrs Donald Po!Jo(k of One !>uchagency IS AMERICA:" facility I~DIAN SERVICES, located at She IS a graduate of Westover ------Balfour Road. al t' announung the :\1rs 1\1 Bommanto, an adult School and Bennett College, cur- engagement of their daughter Gall 1.3340 Michigan Avenue Founded 11 I(FIH"HFIIAI m 1972,It serves Native Americans ~ju~.:i Len tC.:4~h~r ...1,1th t!:c Dctrclt rent~y 3. ,"c!~ntccr \'.or!;lI":g \\ Ith Ann to Tlmoth, John Emmit t, son Public Schools, prOVIdes New York's l\1etropohtan Museum 882.5550 of Mr and Mrs' Ronald Emmitt, of 111 the DetrOIt area by offenng of Art and engaged in the sale of counseling and semmars on drug stlmulatmg classes m such areas Farmll1gton Hill" .\ mld~ummel as art and cookmg, as well as a 18th Century American furniture weddmg IS planned and alcohol abuse Its program 111- MISS Pollock, a Gro,,~e Pomte eludes one-to-one counsehng, a News Club In whIch Luther Haven She was attended by her sister, South High School alumna, e>.peds drop-m center for those \\ho need reSidents diSCUSScurrent events A Galen Savage Mr Standart, son of Introducing our first annual to receive her Bachelor of Al ts de- to talk, and assistance WIth Job Language Arts Class helps resld. Mr and Mrs Joseph G Standart ents express themselves A group gree III Marketll1g In June from huntmg and schooling Jr ,of Provencal Road, was attend- Spring Brass Polishing Michigan Slate Ulllver~lt}. where for the blmd ISavailable two days a ed by hIS father, a retired semor she has affiliated \\ Ith Kappa Alpha :\'!rs D Reynolds, an Amencan \\ eek MUSICTherapy IS offered on vice-president of Young and Theta soronty Indian Services counselor, directs Mondays and Fridays Rublcam a Saturday arts and crafts pro- Her fIance, a North Farnungton A recent fIeld tnp took 14 Luther The bridegroom, a graduate of 30%OFFS High School graduate receIved hiS gram tor pre-school through high Haven residents to the Germack The Hotchkiss School and Williams Bachelor of SCience degree 111 !>chool age children, who make College, is the grandson of the late Four weeks only! Items to sell at the trade table at PlstachlO Company, they were Mechamcal Englneenng from gIven a tour and gift packs All Mr and Mrs Joseph G. Standart, Polishing or lacquering. MichIgan State Umverslty last the annual Honor Our ChIldren these programs afford many o~the of Grosse Pointe, and the late Mr March He IS afflhated WIth Theta Pow Wow at Hlstonc Fort Wayne home's 150 reSidents opportumtIes and Mrs Harry L. Wessel. Mr We'll polish your nllmber~, ChI fratermty, TdU Beta PI natiOnal ThiS program IS part of Title IV. to keep active mentally and phy- Wessel WjlS the former Chilean your knobs, your hook.s and honorarv engmeerll1g fl atermty \\ hlch prOVIdes cultura 1 classes for Ambassador to Denmark. and Golden Kev natIOnal honor so l\atlve AmerIcan Indians Sically your handles. We'll spiff up dety, and IS employed by Delco One Luther Haven event for your sconces, buff up your bralls Electromcs In Kokomo Ind The agency has requested a showcase to dIsplay the completed which donatIons are needed is Brown-Brady bed, add elbo\\ grease to your arts and crafts projects Also need- bmgo Items such as lollon, andirons. And even remove ed are a tvpewnter and child-Size powder, clocks, games. Kleenex, J-May wedding hard candy, toothpaste, perfume betrothal told corrosion from your tables and chairs Please call the candlesticks, candleabras, LINC office, 331-6700, If you can and soaps are welcome as prizes August weddll1g plans are bemg date is made Hot all' popcorn poppers and por- made by Joann F. Brady, daughter copper tubs and chest lifts! help table electnc griddles for pancakes Mr and Mrs George McManus. of the late Mr and Mrs DaVId Another agency which works to are also needed, to use m the cook- Brady, of Harvard Road, and Ste- 0FFBi' ENDS EASTIR SUNDAY, APRI. 22- of Hollywood Avenue, have an- help people flghtmg substance mg classes If you can help with nounced the engagement of their ven F Brown, son of Mr and Mrs So come undone! Unscrew tho~e switch plates, pIck up those abuse 1'1 the DetrOit area IS the any of these Items, please call the Jerry Brown, of Alma. daughter, Susan Lynn, to Stephen BILLIE HOLIDAY HOUSE, 7302 LINC office drop pulls, wheel 111 your weathervane and carry 10 your casters. Michael Sankowskl, son of Flor- Fredenck Ernest Gnfflth, umt MISSBrady was graduated from You'll cash in on one big, bra<,sybonus of 30" OFF savmgs! ence Sankowskl, of Warren, and dIrector. reports that the program ••• Grosse Pointe South High School the late Chester Sankowskl A mld- Only at Coach House. One week service. Repair extra ....7'... lic began 111 1970 under the name and holds a Bachelor of Arts de- May wedding IS planned LINC column space IS prOVided FREE quotes on commercial \\-ork, 9' ,;ch :v, Johan House. changed to BIlhe each month by the Grosse Pomte gree in Elementary Education MISS McManus was graduated Holiday House m 1973 from Michigan State University. r:J",,~2... from Grosse Pomte North HIgh News as a community service She is affiliated with Delta Gamma Restoration • Repair • Reupholstering v I, i.,l, School and received her Bachelor Bllhe Holiday House IS a treat- Operation LINC needs your gen- ..., erous contributions and your tIme fratermty. of SCIence degree In FashIOn Mer- ment center, requmng a mlllimum Regluing • Recaning • Refinishing chanclismg from Western MIchIgan stay of 180days ReSIdents must re- We are non-profit, volunteer Her fiance, an Alma High School UniverSIty She IS an assistant main m-house for the fIrst 30 days, orgamzatlOn which helps graduate holds a Bachelor of buyer with the J L Hudson Com- helpmg to care for the house and numerous Wayne County agencies SCience 'degree in Agricultural SPEQAL BONUS: cmr:zD and depends on your support. To Engineermg from MichIgan State pany. rece1Vmg counselmg Courses such 40" OFF when you bring In your brass! Mr Sankowskl, a 5t Flonan as wood shop. commercial arts, volunteer or donate usable items, University He is affIliated ~Ith High School alumnus, holds a machme shop and typmg are of- please call us at 331-6700 Our office Alpha Epsilon and the A~erlcan Bachelor of SCIence degree m Ac- fered, and reSidents are reqUired to hours are 9 a m. to 2 pm. Monday Society of Agricultural Engmeers. 20725 MACK AVE. • GROSSE POINTE WOODS • "2.75" counting from ~he Umverslty of attend a high school eqUivalency through FrIday, throughout the DetrOit and a Master of SCIence educatlOn program year. degree In TaxatIOn from Walsh College. The house accommodates 35 He ISa member of the American reSidents, ages 18 to 55, and has a I Short and to the PointeI and MichIgan ASSOCiatIOnsof Cer- support staff mcludmg a doctor, tified Public Accountants and IS nurse, consullmg psychlatnst and Karen J. Dougherty Patricia A. Weper, of employed at Burroughs Corpora- two psychologists No methadone and Joanne C. Maio, of Roslyn Road, has been tion as manager, International IS used in treatment Group The Park, Mark L. selected to receIve the therapy, Job trammg and place- La\alley of The Eastern Michigan Um- Taxes Shores ~nd James A. versity 1984 Recogm- Franci~ and Donna M. tion of Excellence Slate Detroit Rose Society.s nleeting Medina of The Woods Award She ISa student were n~med to the 1003 at Grosse Pointe North The DetrO!t Rose SocIety will dlanapolls, Ind, formerly of fall semester Dean's HIgh School SPRING/SUfv1MER meet Fnday, March 30, at 7 45 Sagmaw, who has won many na- List of the Wayne State * • * P m at the Oak Park Commumty tIOnal and local awards for hiS rose Umverslty School of Danfortb Holley, of Center for a program on flower ar. arrangements Busmess AdnllDlstra- The Farms, has been INTERNATIONAL rangmg bv Russ Anger. of In- tlOn named to the Jordan College Energy Insti- lute AdVISOryCounCIl COLLECTION Mr Holley IS president of Holley Plastics In- SHOW • ternational. • • John Julius Vt'rpoort, of West WillIams Court, Please attend on I' has earned a Master of Wednesday, March 28 Busmess AdmlOlstra- hon degrt'e 111 Manage- International Salon ment from Renssel- 1:30 p.m., Grosse Pointe aer Polytechmc Instl- lute See the 1984 Spl nt * • • Sandra Biltner, dau- of international dreSSing ghter of Mr, and Mr&. from thp. hou!>es of the Gf>orgf> Bittner, of Lochmoor Boulevard, most creative names In the \\-as named to the Hil- world KrlZla, Chanel. Chlo(' lsdale College Dean's J Tlktlner. LoUIS Feraud LI'it for the first se- mester of 1983-84 A Jean LoUIS Scherrer. graduate of Lutheran Geoffrey Beene, Bob Mackie, HIgh School East, San- dra earned a perfect Oscar de la Renta. 40 average Pauline Tngere. and the pret. a .porter call ell Ion'> of GIOrgio Armam and ValentinO SIzes 4 10 14

Fresh Concepts

look for nf>W It>annes'i dnd t'longat Ion of lint'

Precise taIlOring With i\ soft edge a gentle balance of color and proportIOn

f /1 " l Hi) l~ fA'Il IhHI ~"01'o Jht shops of IH.TROIT MI< H

I / Wallon.Pi~rc~ 821-3525 J - gmmng at 7 p.m when black tie party-goers arflve at Or- chestra Hall for the reception that heralds the La Boheme Ball. They'll stay on for the dmner and the dancmg They'll applaud the featured SOlOIst,soprano EmIlia Pezzetti Cun- dan, who has appeared at La Scala and the Metropohtan Opera They'll applaud, too, as speCIal honors are paid to Mrs Phihp Caldwell, a dedicated member of the Hall's board of dIrectors, and to MItch Miller for theIr major volunteer contnbutlOns on behalf of one of the world's acoustIcally supenor concert halls. TIckets for the benefIt are available at $125 per person I $175sponsor, $225patron} at Orchestra Hall, 833-3362,and are tax deductible in accordance WIth current Umted States laws /1r;------~ If you can't be th(lre to care, Professional Huge savings! Huge selection! Plan to M~dical Services is the next choose a beautiful Lees carpet and save! best thing. Horn!" ( IIrl' ",ur'ilnJ.( Live the life of tEES PfI\all' nUI\ 1'Iur'ilO~ lIomt'maklOJ.( ~n 1("('''

If tH' (dl1 hl'lp \-Oll "lth \ our nll'rll( ,01or IX'r'ion,d (,In' pit "'if' l,tli 8 343-4357 ~-y-S:J P M S Prorl' ....lOnal Ml'dl("ill wn 1(,1''' lOOlO Krlh Hd • lilt rpt'r Wooc'" , 1\11 4H225 AUII IHfld IN,fl S"m' JofJn HO(;(lI'ltl 776-5510 21435 Mack Ave. nn PROf hSSIONALS WHO ( I\Rf-~ Open unltl 9 p m Mon Thurs. Fn Tues Wed Sat until 6 ~.::::=..=------... ====-=------W Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pointe Garden Private Duty Nursing Care Club Council serving the Grosse Pointes and the Tri-Counties will convene VISitors from the commullIty are \\eleome at the Grosse Pomte Garden Club CounCil's meeting next Tuesda'r, March 27, at 9 30 a m In the G'rosse Pomte Mam LJ. brary, Kercheval Avenue at Fishel' Road Plans for the councIl's Sprlllg Private Homes, Hospitals or Nursing Homes Garden Tour \\ III be detailed by • 24 Hour Service - 7 Days a Week Mrs David Lo\\e, chalrlnan Guest speaker Al Mazur, member of the • Full Time or Part Time Coverage Grosse POll1te Park Beautification • Bonded and Insured Committee, \\ 111pre!>ent the latest Il1formatlOn on treatment for By RN's, LPN's, Nurse Aides, and Live in Companions Dutch Elm DI~ea!>e, and ':In update on beautJflca tlOn of The Pal k dur- mg the last several j edl ~ 263.0580 Motor City ABW A Commumty ProfessIOnal Nursing Service to nleet for dinner Motor City Chartci Chaptt'r of the Amencan BU!>lllessWomen's Asso- l:ldL1UII \Hii ilUIJ. 11:> HlUllLiliy Jium:! meetlllg Wedn<>sday, March 28, at ALL the UniverSity Club ReservatIOns Fashion date for Bishop Gallagher Mothers are needed for the evemng, which The Bishop Gallagher High School Mothers Club will present its annual fashion luncheon Saturday. begms with cocktails at 6 p m and :\Iar('h 31, at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. Co-chairpersons for the E'vent, which begins at noon, are dmner a half-hour later Ms Louis Buck may be contacted at 399-1590 J -\~ICE FIl'iN and SHERRY BOYLE (left and second from left), pictured abcve discussing plan!:! Health-tex. for further mformatlOn for the part)' "ith ARDIS GARDELLA, of Regal Place, and SUZANNE KOSKI, of Neff Road (second InformatIOn on the chapter's from right and far righO, both Bishop Gallagher faculty members. Hudson's Woodward Shops will Clothing for Kids onentatlOn for new members. also present the fashions. Tickets for the e\'ent, at $16.50 per person, must be reserved in ad\'ance. Pro- scheduled for thiS month, may be ceeds will assist student activities at Bishop Gallagher. which may be contacted at 886-0855 for rur. Thurs., Fri., Sat. Only! obtamed by contactmg Ms Royce ther details 011 the fashion lunch. Woods at 277-2345 Mid.Century focus DKG to celebrate at birthday lunch To tour local Beta XI Chapter, under the direc- The program Will feature Wilma on Egypt Tuesday tIOn of President Mary Ellen FloeI', Manery presenting a dramatic Mid-Century Toastmistress Club art galleries ~ has made arrangements for the monologue, "Mary Todd Lll1coln," members gathered last Tuesday Paula Strickstetn Will escort ao 20% Metropolitan Councd of Delta Kap- and plamst ElSie Watson, recipient morning, March 20, for a Ways and series of 1 to 3:30 p.m trips td pa Gamma Soclety's birthday lun- of a DKG scholarship for study at Means meeting at the Hidden Lane Detroit metropolitan area aI" cheon on Saturday, Api'll 7, at the the American Conservatory at home of Mary Fitzpa trick who galleries and museums, sponsored' OFF Grosse POinte War Memonal Fontamebleu, performmg several showed a travelogue on Egypt as by the Grosse Pointe War selections by French composers part of a workshop on that country. MemorIal, beginmng next Thurs. Sizes Infant thru 14 The annual event thiS ) ear A candle lighting bIrthday cere- Dr. Abdel Aziz, a native of Egypt, day, March 29. and contmulng Boys & Girls celebrates the 55th anmversary of mony IS also planned EdCh of the was on hand for a question-and- through May 3. the foundmg of the mternational 10chapters In the counCil will make .answer period Luncheon followed. Fee for the six-week series is $30 . EXTRA PARKING - USE 9 MILE ENTRANCE organization for women distm- a contnbutlon to the society's A list of galleries to be toured WIll guished in the field of educatIOn. Educational FoundatIOn The club generally meets on the be mailed to all who register before STIYE's PLACE first and third Tuesday of each Monday, March 26 Mrs Strick- ~ CONN.n · NO Spring card party at Kolping Center month at 9:30 a.m. at the Grosse stein, an art consultant and arts .... BOVS & GIRLS weAR FOR MEN & BOYS LAYAWAY Doors open at Kolpmg Center, freshments Will be featured. Dona- Pointe Central Library, Kercheval educator, Will comment on the ar- 23240 GREA TER MACK • (1 block South of 9 Mile) ON Jefferson Avenue at 911\! MLle Road tIOn I!>$4. Reservations should be Avenue at Fisher Road. Additional tists whose work IS displayed at ST CLAIR SHORES, MICHIGAN 48080 SALE information may be obtained by each stop on each weekly tour. Re- • (313) n7-802O ITEMS 111 St. ClaIr Shores, at 2 pm. Sunday. made by contactmg Lynne (Mrs. April I, for the Kolpmg SocIety's Joseph) Rheker at 757-1251or Mrs. contacting Mrs. Fitzpatrick at 884- gist; atlOn mformation may be ob- spring card party Pnzes and re- Marilyn LaJun at 294-5982 4473. tained by calling 881-7511 Ii' I

BE'in 'ityle with 1111';contemporary dia- mond pin crdfled 1n 14 karat yellow gold dnd set With full ClIt bri 1I1ant dlC:ln1Ond'i. edmund t. AHEE jewelers 20139 Mack Avenue Gro~se Pointe Wood~

!L__ 88b4600

.... ARPIN FURS / ... of W'indsor I ur \pecial/lu for 01 er f8 }'ean

TROPITONE LAY-AWAY NOW! rak,. I\d\ antagt' Order now and get just what you want (at 20.35'0 off). lit our low Buy later and get just what we've got (at full price). prt-.w&.wn it s the be:;t selection Of surT Mer fO~/)lons n casual (> JstomorrJer r0W 0120 3tJ% ~()Vlngsand get the colors and prirfls . . . and patio furn,ture you re gOing to see thiSseason ,>tylesyOU want In lime to enJoyall season long Custom NO ExclUSivecollections from Mallin I yons Shaw order loler ond you IIwalt until summers end INTEREST Woodard Iropltone Winston and rn0re In the tor dolivery And It you buy loler from our stock. Charges till Fall! lotes1colors for surnrner like plum mauve YOI./won I have as Wide of a selection to Duty and Sol •• aqua and burgundy coo'dlna1ed Wltr>match choose from Flther way you'd missthe 101( If.'und.d Ing umbrellaS Allin new 11n1Srl€Sand materials exceptloool savings Englander's Patio 'ull "."uum on like Textlline and Draylon canvas trot are Sale ends March.31 Am."con 'und. k made to resist Michigan weather beautifully ~or style and value Englander'S says it all

8trmmQhom 6 Ann Arbor open 111'1Mon 1hur~ Fr 'I ~ '30 Tuf'S 'lJPrrJ ::'01 Royal Oak "1 ,pr 'ii','/' ' 't / J f r I ') lu "'I r I (;1


trt .. , ' •• -8 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thuraday, March 22, 1984 ~-Americans to view a selection of spring fashions From Russia Church group meetings set _.Aen8tbe Border"ls theme for fashions from O'!'\elll Burnhardt presented Tuesday, Apnl 3, by the Wl-th Semkow 'Ibe Women's Groups of the sert and a white e1epbant program, - spring luncheon and show of Boutique of Wmdsor. Ont, to be Ladles AuxIliary of the German- Grosse Pointe Congregational and Mary Group members will make , _kf' American Cultural Center at the Guest Conductor Jerzy Semkow, AmerlCaJl Baptist-Church have favors for '!be Whittier at theIr . 'K " center's clubhouse on East Outer m his second of three subscription scheduled their meetiGgs this noon meeting at the UnIversIty $Ii, 'landscape desian course is offered Drive In DetroIt weeks WIth the Detrmt Symphony month for next Tuesday, March 'n Place home of Mrs. Howard Price ef)l1 -e.... Reservatwns for the part\' Orchestra, wLll conduct an all- Mrs Bernice Bates will open her Rachel Group members gather '~~ Federated Garden Clubs of credIted by the Natlonal CouncIl of \\hlch begms at noon, must be orchestral program of StravInsky's Audubon Road home at 9:30 a,m to at 6:15 p.m. at the Touraine Road ;~ipDj District I, will present a State Garden Clubs, IS Monday, madt by Fnday, March 30, by con- Symphony 10 Three Movements Lydla Group members, Mrs. Ed- home of Mrs Alan Wright, for theIr t-Illdseape Design Study Course at March 26 RegIstratIOn, fee and tactmg Zelda Varkula at 52'7-2958 and Tchalkovsky's Symphony No 5 ward Schuler's slide presentation annual spaghetti dinner and white ~ : ere)' COnference Center m Farm- program mformatlOn may be ob- Cost IS $950 per person Mary m B mmor, Op 74 (Pathetiquel on her recent tnp to Germany will elephant auction I " Hills April 10 through 12, tamed by contactmg Joan Peter- ThIele Fedders IS chairman of the tomght, Thursday, March 22, at 8 be followed by a German brunch, '!\iesday through Thursday RegiS- son, 541-7631 da, co-chaIrman IS Gertrude pm and Saturday, March 24, at served by Mrs George Polen and Children Mary u-atioa deadline for the course ae- Ali()~' 8 30 P m m Ford AuditOrIum Mrs. Ralph Thompson or NaomI Group meets at 11am m to sponsor retreat the church lounge, for soup, des- FALL REGISTRATION The ChIldren of Mary Will hold Fashionable benefit their annual retreat Wednesday Set Pointe ABWA through FrIday, April 4 to 6, at the • I for Marist Fathers Grosse Pomte Academy Each day I ,i1"-' Enrollment Event WIllstart with mass at 10a m In the The Gourmet House in St ClaIr Sacred Heart Chapel and conclude at GPYC Saturday Shores WIll be the settmg next at 3 p.m. The retreat WIll be con. PreSident Yvonne Miller has an- Thursday, March 29, for a luncheon ducted by The Reverend Anthony nounced that the Grosse Pomte and showmg of fashions from the Tocco, of 8t Margaret of Scotland Chapter of the Amencan Busmess RenaIssance Center World of Shops Parish, whose program last year ~ Women's ASSocIatIOn wIll hold a to benefIt the Manst Fathers of was enthUSIastically receIved Par- sprmg Enrollment Event thIS Sat- Notre Dame High School. tiCIpants should bring a sandWIch urday, March 24, at the Grosse The party begIns with an 11 a.m. and a Bible, and are most welcome T"o .... .,. ., • ..-.." ...... "''''; ....1 ,..,,,,... f'a ...t".,..,"(f ~ ,...~("'h h~r 1 ./. UUI~t: J. .n,u~\.-IUU ...... - -., ...... _ ....-.. -.0 ------lO unu~c1 11U:UU . The program, one of many SImI- Information on tlckets, at $15 per lar events being hosted during person, may be obtained by contact- II 109 the school, or by calling Bev Nets Olson, of The Park, won first March by ABWA chapters across ~. the country, IS desIgned to Inform PUchalskI, 463-4846,Lmda WatkIns, prize In the Blrtningham-Bloom- : local busmess women thut they can 463-6591, Mary Stefek, 465-0900, or fIeld Student-Member Art Com- i "Come Alive" with ABWA through Ann Malkowski, 526-8171. petitIon which drew 350 entr~es • the aSSocIation's expanded oppor- • tumtles for personal and profes- sIOnal goal attamment Women who are employed are eligible for membership in ABWA, but membership is by invitation i only Interested busmess women are InVIted to contact President Mil. ler, 469-3059 after 6 p.m., or call 881-3545 for further information on ABWA and/or the Enrollment Event * The American Business Women's ASSOCIation,founded In 1949in Kan. ST. PAUL SCHOOL sas CIty, Mo., now has a member- ShIp of more than 110,000women m NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR all ty~s of busmess and profes- sions, m more than 2,000 chapters in THE 1984.1985 SCHOOL YEAR. the United States and Puerto fuco. These chapters awarded more than AD excellent facility with a bighly qualified staff. $2 million In scholarships to women Programs in LaDguag~ Computers, Music, Art, and students durmg the past year. In Physical Education in addition to basic educational that same period, the ABWA Na- tional Scholarstl1p Fund awarded progmms. over $300,000 in scholarships. "More T1um Just A Good Education" 170 Grosse Pointe Blvd. Grosse Pointe Fanns 885-3430 :, 011 DI...... ,. :" CHET806M liWld the Wolveme Jazz Band : : Every Tuesday 8:30 p.m. : : THE UDO. Oiling, Cocktails : ,• M026 E. ~ (Just North of 9 Mile) • •••

• Mop credit cords accepted A good WORSHIP SERVICES way GROSSE POINTE Grosse Pointe Woods MEMORI.\L CHURCH to start WE CARE 8:30imd 11 :30Worslup PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Crib-1'tJddIerCare 10:30study Hour 19950 Mack Avenue your way (hallway between Moross anll VerOier Roadsl "THE HUMAN" HHI> ~ 100 through the FACE OF GOD 9 30 AM EDwCATION HOLR Dr. Wm. R. Phillippe F"or Adult5, Youlh and ChIldren Grosse Pointe SLNDAY II A M DI\INE WORSHIP 16 Lakesbore Dr. DIal-A-Prayer ChIldren s Learnmg Centers and NEWS 882.533G • U Iu'. lI8U771 Nur,erj PrO\ idee! PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (uSA) COME GROW WITH US each week The Grosse fOinte • ST. 10 $5941.40 MAHOGANY _etlAEL'. CHRIST CHURCH Congregational EPISCOPAL WALL SYSTEM SOFAS is to take and CHURCH American Baptist ~ 61 Grosse POinte Blvd. *?5S.~Part .,.-, Pori nll' LottI~ 9.30&llOOam WORSHIP It CHURCH SCHOOL (!'tlur\ery, both ServIC~) t II fAMILY WORSHIP of the 930 a m Sun School 1115WOR8HJP t • SlJNt)A Y SCHOOL SER \01CE 11 .. WORSHIP Grosse Pointe Pa.lnr (~nrli\c" .... ""It~r Re\I Dr Robert Boley Nu,..,. 8GCb SrYICtI I'a,lnr RolM'rt \ Rlmbn Rev DaVId f'enmman REV ROBERT CURRY rotJnch.d'i1"'r"t'IerIdbo.trr (lf1('""'",~e'(""\ 1(' chel1ln "'.', Oill'" t ,r $169488 only by He"ir,..~(' fl '1 News First Enghtl 1M: low sale pr rr I Rec:leerMr Christ the King UnlMd Luther.n Church Ev. Lutheran MA"Y 0:\1'.01' A KI'd) rJl.Mlo, of the week Methodis1 _------,r------~ 20331 -.c., QPW Church 10 (,. ),/2 WJ(J() I () J,H/II.(J() ~ Church ..... 5010 VrTnirT ROIld at DIAL- Sundav ~hool 9 II m W~~wood Drive PATIO FURNITURE BRASS BEDS 20571 V~nler BIb~ C,J1~ 9 a m Grosse POlOte Woods A.PRAVER Harper Woods Family Wot'lINp 10 30 1tM-5t4t 884 :lO35 ~'e1lowMNp tto..r 1130. m 882-8770 88 88 Wed Bible C1_ 10• m C1l1rctl School 1110 a m gf,:';i;:;: ::: ,"'~",::,'.2 ChlD'ch Wot'lItup 9 10 anti $794 $699 ~ 15 a m Church ~hooI WN """'" 7 31 p.,. II a m 10 10 II m Wor'lilip JOlW'pt1 p rabty P8l'ltOl" P... f' Kefp6H, p.... HLRR\"! [)(Y"l Mhlo, TH •. LA~l 2 f)A\~! Rpv 000 LJctlIenft!tt Edward Brllflllig VICar "'. ""-,. "He P_

------~------~-- .) Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page s.ven;e To mark 106 good years Arts, crafts exhibit at l.AItheran North The Lutheran Ladies Auxlhary hons for the luncheon at $3 50 per The Ladtes GUild of Lutheran Over 100 exhibiton wW ... for the neaf, organized in 1878, person should be made In advance High School North, located at 24 everything from handcrafts &0 celebrates its l06~h anniv~rsary by co~tactlfig Clara Manske at Mile and Rome

ser\'e as toastmistress. • 1"'01' X U..,E[}: Weekly :1\ erage \ Idd on U <; Trea ..ury Featured "peaker \\ ill be ~eil La\\rence Garska, decorations Secuntles adjusted 10 a comlant maturity of UPHOLSTERING & DECORATING Shine, senior managing editor o{ chairman, Mrs. Ed\\ ard Kane. one year Rate re\ Ie" 011 March Isl or the Detroit Free Press The dinner September 1st • S.,.r/cmg lhe Pomt!ls lor 37 years Mrs. Thomas McGohey, Mrs . is open to the public, at $15pel' per- Joseph A. Sullivan and l\iiss Alice 'INU:REST HAlE ON MORTGAG'E: E,I~h \ear \\111 be ad- son, Ticket!> ma, be obtained Zegarskl. Justed 10 21/. % over In. through the Pregnanc;\ '\id office, Pregnancy Aid was founded b)' a dex (Rate can change WIde Selection of located on Mack ,\ \ enue neal' group of \\omen on Dt>troit's East no more thall 2'/0 per Cadieu~ Road in Detroit, open Side in the wake o{ the United States )ear), ~ CASUAL & {rom 9::10 a.m. to 1.!::lO p.m. Mon- Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade deci- ,' ... PICIr.-Up & aellVtHY da" Tuesda" Thur!>dav and Fri- sion, in order to pro\'ide a confiden- • PREPA\,MENT PENALT\': NOlie free estImates DECORATIVE day, (rom 10.a.m. to noon Saturday tial resource for "women helping • ASSUMABLE: Yes, If new purchaser qualifies VA 2-9660 and on Monda) and Wednesda)' women." U is an independent, non. 12339 HAYES FABRICS evenings (rom i:JO to 9 p.m. The profit corporation which offers free • .'OR f'URTHER INFORMATION: Call 886.1080 asl for Bob telephone number i!>882.1000. services, including pregnancy test- GUiles or Dick Fronc/ak, Tickets l1la\ also be obtained ing, individual counseling and hu- our expenenced and friend- from an) membel' of the dinner man service agency referrals, to ly Loan Counselors committee: :\lrs. S\\ ecne" l\fr!>. Detroit area women \\ ho e~per- • SAVINGS CUSTOMERS: If you have m.JlIllamed an

Phase I date for Dr. Spitz

The publiC IS welcome to Join members of Phase I, the organIza- tion for smgle, young adult!>, ages 20through 39, who gather regularly for Sunday evenmg program meet- lOgs at Grosse Pomte Memonal ~ Church, thiS Sunday, March 25, at 8 pm to hear Dr Werner SPitz, Wayne County Chief Medical Ex- RIVERFRONT LIVING. ammer, recount hiS experiences In one of the country's bUSiest morgues Murders account for seven per. cent of the cases Dr SpIll deals \\ Ith He IS a medical detectlve, de- dicated to sO]Vll1gthe problems of "how dId thl:' pcr:,on die, what was the angle of the bullet. what was the speed of the car, ho\\ did the dlsea<,e pi ogress" et al He will report on hiS testimony for the Mary J() Kopechne heanng and tell \\hy, dfter an examinatIOn of x-ray:" photogrJph<, films, bullet frdgm('nt!>, clothing and medical reports. he <.upport!-rIhe Kennrd~ d:,..,a:':'lnaIIOn .....mgle bullet 1111'01'\ III'> progt am In Now available ISa long-forgotten Interest rate of 11% for either FeJ)o\\,>hlp u(' r v.11I "pon,>OJ a "llIght Stuart. These flxed.rate, 11% mortgages With 20% down are for out a ....eck It om lomorro.... 1<'1'1- lUXUriOUs2 bedroom/2 bath apartment homes overlooking the ddY :\fdrch W Cdl pooh form at 7 ocean or the majestic Indian Alver pm 1"1 H'ldY :\1arch lO 111 the Sandpebble reSidents also enJoy their own tennis courts, :\1emonaJ C!lUJeh pal kmg 101 to 365 sWimming pools, barbecue faCIlities, Jogging and bike path, a tr tI', (') r'l(/wnlim n to Ford DAYS Community Center on a lake, and free boat slips on the Indian VALUES YEAR ROUND ,\UdJ:OIlum for tlllmg We've been saying the location ISrare and the time IS right fIlm, \\lI1d.., o[ Hl\<.drv. fe,IIUl Now It's better than ever With 11% finanCing Call collect today mg the' Am<'t Il.l ..,( up H,1('(' Tick DISCOVER THE PERFECT ACCENT FOR YOUR HOME (305) 225.1600 ph ,It $') P('l p<'I..,on (,m 1)(' pur This offer will be discontinued at the developer's (hd'>l'd nllll' ..." .1 & my jot) to t,elp YOu cr d~' I" e ,rr)~t '.ll iOlH r1('W nf"gh Find quallty rugs, fairly priced at Jacobson's Hutchinson Island, Stuart, FlOrida 33494 ho,hood Scopp r 9 A'f'd~ (on,mun,ly Oppo,lunJ Collect (305)225-1600 lIP, SPf( a .Itrar IlOn~ ! (>h Of I,p~ to ~a ...e you Ilrr ('> ilnd m(,,,,,y . f'IlJ~ a bd~kr I 01 q liS '0' your lam Ily III • ~ IlstE!r1lnq lor lOur Cdl, •, HELPFUL HINTS for W.ddlng. and EIlfI.... 'TYPlcalterms Price $160,000 Down payment $32 000(20°/0) Mortgage m.nt. toor ••.' of $128 000 payable In 84 equal monthly prl'lc'pal and Interest payments Jacobson's .• of $121899 at 11% Interest With a balloon payment at the end of seven •. years Annual percentage rate IS 11% 3% origination fee and clOSing 11f1mmf ~~C't. •. costs Pnces subject to change GrOll.. Point. •. SI Clal, Snor .. "1.2221II'.M'. . N_ aaby '22.0'" ~ Open ThurSdays and FndaYli until 900 pm We Will valld.te your perkl"O t.....

-...... Sage Eight-B GROSSE 'OINTE NEWS Thursday, March 22, 1984

Peggy Hume Ibchard E Borland, Sr Je.slca Keatton Elaule L Borland Jud~ Klmg Richard E Borland, Jr Grosse Pointe Real Estate Duane Lamer" Gent'vleve'"W Bordato Bobble LIgan Helen Connolly 8 A " , Jill McBllde THE PROPERTIES LISTED OFFERED MarLlyn CotlcchlO 4)R U~ [) !'ISO(;IA n.~ Tom Nlarhos Kay Cunmngham of Joyce 5>ander" Mary de Mamgold Exchan e BY THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Bruce Solnder!> Lynd.

1404 KENSINGTON-$89,900 Assumable mortgage 3 1_------, NFWI 10 /4%, 25 years O1Itstandmg colonial, beautuul hardwood floor~ lal gr modern kltthen WHITEHILL-3 Bedroom Engh!>h 1O prime conditIOn, large Llvmg and Dm- mg room, New Dm.eway, NeYr Furnace, Leaded Glass Don't MISS! with eatmg area, Llvmg room With natural fll'l'plau' Idmll) loom $43,900 paneled,large wood deck 4 bedrooms, 1J _ bdth" .\s~umable $56,00IJ mortgage balance Don't miss out on 111l'; one' DETROIT'S BEST! IDEAL HOME FOR LARGER FAMILY KENSINGTON-Immaculate Brick Colomal Features 4 Bedrooms With Hard- wood Floors, LIbrary, Breakfast Room, Extra Insulation Added, Lots of 1499 Kensington-Super Center entrance Regenq Coloma I ledtunng Leaded Glass $49,500 modern kItchen With breakfast nook famIl) !oom I _ bath dne! ter- race, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths on 2nd f100l lal ge panelrd room on 31 d TWO UNIT-Bedford, Well Mamtalned, 2 bedrooms m each urnt, Great Shetter floor Paneled rec room With NFP 1O basement l'.e\\ gas J umacl' THIS WONDERFUL LARGE FAMILY HOME located on one of the flOe'lt and Leverage, Leaded Glass, Lots of Charm and Character $43,980 3 car garage Recently redecorated 3400 sq it Great bu) roads of G P City 15 surrounded by homes that have sold for much more than Its $159,000 value packed askmg price Very high ceilings, arched wmdows, DEVONSHIRE-lI/2 Story Immaculate Brick, 3 Bedrooms, Dining Roem, French doors, detailed hardwood floors, terraces and porches abound There's Offered &e seWe etltate-Somerset - Charmmg brick bungalow featUring 2 Storage Galore, Newer Kitchen, Well Insulated, New Roof' $45,500 a charming sun room and musIc room, and up6talrs another sun room plus bedrooms, 1 bath, newer furnace and roof on lovel) treelmed street 4 bedrooms The third floor offers 3 more bedrooms (and bath) Lots of lov- Make offers Owners anxIOus I M'f CLEMENS COMMERCIAL BUILDING-Across from St JOl5epb'S EasL mg space for the family - includmg a SpaCIOUS kitchen Call 886.3800 today Highly diversifIed professIOnal bwklmg 5,800 sq ft 880 sq ft garage for your appomtment and details LC Terms Call us for detaIls I $160,000 all11S. (joonman'Nt ...... _-Qt tCet1 A TREASURE TROVE OF GORGEOUS Jlo~n'. REALTORS NATURAL WOOD and the most Computeflzed - Muflilisted beautiful leaded and cut glass wmdows 93 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE and doors we've ever seen The hand cut 886-3060 natural stone extenor was signed by Established 1951 17646 MACK 886-4444 master artISan William Bettmger - a gives you a feehng of strength an security Newer furnace, hot water heater, carpetlOg, alwmnwn wmdows and more All major appliances mclud- ed Even a completely repaU'ed ceramic tile roof Four bedrooms, family room and uruque 3rd fioor playroom - With ex- qUISite carved glass wmdow A lot of quality for $95,000 GUARDIAN HOME OPEN SUNDAYS 2.5 15231 WINDMILL POINTE -\ truly majestIc es WARRANTY Call 886-3800 tate on the Park's most de':;lred avenue TI adl- 562 N, RoaecIaae, G.P. W. tlonal Tudor style With slate roof totaH\' remodel Attractive 4 bedroom ranch With den and cd kttchen m '77, beautl Cully mdJnwmed oak WOQ owner Don I m!~~ thiS one' fireplace - Attached garage TRANSFERRED OWNER hates leavlOg thIS adorable 3 bedroom GROSSE POINTE WOODS alumlmum Sided coloma I at 2175 Yorktown Marter - Westbrook Ct • 5 bedroom With HAMPTO]'l, For only $45,900 you den and family room - Attached 2 car garage Jim ~lU'O$ ~~~neJb,Jne:-. can move right In The stove, - Rec room - Large lot refrigerator & dishwasher stay 17108 MACK Newer dnvCy. ay & roof, too Hurry SINE REALTY on thiS one, too' Call 884-6400 MlJL TILIST SERVICE 886-9030 372.2222 FJ\RM~ OFFICE 884-7000 1304 BUCKINGHAM Dehghtfully different Tudor has contemporary IOtenor Family kitchen, IJbrar~, musIc room, study, wet bar, 5 bedrooms lots more Recentlj renovated Simple a!>sumptlOn $160 s See It Sune!a)

750 t.:NIVERSI'l'Y PLACE Fabulous famll) room has bt>amed cathedral cell ... mg, fireplace & !>kyhght.> Study, "L' porch, ne",er kitchen 2 baths Ex cltmg Lo....cr $100's 92MAPLETO'\' Super hu~ Ilf'ar the 'Hill' Room \ 4 bedroom FulfraJ '-l)J€ SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE Colomal ImmedIate posses'llOn Long Lerm Land Contract Glen! condl hon MId $8U s FIRST OFFERI~G - MID 60 s and located near the Village sho~ng, this NATURAL WOODWORK throughout thiS McKmle, }{(1 r('~\d('nce f('alUrrng iii d 70 VERNIER Jl'ST REDUCED Lo mid lfAl's' Custom-bulll TU(Jor In G P charmlOg brick bunga lov, ISa solid home and also a sohd Investment for 3 bedrooms wormy chestnut breakfa~1 room rind fulh pla!>tl'red Shores Gredl kitchen big famll) room, hbrary I"t floor laundn cied, a starter home recreatIOn room Excellent quallt) - pnced '11,d HII central air Thermopane '" IndOW~ Ver~ large 11l!j,f1,,(!d rale a'~umptlOn or trade for !>maller home linhf'!IevabJc \alue FARMS COLONIAL - $72,5m Certamlya bargam pnce for Uus Iilrea but '3 bedroom 2 bath rdnrh you \(' I)('('n \1>,111101:( for Rccentl\ redecorated nt'\I> kitchen floor A~~umable mortgagE' WIth lov, CIO!>lllg CO'>I'i Manj extra!> ScE' It 5>undav ~Tl1CCO COLONIAL - located OIcely between the Village and the Lake With a 28X17 r amlly Room and fireplace You will like thE' looks of thIS one and the potenllal reasonably priced m the lov, 90's I BY APPOINTMENT I PRI~IE ~H( JHL", ItO \D- v,I,h Idkl'\ II'W~ an out<,l,Jn(llllg Ul~lom Il)f'droom '" Ith ! doublt, !>ml-.h"th, ~ 1,.1\" on 1st floor, I andum PCi('I'O ",II-. t Iwrcd fdmli~ 100m dre,lm klltn('n c('nlraJ arr Qualtl\ throul;hout \\ \ HIt.\ \ TY ,md lot, mOf( Lo.... $10(1 .,

THREE \ f~\}{ OLD '111()1{f~" lu)..,Ir\ homp huill tn Hu,,( 11 \lllt,( hiI'I 1-..11 chen lJhrarv iamil\ room 4 t>Pdroom, 1'_ hath~ \\ Idl' c,rcllldr dnv('\\,,\ "Iarm !>' ,tf'rtl ~JlclClOu, lovel) Mid $'J(HJ 'i OllOEBLOCK FROM LAKE - ()XFORD RI) J)p"lglwd for Ihl 1 r'l r',lIlul1l'nl ConsCIOUS buyer \l.M wanL" large room.:; larg( I0t and pl. nt\ 111",'"OMi', '\LJ BHWI\ Tl D(II{ r\,( O\!r i\ldll\ 1«PIlI 1m prov£>m('nh In(ludmg kItch('1l nom dUll IINlldtlm hot \\dtl'r h(dl('! If' ENGLISH ~ BEDROO:-'l I'lth lots of charm and! fl) ~I 'loot ~)I dloom~ I iltllrd) woodwork and room for 2nd floor pxpclnwm ner ,101 m" ('I( Both Unit, rpnlNl i'),( ('11('111 \O\I,tmpnt :\1,<11«1" E '.':>r, }'OJ\ 11:", (ALL \1\1 a :lOg;, oownpayml'nt to an II % fIxed rate loan With no clOSln@ costl m {)l H T\\ (I (,.}{()'>~E por'\n, of i' J( L", 1 oj J \ '\

\\ IJ.L1A M.'-,m f{(, «( JUl\!.1,.L - (; P CITY Four l'lrge bedrooms, 21'2 t:.tbI;, Oak flooT'l'><,('Noene

.. /~~ •, PURDY and STRONGMAN ASSOCIATES FANTASTIC OPPORTUNI- . TY - Willison bUilt ex- •. 16840 KERCHEVAL "IN.THE-VILLAGE" ecutive resIdence In move-m . conditIOn 4 bedrooms, 2 5 •• baths, country kltchen, , •, 881.0800 super ree room " more . Ideally located 10 G P OPEN SUNDAY 2:00-5:00 Woods Great LIC terms Call us for detaIls' , , lH2 \lOOHL \ 'D-FA:'\T \STIC four bedroom, two and a half bath Colomal II lth a modern kitchen and a 10\ elj fd mll~ room II Ith a natura J fireplace The back:. ard IS enclosed by e\'ergreen~ for pm'ac\, LOC"l'ION PRICE BH/BA FE-\TURES the large patIO II Ith 0\ erhead av. mng, 0\ erlooks a healed In.ground pool \\llh JacuzzI Thel IS an e Huge rooms & lot Price negotiable, walk to Farms pier attached 2 car gardge l\lth electrIC garage door opener and expanded dnle\la) Immediate Moross, G P F $205,000 4/25 OCCUpdnC) Heather Ln, G P W $199,500 4/25 Excellent locatIOn, beautiful kit, super LIC terms Jefferson, G P C 82,500 2+1 Hlstonc reSIdence l00X200 lot On Jeff & Notre Dame . SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Manchester, G P W 69,900 3/1 Large ranch m good condItion Fam room, basement HollYI\ ood, G P W 72,900 3/1 Remodeled kitchen, newer carpeting super condition St Joan, S C S 54,900 3/1 Huge lot (54'XI78', great LIC terms, 2-car aU gar :'\E\\ OFFEHI'(.-Three \ear old ranch In excellent condlllOn HdS complete secunt~ ~~~tem attach. .. ed garage centrdl dlr condillonmg dnd IS full) carpeted NOli add a librar), full dtnlllg room plus t\1 0 spauou~ bedrooms Great house for ~mgles or couple Call for details OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P,M, 1603 Holl) II ood G P W 42 MOf(>Ss G P F (I OSF TO ),..\\ \Y "n <,1 JOB' HOSPIT-\L-Pnced to ~ell One star) half a duplex \Ilth lalge kit. 1987 Manchester G P W chen t\\ 0 bedrooms fenced) ard mce garage and full basement Ju~t pelfect for d young couple, smgles or rellrees

LROS!o>E POI' TE \\ OODS-Bnck bungaloll 'Bu) er s delight' Has nell kItchen II Ith all bullt 1I1l>, remoaeled dOli nstalr" bath four I ear old furnace ne\1 dnve\1 a) and v.atel heater Onl) the begJnll mp 1'hprp ~rp ,,, () hprl~()()mo rl,,,,',, "l,,~ In () hPrlr,V>m<: 'Inn h'lfh \In Tn" hI IN' r()()m h'l~ 'l f,r"nl1H'f' and there's d full dmmg room Won't last I • - •

(.RO~SE POlvrE Un'-Close to schools, shoppmg and transportatIOn Offermg four bedrooms and t\\,O baths on second floor bedloom and bath on third floor The kitchen has been updated and there s a OIce library v.Ith bo~kshel\('" The garage IS attached and there's a screened porch Much, much more here so (all for excltlng details JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. IHRD TO BELIE\ E Bl ,(, \LOW-Pient\ of T L C here ImagmE.' all nell carpetlOg, drapes, kItchen, tll car heated garage flOished bdsement plus three bedrooms dmmg room and screened porch CHECK OUR liST OF PREFERRED POINTE All thl" and mor" tor only $27,600 Great starter house PROPERTIES INCLUDING THE FOllOWING


1'2 GROSSE POINTE FARMS-Older 4 bedroom, 2 bath famlly home extensively renovated thruout in. " dudmg updatcd bathrooms and kitchen Nice large rooms (hvmg room 30X 15! l, finished basement " $119,700 .;"

Ichweltzer.~Bett6fnes. DEVONSHIHE-Thls spacIOus 4 bedroom, 21",! bath Colomalls freshly decorated thruout and features '." Reo I E/tote,lnc. I I W H .md Gardens a NEW KITCHEN With separate breakfast room and pantry, an updated powder room, library, fllushed ~ basement With fireplace and half bath + lovely large rooms ThIS one has It all' $134,900, 884-0600. " .'" 1wo names you can trust .' EXCELLENT RENTAL RETURN on thiS mullJple brick dwelling on BeaconsfIeld handy to downtown bus for commuters 5 one bedroom umts priced at lust $74,9001 881.4200 :: " EXTE:-JSIVELY REDECORATED 3 bdrm Col KENSINGTON-TERRIFIC FAMILY HOME offers fIve large bedrooms and 312 baths plus large kit. :: SpacIOus & sunny home \11th excellent floor chen, den, sun room and paneled games room in basement Newly decorated throughout AND - a :: plan Nell kitchen 11" baths, rec rm & more hIgh balance assumabJ(' mOI'tgage Don't walt too long - call today Cor excilJng detaIls 1 881-4200 Immed occupancy Ne\\ ly listed I SIll 900 .'" (G 457) 886.4200 IN THE PARK-NEWLY DECORATED 2.Famlly With natural fIreplaces In both 2 bedroom UOIts Ex. :: tenslve renovatlOn ha~ been done throughout - energy efficient I $62,900 881.4200 :: SPRING FEVER? Start the spring season In thiS :: \\ onderfuJ 2 bedroom Ranch Clean & III move- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 m condItIOn ~harp paneled basement & , li40 BALFOllH 4 bedroom, 2 bath Colomal With den, finished basement $79,898' 881-4200 ,; flonda room \e\11\ pamted $b6,500 OPEN 15417 ~~SfEX FIRST Of'FER of 4 bedroom, II';! bath Colomal With cozy den, rec room ~Ith SUNDAY 25 472 MI\l\'OR, GROSSE PTE fIreplace, 2,car garage Lots of house at $94,9001 118H1600 FARMS Bl:lG ';BOO , 18J4 HUNT CLUB 3 bedroom Colomal With updated kltcht>n Mmt condlllon - templing prlcel " 884.0600 ". 1153 LAKEPOINTE UNDER $50,000 - Land contract! 3 bedrm ColOnial With family room 8814200 . 432 LOTHROP 3 bedrm, 112 bath Colomal - ready to move In' $86,500 884-0600 . BOTH INSIDE AND OUT are 10 perfect condllion I 1761 ROSLYN . 1 2 bedrom starter Ranch with family room, rec room $54,900 884-0600 Three bdrm, 1 2 slory home With added InsulatIOn, 720 TROMBLEY Elegant 2.famlly Tudor 4 bedrms, 3 baths ach umt MAJOR PRICE ADJUST. ne\\er roof plus electncal Formal dlOmg rm , MENT I 881-4200 remodeled bath, screened porch & remodeled kIt. 20655 VERNIER CIRCLE AIr condllioned 3 bedrm, 11~ bath Colomal - family room 884-0600 chen are featured $69.500 (F.4')2) 2037.41 VERNIER 2-Famlly brIck Income Move.m condition' 5 year land contract 881-6,100 8865800 1843 HUNT CLUB Sharp 3 bedroom bungalow With new kllchen' Move-m shape $63,500' lI84-Q600 HISTORIC Ir\DlAN VILLAGE Completely renovated Colomal I\'lth 5 bedrooms, 31" SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT baths, new ~H~~1liI 'lnd pro(e~onal la~d- • • \ scapmg All terms avail New offermg' WATEmONT HOME FOR ALL SEASONS' Skatmg, ice fishing, sWlmmmg, salling - enjoy it all at 1 DELIGHTFUL IS thiS 3 bdrm , III bath Colomal Drastlcall reduced I (G,243) 886-4200 your doorstep Lovely 4 bedroom home on over half an acre of secluded land has nice large rooms In perfect conditIon' Fedtures brand new kitchen thruout mcludmg 2 famIly rooms Complete With heated boathouse, 12 ton hoist and steel seawall .. w/eatIng space, formal dmmg rm w/parquet BEA UTIFULL Y DECORATED RANCH New of. $269,900 881-4200 ..1 floors &. spacIOus h~ IIlg rm 1\ /NFP Newly fcrmg In the Shores Features fre.,hly updated .. GROSSE POINTE FARMS-Immediate occupancy IS offered in thiS 3 bedroom Cox and Baker brick j decorated Great locdtlOn $78,900 iG-445) 886-4200 kitchen and bath, nell carpetlllg m liVIng rm ~ & hall, 3 bdrms & 2 car garage $58,000 Bungalow With fireplace, fresh decor, newer garage and a price In the 70's 881-4200 I GREAT SPRING PROJECT With some TLC, thiS &G-459) 886.4200 j 5 bedroom Colomal can be the home of your KENSINGTON-Space [or everyone In thIS mmt condlllOn 4 bedroom, 212 bath Tudor v. Ith family room ~ $89,900 884 0600 .. dredm~ f F'amll\ room den, libran & formal GRAND COLONIAL III Gro,se Pomte ParK A ~. dmmg room a're mcluded Ne\I' offering I ~paclOus home \1 Ith many deSirable features . IS-{)1-! I !l8b -!2(1(j Fmlshed basement \\lth FP, effiCient &. up, dated kltchen plul> bredkfasl nook 6 bdrms & 3'l bath, $112,000 IF 39218865800

;\lOT A DRIVE BY' ThiS 3 bedroom brIck Ranch m G P Woods IS loaded With de~lrable features A FAVORITE SHORE LOCATION and a =,paClOU"~ NEW (WFER of lovel) sunny Shorepolnte CON- 4 bedroom Farm Coloma I With hVlng room dnd Excellent floor plan mdudes famIly room Ne\\- 1 roof CIrcular drJ~e, extra lnsulatlOn $79,000 DO With 2 la rge bedrooms, 2 2 baths, fllllshed family room fireplaces, 2 full baths plus 2 half IF 3791 8865800 FAMILY LIVING Four bdrm brk Colonlell m ex basement and enclosed courtyard With deck Scale baths, library, mud room and lovely largE' rooms cellent Gros.,e POinte 100~dtlOn Many recent down Without sacnficmg comfort or locatIOn' lhruout Atlraclive price adjustment no~ In ef. Improvements &. man) /:)('autlful features as feet I 881-6300 F'ABt:LOl'~ COLO,\;JAL m G P \\oOOs 3 llIll.4l00 bUilt In bookca~es and decoratIve moldmgs bdrm~ [dmll:. rm & fIreplace kitchen bUilt- A good family home for S!lH 000 IG -150) Ins greenhouse 1\ Illdow ,n dlllmg rm , half 886 4200 ba th off mast el bdrm Intercom system thll> home offers It all' $124,900 LOVEL Y SEVERN FWAD '" the .,clllllg for thll> < G -!24) 886 -!200 oJ bdrm clean family home thai Illcludcl> fireplace m hvmg rm &. another m b,l~ement Bav \\lndol\ den &. more' $81}1}()O(; 447) 886 -1200

CO!'. \'ENIENT F ARM~ LOCATIO!'. cJo~(' to transportatlOn Side entrdnce ('olonlal 1\ llh popula r floor plan I Ixlrm~ J I. hath., Mu"! 'if'll to '>etlle t'~lat(" :-'t'\\ of{('nng for $iR 'jOO 1(,4(,11 llllf, 4200 GHOSSE POINT/:>: PARK-A fme fllllllh Coloma! nt'ar Ihe lakt. offermg 3 hedroom:., tll b'aths ntow kitchen, fInlshl'd oo~ement and clltdched gardgt' -~ Afforclltbly pnced at $86,000 881 6.300 (.IW<,..,E PO I '\ TE P \HK boa~h tlm 4 bedroom ('d~ (od home In( lud('~ lamil\ room lldlurdl I NJ<:WI<~H('O!.():-'IAL olft'ro; ll,lrgt' hedr()()m." lug (amlly 100m wllh flreplal'f', countr) :'llC kitchen flrepla( (' III 11\mil room plu~ bath on edch floor Ia~ \\ (,II buill &. 'PdtiOU-' S71' 900 II-' 176 886 ')800 .m!! you can walk 10 GrO.!>...e POinte Shore ...park An UNUSUAL VALlJI'~ In thlb prestige- 100'a t"pp'l'l) tlllWWfI lion at $111 0011 1184(J(lOO b ...... J. "P,\( lot" \\,\ rEin I{O\T ('OL()\IAL II' the <,flOl (" \(\1 off, ring \1Itb ll>edl oom" Ldr~e (LoVI-:HI.Y IWAIJ Nt'wI'r lu ...tom bUIll French ('olonlill ff'dI urel> ~Inkmg "enlrr enlrlillC(' mar ,\ Tot (,JI OF '\E\\ r.\(,1. \ \D ,>u[)('rbi\ m,lIn ble f1oor('d foy('r IIlth cr>~I,lll halHk>liC'r, lurge Jl'nn Illre klt('ht'n '" IIh oak ~M IlllOt', t"~nt Illi '17') lot ()j)('n <"d I urc!,1\ 2 ') 2lj<104,Jeffer t.llned l bdrm 2' h.lth" (O]Ollldl 'J.I"Il'f1l11l 1:.1 floor ma ...ter .,lIIte plu .. all Ihe ,lmCllJtll'''' ('xpcc'ed 111 !J home of thl'! callhfor KIlI-tlJOO ,on $'KI 000 ,(, 4')6 I p,llf> 4200 dNOr.llE'd hrepla( ('d f.tIlll11 rm \1(/' IIdrJ)('r \1-.\\LHlIll\II-.J\'IIlF\\OO/)<' Iluiltln 7X thl' \\()()(h!()(dllOnl\lpolr~ ,II l'nrl of ,,'rc('! Jx1nrll on IIALFOI!H J.llIW' -! tH'droom 'WIth ht floor laundry dnd f"londll room ht'aullflll pmatt' \-..rei "'Ith tract term., 42110 I Ilorm I' bcltb homp olll'''' fa mll\ r m he,ltrd pool and (,dlllln,l thl~ olle Il>"pc'cldl' IlllI 4200 \1 flrppl.H (, fll1l,h((J b'ml clnd 101~1)car 10 1111' II. Ihlon( o('cor \IOI( III (ondlllO!l $7'J 4()f) OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 IlI~HOP E,I~> 1I.llk lelllll .. or Vlllll!o:e from thl'! 3 herlr,)()m, l)dlh I':n.clll'oh 'I> It> horn .. iJl'l-.\ <.,1 \1)\) 2', 222f, 1l,\~1P10\ 4hl 'lordn (,m ....,•. 1'I,Inl,' F,lrm, Olht>r p:lI ..r~ 1Il111ldl' 1.,1 floor d('n R,lInt'~ room wllh f'xtra half bllth natural "'oodwortl and 1('adNl RI.I:'., lJNIH';U $81) 000' Illli 4200 (,I{()""E PH. \\()()IJ" XH6 ',IIO(J H-, \loro'., (II I,.,.,. POIllI" I' "rm., UlP. lloimpll,n (,ro,'(' l'olllll' \\o'ld., ()fl OICt' ,J{ ,,[ 11<" I EI> HI It( r loIK( d lonk ,II Ihl' I 12111 <, OX/1M) (.ro"'l' POIl1I" \\oIHI., IN THE ~JAHK 11~'clrooll1 (oloOial hit .. coty [1n'pl,Ht' .wd heated f"londa room all larae III !Ill oN!rOOI!l hru k ILItH h \, lib 2 filII b,l1h' pro 112117I/x:hnwor Ildqwr \\()("h douhl" 101 (onv('OIC'nl I(Kdtlon ('hOice of It-rm .. $4:1,000 I 6100 !('.,.,Io!l,dh 11I11.,I1(1j b,," 111('111 HId 10\1 II h\ Wi' (d 0""(' l'olllf(' (t (,ro., ..... !'OHlll' LAK!':~If()l(J.; J.A'I!'; I bedroom III hath brick Botneh hrll> [Jimly room,IlJim .... mom "'lth full 'fig 1m & dll1l!lg rm II (dlhl'dr,ll I l'i1lt1~" 1141l !'.rtmllllton .,t (I,m <"hnre" \, II (,'nl r.d ,Ill (,,,,,d I(rm., 'Klfl (, 41il' l".I'IO-l,Jdl('r.,l)fl <'1 (I,m ,)horeo; OPE\ h.lth on lowf'r 1"1'('1 well Irlnd~(,d[)('d gardt'nl> and Mrellt :'lhort'S 101.'11!Lon JU,'l1 ~lf II hllK'k frum ~,y Irlk(' fill I 11300 Hilt. 421HI 41,l \lMIOI (,ro.,'(' POlntp Fdrm, "A'/\ 'I{))A Y FOR All YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CAll OR COME IN OPEN MONDAY.FRIDAY 9 a m .9 p m and 930.530 SAT and SUN

GROSSE POINTE WOODS OffiCE GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE 'tAlIOI\ 886.4200 886.5800 OUT-Qf.AREA, CALL TOLL FREE 1.800-247.5200 ell' l3 Fifteen Offices in Four Counties GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GHOSSE POINTE WOODS "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" ij2 Kercheval 884.0600 16610 Mack 881.4200 19790 Mack 881-6300

'.' 4 •• •

Thursday, March 22, 1984 ~:page Ten-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS ,,. LOCATION PRICE BR/BA FEATURES 1 Beautlful famIly home w/fam I'm and den, fireplace ~ BIShop $99,600 5/2 /2 ..• Newer Harper Woods ranch, family rm w/flreplace • Eastwood 79,900 3/2 .. TOLES & ASSOCIATES, INC . Fleetwood 73,900 2/1 SImple assumption mortgage, updated kItchen, family room .. 1 FIRST OFFERING, spaCiOUSTudor wlfam rm ,tee rm, • Kensulgton 125,000 5/3 2 • SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT fIreplace • 1 Colomal w/famlly room, fireplace, Immediate occupancy . \\ AR/I;ER ROAD-REDUCED' WITH A LITI'LE Kensmgton 99,500 5/2 2 . IMAGINATION you can visualize how Kensington 98,900 4/2 Family rm w/cathedral cellmg and fireplace , beautiful the outstanding gardens and land. Lakeshore 179,000 4/3\ ~ Just Reduced' Elegant home, remodeled & redecoratedroom.and oath, 1 umt has 2 bedrooms details HALL COLONI-\L ""EAR THE LAKE A fey. of refngerator and are leased to October, rooms, central all' condltlOnmg, hardwood floor!> 1984 darkroom and flOe detail throughout Paneled 26 foot family room. large bl eakfabt area m hIt OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 chen, 4 bedrooms, 21• baths A \larm frlendl) background for comfortable hvmg 886 t\OTRE DAME-Well mamtame

BERKSHIRE - Tudor 4 bedrooms, 312 baths, famdy room, Improved kitchen and large deck Prime locatIOn LAKEPOINTE - INCOME Each umt has 2 bedrooms, kitchen With apphances Many Improvements William J~Champion & Company made Both umts rented VERNIER - CONDO With 1 large bedroom, 11/! baths, kItchen w/blt-ms and eatlOg area Modern and OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 lovely •FIRST OFFERING-458 MORAN-LOOK NO 435 CLUVERLY-COME AND SEE Hus conve . BENJAMIN - On Canal and close to lake 3 bedrooms, cent all' With studio apartment on 2nd floor Modern FURTHER for that chfficult to fmd 4 bedroom, mentl)' located coloma I With 3 bedrooms, 1". home and made for boatman or fISherman 111z bath colomal With famuy room, 2'2 car baths. famIly room, central all', formal dm- garage and great location $92,500 109 room and newer kitchen, $75,000 LOUISE - Ranch featurmg 3 bedrooms new kItchen rec room, pnvac~ landscdpmg and IS close to lake 48 PINE COURT-BRIGHT AND SPNNY CaI* 1745()MAUMEE-EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS EDMUNTON - Colomal With 3 bedrooms, 212 baths, large kitchen w/blt'lns and e<1tmgarra. famil) room, Cod with 4 bay wmdows affordmg charm 10 thiS special condommium WIth 3 bedroom!>, attached 2 car garage Good locatiOn galore I FIrst floor bedroom and bath along 11. baths, third floor bedroom and JaCUZZI, modern kitchen, low heat bIlls and a 1 car WIth large liVing room, dmmg room, paneled TAPPAN & ASSOC. 90 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE FARMS den and newer kitchen Upstairs you WIllfmd garage $108,900 2 large bedrooms and another full baln Ex- I ceptional cklset and storage space, the private "courtyard" of the rear and the outstandmg I Iandscapmg are only a few of the highlights / OPEN SUNDAY 2-5

53 STONE HURST - MalO floor master bedroom and bath, family room, spectacular kItchen 'j and breakfast area, formal dmmg room .... ( Custom bwlt ,borne wlth careful attention to detail

BY APPOINTMENT FIRST OFFERING - English Tudor Condo With a 25X15 kItchen/family mom combmatlOn Den and ~ IIvmg room fireplace wall done 10 barn sldmg Five bedrooms and three baths Enclosed rear patio ...... l~ ~"'" ~; Central all' condItIOning f~ ~ ~ H~ ~"«v"R ~ ~;: -FIRST OFFERING-IF COMFORT COUNTS SET YOUR SITES HIGH and look at thIS ma)CSlic .f this home IS for you' Features are 3 bedrooms.liv- colomal hIgh on a hIll 4 bedrooms, 31'2 baths, t!~ Ing room Withnatural fireplace, dmmg room, open garden room, wood deck, breakfast room and basement and a 2 car garage $65,900 more'

A VICTORIAN CLASSIC With over 4,000 square RANCH IN FANTASTIC CONDITION I KItchen feet of great liVing space Updated kitchen, 4 less than a year old, plus 2 fireplaces, over. bedrooms, 2 baths, 21a\ls, natural wood and SIzed 2 car garage for stormg extra cars or a loads more' In the Park for $95,000 boat, :l bedrooms. 2 full baths and much more Priced m the 90's BEAUTIFULLY DE CORATED CONDOMI!\IU:\I 2307 ALLARD 1117THREE MILE In convement locatIOn offer!> two large ATTENTIVE BASIC MAINTENANCE IS a real 4 BR, 212 BA, Family Room 4 BR, 2''2 BA, FamIly Rm & Den bedrooms, large IIvmg room, good closet asset to the purchaser of thIS well-bUIlt one space and enclosed garage space Priced In owner 3 bedroom, 21;! bath center entrance the low 50'S colomal The famdy room piLlSa garden room, two natural fireplaces and the large lot are on. Iy a few of the Important detaIls

35 BEVERLY 30 PUTNAM PLACE 4 BR, 2'~ BA, Family Rm & Den 4 BR 21:! BA, Family Room Grosse Pomte Shores - Just a stone s thro\/> from the Lake IS thiS handsome contemporary colomal pamstakmgly deSigned for the comfort of famIly hvmg and ea!>eof gracIous enterlammg The \',ell eqUIpped kItchen ISadJomed by a convement laun- LARGE FAMILY HOME m convenient location dry area and greenhouo:;e Other features mclude features IIvmg room, dmmg room, 3 bedrooms a wood panelled library \11th natural fIreplace, POPULAR LI~COL:'Il ROAD offers thiS colomal bath, kItchen WIth eating area and srcond floor SpaCIOUS,bright famIly room, ample bedrooms WIth slttmg room, bedroom, kItchen and bath y.lth 4 bedrroms, 2'. baths hardwood floors bnck and baths. \\ ell sItuated hvmg and dmmg room perfect for mother.m-Ia Wor older chIldren Great patH" natural flrepla<.e and price of $110,000 and large screened porch overlookmg a 42It pool land contract terms and pool house and attractlvel) la ndscaped ST CLL\IR SHORES ranch With 3 bedrooms, ]12 gardens Call for a pre\ le\\ ' RESTORED FARM HOUSE offers 3 bedrooms baths FlOrida room 2 car garage. hardwood I'':! bath~, modern kItchen, {dmlly room and floors and (lobE' to transportatIOn and shopp attached garagr Gn>at Farms locatIOn 109 ~ear q Mile ~64.500 Lovely Georgian Coloma I \I lth SpaCIOUSkltrhen, famll~ room WIth fireplace, pdnelled I1brar) fIVe bedrooms three baths Owner wants to sell' r 17111Maumee - Centrally located condommlUm good kItchen lIvmg room II Ith fIreplace four bedrooms. three baths The exce!l('nt floor plan and hne condItIOn of thlO:;lhree bedroom 1'. bath colomal are but a fe\l of the outstandmg features of thl!>home bUilt by Cox and Baker bltuated on one of DetrOlt's fmest tree Ime

A rare fmd -- live dlrectl) on the lake m a houo:;ebcautlfully built \/>Ith <.harm "nd detaIl - plcnt~ of <;pace for a famIly close to e\er:ythmg

On a bright cheerful corner lot m Harper \\ oods SIts thIS atfractlVe 2 bedroom ranch ....Ith pan~lIen fa ml I) room fmlshed recreatIOn room and two car garage GOOD LOOKI'\iG E'\jGLlSH lnCOm( Illth 2 BRH'K RA\CH m "l CI,m Shores offer., J IlCdroom" l' balh.. famlh room attachE-d \){>droom~ 10 each UOit exc('llent conditIOn flr'>l English Tudor In the Park three bedroomb 1'2 baths \'er) gcn('rou<; rooms Moderatrh pn<.('d (all floor famIly room and .,econd floor den $1411 ()O() gdrage covl'rl'd patio and a iO\l pnce' for addItional detaIls and an appomtment

TOWl'oHOl'1'lE COl\IlOMI\ILM (10.,(' 10 IhE' AT1 RM ') 1\ E f'Ol H r L\:vIIL) 1 :'-lIT Income 2 RIVIERA complex In St ClaIr Shores - Custom decorated and read~ for ImmedIate occupanc} One \'IJla~e and tr,ln"portatlon \('\Il'r kitchen bcdl 0001" 111each Ul1lt 4 furnacc!> o:;to\>cand bedroom and balh Recently reduced II Ith built 10 dl"h\l d'>hrr dnd othl'r m,lt, h 109 rf'fngcrator m ra<.h UOiI prlc('d at $114000 01 appliancE'S Ine ludt'd 'l !It.druoms l' _ l)at!J!> dnd \1('11!ewated South .Jefferson "ATEH.FH.O~T property on Jefferson m Haffl'iOn To....n"hlp T\\ 0 large home<, boat house 4 car gardge large Ilvmg room dining room truly WIth attachet'eond flOorha" d \ef\ mer apartment natur.ctoang A HOUSE CALL c1l~d/e~ In (,rosse POinte t'arm~ Mile omb &lard of Realtors acrOli~ from Perry Drul!1~ Detro,t Board 0( Realton 885-7000 Thursday, larch 22, 1983 GROSSE 'OINTE NEWS Page Eleven.S Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY Gt BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE @ R.U Edgar ba'>SOdales

'-- 114 KERCHEVAL 886-6010.

S~ 20439 MACK AVENUE Grosse POinte Woods E, '1i!, ~~ ~e4~ 886-8710 'II) OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 N OPE'N SUNDAY ~:5 -- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ELMSLEIGH - 2nd House from the lalce ~ 42 S DUVAL - GROSSE POINTE Brand new' 4 bedrooms, .. full baths, 2 Cl SHORES Buill In 1981 Four bedroom half baths, family room, Library, [Irst z Cape Cod offermg family room, library, floor laundry. JacuzzI, Jenn.Alr cook. lii:ti_&"l" ~ ::> fll'St floor laundry 312 baths, open base- Ing center, 3 car attached garage l'wo OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 en ment Jcnn-Au' Island cooklllg center high efflclenty furnaces Wood deck FIRST OFFERINGS WhIrlpool tub III master bedroom Cen, plus a covered patIO off dining room FIRST OFFERING z tral air 3 car attached garage Loads of extrds ThiS sharp 3 bedroom colonial"" lth famllv room w LIGHT FILLED ROOMS radiate the openess 111 (l. and attached garage IS awaltmg a new lmner 2041 STANHOPE - Very mce 112 story 947 LAKESHORE - GROSSE POINTE thIS charmlllg 3 bedroom, 112 bath colomal With Modern kitchen, natural fireplace, large fenced o brick With alum1llIUm Inm Two bed. SHORES Completely rE'decorated family room III Grosse POlllte Woods Wonderful yard, Grosse Pomte schools, all lend to Its appeal I rooms With expansIOn attic Updated Four bedrooms, 2~2 baths, center en. home With a wonderful pnce III the seventies Neutral decor makes 19295EASTBOURJI.'Ea must (\I kitchen Newer furnace Central all' trance Newer rool. newer carpeting to see RecreatIOn room and drapes. Alarm system, spnnJder ~ system. Recreation room Large faml' OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 o 673 LINCOLN - Three bedroom Enghsh ly room With fireplace Attached 742 LAKELA"JD TOP OF THE LIST - IS where thiS home belongs III your tour of open houses thiS Sun. z Tudor, III baths, fdmJly room wilh garage. day You won't be dIsaPPOlllted III thiS meticulous and beautifully decorated coloma I Pohshed wood wooddeck Kitchen new In 1979,family 2100LOCHMOOR - Three bedroom bunga. floors 1II11Vm&room and dmmg room lead you 10 the family room ....Ith beamed ceIlIng, natural brick ~ room added In 1979 Immediate occu. low with walk.lhru fourth bedroom fireplace, wet bar and charmmg bay wmdo",s You Will be fUllller delighted With the new kitchen, pancy Family room, fireplace Remodeled kit. oak cabmets, leaded glass and dIshwasher Add 212 baths and central air condltlonmg and a very z affordable pnce w chen Ih baths, fee room, central air. ~ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUN NOT JUST A HOME BUT A WAY OF LIFE I ThiS fme 5 bedroom contemporary has 300' of frontage on Lake St Clair WIth a view from nearly every room A country kItchen, JacuzzI, family room With cathedral ceJlmg, paneled library, mothel.m.law apartment and attached enclosed boathouse BY APPOINTMENT ehmmates the need for marmas or clubs Land contract terms AUDUBON Colomal 4 Bdrm Newer home m mint condition. Owner anxious to sell. PRICE REDUCED - Situated Just off Lakeshore Rd With a view of the water, Ihis newer 5 bedroom, BALFOUR French 6 Bdrm Estate sale 4 baths 1 lav 3 fireplaces. new roof 3 bath home features a large country kitchen With a greenhouse. a SpaCIOUSfamily room and panel. RAYMOND Colomal 3 Bdrm }l2 Baths Family room With fireplace Updated kitchen ed library The grounds are profesSIOnally landscaped and Ihe garage accommodates 3 cars ThIs S RENAUD Ranch 2 Bdrm Super location Family room plus Library. Utility room home must be sold' RIDGEMONT Ranch 2 Bdrm Great starrer home. Fireplace. TIled basement. 1~~car garage. SUNNING DALE Colomal 5 Bdrm 312 Baths, 3 fireplaces, Florida room, library Latle lot THESE SELLERS HAVE BOUGHT A NEW HOME and are anxIous to sell their 3 bedroom brick col- VERNIER RD Duplex 2 ea :>lde Both Sides Identical Family rooms, separate utIlities omal III the Farms An updated kItchen. newly refinished hard ....ood floors and charmmg garden are KINGSVILLE Condo :'.Bdrm Harper Woods Second floor condo Professionally decorated only a few of the attractIOns of thiS fme home Assume and save closlllg costs.

OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL thiS charmlllg home Situatcd In the City ConvelllenUy located near shopp- mg and transportation thIS home features 2 bedrooms updated kitchen and bath, new landscaping A dehghtful home when a smaller home IS deSIred

SOPHISTICATION AND CHARM has been captured 111 thIS lovely 5 bedroom Enghsh Tudor Restored hardwood floonng and beautiful stamed and leaded glass \\1ndows lend to the elegance of the SpaCIOUS hVing areas The paneled library, sunroom, family kitchen and carpeted recreatIOn room WIth wet bar makes this an excellent family home The backyard ISa gardener';, delight Withbloommg flowers and shrubs thruout the growmg season A SLEEPER ON THE MARKET One of Grosse Pomle's I1Ice:>tcleanest and pleasantly laid out col- 1 omal available for li&le OWNER TRANSFERRED'! I ThiS 31J'J;1lP91llot212 bath ~olon~.a«ersJ.he new owner an opportumty to assume an 8% Land Contract With 4 years remaining. Totally repamted, 1ST OFFERING-Grosse POinte Farms on MORANROAD-Near Xercheval. E'- Tudor. 1 floors sanded and done 111 llE'utral tones to fit any ones taste Newbwl'y 4 bedroom 2 2 ~ Center en. LIbrary. Modern kitchen with breUfut area. trance Colomal Family room Rec room 2 car attached garage 3 bedrooms. sittlng room 0I12nd. Bedroom CHARMING New E.Dd center entrance colomal With4 bedrooms convelllently located m Grosse Pomte on 3rd. Full bath on each floor. Rec, room. 3 City nllS home features and updated kitchen. family room and flrsl floor lav Owners have bought car gara,e. another home immediate Occupancy OLDTOWN-centrally air conditIoned 11, story near Chandler Parlc Dr 2 bedrooms down &r SCHULTES REAL ESTATE 1up Fmished basement With bar &r addltJonal bath 2 car garage. Only $45,500 JUST LISTED RENAUD ROAD-Just olf Lake Shore French JEFFERSON APARTMENTS Elegant CondommlUm Lo\el~ first floor Ulllt With 2 large bedrooms 2 styled Colonial 16 foot gum paneled library full baths, completely eqwpped kllchen mcludmg washer/dryer Perfect secunty m gracIOus surrou~d. with fireplace. 'rl foot family room with mar. lIIgs ble floor " concealed bar. 3 lal1e famUy bedrooms. 2y'= baths plus a bedroOIn, sitting FOUR FAMILY ON BEACONSFIELD - Roomy Iv.0 bedroom umts With applIances Pnme renlal area 1ST OFFERING-Harvard Road Just outside room & bath over the 2 car attached prage popular Withall age groups Very handy to downtown and local bu!>!tnes Good mvestment and never Grosse Pomte 3 bedroom 11~ bath Colomal Rec room central air' security system a problem to rent Vt".stlbule and front hall Glass enclosed porch Lovely landscaped yard with petlo. Rec room. 2 car garage Wllh newer dnve $52,001 SHOREHAM--t bedroom 2 bath semi ranch near BALLANTYNE ROAD-Attractive split levellll North High Family room Rec room with chOice locatIOn Large kitchen LIVing room fireplace" bar a!x 204 lot with 25x 25 patio overlooks rear yard 27 foot family room With Central all'. 2 car garage. '135,000 fireplace & access lo sunken patio Covered terrace Great storage area Large open base. 5T CLAIR-Condominium townhouse 3 ment 3 bedrooms & 3 full baths Only $l69,lXXl bedrooms 011 2nd 4th bedroom on 3rd Priced In the 70's N DEEPLAND5-SpaclOus residence Library & enclosed terrace 2 bedrooms 212 baths on 1st SYCAMORE-Brand new" bedroom 31, bath Col. floor 5 bedrooms & 3 baths on 2nd Rec room aNal 21x 19 room with fireplace' 17 1 hVlng With bar 2 ;: car attached garage Lawn foot ceiling Mutachler kltehen 1st noar t ..~ sprmkler & secun ty system master bedroom with dl'eulna room lr whlrl Want to hve 111 the \\'hlte House" You'll really feel Lookmg for ~our flrsl home" Try thiS "easy.to. pool bath 1st floor laundry .. bedrooms 2 you've reached the top when you move Into lhls bu~ , l bedroom. 11• bath Colomal tucked away LAKE SHORE-In lhe Shores on 2 25 acres of baths on 2nd Attached prage stunmng 5 bedroom, 3' ~ bath Coloma I on WEST on a one block long street In the Woods Near beautifully landscaped property Large hall CHESTER QUIet. tasteful, ""ell proportIOned schoo]., .lnd shopping In the low $60'!>With good With Circular StaIrs FamIly room With bar YOUNG LANE-Cul-de-sac off Vernier Road 3 rooms Withunderstated opulence speak more ele a<;sumptlOn 17x 17library With fireplace' ~paCIOUSkItchen bedroom Iii bath Colomal 00 large PIe shaped quenlly of malenal success than ""ords & With adJOIlllng maids room bath 1st floor lot Newer kitchen 15XS2 famlry room .....Ith master bedroom ....Ith 2 baths plus a family fireplace 16 ft sunroom. Patio 21" car PICK YOUR PRICE bedroom With bath 3 bedrooms 2 baths &I den garage * UNDER $70,000 or bedroom on 2nd Heated pool With JacuzzI 4 car heated garage ROSLYN ROAD -l'\eat as In pm. 3 bedroom Hungalov. v.llh dpn YORKSH IRE-near Jefferson Center entrance NOTTIl\'GHAM - Roomy 5 bedroom story & a half nev. 1,\lchen Coloma I 3 bedrooms 21'2 bMU. Laf1e lutchen KElI.SINGTO~ - DetrOit - Adorable Cape Cod lor') bedrooms LAKEVIEW-4 bedroom 2' l bellhColOnial Large Paneled Ilbrary Encloeedterrare Rec room LANCASTER - Immaculate 4 bedroom BungaloIA \\llh (or mal dIning room paneled famIly room wllh ad}olmng deck 2 car attached garaRe lOOX 156lot '139,000 Master bedroom has entire wall of bUilt-in RAYMOND - 3 bedroom Colol1l bUilt In 19S1 f'ull basement Fenced yard ..tI"""'" Garage $l.l 900 • l \DER $12'; 000 0 GJn~SQL'Tf:Rf; CT SOL_H' "eml Heln< h 2 01 l Iwdroom., mtll Opll(In<11(Ir.,t floor bedroom DEVON~Hmf~ - BIg'; bt'droom t8mll~ home ....Ith modE'rn ('oulllr~ kltchpn

• 1., "DEH $2(~1 000 THOR\1TREE - Handsome custom 1'. slorv 4 bf'droom 1<.wI h !llfh floor plan \\ESTCHESn;H - GracIous .lnd spaclOu~ 'i Ix'droom I' ball SOlon Coloma I Bf~RKSHIHE Popular dl'Slgn 6 bedroom cu<,(om ( o)onJdl JEFFERSO:,\; LUXUriOUS2 bedroom 2 b8th (ondo v.llh I,IJr,1Iv

SPACIOUS J bedroom 211 bath Center hall Col omll In t~ helt arel of Harper WoodlI IlNr ";"stland 2 Ilory foyer WIth open ltalrt'ue ,"'ami' NOTTINGHAM -COIOOIdl nl'ar ,Jf'Hf'rson 3 Iy room Central all', II",n Spnnkler • security bedrooms!' l b.llhs Flol'lda room 00 (001 101&I sYl>!Ml ProfessIOnally landlcaped yard Wlth Plbo 1262 Bf,J:K"H1fU: (,ro.,.,e POIIlI( Poll I, 2 CIIr gara~e Cenlral IIII' NrWf'f flJ(lf Alum trim .. garden lights Rec room with ntra full bath 11166LA\CA"t 1-;1{ (,ro.,.,ro !'olnl(' \'o1){"I., • gutters Priced In lhe 70's Grosae Pomte Schools '112,000 Hugo 5 IIIl(bu' DoolIld R Smith. Mgr 83 Kercheval Avenue lrfl'lf Pfeiffer R.<-bel alumann Erw1n Sattelmelr Wilham 8 J>evhn um.tching people Ropr~ Ah~ flo)'f'r Schultes bro'ter Connie IfMh Murphy Fr.nk J }fuster .nd "nUtle. Mart StarUbke WllIl4lm Mashllll, aSSOl'late brokf'f Mm IiUln(' Pear Pet« J Kauffman Jadl WalatJ .'>ally Horton "'H' ">t'1I.

., c .... _---_-.. ., •., >-• •. <' •,., •

Page Twelve-B rFeature Thursday, March 22, 1984

Elegant flJ-6t'nfe Eaiing

Counter Points t\ selection of recipes from the by Pat Rousseau forth(oming lo".calorie, 10"- cholesterol - and penny-wise - nettlE CREEk' \\!ll be cookbook b) Th)ra Grey Honard and Helena De Witt Roth featuring, open Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 9 30 ~ thi!> \\ eek, S"ACKIN' GOODIES a m -5 30 P m A~D Sunday 12 noon-4 for the SPRIlIo.G COOKIE JAR. pm, March 22 thru March 25 so that vou * * * can take advantage of the fabulous sav- APPLESA UCE-OATMEAL mgs at the ~ettle Creek Outlet Sale from COOKIES the plant 17110 Kercheval, 882-0935 12 cup unsalted margarine .. * * 2J cup sugar Independent Travel In Great I ) CUD Eee Beaters Bnttan jor 9 day~ at Its best Round 1 cup- flour tnp air, prepaid Trust House Forte 1 tsp baking powder Hotels. full breakfast, economy rent. 1 tsp cmnamon al car WIth unllmlted mIleage at $869 12 tsp nutmeg each 16 and 23 day duratIOns also 1 cup quick or old.fashioned available Call Wallace Travel, 886- oats 8805 ...... 1 cup coarsely chopped apples -\n\ 0111' .. or ~tra\\ bern trl'am lemon mpr- -'. 12 cup ratSmS mgut' or apple pie Ju~t to mt'ntloll a fe~? It's 01 Cream margarine and sugar un- bt'autlfulh band-traftt'd ceramic pie carner or 01 !J~ < tillight and fluffy. Beal "eggs" un. dehghUu(accent ID an~ kitchen What a great girt tll light and lemony colored, then Idea! Tht' \1011' Hole. Kerche\ al at St. Clair and '1/ /~~~<;,JO~lQ'1f-£N~ "'~~~~ beat into sugar mixture until very TOYter200 Renal!osance Center photO l>y Ph I P T Dan,lo fluffy. Sift together flour, baking .. * * po"der, cinnamon and nutmeg. Brides-To-Be There's an excellent selectIOn of Harper Hospital Auxiliary plans jazzy night Stir into butter mixture; beat well. wedding rmgs for men at Edmund T. Ahee Jewelers, Stir in oats, apples and raisins. 20139 Mack Avenue at Oxford. Choose from many Harper Hospital Auxiliary members MRS. EDWARD S. JEFFRIES, MRS. ARTHl'R J. Drop by teaspoonful onto greased styles In 14K gold and gold WIth diamonds Open JOHNSON and MRS. DAVID SLOANE Cleft to right> met last week at the home of Mrs. William E. cookie sheets. Bake in preheated Fridays until 8 p.m 886-4600. Powers, auxiliary president, to finalize plans for their first Jazz and Blues Concert. The cabaret- 350D oven 15 to 20 minutes, or until * .. * st}le event, running from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, March 31, at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, golden. Makes about 4 dozen Check the bargain table at the Notre Dame Phar- will feature music by one of Detroit's foremost jazz artists, Roy Brooks, and his quintet, the Artistic cookies. Calories per cookie a bout 40. macy for beauty aids and makeup savings Truth, with an appearance by Kenny "Pancho" Hagood. Brooks plays drums and percussion. Band Cholpsterol O. members are Kenn Cox, piano. Marcus Belgrave and Rayse Biggs, trumpet and f1u~elhorn, Vincent * * .. SAVE SAVE So\\'E...... CRVISE CRt'lSE. ~ Bowens, saxophone and flute, and Robert Hurst, bass. They'll play to tables of sh in the Fries AUNT LIZZIE'S PINEAPPLE Great buys 011 1984 cruises D1~countsto\\ards 1985 sail- Ballroom, where beer and wine will be available and hors d'oeuvres will be sen ed before the con- ings. Stop at Tra\el Galerie. Kercheval at Notre Dame COOKIES and find oUtall the fantastic bu) ~available 886-0111. cert and at intermission. The evening is open to the public at $25 per person, tax-deductible. Ticket 12 cup soft, unsalted margarine ...... information IDa)' be obtained by contacting the Harper Hospital Volunteer Department, 494-8939. 12 cup granulated sugar Are You Suffering from great drafts in your 12 cup firmly packed brown family room, kitchen, bathrooms'? You can't be inl Assisting Mrs. Po",ers as co- sugar these rooms most of this winter without the ther- chairman of the Jaz7 and Blues 1 egg Concert is Mr~. William H. Hutton, mostate in the house at 85 degrees'? Try Warm Wm- 1 can (8 oz.) crushed pineapple, of The Pointe. Other Pointe canned m own juice dow, the insulated window covering system. Next residents on the concert commit- seminar Apri112, 7 p.m -9 pm $3 registration fee. tee, in addition to Mrs. Jeffries. II 2 cups quick rolled oats Sign up now at Fabricworks, 16900 Kercheval, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Sloane, are Io!. tsp baking soda 884-5447. Ms. Patricia Kenne) and Mrs. 1 cup sifted flour George Kling. Also serving on the Pmch of salt l Red Tag Storewide Sale at Vintage ..l'u "0" committee are Mrs. Martin Rob- 1/2 tsp ground cmnamon Pointe Selected wines from California, Ger- son, of Detroit, Mrs. Allan Sworm- Dash of nutmeg many, France and Italy at savings. Also save ~.p• • stedt, of Birmingham, Mrll. John 12 cup seedless raisins 25% off all German crystal stemware and ~ Jacobs, of West Bloomfield, Mrs. 2 Tbsp. chopped nuts Julian Smith and Mrs. Paul Cullis, other items. Kercheval at Notre Dame. Cream margarine. Add sugars of Bloomfield Hills, and Mr". Paul and beat until light. Add egg and Open seven days a week and evenings too _~ Lattin, of Farmington Hills. 885.0800. - beat well. Add pineapple, oats and ...... The aUAihary hopes the concert sifted dry ingredients; blend well. will draw a large crowd, as every Fold in raisins and nuts; mix well. TANNINGBOOTH using harmlel>sultraviolet rays \\iIl pro- Drop by teaspoonful onto ungreas- duce a beautiful golden tan. It's available at JOYCE ATWALTO;\;- penny raised via the benefit will go PIERCE, 886-4130 to the Radiation Oncolog) Center ed cookie sheets, Bake in ...... (ROC) of Harper.Grace Hospitals, preheated 3750 oven about 15 built in 1979 and placed under the minutes. Makes about 48 cookies. Ed Mahszewski showed us a wide variety of Calories per cookie a bout 62. beautiful area rugs when we stopped by 21435 Mack direction of William E. Powers, M,D., and Donald P. Ragan, Ph.D. Cholesterol per cookie about 5 Avenue mcluding Turkish Anadolian Kilims, hand- mgs. * .... made Russian Sumacks, Tianjin Orientals and Per- Cancer now strikes one out of MOLASSES RAISIN COOKIES sians. see the entire collection and SAVE during the every four people. The ROC ad- 2-12 cups sifted, all-purpose current sale. Free parking In front. ministers 50,000 radiation treat- ...... ments and treats 1,000 ne" patients flour annually. The Number One goal of 1 tsp soda ~- ~ "If you're serious its staff of 100, including universi- 14 tsp salt about losing weIght and looking your best you just t) Ihospital-!>upported physicians, 12 tsp. ginger ,ran out of excuses" For free personalized counsel- physicists, technologists, nurses, 1/2 tsp. cmnamon .ing, food. bars and shakes call Carol Renaud at social workers, couriers, secre- 12 cup steamed raIsins ,882-8332 Stock dIstributor. taries and volunteers, is care for 12 cup margarine ...... those patients "ho ha' e entrusted 1 cup brown sugar LookingFor ASpt-cialLme 01greeting card? Tr~ Wright's Gift their li\ es to the ROC. and Lamp Shop. The) rllrr) unusual bard UJ find cards 18650 12 cup unsulphured molasses Mack. FRt:E PARKI\(, IItxl to the hUlldmg, In I!l79, the Harper Hospital Aux- 12 cup sour mIlk ...... iliary pledged to raise $200,000 to 1 tsp vmegar Been Thinking of giving enable the Radiation Oncology Sift flour, soda, salt, ginger and your Jewelry a new lease on a Center to continue its fight against cinnamon together h' ice; then stir fashIOn life Update it by con- cancer and initiate ne" programs, in the raisins. Cream margarine sulting Tony Cueter of Bi- '>ucb as a devE'lopmental one in To toast Guidance Gazette and bron n sugar until light and jouterie He will expertly neutron therap) to begin (hopeful. fluffy; stir in molasses; stir in the redesign and remount It for your I) ') "ithin the next thrl"e years, The Assistance League to the Northeast Guidance Centu is sour milk and "inegar; then stir in personal use or to gIve as a ph) sic~ programs working to fmd planning a gala champagne party at the home of Roger and PATTI the flour mixture. Drop by level better" s to eradicate tumerous treasured gIft We saw how he a, HERMANS, pictured at left above with committee member SUE table~poons 2-lt-mches apart on <-ells preferentialJ) 0\ er normal GRAMBO, next Thursday, March 29, to celebrate the 1984 edition of ungreased cookif.> sheet. Bake in designed two beautIful nngs for cells, and a "trong program of two daughters from a piece of "The Guidance GazeUe" supplement to the Grosse Pointe NEWS. preheated 3i5° OHn 12 to 15 medical infO!matics, qualif)ing "The Guidance Gazette" has been published annually since 1971. minutes. until set. Remove from family Jewelry Stop by 20445 results for clinical e-\a !I' allon. Its purpose is to acquaint the community with the mental health bakmg sheet at once. Coolon rack. Mack Avenue Open 10a m -5 30 'lakes 5 dozen cookies. pm. 886-2050. center which serves the community, to publicize the NEGC's goal& and programs. "Gazette" editors this year are Liza and Jayne ( alorie" per cookif' about 69. * Chol{'~tprol . a trace. * * Chalk Garden Vallee. Advertising was handled by 'Virginia Vallee and Barbara mvn PUClJ Ja:;'. Horsd'oeuvres,dessert, beer, ~ine and-ofcourse! -cham- ... * '" eo_,n• ...... OJ' .... • l Spring has arrived SL'SAl'O DEl'"NY'S PEANUT pagne w.ill be served at the Hermans' residence from 7 to lOp. m. as WIth brand new Easter SUItS for boys, students and set to bloom BeTTER COOKIES guests peruse copies oftbe March 29, 1984, Guidance Gazette. Li1 young men Handsome blazers too There are pretty "The Chalk Garden,"' Emd I ~ cup unsalted margarine Bagnold's comedy-thriller opens Oau-s, Ellen Cooke and Judy Holden are, like Patti and Sue, busy dresses for confIrmatIOn andflrst communIOn Over 1 ~ cup pea nut butter tomght J\Jarch 22 Thursda) s, Fri- 1. 1 cups flour ( ELI OPI! \, F», 1-1' .. 1 drab' \dd brIlliant l:olor or 110 ('olor Mansour night at Dominican 12 tsp baking powder Ju~t ~hlnl' onl\ $1;; dl FI ,lIIrl'~Il'~III lhl' , Ilia~r !lX2.2,~~.o days and Saturdays at 8 p m ~ * ~ through :\larch 31 and Sundays, \\ omen's Sources and Resource~ Just north of J Y4 In Dell Olt '4 tsp bakmg soda March 2'1 and April 1, at 7 'm p m v.111 host an evenmg \\'Ith Dr Agnes Her talh on HO\\ \\ omen Cdn PlI1ch of sa It BeautIful SelectIon of new sofa styles from a Ticket mformatlOn ma) be obtain- Mansour In Tuesday April 3 at 7 Affect the Political S\~tem \,Ill be \\ Ith elf'clric mixer, blt"nd plu~h curved. loose plilow ~ota to a Chippendale ed from the WSU Theatres box of- pm al Dommlcan High School 10' fo!!()\\ed by a panel of polltlcalh ac margannf', peanut bulte-r. camelback ~ofa WIth straight or Queen Anne fice 577-2972 cated on McKmne) off WhIttier tl VI' \, omen Pa t 101E'ma n Burns granullltt"d a nd bro~ n sugar,,: add legs all attractively SALE priced at WhIle's Old professor of Black Studle" \\a\ ne egg and bt"at until light and flufry. House, 26717 Little Mack Closed Monday Open ~tate llnJ\ pr~llv ~adle Oa\ I" act \11" dr~ mgredlf'nb togt'ther Thursday and Fnday untIl 9 pm, 776-6230 If VOL, re looking tnr a complete _ Ing dmO'Ctor 'v.omen <; ('enter thoroughh and ~I()"h add to .. ... * ~elc( tlOn of d'zrkroom pap('T & Oakland Communlt~ College Ka:- pl'anut mi" turt' ('hill for about an Spf'czal SaIl' 01 The Month Mohav, k Island d1C'mlCal~ loot? no more' Speedl Photo Gee pIe"ldenl, \\ omen" Intl'fnd Iwur Prf'hedt o\en to 3i5° Roll Dream carpl'tzng normal/v $2199 a yard IS on ~ale /llst 1Pc('lved a complete shIpment of Kodak paper, IlOna I League lor Pl'd(,£' d nd Fn'e duugh inlo ball!> the <;ize of largf.> dom f<~ll1dbeth \\aller... "tn Coverrng 21006 Mack A venue, Grosse POlllte Wood.'>, mo'1p"y' An added /)nnus for students show us vour JUStl(£' and P£,ClC(' r('porlm~ on Ollt cooku'" \\.th thl' tinf''' of a rork ,,"hoo' 1 D COld & wive an rxtra 10% on darkroom 88] 1'111 hov. t1l('~ began to \l,()rk to atfect Iighth edl the ,,\"tem ~ue ~alt!('r \1al..("" about 4-12 dozen KrI~hl#'n \ OUI horn!' I4lth (."tom mold" ~h!'I'r draJM'nf'~ df>~I~nl'd 10col,o'1 of StudIO Camera) or (01/ us at 881 7330 If on Agmg IIIII be modi ra tor lookle<; to on anything photographIc' T1Ck<>ts I~j donatIOn I v. ill he t 310rl('" pf'r cookIe a bout 54. a \',Idf' \ art!'t\ or c6lor~ In plain and tl'XlUl"d ~ht'f'r~ !l!l~-1I:;!1, • • • a\ailablf'dttheoool orma\ beob Cholf'"trol about .. mgs 1\/,/1,\(. ,,," ancl r '< Ihng lIalrrolonll~ onh $10 at TRES"Jo:'" tamed m advance by malhng PEANUT BUTTER " \Ill "n 1)10 fI1 ,hI' \ Ill" ~t' 16914 Kf'rchl'\ al KIll.4';OO After Five Year~ of service to the Grosse Pomtes, <-het k'i \\ i1h "elf addr('''''ipd !>tamp AND _TELL Y COOKIES the 14K Cluh Jf'welry ISc10smg Its doors Every pIece ~ • * ed emt:'lope!> to 'Wl)men'~ ~ourtPS I .,p a hoH" rf"CI~. After flatten- I~ TIME FOR SPRING CLJ~HION COLORING and f{('"ources, POBox 122% of Inventory must go and at these prices It w111 mg cooluf'. pre",. thumb gently in BY EDWIN ALBEHT at TRESSES HAIR STUDIO, Hamtramck, Mlch 48212 Add1 Don't miss the fanta~ttc savmgs thru March at the crntt'f. Whf'n cookies have been tlOnal Information bf> obtamed 14K Club ]8424 Mack Avenue, .343-0608 m the VJ1lage, 16914 Kercheval, 881-4500 may remo\ ed from baking sheet, fill by caJhng 293.;)864 or '873 1701 thumb df'prt'l!o.,ion "ith favorite jel------l) or jam. ., ., ... ___ 0II1II '0 4 w__ • __ • ....._...... __ ~ -_~_~_~_~ __ - ~ ~~~~ __

Section C Sports & classifieds Thursday, March 22, 1984 Gymnasts

~ are 8th B) Hick :\Iurkel ~orth High North's gymna!>tlcs team fmally put together an undefeated !>eason and qualified for the stelte hnals wher e thmg!> dIdn't go a:. By Peggy o'Connor !>moothly Team leader Kal en McCarth\ had an all alound" tough day, , plusa nOI"l'level that For some rea~on, people (other than some Park firemen rUlOcd the gIrls' concentratIOn, lell and a Ie" dIsgruntled readers) thmk I'm ~n auth.ontyy.on North WIth an eIghth place hnJ!>h sporb And Wat bel let msplres tnem to a~K que::'lluu::, .. 111 North can be proud to !>aythat It sure the) 'd never thInk of askmg anyone else. I got to thmk- was undefeated 111-0) and had a Ing, 11 I was to SIt down and write about all the Silly sports great season "It ....a:. a ..ery bUC questlOn~ people have asked me over the years, I could pro- cessful sea.!>on," :.ay:. coach bably \\ nte a whole column on the subject Gretchen Madison So I dId North WI!i be 10sJIlg seruors Karen Wlllaert, Karen :\1cCarthy "film do ..ou think tht' Tigers (Lions, Pistons, Wings, and Cmdl Tsangahd.!>, but the :'\..>rM'tnt'J], e"tt.. ) "ill do this !>eason'?" 1965team v.III still have !>ome good talent I hate thiS questIOn more than any other, Why? Because I know that If I pIck a team to fimsh first, and it does, McCarthy's best fInish 111 the nobody Will remember I am haunted by visions of people state fmals was an IHh place In the laughing 111 my face, rollmg their eyes and saymg: "Yeah, floor exercise (89) She v.as 17th sure, O'Connor You pIcked them to fmIsh fIrst. Vh-huh " on the bars (845, and complied a Top that! 33 2 all.around score Boardman, By the same token, If I pick a team to finish first and it It would be tough to top the recorda aet by the St. Clare varalty balketbell team. At 21-1 this yeer, the Falcons earned whom Madison said was not feelmg doesn't, I'll end up with a red "PPP" branded to my several championship., Included the Bishop Gallagher Tournament title, the De La Salle tourney crown and C.Y.O. well the day of the fma Is, was 15th chest for "Pretty Poor Prognosticator " east side division and district championships, The squad pictured above h.. a 71.3 record since It began play four on the vault (865), years 8~0, Includl'!9 a 40-0 mark In the IellQue. Pictured are, from left to right, (front row), Pat O'Brien, Dave DIxon, "Why don't the Tigers bunt more?" "I would have liked to have seen Jason Whelan, Derald Penn, Mark Addy, Rich McCloud, Erik Garr, Roger Hunwlck; (baCk row) coach Steve Z8ranek, Karen make the finals on the For one, maybe they don't know how. I realize that the Derek Schafran, Chris Rivers, Pete Astfalk, Mike Peplowskl, Jeff Flkany, Keith McQuerry, Mike Paull, and coach Bob vault," Madison Said laranek. thought of a ballplayer who makes $6 trillion per year not "But we did have a good year knowing how to do something he's getting paid that much for and we had a good time the mght of is preposterous And probably very true MORC ready for summer Feringa is the sta tes .. Then agaIn, I thmk that the bunt is one of those bIts of The Midget Ocean Racmg Sta- The MORC-sponsored Sarma to top Hornet baseball strategy that everyone in the park knows IS coming, tIOn 11 of Metropolitan DetrOit ha:. Alpena race IS the smaller boats' !\larch has been a Grosse Pointe Gunshop Even the hot dog vendor knows what's going to happen when- elected Its flag officers and direc- versIOn of the Port Huron to pretty good month for the batter squares around toward the pitcher, chokes up on tor and ISready for the commg sea- Mackmac Race Long distance rac- Kalamazoo College freshman swimmer the bat and tnes to get a running start toward first base He son mg has risen 111 popularity With the • NEW AND USED am't gom' for the fences, that's for sure. racers of smaller boats ThiS AleXIS Fennga She MORC Sta lion 11 IS the sponbor- was "Hornet Athlete of GUN SALES mg group for a c1abs of racing sail- year's Sarma to Alpena Race Will "Wh)' didn't the Coach ha\e the quarterback thl'OW on that beglll on July 21 It features the the Week' for March 8 boats under 30 feet The feature • Gun Repairs down?" same pre-race fesl1vllies and a through 14 and was • Guns taken on con"gnment race of each season ISthe Sarma to resort city flmsh like the big boat elected her sWim The kmd of person who asks that question is usually named Alpena race held in July • Reloading Component. race, but on a somewhat smaller team's "Most Valu- • Ammo In stock Gomer T Smith, has a permanent five-o'clock shadow and Commodore IS Jim Reagan of scale able Freshman" takes up most of one seating section at a game, drmking his Harper Woods; vice-commodore, The MORC group has opened thiS 21006 MACK G PW 881-5000 weIght's worth of beer Mike Goran of Blrmmgham Rear year's race to boats up to 36 feet for l<'ennga, daughter of commodore Chuck SonqUlst IS those who want to race a long diS- Dr Philip Fermga, of It never occurs to a person hke that that the coach, a man from Troy, and offiCIal measurer tance race but do not want to un. 8t Clair Shores, and who is paId a goodly sum of money to know what to do in a Mrs Margaret Ferm- JIM BERNS, INC. Bill Sporer IS from the Wood!> dertake the Mackinac Journey The ga, of Grosse POinte, LANDSCAPE DESIGN" COHSTRU(,TIOH football game, is Just a tad more aware of the universe than Secretary for the year ~,gregory bigger boats wl\l ri'ce under thmr recorded the league's • Gomer T SmIth is Andbesides,.it doesn't matter When the- Mark:., of Grosse Pomte, JIm own c1ass thiS year UblJlg PHRF fifth best lIme III the coach messes up ~nough, he'll get fired anq Homer can sit up Tapa 1 of Hoyal Oak handles the handicaps, Information about the 100 breaststroke this there and guzzle and second guess CUI the cows come home. treasurer's post Fleet Captains race can be obtained from Com. are Fred Kowitz, Birmingham, and modore Reagan at 882-3787or Mlke season. She has taken (CODtinUed OIl Page 3C) three firsts in the 200 Charles Horner, of the Farms. Gorao at 645 -5275, breast and as Kalama- zoo's best breaststrok- eI', has helped the 200 medley relay team to four wms She did not even par- ticipate 111 compel1ttve sWimming at South COMPLETE LAWN I &AIIDEN MAUHENANCE High, but Hornet coach COMMERCIAL I RESIDENTIAL Bob Kent calls Fermga LICENSED IINIURED "a motivator" He FREE ESTIMATES adds that she is "the More sparkplug of the team" JIM BERNS Fermg '" be r~n P I t .. I f1r'1\ Or ( GP' (me rref' Adults Only I 77 Genuln. Parts 'rom SEBAGO I f 'f, r, I.' drrt J l,jfjse t-March made It to the quarterfinals on champion. hip were, Club They beat The champIOnshIp also marked ,eeded players Brtan Villette and row) B. Barth.l, N. thIS area for Hunt club profes- : Christine GIllies In a three-!>el fmal ChriS \agel Schulte, P. Hlmlln, C. sIOnal Tobey Hansen. who mo\ed 2match, 6-3, 5-7,6-2 \\ e.,lern Open trophies were Murray; (middle row) A . to CallforOla after the tournament . ' The best shov.mg among IOCdl d\\drded b) l\Ir!> James T Barn~ So"r.l, E. DeWulf, N. _" __ I~ II " ... '. ""..... Buffallno, D. Abood, A, ~". =---- _.----.. R.a, B. Kreuter, D. Fuchs, C. elvlnlugh; (top) coach Margaret Spindler, K. Pariah, B. Abood, J. Mott, R. WhNtley, B. Stumb, S. Brennan, R. Campbell, C. Faremouth, B. Allor and N. Monahan, coach.

~&_ ... ••• :_ l_ _.Il_ fIIIIo .;lUll \;ClYCI ~ Will It:ayuc Our Lady Star of the Sea's 78er time a Star gIrls' learn remaIned game. The squad also got fme re- gnls' basketball team captured ItS undefeated m regular season ac- boundmg from center Buffy Stumb league tItle in perfect fashIOn, post- tion Through the year, Star's and forward Julie Mott, and hmely mg a 10-0record on the season Star offenSIve attack remamed ba- steals from Robin Wheatley, Beth also played well m the playoffs. de- lanced. \\Ith nme or 10 different Allor and Patty Hamlin featmg 8t Joan No 2 and Assump- players contrlbutmg to the sconng twn Grotto to advance to the C Y 0 Behmd such a balanced attack, Star The mcest part about thIS season regwnals, \\here they lost to Queen found ibelf tralhng 10 only one IS the team'Work and the contnbu- of Peace Star's fmal mark of 12-1 leagut' game thiS season tlOn that all members of the team was by the far the best ever posted exhIbIted," saId coach Margaret by a 78er team at the school Star was also outstandmg on de- Spmdler "We had a soltd bench to The year also marked the frrst fense, allo\\Ing Just 23 6 POints per support our starters Ice Capades Cottage run comes to JLA RobIn COUSIns, the ; Poeing with Grosse Pomte kids who served as ball boys for the recent Western Open Indoor Mixed Doubles makes room 1980 Olympic Gold ': Tennis Championship at the Hunt Club are, from left to right (top row) GPHC president Rick Shenkus, trophy Medal WInner In men's NEXT :~esenter Mrs. James T, Barnes, tournament champions Phil Norville and Collnne Bartell, runners-up Christine for All-Stars figure skatmg, hIghlights an Impres. HOME e ,Gill" and William Godfrey, and tourney directors Debra and Jack Liang. The fourth annual Cottage slve cast of mter- Hospital "We're Up For Health" national skatmg talent GAME Fun Run/Walk, Sunday, May 6, l, i 10 K-arrot run March 31 in Ice Capades' new Wednesday, March 28 - 7:30 p.m. .. Will feature new ..All-Star" revue In town for 10 Will go to all entrants, ribbons to all and Super Scooper. l The Park's Jeanne BOCCIand the categorIes for experienced runners performances through Detroit VI, Toronto partiCIpants and awards to the top Focus: HOPE IS a national pilot f.,SelleIsle Runners are at it agam - and racewalkers Sunday, March 25 at fInIShers in five age categories. program providing commodity food 8aturdaYt March 31 • 2:00 p.m. '" meeting the 10 Karrot Run, spon- Joe LoUIS Arena red by the Detroit Dietetic Asso- Sports nutrition packets will also go supplements to 4,170 seniors with an Detroit VI. Chicago 'ation, and planned for Saturday, to all entrants. average monthly income of $320. "Too often amateur runners and In the eight years T,ck.t Inform,JlIon racewalkers, those who are runn- Ch.". by Phon. rch 31 The event begms at Hart There IS an $8 entry fee; registra- The program seeks to demonstrate COUSins represented .nd Group DIScount. !?laza m Detroit, with a 1 mile fun t10n forms can be found in The that the provision of food to the el- mg or racewalkmg for health Great Bntam as an c.1I (3' 3) 567.9800 derly poor will improve their well- rather than for speed, are routmely Tlchto .t .11 nmtwalk at 9:30 a.m and the mam MIchIgan Runner, any area amateur skater, he T,cht World Outillto llo kilometer run at 10 a.m sports-onented retaIl stores, De- being and self-sufficiency out of the competitIOn against more emerged victoflous : 'Ibe event marks Nal10nal Nutri- troit RecreatlOn Centers, area The Detroit Dietetic Association experienced athletes who have from almost every ma- tional Time and will benefIt Focus libraries and V's Run sponsors in- is the local affiliate of the American regional or even national ex- Jor competltlOn be en- ~OPE, Food for Seruors T-shirts clude the Dairy Council of Michigan Dietetic Association perience," saId race coordmators tered He was four Harlem I t. "We believe that special categorIes tImes Bntish National and competItion for trophIes enables ChampIOn, three tlffies ~ GIobetrotters~ Good steelhead year predicted both groups to compete more faIrly World Free-Skatmg '- agamst their peers" : Michigan anglers can expect one In addltlon, the Michigan Huron, the Chocolay and Two- Gold Medahst and cuI- SATURDAY of the most productive steelhead Department of Natural Resources Hearted rivers along Lake Supenor mmated hiS amateur APRIL 7TH nearly'n a decade, reports mNR) planted 655,000 yearhngs and on the Big Cedar and Black fiV- The 5 kilometer (3 1 mIle) race career by wmmng the 8 PM Automobile Club of l41chigan and 896,000 fall fingerlings in 1982, a ers aloog LaM MiehiRan. Will begm at 1 p.m. on Suadav, May 1980 European Champ- 'More than 1.5 ft'IiltkJn -steelhead 041'percel!t mcrease over 1981. -The Irt1tcfo~lub d'Yi8es steel- 6 'Ft!e eourse COVe!'?J FiSher" Road~ lionship and the Gold SUNDAY" . g seven to eIght pounds are Best west Michigan steelheading headers to cbeck specific rules for Grosse Pointe Boulevard, Kerby Medal at the Lake pected to return to the 40 streams s~ould be on the 81. Joseph RiVer up iftdivJdual" rivers in the DNR's Road and Kercheval Avenue in the PlaCId OlympIC APRIL 8TH elisted on the Auto Club's 1984gUIde to Buchanan and m the Grand RIver Michigan Ftshing Guide. Some riv- Farms Games 1 .30 PM Sportsmen should prepare for peak system as far as Lansing's Moore's ers are open yearlong whlle others Other skatmg talent runs in early to mid April In we~t Park Dam, Other good steelhead open April 1 or April 28, the start of Meade Leasmg IS the sponsor of featured In thIS year's JOE LOUIS Michigan, mId-April to mid-May 10 producers in West MIchigan will be the general trout season The guIde the 1984 "We're Up for Health" Ice Capades are U S :tast Michigan, early to late April m the Muskegon and Manistee rivers. IS free to anglers purchasing license Fun Run/Walk to benefIt Cottage NatIOnal Silver Medal- passbooks. ARENA $outheast Michigan and mid-Apnl East Michigan top spots will in. Hospital Entry forms for the race ists and World Profes- to mid-May In the Upper Penmsula elude the East Branch of thE' Au are aVailable at Meade Leasmg, SiOnal Pair ChamplOns ncKETS: : "There are indlCatlOns that thIS Gres RIver near Au Gres and the Au 130 Kercheval Avenue, at the Cot- ChrIS HarrIson and $9 00. $8 00 & $7 00 ~ouId be the best steelhead season Sable near Oscoda Colton leads tage Hospital mformatlOn desk, 159 Lisa Carey and those ($2 00 OFF CHILDREN 4ince 1975," saId James Drury, In southeast MIchIgan, the best Kercheval Avenue, the Grosse lovable httle blue car- 12 AND UNDEr.) Auto Club's Travel OperatIOns steelhead fishmg should be on the swimmers Pomte Public Libraries, and from toon characters, the St Clarr River for trollers and the au ,manager. "Last fall when salmon local merchants Mall-m regIstra- "Smurfs" A vaJ!oble or 1Vere being taken from weirs, excel- Huron River for shore and wading It Isn't very often that a col. tIOns WIll be taken until May 2. Joe LOUIS Arena tent numbers of steelhead were fIshermen leglate SWImteam gets a SWImmer Tickets are pnced at ~ted, a VE'rygood omen for thIS U P anglers should find good ac- like Oakland UniversIty's Jeff Col- $9, $8 & $7 and are fJox OffIce and all IfPring." hon on the Carp RIver along Lake ton, a sophomore from Grosse avaIlable at the Joe TIcker World Ourlers POinte All Colton did last year was LOUIS Arena Box Of- CIIAMIIY PHON( It's donkey win the 100 and 200 backstroke and St. Paul honors fice and All Ticket capture All-AmerICan honors in the World Outlets Child- (313) 567.9800 basketball time nationals He also !>et a school winter athletes ren (12 and under) ~:no .. "Stubborn as a record domg It - sWlmmmg the 100 save $2 at all shows i~~(313)567~ mule" IS what the Re. m 50.51 The St Paul Athlehc ASSOCIation Tuesday through gma HIgh School Stu- ThIS year, Colton IS plckmg up will hold Its "Wmter Sports Award Fn day and both dent Council team WIll nght where he left off as he has Night" tomghl, Thursday, March Saturday matmet's qualifIed for hIS second NCAA DIVI- 22, at 7 30 P m m the cafeteria of WITH £HSCOUNT COUPONS be when It plays In the Showtlmes are 7 30 11th annual Donkey sIon IIchampIOnship HIS times of the school, 170 Grosse Pomte AVAILABLE AT All PARTICIPATING pm Tuesday through KENT\JCKY FRIED CHICKEN 10 Boulevard Ba!>ketball game thIS 5385 in the 100 back and 1 57.50 Fnday, Saturday at 12 the 200 back Will give him the ~STORES ~ Sunday, March 25 at 7 noon. 4 and 8 pm, and chance to defend hIS na tlonal titles pm m RegIna's gym The athletic aSSOCiation Will Sunday at 1 30 and "We are hopmg to qualify hIm 10 Rldmg donkeys, and, honor all St Paul boy!'>'and girls' 530 pm as an added attractIOn an indIVIdual medley event." said ba:"ketball players and the I'lied ClDcbD~ .~~ • EXPERT WHEEL a Llama, 'RegmItes" Oakland Umversity head coach cheerleaders .I -FILTER I ALIGNMENT .1 \\ III take on Notre Pete Hovland I -LUBRlCA110N .MOIT CARS Dame High School and ~lon '10.15 F~ c.,. 114.951 De LaSalle Collegiate l till eN ...~ I SUfI'ttIr Hlg".r ~ Student CO:lncl1 repre- Langs leads ...... sentatlve~ '.FRONT DISC BRAKES • AdmISSIOn IS $2 for Brown cagers "~tall Disc Brakes, oli S44.95 I ddultl>, $1 50 for stu- South High graduate FlEE • seals, Reface Rotors Iddltronal • dent!> and $J for chil- Stark Langs led hIS RED WINGS SwnI Metallic P.tJlada '1500 pans el(trJl t dren 12and under Re- Brown Umversltv ~ gma I~ located at 20200 Brums basketbail t.. ~.. REPAIR ANY . Kelly Just south of team In !'>everal T-SHIRT .~ ~ wlC~~~IA~~.~or$25 • Eight !\fIle Road In categones but It Harper Woods wasn't enough to help ••••••••••••••••• the BrUInS attam d \\ mmng season Bro\\ n SATURDAY y,as 11-15 thIS year, &-8 In the Ivy League M.ARCB 31 Pre Tax Day Langs a JunIOr \ center, \\ a., the Bro\\ n 2:00 p.m. sconng and rebound \ mg leader thl~ sed!'>on DetroM VI. averagmg 1J I pOints SPECIAL and 102 rebounds per TO lHE Mustang or similar car gamt' And he closed out the "'-\ FIRST 4.000 \earmfme.,t\le ~(or YOlJ'NGSTERS 14 ~""".,..~ aCEI in/i!, a car eer high 2q .~. AND UNDER ~=wID be ...,_ -~.,,«-.~ pOlnl!>and grabbmg 11 COMPLIMENTS OF ". MnIY cor.IlpIbDaD rebounds In an flU 74 DElROrr FREE PRESS 10.,,, to Prnn Ldng<, FRI••APRIL 13th.8:00 pm olTOWIl Oab ..... Jl L~\• -oil "",I" 11 tor 16 Irom the "'~.~'\1...... -:f ~ floor mdudmg .,('\ ('n JOE LOUIS ARENA for-~even In the <,econd TICket Infonnatlon half m that conl('<;[ llCKETS $1500, $1250, $1000 Reserve your EffiCTlVf $100 Charge by Phon!' A!l:am!>t leaJO:uecham TIC~TS AT JOE:.LOJI'., I\RfNA BOX OFFiCE 31U4 to and Group DIS("ount~ car now! Call: 4 15.14 pIOn Princeton In & AU. ~ OUTlETS per day piuS gas Rro\\n!> final game call (313) 567-9100 GROLJPS\25 or More) SAVlI-Uli.M7 .... .35C: per mile Lang!> had 14 rebound., TlckE't!> at all " ., , .. 372.2440 and nlnt' pomt., a~ Ticket World Outlets 11206 CONNER DETROIT 75 miles per Prmceton took a 64 -)7 AT DETROIT CITY AIRPORT day minimum vrclor~ , 567-9800 ~---~~- lltl roil Sttt llttu

<. " Page Three-C Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS , Over 30 Club champs crowned Art's Tavern captured the Neigh. this point that Art's took conlrol of Sports Week borhood Club Men's 30 and Over the backboards at both ends of the (Continued from Page IC) Basketball League ChamplOnslup court on the strength of the play of With a resounding M-46 victory over John Prom and John Gilleland and "Wh)' did jousting die out?" the Raiders March 1at the Browllell bUllt up a 33-25halftime advantage Middle School gym Early In the second half, Art'., That's a tough one. For one thmg, I thmk that the ASPCA Former West Virginia Ull1verslty Tavern stretched Its lead to 12 had a little somethmg to say about the practice of racing standout cenler Tom Lowry paced POlllt~ However, the Raider" horses headlong toward one another m hopes that their T1ders Art's Tavel'n With 18 POInts, \\ hill' mounk' threat could spear each other to death, Now that's entertamment, guard Tom Woodruff, who starred WIth the &-9Lowry ~Ittmg on the but without the horses, It was a no go at Western Mlchtgan durmg the bench \\ Ith four per!>onal foul~, the early 1960s. hit for 14 pomt!> Paul Raldcrb seemed energllcd a~ the} "Why do football teams punt?" Loulsell scored 11 for the wmners made effective use of a runmng whIle the Raiders \\ ere h..' throw a touchdown bomb on fourth down, instead of puntmg half helped Art',; piayers regam control the ball away It's simple The great teams got that way The Raider" had defeated Art's H!>they once agam took command of because they turned chicken and punted the ball ~afely away, Tavern earlier In the sca~on and the backboards and slowed the The bad teams punt because it's the most exciting play of the thl~ conte~t. like lhdt one. \\ as a game down Dave Ayrault and gameforthem . after the COlll toss. clas::.Ic match up of Art's Tavern'!> Mark Murva) \\ ere partlcularl) ef ~upellOi heIght (a~ much as five Ill- rectlve III till!> effort as AI t s grad "Why don't ne\\spapers and TV recognize kick (karate l ches per man along the fI ont hne) ually rcbuilt It~ lead boxing as a sport?" and the much younger Raider!>' With one lo!>Salread)' III the dou supenor speed Halfw doom American pubhc another dose of "gridIron claSSiCS." Also turnovers and long outSide shots Trophies \\ere presented to both because Tuesdays are the days Howard Cosell sends his hall' whIch were inefCeclive It was at teams follOWing the game. to the cleaners ].Jt;fi.IN 3177 "Why is golf considered a sport when it's a skill?" Measelle E. Jefferson I wouldn't touch this one with a lO-foot five-iron. When makes mark PAVILI"N people ask me this question. I just look at my map of Grosse South High graduate Pointe, turn toward each of the area's golf clubs and repeat Jeff Measelle IS stili , s~ /1" my mantra: "Golf is great, golf is good, I love golf." making hIS presence felt In a sWlmmmg "Why don't people treat billiards as a seriolls sport? Two of a kind pool, just like he did {or the Blue DeVils Finest Chmes&.AmerlC'/C9 bellied pool shark scratching on his first turn. Also, what kind teamed up With fellow I Paul, represented the Grosse Pointe SWim Club In the Girls' State Final at Brum swim met'S to set of athletic uniforms can you design for these guys? You Henry Ford II High March 9 through 11. At 13, she out-performed many girls -- wouldn't want short pants ... nobody wants to see the legs of a school records in the in the 17 to 18 year-Old range. She finished second In the 50 free (25.62), Eastern Seaboard ~y named Minnesota Fats. At least not on national TV. Dur- sixth in the 100 free (56.63), 13th In the 100 fly, and was a member of the CHINESE GOI~D.~N Championships la~t AND m~ the daytime yiewing hours. II) living color. 400 medley relay team (sixth) and 400 freestyle relay (fifth). The week before week. He was on the the finals, Kelly was part of a 200 open relay team - along with Sue Benoit, "Who comes up with these new sports terms?" second place BOO ~MERICAN Nancy Vellorello and Katie Young - which broke a state record with a time freestyle relay team DISHE. BUDDn,,," Another good question. I'd like to know too. I mean, when of 1:42.5. which turned in a did the old cherry-picking play in hockey start to be called time of 6:4606 and Featuring the very I,nesl on Cantonele d,~hei headmanning? I've watched hockey for a lot of years, and I then was a member of For LuncheoM and D,nners plul exo!lc CoddOlls can never remember anybody "headmanning" the puck the first place 400 replay team which Monday thru .Thursday 11 am- 11 p.m back in the 60s flmshed in 3:0265 - Friday 11 am- 12 p m both school records Saturday 12 noon - 1'2 P m And what's a nose guard? Is it a new piece of athletic equip- Sunday 12 noon - 11 pm ment deSigned especially to protect pretty ,=unning backs who want to live out their retirement years making idiotic COCKTAIl lOUNGl COMPLEtE NeCH Whllller Ample Par'l.log Carry O"t »."... Lite Beer commercials? Nope, it's a position. I'm sure it used Simon bowls to be what a middle linebacker or something was, but now 16340 Harper 881-6010 they get fancy and call it a nose guard or nose tackle, Dumb for MDA I know I'll never hear that the Hall of Fame has inducted A Jerry lewIS Bowl- A-Thon took place at WEIGHT some guy who played in the 50s called "Big Jim Billy Dufus, the Grosse Pomte WATCHERS nose guard." Frosted Treat W09;ds Bowlmg Center &.~ last w~end, with the Lo ell! MenY "Why do they allow subsp~1ftio,.!ls?" Harper Woods League RAM'S HOR" 5en1Of" A serious student of sports wants to know why sports like ra~JI]g over $600 {or R.S'AU •• N' ~8S Jocal Muscular Dys- ~.,.. DIecoUnt 1O'M. hockey and baSKetball substitute freely and often, instead of "4'0 MACk .U Sf ~lAt. leaving players in like they do in soccer. He'd like to see trophy patients, ...... llnII1 It 59 DAIL Y DI •• &ri hockey players and basketball stars run themelves ragged, Thp bowler was Greg playing at or near total exhaustion. Simon of Grosse Pointe .P.CI~. THE Yep, I can hear it now: "there's a time-out on the floor Woods, who raised .3.88 GREEN $2{)2 Second and third 11 I.•. II 11 " •. ..., while they remove Gus "Too Tall" Buford, who has suffered place went to Michael ROOM complete cardiac collapse We'll be right back .. but Gus NOM.MAD. Warner and Jenny SOUP DAILY IS won't" Rivard WE ARE FAMOUS NOW OPEN "Why are there only three outs per inning in a baseball for OUR DESSERTSI game?" Because four are too many, one's not enough and because ... well, that's just the way it is. Like having one moon, one Grand Canyon, one Mr. T., two senators per state, one item per customer, nine lives to a cat, three strikes to an out, 40 million people asking 'Where's the beef?", one spouse WINB. per life (with the possible exception of Mickey Rooney and Elizabeth Taylor), and everything else that's sure in this life as we know it. Photo by elth, Sohmklt WITHTUFFYI Untverslty LIggett School Ice hockey AII.Stars Include (left to right) Coley IS • Bring in a written quote on any competitive About the only thing that I'm not sure about where a smgle Connolly, Dan Bowen and R"bby Wood sock goes after it gets lost in the clothes dryer. But that's complete exhaust system or any brake work. U we can't beat it, you win 10 FREE another column ULS icers are All-Stars Michigan lottery tickets. • Just think. one of them might be a big Three University Liggett ~chooJ league Wood played center in all of winner. ::.tudcnh hel\C. been "elected for till' Ihe 24 ULS games thIS sea!>on He Family Fun- Night set ?\llchlgan Metro High Schuol wa!> the No two scorer 10 the • Win with our lifetime muffler guarantee. Hocke} League All-Star Tl'dm league With 24 goals and 27 assIsts You never pay again, The Department of Commuruty the agenda Admls~lOn IS 75 cents East DI\'I!>lOn You're a winner every day with f.st, e_pert Education of The Grosse Pointe per person. Semor Dan Bowen W ch(l"l'11<1'> Public School System and the Children must be at least three a defen~f'man for the tllll'd [e,lm Calling all Tuffy service. Come in and let ua prove h. NeIghborhood Club INIIIco-sponsor years of age to partIcipate and those de",plte thl' f,let thdt Iw ml'>"pc! a Family Fun NIght Fnday, March 16and under must be accompamed mo<,tof thJ~ <;(:,I<,ondue to dll c1bo.... cheerleaders 23, from 7 to 9 p m at North HIgh b} at least one adult Mark your Injury B(JV,cn \\3:> C'dptdln of thl" ~()llh Iligh Will conduct a School BadmInton. basketball calendar, get the famll) together. )I!dl ...!lock.'! "quad c!l('erleaulIlg cllnlc tud('nts who volleyball crafts and movies are on Famlly Fun Night on March 23 .... .I!> ..,opholllore ('oley Connoll) hopl' to 10m North's cheerleadmg Connolly pJ,I,ed gOdllf' for :he \ ell "quad ,l~ fl'e~hllH'1l III 19f14R5 The mumer. I lInIta--..u "It} 1I1 I> game" compilll1g a !'wnt I" :,,,t for Monday, AprIl 2, C!TY OF <&russt ttfuintt 1Jiarms MICHIGAN f('(ordlJfIBOc"lw<,dndd4>glJal" through Fnddy, April 6, at 3JO agam'>t 3\erJge P rn ddlly In the North gym omolT lAST DIllOn NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT ~()phom(JIl' Hobb) \\ (Joel,idlll'V Furthpr IJ)fonnatlon on chlllc or 16930 E Warren 25016 GraM! I Meetlngs for the pur po~c of r('\,I('\I, Ing the 1'184Assc<;<;mcnl Holl for thp ('Jl~ cd the honor of helng t1w flr"l IlIlh tl \Ol~h m,ly hI' obtelllw V.d~ne Counly MichIgan, WIll he held hy the Hoaro gradf'r ('\PI' ..,('If'ct('d lor thl' fir"! ,1\ L11Cclleadlllg coach Sally of ReVle'o' on te

at the CII~ Hall 9() Kerhy !{odd Gro!>...p POinte Farm~ :\1l<.hlKdn ~ '"/l Our Biggest )_ The ('<;tlmat('d re!>ldpnhal mull Iphcr 1<; I lOIl6 for 19M Tht c"tllTI 1 00 for 1984 AlIlho<;e deem 109 them 1)('/1 ('<;a~~T1(,vPrl b\ .,3111 asscssmenl ... ma~ then \)(' hed rd ~ Our :~ ( \ I{lW). ( 1))( K 4 Low ,,: GPjI, 1/1/84 1/8184 1/15/84 II U fi4 CITY A!->e.,E"~()1l Center , ,~ ( USED CAR RENTAL SYSTEM, INC, Low ): Ice CITY OF OirUll6t'otntt 1lI0ubs MICHIGAN ~ COLONIAL DODGE, INC. Price .~ NOTf( r, OF fU:\,IEV. OF TIll'; I'JB4 Ae.,e.,r.,>e.,'\1r.'\ I HOJ.L \ollcc J'" ht'rh} Is gllcn that the Board of R('\l(V. of th( (IIV of (,.ro ...... e POint, 'Wood" v...)nc ( 24200 GRATIOT, EAST DEl. ('()unt~ Michigan '" III be In ...e"'''I(,n from 9 (KI d m to II 00 noon ,wd from 95~ :: : IC,RATIOT AT 9.112 MILE AD) $7• ~ :! I «.r p m to" ()(J p m 10 the- (ouncil ( ourt 1{(lOln of 1Ij(' MunICipal BUIldIng on 2002.'>Mack Pla7a (,m ...... !' POint" \'rood ... Mlth\,I(an on Tl E"DAY "'vlarch II l1)I\) 'I-l,mh 27 1'184 Page ( USED CAR RENTALS The factor fOf 1484,,> %'IG f{(....'d(.ntldl J (KWICI ("mml [( 1.11 1 (WJflf) Indll'>trral O"'C ..: for the pUfpo'>{' of r(,vle"'ln~ Ihe I'JPA A.,.,c ...... menl Holl All [,,'r ...on ... (on '1" MILl ~ ,..~: sldeTing thcm<,(')~e...dg~rlcv!.d by Ih('lr a.,.,c.,.,m(' nt or '" ho ha ve an" qll€"> ~ CAREFULLY • , lions or commenl~ ma~ prcsent t1wmS('lvc" to the BOdrd ilf 1t('VICW at lhl" ( RECONDITIOND FOR ALSO SPECIAL )"; time Frederick G. Hornfisher ( DEPENDABLE DAILY RENTAL WEEKLY RATE ): G P N 1 I 1\4 and ! 22 1\4 A ...... '!>.,or v.v ••••• v••••••• vv •• ¥ ••••••••• ¥ ••••••• ~

, \ .. .. '/ ". , r ., ' Call 882-6900

Page Four-C r~~~Classifiedads Thursday, March 22, 1984 ~'.. ill J • ~ ..1A:-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 1B-SECRET ARIAL 3-LOST AND 4-HELP WANTED Ol SERVICE FOUND GENERAL ,WSTQM woodwork Quallty HAl"DCARVING In solid EXPERIE,\,( ED mom \\111 I INDEX TOCLASSIFIED OFFERED I - ~ tlarpentry with a personal "'ood Fireplace mantel~ tclre for i our children In m) Complete FOUND BeauWul gold Alas. RECEPTIONIST & TypIst fOr i) touch Ornamental wood- !>lalrWa\ s, furniture, ett home Full or part time 1. No cancellat'ons, changes or corrections ofter 2 p m Monday WORD PROCESSING kan dog. female Owner or archItectural firm General work, home Improvement, Ken, 52i 1637,527 9182 Rdte negollable Kll24279 No el, ASSOCIate ) au lor I eque;,t grdnted 1A Personals 12£ CommercJol Property Dlsserta hons of 4 gold coms Reward upon request Fret' est!- ance of ~our bUlldmg(!» 25 ManUSCripts years experIence \ ER.\ 1B Secretarial Service 12F Northern Property 886-0051after 6 p m BABYSITTER wanted for In. ! mates Bruno Trentacost Tethmcal Equations -- - - PR.\YE!i TO THE 1C Public Sale 13 Real btate fant 10 mv home, hours ~, '7~-6508 9791920 Tables LOST female 2 year old Col- IIl)L" :,PlHIT 10 Ob,tuarles 13A LoISto, Sole var) References needed \\ ORDS/"'UMBERS he. sable and white 331- Holi SPlllt \ ou \\ ho mdke Ipe 2 EntertaInment 138 Cemetery Properly 824 1282 PROCESSING CORP 4717~ (L)'!1n) BALLOONS ;,('e el en Ilung dnd \1DO 2A MUSICEducallon 13C Land Conlracts ~9-_9(;00'~ 831-9860 FULLTIME DENTAL chaIr HIGH FLYI";C, HELlt:M BALUJO:\ BOLQl E1~ ;,ho\I" me the \\dl 10ledch 2B TutOring or-d EducatIon 130 For Sale or Lease FOUND One year old mother aSSIstant for busy Grosse For all oeta..,lOn!>lor a;, htlle a!>SID-deliver\' a\ !>A GRE 1\1' '" d) to celebl dIe the DI\ me GItt to lorgl\ e 20 Camps 14A Lois Wonted TYPING, WORD processmg call. 886-8463 expenence or trammg 148 Vocation or Suburban - 882-4968 and forgel toe \1rang thdtl" 2E AtnietlC Instruction resumes, $J 50 a page, 35t LOST BLO!\'DE and I'.hlte Benefits 886 5460 2F Schools Property Wonted done to me and \ au \\ ho dl e addltronalorlgmals Notary male Cocker Spamel Lost EXPERIENCED cocktaIl and J 2G Convalescent Core 14C Real Estate Exchange In all In;,tances 01 n1\ hie S C S 772-2809 3-19 DevonshIre - Mack dmmg room I'.altress, 3 Lost and Found 15 B"slness Opportun,tles Illth nw I m Ihl;, ',hOl t RESUMES, theses. term area 'Chester" 881.9208. Eastern Market area rest. 4 Help Wanted General 16 Pets for Sale INCOME TAX PREPARATION dIalogue \1 dnt 10 thdnk ) au papers, reports, repetitIve 8847972 aurant 393 19B5 'C_ I for pvpn thine and ('fmflrm 4A Help Wonted Domestic 16A Ho,ses for Sale !~~~~~~nll':Y!~D P~OCES~ H\A-rLl\l\.\ ll'/lJ' 6l: r 1:\t\.\l.lt\L l' Li\j\l\ 1.\lJ' ;:'1:.(\\ ILE;:, OLU1\UI:. lll m my home Max- Available to SUit your needs JOIN THE LEADER March 27th Imum 6 people per class Mrs Junker, 823-1721 and phone answerIng bkills THE NEW AVON Space for medIum slze,cars, 8lmust Flexible hours Must "0_00 C1W'enl all supplles &: boats, recreational, eqwp- PIANO teacher With degree • Dramatic new earnings plan U1Structtoos 2 hour classes be ambItious Call 775-4687, INCOME TAX RETURNS ment and household goods' has opemngs for beginning • ProfesSIonal new sales Call for schedule. 881-2776. 4Jp,.m -8 pm prepared Iq.;.tleconvenience ------Excellent 'leCUJ'Ity(T V and or advanced students Ex- training of your home Experienc- NEED someone to share drlv. sound momtorlng> penenced In claSSIcal, pop, SAVE MONEY on food Lose • UnlimIted new growth ed Smce 197&Call for ap. mg to St Petersburg Flor- V-Haul Co ragtime, and Jazz 343-9314 weIght. High mcome poten- potenbal p-:lIntment 882-2016after 5 Ida References requIred 12001E Jefferson IDet ) tial Call for more Informa- Call now' Paula 881-9173 pm and"" eekend 881-4430 823-4170 PIANO/ORGAN/ Accordlan tIOn, 881-4011 Last week for $10.00 entrance ------lessons Popular, ClaSSical. ESTABLISHED busmess ex- fee PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE COME study/learn freedom harmony, theory Your FOR WOMEN from anxiety. stress. pam pandmg Need several sharp GENERAL secretary needed YOUR HOME home or mIne 776-1153 Swedish, Deep Muscle, Come to B IOFEEDB <\CK representatIves ill thIS area for an eastside electromc A WORK OF ART PIANO LESSONS - Qual1fled Marketmg and/or manage- sales offIce Must have good Framed, Pen and Ink Reflexology and relaxatIOn for a full 1.'1 / NutntlOnal Coun!>ehng richer hfe Adelaide KIm teacher, my home 882-7772 ment experience preferred phone and typmg skills Watercolor of Your Home, Call 671-1790, Monday Send resume to Gregg BUSiness or Boat By Hohstlc Weight Loss getl-Wllson M S TherapIst! REGINA HIGH School gIrl " through Friday, 10 a m -3 Rothsburg, 16621E Warren, ) . CAROL A SINCLAIR Call Judy at 882-3856 Counselor In Human Rela teaches plano Reasonable ------pm DetrOit, MI 48224 886-8468 TAKE A BALLOON RIDE' tlons 881 7229 Either home 771-9416 BARMAID - days or mghts HOMEMAKER - hght house- See hfe from a DEADBOLT LOCKS 2B- TUTORING AND Full or paM-tune Apply Fn- keepmg done m homes of blrd's eye view I INSTALLED $3995 day, March 23,1-3 pm 15130 PSYCHIC EAGLE'S NEST Side door \\ mdo'" guards EDUCATION semor CItizens, part time, Mack. 824-4860. own transportatIOn Refer- MRS. HARRIS BALLOON RIDES $26 95 Lock!> repalred or TUTORING ences reqUired Calvary GARAGE SALES ARE FUN! Gifted reader and adVIsor offers Champagne Fhghts rekeyed Work Guaranteed ALL SUBJECTS PARl=rIME TELLERS Seruor Center 881-3374 Let 18,600 readers has helped thousands, over Northern 25 yrs expenence Gerald MANUFACTURERS BANK why not you" All readmgs Macomb County Gllboe. Master LocksmIth, GRADES 1 THRU 12 R N ,L P N needed all ShIfts. fInd out about yours, PROFESSIONAL FACULTY has Immediate opemngs for private and confIdential Mount Clemen!>, 791-4382 permanent, paM-tIme tellers apply m person St Anne's Advertise in The Grosse Appomtment only 521- CALL 776-4626 Nursmg Home, 6232 Cad- WE CAN HELP In eastSide and Grosse 1244 Partms and home (Ask about our balloon SPRING SALE Ieux DetrOIt Pointe News Classified deSign contest) GROSSE POINTE POInte areas Applicants HALF PRICE Hand pamted and apphqued should be hIgh school grad. NURSES AIDES expenenced Section skirts lops Free brochure LEARNING CENTER WITH THIS AD CONGRATULATIONS 63 Kercheval on the HIli uates With 6 months work only, good w~rker, depen- MAJOR MAGIC'S Elizabeth J Smith, Gallery experience or post high dable Apply St Anne's Nur- F . P 0 Bol<.10107 Naples 343-0836 343-0836 CARL T. RASHID school education Good math sing Home 6232 Cadieux, 1<;) our LIfe Flonda 3,1941 skills reqUIred Cashier ex- DetrOIt Tuesday noon IN WINNING THE GPHA SPANISH - Georgetown Um The \~a., perience or prevIous teller MITE CHAMPIONSHIP verslty graduate now offef- BOOKKEEPER, part tIme. deadline "au \IIant'It' INCOME TAX experience preferred Ap- Ar-;D SCORING THE SEA- 109 pnva te lessons and small bUSiness, Grosse Call early Prepared In your home at your THERE'S tutonng Translating also plicants must be available POinte Woods $6 per hour SONS LAST GOAL YOU convemence ExperIenced 882-6900 HELP ARE OUR LIFE, OUR avaIlable Call 8857031 for 2 weeks of full time teller Call RICk - 884-5660 reasonahle rates Free con. trammg NEARBY PRIDE OUR JOY, YOU IlEA50ro...ABLE rates Quality ----- sultatlOn Call for AppI) 10 person at ( -\LL 774 1~14 ARE JIDO S GEDD <\BOY tutormg at) our house for REAL ESTATE appomtment Manufacturers Bank C Jo,eph Fleming 1\1:,\\ WITH THE MORAL SUP grades 7 11 bv NHS High Llcen"€'d-Certlfll.'d 411 W Lafayette at Cass SALESPEOPLE PORT/GUIDANCE OF 292-9171 School Senior 'from De La Make the move to a better COUNSELOR Downtown DetrOIt DADDY CARL. THE EN Salle Ask for Jeff, 882-0248 more productive office m <\m Probl('m - Fnday, March 23, 1984 1 Hl'SIA:,\! / \:E\II:,WRIT SMALL Dog sitting - not over 1984 JOin one of the most ac See )'ellol'. Page, ll:i4 ER OF MOMMY GRACE, 12 pounds. also pUppies 24 TUTORI\G bi teacher Most 9 a m 11 a m ONLY 22725 Greater '\Id( h suhJect~ Reasonable rates !lve real esta te offices In THE SPONSORSHIP OF hour care Excellent Macomb County Excellent St ('laIr Shm e.., ) our home References Equal Opportumt) Employer Vr-;CLE ROBERT THE references 885 3039 commiSSIOn program Com LOY ALIST FAN SITO R192650 M/F/H RIc:NT \ cook for yOU!!>peclal pany leads prOVided l\ELLY, THE LOUDEST MRS. WOODS occa';lon Reasonable Ex 2D-CAMPS A CAREER MOVE Management po!>ltlOnopen CHE,ERU2A DERS soon for ne\\ offtce SPIRITUAL READER cellent referrnces 881-B089 AUNTS ALlCE 5HARON CAMP ARBUTL.~ - Pm'ate If you want more than a Joh CALL MR WHITCHER AdVICe On All Problem,; RE..NEE. JOAr.,y A!\D 5TAI;\OED GIA,:,.,> - \'.mdo",,~ ~Irls' camp Grand Traverse and to be rewarded accord n22686 Of LIfe Such as Love. NANCY THE PATIENCE lamps mirrors. bevels area June 24th - July 21st, mgly, call about a career m BUSIness And Health OF LAUREN PAUL AND tempered glas;, ne\1 con. Jul~ 22nd - August 18th real estate With the leader m BEALTTY operator ~ Ith All Readmgs Prrvdtc CHRISTINA structlOn and repaIr;, Call 881-9442 Write May. the mdustr) Our free preli- clientele I'.anted for chair And ConfIdent'al WE LOVE YOU' Referenc~ 1824112 field MIchIgan 49666 cense course has an excep rental m Grosse Pomte area Card" Palm.., .-lnd tIOnaI pass rate, the most salon 885.£408 davs only Trd Lca\c" DRIVING Rptlred flrehght LOCKSMITH 2G-CONVALESCENT QuahfIed Instructors and the Tuesday through saturday best tram10g matenals Call A\aIldble For P\TOR \ Ie.... DennIs Amiru" Group Call fo'or An AppOintment rpfpn'nce~ 824 II 'lO 846 mcluded (t84Yl VTDl'.O IRWIN OLIVER thli Start 8 nt'Wcareer Call PHOTOGRAPHY 7,8 287~ loda, 77'37760 l"¥II'/"l I1!I • \\ pdcl!ng" HE"t III L\ Profr.., DRIVJoJR.<; - ()pel1ll1g~ avall 11'.. "5...... ,. re ,.,.., '''.Iffy In • r rN L'l]( ( I ..,\On,,\1\ (omJ)(J~('(1 &. IBM able all hours open Need df'oPf""'lO\l>(ll <11''1<' I 0f'>V'" fttoIJOf'I Wit d ~I/f> ....oouot' Ie g ¥1' ,eo WI",,~ I!IIrtTIfi I) pt. \\ nil pn Phon( for sful mol)foy ft't.;lf\ 01hrr \'.nl \llg ,,('f\ I«'~ j,] In lity Mrlh\ftOf TYPI 'V,I",nrd pi fl(f ....!>mg 1(' offIces your arra, com .... _ '"m", d (,1',11 pan} lead~ provujed Ex ~umr<; It'rm pdperl- rp We'll run your ad ~-- cellent com ml~!olon pro PI(1tHI', I'H,\\lIMT and porh, rppclltlve letter!> c.lI Irle 0r fhrilyn Red,;onahle A\dllablr 7 FREE" gram rail for confidential " maltm~ Fa,t ,md rp""011 intervIew Mr Bono, nil dB)" a ""eek Bll25'i41 882-6900 824-2200 able Bll47427 anvtlmr 7761

", Page Five-C Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT 5-SITUATION 6-FOR RENT 6-F OR RENT 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4A-HELP WANTED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED GENERAL GENERAL DOMESTIC WANTED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED ST CLAIR Shores -Ideal for ME mCAL secretary, 20 years TWO bedroom flal, Devon- NE\\ !':R kItchen 2 bedroom OUTER Drive, Warren, HELIABLE con;,ClentIOU!> GROSSE POINTE responSIble mature gentle Secretartal/Sal as e xpeflence, t~ PIng, dlc- shll' e, DetrOIt $250 monthly 1"11 st floor mcludmg heat spacIous 2 bedroom upper. takmg app1JcdtlOm, for full 1ecept\OllI~t to \\ ork III a man, non smoker prererred heat, appliances Included EMPLOYMENT ta phone medical termln- plus ulllIties John, 822 7421 Lakepolllte belween Jeffer time emplo~ ment FOx (hll Opl ador offIce will On the \~ater - I bedroom $325 884-4299 01ogy, extenSI\e phone, eve !lings !>on1St Paul 885 ~846 PORTRAIT STL DI()~ t ,5')7 tl l all 83255')5 AGENCY f1al, carp<'ted Reasonable "m publIc contact Managenal BAR LOW, GrallOt Blick 2 DICKr:RSON/Outer Drive, 2 DEVONSHIRE, Mack, De GratIOt 293-9292 M\TIRE WO~AN ~r 885.4576 ex perlence Desire EastSide bedl 'oom, $285 optIOn to buy bedroom upper flat, fully trOlt 3 bedroom lower Nat 50 years reliable service Experienced gf>ncI al ofllce \\ ark, hght 10calion 776 2529 after 2 THREE BEDHOOM upper 884 3559 cdrpeted, heat, \1 ater paid ural fireplace, hardwood I\ping flllOg Excellent l\;eeds expenenced Cooks , Pfl1lle locatIOn In GI o!>~e Dental ASSistant P m BUe KINGHAM, E,I,t Wal- $225 month plu. security floors, $350 seCUrity, lease ll'lephonc !>k11 1<; a IDu,l Call NanOles, l\talds, House- POlOte Large rooms 111 ea~tslde Pellodont1 or altcr -; p m keepers, Gardeners, Chauf eludes one car garage ren Call Tuesdd) through 1"11 In g, pallltll1g and some pia cc $300 optlement, ga Ing J oom and cock tall SHOHT TERM lea!>e 2 1'0 tram for fwe dl t ~, $430 per loungr (,ood 'dlar~ and homes EX bed~oom, 2 bdth lower f1dt roo m bllck 2 12 bdtll. $300 pandmg gallel ~ Ed~l 18514 Mack Avenue Cdre for ~our c111ldrel1 III m) 884 kept bUlJrhng-. $165 and up month 886-5565 call after 4 hOlll " mu~l hel\ e r<'fer Kitchen apphdnce~ IIlclud Opt! on to bu~ 3559 suburb, High (0Il111ll"IOn, Grosse Pomte Farms ho me Full or part tllne Le,j\ e mes~dge, 526 1209 pm pnLl~" '>PIllII p"umc, to Box ed Ba!>ement and garage GRO ~SI<: POI1lll' P.ll k. :'-lot Full or part t:me Hate Iwgollable 882 4279 WE SPECIALIZE 10 the place lI(Jl'STO~/Whlttier 1~IB2 77-i l500 =1' 7, (,I ()~"(' POInte "\e\l;, '\cal' LIke $650 823 1i26 Illighdm .It fo\lIlfd\ Co./.\ 5 2 BEDROOM terrace - RI ment of prof~lonal, dome~- Pl"'G DONE III 1m home Ill'.l r Cho. lnH'r. 101\\'r 3 9'1 !-.('rl he\ dl, lrl OS'll' Pomte TY HOUSE - LlIlhurst near 100 m (Ulner Uppl'l "'ewly vard near Jefferson, a"al)- FHEE U:--( E tK and nursmg personnel He~ume~, I cport., -letters, loom. bdth, .to\ e, refflg- LII m~ \llcl1 -i8236 1\101 ang !\e\l carpet 2 dcc ol"ted dnd ldlppted, able May 1st, $500 plus utlh LA\Ol r Housekeeper!> - Cooks - m edlcal repOlt. EVl'l1Ings, qUI( ('! .ltor heat $155 8M 9'i!77 E\.PFHIE\( ED lashlCr bedloom gardge, bd.C 't bUlldlllg prdel non tie!> and setunty deposit KEHI\E Couple, - Child Care - Dd~ 77 56.392 \1,lIll('d Iull tune 778 818U ment $.325 521 6473 .In okel ~lI1gle $315 821 BE \1'TIFPL home - 3 bed TU20359 Gro""e POinte "I f d ,llt ~ludlo Work - Maid!> - Home I OOlll' E,,~t Warren/Outer bellll'cn ~ Il pm .\U H.\ ::.horne ::.!lllllg ~ervlee 5448 (>'LAT - '\.lter, south of Jeffer \I ork on pi (,ll1I~C<" "end Health Cdre Live In or Out CHATS\\OHTH betv.een East Dme .Ired, l5Q 71>73 1, L C of dnldren ('lderl\ AT'I ENTI ON Ht'nter.' resume dnd hoUi h 1atl 10 \tAll HE -\\D 10\1llg\IOman Wal ren/Mdck, lower large son - 2 bedrooms $175 Please call H ourl~. 0\ ernlght dlld 24 ONE BIWHO( 1:\1wndo \\ hit Gros,e Pomtc \t'\~::. 94 }\_l'r 10 b,llJ\ ..,116 month old In our modeln, 2 bedroom, dlnmg Huu "l'., f1"t~ "PPdltm~nt~, month secunty ho UI I at('~ L! \ edr::. III Ith Ed, t.ldc of Dell OIt dlld ,ub ler/l 9~, $l90 monthly cheval, G 1 o~~e P'lInlp Gro~~c POInte home Full GOLL room, plu~ den, utllItle!> ex WALKER ALKIRE REALTY \1 rs Hdmmond, \Iho ~ s Sdve tlllIe dnd (I u,trd 1';7 l.3lb Farms l\1I-l321b Box HI') lline \Iu.,t bc expellenced PERSONNEL tra, $275 885 680J urb 886-0920 a gCllC~ ~el\ed Gros,e It (01 ) Oil l 'ondble Call La Von • \, .. t"r R,.,~d ,) hNiroom" GROSSE POI~TE Park - 2 tnUll Cdl e lOr !lell DOl n, III t I \ r.. It'::'ld UI ,1I1l U""" <-, <-A Uonoea l~ I U.tllJ !Oller, udluh.tl lllt:}Jld\"\.1 ut:uroolll UII L.dlWlluIIUC: 106 Kercheval co Ren tdl dnd Propert~ 1\1,111- fOJ111,11 dilling, I)('dutlfully your o\ln home full tllne pent'need \1 alt person redecorated. $185 month Garage $11'; Pa) own Grosse Pomte Farms FE'\IALE \ ocah~t Wishes age ment 77J 2035 decorated I~lth basement days 7761002 Hefel ence~ -\ppl~ dfter 4 III ark \llth keyboardlsl for utilItIes 8234082 pcr,on Gllllmc He"taurant 882.2928 II 7 MILE/Van Dyke area 5 MOn ANG Kcll~ dft',i 3 hl'ense of humor .')27 0613, MAXINE, St ClaIr Shores, 2 A,soc $~')Omonth 759-0090 n:D a \Icek for pre school child hea t Included 881 1174 for 13) expenenled I edI per,on - souall~ mobIle, e\ emngs bedroom ranch $350 per MOTEL MOROCCO and mfant Must have refer NICE , DellOlt Hlvel ;,Idp GHOSSE PO INn: F'arms, 137 ROSEVILLE f J dggre;,sl\ e honest for con PERIENCED Nurse s month, utilities separate t estate pro esslOna sOur slruL!lon rCdl e~tate and 111- ences Call 882-7314 EX year lea~e 885-3220,774 3976 Dn ve 2 bedroom uppel, Gros~c Pomtc Blvd, centcr AcrOl>S from lOmP1IS!>lOn plan ofler. \ Oll AIde deSIres pnvate duty In larg e, $300 Illdudes heat, entl ance framed Coloma I, 3 up to 90% earnmgs GrO\I \ estment sdles Top com NICE 2 bedroom upper, Chats- MACOMB MALL 4C-HOUSE SITTING ho me Excellent references wat er Leave phonc num bedroom, 2 bths. h"mg Completely furnIshed one With the leader 10 the area mIS.lOn') 372--i422 worth, v.lth applIances and SERVICES N a lIve-ms 296-1167, 771- ber, 331-8864 II Ith ba~, formal dllllllg bedroom and kItchenettes_ Call NancI Bolton al 'i77--l9-l0 SALES/Sales PromotIOn - 3751 sun porch 343-0255 room, kitchen, gas steam hoppmg and tran:.porta- Wallpapeflng, pamtmg and $275 e, refrigerator, 1 upper sleeping rooms start at $58 a R EC EPTION IST Ed.tland Casual Corner as a profesSIOnal male, Grosse - pllances, carpetlllg and sun stov tlOn $600 per month Palms- ml scellaneous repairs 1 10wer, Wa~bul'll near Jef v.eek Shown dally from 9 Immediate openmg for \\ ark, \~ardrobe consultant Good Pomte resIdent for 16 years deck Alter at Chandler Queen 886-14-14 at our offIce located III benefits and 40% discount Two teenage children on 77 3-2123 {ers on, Apnl 1st, $300, own am Park Ideal for s1l1gle adult. OUTEH DRIVE - Wavburn 293-2.wo Grosse POInte on "\otre Appl\.' 111 pl'rson at the D NDYMAN IPamter Large uhlJ ties, 331-1967 weekends, no pets eSlre HA 886-9535 1 bedroom upper, -newly Dame lIeaf Kef(he\ al WIll Eastland Center for 9 months or longer an d small Jobs References, to own, your own beau ATTENTION EXECUTIVE GROSSE POINTE Woods - RENT decorated Stove, refrIg- greet the public ans'l er FINA ,CIAL PLANNING References available on re- ex pert work Alan 885 9213, llful Iy decOl atedhome, 2-34 Transfers One and two bed- rent \I Ith opt lOn 3 erator $200 mcludes heat phones and do mlstellan I 881-8734 bedr OOlTlS Hurry' room apartmenls, deantor' eous dental \Iork Must College graduates or prior quest send rep les to Box bed lOoms , 2 baths, flre- 886-0052 busllless 0\1 ners, or suc- R~, Grosse Pomte News, 99 HAND LOS 882-7300 furrushed Lmens. dishel., EXP ERIENCED atde With ~lace, dlllmg room, fmlshed type accuratel) , 45 \1 pm cessful salespersons prefer Kercheval, Grosse Ponte NEFF ROAD near Jefferson utenSIls $25 per day, ex cellent references avall- asement, completely re- GRA\ 'TON near Warren Ex- Apply In person 10 a m to 3 red to Il1vestlgate the spec- Farms 48236 Delightful three bedroom, mlrumum one month WeC- abl e to care for handicap- cell ent area of DetrOIt p m Monda) through lallzed field o{ financial and modeled, $650 885-2937 two bath WIlt separate stall Iy rates $250 per week • d or elderl) person 469- Sha rp 2 bedroom upper Friday Th YOUR WORRIES ARE OVER shower Huge hghted 469-11175 771-491' FIRST FEDERAL estate planmng IS career ResponsIble college graduate ~834 A GOOD MOVE Fu"e place, breakfast nook, closets Beautlful beIge OF MICHIGAN opportumty offers extensive, 'I'll! take good care of your IS TO car peted, $300 Ea~tslde 5A -SITUATION Cdl'petlllg Sun room or 68-ROOMS FOR 633 Notre Dame, Grosse Pomte techlllcal and skIll trammg home whIle your away HAVE YOUR RENTAL Man agement Co , 884-3890 famIly room Large lIvmg to quahfled indiVIduals DOMESTIC RENT 0 An Equal Opportumt) Emplo)er Please call Rose Portaro MARY ANN - 881-8871 PROPERTY MANAGED AVAI LA BLE now Grosse room WIth natural fireplace HA VE comfortable E XPERIENCED lady deSires BY Pom te Park, 3 bedroom Formal dmmg room WIth room for COOKS, kitchen help, maIO- bet\\een 2 4 onl~ 649-3250 EXPERIENCED house and retired lady Pay put 3 dais a \\ eek \I ork Rt'fer. uppe r flat, new carpetmg. separate breakfast room tenance Expenence pre ASSISTANT 1\" D I pet sItter available Refer- DILLON Utilities only $50 per month ferred Must be available ' , , .lanager, In109 ences Call 882-9257 after 6 en ces, o\~ns transportallon, rem odeled kitchen and Large kitchen y.lth apph- $50 secunty depo6lt No rent, loom and cocktaIl lounge 372-6952 PROPERTY bath , natural fll eplace. $375 ances Fl'Ont porch enclosed anytlme Apply dt Wood Mu<,t haH good references WOMAN WIshes to houseslt MANAGEMENT per month, plus securIty, Hack porch ralle<1 ~parate must have own phone and brIdge Tavern, 289 St Au Gros"e Pomte area Send Referenees available Likes CO LLEGE student seeks T V Room IS partly fur- meshc works - effiCient, 881-4147 76f>-5180 basement With lav Gas fur- ~~______re,ume to Box P-76, Grosse pets Call SheIla, 331-0386 do nace Snow and lawn !>er- nIShed Kitchen pnvlJege foc nest, references J uhe, De- EAST - Nice 2-3 rooms Ideal INDOOR tennis club, recep- PO!llte 1'\e\ls 99 Kercheval, evemngs ho MARYLAND-Waveney, \'Ice Two car garage Walk lady who Will be around W1lh ev emngs 833-7484 trOlt, sharp 3 room upper, for mature adultl>, heated, t!Ollist plus 4 pm -nud Liru,~e POinte Farms, 5-SITUATION to bus, pflvate park, beach semor lady for comparuon- freshly decorated, new car- $175 8855691 mght, 2-3 times \\ eekl) Mlch 48236 TW o EXPERIENCED office and shoppmg No pets Re- ship Call only Monday. Prefer mature male college BABYSITTER for IOfant WANTED an d housekeepmg women pehng, sepal'ate entrance m sponsible adult!> \11th refer- Wednesday, r"rlday and Sat- rear, nIce tenants down- LAKE SHORE HOAD Alllhe student, study time avaIl- Monda) through Friday, in THE LEARNING TREE desire employment Bonded ences 885-2209 after 12 noon urday Between 9 a m .noon wn tran!>portatlOn Excel- staIrs, ideal for older cha rm of a lillIe house lllthe _a_b_le.~_2_944 my home TransportatIOn, A UNIQUE CONCEPT 0 882-3359 nl references Very adulHs), all utlllhes {urmsh cou ntry Nestled back on a 2 BEDROOM flat on Not- BABYSITTER needed 7 30 references Call between 1-5 IN CHILD CARE Ie CLEAN, QUIET and safe th orough WIll do laundry ed, $200 per month plus sc- hug e and secluded lot ThiS tmgham, one block to Hal'- a m -5 pm, 5 dayl> 0\1 n p m 772-0181 ProfeSSIOnal Educallonal Pro- per bus LI\ll1g room, {or- sleepmg room PrIvate a nd Iromng, wmdo\l and cunty depoSit, less If you 2 bedroom home ha::. large transportation, Grosse LOOKING FOR A gram. Private tutorIng. all washmg, oven!>, scrub furmsh your own kItchen ap- ope n room" and IS Ideal for mdl dmlllg room, large kIt horne Kitchen a m only $7 w a day Good neIghborhood, Pointe References 343 Pre-school Program. After n oon., and any outside work phances, 882-5892 gra CIOlt;,enlertammg $1.200 chen WIth eatlllg sp.lce Off _9_~ _ _ _ _ ,0' NEW C~REER? School Program. Toddler month lll1\!-9806 s\reel garage park~ Ideal Warren/Oulet' Dnve uea, D ay::.. evenmgs and week- GROSSE POINTE Park - a BARMAIDS, .....aJtresses, kit- 'Eatn $15000.$25 000 lflrst Playgrounds • &umrner Pro- for mature per::.on or couple I}ver 30 835-3039 ends Will accept checks Maryland, 2 bedroom upper, DY TO move III Beaull ilEA $300 per month, heat In- eben, apply Wool~ Buny;" year- Join one of the most gram • Field TflPS • Very 526-6486 carpetIng, appliances, full y decoratl"d. new carpet 2-5 p.rn 11310 Hayes, corner aclJ"e Real Estate offlies in Reasonable Hourly Rates • J ' duded References and M!- 8C-OFFICE garage No pets $29tove and refrrgerator In 881-11 ..7 NEED dependable babYSlller check-outs Reliable Full 565-4300 Iy decorated, hellutlful De _ for occaslOnal e\elllngs, 01 part tlme Mack-RIvard "CARING & DOING' $275 month 776.t657 trolt ared, stove refngera cluded $340 per month. heat BUSINESS cash regISter, $175. especIally Fnday and Satur Amoco IS OUR MOTI'O HO USEKEEPER - house WARREN - East Outer tor, garage, secunty depos- mcluded Schultes Real 776-6278 eepmg I ncludes babySIt Drive Upper 2 bedroom flat EstJte - 881-8900 day Grosse Pomte Park LANDSCAP~ foreman need- • LIVE INS k It, na peb, $265 per month GROSSE POINTE 331-32,'JO ed I Landscape construc- • AIDES IIng, cooking, Ironing etc - carpeted, appliances, 922-5737 or 425-6851 NF:WLY decorated one Iso \I III care for elderly wa')her, dryer, parking bedroom upper AIr condl- BARMAID, bartenders tlOn foreman 2 Lawnspray • RN's & LPN's A TWO BEDHOOM nat Nicely PARK ays only Rose 882 3-i92, sUJWble for workmg couple, tlonmg, balcony, Whither wanted, part tIme, ex techmcian Please experl- For Home Health Care D deco rated, beautiful Detroit ne4-8360 no hits, references, $265 plus area . ::.tove refrIgerator, uti Itles, securIty 8Z4-6399 mcluded 882.9643 15318 Mack 9 am 11 a m onl) , lea!>t2 years reqUIred 757- MED.STAFF WO :\IAN WITH excellent gara ge, secunty depo::.ll, no (Mack and Notllngham) eferences \1 Ishes ddY \Iork LOWER 5 ROOM CHALI\IEHS/Houston area, I AVAILABLE pO.ltlOns for 5331 r pels, $265 p<'r month 922- One, no'" avaIlable 557-2505 Appliance!>, carpeted, fire- bedroom apphance, heat, sharp and dependable sdle. 822-1351 5737 or 425-1,,'15,\ ONL Y $100 PER MCNTH FOR place $275 Shown after 6 15 \', ater Included $1 ..5 mon WI LL DO laundry III my INCLUDING. people\llthanmtercstJnlll PRIVATE NURSING P m or \I eekend 3515 Buck- NOTI' INGIIA 11,1 ::.outh of .ref thl~ St.'CUflt), reference:. re- tenor dl'Slgn to \Iork III d CLAS3lF1ED ADS Around the clock h ome 5275801 • All Utllltlte::. mgham fer') on, 2 bed I oom upper office pa It lime \\ork Expencnc ful h.lrd\l ood floor~ gross day thru Frlda~. bet\\een 1-4 ______homecompamons,RN's, LPN's,male AIdes,atten- hedroom, 2 bath condo ..,tudlO apartment Freshly • Air ConditIOned ed 0\\ n tran.,porta tlon doll 1\1 dllpaper V"r) light pm 734-q-i-l2 \\O\IE"\ l!ndercO\crv.ear of- dants,lIve-ms SCreened and mlmum Garden level $525 pdlnled secunty In $315 monthly C,ill lH BI05 fOl mature '>lOgle $4{)Omon • secretarial Ice PRESIDENT Tuxedo - "dle" lers fun C.lS\ bookmgs and bonded 24 hour service Sen PERI!':"1CED \Iolllan eludes heat and air Week S.'iE POInte Farm::., I bed thh uKlude') utIlIties One • Off Stre«!t Parking person needed ~e\lll1g ex great II1come A\erage $20 Licensed nurses for 10- EX GUO' shes day \\ ark Call days, 1181-7410 mllnth !>e(Urr ty deposit 886- • Pll>asant Atmosphere penence helpful Mr Bd~'> per hi 1\0 collectmg or surance cases \I I roon 1executIve r,lI1ch 2 car ched g.lfag<', fd mlly 11),l2 • Coffee Machine 371 7500 deli\ Ct \ "lu 111\ en Ion For POINTE AREA N"URSES 9215104 GHOS-.'i(>:POINTE area, 2 bed alta roo m flru ...hed l)il~Cment \~AITRESSE:, plcfer 21 mOI( -:nformatlOn- lall TU 4-3180 5C-CATERING room hVIng room, dllllng, ()~E BEOlWD:\t llp~r Ap- 881-4147 \11th ree room grecnhouse plJ,II1(,(~, lea~e plus uhllhcs and expenenlcd \pph het Loul'>e RR175.31 37 pm I ACCOVl\;TA~T Bookkeeper $27'), ,I bedroom lJamc $300 R~:='l CEN - Executl~'e of. cent rdl .ur S7l'i per month &>lUrity deposll Prefer re \leen 2 dnd '; p m Tllond,,\ \ l ",CHOOL teacher. 15) ears expenence Full KAY S KAPf<:H - Spel lall7lng Appliances Included Boh, flce::. mclude i>eCretary, law n..,un Call Agent 17I ',400 "I)llll~lhh' adult 1'\0 pel-. In- through Frlda\ hIP hdll dd)S degree reqUIred charge Thoroughly ex 10 dlllner;" lunc'heons, hor~ 886-08.15 hbral) , all 'ieTVlces Branch qUill' for all o<'ca!>lons GH()S~fo:POI\fTE offl~ available From $1gei VERY NICE, clean, carpeted. ~Undd) 1 4 BECOME A PROf r:,,>IO\ ~L IILI!" to "1 l'droom 6 room flat With MOVING CO oH6-6866 L'\Kr:~[I)E :\1dll Mea - \I Ith unlimlt ed eJrnll1g poten '>l hool 1711(, ro"e POinte .tatements la"es Collegl' MAR 1!'~'S Cat('rlng Ql1dlIty half basement GrallOt and Rea ...onabk Hdte. GROSSf<~ POI:'o;TE WOODS ttal .10m tht> I('chult./. f:l>lal<'1> f<;\ F.tHi' Jo:n'fClE\'T 1,\0 bedroom to\lnhollsc real e"td(1 ,ndu"tf\ ~P!)h e\enmg~ 8828507 d rJCuvre Part](.~ BlI~ll1e"., f('rr("(j Referenc('S rC(lulred Free E.,tllndtc.., ~tU)ICAL St'lTE AU,,( lied g"rag(' .lpplJant't'S ~ch\leltlel Hedl r"ta(( __IO(I\I'rH')U\ \1u,>tbeIB Nt:EDSOME..'THI!\G moved? Me'Ctlng- G(Jurmpt Dlllner~ $2')0 plu., u tIllt Ie!> 8:19 R50I ,l-l3-H4RI 2082:\ Mark - 1,500 sq ft 1I1tludl'a $;)50 ..97 'lO!ll or Better Home" &. (,drden~ hd\ I' goo 1I1 Tv.o POlnte reSIdents will for t\lO ur mon' (hee,e ,lnd Completel) Flnlsbed Ult Tray... I>e~~l'rt I'dr- 2td 4i 12 We offer C onll nu," II1hou,,(' good pin ,'( .1]( Ond\tlon ('an movt' or remove large or Fr PRESTIGIOUS LUXURY APARTMENTS Immedlalt" Occupancy, trammg progr.1m'> &. Ihp \\Ol~ oII1\tInll' '\ppl~ at 'Ir smallquantillesoffurmture, tIC.~ D('I! V('I cd R62 269') ParkIng Alter at JeffeNon - 4 stor) ('levator hUlldlng \I Ith ldrg(' best comml"~ lOll pi,," '" IhI' _< -.::--.!!_tl_, _It,,_.\ l~ _r,_\_\_a_rr_en_ applIances, P13no<> or what rooms, one and two IJCflrooms R.efcN'O('(><',md Sc.'Cuntv arl'd Call '\dne I Bolton ,It 7774CJ-iO for" (onl,(It"tlal B\Bl"IIIU{ O(,,',lOn fraser Agenty Stat(' DOMESTIC GET LOST ,IOlflu""t,.II(1 I '1111111 hi'! ,',II Iicen~ed and bonded '----. (an PI ~f nllnrm IIlv.Jlid SERVICE \\cd \l"n h 2hl ! ,0 P III \1" oil " ( (l1111t\ 1'1 ,poInd or l'lrl( rl\ Pf'r ...on I{f>fer ( 011\ ellll'nl - I or~t 'l,lIc h 'hi 111 ,II" III Ila, ("IJI,df'nll.il,nll'nJf>y, lll<{'''' 92i ill!', & AfIO! d,d)ll' ~(hll( 1I/l'r "c!lool 01 I"k lor \tr BOllo 774 11161 H!'. J II I Il 11,\ ,1)\ \IA:-I Bondl'fl &I I n~lIr< d l{l,.. 11 ~t,,,, ------\llllor repalr<, cdrpc'nlrj, 277-1713 "INling II' I~ht, 4A-HELP WANTED ('!f'Clnc1A'~ (ompll'te re Hllt<'r Ilom('" &. (.,ll ,if 10' palr<, pxt('rlOr and In 'I I \\1\<, .lm\n"tdlr' f (ll{l :\1 \ '\ I (if{ ,,,\\11' ,II n,.(I \1", ,1,1 \ ,111r1 I' fleld\ lj) t('nor attl( ~ painting roof AI II" I IIAKU:\ lllX fl'l2 old 1 tn 4 rl,l\" pf t \\1 I' Il( II "1.1\1' I' 1'1\(, "IHj (hilo 10 25 71"7 The River Terrece Ap.rtment. f('nl (d yrlrd, (itarllj(r $.1'iO c101if't AvaIlable May lit ~~_r~-'-~~~Jlrl" '. d "q~ll8 d"y, IO~ for a frf"C eltllmate call (,I

J 11 , GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 22, 1984 I-Arma.ES 8-ARTICLES a-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES IO-VACATION 7-WANTED 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE AENTALS TO RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE ... " LA WN MOWER, Toro, 2 years 30" G E electriC range, self- NORTHERN .~ BUILDING, 15216 MARCO ISLAfliD, FlOrida - LAW STt.:DENT seeh one BEDROOM set Medlterra n- old, good condition, 886.8957 cleaning, Coppertone, bedroom apartment. car- 1\10\ I!'\G St\LE - Saturda) ean chest. tfJple dress er, everythmg works great, FIREWOOD CO. .~ . JIBe Rd near Grabot South Seas West, !H2 3 d. after 5 pm -4 1.MO IqUar'e feet plus full Beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath rlage hou!>e 01 flat Call Sunda~. \1arch 24. 25 10 mil ror, I1Ightstand. hea $150 884 9105 Exceptionally Fme 534.7161 pm To)s, small ch,ldren' s board. good conditIOn $225 MOVING SALE - furniture, Mixed Hardwood '1t WIeIDellt. Completely reo condo, front gulf VIew on the ______clothe,. hou;.ehold Items clothes mlsc Everythmg mocIeIed. 882-5235 WATCH FOR Oak, Ash, HIckory, a.:m8 beach Golf, tenms pool. 1'\\ 0 MATURE adults profe,- Good seleWon 595 Thorn must go 372 Ridgemont GRAND OPENING OF fTR COAT !\1utufla fu r and Frultwoods decorator furmshed, cable slOnall) ernplo) t'"e Pomte \\ oods Farms Fflday, Saturday, ,COLONIAL NORTH TV, days 464-8700 evelllngs ReverSIble SIze 12 $900 294 MAHOGANY Guranteed to be Quallty, rent carnage hou ...e or ------Sunday - 10 5 Seasoned Fireplace Wood or .~ oft"ace bwkbnc at 11' ~ 477-8270 !>Imllar SItuatIOn Extellent G E \\A~HER and Kenmole 312'l INTERIORS . J,IileandRarper tOOsquare reference!> 25924119 after 4 dryel o,ccllent <.Undltlon HOUSEHOLD SALE - DIning Your Money Back CLEARWATER Florida area HOSPITAL bed, tully electr K, room set, pecan, one year Ne". antique and traditIOnal $45 Per Face Cord of t~ Air cor:achtlorung, car. p m l\1u"t ;;,eJl B85 2489 Ir furniture shop, Monday, - Beautifully furmshed 2 maltres!>. ralls Wheelcha old I!lcludt>s 4 chairs, 2 arm 775-6942 773-4369 \~ petiftC. janitor, near ex Apfll2nd bedroom. 2 bath. condo At 3 OR 4 bedroom home 1ll 1l0t.:SEHOLD SALE Thur, 527 -4186 chairs, server and chma Il( pressway Immed1ate oc. LIVING ROOM set, 7 piece Highland Lakes Country Grosse Pomte ('an pa' bet da), Frida) SdtUl da). 10-4 EARLY 1940'S Art Deco, 9 call1net, was $2,900, Will MOVING SALE Love seat, 011 .~ cupancy J 17B45 Maumee at Lmcoln $250 2 bedroom sets, com Club Pool, golf. tenms Plt- pIece dl!llng set. tnlay E x- !>acnflce $2,300 LIV10g room pamtmgs, aIr condlhoner \1 een $1 400 $1 500 pel :-"0 pie "ales plete, $235 each. bunk beds 881-6436 778-0120 tures. reasonable Available month \\ lIJ rent fO! 2 3 ::::--:-:-~---....,----,.., cellent condItIOn 882-9702 ~et, rattan one year old, wa~ and much more I Saturday $30, trundle beds, $40, FISHER ROAD - Large four. April B84 2147 ) ears Call ~klP 1\10"" Tap IF YUL' II dnl dn elegant gold Call after 6 $3000 \.\III sacfltlce, $2 JUO March 24, 10a m -6 p m l02i dmette set, $75, sofa sleeper , room SUIte, prwate lav , 'Nm. SARASOTA - Siesta Ke\ lux pdn &. o\ssoclat<:;;, BB46200 I ell et 100 couch ]. mat n SCars Kenmore 20lb washer Beaconsfield, Grosse POInte dlJng dld\rS and mdlble CLlMo\ TROL 5.000 BTU \\ I $115 759-1240 -: d?ws on 3 sides, )an ser ur ~ Gulf & Ba) condomm \.\ and drYer. 6 months old \.\as Park Near Jefferson PROFESSIONAL LOuple de Idble 1101th l tune;;, the d"l-. dOl\ Ides $175 882-1.~99 $150 884-4273 alter 6 p m ON THE HILL - Lower le\ el r\,e\.\ decora tor' furm!>hed, number for du ectlOns to Gro,,!>e Pomte;;, 1\lth garage "tOI e lell.meous POWER - bUilt golf dub s, gany (6 pieces), $550 large .' rehabbed room 0\\ allable for monthh $3 50, folchng kmves, $3 25 phances to ~500 munthl) ------CItatIOn ~enes 4 1\oods 9 \\ASHERA:\Ddryer,$37517 chma cabInet, $35{J. 4 poster rental Api'll 1 1964 '716') 331-8211 :"PPLE DISl II - \\ lth con cubl~ foot chest freezer. $5{J Mlsc Items 885-Q079 t I01 ldrd L1ke nell BB5- Iron.> Persimmon heads, 2 bedroom set. $B50, (....111 ..VirgJ.nia S Jeft f1e5 882-G899 1>621967 or (71el B54 1002 ElectriC stove. $35 8' green WANTED to lent }oung re lilY }edr!> old, $200 882 57BJ separate), old tea cart, $110, HEALTH INSURANCE -FOR LEASE ProfessIOnal HILTO\' HEAD Villa - sofa. $400 Call after 6 at sponslble famll} need ... to -,~:":- ..------ELECTRIC dryer - Hotpom t camel back sofa (carved For all ages PremIUms begm suite 1,500 sq ft Well oceanfront, 2 bedloom 2 343-0913 or 3ti5-0275 rent 3 bedroom 11., bath . E~ 1 :.,I E '.)ALE - 32424 :'>iell heal} duty, 4 cyde e x legs, rose matlasse fabric) at $28 31 per month designed, attractJ.ve b\nldmg bath, balcony overlookll1g hou"e l!l Grosse POinte I 'Iorl-.,',t Clair ~hol e", off ESTATE SALES -left overs, $425, mahogany end tables, John E PIerce ~,. n...., ...... t ""C' (l'",lf R\ cellent conditIon $10 0 ~t 2~'" T.. U .... ""n ~! ('1,., .. .n <;:"nl( ~~-~ ~ v ;v.. - co "" narper WU()(J~ 01 ~l \...ldH '\1 h.ph, f~pn Hrlropr 223 3j13 days. Bll5-5354 ev e. e\ er) WillI; 11 UIII <111l1l{Ut: +.iJU ~.! ,tJdU l .t. ~& c... .uUAUV IX /\::':>OC1<1~=>, 1U'-- Shores Furmshed reception owner (215, 353-0237 ShOl es Must be dedn r~a dnd Jefler.'oon :,aturda\ maps to oak tables, Satur- gany console (54'. long), 884-4750 _ room, ample convement off mngs, weekends NAPLES Count) Club Manor ;;,onabl) priced dnd on Sunde baSIS Needed by mid lellent conditIOn Dmette Kercheval Queen Anne wmg chair EVERY TUESDAY DANAHER, BAER, or end of Aplll Plea;;,e call set desk gld!>S doO! ed and \ arnlsh hes a gloll m g (brown), $110, mahogany ALCOMOS CASTLE pool B85-6032 SEARS Kenmore heavy duty WILSON & STROH 776-1658 bool-.c8;;,es. refngerator piece of real beauty - varuty/desk, $175 NINE MILE BETWEEN BUNGALOW on Lake Huron washer - good condItIOn. 885-7000 ;;,to\ e \1 asher, dn er natural \\ ood 884-0408 MACK AND HARPER for summer rental Has 1 $75 885 1518 after 5 p m \\'OMo\1\' semI I etlred. need" 1IIt<;cellaneous hou;;,ehold Relieve yourself of that bu I' Much More (No Appliances) 773-0591 ST. CLAIR Shores Executive bedroom paddle fans 3 room upper dnd 4th loom Item;;; donsome tdsk and let pro suite, 1200 square feet, 1st FRENCH doors, se\eral mat- ;;,creened porch, outdoor ga" for \,orJ... alea and "tmage ------feS!>lOnalsstnp and/or fllllSh chmg sets from $50 some floor, preshge bUlldmg grill, picket fence sun drea, Near grocer;;, and Gros!>e STEHEI) J ) eal" old, pur those old attic treasures Immediateoccupancy UtIl- Pomte bus $200 May 1 oc lhased for four times pur higher Leaded Window !ourrounaed by wooded area Call Sunshme Strlppmg an d from $15 Also leaded, and ities and Jamtonal servlCes Just north of Port Huron cupancy 343-0148 chase pnce, askmg $50 822-6898 after 7 p m Fmlshmg, Co toda} for a beveled 824-2994 HOUSEHOLD included 1-379-5577 City hmlts Great neighbor- free estlmate - !>!!lce 1970 -1 DINING ROOM table, 3 9NE large room Can be hood Small dog inVIted HOUSE OR condo - bed ESTATE SALE Saturday We have hand-rubbed sam e and rooms garage, appliances, ::'ilarch 24th. Sunday. March chairs, one captam's chair partihoned IOto 2 rooms, $1,000 per month plus securl hfe back mto that wonder 0f fenced backyard for dog 25th 95 19075 Mornmgslde, Good conc1J.tlOn $275 527- Harper servIce drive, 5 t) May be rented for July or nature ESTATE SALES 884 5628 Edst DetrOIt 6764 blOCKS south of Vermer August or both Phone 385 REAL WOOD - 757 1766 APPRAISALS 881-1857 5102 between 4-6 weekdays REFRIGERATOR, pmk, good PLUSH DARK brov,n velour EWING' MACHINE, Smge r ANTIQUES PURCHASED or anytime before 6 p m 8-ARTICLES S conc1J.tlOn, $100 821-8722 -;sr. CLAIR Shores - available sofa. paId $700, ask10g $275 Styhst WIth decoratlv e weekends FOR SALE 3 off-whIte vel yet chairs, 600-1,430 square feet In ~ams, and walnut cabmet , MY SISTERS' PLACE 771-1170 prestigious full seTV1ce pro- FURNISHED remodeled sum floral prmt, wood t/'lm, $75 excellent condition $195.. ~'URNITURE Wholesale Dls each all contemporary styl- - fessional building Im- mer home on Otsego Lake, tnbutors of MJctugan, AAA 881-3309 RESALE AND CRAFT L. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES ., mediate occupancy Call Gaylord Available \\-eekly, "Wholesale Direct To mg m ver) good condition ~ Must sell thl!> weekend, WASHER, electl'lc dryer, $50 STORE It. - " Commonwealth Group June and late August 517- You"l Sellmg all new mer- as opened another store to "heat color Insulated 885-7432 h ~. 218-0022. 732-2527 chandise In onglnal car: serve you at drapes, 4 pairs 9OX73, one ]I.nSCELLA.NEOUS rattan .. BOYNTON Beach lnter- tons 2 pIece mattress sets, 21043 KELLY 776-7121 Household FOR LEASE OR SALE palr,l44x73, all $30 per paIr furmture, good condItIOn , coastal Aval1able Apnl No twm $59. full $79, queen $99, Quality IS our goal Please ( Call Gayle at B82-5450, after 1185-1438 chIldren, pool, or pets sofa sleepers $119, bunk VISit to see umque hand ~ MEDICAL BUILDING 6, 445-0198 - MACK AVE, $1,200 294.3700 beds complete $88 7 piece REFRIGERATOR, work s made crafts, and quahty Estate Sales 3 PIECE liVing room set, Ear- ': GROSSE POINTE WOODS BOCA RATON - Beautiful liVing rooms $239, decora- well, (older modeD gold, $55 cloth1Og ly American. excellent con- 'Large waiting room, busmess furnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath tive lamps from $14 88, 5 884-9362 Open Monday thru Saturday dition, reasonable 886-9325 CONDUCTED BY office, private offICe, 6 exam condo 771-2330 piece wood dinettes $159, PlANO - Spmet-Klmball, 11ke 10-5 We take consignments $800 PitS now $375 Open tal after 5 p m by appomtments -" rooms,lab and 3lavatones, HUTCHINSON Island, OCeana new, $800 '. all in attractively designed, the pub1Jc, dealers and Insti- BEST OFFERS on 6 sofa Our Children's clothing at I Beautiful view of beach LILLY M. AND COMPANY ,v well mamtall)t(\ building tutIOnal sales welcome Ideal for recreation room, 22217 Kelly, 5 blocks south of and ocean, from 4th floor. 2 Ethan Allen whIte gIrl' s i ~111 Name brands, Serta, etc I $130 4X6 green wool rug, 9 Mile bedroom, ocean front condo, bedroom sUIte - canopy, 4 562-1387 569-2929 9451 Buffalo, Hamtramck (l $45 Both In good condItIOn 777-6551 "MACK/Woods Pnvate of. available April, May 884- poster bed, 7 pIeces, $900 block north of Holbrook, 1 886 1792 flCeS, all ublities, off-street 2983 block east of Conant), 8'7~ CHANNEL back loveseat With Dlllmg room table --; 44"X 108 parkin& Secretarial ser- 7166 Telegraph (2 blocks STAIRWAY ELEVATOR " show wood, needs upholster- PETOSKEY /BOYNE With leaves, beautiful peca , vices available 1182-4662 south of 6 Mile), 532-4060 LIKE NEW I 2 CHAIRS n mg, 881-6573, call mornings Private Chalet located 2 RAILS BEST OFFER finish - 6 cane back chairs , PRIVATE office - secretar- direcUy on the shore of Lit Monday through Saturday, GARAGE SALE - 432 Roland 689-9199, 824-3904 pads, $850 Road, Saturday, March 24th, ial, answering on Mack In Ue Traverse Bay Features 10-8, Sunday, 12-5 14460, F81ENDlY , Woods Time share - $99 Include 2 full baths, 3 GratIot (2 blocks north of 7 7 PIECE ltahan Provmclal 9.5 1iartzlil PROFESSIONAL Freezer - upflght, Colds pot , Mile Rd ) 521-3500 Monday hvmg room set, like ne\\-, Household Sales mouth 882-4662 bedrooms, fireplace, excellent condItion, $150 B EAUTIFUL mahogany SERVICE $500 777-4794 dtshwasher, microwave, col- ~hrough Saturday, 10 8, Phone after 5 pm, 1185-3898 breakfast chma cabmet - .ID-VACATION or T.V and stereo Comfor- 10909 Grand River (corner BEAUTIFUL butcher block full Size, drop leaf dmmg YOUR SPECIAL SUSAN HARTZ of Oakman) 934 6900 Mon. 1 table. 4 Chairs, A-1 condll1on ~ RENTALS tably sleeps 9 88S-9325 table top 1 4"x72"Y36" FURS WANTED POSSESSIONS 886-8982 day thrpuab, Saturday, 10-7 Never used 20% of{ current $275 CaB 881-4247 THINK SPRING! llilton Head ConsIgnment or Buy ~RE MY ..J- ,~SPRlNGS.".. Se- 4575 DweHW'i , Waterford pnt:e Can 886-1376 after 6-30 OVAL coffee table and 2 end Grosse Pointe City I rene, ~secluded custom built is lovely P1dmetta Dunes Townslup (3 mnes west o~ SPECIAL CONCI:RN Villa Sleeps 6 On golf pm LEE'S tables, (by WIeman), ex- ," _, ~e, Ilh years old Or! six Telegraph) 674-4121 Mon- STEREO equIpment, Sony cellent condltlon, $500 or • acn!S, SparuBh style mtenor course Near pool and day through Saturday 10-8 20331 MACK 881-8082 beach BICYcles mcluded receIver, 40 v,atts per chan. best offer 884.3584 with cathedraJ cetlmgs, lIjj Sunday 12-5 CredIt cards nel $175, Phllhps 212 turn. BOX SPRING and mattres s 88&-9234 , baths, bedroom loft, extra and checks accepted Dell table, $125 - both good con- sets by SCrta 1/2 off Twm PRICED ESTATESALE large step.down kitchen with $145 Full, $185 Queen, $225 SCHUSS MOUNTAIN Chalet. very avwlable dItion 686-9208 evemngs, P ropertles of Cash, Talbert Jr abundant counter and cab- Kmg, $325 All first quality 873 West Boston Blvd, De ~talker & 1800St jJnc. inet spa~. All apphances, by week or weekend, fully 926-5291 days equipped SkI and sWim RAINBOW Dealer warehouse clear - trOlt, between Third and wall-to-wall carpet through- COLLECTIBLES, old books ance 268-2854 or 371-5400 Hamilton off of Chicago Call Betsy, 581-4350 or 44~ ,lout Call after 6 p.rn (616) ESTATE SALES and Jewelry 22740 Roxana, F nday, Saturday, March 23, Appraisers, Auctioneers 526-7970. 2111levenmgs. Estate and Household East DetrOit 9 and Kelly GRANDFATHER 24. 10-5 pm House Sales CLEARWATER Beach, 440 LiqUidations LADY'S 5 speed Schwmn, CLOCKS F eaturmg Art Deco, tWin )lICHAWAYE - 7 Miles west, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, lux- Complete ServIce References south of Gaylord Golf, len- bronze, hke nell', WIth speed While m stock, 30% to 50% off bedroom set, Jacobean dm Appratsal for Insurance, Estate Tax ury condo On Gulf avad- c85 0826 omeler, $100, 775-6292 Large selection Dealer mg room, carved and tradi- t nis, clubhouse, pool, play- Family DIstribution, I..Jquldatlon. ' able Aprl1 on 661-1714 -0 • tional furmture, cut glass, ground. 3 lakeli, saJ.1boats, WORK BENCH, sturdy, Steel clearance, 268-2854 or 371- Sales of Personal Property: 5400 pottery, chma, SIlver, books paddle-boats, much more GOLDEN GATE near Naples SEASONE.D firewood, $55 legs, plank top and lower Tag Sales at the Home Beautiful 4 bedroom home, Flonda New condo, new face cord \\-Ith delivery !>helf 6 long, $25 881 2775 clothmg, apphances, office COLOR T.V.'S equIpment and much, much or by Auction at our Galleries 'I sleeps 12, 2 baths, fullv furniture, on golf course 521-5050 ONE SET of World Book En- equipped k1teben with SWlmmmg, clUbhouse, 2 LARGE --;clectlon -=t:;ke FROM $125 more A cyclopedias 10 exceUent con- DuMOUCHELLE 280 North Woodward Avenue I diahwallher, fireplace, TV, bedrooms, 2 baths 561--6003 HUGE SELECTION new Schwmn bicycle" dition $500 776-0670 ART GALLERIES Birmingham, Michigan 48011 , stereo ~321l CHAL,I!;T near Boyne Mt 886-1968 822-4130 • Recondltloned TWO HIDA-bed lounge chairs Guaranteed 963.6255 (313) 646-4560 KIAWAH Island, South fJreplace, color TV. avail- <..reat tor den or spare room • able !okl seaS{)n, holidays USED BOOKS - Bought • Dehvered and set-up GARAGE SALE - Friday, Carolma Owner 3 bedroom, Like new S300 792-4473 We repair all makes 102 P m Dishes, luggage, • 3 bath deluxe golf Villa on 778-4055, eVening 8114-0431 sold FictIOn, non-fIction Hardcovers. paperba~k LADlES BROWN all-wool KaleIdoscope TV beds 10 Lake Court, off Jef large lagoon and 18th faIr- MARCO Island Brand new 2 wlllter coat. large, leopard Showroom LocatIOn ferson, Just east of Cadieux way Close to beach and ten- bedroom, 2 bath Gulf view noon 'hI 6 P m Tues thru FI~~E ART OBJECTS collar like ne\.\ $4Q Old wild 27951 Harper (North of 11 RTIST - drawmg board nis. Attrachvely Priced condo 642-8072 Sat BOOKTIQUE, 15243 A mml-. (oat long and full, MLlel, St Clair Shores cover fluorescent light com- (803) 768-1867 or wnte, Villa ------Mack Ave, between perfect for hat;;" collars CASH ON CONSIGNMENT CLEARWATER Beach, 440 LakepolOle and Beacon~. 774.93l\{) plete $75 Steel for drawer S8Surfwatcb Dnve, Kiawah cuffs othel tnm $300 ONE ITEM OR WHOLE ESTATES Island, South Carolina, West, 2 t~droom, 2 bath field 885-2265 TOP $$$ PAID file $15 24"X48" fold1Og ~hscellaneou!> gents cloth For Color TV's, air condl table. $20 Steel base model. 29455. _.5-0~~~~~~ ~I l7~4 _ Oflental Rugs • Fine Cn'stal and Porce- mg Kitchen utenSils Large tlOners. mIcrowaves mg stand, $50 331-5369 EASTER at Deltona condo , lam • Fine Paintings. Sterlinl:, Jewel. HILTON Head Island. South G E fr) pan Travel trunk VCR's, wasners and Carolina One, two, three Near Epcot. DJsney World, \\ Ire box <;prll1g;;,~mgle bed P LATINUM and diamond ry, Collectibles • Fine Antique Furni- WE BUY BOOKS dryers Iworkmg or not) bedroom villas Resorts Sea Davtona Beach 882-1232 TU~ 2209 after 12 noon rmg. European cut 1 ct . 2 ture Pines, Shipyard, Beach- IN YOUR HOME WANTED small tIpS on gndle and 36 tenniI. Day or week Call 6F-SHARE LIVING Free offer<; no obligatIOn BLUE PRINTS round dIamonds at 0/4 cts PLEASE CALL OR WRITE RESUMES BUYING SWORDS anytune 771-4586 !!.aster QUARTERS appl al~al" furtll'ohed I TW White gold diamond openings entire e ...tatt'~ <11,,0 de;;'lI ed LAMI'\lATING GUNS, DAGGERS band 30 smgle cut dIa- DuMOUCH ELLErS MARCO ISLAND, Florida _ YOUNG FEMALE wI!lhes to ID SIZE 50( 774-9651 monds TW I~ et Wnte Box Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bath share Lakeshore Village JOHN KING 812 X 11 - $1 00 PI99. Grosse POInte News, 409 E JEFFERSON penthouse condo All condo WIth mature respon 961-0622 QL'ICK PRINTII\IG GOLF clubs and bag. $30 99 Kerche\ al Grosse Pom DETROIT, 48226 amemtles, cable TV, Sible workmg female Rent IN~TANT COPIE~ 886-3~ te MI 48236 963-6255 SCRATCH PAD - 65( LB washer, dryer PfI'vate $200 plus utlhtle<; "\0 pels • Clip and ,>aye ttu~ dd • COLONIAL v,ood rocking I WANT to buy boy s bedroom beach, pools, tenms, boat Call 259-3330 before.i 00 p m WEDDING INVITATION~ complete and dmlllg room r .- KEYLINING chatI' ne\\ conditIOn paid docks, 24 hour securltv RESPONSIBLE work1Og fe set, WIth 10 or more chairs HOUSEHOLD PHOTO~TATI, \EGS $150. sell $100 or best offer 372-3456 478-1285, after. 6 male to share !lite 3 bed- Call 77~4545 and RL BEER STAMPS 886-2004 p.rn and weekends 478-128.'". room lov. er With same $200 HOUSEHOLD EST ATE SALES OPEtI. MONDA Y THRU CAMERA len~ Tokm~ shelves light a,,!>orted bnc a brac 884 shop to \ lev, nev. arrl\als Includmg 36 piece ('oalport Indian Tree dc;,<,ert set Michigan Contemporary 27(Wj \\ HIRLPOOL \\ ",on "mokm~ $16,1 885-00711 CI ReA 1930 dark "ood huffet Our ~hop ." locat('d at • other object;;; of and glll,,1> hutch dre<;~)llg I.;115 , hatl('\ 01" / frollt. all facllIl1es adul1<; 77 i 7817 II LADY I\enmore gas dner BEAt'n ! VALt L r_H'f\ lIung Mu;;;l BI Sold' tahle WIth Ix-n{ h highboy (,ro<;<;p POIntr Park ~\ILJ, "en<;or control ex('el ReaIonablfo rates 'WIll con. Rf>,PO\~THLE !cmalr room dre ....er Iy,0 matchmg mght In( ( 11Ipfl{'nd,l!e Iwdroo!n lent (ondl tlOn $145 885 sider selhng 8112--4900 711 m"lt' y,anll'd 10 "hdr(' MooI',,\ (harge onl\ If yOU r ;;;t.lOd .. c10"l'.4{)22 ('all us at 311 141\6dunng hu~me ..<;hOUN lo arrangE' for IJUvely year round homt' lIlina Inl'>! mo~1 Ih'mo, "'( dpprm,! CO I.LFX'TlB I.E ~ "peclld appomlmenL" steepto 6-8 Malu' y()Ur sklln~ &a-STORE ~tJ~A1\o ~ DOLL MU~EUM F()!{ "il)e Culturp <. Jub (2) reservatIOns ~..rly ~"turda~ Aprrl7 to:x('ellcnt LEASE ( ,\1,1 K'~I{I1'•.1,1 .Id I rr'OfJ \p.1 rl 757 5568 112- 'I!Ilf7 ra t;;; Call 684 4602 aftl.'r CHARTERHOUSE I !TI( rll \1117 Hl\ (rhou,,( 1 I \\ Ill('r \Iord pro{(''>'lI1g 6" .Wpm 14MOKt+~R(H ....\AL 221')) I ~RCO-lslanJ ~ WI/xn, Apdlll1ll'nt, "oft", dr(' T I Extrndf'd Lauren Chapman I~al lor ~Iorr offl( f or &CO I WI Gulf front. 2 bedroonu. ('.all Bqulpment. 5 Jill Williams '" d f(.hOll>,(' I\ll4 0'110 BU\l'r" &. EXfwrl Appl,II<, e IIrboy .. "llh fermentatIOn for brochur'e.l .1-&402,8lI2 I Ilkf' nf'v. 1\ll2274(, after 6 SATURDAY lI( \{ 1(' (,rO ....I. Potntl r t'fflger.ltor. $165 Fflg W(' featuf(' It ,,('lcctlOn of antJque" fme u<,{'d furnrlure MIl buchfront resort, East ft't't Harper1>erVICt'dnH' 5 1.,,"Tour "J<_ 21' men" III blo

11-CARS 11-CARS 11-CARS I-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES 8B-ANTIQUES 9-ARTICLES 11-CARS FOR SALE FOR SAlE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED \ 1979FIAT Brava, loaded, ex- 1979 FIREBIRP V-I, alt, BERETTA 380 pistol, mmt MANCHESTER P LYl\lOllTH Volare, 1976 GROSSE Pomte Shores Police AM.FM stereo, 5O,GOt...... , GAS stove and refngerator, Department Abandoned cellent condillon Must sell condition, $285, S&W Chiefs ANTIQUE MALL CASH fOR II agon, deiln, good trans- new brakes, very load COIl- match1l18 set, excellent Auto Sale 1973AMC 2 door, $2,550 or best offer Special alry,elght, mmt con. Late 19th Century Country I(IDS CLOTHES miSSIOn, ne'" tranllmlslllon, _0686 dillon, $4,750, -.2311 aft« condition 526-9086 poor condition Can be tn. dltlon, $210 7754194 Pine 2 piece CUpboal d With $1,000 821 4668 1981 RIVIERA, low miles, 2 7 __ EXCELLENT CONDITION :.pected at EastSIdE.' Toy, Ing R CA color portable TV, great raIsed panel Door 116 E tone. loaded, ex(ellent con. SOMETHING SPECIAL 85 \ERY CLEAN, BETTER 1981 fIHEBIHD E~PI1t Co ,25101 Hal per, St Clair 1983 CUTLASS Clera, .. dooc picture. $150 885--0079 Mam, Manchester Open 'j' RANDS, INFANT THRU 14 dltlOn 881 2716 Kl:'rcheval Is burstmg ....lth B bright led 10000 mile!> Shor~ Sealed bid:. aCl:ept 18,500 miles, stereo, ",800. Bring m Monda~, Tuesday the finest In handcrafts, all ANTIQUE Smger sewlllg ma days 10-5 428-9357 !>ho\1loom conditIOn Onl) ed To be opened March 1977TRANS Am, needs some 885-59404 at the mo!>t Iea!>onable chme, 4 piece modern blon. or Thul sda\, 1D-4pm $779:> 8868511 - 882 9~ ....ork $1,800 ('all Friday, MATERIALS ON HANGER~ PLEASE 29th, 1984 1981 GRANADA L Aule' prlces Somethmg for e\er~ de bedroom set With desk IREBlHD 1\}82,po\ler ::oteci Saturda), Sunday 521.7633 150 Lakewood 823-0385 F 1976 CHEVY, Ldgund, ,m, matll', air, power steenlt&l person and room In )our UNLIMITED lIlgfbr,lke:. ,lUtomallc, 1982 LeBARON, air stereo, The ~lldllest'::o tmesl collechon heat AM.FM :.tcreo Good brakes, Vinyl top 53,000 home M.S, 105 8844422 KENMORE automatic ....ash LEE'S RESALE IadlO tll1ted gld~!> 1\ heel elll po"er optIOn!>, I usl- of restored antique dl'ch1tec 0331 Mack 881 8082 conditIOn, $92501 be:.t Must miles like new $4,200 112- FURNISHl~GS, furmture, er, ex,ellent condition, $95 2 co\'ell- II 000 miles, $6,900 proofed $7 350 223-3515 tural components and f!\- se 11, 885 6772 1251 I records, appliances, 8850079 771 9().H _ ddVS aa5 5354 evelllngs, tures a\allable 3 floors of c1othmg, furs, 1978 MERCURY Gldnd Mill' CHEVROLET Caprice ('1u- X ma~ MOVING sale, 3660 Buckmg- qualll) antIque bUlld1l1g WANTED DODGE Omm 1983. gl'e) , I\cck~nds decoratlOn<; House for <;ale qUIS, 4 doO! leolthl'l uphol- SIC, 1980 Completely load- ham, 3124,3/25 9-6 Table, 2 materials Speoahzmg 111 Illghe~t prll {'~ p.lId for ~Iot 24 oou mtlel- vel ~ good COil COUGAR, 1977 XR 7, 10J.dNl, ,172-1661 :.terlng, dutomdtlc IHIl- ed, real bharp, Wires, Ar- chairs, 8"12 carpet, se~mg stamed leaded be\ eled nwchllw.., • Juke bo"e~ • dIllon ~tust ~ell $').200 offer do\\-s dool 10l'kl- :.tCI eo ...unroo[ All pOll cr, excel- rlva tires, 4 door, white, CHILDRE~ S clothe!>, mater- machme, vacuum and ml5 and Je\,eled glas:. y,Il1dOIl~ IIlU~ICb()\('~ • dr( .Ide eqUiP 88; 2593 new tll e~ 23 000 mllcl- ex lent conditIOn $3 UOOlo[(t'r medIUm hlghv.ay mileage, mt) 8 bab~ things bar (ellaneous Items 1972Ford and door<; Fulh re..,ton'e1 mellt • [lCdllllt gllll1btools braid rug to) s door, ....agon, 1974 Datsun, 886 conditIOn, or built to speCI chllH'S • \ Il troj.l~ • ~(dl{'s • (onolI1011,\l'r) 10\\ mlledge cr 8845737 1\l7JPONTIAC Ventura Mu!>t 2520 day!> 477 2333 wood \ alances household 0151 f1catlOns plJ\ er Pldl10~ CII! 174 lH13 791 9029 1972 CHEVELLE M,l1lbu ~ee Bod) excellent mlenor 1979 CHEVY Impala, .. door 886-4751 774 'iUlli BOY's blue Schwmn Phantom I'JR3 ELDO Ldndau le.llher Very good londltLOn 59000 excellent Moln} ne .... parts 305 Z 8 54JXIO IIU!es 2 W I\hclllgan \\1.' tllO\YTAG dryer, $75, rallan blc~ ell', good condition E A~ I SIDE book~ellel dt'~lre~ e,,('wtlle Crir 10dded 10000 $1 250 or besl Power ,',leenng, power Ypsllanll game table 4 chair!>, $80 886-0051, aCter 5 pm Signed hnllleel edltlOIll-, fmt' tl1lle~ $18200 88'i 11.69 mg, po\\er hI dlo.e~ dll 885- off\'1 881 61195 brakes Ney, tires, air COIl Open ~10ndd~ Sunda\ 10; llB.29274 dlt IOned AMI FM radio TAPPAN 30 range excellent 1 4836980 lllu~tl dted lhlldrell ~ htel ,I 1980 n'\T'>l'''i 2BOZX - H2, 3629 MEHCLlRY Zephyr, 1980, 4 SIX PIECE Ilainut double conditIOn, $140 885-0079 t lire ,11 I IJhOlogl aph~ . $:; 99; Call a m for dPPOlllt 1983 RABBIT GTI 19000 door, PO""1.'1' !>tl'l'nng, pol\er Must bee to appreciate bedroom !>et,$300 Excellent >\men(dl1,i Dellolt CI\" $38500rbestoHer 384-&U7 OUR ple,e dOI~n filled sec- WATCH FOR ment 886 3312 miles, 10dded, mu~t ~cll br,lkl?~, :.tlck:. 4 c) (\lUllt) hi"', C .\~t.-\HO B('I linetta, hlo.enC\I, rFR 1\MIC Ilno oor(etam elN'- !,"-~!r ~('\q,...h ~l1n (lh~,r ~4~. t\~A I-lOG A NY .... I-nr "..,/hr ,lr,,<. JUl/; ~"1f1 7338 mml rlo<'tor'" flf'rt;Oflal car (Vl I c::o !JIll 1V"UI'U~ "uu ....v ..... ~ ...~ 0 .. tnc kiln, shelves and e"tras 0390 1980 PONTIAC Phoelllx, 4 Bldck ....Ith grey leather INTERIORS II orth\1 hlle boob fOJ colle('- ,lUtomatl( all' tlllted, OMNI 1982, 024 4 :.peed ZIC IIlduded, $150 886.5431 dool air power ,teerlllg! Boze, Z.51. 8000 miles Gar- POLICE AUCTION Ne\l, antique and tradlllOnal tlOns III all cdtegone~ C,lsh $8 500 885 8.243 bdl t. sunroof, real defro,',1 aged over ....lIlter V.lth cov- GREEN carpetmg, i2 yards el", stereo ca!>sette 18000 br .e pamt, BIcycles and miscellaneous furniture shop \londd\ Pellel .Jnd 1I11mediate Ie I977 CA\lARO LT, power er Priced $2.'>000 Call now, ....Ith paddIng, 821.1003 mov,1! miles, $5,200 8826124 $4 000 771.96-14 City of Grosse Pomte Park, April 2nd ,t~rlllg brakes, automdtlc, m!m5 A PAIR of ne-n Iy upholstered 15115 E Jefferson, on Sat- DAVISBUHG V8 ne\\ In es, Cragars, ne~ 1979CADILLAC SeVille, tnple 1977 MONZA - 4 cylinder, 4 GRUB STREET 1978 MUSTANG Ghla, auto- Coloma I loveseats - coun- urday, March 31, 1984, at A~TlQUE MARKET A BOOKERY brdlo.e, exhaust, run!> ex- \\hlte, low mlledge, loaded speed, pO\\(~r st~nng. good try cotton ....Ith Granny 11 00 a m In!>pectJon from 1I1ARCH 25, cc!lent need!> a hltle 1Il m('(haml'ally, neNls pamt. matiC, V 6, AMJFM, sun. 17194 Ed~t \\,lIlen 772-1976 rooC ~,OOO miles, no Nit, skirts rust color, wdl 1000 a m 4TH Sl'l\DA Y E o\CH MO'\'TH lenOi ('\tenor \1ork, $2,350/ $1 200 881-2847 nedI' ('t offer Aflpr 6 ,lO P m STEREO Sansul 100 ~att S DetrOIt !\1Kh1gdn 000 miles, ollgmal o\\-nel 1979 ELDORADO, loaded, ake 1-75 N to 93 eX11DIXie a~lo.lor Scott 885 8529 CUTLASS S 1m .. door. pro DOUBLE BED complete, ex- stereo receiver Brand new T 882714.l Wife's car Ex('ellent condl moonroof, exct'llent condl. cellent conditIOn, best offer Best offer 885-1452 Hwy north to Davl!>burg I980 HO:'oiIMAccord LX, Hat tlOn, $2,850 or best offer tlon, 55,000 miles, gas, lea. age kept, our, lilt, FY eM- 882-0842 leave message ------Rd ....est to Andersoll\ JIll' chback orlgmal o\\ner, no ther dark blue Flremlst, sette, rustproof. v~, all new EW Ruger 77RSI MannlJch. After 6 pm 772-7215 (Kevm) N Rd South 1/2 null' Hrs 10 SHOTGl':\S ,mel I I fie!>\\ dnll., lUSt, 5l-pecd, air, 1Nl more, ::oenou!>mqulres only Days, steel radials, brakes, er 308Wmchester Remmg- - Pallo.er )<'0\ :-'nllth \\ 1I1 1976 OLDSMOBILE Omegcl shocks, battery. tune up, oil. automatic a m -5 p m Free admiSSIOn Sol 300 884-1949 2M 2660 WHIRLPOOL ton 20GaVR pump Like lhc~lel :md others I'll' ,Ie Rusty but ver~' dependable, 53,100 miles $3,6&0 111- & parkmg 980 CHHYSLER LeBaron washer, 2 speed, 4 cycle, new Others 881-5835 (ollellO! 4i85,1I5 1 $450 885-1049 PONTIAC 1979, Grand Prix. 6627, e>.cellent __. hnest quality One year ------~------WESTMALL MALL 1'0\\ n & Country statIOn V 8. loaded, $3,850 885--8574 BEAUTIFUL contemporary \\ agon fully loaded, velour, 1978 PINTO, V-6 automatiC, 1976GREMLIN. 31,000 m~. guarantee 527-8067 A NTIQUE SHOW AND SALE lOA-MOTORCYCLES secbonal couch III neutral lIltenor. e:>.cellent cond1hon air, AM.FM, po\\er <;leer- 1978DODGE Diplomat Load- but very rUllt). $315 m. FURNITURE - green velour 35000 West Warren, Westland FOR SALE ed, all po"er, 49,000 miles, tones Good condition $300 $:>,195 !l85-2548 mg, brakes Rear defroster, 6017 couch, 2 velour prmt wmg Please call, days. 751-6300. Thursdav, March 22nd Ihru Zlebnrted. I owner, 29,000 $2,800 882-6897 - back chairs, good condition, Sunday, March 25th 1982 HONDA Sabre - bldck, 1976 MU~TANG ne\~ battery, 1978 MUSTANG II, VI, .u~ e~ 305~v_e~~~,~~~_~ miles $2,450 822-4920 1981 MUSTANG, 4 cylinder, 4 reasonable 886-6331 Mall Hours, Free Parkmg hke n('\\, I 400 miles rlfne muffler, and brake!>, spoke maliC, AM FM stereo, bod)' CAMBRIDGE diet food, $10 a farll1~, cycle hte, and ('ngme H1770LDS Cutlass, 4 door, 8 speed, AMlF'M, must see, in very good condlU., I'1I1II GARAGE SALE - 170 Lake- MAPLE BUNCH nms, hke ne\1 tires $1,600 can Sorry no chocolate guards After 6 pm, ask for cylmder, air, body In good $3,800 or best offer 884.7985 good $2,000 372-7263 after 5 Vle\, (l block east Moross) PRODUCTIONS an) tnne 778 5868 886-1075 Mike 527 1487, 83914.29 condition, $850 882-4490 BONNEVILLE wagon, 1983, pm Friday only, 9-4 Coldspot OAK KITCHEN cupboard 1982 CADILLAC SeVille, 4 1 excellent condition loaded, frost free, $100, bulletm CONTEMPORARY d-I~1l1g With drysmk base $975 DFI engine Black, tan 1979 MALIBU ClaSSIC, great 1978 AUDI Fox, metalllC sU- room set 4 chairs, $285 10B-TRUCKS leather, digital speedo, graduation present, small 8, $9,850 885--2670_ ver, sunroof, 4 s~, fuel board, 1twm bed, glass top Toys and collectibles FOR SALE dmlOg table, 2 chairs, $70, White Wicker bathroom 771-5726, after 7 pm A:\1/F1\1sterl'O cassette, CB, power steering, power 1979 CADILLAC De- Inje('Uon, rf'gUlar gas, low play table and 2 benches, etagere, $85 Wicker and factol y alarm system, spht brakes, air, new steel belted Ville, alr, AM.FM stereo, mlleagl', very dean, $1,~, glass servmg bar, $95 884- 1978 FORD Pickup FIOO radials, lo~ mileage, excel- $10, 4 ('ane bar stools, $125, J,C. WYNO'S custom. excellent conditIOn. seats, dual po\1 er, passen crUise, leather mtenor and ~~1 after ~ 30 P ~ _ 4384 Antique and Collectible Shows gel' rechner, leather 1\ heel, lent condition, vlllyl top, lamp shades, dresser, $25, ------must see $3,800 372 3294 more, $6,250 ~6101 1983 J2000 LE, .. door, aulo------27777 Schoolcraft at Inkster power mirrors (heated), Wife's car, $4,000 or best of. bench pew, $50, overstuffed VIDEO recorder Sears 1977 DODGE Charger, S D mahc, power steerlDgi I966 FORD pickup Good con. fer 885--0255 chair, $5, children's play Betamax 1112 years old Livollia tll Ihght sentmel, automatic brakes, locks Air, steftO, dltlon Nel\ exhdu!>t Ney, Fully loadl'

" , , - H. '" "

Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eight-C 13-REAL EST ATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 111 CARS WANTED 12D--LAKE AND 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE TO BUY AtYEA PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE HAR\"ARD near East Warren ST CLAIR Shores rondo, one FOR SALE b\' Oil. ner - brick Immaculate bnck bunga. THREE BEDROO~lS, custom Colomal JO' Grosse Pomte BEAt:TlFL'L Leelanau Pen. RE~T \\ ITH option. 2 bed. IMMACCLATE 3 bedroom bedroom Be"Ullfull) de<: 10\\ 3 bedrooms, )l! baths, TOP $ $ $ $ room brick \\ Ith fireplace brick OOngaloll., formal din. built Fireplace dmmg orated. separate laundr ~' Woods ne\l msulatlon 3 to nisula cottage on Grand 1 fireplace, formal dinIng Paid For Your Junk or room brcd.l.last noo" 1 _ ~ bedrooms 2 baths Land Traverse Ba.., Stone fire garage EdsLolde 109 room 11" baths. detach. facl!lues carport. $42,000 room, kitchen \I Ith nook, Unwanted Car balhs Larg.,.lot \\ alk to St plac't' cathedral ceiling 2 C.\LL TODAY ed garage, oordermg the CI 773 1401 881 8817 Contract alallable A<;klllg flmshed basement and Clare ~lontelalco Parish and $72 ()()() '\0 realtor calls BULL AL TO PARTS bedroom and loft gla~s 3i2.-H22 ty limits, ov. ner aro.lous 0 more' Land contract avail. schools Price reduced 1m. HARER WOODS - reduced t porch 130ft \\ater !rontage $46 000 lAvelv 3 bedroom 469-1003 after 3 pm able askmg $45,000 885- 894-4488 E ~ST OL'TER Dfl\'e near REDL'CED $4,000 For QUIcker mediate POl>...esslOn '1\ A. b) 3(1()ft \\ ooded lot Askmg Grosse Pomte 2 bedroom bnck formal'dmmg, base COLOJl'I-\L home m Grosse 23~1 Sale 3 bedroom malnten. Gerna~ 331.U$ mid p.o s Land Contract brick Colomal rental or ance tree alum mum ranch, ment. garage, blocks from Pomte Woods 3 bedroom GROSSE POINTE FARMS WANTED ST CL~lR Shore;; - custom, terml> posSible 882 1\187 r('!>ldence LI\ 109room \I Ilh updated kitchen partitIOn Grosse Pomte Walk to St I' ~ bath famll~ room cen 384,\lORV-l JLr-;'KCARS 3 bedroom bnck famll\ d tral air ne\1er furnace roof BE-\L'TIFL'L BAYFRONT fll eplac.e, dm 109 room, 1 " basement detached garage John Queen of Peace an DI"tlllrll\ e bnck Colomal In PAYI~G$40&UP room ilreplace 1 2 baths. HO~lE - Located on Black baths full basement 2 car located m Harper Woods supermarket Centur} 21 and dm e" a~ . 2 cal garage FREETOWING basement 2 _ garage Pnme loccltlOn \\ Ith 4 bed I:agoon !\letro Beach area garage Large fenced )ard Kee 751-6140 1920 Huntmgton, Iback" up rooms, "e\lmg room 3'2 SAMED-\YPICKl;P \Iarm S\ stem $30 900 224- \\ITHI\ WALKI'\G Distance 0 ...ner -\lter t> 7739538 to Ghesqwre Parl.1 S82 900 Huge great room affords to St John Hospital a 3 WYO~lI:-IG - :>uburb 0 f baths 2 natural fireplaces, 874-1883 5827 886.6809 H-\RPER \, ,-)ODS 882-6927 ,mbelle\ able \ lell of the bedroom onck bungalo\\ Grand RaplClS Chalet - 2 large kllchen family room bel) Lath('drdl ceIlmg atlOn pIt l'nlque \\ et dmlng COmblllatlon 2 ba,ement 2 car garage kltcf)e'1 cupboard~ nev. room dmmg room f1m"hed enet g~ efflCleni E'\cellent roof Slorage ..ll'ld garage ROSE\'lLLE clll bncl. ranch bdr II. Ith Ix'er kip Dream bed I 0001, ba"ement !!dr Tal-.e I-..e)~ at dosmg 3 bedrooms plus den or 4th basement IlIceh decora- F dlmh home m mo\ e-m 11C BOATS l-..Itchen01erlookmg \1 atel '3 ~39 9IJ(J ted Immaculate 'condltlOn age :::,pnple d5l>UmptlOn CE '\ Tl'RY 21 - l '\ IQl:E bedroom 22 ft 11\109 room condition $139900 AliI) MOTORS bedroom!> \I nh bathe; Cen fl .."" S52 5W Cd.1I~haron 7784900 \11th ilreplact> 2'" car at $65 500 B8-I 7251 B3B-61.H DAYS tral "Ir CIrcular dflve +t SIPwn C'entuf\ 21 Park T\\o bedloom starler ranch- !\82.1Hl E.\"E"JINGS 5520f\Er-;'SI!'GTOt\ CadIeux tached garage, lot SIZe E\'ERYTHI'\G for comfort 1983 ST~RC'f{ ....FT 22 foot E boat dock l nderground \ Ie\', 977 (J90{) • dmmg d.rea flnbhed base Chandler Pal k area 3 bed 70" 100 S~5 900 0\\ ner and com emence mc1uded m B1 0\\ \ER Bl'lcl. and InSU' Z ladder trailer HC>h p sprinklers ment 2 car garage '\.all-..to RIVIERA. Terrace CondomlO room bllCk natural flre thiS snug attractl\ e, like lated alum mum, 3 or 4 bed- Merc crUI"er (om ertlble C-\LL GIL \\ ITTE:-'BERG Easlland S3~ 9UO 7717409 lums 9 ~lle Jefferson place 2 lar garage. patIO ne\\ 1 bedroom home In room Cape Cod )1_ story top and mooring CO\er, 'THE \\ATER SPECIALIST I'I;C'U~1E HOeSE for sale 1 "1""OP n"nPT' ') ~r()()m ? ...... ,.,.~.....th rv(1on"' ...."I' ..v RR? r.RO"""" POI' 1 F WOODS .. \1h niP;H t~nnt "H'ilne- Q'ut. lUUIIt'U1au: PV~="L':''''IVII CdUlt:'UA ; n I..U ~ ::7 ~ man) extrds Illl.! ~~H L L , I L 1\ I "I '\ I III bath A.tiractlve setting 9705 -- . ,. Call 349-5036e\ emngs - and ters do\\ nspout" triple- 778810U bedroom flr"t floor co-op '\e ....furnace \leU Ulsulated COLLEGE "tudenl 11.111do LO\'el~ clubhouse and pool see for} ourself' tl ack l>torm5>dnd screens, CLl~TO~ TO\Inshlp custom umt v.lth prl\ ate area In !I1am addItIOnal. mUl>t~ee boat bot toms painting WALLOOt\ LAKE - Large Congemal neighbors, buill Ianch off Mora \'Ian 3 basement for \\ asher and 821.0801 FOR SALE - TI ade for Tra drl\ e\\ d\ front \\ alk Com 'Washmg generdl spring \!,dterfront Lot For Sale on lorlabie'home \\,th nalural $57.500 Land Contract bedrooms 2 baths, 0\ er- dr}er dmmg area, ap verse Clt) or Flonda proper clean.up Reasollable rales beduliful \\ alloon Lake ST CLAIR SHORES 12 • terms Will decorate SiZed lot, natural settmg 2'~ plJances lD l-..Itchen, nell er t) 2 100sq ft custom home fireplace 1 baths and par- 13131 646-4962 R R S Inc -Owner 9/ :'>lackarea. 2 bedroom bnc k 886-2229 car garage Assumable carpet ParkIng at rear en- t. on canal In 5t Clair Shores tlall~ complete second floor 776-72bO 884 7276 ranch \llth huge countr} kl bath -\ltached garage Ver~ 16' MIRROCRAFT \' hull ON -\!\'CHOR BAY _mor~~ge..:_$~~OOO_46~~1~_ trance \10\1 S28,500 778-0416 chen. garage, basement " (lose to :-Iorth High School, alummum hl>hmg boat Beautiful \ le\\, 12 \ear old CHATS\\ORTH Ecll>t \!,ar SCHl'LTES RE-\.L ESTATE ne\l 1\ decorated, all ne\~ GROSSE POl'\TE \\ oods - \\ lth 10ht'rs(.po ....er Chr~ sler cuslom bnck ranch 3 GROSSE 1"01,\;11:. \'oods Fern & Parcells Under ren brick flat 212 carpeted Immac.ulate 2 bedl Dom 5733900 carpet QUIet retlremen t Lo\ elv 3 bedroom brick motor BaHer~ gas tank bedroom~, 2 baths Flonda $70 uOO clnd \'.-\ approved drapes ne ....l) de ..o! a ted Cape Cod large famll)- neIghborhood Excellen t bungalo\\ Priced to "e II Little Dude trdller Like room energ) effluent. OPEN SUNDAY 85~ Vermer For appomt. annual Income $6.(00)ear room 21'2 bath fll eplale starter home, must see Ca11 many extra~ i25-7422 ment call 882.71B-l new $1400 or ~t- offer 884 ' $29,900 c.ash B) 0 ....ner natural wood.\\ ork $69,500 1-4 for appomtment, i76-4666 GROSSE POI~TE Park - 3086 or 88b-19H after b Buyers onl) pleas!.' 882- assumable mortgage By HA.RPER WOODS after 4 p m Huge 3 bedroom home and 679 RIV A.RD 4 bedrooms, 2 12E-COMMERCIAL 20635 EASTWOOD - Estate baths slate kitchen, recrea SAILBOAT - santana 22 , 4 7479 0\\ nf'r 882-4231 n office combo or mother m- STERLING Heights Ope tlOn room ne\\ roof, fur- salls, great boat, good 00) PROPERTY sale Sltuatt>d on a 3/4 acre r IaII.' apartment lot thIS bungalo~ features a Sunday 2-5, 5050 Gardne nace $126.000 no blokers 881-6842 763 PEAR TREE East North.17 West Mound BUSINESS aDd 24 x 13 IIvlOg room WIth KE1'\SIJI'GTON - Immaculate 882-8167 OUTBOARD - ;}h P Sea Kmg INVESTMENT Grosse Pomte Woods Gorgeous 4 bedroom quad natural fireplace, formal 3 bedroom ~lust see Pnc- I SADDLE LAl\"E With remote tank and car- PROPERTIES SpaCIOUS\\ ell mamtamed 3 bedroom ranch Gr~e dmmg, kltc:.hen II.lth nook, With natural fIreplace, cen rler, 527-2431 tral aIr, attached garage ed right Beaultful 4 bedroom Colomal ExclUSively POInte Schools Ideal locatIOn Many extras 11" baths, full basement 2 pool and many extras cen . A..rIDARY 886 5670 10 presttglOus area of the 1981TA1'o;ZER25 foot sailboat SALES - LEASES c.ar gar \I lth breezev, a) Woods Family room With (75 M) cruise eqwpped 886-7629 tUf)' 21-MacKenzle, ask for HARPER WOODS - Grosse EXCHANGES Owners \I ant an offer I I fireplace, 1st floor laundry, .824-4400 evenmgs 313.241- Ed 779-7500 Pomte Schools B\ 0\1 ner rec room, aIr, 212 baths, at- 1700, ext 298 days Vlrglwa S Jeffnes Realtor BY APPOlI\o'TMEt\T WAYBURN and Jefferson - Bnck 3-4 bedrooms, fire- place Large country kIt- tached garage Very mce' O'DAY 28' 1m, wheel steer. 882-0899 LOVELY Tl:DOR AT WINDMILL P01N'fE GROSSE POll'\TE huge !Ocome, qualtty bUIlt chen \I Ith appliances Cen- 1 15225 ESSEX - Beautiful 10% down, Land contract mg, diesel 6 salls V H F 10 FOR SALE 3 500square feet of elegance and charm I 5 bedrooms 3 z GROSSE POIt\TE PARK CALL TODAY tral air New dnve~ay. In year flnancmg available 76 KERCHEVAL, on-tbe-Hill baths 2-ear attached garage, two nat fIreplaces Man) Windmill Pomte Sub ThiS I Balfour Stately 6 bedroom Coloma I features an updated 372-4422 ground sprmklers Pool With $29,500 88&3141 Twcrstory bwldlllg, 2Ox1oo extra quality features deck 2 car garage Lots of stone Tudor Beautiful wood- wi til basement kitchen, natural fIreplace, work throughout LIbrary, 198113Fl' Boston Whaler, 35 371-4010 rec room, beautliul decor OPEN HOUSE extras Move In condition hp Evinrude electnc start, TOLES ~ ASSOCIATES EARL KEIM WOODS SL'l'i'DAY 2-5 P.M No brokers 20466 Fleet- rec room WIth fireplace, 1J8S.2000 and much more Well maIO' Many extras Offer' cover and traller, excellent tamed, move In conditIOn at 20720 MARTER ROAD wood 886-6454 642-4173 OPEN SU!\'DA Y 2-5 conmtlon, $4,500 GROSSE POINTE an affordable pnce GROSSE POIJlo,'TEWOODS THREE BEDROOM bnck 1 , GROSSE POINTE WOODS after 6 p.m KERCHEVAL 695 ST. CLAIR Lovely, 3 bedrocm, 2 2 bath ranch, 81'2 Mile and Mack Colomal Wtth natural fire 1606Bournemouth - SpaCIOUS Commercial buildmg for sale , Two bedroom one bath condo Toll.nhouse, excellent loca- 6.30PEMBERTON - A steal I I - area Immaculate condItIOn 11F- TRAILERS AND place and many extras 3-4 bedroom bnck Colomal 3000 sq ft divided mto 4 re- tIOn. 1 block to Village and doll.ntowl' hus ~e\\cr This 2,100 sq ft Colomal IS 772.5482 "leI'. famIly room With fire- CAMPERS tall umts, On-SIte parkmg carpetmg move.1n condition. Ne\\ wall mounted 11,800 pnced under market for a TIME SAVING REAL ESTATE 1943 SEVERN place, garage, basement 191,z' TRAVEL trailer m very for 18 cars 80' of frontage l:3TU air condltloner Includes drapes and stove, qUIck sale All new decor & 3 bedrooms, 112 baths, brick 9'z% Low $80's Open Sun- next to carpetmg 2 natural 775-7702 &00<1 condItIon 774-3441 popular restaurant refrigerator Full basement $56,900 Colomal 2 car garage Den c1a) 2 5 882-6299 fireplaces, famly room, ree 4<1135MORA VlAN Dnve, 3 S137,000 Terms BY OWNER 2 natural fireplaces up- 12B-VACATION TOLES i ASSOCIATES room and a 2 car gar Call bedroom, 2 bath, fIreplace , dated kitchen, central air T\lo bedroom Co-op - at 88S-3lOO for the below market 10- 2 car garage, 1/2 acre, on PROPERTY 20088 WOODSIDE . newly decorated Move-Ill Eastland Place Carpetmg, terest rates Clinton River 8'2% as sum conditIon 882-8231 drapes, aIr, all appliances, NAPLES, Flonda - Gulf front STEPHENS Drive corner able to AprJl15th Open Sun - Hayes 3,300 square feet Of- HARPER WOODS ALDRIDGE & BY OWNER - 5805 I\eff terraC2 off bedroom, base- condo LuxurIOus 2 bed. day 1-5 465-5793 1 !Ices and warehouse Fron- SpaCIOUScustom ranch - natural fireplace, hardwood ASSOCIATES (near St John's) 3 bedroom ment $33,900 Hurry room, 2 bath, laVlSh amem. DETROIT - YorkshIre, 3 $35,000 w11I assume taged 126'x70' depth. plus floors In bedrooms Andersen wmdows, Wide wamscotted bnck Natural fireplace, STIEBER REALTY ties 884-6960 bedroom Excellent COndl . $219,500mortgage at 10'..% extra lot 5Z'X 146' Cross halls, large kitchen, breezy sunlIt porch and patio Newer "'oodwork, newly decorated, 775-4900 HARPER WOODS - 206ll9 tIon Spnnltler system AttIc Pnce reduced to $254,500 from Eastiand, 2 story buud- furnace. hvmg room carpet and Kitchen floor. 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage, huge lot and . Beaufa1t Open Sunday 2.5 1I11"l "8'914'1185- ga1Q&.&, SOMERSET - DetrOIt, 4 bed. Mr. Canon 881.()602or 881. mg, 9,000 square feet, 14<1 1 ~~~~ ,l'11n, large ap- 1 2 baths, $59,900 pm 4 bedrooms,.aen. 1.1~ ': . ,!D&tUAl fireplace , ~~~~~~ room, 21'2 baths. new fur- feel ,fronlage lmme~hate I OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 2517_ 1%1-41623 room, dmm@ room. v.-.. 2 cas:.garaRe "'5.,000 A E 885=;$34%)7 appomtrnent ' I. nace, $25,000 884-3559 ~U1lEN~- Barb Somes.- •'...... POlIPANO, VWnda - Bngftt 296.0010 bath", tiled basemen,t. Walle., - Century 21 Con CAN?\:LRANCH WItha view of HARVARD - CadleuxlMack comer 2 bedroom, 1bath, ccr Real Estate One soltdated L T D 881-9500 811, storms and screen~, the lake 3 bedrooms up- - $28,500 Sharp 2 bedroom op apartment Convement aluminum trim, fenced 521-3756 dated kitchen With loads of bnck bungalow Natural m.to",n location Pool OFFICE bul1dl!lg, 15216Eight yard, newly decorated, all ALGONAC - Cozy, clean 2 cupboards, finIshed base- fireplace, chnmg room, large $39,000 H305l 781-1943 Mde Rd, near GratIOt 1,440 nev.l)- carpeted Asking bedroom ranch WIth boat . ment With wet bar, front expansIOn attic, basement, 2 SHACK for sale on McDonald square feet plus full base $58,900 Active, 882-5444,ask door all"lock WIth slate entry car garage GIllen Realty, ment Completely remodel. house on prime canal Island, top of Goose Bay, St for Mark $61,500 Open house Sunday way, fireplace, wet plaster, 1_ 886.3665 ed BlI6-3598 - ~ Clair flats $3,000 Call (517) GROSSE POINTE Woods - 12-5 794-2300. or 528-3220 summer porch, breezewa), FOR SALE BY OWNER BUILDI~G for sale by owner ~~~::~:~~:------784-3472 Three bedroom ranch. large THREE bedroom brick bun . alummum trim and a 10 ton Laing and Kelly-lovely 3 bed- - approximately 3,000 ft of lIvmg room, dmmg room FORT LAL"DERDALE AREA galow Ideal area, near St covered hOIst room bungalow, partially office, 16,000 ft of ware. kItchen eatmg area, famlly Three room co-op apartment, John HospItal, $42,500 882- fInished basement and completely and elegantl~ house AdJolmng truck well. room. 2 fireplaces, base- Executive Colomal on St Clair garage $6,000 down can Call 881-7500, 3516 cadieux 7546after 5 p m furmshed, over lookmg PiC' [J- ment 886-0479 . Shores fmest canal 5 bed buyl For more mfo call L'JrA-:-l~-ITJ] BY OWNER Freshly decor .... que courtyard WIth RANCH 200' from Lake St rooms, 31'2 baths, famIly 773.2035 MACK, Nott1Ogham 8 units I 1-'-' "t_ " ..- ~-- ated IllSlde and out Spotless palm trees, swunmmg pool, SBO,ooo $15,000 down 886- My family has grown up and left me and I long to hear Clair Open saturdav and r')Om, fireplace, central air, GROSSE POINTE SHORES and shuffleboards Five Sunday Land Contract 3 bedroom bnck bungalow 1st floor laundry, walk-out 80113 the happy sounds of children laughmg and playmg In With natural fu-eplace, new A spacIOus 4 bedroom mmutes to ocean and terms $68,000 Jefferson- basement Land Contract my rooms M) o'Wnersays I've grown too large for her smk counter top and floor 10 custom ranch Secluded beaches Available for un- FOR SALE Shook area Lakendge con- terms and she wants a smaller home kItchen, 2 car garage Cad- )-ard With heated mground media t.e occupancy GENERAL OFFICE dos - from $54,500 Class\' CHAMBERLAIN 771-8900 I'm at 385 Moross Rd 10 the Farms Ieux and Warren Ideal pool 45 South Edgewood $38,900 541.()702 MEDICAL BLOG Attractive atmosphere Pnvate park - I have 4 Bedrooms Library starter home $34,900 Call 884-2861 Ideally located buildIng With 21'2baths Large family room Century 21-Kee . Art .. TODA Y'S BEST Island, Flonds 885-6905 before 2 p Tn or MARCO excellent exposure, well FUllshed recreatIOn room 573-0622 ATTENTION BeauW:uI 2 bedroom, 2 bath after6p m BUYS CITY EMPLOYES malntamed all bflck. ------penthouse condo All amen- fireproof construction WIth OPEN SUNDAY, 1-3 GROSSE POINTE WOODS GROSSE POINTE BY OW1\TER-3 bedroom bnck Roslyn - outstanding 3 TWO family mcome 733 Har- ities, cable TV. II.asher, ele ..ator Near full occupan OR CALL FOR APPOINTMENT court. Grosse POinte Park 1 rental umts, 10 furnaces, m Colomal, 2 fireplaces, large bedroom 21 _ bath Colomal o dryer, pnvate bearn, pools cy Terms available corner lot, 5t John Hospital C,W, BABCOCK AND LAWSONS Den, Flonda room Central In excellent cond1tlon Each good condlllon ?nced to sell tenn1S, boat doclts, 24 hour 885-ecurlty sale/lease 884-0925 room, modern kitchens, 2 conSider cash offer It's a 3456, 478-1285 after 6 p m Hampton - 52i 3 bedroom GROSSE Pomte Woods as- 12F-NORTHERN bedrooms and appliances mone)- maker' sume 82'2% Land Contract and weekends br,ck ranch FlorIda room $125.000 Call owner, 824. PROPERTY 25 WOODLAND SHORE attached garage Large lot Grosse Pomte Park Custom $35.000 down. 3 bedroom FlondaHutchlllson Island - _~:v!~~n~ bUilt 3 bedroom bnck Col bnck ranch, fIreplace, fam- , Near Alpena 10 Lost Lake BY OWNER Roslyn - 2 bedroom Cape luxury furrushed 2 bedroom Woods Club 3 bedrooms, 2 Cod SpacIOus rooms na- TAX shelter, one bedroom ef omal ~atural fireplace 11)-room etc After 6 p m 0.. beaullful carpetmg. bUIll. 2 bath SUIte, directly baths, family room With we t tural flr<,place, 2 car garage flclenc~ ccrop WhlUler/I 348-ma recreatIOn Ins, Side Qrlve. 2 car garage ocean, all bar, fully eqUipped kItchen ... Oxlord - 2009 Roomy 2 bed. 94 Rents $240, mamte. 751.55S8 or Price $60 000 Terms FRASER 5 room home on 5 faCIlities 2 natural fu-eplaces. 2 car at ..". room ranch !\alural fire- nance, $63 $10 000 cash 515. 2 famll) flat 2 gas fur \looded clcres Cement utll. 882-4900 tached garage, golf course place den attached garage 882-8176 1 - - naces Side drIve 2 cal lt~ bUild109, near schools HUTCHI~SO'\ ISLA!\IJ Priced under 1100,000 AVOID c.ostly c.ommlSSlOns Garden and frUit trees Flonda Luxun ocean fronl Wm J t'hamploo & Co ~, I WILCOX REALTORS garage ne\\ roof, ne\~ With realtors Deal direct aluminum ...Idlng, pnced to 791-0169 condo 2 bedrooms 2 baths. 884-5700 884-3550 \11th owner of a mamte pool, o;auna and tenms On sell at $37,000 E:as) t('rms GRO~~E POInte Woods 2 CLEAN nance free 3 bedroom bnck 1'\ev. Llstmg - Grosse Pomte bedroom bflck ranch Iy $87. f.lOO ,53-3471. I-h85 13-REAL ESTATE bungalow m Gros<;e Pomte Gorgcou~ bnck ranch In Park '3 bedroom Colomal Mm (' In condItion AIr, 8029 FOR SALE Woods area Mo..mg out to peaceful a rea of ~t C'lalr 1\Ith den on l.,t floor recrea man} e\tra~ $69.900 By I West Coast fonelocatlOn of SCHUSS ~O\lnt 0.110 cnalel 0\ GROSSE POINTE FARMS Shore" Huge bedrooms I'" tlOn room Side dn\e large ov.ner 886-9384 Job Must sell h)- April bedroom' 2'. hath" lul1)- Brick center ttail Colomal baths ....atural fIreplace 2 car garage Pnc.ed to sell Iar am .iOp m 1111sold \ ACA....T RE~JDEl\ TIAL 12D-LAKE AND \I TOl\l McDO\ALD & ~()'\~ KItchen nook (entral aIr lion accenl(>(! Ith all earth PROPERTY R1YEA PROPERTY tonl' d('cor S5'J900 &>lIer OPEN Sl NDA l 2-5 25137 ~l '3RD GE\I-:RATIO'\ 2 c.ar garage many extras ')(1 fool frontage on resldenllal Prmclpals onl~ \f'f\ anxlOU'i A"k f()r Gar) ChrJ~topher Harnson Twp ST JOB\ HC"'pltal area f IN>! '>lrl't I III the Park 175 feet 0'1; ST (I AIR f{1\U Vlev. 01 at CenlUf\ 21 To\\n and S 16 Mde W Jeffer!.on $168 [XX) 886-31-56 offenn,.; ~harp 2 bedroom dcl'p Cd~h flf La nd Contract ( hannel 4 (ounlr} 26 (JHi\ 'T,).(1800 npar ~hook Rd Quallt} ran ~hlpplOg ranch Appllelnce" Lov. lermc, rl\ er room n~T()M EAf~Ct'TJ\ to: ch 3 bedroom" Jl~ baths bE'dronffi' Hl\IERi\ 1(rr"c(' (ond(,m dov.n Ldnd Contrac.t ~14 dt 'lI~ncd ('c,unln (OLO'\l.o\L 17>.\!,OODS Flonda room heated In !lbran IllIUm 4 Mile ,!t.fferson !JOO \\An~f{F}{(J\T PROPEf{. kltchpl') 2 rlO"ore~ 1 or 4 bf'droom (ountn french 1 8710 ImlT'pdldtl a\ al1ablllt \ bEodroomhnck ":ngli,h Col 'I"on Tr, ....n,hlp Ru\ no....to ground <,pflnkler "}"lCm laundn ~)41 000 Fle>dbll' \I"m floor drJrnatlc "I eatmg ....ear ------, peted throughout lug( kit rC'dd\ ll) ('njov belore the 'ohopplOj2 mdll R) ov.n('r Inlom{' "fldu PO\I der r()(lf'l l",undn mom \\ lth IOL.. of ...tnrClge $41,000 f{I\ \RD <"pdtiOU'l WHY NOT ch~n IHIl .. hrd ha"f'!Tl( nt S,JmmPI I:' 0\ (.r Land C{)n <; 1 bedrr)Om B)- 1 udor 1 ~df(lom .. 2 h"th ... CON~:DER gardgp lI"klOg $4, '1<'0 A<, trd(' Tc'rm" • 765 llI'.lli "r .Wl 4",71 f'dCh !iClor $1Ti (0) fI!l4 1",,* 109 \\ pt b"r rdN'd h( clrlh flreplac( "Pitched Lord and RENTI'\c. YOl..R 'iton('lalummum bungalov. sumptlOn a\allahle . { Bumh"m Ilrl"t'n hou...t> Idrgr pottmg b(>nch ('"trd. ,hel\ full knott) plOe bae;ement ()\\ nt'l '\0 rpaltors PROPERTY" PRICE In flt ( U) on BY' ,!1gand hanging rod, aulomatlc heal and \('nlll,ltlon H (, I- dg"r & A~~oclat('<, hE'droom bm k Coll>nlal A~I) v.lth y,et bar garage Ap Cadl<'ux - \la( k <"h"rp I 'bedroom bnck rrmoof'lNI , 00' x IIlI(J ,~()(,d('d 101III liar ( (ntral air ::-,((flnd Iinor I- u 11\ I "rpelpd 'I1a"t('r l~droom dr(,""lng ClOg ava,lahl(' Centurj 21, -T\Hlf:A\lIL\ noVo lamil) room i hath 2' IT ~ A CA)()f) MOVE' kll( h('n flnl.,hed h" ...('nH nt ~Jn.:- :rlson 10 ....n,h'p Hu\ ,lOrJl'd'hroom .. "dJ,l(enl to "tud\ v.\th IIn'place a....n MacKt'07le Ask for Tom ()n Tr'lmblE'''' (ar ~dr .. ~f' Intercom ,en DIl I ON gdrdge Land (ontr"r t .and enJO\ Iht 'UT'1m('r plt' d,klng !Wi furrklC'<' and rrlOl $74 ()()II t 10" : "IKltl g"lnrr MAl'\A(,EMENT $29 ")(1 : to:df!ar ~ f",,""K 1"\<' P"t'('ll,1 nt tlil'd 11001 ",rll (\0<,('1 Pfl,!t..,,,,onalo.,l/(' ,><\und HARPER WOODS p" 1m, (Juc('n .. P.864ll'.1 ('P"f '>undal- 2 " B81414'i C,()nluf\ 21 '\,dnu' '6010 \\ Ilh ,ho~,('r (,Ml ST ~Ef:' 128-VACATtON 128-VACATION gdr,I,(( door opt'n('l ,,[orag(' clrea tn gllrag( nut(j()()rga~ f\,).!(){ <., 0\\ \1- H Bn( k 2 4i\CJH~"n\ RIV"~RRr)AD PROPERTY Pf'OPERTY 886.3839 A Ch"rtJrol/t'r bnt K pallO dulomatK IlIT,pd "pflnkl;>r b."f1rf~on1'down IdTi;f' l,,"f1 m "'It ( If ml'n" v.lth o""r 900 ,,"\t'm tront ..no hd( k profl ...."IOPcllh {pncf'd land ...c.ap b I HE(,A!. Place Gro ..."e "ltlng room dnd Id\ up 2 Il frontag( on the llmton Ing (omplctl' hurp;lar Ilrl:'and ,mokt' alarm., paniC hut POintE' '>horp'i 4 b('droom (in gard"" J"lou'IHI f{1\E'r Idt'al for ('on"r: POJ'\TE PARK OVERLOOKING SOUTH l B'I J\PPOI,\TMf,'lT O"llLY RetIring out of c,latl In 2 \ E Junc' V A f'li A -- ok J(l()/I71 GOLF COURSE kcrs 1-25~ _ Agents add 7% 8tl6 ,,!I'l.l ~TIfo..13!':R 775.4900 $180,000 1.305.231-2565

~--_._--- ..' Page Nine-C Thursday, March 22, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 21F-HOME 21F-HOME 21G-ROOFING 13A-LOTS 16-PETS 2OC-CHIMNEV AND 21C-ELECTRICAL 21F-HOME IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT SERVICE FOR SALE FOR SALE FIREPLACE SERVICE REPAIR VOCCIA ALLCAAPENTRY HADLEY HOME MJ!;RRIWEATHER Hill GOLDEN Retnevers, A K C , S &I J ELECTRIC BARKER Porches. Interlor/Ell.tenor (;rosse POinte Farms, 75 ~ SPRING CLEANING Re!>ldenllal Commercial CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT 6 weeks Champion pedl' SPECIAL Repairs - Pamtmg . Etc 1~, 882 1400 gree MeadowpondiThorn. No Job Too Small Model nIZ.1hon • Aller.ltlolh • INC. Does your fireplace and CO,INC, !,'REE ESTIMATES- field Shots Reasonable 88519:J:l AddltlOn~ • F.~mll\ Rool1\s LICENSED COMPLETI<: LOT::11 ColonIal Road Gro:,se chtmney need a professIOnal • AddItIons 885-3034 • Kltchen'i & H{'('reatlOlI l • Dormer:, HOO1"ING SERVICfo: POlnle Shores Russell clearung? No mess I Insured Are~s • 527 -44 70 1-468-5099 COMMEHCIAL &. WHO says money can't buy WADE'S ELECTRIC • Gal.tge,> Homes, Inc 885"()()51 $S 00 off If done by Apnl3Oth, JA:'tmS BARKER RI<:SlDENTIAL love? Beautiful buH Cocker COMPANY, • Kltchl'lh MOCERI Plumbmg and Heat- GROSSE POl~Tf: PARK 1984 With thIS ad 886 SO+I 109 Bathroom remodeling, Tear off pups for sale LJvel~ and af- J&J CHIMNEY SWEEPS INCORPORATED ------• FlIl>plJces 2 vacanllots on Balfour Both CLASSIC wood\\ orkmg - Brick .1I1dCement \\ ork free estlmdte~ and deSign He!>hl!l~le lectJOnate A K C cham. 773-1444 Hot Tar 100>.175 StIeber 775-4900 pIOn blood lllle 463-642i FAST 24 HOUR Makers of [me furlllture B,lnk hndllclllg dvalldble Ideas Contact Sam Mocen, ANDY'S MASONRY AND cu:,tom cablOet~, ~tel eo Complete 884-0051 or 7789726 Holl Hoof 1l1~ AUDUBON Residential lot ANIMAL HOSPITAL SERVICE Vents near Jerfer~on Lot sIZe 80x CHIMNEY REPAIR enclosure~, ete Cu~tom Honw :'>hx1el!IlZatlon RAU MAINTENANCE \\ e ha\'e the cutest young All masonrv, brick, water 884-9500 r('mOOehng and \\ ood\\ ork 7772811> 7703 1105 Gutter!> 156 "Ith bUIlding plan~ male. Ben)1 type dog He ISa ALL WOMF.:NCREW proofmg repairs Speelahz- 109 our :,peclally' o3i l 8888 Hepalr~ a\ allable [or 3/4 bedloom !tttle larger but very lovely tlIIKE'~ Lllen:.ed and II1~url'd 109 m tuck pomtlng and COLVlLLE • Pamtlng Colorual Schulte~ Real Es and cute We still ha\e the Hoofln~ dnd Rep • Floor Laymg ~uchamcelittiedog Please es tlma tes 881.. up tn code • MlI10r Plumbmg GUTTERS ,lOd WANTED 8828660 20F-WASHER AND \'IOL\ 1'I0;\1S _ ~l11!:-Dl~G _C9 DOWNSPOUTS HST E~IER(.Ei'lCY 1~ H',1r~ In the POIl1le" • Refllu~hll1g DRVER REPAIR • Complete Bome Improvement Guller~ clcaned dnd Ftusllt'<1 20-GENERAL ~EHVlCE l\llke 882 ')1% !\tlkt. 775 2251i • Clearung -\LL cash 101 \ our East'lde • Free EstImates • Home Improvenwnt & Nl''>\ dnd Kcp..ul Work properllC" lmmedldte do~ SERVICE LET GEORGE DO IT 774-9110 Mamtenance Llcen.,>ooIlnd ln~ured ------886.8035 Ing~ Cd1l88&'!Ilb Ea~tla!ld PRIKGLE S hand~man ser- Washer, dryer, dlshwal>her HANDYMAN -- Profes~lOnal .lntellor/Extcnor ADVANCE MAINTENANCE Realt\ Co 1&325 Harper \ Ice General home repairs and ranges repaired All CO:\1PLETE electl'lcal 'ier PLASTEHl:-lG, Dn\\.Ill \\ ork at reasonable rates • senIOr C'Jllzen DIscount 17319Ed,>t Warren DetrOIt ~8224 SInce 194b Odd lobs ShlO2le roof makes NO SERVICE \ Ice No Job too small 1011.111 ne\\ or lepalr cerdmlC tlle, Tile, carpet glass and INSURED 881-5999 884-9512 Realtor repairs Re rooh~g and new CHARGE If repaired die 10% discount 10 ~enLOI tuck pmllt 109 and bm'k 28 i>creen repair LIght con- Free estImates 554-4933 Guaranteed parts and ser- cItizens 24 hour emergency "ean, experience All \\ork structIOn Mmor piumblllg M U SCHUSTEH CO

CASH FOR HOMES ~~-.... S...... ("10 ...... ""l • .,..""'(1 t" ~F S~:' ~("~ 7;'7 J7R.t ;,.",r n,'~ ..1i "'....rfJoP ~tnn(lt~ ',ncl "I"drlc',d I'll' ~t{'ve 'I'm: HOUSE MECHANIC ,..." ("'I' II P.. O("\f"\CI~I~ \.I/"'\\,)I l""U'lII .. l"'...... - SERVI:\G AHEA -15iEAH:' K.~~mo~;~.;~d ..Wh i-rl pool \I:;lentlllo. l72 '1462 88l 9470 HOME REPAIRS o r... G CO~STRUCTION CO ELECTRlCAL \lork - smatl • Carpentry HOT ROOFS STIEBER REALTY :\'a~onr} repdlr:, chimneys, products or large jobs - \101a1l0ns Commercldl - \{e~ldenlldl PERSONALIZED • Pawtmg 7754900 patio,> porche~ Speclahzmg corrected - permits - free SERVICE SINCE 1965 KITCHEN DESIGN SPECIALIST • Mmor Plumbing Year 'round ~('n Ice In Flelcbtone fireplaces Lt- esltmates - Ron Doran 15-BUSINESS George Stults COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE • MlI10r ElectrIcal Sh,"gle~ and Rrpdlri> censed 839 9459 88H1748 - 7 days OPPORTUNITIES 885-1762 CRAFTED Work Guar.lnleed ALLEN Fl{EIWALD BSE, MBA Insured 1\863245 ALL CARPENTRY RETIRED MASTER electri- • Kitchens PERFECT mhouse busme~s • Rec Rooms (OCKS Installed - General RICHIE'S Apphance Service cian Licensed ViolatIOns 824-3030 HEDEMARK for sale sellmg computer Center service on all majOr Serv Ice:. II\creased Also • Balhrooms soft\\ are $2,000 882-8022 Carpentry - Repairs Of All • AddItions Kmds - Pamtlng/lnlerlor, apphances lOON,- guaran. small lobs TU;).2966 ROOFING OWN a beautlrul chtldren s tee We have a complete line • Porch ConversIOns Extenor REMODELING 774-8967 shop Offering the latest In FREE ESTIMATES of nt'w and used parts 885- 21D-TV AND MODERNIZATION LlCENSI-:D. INSCHED fashiOn.s Health Tex, Izod, LICENSED 0079 RADIO REPAIR - RUDDER CONSTRUCTION- ALL WORK PERSONALLY SBlNGU~ ROOF'S leVI, Lee, Jordache, ChiC, 527-4470 1-~-5099 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL 1"1. \'1' HOOFS Buster Brown and many ~ ------2OH-FLOOR PERFORMED HANDYMAN with truck COLOR TV, HI Fl, ~TEREO NEW CONSTRUCTION MODE~NIZATION Be REPAlr~S MIKE SCHUSTER, 882-4325 SHEI'.:T :'tIETAL \\ORK more Furmture and acces- SANDING FROM THE ROOF TO T~E DR1VEWAY SOiles by Gerber and Nod. Clean basements, garages, 885-6264 FREE ESTIMATES PYH,\i\lID RO(Wli'lG ANTEN~AS a-Way $14,900 Includes be- etc Any hauling, odd jobs 884-7410 LICENSED &: INSURED He roofmg tear off and repaIr ~mnmg Inventory, tram- Bob 885-6227 KELM FREE ESTIMATES llcensed - Insured :,pcclahst Area refl'rencl'S Ing.fixtures and grand Floor laymg, sandmg, refln- 21F-HOME MODERNIZATION 1"r('(' estlmal(", semor Cltl. operung promotiOns Pres- 20A-CARPET ishmg Expert In stam Old IMPROVEMENT zen dl<;count Insured and floors a specialty We also M,T. CHARGOT _ ~~ !"a~luons, ~1.329-~~ LAVING expeflenCl'<1, LIcensed 881- refmlsh banisters BUILDING CO. CARPET LAYING WOOD PERSONALLY DESIGNED 9173 OPE~INGS Increase ~our m- 535-7256 NEW AND OLD ----- • Kitchens - AttiCS come No experIence neces EXPERT REPAIRS Stairs Carpeted Stufted G &: G FLOOR CO CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENTS • Basement!> - Porchel> sar\, \"ie will tram Call GUTIERS Repairs or All Types Floor sandmg profeSSIOnally *DECKS* 30 YRS. EXPERTISE • Bat hroom, - R~ Hooms after 5 p m 882-2274 ALSO done Dark stalOmg and fm. and Outdoor d~k environment!> ROOFING • Garages • Roofmg CARPETING, VINYL Ishlng All work guaranteed CUSTOM CRAFTED 16-PETS • Additions • Cemcnl SMALL JOBS HARDWOOD Free estimates References • Cablnet~ - Formica FOR SALE *GAZEBOS * • Dormers • Sldmg 774-9651 Samples Shown In 885-0257 by • Wood ....orkmg - trim work Your Home BART LEWIS • Kitchens • Pamtmg ------• Gutters • Replacement Wmdow!> FLUFFY black and white kit- BOB TRUDEL FLOOR SANDING. stammg Onglnal DeSigns • Baths JOHN 0 SIMON LIC & II\lSUHED • InterIOr - ExterIor Doors ten, free to good home. 331- 774-7500days, 294-5896eves Free estimates, workman- Re[erence~ HI-LV LICENSED AND 778 1028 - 77.1 h'l86 5840 ship guaranteed, call Jim GUARDIAN BUILDING COMPANY INSURED ({oofm..: (',l\lIklllg • JERRY'S CARPET HIcks, 382-5323 286-3503 GENERAL HOME REPAIR WCp.llr" , FREE cat to good home I1~ 468-8182 L1l'E~~F.D lN~l'RED SERVICE FHEE ESTIMATF.S GllARANTEIW WOHK FI ee F.!>tlmdtes - 882-6842 years old Spayed Dark cal 21-MOVING P.S.-Old patios broken ------ICO.no wlute Call Maggie or Installatton - RepaIrs, all out and hauled away. HANDYMAN -- Sp('('ldlll.lllg PHOr'ES~Il)i'l \1. gUllt'l ""r- Jim after 5 p m 881.1903 klOds In-home sales. GROSSE POINTE ------_-.------~------10 flllished basements, l'll'C ~ldlOg dud lr.I11, n)\)( Warehouse prIces Over 20 MOVING CO No Problem. repllirs Reasona ble PUPPY, free to good family carpentry, formlca work, < years experIence. Pomte residents wIll move Rehable I do my 0\\ n \lor\( 881-7849 Make Your "Summer SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES drywall and palntmg No Job 776-3604 or remove large or small LICENS1';D & INSURED' Home" More Enjoyable I too small 882-4827 :SHEEPDOG and Shepherd CARPET mstallatJons-$1 50a quantities of furniture, "NEEDS Collte both males and ap- appliances, pianos - or Enjoyable' ALUMINUM/Vmyl SIding, JOHN WILLIAMS vard Call 882.3175 SINCE tnm, !>torm wmdows, doors, 88.,-5813 prox 1 ~ear old Housebro- what have you Call for REASONABLE ken Call after 6, 886-1479 20B-REFRIGERATION free estimates 343-0481or 1909" awmngs, shutters, gutters, MODERNIZATIONS roofmg, tear orrs Free TWO black Poodles, 4 French AND AIR 882-6737 Operated by We-Do-All Phase~ of Home & FENCING J, HAGAN estimates Joe, 1\86.2186 Poodles $20 each, 2 long CONDITIONING John Steuunger. Office Repair & AlteratIOns, RUSTIC STOCKADE R()()FI~G SEHVIC)O~ 921-6282 CHAIN LINK - VINYL haIr little Terners, $15each REPAIR Speclahzmg 10 ftesldcntlal and commercial RELIABLE POINTE resident COLORED GALVANIZED HADLEY HOME Mmor repam, \0 PrIvate 821 1631 With movmg vah wll1 move • Bathroom updatmg RIOHlE'S llppllances COMMERCIAL - complele N'placements serlrce large or small q'uantities. • Custom ltltchens & cabinets IMPROVEMENT center Service on all major • f{eflnishmg wood floors RESIDENTIAL ' -t\LSO-- If you lose me Eastpointe MOVing Co PET PENS - INC. appltances 100% guararKee INSURED • Emergency repairs (break COMPLETE REMODELING 5eamlt'Sl> gutters, venll>. or find me .. 0 SNOW FENCE 885-0079 Bob 882-1968 ms) SERVICE attIc f!lllS, fla!>hmg, drIp ed~e Workshop on Wheels, Kitchens-Baths VIOLATIONS -{'OHHECT IONS 20C-CHIMNEY AND 10403 HARPEl! LICENSED/INSURED FIREPLACE McCALLUM MOVING com Big Co Preformance, MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. AdditIons Porches pany Modern truck and Small Co Personal service - Alllc/Ree Room!> 881-l53O REPAIR equipment Established m & Prices Aluminum Sldmg/Tram 1918 - Fully msured Also, 885-2664 ALL ROOF LEAKS FIREPLACE, '>\000 stoves Gutter!>/Down Spoul~ 011flue cleamng Caps anc plano speclahsts 776-7898 ENERG Y EFFICIENT Storm Window!> Doors STOPPED Roofml{ISh mglei>;Hol Tar Hesidentull • Commercl,IJ ~creen!> In~talled Insured ADDITIONS DECKS Alummum Sldmg and FRE1'~ ESTli\l.o\n:S no me~!> ProresslOnal Mas 21 A-PIANO BATHROOMS AddItIons, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Dormers, Rec Rm, GuileI' Cleanlng Licenseed \\ 01 k A KC REGISTERED, PIANO TUNING and repaJr- 7795UI PAINTING Compl.'. p.JllJn 882.3463 • WARDING Ing Work guaranteed Member AFM Edward Fel InterIOr Exterior S.'VK • LICENSED &: INSURED • GROOMING Paperhanging 881-8019 ROOFING ske 465-0358 Glazing, wood finIshing, • I\ttIC~ &: Porlh ElIdo'lIre:. Rep.lIr., 'illd It'loofing 40 Years Expenence • Additions Ilnd Kitchen, t\lulIlIl1Um 111111 dnd ~ut 21B-SEWING • Commt'fCldl BUilding .. tel'> fo\ilher lInu ~lII'> MACHINE Free Estimates Call E'vemngs Rob l.,hlllll D,lle I~h.lm St ClaIr Shores 771.9687 JIM SUTTON 526-0tl0ti 33633 HARPER AVENUE HOURS 9 DOA M TO 6 00' M COMPLETE tune up $1295 1"H1';F.E~TIMt\ l'ES All makes .Ill ages All FERLITO 1b77 Br~:. nIl\(' ST ClAIR SHORES, MI 48082 CLOSED SUNDAY & HOLIDAYS TU .. 29-ll n l14:lb parts stocked 885-7437 CONSTRUCTION CO, ------21H-CARPET JO~NNA WESTERN CLEANING WINDOW SHADES * AIII\P<" of cl'mpnt "olk * Ad(lIlH)n~ LETO BUIL!}ING co • J)11\l'\\ J~' • Kllthton, 16D-ADOPT !16D--ADOPT 20E-'NSULATION J- '" L/... ' .>t~", t H b t ...... ~ SINCE 1911 , A j'~ A~. p. Il\I B.II r (".11 pt'l l h',llIll1li A PET A PET * P.1110'> * (,al,l~e" CU~TOM Bl'ILLJlNG t: ~ 1 vt ",. {{, L~" ~,.[ ,. t * Brick & Block \\01 h * H()u[lO~ nEMODEl.1NG uphn!-It'l \ (It',lIlll\~ ~ III ~UDRO INSULATION HEC ROOMS do .... <'11'.1111111' ~n,l ('1'111'1,1 PHOFI';~~IO\jAL BA~I';MI':NT \\ATEHPl{\)OFIi'l(; Illlll 527 flll\~ l' It' I' F., II Smce 1IK8 Wt~ STOP L}';AK~ GtJAHAKTEt:n KITCHENS 81123222 m ••tl'" (,lIttt'l ,II'''IHI1~ Anti-Cruelty TIred 01 paYing <;kyrockel GRA , TOP h,lld\\iHld 11"01'> pol'>te mg fuel bltls? Ask for QUALITY WORK-REASONABLE PRICES ~,l"'t'(l ASSOCiation our portfolio 01 homes SALES AND SERVICE FOR \ lS0,1 KERCHEVAL L\( en,>pd • BonOI'd • In,urc't! 21G-ROOFING \ 13569 Joseph Campau With current ruel !1I11 CALL U:-, \lOW FOlt A "HEE E'>TI1\1ATt: CLASSIFIED ADS savmgs Comfort for all TU S 6000 SERVICE sea<;ons 15~ !,'ederal CALL 882-6900 lOa m to 4 p rn Tax Credit IJ ~ 1 Y II r • r ( i I • r "I 1If 881 3515 H F JENZEN 885-1798 FinanCing Available 21F-HOME - PAQUIN--l \ BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 1 11~,:~J'; ....t:I J I . j \ l r >. I 'V' J I I' rl' l' r) ~d y .... 21C-ELECTRICAL ROORNG . law J1lt~I.I"'(' ""'(1 I l 1 ;; r t i /~ l" ~ (t ~ J i ~ 1 I) t, (l SERVICE \1'11111l' ....~ ,>PH I \1 '" r...1\ I «( t j i (I ~ l ( t f" dr r' d ~ THINKING OF \1(. ItrrLl~n H-\I 1-, \1 IWo~, , 'J. '~l' .... For 28 yeatS, Iil~h(',>t qllallh LO....f'~t I( ~ 1<' ,"~ , '. SECOND BEST! pnt('~ f'fl'(, ('~lImatf''' Specialists In: .~ T he OAkland Humane °d I ','1'" \1 "11'/ ....'. ~Ofters & 1111" . AdDmoIs. _a " • SOciety J \1A.,TEH "01 F('THI(' TN Vwy lilt 1ft: Me ...... !/'ill 71l2!J 717684D " ; locnted In ; ...~ CUSTOMIntMElS ~ , I' ~ ....' ~ I'" "I H I • DniIR $lnlel • Wtt1tmaMftlp t~ .1' .. H UTWOMS Wayne County l.;r.'t~J,- • ...... • semee ,...~ • jl, r • VM '" yew ItMstmeftt 2OC-CHIMNEY AND 2OC-CHIMNEY AND CUSTOMMIMES ! I " I ( f ({ ~., FIREPLACE FIREPLACE • • • 1IIEPlACf'" _ T r 'f r l ' • y ~ f (( 'IJ' REPAIR REPAIR ('f'1 ow "SIlAS ,10<1 qunl .. 1nn D <,( cwor WtlV n",norolJ'> lallHII/,., t1ilvO '>f,lerlo<1 U'>to do more IMI ... WIJJUW, 1 , 0fACIS _-.. Tt1p "',">pllpr IS lo( ;> Hours 11 00 ,JIM ~ ( "1\1 ....EY .,( IU; .., ..... Ihtl year., "n,J Why Wfj 3(" now FHVIl 1-. Gf';'l fU:,\f)Y "'OR ">PHTN(," '11-' I jf', r r~,~ /' ii,' ,(r " ~ Bnn~ >our house Ill' f(j ( (l(U> dnd , :. 'f; .r) ~( " ,,' I ,u 1'(.., kt"f'p unw

, Page Ten-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 22, 1984

21H~ 21-4-PAIHT1HG. 21-1-PAJNT1NG, 21L-TILE 21P-WATERPROOFING 21S-CARPENT'EA _ 21W-DRESSIIAKING 21Z-sNOW REMOVAL CLE.Af8ttG DECORATING DECORATING WORK I AND TALORIHG AND lANDSCAPING SPECIAL TONY'S ASCOT Tile - JACK WILLIAMS ALBERT D. THOMAS COUTURIER SERVICE PAtNTERS 778.2266 Bathroom, kitchen WATERPROOFING INC. CUS'!'OM DESIGNER 2 ROOM cleaned, 31-\ room SERVED EUROPEAN BID DYNAMIC LAWN floors and counter tops Free FOR cleaned FREE APPREfIo'TICESHIP and WALL REPAIR CO!\TRACTORS INC SERVICE PAINTING estimates Licensed 'lit PROPER METHODS OF \\'e are generdl contractors WOMENS WEAR D CARPET Intenor-Extenor Spec1alwng Complete residential W A.TER PROOFING One call take~ care of all "BRIDAL GOWNS In repalnng damaged plas. -INTERIOR maIntenance CLEANING CO, 21N-ASPHAL T Ol'LY your bUIlding remodeling and ter dn.-wall and cracks, • EXTERIOR WORK RESTORA nONS" • Cuttlng SHAMPOO , stt'am extrac- peellng'pamt, Yo IndO""putt)- 'lit BUCKLED BASEMENT problem" IJrge or small tton, spot &: ,tam remo\ aI, lOOk oU Holldav <(owns • LIquId Fertlllzer 109 and caulking 0\11'l\ork • WALLPAPER C &: J ASPHALT WALLS REPAIRED, TU 2-0628 free estunates 10"" est pnces STRAIGH'rnl\'ED AND Reasonable rates and fast • Shrub Tnmmlng and material guaranteed Pa\'mg In<: , in the Pomtes REMOVAL BRACED 5emce for alteratIOns and • Gardemng l Reasonable Semor cltlzens Commeroa I parking lots QUALITY Furmture and kit- repairs • Sprmg Clean~up discount Grosse POinte EQUAL TO THE BEST '* NO INJURY TO LAWNS 294-1602 773-0525 repair sealcoatmg and A:-"D SHRUBS l.hen cabmetl> custom made BY APPOINTMENT • Power Raking referen('eS Free ESlimates BeT COST LESS stripping ReSidential to meet YOUl demands Port- 8M-6286 • Fully Insured- PROFESSIONAL CARPET Call John anj1lme, 776 9439 '* ALL TYPES OF DO!\lll'\lC BRE\T dn vey, a) s Oy,ner /Super CO"lCRETE Al"D BRICK foho references Ken delivery servIce available • State Licensed UPHOLSTER\' CLEANING \ Isor Free (':.tlmates QUALITY PAINTING 545 7788 882-6594 REP~IR 521-163'7 527-9282 at REASONABLE RATES - - Co\LL A\ YTI~IE 781-4667 We use Von Schrade~ dry ~ERVICE 'lit i5 YE ~RS EXPERIENCE LANDSCAPE DESIGN SUNRISE PAINTING 773-8087 I!\ POl!\TES -\L 1 ER ~TlO'\S - ~1octernl EXPERT Alterations Speedy, foam extraction eqUIpment INTERIOR- ZdllOn dll building need, profeSSional References & CONSTRUCTION _ Deep SOU Removal AND DECORATING 210-CEMENT AND * ALL \-\ORK EXTERIOR I ough to flnl"h In <111 tI dde" Grosse POinte Woods - Fast DrY1ng BRICK WORK GUo\RA:\'TEED • Landscape Print of Your 20 )ed~ profesSIOnal CO INC 1\\ RITTEN FREE GUY DE BOER 881-8484 _ Leaves no reSOlllng residue Painting - \\allpapermg, Home _ OMental Rugs rO'1veruently experience ESTIM4.TESI LlCE:\~ED plaster repair Full} lm.ured RL. STREMERSCH • Lo\!' Mamtanance Plant, cleaned 10 your home ~1ATI' FLETCHER TIRED OF YOW'fit? Excellent 52&-7494 or 245-9263 CEMENT CO,\;TRACTOR 885-0602 Ei~~46~~ mgs 4151 Buckmgham 886-6102 ~?~-3~~ alteratIOns and sewmg For Free e!>t1mate call Cement If no a nsy, er ca II after 3 00 • Flov. er Beds Constructed D1Stlnct!H~ Carpet &: Il\1TERIOR rf»ldentJal pamt. Sr.l.\LL Jobs by retiree Car Before 5 p m call 88tH524 mg and wall washmg b} Drl\ ey,ays pentr) Repairs, Locks • Shade Trees Planted Upholstery Cleaners GROSSE POINTE Patios J.W. KLEINER • Sprmkler Systems In- ~5155 Sunn) bright of \\-al ren Quahty workmanship 824- PAINTER S, INC Brlckwork Basement Waterproofing stalled Ask for Tom Barrese Round The-Clock commer 2853 21X-DRAPERIES P amtmg - mten or extenor, Basement ~VIaterproofmg • Sod Removal and Replace- SauOl(a('tlOn Guarantf'f'd ,,~ ...... ~ ...,..h!:ln('l.no ~.,,.. ,.. ".nAl clal service also available All ""ork e:ualanteed .. I I r-" OOCfo.lTI:!V I .. , •..:u.""'p'" t"\L-L. Vr\I" .....1 .. I •• I Flee ~stlmates cheer Iq!ualit) IS our M U ~J-58b7 img Tuck POlntlllg LICENSED Porches - Enc!osurps Cell- CUSTOM DRAPERIES • K;~tucky Bluegrass Sod fully gl \ en Licensed and after 6 pm No lob too small mgs - Dr)wall Repairs Of Quality 'Work, reasonable Grown on TopsOIl K-CARPET In,ured TU 2-0717 PAlr-;TIr\G y.alJ 'l\ashlng, Free E"tlmates All Kmds Palntmg/Inter- prices' Wide seleetlons of • Shade Sod Guaranteed to 8829234 ElmerT LaBJdle 8822064 CLEANING 101' Exterior fabncs All hems, hand Grow SPECIALIZING IN CAPIZZOCONST. sewn Discounts on rods, • One Dav Service COMPANY NTERIOR AI'\D exteflor BASEME~T FREE ESTIMATES- CARPET WOOD REFINISHING pdmtmg and paperhangmg DRIVEWAYS AND LICEI'\SED shades and blinds 978-2691 • Brick Patios Installed SPECIALISTS STRIP STAIN VARNISH WATERPROOFING • Thatching/Power Rakmg Reasonable rates 30 years BASEMENT DONE RIGHT 527-4470 _ 1~'50?9 _ Steam Extraction Duplicate EXISting FinISh Or experIence Ra) B arnov. CUSTOM Draperles - By Service _ Shampoo Colors to Ma tch WATERPROOFING 10 YEAR Gl:J\RANTEE CARPE!\'TER work, panehng Marla Free estimates, free • 20 Years Experience sk) 372-2392 dUer 6 p m LICENSED INSl'RED PartitIOns, shelVing, doors, _ Spot and Stam Remo\ .II Kitchen tabmets, bathroom 884-7139 mstallatlOn Reasonable • References Furmshed _ Upholster} Cleaning valtltles, ree-famlly room BOB'S DECORATING TONY 885-0612 kitChens, ceilings, repaIrs prices POINTER LANDSCAPE INC _ at affordable prices panehng, doors, tnm and PaInting, Wallpapenng, Pan- J,W, KLEINER Small JObs 882-2795 pOl: 1qA:l Q77,2472 885~1900 885-8448 moldmgs ehng, Mmor RepaIr and CEMEI\,7 CONTRACTOR 882-0688 T&M CARPENTER - small and Licensed Insured Patchmg Quahty Work . CEMENT - BRICK - STOlll'E large JObs, 32 years ex- 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL WOODLAND HILLS References Free Estimates Good Prices Free Est!- Patios, walk!>, porches, CONSTRUCTION SHOR~SlDE Carpet Clean penence Free estunates GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PRESTIGE PAINTING CO mates 881-0836 after 3 p m steps, drIveways Basement waterproofmg AND ing, profeSSIOnal carpet Licensed 527-6656 AND LANDSCAPING DAVID ROLEWICZ • 100/, DIscount Flagstone repair 10 year guarantee LANDSCAPING clearung Work guaranteed - Sprmg clean ups 296-7386 778.5025 With TIus Ad • Tuck polntmg, patchmg Insured - ~ - - -~- - - 21T -PLUMBING - Power raking FUlly Insured Free E"tl - Asphalt patchmg and sealing 774-4896 343 0528 PROFESSIONAL mates Call 775.3450. 24 GROSSE POInte Custom AND HEATING - Lawn cutting BUCHANAN & CO HORTICULTURAL - Fertlhzmg hours GROSSE POI~TERS Palntrng Reasonable rates SPECIALIZING IN 21Q-PLASTER Free estimates Rob, 885- - Shrubbery tflmmlOg, LOOK - 30 years experience SERVING THE POINT~ SMALL JOBS WORK ADVICE prurung ]9211, PhlJ!iE!~J~~ ~ FRANK R. For Your Home, Yard, Gar- steam cleanmg carpet and SINCE 1972 FREE ESTIMATES - Weeding and cultivating den And Greenhouse furniture By Wilbur, Doug • Wallpaper ard removal PAINTING vanushing, y,all LICENSED SUPERIOR PLASTERING WEIR - Seed.Jng and soddmg • Painting lInt and Ext) washmg, repair, etc Ex- AND PAINTING COMPJ\I'\Y For An Appomtment and Glenn Dirter Call 778- TU 2-0717 PLUMBING HEATIN<.., - Plantmg flowers, trees, • Stalnl1lg and varnlShmg pert work, free estimates Cement-Stucco RepaIr CallAfter6P.M 1680 SEWERS AND DRAINS shrubs and all other garden • Plaster repaIr Local references and res- Plasterrng and dr) wall re n8-3832 work done 21-4-PAINTING, e Texture cellmgs and walls Ident Alan, 885-9213/881~ CALANDRA pair Intenor and extenor BOILER SPECIALISTS ResJdentJ.a1 and DECORATING LICENSED INSURED 8734 ------CONSTRUCTION pamtmg Guaranteed work MAC'S commerctal Insured Call Tom- 885-6991 8864374 PALMER PAINTING Co Ex. • Garage raising & framlllg SPRINKLER REPAIRS SPRING CLEAN-UP Insured and LIcensed • Cement dnvewa~s CALL TOM TOGGER GROSSE POINTE pert pamtmg Five years ex- QUALITY Plastenng cracks Complete yard work, lawn, GIOVANNI SACCO perience Reasonable rates • Pon.he; tUlk pomtlng After 6 p,m 286-4667 CONTRACTORS DECORATING SERVICE elimInated Tailored re shrub and tree trimmmg, No too small or too large Qual1t) In mJtenal dnd 885-7711 Pamtmg, wallpapenng stain- JOb pairs 30 years Grosse etc Reasonable rates, qual- CUSTOM PAI1'o'TING AND Free estimates Call Rob ~OI kman~hlp WALLPAPERlNG 109, wallpaper removal, Pomte references Fre~ ~1KERCHEVAL,FARMS ity service Call Tom. 77ft. LANDSCAPE 885-7928 or lI8&-B629 LICeTLOled& InOlured 4429 or 882-0195 _ EXPERT A:"TlQlING patclung, cauIkmg Iru.W'ed estlm£;th, Jim Blackwell Sm{'e t925 GARDENING Keith Dame)"on and lIcensed Italian Juur PJ\INTI"lG - mterlOr, plas JOSEPH 821 7CJ51 If no answer, 294- HOWARDS DesIWl, construction, planting, 885.a155 neyman ter, repair, textured cell- 0034 Llcen"l'd Master Plumber PRUNING, maintenance, ,' FREE E~"I)'JATES Ings, paper hanging and re- 468-7069 TREE SERVICE 264-7579 97~2448 ------Grosse Pomte resident I'\SlRED moval Evemngs, 8ll2..fU48 PALMERPLASTERli\Gand EMIL THE • tree removal ROBERT NEVEUX 884-0536 Mlchdel ~..tm.l0 JI MIKE'S PAI:--lTi....m TESOLlN BROS, drywall, 20 ...ears ex. • stump removal COMPLETE PAINTING perlence 'lo lob too small PLUMBER Intenor, extenor, 'Wallpaper- AND DECORATING CEMENT CONT. • trlmmmg ENGLISH MICHAEL'S mg, minor repa1I'S, palchmg, INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Drlvey, ays, basement and Free estimate>., reasonable SPECIALIZING I1'l .toppmg plastenng Free esbmates All work warranteed, e KItchens _ Bathrooms etablmg COUNTRYSIDE Wallpapermg - Reasonable garage floors, ra twalls, COMPLETE QUALITY PAINTING & Reasonable and honest 792 2736 e storm damage REFERENCES footmgs, pa tIOS, razing • Laundr) room and \ IOla LAWN CARE SERVICE t - REFINISHING References Call anytime Fully msured, free estimates RALPH ROTH 886-8248 garages Free estimates, PLASTERIl"G o\nd Drj''l\all tlOns. Old and ne'l\ work Residential - Commercial I -nlerlor ~Exterlor SerVICE' European m-llOBl "44" Years In Busmess I repairs TextUring and Spnng Cleanup Special STEVE'S PAINTING 758-6949 Pamung 777-0642 or m~3 stucco Insured Pete Free Estimates Power Rakmg anuqumg and varn1l>hmg, InteriOr & Extenor WALLPAPER Taormina, ~2967 Bill, Master Plumber" DORMANT TRIMMING Free Estimates stnppmg and stammg Patdung & Plastermg REA & SON REMOVAL CALL RANDY 268-1636 Complete ktleherl refuushmg Wallpapenng, Wtndow CONSTRUCTION INC PLASTERI:'1G and Drywall (Son of Emil> *Dec1duowe OrDarQeDtals Free EstImates - __ 3230 BY JEFF ALL TYPES OF 882-0029 *Chb Appres.Frurt Trees PuttYing, r:.ulIr.ing Nell SqUires, 757-l1r!3_ I Locusts.Hawthornes, etc. .The First and Orlgmal Good work-Free Estimates CEMENT WORK -== * ESTIMATES on Sprrng clean- }. .Full Time not Part Time * W.lnow how to trIm your up and lawn cuttrng 884- INTERIORS Garages and Modermzduon Reasonable Pflces 21R-FURNfTURE S.M. DECKARD CO. trees, now's the urne. BY DON • LYNN _16 Year!> Expenence Semor CitIzens 10% Off Licensed and Insured REPAIR COMPLETE PLUMBING 5693 .. Husband- \\' Ife Team .Low Rates Over 30 Years Expenence ,I SERVICE THREE C'S Call Steve anytime GREAT LAKES Landscaprng • Wallpapenng .Insured Free estimates 372-7191 772-7191 BOB'S UPHOLSTERY -25% MASTER - LICENSED LANDSCAPING .. Pamtlng Also offerm.s custom pamt 365-5635 off already low pnces Local INSURED Company IS currently otter- Ing specIal d1scount rates on • Metlculou.!. 109, mtenor and extenor QUALITY INTERIOR pamt- references Hours - 9 to 9, FREE ESTIMATES 757-5330 • Insured 779-5235 775-2927 mg, wallpapenng, carpentry T&M summer lawn mamtenance Monday thru Saturdays 885-0406 o LANDSCAPING programs Call today for • Over 20 Year!> Experience and repaIr Expenenced, CONSTRUCTION 772-9326, Bob McVey COMPANY your free estimate 885-0502 527-5560 YOUNG'S reasonable, Insured CEMENT CONTRACTOR B080UBE PAINTING SERVICE Seaver's, 882-0000 • Cement work all kinds FUItNITURE refImshtd, re • Sprmg Clean,Up PLUMBING and HEATING • Cutting RED RIVER RUN Quality Pamtmg & Wallpaper- • Porches-block-step work pall'ed, striPped, any type of "PAINTING 'oI-allpapermg PAINTING-InterIOr / ex- Licensed Ma~ter Plumber LANDSCAPING Ing Plaster &: Drywall • Basement waterproofmg camng Free estImates • Hedge Trlmmmg and wall ~ashmg Semor terlOr, wall washmg and SEWER CLEANING, • Sprmg Clean-Up Repatr References Free Guaranteed 474-8953 or 345-6258 • Edgmg cItizen dll>count Jan 884 domestic c1eanmg Free SPRINKLER REPAIR, ETe Estimates Insured REASONABLE PRICES Lowest PrIces Around • Weekly Lawn Cuttmg 8757, Kathy 773 9569 " estimates Call Thom E-XPERT ANTIQUE rep~urS, • De-Thatchlllg Call anytime 77 4-4896 343-0528 GrosOlePOinte Woods • Free Estimates • 881-7210 refInishing re-gluemg "By 886 3897 773-0525 - 294-1602 • Shrub Tnmmmg NICK KAROUTSOS Jim Young 372-4365 Tony Sertich" 521-1998 PROFESSIONAL TESTA CEMENT DEPENDABLE college stu- • Landscape ConstructIOn 21J-WALL • Garderung P~INTER WHITEY'S WASHING WHERE S THE WOOD? PLUMBING REPAIRS dent to cater to all your land~ CO., INC. Have you been shoPPlIlg for • Shrub Plantmg 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE • Wall Papering Serving The Pomtes & scapmg needs I have my I Intenor IExtenor Pamtlng new furmture lately? Make own equipment and 6 years Get Experienced, Personal I einterlor Painting WALL WASHING, neat, rell. For 37 Years SEWER CLEANING 885-35~ Days sure It'S \\000, not plastiC experience m the Grosse Sernce at Reasonable I • Reasonable Pnces able service Evemngs 882- Driveways, garage floors a Reasonable Rates For AIl Call anytime or after 5 p m • Good Work 6348 Injected mold that has been Pomte area I offer a f1exl' Rates Frf'e Estimates patios, porches photochemlcdlJ... fmlshed Mike Potter - Lie InsW'ed Keith Coderre • Call - no jO~ too small Lie -:;1BJ60 IKS ble quality service at an af- K~MAINTENANCE Company Make sure the drawers are 882-1558 774-0414 Free Estimates fordable pnce I'm fully m- 884-9768 ,. v.all wa!lhmg floor cleaJlmg dO\,etal1ed chairs have glue TONY sured for your protectIOn MELIN'S Pamtmg -Intenor, and ....axIng Frcoeestimate:> 881.1016 block;" chma cabmet has a Th M t Plumber For free informatIOn Call \\ ood back no :'vIasomte e • as er Custom ex tenor, patchmg, plaster- e82-0688 Chns at 884-u479 READ 10 RJRTHER! -~- -- CAPIZZO CONST. These tlP~ brought to you by f \ Son of EmIl) Painting , 109, stucco varnislnng, WID DON1 GAMBLE WITH YOUR WALL v.ashmg done Rea- 5lunshme Stripping and \0 Job too ,mall \eW and dow glaZing and caulking, QUAUTYWORK MAC'S TREE AND sooablerates Expenenr:ed Fml~hlng Co , 11357 East B repdlr'> \ IOlatlOns LAWN MAINTENANCE. Wallpaper e- I- wallpaper Free estrmates, All Types Of Cement, Brick. SHRUB TRIMMING Grosse Pomte references Block \\-ork Garages ",Ide Rd 757 1766 . 293-3181 COMPLETE WORK reasonable price Call any- Rob, 779-6355 tIme Meltn 759-5099 ~ - - - -- RaIsed & Set Done On Ney, 21S-CARPENTER Reasonable rates, quality ser~ IFOR THE BEST SERVICE, Raty, all & Floor ~~...;;;;.;;..-...... _ ~~::I& ~~~ GROSSE POINTE fireman DRAIN SERVICE vice Call Tom 77&-4429 or YOU DON1 HAVE TO PAY ",,11 do wall ....aslung 821 LICENSED INSLRED 7 DAYS 882- \Ialks porche~ Cabinet buildmg formlcd OFFICE Cleanmg done by 88~ 725 GEOFFRE't '11 PIERICK Call Ron for your \\1",OOVV l'LEA\d!\G bnck & block \\ aterproof _\_.E__9484_2 _ Profes'>lOnal Estomate sunrrCE Grosse POinte policeman 109 .!"l{ -\ '\K B \\ ILL1A:\1S LI and \l, Ife, excellent 88s.0421 FRE!': ESTl"'1An~~ 497-5766 :'IlICHAEL F .\LE(j ';2t>-1Wj7 (en~E'd builder Speuahnng references 881 -1071 \\ E AHE I!\~t RED I Classified Advertisinclntormation JACK \\ lLL1AMS In horn<' up d door< ad AND TAIL.ORING Add,e.. : 99 Kerche.al, G,o.le Pointe 48236 I D \\ I"'DO\', CLEA", 1]'1,(, CO • DRIVEWAY5 • PORCHES lusted ty>ok~hE'hes In<;l,lll Office Hours: Storms and SCI eens aluml • PATIOS. STEPS. ETC ed p-{1602 top" ..a nlt le~ Codf' vlOJd dmgs alteratIOns family, Moo 8-5, Tues 8-12, Wed 9-5 frN' c"tlmatf'S LO\>,e"t t lon~ corrf'cled For tour dr~smakmg, home decor Thurs and Fn 8..5 .. prttC, III the P01nte,> BRICK VvORK <;;mdll Job" leou~ expert d ~p(>c lilit~ Quail ty 20 ( H' "II \L (Lr,AR 822-0600 (,E\!,~f{AL ((,,\THAC1 OR fec rr,llm~ hdll~ lioor, <\IJ \\-ork Gro'>Ol(,POinte Park Bf!ling rate for 12 words $395 1I0J\IE &. \\ I\DO\\ CO\CRETE &. BRWK \\ORK n'pdtr<; ilnd flm,h ....ork 16 !I!\';'WIIl - Prompt tree Eltimates - ( U,A\I ....(, 'DRI\'E\\ AY".POR(,HE~ )I'ars pXpl'rJ('nte Jo ree !"oIl Retail rate per Inch $500 1,>0" DI~Ol "\7 THRt 3 II f\4 .PATiO".STr:P~.r~T( mall", \ ,1,) '>apWIl7\1 E B,IIr \l,l11d(l~ (').... n minimum of 2 columns Wide and 3 inches In/-; C'lIl1'l [11',wlng llphoj MIKE GEISER deep Deadline noon Monday pliOI' to -1,'1 I (1I',wlng Lnel (,'-nI'l 01 Thursday publlcotlcn $800 extra charge Ilfln ,}27 RIO'> r rl f 1",11 I CEMENT CONT for photo reproduction IIldl(' (,lHIl"r [II "PIng h..rd "!I"C '''It/II1f-, II' \\,,11 rproot'llf.. IH~td fJClOl' p" !f' ....,nfod and Odl'>ldl' ( I. \ lolal}o'l" COIIRECTIONS AND ADJUSTME~TS R~spOn~,bd,ty for ------r)(1 f-..I'Tll,,;I'<, a clos\lfll'd adv error IS lImIted to eIther a concellotlon (,f{()"1"~ PO!'\IE I'('ll,.tn 21T-PLUMIING AND of the charge for or a re run of the portiOn In error \1,111 de. .... Indo"" \I,I_llIng 881-6000 KrATING No"hcal,on n"llJSt be given In t,me for correction ''1 the !l21 814 A:'vDi(' errQf after the forst insertion GUARDIAN SLOG MAINTENANCE 21L-TILE ('<;j Irnatl", loll I n,,'d (op (L",ToM " RE<"IDt:I\TI-\L WORK !I"dOl (.Ill ,OL 4'12i CLASSIFYING a. CENSORSHIP We re5()rve the rtght '0 ANDERSEN CIOHtfy eoch ad under Its approprn<; fo~Sn.I:lLISHJo~f) 11124 for publicatIon 30 Yfoars expert 1M' and foyen, Ilhowl"r pans SE~IOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1,1renM"d a nd Irv;u l't'd All lypE"Sof baM"ment ....atf'r rt'pllI rt'd Call RIck al proofing 7 yean. guaranlt~. 372 ..0580 PRE PAID - All ser""ce odvert'\,ng, Wa~'''d to Rent, 1 2 I 521.3434 Refl"f'e1lCt!S 886.5565 Wonted to Shore and SItuatIon Wonted must be Pf'e.p~"d

t .....



Bargains Offered Regularly Each Thursdayl

• Thursday, March 22, 1984 Page Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS !

1 ~ . . n_t_e_r_l_c_e__ i_n__t_h_e__G_P__H_A Ih~k~l/h~a~II~~hg,Und~t:m!,u.~l,~th~~~~~~~,--• ."" """ ~....,~ ".. M weren't a chess move and ICing was bemg part of somethmg new was, aRd Sm"h plt/IIl-''X, ('(I(I<'h('1I (lnd ram. not the proces!> of glazmg a cake' 'FIrsts' are always excltm~ and ilif'1I celehJatf:,d at IoN'Ii(m.endin,q lIftn. Student!> and communIty mem- Ice hockey was no exceptIOn III Its goals ~ Ith pla~ makmg help trom Shannon f'O\\'leckl led the Islan. Mite Division qlAetl> ((nd llU'",'d1l lugh/Ii /('rently. III bel'S m Gro!>se Pomte \\ere caught flrst ,ear New umforms in the I';ugent and Alderton Blake ('I a\\. del'~ \\ ith SIl\ goals EddIe Barblen The Black Hav.ks topped the hQnrll of Owl, !'I(,ulh I>lud('nt UtlI" up _ through words, !>Ights and famdal gl een and cold hand. ford 1lcored USA '!>onIv tall) , iwh !>coredfour of the fIve Sabres' goals Brums 83 In pIa) off actIOn last Fl'tw{,clt find \orth "h(Jchy dad" <,ow1ds- In the eXCItement of high crafted leather gloves shiny l"an{~ Akott gettmg a'n assl~t Mike Tornce scored the other weekend Jimmy tl"ndary got the Brad Tilldflle, bolh HqU/(/I' (,olltrib- school valslt} hocke) In thiS maug- gold helmets and "long" hockey The :\orth Stars had a deflmte ~abres goal and John Olmsted Hawk~ un the board first \\ hen he utO/'llla the ."t'll l\' !>PQItlllieetwll, htll'e ural sea!>on of 1983-84 lee hockey pant!> Coopel-alls, the latest In pro- edge In !>hots on goal, but USA net- (two) Frank LUCIdo and AIC1e convertt"d a Nate \~eld pa~s but the u', it/e'll l>umm{l/"f'1> of II hat (lnwul/led the new crowd pleaseI', IS what I!> tecllve paddmg mmdel Jlmm! Bunn played very Fisher added the othel Islander tal- BrUinS tied It up on a Mike 0\\ en!> to fI Vf'11I f'.\C'itlllq II mtel .pm I.. M'O' happerung In Glosse POlllte The progra m v.as blessed With a \\ ell In a 10::.mg effort hes goal I>on, (I yWI Ihat round (,lIlMiI PIJlntE' Var!>lty hoeke} at NOllh High l!l (oachlng staff \\hlCh v.as able to Weld '>CO!ed t\\ Ice 10 the "econd ISLA!'. DERS-SABRES • on IN.' ... Fol/ou 1119 (II e TIJ,dtllE'~ "Re. thp product of the perse\ eranee of blend knov. ledge dlsclplme and Lucrdo and Peter McDermott penod \\ Ith Jonathan Romme and The Islandel s bcat the Sabre.s. fle('ti(JIl,~ ... ((lid FI/ "I J mpl f .."wn ... " countless commumt) plannel!> The compa::.slOn Coach Mike Manzella Stephen \\ e~leJ a~~I:,tmg But the 10-5 In the opemng game of the B" each got pia) makers lthree as- Thp wmtel chili that sends the efforts of man) blought the Board and assIstant!> Peter Costello and Brum'> fought back agam to t1(' the diViSIOn po<;t.!>ca!>on tuurnament !>I!>h)for the Islanders, Tornce got commumtv mto a three month hl- of EducatIOn, the Gros~e Pomte :-"Ick Claozzo ~pent countless hours score on goal ...from Jim McMllian The Sabr e~ pld) ed \\ ell, despIte one tOl the Sabres Chn!> Stebbms bernatlOn' \\ as broken thl!> \ ear Hocke) As!>oclatJOn and the 11Igh plannmg the pI ogram, conductmg and JIm Bufallno The Ha\\ ks dl e!>smg Ju!>t mne player'> for the played well In goal for the Islan- brmgmg' kid!> from 8 to 80 to the ~chool admmi~tratlOn and athletiC tl) outs and managwg practices dommated the third penod hov. game ders de!>plte suffermg from the flu nnk, ' where blood ple~SlllC and departments together The fllst and gc!mes It \\as an Involvement evel \\!th .\nd\ Cannonbdll adrenalm le\ els could be exel - ~tep \\ as a tl131 balloon an In that began m late !>ummer and ex- Ba.skel ..,CO! mg dil lIve goal;, I un- Cised The I h) thmiL ~ound of ~kate tramUl al pI ogl am In the fall of 1982 tended through February The pro. mng hI!>g(Jul totdl un the \ eal to 32 A look at some champs blades canwg the ice .sulface Olgam£ed dnd managed b) ~olth gram <;success v.as due largely to Dnmmg a"'>I!>t<,I.\el'e DaVid Puh~ mn"ed \\ Ith the thundel of bodIes athletIC dll ector Tom Gaul'1 ke Jnd the pel !>onal1l1e~and dedicatIOn of Bradle) ~lellen Mmk Waterman The 1983-1\4~qUlrt A ~tate chdm- excellent 1ushmg defenseman he and puck!> stnkmg the plexlgla~!> hi!>a.sslstant Tom Teetaert thIS C oachmg .staff and R) an &.ofwld plOn5>hlp\\ ent to G"u!>!>ePomte!> had a hat tnck and earned cr('atmg an e>"Citement that qUick. Student and commumt\ mtel est Fmall) ther e v.ere the partlc- KI"("S.RA~'("ERS 0\\ n Bandit!> Here's a look at the pIa.' makel a\\ ards thl!>year ened the pulse ',,\as tl emendous and the ~tage \\ as Ipants the pIa) ei s ne\\ faces ...... 1 ~ .. • ,.... 'r I • 1 ...In; ~uL.uu.l~ o.uJ \".VlVL;:) ""LI \,.. :, ....t ~t;~ ~,,--u.~ ~1.-:.' thn>;:{lI .::;l.lllf.ln to \Vln a lHC' rU l ~ 0.11 1\.1.I1~~ U1 .l\,.cHiLu LoU'- Od!lUIl~ dliU tia:l1 ll- fVI; ~tl~b :: ....'::::-.:..:': pnollph '0 II - Da\ld o\uld' 1hlS new and the speed, grace and precl- gl am fO! 1983-84 ..,pot on Hus !'iorth squad TheIr ath- Ranger"- 11 I In their t lfIal pia) off ments In thiS champlOn!>hlp defenseman was a "rock" on game of the season Kmg <;goal'> sea~on Ston were breathtakmg In Grosse And In that fll st veal' the Norse ietlc e\.pre~slOn set an excl tmg defense and an excellent Pomte. lee hocke) wa!> the talk of men completed a'schedule of 24 ~tandardforotherstofollow the came from JamlC Brock Ene playmaker He was third m team Ki.sskalt Mike lJgval ,Jatob 1 - Jas()n Hall' He shared the town Ne\\ words and e"pI es- games including 22 regular sea!>on future reflectiOn v.III be called tra- '0 assists With 25, had tv. 0 playmaker the goaltendmg dutIes \\ Ith Du!>tm SlOns came 111to people's vocab- contests an exhIbitiOn game dnd ditlOn Thomas Itwo) and three each from awards and scored three game- Agu!>tm Yofre and Pete MOlgan Kolodge and sparkled durmg ulanes red lme didn't refer to one pIa) off game North \\as 13-8-3, - Brad Tisdale \\ Inmng goals Yafre, SebastIan Yofre BI ent ~everal key games thiS season Kuhar, t'g\'aJ Danny Bumblch, Jason fJm~hed \\Ith a 215 goab- '0.12 - 'lark Sh\\Jn!>ki: A right Matt Van El~lander, Thomas Mor- agam~t average In the tough \\ Inger \\ Ith dazzlmg puck handlmg Impressions of a fine South season gan and KI!l.skalt (two) earned as- Caesars league and .skatmg abIlitIes, he was third SiSt.s Goaltender Paul Megler got lD both team scormg With 48 points By Mark Froelich who battled and brUIsed their way fImshed at 92 percent" "1;0. 2 - o\ndrc\~ \'anDe\\cghc: the W10 In the net.s and m goals scored With 26, he also South High through thiS incredible season~ As fO! the tItle .. Cinderella," The versatile left wmger scored two hat tncks Mark led the "Never m my WIldest dreams did Players who were key factors III coach Zimmerman agrees that KINGS-BLUE DRAGONS substituted on defense on several BandIts m power play WIth three 1 ever expect It," exclaimed head the season mcluded JUnIor Phil Plt- that is a proper descnptJon of the The Art Van Kmgs and the GPD occaSlOns A playmaker, Andrew and In game-wmmng goals, With coach Tim Zimmerman In sIZIng tel'S (25 goals and 20 aSSIsts), sen- 1983.84 hockey season Blue Dragons ended theIr seasons scored several key goals durmg the SIX up South's mcredlble "Cmderella" IOr Richard Suhrhemnch (18 goals WIth a playoff consolatIOn game as fmal tournament and had two 'Defimtely !'io one ever expected I season of varsIty hockey The Blue and 16assIsts), and JunIOr A J GIb- the Kmgs outscored a short-handed game-wmnmg goals thi!>season '0.14 - Bob Ca!>s. A center, Bob It We came fight out at nowhere to I Devlls finished the season With an son (11 goals and 10 assists J ! -Blue DI agon team, 5-0 IS one of the best checkers on the break mto the top eight high school :\'0. 3 - Scott Berger: A ImpreSSive 16.7.2 record, and plac- Offf>nsively, South was strong, hockey teams m the state," said j Scormg for the Kmgs were A team. He '" as able to come up With outscormg Its opponents 110-69 Yofre, Morgan and Kisskalt, who defenseman, Scott stopped man) the big plays at the most opportune ed seventh in the state rankmgs Zimmerman potential scormg threats thIS As any sports fan knows, these bad a hat tnck M J Moms, UgvaJ time - four of hIS 10 goals were The power play worked 28 9 per- So what about next season? A 'I season He has the ablhty to block are not the usual achievements of {two). S Yofre, Kuhar, BomblCh game-wmners cent of the time compared to 16 3 pOSSible state champIOnship ~sskalt and Morgan (two), were shots and clear the puck out of the an expansIon hockey team But percent for opponents And credit ~o. 15 - Patrick O'Brien: A luckily for South, most opponents maybe') Not likely Next year, 11 credited '" ith aSSIsts. Megler zone the opp

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