Cities of First National Report of Urban Indicators 2018 With a focus on sustainability and resilience Trujillo Cusco Arequipa Puno Lima Huánuco Iquitos Ayacucho Chiclayo Pucallpa Huancayo Callao Cities of Peru First National Report of Urban Indicators 2018 With a focus on sustainability and resilience Developed by In partnership with With the support of General Edition PERIFERIA, Territorios Vivos Calle Chorrillos 150, Chorrillos, Lima, Peru Tel. +51 945 091 025 Mail:
[email protected] With the support of Grupo Gea Konrad Adenauer Universidad Científica Project management and coordination Mariela Cánepa Daniela Freundt Anna Zucchetti Authors Anna Zucchetti-PERIFERIA Daniela Freundt-WWF Perú Co-authors and general supervision Mariela Cánepa-WWF Perú Alessandra Carranza-WWF Perú Research assistants Lorena Montellanos-WWF Perú Evelin Raico-Grupo GEA Design, layout and photography Wust ediciones Printing Ediciones Nova Print S.A.C. Av. Ignacio Merino 1546 Lince, Lima, Peru Tel. 285 8834 First edition Lima, Peru January 2019 Print run: 1,000 copies Legal Deposit made at the National Library of Peru Nº 2019-00271 Printed in Lima, Peru The opinions expressed in this book are the responsibility of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the opinion of the institutions, the partners or the reviewers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the following professionals who contributed with scientific guidance and the validation of the indicators: Jorge Abad, Mariana Alegre, Javier Bouby, José Cabrera, Ricardo Fort, Julio