Our Lady of

Erected in 1936, the entire structure reflects the architectural style developed by missionaries, combining the building patterns of the Pueblo Indians with Spanish-Colonial design. Even the landscaping, with carefully selected shrubs and trees is typical.

Monsignor Stephen Downes, Pastor Religious Education 805/969-4868 Father Maurice O’Mahony, Pastor Emeritus Sister Kathleen Patrice, C.S.J. - Director Father Carrol O’Sullivan, Retired [email protected]

Father Jack Shine, C.M., Weekend Associate Youth Minister/Confirmation Coordinator

Rectory Phone 805/969-6868 Sarah Mack - Youth Minister 805/574-9941 [email protected] 1300 East Valley Road Fax 805/565-5959 High School Confirmation - ‘El Camino’ Santa Barbara, California 93108 Middle School Youth Group - ‘The ‘M&M’s’ website: www.mtcarmelsb.com Weddings email: [email protected] The Bride or Groom must be a registered, contributing Masses and active member of Mt. Carmel Parish for at least one Daily 7:45 AM year before requesting a marriage date. Please call the Rectory at least six months before the Saturday 7:45 AM Vigil Mass: 4:30 PM proposed date of marriage or email us at weddings@olmc- Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12 Noon montecito.com for more information.

Holy Day Mass Vigil 5:30 PM Our Lady of Mount Carmel School 805/969-5965 Masses on Holy Day: 530 Hot Springs Road • Santa Barbara, 93108 7:45 AM, 9:00 AM (School Mass) & 5:30 PM Pre-K thru 8th Grade • Principal — Karen Regan www.mountcarmelschool.net Confessions: Saturdays 3:30-4:15 PM *In Side Chapel* Secular Order of - Meets 2nd Sat. of each month Baptisms: 1st & 2nd Sundays of the month Evelyn Duimovich 805/969-3858

The Most Holy Trinity June 15, 2014

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.

John 3:16a June 15, 2014 The Most Holy Trinity Page Two WELCOME TO OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL If you are visiting or new to our community, we are blessed that you are here to worship with us and we wel- come you. Our Pastor, Retired Priests and Parish Family extend the hospitality of Christ to you. If you would like more information about our Parish, please call or stop by

our Parish Office. The hours are M-F, 8:30am-12 noon and 1:30pm - 5pm. Coffee, Donuts & Ministry Assignments Cappuccino are served in the side courtyard after the 10am Sunday Mass. PLEASE JOIN US! SAT. JUNE 14th 4:30 PM Peter Da Ros - Lector WHOLE COMMUNITY FAITH SHARING S. de Ponce, K. Flynn & J. Stratford Week of June 15th — 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Eucharistic Ministers Faith Reflection: In the second reading, Paul salutes the Luke Wegrzynowicz, Emily Wazny & Alexis Albarran - Altar Servers people of Corinth in the name of the Trinity. He invites SUN. JUNE 15th them to live in peace and harmony, agree with one an- 8:00 AM Frederic Cogburn - Lector other and then the God of peace will be with them. He D. & B. Crooks - Eucharistic Ministers tells them that by our union with Christ we are taken up Luke Williams, Anna Braastad & in the family of the Trinity. Then he concludes his greet- Clarissa Davis - Altar Servers ings with this lovely Trinitarian we often use as a 10:00 AM Debbie Saucedo - Lector greeting at the beginning of Mass and in the liturgy: M. Press, B. Jones, B. Nunez, C. Groth-Marnat, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God our J & M. Kelly, T. & M. Lorge Father and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit with you Eucharistic Ministers Juan Valtierra, Theo & Emmett Mack all.” The grace of Lord Jesus Christ is God’s creative Altar Servers transforming love. In other words God himself is seeking 12:00 PM Molly Rosecrance - Lector freely to give his own self to us. When he says the love of MB Tynan & J. Klink God it means it is the all-embracing love of God made Eucharistic Ministers known to us in Jesus who is love. The fellowship of the Halie Bissell, Guiliana Ziliotto & Holy Spirit is unique, meaning the communion, sharing Antonia Bazzani - Altar Servers or participation. It is the fellowship with which Paul in- vites us to support and encourage each other to live in Mass Intentions peace, love and harmony. Faith Question: God fills with love. How this week, will I show my family that I love them as God loves them? SAT. JUNE 14th Faith Response: I will find opportunities to show love 7:45 AM Gertrude Clyne + and compassion to those in need this week. 4:30 PM Gino & Rosetta Guadagnini SUN. JUNE 15th 8:00 AM Father’s Day + The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God, 10:00 AM Dolores Hanrahan + 12:00 PM Living & Deceased Members of the Zioliotto Fam. slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity. MON. JUNE 16th 7:45 AM Father’s Day Novena & Wiley Barker + TUES. JUNE 17th Please Pray For The Sick Of Our Parish 7:45 AM Father’s Day Novena & Betty Lou Young + Bruce Albertson, Jack Jones, Marti Boise, Jo Dushais, WED. JUNE 18th Jack McClellan, Rosemary Donohue, Rosemary Red- 7:45 AM Father’s Day Novena & Jane Clark + mond, Patricia McNamara, Christopher Guadagnini, Sir THU. JUNE 19th Daniel Donohue, Tyler Hester, Dylan Swalley, Frances 7:45 AM Father’s Day Novena & Dolores Hanrahan + Maher, Maddie Press, the Borgatello Family, Marilyn FRI. JUNE 20th Schuermann, Mary McCormack, Robert Munoz, Roger 7:45 AM Father’s Day Novena & Int. of Ann Marie Griffin+ Cass, Jim Fuller, Susan Basler, Anita Blanchett, Ritz SAT. JUNE 21st Brunello, Joe Corsaro, Angela Martel, Francisco Ramos, 7:45 AM Father’s Day Novena & Mary Owen + Cormack O’Toole and Joe McGuire. 4:30 PM Denny Lord + Do you know of someone who is NO longer in need of SUN. JUNE 22nd being on our list? Wish to add immediate family? Does 8:00 AM For All Our Parishioners someone need to be visited? Please call our Parish Office 10:00 AM Father’s Day Novena & Jeanne Regis + at 805/969-6868. 12:00 PM Raymond Manzo + June 15, 2014 The Most Holy Trinity Page Three Safeguard Our Children Tips For Summer Camp Safety Summer is almost here. School is almost out, and a whole host of new opportunities for recreation and Here at OLMC Parish, we strive to offer our relaxation await. Maybe you are sending your chil- youth a place to “Belong, Believe, Become”.

dren to a music or sports camp? Or maybe they have been invited by their friends to go camping in “El Camino” the mountains or at the beach? Whatever the situa- High School Confirmation Group Join us as we explore our faith & journey to tion, it is important to remember that parents still The Rite of Confirmation through topical have the responsibility of controlling access that discussion, music, debate, multimedia & art. Meets two Sundays a month, from 11am to new people will have to their children. If your chil- 12:30pm in our Parish Hall. dren are attending a summer camp, insist that Sessions & Gatherings counselors or anyone else who might have access to Sessions start September 2014 your children have undergone an application proc- Online Registrations starts July 1st Open Registration - Sunday, Aug. 24th & 31st ess that includes a criminal background check and (after the 10am Mass in the courtyard) reference checks. For a copy of the VIRTUS article “Sanctus” High School Leadership Group “Summer Safety Tips can help prevent Sexual July 25th — 27th Stubenville, San Diego

Abuse” VIRTUS article contact bmelendez@la- Conference archdiocese.org at the Office of Safeguard the Chil- “M & M’s” dren. Middle School Youth Group Open to all 6th - 8th graders from ANY school. Meets 6:30pm - 8pm in Parish Hall TV For The Homebound Make Sundays complete for someone you love who can’t get to Church. You can find Sunday Mass online at hear- Summer Events tofthenation.org or on DirecTV, Channel 305 at 6:30am June 29th Santa Monica Pier Day or on the Dish Network, Channel 216 at 6:30am. July 10th Zodo’s Bowling July 29th SB Harbor Kayaking Trip GROUP LECTIO DIVINA August Universal Studios When : Every Friday (Date TBA) Time: 7 pm to 8 pm (All events require a reservation!!) Where: Spiritual Library EVERYONE IS WELCOME! For more information or to be added to our email list, please contact our Youth Minister, Sarah Mack at 805- OLMC Spiritual Center 574-9941 or at [email protected]. Spiritual books, DVD’s, and CD’s for adults and children are available for checkout. Our Parish RE Program has ended

Open Sundays, from 11 am to 12 noon. for the school year. We will start (Located behind the Church, next to the school lunch again on Sunday, August 24th.

benches.) Please contact the Religious Ed Of- [email protected] fice at 805/969.4868 for registra- tion information. Mend your ways, encourage one another, agree with Have a blessed and safe summer! one another, live in peace, and the God of love MC - YA ‘Young Adult Ministry’ and peace be with you. Soul Food Mass & BBQ

Father’s Day Novena Saturday, July 19th — 7 pm to 10 pm

A Novena of Masses will begin at the 8am Serra Hall — Corner of Laguna & Garden St. Mass on Father’s Day, June 15th and con- tinue for the following nine days. Special Join Catholic Young Adults from the Santa Barbara envelopes are on the tables near the Church doors or Region as we enjoy a night of good wine, great friends you can pick one up at the Rectory Office. and lots of fun!! OUR PARISH FINANCES Many thanks to all for your generous contributions to our Church in the Offertory Collection each Sun- day. Here is the report on the Offertory Collection for

Sunday, May 24th/25th:

Envelopes and Plate Collection $7,136.00 Donation $144.54

Total $7,280.54

As we move to the end of the fiscal year on June 30th, we are happy to say we are almost at break even point in our parish finances for the year, thanks to your gen- erous giving to the parish. Your generosity on the re- maining Sundays of June is all important. We also invite larger donations from parishioners and friends who can do so. Your generous contributions fund all the parish worship, religious, educational and service programs of the parish. Many thanks and God's blessings on you and your family. Youth Ministry Fundraiser

T-Shirts— $10.00 each

This summer, our OLMC Youth & Confirmation Groups will be attending Camp Big Deal, S.A.W Camp, and the Stuebenville San Diego Conference. We are selling OLMC t-shirts to help raise money for our scholarship fund, so that all students will have access to these wonderful events. This week you can purchase your t-shirt at the Parish Office. Donations will also be accepted. THANK YOU for your support.

PARTNERSHIP IN SERVICE AWARD Congratulations to Jack Casey, who received a Part- nership in Service Award from Catholic Charities in Santa Barbara on June 1st. The award recognizes out- standing parishioners who give themselves in service at the parish. Jack Casey has been a devoted parishioner at Our Lady of Mount Parish for over 30 years. Jack and Bon- nie were married at Our Lady of Mount Church and their two children, Connor and Catherine, graduated from Mount Carmel School. Throughout these years Jack has served regularly as a Eucharistic Minister and Usher at the Church. Jack is a master carpenter in his work and has applied his great carpentry skills on our Church and parish build- ings. Our beautiful Church was built in 1936 and after 78 years, some repairs and renovations are needed from time to time. Jack brings his mastery as a carpenter and attention to detail to the great work of preserving our beautiful Church and other parish buildings. At any hour of the day or night, he is always avail- able and responds willingly and cheerfully to a call from the Pastor for help. His cheerful attitude and great work as a carpenter embodies his devotion to St. Joseph, the Carpenter. Our parish is blessed with the presence and dedication of Jack, Bonnie and family.

FR. STEVE FEAST OF THE HOLY TRINITY Who is God? On this Trinity Sunday we celebrate our faith in God as revealed by Jesus: one God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible Readings for today's Eucharist speak about God as present with and loving his people (rather than speaking in theological formu- las). In the First Reading (from Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9) God reveals himself as "The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity." In the Gospel (John 3:16-18) Jesus reveals the generous love of God the Father: "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life." In the Second Reading (2 Corinthians 13:11-13) Paul shows our faith in God must flow over into daily life. He says: "Mend your ways, encourage one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you." We call upon this God of love and peace who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, whenever we pray or make the Sign of the Cross. May we also ex- press our faith by our kindness and compassion to one another! * On this Father's Day we wish all our fathers "A Happy Father's Day." The "Book of Catholic Household Bless- ings and " has this prayer for Father's Day: "God our Father in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless our father. Let the example of his faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, his family, may honor him always with a spirit of profound respect. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen" * A Novena of Masses for Father's Day begins this Sun- day. Cards and envelopes will be found at the doors of the Church. * Next Sunday is the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, "Corpus Christi". The annual commissioning ceremony for all Eucharistic Ministers will take place next Sunday after the homily at each Mass. * Congratulations and blessings on all graduates - from elementary, high school, college or university. We will remember you in our prayers as you continue your unique and exciting adventure in life. * We invite you to take a look at our parish website at www.mtcarmelsb.com

Catholic Charities Food Pantry remains committed to helping low-income families and persons who continue to struggle with the effects of the eco- nomic downturn. Your donations can be dropped off in the Vestibule of the Church or at the Rectory Office. Thank you for your generosity!

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