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CURRICULUM VITAE CARLES BOIX 406 Robertson Hall Phone (609) 258-2139 Princeton University E-mail: [email protected] Princeton, NJ 08544 EDUCATION Ph. D. in Political Science. Harvard University. June 1995. Master in Public Administration (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University): June 1990. B.A. in History (University of Barcelona, Spain): June 1986. B.A. in Law (University of Barcelona, Spain): June 1985. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Robert Garrett Professor of Politics and Public Affairs. School of Politics and Public Affairs and Department of Politics. Princeton University. Since January 2011. Distinguished Researcher and Director of the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group at the University of Barcelona. Since January 2017. Professor of Politics and Public Affairs. School of Politics and Public Affairs and Department of Politics. Princeton University. July 2006-December 2010. Professor. Department of Political Science. The University of Chicago. July 2005-June 2006. Associate Professor. Department of Political Science. The University of Chicago. July 2001 - June 2005. Assistant Professor. Department of Political Science. The University of Chicago. July 1999 - June 2001. Assistant Professor. Departments of Political Science and Economics, The Ohio State University. September 1995-June 1999. 1 Visiting Professor at Center for Advanced Social Studies, Juan March Foundation, Madrid, Fall 1997. Visiting Professor at the Departments of Political Science and of Economics. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. 1996-97, Spring 1998. HONORS AND AWARDS 2017 CHOICE’s outstanding academic title award by ACRL to Political Order and Inequality 2016 Corresponding Member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans. 2015 American Political Science Association Heinz Eulau Award for Best Article Published in the American Political Science Review in 2014 to “Bones of Contention: The Political Economy of Height Inequality.” 2012 Premi de Periodisme Catalunya Oberta. 2010 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2004-05 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow. 2004-05 German Marshall Foundation Fellowship. 2004 American Political Science Association William Riker Award for Best Book on Political Economy to Democracy and Redistribution. 2004 Society for Comparative Research Mattei Dogan Award for Best Book in Comparative Research to Democracy and Redistribution. 2002 Award for Best Essay given by Idees and the Centre d’Estudis en Temes Contemporanis - Barcelona to L’obertura catalana. 2000 American Political Science Association Heinz Eulau Award for Best Article Published in the American Political Science Review in 1999 to “Setting the Rules of the Game. The Choice of Electoral Systems in Advanced Democracies”. 2000 Spanish Political Science Association Award for Best Book in Political Science published in the previous five years to Partidos políticos, crecimiento e igualdad. 2 1999 American Political Science Association William Riker Award for Best Book on Political Economy to Political Parties, Growth and Equality. 1995 Toppan Prize for the best dissertation in Politics completed at Harvard. PUBLICATIONS Books 2019 Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads. Technological Change and the Future of Politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2015 Political Order and Inequality. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2012 Cartes Ianquis. Un passeig sense servituds per Catalunya i el món. Barcelona: A Contravent. 2007 Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Co-editor with Susan Stokes. New York: Oxford University Press. 2003 Democracy and Redistribution. New York: Cambridge University Press. Translation to Chinese: Beijing University Press, 2011. 2002 L’obertura catalana. Estratègies polítiques del catalanisme en un món interdependent. Barcelona: Idees Assaig. 2002 Partits polítics i sistemes electorals. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Electronic book for one-semester course in Catalonia’s virtual university. (www.uoc.edu) 2000 Per què la democràcia funcioni. La importància del capital social. Edition and translation to Catalan of Robert Putnam’s Making Democracy Work. Barcelona: Proa. 1998 Political Parties, Growth, and Equality. Conservative and Social Democratic Strategies in the World Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press. 1996 Partidos políticos, crecimiento e igualdad. Estrategias económicas conservadoras y socialdemócratas en democracias avanzadas. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. 3 Refereed Articles 2020 “From Political Mobilization to Electoral Participation: Turnout in Barcelona in the 1930s.” Jointly with Francesc Amat, Jordi Muñoz and Toni Rodon. Journal of Politics 82 (October): 1559-75 2019 “Endogenous Parliaments: The Domestic and International Roots of Long-Term Economic Growth and Executive Constraints in Europe” Jointly with Scott Abramson. International Organization. 73(4): 793-837. 2014 Bones of Contention: The Political Economy of Height Inequality. American Political Science Review 108 (February): 1-21. Jointly with Frances Rosenbluth. 2013 A Complete Dataset of Political Regimes, 1800-2007. Jointly with Michael K. Miller and Sebastian Rosato. Comparative Political Studies. December. 2013 The Foundations of Limited Authoritarian Government. Institutions and Power- Sharing in Dictatorships. Journal of Politics 75 (April): 300-316. Jointly with Milan Svolik. 2011 Democracy, Development and the International System. American Political Science Review 105 (November): 809-828. 2010 Electoral Markets, Party Strategies and Proportional Representation. American Political Science Review 104 (May): 404-413. 2010 Origins and Persistence of Inequality. Annual Review of Political Science 13: 489– 516. 2009 The Conditional Relationship between Inequality and Development. PS: Political Science and Politics 42(4): 645-649. 2008 Economic Roots of Civil Wars and Revolutions in the Contemporary World. World Politics 60 (April). 2003 Endogenous Democratization. World Politics 55 ( July): 517-49. Jointly with Susan Stokes. (Published in Chinese in: Open Times, 2008, no. 194: 130-151.) 2003 Are You Being Served? Political Accountability and Governmental Performance. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization. 19 (Fall): 445-90. Jointly with Alícia Adserà and Mark Payne. 2002 Trade, Democracy and the Size of the Public Sector: The Political Underpinnings of Openness. International Organization 56 (Spring): 229-62. With Alícia Adserà. 4 2001 Democracy, Development and the Public Sector. American Journal of Political Science 45 (January): 1-17. 2000 Partisan Governments, the International Economy and Macroeconomic Policies in OECD Countries, 1964-93. World Politics 53: 38-73. 2000 Must We Choose? European Unemployment, American Inequality and the Impact of Education and Labor Market Institutions. In European Journal of Political Economy 16 (November): 611-638. Jointly with Alícia Adserà. 2000 Las bases sociales y políticas de la abstención en las elecciones generales españolas: recursos individuales, movilización estratégica e instituciones electorales. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 90 (April-June): 98-125. Jointly with Clara Riba. 1999 Setting the Rules of the Game. The Choice of Electoral Systems in Advanced Democracies. American Political Science Review 93 (September): 609-624. 1998 Social Capital: Explaining Its Origins and Effects on Governmental Performance. British Journal of Political Science, October, pp. 686-693. With Daniel Posner. 1997 Political Parties and the Supply Side of the Economy: The Provision of Physical and Human Capital in Advanced Economies. American Journal of Political Science, 41(3), pp. 814-845. 1997 Privatizating the Public Business Sector in the Eighties: Economic Performance, Partisan Responses and Divided Governments. British Journal of Political Science, 27, pp. 473-496. (Reprinted in Vincent Wright and Luisa Perrott, eds. 1999. The International Library of Comparative Public Policy. Privatization and Public Policy. Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar. 2 vols.) 1997 Debemos elegir? Desempleo europeo, desigualdad americana y las instituciones del mercado laboral. Cuadernos Económicos del ICE. With Alícia Adserà. 1993 Hacia una administración pública eficaz: modelo institucional y cultura profesional en la prestación de servicios públicos. Gestión y análisis de políticas públicas, 1. 1993/94 Introduction and edition of a set of papers on comparative political economics, “Modelos político-institucionales de política económica,” in Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 126-127. 1993 Crecimiento económico y modernización institucional del Sector Público. Ekonomiaz. Revista de Economía, 26, pp. 16-43. With Miguel A. Lasheras and Jesús 5 Ruiz-Huerta. 1991 Partisan Voting in the Spanish 1986 NATO Referendum: An Ecological Analysis. Electoral Studies, 10, pp. 18-32. With James E. Alt. 1990/91 Promesas y límites del policy analysis en los Estados Unidos. Documentación Administrativa, 224-225, pp. 155-182. Book Chapters / Non-Refereed Papers 2020 “Catalonia and the right to self-determination.” In The Case of the Catalans: Why so many Catalans no longer want to be part of Spain (edited by Clara Ponsatí). Edinburgh: Luath Press. Chapter 6. 2020 “The Formation and Development of Liberal Democracies.” (Jointly with Will Horne and Alex Kerchner) Oxford Handbook of Political Representation. New York: Oxford University Press. 2020 “Electoral Realignments Across the Atlantic.” In Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity (edited by Frances Rosenbluth and Margaret