1. The following report must be thoroughly filled up indicating the general and specific results of the Research Team Grant.

2. Reviewers’ suggestions on the previous report must be referred to.

3. The signatures of Main Researchers currently abroad may be included digitalized in another page.

4. Include all necessary appendices to show the outcomes of the project which must be sent to the Program in a digital version only.

Concerning publications remember to include in the digital appendices the letters or email messages confirming reception or acceptance, as well as the corresponding digital copies. Only published works that declare acknowledgements to this project will be considered as resulting products from this grant.

Concerning theses (undergraduate, master’s and/or PhD’s) resulting from the project, remember to include in the digital appendixes the cover pages and executive summaries of each one of them.

Concerning courses, seminars, conferences, workshops where members of the project took part presenting results, dissemination events or others organized by project members, remember to include in the digital appendixes the copies of the corresponding programs, if available.

5. Once completed, the current report must be sent in printed and digital version to the following address:

Programa de Investigación Asociativa – CONICYT Moneda 1375 – Piso 5, .

For further information and/or inquiries please contact: Ximena Correa Vassallo [email protected]






Cross-border relations between Bolivia and : SOC 1109 Paradiplomacy and social practices 1904-2004


Sergio González Miranda


Universidad de Santiago de Chile PERIOD INFORMED November 16th, 2012 –January 15th, 2016


a) Main researchers’ information


Sergio Gonzalez Miranda

WORKING ADDRESS EMAIL Av. Arturo Prat 2120, [email protected]


Sandra Leiva Gómez [email protected]

WORKING ADDRESS EMAIL Av. Arturo Prat 2120, Iquique


César Ross Orellana [email protected]

WORKING ADDRESS EMAIL Román Díaz 89, Providencia, Santiago


Cristian Garay Vera

WORKING ADDRESS EMAIL Román Díaz 89, Providencia, Santiago [email protected]



Esta sección no deberá extenderse más allá de tres páginas. Resuma los logros del proyecto considerando los objetivos específicos del Instrumento: 1. Crear líneas nuevas de investigación y/o reforzar aquellas existentes, que generen un impacto científico mensurable a nivel nacional e internacional. 2. Desarrollar y/o consolidar programas de formación de investigadores en las áreas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades que permitan formar masa crítica altamente calificada para contribuir al desarrollo futuro de estas ciencias. 3. Integrar a los/las investigadores/as de estas ciencias a circuitos académicos nacionales e internacionales, a través del establecimiento de redes con centros de estudios e investigación en estas áreas que tengan reconocimiento internacional. 4. Contribuir al desarrollo económico y social de Chile ya sea de manera directa o a través del mejoramiento directo o indirecto de políticas públicas.

Dado que este resumen debe ser asequible a público general, le solicitamos hacer uso de lenguaje simple o explicaciones cuando términos técnicos así lo requieran.

El proyecto Anillo SOC 1109 ha permitido, en sus tres años de ejecución, la consolidación de dos líneas de investigación, a saber: 1. Historia de las relaciones diplomáticas y paradiplomáticas entre Bolivia y Chile; 2. Historia de las relaciones transfronterizas entre Bolivia y Chile, las que se inscriben dentro de las dos principales líneas de investigación del instituto de Estudios Internacionales de la universidad Arturo Prat (INTE): 1.Relaciones Internacionales y Paradiplomacia, 2. Fronteras, Movilidad humana y Prácticas sociales transfronterizas. En ambas el equipo del proyecto ha generado indicadores como artículos en revistas científicas, libros, capítulos de libros, ponencias y conferencias. También ha realizado actividades de extensión académica como seminarios, entrevistas y talleres de divulgación.

En la primera de estas líneas el equipo del Proyecto ha logrado construir un registro completo de cien años de relaciones diplomáticas y paradiplomáticas entre Bolivia y Chile (1904-2004), a través de archivos de prensa e históricos ubicados en Bolivia y Chile. El análisis de estas bases de datos ha permitido a los investigadores elaborar escritos (artículos, libros, capítulos de libros y conferencias) que dan cuenta de la historia bilateral entre ambos países. Algunos de estos escritos continuarán publicándose más allá del término del Proyecto Anillo SOC 1109.

En la segunda de estas líneas el equipo del Proyecto ha realizado trabajos de terreno (entrevistas, análisis etnográfico, etc.) en zonas de frontera, especialmente en pasos aduaneros, permitiendo hacer un registro histórico de la movilidad fronteriza, especialmente de las históricas migraciones pendulares

4 entre el occidente de Bolivia y el Norte Grande de Chile. También ha sido preocupación de los investigadores las dinámicas sociales que surgen y se desarrollan en la propia frontera, como fue el caso de la Alianza Estratégica Aymaras Sin Fronteras, que reúne a 57 municipios rurales de Perú, Bolivia y Chile.

Las dos líneas no se han desarrollado por separado, al contrario han dialogado tanto en los talleres internos del equipo como en la elaboración de los trabajos e informes. Lo anterior ha permitido desarrollar un análisis multiescalar e interdisciplinario sobre las relaciones diplomáticas, paradiplomáticas y fronterizas entre Bolivia y Chile.

En estos tres años se han desarrollado tesis de pre y postgrado en el marco del proyecto. También se estimuló el quehacer investigativo de ayudantes y tesistas, incentivándoles a participar como como expositores en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Además, sus principales escritos fueron compilados en un libro que se encuentra en prensa en la editorial RIL.

El equipo del Proyecto ha participado en la organización de un Programa de Magíster de Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Transfronterizos en la Universidad Arturo Prat, el que se encuentra en la fase de tramitación para ser implementado a partir del año académico 2016. Previamente, el director del Proyecto, Dr. Sergio González Miranda, durante el primer semestre de este año, realizará un curso de Investigación en el campo de las relaciones bilaterales entre Bolivia y Chile a alumnos de sociología de la universidad Arturo Prat, que estén cursando la asignatura de Taller de Investigación y Diseño de Tesis.

El Proyecto Anillo permitió, además, la consolidación en estos tres años de una red de investigadores especialistas en paradiplomacia y relaciones fronterizas. Esta red emergió a través de los profesores invitados (Francia, España, México, Colombia, Bolivia y Argentina) a seminarios y estadías organizados por el equipo. En efecto, como puede constatarse en el listado de publicaciones, los aportes teórico-metodológicos entregados por dichos investigadores especialistas, se reflejan en artículos, capítulos de libro y libros resultados del proyecto.

Otra vía de consolidación de red fue la colaboración de investigadores del Proyecto en compilaciones de libros realizadas por especialistas sobre paradiplomacia y/o fronteras de Brasil y Argentina.

Una de las más relevantes actividades fue el estudio de las migraciones pendulares que cruzan la frontera entre Bolivia y Chile, obligando al equipo extender la temporalidad del proyecto para incluir las dinámicas fronterizas del tiempo presente. Lo anterior ha permitido al equipo Anillo colaborar y participar

5 con organizaciones preocupadas de las condiciones sociales y laborales de los migrantes en Chile, con el propósito de aportar a las políticas públicas sobre este tema.

Los investigadores han logrado tener cierta incidencia en las políticas públicas regionales sobre migración, al insertarse a nivel gubernamental en los debates y discusión de políticas relativas al cambio de la institucionalidad para recibir a la gran cantidad de migrantes latinoamericanos que en la última década han ingresado al país, a través de las fronteras del Norte Grande. De esta forma, han participado activamente en la mesa ciudadana de migraciones, convocada por el gobierno regional de Tarapacá, y en la que tienen un papel diversos ministerios, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y colectividades de migrantes. Además, el equipo ha logrado posicionarse como un referente a nivel nacional en migraciones, lo que ha llevado al INTE a ser parte del consejo consultivo nacional de migraciones. inscripciones-para-integrar-el-consejo-consultivo-de-migraciones-2016/

Un indicador relevante –en este tercer año- sobre la importancia que ha adquirido la temática del Proyecto Anillo SOC 1109, es que la Cancillería de Chile ha integrado a tres de los investigadores titulares del proyecto al grupo de historiadores que le asesora frente a la demanda boliviana que se encuentra en la Corte Internacional de Justicia en La Haya. comision-de-historiadores-que/minrel/2015-10-30/185743.html

La investigadora titular del Anillo, Dra. Sandra Leiva Gómez, ha sido recientemente nombrada miembro del Consejo Consultivo Nacional de Migraciones del Ministerio de Interior de Chile. Ver página web. eleccionario-consejo-consultivo-de-migraciones-departamento-de-extranjeria- y-migracion/

El liderazgo del director del proyecto fue fundamental para alcanzar los objetivos previstos, lo que se reforzó todavía más al obtener el año 2014 el Premio Nacional de Historia. La aparición en los medios de prensa, que en los primeros años había sido escasa, fue potenciándose con las apariciones de prensa y conferencias del director del Proyecto, en su calidad de Premio Nacional. Es así como en el tercer año de ejecución del proyecto se tuvo una notoria visibilidad en medios de comunicación regionales y nacionales.

El Proyecto Anillo SOC 1109 posibilitó el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos. Así, dio origen –en el segundo año- a un proyecto Fondecyt regular, que se encuentra en ejecución, y –en el tercer año- a otros dos proyectos Fondecyt regulares que fueron presentados al concurso 2016. El primero de estos

6 proyectos (Fondecyt N° 1150123) se denomina: Cruzar y vivir en la frontera de y Tacna. Movilidad y circulación fronteriza 1990-2010, cuya investigadora responsable es la Dra. Marcela Tapia Ladino, investigadora asociada al Proyecto Anillo, siendo su co-investigadora la Dra. Nanette Liberona Concha, postdoctorante del mismo. Los dos siguientes proyectos Fondecyt presentados al concurso 2016 son: 1. Dra. Sandra Leiva Gómez, titulado: Cadenas transfronterizas de cuidado entre Chile y Bolivia: Emociones de cuidadoras bolivianas en la región de Tarapacá y Santiago. 2. Dr. Sergio González Miranda, titulado: Actores subregionales en las fronteras en transición, triple-fronteras y espacio transfronterizo entre los tratados de Paz y Amistad de 1904 y 1929: posición geoestratégica y espacio heterológico. Ambos presentaron estos proyectos en calidad de responsables y son investigadores titulares del Proyecto Anillo. Al cierre de este informe final, según el fallo de Fondecyt Regular 2016, este último proyecto fue adjudicado con el N° 1160209.

El año 2015, para potenciar el Proyecto, se postuló al Concurso Atracción de Capital Humano Avanzado del Extranjero: Modalidad Estancias Cortas (MEC) Programa de Atracción de Capital Humano Avanzado de CONICYT. La Dra. Sónia Parella, profesora de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona e investigadora asociada al Proyecto, se adjudicó una estancia por 2 meses para el año 2016. El título de la propuesta es Migraciones, movilidad y circulación transfronteriza: Un marco conceptual.

Se formalizaron convenios con importantes universidades, uno con la Universidad de Antioquia-Colombia, y el otro está en vías de formalizarse (ver anexo digital adjunto), con la Universidad de Buenos Aires. A nivel nacional, se firmó un Acuerdo Marco de colaboración entre la Universidad Arturo Prat y el Departamento de Extranjería y Migración del Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública.

El proyecto permitió formar capital humano avanzado, promoviendo el trabajo científico de estudiantes y de ayudantes, de tesistas de pre y posgrado, así como de postdoctorados. Los tesistas, que en su gran mayoría han terminado ya sus escritos (ver anexo digital y plataforma de CONICYT), han participado en congresos tanto nacionales como internacionales y han publicado capítulos de libros y artículos en revistas indexadas.

El proyecto creó un sitio web (, lo que ha contribuido a darle mayor visibilidad al trabajo desarrollado.

Después de los tres años del Proyecto, el equipo Anillo, conformado por investigadores de los institutos INTE e IDEA, de las universidades Arturo Prat y de Santiago, respectivamente, consideran relevante para el país la existencia de especialistas en relaciones vecinales con enfoque interdisciplinario, dado el contexto particular del Norte Grande de Chile. Por lo anterior, se espera que el


INTE lidere un próximo Proyecto Anillo. El avance alcanzado en el estudio de las relaciones vecinales y transfronterizas entre (Norte Grande de) Chile y (el occidente de) Bolivia, debería extenderse a (el sur de) Perú y (el noroeste de) Argentina, para alcanzar un enfoque regional integrado.


This section should have no more than three pages. Summarize the project’s achievements considering the specific objectives of this grant: 1. To create new lines of research and/or strengthen existing ones, which generate a measurable national and international impact. 2. To develop and/or consolidate training programs for researchers in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities that will allow the creation of a highly qualified critical mass to contribute to the future development of these sciences. 3. To incorporate researchers in these sciences into national and international academic circuits, by means of building networks with world renowned study and research centers in these areas. 4. To contribute to Chile’s economic and social development, either directly or through the improvement of public policies.

As this summary should be affordable for non-experts in the area, please use simple language or explanations for technical terms.

The Anillo Project SOC 1109 has allowed, in these three years being executed, to consolidate two lines of research, that is to say: 1. History of diplomatic and para-diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Chile; 2. History of border relations between Bolivia and Chile, that are described within the two main lines of research of Instituto de Estudios Internacionales at Arturo Prat University (INTE): 1. International Relations and Paradiplomacy, 2. Borders, Human Mobility and Cross-border Social Practices. In both the project’s team has created indicators such as articles in scientific journals, books, chapters of books, talks and conferences. It has also carried out academic activities such as seminars, interviews and dissemination sessions.

In the first of these lines the team of the project has been able to build a complete record of one hundred years of diplomatic and para-diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Chile (1904-2004), through the press and historical archives located in Bolivia and Chile. The analysis of this database has allowed researchers prepare documents (articles, books and chapters of books) that account for the bilateral history of both countries. Some of these documents will continue being published beyond finishing the Anillo Project SOC



In the second of these lines the project’s team has worked in the field (interviews, ethnographic analysis, etc.) on the border, specifically customs crossings, allowing making a historical record of the border mobility, especially of historic pendulum migration between the western of Bolivia and the Big North of Chile. Researchers have also been worried about social dynamics that happen and are developed on the border, as in the case of Alianza Estratégica Aymaras Sin Fronteras, that meets 57 rural townships of Peru, Bolivia and Chile.

These two lines have not been developed separately; on the contrary, they have talked both in the internal sessions of the team and the preparation of the works and reports. The above has allowed developing a multi-scale and interdisciplinary analysis on diplomatic, para-diplomatic and border relations between Bolivia and Chile.

In these three years undergraduate and graduate theses have been developed in the frame of the project. The research work of assistant and thesis students has also been encouraged to take part as speakers in national and international conferences. Furthermore, their main writings were compiled in a book that is the publishing house RIL.

The project’s team has taken part in the organization of a Master´s Degree Program in International Relations and Cross-Border Studies at Arturo Prat University that is in process to put it into practice since 2016. Previously, the project’s director, Dr. Sergio González Miranda, during the first half of this year, will carry out a research course in the field of bilateral relations between Bolivia and Chile for Sociology students at Arturo Prat University, who are taking the subject Taller de Investigación y Diseño de Tesis (Research Seminar and Thesis Design).

The Anillo Project also allowed consolidating in these three years a network of researchers specialized in para-diplomacy and border relations. This network emerged from professors (France, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia and Argentina) invited to seminars and residencies organized by the team. Indeed, as it can be seen in the publications on the list, the theoretical and methodological contributions submitted by those specialist researchers, are reflected in articles, chapters of books and books result of the project.

Another way to reinforce networks was the contribution from the project’s researchers with compilations of books made by specialist in para-diplomacy and/or borders from Brazil and Argentina.

One of the most relevant activities was the study of pendulum migrations that

9 cross the border between Bolivia and Chile, compelling the team to extend the transient nature of the project to include bordering dynamics of the present time. The above has allowed the Anillo team collaborating and taking part in organizations concerned about migrants’ social and working conditions in Chile, with the intention of contributing to public policies about this topic.

The researchers have managed to have an impact on regional public policies about migration, by getting involved on the government level in discussions and debates about policies related to institutional changes to receive a great quantity of Latin American migrants that in the last decade have entered the country, through the borders of the Big North. This way, they have actively taken part in citizens’ roundtables on migrations, summoned by the Regional Government of Tarapacá, in which different ministries, organizations of the civil society and migrant groups play a role. Besides, the team has been able to declare themselves as a national model in migrations that has led INTE to be part of the National Advisory Council on Migrations. inscripciones-para-integrar-el-consejo-consultivo-de-migraciones-2016/

A relevant indicator –in this third year- of the importance that the Anillo Project SOC 1109 subject matter has acquired, is that the Chancellor’s Office of Chile has included three of the chief researchers of the project in the group of historians that will advise it facing the Bolivian demand at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. comision-de-historiadores-que/minrel/2015-10-30/185743.html

The main Anillo researcher, Dr. Sandra Leiva Gómez, has been recently appointed member of the National Advisory Council on Migrations of the Department of the Interior of Chile. See web page. eleccionario-consejo-consultivo-de-migraciones-departamento-de-extranjeria- y-migracion/

The leadership of the project’s director was essential to achieve the objectives planned, that was even more strengthened when he obtained the National Award for History in 2014. Media appearances, that in the first years had been limited, were promoted with the press and conferences of the project’s director, as a National Award. That is how it became more visible in the regional and national media during the third year the project was being executed.

The Anillo Project SOC 1109 made the development of new projects possible. Thus, a regular Fondecyt Project was brought into being –in the second year- which is in process and –in the third year- other two Fondecyt regular projects that were submitted a tender 2016. The first of these projects (Fondecyt N°


1150123) is called: Crossing and Living on the Border of Arica and Tacna. Mobility and Border Movement 1990-2010, whose responsible researcher is Dr. Marcela Tapia Ladino, the Anillo Project associate researcher. Her co-researcher was Dr. Nanette Liberona Concha, post-doctoral candidate of this one. The following two Fondecyt projects were submitted a tender 2016 are: 1. Dr. Sandra Leiva Gómez, entitled: Cross-border Care Chains between Chile and Bolivia: Bolivian Carer’s Emotions in the Tarapacá Region and Santiago. 2. Dr. Sergio González Miranda, entitled: Sub-regional Actors on the Borders in Transition, Triple-frontiers and Cross-border Space between the Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1904 and 1929: Geostrategic Position and Heterologic Space. Both submitted these projects as the heads of it, and they are main researchers of the Anillo Project SOC 1109. At the end of this final report, according to the regular Fondecyt decision 2016, this last project was awarded with N° 1160209.

In 2015, to strengthen the project, they submitted a tender Attraction of Advanced Human Capital Abroad: Modality of Short-term Residency (MEC) of the Program in Attraction of Advanced Human Capital, CONICYT. Dr. Sónia Parella, professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the project’s associate researcher, was awarded a residency for 2 months in 2016. The title of the proposal is Migrations, Mobility and Cross-border Movement: A Conceptual Framework.

Agreements with important universities were formalized, one with the Antioquia-Colombia University, and the other one in the process of being formalized (see the digital attached document), with the University of Buenos Aires. Nationally, an Outline Agreement to work in collaboration was signed between Arturo Prat University and the Immigration Department of the Department of the Interior and Public Safety.

The project allowed creating advanced human capital, promoting scientific work of students and assistants, of undergraduate and graduate thesis students, and also post-doctorates. The thesis students, that most of them have already finished their writings (see the digital attached document and CONYCIT platform), have taken part in national and international conferences and have published chapter of books and articles in index-linked journals.

The project created a website ( that has helped to make the work developed more visible.

After the three years of the project, the Anillo team, made up by researchers of the institutes INTE and IDEA, belonging to Arturo Prat University and the University of Santiago, respectively, considers important for the country having experts in neighboring relations with an interdisciplinary approach, because the particular context of the Big North. Therefore, it is expected that INTE leads a

11 new Anillo Project. The progress made in the study of neighboring and cross- border relations between (the Big North of) Chile and (the west of) Bolivia, should be extended to (the south of) Peru and (the northwest of) Argentina, to achieve an integrated regional approach.

IV. ACTIVITIES This section should have five pages as maximum. Indicate the activities performed considering those commitments stated by the team researchers in the Original Proposal and giving emphasis to the last Annual Activities Plan. Each activity should have a headline and 2-3 explanatory lines informing if they have been performed and if not, indicating why. Please consider the specific objectives of this grant.

Line of Research 1: Cross-border relations para-diplomacy

Activity 1.1: Interpretation and analysis of the material compiled in primary and secondary sources in Tarapacá. Activity 1.2: Classification of frontierization processes and cross-border social dynamics in Tarapacá. Activity 1.3: Analysis of the theoretical production on para-diplomacy. Activity 1.4: Coordination meeting and supervision with research assistants compiling files. Activity 1.5: Working meeting and socializing research experiences with foreign researchers. Activity 1.6: Analysis of the data obtained from files and the press. Activity 1.7: Systematization and analysis on para-diplomatic rapprochements between Bolivia and Chile.

During the third year the data compiled in the years before the project in the line of research 1 “Cross-border relations and para-diplomacy” was analyzed and interpreted. This way, articles were written to be sent to index-linked journals. Besides, the results were shown in different national and international conferences; the detail will be given later.

Line of Research 2: Cross-border social practices

Activity 2.1: Analysis of the theoretical production on cross-border social practices. Activity 2.2: Coordination meeting and supervision with research assistants compiling files. Activity 2.3: Working meeting and socializing research experiences with foreign researchers. Activity 2.4: Systematization and analysis on cross-border social practices in the


Tarapacá region.

In this second line, “cross-border social practices”, there are also articles sent, published and accepted in index-linked journals so far. The results of the research have been presented in national and international conferences. The detail of these presentations will be given later.

Activity 3.1: Preparing and sending articles to index-linked journals. Most of the publications in journals have been obtained in 2015, third year carrying out this project, after collecting the necessary data for it and then analyzing it. As a result of the whole project, 14 articles have been published and accepted index-linked in journals: ISI, SCIELO; SCOPUS among others by the project’s researchers (main, associate and contributors). Of them: 3 in ISI, 1 in SCOPUS, 9 in SCIELO and 1 in a different one.

PUBLICATIONS IN JOURNALS: PUBLISHED AND ACCEPTED Author(s) Year Published Indexation Journal or accepted Sergio González 2016 Accepted ISI Estudios Atacameños Sandra Leiva Sergio González 2015 Accepted ISI Andamios

Sergio Accepted Scielo Diálogo andino González, Cristian Ovando, Cesar Ross Sergio 2015 Published Other ESD Estudios de Seguridad González, y Defensa, ANEPE Cristian Ovando Sergio Accepted Scielo Estudios Internacionales U González, de Chile Cristian Ovando

Sandra Leiva 2015 Published Scopus Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales

Cristian Garay 2015 Published Scielo Si Somos Americanos Mendoza, Juan Eduardo Cesar Ross 2016 Accepted Scielo Si Somos Americanos

Cristian Ovando 2016 Published ISI Scripta nova


Cristian Ovando 2015 Published Scielo Dialogo Andino

Cristian Ovando 2014 Published Scielo Estudios Internacionales U Sergio González de Chile Gilberto Aranda 2015 Published Scielo Revista frontera norte y Sergio Salinas Máximo Quitral 2014 Published Scielo Revista Internacional de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales Daniel Bello 2012 Published Scielo Tinkazos

There are also nine articles sent to journals inside de mainstream (Scielo and ISI), whose acceptance letters are pending. Some researchers published chapters of books with the results of the project.

On the other hand, two books were edited in charge of Anillo researchers, that are currently in the process of being printed and will be published during the first half of 2016 by the publishing house RIL in Santiago of Chile.

Activity 3.2: Taking part in national and international seminars. During the third year, like in the previous ones, the project’s researchers have participated as speakers in different conferences, seminars, symposiums and forums both national and international. Below some conferences will be mentioned in which the results of the project during the third year were presented.

The researchers presented in: 1. Symposium on History of Chile; 2. Symposium on International Relations; 3. First Conference on Para-diplomacy and Cross- border Studies; 4. Conference on Latin American Sociology Association; 5. International Conference of USACH; 6. VI Symposiums on History of International Relations; 7. XIV Bolivian-Chilean Conference of historians, intellectuals and social scientists; 8. Seminar: Economic Relations between Bolivia and Chile: Para-diplomacy and Cross-border Practices; 9. XXII Symposiums on Migratory Studies. Challenges for History and Social Sciences.

Activity 3.3: Presentation of talks of researchers in training in national conferences. Some thesis students gave talks in conferences and national and international seminars. As an example, Angélica Barra and Ingrid Breton, undergraduate thesis student and assistant of the Anillo Project presented at the Conference of USACH in October, 2015. The thesis students Ronald Gutiérrez and Ximena Bernal presented at the Seminar on Economic Relations between Bolivia and Chile: Para- diplomacy and cross-border practices, November, 2015. Also the post-doctoral candidate Nanette Liberona. Luis Iturra, assistant, presented at the XXII


Symposiums on Migratory Studies. Challenges for History and Social Sciences, August, 2015. Pamela Fernández, thesis student of the project’s master’s degree, presented at the XXI Symposiums on History of Chile. (In)security, State and Social Changes".

Activity 3.4: Web page updating. The project created a web page during the second year of execution ( that has been permanently updated with the project’s activities.

Activity 3.5: Organization of the seminar of the Institute IDEA - USACH Doctoral Program Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA) together with the Academy of Christian Humanism University organized the XIV Bolivian-Chilean Conference of Historians, Intellectuals and Social Scientists held between 12 and 14, August, 2015. This activity was mainly designed for doctoral candidates (associate to the Anillo Project) and IDEA master’s degree, in addition to the scientific community in general.

Activity 3.6: Conference of national researchers for undergraduate and graduate students in Santiago and Iquique Sergio González, main researcher, presented at the II Series “University and Citizenship. National Awards”, organized by the Academy of Christian Humanism University, with the conference History of the Dispute between Chile and Bolivia” Activity carried out in November, 2015 in Santiago. He also delivered the opening lecture of the , academic year 2015, entitled: “Diplomatic Relations of Chile with its Neighbors, Peru and Bolivia”.

Activity 3.7: Supervision of undergraduate and graduate thesis students During the third year, the project included the Sociology undergraduate thesis student, Angélica Barra, the IDEA-USACH doctoral thesis students, José Orellana, Cristian Fuentes and Jorge Alfaro, who have been permanently supervised during their research and motivation processes to present their research in national and international conferences. The thesis students mentioned were not the only ones who had been supported in their research, but also the ones who had been already financed by the project in the previous years and had not finished their theses yet. Thus, the master’s thesis student Pamela Fernández is about to defend her thesis, the same as the doctoral thesis Marcos Calle. The thesis students who have taken part in conferences in this third year are: Angélica Barra, Pamela Fernández, José Orellana; the ones who have written chapters in both edited books by the Anillo Project are: Nadia Padilla, Javiera Letelier, Pamela Fernández and Luis Iturra. The thesis students that have already finished are: Macarena Carrión, Ronald Gutiérrez (undergraduate thesis student), Nadia Padilla (master’s thesis student), Sergio Molina (doctoral candidate).


Activity 3.8: Carrying out the International Seminar with national and foreign researchers included in the Anillo Project. From 24 to 25 June, the First International Conference on Cross-border Studies and Para-diplomacy: Bolivia and Chile, organized by the Anillo Project was carried out, where different foreign researchers took part as speakers (Noé Cornago from Spain, Sónia Parella from Spain, Adriana González de Colombia, Eduardo Mendoza from Mexico, Laetitia Rouviere from France, Luis Gómez Zubieta from Bolivia, María Cristina Hevilla from Argentina). Besides, all the project’s national researchers took part as speakers.

Activity 3.9: Visit to international academic centers to establish networks and cooperation agreements and academic exchange. Visits were paid in two respects: Both we and foreign academicians visited international academic centers.

Foreign researchers visiting abroad: Jorge Mendoza from The College of the Northern Border, Mexico, Laetitia Rouvier from the University of Grenoble, Adriana González Gil from the University of Antioquia, Colombia, Sonia Parella, Immigration Study Group and Ethnics Minorities, GEDIME, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Noe Cornago from the University of the Basque Country, Anne Laure Amilhat from Instituto de Geografía Alpina at the Joseph Fourier University, France.

Anillo researchers visiting abroad: Cesar Ross (University of Buenos Aires), Máximo Quitral (Department of Political Science of the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza), Miguel Ángel Mansilla (CEIL of CONICET) to Argentina and Sergio González visited El Colegio de México. This main researcher also visited the University of Rennes and Paris 1 France, as part of the LIA Mines Project of CNRS, where an agreement between Chilean and French universities was signed (on behalf of the rector of Arturo Prat University).

Previous years: In the previous years, Marcela Tapia, associate researcher, visited Colombia, establishing a cooperation agreement with the University of Antioquia. She also visited the academician Sonia Parella, the project’s foreign associate researcher, with whom she keeps a close collaboration, reflected in a MEC-Conicyt awarded this year.

In the first year of the project, Sandra Leiva, main researcher, visited Bolivia, establishing contacts with academicians Fernanda Wanderley and Cecilia Salazar, from CIDES-UMSA.

OTHER ACTIVITIES HELD: Press appearances: During the third year, the Anillo Project was more worried to the full about

16 disseminating their results through the press, mainly in nationwide and local newspapers, and on radio programs.

Sergio González Miranda, project’s director, appeared in the press related to the project’s topics. In September, 2015 gave an interview about the decision of the international court of justice. solucion-creativa.shtml

Sandra Leiva, Anillo main researcher, and Marcela Tapia, associate researcher, were interviewed on a radio program on the , Radio “Milenio”, in February, 2015 dialoga-con-la-dra-marcela-tapia-directora-ejecutiva-del-instituto-de-estudios- internacionales-inte-de-la-universidad-arturo-prat-y-la-dra-sandra-leiva- encargada-de-publicaciones-d

Sandra Leiva was interviewed in November, 2015 on the radio program Foro Ciudadano, migrantes-y-cadenas-globales-de-cuidado/

Sandra Leiva was interviewed on a radio program on the Arturo Prat University Radio, in January 2016.

The summer seminar-meeting organized by Anillo appeared in the local press, meant for the general public. It was an Anillo Project closing activity on 12 January, 2016 in Iquique:

The main researcher, Cristián Garay, took part in the radio program of the University of Santiago Radio “Sin Pretexto”, about Pope Francisco’s visit to Bolivia.

Main researchers, Cesar Ross and Cristian Garay, are mentioned on the USACH webpage: IDEA researchers are part of the Advisory Committee of the State Department in the demand presented by Bolivia before The Hague. comision-asesora-del-ministerio-de-rree-en-demanda

On 24 November the Dissemination Seminar was held: “Economic Relations between Bolivia and Chile. Para-diplomacy and Cross-border Practices”, in line with the Anillo Project SOC 1109. The economists Juan Morales Barraza, ex Zofri manager and Dr. Claudio Rojas Miño, former rector of the University of Bio Bio took part in this seminar. The engineer and former director of roads of the


Tarapacá Region, José Miguel Ortega, Zofri manager, Alex Tudor, Karina Cánepa, Direcon Representative, Chief of the Sudamerica Department of Bilateral Economic Affairs, Dr. Mario Matus González, Academician of the University of Chile, senior analyst in the area of Economic Institutional Operation of Institut Internacional de Governabilitat of Catalonia, Barcelona, Franklin Rodrigo Fernández Ortiz, academician and researcher of Instituto PRISMA – Bolivia, among others. Besides the Anillo researchers Cesar Ross, Gilberto Aranda, Cristián Ovando, Nanette Liberona, Marcela Tapia and Sergio González. The importance of this activity in a local level stems from the attendance of regional authority, such as the Governor (s) Claudio Villa, the Chief of the Tamarugal Government Cabinet, Iván Valdés, and the Chief of Deputy Hugo Gutiérrez’s Cabinet. This activity was meant for the general public, trade associations, associations of migrant workers, students, etc.

Organizing the Chile-Bolivia forum On 25 September the Binational Forum was held at Arturo Prat University: Migrant’s Situation Bolivia-Chile, organized by the Anillo Project SOC 1109 with the Project “Building Networks between Bolivia and Chile in defense of migrant women’s human rights”, of Congregación del Buen Pastor in coordination with Fundación Levántate Mujer. There was a broad spectrum of speakers from Bolivia and Chile at the academic meeting. Among the speakers, Dr. Sandra Leiva’s work stood out, deputy director of the Anillo Project and co-organizer of the event. The importance of this event stems from carrying it out together with organizations that work with migrants, such as Congregación del Buen Pastor and Fundación Levántate Mujer, the latter one a binational organization that allows bringing the results of the research over the concrete reality, and at the same time, the Anillo Project’s research can be fueled by concrete cases. On the other hand, migrants, students and people of the Iquique community attended this activity. This way, knowledge is transferred to society in general, migrant groups and institutions that work with migrants in particular.


In this section refer to the results of the project related to each of the specific objectives of the grant and based on the three year productivity reported in the

Do not provide lists of outputs but refer to the total outcomes during the development of the project explaining relevant aspects of the processes behind the results.

It could be considered any of the following fields required in the Productivity System: indexed Publications, Books, awards, Organization of scientific events,


Participation in Scientific Events, Collaboration, thesis, Postdoctoral Fellows, Outreach Activities, Patents.

1. Creating new lines of research and/or strengthen the present ones that generate a measurable national and international scientific impact.

The Anillo Project allowed creating two new lines of research inside Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE) of Arturo Prat University. The first line of research is called “Cross-border relation and para-diplomacy” and the second one “Cross- border social practices”.

These lines are focused on the historic relations between Chile-Bolivia that meant a great step forward creating knowledge in the fields of para-diplomacy and international relations. To date (February, 2016), the researchers of this project have generated 14 articles in index-linked journals (3 ISI, 1 SCOPUS and 9 SCIELO and 1 other) and 9 articles have been sent to ISI and SCIELO journals and are currently in evaluation. Moreover, the postgraduate students and post doc have contributed to 6 publications.

In addition to the previous statement, the project edited two books that will be published during the first half of 2016 by RIL publishing house of Santiago of Chile (see the digital attached document). The first book is called “Cross-border relations and para-diplomacy in Latin America: Theoretical aspects and case study”, its editors are Sergio González Miranda (project’s permanent researcher), Noé Cornago Prieto (associate researcher) and Cristian Ovando Santana (contributor researcher), RIL publishing house, Santiago of Chile. The book has 11 chapters in 350 pages. An outline of the book is attached as a digital document. Main researchers, associate researchers, researchers and external researchers make their contributions.

The second book is entitled “From the Landmark to the Shrine: Bolivia – Chile: A Different Interpretation of one Hundred Years of Cross-border History (1904- 2004)”. Editors are Sergio González Miranda (main researcher), Cristian Ovando Santana (contributor researcher) and Ingrid Breton Winkler (assistant). 2016. RIL publishing house, Santiago of Chile. The book has 18 chapters in 494 pages. An outline of the book is attached as a digital document. Permanent researchers, associate researchers, thesis students and external researchers make their contributions.

Four chapters of books have been produced written by the Anillo Project local and foreign researchers, most of them in collaboration (the authors of the chapters of the book are Marcela Tapia and Sonia Parella; Marcela Tapia and Cristian Ovando; Marcela Tapia; Marcela Tapia and Adriana González.

On the other side, the first Master’s in Cross-border Studies was recently approved

19 at Arturo Prat University that will be given the second half of 2016. (See the plan as digital appendix). The Anillo Project was important to create this master´s degree, since it allowed the researchers to increase their knowledge in this line of research. This program was designed to continue with its contribution to the creation of advanced human capital in these fields of study.

The main researcher, Sergio González, will start since April, 2016 Fondecyt Project 1160209, entitled: “Sub-regional Actors on the Borders in Transition, Triple-frontier and Cross-border Space between the Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1904 and 1929: Geostrategic Position and Heterologous Space”, opening a new line of study coming from the Anillo Project, according to the role of the sub-regional actors located on the borders.

2. Developing and/or consolidating training programs for researchers in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities that allow creating a critical mass highly qualified to contribute to the future develop of these sciences.

The Anillo Project counted on assistants and thesis students that performed a great learning job on research. While the thesis students were supervised for the development of their thesis, the assistants were trained in techniques to gather information and data analysis in the fields of history, sociology and political science, mainly.

Three undergraduate thesis students, five master’s thesis students, and three doctoral candidates in history, sociology and political sciences were supported with supervision and funding. Several of them have already finished their thesis and others are about to do it.

Besides the project had 17 assistants altogether who worked closely with one or more researchers, supporting data collection, processing information in qualitative analysis software, searching bibliography and discussing the material collected.

The project’s thesis students and assistants took part as authors of the chapter of the two Anillo Project books mentioned on the previous item. Likewise, thesis students and assistants were supported to present their research in process in national and international conferences and internal research seminars. In the internal research seminar held in the first year of the project, six thesis students presented. The project’s researchers gave them feedback on their research project, hypothesis, objective, methodology, theoretical framework and analysis. As an example, the undergraduate thesis student Angélica Barra together with assistant Ingrid Breton gave a talk at the USACH International Conference in October, 2015.

The thesis students and assistants wrote articles in scientific journals, four published, two accepted, and some sent, in addition to books and book chapters.


Also, the thesis students and assistants were encouraged to present their research in seminars organized by the Anillo project itself. For instance, Ronald Gutiérrez, undergraduate thesis student in sociology, whose thesis is finished, presented at the Economic Relations Seminar organized by the Anillo and held in November, 2015.

The post-doc researcher, Nanette Liberona, took part in it outstandingly, has not only written a Scielo article and a chapter of a book but also could award a project of Advanced Human Capital at the Conicyt Academy, a three-year long project that started in November, 2014. This way, Dr. Liberona has been included at INTE, doing research, teaching, extension and management activities, achieving a really outstanding promotion. Besides, last year she applied for a regular FONDECYT as co-researcher together with one of the associate researchers of the Anillo Project, Marcela Tapia. A project that is currently being carried out. This shows that the Anillo Project could promote the creation of advanced human capital beyond the project itself.

A similar case to the previous one, is the Conicyt doctoral candidate Cristián Ovando Santana, who not only worked personally with the director of the Anillo Project editing both books created by the project but also wrote four articles as co- author, three Scielo and another one with no indexation, plus an ISI article, being the most productive of the project’s researchers behind the director.

In reply to the assistants and thesis students’ request, the first half of 2016, the project’s director will give a research course in the field of bilateral relation between Bolivia and Chile, for Sociology students at Arturo Prat University, that are studying the subject Research Seminar and Thesis Design. Course that will be proved by Arturo Prat University, the degree in Sociology and INTE.

3. Including researchers of these sciences in national and international academic circuits, establishing new networks with international renown study and research centers in these areas.

The Anillo researchers have established collaborative networks with different centers and institutions. Below some of them are detailed:

The project’s director, Sergio González, travelled to El Colegio de México, in December, 2015, allowing him to establish a link with Centro de Estudios Sociológicos of COLMEX, in addition to giving a conference in the context of a series of presentations to the doctoral candidates of that institution.

The main researcher, Sandra Leiva, travelled to La Paz-Bolivia, CIDES-UMSA, agreeing collaboration in the topics the researcher develops, global care chains, with researchers Dr. Fernanda Wanderley and Dr. © Cecilia Salazar.


The associate researcher, Marcela Tapia, travelled to Colombia, University of Antioquia, establishing collaboration with the Anillo associate researcher, Adriana González Gil, writing a book chapter, also signing a collaboration agreement between Arturo Prat University and the University of Antioquia.

Marcela Tapia travelled to Spain, strengthening the collaboration with the Anillo associate researcher, Sonia Parella. Marcela Tapia and Sonia Parella have accomplished writing a chapter of a book together so far. Besides, Sonia Parella, has been nominated by Marcela Tapia for a program of short-term residencies, MEC-Conicyt. In 2016, Dr. Parella will stay in our institute doing research.

The main researcher, Cesar Ross, travelled to Argentina, establishing collaboration with the University of Buenos Aires, about to sign an agreement (see the digital attached document).

In November, 2014, Máximo Quitral travelled to the National University of Cuyo, Argentina, consolidating academic relations.

Sandra Leiva has established collaboration with Alberto Hurtado University academicians who do research on work care topics. Thus, she has been invited by UAH to be part as an associate researcher of the research network CUIFABI (care, family and well-being, participating in seminars and discussions organized by this network, which draws together a great number of national and international researchers on these topics. (

4. Contributing to Chile’s economic and social development either directly or through the direct or indirect improvement of public policies.

The knowledge coming from the problems that the Anillo Project deals with, taking into account the diplomatic and para-diplomatic relations between Bolivia and Chile, is allowing the project’s three main researchers (Sergio González, Cristián Garay and Cesar Ross) contribute to the group of historians invited by the Chilean Chancellery to give advice regarding the diplomatic dispute with Bolivia. For her part, Sandra Leiva, main researcher of the project, has been elected for the National Advisory Council on Migrations of the Immigration Department.

Likewise, the project’s team (especially INTE’s) has been permanently working with the international relations units of the Regional Government of Tarapacá and on the Border Committees. Although in the course of the project, researchers’ participation has been less required, they continue being a model regionally.

The Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE) team, consider the nomination of the Anillo project director and main researcher, Sergio González, as National Award

22 for History 2014, an obligation with the country to contribute in the design and execution of public policies in subjects of the institute itself.

Also, the team interpreted Sergio González’s appointment, as a CONICYT adviser, a collective compromise on decentralizing the scientific and technical knowledge in Chile, in subjects of the institute itself.

Sandra Leiva, Marcela Tapia and Nanette Liberona (main researcher, associate researcher and post-doc researcher, respectively) actively and regularly take part in the First Migration Citizen’s Roundtable in the Tarapacá Region. It is an important moment to discuss, convened by the Regional Government of Tarapacá, drawing together several public divisions (Regional Ministerial Secretaries: Health, Justice, Education, among others), civil society organizations working with migrants, migrant groups and academicians. In these roundtables problems related to migration in the Tarapacá Region are analyzed, and it is a moment to discuss basically the creation of public policies on migration.

In recognition of its contribution to the problems of the border migration, INTE has received an invitation to be part of the National Advisory Council on Migrations of the Immigration Department. This is a relevant moment, because it is closely related to migrant public policies.

In the migratory conferences that INTE organized in August, 2015, authorities (the National Director of the Immigration Department, the Head of the committee of human trafficking in Iquique, an official of the Regional Labor Department) were invited as speakers. The idea is to influence migratory public policies.

Academicians Sandra Leiva, Marcela Tapia and Nanette Liberona (main researcher, associate researcher and Anillo post-doc researcher, respectively) could get the migratory bill that will be discussed in the Parliament soon. They have socialized it with migrant groups and organizations that work with migrants locally. They have organized four meetings altogether to discuss the project’s weaknesses and the need to improve them. They have conveyed these reflections to Movimiento de Acción Migrante, to have an influence on the migratory bill. A mail is attached in which MAM (Movimiento de Acción Migratoria) acknowledge receipt of the contributions made.

Academicians Sandra Leiva, Marcela Tapia, Nanette Liberona (main researcher, associate researcher and Anillo post-doc researcher) met the International Organization on Migration (Organización Internacional de Migración) in 2015, specifically the person in charge of the problem of human trafficking in Chile, Félix Martínez. Collaboration was agreed with a view to making visible the problem of human trafficking and also to have an influence on public policies by creating knowledge and transferring it to government institutions.


Finally, Fundación Levántate Mujer, organization that works with Bolivian migrant women in Chile, has asked Sandra Leiva to write a report on migratory policies between Chile and Bolivia. Two mails are attached in which the cooperation is concisely set out.


In no more than three pages, indicate the main outcomes and/or activities which must be considered the most significant results of the project. Please consider the specific objectives of this grant.

The Anillo Project SOC 1109 most relevant results after three years of carrying it out are as follows:

I. The four main researchers, Sergio González, Sandra Leiva, Cristián Garay and Cesar Ross achieved all the critical indicators implicated according to the terms and conditions of this tender. Each main researcher could have at least one article accepted in an index-linked journal ISI, Scopus or Scielo, and also two articles were accepted as co-authors in journals with the same type of indexation. Indeed, scientific productivity was above the minimum stated. See publications appended.

It should be noted the scientific productivity of associate researchers and collaborators such as Cristián Ovando Santana, co-editor of the two books created by the project.

II. The creation of advanced human capital was vital in this project. During the first year training workshops were carried out (the video-conference was used to include the assistants and thesis students from Santiago and Iquique) that were essential to encourage assistants and thesis students to take part in seminars and conferences, during the second and third year, besides speeding up the writing process in the case of the thesis students.

The group of young people in training was really implicated during the project, helping even in management and dissemination tasks.

The edition of a book including thesis students, assistants and Anillo researchers was very important for the team. The edition was coordinated by the project’s director, a collaborator researcher and an assistant. This book, which is in the process of being printed at RIL publishing house, will be

24 launched in Santiago in May, 2016. Together with this book, on the same date, another one will be launched that gathers the work of the main researchers, guests, associate and collaborators, whose objective was to strengthen, through a work, a network of researchers in the fields of para-diplomacy and cross-border studies.

III. Another relevant accomplishment has been the creation of networks from the project. Besides the close link established between Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA) of the University of Santiago, that includes an accredited doctoral program, with Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE) of Arturo Prat University, also relevant links were accomplished with institutes such as: Instituto de Estudios Alpinos of the University of Grenoble; Instituto de Estudios Políticos of the University of Antioquia, Department of Sociology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the College of the Northern Border of Mexico, the Law School and International Relations of the Federal University of Grande Dourados, the National University of San Juan - Argentina, the Catholic University of the North, University of Tarapacá, El Colegio de México, the University of Buenos Aires, the University of the Basque Country, Asociación de Estudios Bolivianos, etc.

In this context for cooperation, we emphasize as a relevant event the Tender Attraction of Advanced Human Capital Abroad: Modalidad Estancias Cortas (MEC) Short-term Residencies Method of the Program in Attraction of Advanced Human Capital. Dr. Sónia Parella, researcher and professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona awarded a residency for 2 months in 2016. The title of the project is: Migrations, Mobility and Cross-border movement: A Conceptual Framework.

Dr. Parella will do classes in the Master’s Degree Program in International Relations and Cross-border Studies, that is the process of being executed and that was organized by the Anillo Project SOC 1109 team.

IV. The Anillo Project SOC 1109 was not only the first of Arturo Prat University, but also the first in the field of social sciences in the regional universities of the Big North of Chile, creating a big academic impact both in the institution and regional levels. The University of Tarapacá then awarded an Anillo Project in social sciences, with Dr. Calogero Santoro as its leader.

V. Therefore, based on this project, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE) presented a Master’s Degree Program in Cross-border Studies, with scientific background, that was already approved by all the authorities at Arturo Prat University.

VI. The Anillo Project also encouraged drawing up regular Fondecyt Projects that were awarded in the tenders 2015 and 2016, respectively, namely:


Regular Fondecyt N° 1150123, Crossing and Living on the border of Arica and Tacna. Mobility and border movement 1990-2010, responsible researcher, Dr. Marcela Tapia Ladino; Regular Fondecyt N° 1160209, Sub-regional Actors on the Borders in Transition, Triple-frontiers and Cross-border Space between the Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1904 and 1929: Geostrategic Position and Heterologous Space, responsible researcher, Dr. Sergio González Miranda.


The following section can be used in case of available information related to the possible difficulties, inconveniences or similar issues in the management of the project within the host institution, between CONICYT and the host institution, institution and researchers or any other combination of participants and activities involved. Information provided in this section must be concise, stating all variables involved and outcomes. Do not extend further than two pages.

This information could be used to improve the practices in future initiatives.

The team faced diverse problems in the administrative procedures of the recipient institution that did not know these types of projects. The above make it difficult, especially during the first year, to lead the project to its main objectives that could be achieved thanks to the support of the PIA-Conicyt coordinators and project’s administrative staff itself. It can be stated that during the third year the recipient institution could efficiently include this type of project in their regular financial and administrative procedures.

The main researchers preferably applied themselves –during the first and second years- to carry out continuing education activities and to make up a work team of collaborator and associate researchers, thesis students and assistants, giving priority to the training of young researchers (assistants and thesis students) through seminars and regular internal workshops. The above partly affected the productivity of critical indicators, especially articles written with co-authors. Critical indicators started to be prepared since the second year of the project, when the database was already available, leaving enough time for this task considering the high demand of such indicators. However, the above just respond to the lack of experience of the project’s main researchers, who reached the aims suggested since the third year. Anyway, as a suggestion, we consider that this type of project should last four years, period that allows the development not only of the research but also of the institutional networks and the team itself.


It was more difficult than planned including representatives of the Bolivian academy in the process of reflection of our academic products, partly because of the weak discipline of international relations in that country and also the lack of an equivalent scientific institution like CONICYT to promote the Bolivian scientific community in the development of projects similar to Anillo. It is evident the lack of index-linked journals and, likewise, of researchers scientifically productive based on critical indicators, even though the quality of the academicians is high and recognized by their colleagues. The above was a weakness –that assessors noticed- that prevented from awarding an International Collaboration Enhancement Grant for Research Team Projects in Social Sciences and Humanities that consisted in supporting the Anillo Project SOC 1109 improving the scientific relations with researchers and Bolivian academic centers.

Finally, the team considers that the design of the Anillo Projects is well approached, especially in scientific matters, allowing a dynamic and a collaborative and competitive research work; nevertheless, we must recognize that the researcher’s productivity is usually diverse, creating tension that could have affected the work environment (intra and inter institutes), due to the design in Anillo, in the case that the results or the critical indicators were not achieved.


Refer to the observations and/or suggestions stated by the reviewers in the last evaluation. Explain how the research team worked on those comments and/or suggestions. Please do not extend further than two pages.

We appreciate the suggestions made by the assessors, that have allowed us improve the project, considering that we have taken around 90% of their recommendations. Next the assessors’ main suggestions are presented and the explanation in the way we have considered them.


1. RESEARCH RESULTS “The report does not include any compilation or integrated document, thus precluding an evaluation of the concrete output and of the methodological adequacy in relation to the entire proposed research project.”

Evaluators may have an overview of the results of the project thanks to the

27 data uploaded to the platform CONICYT, which include all articles, book chapters and books that generated the project, presentations at scientific conferences.

The team has carried out workshops in the three years of the project (the last one was carried out on 11 January, 2016 in Iquique), where exactly the theoretical and methodological problems, related to the research program in process, are discussed. In these workshops, they came into the conclusion that the multi-scalar approach and the lack of cultural continuity as a phenomenon on the borders was predominant, also the need to broaden the project’s question to the borders with the south of Peru and the north-west of Argentina, due to the common border dynamics of this central-west region of South America. The relevance of the ethnographic work was discussed –due to a persistent assessor’s observation- because the project’s main researchers gave an obvious priority to archive work.

3. FORMATION OF NATIONAL NETWORKS “The report does not include any information about the possibility of developing a new or larger project.”

In effect, we have discussed in the workshop on 11 January before mentioned, the possibility to continue going into detail with the problems studied in a new Anillo Project, where Centro de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos of the Catholic University of the North will be included, led by Dr. José Antonio González Pizarro, prominent researcher on the Big North of Chile. A project that would cover all the Andean sub-region, where the central concepts would be the triple-frontiers of Ancomarca (Peru, Bolivia and Chile) and Zapaleri (Bolivia, Argentina and Chile). The Anillo team already has networks of researchers from Peru, Bolivia and Argentina experts in the frontiers and triple-frontiers mentioned.

4. INTERNATIONAL COPERATION “As a suggestion, future events of this sort might be a good opportunity to produce joint publications that may gather comparative insights and lead to new projects.”

We have received the two suggestions given here: About publications and joint future projects. The main researcher, Sergio González, has edited a book together with the foreign associate researcher Noé Cornago, renowned expert in para-diplomacy of the University of the Basque Country. The researchers of the project have taken part in different books (compilations) that deal with specific topics, such as migrations (Marcela Tapia, Nanette Liberona, Sandra Leiva, etc.), para-diplomacy (Cristián Ovando, Sergio González, etc.), foreign policy (Cesar Ross, Cristián Garay, Sergio González, Gilberto Aranda, Máximo Quitral, Raúl Bernal-Meza, etc.), regional and border history (Sergio González,


Daniel Bello, etc.). The above allows us trust in the beginning of new publishing initiatives on these topics or others related where the Anillo Project researchers take part.

5. DISSEMINATION AND OUTREACH “As a suggestion, further activities that might enhance dissemination include regular blog postings, publication of newspaper articles, specific workshops with policymakers and other members of the community, and academic publications in peer-reviewed journals of high stature in the field.”

The third year of the project was even more focused on the dissemination in diverse platforms and on the press and TV. Regarding outreach activities, the Binational Forum was the most relevant: Migrant’s Situation Bolivia-Chile, organized by the Anillo Project SOC 1109 and Congregación del Buen Pastor, in coordination with Fundación Levántate Mujer.

Participating in articles of academic journals of high level scientific assessment is part of the mandatory routines of the project’s researchers, so it is not necessary to go into this topic in depth. Just pointing out that finishing this third year, the project’s researchers have 14 accepted/published articles in journals ISI, SCOPUS, SCIELO, and the thesis students have written six journal articles.

6. TRANSFERENCE OF RESULTS AND KWNOLEDGE TO PUBLIC ENTITIES “Members of society at large could have been targeted, too. For instance, business groups, non-governmental organizations, cultural and other social associations, and even ordinary citizens regularly involved in trans-border activities. Besides seminar discussions, publications in accessible language (i.e avoiding academic jargon) and of massive repercussion might also help to transfer knowledge widely.”

The suggestions explained on the items 5 and 6 were received to improve dissemination. The Anillo Project webpage, created the previous year, continued being updated, appearances in the press increased significantly, mainly in newspapers and on the radio.

According to specific workshops, during the last two years of the project, a main researcher, an associate researcher and post-doc researcher, attended a citizen’s roundtable on migrations, convened by the Regional Government of Tarapacá, that regularly meets and several public divisions attend (Regional Ministerial Secretaries: Health, Education, Justice, Oficina de la Infancia, SERNAM, etc.), in addition to foreign communities, a relevant moment to discuss situations related to border migrations.

INTE was invited to take part in the National Advisory Council on Migrations,

29 belonging to the Immigration Department.

The Anillo Project organized a seminar for the community of Iquique, on the economic relations between Bolivia-Chile. Managers of companies such as Zona Franca and Empresa Portuaria, business people, nonprofit organizations, academicians, the project’s thesis students and government representatives of Dirección Económica de la Cancillería (DIRECOM) were invited as speakers.

7. FINAL COMMENTS “Year three should emphasize a few other tasks such as: 1) information gathering and analysis other than archival material; 2) submission of publications to peer-reviewed journals of international reputation by the lead researchers; 3) production of at least one piece of work that connects the analysis of various dimensions of the topic and highlights the main theoretical and methodological contributions of this project; 4) broader dissemination of results to specialists and non-academic audiences.”

The methodology that is normally used in para-diplomatic and cross-border studies has been expanded, especially on ethnographic methodology. Documents, scientific articles, journals, books have been checked. Bolivian and Chilean newspaper archives have been the project’s main sources. Besides immigrants and key informants have been interviewed in depth.

8. SUGGESTIONS “I would expect associate/lead researchers to have a higher profile in the project’s outcomes. Also, I would like to suggest that reports of activities should include copies of all publications, conference papers, and other outputs that may facilitate the evaluation of the substantive results of the project.”

This year the main researchers could strengthen the products (articles, chapters of books and books) sent in the first and second years, achieving the aim established in the terms and conditions of the Anillo tender, both for each of them and the team.

Regarding the suggestion that the final report should include copies of all the publications, papers, presented in conferences and others, a summary table of publications and presentations of talks in conferences was designed. Besides a digital attached document was built where the researchers and thesis students’ publications, and covers and indexes of the thesis finished are found there. The certificates of all the talks are attached as well, and also the seminars and conferences programs and a copy of the agreements signed, etc.



1. RESEARCH RESULTS “In terms of publications the research results are modest and the venues primarily local. There appears to be more work in the pipeline that may appear in the third year, at which time it will be possible to have a better sense of the overall results of this project. Evidently, the methodological shortcomings and suggestions noted in my report last year have not been considered.”

Indeed, in the third year an important quantity of articles published and accepted (14 altogether), and others sent (9) was achieved. We have increased the publication places in international journals. The assessor correctly supposes that in the third year of execution more results can be obtained. The team suggests CONICYT that the Anillo Projects should last four years (considering that FONDECYT Projects can last four years, considering that they are individual and less complex projects), because it could allow achieving more publications.

Regarding the methodological shortcomings and suggestions mentioned in the report of this assessor’s first year, who says we have not considered, we will answer on item 8, where the assessor mentions the same critic.

4. INTERNATIONAL COPERATION “My suggestion last year that the project be extended to Peru should be considered in the future.”

We have received the assessor’s suggestion and a new Anillo Project will be presented considering (the south of) Peru, because he is absolutely right thinking that the para-diplomatic and cross-border phenomena that the Big North of Chile deals with are not exclusive of the relation Bolivia-Chile, but also includes the south of Peru and the north-west of Argentina, making up a territory that has been defined as the “central-west of South America” or “South-Andean region”.

5. DISSEMINATION AND OUTREACH “The comments I made last year continue to apply.”

Last year this assessor expressed on this item: “Primary suggestion is that the project be expanded to include Peru. The advantages of including Peru are made clear in the article by Bello Arellano on transnational Aymara organization.”

The assessor rightly mentions the organization Alianza Estratégica Aymaras Sin Fronteras (AEASF), emerging phenomenon that covers border towns of Peru, Bolivia and Chile. Not only Daniel Bello, but also the main researcher –Sergio González- and the foreign researchers Laetitia Rouviere and Anne-Laure Amilhat, have written about this social, cultural and political phenomenon of AEASF. The associate researcher Rouviere explained in her two visits to Chile,

31 in the Anillo Project context, the AEASF case. It is worth mentioning that Laetitia Rouviere’s doctoral thesis is about AEASF’s political phenomenon.

In the next Anillo Project the study on triple-frontiers of Ancomarca (Peru, Bolivia and Chile) and Zapaleri (Bolivia, Argentina and Chile) is considered. The AEASF role will be studied through an ethnographic methodology.

6. TRANSFERENCE OF RESULTS AND KWNOLEDGE TO PUBLIC ENTITIES “Considering the modality of this project, please comment on the fulfillment of this task. Are these the adequate public entities to transfer results to? Are there any other public entities that you consider necessary to reach? Why?” "As the researchers themselves note, this has not been a priority of the project.”

Regarding this item, we want to clear up that the modality of this project is an “open modality”, opposed to the “modality for innovation of public policies”. According to the terms and conditions of the project, “In this announcement there are two modalities: an open modality, whose main objective is to strengthen Social Sciences and Humanities from a general point of view, and a modality for innovation of public policies, this latter one to strengthen the applied research meant to solve problems of public policies themselves.”

In this sense, this project does not consider within its objectives transferring the results to public entities, even when it is done. See here the previous assessor’s remark on this same item 6.

Anyway, the team has considered relevant transferring result to public entities, especially thinking of regional development policies. However, the design of the project forces us to focus on scientific production of critical indicators.

8. SUGGESTIONS “As I noted in my last report, the project coordinators should revisit the original plan's guiding teleological concepts of "progress" and "process," and they might also consider including Peru in the next phase of this promising project.”

Last year the assessor expressed on this item: “One methodological suggestion is that the project team reconsiders the language of "progress" and "process" when it narrates the dynamics of trans-border social and intellectual practices. These concepts tend to underwrite teleological narratives of "globalization" and "development" which may not be significant for subnational or subaltern actors. In any case, there applicability should not be assumed. The neological "glocalization" marks an effort to address these problems, but it does not necessarily free the narration from the teleological effects of the underlying concepts. As an alternative means to reach goals, the team might consider

32 ethnographic and archival research on the local concepts and historical narratives that animate paradiplomatic practices in the region. This kind of research might further cross-border understandings as well as the formation of inter-cultural fluency among the actors involved.”

The assessor points to a central problem for the different project’s pieces of research (understood as a Research Program, following Imre Lakatos’ conceptualization), in the sense of thinking about the subject of study. Para- diplomacy and border studies use to point to different subjects; however, the sub-national actors and/or subordinates are or must play a leading role. Following this suggestion, the Anillo main researcher, Sergio González, awarded in 2016, a FONDECYT Project that is focused on this actor in the context of foreign policy and Chilean mining policies during the twentieth century, entitled: Sub-regional Actors on the Borders in Transition, Triple-frontiers and Cross-border Space between the Peace and Friendship Treaties of 1904 and 1929: Geostrategic Position and Heterologous Space.

Finally, we have considered the difference between the theoretical concepts of progress and process and their epistemological consequences. We know that the concept “progress” is not the same in society as in scientific routines, as Imre Lakatos suggests (Lakatos, Imre. Escritos Filosóficos. La Metodología de los Programas de Investigación Científica. Alianza Editorial, 2002). Likewise, neologisms such as “glocalization” do not show sub-national actors’ reality, as the main researcher, Sergio González, considers it for the case of Andean communities (see article: “La Voz desde Lejos. La Triple Frontera Andina: Entre la Heterología y la Globalización”. Revista Andamios N° 28, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, 2015).

We appreciate the assessors the relevant suggestions that allowed an interesting discussion in the team and that were partially in the products generated by the Anillo Project SOC 1109.