-...~- ..-.---,-_- ..-. '"""1"""'---"-" rosse Pointe ews , VOL 45-No 12 Grosse POinte, Michigan Thursday, March 22, 1984 30 cents 40 Pages for your information• liquor's quicker but not in City By Susan McDonald the same time t1llng~. the} tt'lld nolto get mvolved and wille for conbumpllOn on the premlse~ But city attorney'> have Gro~~e POinte Clty's counCIL I don I thmk you 'l<~ gOll1g to get the "We're trying to fmd out what adVIsed tll(' council that tavern ...('c'm::. delel mmed to tip-to€ up to 956 petlllOn.." you need." KlIlg said tht: people lIUllk,' cxpJ.uned Mayol hcenbCS are often automatIcally the bal Lorenzo Bro\1 nlllg "I \\ ant -"ome "It's a big waste of tune" upgraded to Clabb C licenses allow By Tom Greenwoocl Aclll1g on <l I eque::.1 made SIX mdlcatJoll of lhe ~el1tm1ellt of the Ing sale of hard lIquor on preml'>cs Bul Andl C'\\ Moqulll of the l\lel ry months ago b) a 1'0dlItIOn of local people." echoed cOUl1ulman AIlhur Fetter!> . Thl., (petitIOn) IS UUI flr.,t l\lou.,e III the VIllage. said tillS \\eek "'fhf'Y mform me at the Liquor I c,>taurant lm ner., ('Ity fathers de- he Ii:>encotll aged by the c'ouncIl's Paid in full , uded lhl., \~cek 10 :--ef'k more feed attempt to do thaI" Conti 01 CommlS~lOn that ta\ern 100te..,t(\ct IOn h('en~es are almo~t non-exl~lent Bo) , somebod)- out there really back from clllzen~ before tlH'y The counCil ha~ been ~lud~ lllg lhe Of l'OUI ~e, I d I dlhel be :'l'l vlI1g the~e da) s." bald CII] Attorney likes this paper Jo Burear, as- , agree to I~Mle lIquor or tavem h. request <'!Ilce Octobel . when fO! mer \\ me light nO'.\ ... Moqu III so1ld .But Richard Hmks "They get a tavern sistant to the pubhsher of our cen~es The Clt) has been dry tolllCe .Ma) 01' John Kmg. an attorne) . ap tim, l~ Ct.'1 tall11] a ..,,1ep III the light license and wlthlll a matter of paper, came over \Hth a check 1919 plOached It on behalf ot foUl' al ea dIrect lOll a I Ipabt I' III e IH'OUI v, eek'> they apply for Class C . and a subscnptlOn renewal To poll I e~ldenb. counCil- re::.taurants - Ihe Men \ l\lou.."e. .lged .. There are now almost 7.000 Class C notice the other day members dgrel'd to dl~tl'lbute petl- Clall pomte. Jacob.."on'b aild R.ml s ltcen!>e<; In MIchigan and less than "',,,..,,........,,., ~~ ,11 f""~l'Y\"\I" "1 Th::t's ~ct t~c ~~~~!.!~! ~n ?nn of "no"-.r tlUn~ next month along ,..nn we Iiulu .....v'1-..... ~~ :lUU tavern licenses. accoruHlg LO Itself, f'xcept this tamlly was re- "(OUIlII y Fn'llch" addltlOn to hIS pal k pa::'M'~ I::.toued <.'very year Hmks newing the subscrIptIOn to the The I'e.."lnuranl owners b'l\' Ihev l\h>ITYMOll~e dlee~e bhop on March Former City Mayor John King is rep- thloughout the commumty The Grosse Pomte News for another lo!>e busmt.'..,,:, because dll1en~ cdntt 27 He'll serve luncheon and lea Grosse Powte City went dry. resenting four restaurant owners petltlUn~ a!>1. If utw:ns \\ant the mne yearsl order wme or beeI' \1Ith thell' meals dally, mcludll1g soups. balad<;, who want to serve beer and wine to questIOn of l~sUlng hqUOl licenses along WIth the rest of the natwn on Ordmary subscriptions run $13 They've critiCIzed the counCil for omelette!> and sandWiches "The diners. He called the city council's placed on the I'\ovember ballot An Jan 19, 1919, when the 18th armually or a discounted $34 for a delaymg action on theIr Iequesl menu Just cnes out fOI a gla~s of Amendment to the ConstItution latest move - to dlstrlbule petitions accompanylllg letter states Ihat If three year renewal. This check \\lI1e," he said went IOta effect After prOhibition on the Issue - ". waste of time" more than 900 I egltotered CIty vot- Kmg -"aid Monday thdt the peti- was for $102 (Let's see . $34 The Ie::.laUl dill 0\\ nel ~ Ollgmall) \\a::. repealed. on Nov 6, 1934. CIty el!'> ~lgn petitIOns. d que::.tlOn on IS- tIOn elt Ive 1:-' .ulll1en •..".."my hmes three carry the one The counlll lould put 't t1J~ 011 the I eqllc~t ed ollh 1.1vel n 1Icen~e~ hf' IeSldents voted 963-574 to contInue 1 sUlIlg onl) bel'r and \\ me IIcen::.e~ uh fight - $102 ) abo "Ill be placed on the ballot al ballol It,>elf Whl'n people favor ISblll'<l, dlllm JOg them 10 !>CIve bl'er the ban Now there's a family with a sense of continUlt~ and a bellef in the future and this paper. Either that or they own a fish market ParkPSO Ford home • Our families meeting Sports colummst Peggy will fall O'Connor and I got together for lunch the other day Durmg the is tonight course of the meal we talked about 51. Patrick's Day, which m to 16.lot turn, led to our favonte stones By Susan McDonald about our crazy ton her side) and Grosse Pointe Park's study of drunken (on my side) IrISh rela- pOSSible consolidatlOn of Its pohce tives and fire departments mto a pubhc subdivision safety orgamzatlOn IS proceedmg And I must admit, when it with the second meeting of Its Citi- By Mike Andnejczyk comes to looney tune stories zen committee scheduled for to- about IrIsh relatives. Peggy's night at 7 p m. in city hall The Park planning commisslOll family beats out my family by a got ItS first look Tuesday at the pro- mile I Will also admit Green- The committee, lncludmg ban- posed subdivision on the Ford es- wood is not an Irish name It's kers, lawyers and former DetrOit tate between Jefferson Court and English. Actually, It'S "veddy police chief Philip Tanman. wa~ Bishop Lane in the Park It may be English" as my grandmother appomted by Mayor Palmer SIX months before developers have Anne (CrItchley) Greenwood, Heenan earlier this year to fulfill collected all the necessary permits from Liverpool, England would one of the promises he made while to begin construction. city offlcia"ts confirm campaigning for mayor last fall said. Heenan has said he proposed the But my mother's maiden name study to improve the effiCiency of was Irene Finn, and the blood of The prelIminary dra .....'ngs show government and to "gIVe more ser- the dlvIslOn 01 the property mto 16 the Finn's and McGookm's from vices for the taxpayers' dollars" County Crazy runs m our vems lots of about 11.800square feet each. Both familles lived on Lemay lJl FIREFIGHTERS IN the Park The city's lomng ordmance re- Detroit, seperated by Mack Ave- are op~ed to the study and have quirea a lot of at least \0•• square nue-.It was a rather chilly recep- bo~cot1ed talks with the-.eity.-.M:. feet, oftieials said tion when the Irish Catholic Fino ministration about the plan They've al.so purchased advertise- family met the Anglican Green. Part 01 the ~ .... - wood family to discuss the im- ments and are dlStributing flyers to pending marriage of Fred publicize tonight's meeting. In~b~Cox"'''tile Ooas. will IDdude oIMack Greenwood, (my dad) to Irene u.;..... I CItizen committee chairman d the 70-year-old tbree-slory bome Finn. Stephen Wasinger saId there's no on tbe property, buJJt in 1'14. Tbe To thlS day, my grandmother formal agenda for tonight. Mind games horne contains a fuU basement, pUle refers to them as .'those drunken and hardwood floors and trim and "I hope to begin a discussion of features a gabled, wood-shingled Irish bums " She looked down on the mformat1On we've recelvcd and them because her father was a to test roof, according to assessor's field Just take it from there," Wasmger. sheets train station master back In an attorney, said "1 hope we'll es- Great Britain. And because she tablish some kind of lime hne for the best was EngllSh. future talks tonight. too " Developers Crom Cox and Baker To her credit, It must be admit- Patncla Forster. member of the By Susan McDonald were waiting for input from the ted she grew to love my maternal Park cIty council and the Citizen Ask a typical person to name dif- planmng commiSSion to deter- grandmother, Zada, (yes. Zada), committee. saId the committee has ferent kinds of Imds and you'll mme the sIze of the developable lots Fmn My Grandma Fmn told of requested a great deal of research, probably get predIctable answers the fIrst time she met Grandfa- most of it commg from cIty hall lIke "robm. cardinal and blue jay" ther George's Fmn's family. Befort' the construcllon begIns. headed by the infamous "Pap" "1 must have a hundred pounds of But pose the same quesllon to one the developer has 10 collt><'t a hand- Fmn and sons Pat and Mike ltterature on pubhc safety," Mrs of the youngsters staying after ful of permits from Lhe city. county Forster said Committee members school at Defer Elementary and and state for water and sewer lines Dressed In her Sunday best, have received reports on the eXist- ) ou II get ans\\ el s hke "Lady BIrd as well as site plan and elevation and determined to make a good ing structure of the department.
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