Members of the : Friendship is Magic fandom are leaving in droves due to content found in the latest episode of the show, “Brotherhooves Social”, according to a multitude of sources.

The mass exodus from the MLP fandom has seen many bronies voicing their concerns on Twitter, Tumblr and dedicated websites such as Daily and Derpy World, where many claim to have made their last posts before deleting their accounts permanently.

The controversy in “Brotherhooves Social”, an episode in the fifth season of the popular Friendship is Magic show, surrounds the treatment of trans-fats, and in particular how trans-fats are brazenly represented as a source of mockery.

While cis-configuration fats are given plenty of screen-time and respect - some bronies argue - trans-configuration fats, such as fries, pies and butter, are treated with insensitivity.

“It is unfair and abhorrent how trans-fats are constantly treated with disdain in the mainstream media,” says Philip 'Tailfeather' Michaels, a trans-fat ex- member of the My Little Pony fandom. “People take one look at trans-fats and think that everyone who eats them talks in a high-pitched silly voice for comic effect due to the chemicals within them. This is not true at all and this sort of misrepresentation is dangerous.”

“I used to love Friendship is Magic and it got me through a lot of tough times,” added Louise 'Sunburst Opal' Fawcet, who once waited seven hours to get the first comment in on an Equestria Daily topic. “But this kind of shoddy writing victimises me and others. I want to be able to consume trans-fats without persecution. I should not be made to feel terrible for the lifestyle I choose to lead. I am not hurting anyone and I deserve to be respected as a human being. With its awful depictions, “Brotherhooves Social” is at risk of being trans-fattist.”

Many bronies have left the show behind for other reasons in recent years. In 2013, a large consortium of fans stopped watching after the character grew wings, which offended many people who suffer from air sickness. In 2014, a large community left the fandom after perceiving a decline in overall quality, which offended their consumer sensibilities.

Martine Leland, CEO of Hasbro Inc.'s Educational Development Initiative (EDI), gave the following statement: “Whenever we release episodes of Friendship is Magic, we try and conform to and satisfy the mainstream, because how else will we pull in vital viewers and put food on the table? “In the episode in question, we may have offended a small group of people, but what's wrong with that? Sacrifice the few to cater to the many – that is my ethos. Giving a voice to those discriminated against? Progressive TV? Making a positive change to humanity? Pff, get real – next week we're going to take a pot-shot at abortions in “The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows”!”