BHN Fall 2017 Issue
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH NEWS TM YOUR TRUSTED SOURCE OF INFORMATION, EDUCATION, ADVOCACY AND RESOURCES FALL 2017 ISSUE FROM THE LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL NEWS SCENE VOL. 5 NO. 1 The Vital Role of Housing in the Recovery Process A Healthy Place to Rest Your Head By Andrew Bloch, LCSW, nesses, these may have been inadequate to Marcie Katz, LCSW, provide the needed additional structure and and Fabricio Loza support. A housing application is com- NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester pleted by the social worker and handed off Division, Second Chance Program to Assertive Community Treatment teams or care coordinators to follow-up on once the individual is back in the community. he Second Chance Program at While a reasonable plan, our experience NewYork-Presbyterian West- tells us that such a plan is fraught with nu- chester Division is an in-patient merous pitfalls for this population that psychiatric rehabilitation pro- make the successful transition to more sup- Tgram for men and women with difficult to portive and stable housing unlikely. These treat psychotic disorder illnesses. Most of include skills deficits such as how to man- the individuals referred to the Second age residual symptoms, impaired problem Chance Program (SCP) have struggled solving skills that can lead to impulsive with being able to remain in the commu- decision-making and a return to maladap- nity. In addition, they have often had nu- tive coping strategies that have failed to merous hospital admissions to acute units work in the past. that have failed to break the cycle of re- More than half of the patients referred peated hospitalizations or to provide the to Second Chance Program (SCP) are ei- necessary structure, safety and support ther street homeless, residing in shelters or needed to help these individuals increase transitional living residences, or patients community tenure and begin to thrive Andrew Bloch, LCSW, Marcie Katz, LCSW, and Fabricio Loza who would benefit from a higher level of outside of the hospital setting.
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