SENATE 16~5 by Mr
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1943 'CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 16~5 By Mr. ANGELLf President and the Congress of the United May she be the -greatest as she becomes H. R. 2114. A bill to amend title I of Public States favoring the passage of House bill 997 the servant of all. Law No.2, Seventy-third Congress, March 20, and Senate bill 216; to' the Committee on 1933, and the Veterans Regulations to pro .Military Affairs. We ask it in the name of that bne vide for rehabilitation of disabled veterans, Also, memorial of the Legislature of the. who for the joy that was set before Him and for other purposes; to the Committee on State of Utah, memorializing the President despised the shame and endured the World :War Veterans' Legislation. and the Congress of the United States relat cross. Amen. · By Mr. McGEHEE: ing. to its waters and the use thereof by the THE JOURNAL H. R. 2115. A bill to amend the District of · adjoining States and the United States; to Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act the Committee on Irrigation and Reclama On request of Mr. HILL, and by unani• to provide for unemployment compensation tion. mous consent, the reading of .the Journal in the District of Columbia, and for other of the proceedings of Friday, March 5, purposes; to the Committee on the District PETITIONS, ETC. 1943, was dispensed with, and the Jour o.f Columbia. By Mr. RANDOLPH: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions nal was approved. H. R. 2116. A bill to amend the laws.of the and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT District of Columbia relating to exemption and referred as follows: .APPROVAL OF BILLS of property from judicial process, the assign ment of salary or wages, and the advance 230. By Mr. LUTHER A. JOHNSON: Peti Messages in writing from the President payment of salary or wages for the purpose tion of Miss A. Campbell, of Hillsboro, Tex., of the United States were communicated of preventing attachment or garnishment; favoring House Resolution No. 123; to the to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his to the Committee on the District of Co- Committee on Labor. secretaries, who also announced that on lumbia. · 231. By Mr. LECOMPTE: Resolution of Lo cal No. 1116, United Electrical, Radio, and March 6, 1943, the President had ap By Mr. REES of Kansas: proved and signed the following acts: H. R. 2117. A bill to establish a war cabinet Machine Workers of America, opposing the and to define the jurisdiction and authority Hobbs antiracketeering bill; to the Commit S. 158. An act to amend the Communica thereof; to the Committee on Military Affairs. tee on the Judiciary. tions Act of 1934, as amended, to permit con By . Mr. PRIEST: 232. By Mr. SULLIVAN: Memorial of the solidations and mergers of domestic tele H. R. 2118. A bill to provide for universal Legislature of Nevada, regarding statehood graph carriers, and for other purposes; service and total mobilization during any war for the Territory of Alaska; to the Committee S. 621. An act to authorize the Secretary in which the United States is now engaged; on the Territories. of the Navy to grant to the city of San Diego to the Committee on Military Affairs. 233. By Mr. WHITE: Senate Joint Memo for street purposes a parcel of land situated By Mr. POULSON: rial No. 6, of the Idaho State Legislature; to in the city of San Diego and State of Cal H. R. 2119. A bill to provide for the promo the Committee on Agriculture. ifornia; _ tion of officers on the retired list of the Army 234. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the S. 641. An act to amend section 6 of the after specified years of service on active duty; Clerk of the House of Representatives, United Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 relating to the to the Committee on Military Affairs. States of America, State of Washington Leg payment of rental allowances to certain of• By Mr. DIMOND: islature, petitioning consideration of their ficers; and H. R. 2120. A bill to amend section 9 of resolution with reference to House bill 997 S. 739. An act to amend the act entitled the act of Congress approved August 24, 1912 and Senate bill 216; to the Committee on "An act to authorize the attendance of per (37 Stat. 514); to the Committee on the Military Affairs. sonnel of the Army of the United States as Territories. 235. By Mr. BARRETT: Memorial of the students at educational institutions and By Mr. PLOESER: Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of other places." H. J. Res. 90. Joint re·solution to provide Wyoming, memorializing the Congress of the for an investigation and study by the Fed United States of America to extend the time MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE eral Trade Commission of plans and prob within which the States of Montana, Wyo A message from the House of Repre lems with respect to the effective post-war ming, and North Dakota may negotiate and enter into a compact or agreement for divi sentatives, by Mr. Taylor, its enrolling operation"' of our economic system; to th~ sion of the waters of the Yellowstone River clerk, announced that the House had dis..; Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com· agreed to the amendments of the Senate merce. to June 1, 1947; to the Committee on Irriga By Mr. LUDLOW: _ tion and Reclamation. to the bill <H. R. 133) to amend and H. J. Res. 91. Joint resolution to create a clarify certain provisions of law relating committee of peace aims; to the Committee to functions of the War Shipping Ad4, on Foreign Affairs. ministration, and for other purposes:: By Mr. COLMER: SENATE asked a conference with the Senate on H. Res.151. Resolution to create a special the disagreeing votes of the two Houses committee on post-war economic policy and TuESDAY, MARCH 9, 1943 thereon, and Mr. BLAND, Mr. RAMSPECK, planning; to the Committee on Rules. Mr. MANSFIELD of Texas, Mr. WELCH, and By Mr. DONDERO: The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Mr. O'BRIEN of New York were appointed H. Res. 152. Resolution to investigate cur Harris, D. D., offered the following managers on the part of the House at the tailment of Government publications; to the prayer: Committee on Rules. conference. By Mr. BLAND: Eternal God, who putteth down the The message also announced that the H. Res. 153. Resolution providing addi· mighty from their seat and exalteth the House had passed a bill <H. R. 2068) . tional compensation for chief pages of the humble and the meek, Thy providence making additional appropriations for. House; to the Committee on Accounts. has led us as a nation across stern and the Navy Department and the naval serv~ stormy years to the very vestibule of des ice for the fiscal year ending June 3(), MEMORIALS tiny. In spite of our own shortcomings, 1943, and for other purposes, in which which we confess with contrition, in this it requested the concurrence of the Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memorials hour of world crisis Thou hast sum Senate. were presented and referred, as follows: moned us as trustees of civilization to DEATH OF PVT. MAX E. McCLELLAN By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis defend the heritage of the ages and to lature of· the State of Colorado, memorializ help create institutions essential to hu Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, I rise ing the President and the Congress of the man progress. to call the attention of the Senate United States to amend the Social Security to the fact that the junior Senator Act to permit old-age pensioners to perform More and more may our strength be dedicated to the fulfillment of the an from Arkansas [Mr. McCLELLAN] has casual labor; to the Committee on Ways and just received a message from North Means. cient commission now put into our hands, Also, memorial of the Legislature of the to bind up the brokenhearted, to pro Africa advising him of the death of his State of Wyoming, memorializing the Presi claim liberty to the captive and the open son, Max E. McClellan, a private soldier dent and the Congress of the United States ing of prison doors to them that are in the Army of the United States, who to extend the time for which Montana, bound, to build the old wastes, to repair volunteered for service to his country~ Wyoming, and North Dakota may negotiate the ruined cities and the desolation of I am sure that I speak the sentiments and enter into a compact or agreement for many generations. Forbid that our of all Senators, and all the friends and division of the waters of the Yellowstone acquaintances of Senator McCLELLAN, River to June 1, 1947; to the Committee on favored land throned in richness be Irrigation and Reclamation. tween the seas should in such an hour be when I say that we deeply sympathize Also, memorial of the Legislature of the tempted to ask "Who is to be the greatest with him in his great loss. I need not State of North Carolina, memorializing th.e in the coming kingdom of humanity?" say that we are all deeply affected by the 1686 CONGRESSIONAL . RECORD-SENATE MARCH 9. sacrifice made by the Senator's son in Congress that it consider as soon as pos and for other purposes, which had been behalf of his country in that far off sible an amendment of the organic law signed previously by the Speaker of the land.