(Iowa City, Iowa), 1955-05-12
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• The Weather Serving the State !k-attet''' tlwnden10rmJ I:l~ \Ids IIC.uIieoIl or Co Universi~ of lowo ni,hl UiUe eIIallP In tell'J)enture. m,h today Carr'lpu~ and In the 70's. cattered Iowa City t"und~&ormI F r I cI II 1, Hille ella. in tempen Est. 1868 - .t.P leoseo:j Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Thunday, May 12, 1955 ~, --:-:~------ - ------- Big 4 Meeting Still Car, Gasoline In 'If' Stage: Ike Truck. Crash WASHINGTON (A')-President South of City El enhower said Wednesday the * * proposed nl-the-summit Big Four * A Florida woman was killed meeting could cleal' the air Bul-ganin Says In the !lamin, wreckage ot h r somewhat and show whether the car and a ,asoline transport on Russians sincerely want to ease highway 218 seven miles south tensions "around the world." Russia Wants at h re Wednesday. 'Mr•. Amanda Mayman, 43, ot The President told :I news con Miami, Fla.. was burned to rel'tlnee, however, the whole End of Crisis death ~y (jre lhat sta[ted lm thing .lill Is in on exploratory mediCltely after the crush nbout and experimental stage. WARSAW, Poland (,4»- Pre mier Nikolai Bulganin told lead 12:15 p.m. He caulloned against a ". tub ers of ovlet bl:'lc countrl ~s Georf M. Parris, 32, Ft. lorn" refusal to expect any fodd Wednesday that Moscow wants Madison. driver ot the Eldon {rom lhe id"p, but he added in an enlf to the cold war, v.dth a Mill r, Inc.. transpori, f,$coped ton s thai suggestcd little enthu B~g Foul' con[erence, Germll n lrorn the truck cab with minor siasm: reunltlcatlon lind world disarm-1 burns. He was not hospi talized. "There is no expectation on amen!. Tre.~ 'or Shoek my part thai in a few hours, a But he made it clear Ru ssia M'r . Mayman'! husband, Gil and Its s ven European allies, bert. was driving 8 truck ah d whose representatlve are ,ath of th car-trllll r unit. He was ered here, will go through with r I ased from University hos NATO Asks End plans to pooi their armed forces I pltals late Wednesdoy nlfht al under one command. l r lr atment ror shocil. Of Hoi, Cord Wars They w111 negotiate a Ireaty Parris told highway patrol m f'!' that Mrs. Maymon's north ot mutual security and aid to bound car ve ' red In front or his PARIS (IP) - The 15 natloJUI oft-Sci West G rmany's adm ls- , transport an Instant berore the of the Atlantic Alliance called slon to NATO. cra h. Wednesday for a truce In the Far At the same time Bulganln Th tran port 'tilt th car Eut and a. Bil' Four aveement called for sweeping governmen broad-sid . rolling It Into D ditch OD European problems to end tal co!}trols over newspapers, ra to the WC!i1 !ride of the highway. the threat of World. Wa.r m. dio and other mass commun ica The transport rolled Into the , It 10:""" Plt".... h- "'. Ab.,,'U They solmenly warned that tions media in all UN countries ditch near the car and caught FlBE AND SMOKE blllew from the wr~ 01 the ear turther fla1ltlnl' In AlIa wUl -West as well 8S East- to heod on fire. I'&lollne ~e\l erash In 'WtIlela "cle~rl)' endanrer Ute peace 01 ort any " utterances urginlr war I Narrow Eseape ODe woman wa. killed fIOUth tbe world." and fomenting hostility among nations." Parris' foot wa s caught in the or Iowa Cit)' WednellCla,. The dhrpute over Formosa. ob~ cab alter the crosh, but Pllrrls vlousl)' was uppermo t In their Correspondents were nol ad managed to free hlmseU and es minda, thol1&'h that Issue WII 00' mitted to conference. sessions. A cape. .palled out In their tinal state Soviet spokesman told "the news Parris told highway patrolmen men whal Bulganln so id. His LOOKING NORTII TOW RD Iowa It (llfII la b ekl'ro.nd) hl.bwa)' III taat or the trailer wb&eb was dJAJ0d6ecl from the ear SefExchange . lIltllL h saw Mrs. Mayman In her cor speech also was broadcast by th~ flamlnr wrecka., or a I'a oline !.railer-truck I hOWD h:erU1 alter the l~cL Intenae heat .reYfnkd flreJlltll and worke... Ju after the erash. The ministers, ill their final after hIllin, broad Ide a car towln, a trailer. Eotb Ihe w_an deul.... brla. Traffic bloeked abou~ Moscow radio. rr_ II w" tor two houn. Her body, however, W03 found GOlDblunlque, hailed Ute addJUon to (Other pJ lure: p.,.e 6) • !Represented hera by th ir pre nd a dill In i,he ear were bllIn.ed dt'alli. 'the W1'tcka,e on the lIbout 30 l~et from the car and of Wefli GermanY'1 50-m1UMa miers, toteign and def n e min --------------~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~~--~ 10 f I from a mall cr ek. Of Russian,. ·: DeOPI~ to tbe Atlantic community . t rs are Bus in, Poland Czccho . EJrJt.8lodu Rembnl '. and tlie ormatloll 0' the aeven slovnkia, Romania, Bulgaria. Mrs. M3rman's only pass n _UGIl "'Ie" EuropelUl VnLoa as East Germany, Hungary and Al r, dOlI, "'U also k1JI~ In the " 1IIe.. wb oh will promote peace. bania. Pelping seonl its de1ense tJre. .U ~ • ministet as observer, 'rile \.raUer sta,ed on the 'WABHUfd'l'ON \VI.lh Bulganln said repea tedly tha I h l.h way. Intense tire and smoke (JP) ...: feW days, II few weeks this world Presldenl1!l'l<lllhower's .. pprov~l, is Roing 10 be turned around - West Germany's emergence as a pr~~ent d Ut! removnl or the NATO power created a new trailer, which blocked traItic tor a plan to swap farmers WiUl by no means~ And I am not go Russin wHi iO throll8.h. ' situation, and that letting the DES MOINES (/PI - U.S. AI- about two hours, Ina, if I do go, under any such Under the plan, a group ot thought." Bonn regime re:rm is a major torney General Hcrbert Bfown- I nesses and exploitallon ot the SL Louis, convlc:te'd last July on The smoke was seen in Iowa obstacie to German reunltlca- ell, Jr., contrasted Wedn day union rank and file (or the pef a chaT, at C'OI'\Spirocy Ilnd ex City. About. 200 people watched Am rlcans would In,peeL Rus 'Jf' Note llon. 'night the pr vlous national ad~ sonal enrichment o{ tho c in con- tortion tram n contractor. the fire. sIan colleclive farms. and a Rus This "H" note cropped up SeV Relatives of Mrs, Mayml\n wl\1 sian group would lake 8 look Declaring Russia Is ready to mlnistratien's record of five rack- trol," he snld. \\'MlIOn. VIENNA, Austria (IP)-Russla ernl times as the President an refused to bUdge Wednesday on take \he remain& to Hannibal, at U,S. farming methods. support any acceptable proposal eteerlng indlctmcnls In eight Brownell, In addres Ing the on .. He said "the principal wen pons swered questions stemming rrom the delldloclccd iliau~ Qr a repara Mo., todllY lor funerol servlc Eis flhowet told his news tor this reunification, he sug- years and the present adminls- nunl Iowa Rcpublfcan $25-11- In th armory ot the department C!oh Tuc~day's c311 by the Western tions clause In the Austrlnn in fert'nce he l\till (:lvors ' th elC gested the occupying powers tratlon's 56 In a little more than plate fund raising dinner meet at 'ustice In cOin batting this kind powers for a meeting of Mr. Ei withdraw most of their troops dependence !.reaty. This clouded ehange. 3S he did eurly In Ml:'~h. from Germany. leaving only two years. ling, especi l1y m ntloned (0 u r or rRcket~ri"* ore the anti-rack senhower, 'British Prime Minis the prOji~t8 01 formal signing Ot.lon Made ter Eden, French Premier Faure skeleton torces unlll that coun- "Twenty years of vit'tual toler- persons, describing them as rllc- ete ring 18 w or Hobbs nct, the of the Rallt nere Sunday by the Garner New . The PresIdent said he thought and Soviet Pr~mier Bulganin In try is united and free. ation by the ledcral government eleers. labor-management relations or Big Four tonlgn rnlnisters. an effort to remove "sources of Regarding a Western invita- of lolencc and extortion In the Names Four Tart-Hartley act, Bnd the federal a decision ;Jlready had ~n tion to him to meet with Presl- relations between business and income tax law. Alnbasilldora ot the Soviet Un made. (on fIlc t." They nre: Ion, Britain, France and the dent Eisenhower, British Prime labor had brQught Its inevitable Lions ·Club. A check at the Stale DePllrl The Soviets have not yet re I. Evan Daie, convicted in East The previous administration ob United St tea w!U meet again Minister Eden and French Pre- results," Brownell declared In an ment developed th.at all but the plied to tbe Anglo-American Sl. Louis, 111., last December of tained only six convictions In todoy, however, in the hope of French bid, which represented a mier Faure, Bulganin promised address. "conspiring and attempting to eight years, as against 39 by the technical details had been ct his government wl1\ study the He added, "The lack of law reaching II last - minute aetUe President Ued. change in American poUcy. Pre commit the large t extortion on present administration with 35 meni.