School of Physics Publications 2007
School of Physics Publications 2007 Books Karnutsch, C 2007, Low threshold organic thin-film laser devices, Göttingen, 1 Ostrikov, K, Xu, S 2007, Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication: From Plasma Sources to Nanoassembly, Weinheim, Germany Book Chapters Beck, R, Gaensler, B M, Feretti, L 2007, SKA and the Magnetic Universe, Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin Heidelberg, 103-108 Bilek, M, Powles, R C, McKenzie, D R 2007, Treatment of polymeric biomaterials by ion implantation, Biomaterials and Surface Modification, Research Signpost, India, 205-248 Britton, S C, New, P B, Roberts, A L, Sharma, M D 2007, Investigating students' ability totransfer mathematics, Transforming a university: the scholarship of teaching and learning in practice, University of Sydney Press, NSW, Australia, 127-140 Dey, C J, Berger, C, Foran, B, Foran, M, Joske, R, Lenzen, M, Wood, R J 2007, Household environmental pressure from consumption: an Australian environmental atlas, Water Wind Art and Debate -How environmental concerns impacton disciplinary research, Sydney University Press, Sydney, 1, 280-314 Eggleton, B J, Slusher, R 2007, Nonlinear pulse propagation in one-dimensional photonic bandgap structures, Nonlinear photonic bandgap materials, Springer Khoukhi, M, Maruyama, S, Bosi, S G, Komiya, A 2007, A Simple Approach for Calculating the Optical Constants of a Clear Glass Window from 0.19 to 5 um, Recent Developments in Solar Energy, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, 289-297
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