
PPSXXX10.1177/1745691614544528Barlow et al.The Origins of research-article5445282014

Perspectives on Psychological Science 2014, Vol. 9(5) 481­–496 The Origins of Neuroticism © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1745691614544528 pps.sagepub.com David H. Barlow1, Kristen K. Ellard2, Shannon Sauer-Zavala1, Jacqueline R. Bullis1, and Jenna R. Carl1 1Center for and Related Disorders and Department of , Boston University, and 2Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Abstract In this article, we provide a fresh perspective on the developmental origins of neuroticism—a dimension of marked by elevated reactivity resulting in the frequent experience of negative . This is accompanied by a pervasive that the world is a dangerous and threatening place, along with beliefs about one’s inability to manage or cope with challenging events. Historically, neuroticism has been viewed as a stable, genetically based trait. However, recent understanding of ongoing gene–environment interactions that occur throughout the life span suggests there may be a more complex and dynamic etiology. Thus, the purpose of this article is to offer a theory for understanding the development of neuroticism that integrates genetic, neurobiological, and environmental contributions to this trait. Given the strong correlation between neuroticism and the development of negative health outcomes—most notably, the full range of anxiety and disorders—an enhanced understanding of how neuroticism originates has implications for the treatment and prevention of a broad range of pathologies and, perhaps, even for the prevention of neuroticism itself.

Keywords neuroticism, temperament

Understanding and describing temperament—an individ- emotions associated with a sense of uncontrollability (the ual’s emotional nature—has long been of dating perception of inadequate coping) in response to stress. back as far as 450 BCE when Greek physicians described This definition of neuroticism does not include processes four “humors” (blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm) such as , , or emotional avoidance, that were thought to contribute to an individual’s charac- though these processes likely follow from high levels of teristic emotional style (e.g., a melancholic or gloomy neuroticism and maintain it (see Barlow et al., 2014). temperament resulting from high levels of black bile; Given the public health implications of high levels of Digman, 1994). Modern conceptualizations also empha- neuroticism observed in the population (for a review, see size that emotions are at the core of understanding one’s Lahey, 2009), it is not surprising that this trait has been temperament (Clark & Watson, 2008). The neurotic tem- the focus of intensive theorizing and research. For exam- perament, which incorporates the tendency to react nega- ple, neuroticism is strongly associated with and predicts tively in response to various sources of stress, has been a a variety of mental disorders, including particular focus of . The negative emotions usu- (Clark, Watson, & Mineka, 1994; Khan, Jacobson, Gardner, ally considered integral to this trait include anxiety, , Prescott, & Kendler, 2005; Krueger & Markon, 2006; Sher , , and . In addition to exaggerated & Trull, 1994; Weinstock & Whisman, 2006), and these negative , neurotic temperament (or neuroti- relationships remain significant in longitudinal studies in cism) is also characterized by the pervasive perception which concurrent depressive states are controlled for that the world is a dangerous and threatening place, along (Spijker, de Graaf, Oldehinkel, Nolen, & Ormel, 2007). with beliefs about one’s inability to manage or cope with challenging events (Barlow, 2002; Barlow, Sauer-Zavala, Corresponding Author: Carl, Bullis, & Ellard, 2014; Clark & Watson, 2008; Eysenck, David H. Barlow, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston 1947; Goldberg, 1993). Thus, we define neuroticism as University, 648 Beacon St., 6th Floor, Boston, MA 02215 the tendency to experience frequent, intense negative E-mail: [email protected] 482 Barlow et al.




Fig. 1. The revised triple vulnerability theory in the development of neuroticism and emotional disorders specifying synergistic biological and psychological vulnerabilities. The figure represents the primary developmental pathway for neuroticism and emotional disorders through the bidirectional interaction between the two general vulnerabilities and the moderation effect of the specific psychological vulnerability on the expression of neuroticism. The secondary influence of emotional disorders on the general vulnerabilities via a negative feedback cycle is also represented.

Perhaps less obvious is the link between neuroticism and National Institute of ’s Research Domain physical health; indeed, this trait has been associated Criteria initiative that challenges researchers to look with a range of physical problems, including cardiovas- beyond diagnoses to identify core processes implicated cular , eczema, asthma, and irritable bowel syn- in the development and maintenance of symptoms across drome (Brickman, Yount, Blaney, Rothberg, & De-Nour, a range of disorders (Insel et al., 2010). Thus, neuroticism 1996; Smith & MacKenzie, 2006; Suls & Bunde, 2005). itself becomes a valid target for treatment, and under- Neuroticism also predicts treatment seeking and response standing its origins provides a framework for how this to treatment for both mental disorders and general health might happen. concerns (Shipley, Weiss, Der, Taylor, & Deary, 2007). Considering these public health consequences, Cuijpers Triple Vulnerability Theory et al. (2010) estimated that the economic cost of neuroti- cism in a large representative sample of the Dutch popu- It is our evolving view that triple vulnerability theory lation exceeded the cost of common mental disorders. (Barlow, 1991, 2002), originally proposed to describe the The purpose of the present article is to articulate a emergence of anxiety and mood disorders, actually better theory for understanding the development of neuroticism depicts the development of neuroticism itself. A visual that integrates genetic, neurobiological, and environmen- depiction of how our revised conception of the triple tal contributions to this trait. Given the relationship vulnerabilities accounts for this development is presented between neuroticism and (described in Figure 1. Specifically, triple vulnerability theory earlier), we believe that cultivating a better understand- describes three separate but interacting diatheses or vul- ing of how neuroticism develops has implications for the nerabilities (Barlow, 1988, 2000). These include a general treatment and, more basically, the prevention of emo- biological (heritable) vulnerability, a general psychologi- tional disorders, such as anxiety and mood disorders cal vulnerability consisting of a heightened sense of (Barlow et al., 2014). This approach is consistent with the unpredictability and uncontrollability and associated The Origins of Neuroticism 483

changes in brain function resulting from early adverse environment (described in detail in the paragraphs that experience, as well as a more specific psychological vul- follow; Kandler et al., 2010). nerability—also largely learned—accounting for why one The genetic components of neuroticism are linked to particular emotional disorder (e.g., disorder) may the neurobiological tendency for heighted reactivity in emerge instead of another (e.g., obsessive-compulsive generating structures, most notably disorder). In our conceptions, the two general vulnerabil- hyperexcitability, and reduced or inefficient inhibitory ities identified in the triple vulnerability theory dynami- control by prefrontal structures (Keightley et al., 2003; cally contribute to the development and expression of Stein, Simmons, Feinstein, & Paulus, 2007; Westlye, neuroticism itself (Brown & Barlow, 2009; Suárez, Bjornebekk, Grydeland, Fjell, & Walhovd, 2011). Bennett, Goldstein, & Barlow, 2009), which, in turn, Exaggerated amygdala responses are linked to a func- mediates for the development of anxiety, mood, and tional polymorphism in the promoter region of the sero- related emotional disorders, as described later. tonin transporter gene (5HTTPR), with people who are homozygous for the low-expressing genotype (having General biological vulnerability two short alleles) showing greater magnitude of amygdala responses to emotional stimuli (Drabant et al., 2012; The general biological is defined largely by Lonsdorf et al., 2011; Munafo, Brown, & Hariri, 2008) as genetic and neurobiological contributions to well as reductions in functional connectivity between traits or temperament styles (Barlow, 2000).1 As noted emotion-generating regions (e.g., amygdala) and struc- earlier, triple vulnerability theory originated in the con- tures implicated in their inhibitory control (e.g., ventro- text of the development of trait anxiety and emotional medial ; Pezawas et al., 2005). The disorders; furthermore, a genetic link to emotional disor- presence of this s/s allele functional polymorphism is ders has been well established in both family and twin independently associated with neuroticism (Lesch et al., studies (e.g., Hettema, Neale, & Kendler, 2001; Skre, 1996; Montag, Basten, Stelzel, Fiebach, & Reuter, 2010; Onstad, Torgersen, Lygren, & Kringlen, 1993). Neuroticism Stein, Campbell-Sills, & Gelernter, 2009) and also with the is also heritable, with genetic contributions estimated as development of psychopathology following life stressors composing between 40% and 60% of the variance in the (Caspi et al., 2003; Owens et al., 2012). These results expression of this trait (e.g., Bouchard & Loehlin, 2001; should be interpreted with caution, however, as research- Clark et al., 1994; Kendler, Prescott, Myers, & Neale, ers of large-scale studies examining the effects of this 2003). Much of this work has been done by examining functional polymorphism have yielded mixed results or self-report personality measures in twins, with results have failed to replicate these findings (Terracciano et al., consistently showing that genetics account for nearly half 2009). Nevertheless, one pathway to the development of of the variance in predicting personality, that shared envi- neuroticism may be a genetically mediated hyperexcit- ronmental effects (such as parental socioeconomic status ability to aversive or potentially threatening stimuli and a and religious traditions) predict almost nothing, and that reduced ability to normalize activation once the threat nonshared environmental effects (different teachers, lei- diminishes or threat-related contingencies change. sure activities, life events) account for the remaining vari- It is important to note that this hyperexcitability of ance (Turkheimer, 2000). In recent work, researchers neural circuits in response to stress and fear results not have demonstrated that the influence of genetic contribu- only from genetic factors or biological predispositions tions to neuroticism is stronger for younger individuals, but also from stressful or traumatic experiences during whereas the environment appears to exert more influ- critical stages of development (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007; ence in older adults (Laceulle, Ormel, Aggen, Neale, & Lanius, Frewen, Vermetten, & Yehuda, 2010; Rosen & Kendler, 2013). That is, after emerging in childhood, neu- Schulkin, 1998); that is, early adversity sculpts the stress roticism remains relatively stable before showing gradual response that seems to underpin the neurotic phenotype age-related decreases that continue into old age (Eaton, (Francis, Champagne, Liu, & Meaney, 1999; Liu et al., Krueger, & Oltmanns, 2011; Roberts & Mroczeck, 2008; 1997). Additionally, physiological reactivity to stressors Roberts, Walton, & Viechtbauer, 2006), with great vari- (e.g., heightened ) is not in-and-of-itself a marker ability across individuals in terms of the magnitude of of neuroticism; in fact, arousal responses essentially rep- this change (Helson, Jones, & Kwan, 2002; Mroczek & resent an adaptive capability that enables individuals to Spiro, 2003; Small, Hertzog, Hultsch, & Dixon, 2003). mount the necessary and context appropriate behavioral Indeed, as people age, any continuity in the expression responses to a stressor. It is when the arousal response of neuroticism appears to result from cumulative envi- system misfires—either in the wrong context or at a very ronmental effects, underscoring the importance of inter- exaggerated level—that pathology emerges. Thus, biol- actions between genetically mediated physiology and the ogy alone does not lead to maladaptive endpoints; rather, 484 Barlow et al.

it is the combination of heightened physiological reactiv- mitigated or exacerbated, respectively, subsequent levels ity with a psychological perception of the unpredictabil- of negative emotions (Mineka, Cook, & Miller, 1984; ity or uncontrollability of the stressor that leads to the Seligman, 1975). The effects of a sense of control on development of neuroticism (e.g., Koolhaas et al., 2011), behavioral and physiological outcomes have also been a point to which we now turn. examined in relation to appetitive-oriented situations within samples of rhesus monkeys; results indicated that General psychological vulnerability monkeys raised with greater control over appetitive goals (i.e., food acquisition) responded more actively and with The general psychological vulnerability, again originally decreased reactivity when presented with novel conceptualized as important for the development of situations compared with monkeys that were allowed less emotional disorders, can be characterized as a pervasive control over food access (Roma, Champoux, & Suomi, sense of unpredictability and uncontrollability in relation 2006). Relatedly, infant monkeys who were raised by to life events and a perceived inability to cope with nega- mothers experiencing unpredictable foraging conditions tive outcomes from such life events (Barlow, 2000, 2002). exhibited greater levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone Although much of this research has focused on examin- (CRH) than infant monkeys raised by mothers experienc- ing relationships between these constructs and specific ing either a consistent overabundance or a consistent scar- anxiety or depressive disorders, recent work highlighting city of food (Coplan et al., 1996). This finding suggests that the role of neuroticism as a latent factor underlying these the elevated levels of stress hormones were not the result disorders leads us to now hypothesize that experiences of a lack of food in and of itself but rather the unpredict- with unpredictability and uncontrollability may be impor- able nature of the food supply. Similarly, researchers con- tant factors in the development of neuroticism itself. In ducting seminal studies of baboons in the wild found that this subsection, we review evidence related to the role of those baboons whose ranking within the social hierarchy of controllability and predictability in the was either uncertain or under challenge by other baboons development and expression of neuroticism. exhibited the highest levels of cortisol output (Sapolsky, 1990; Sapolsky, Romero, & Munck, 2000). High cortisol Basic animal research. Laboratory research in which concentrations were not associated with instability of anxious apprehension is provoked in animals suggests interactions with the population as a whole but rather how environmental factors that produce a sense of were associated with the degree of instability of interac- uncontrollability over stressful events can influence the tions among male baboons close in rank, because the out- development of neuroticism. An extensive body of come of these challenges were relatively unpredictable research dating back to Pavlov (1927) has shown that and uncontrollable, but the potential consequences for conditions such as excessive punishment of appetitive social status were high (Gesquire et al., 2011; Sapolsky, responses, deprivation, and presentation of insoluble 1992). These findings suggest that an elevated sense of tasks accompanied by punishment of mistakes can pro- controllability is not only important for developing healthy duce signs of extreme anxiety, including increased auto- response tendencies in relation to inevitable aversive nomic arousal, excessive motor activity, and attentional events in life but also for cues related to positive goals. and performance impairments (Liddell, 1949; Masserman, 1943). Such experimentally induced anxiety in animals Basic research. In studies with , indi- was termed experimental . In reviewing the vidual differences in perception of control have been experimental neurosis literature, Mineka and Kihlstrom shown to mental health outcomes (Barlow, 2002; (1978) made the important observation that across stud- Chorpita & Barlow, 1998). An extensive body of research ies with different methodologies, the conditions that regarding the construct (Rotter, 1966) has induced (chronically) anxious behavior in animals were indicated that individuals who report a more external those that produced a sense of unpredictability and versus internal locus of control are more likely to score uncontrollability. On the basis of this finding, the authors more highly on neuroticism scales (McCauley, Mitchell, hypothesized that such a sense of unpredictability and Burke, & Moss, 1988; Nunn, 1988; Siegel & Griffin, 1984; uncontrollability over important life activities may be the Skinner, Chapman, & Baltes, 1988; Weisz & Stipek, 1982; common factor in promoting the development of experi- White, Brown, Somers, & Barlow, 2006; Wiersma et al., mental neurosis. 2011). Additionally, in a meta-analysis of more than 100 Mineka and others also conducted studies designed to independent studies comprising 8,251 individuals, Miller, explore more specifically the relationship among predict- Chen, and Zhou (2007) found that uncontrollable, unpre- ability, controllability, and neuroticism. In line with expec- dictable stressors led to both higher and less variable tations, researchers found that higher versus lower levels of daily cortisol output relative to stressors that predictability and controllability of stressful events were more controllable or predictable. The Origins of Neuroticism 485

The study of cognitive styles also provides some addi- vulnerability, have been found to become substantially tional evidence in support of the importance of a sense less reactive when raised by mothers with low stress reac- of control in the experience of negative emotions. Again, tivity in cross-rearing paradigms (Suomi, 1999, 2000). In findings indicate that a negative attributional style in contrast, when reared by mothers with high stress reactive, which one tends to attribute negative events to global, such babies remain highly reactive. In 9-month-old human stable, and internal reasons is associated with anxiety babies, increased cortisol levels in response to separation (Chorpita, Brown, & Barlow, 1998; Cole, Peeke, Martin, from mothers diminish when babies are returned to Truglio, & Seroczynski, 1998) and (Nolen- responsive caregivers, but they remain elevated when Hoeksema, Girgus, & Seligman, 1992) in older children returned to nonresponsive caregivers (Gunnar, Larson, and adults. However, other research indicates that nega- Hertsgaard, Harris, & Brodersen, 1992). More broadly, tive cognitive styles may be more closely related to neu- harsh or intrusive and overcontrolling styles roticism than to the development of specific diagnoses of (snowplow or helicopter parenting) may produce lasting depression or specific anxiety disorders (Alloy et al., disruptions in children’s hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal 2012; Luten, Ralph, & Mineka, 1997). This finding lends (HPA) axis functioning (Gunnar & Donzella, 2002; Murray, some support to the notion that a sense of controllability Halligan, Goodyer, & Herbert, 2010; Shea, Walsh, functions more as a general psychological vulnerability MacMillan, & Steiner, 2005), including higher resting corti- for the development of neuroticism than as a specific risk sol (Taylor et al., 2012). In addition to negative parenting factor for certain emotional disorders. behaviors, varieties of early adverse experiences—­ including child physical or sexual , child family dys- Parenting styles and perceptions of control. Parent- function, and physical or emotional —have been ing styles also appear to be closely implicated in the directly associated with higher levels of neuroticism in development of perceptions of control (Chorpita & Bar- adult offspring (Kendler & Gardner, 2011; Roy, 2002). low, 1998; McLeod, Wood, & Weisz, 2007; van der Brug- Although more research is needed to understand the gen, Stams, & Bögels, 2008). In the attachment literature, mechanisms through which such experiences contribute researchers identify key parenting behaviors that have to neuroticism, we suggest that inadequate development the potential to increase or decrease a child’s sense of of perceptions of control is strongly implicated. his/her own degree of control over life events. These include behaviors such as warmth and consistency, which Summary. In summary, findings from a number of foster a sense of security and predictability in the world areas of research, including both animal and human stud- (Bowlby, 1980). In a recent longitudinal study, results ies, support the key role of a sense of unpredictability revealed that low maternal responsiveness during infancy and uncontrollability in the development of trait anxiety was associated with children reporting a less well-devel- or neuroticism. A diminished sense of predictability and oped perceived sense of control over their environment controllability appears to adversely affect stress hormone at 11 years of age (Dan, Sagi-Schwartz, Bar-Haim, & functioning in children, which, in turn, is associated with Eshel, 2011). Promotion of independence in the context persistent state of negative emotionality. Early adversity of positive attachment also enhances the child’s sense of and parenting behaviors have been shown to influence self-efficacy and ability to cope with life events (Barlow, children’s perceptions of control—and associated cogni- 2002; Bowlby, 1980; Chorpita, 2001; Thompson, 1998). In tive styles—therefore increasing their risk or resilience to contrast, intrusive and controlling parenting behaviors stress. Rather than conferring direct risk for the develop- (so called “snowplow” or “helicopter” parenting) tend to ment of specific anxiety or depressive disorders, these decrease a child’s perception of control (Chorpita & Bar- environmental variables may moderate risk for a persis- low, 1998). tent state of negative emotionality or neuroticism, which, Although the majority of research in this area has in turn, increase the probability of developing anxiety focused on the relationships between parenting styles and and mood disorders. the development of anxiety (Hudson & Rapee, 2002; Rubin, Coplan, & Bowker, 2009; van der Bruggen et al., Interactions between general 2008) and depression (Ingram & Ritter, 2000; Reiss et al., biological and psychological 1995), there is evidence that parenting styles moderate the vulnerabilities effects of early vulnerabilities on stress reactivity and emo- tionality more generally (Chorpita & Barlow, 1998). That is, In discussing general biological and psychological vul- in monkeys and in humans, positive parenting behaviors, nerabilities, it is important to note that we cannot conclu- as described earlier, can buffer against the development of sively make a determination of the cause-and-effect neuroticism. In rhesus monkeys, babies with high stress relationship between these vulnerabilities and neuroti- reactivity, believed to reflect a general biologic cism. Rather than a static, one-directional relationship, it 486 Barlow et al. is more accurate to conceptualize a dynamic, interacting digestive, and immunological systems—as well as key relationship among these constructs. Environmental neural systems influencing , , emotion, stressors interact with biological vulnerabilities described and attentional control (Radley, 2012; Sapolsky et al., earlier in a bidirectional manner to influence disposi- 2000). Under normal adaptive conditions, the output of tional levels of neuroticism, such that an individual with cortisol is regulated through a negative feedback loop to a genetic predisposition toward greater reactivity to stress the , which suppresses the production of may be more susceptible to the detrimental impact of cortisol once excess levels are detected, thereby main- stress and trauma, exhibiting a decreased capacity to taining adaptive allostasis. However, excessive hyperse- cope and greater negative impact as a result of such cretion of cortisol and other stress hormones under stressors. Further, whereas genetic factors may predis- conditions of serves to overwhelm this sys- pose a lowered threshold for reactivity at the neural level tem, pushing the organism toward an allostatic load (e.g., greater limbic reactivity), repeated exposure to wherein the stress responses are activated without suffi- stressful environmental contexts may potentiate these cient recovery (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007). The inability responses through a process of “sensitization” (Charney, to inhibit the production of these hormones may be due Deutch, Krystal, Southwick, & Davis, 1993; Figueiredo, to the fact that, at high levels resulting from chronic Bodie, Tauchi, Dolgas, & Herman, 2003; Rosen & stress, they become neurotoxins that destroy the very Schulkin, 1998). Long-term potentiation of fear circuitry brain structures (e.g., hippocampus) required to suppress through repeated activation sensitizes this system, lead- them while preventing adequate neurogenesis in the hip- ing to hypervigilance and greater reactivity to threat pocampus (Conrad, 2008; Magarinos & McEwen, 1995). (Lanius et al., 2010). Repeated or prolonged exposure to stressors produces a “kindling” effect, whereby neural Effects of stress-related changes in neural func- reactivity to stress-related stimuli becomes more diffuse tion. Stress-related alterations in neural network struc- and widespread (Gelowitz & Kokkinidis, 1999). This kin- ture and function may underlie much of the vulnerability dling effect sets in motion a series of effects—including for pathology seen across emotional disorders. As men- the expression of immediate early genes (IEGs)2 in limbic tioned earlier, neuroticism has been linked to the neuro- structures (Campeau et al., 1997; Shin, McNamara, biological tendency toward heightened limbic reactivity Morgan, Curran, & Cohen, 1990)—and plays a crucial and deficient cortical regulation of limbic activation, role in brain development across the life span. However, ­representing the neurobiological correlate of emotion how do psychological and environmental factors play a dysregulation (Keightley et al., 2003; Stein et al., 2007; role in these processes? Westlye et al., 2011). To take one example, stress-related reductions in hippocampal neurogenesis have recently HPA axis as a model of biological/psychological/ been linked to the overgeneralization of fear in emo- environmental interactions. Repeated exposure to tional disorders. Deficient neurogenesis is associated stress, particularly during early experience, has been with impairments in the ability of hippocampal struc- linked to molecular and morphological changes in brain tures to encode distinct memory traces, a process circuits mediating stress responses, and it is associated referred to as pattern separation (Deng, Almone, & with exaggerated responses to subsequent threatening or Gage, 2010; Tronel et al., 2012). Pattern separation dur- fearful stimuli (Cowen, 2010; Rosen & Schulkin, 1998; ing memory encoding is crucial to the ability to distin- Tafet & Bernardini, 2003). In particular, associations guish between similar sensory inputs and contexts, such between chronic stress and aberrant functioning of the that information specific to a or context can be HPA axis modulating stress responses have been well retrieved. Thus, impairments in pattern separation dur- established (Essex et al., 2011; Gillespie, Phifer, Bradley, ing memory encoding can lead to information about two & Ressler, 2009; Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007; Heim & Nem- distinct yet similar stimuli being encoded and retrieved eroff, 1999; Miller et al., 2007; Sapolsky et al., 2000) and as indistinguishable from one another. Impaired pattern represent a cogent model to illustrate the interactions separation thus may underlie the tendency toward over- among environmental, psychological, and biological fac- generalization of fear across multiple contexts (e.g., fear tors in the development of neuroticism. triggered by the sound of a helicopter both on and off The HPA axis serves to regulate the body’s reaction to the battlefield; Kheirbek, Klemenhagan, Sahay, & Hen, stress in the service of mounting an appropriate behav- 2012; Sahay et al., 2011). ioral response through the secretion of stress hormones (). One of the most studied of these stress Effects of chronic stress and HPA axis dysfunction hormones is cortisol, which functions to modulate the across the life span. The long-term effects of chronic body’s response to threat through its influence on stress and HPA axis dysfunction on patterns of neural ­widespread bodily systems—including cardiovascular, organization and function are only beginning to be The Origins of Neuroticism 487

clarified. For example, Burghy et al. (2012) found that cortisol responses to stress in women (Oswold et al., exposure to early life stress was significantly associated 2006), and in a second study, findings revealed lower with higher cortisol levels during the school-age years adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol output in indi- and predicted lower resting state functional connectivity viduals with high negative emotionality relative to indi- between the amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cor- viduals with low negative emotionality (Jezova, Makatsori, tex at 18 years of age. As noted earlier, the amygdala– Duncko, Moncek, & Jakubek, 2004). However, Duncko, ventromedial prefrontal cortex pathway is a critical Makatsori, Fickova, Selko, and Jezova (2006) found evi- cortico-limbic pathway for the regulation of fear and dence to suggest neuroticism is not associated with anxiety (Delgado et al., 2008; Milad et al., 2007; Ochsner global hyper- or hyporesponsiveness along the HPA axis et al., 2002, 2004; Phelps et al., 2004). Thus, this study per se, but rather individuals high in neuroticism evi- provides preliminary empirical evidence for a develop- dence alterations in the coordination of neuroendocrine mental sequence wherein early exposure to chronic responses to stress and may exhibit more rigid, inflexible stress and associated HPA axis functioning affects later diurnal rhythms (Doane et al., 2013). These findings are brain development and organization in neural regions consistent with recent conceptualizations of stress reac- key to the adaptive regulation of negative emotions. tivity, which suggest that it is not the overall magnitude Evidence suggests that the impact of chronic stress of the response to stimuli that constitutes a stress response and trauma on HPA axis functioning is far reaching across but rather the ability to recover to baseline following the life span. Early disruptions in parent–child relation- exposure to stress (Koolhaas et al., 2011). ships described earlier (one early source of a sense of A meta-analysis of more than 100 studies by Miller uncontrollability) result in higher cortisol levels by pre- et al. (2007) sheds further light on the apparent inconsis- school age, and these higher levels in turn predict tencies in the literature with regards to hyper- versus increased behavioral and emotional problems by school hypocortisolemia in neuroticism. They found evidence to age (Essex, Klein, Cho, & Kalin, 2002). Relative to securely support the co-occurrence of both hyper- and hypocorti- attached infants, infants with a disorganized attachment solemia related to chronic stress, trauma, anxiety and status show elevated cortisol levels during separation depression, identifying several factors that mediated corti- from their primary caregiver as well as slow return to sol output, including time since the onset of the chronic baseline cortisol levels after being reunited (Hertsgaard, stressor, the specific type of chronic stressor, and the con- Gunnar, Erickson, & Nachmias, 1995). In multiple inves- trollability of the stressor. First, time since the onset of the tigations, researchers have linked early life stress, child- stressor was negatively correlated with HPA axis reactivity, hood maltreatment, or childhood physical or sexual such that immediately present stressors elicited signifi- trauma to elevated cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of cantly higher daily cortisol output, whereas more distant CRH (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2001; Gunnar & Quevedo, trauma elicited significantly lower morning cortisol out- 2007; Heim & Nemeroff, 1999; Rogosch, Dackis, & put. These findings are consistent with hypotheses sug- Cicchetti, 2011). gesting initial sensitization of stress responses followed by Heim and Nemeroff (1999) have suggested that early eventual blunting of responses when the individual traumatic experiences may lead to an initial sensitization reaches allostatic load. Second, stressors that involve of the stress hormone system leading to increased CRH threats to physical integrity or stressors that are perceived secretion, followed by eventual blunted adrenocortico- as uncontrollable elicit a high and flat diurnal pattern of tropic hormone secretion in an attempt to downregulate cortisol output, characterized by lower than normal morn- excessive CRH, and that this aberrant function of the HPA ing output, higher than normal afternoon and evening axis represents a vulnerability to experience frequent, output, and greater overall daily output volume. This find- strong negative emotions. ing suggests that measures of cortisol output depend on (a) the proximity of the stressor, (b) the type of stressor, Hyper- versus hypocortisolism and neuroti- and (c) the time of day in which measurements of cortisol cism. Although traditional models have supposed an output are taken. Blunted or hyporeactive responses of association among chronic stress, neuroticism, and ele- stress hormones may also represent avoidant processing vated levels of circulating cortisol, contradictory evidence of stress-related cues (Duncko et al., 2006). In a recent exists, finding both hypercortisolemia and hypocorti- confirmatory factor analysis of cortisol output in posttrau- solemia associated with neuroticism and depression. This matic stress disorder, Horn, Pietrzak, Corsi-Travali, and evidence has led to some in the literature Neumeister (2014) found blunted cortisol levels to be regarding the role of HPA dysfunction in neuroticism. For independently related to severity of trauma-related numb- example, in one study, higher scores on the personality ing symptoms, suggestive of avoidant processing. Future dimension of neuroticism were associated with blunted research is needed to clarify this relationship. 488 Barlow et al.

Summary. Taken together, the origins of neuroticism caregivers or other close associates may be contributory. may arise out of a combination of genetic factors, which In an early large study in which pathways to fear acquisi- predispose the individual to greater reactivity to threat or tion in American and Australian children and adolescents stress, coupled with early environmental experiences of were investigated, the majority of respondents attributed chronic stress or trauma or parenting styles that increase the onset of their fear to vicarious and instructional fac- a sense of control and blunt the development of resil- tors, although those who endorsed a high level of fear ience. These factors are consistent with the triple vulner- also endorsed direct conditioning experience in combi- ability theory’s general biological and psychological risk nation with these sources (Ollendick & King, 1991). factors. The combination of genetic factors and early Evidence for the observational learning of fear comes adverse experiences emanating from a number of sources from both animal models and human studies. For exam- sensitizes key circuits within the brain in response to ple, early studies showed that laboratory-reared rhesus acute stress, leading to altered stress reactivity. This pro- monkeys who were not initially afraid of acquired cess in turn affects neural development and organization intense fear responses after spending several sessions with long-term effects on the way an individual processes observing wild-reared monkeys exhibit fear in the pres- and responds to threat-related information, both of which ence of snakes (Cook, Mineka, Wolkenstein, & Laitsch, are defining characteristics of neuroticism. 1985; Mineka, Davidson, Cook, & Keir, 1984). Similar effects have been observed in humans (Gerull & Rapee, Specific psychological vulnerability: 2002). In this study, toddlers observed their mother’s The development of emotional reaction to a toy or toy . The mothers dis- disorders played negative reactions to one toy and displayed neu- tral reactions to the other. Toddlers displayed significantly The third component of the triple vulnerability theory greater avoidance behavior in the presence of objects to refers to specific psychological factors that explain why a which their mothers displayed fear or expressions particular emotional disorder may emerge from a high than to neutral-reaction objects, suggesting the toddlers level of neuroticism conferred through the general bio- acquired a conditioned association through observing logical and psychological vulnerabilities described earlier their mother’s reactions. (see Figure 1). That is why some people high in neuroti- Because of the ethical concerns surrounding labora- cism may develop one disorder, such as , tory studies of acquired fear in children, few laboratory whereas others—similarly high in neuroticism—develop studies of the transmission of anxiety or fear directly another disorder, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. related to psychological disorders through observational In our view, the co-occurrence of general biological learning have been conducted. However, researchers and psychological vulnerabilities may be sufficient to using retrospective report in their studies lend support to result in the development of generalized anxiety disor- the idea that the development of pathological fear and der, thought to be the phenotypic expression of high anxiety may be the result of observational learning expe- levels of neuroticism (Brown, Barlow, & Liebowitz, 1994). riences. This type of evidence is strongest for panic dis- Additionally, depression represents the expression of order. For example, patients with panic disorder recalled high levels of neuroticism coupled with a low degree of more parental encouragement of sick-role behavior in positive affect associated, perhaps, with particularly low response to panic-related symptoms (e.g., racing heart, resilience (Abramson, Metalsky, & Alloy, 1989; Alloy , , or strong ) during et al., 2012). The pathway to other emotional disorders as childhood relative to control participants, whereas no dif- currently conceptualized in the Diagnostic and Statistical ferences between groups were found in parental encour- Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; American Psychiatric agement of sick-role behavior in response to cold Association, 2013) classification system, however, may symptoms (Ehlers, 1993). In another study, Watt, Stewart, depend on the development of specific foci for anxiety and Cox (1998) also found that that or distress. In other words, the pathway from neuroticism reflected anxiety associated with somatic symptoms was to disorders other than generalized and positively related to parental encouragement of sick-role depressive disorders may depend on learning experi- behavior in response to somatic symptoms. Relatedly, ences that create conditions for a specific focus of anx- individuals whose relatives had chronic obstructive pul- ious or fearful reactions. Several types of learning monary disease while growing up were more likely than experiences may come into play. For example, direct those who did not to have a specific sensitivity to inter- aversive experiences with an object, situation, or context preting their own respiratory symptoms as potentially can result in classical conditioned fear and anxiety hazardous (Craske, Poulton, Tsao, & Plotkin, 2001). These responses. Also, there is evidence to suggest that obser- results are consistent with the findings that a history of vational learning and behavioral modeling by primary physical differentiated women diagnosed with The Origins of Neuroticism 489

panic disorder from women with disorder; foci of anxiety and, possibly, a disorder. For example, if patients with panic disorder may have learned in child- an individual learns that physical illness is dangerous, hood that unexpected bodily sensations are dangerous— either through witnessing his or her family’s reaction a specific vulnerability for panic disorder (Rudaz, Craske, whenever anyone becomes ill or parental enhancement Becker, Lederman, & Margraf, 2010). of sick-role behaviors, the individual may focus anxiety The interaction of early specific learning experiences on physical sensations that have been particularly and neuroticism is only beginning to be understood. In salient, leading to the development of panic disorder or one compelling study, participants learned object–­ . If the individual learns that disap- emotion associations by observing specific facial expres- proval from others has negative, even dangerous, con- sions (portraying fear, , or a neutral expression) sequences, social evaluation may become the focus of paired with specific objects. Fear association learning anxiety, leading to the development of social anxiety relative to neutral or reward association learning resulted disorder. If the individual learns that having an aggres- in greater amygdala–hippocampus activation, and this sive thought is as reprehensible as acting on the thought effect was modulated by temperament. Specifically, neu- (thought–action fusion), then intrusive, egodystonic roticism was positively related to the degree of amygdala thoughts may become the focus of anxiety and attempts and hippocampus activation during fear learning, and, in to avoid or suppress these thoughts, leading to the turn, greater amygdala–hippocampus activation during development of obsessive-compulsive disorder (Barlow, fear learning was associated with better long-term mem- 2002). Hence, general biological and psychological fac- ory of learned associations. Greater neuroticism also pre- tors comprising neuroticism, when lined up with spe- dicted faster behavioral response times in participants cific forms of learning experiences, may provide the when both predicting and recognizing fear expressions optimum conditions for the development of certain spe- (Hooker, Verosky, Miyakawa, Knight, & D’Esposito, cific emotional disorders. 2008). These findings suggest that neuroticism is associ- ated with both heightened sensitivity to fear associations Conclusions and Future Directions and enhanced during observational learning. Neuroticism was also associated with increased Research reviewed in this article highlights the impor- amygdala–hippocampus activation during reward learn- tance of gaining a better understanding of interactions ing, suggesting neuroticism is associated with an between general biological and psychological vulnerabil- enhanced sensitivity to acquire conditioned associations ities in the development of neuroticism. Although tem- to both punishment and reward. The authors suggested perament is often considered a biological vulnerability, that this enhanced sensitivity may relate to the height- the literature suggests that a number of environmental ened baseline arousal seen in neuroticism, which pro- variables contribute to the development of temperament vides an optimal arousal level for emotional learning. and may moderate it over time. In an age of increased These findings further illustrate that a biological vulner- awareness of the dynamic nature of gene–environment ability toward heightened reactivity associated with neu- interactions and the inherent difficulties related to draw- roticism is not necessarily a sole precondition for ing boundaries between genes and environment to pathology. One could argue that subsequent faster reac- explain phenotypic expression of emotional disorders, it tions to cues and enhanced conditional learning associ- is most likely the case that early environmental experi- ated with neuroticism, as these results suggest, may have ences substantially impact gene expression in the devel- a positive, adaptive value. Rather, the adaptive versus opment of neuroticism. maladaptive value of neuroticism may be more closely In light of the public health costs associated with neu- related to the interaction of biological and psychological roticism, a discussion of the development of this tem- factors presented earlier, such as overgeneralization of perament prompts consideration of its treatment. The conditioned associations or rigid, inflexible, and context- literature reviewed in this article clearly indicates a trans- indiscriminant response patterns (e.g., , over- actional relationship between genetic and environmental generalization of fear, avoidance). inputs for personality, setting genetic contributions up as Taken together, the evidence suggests that both clas- a predisposition but not a mandate. These studies beg sical conditioning through direct experiences and obser- the question of whether we can treat neuroticism directly, vational or instructional learning play an important role and evidence for the proposition has been reviewed else- in the acquisition of specific expressions of fear and where (Barlow et al., 2014). anxiety, and neuroticism may potentiate these learned However, even more intriguing is the possibility of associations. Hence, if an individual high in neuroticism intervention before a neurotic temperament fully devel- is confronted with learning experiences that create fear ops. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that levels of associations, these associations may develop into the behavioral inhibition at 2 years of age, which 490 Barlow et al.

has implications for emotional disorder onset in later interventions developed to target vulnerabilities specifi- childhood and adulthood (Kagan, 1989, 1994), can be cally (e.g., interventions that reduce or aid in the regula- predicted as early as 4 months of age from infant crying tion of heightened physiological reactivity; interventions in response to novel stimuli (Moehler et al., 2008). that directly address perceptions of uncontrollability/ Maternal diagnosis of a postpartum anxiety disorder has unpredictability) can affect the development of neuroti- been shown to predict infant salivary cortisol reactivity in cism and, ultimately, emotional disorders. response to novel stimuli (Reck, Muller, Tietz, & Molher, 2013), suggesting that parental diagnostic status and Acknowledgments infant physiological responses can be used to identify Portions of this article were presented by David H. Barlow dur- those at risk. ing the James McKeen Cattell address at the annual meeting of There is evidence from the animal literature suggest- the Association for Psychological Science, May 2012. ing strategies that may be useful in preventing develop- ment of this temperament; for example, newborn rats Declaration of Conflicting Interests that were exposed to relatively novel environments for 3 min a day displayed less behavioral inhibition (defined The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with as time spent in exploration after weaning) compared respect to their authorship or the publication of this article. with newborn rats that stayed in their home cage (Tang, Reeb-Southerland, Romeo, & McEwen, 2012). These Notes results were moderated by maternal rat HPA axis reactiv- 1. Drawing distinctions between temperament and personal- ity, suggesting that interventions may have to target both ity on the basis of their stability (temperament as an unfold- children and parents. ing developmental process that eventually solidifies into one’s Along these lines, Rapee, Kennedy, Ingram, Edwards, enduring personality) may be artificial (Rothbart, 1999), as and Sweeney (2005) developed a parent-focused inter- recent research indicates that personality may be more mal- vention for preschool children identified as behaviorally leable than originally believed (McCrae & Costa, 1994). Given inhibited with the purpose of reducing the frequency of the lack of empirical support for differentiating between these current and future anxiety disorders. The intervention constructs, the terms personality and temperament are used includes psychoeducation about the nature of anxiety, interchangeably in this article, and we take advantage of the vast literatures related to both areas of research. traditional cognitive-behavioral strategies, and training in 2. IEGs are genes whose transcription is activated by extracel- behavior management techniques that prevent an over- lular stimuli rapidly (within minutes) and transiently (Sheng & protective parenting style. In two randomized controlled Greenberg, 1990). IEGs encode transcription factors that influ- trials (Rapee et al., 2005, 2010), this program produced ence gene expression and neuronal plasticity, leading to long- significant reductions in the frequency and severity of term alterations in neuronal functioning. 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