TRTlSMEn* 1HIEWEB ETKIT PIT. mciLLAjnovi. NOTICE. . iBimiOi PUBLIC .NOTICE IB <*fra nnn to lS^^^TaVonds~ watchea kViD BB1AD. CORPORATIONhereby given, thftt petition* have been presented in the JttelM, Ac., or bought for cook. Good li but roach at*«-I'ROPRIKTOB AND MAN-AOKK, TflKATRI .I A MARSHALL, SOU Board of the ®t)v.yUU Bread dMt, and mo044 ' Tim® at i Coancilmea, for construction of eswers in the cloy stocks, noioa, tooda and mortgages, uf billa of oa Lu j Bi Stage Manager. F C Wrmraa. BROADWAYLust*.Do"r# open to commence at 7>d o'olvok. !l YlTBRPOOL-rNITED STATES MAIL STEA1I- following named streets, to,wit:.4m chance All On your loavM will (till oarouse BOtioa The door® will ..pen at7. curtain rife® at 1% o'clock W edneoday 0T#iua«, April 12 will l>* Jaa. We.t. This eieam.hto between and Ninth Twenty-seventhstreet, negotiated. buaiueaa confidential Apply at the To kill tbam off the way you know Lower Tier of Box®®, AO ocuti, performed J,hin ATLANTIC, ('apt Eighth avennes; forty-seventh street, watoh tin porting and loan office. 102 Naoaaa ((root, oornor of At E. . Upper Tier 29 cent®, Pit and Tlis win 'depart with the United State. mailt fur Europe poef from Ninth avenue, 312 feetwest of Ninth avenue; Maedeugal Ana, room No 1. Lyon great depot. ^oaee, Seats '¦> Orchaotra Mariano* Kim Julia Itiu Saturday. April 13, at 12 o'clock M from her berth street, from Bleecker to a Pllie and nowder you can boy. B^ir.ry4i90 cents..itT'ai'.?T«2iSSrati in Private 30 8t «' Jn Brring street; and also, resolu¬ whioli fall and ate. Boxes, Boxes, cent® Julleu Pierre Mr Conway !» f.ot of . For freight or passage, baring tion for a basin and culvert at the south west corner of T0 Tasting tliey Wednesday evening, April 12, will be performed Leonardo Cunzago.M Pop.- Loreaso Mr. alallad accommodation. for sleganoe or avenue and dbOA nnn LOAN, on seoars, mercuan Central depot for LYON S Magnetic Powder and Pills, for I-A TOu* HE Grosveaor effort, apply Eighth Twenty fourth street. All persons in¬ ®Ou .VUU diae. jewelry of all kinds. Ac. tbe immediate destruction of insects and 424 NKSLR. Antonio Mr. Howard Hugo Mr Goldstoa ! EDWARD K. COLLINS, 38 Wall .tract. terested in the above, and objections thereto, .'.re¬ Also baa a pianoforte*, vermin, Broad- BarMr. Eddy | Maranrvt Mr®. «" ark Ferrardo Mr. Lanergan Rarkolo Mr Flak . arc on having largo property for aale and nine yeara' leaae of war. Beware of counterfeit*. No " , arrri requested to bo board at 11.4 A. M. quested to present the same, in writing, to the Contract a atore oa pedlere aje authorised to "" Connt Florlo. Mr. MeDouall Floribel Arctic tucocod the .ail at with good* Leonard atreet. Apply to THOMAS sell tbe article. NmBaruti rioamsbip will Atlantic, and Clerk, this office, on or before April 18,1W A CO., 102 Naaaan (treat, room No. 9. liof c6«>i'.U 1'ai Soul Mia* Price » 29. POOR P1LL1CODDY. _ MARBLE..TlIE UNDERSIGNED thro? r. iie'eoitEbT, <&lf> nnn 910 00H. 96.000, 94.000,93.100. 92.»0. Inform their friends and £*».«»".«:»IMrasKflttsess Plllicoddy. ..Mr. Davidgr Mr*. P.. Miaa A. Gongeaheiai SOUTHAMPTON HAVRE..TnE S. i cCrd-A,U%daCi 93.000, respectfully the poblio gene Jim Mr. Jtkitlei Atbaiia it JfciD U. MAIL A. W. CBAVIN. | £d 000. . BASTCHESTKR laga*.. | Lovetres. 41Us 0 Scuttle Mr Howard Mra. O'Scuttle Mrs. -i.eamer ONION, 1,GOO ton. with double side Croton 18M« *]PX $2 There sums to lend on tond and rally that they are n^w prepared to make estimates and Gray | Flak burthen, Aqueduct Department, Aprils, mortgage on prodoitire real estate in thia to take contracts to reasonable amount marine engines, R. Adam., commander, will leave for S 3. BROAD, 13 Wall ctroot. city, Apply supply any of work in s theatre chambers stueet.-doors .. touching at Southampton to land the mail, and pai- NOTICE..SEALED PROPOSALS their line vis .Fronts, vaults, tombs, monuments, Ac. Burtonopen at 6\, curtain ri»e» at 7,la o'clock. TXTaLLACK'3 THBATBK, BROADWAT. NBAS on at 12 Their quarry Is situated at upper Tuckahoe, Eastoheeter he VI llr""me street .Doors at7; to at Saturday, May 6, o'clock, from pier No. 4 will b® vtcdfld tb« office of the Commirtbaw of T0 Wednesday evening. April 12, will purformc) ' " o^»n cojnmeact 7X. CORPORATION until April CjQ OnO LOAN-AT SEVEN PER CENT,ON BOND Ite capacity for producing is sncb as will onable them to THE WeWcmvsdxyineiday evening, April 12, will be performed Street, andLamp, Monday, 17,,1*84. .*»>*. «JPO.O\Jv/ and on or TEMPEST. ."el First Class lor said be mortgage improved unimproved fulfil contracts promptly. The character of the Eastches Pr ar-ro Mr 1 h r evening.MAN AND WIPE. ' Plumage, 8120 three thousand gas lamps; lamps to subject to real eetate in tbia Sir Do. Second Clas. city, Brooklyn or Williamsburg, in tor marble la already too well established to require com t alii, Mr -i Willunghby WrrreWrrrott Mr Blak* 70 soma to suit applicant* Alae 92 to inveat at tlurt 1 Willongbby Cbatliaiu aqnare Poet Office. Benedict A Co., 9-1 Liberty street, Eno. A Murfey,107 /"'. 11 RISTV'S r,) will leave New York for Glasgow ae under, via. >- Hoard of Couniilmen for the construction of sewers in the W. Mahoney Co., XJATIONAL THEATRE. CHATHAM STREET-THE ORIGINAL MINSTRELS, NO 472 BROAD- laaday, May 10, at 13 o'eloek M., and Wednesday, June following named streets, to wit; In Willet street, from Do- Liberty street 8. Wetmore, Esq.. 7'Sftnd 74 South street: IN TEMPLE OF THE MORAL DRAMA, V ,tro*t Or. aoiied In loAi The 1 12 M. do. lancv to Fourth ADVANCES (OR BOUGHT OUT FOR CASH) 1-aac 'Walton A Son 121 Eldridgo street. Communications Sol:-Leasee, and A II established,1V ."Lot<1 (,T»a.'1 fie* o'clook First cabia saloon state Kivington street; itreot, from Jones street ¦C^ASUJ on of kind of aridreesod to ALEXANDER Proprietor, Manager Party. company inexiaUnee. line *" clais.rooms^fpO; to Sixth avenue: seventh liberally storage every mercbaudiae aud MAXWELL A CO., marble Performances at 2 o'clock and in the THE MODEL * tt0"do.. 878: second cabin, 960; third 825- Ap- Thirty etreet, from Tenth avenue peraonal property. Alao, bargain* for aale Gold watches filth street and Fonrth afternoon, 7 evening TROT?PR OF THE WORLD , JOHN lioSYMON, 33 to Hudaon river; and in Division street, from and rhaina, sard, Forty avenue, or at their EVERY EVININO AND EVERT WEDNESDAY AND Wboae concerts In New York, for a succession of ntafck Ureadway^ to , a ith branch in street from Di¬ diamonda, pianos, Havana aegara. Ac., at 81 office. No. lft Nassau street, will receive prompt attention. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. year-, have been received witb Forsyth N uaaau etrcet. room No. 0. Bueinoaa realised without of tho msrLlo can bo scon at the offico. tb< annala of patronage unparaUeldfia .5 LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM- vision street to Walker street. All pereone interested in or out delay Samples (Commence afternoons at two o'clock,) amuaemeut in tbie eliy. . going of office. (Pleaae cut tbia out. and 'o Company Intend starting their favorite steamahipa the above and having objoctions thereto, are requested to keep it.) The great original drama of Ora:< Evans- Nienr, vwonn theSoLnDinacrion ow mow mu,Anui.riiiA. present the same, in to the Contract at this ItKNCII CHINA DINING AND TEA SETS RICnLY DNt'LE TOM 3 CABIN, E P. CHRISTY, ... writing, Clerk, hessian state loan of to decorated.Also a of Manchester Saturday. .April IB. ISM office, on or before April 17th, 1054. 96,726,000, be large assortment of cut glass war«, As performed at the house continually aino® the 14th of leaf Th* only indlrldaal of the name of Christy engaged aa a reimbursed with or . on the par- of Glasgow Saturday. .May IS, ISM Great 9l»i,.VS0£r<,d,,*Ja0t by banking Moaara M A.Von Kutberhild ami steamboats, which are offered for sale at low by St. Claire .Mr J. B. How® at ita organlaation, (except George N. ) Philadelphia 17,18M CRAVEN, |$ A bona, in Frankfort on-the Main. The JJS M 70Chatham street. prices, A Harrington ,fc°" Croion Aqueduct Department, April 8, 1Sfti. mud he following capital SHAW, Ocmpton Cut® Mr U Stone Card .The Chriety Minstrel* bog leave to luforoa th* Glasgow .April 19, ISM obtained, via. .14 of 940,000, 22 of AW (*W, 24 of $32, Eva Little Cordelia Howard pn Idle that tliey have no buatneaa connection with '.Of .lJr."we°dn.sday. DO' G'of $8,000, 60ot$4.«X), «0of92,iX)0, 120 of $1.8110, and 180 OLD LEAF -GOLD LEAF, FIRST establishment In (hi* any othnc !ffMa^M^.V.\\- ..: 10, ISM NOTICE..PROPOSALS FOR LAMP of Tin- amallcn i* QUALITY I.OW Topsy .Mrs 0.0. Howard elty or elsewhere. Admiaaiun a cents. A Philadelphia. .::V.W.dn«.day..l^yAbout May 24, Loot CORPORATIONpoet*..Proposals will bo received the Commissioner SU.iHX). The next drawing will take CIX est prices, wholesale aud retail, at tho manufactory, Fletcher...Mr (i W I. For Mrs. Bird... Mrs tV. O. Jones Commence at 8 o'clock. by in . ail *(«. audand IM. to aUtcaUt. room.. of Streets and at place Jnno. 18.14 The price of tho shares (a as follows I No 9 John street. WM 8. LADDOM. Harris Mr J J Prior Kllia Mr®. 1. J. Prior E. P. CHRISTY, and 555. $V>, (a'eeordlng(according room..) . Lamps, his office, corner of Essex and ahare for £1 sterling. C shares for £1, 13 shares for £10,30 Manager Mroprietoa. united number of third cla.c pasMngcr. will be taken,. Orand streets, until 12 o'clock on 21st for hezrn Mr. N. U Clarke Mrs. Bannister Saturday ntst, April 8, annual benefit of J. Simpeon. M., Friday, April, share- for l.ii. 99 shares for £40, and 137 share* for £81). p. wilson, wie propagator and ('assy Deer sound with comfortably cooked provisions, for furnishing the Corporation of the city of New York with five Remittance* can Wilson Mr Toulnnn Ophelia Mr.. Moyors keeper. to $40 from hundred to be cast ho made in American notes of $¦">. or £1 Grates..Jexhibitor of tho charter oak grapos in New York for a Mr. L. Fox Em incline Miss Barber Liverpool Liverpool. lamp posts, in three pieces, from pig hank notes, hills or drafts on Ac. Each fow would l'crry -tie.' wishing to bring ont their friends enu obtain ocr- or scrap iron, alter a patern post which may be seen at the Europe, sharehold¬ years past, respectfully say to his friends that he Admbuioii, 23 an 1 60 cents okildrsa half price to after SERENADERS, CniNISK HAUL. Mi er wlU receive the prospectus, with fall particulars; and. has a few more of thoso beautiful rooii for sale. of the toon rfo matic# near the Preaoott Ilonae. oilhousc, 129 Mercer strict. The post* to lefurnishod at suoh after the drawing, the hat of the the many pi only BUCKLEY'SBroadway, times and in such as the or aucccaaful members, which grapes grow connection with (Le honor of announcing that the Concerla of this commander, register, despatoh- April 11, D54, ScliwnrtxobllJ A Co., No. 20 Lombard orders soon. All orders any other company w thi. port during the month of May; hor route to be street, London. Remit- addressed to J P. Wilson. No I II WOOD 11nsin «» Manne r will atill he con liu ted In its nreeent faihlonable style. Malta and tsnre* which arrive too late will lie returned to the sender; Soammcl street, corner of East Broadway, will meet with GEORGE CHRISTY without Time altered.Concert to ira. Coals, Malaga, Marseilles, Cou.tauti- NOTICE.-PUBLIC NOTICE 18 or, if be iig*irc* it, aharcj ia (lie next distribution will bo attention vita;" Manarsr vulgarity." tanaMM remaining at each of the ports en route snillciont I hereby given, to the owner or owners, occupant or oocu- prompt A Card .George Cbristv well known for the last twelve at 7Jt o'clock. Admission, 25 cant*. an CORPORATION forwarded. Banking business in England and Europe trans years in oonnoction with On benefit of E. to give passenger! opportunity to see the places. ,-Mit-. of all honsi-K snd lots, Improved or unimproved lauds, acted. Also, all orders fur merchandise attended Ethiopian Minstrelsy, take-* tins Wednesday evening. April 12th, Horn. ufoUod thereby, that the following assessments have be.n carefully tecs and provisions-to coun method of informing the pntdio (hat he has formed a c 'part- Several uew fixtures on this oocariun. street. are Jto. Groceries,try merchants, grocers,bakers,and families who purcbao with Mr. of Mnntrul No. 414 JAS BUCKLEY A 116 Wall completed by the assessors, and lodged in the office or t«aa and ncruMp Ilciiry Wood, Hall, SONS. Priprlotara. art£crpartieul»rARpiycUMBR0^ the Bureau of Assessments for examlnatiin by all persons ON groceries, provisions for cash, and wish to use aeon at whioh plan® be will CITY STOCKS.THE INTEREST ON omy in so the subscriber calls their at \( - il MELBOURNE. AUSTRALIA-IMPORTANT TO interested, vis -.-For extending tho sewer in avenu.C, from the stacks of tho of doing, rospectfully Broadway, "P^^'I^RIS^Y. H'.U I. lHF'TRF-A CARD. now at Thirteenth to and Fourteenth street to the East INTERESTpublic city New York, due and pay¬ tcutlon, and wishes them to come to his store, No. 41 Vesey It MR WALLAUK shippers..The clipper ship NIOHTiNUALE, through able May 1, 1834, will he pal 1 on that by F. IV. Edmonds, itrect r.nd examine his stock of to erth, pier 13 Eart river, ha. n large proportion of her river The limits embraced by such assessment, include all F*q Chamberlain of the at thodayMechanics' Bank. 33 Ac before groceries, teas, provisions AMERICAN MUSEUM-ON WEDNS3 announce to the puhlic that on . on and have the several housos and lot. of vacant lots city, purchasing slsewhore au.l be convincou thatthey at o'etook thu end beautiful now FRIDAY APRIL already board, will quick despatoh. ground, pluses Wall street. The transfor hooks will he closod Tuesday can than at BARNUM'Sday evening 73a popular 14. is the in but is and of land, situated on both sides of l ourth buy cheaper any other establishment in tht local moral drama of THE OLD a hevi . |r luce Mrs great iighuiigalo not only sharport ahfp port, parcel* Fifth, April 11,-at 3 o'clock, P. M For the convenience of stock fir as he still adheres to BREWERY. thritling Cowley'e Comedy Of .oug a ship a. can be built; rate. A1 atall tlieoffioo., Sixth, Seventh. Eighth and Niuth streets, between ( transfers will be city, cash, his old system not re production. In tb® afternoon nt ,'t THE til.I) BREWERY A HOLD STROKE FOR A HUSBAND. avenno on 1.older*, permitted daring tho period the quiring his more honorable customers to pay the bad debt* will ho at 1 great with insures at the lowest rates. She la fitted with Krner and 1 bird avenue) and D; both ndu:i ot lunta. books remain closed, to take effect May which are unavoidable in the credit repented The Living Girsfle-t. Bappy Family, As., expense, ventilatora in both and earrlotno lumber, or Eleventh. Twelfth and Thirteenth streets between Second 1,1434 system The «ubs< rtbei to t o eeen as usual Admittance i" cell's, children un N'tw Scr.NKnv AM> Ni w end ArcnowaiAve holds, Now York, April 7. ISM. A. C FLAGG, Comptroller. Palters himself from a long exporisn- e in the business ao« dor t"n the al Cos-runa*. tlier article that oan injure freight. For freight or avenue and avenue D; on both sides of Fourteenth streot, in I2>i cents, first balcony an: purquot, 12},, cents prim i| characters supported y Mr Lcator, Mr Blake., from Second avenue to East on both sides of avenue purrhaeing goods daily the market for cash from.Import extra Mr. Wuloot, llr 1 n, Mr. Mr it®. liftvius:^ olegnnt accommodation®, y °i.a river; at tvj advances ers and first hands, it affords bira many thai Thoinp. liyott, Vincent, Mr. r. W. CAMERON, llo nail street. D halfway between Thirteenth and Fifteenth strcrts. ou made on silver others advantages Chippendale, Mr Reynold*. Mrs. Uo«y, Mva. Stephuna, Mtaa of dock from 7enth to Tlnrt Money merchandise, iewelry, ware, watches, many in tho business labor under, who purohaa. frou VAt«D'9 OEORAMA F. Dinnc, Mra Conover, and Mra. west side Dry street, enth diamonda, planoa, or any other alao the above second or third hands, eao'.i a .LAST WEEK POSITIVELY Conway RE REDUCED..INDEPENDENT LINE TO CALI- Street on both sides of avenue C. B, A and First avenue property, making per cer.tag* Shlj BAhct the Nile and Holy Land, an do§* on tho The Box Cook open. bought for cash. Business confidential. 284) Broadway, op ami sloop atores put up at ths shortest noth e N. B after nn I they )9th, fornia .The atoamship NORTH STAR will leave New between Third and Fifteenth streets, east side of Second stair*, from 9 to S o'clock. The highest prices paid la caih. Goods delivered free of cartage. PETER LYNCH nnpnrallelo hui?c©«h of two ttar« in New York. on the 6th May, to conuoct with the Unole Sam. A avenue, from Third to lifteonth street; on we;t side of Every evening at quarter to 8, and Wednesday and Saturday .1 SEUENADFRS AT THE ST NICH0T.A8 ed enmlior of tickets will be sold at the followiug rates, Second avennc, hotwoen Third sncLJeuth streets; ou hota cash advances on afternoons, at o'clock Admission to all inrta only twou- W1I;TLI Imbtttoi Room, l. ¦> throe doors above diamonds. 7tuanoforsai.e-in lots to spit ty nvo cuitd. 6Uti on the tamo Broadway, died lor before Arril 20:-Cabin, 8l»0; steerage, 8,6. nidus of Hall stroet, from Sixth to Seventh street, on Money..watchoit, juwelry. rilvor ware merohandDe, valuables the R purchasers, Broadway Broome Itaoet, hlnok with the St. Nioholao to J No. 9 south side of street, from Niuth on Vj by subscriber, W. CAMERON, 110 Wall street, Hotel, the oldoat pirmauant now in *y only AS. W. CROSS, Battery place, up stuyvesant Street; eudnorsonai property generally, or bought fur oaah. Apply near Brooklyn ferry attonal acade\ r or New York company performing N B .Passengers camo through in those etoamor. ea«t sido of Third avenue and Bowery, between Third and to R. WOOD, 69 Fulioa »tr«ot, aosond floor, front roou. Disia* .now out* ^rnary in twenty-two days and sixteen hours. Ninth streets. All persona whose interests are affected by from 3 A M. to 8 P. M. N at ri3 Broadway, opposite Boud si root from SAM WHITE'S ORIGINAL AND INIMITABLE TROUPE OT who aro important to tijof. who are \»oin to 10 P M daily, the ninth Annual Exhibition ti e above namod assessments, and opposed to tho to have Twenty 0* SERE NADERS, S. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY..FOR NEW OR- samo or either of them, are requested to present their oh- rjdllE ADVBRTISER n.tVINO SECURED A TRACT OF Highly stores, offices and dwellings fitted up .As the Original Pictures, by Living Artists Benson tiokets ft und'8)0 fur a short time. Good bonus aud a situation at city necessary movo, gonoral pres« on the of will ha\ honor of lie Thla ateamer has been thoroughly overhauled, and notice nWILLIAM GAGE, J good i-aiery. Addree* b >x 3,299 Post Offioj. This is an op¬ inquiry cirponterf positively 2f»ch April .jAli introducing a series of tuoir uhaata, new cabins and new CHAKLES J. > Assessors. bocn In tho buiiness a number of years, and know the wants T. ADDISON RI..UARDS. CorreapoQA'agSe!'/ N A light, aiin laugh al lo entertainments of ed with new boiler., furniture, DODGE, portunity seldom oflored. of our I a number of men ot consisting ovory if now In every re.pect in the most complete order. CHARLES McNIELL, ) city, keep largo employed, anil description Ethiopian representations A am prepared to execute any order T he ccmpai y twelve in numhor. consist* of vUliaTl on April 12th, at2 P. M.. from Warren street Offioe, Bureau of Assessments, Street Department, April T M. WIS WELL. promptly museum, itachataam Svju a re.two capable and ax Rates of passage to Havana and Now Orleans, 11, 1864. BOUSES, ROOMS, AC., WANTED. 1.79 West Eighteenth street, Franklinperformances given daily, comuiuocing at :i o'cioea periencrd gentlimou. and fur versatility of talent stand* or box 02 Mechanics' F-xc'ianca, .1 Nassau street in the and half 7 in the Tho nnc'iuallod. Their cnti rtaininonts will consist of a room berth, 860; second cabin berth, 830; steerage afternoon past eroning abort and mirthful peculiar and found, 82S. Passage can now bo secured at the MROTON AQUEDUCT DEPARTMENT, MARCH3,19641- ATTIC ROOM WANTED-BY A WIDOW LADY, is the onlv establishment in the United States where thr coin'oinatlon of Ethiopian eccentricities, com¬ any'e oflice. Freight taken to.New Orleans for forty 0 Public notice Is hereby givon, that by an set of the AN(whose bnsinoss call* her ont most of the tiuie ) in a re¬ and ventilating ware Model Artiats are exhibited, together with agre*t variety of bining tMte ard gentility all being exeiusivoly original, Will be reoeired on the 8th instant, >rUlatnre at tbe .e*siim. 20- spectable family. Address Nuree, 76 Greonwich avenue Housewaumingroom, 400 Broadway..IVo invite the stt.-ntion of build unique and iirigiua! entertainments enoti as caa is which has ori r heeu roeclvcd witb approbation, and patron- per cubic foot; patsed special Jul? us aud tbe be_aesn ited for a continued succession of e only taken on froteht to Havana. Shipper, will be volitional charge of ten per cont is added on the Breti day of tl ird floor, corner of Hammond street. public goni rally tumor splendid assortment of I® other rlaeo of alausnment iu tho world. qnlto eight years by n New blank bill, of of the form next on water thu houtewarining, ventilating anl cookiug apparatus, coin York public, making them the oldest permanent company la shed with lading issued by tpril all unpaid rents, making, with several new of this ompany on application at their office; no other form rUrses previously added law, per sint on STORE WANTED, DOWN TOWN, IN THE FOURTH prising patterns furnaces, ranges, A*., com E TOM'S CABIN AND NEGRO MINSTRELSY, city by if twenty-five or Fifth ward, for a wholesale and Lining eoonom v durability and effloioncy Ito are prepared UNCIat it Wood'* Kinstiol Iiall 4M Bruadwar. Doors open at 0}+: concert eommmoos at ued, and no bill, of lading will be signed aft»r the hour aeh amount unpaid, nnd that the said rents, inulediug A adapted rt'.ail fo Christy 7?*' praoUoly. For or at or the mid are not before the first of next liquor (tore. Addrc*e A. l). Herald office. warm and ventilate in a superior tnsuner Rl! classes of every evening tbie week Doors open at 7 commotio at 8 All performance* to oouoludc before 10 o'clock. lling. froight paa.ago apply th.ctioe ohsrges, paid day May and u 23 cents. any, 177 Weal atre.t, corner ol centn Admission, R()BKRT3 rUl he returned to the Clerk of Arrears, pursuant to ths a man, wife, and A complsto assortment of every article in our lino constant An aftonioon performance will bs given every Wednesday child, in a and three room* in lv on Inind and tor sale whoU-sslo and retail 720 broadway and Saturday, for tho accommodation of lxdiM anl . k«visions Of th. not nbov. Apartmentsgenteel quiet lauiily, Rinpowam chapel. 8 MAIL LINE FOR CALIFORNIA. VIA ASPIN- gM1TH. PndUm%. tho Third ward profsrred. Address K AS., Herald office, Company. GEO. L. CANNON, Ag.ut. HopeOpeneviny evening, aud Wodnoaday and SatarJjy children. wall and Panama..Lowast prices, superior stoamers. for two days afternoons at 3 o'clock of the l'auama Railroad. for the DEPARTMENT-TO con- all its branches, exe COMBINATION Or ATTRACTIONS menagerie, wr Broadway.oput nsion Arrangement' . of tractors endorsed for HOUSE WANTED-BY A GENTEEL Housecutodwlth neatr.oss an Terms moderate, THIRTY SCENES Broadwayfrom 10 A M to 10 P. M -The BIGGEST GIANT nat nthieeity of tickota for the transit the Isthmui. OpToton~Tqueduct.Seaied'pioposals, Proposal despatch. fie on sewer in street,'1 will he received at the office of and careful Rent mast be reasonable, and tho or '-stiifittos given. Tho subscribe.- f,-els confident that his OF THRILLING SMALLEST DWARF earth to be seen without extmt mg the most agreeable and safe route, through in ad- Rlvingtou FURNISLED family. INTEREST Firat In America of e of all other lines. The United State. Mail the Croton Aqnodoct Department until Monday, the seven house modern built Upper part of tho city preforred For *v«tcin of doing ceilings in sine cannot bo surpassed for pur IN 01'II Charge. vrcek Steamship at such a house a tenant can be had for one If w of whitoncas and S FOR K onny intend to despatoh to A.pinwall on Thursday, teenih day of April, ISM, at 12 o'clock, M.. which hour good year. Addrosa durability. TRUGGLE FREEDOM the Ruerian LOP3TOFP, 20 at 2 o'eloek P. rf., from pier foot of Warren st"**, the bids will be opened, to bnild a sewer, with the neoossary P. Q. M room 287, Metropolitan Hotel. JOHN CORNER. 87 Sixth avonno. At-TI.V II.I.I SrilATxll Giant, eight feot high Also to bo*MW,ttB 'act .ailing steamship GEORGE LAW Cnpt. O. V. receiving basins and oulverts, in Riving ion street from Ilv J.% W. Cuiroso, Esq., Ln.Liri'Tian Ktwn. weighing lose tbun six pounds. U. S. Navy, to connect at Panama 'ho Paolftc Sheriff to Clinton street; being in longth about l,250feot. house wanted-asmall, centeel cross bitns.on good friday, from » a FORM NO Mena -eric include* the heat collection of Living Wild B Steamship Company's steamer JOHN w'^L. ..TEPllhAO, The plan of tho work may be seen and specifications oh- Furnishedfurnished houae is wanted, in the vicinity of Houston HotM. until8 V. M., at THOMPSON A SON'S 359 Broad- A CON DENSED HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, ever opened in New York Herr Drleshuch enters tho The extension of the railroad makes the on atreet. Address W N., Herald office. wsy. Introducing bet we o the parts four time* daily. Admisalou, 29 oeate; olilldren undwr tta, l'ieraon Uined, applie.Hon half pn- > let aoross the Isthmus praetieahlo in on. day.a con¬ aMhls^offioe^ CrotrtI1 SEVERAL ADMIRED BALLADS, ation that will Induce nil who value their health and TUEO. R. DE FORREST, > Aquoduct wanted in Brooklyn..a civil engi- RAILING. AC .CBOWELL'S CELEBRATED in Mia* K A Smith. a cast iron without rivets warranted 21 cents Dorrs at TXTALLACK'S THEATRE -MRS. CONWAY HAS TUB ortto select this rout e. Mr. Htnakl.y (1st. forwarder A. W. CRAVEN, ) Board. Houseneer, with small family, wishes to hire a oottate, or IRON railiog. per open 7; commencing a^. TT A on the Isthmus) has hi* New Torfc, 3,138*. email house. In the of the Hall, or Wall street running foot cheaper than tho tivct railing; also the cheap Admission, '23 cents; children, half ptict honor to acquaint tho public that ler first Benefit will dame Co. perf.eted arrange- April vioinity City iron wire farm fanco Tho New k ork and tako place on . for the transit of passengers an dthetrbaggagefrom Brooklyn. Addres* S. M box 3,801 Post Othco. New Foundry Iron FRIDAY 1wall to Panama. Tiokota can be obtained tor the BOTON AQUEDUCT DEPARTMENT-TO COV fcrrjr, Railing Company make and put r.p to order evory variety PALACE .TIIE CRYSTAL PALACE WILL EVENING, A1MUL 14. lit from J. W. Cnrrlngton, at Adams A; Co. 1, 39 Broad- tractors..Sealed proposal*, endorsed for and style of the above Brackets, door and window guards, CtRYSTAI.' lo opened at i> o'clock A M and closed at« P M until on which occn< lor. will ho presented, for tho first tints At .ewer in at the"Proposaloffioeof th* and all articlea in th( smith or line, fur further notice. Adinieeion 50 oonts: children under'.pre'.v» thia thontrc, Mrs Cowley's eoleorated comedy entitlod or at 177 We.t street. The accommodations tor paa- Kntger. street/wfilba wanted..merchants, jobbers building foundry A BOLD STROKE FOR A irs of all classes are and at- Croton Aqueduct Department, untilrepelvad April 17, 18M. and others, desirous of exchanging merchandise for rail utshed at tho lowust prieos. Spocimer.s, in sections, at their years halt pric» Admission on Saturdays L"i cunts HUMAN D, nnsnrpaaeod. particular at Monday. Merchandise warcroozns. 79 and Rl Duanu a few doors oast cf J 31 A With appropriate acencry. costume*. Ac., and the on is paid to the cleanllneas oi the steerage. For at 12 o'clock, M., which hour the bids wUibo opened, to road stock, which is paying a seven per cent interact may street, UATCIIELDER, .tmg Superintendent. oitra cast.. following tit or paseage apply at the ottoe build a sewer with the necessary receiving basins andcul- find a desirable opportunity by addressing box No. 69 Dey Btosdway Foundry foot of Forty sixth street. North riv or Tdlnary of^he^ verts, in Rutgers etreet, from the East river to Division Street Hotel. EtV BURLETTA -UNCLEJTOM 3 CABIN, AT GEO. Don Ca-ar Mr Blake street; being in length abont 1,665 foot The plan of the SAFES FOR COUNTING ROOMS OR DWELL N Christy A Wood's Minstrel nail, 44 i Broadway, be¬ Dun Julio Mr. Leaker AND CALIFORNIA STEAMSHIP work may be soon, and obtained, on OF A HOUSE WANTED-BY A IRONiii'ss..A very excellent article, for a email sum, whun tween Howard and Grand streets Eva. Miss Anna Kneas* Don Viceutio Mr Waleok ;W TORK LINE, specifications applioa- FAMILYOF FOUR with tho Don Carlo* Mr. via Nicaragua.The Accessory Transit Company of Uon a? viue office.oiuou. ELIAS L. SMITH, -) Croton PARTgrown persons, not .farther up than Houston atreet; compared price* charged elsewhere and is a pro Tansy, Geo. Christy; UnoleTom, S. A Wells. Don Garcia.Dyott rasua in ndvaaoe of the mail. T11E0. E. DE FOUESV, V Aqueduot muat consist of two rooms, two bedrooms and one basement. tee!ion from modium fires or turglars very easy rolled The abov® will he performed every evening this week to¬ Mr Reynold* proprietor!..Through A. W. Board tbout. TUNIS 314 Gothic llall. gether with tho usual of minstrel GaaparJ Mr. L S ifn. (riving through tiokeU, intlnding the Isthmns CRAVEN, J Rent not to oxceed 9228 or 9260. Addres* 31 Duauo at rest. MOBRBLL, Broadway. atyle negro entertainment, Vaa intz Thompson fte new double STAR OF THE Naw York, April 5, 1854- dow Bongs, dancbs, Ac Tickets 23 ouots. Doors opea at 7, Mr. Chippondnl* ing. engine eteamehlp TUCKER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN commence at 8 o'clock. Pedro Mr Vinoenk ;tT(2, information passage, apply only CHARLES Forty eighthatijst, *"11.Representing" Daguerreotypes, OA,N, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Oteou. nue to the erown botwoon Eighth am Ninth avenues, being Leeches,steamship Baltic, a fresh surply of leecboe, in pnm> Indians Mormons, ond CaLlomlans,CaliforBtai with oil the T-jwna "n length about 650 feet. The plan of the work may be seen, THE SUMNER, WELL FURNISHED order. For sale by J. F. CLEU A CO., No iK) Maiden laae r.nd Cities of tho rally roundthe cause of woman's ;W YORK AND ALABAMA STEAMSHIP COMPA- and i^uclficationa obtained, on application at thu offioo. WANTED.FORapartments for two or three gentlsmon, in an airy GOLD REGIONS. Ladies,rights, at Buckley's Ethiopian Onora lfouie f>39 Broad situation, on Statsn Island, and easily accessible from any ACCARONI AND PARMESAN CHEESE-J A admissions 23 cents. Five wav. on Wednesday ovoning. April 12 being for tho henetk ny, carrying the United States mail.For Mobile, of the ferries with Now Single admissions, and oat ot E Horn, on which occaeion he at Havana.Semi monthly line..The eteamihtpetop-CA- THEO? r". Le'forEBT, S Croton Aqnodnot Board. oommunicating York. AdJre** xva-M SCHMIDT A LUNAU, 114) William stroat. har* always shar# in tkoaplendld present® only 31 will doliver bis great Lee A. W. A. W., box 2.0Gb New York Post Office. on a site ture on Woman's Rights, which very kn fBA. R- W. Sbnfeldt, commander, will Bell for the CRAVEN. > hand large stock, of their importation. baa advocated all last important anbjook « ports en 25, at 12 o'eloek preeiMlv, New York, ApriH, 1854. season.North, South. East aad Tneaday, Jkpril North riror. TO LEASM-THREE OR FOUR LOTS OP STEAM ENGINES .THE THE TRADES, AC. West.wi'.b the moat Battering aneooaa. pitrbi foot of Hftrritoa itreot. Freigbt on Third, or between Second and Third SUBSCRIBE* a for Now Orleans. PftMcngers for HftTftnft mu»t pro- aqueduct drpabtment-to contrac WANTEDground ave PORTABLEis maaufaeturlag, aad baa eoastantly on hand, portable FOREMAN Bftftsoorts bofor® leiTioi ^or or tors .Sealed' proposals, endorsed "Proposal for sewer nues, and betwuaa Thirty-fifth and Fiftieth streets. Please engines of superior eaaraotsr, v«ry powerful, and WANTED.WHO IS EVERY iVA TnE ETHIOPIAN PROFESSION-FIVE HUN- P0*'*" freight pftitftse Croton address D. H. Shcpard, 170 avenus B strong, competent to take entire ohargo of a paper TOdred copyists wanted at H A SI Broad in Forty sixth street," will be received *t the office of the light, abtut 400 lbs to thc horn ~ . hangR Bnokley's Opera uae, 3M AoTiV INOBTON CROCUEKON CO., weighing only pewsfcamAvt mannfactury. A .rmanertnor manor t andaud lucrative aitsitnation I on N.B..The Black Warrior, J. eommand- Croton Aqueduct Department until Monday, the 17th day bora* engine end c oeupying but 6>i by fees on tht ohtainod may Broadway, Wednesday evsnlmg, April 12, being my b«a* p.Bulloek, of 1854. at 12 at which hour the bide will HIGH OR ENGLISH BA3EME2T floor anu feet in The hollars are constructed ox by applying, peraonally or by lottor fit, aa I inland on thia ovoasion bring forward sevaralnew 111 encoeed the Cahawha, and sail May 9th. April o'olook, M., end ia a height. A be opened to build a sewer, with the necessary raoelvlng WANTED-Ahouse, furnished eompiet* good !o -ation, with tlekeat plan knowa for making steem with economy ot Tlios. FAT* to ar.72f>7 Broadway. featnroa. None bat good atonograpbars need apply. Ail basins and in from sewer iu mo'icrn improvement*. gas, CutW in r mi* and bath room. fnel, and are warraclad to others of a mv pun* and jok** will bo aa quick aa lightning, and Ml *fi- R SAVANNAH.FARE REDUCED.THE NEW AND culverts, i'orty-slxtn strsst, a tb* sepirlor tny portaeli FLOWER ginal. Is tide wheel steamship GEORGIA, I. I. Tenth avenue ton point nbout 50 fact westof.Ninth aveuine. Any person having bouse answering above may ad- character n »w In use The engines comblno all the moders MAKERS WANTED-TO expertneaa required. Gontlemen will please briay splendid Capt, In about 810 feet. The en of the work be dress post paid, with full particulars, slating rent location, known to be are darable aid ARTIFICIALwhom good wages and constant employment will b® their own pencil* aadjmper along. Rcspsctfnliy, in jm cftrryinx th® Unit®® Stftto® nftii. will l®ftT® being length pi may Ac., W. H. C.. boa 1,033 Post Office improvements asofol, strong, given If good Land# Apply ad 235 Jtaira. E HORN. ftdolpbift for £yftBBftb on Wtdajiidfty, April 12, ftt,10 seen and specifications obtained, on application nt this so simple that an ordinary hand can safely manage them Bowery, up ii ck a. M., from the wharf above Vine street. In speed All tni will bo warranted to perform fully up to tUs week R. DE Croton Aqueduot WANTED.BY A PRIVATE FAMILY. A MODER ATE power i.nJ to bo of tlio best iu ftu W MAN, EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD. WI3HF3 or the ioyptian antiquitibb.. strength, and every arrangement tor the comfort and THEO8 FOREST, reDrtsented, (ju&lily to hind biiurolf to a or Tbi-exhibition will enienee of the thi. shin U A. W. CRAVEN, j) vT sired furnished housi or cottage, pleasantly situated ia U. WATERMAN, agent, 239 Cherry str»ct AYOUNO carpcoter arm® respsetal 1® Last positively close this week. Opa* passenger., un»urpa.»ed. New the country, with stable attached within an h ur a rile of ipeets trade Please call for two days at HO'l Wator street from fi A M till 10 P.M. Admission 25 oonta, ce-alogat* from Philadelphia, 820. steerage, >8. The Kevstene York, April 8,ISM. the railroad Address box Post Offloe. 2* v.ui'H s' v;.nt Institu'e 653 lofty®® ft® ftbor® th® foliowin* Wftdnoidfty. Agent* city by 3.361 good and cheap, acccratrl Broadway adiusttd to vision and If no saw - V WANTED-TEN CARPENTERS WANT .hiUde'rhU Heron A Martin, S7X North whnrve.; in AQUEDUCT DEPARTMENT-TO CON Spectacles, exchanged free. cd in tbo vil