Joan Didion | 352 pages | 01 Sep 2002 | Random House USA Inc | 9780375718908 | English | New York, United States The New Statesman guide to the best political fiction: part one

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other Political Fictions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Political Fictions by . Political Fictions by Joan Didion. In these coolly observant essays, Joan Didion looks at the American political process and at "that handful of insiders who invent, year in and year Political Fictions, the narrative of public life. She tells us the uncomfortable truth about the way we vote, the candidates we vote for, Political Fictions the people who tell us to vote for them. These pieces build, one on the other, into a disturbing portrait of the American political landscape, providing essential reading on our democracy. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published Political Fictions 27th by Vintage first published Political Fictions More Details Original Title. Other Editions 9. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Political Fictionsplease sign up. Does Joan Didion talk about social media like facebook in this book? See 1 question about Political Fictions Fictions…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Political Fictions. Political Fictions 01, Darwin8u rated it really liked it Shelves: She is a prose goddess who is "This is something one should talk about in another time, in another country. She Political Fictions a prose goddess who is prepared to burn down every single America's sacred political temples. She takes no prisoners. Reagan is an empty shirt who can hit a mark. George Bush, Sr. The Clinton campaign? Bottom-feeding, focus-grouped idiots. George W. A pandering fool for Christ. And I think she actually liked most those politicians as people. Joan saves her hottest anger for when she is writing about the opinion makers, the political journalist, etc. I honestly think whenever she switches Political Fictions from politicos to the hacks, she puts away the ink and starts to write with blood ; and those back-room attorneys plotting Clinton's demise Political Fictions Clinton's campaign, and the absolute buffoons who try to keep us up-to-date on Political Fictions horse race of the campaign. That special class of idiots who type the narrative we are supposed to ingest about the moral failings, the moral resurrection, the Political Fictions for morality in our politicians. She hates them all. It is a delicious thing to watch. The closest emotion I can point to is that feeling I get when I watch Dexter or Hannibal cut up and eat one of their righteous kills. It both disgusts and thrills me. And yes. Didion is part of the game. She is part of the narrative makers she bitches about. However, she is a wiser Buddha, a Political Fictions Jesus, a Moses who can really kick political ass. If I could with ease, hand out to a handful of my favorite writers the secret of eternal life, I would save an early vial for Queen Didion. I can't imagine a written world without her wit, her sideways shivs, her beautiful prose. A political year with out Didion is a political theatre I don't want to watch. Anyway, this book is made Political Fictions of eight articles and a forward: 1. The West Wing of Oz 3. New Gingrich, Superstar 5. Political Pornography 6. Political Fictions Washington 8. Read them all. We have started a brand new election year and among all the bullshit and political noise, it helps to have a lighthouse, a golden goddess to guide one through the darkness of spin, Luntzcraft and massaged messages to light, truth, and damn good prose. View all 4 comments. Jul 18, Mike rated it really liked it Shelves: why-trump-wonthesthesPolitical Fictions. There are eight essays here, excluding Didion's foreword although that's worth reading as wellspanning the late 80s to the year A couple- like "Newt Gingrich, Superstar", and "Political Pornography", about the books of - narrow the focus to a single person or body of work, and a couple- like "Insider Baseball" and "The West Wing of Oz"- draw unexpected but intuitive connections among seemingly disparate subjects, but each one is excellent and worth reading. One of the stren There are eight essays here, excluding Didion's foreword although that's worth reading as wellspanning the late 80s to the year One of the strengths of the book is that Didion is not a Washington insider, not habituated to political reporting, and furthermore that her general skepticism or what the NYRB called, slightly less charitably, her "patrician accent" allows her to hear the cliches and "the pieties" that "were repeated to the point where Political Fictions could be referred to in shorthand"; to identify a system of language, and therefore thought, that refers to nothing outside Political Fictions itself. One of the standouts here is "Eyes on the Prize", which offers a perfect illustration, through its outline of the gradual re-shaping of the aims of the Democratic party via and other members of the Democratic Leadership Council, of Political Fictions of Simone Weil's points in On the Political Fictions of All Political Partiesabout how the ultimate goal of any party eventually becomes its own growth- the imperative to win at all costs- and that of the two factors, it's really ideology that always proves malleable. Then again, it's hard to make a case for continued futility, either. A Democratic candidate in campaigned on ending the war in Vietnam. Political Fictions highlight is "Clinton Agonistes", Political Fictions the clearest of all the essays on a theme that runs throughout the book, which is the hermeticism of the political class in Washington. The rest of us tune in to get informed about what 'people' are thinking and feeling, even though those people are By, you know, electing him or her. Didion showcases the absurdity of the outrage generated among the political class by Bill Clinton's behavior- that is to say, an outrage that was made to seem as though it was sweeping the nation, when in Political Fictions it wasn't- no matter how obvious it became that the majority of the country just didn't care: Mr. Clinton's own polls My only warning is that Didion's book will make the news even more difficult to stomach. I happened to finish her book a couple of days ago; that evening, on-air commentators were talking about the latest Trump rally, where Political Fictions crowd had chanted, about Ilhan Omar, "send her back. Trump had finally gone "too far", and, setting Political Fictions aside, he'd made a costly political error. Personally, I'll bet that Trump didn't lose a single Political Fictions this week. View all 9 comments. Nov 08, Steven rated it really liked it Shelves: politicsdidion. It is my understanding that the Political Fictions was released in and what struck me was just how prophetic most of her ideas were, especially in the wake of the recent election. Bush Political Fictions the need for camels really presaged the importance of stagecraft in politics. Reagan was the master at stagecraft and Political Fictions uses it to tremendous effect, as well. Didion hits at Kenneth Starr and his Ahab-like pursuit of the white whale. She talks about the unreliable first-person narrator aspect of the Starr Report and she just hits a perfect Political Fictions. The Republicans focus on the strict rule of law was not so essential during the Ollie North version of the Iran-Contra Affair. Although the vast right wing Political Fictions argument Political Fictions by Hillary Clinton was a bridge too far, there sure were lots of Republican elves like Ann Coulter working their magic - all a bit too close to the Office of Independent Counsel. Lieberman brought back all of those ghosts because his Political Fictions at that time consisted almost solely of chastising the President. I experienced a large range of low emotions in the wake of the presidential election: disbelief, shock, anger, indignation, Political Fictions, revulsion, despair, depression, anxiety. The connecting theme of this collection is the creation of narrative - the media appearances, showmanship and public I experienced a large range of low emotions in the wake Political Fictions the presidential election: disbelief, shock, anger, indignation, confusion, revulsion, despair, depression, anxiety. The connecting theme of this collection is the creation of narrative - the media appearances, Political Fictions and public relations efforts that create the image Political Fictions stories we the people then digest about the politicians for whom we vote Political Fictions in whom we place our trust, such as it is. There are two essays that qualify as brilliant and one real dud about Newt Gingrich. Political Fictions by Joan Didion

Look Inside. She tells us the uncomfortable truth about the way we vote, the candidates we vote for, and the people who tell us to vote for them. These pieces build, one on the other, into a disturbing portrait of the American political landscape, providing essential reading Political Fictions our democracy. She lives in New York. Political Fictions [is] on pure zen target. In conjunction with the hardcover publication of Political FictionsJoan Didion did a series of interviews with college newspapers around the country. Her desktop includes excerpts from two of those interviews — conducted by the Daily Californian of UC Berkeley, where Didion attended school as an undergraduate, and the Harvard Crimson. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Political Fictions in. Halloween Books for Kids. Read An Excerpt. Aug 27, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Oct 09, ISBN Available from:. Paperback —. Also by Joan Didion. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Censored World Report Human Rights Watch. Precarious Life. Judith Butler. The Coming Insurrection. The Invisible Committee. Reveille for Radicals. Make No Law. Anthony Lewis. The Foundation Pit. Andrey Platonov. This is Not Normal. William Davies. Rough Political Fictions. A Place Outside the Law. Peter Jan Honigsberg. Now What? Roy Scranton. Reinhold Niebuhr. Dangerous Ideas. Eric Berkowitz. Confessions of a Philosopher. Become America. In Defense of Political Fictions. William A. The Wars of Watergate. Stanley I. Potential History. Ariella Azoulay. Radical Son. David Horowitz. Thirteen Tactics for Realistic Radicals. Report from Political Fictions Zero. Dennis Smith. The Least of All Possible Evils. Eyal Weizman. Human Rights Watch World Report A World Transformed. George H. Bush and Brent Scowcroft. After the Fact? Marcus Gilroy-Ware. Summer Meditations. Vaclav Havel. Case Closed. Gerald Posner. Author Essay In conjunction with the hardcover publication of Political FictionsJoan Didion did a series Political Fictions interviews with college newspapers around the country. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the Political Fictions prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass Political Fictions on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books! Political Fictions - Wikipedia

Blindingly brilliant—and sometimes just blind—pieces covering a dozen years — of American politics, all originally published in The New York Review of Books. Unlike other observers, Didion holds no interest in dissecting issues, reporting behind the scenes, or sending up electoral bad taste with Menckenesque glee. This fixation simultaneously sharpens and narrows her frame of reference. Democrats, she charges, have abandoned their traditional low-income base in an attempt to corral a shrinking electoral Political Fictions. Often, she files her subjects with astonishing thoroughness. Not an easy read but an essential Political Fictions. Title notwithstanding, this latest from the National Book Award—winning author is no guidebook Political Fictions getting woke. Kendi ; illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky. A clear and Political Fictions contribution to an essential conversation. After devoting most of the book to talking, Oluo finishes with a chapter on Political Fictions and its urgency. Already have an account? Log in. Trouble signing in? Retrieve credentials. Sign Up. Pub Date: Sept. Page Count: Publisher: Knopf. No Comments Yet. More Political Fictions Joan Didion. Kirkus Reviews' Best Books Of New York Times Bestseller. IndieBound Bestseller. Pub Date: Aug. Show all comments. More Political Fictions Ibram X. More About This Book. Straight talk to blacks and whites about the realities of racism. Pub Date: Jan. Page Count: Publisher: Seal Press. Review Posted Online: Oct. Please sign up to continue. Almost there! Reader Writer Industry Professional. Send me weekly book recommendations and inside scoop. Keep me logged in. Sign in using your Kirkus account Sign in Keep Political Fictions logged in. Need Help? Contact us: or email customercare kirkus. Please select an existing bookshelf OR Create a new bookshelf Continue.