Belgians in North America: a Bibliography

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Belgians in North America: a Bibliography BELGIANS IN NORTH AMERICA: A BIBLIOGRAPHY Kristine Smets Last updated August 14, 2020 A growing list of articles and books that discuss or illustrate Belgian immigration to North America and the Belgian American experience. This bibliography is a work in progress. TABLE OF CONTENTS Belgian Immigration and Emigration 2 General works 2 Immigration from East Flanders 8 Immigration from West Flanders 10 Belgians in Canada 10 Manitoba. 11 Belgians in the United States 11 California 13 Illinois 13 Michigan 14 Minnesota 15 New York 15 West Virginia 16 Wisconsin 16 Diaries, Interviews, Letters, Memoirs 19 Emigrant Guides 19 Family Histories 19 Red Star Line and the Port of Antwerp 21 ©Kristine Smets 1 of 24 Last updated Friday, August 14, 2020 BELGIANS IN AMERICA: A BIBLIOGRAPHY Index 22 BELGIAN IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION GENERAL WORKS Boumans, R. “Een Onbekend Aspect van de Belgische Uitwijking naar Amerika: De Gesubsidieerde Emigratie van Bedelaars en Oud-Gevangenen (1850-1856).” [An Unknown Aspect of the Belgian Emigration to America: The Subsidized Emigration of Paupers and Ex-Prisoners]. Bulletin des Séances (Académie royale des sciences d’outre-mer) = Mededelingen der Zittingen (Koninklijke Academie voor Overzeese Wetenschappen) v. 11, no. 2 (1965):354-393. In Dutch. Online at: Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences. Reprinted in L’expansion Belge sous Léopold Ier (1831-1865): Receuil d’études, 476-575. Brussels, Belgium: Académie royale des sciences d’outre-mer, 1965. In Dutch. WorldCat. Online at: Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences. A well-documented and scholarly article in which Boumans studies the subsidized emigration of about 600 paupers and ex-prisoners between 1850 and 1856. He first discusses the origins and development of the emigration as well as the diplomatic problems it created with the United States government. Clerck, Huguette de, and Paul Callens. Tentoonstelling Pittem-Egem: naar aanleiding van het kunstwerk "De Vlaamse emigrant.". [Exhibition Pittem-Egem: On the Occasion of the Sculpture ‘The Flemish Emigrant.’] Tielt: Vlaamse Vereniging voor Familiekunde, Afdeling Tielt, 2004. 31 p. In Dutch. WorldCat. “The Flemish Emigrant” is a statue created by artist Patrick Steen of Leke, Belgium. It was unveiled at the hall of the Delhi Belgian Club in Delhi, Ontario, Canada. Dauw, Adhemar. “Emigratie naar Noord-Amerika.” Het Land Van Nevele 9 (1978): 113-139. In Dutch. Includes a short timeline with important dates for the history of the United States, U.S. immigration in general, and Flemish emigration in particular. Explains how land was divided and sold in states like Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana. Describes the voyage of the European immigrants. Followed by a description of Belgian emigration to America, primarily based on the works of Antoine De Smet. Discusses the early Belgian colonies in Missouri and Pennsylvania, the Walloon emigration to Wisconsin during the 1850s, followed by the Flemish emigration after the Civil War, to Indiana, Illinois, and Canada. Includes a short list of Flemish emigrants who settled in Mishawaka and South Bend in Indiana, and a brief biography of Edward Coryn from Moline, Illinois. Delmelle, Joseph. L'expansion wallonne hors d'Europe. [Walloon Expansion Outside Europe.] Connaitre La Wallonie. Nalinnes-lez-Charleroi: Institut Jules Destrée, 1967. 104 p. In French. WorldCat. Discusses Walloon expansion in Africa, Asia, Oceania and Antarctica, and America. The last section includes a chronological overview of contributions of Walloons in the United States and Canada, ©Kristine Smets Page 2 of 24 Last updated Friday, August 14, 2020 BELGIANS IN AMERICA: A BIBLIOGRAPHY from the sixteenth until the middle of the twentieth century. The emphasis is on individual contributions. De Prume, Jules Jehin. Nova Belgica: La contribution belge aux Etats-Unis [Nova Belgica: The Belgian Contribution to the United States]. Montréal, Quebec: A.P. Pigeon, 1924. 74 p. In French. WorldCat. Written on the occasion of the tercentenary of New York. The first chapter is devoted to the Belgian involvement in the founding of New York. Other chapters focus on the various contributions of the Belgians to the United States, including the Belgian missionaries who operated in the territories, the American College in Louvain, Belgium, the role of Belgian ambassadors and consuls, the commercial and economic ties and the foundation of the Belgian Bureau in New York. Contents: − Le Tri-Centenaire de New York [The Tercentenary of New York] − La Fondation de New York [The Foundation of New York] − Nova-Belgica − La Contribution Belge aux Etats-Unis [The Belgian Contribution to the United States] − Le Bureau Belge de New-York [The Belgian Bureau of New York] De Smet, Antoine. “L’émigration belge aux Etats-Unis pendant le XIXe siècle jusqu’à la guerre civile.” [Belgian Emigration to the United States during the 19th Century until the Civil War]. Annales de la Fédération archéologique et historique de Belgique = Jaarboeken van de Vereniging van Oudheidkundige en Geschiedkundige Kringen van Belgie v. 32 (1950): 188-208. In French. WorldCat Reprint: De Smet, Antoine. “L’émigration belge aux Etats-Unis pendant le XIXe siècle jusqu’à la guerre civile.” Album Antoine De Smet, p. 188-208. Publications du Centre national d’histoire des sciences, IV. Brussels, Belgium: Centre national d’histoire des sciences, 1974. WorldCat. A well documented article that describes the most important attempts and waves of Belgian immigration to the United States before 1860, looking especially at the timing and patterns of settlement. Also discusses the role of the Antwerp ship brokers in the Belgian emigration process. Ducat, Jean. Passagers belges partis vers l'Ameriqué de 1833 à 1855: contribution à l'etudé de l'emigratioń de Belgique meridionalé vers les Ameriqueś au 19e siècle. [Belgian Passengers to America from 1833 until 1855: Contribution to the Study of Southern Belgian Emigration to the Americas.] Biesme-Mettet, Belgique: Belgian American Heritage, 1998. 130 p. In French. WorldCat. First includes lists of Belgian passengers on eighteen vessels that traveled between Le Havre or Antwerp and New York or New Orleans. between 1833 and 1854. The author acknowledges that these lists are far from complete. The bulk of the work consists of an alphabetical list of Belgian passengers on the seventy-three vessels that departed Antwerp in 1855. Thirty eight of those ships were destined directly for New York, Boston, New Orleans, Quebec, Rio Grande, Buenos Aires, or Australia. The remained thirty- five connected with transatlantic ships in England. Spouses are listed with their husbands under their maiden name, and are recorded in a separate alphabetical list at the end. ©Kristine Smets Page 3 of 24 Last updated Friday, August 14, 2020 BELGIANS IN AMERICA: A BIBLIOGRAPHY Ducat, Jean. Passagers belges partis vers l'Ameriqué en 1856 contribution a ̀ l'etudé de l'emigratioń de Belgique meridionalé vers les Ameriqueś au 19e sieclè . [Belgians Passengers to America in 1856: Contribution to the Study of Southern Belgian Emigration to the Americas during the 19th Century.] Biesme-Mettet, Belgique: Belgian American Heritage, 1997. 121 p. In French. WorldCat. Online at: University of Wisconsin- Green Bay. Contains an alphabetical list of the Belgian emigrants who left for America in 1856. The author gathered the information for each passenger from American passenger lists, Belgian population registers, and family archives. For each passenger he includes his/her place within the family, full name, year and place of birth, former residence, name of ship, line number for the passenger on the ship’s manifest, and final destination. Everaert, John. “Antwerpen als Emigratiehaven: De Overzeese Landverhuizing naar Amerika (1830-1914).” [The Port of Antwerp and Emigration to America 1830-1914)]. In L’expansion Belge sous Léopold Ier (1831-1865): Receuil d’études, 55-66. Brussels, Belgium: Académie royale des sciences d’outre-mer, 1965. In Dutch. WorldCat. Online at: Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences. Discusses the development of Antwerp as a major emigration port. The author also briefly analyzes three phases of Belgian overseas emigration: (1) the guided emigration of paupers; (2) the sudden feverish fits of emigration to Latin America; and (3) the spontaneous emigration to North America. Kurgan-Van Hentenrijk, Ginette. “Aspects de l’´emigration belge (1830-1844).” [Aspects of Belgian Emigration (1830-1844)]. In L’expansion Belge sous Léopold Ier (1831-1865): Receuil d’études, 444-75. Brussels, Belgium: Académie royale des sciences d’outre-mer, 1965. In French. WorldCat. Online at: Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences. A study based on reports written by eight of the nine Belgian provincial governors in 1846, in which they describe the size and nature of emigration from their respective provinces. Kurgan-Van Hentenrijk, Ginette. “Belgian Emigration to the United States and other Overseas Countries at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century.” In Two Studies on Emigration through Antwerp to the New World, ed. Eric Spelkens, 9-49. Brussels, Belgium: Center for American Studies, 1976. In English. WorldCat. A study based on the reports created by Eugene Vennesoen, head of the emigration service in Antwerp, who interviewed Belgian emigrants prior to departure. Laurent, Pierre-Henri. “Belgians.” In Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups, ed. Stephan Thernstrom, 179-181. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknapp
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