Question for written answer E-000922/2021 to the Commission Rule 138 (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID)

Subject: EU-China relations and the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment

In the last few weeks, the negotiations on the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) seem to have gained momentum, and several media outlets have highlighted this as a positive step forward.

Despite the weak conditions of the European economy, still deeply afflicted by the pandemic-induced crisis, the Commission President has said that the CAI will give ‘unprecedented access to the Chinese market for EU investors, enabling our businesses to grow and create jobs’.

In view of this very optimistic assessment, and considering the deep impact that the CAI will have on the market and the external policies of the EU, can the Commission please clarify the following:

1. Considering the importance of human rights in shaping EU trade policy, does the Commission believe that the advancement in CAI negotiations is based on a marked improvement in human rights conditions in China?

2. Has the Commission carried out an up-to-date impact assessment as regards the CAI and its effect on EU consumers and companies, in particular in the light of the current economic crisis?

3. Considering the importance of Transatlantic relations, has the Commission involved the US Government or informed it about this decision, and is the Commission considering coordinating trade and external policies with the US given the sensitivity of the matter?


1 This question is supported by a Member other than the authors: (ID)
