Swedes in Haile Selassie's Ethiopia, 1924-1952 to My Father in Memory of My Mother Viveca Halldin Norberg
NORDISKA AFRIKAINSTITUTE'T ;978 <J7- 2 1 )J fiA A study in early developm Viveca Hal/din Norberg Scandinavian Institute ofAfrican Studies, Uppsala Swedes in Haile Selassie's Ethiopia, 1924-1952 To my Father In Memory of my Mother Viveca Halldin Norberg Swedes in Haile Selassie's Ethiopia, 1924-1952 A study in early development ca-operation Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala 1977 Distributor: Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm This book appears also under ISBN 91-554-0621-1 (ISSN 0081-6531) as Studia Historica Upsaliensia, No. 92, University of Uppsala ©Viveca Halldin Norberg 1977 ISBN 91-7106-111-8 Printed in Sweden by Uppsala Offset Center AB, Uppsala 1977 The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies has served at Uppsala since 1962 as a Scandinavian documentation and research centre on African affairs. Below you will find a selection of some ofthe books published by the institute during the last years. (A complete list of publications can be obtained free of charge): Research Reports No. 23, Magnusson, Åke, Swedish Investments in South Aj/ka. 57 pp. Uppsala 1974. No. 31, Esh, Tina & Rosenblum, Illith, Tourism in Developing Countries - Trick or Treat? A reportfrom the Gambia. 80 pp. Uppsala 1975. No. 32, Clayton, Anthony, The 1948 Zanzibar General Strike. 66 pp. Uppsala 1976. No. 38, Green, Reginald H., Toward Socialism and Self Reliance: Tanzania's Strivingfor Sustained Transition Projected. 57 pp. Uppsala 1977. Rural Development Series Chambers, Robert, Managing R ural Development. Ideas and Experience from East Africa. 216 pp. Uppsala 1974. Finucane, James R., Rural Development and Bureaucracy in Tanzania. The Case of Mwanza Region.
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