Presidents of Chicago and Illinois Universities Will Take Part In
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Vol. XXIV, No. 26 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] APRIL 6, 1922 Presidents of Chicago and Illinois Universities Will Take Part in Cornell Convention Indoor Track Records Shattered as Varsity Defeats Michigan—Wrest- lers Regain Championship Entertainment of President Farrand Brings Out Record Crowds at New- ark, Boston, and Syracuse New York Club Entertains Pennsyl- j vania Relay Team and John T. McGovern Before They Sail Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 128 West State Street. Ithaca. NΘΛV York. Subscription $4.00 per year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900. under the act of March 3. 1879. at the postoffice at Ithaca, New York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS HEMPHILL, NOYES &> Co. Trustee Executor Ithaca Investment Secureties 37 Wall Street, New York Trust Company Boston Philadelphia Syracuse Chartered 1822 Scranton Albany Baltimore Assets Over Jansen Noyes '10 Three Million Dollars Charles E. Gardner Stanton Griffis ΊO President Charles E. Treman Harold C. Strong Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell Clifford Hemphill Farmers' Loan Vice-Pres. and Sec., W. H. Storms Treasurer Sherman Peer Member New York Stock Exchange and Trust Company ALUMNI Cascadilla School PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL Nos. 16-22 William Street Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. College Preparatory School at 41st Street WASHINGTON, D. C. A High-Grade Boarding School for Boys New York THEODORE K. BRYANT '97, '98 Master Patent Law '08 Summer School Patents and Trade Marks exclusively July to September, especially for Col- 310-313 Victor Building lege and University Entrance LONDON PARIS Examinations Special Tutoring School BOSTON, MASS. Letters of Credit Private Instruction in Any Subject WARREN G. OGDEN, M.E. Όl Throughout the Year Foreign Exchange LL.B. Georgetown University, '05 Patents, Trade-Marks, Copyrights Trustees Cable Transfers Patent Causes, Opinions, Titles F. C. Cornell Ernest Blaker C.D.Bostwick Practice in State and Federal Courts 68 Devonshire Street Our 1921-22 Catalog will appeal to that Administrator Guardian schoolboy you are trying to interest in Cornell ITHACA, N. Y. A postal will bring it. GEORGE S. TARBELL Member Federal Reserve Bank and New Ithaca Trust Building The Cascadilla Schools York Clearing House Attorney and Notary Public Ithaca, N. Y. Real Estate Sold, Rented, and Managed NEW YORK CITY CHARLES A. TAUSSIG A.B. '02, LL.B., Harvard '05 Stop Off at Ithaca 220 Broadway Tel. 1905 Cortland General Practice On Your Next Trip BARNARD-LYNAH, INC. Setting Agents for Cotton Mills The Lehigh Valley gives passengers this privilege, enabling you to en- 321 Broadway joy a few hours renewing old friendships at your Alma Mater, whenever James Lynah, M.E. '05, Vice-Pres. you travel between New York or Philadelphia and Chicago or western points. The stopover involves no additional expense and consumes no more KELLEY & BECKER business time as shown by the following schedule: Counselors at Law 366 Madison Ave. (Daily) (Daily) CHARLES E. KELLEY, A.B. '04 Westward Eastward NEAL Dow BECKER, LL.B. '05, A.B. '06 8:10 P. M. Lv New York (PENN. STA.) Ar. 8:26 A. M. 8:40 P. M. Lv Philadelphia (Reading Term'l).. .Ar. 7:49 A. M. MARTIN H. OFFINGER '99 E.E. (a)4:37 A. M. Ar Ithaca (b)Lv. 11:40 P. M. Treasurer and Manager 4:53 P. M. Lv Ithaca Ar. 12:37 Noon Van Wagoner-Linn Construction Co. 8:25 A. M. Ar Chicago (M.C.R.R.) Lv. 3:00 P. M. Electrical Contractors 143 East 27th Street York to Ithaca Phone Madison Square 7320 to Chicago a Sleeper may be occupied at Ithaca until 8:00 A. M. TULSA, OKLAHOMA b Sleeper ready for occupancy at 9:00 P. M. HERBERT D. MASON, LL.B. '00 Be sure your next ticket reads via Lehigh Valley, Your stopover ar- Attorney and Counsellor at Law rangement can be made by the conductor. 903-908 Kennedy Bldg. Practice in State and Federal Courts FORT WORTH, TEXAS % LEE, LOMAX & WREN Leliigh \&Hey Railroad Lawyers General Practice 506-9 Wheat Building The Route of The Black Diamond - Attorneys for Santa Fe Lines Empire Gas & Fuel Co. O.K. Lee,Cornell 1889-90 P.T. Lomax Texas 1899 F. J.Wren, Texas 1913-14 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXIV, No. 26 ITHACA, N. Y., APRIL 6,1922 PRICE 12 CENTS HE JUNIOR SMOKER, held this year decision by the Class Day Committee. showing at the Cosmopolitan Club of New in Bailey Hall and on that account, Individual fancy in the matter of colors York, and has been on display on the Tby Faculty ruling, a smokeless af- is limited to "half-inch stripes of white third floor of White Hall. and some dark color." "Swing out" Day fair, was fairly well attended in spite of INTERCOLLEGE SPORTS have created for the blazers is to be April 29, the oc- unfavorable weather and other conditions. this year an unusual amount of friendly if The program included a tribute to the late casion of the Columbia baseball game. spirited rivalry. Mechanical Engineering Colonel Frank H. Barton '91, by Dean THE DRAMATIC CLUB successfully tried leads the rest by a score of twenty-seven Dexter S. Kimball; an address by Lewis an experiment on March 31 and April i, points. Civil Engineering, Agriculture, Henry '09, former editor-in-chief of The in giving matinee and evening shows with Chemistry, and Arts follow in the order Cornell Daily Sun, who spoke of the part a separate cast for each performance. The named. So close has been the competition which the college student must play in the bill included "The Goal," by Henry that only seven points separate Arts from development of the nation; a hearty ex- Arthur Jones; "The Lost Silk Hat," by the present leaders. pression by Dr. Farrand of his approval Lord Dunsany; and "The Mouse Trap," of intercollegiate sports in general, subject CORNELL CHEMISTS held their eleventh by William Dean Howells. to wise supervision; and the usual pre- annual banquet on March 22 at the Ithaca sentation of shingles to athletes, made by THE BOARD TRACK, embalmed with a Hotel. Dr. Farrand was the principal Professor Herman Diederichs '97, who coat of creosote, has been laid away speaker. Shingles were presented by Leo adduced statistics to show that, in a group against next winter with a solicitude ap- J. Larkin '21, of Ellenville, New York, of one hundred and ten athletes whose propriate to its services in developing one director of athletics of the Department of marks he had particularly examined, the of the best indoor track teams in the his- Chemistry, to those men who have won scholastic standing of athletes was far be- tory of the sport at the University. While points for Chemistry in intercollege ath- low that of the general student body. the cinder track on Schoellkopf Field is letics. being repaired and perfected, interest in THE SAGE CHAPEL Preacher for April THE MEDICAL COLLEGE was privileged track work is pointed to the series of cross 2 was the Rev. Dr. Clarence A. Barbour, to hear, on March 20, an address b}^ Wil- country races for the Potter Cup. Baptist, president of the Rochester Theo- liam Bayless, professor of general physiol- logical Seminary. There will be no service THE WOMEN students at the Medical ogy at University College, London, who next Sunday, which comes during the re- College in New York gave a tea for the is making a lecture tour in the United cess. women students at the College of Phy- States. Professor Bayless spoke on "The sicians and Surgeons (Columbia) in the General Mechanism of the Regulation LECTURES for the last fortnight include new Y. M. C. A. rooms at 2yth Street and of Physiological Processes in the Human "The French Sanhedrin" by Professor First Avenue on January 14, to further Organism." Carl Becker before the Menorah Society; friendly relations between the students "The Operations of the Federal Reserve AN EIGHT-GAME SCHEDULE has been of the two colleges. A committee was ap- Bank, from the Point of View of an Officer fixed for the tennis team, though not yet pointed to try to secure for women grad- of the Bank" by R, M. Gidney, comp- ratified by the committee on student af- uates in medicine opportunities for in- troller-at-large, Federal Reserve Bank fairs. It includes games with Syracuse, terneships like those which male graduates of New York, before the Economics Club Columbia, and Michigan at Ithaca; with now have. At present only a few hospitals and also before the class in Money and Yale at New Haven; with West Point at in the country will admit women to their Banking; "Liberal Movements in Wis- West Point; and the intercollegiates at residential staffs. consin Politics" by Chester C. Platt '90, Philadelphia. George H. Thornton '22, of of Madison, Wis., formerly editor of The THE FRESHMEN defeated the sopho- Wayne, Pennsylvania, is the only player Ithaca Daily News and now editor of mores by a score of 117 to 45 in the annual left from last year's team, but the indoor The Wisconsin Leader: "The Farmer- underclass indoor track meet held on tennis season has developed some capable Labor Movement" by Mr. Platt before March 18. The first year men won twelve candidates for the team. the League for Industrial Democracy events as against three first places won by THE OXFORD-CAMBRIDGE lacrosse team, (formerly the Intercollegiate Socialist the sophomores. On the same afternoon, now in this country, has accepted Cornell's Society); "The Reparations Problem" by the College of Civil Engineering won the invitation to a match game to be held in Dr.