Council Adopts New $5.2 Million Budget 2016-17
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THURSDAY THE TECUMSEH 50¢ MAY 5, 2016 Tecumseh, Michigan Join us! VOL. 163, ISSUE 50 HERALD LENAWEE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER • SINCE 1850 INSIDE: Packard to be inducted to Wall of Fame at THS • See page 5A In the news Council adopts Ballot proposal for 911 surcharge passes The proposed 911 sur- new $5.2 million charge passed during the May 3 special election with 5,886 voters in the county voting in support and 3,060 budget 2016-17 opposed in 43 precincts. A total of 8,946 people cast bal- lots. In Tecumseh, the pro- By MEGAN LINSKI Democratic posal passed 411 to 161. [email protected] Streets, and Nine percent of all registered will involve voters in Tecumseh partici- Tecumseh City Council partial lane unanimously approved the c l o s u r e s pated in the election with 12 PHOTOS BY JIM LINCOLN percent of registered voters 2016-17 proposed budget at its along the participating countywide. A new market will be located on Evans Street between Logan and Shawnee Streets. May 2 meeting. Total proposed boulevard. general fund revenues for the Temporary Knights’ flower sale city totaled $5,240,872, while gas service total general fund expenditures i n t e r r u p - Dan Swallow begins May 6 Fundraising campaign begins equaled $5,157,519. tions will The annual flower sale by The report states that rev- take place throughout the area. the Knights of Columbus for new farmers market site enues have declined due to Consumers will provide from St. Elizabeth Catholic restrictive state laws and cuts advance notice to property Church in Tecumseh returns to state shared revenues, and owners beforehand. for two weekends on May 6-8 By MEGAN LINSKI that the city has had to adapt in • Brookside Cemetery super- and May 13-15 in the parking [email protected] order to meet the service intendent Dan Righter encour- lot behind the church, located demands of citizens. Property aged the board to begin look- at 506 N. Union Street. The The Market on Evans, for- taxes have declined, however, ing ahead with regard to devel- flower sale features a large merly the Tecumseh Farmers user fees and alternative rev- oping the cemetery in order to selection of hanging baskets, Market, opens the season on enue sources such as donations make room for more grave annuals, perennials and veg- May 14 at a new location on and grants have become a larg- sites. Currently, there are etables. Support of the sale North Evans Street between er part of the city budget. 10,624 people interred at helps fund charitable activi- Logan and Shawnee Streets. Staffing levels and costs have Brookside. An average of 41 ties by the Knights of The city launched a crowd been reduced in order to obtain lots are sold each year, howev- Columbus. For more informa- funding campaign on May 1 to a balanced budget. City gov- er, in 2015, 56 lots were sold. tion call Dave Lips, chairman, support renovations on the ernments are still recovering Righter said at the current rate, at 403.4656. property. The campaign was A banner at the Market on Evans announces the May 14 opening. from the economic recession, there will be no more grave closing in on $9,000 of its which provides challenges sites left in 20 years. Search begins for new $20,000 goal as of Wednesday, that will draw the attention of currently offered at the farmers when considering escalating “We need to start developing May 4. If the goal is reached, a residents and visitors to down- market. Vendors who sell an- costs such as health care pre- the northeast corner, because Clinton superintendent matching $20,000 grant will be town Tecumseh and provide tiques, collectibles and crafters mium inflations and retirement in fifteen years I won’t have A timeline has been estab- issued by the Michigan convenient access to local could be added to the farmers obligations, according to city four grave lots or six grave lots lished in the search process Economic Devleopment Corpo- goods, according to a press market in the future. manager Dan Swallow. left for families to use. We’re for a superintendent for ration (MEDC). release from the city. “This project is part of a larg- The biggest expected costs running out of space,” Righter Clinton Community Schools. The campaign runs through Patronicity specializes in er plan to improve the Evans for the city include: said. First round interviews are Patronicity, found on the raising funds for place-making Street corridor, and we believe $1,412,768 for general opera- Mayor Jack Baker agreed scheduled for June 11 from 1 Internet at www.patroni- projects, which are initiatives this will be the catalyst for tions; $1,552,725 for police that further development of the p.m. to 9 p.m.. During the The Michigan State that create vibrant downtown future public and private invest- operations; $562,196 for emer- cemetery is crucial for the city. first round the public will be Housing Development areas and gathering spaces in ments,” city manager Dan gency services; $424,615 for “It’s something we’re all inter- able to return feedback forms Authority and the MEDC col- order to attract new residents to Swallow said. parks and recreation; and ested in doing once we get the to the board as well as sug- laborate with an initiative by the area. “Active markets with access $213,162 for the public works funds to do it,” Baker said. gest possible second inter- the Michigan Municipal League Improvements that still need to locally grown and produced department. The city is expect- “That cemetery is something view questions. Second and Patronicity to raise funds to be made to the property goods are amenities that more ed to receive $3,427,000 from we’re all very proud of.” round interviews and a possi- for community projects. include removing the south fac- and more people are seeking property taxes, $833,000 from Currently, Righter has 1,119 ble decision on the new Commun-ities apply for a ing wall on the building, repair- out, and we are confident this the State of Michigan, graves left he can sell. “We superintendent takes place Patronicity crowd funding ing the roof, power washing and project will help attract people $165,800 in revenue from have to get things ready to go on June 15 at 6:06 p.m. The online campaign by submitting painting. These improvements to our community,” Swallow parks and recreation, and and construct a plan in ten public is welcome to attend projects. are estimated to cost $17,400. said. $734,872 in other areas. years,” Righter said. all meetings. All sessions are The grant will match 100 per- Additional improvements in- Contributions can be made by In other city council news: Righter spent most of 2015 scheduled to be conducted at cent of all funds raised through clude landscaping, lighting, sig- check to The City of Tecumseh, • Swallow announced that converting old software for the the Clinton High School this campaign for the Market on nage and a mural. These extra and sent to 309 E. Chicago Consumers Energy has begun cemetery into a new computer media center. The new Evans, but only if the goal of costs could total $40,000. Blvd., Tecumseh, MI, 49286. gas main replacement work program. The conversion took superintendent is expected to $20,000 is raised by June 10. The property at The Market Patrons can also donate online along West Chicago a year’s worth of corrections assume the position July 1. The main purpose for The on Evans would be used for at https://www.patron-icity.- Boulevard. The initial work and Righter will not begin Market on Evans is to create a Tecumseh’s farmers market. com/project/the_market_on_ev- will be on Pearl Street, Maiden transitioning from paper to Art Walk is Friday in vibrant gathering public space Produce and baked goods are ans. Lane, Van Buren and computer until winter. downtown Tecumseh The 9th Annual Tecumseh Art Walk will be held May 6 Library hosts exhibit by local artist Jill Schaffer from 6 to 9 p.m. Downtown Tecumseh merchants have partnered with Community By MEGAN LINSKi drew my own paper dolls and need to use it,” Schaffer said. Arts of Tecumseh (CAT) and [email protected] their clothes,” Schaffer said. CAT contacted her years ago regional artists to host the “From that stage to this stage in to begin instructing some of event. Guest artists will pro- Artist Jill Schaffer enjoys my life, I’ve always painted their classes. Schaffer said the vide live demonstrations, painting all mediums and sub- and drawn.” staff at CAT is very helpful, and while merchants offer compli- jects. A teacher at Community Schaffer is self-taught, and supportive of her work. mentary refreshments. Arts of Tecumseh (CAT), has no formal training outside “I enjoy working at CAT, and Schaffer is skilled in oil, of attending various workshops so I’ve taught there for many Inside acrylic, watercolor and pastel by well-known artists. Some of years,” Schaffer said. painting. Schaffer’s art is cur- her artwork hangs at Jackson Schaffer enjoys painting Classified 1C, 3C rently on display at the College and has been purchased because of the therapeutic qual- Crossword 3C Tecumseh District Library by those living on the west side ities it brings. “Painting is Legals 1-4C (TDL) throughout the month of of the country. She enjoys refreshing, relaxing,” Schaffer Living 3A May.