JAVIER CORRALES UPDATED FEBRUARY 2014 DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE AMHERST COLLEGE P.O. BOX 5000 AMHERST, MA 01002 413-542-2164 (O) / 413-542-2264 (F) / [email protected] /



John E. Kirpatrick 1951 Professor of Political Science, Amherst College, Amherst, MA Professor, 2010-2013 Associate Professor, 2004-2010 Assistant Professor, 1997-2004 Visiting Assistant Professor, 1996-1997


Ph.D. Political Science, 1996, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Dissertation: From Market-Correctors to Market-Creators: Executive-Ruling Party Relations in the Economic Reforms of and Venezuela (1989-1993). Adviser: Prof. Jorge I. Domínguez. Readers: Profs. Robert D. Putnam and Deborah Yashar.

"Toppan Prize for Best Dissertation” in the Department of Government 1995-1996.

Doctoral exams (1992): Comparative Politics, International Relations, Latin American Politics, U.S.-Latin American Relations, Political Theory.

B.S. in Foreign Service, 1986, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Wash., D.C. Government Honors Society, major: Comparative and Regional Politics.


Visiting Lecturer, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Fall 2009, Fall 2005 Center for Documentation and Research on Latin American (CEDLA), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Visiting Professor, May 2010, Spring 2005 (Fulbright-Hays), Summer 1998 (IDB Fellowship) Taught graduate seminar, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA), Caracas, Venezuela

Visiting Lecturer, Fall 2011 Open Studies Program, Ibero-American Institute, University of Salamanca,

Visiting Professor, Summer 2009 School of Government, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia

Visiting Scholar, Spring 2009 David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Adjunct Associate Professor, Fall 2008 Georgetown University, Masters in Foreign Service, Washington, DC

Fellow, 2000-2001 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC.

Visiting Researcher, 1994, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración, Caracas, Venezuela.

Visiting Researcher, 1994, Universidad Torcuato di Tella, , Argentina.



Fixing Democracy: Power Asymmetry and the Origins of Constitutional Change in (under review).

2013 The Promise of Participation: Experiments in Participatory Governance in Honduras and Guatemala (with Daniel Altschuler), Palgrave/McMillan, 247pp.

U.S.-Venezuela Relations: Coping with Mid-level Security Threats (with Carlos A. Romero), Routledge Press, 228pp.

2011 Dragon in the Tropics: The Political Economy of Hugo Chávez’s Revolution in Venezuela (with Michael Penfold), Brookings Institution Press, 195pp.

Winner: Best Book of 2011 on the Western Hemisphere by Foreign Affairs

Spanish Translation: Un dragón en el trópico (Cyngular, Caracas, 2012).

2010 Politics of Sexuality in Latin America: A Reader on , Gay, Bisexual and Rights, co- edited with Mario Pecheny. University of Pittsburgh Press, 480 pp.

2002 Presidents Without Parties. Economic Reforms in Argentina and Venezuela. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 364 pp.

Spanish Translation, Presidentes sin partidos, Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI Editora Iberoamericana, 2010), with a new preface, 16 pp.

Democracy and the Internet. Allies or Adversaries (co-edited with Leslie David Simon and Donald R. Wolfensberger). Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press.


Refereed Journals

2014 “Can Anyone Stop the President? Changes in Term Limits in Latin America” (under review).

“International Partnership, Delegation and the New U.S.-Brazil Rapprochement: Historical Antecedents and Regional Implications.” Political Science Quarterly (forthcoming).

2013 “El régimen híbrido de Hugo Chávez en transición” [Hugo Chávez’s hybrid regime in transition], Desafíos (Colombia) 25 (1), 45-84.

2012 “Cuba’s ‘Equity Without Growth’ Dilemma and the 2011 Lineamientos.” Latin American Politics and Society 54, 3.

“The Spillover Effects of Participatory Governance: Evidence from Community-Managed Schools in Honduras and Guatemala” (with Daniel Altschuler), Comparative Political Studies, May 2012.

2008 “Latin America’s Neocaudillismo : Expresidents and Newcomers Running for Office in Latin America,” Latin American Politics and Society 50:3 (Fall):1-35.

Chinese translation published in the Journal of Latin American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Beijing), 32, 3 (June 2010 part I and August 2010 part II).

2006 “Information Technology Adoption and Political Regimes” (with Frank Westhoff), International Studies Quarterly 50 (December):911-933.

Runner Up for Best Article Award by the Information Technology and Politics Section of the American Political Science Association (2007).

2004 “The Gatekeeper State: Limited Economic Reforms and Regime Survival in Cuba, 1989-2002.” Latin American Research Review 39, 2 (June):35-65.

2001 “Strong Societies, Weak Parties: Regime Change in Cuba and Venezuela in the late 1950s and today.” Latin American Politics and Society 43, 2 (Summer):81-113.

Winner of the “Joseph T. Criscenti Best Article Prize,” New England Council of Latin American Studies, 2002.

2000 “Presidents, Ruling Parties and Party Rules: A Theory of the Politics of Economic Reform in Latin America.” Comparative Politics 32, 2 (January):127-150.

1999 “Corporatism, Trade Liberalization and Sectoral Responses: The Case of Venezuela, 1989-1999” (with Imelda Cisneros). World Development 27, 12 (December):2099-2122.

“Regimes of Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere: Power, Interests and Intellectual Traditions” (with Richard E. Feinberg). International Studies Quarterly 43 (March):1-36.

1998 “Coalitions and Corporate Choices in Argentina, 1976-1994: The Recent Private Sector Support of Privatization.” Studies in Comparative International Development 32, 4 (Winter):24-51.


1997-98 “Do Economic Crises Contribute to Economic Reforms? The Limits of a Hypothesis.” Political Science Quarterly 112, 4 (Winter-Spring):617-644.

Reprinted in Desarrollo Económico (Buenos Aires) 39, 153 (April 1999).

Chapters in Academic Books

2013 “Constitutional Rewrites in Latin America, 1987-2009.” In Jorge I. Domínguez and Michael Shifter, eds., Constructing Democratic Governance in Latin America, 4th Edition (Johns Hopkins University Press), p. 13-47.

“Explaining Chavismo: The Unexpected Alliance of Radical Leftists and the Military in Venezuela since the late 1990s.” In Ricardo Hausmann and Francisco Rodríguez, eds., Venezuela: Anatomy of a Collapse,” (Penn State University Press).

2012 “Venezuela.” In Joel Krieger, ed., Oxford Companion to Comparative Politics (Oxford University Press).

“Neoliberalism and its Alternatives.” in Peter R. Kingstone and Deborah Yashar, eds., Handbook of Latin American Politics (Routledge).

2011 “Why Polarize? Advantages and Disadvantages of a Rational-Choice Analysis of Government- Opposition Relations in Venezuela” in Jonathan Eastwood and Thomas Ponniah, eds., Revolution in Venezuela (Harvard University Press).

Une explication des degrés de présidentialisme dans les constitutions récentes en Amérique latine, 1987-2008 [An explanation for degrees of presidentialism in Latin America’s recent constitutions, 1987-2008] in Eugénie Brouillet and Louis Massicotte, eds., Comment Changer Une Constitution? Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

“Conflicting Goals in Venezuela’s Foreign Policy,” in Ralph S. Clem and Anthony P. Maingot, eds., Venezuela’s Petro-Diplomacy: Hugo Chávez’s Foreign Policy (University Press of Florida), pp. 32-48.

2010 “The Repeating Revolution: Chávez New Politics and Old Economics,” in Latin America’s Leftist Turn, ed. Kurt Weyland, Wendy Hunter, Raúl Madrid (Cambridge University Press).

“China and Venezuela’s Search for Oil Markets, or Why Venezuela is Trapped, for Now,” In Alex Fernández and Barbara Hogenboom, eds. Latin America Facing China: South-South Relations beyond the Washington Consensus (Berghahn Books).

“Relations between the United States and Venezuela, 2001-2009: A Bridge in Need of Repairs” (co- authored with Carlos Romero), in Jorge I. Domínguez and Rafael Fernández de Castro, eds., Contemporary U.S.-Latin American Relations: Cooperation or Conflict in the Twenty-First Century (New York and London: Routledge).

“Cambios en el tipo de régimen y la nueva política exterior de Venezuela.” In Francesca Ramos, Carlos A. Romero, and Hugo Eduardo Ramírez, eds., Hugo Chávez: Una década en el poder (Bogotá: Observatorio de Venezuela, Universidad del Rosario). 4

2009 “Helping Reforms Deliver Growth in Latin America: A Framework for Analysis” (with Simon Johnson, Liliana Rojas-Suárez, Mauricio Cárdenas, José de Gregorio, Augusto de la Torre, Eduardo Lora, Carmen Pages, Ernesto Stein, Kurt Weyland, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer). In Liliana Rojas-Suárez, ed., Growing Pains in Latin America (Washington, DC: Center for Global Development).

2008 “The Backlash against Market Reforms.” In Jorge I. Domínguez and Michael Shifter, eds., Constructing Democratic Governance in Latin America, 3rd edition (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press), pp. 39-71.

2007 “El subsidio a la oposición: las ventajas para el oficialismo” [Subsidizing the opposition: why it might be advantageous for incumbents] in Günther Maihold, ed., Venezuela en retrospectiva: los pasos hacia el regimen chavista (Frankfurt and Madrid: Verveurt Verlag and Iberoamericana).

2006 “Political Obstacles to Expanding and Improving Schooling in Developing Countries.” In Aaron Benavot, Julia Resnik and Javier Corrales, eds., Global Educational Expansion: Historical Legacies and Political Obstacles (Cambridge, MA: Academy of Arts and Sciences). Also Chapter 3 in Joel E. Cohen, David Bloom, and Martin B. Malin, eds., Educating All Children: A Global Agenda (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press).

2005 “Civil Society in Cuba: Internal Exile.” In Joseph S. Tulchin, Lilian Bobea, Mayra P. Espina Prieto, and Rafael Hernández, Eds. Changes in Cuban Society since the Nineties. Woodrow Wilson Center Report on the no. 15, Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press.

2004 “Multiple Preferences, Variable Strengths: The Politics of Education Reform in Argentina.” In Joan Nelson and Robert Kaufman, eds., Crucial Needs, Weak Incentives: Social Sector Reform, Democratization, and Globalization in Latin America. Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Johns Hopkins University Press.

2003 “Market Reforms.” In Jorge I. Domínguez and Michael Shifter, eds., Constructing Democratic Governance, 2nd ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

2000 “Reform-Lagging States and their Reluctance to Devalue: Venezuela’s Response to Exogenous Shocks in 1998.” In Carol Wise and Riordan Roett, eds., Exchange Rate Politics in Latin America. Washington, DC: Brookings Institute.

1997 "Why Did It Take 200 Years? The Intellectual Journey to the Summit of the Americas” (with Richard Feinberg). In Richard Feinberg, Summitry in the Americas, Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics.

“Why Followed Cavallo: A Technopol Between Democracy and Reform.” In Jorge I. Domínguez, ed., Technopols: The Role of Ideas and Leaders in Freeing Politics and Markets in Latin America in the 1990s. University Park, PA: Penn State Press.

Articles in Professional Outlets

2014 “The Cuban Paradox.” Foreign Policy Online, Democracy Lab, January 6. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/01/06/the_cuban_paradox#sthash.mrE0heCI.dpbs


2013 "Un Maduro más duro: Venezuela after Chávez" Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Spring.

“Venezuela’s Succession Crisis,” Current History 112, 751 (February):56-63.

2012 “LGBT Rights in the Americas.” Americas Quarterly (Spring).

2011 “Chávez’s Declining Influence in Latin America,” World Politics Review (October 11).

“Venezuela: A Setback for Chávez,” Journal of Democracy 22, 1 (January):122-136.

2009 “Using Social Power to Balance Soft Power : Venezuela’s Foreign Policy,” The Washington Quarterly, 32, 4 (October).

“Volatilidad económica, debilidad de partidos y neocaudillismo en América Latina (Economic Volatility, Party Weakness, and Neocaudillismo in Latin America].” Journal of Democracy en español, July 2009.

“Venezuela: Petro-Politics and the Promotion of Disorder,” in Undermining Democracy: 21st- Century Authoritarianism. A report by Freedom House, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and Radio Free Asia. www.underminingdemocracy.org Report reviewed by The Economist, June 4, 2009 http://www.economist.com/world/international/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13799239

“Venezuela’s Accelerating Authoritarianism,” The Huffington Post, June 3.

“States, Markets, and Neighbors: Latin America in 25 years.” Americas Quarterly, Spring 2009.

“Gays in Latin America: Is the Closet Half-Empty?” In www.foreigpolicy.com (February), http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4713

“For Chávez, Still More Discontent.” Current History 108, 715 (February):77-82.

2008 “Neoliberalism” In Encyclopedia of Latin America History and Culture, 2nd Edition. The Gale Group.

“The Venezuelan Political Regime Today: Strengths and Weaknesses.” Proceedings of the 8th Conference on U.S. Policy in Latin America, Vol. 22, No. 5, Washington, DC: Aspen Institute Congressional Program.

2007 “Venezuela: Crowding Out the Opposition” (with Michael Penfold). Journal of Democracy 18, 2 (April):99-113. Reprinted in Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and Diego Abente Brun, eds., Latin America’s Struggle for Democracy (Johns Hopkins University Press).

2006 “The Many Lefts in Latin America.” Foreign Policy (November/December 2006):44-45.

“Does Parental Participation in Schools Empower or Strain Civil Society? The Case of Community- Managed Schools in Central America,” Journal of Social Policy and Administration 40, 4 (August):450-470.

"Cuba's New Daddy: Venezuelan-Cuban Relations Since 2000." Hemisphere 17 (Fall):24-29. 6

Reprinted in Russian in Pro et Contra.

“Ensure of a Small Margin of Victory for Chávez,” The Miami Herald, April 6.

“Hugo Boss.” Foreign Policy 152 (January/February):32-40. Reprinted in Annual Editions: Developing World 07/08, Seventeenth Edition, ed. Robert J. Griffiths. McGraw Hill.

2005 “In Search of a Theory of Polarization: Lessons from Venezuela, 1999-2005.” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 79 (October):105-118.

“U.S.-South American Relations.” In Ilán Stavans, ed., Encyclopedia Latina, Vol. 4. Danbury, CT: Grolier Academic Reference.

“Cuba After Fidel.” Current History. (February):69-76.

2004 “Technocratic Policy Making and Parliamentary Accountability in Argentina, 1983-2002.” Democracy, Governance and Paper No. 13, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, September, Geneva, Switzerland.

2002 “The Politics of Argentina’s Meltdown.” World Policy Journal 19, 3 (Fall):29-42 [originally titled “Killing Me Softly with Each Shock”].

¿Cuánto duran los ministros de Educación en América Latina?” [How Long Do Ministers of Education Last in Latin America]. Series on Education Forms and Reforms, PREAL, 4, 12 (July 2002).

“Pegged for Failure: Argentina’s Crisis” (co-authored with James Mahon, Jr.). Current History 101, 652 (February):72-75.

2001 “Democracias y Cambio Económico en América Latina (Democracy and Economic Change in Latin America).” Foreign Affairs en Español 1, 2 (Summer):59-75.

“A Stubborn Cuba and a Stubborn America” (Op-Ed Contribution), , January 1, p. A17.

2000 “Hugo Chávez Plays ‘Simon Says.’” Hopscotch 2, 2 (Summer):38-49.

1999 “The politics of education reform implementation: Bolstering the Supply and Demand; Overcoming Institutional Blocs.” Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, Education Reform and Management Series, Vol. II, No. 1.

“Una Respuesta [al comentario de Vicente Palermo],” A response [to the comments by Vicente Palermo, Debate on Economic Crises and Market Reforms].” Desarrollo Económico (Buenos Aires) 39, 155 (October-December):468-470.

“1998: Commemorating the Zigzagging Path of U.S.-Latin American Relations.” Hopscotch 1, 1 (Spring):10-17.

“Venezuela in the 1980s, the 1990s and Beyond: Why Citizen-Detached Parties Imperil Economic 7

Governance,” David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies News, Harvard University (Fall):26-29.

1997 “El presidente y su gente: conflicto y cooperación entre los ámbitos técnicos y políticos en Venezuela, 1989-1993” [The president and his people: conflict and cooperation between technocrats and politicians in Venezuela, 1989-1993]. Nueva Sociedad 152 (Caracas, November- December).


2013 “The Top 2013 LGBT Stories from the Americas” (with Cameron Combs), The Huffington Post, December 20, at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/javier-corrales/the-top-2013-lgbt-stories_b_4479986.html

“Hangar Pains: The Argentina-Chile Airport Controversy,” Americas Quarterly Web Exclusive,” August 29, http://www.americasquarterly.org/hangar-pains-argentina-chile-airport-controversy

“Christian and LGBT Groups Have Brought the Battle for Gay Rights to the Caribbean” (with Cameron Combs. The Atlantic Online, June 27 at http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/06/christian-and-lgbt-groups-have-brought- the-battle-for-gay-rights-to-the-caribbean/277280/

“5 LGBT Trends to Watch for in the Americas in 2013” (with Cameron Combs). The Huffington Post, January 10, at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/javier-corrales/5-lgbt-trends-to-watch-for-in-the- americas-in-2013_b_2441863.html


On the April 2013 Venezuelan Elections:

“Las incertidumbres del poschavismo.” La Vanguardia (Barcelona), September 22, 2013 (also in Catalan).

C-SPAN Video: Presentation on “What’s in Store for Venezuela,” with Dan Restrepo, at the Inter- American Dialogue, Washington, DC (August 7, 2013), http://www.c-spanvideo.org/event/222775

Interview in La Tercera (Chile) on Maduro's first months in office, June 8, 2013.

“Desangramiento y Renacimiento en Venezuela” (Bleeding and Renaissance in Venezuela). Post in the University of Salamanca’s blog, Con Distintos Acentos, at http://www.condistintosacentos.com/desangramiento-y-renacimiento-en-venezuela/

"The Venezuelan Earthquake" The Huffington Post, April 15, 2013.

Interviews for El Mercurio and La Tercera (Santiago, Chile), April 14.

“Electoral Irregularities under Chavismo: A Tally." Americas Quarterly Web Exclusive (April 11, 2013).

Video: "Venezuela's 2013 Presidential Elections and the United States: The Three Key Numbers to Keep in Mind," Remarks at the Eighth Annual Latin American Symposium, Center for Hemispheric Policy, University of Miami (April 5, 2013).

Interview for "Siete Claves para entender las elecciones en Venezuela," by Abraham Zamorano, BBC Mundo (April 2, 2013), and for "Capriles y Maduro, frente a frente," by Gaspar Ramírez, El Mercurio (Chile, March 23, 2013).


The House that Chávez Built, Foreign Policy Online (March 8, 2013).

On Chávez's Death and Funeral, Interview, "Newshour," BBC World Service News (March 8, 2013); Teleconference Call, Americas Society and Council of the Americas (March 7, 2013); Interview, Marketplace, NPR (March 6, 2013). Interview, The Daily Wrap, The Wall Street Journal Radio Network.

Quotation of the Day, , March 6: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/quotations-day- 1866386

Quotation of the Day, The New York Times, March 6: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/06/pageoneplus/quotation-of-the-day-for-wednesday-mar-6- 2013.html?ref=quotationoftheday

On the Devaluation, Interview (in Spanish), El Mercurio (Chile), February 10, 2013.

Video: "Who Wins and Who Loses from Chávez's Absence (In Spanish), TV interview, "Efecto Naím," NTN24, January 14, 2013.

"¿Un nuevo régimen para Venezuela? [A New Regime for Venezuela?]" Americas Quarterly Blog, January 10, 2013.

“La Decisión está tomada: Venezuela se convierte en la primera república bicéfala de América” [The Decision has been made: Venezuela becomes the first bicephalous republic of the Americas], La Tercera, Santiago, Chile (January 10).

On the 2013 Inauguration Question in Venezuela, conference call by Woodrow Wilson Center (January 7), Chicago NPR Radio Station WBEZ (January 7), BBC Radio (January 7), France24 Television (January 6), Globe and Mail (January 8).

"Chavismo After Chávez," Foreign Affairs Online, January 4, 2013. An extract in Spanish, La Tercera (Chile).

2012 Audio Conference Call, America's Society/Council of the Americas, December 19, 2012.

"Maduro is no Chávez, for Now." Americas Quarterly Web Exclusive, December 10, 2012.

"Venezuela's Succession," Radio Interview, Background Briefing with Ian Masters, KPFK-FM in Los Angeles, December 10.

"How Chávez Does Business," Foreign Affairs Online, October 4, 2012.

Radio Interview, On Venezuela, “Up All Night,” BBC Radio 5 live. And also in “Background Briefing with Ian Masters,” KPFK Los Angeles, http://ianmasters.com/content/december-10-right-work-less- money-succession-venezuela-europe-gets-nobel-prize-not-economics; Americas Society

Radio Interview, “Hugo Chávez Unlikely President” ABC Radio (Australia) http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/rearvision/hugo-chavez2c-the-unlikely- president/4259220 10

“How Chávez Does Business.” Foreign Affairs Online, Lead Story (October 4). At http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/138164/javier-corrales/how-chavez-does-business

Press Interview, On Venezuela’s 2012 Election, La Tercera (Chile), September 2. http://diario.latercera.com/2012/09/02/01/contenido/mundo/8-117488-9-javier-corrales-chavez- hace-campana-no-tanto-a-los-indecisos-sino-a-los.shtml

“The 2012 Gay Year in Review: The Top 20 Stories from the Americas” (with Cameron Combs), Americas Quarterly Web Exclusive (December 26, 2012), at http://americasquarterly.org/content/2012-gay-year-review-top-20-stories-americas

"The Incumbent’s Advantage in Latin America: Larger Than You Think", Vox LACEA The Website of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (December 18, 2012), at http://vox.lacea.org/?q=node/267

The Crime problem in Latin America and the Caribbean, VoxLacea The website of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (September), at http://vox.lacea.org/?q=node/151

On Cuba’s Economic, Skype Interview for a class, Hiram College (September)

Radio Interview. On LGBT Rights in Latin America. Senaste Sändningen, Swedish Radio, Stockholm, May 20.

Radio Interview. Worldview, Chicago NPR Radio Station WBEZ, March 5 http://www.wbez.org/episode-segments/2012-03-05/hugo-chavez-ailing-his-opposition-gains- traction-venezuela-96974

2011 Participatory Cancer in Venezuela. Perspectives on the Americas, Center for Hemispheric Policy, University of Miami, September 29, 2011.

Brazil’s Recognition of Same-Sex Unions, Americas Quarterly Web Exclusive, 16 May, at http://www.americasquarterly.org/node/2528 , reprinted in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/javier-corrales/brazils-recognition-of-sa_b_862691.html

Menú electoral alarmante para Guatemala [An alarming electoral menú in Guatemala], Foreign Policy en español, 29 March, http://www.fp-es.org/menu-electoral-alarmante-para-guatemala

A shorter version in English available at Americas Quarterly online, at http://www.americasquarterly.org/node/2323

Interview, “Argentina, Mexico City, and Counting: Why and How Latin America is Moving Ahead,” HRC Equality Magazine (Winter 2011):25, 27.

The Sudden Rise of a Pro-Gay Foreign Policy.” The Huffington Post (February 11) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/javier-corrales/the-sudden-rise-of-a-prog_b_821179.html

2010 “Venezuela’s Parliamentary Elections: Change Can’t Happen,” (with Mauricio Cárdenas) 11

Brookings Institution website, at http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2010/0923_venezuela_elections_cardenas.aspx

“Six Reasons Argentina Legalized Gay Marriage First,” Americas Quarterly Web Exclusive, July 29 (with Mario Pecheny), http://www.americasquarterly.org/node/1753.

In Spanish at http://www.ciudadaniasx.org/article.php3?id_article=555

“Latin American Gays: The Post-Left Leftists,” Americas Quarterly Web Exclusive, March 19 http://www.americasquarterly.org/gay-rights-Latin-America.

2010 “Cuba’s Latest Reforms Won’t Work.” The Huffington Post (September 28).

Interview on “LGBT politics in Latin America,” BBC Mundo (August 10), http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/america_latina/2010/08/100806_latinoamerica_matrimonio_ho mosexual_bodas_gay.shtml

Radio interview on “LGBT Rights in Argentina and Latin America Latin America,” Here on Earth, Wisconsin Public Radio, July 22 (4:06 pm – 5pm EST).

“’La Polarización siempre es riesgosa’, Entrevista a Javier Corrales,” [‘Polarization is always risky’: An Interview with Javier Corrales”] ,by Alejandro Radonjic, El Estadista (Argetina) 26, July 14, pp. 26-27

2009 “Qué es el populismo” (What is Populism?). La Nación, San José, Costa Rica, November 29, 2009.

“Nicaragua: Déjà Coup All Over Again?” The Huffington Post, November 3, 2009.

“Is the OAS Against Democracy: The International Response to the Honduras Crisis” (with Daniel Altschuler), The Huffington Post, July 7, 2009

“Three of My Favorite Films,” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America 8, 3 (Fall 2009/Winter 2010), pp. 40-41.

Guest commentator on U.S.-Latin America Relations. Radio Time, Philadelphia NPR Affiliate, April 23, 2009. http://www.whyy.org/podcast/042309_100630.mp3

“On the 2009 Summit of the Americas” Interview published in Clarín (Argentina), April 12, 2009 http://www.clarin.com/suplementos/zona/2009/04/12/z-01896058.htm

2008 “Volkstribunen unter Druck” (Populists Under Pressure). Die Ziet (Germany). December 12, 2008.

“Venezuela’s Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy: Current Trends.” Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Washington, DC, July 17, 2008, at www.foreignaffairs.house.gov/sub_westhem.asp

Radio interviews: Radio Metropolitan (Uruguay, May 2, 2008); Radio Saraní (Uruguay, February 18, 2008); 12

Pre- 2007 “Academic Evaluation Offices in Latin America: An index of institutional capacity (with Sebastián Galiani). Paper prepared for Vegas, Emiliana and Jenny Petrow, eds. Raising Student Learning in Latin America (Washington, DC: the World Bank, 2008). . NPR (August 28, 2006). voice of America (April 25, 2006, January 2006), and Chicago Public Radio’s WorldView, WBEZ, (February 2006); “Chávez’s Inauguration” (WCCO Minneapolis, January 2006); “The Many Lefts in Latin America” WCCO (Minneapolis, December 2006).

“¿Por qué ganaron los Demócratas este año y no en el 2004? [Why Did the Democrats Win This Year and not in 2004?] (December 2006) www.analitica.com/premium

Press interviews on Venezuela, Los Angeles Times (August 13, 2006), Folha de Sao Paulo (April 2006), El Nacional (Caracas), January 2006.

Press interview on international observers in Venezuela, by Eliza Barclay, United Press International, July 23, 2004.

Radio interview on U.S. foreign policy, by Josep Callomer, “Gent de Món,” National Public Radio of Spain, Barcelona, Spain, May 2, 2003.

TV interview on Venezuela’s Crisis, by Jade McCarthy, reporter of News40 (ABC affiliate), Springfield, MA, February 3, 2003.

Radio interview on Argentina’s Crisis, by Dave Heller, host of NPR Philadelphia, January 21st, 2002.

“Advancing Democracy and Human Rights in the Americas: What Role for the OAS?” In Advancing Democracy and Human Rights in the Americas: What Role for the OAS? Conference Report. Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Dialogue (May 1994), pp. 1-13.

“Mexico's Elections: Passages and Perspectives.” Report on Conference organized by the Brookings Institution, The Inter-American Dialogue, The North-South Center, Georgetown University on Mexico’s 1994 elections, Washington, D.C., June 6, 1994. (August 1994).

Published Reviews

European Review of Latin America and the Caribbean Studies, “Review of Carrie Hamilton’s Sexual Revolutions in Cuba: Passion, Politics, and Memory” (April 2013), pp. 125-127.

European Review of Latin America and the Caribbean Studies, “Review of Leslie C. Gates’s Electing Chávez: The Business of Anti-Neoliberal Politics in Venezuela,” 91 (October 2011), pp. 113-115.

Perspectives on Politics, “Review of Patrick J. Haney and Walt Vanderbush’s The Cuban Embargo: The Domestic Politics of An American Foreign Policy” 4, 2 (June 2006).

Cuban Studies, “Review of Eloise Linger and John Cotman’s Cuban Transitions at the Millennium.” Forthcoming.


Latin American Politics and Society. “Review of Nancy Power’s Grassroots Expectations of Democracy,” 44, 4 (2002):177-181.

American Political Science Review. “Review of Anil Hira’s ‘Ideas and Economic Policy in Latin America’” 94, 3 (September 2000).

Foreign Policy. Published reviews of scholarly articles on the domestic and international political economy of Latin America. July/August 2001:92-93. Spring 1999:137-138. Summer 1998:160-161. Winter 1997-98:172-173. Fall 1997:172. Summer 1997:158-159.

Latin American Advisor (published by the Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, DC). Guest commentator, multiple times.

Reviews of book manuscripts:

Harvard University Press, March 2011 Johns Hopkins University Press, January 2010 Routledge, June 2008 Penn State University Press, July 2006, April 2008. Lynne Rienners Publisher, June 2007 University of Notre Dame Press, September 2005. Woodrow Wilson Center Press, May 2005 University of Pittsburgh Press, June 2004 Brookings Institution Press, September 2002. University of Michigan Press, 2001. Oxford University Press, May 2013

Reviews of journal articles:

America Latina Hoy (Spain), September 2012 American Political Science Review, 2008, 2005, 2000 Bulletin of Latin American Research, February 2009. Comparative Education Review, April 2009 Comparative Politics, February 2009, January 2007, August 2004 Desafíos (Colombia), May 2013 Desarrollo Económico (Buenos Aires), July 2006. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, June 2012 Government and Opposition, October 2012 International Political Science Review, February 2010 International Relations, April 2013 International Studies Perspectives, February 2004 International Studies Quarterly, March 1999. Journal of Latin American Studies, April 1997. Journal of Politics, August 2007 Latin American Politics and Society (previously J. of Inter-American Studies and Word 14

Affairs) March 2001, March 2002, July 2003, August 2003, June 2004, April 2005, May 2006, June 2007, July 2007, October 2007, January 2008, September 2009, October 2010, June 2013, August 2013 Latin American Research Review, June 2006, July 2004, April 2004, November 2006 National Endowment for Democracy, April 2010. New Political Economy, March 2013 Oxford Bibliographies, October 2013 Political Communication, October 2007. Political Science Quarterly, August 2012. Perspectives in Politics, April 2010 Politics and Policy, November 2010. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, November 2011 Studies in Comparative International Development, May 2013, May 2009, July 2005, June 2004, July 2001. Studies in Law, Politics and Society, Summer 1998. UNESCO's Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, April 2011 World Development, April 2006, January 2000.


President, New England Latin American Studies Association (NECLAS), 2012-2013 (Vice-President, 2011-2012, Executive Board member since 2010).

Editorial Board, Latin American Politics and Society, 2005-present

Editorial Board (International), European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2006- present.

Editorial Board, Americas Quarterly, Council of the Americas (New York).

Executive Board Member, Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities and Public Policy, 2010- present.

Academic Director, Western Hemisphere Institute for the Study of the United States, State Department Grant in collaboration with the Institute for Training and Development (various years since 2006).

Academic Director, Institute for the Study of National Security, State Department Grant, in collaboration with the Institute for Training and Development (winter 2014, 2013, 2012).

2012 External Reviewer, Latin American Studies Program, Carleton College, MN, February

Academic Leader, Amherst College Alumni Trip to Cuba, March (three lectures).

2011 Academic Leader, Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities Trip to Cuba, January (four lectures).

Consultant, Freedom House (also in 201).


2010 Program Co-Chair, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, 2010.

2008 Outside Evaluator of Applicants, National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowship Competition.

2008 External Reviewer, Department of Political Science, Middlebury College, April

2008 Outside Evaluator, Tenure Case, American University

2008 Academic Director, Winter Institute for Student Leaders from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (Institute for Training and Development, Amherst, MA).

2007 Outside Evaluator of Applicants, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

2007 Academic Director, Winter Institute for Indigenous Leaders from Bolivia (Institute for Training and Development, Amherst, MA).

2006 Academic Director, Institute for Undergraduate Pakistani Students (Institute for Training and Development, Amherst, MA), July-August.

2006 Academic Director, Institute for Bolivian Indigenous Leaders, Program on “U.S. Democracy and Civil Society” (Institute for Training and Development, Amherst, MA), January 2006.

2005-06 Member, Task Force on Helping Reforms Deliver Growth in Latin America, Center for Global Development, Washington, DC.

2004 Consultant, The World Bank, Summer 2004: Project of Education Reform and Community Empowerment in Central America.

2003 Consultant, PREAL (Partnership for Education Revitalization in Latin America), 2003-04: Juror in funding competition; advisor to workgroup on state-labor relations.

2003 Chair, Politics and Public Policy Track, Latin American Studies Association (LASA), 2003-05. Select and organize panels for the 2004 International Congress.

2003 Leader, Politics of Education Reform, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, MA, 2003-present. Lead a scholarly, comprehensive analysis of strategies for achieving universal basic and secondary education (UBASE) in developing countries.

Co-Chair, Politics of Education Reform and Labor Unions Task Force, Program for the Reform of Education in Latin America (PREAL), Santiago, Chile; FLACSO, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the Inter- American Dialogue, Washington, DC, 2003-present.

Guest commentator, “Latin American Advisor,” Washington, DC: Inter-American Dialogue, 2002- present.

Reviewer of Finalists for Fellows Competition, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, 2002.

Consultant, Project on “Democratic Transition and Consolidation,” attended by 30 Heads and former 16

Heads of State, and one hundred academic specialists on democratic transitions worldwide. Gorbachev Foundation (New York) and Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (Madrid), 2001.

Executive Committee Member, New England Council of Latin American Studies (NECLAS), 1999-2001.

Organizer, NECLAS Annual Meeting, Amherst College, 2000.

Consultant, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Geneva, Switzerland, 2000.

Outside Evaluator, Senior Thesis Review Committee, Marlboro College, Marlboro, VT, 1999.

Consultant, Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID). Assisted HIID in designing a national education reform project for the government of Paraguay, 1995.


At Amherst College:

The State Political Economy of Development Political Economy of Petro-States: Venezuela Compared. Cuba: The Politics of Extremism. Introduction to Latin American Politics/Democracy in Latin America U.S.-Latin American Relations (seminar). Markets and Democracy in Latin America (seminar). Argentina, Brazil and Chile: Films and Politics of Democratization (with Prof. Suárez) (2008). The New Latin American Cinema (with Prof. Cameron).

At Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, Masters Program (Washington, DC)

The Political Economy of Petro-States (graduate seminar), 2008.

At the Center for Latin American Research and Documentation (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

The Political Economy of Petro-States (undergraduate and graduate), 2013, 2011, 2009, 2005. The Cuban Revolution Today: Rebirth, Stagnation or Demise? 2012

At Institute of Higher Studies in Administration (Caracas, Veneuzela)

The Political Economy of Latin America (graduate seminar), Spring 2005, Summer 1998, Spring 2010.

As Teaching Fellow at Harvard University:

Introduction to Comparative Politics (with Prof. Deborah Yashar, 1995, and Prof. Jennifer Widner, 1993), The Cuban Revolution: A Self-Debate (with Prof. Jorge I. Domínguez, 1992)


International Conflicts in the Modern World (with Prof. Joseph Nye, 1992).

Teaching Awards: Derek Bok Certificate for Excellence in Teaching, Harvard University (three occasions).


Fulbright Grant (2013-14), declined. Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (2009) U.S. State Department, Visiting Speakers Grant, Argentina and Uruguay (2009) Ford Foundation Grant (2007) Tinker Foundation Grant (2007) Large Faculty Research Grant, Amherst College (2007) Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, Venezuela (2005) Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Fellow, Washington, DC (2000-2001) One of the youngest recipients ever Karl Lowenstein Fellowship (2000-2001). Lurcy Grant to Organize Conference on Summit of the Americas (1998). The Mellon Foundation Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Washington, D.C. (1995-96). The Tinker Foundation, New York, Summer Fellowship (1995). The Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for Minorities, Washington, D.C. (1994-95). Mellon Foundation Summer Fellowship, Washington, D.C. (1994). The J. William Fulbright Fellowship, New York (1994-95 declined). The Woodrow Wilson Center Fellowship, Washington, D.C. (1994-95 declined). National Science Foundation Doctoral Fellowship, Washington, D.C. (1991-94). The NOMOS Program, Harvard University, Research Travel Fellowship (1993). The Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, D.C., Research Grant (1992). The Tinker Foundation, New York, Summer Research Travel Fellowship (1991). Danforth Compton Merit Fellowship for Minorities (1991).



DATE TITLE VENUE 2013 The Rise of Brazil and Guest speaker with Deputy Chief of Mission, Kevin Sullivan, at consequences for U.S.-Latin the Study of the Americas Institute, Argentina Fulbright America Relations. Commission, Buenos Aires (October 31). Tinkering with Term Limits in Torcuato di Tella University, Buenos Aires, Argentina (August Latin America: The Role of 29); Department of Political Science, University of Power Asymmetry Amsterdam, The Netherlands (June). On Venezuela after Chávez Presentation at the panel on Venezuela: Options for the Future, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University (November 22); Guest speaker, with Ambassador Patrick Duddy, at the meeting “Damaged beyond repair? What is next for U.S.-Venezuela relations?,” Florida International University, Miami (September 26); What’s in Store for Venezuela, Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, DC (August 7); Foro Latinoamericano, Carleton College, Northfield, MN (April 26); Center for Hemispheric Policy of the University of Miami, Four Seasons Hotel, Miami (April 6); Center for Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley (April 10). On LGBT Rights in Latin America Guest lecturer, Florida International University, Miami, FL and Europe (September 26). Venezuela’s Succession Crisis World Affairs Council of Western Mass., Springfield, MA (February 6); 2012 LBGT Movements in Latin Cornell Law School (November 5); bAnnual APSA Meeting, America: The Post-Left Leftists Theme Panel T-6 Organizer (August 30, cancelled due to weather); School of Law, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (June 28), and University College of Maastricht, The Netherlands. Venezuela after the 2012 Council on Foreign Relations (November 7); David Rockefeller Election Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University (October 30). Hugo Chávez and the 2012 World Affairs Council of Houston (October). Presidential Elections Semi-Authoritarianism and Alvarez Seminar, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, March Participatory Cancer in (also at the Savannah World Affairs Council, April). Venezuela 2011 Presentation of Dragon in the CEDLA (Center for Research and Documentation on Latin Tropics America), Amsterdam, Netherlands (May 27). On US-LAC-EU Relations Panel presentation at the Conference, “Encuentro Latino Europeo,” The Hague, Netherlands (May 26).


The U.S.-Brazil Rapprochement: Lecture at the World Affairs Council of Western What Does It Mean? Why Now? Massachusetts, Springfield, MA (April 13). Will It Last? Did Marx Predict the Cuban Vermont Humanities Council, Brooks Memorial Library, Revolution? Brattleboro, VT (April 13). US-LAC-Colombia Relations Guest lecture at the conference, “International Relations Around Colombia,” School of Government Alberto Lleras Camargo, University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colombia (April 6). LGBT Rights in the Region: Panelist at the Conference, “LGBT Rights in the Western Overview of Challenges and Hemisphere: Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Policy, Opportunities Co-sponsored by the Foreign Policy Institute’s Policy Leadership Division and the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, U.S. Department of State (March 2). Varieties of Statism: Oil Policies Panelist in the Conference, “Venezuela From a Neutral and Outcomes in the Region Ground,” Tulane University (January). On Dragon in the Tropics Book Launch with Opening Remarks by Jorge Castañeda, Brookings Institution, Washington DC (January). 2010 LGBT Politics in Latin America: Lecture at the University of Amsterdam (November 5). Redefining What it Means to be on the Left.

The U.S.-Brazilian Lecture at Amherst Today, Amherst, MA (October 21). Rapprochement: Was it Predictable? Is it sustainable? LGBT Rights in Latin America Lecture at the Inter-American Dialogue, Washington, DC and the Caribbean: Why Now (October 20). Available at and What’s Next? www.thedialogue.org/page.cfm?pageID=32&pubID=2495&s= Venezuela’s New Electoral Law Presentation at the Hudson Institute, Washington, DC and the Prospects for (September) Democracy On U.S.-Venezuela Relations Presentation at the Panel “Contemporary U.S.-Latin American Relations: Cooperation or Conflict in the 21st Century?, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington, D.C. (June). Venezuela’s Current Political Presentation at the Second Annual Conference on Venezuela, Scenarios Center for Hemispheric Policy, University of Miami (June). The Left Populist Challenge to Presentation at the Workshop of the National Intelligence Democracy (Venezuela, Council Study Group: Prospects for Democracy in Latin Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua) America to 2015, Washington, DC (May). Comments on Book Manuscript Book Incubator for Stephen Kaplan’s book manuscript, Elliot School of International of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, DC (April) Latin American Presidents: Miller Center Forum, University of Virginia (March); also, Who’s a Leftist? Who’s a University of Leiden, Netherlands (December 2009) Populist? And What is the Difference?Latin American Presidents 2009 Semi-Authoritarianism in CEDLA, Amsterdam (October), and Institute for Social Studies, Venezuela: How and Why? Erasmus University of Rotterdam, The Hague.


Presidentialism in Latin Conference on New Constitutions, Université Laval and America’s New Constitutions Assemblée Nationale de Québec, Québec City, PQ (May). Power Asymmetries and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard Origins of Constitutions in Latin University (April). America The New Administration, the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Law School; Universidad de New Congress, and U.S.-Latin Belgrano, Buenos Aires; and Universidad de la Matanza, America Relations Provincia de Buenos Aires (April). Latin America’s Neocaudillismo Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay (April 4) Power Asymmetries, Latin American Studies Program Seminar Series, Cornell Constitutional Change and University, March Hyperpresidentialism The Hispanic Vote in the 2008 Amherst in San Francisco, January 24 U.S. Presidential Elections 2008 Opposition Parties in Venezuela Seminar on Political Parties Worldwide, Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE), Mexico City, November. The Anti-American Amherst College, Master Class, Family Weekend, October 26. Governments of Latin America The Chávez Doctrine: Social Carleton College, Northfield, MN, October 31, 2008 (and Power as a Foreign Policy Tool Western New England College, October 26, 2008). Venezuela: Post-Electoral Conference on Venezuela, Council for Hemispheric Policy, Scenarios University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, October. Testimony on the Current Hearing on “Venezuela: Looking Ahead,” House Committee on Situation in Venezuela Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Western Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington DC, July 17. Politics, Parties, and Social Conference on “World Trends and their Impact on Latin Movements America,” Boston University, June 29. The Quality of Democracy in International Seminar on “The Quality of Democracy in Latin Venezuela America,” Instituto Federal Electoral and Colegio Mexiquense, México, D.F., May 31. Latin America’s Turn to the Left: University of North Carolina, Wilmington, April 8. Implications for the United States The Colombia-Venezuela- Conference organized by the School of Government, Ecuador Crisis University of the Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, March 17 2007 The Venezuelan Regime Today: Conference on U.S. Policy in Latin America, Aspen Institute Strengths and Weaknesses Congressional Program, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, November 28, 2007 “Who’s a Leftist? Who’s a U.S. Government Employees, San Antonio, TX (August 28). Populist? And What’s the Difference: Recent Presidential Elections in Latin America” “Who’s a Leftist? Who’s a Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno, Santa Cruz, Populist? And What’s the Bolivia (July 20) Difference: Recent Presidential Elections in Latin America” “New Theories on Political Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Department of Law and Instability and Constitutional Political Science, La Paz, Bolivia (July 19). Reforms in Latin America” 21

“Is Chavismo Contagious” Hudson Institute, Washington, DC (July 9). Authoritarian Populism in Dartmouth, April 30. Venezuela “Who’s a Leftist? Who’s a Albuquerque Center for International Policy (February 16) and Populist? And What’s the Santa Fe Council for International Relations (February 17). Difference: Recent Presidential Elections in Latin America” 2006 “The Many Lefts in Latin World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts, Springfield, America” MA, December 14, 2006 Radical-Military Populism Today Talk at the Annual Meeting of the Grupo Santa Lucía, in Venezuela and Latin America Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Caracas, Venezuela, Today. November 11. The Many Lefts in Latin America Bard College Program on Globalization, Bard in New York, November 9. “Clash of Civilizations or Clash Presentation of PCFG Advisory, Inc., New York City, March 27. Within Civilizations: Crucial Conflicts in the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America” “Expresidents and Newcomers David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard running for Office…and University (March 21). Winning.” “Chávez and the Rise of Institute of Politics, Harvard JFK School of Government, Competitive Authoritarianism” Cambridge MA, March 21 (and also March 1, sponsored by Venered and Forum Venezuela). “The New Venezuela-Cuba- Amherst College Association of South Florida, Miami, FL, China Connection” February 9.